#not getting dressed before 3 in the afternoon and then immediately going back to bed can't supervise what's happening at work my internet
fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hello!! If your requests are open do you have any plans on writing something similar to genshin men forgetting your birthday but with different characters? :D maybe diluc and/or kaeya for example
Sure can do! Angst will always be my favourite!
Characters Included: Diluc; Kaeya
Content: gender neutral reader; hurt/no comfort; angst; the boys don't realize their mistakes; cursing; not proofread yet
Word count: 1,3k words
Enjoy the heartbreak<3
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Being with Diluc was exhausting sometimes. And sometimes, it felt like you were in no relationship to begin with. You knew that protecting the city and it's people was important to Diluc, but.. sometimes you just wished to be his number one...
Sometimes, you really wonder how you managed to stay in this relationship for three long years without any issue.. then again, its not like it has always been this way.
The first two years were amazing. Diluc was an attentive lover, always concerned about your well being, that you felt comfortable with him. Only recently did that seem to change. He had less and less time for you, always coming back home in the dead of night and left before you woke up in the morning.
You tried to deal with it somehow, since talking to him about it was apparently no option, seeing as he always pushed you away when you tried approaching the topic with him.
But today... today might just be your last straw..
In all the three years with him, Diluc has always made it a point to make your birthday a most special occaison. Telling you weeks in advance to clear this day up since he wanted to spend it with you. He always planned something different, but you loved it each time.
This year, however, nothing came from him. No notice to keep your calender clean, nothing.
You thought, that when you spotted him in bed next to you this morning, maybe you just thought wrong and he wanted to surprise you.
But when he woke up, no words of gartulations left his mouth. Instead, he simply got up, got dressed and went out again, but not before telling you that he would be back for dinner tonight.. which was a rare occaison as well.
You tried so hard to give him the benefit of the doubt.. going about your day at the mansion, going on a walk in the nice, afternoon soon as people from the Dawn Winery congratulated you for your special day. You thanked them, while trying to keep your composure.
Nothing meant anything to you when the person closest to you didn't remember it themselves...
Night came, and with it came dinner time. Adelinde took the time out of her day to prepare a full on five course meal, all consisting of your favourite dishes. You told her multiple times that this wasn't necessary at all, but she wouldn't have it. So, as fate would have it, you were now enjoying the food... however, alone.
Diluc has yet to show up, but not wanting to let the food get cold, you decided to just start eating.
Later on, you realized that the dissapointment washing over you didn't even face you anymore, having expected this outcome already.
So, you ate quietly, until the door to the mansion opened, revealing the owner of Dawn Winery himself.
"Diluc!", you exlaimed, standing up from your seat, a smile on your lips. He came after all...
But he immediately put a damper on your mood as he raised his hand, a deep sigh escaping him as he threw his coat off.
"Please, not now, (name). I'm exhausted."
With that, he went directly for the staircase, not even acknowloding anything else around him.
"But.. don't you wanna join in for dinner? There's a lot left and-!"
"I said, not now!", he suddenly yelled at you.
You were shocked, looking at him like a deer caught in headlight. Regret briefly washed over him for raising his voice at you, but he chose not to say anything. Instead, he turned around again and made his way up the stairs where he immediately went into his office, looking himself away from you again.
You watched after him, slumping back into your chair as he was out of sight. You tried so desperately to hold back your tears but they came crashing out of you as soon as you saw Adelinde leave the kitchen, a big birthday cake in her hands.
She gave you a weak, sympathetic smile as she sat down next to you on a chair, patting your back gently as you let the dissapointment sink in..
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You were maneuvering your way through the many people in your living room, trying to get to your balcony, hoping to get some fresh air and clear your thoughts.
Lisa planned this whole thing perfectly. Keeping you busy the entire day with her while everyone else was preparing your surprise birthday party in your home.
You had not expected anything like that, especially not after the dissapointment you recieved this morning already. Kaeya has never once failed to remember any special day during your relationship. Be it a birthday, an anniversary or anything like that. You never had to remind him, he just always knew and was prepared.
So, naturally, you didn't feel the need to remind him that your birthday was coming up, thinking that he was already aware of that fact.
However, when you woke up this morning, everything was far too normal. He was still sleeping beside you, cuddling with you for a few more minutes, before you both got up and he left for work.
No congratulations, no gift, no nothing. He didn't say anything at all...
You were feeling kinda down after that, slumping around in your home.. That's when Lisa came over and practically forced you out the house. She congratulated you, then took you shopping, to lunch and so on.
She kept you busy the entire day and the incident with you boyfriend went farther and farther to the back of your mind.
That was, until you returned back to your house. Suddenly, the lights switched on before you could even do anything. People jumping out from all around, yelling "Surprise!", at you, while laughing at your flabbergasted reaction.
A surprise party.. now Lisa's behaviour made sense to you. Your mood lightened up, thinking that it must have been Kaeya's doing and planning.
You thanked everyone that came up to congratulate you, making small talk with them while trying to scan the people for your boyfriend. When you didn't see him anywhere, you went to ask Lisa about him, but she said she had no idea where he was..
This dampened your mood again, so you decided to get some fresh air, maybe that would help cool you off again.
As you were outside on the balcony, you saw Kaeya approaching your shared home. Excited, you went inside again to meet him at the front door. But when you opened it, you were met with a seemingly bad mood from your boyfriend.
Before you could ask him what was going on, he already started complaining. "Seriously? Are you for real?"
"What?", you just said, confused on what he meant. But that just seemed to frustrate Kaeya even more.
"So, everyone leaves work, leaving all of it for me to deal with, just because you decided to throw a fucking party? I've had a fucking exhausting day, (name). How do you expect me to relax with this many people here, huh?"
"I-It wasn't my-!"
"Oh, don't give me that crap! Who else if not you would plan such a thing, and in our house as well? You know what, I'm gonna leave. I'll sleep somewhere else for the night!"
And before you could say anything else, he had already turned on his heels and was walking away. You had no idea what this was about and what caused his outburst..
You were so confused about what was going on, but you felt the tears running down your face as you fell on your knees right there at the open front door while the party was still going behind you...
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lesbianloml · 7 months
my babysitter au
the first kiss
types of piece(s): imagine, oneshot, drabble, series
type(s) of writing: smut, angst, fluff, dark (the story will contain all of the above)
pairing(s): milf!dom!dark!wanda maximoff x innocent!sub!immune!witch!fem!reader
warning(s): legal age gap (wanda is 33, reader is 21), obsessive wanda, sorta pervy wanda, maybe?, nothing mostly fluff and plot shit
summary: wanda met you for the first time three days ago. when she runs into you again at the bake sale at the elementary school, she is thrilled. but wanda is overjoyed when the two of you make a deal that will let her see you everyday.
a/n: I know I've been gone FOREVER but I'm back with part 2 of this series. I hope you guys like it, and if you have any ideas or requests, let me know!
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you groan as you lean over and press snooze on your alarm. 5am is way too early to wake up, but you need to finish baking and packaging all the treats for the bake sale this afternoon. you sigh, before climbing out of bed and beginning your morning routine. you shower, put on a cute brown mini dress before heading to the café. you sigh as you look around the empty shop, before pulling on an apron and starting your work.
*hours later*
you startle awake at the sound of your phone ringing. you gasp as you check the time. its 3:30pm, the bake sale starts in 30 minutes, and you haven't even begun to load everything up and set up your table. you check the caller id. dottie. you sigh heavily before answering the call. "hello?" you ask, your voice sugary sweet. "y/n y/l/n! where in the world are you? you were supposed to be here an hour ago to help set up! you're 21 years old, you should be more responsible than this!" as dottie rambles on and on, you sigh. "dottie? give me 5 minutes, I'm on my way." you hang up, ignoring her protests as you quickly load your car with the wrapped treats from the bakery, all made by you.
you speed down the road, and quickly turn into the almost full school parking lot. you scramble out of your car and as you close your door, you turn to be face to face with wanda. "wanda! you scared me!" wanda smiles at your expression. "sorry, detka. you're here for the bake sale right?" wanda asks, looking at you with a look you're unable to read. "yup thats what im here for." wanda turns quickly as two boys come speeding around the parking lot. "billy, tommy! come here. I have someone i want you to meet." you gasp as the boys come speeding past you, a silver blue blur before coming to a halt in front of you.
"y/n, this is billy and tommy. billy and tommy, this is y/n." you smile, looking at them both kindly. "which one of you is super speedy?" you ask. "I am!" tommy pronounces proudly. "would you two like to help me set up my booth?" "we would love to, y/n!" billy says. strangely formal for a 10 year old, but you don't question it. for the next 15 minutes, you spend with the boys, laughing and giggling at tommy's antics as they help you set up your booth. it gets done much quicker with the maximoff's help then it's would've if you had done it alone.
you smile at the sight of your booth, ready just in time as all the parents and children begin filing in. "as a thank you for your help, you three get first pick of the treats." you say, gesturing to the variety of sweet treats you have set out on your table. tommy immediately goes for a huge triple chocolate cookie. you laugh, sharing a shy glance with wanda. billy walks slowly over to the table, and carefully surveys his options before choosing a cupcake with sprinkles. wanda walks over to the table after the boys scatter to go say hi to their friends. wanda grabs a cinnamon pastry and pops it in her mouth. her eyes brighten as she chews slowly. "did you make all of this on your own, y/n?" you smile sheepishly. "yes, i did. do you like it?" you ask, subtly asking for her approval. as wanda finishes chewing, she lets out a soft moan of satisfaction. a faint blush coats your cheeks at the noise, your eyes drifting to places they shouldn't.
"y/n? did you hear me?" wanda asks sweetly. people are beginning to drift over to your booth, the wonderful delectable smells drawing them. "sorry wanda. what was that?" you turn your attention to her for a moment before beginning to serve the customers in front of you. "i would just like to speak to you after the bake sale, ok darling?" dottie approaches the table, eyes on wanda to drag her off somewhere. "of course wanda! ill meet you in a little while" you say, flashing her a sweet smile. you continue serving the lengthy growing line in front of you, your attention drifting back to where it needs to be.
wanda's jaw drops as she sees you in your car speeding around the corner. wanda walks swiftly over to your car, standing behind your car door. "wanda! you scared me!" wanda smiles at your face expression. just you saying her name in your pretty little voice, it slipping out your plump lips. it makes her want to bend you over right here and make you scream it. "sorry, detka. you're here for the bake sale aren't you?" she mentally curses herself. what a stupid question, of course that's what you're here for. she feels like an idiot, but you don't even seem to notice. "yup, that's what i'm here for!" wanda hears tommy and billy giggling, and she wants you to meet her sons more than anything in that moment. if her plan works, soon you and her sons were going to be well acquainted.
"billy, tommy! come here, i have someone i want you to meet." wanda smiles when you gasp as the boys come speeding past you in a silver blue blur. "y/n, this is billy and tommy. billy and tommy, this is y/n." wanda watches as you smile widely, then give them a teasing look. "which one of you is super speedy?" you ask. "i am!" tommy pronounces proudly. "would you two like to help me set up my booth?" "we would love to, y/n!" billy says. wanda chuckles softly at billy. so formal, so sweet. for the next 15 minutes, wanda and her boys spend time with you, laughing and giggling together at tommy's antics as they help you set up your booth. wanda is thrilled at how well you, billy, and tommy are getting along. you guys almost seem best friends already.
wanda watches you smile at the booth setup, happy that you like it. "as a thank you for your help, you three get first pick of the treats." wanda's smile widens as tommy immediately goes for the huge triple chocolate cookie. he's so predictable. you laugh, and wanda shares a glance with you. you're so shy, so beautiful it makes her want to scream. billy walks slowly over to the table, and carefully surveys his options before choosing a cupcake with sprinkles. utterly predictable. wanda walks over to the table after the boys scatter to go say hi to their friends. wanda grabs a cinnamon pastry and pops it in her mouth. her eyes brighten as she chews slowly. it is incredible. she's almost shocked. "did you make all of this on your own, y/n?" wanda asks, her voice filled with wonder. you smile sheepishly. "yes, i did. do you like it?" you ask, subtly asking for her approval.
how cute. wanda knew you would be the perfect wife for her. as wanda finishes chewing, she lets out a soft moan of satisfaction. she knows what she's doing as a faint blush coats your cheeks at the noise. she watches your eyes drift to the places she wants them to be glued to the most. "can i talk to you after the bake sale?" wanda asks, but notices your attention trailing. "y/n? did you hear me?" wanda asks sweetly. people are beginning to drift over to your booth, the wonderful delectable smells drawing them. "sorry wanda. what was that?" your attention is on her for a moment before you begin to serve the customers in front of you. you're so sweet. wanda thinks so many dirty thoughts about you, that she wants to say to you now. she restrains herself, not wanting to scare you away. "i would just like to speak to you after the bake sale, ok darling?" wanda almost lets out a groan of dread when dottie approaches the table, her predatory gaze fixed. "of course wanda! ill meet you in a little while!" as dottie drags wanda away, wanda's gaze is fixed on you the entire time, hearts in her eyes.
after the bake sale, you and wanda meet up in the parking lot. the boys are konked out in the back of wanda's suv, their sugar high short lived. "what did you want to talk about wanda?" you ask, shivering as the fall chill falls over you. wanda immediately removes her jacket, offering it to you. "here detka. wouldn't want you to be chilly." wanda waits for you to slip it on before speaking again. "i wanted to offer you a job. i've found a job downtown, and I was just wondering if you'd like to start babysitting billy and tommy during the week or whenever I need it. my job requires a lot of travel. and of course, I would pay you double what you make right now at the café.." wanda rambles, but her breath catches as you lay a sweet hand on her arm. "oh wanda, I would love to! I already feel so close with billy and tommy, like I've known them for years. maybe we could meet up sometime over coffee and talk some more? i'm sure you're eager to head home." you say, nodding to the boys sleeping in the back of wanda's car.
wanda nods. "of course. that would be perfect, sweetheart. here, ill put my number in your phone. ill text you, okay?" you smile, handing wanda your phone. wanda enters her number, and hands your phone back to you. you stand there for a moment, your thoughts conflicting. you make up your mind, and quickly lay a light kiss on wanda's cheek before walking to your car. you will never know how that single kiss rocked wanda's world, and how it would soon lead to yours being turned upside down.
remember, asks and requests are open! i love to hear from you guys! <3
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gloomwitchwrites · 3 months
By the Belt (3 of 4)
Mechanic John "Soap" MacTavish x Female Reader
Content & Warnings: married couple, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected piv (wrap it up irl), creampie
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: Part of the Imagines & What If Series
Soap needs a distraction, and you’re going to give it to him.
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // by the belt masterlist
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It’s Sunday. John’s shop is closed on Sunday.
Even so, he’s always working on something, his hands unable to lean into idleness for a moment. They desire something to hold, to tinker and learn and explore.
It’s the late afternoon, and you stand in John’s personal garage located at the back of your shared property. His actual shop is nearby, just a mile or so down the road. This is sacred space. The place he goes to work on all sorts of personal projects. You are off to the right of him beside his knees. John is on his back, partially submerged beneath a lifted car.
That always makes you nervous, even though you know he’s careful about his safety. You always imagine the machine keeping the car aloft breaking, sending the vehicle down to crush him. The car itself is vintage, a special project that John has been working on for months. The paint is stripped and its mostly bare bones.
Beneath the car, you hear John sigh heavily. He rolls out from under the car, the wheels on the rolling bed squeaking as he does so. When he notices you standing there, he immediately grins.
“Hello, wife,” he croons, sitting up and draping his forearms over his bent knees.
“Hello, husband,” you reply, matching his tone. His smile widens and a warmth blooms in your cheeks. “Thought you could use a break.”
Grinning, he pushes up to standing, crossing his arms over his chest. “What kind of break?”
With boldness in your blood, you reach out and slide your fingers in the belt loops of his dirty jeans. John stumbles forward, nearly knocking into you. That grin briefly transforms into surprise before settling into a sultry smirk.
“Oh, aye. I could use a break.” He leans in, your mouths meeting in a lovingly gentle kiss that warms you right down to your toes. When he breaks apart, that lovely grin is back. “But I’d hate to dirty your pretty skin with my hands.”
You tug on his belt again, smiling. “What if I want to get dirty?”
John laughs, his stained, oiled fingers hovering just shy of your skin. “You sure, love? Because I can do that.” Your answer is a brief yank on his belt. John shakes his head. “I warned you.”
You unthread your fingers and John makes a turn-around gesture. You comply, eagerness in your bones.
“Bend yourself over that table.” John points directly in front of you. It’s a workbench. There are a few tools but they’re off to the side, leaving the middle completely open.
Stepping up to it, you place your hands flat on the surface, bending forward, the angle forcing you up on your toes. John leaves you there. Lingering. Hanging. You have no idea if he’s watching you and enjoying the sight, or if he’s simply turned around and walked right out of the garage.
But you have your answer when John’s voice floats toward you.
“Lift up your dress,” he instructs, some rasp in his tone. He does not touch you, but you feel his presence. He’s close. You swear that you can feel his heat of the backs of your thighs as you reach back with both hands and lift your sundress up to your hips.
You are exposed to him. Utterly bare.
“Fuck. You dirty girl,” croons John, and you know exactly what he sees—or rather, what he doesn’t. “All bare under there. You knew what you were doing. Didn’t you?”
You did. You absolutely did.
Still, John does not touch. You hear the soft crinkle of his jeans as he goes down on his knees behind you, his warm breath brushing lightly against your pussy as he exhales.
“Spread for me a bit.” You shift your legs apart slightly. “Good,” he praises. “Like that.”
The moment you’re in position, John’s tongue parts your pussy with a slow stroke. He begins at your clit, moves upward, dipping the tip of his tongue into your sex before retreating. His hands rest on the table on either side of you, unmoving. Staying true to his word, John isn’t dirtying your pretty skin, but doesn’t mean he might not lose some control and touch you anyway.
Really, that’s what you want after all.
Using just his tongue, John traces circles, swirls up and down your sex, moves in languid motions that have you guessing. Every nerve is burning up like a sparkler. Your husband is teasing you, and fucking enjoying that he’s doing so.
He leaves nothing untouched, nothing untasted. Whimpering, John lightly kisses your clit, teasing it with the tip of his tongue. It’s not nearly enough.
“Stay still,” he chuckles, when your hips buck with wanton irritation. “Let me finish my meal.”
John’s mouth promptly returns, and you know you’re done. Utterly done. Brain dead. Air rapidly leaving a balloon. He sucks on your clit, then penetrates you with his tongue, only to do it all again. With each, he sucks just a bit harder, bordering on painful pleasure.
The next one has you nearly coming off the table.
“I’m gonna fuck you after this, love,” groans John. “Bloody hell, you’re sweet.”
He dives in and your nails dig into the tabletop, your voice cracking as you orgasm. You feel his smile against your flesh before his mouth disappears from it, only to be replaced by the familiar sound of unzipping jeans.
The head of his cock presses at your entrance but doesn’t penetrate. John lightly guides the head back and forth through your slickness, the sound of it echoing loudly in the garage.”
“Will you be a good girl and take it?”
You nod enthusiastically, strands of your hair shifting to stick against the back of your neck. “Yes,” you breathe. “Please.”
With a low moan, John starts to press in, your body not resisting, only wanting him inside. You both groan loudly as he bottoms out. Adjusting, John places his hands firmly above your head, anchoring himself.
He breathes deep, and reaches for your wrists, one at a time, trapping them against the table. John rolls his hips, thrusts lightly against you. It’s the perfect angle. You feel everything.
John increases the pace. Those light, almost shallow thrusts become languid and long, hitting deep when your bodies come together. From there, his thrusts turn sharp, a smacking pace that stings your flesh. You hardly care. John’s cock inside you is heaven, the thing just to ease the lust in your bones.
Every stroke is lovely, sending shivers of pleasure through your limbs. Your little moans become breathy exhales, your words leaving your lips silently, delivered only to the quietness of the air.
John’s head dips, his lips brushes over your exposed shoulder as he continues to thrust. “Gonna come inside you, love.”
It is not a question, and you will always say yes even if he asks.
His last few thrusts shake the table, the legs scaping against the concrete just before John holds his hips flush to yours. The groan as he finishes comes from deep within his throat. It’s a primal sound.
Glancing up, you watch as his grip on your wrists shift. He’s left some of that grease behind from working on the car on your skin. He said he wouldn’t mar it, but he couldn’t resist, and that feels like a victory.
John presses a kiss to your shoulder, and you tilt your head in his direction, seeking his gaze, even as he keeps himself inside you.
“Good break?” you murmur.
John chuckles. “Oh, aye.” He shrugs, nods toward your wrists. “But we need to get clean.”
@glassgulls @km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @childofyuggoth @coffeecaketornado @aykxz98 @kayden666 @36namey @miss-mistinguett @keiva1000 @cherryofdeath @pertinentpostmortem @enfppuff @berarenado @saoirse06 @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu @thewulf @hayleybarnesx @lxblm @ferns-fics @ooldcardigan @beebeechaos @enarien @sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666 @lifes-project @burn1ngw00d @heeheehoohoohahahihi @lulurubberduckie @ravenpoe67 @jade1605 @miaraei @contractedcriteria @lovely-ateez @gingergirl06
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rd0265667 · 4 months
Kazuha x Reader: Yellow Ribbon
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Permanent Taglist: @cwpiqwon @justme-idle
I know I haven’t been posting much(I’ve been busy unfortunately), but y’all know I had to give y’all smth for Valentine’s Day
Around her head, she wore a yellow ribbon
She wore it in the spring time in the early month of May
"Miss, we've got to go!" Kazuha heard her manager shout from outside her room.
"In a minute!" Kazuha shouted, still frantically rummaging around her room.
Worried, Kazuha's manager walked to her room, peeking in to check on her, seeing Kazuha half under her bed, moving boxes around
"Miss, with all due respect, it took Miss Chaewon 3 months to get a reservation at this restaurant, if we're late, she will skin us alive." Kazuha's manager threw her hands up in desperation, finally seeing Kazuha stand up, a yellow ribbon in her hand.
Tying it into a bow around her head, she looked into the mirror, a smile as she forlornly ran her hand across the ribbon.
"Oh, it was the ribbon. Why do you even wear it?" She asked, Yunjin standing behind them, smiling. The manager was new, she had to be, anyone who knew Kazuha long enough knew why.
and if you ask her why the heck she wore it
Five Years ago
Kazuha crashed onto the ground with a thud, a mad dash for a frisbee resulting in a rough collision, causing Kazuha and her opponent to crash onto the ground.
"Kazuha!" She could hear her teacher shout out, but she couldn't get up, a rough stinging on her forehead causing her to wince, a crimson red flowing down her forehead.
Kazuha saw her teacher for but a moment, before her teacher vanished from her view, a loud thud next to her. Even through the stinging pain on her forehead, Kazuha chuckled at the sight, the person supposed to take care of her was felled next to her by her fear of blood.
"Move aside! I'm first aid trained!" Kazuha heard an authoritative voice shout out from the side, an unfamiliar voice, one belonging to a rather quiet and unassuming classmate of hers.
"Go to the gym, there's a first aid kid there, and you, go to the office and tell them a student is injured and a teacher fainted. Go now!" You shouted out, pointing directions as feckless classmates nodded mindlessly, needing another prod before running to their destination, some attending to the fainted teacher.
Kneeling next to Kazuha, you slid a hand behind her back, supporting her upper body up, grabbing a bag for Kazuha to lean on.
"Miss, are you alright? Can you tell me what time it is, where we are, and who you are?" You asked, body leaning slightly to the left as you pulled out your first aid dressing from your bag.
"It's afternoon, we're at the field, I'm Kazuha." Kazuha replied, causing you to nod and prepare the first aid dressing.
"This might hurt a little." You said, pressing the dressing on her wound, wrapping it around Kazuha's head.
Kazuha winced at the pain, but gritted her teeth, taking a deep breath.
"Shit" Kazuha could hear you mutter under your voice, causing her to immediately look at you in worry, fearing some complication had occured.
"Why? What's wrong?" Kazuha's voice slightly trembled in fear
"No, it's nothing, just the wrapping is giving me some issues, could you hold it for a little?"
You quickly beckoned Kazuha to place her hand on the bandage, applying pressure to her wound as you rummaged through your bag, pulling out a yellow ribbon.
"This will only take a minute" You reassured Kazuha, Kazuha smiling despite the pain as she admired the focus on your face
Taking the ribbon, you used it to hold the bandage in place, wrapping the ribbon around her head.
"There, all better now." You asked, confused at Kazuha's rather goofy grin
"I'm fine, thanks to you." Kazuha replied as she continued to stare at you
"That's good. When the teachers come, just tell them the bandage was applied at 1321, I'll be going now." Seeing your job done, you quickly tried to slip back into your quiet recluse, but Kazuha, even in her pained state, wouldn't let them happen, this new side of you was one not many had seen before, and she didn't want to let it go.
"Wait, don't go!" Kazuha shouted out, causing you to turn around at a rapid speed.
"What's wrong, are you alright?" You sprinted to her, dropping your bag as you cupped her head with your hand, checking the area of the wound.
Immediately, Kazuha's cheek lit up in embarrassment, making the blood spilled earlier seem pale by comparison.
"No, no, I just wanted to thank you for helping me. If you don't mind, can I get your number? I'd love to get dinner with you soon." Kazuha asked, causing you to freeze.
"Oh, umm, sure!" Taken aback, you began to stutter, but you quickly told Kazuha your number
"And my name i-" You began to say, but Kazuha quickly cut you off.
"Y/N. It's a cute name" Kazuha said with a smile, causing you to blush in turn.
Seeing Kazuha enter your number, you smiled, before you decided to take a step, grabbing your bag, putting it next to Kazuha, before plopping down next to her.
"Your head must hurt, wanna let it rest?" You offer, petting your shoulder, an offer Kazuha took with little hesitation.
She wore it for the soldier who was far far away
Two Years ago
"Zuha, I've gotta go." You whispered, lightly chuckling as you felt her head shake fervently against your chest.
"No you don't, you liar." She mumbled as you lightly sighed, running your hand through her hair in an attempt to calm her down.
"Zuha, it's a conscription army, besides, it's my country, if I can serve it, I should." You tried to explain, causing Kazuha to bolt up from your chest, tears welling in her eyes.
"But you could have been a clerk, or an admin personnel. Hell, you could have been a tank operator and I would be less worried. Why'd they have to put my baby as a paratrooper, it's so dangerous, you jump out of helicopters and have to fight the enemy with no backup and-and....I don't want to lose you." Kazuha could barely finish her sentence, feeling her melt into you as you almost break, thinking, consequences be damned, you had to stay and take care of her. But you had a duty.
"I'm going to be fine zuha, don't you know my secret?" You say, as Kazuha hiccuped, wiping her tears as she looked to you in curiosity.
"I love you so much that I won't do anything without your permission, not even die." You whisper, leaving a light kiss on her forehead, causing her to chuckle a little.
"Then get ready to stay immortal you idiot." She mumbled, nuzzling her head into your neck
"For you my love, anything." You say, pulling her in closer.
"Y/N, we're gonna be late!" You heard your older sister shout from outside
"Be there in a minute Rach!" You shout out, Kazuha begrudgingly getting up, you move to put your beret on.
"Oh yeah, while I'm away, Zuha, could you make sure Rachel takes care of herself, and attends her damn appointments. God knows she hates attending them." You bemuse, grabbing your assault bag
"Of course, how close is she already by the way? 2 more months right?" Kazuha asked, as you nodded.
"Guess who wouldn't know that? Fucking Raph" You spat with malice as Kazuha sighed, growing accustomed to your rants regarding Rachel's less than responsible "boyfriend"
"Rachel's a grown woman, she can handle her relationships alright? and if shit hits the fan, you'll be licensed to kill won't you?" Kazuha said, causing you to chuckle.
Kazuha's mood was more or less snuffed out by Rachel rushing you again, reminding her of your imminent departure.
"It's just 2 weeks of confinement to get me accustomed to army life Zuha, i'll be out in no time." You reassured, Kazuha mustering up her best smile, nodding as she leaned in to leave a light kiss on your cheek.
"Meanwhile, take care alright? I know training at HYBE's been hard, don't over exert yourself, and if anything goes wrong, tell Sakura alright?" You said, Kazuha nodding, rushing into you for a hug.
"Before you go, give it a kiss, it's good luck." Kazuha said, causing you to smile.
Kazuha bowed a little, making the yellow ribbon accessible to you, allowing you to give it a little kiss.
"I'll be back in no time alright?"
1 Year and 10 months ago
You ran like a mad dog out of hell down the white corridor, a speed you had never even achieved when you had GPMGs fired at you, or assault rifles aimed at you. It had taken you so damn long to even get out of the damn base, regimentation and chain of commands slowing your desperate need to leave.
Your run comes to an abrupt halt as you see Kazuha on the ground, head buried between her shoulders as her shoulders heaved up and down, causing your eyes to widen, falling next to Kazuha as the two of you shared a glance, understanding what had happened.
After the two of you sobbed on the hospital ground, Kazuha turned to you, trying to compose herself.
"Rachel had a request." Kazuha said with a quivering voice.
Still unable to come to grasps with your sister's passing, you tried your hardest to calm down, but to no avail.
"Baby, this was important to Rachel. She wants us to raise Cheryl as our own, give her a normal childhood, and only tell her the truth when she's old enough to take it well."
Hearing that, you looked up, eye swollen as you looked to Kazuha, the both of you getting up, seeing a doctor carry a small child in his hand.
"I'm sorry for your loss, but I believe Miss L/N declared the two of you as her legal guardians now." The doctor said, handing the small child to you.
Holding the little child in your arms, you looked at her, feeling a small spark of joy despite what you had lost.
"I'll do it Zuha. For Rachel." You mutter, hoping your sister would be a little more at peace.
Around the block, she pushed a baby carriage
She pushed it in the spring time in the early month of May
"Miss, you know that we can get any of our staff to help push the stroller. This is too risky! If dispatch or any random netizen takes a picture of this, the forums will go insane" Kazuha's manager showed her inexperience once again, unaware of her ward's obstinance to certain activities, never bending over decisions. Like being given leave to spend time with you whenever you were not activated for a mission or guarding the bases as long as they weren't in the middle of an active comeback, and that at least 4 times a week, Kazuha was allowed to bring Cheryl down for some mother-daughter time.
"You're happy today." Kazuha comment as she looks down at Cheryl, whose little hands kept clapping, a small smile on her face.
"You know they're coming back today too, don't you?" Kazuha asked as she stopped, kneeling next to Cheryl who began to giggle.
"Yeh, I miss Y/N too." Kazuha said, gently kneading Cheryl's cheek, smiling and bursting with excitement.
And if you ask her why the heck she pushed it
She pushed it for the soldier who was far far away
Standing at the ferry terminal, Kazuha hummed in anticipation, rocking her stroller back and forth at a gentle pace, allowing Cheryl to rest.
Seeing the ferry dock, Kazuha's anticipation rose, looking around expectantly, pupils dilating the moment she saw that familiar beret on the head of the person she loved.
You ran up to her, throwing Kazuha into an embrace, giving her a light kiss on the cheek before kneeling down.
"Did you miss me Cheryl? You did didn't you? Of course you did." You played around with Cheryl as Kazuha looked at the two of you, smiling as she knew how rare this was for the two of you, hard to spend some parent-daughter time together.
"Hey Mrs L/N!" Kazuha looked up, seeing Y/N's close friend, Lucas, a smile on his face as per usual, his cheerful energy always infectious.
"Hey Lucas, how's it been going?" Kazuha asked as Lucas shrugged.
"The usual, y'know, but I swear Y/N being a lieutenant now is messing with our dynamic." Lucas joked around, causing you to turn around with shock.
"Hey! It's not my fault that you have to salute me now. It is what it is man." You playfully jab at Lucas, who rolled his eyes, diverting his attention to Cheryl.
"I swear, Lucas is going to be that eccentric uncle in the future." You mutter to Kazuha, who chuckled at the banter between the two of you.
As the two of you began to wrestle, Kazuha sighed, whispering to Cheryl, "Your parents have weird friends."
"Alright alright, knock it off you two, we have some family time to get to."
Lucas nodded, waving as the two of you returned to the car, sharing kisses, hugs, giggles, and any stories under the sun.
"I'm starting to think being in the army has messed up your fashion sense." Kazuha scrunched her nose, causing you to pout as she giggled, going back to the mirror, adjusting the object of affection.
"Honestly Kazuha, you know I'll be okay if you take it off right? Doesn't it get annoying to always have to wear it?" You asked, much to Kazuha's dismay
"I wear it because my baby spends more time in the army camp than with me, so to remind myself of that baby, I wear it everywhere." Kazuha said defiantly, chest puffed out causing you to chuckle, folding immediately. It was funny the effect Kazuha had on you. You had the nerves to stare down enemies wielding guns while armed with nothing but a dagger and an indomitable spirit, but Kazuha would make you break instantly.
"How do I look?" Kazuha asked, and once again, you feel like a deer in headlights.
Kazuha had on a white satin dress, a rather simple outfit, but she wore it like a luxury gown.
"That good huh?" Kazuha joked as you mindlessly nodded, causing her to chuckle.
"Let's go, the Chauffeur is waiting for us. Eunchae already helped to bring Cheryl down." Kazuha said
"Are you sure that's safe, I'm pretty sure Eunchae still isn't happy that she's not the baby of the group anymore." You joked, Kazuha laughing as she recalled how they all laughed as Eunchae started beef with a 2 year old, acting more like Cheryl's sister than her aunt.
"She'll be fine." Kazuha chuckled, looping her hand around your arm, following you to the car
"It sucks we can't eat out like normal people you know?" You comment as you look around at the empty restaurant, a necessary measure to protect Kazuha and her group from any unwanted media attention.
"Are you seriously telling me you prefer the slop they give you in the army to this?" Kazuha furrowed her eyebrows, causing you to shake your head.
"No, no, it's just... I barely spend any time with Cheryl, and the few times we do, I just wish we could be like a normal family y'know, complain about the long queues for a restaurant but still not leave, have to push and shove through the zoo as hordes of families rush to see the lions. I just wish I could spend more time with you and this one." You mutter, leaning down to lightly pat Cheryl's head, Kazuha nodding as she shared your sentiment.
"But you're here now, and that's all that matters. Let's just enjoy this dinner alright?" Kazuha said, and you nodded in agreement.
The dinner went well, long periods of time away from each other always left the two of you with oceans upon oceans of things to talk about. Even if you didn't fully understand what a plie was, and Kazuha didn't understand what Fire movement was, it didn't matter. The two of you simply enjoyed each others company, and that was enough. Well, it was enough, until your phone let out a chime, not something either of you wanted to hear.
Quickly grabbing your phone, you picked up the phone.
"Sir. Now? Yes, I understand. I'll send you my live location, send the chopper in at 1943. Yes Sir, there's a helipad here. I'll meet you at the rooftop Sir. Yes Sir. Hailstorm, over and out." You quickly replied, Kazuha's face sinking.
"You've gotta go?" Kazuha asked, causing you to wearily nod.
"I'm so sorry baby, I promise I'll make it up to you and Cheryl some time soon." You hurriedly said, texting Lucas to grab the necessary gear before the helicopter got to his place
"It's alright, just come back safe and sound, alright?" Kazuha said, running to hug you.
"Of course, I don't have your permission to die yet, do I?" Kazuha shook her head with a veritable ferocity, causing you to chuckle, leaving her a kiss on the forehead, then a light kiss on the yellow ribbon.
"For good luck." Kazuha whispered, mustering a smile, to which you nodded.
Squatting down, you patted Cheryl on the head, whispering, "Sorry Little one, I'll be back as soon as I can alright?"
Cheryl seemed to know what was going on, already breaking into a cry that broke your heart, as you shared a pained look with Kazuha, before looking to your watch.
Kazuha knew what time it was, and as much as she didn't want you to go either, she knew there was no other alternative.
"Go, stay safe. I love you." She whispered, leaving you a light peck on the lips, as you reciprocated, shutting your eyes in pain as Cheryl's cries still reverberated through the room, but you had to go, and you forced yourself away, tearing your hands away from Cheryl's, before rushing to the rooftop.
Picking Cheryl up from her highchair, Kazuha began bouncing her a little, saying, "Don't worry alright? They always come back."
"Sir, please, this is private property, we cannot allow you in no matter how urgent the incident is." Kazuha stirred from her slumber on the couch, hearing her manager talking to someone at the door.
"This is urgent, I'm friends with Miss Kazuha, I need to talk to her."
Recognising that voice to belong to Lucas, Kazuha sat up.
"Let him in, he's my friend." Kazuha said, to which the manager nodded, Lucas entering the dorm, a set of items in hand.
"What's the matter Lucas? Where's Y/N? I thought he would come back with you." Kazuha commented, rubbing her eyes as she tried to shake out of slumber.
"Kazuha...I..." Lucas could barely get the next words out of his mouth.
Now fully awake, Kazuha looked at the items in Lucas' hands. A familiar uniform, A familiar beret, A familiar baton. A familiar name.
"No." Kazuha could barely whisper out, as Lucas shut his eyes as tight as he could, willing his tears to stay in.
"On 090524, 0312, Lieutenant Y/N led the infiltration of a rural hospital that had been overtaken by insurgents. The insurgents were taken down, the hostages were saved, but in the firefight...Lieutenant Y/N put themself between flurry of bullets and a room of scared children. Lieutenant Y/N was a hero, who saved the many innocent lives through their years of service. We give thanks to their bravery." Lucas said, Kazuha still stuck in shock.
"No. No. This can't be." Kazuha crumpled to the ground, sobbing as Yunjin and Sakura ran out of their rooms, hearing the commotion. Seeing Lucas, paired with the items in his hands, they understood what had had happened too, running to console Kazuha.
Tears began to flow down Lucas' face too, placing the items on the ground before sitting next to Kazuha.
"I'm sorry Kazuha, but there was nothing that could have been done. Y/N went out as they lived, protecting the innocent." Lucas tried to reassure Kazuha, and so did Yunjin and Sakura, but their voices were all blocked out. Kazuha could only feel herself get engulfed by a deafening silence, only remembering one thing.
You promised that you'd come back safe.
You promised...
A week later
Treading across the grass, Kazuha found her way to you. She could always find her way to you.
"Hey baby." She whispered, running her hand across your headstone.
She sat down next to the headstone, beginning to talk to you, just like old times, she thought to herself.
Back at the car, the 4 other members looked on in worry.
"How many days have it been already?" Eunchae asked worriedly
"3 days. She only leaves to feed Cheryl. She hasn't even eaten yet." Chaewon sighed, Sakura and Yunjin sharing worried glances.
"Aren't we going to do something?" Eunchae asked, fist clenching as the worry begins to almost bubble over.
"What can we do? Y/N was...close to everything to Zuha." Yunjin chimed in, the girls silently agreeing, all looking back to the distraught girl.
As Kazuha laid upon the headstone, she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm not leaving Yunjin. I've told you a million times. I'm not leaving." Kazuha said coldly, not bothering to turn around.
"But you have to, Zuha."
Kazuha turned around in shock. This had to be a trick. How could...
"Baby?" Kazuha asked with a shaky voice.
"Please, take care of yourself Kazuha. Please. It breaks my heart to see you like this." Kazuha heard you whisper, causing her to lash out in anger.
"NO! You don't get to tell me what to do! You're a liar! You broke your promise! To me! To Cheryl! How could you do this to us?" Kazuha shouted out, before breaking down into tears, feeling your hand on her cheek.
"I'm sorry Zuha, you know that given a choice, I would always choose you, but...I didn't have a choice. I'm sorry.” Kazuha heard your voice like a whisper in the wind, the words echoing in Kazuha’s head.
“What do I do now? I don’t want to go on without you, I can’t…” Kazuha fell to the ground, leaning upon your headstone, burying her head in her hands.
“But you’ll never be without me, my dearest Zuha, even in death, I’ll always be with you.” Kazuha heard you whisper to her, a sudden gust of wind blowing upon her back, the yellow ribbon around her head flying off her head, floating to her hand.
“And I’ll always be with you too.” Kazuha whispered, pulling a pair of scissors from her bag.
She quickly cut the yellow ribbon in half, braiding one half of it into her hair, then gently placing the other half around the headstone.
“There, now I’ll always be with you, and you’ll always be with me.” Kazuha whispered, running her hand down the braid, seeing you smile.
“You know I’m not actually here, right Zuha?” You ask, Kazuha cracking a small smile.
“I do. But if you were here, this is exactly what you’d do. Because it’s what you always did. Pull me out of the depths of despair like an angel sent from heaven. You wouldn’t want me to waste away on your grave.” Kazuha smiled, leaning her head upon her headstone.
“I love you, Nakamura Kazuha.” Kazuha heard you say, causing her to smile, tears lightly dripping down her face, as she turned away from you, turning instead to the ribbon around your headstone.
“I love you too, L/N Y/N.” Kazuha whispered, kissing the ribbon tenderly, before turning to see you gone, without a trace.
Kazuha smiled, looking lovingly at your picture on your headstone, before dusting herself off, walking towards the van.
Seeing Kazuha walk into the van, the 4 girls looked at each other in shock. But before they could say anything, they noticed something missing.
“Kazuha, where’s the ribbon?” Chaewon asked, surprised to see her without her trademark ribbon.
“I left it on the grave.” Kazuha simply said, reaching for her seatbelt.
“What—, why?” Yunjin inquired, noting the remnants of the yellow ribbon in her braid
“For Y/N.”
Upon the grave, she placed a yellow ribbon
She placed it in the spring time in the early month of May
And if you ask her why the heck she placed it
She placed it for her soldier, the one who went away
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daydream-cement · 11 months
Yes, Mistress… (NSFW)
Larissa Weems x Reader
Not often do I write dominant Larissa… but when I do… holy shit.
Authors Note: Thank you sweet little baby @alexusonfire for your help with this <3 I am still under the belief that Larissa is a little sub but this was fun to write.
TW: derogation, restraints, dom!larissa, praise, toys, face sitting, and body worship
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Hands. It felt like there were hands everywhere. Everything was far too overwhelming, but you were no longer in control. All you could do is take what you were given. 
It was late afternoon when Larissa texted you: New outfit for you in my top drawer. I expect it to be on when I arrive home. 
Immediately you felt that familiar ache in your abdomen. You were going to be a needy mess by the time she walked in the front door. You wasted no time in texting Larissa back: Yes, mistress…
Your homework was left scattered about the living room, knowing it would be more important to be dressed for the headmistress if she were to come home early. Making your way upstairs, you ducked into the headmistress’s bedroom, tossing your phone on the bed before searching her top drawer for your new lingerie. A thin white box rested at the top of Larissa’s underwear drawer. 
Your eyes found your name scrawled across the top of a small card. Flipping the card over, you examined the note the headmistress had left you: 
I expect you to be dressed and in that bed waiting for me, darling. 
Leaving the card discarded on the dresser, you throw open the box and reveal the baby pink lingerie Larissa had purchased for you. While you had many sets of lingerie from the shapeshifter, this one was entirely unique in its lacy hearts decorating the teddy bodysuit. It even included garters and a pair of underwear that you quickly noticed were missing the crotch.
Glancing to the clock, you noticed you had just over 15 minutes before the blonde arrived home. You dressed rapidly, struggling with the way the front of the bodice crisscrossed. 
You were always happy to dress up for the headmistress, but something about wearing lingerie made you extremely bashful. Sprawling out in Larissa’s bed, you recline into the pillows and take a deep breath as you try to relax. While you weren’t exactly sure of what the headmistress had planned, you were sure it would involve you submitting to her power.
You close your eyes and try to picture all of the filthy things Larissa had done to you in the past. Perhaps she would use the rabbit on you until you could barely speak or maybe her hand would be planted around your neck as she forced every inch of her biggest strap into your cunt.
“Oh… Look at my pretty little baby.” 
The shapeshifter’s voice drew your eyes open and you sucked in a breath at the sight of her body. She must have begun undressing when she entered the home. Her blouse was almost completely unbuttoned, revealing her breasts contained within pretty black lace bra. You were mesmerized as her hands pulled her blouse loose where it had been tucked into her tight skirt.
Larissa wasn’t looking to interrupt your admiration, so she wordlessly walked towards you, allowing pieces of clothing to follow in her wake. First her blouse fell to the floor, followed by her skirt. Your mouth watered at the way the skirt hitched around her hips, knowing it was her curves that allowed everything to cling perfectly in all the right places. 
She paused at the bedside, leaning across the cushioning of the mattress and holding her chin in her hand. “Let’s get these legs spread open, hm? Get your hands all tied up? We can’t have you touching yourself without my say so…”
“Mmm…” Your whimper was uncontrollable, assuming your face would end up buried in the mattress while she cuffed your hands and legs to the spreader bar. You could physically feel the wetness growing between your legs at the mention of being tied up. 
“Use your manners…” Larissa whispered, crawling onto the bed and over your body. Her face tucked itself in the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply before feeling entirely overwhelmed by having you near. She slumped back on the bed next to you, needy hands dragged you on top of herself.
With a hand on the back of your neck, she roughly pulled your face to hers. Larissa’s lips captured yours in a hungry kiss and you felt her growl as her hands wandered over your body, squeezing your thighs, sides, and breasts with desperate aggression. 
“Do you want it, baby? If you want it, then you have to tell me…” Larissa parted the kiss and grabbed your face harshly, squeezing your cheeks with a dark look in her eyes that made your breath hitch. 
At first, all you could do was whimper and roll your hips down against the headmistress. This only resulted in a swift and stern verbal punishment from the dominant blone, her grip on your cheeks tightening. “Did you forget to speak already? Stupid little slut… I haven’t even begun punishing that pussy and you can’t even think straight, hm?”
The headmistress released your face with a light shove and brought both of her hands down on your thighs, giving them a gentle rub and squeeze. “Sorry, what?” 
“Sorry, mistress.”
“That’s a good girl.” The headmistress cooed, the gentle movements of her hands along your thighs coming dangerously close to your center. She would graze her index fingers along your entrance before sweeping them downwards once again. 
The blonde was relishing in the feeling of your hips on hers, especially the feeling of your dampening cunt on her skin. She enjoyed the sensation so much that she began guiding your hips to grind against her abdomen. “I have been thinking about playing with this sweet pussy all day…”
“I missed you. I want- I want you to play with me…”
The shapeshifter’s guidance of your hips paused and tightened her grip on your flesh. From the glint in her eye, you knew you had misspoke. “Oh? You want me to play with you? Is that what you want?”
You realize your mistake. You had made a demand rather than asking Larissa to play with you. 
“Please. Please play with me.”
The smirk that played on Larissa’s lips was dangerous. It was a look you knew far too well. She would be incredibly unforgiving as she pushed you through orgasm after orgasm. “When you ask so nicely, how can I say no?” 
The blonde returned you back to your position against the pillows and slid off the bed in search of restraints and a vibrator. 
When the headmistress emerged from her closet, in one hand she was carrying black leather loops attached by a longer band, and the other held her favorite pink wand vibrator. “Are you ready for me, baby? I could feel how wet you were getting when you sat on me.”
“Mhmm, yes. I’m ready…”
The shapeshifter crawled back onto the bed, beginning to slip one of your legs through the loops as she spoke so gently, “Do you like these panties, honey? I thought they would be so nice when mommy wants to use you like the little free use fucktoy you are.”
“Thank you for the new clothes. I l-like them very much…”
The headmistress positioned the second loop around your other thigh and tugged on the band connecting them. When used correctly, the band would be placed behind your neck and two loops around your thighs would spread your legs wide open. “Such good manners. I am so proud of you… my little slut.” 
She offered you the band so she could position it over your head and you showed a moment’s hesitation, causing her demeanor to sour. Before she could say a word, you tried to make up for your lack of enthusiasm by begging, “Please... Please touch me. I’ll be good I promise.”
“You think you would be more grateful for the love and attention I give you, darling. I spend my days thinking of you and all the things I want to do to you.”
She pushed the band up over your head, sweeping you hair away from your neck so as to not let the stretch of the band yank at your hair. The shapeshifter did not inquire deeper as to your comfort, rather she gave the back of your thighs a push, encouraging you to have them as widely spread as possible.
“Oh, just look at you…” The headmistress’s fingers glided over your damp and swollen sex. 
It all seemed too gentle for a moment. The pads of her fingers found your clit and circled it softly, humming to herself in enjoyment. You allowed yourself to close your eyes, enjoying the tender loving the headmistress was providing you. 
The relaxation ended when you felt a firm swat to your pussy, followed by a second, and a third. 
The spanking continued and you could feel her getting drunk on the power she had over you, “Who does this belong to? Tell me darling. Who owns this pretty little cunt?” 
You suck in a breath and nearly choke out your reply. “You do…You do...”
How could this feel already so overwhelming when she hadn’t even drawn you to orgasm yet? 
“You wanna make me proud, baby?”
“Do you really, honey?” The headmistress’s touch turned gentle once more and she dipped her index and middle finger into your slit while her thumb circled your clit. 
The differing sensations were almost too much to handle and you knew all too well this was just the beginning. Your eyes squeezed shut and your chin turned towards the ceiling as you gasped, “Ahh, yes. Yes- Yes, please. I wanna make you proud so badly…”
“No cumming without my permission. Okay, darling? Promise me.
The shapeu used some of the slickness from your heat against your clit and you felt yourself going lightheaded from the pleasure. You felt willing to agree to anything to have her keep going. “Hhg… yes… yes. Okay. I promise. I promise.”
The only sound you heard in response was the vibrator turning on. The headmistress’s fingers left your cunt and the overwhelming stimulation of the vibrator took their place. 
The blonde gave you a few seconds to adjust to the new sensation before starting to gently move it up and down your cunt. She was looking to tease you and make you fall apart at the seams, and who were you to deny such a beautiful woman her desires?
Every second you felt yourself coming closer to orgasm the vibrator moved away from your clit, teasing elsewhere. The aching desire that had built in your lower abdomen had your mind going numb - all you wanted was to be fucked senseless. You were far too invested in the headmistress’s teasing to beg for the strap, however.
Your pussy was red and swollen from the spankings and your own intense desire. Larissa was smiling to herself as her fingers ghosted over your cunt, delighted with her handiwork. When she retracted her hand, she moved the vibrator back across your pussy, focusing on the clit just long enough to cause you to gasp before moving it away again.
You had no clue how much time had passed, but your whole body ached from the position you were forced into by the leg restraints. 
As you were pushed closer to the edge of orgasm, your hands absentmindedly trailed downward, seeking to control the vibrator against your clit. Each time you did, the headmistress warned you to ‘keep your hands to yourself.” You felt as though you couldn’t form a coherent thought due to your need to cum. 
Larissa kept going and going and going. You would be edged to the point of pain and tears if you didn’t ask to cum, but you were holding out. You wanted to prove to the headmistress that you could take her punishments without complaint or yielding. A silly thing to want considering how often Larissa was able to have her way with you in the past after you yielded without hesitation.
Your legs were beginning to close involuntarily from the overstimulation, earning a scold from the shapeshifter, “Tsk, tsk, tsk. We can’t have that. I know you are happy to have these legs open for me, so why don’t you act like it.”
With tears building in your eyes, you pry open your legs, planting a hand on either of your knees to keep them open. There was an orgasm building that you could no longer deny to yourself or the headmistress, and you would rather not cum without permission.
“Pl-Pl-ease. I wann-wanna cum. Pleasepleaseplease…”
“Oh? You wanna cum, baby? You wanna cum for me? Be a good little girl and cum all over my fingers, okay?” At her final suggestion, you felt her fingers slide into you and she began to fuck you as the vibrator pressed directly to your clit. 
You stopped barring yourself from orgasm and the sensation came suddenly and harshly, causing your entire body to writhe and shake. The orgasm felt long and drawn out, but Larissa still wasn’t stopping… After all, that’s what a safeword is for.
The headmistress closed her eyes when she felt the walls of your cunt clench around your fingers, awaiting the sticky slickness that would soon coat her fingers. She seemed to press the vibrator firmer to your clit, wanting to watch you beg her for reprieve.
“Ahh.” You twisted and turned away from the vibrator, but you still hadn’t used the safeword. She continued with both of her movements, even firmer this time to prevent you from avoiding the stimulation. 
“Fuck, I love this pussy. I love you my sweet darling.” Larissa cooed, her pupils dilated as she watched you unraveling before her. 
That was all you needed for another orgasm to wrack your body, only this one felt different. It was far more overwhelming and immediately after, you wondered if you had wet the bed from the wetness Larissa had caused. Regardless of how proud the headmistress was of herself of getting you to squirt, she kept going, fucking you deeper as the flick of her thumb increased the vibrator speed.
That’s when it became all too much. An unexpected third orgasm immediately followed the second. You were lightheaded with tears beginning to stream down your face and you immediately knew you wouldn’t be able to handle any more.
Pushing your hands between your legs, you tried to push away the vibeator, but Larissa scolded you once more, “Use your words and keep your hands to yourself.”
“Please, I- Artic. Artic.” You pleaded, using the safeword without any further thought and knowing full well Larissa would stop in her tracks once she heard it.
The blonde indeed stopped immediately and swiftly excited her dominant role in exchange of one that was gentle and soft. “Are you okay, darling? Was it too much? Did I go too hard?” Her hands worked diligently to free you of the restraints and pull you to her once you were free. 
By the way the headmistress pulled you against your chest, the best response you could give was a shake of your head. Larissa’s grip around you was intense, but you couldn’t protest against the homey feeling of your cheek against her breast and her hands rubbing circles into your back. 
“Mm… you took it so good baby. You made me so proud.”
“I love you..”
“I love you too, darling.” The headmistress spoke in a low register as she pushed her face into your hair. There was a deep breath and a long sigh of loving obsession, “Now… there is something I need you to do for me.”
You moved your face from its pleasant place between her breasts to look up at her, inquiring further with your eyes.
“Lay on your back. It’s my turn to get off.” The shapeshifter’s voice was thick with desire as her hand pushed against your sternum. 
You lay back against the bed, never one to refuse an opportunity to pleasure the blonde. She sat up next to you and allowed her eyes to sweep over your body as she began removing her bra. “You’re so pretty, baby. I’m so ready to sit on that pretty face.”
Your mouth watered at the notion. Tentatively you reached out to stroke the soft flesh of Larissa’s thigh, but you received no disciplinary response, rather she looked quite endeared by your loving touch. The blonde noticed your hungry gaze and smiled, offering you a different way to please her, “Or would you rather worship my body, darling?” Larissa toyed with her breasts as she asked her question, knowing you had no way of resisting.
Your nod was frantic and you immediately rolled onto your stomach and crawled to where the headmistress sat on her knees. You hadn’t asked for permission, but you felt Larissa’s dominant resolve slipping as her own cravings for your attention grew. As you moved closer, she leaned back on the king mattress and spread her legs out before her, welcoming you to pleasure her how you saw fit.
Eye level was her pretty tummy and thighs, and you felt that place would be the perfect starting point. When you arrived at a lips distance from her tanned thighs, you recognized the familiar lighting strike patterns of her stretch marks. Decades of shapeshifting left their toll, and you couldn’t be more in love with the way the stretch marks littered her skin. Larissa always felt defensive about you staring and paying attention to them, but you chose to trace them with your tongue anyway. 
This time she restrained herself from pushing your head away. Instead she buried her hand in your hair and tilted her head back towards the ceiling, allowing herself to enjoy your gentle worship. Larissa eventually laid back on the bed and closed her eyes, a gentle hum at the back of her throat. 
You took your time with every inch of skin, slowly working your way up to her hips and then to her stomach. Your hands trailed behind lovingly squeezing palmfuls of Larissa’s thighs, eventually looping up to her underwear to drag them down her legs. 
The shapeshifter whimpered when your hand’s shifted to grip her hips, earning an upward glance from you. That’s when you became entranced by her beautiful breasts and you knew you needed a taste - after all, it had been hours since you touched them last.
Your hands grasped at her tits before your mouth found them. The headmistress gasped at the suddenness of the groping and once you had your mouth on one nipple, the aggressiveness of your actions slowed. 
You tried your best to pay equal attention to both nipples while gently biting and sucking at the sides and underneath of her breasts (knowing full well the headmistress only wanted marks where they couldn’t be seen). When her boobs weren’t in your mouth, you pinched and squeezed at her nipples.
You could tell your ministrations were working her up when her hips adjusted themselves so her legs could curl around yours. Her body quickly shifted you to the side and she began rutting against your hip. From the sensation of drooling all over her tits and her grinding against your side, you were worried you may cum a fourth time. 
“I.. Uh- I need- I need you to touch me. I need you to make me cum.”
The notion of the shapeshifter begging for you to touch her drove you mad. You were completely ID driven as you stopped drooling over her breasts to lay on your back, your hands pulling and grabbing on the headmistress’s arms and thighs as a way of guiding her to sit on your face. “Please, I want to taste you. Please let me taste you.”
Before the headmistress straddled your face, she took her time and hovered her face above yours and grabbing you by the chin. She held you still and lowered her lips near yours. Instead of kissing you, Larissa’s tongue protruded from her mouth and licked across your lips before finally placing a sloppy kiss to your lips. Your head was still spinning from the kiss when her lips finally left yours and you felt the familiar warmth of her thighs on either side of your face. 
There was no hesitation in your arms looping around her thighs, drawing her cunt against your mouth. You had to audibly moan against her clit when you felt her wetness spreading around your mouth and down your chin.
The headmistress was in desperate need of the friction of your tongue against her clit. She quickly began grinding her hips down against your mouth. The shift of her hips became so frantic that she had to lean forward and brace herself on the bed with her hands. 
She was only focused on getting off as the movement of her hips almost made it hard to breathe at times. Regardless if you may be punished, you give her thighs a squeeze, pulling her down a little harder to prevent her from moving. Larissa growled in frustration, pausing her movements and offering up more control to you. 
You quickly became drunk off her pussy, losing yourself in eating her out. 
The shapeshifter’s desperate moans were music to your ears as was the limitless praise she offered. She spoke so rapidly - it was almost as if she was trying to state as many sweet and possessive things she could before she came, “Oh, fuck! You are my little angel. I love you. Fuck, I love you. You are my sweet little slut aren’t you. You are mine. Ahhh, all mine.”
The rocking of the headmistress’s hips against your face began again. Now she worked them in a circular motion, her orgasm within reach. 
Her hands worked their way into your hair and you allowed your hands to begin roaming about her body, allowing her to grind her hips against your face at any speed she desired. The grinding of the headmistress’s hips only sped up for a few seconds when she was suddenly rocked by an orgasm that drew a loud cry from the blonde. 
She slid off you, and fell to your side, needing a moment to catch her breath. 
“I love you, darling...” Through all of her elation, the headmistress placed a hand on your cheek, tilting your face up so your eyes could meet hers, “Time for you to shower while I make you dinner. I need you to be very well rested when I have you cockwarm that new toy all day tomorrow.”
Taglist: @charymobile, @bri-sonat, @weemswife, @ihavenoclue2008, @smutuniversesblog, @opheliauniverse, @teashock, @enchantressb , @alex-nyx, @renravens, @whenyouhaveanobsession, @scream-queenlover, @l22e22a, @shyladyfan, @lilfartbox1, @rubberduckiesbathing, @mcufanisme, @peanutbutterprincess, @alexthefavgay, @ladylarissaweems, @lvinhs, @myzzjolanda, @ohana19, @principal-weems09, @emilynissangtr, @xuukoo, @brienneswife, @dumbasslesbi, @kay-liah-scope, @oculusalien, @kimiinou, @sweetderacine, @giogwensversion, @milciak, @Awkprettywrad, @gela123, @thevillagegay , @katiemcgrathsbitch1, @naomi-m3ndez,@mysaviorfalsegod
487 notes · View notes
kscheibles · 6 months
e la vita ch. 3
~ ch. 1 & ch.2 here ~
content warnings: f! reader, bisexuality, p in v sex, feelings, angst
word count: 7.4k
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a/n: thank you all for coming on this ride with me! i am so grateful to have you guys in my life <3
I’ve convinced Matty to take me back to his. Partially because I’m embarrassed to be sleeping on the pull-out couch and partially because I don’t want to go all the way back up the hill to Nina’s. I’ve spent so much time wallowing that I want to jump at the possibility of something as hedonistic as having sex with Matty. It feels like something I’ve earned.
The boys’ villa looks different than I remember it. The hazy afternoon light brightens it and I can see now that it’s decorated quite nicely. It must not be theirs if they’ve been coming here since they were teenagers; it probably belongs to Matty’s family but I see it as a credit to him anyway. I think I’m delusional enough at this point that I’d see anything about him as meritorious.
Matty takes my hand and leads me up the stairs to the second floor, stopping me as soon as I reach the top to push me up against the wall and kiss me. He boxes me in with his arms around my head, creating a space for just us, and petting my hair gently as his mouth explores mine. He feels warm and comfortable and my world goes fuzzy. He smiles against me and pecks at my chin sweetly once he’s had enough of my lips. He pulls me further along the corridor, looking back at me and pressing a finger to his lips.
“Are you not allowed to have girls home?” I tease as he opens the door to his room. He trots over to the window and opens it, letting fresh air into the space. Then he makes his way back to me, pulling me into him by my dress until my lips almost touch his.
“Nah,” he smiles into me, “George usually takes a nap around this time. Don’t wanna wake him if I don’t have to.”
He pushes me back to sit on the foot of the bed, and I immediately start unbuttoning his shirt. I look up at him innocently.
“Does that mean I can’t be loud?” I ask. I mean it earnestly, but the fact that me whining and looking up at him pouting turns him on is a delightful bonus. 
His hand finds my jaw, caressing it sweetly. “You can be as loud as you want, sweetheart. Wouldn’t want to miss a single pretty noise you make.”
I smile and move to stand to get rid of my dress. Matty’s hands find my shoulders and push me back down.
“Lay back,” he says. I shuffle back on the bed until my back meets soft pillows. I look down to the sheets for a moment and I notice they’re littered with blue and green flowers, like something my grandmother would have swooned over in the eighties. They smell like my grandmother, too; that sweet, musky smell of things that have lived a hundred lives already. They’re soft but not quite threadbare beneath my fingertips. I muse at the idea, thinking Matty has probably worn them out over the many, many years he’s been coming here. The sheets contain stories I’ll never know, that I’ll never even think to ask. 
“Is everything okay?” His voice brings me back to reality.
“Yeah, they’re pretty s’all.”
“The sheets?”
“Yeah, but not as pretty as you,” I sigh as I catch his earlobe in my mouth. He gasps as I do, “You gonna undress me? Or are you all talk?”
“Fuck me,” Matty mutters under his breath, his hands find the hem of my dress and push it over my head, skimming my sides as he does. His fingers leave goosebumps in their wake, tickling me slightly, setting my nerves on fire. 
My bra and underwear are still slightly damp from our dip in the lake. Matty kneels between my legs immediately, kissing the space between my breasts, the outline of my ribcage that dips down into my soft belly. He spreads his hands over my torso, holding my middle to his mouth so I can’t escape his worship. 
I grab onto his hair and hold tight to him as he kisses his way further down. He looks up at me, panting, through dark lashes before he touches the waistband of my panties. My mouth is open, gasping for breath, as I nod to him eagerly. I plant my feet on the soft bed and lift my hips to help Matty as he removes my underwear. He’s greeted by dark, thick hair and wetness.
He looks at me for a moment, taking me in.
“I didn’t expect this, either,” I say, blushing. He leans down and presses a kiss to my inner thigh.
“It’s perfect,” he whispers into the skin there. He crawls back on top of me and reaches around to my back to take my bra off. I arch my back to help guide it off and Matty looks as if he could bust right then and there, knelt on the bed and completely clothed.
After a second more of dumbness, he asks, “Do you know how pretty you are?”
My hands come to cover my face. It's too much, too romantic. And what's more, the answer is no; I don’t know how pretty I am. I’m wise enough to know that, when I look in the mirror, the image that makes it to my brain is distorted. I could be looking at a supermodel, but if I knew her reflection belonged to me, I would despise it. I don’t know why after so many years of learning to love myself, I still fall short, but I do. Each and every time. Besides, it feels like a ridiculous thing for him to say. Matty grabs my wrists, tugging the shelter from my eyes, and brings one hand down to cover my breast, squeezing it.
“Feel yourself,” he whispers in my ear, pinning my other hand above my head. He helps me massage my left breast and I moan involuntarily as he does. “That’s right, baby, feels so good, doesn’t it? So soft and warm. Does it feel good when you touch yourself like this?”
I moan and nod, letting out a barely audible whimper. 
His mouth trails from my ear down to my jaw and neck, “Words, please,” he instructs.
“Yes,” I gasp, “It feels good. I feel good, Matty.”
“Good.” He folds my hand back into his and trails it down my ribs, down into the dark patch of hair that grows between my legs. “Touch yourself for me, baby,” he whines into my chest, “Want you to feel good.” I meet his eyes for a second, apprehensive. He nods at me encouragingly and I smile lazily, resigned to his will. I bring my hand down, lower and lower, gathering some wetness so I can rub my clit. It’s like the treatment for an illness; that little bit of pressure on my bud eases the ache between my legs instantly, allowing the feeling to morph and change into something pleasurable. I trap my clit between two fingers and stroke myself up and down as Matty catches my lips in his again.
“That’s it, you listen so well,” he says, “How does it feel?”
“God,” I buck against my hand, “It feels so good. So wet and warm please I want you to feel.” His hand comes down to cover mine and I sit up on my elbows to watch him, wanting to see his reaction to my body. I hope it pleases him. My mouth hangs open as I keep my eyes on his face. I feel him playing with me and I whine. Matty begins to tease my entrance, barely dipping in, feeling my muscles contract and relax. I watch his face as he finally slides two fingers into me. When he shuts his eyes, I do too, clenching at the feeling. It feels otherworldly; so different from when I touch myself because I can’t anticipate it. I let my hands fall above my head, arching up into his touch and writhing in pleasure, chasing something, and following my body’s instincts of what feels right.
I feel empty all of a sudden. My eyes snap open.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, looking down at Matty, who’s watching me, mesmerized.
“Oh fuck, sorry,” he acquiesces, moving his hands back onto me, “You’re fucking perfect, I just wanted to watch.” He leans up and kisses me as he strokes my clit side-to-side, building me up and leading me to the edge. 
“Can I please fuck you?” he asks into my mouth. I nod furiously, knocking my teeth against his and smiling bashfully in the wake of my mistake and my eagerness. 
“Sorry,” I mumble.
“That’s alright,” he smiles into my mouth and I inhale it like a drug. I watch him hazily as he gets up onto his knees and moves off the bed, removing his pants and boxers. It’s a reveal that’s come at a time when I can’t fully appreciate it. I'm too dumb with the anticipation and excitement of having sex with someone new to be able to fully take him in, or compare him to anything. I just want him as close to me as he can be. 
He reaches into a drawer somewhere and retrieves a condom, tearing the wrapper and rolling it onto himself. Then he’s kneeling beside me, taking up my whole consciousness. He’s all I can see and think about. And, when he kisses me, it doesn’t feel new, it feels old and known. Like this was supposed to happen in every parallel universe. Like it’s happened before and we’ve found our ways back to each other. He feels like an extension of me, an appendage that’s been missing that I’d just learned to live without.
“You ready?” he mumbles against my lips.
“Yeah.” I chew on my lip slightly as Matty moves over me, spreading my legs to invite him into the space between them. He lines himself up and taps my clit with his cock. It jolts me back to life and my eyes catch his. 
“There you are,” he smiles, beginning to push into me. I close my eyes, bracing myself. 
I can feel him sinking into me, getting deeper with every short thrust, coating himself in me. My ears are ringing and my skin is abuzz. It hurts a little bit, and I’m just about to decide whether I need to speak up when I feel Matty’s lips on my cheek, nuzzling me and asking for attention. I open my eyes to see Matty – the cocky boy I met at a party in my pajamas, whose very nature seemed custom-made to off-put me – hovering above me, his black pupils dilated and vast, lips plump and agape, heaving as though it’s taking everything in him not to fuck me bruisingly.
“You can move,” I say.
“Oh thank god,” he breathes, and wastes no time beginning to move his hips into mine. He rocks into me slowly at first and I try to remember what I’m supposed to focus on. Matty answers for me, taking my hands in his and pinning them above my head as he ramps up the pace, slamming his hips into mine with abandon.
I wrinkle my eyebrows and look into his eyes which bore down into me. I feel watched, lauded, revered even. Matty holds my hips and turns one leg over the other, so I’m lying in a fetal position. Then he leans down and brings his hand to my neck firmly, like a collar. Not enough pressure to even stop the blood rushing to my head. It’s sweet and dominating and ultimately reassuring. His other hand squeezes at the flesh of my ass as he re-enters me, moving faster than last time. I can feel him inside of me literally, in the places he's physically touching, as well as in every pleasurable nerve in my body. Matty forces my body to sing for him; he conducts it like a symphony. 
“Can you go a little faster, please,” I squeak out, and I’m instantly throttled by more pleasure, hot and hard. He moves faster than I thought possible and I can feel my body building to a high, tightening in anticipation.
“I’m gonna cum,” Matty gasps, “Fuck! Where do you want me to cum?”
“On me,” he pulls out a second later, holding his cock in his hand and pumping himself. 
A second later I’m covered in white drops of cum, like confetti or sweat or dew. 
“Fuck!” he pants, rolling over onto his side, “Let me get you a towel sorry I didn’t think.”
He stands and turns around, and it’s the first time I’m fully able to appreciate his nakedness. Taut, firm muscle decorates his back and descends into his ass and legs. I watch each ripple and flex absentmindedly as he grabs a washcloth from the wardrobe in the corner and returns to bed. He looks at me, body a mess of water and salt and cum, and gently wipes it all away. I gulp as he does, watching the methodical way he maneuvers the cloth, folding it each time he captures more of us inside of it. Inside of there is the only proof that we were ever real, I think. Despite the fact that Matty and I have been spending lots of time together recently, we don’t have any photos together. He hasn’t bought me anything I could point to as proof of his affection. When I tell my friends back in New York about him, they will just have to take my word for it. The real us will be scrubbed away on a metal washboard and hung out to line dry in the punishing midday sun. I won’t have someone to reminisce about it with because the only person who experienced it with me will be Matty, and he will be gone. 
I snap myself out of it. It’s typical of me to think about how things end before they’ve even begun. I think that, if I do that, somehow I’ll prepare myself for the hurt and then the reality will have a little less sting. In practice, things hurt whether we are prepared for them or not. Trying to measure whether they hurt less than they could have is a fool’s errand. I only get to experience things once. I’m infinitely limited that way.
Matty throws the rag away and focuses completely on me. I meet his eyes, suddenly unable to say anything. I think he wants me to say it was good or to ask a question or be mad at him or something. I don’t want to, I just want to be in this moment. I want to stretch it out like taffy and make it last forever: Matty panting quietly, blissed out next to me and me, quiet for once in my life with traces of him sticking to my body.
I move my head to his chest, squishing my face into him so he can’t implore me to speak any longer. I smell him and feel his firm muscles that support me from under tender, white skin. I feel my head ebb and flow on the surface of his swelling ribcage, a constant reassurance of some kind.
“Sorry, I kinda forget to breathe during sex,” he chuckles, heaving some more.
“I don’t mind,” I manage.
I’m scared of the comedown. I’m scared he’ll want me to leave. I’m scared I’ll say the wrong thing. I’m scared of difficult questions. I just want this. This is comfortable, at least. 
“Do you compare me to her?” he whispers, index finger circling my shoulder blade. I frown.
“Who?” I ask.
“Your ex-girlfriend.” I chuckle a little bit.
“What’s to compare?” It’s a question but I make it sound more like a statement. Or I mean to, anyways.
“I dunno,” he drawls, “like how good I make you feel or somethin’.”
“No,” I answer, “definitely not that.” He sits up against the headboard and kicks the duvet off his legs.
“Other things then?”
“Do you compare your sexual partners to each other?” I ask.
“Not really, I guess,” he mutters. “You still haven’t answered my question.”
“I don’t know. It would last longer with her but that’s just how it is when it’s two girls,” I shuffle myself deeper into him, I want to show him that I want to be close to him. His hand comes up to my hair on instinct. “I don’t mind that you get tired or whatever, it’s just, like, different. I don’t know.”
“Different good or different bad?”
“Just different. Like ‘ooooh’ and ‘aaaah,’ I guess. They both feel good, they're just a little different,” I look up at his face to make sure he believes me. 
“I’m sorry to make you give me the bisexuality crash course,” I smile into the soft skin that covers his pecs, “I suppose it makes me a little self-conscious. Knowing you’ve done all the stuff I do to you.”
“Well not all of it,” I chuckle at him. He swats my shoulder.
“Don’t be disgusting,” he says. I remember her; her hips and her whines. It hurts a lot less than it once did but it’s not quite devoid of any sting. 
“I do kind of wish I could experience it from a boy’s point of view,” I state. I debate whether I’ll tell him what I mean. I wouldn’t want him to see me as masculine or someone who doesn’t want him. My therapist would say that if he does think those things then he’s not right for me, but what if I don’t necessarily want him to be right? It’s not that I want him to be wrong, per se. I just want him to be exactly who he is. And, if who he is hurts me, I’m okay with that, I think. It’s the first time in a long time that I’m sure I can handle being hurt. Not because I have some magic tonic to get over it, but because I know there’s nothing I can do to stop it hurting. Other people would hurt me anyway – coworkers, family members – but none of them are Matty. At least if he were to hurt me it would come from him. He would never hit me below the belt or lie to himself about me when I’m gone. In a funny way, that’s comforting. I trust him to hurt me.
“How so?” he prods me.
“Like to actually get to feel a girl on your own… genitals, I guess. Yeah, I mean there’s lots of great ways for women to have sex but there’s always some artificiality to it, I feel. It’s never gonna feel the same for me to fuck a girl as it does for you is what I’m trying to say.”
“What if it’s not supposed to?”
“Oh don’t go all philosophical on me. Wouldn’t you be upset if all of a sudden when you had sex with a girl you couldn’t feel your dick?”
“I suppose it is pretty awesome the way it is,” he concedes, “You can still feel it though, right?”
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore. You’ll end up hating me,” I bury my face into his shoulder, resenting that I even brought it up. 
“We don’t have to talk about it but I guess what I wanted to say was you can’t go around just wanting what you don’t have or you’ll miss what’s in front of you,” he says, “I know that sounds cheesy but I used to, like, go on tour and spend every minute missing my girlfriend. Even when I was stood in front of 10,000 people who were singing my most intimate thoughts back to me. But we don’t get to choose when and how we’re loved. All we can choose is where to place our own attention. So if I look out at the faces of a bunch of kids who spent their allowances to come and see me sing and I’m thinking about some other shit that I don’t have right now, I’m basically mugging them off. I’m being a dick, like rejecting their love. You can’t have sex with a girl and feel them the same way I can, okay whatever. But that’s not what makes it great anyways –  I mean sure, it’s part of it, but it’s not everything. Deep down you know that. It’s just … life’s not fair.”
I sit up on top of him so now my face hovers above his. “It’s fair enough,” I say, “at least right now it is.”
“I think so, too,” he smiles at me. Then I kiss him.
Around noon the next day, I find myself in the city center, food shopping for the villa. The yellow midday light caresses each uneven brick in the street, each metal cafe chair and table. It turns them from something cold and uninviting to something so bright it blinds me. I sit down at one of the local eateries to have a break before committing to the arduous hike back up the hill. I’ve scarcely ordered a glass of wine when I hear an old woman seeking my attention from the table over.
“Ciao, cara!” she addresses me as if she knows me. I figure she must be someone I’ve met before, or at least it’s better to assume that than the alternative.
“Ciao!” I fumble as I switch to a foreign tongue, “Non parlo italiano. Solo inglese.”
“It’s going to rain!” she says, animatedly. 
“Now?” I ask, stunned.
“Later,” she shakes her head, “You will need to go inside soon.”
I tilt my head back, letting the light overtake my field of vision. It doesn’t seem like it’s going to rain. It seems like a perfect summer day.
“Don’t trust the sun,” she barks, drawing my attention back down to Earth, “It will not give you any answers.”
“Thank you for telling me.”
“Of course,” she croons. A waiter brings a glass of white out to my table and I thank him for it. I sip on it, it’s fruity and light. Noncommittal. 
“You will never feel more alone than when you are stuck in the rain,” the woman continues, “I know it too well.”
“I’ve been feeling alone a lot recently. I’m just about used to it,” I try to console her, to show her she doesn’t need to worry about me.
“You will never be used to loneliness!” she gasps, “My husband died a decade ago and I am still lonely. I was with him for twenty-two years! Oh, I have my cats and my girlfriends, but I will always be lonely. One day he was here and then he was not. It’s mourning, it’s never over.”
“I hope that’s not true…”
“Believe it. Once you understand you cannot make it go away, then you can make peace with it,” she huffs, raising her wine glass to her lips, and I wonder how many portions preceded it. She shuffles her chair away from the table and begins to walk away.
“Goodbye, have a good afternoon,” I say, trying to ease the awkwardness that seems to be perceptible to only me.
“Ciao, cara,” she calls, “Believe it!”
I take a sip of my wine that evades categorizing and look up at the sky once more. Dark gray clouds have started to crowd the sunny expanse from the west. I hum to myself and turn the woman’s words over in my mind: You will never be used to loneliness. Believe it. 
Moonlight twinkles through the windows of the villa, tinting the warm room with coolness. The girls are out– some party I bailed on to spend time with Matty. I seem to be doing that a lot, lately. I want to be angry with myself for it, but I can’t find the will. I feel good when I’m with him. I’m not encumbered by my own self-perception. It’s like when I’m with him, I’m too preoccupied with him, learning about him, knowing him, to be concerned with what I’m missing out on. When I lie with him, I can’t begin to worry whether my tummy is too big or if my double chin is visible; all I want is to know more about Matty. I want to search his body, taking inventory of the innocuous tattoos that litter his legs, kissing each one with fervor, tasting the sweat that caresses every centimeter of his lush body. I want to know everything about him; I want to squeeze every bit of knowledge out of him until he’s begging me to take a turn answering questions. I want to know him completely.
I don’t know how to like someone a regular amount. I only know how to pine, and fall delusionally in love, and fuck it up. After all, what’s the point of being infatuated if you don’t feel your life is wildly improved with each second you spend with the other person? And if that’s the case, why wouldn’t you sacrifice everything to be in their presence?
Matty is sat up against the pillows in my pull-out bed. My head is in his lap and his hands tickle my scalp lightly. He brought along a record to play but it hasn’t been playing for a solid ten minutes at this point. Flipping it to the B-side would mean removing ourselves from one another, something neither of us is particularly keen on. 
“You don’t want to go out?” Matty speaks aloud, cutting through the comfortable silence we’ve fallen into.
“Not really,” I mumble. I meet his eyes, he doesn’t seem to understand. Probably not in his rockstar nature to stay home, I think.
“I won’t be able to enjoy it anyways,” I continue, “I go home so soon. If I drink, I’ll just start thinking about New York and I won’t be able to enjoy the present.”
“You’re a sad drunk? I thought you were an angry one. If memory serves,” he chuckles, recalling the night I stopped hating him.
“I think I’m just a kind of sad person,” I say, “Not in a bad way. Just I find it hard to live in the moment. I’m either stressing about the future or mourning the past.”
“I get it. It’s kind of fun to be nostalgic.”
“Yeah, sometimes.”
“Why are you stressing about the future?”
“I’m not right now, I guess. Just thinking about you,” I smile up at him.
“Well what stresses you out about the future more generally?” he asks.
I look at him quietly, sitting up in his lap so my head is against his heart. What does stress me out about the future? It’s nothing in in particular, I suppose. It’s more the fact that I know no matter how much I plan, things will go wrong. People will leave me. I’ll never stick the landing quite as intended. Or maybe I will sometimes, but not all the time. There’s no safety net for me anymore. 
“Sometimes I just feel like a little girl who doesn’t have anyone to take care of her anymore,” I whisper. 
There are two sides to every coin. On one side is the reality that, without Claire, I feel freer than I have in a long time. I’m in Italy, doing exactly what I want. When I want to head out in the middle of the day and go to a museum, I don’t have to wait for anyone else to be ready. I don’t have to consider whether she’d like to go home when I’m out in the city. I can pick up a bouquet of flowers at the store without feeling like I should have waited to see if she would buy me some and feeling the resentment sneak in that she hasn’t. I can sprawl out on my pull-out bed and sleep whenever and however long I want. I’m living completely according to my own desires.
On the other side of the coin is the equally true fact that it’s harder to be alone. There’s no one to pick up my slack. No one who’s thought to make me dinner when I stay late at work. There’s no one built in to accompany me on errands that scare me or offer to do them in my place. There’s no one to notice that we’ve run out of paper towels and grab them from the store or pick up the check when I go out to eat. 
I miss the days when my mom would lay my school clothes out for me and make dinner without asking me what I wanted to eat. I miss the fact that my dad went to work every day without complaining and paid the mortgage without mentioning it to me. I could coast. Now I feel I’ll never coast again. The closest I’ll get is having someone to share those burdens with. 
I’m so tired. With miles and miles to go before the finish line, I find myself wondering what the end even is and whether it’s actually worth running towards.
“I’ll take care of you,” he says, holding my head to him. 
“No, you won’t,” I tell him, “You have other things – other people – to take care of. There’s a time limit for how long you can take care of me.”
“Let me reach it. Don’t cast me out before the chips fall. Please.”
I look up into his endless brown eyes, filled with earnestness and itinerancy. I don’t know if I can let him. Despite the fact that I desire it so intently, I’m scared to believe that someone could care for me. I’m scared to let my guard down and get used to the help, to the tranquility, the comfortability of someone taking some of my burdens off my shoulders. As of recent, I am intimately aware that everything ends, and getting used to someone’s help only means it will be harder to move on. I’ll have to start flexing muscles that I haven’t used in years, that I don’t even remember how to engage. It’s happened with old friends and mentors. It happened with Claire. My independence and emotional fortitude atrophied due to lack of use. Those things aren’t easy to relearn. They were qualities I fought hard to develop and then cast out as soon as I realized I could get by without them. I consigned them to my partner all too willingly. I can’t make that mistake again. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t put myself in that kind of vulnerable position. It hurts too damn much.
The only knowledge that offers a modicum of relief is the fact that I’m not the only person who has gone through this. Every girlfriend my age has been in one of these relationships. We grew up in divorced or toxic households and learned very quickly that the story doesn’t end with ‘happily ever after’. We learned that who we invited into our vicinity and into our homes was of the utmost importance and we treated those decisions with the requisite gravity: denying ourselves suitors and kisses – anything that could distract us from developing our own independence. Then we met someone we wanted to try with and we did everything with them. We made commitments and stuck to them through thick and thin, even when it was hard. And then, one by one, our partners stopped caring. They stopped wanting to figure things out, they started investing the sacrosanct learnings of our relationships into other people. They receded from us continually until we had to declare that there was nothing left there, instead of sparing us the pain of watching them retreat and feeling discarded by the first person we had truly chosen to trust. 
The skills I can gain back but I wonder if the betrayal will hurt forever. It sure seems like it will. Worse than that, it feels like I’ll want her back forever, even though I know she doesn’t want to try with me anymore. When I think of Claire, I still think of comfort and safety even though I also know of her seemingly infinite capacity to hurt me. I care more about being loved than being happy sometimes. My twisted mind thinks that being loveable is more important. It’s some kind of sick validation that I've been seeking all my life: I want to be loved. When I’m being loved seems to be the only time when my mind can truly quiet.
I’m crying, I can’t stop it. It’s a cosmic release I’ve been seeking for months: validation that what I’m experiencing is real and deserved and I’m not just some girl who got too attached like so many girls before her. I release the pain and the guilt. The guilt that I didn’t try hard enough, or treat her well enough. That maybe if I had compromised more – gone to stay with her family at Christmas, and given her more orgasms, and brought her breakfasts in bed – this never would have happened and I’d be contentedly walking under some scaffolding on 5th Avenue while acrid steam rises from the street with Claire’s hand in mine. I don’t want it anymore, I realize. For the first time ever, I don’t want her hand in mine. I want Matty’s.
I take his hand in mine and move to sit in his lap, one knee on each side of his body. As tears spill from the corners of my eyes, I lean to meet Matty’s mouth in a kiss, hungry and desperate. His hands find my face, frantically wiping the wetness from my cheeks. 
“Are you okay?” he asks me. 
“Yes, I’m fine,” I insist as more tears fall. I rise to my knees and let my hands fall to the button of his jeans.
His hands cover mine, stilling them. “Seriously, y/n.”
“Seriously, I’m fine.” I look into his eyes trying to convince him by will alone. “I promise.”
His mouth is on mine before I can finish my words. It’s wet and warm and euphoric; it makes my skin buzz. I hope it does for him, too. I move my hands to his hair, clinging to him for dear life as he devours me. The kiss is so passionate that it seems the only way to be closer to him would be to consume him. I moan, loud and long, into his mouth and he swallows it, he swallows my inhibitions and my melancholia.
Matty’s hands slip under the hem of my shirt and gently trace up my sides as he rids me of my t-shirt. I reach behind my back to unclasp my bra and Matty’s hands find my breasts on instinct as I return my attention to the button of his jeans, working diligently. He lifts his hips to help guide his pants and boxers off and slowly bends me backward onto the couch. I press a finger to his mouth as he tries to kiss me again.
“I need to be on top,” I breathe out, raggedly. “Is that okay?”
He nods, sitting up on the couch, naked from the waist down. I stand up, take my own pants off, and move back to him, hovering above him for a moment. 
Matty caresses my inner thigh, slowly traversing the skin closest to my pussy, playing languidly with the wetness around my hole that beckons him. 
“Are you sure you���re okay to do this right now? I don’t want to be a bad guy.” 
“Please, you’re not,” I implore him, kissing his neck and jawline, “You’re not. I want you.” He removes his hand from my center and my brows crease in frustration. 
Matty holds my face in his hands like a precious china doll, touch firmly caring. Like he knows he could break me and he’s anxious to be sure he doesn’t. 
“I don’t ever want to hurt you. Ever. You get it?” 
“I know,” I say into his shoulder.
He slides his fingers inside me, finally, and my head falls to his shoulder as I feel him stretching me out. I whine into his shoulder as he fucks me gently with his fingers, moving them shallowly inside of me, searching for my spot. 
“Gonna fuck you now, okay?” he asks, looking into my eyes, praying that I answer him soberly.
I nod dumbly, reaching for his cock below me. I look at it and put my hand on it testingly, feeling him warm and throbbing for me. I move him towards my core and sink down onto him, eyes closing, body yielding to pleasure.
I begin to rock my hips back and forth on him, feeling the delicious pressure on my clit mix with the fullness of him inside me. I feel high, pliable, and vulnerable.
“Look at me,” he commands, and I do it on instinct. I don’t even think. I just want to please him so badly. I know he knows me. I know he’ll take care of me. He answers all my questions with a simple action or turn of phrase. 
“Good girl.” The words go straight to my head, inducing some kind of fantastical euphoria in my brain. His words are like a puzzle piece that has been missing my whole life. Every minute I spent on my knees praying to God, every project I submitted in school — they were all desperate attempts to hear those two words, to begin believing that I could be good. That I wasn’t inherently evil and my nature wasn’t sinful. Despite the fact that I’ve been mean to my friends and selfish when I have things to give, I want to be told that I’m okay anyway. It’s all I’ve wanted to be my whole life, good. And to Matty, I am. It feels like the most right thing in the world. I’d do anything to be good for him, to hear those words one more time. I let the tenderness and oxytocin wash over me, bringing more tears to my eyes as he begins to lift his hips up to meet mine. 
“I’m good?” I squeak out softly, panting and hazy.
“You’re good, baby,” he assures me with a kiss to my lips. It’s hungry and messy and it spurs me on; I ride him harder, faster. I buck into him over and over until numbness begins to crowd the taut muscles of my thighs.
“Let me take a turn,” he says, lifting me off him and laying me down on my back on the couch, “That okay?”
I nod eagerly. Matty holds onto my hips as he begins to nudge into me again, bringing my thighs closer to him than I had ever thought possible as he does.
My whole consciousness is him. I can remember to open my eyes only for seconds at a time. When I do, my whole vision is filled with him: his mouth agape and panting roughly, body falling into me repeatedly, eyes boring into mine, begging me to yield to him.
His hand moves to my clit, rubbing it in time with each perfect thrust. I’m happy, fuzzy, free, and savoring each pleasurable touch like I’ve been starved and Matty is the first food I’ve seen in days.
“Can you cum for me?” he asks, almost nervous.
I nod deliriously, taking his hand in mine – a sinful inversion of his actions the first time we fucked – and use it against my clit the way I need. Matty grunts primally in response and captures my lips between his, moaning into my open mouth. It’s filled with want – no, need. Made hotter by the fact that I know I need him just as badly. 
The pressure on my clit and inside me builds to its hilt and spreads all over my body. I’m cumming over and over, completely unbridled and without warning. I can feel myself clenching around Matty repeatedly, inadvertently. I can vaguely feel him finishing inside of me, more from warmth and wetness than anything else. It’s a foreign feeling, really, but it fills me with pride. Despite my own high, I’m happy to have made him feel good. 
Matty falls into me, resting his head on my breast. I envelop him in my arms, feeling the soft cotton of his t-shirt soaked through with sweat beneath my fingertips. We lay like that, breathing together heavily, until we both fall asleep without a word.
A few days later, the whole city is quiet. The people on the street don’t make any noise. The birds in the trees outside my windows open their mouths but no piercing tweet emerges. I watch everything around me as though in a silent film, guessing at what the actors could mean and want. Today is the day. My ears are ringing uncontrollably.
Today is the day that Matty is leaving.
It feels like the time has come without warning, even though I’ve been dreading this hour and minute for weeks. I keep telling myself not to worry because it’s not here yet, but that’s no longer true. Matty is in my bathroom. He stayed the night last night, tangled up in me. I brewed espresso this morning like usual, without a word. We drank it in bed and for once I didn’t complain when he spilled on Nina’s sheets. I just smiled. Angry breath would be wasted on him today. Besides, a stain would be something to remember him by.
Matty emerges, wiping his hands on his sweatpants and ambling over to me. He stands cautiously in front of me. He knows he’s about to hurt me and he doesn’t want to. He made it clear from the start, he never wanted to.
I grab his middle suddenly, unable to stand being away from him any longer. Unable to stand the awkwardness of the pain we have to cause each other. It’s an inevitable. Like a meteor on its course, we were always going to reach this destination. It was unspoken, but it was better that way. I have to believe it was better that way. 
I can smell him. How long will it be until I can smell him again? I preemt the tears by speaking.
“Call me if you’re ever in New York,” I say with my cheek to his linen shirt. There’s a warmth radiating from him that calms me even though I’m anxious for him to leave. I know it will be hard.
“You know I will, baby.” His voice reverberates through the flesh of his chest and the thin fabric of his shirt. I can feel his voice touching me. He hooks his fingers under my chin, easing my face towards his. “You’re always gonna be my good girl, yeah?”
I nod because it’s all I can do. I know it’s not true but it feels so good to pretend for a second that it is. That we’re meant to be together and we’ll always be thinking about the other, even when we get old and we’re married or have kids. 
He ruffles my hair and walks out the front door. I watch his curls bob through the window of the villa as he descends the hill for the final time this summer. I look around at my surroundings, the empty room that allows the faint sound of shrieks in from the pool outside.
I suppose I will keep him with me, in a way. He’ll always be the lover who hurt me the least. He never got the chance to give up on me. He never had to yell or cry to end our relationship, he just had to leave. We both had to. It was never really a choice.
Everything is still where it used to sing for him. The sheets will no longer ruffle, the coffee will stay un-drunk. He’s gone and it hurts so acutely. His absence is so heavy on my shoulders. 
And for the first time in my life, I know I can bear it.
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ellieslittlewh0re · 1 year
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Stripped - modern!ellie x stripper!reader
wk- 8k-ish (it’s worth it)
additional tags: loser!ellie, reader is slightly described (pale, red/light brown hair, literally picture Lana in tropico bc that’s what I used for reference, oral reader! receiving, fingering reader! receiving, gross ass m*en, mutual pinning, implied homophobia (nothing crazy), childhood friends to lovers??, drug! mention, alcohol! mention,college! ellie mentioned, fluff n smut <3
"Ugh- He's is such a fucking creep."
I mouth frustrations under my breath, taking a seat at the vanity in the back room of the club. I pull crinkled wads of money out of the strap of my thong, smoothing the bills as I counted.
"Who is?" A familiar voice asked me with genuine concern. Camilla, also known as Coco by the customers, was a veteran dancer, a motherly type that all the girls that worked here went to for advice.
"Grabby Gary."
She winced at the mention of his name and shook  her head.
"I don't know why they keep letting him in here. He's a fuckin' perv."
I nod in agreement, taking a deep breath before looking in the mirror. My eyes were red, and my body ached from the early hours of the morning. I applied for this job not because I wanted to, but because I figured it would be a good way to make money fast. My mother, being an alcoholic and her deadbeat boyfriend was a violent drunk.
"You got any plans this weekend, baby?"
I felt a boost of energy at her mention, perking my head up with a smile on my face.
"My best friend is coming tomorrow. She left for college a few months ago and I haven't seen her since. We talk everyday, but it's jus' not the same."
I lower my head, pain in my voice as I remember how fucking empty my life felt when she left me behind. I never told my friend this, not wanting to make her feel bad.. I was happy for her. She was smart and passionate, I mean, who was I to get in the way of her education?
"Does she know you dance?"
I suck air behind my teeth, scrunching up my face.
I didn't want her to worry about me and I definitely didn't need her shit for it, but it still worried me.
"You work tomorrow, right? Bring her by, and we can feed her free drinks. It will be fine, now get your ass home and get some sleep. You did good today." Coco reassured me, patting the back of my shoulder before going back out to the stage.
I stir in my bed, the afternoon sun flooding my room, making it unbelievably warm due to the Texas summer heat. I fumble with the sheets, kicking them off my sticky skin. I skim my hand along the bed searching for my phone, peeking at the screen through tired eyes.
12:32 p.m.
I mentally groan before squinting at the missed text's notifications, rubbing my eyes to focus my blurry vision.
Ellie<3: Hey- I'm leaving now I'll be there around 1 Delivered 9:56 a.m.
I throw my body forward, scrambling to the bathroom and turning on the shower.
I search my drawers, pulling out whatever is clean. I trip over my feet as I tug on a pair of denim shorts when the vibration of my phone alerted me.
Ellie<3: I'm pulling in now
My heart started to race, excited, but also incredibly nervous. I quickly finish dressing my self, half-running half-speed walking to the front door.
"Okay-" I take a shaky breath, composing myself before turning the door handle.
"Took you long enough." Ellie said sarcastically, flashing me a smile. I could have cried right then, not realizing how much I've missed seeing her face that I lunged at her, wrapping my arms around her in an embrace.
"Damn- you missed me that much?" Ellie laughed, patting my back hesitantly.
I rest my head in the crook of her neck, breathing in her woodsy scent. I felt immediate comfort wash over me, a sense of safety and nostalgia.
I quickly pull back, realizing I definitely held the hug longer than we both anticipated.
I clear my throat, adverting her eyes.
"Uh- how was the drive?"
I encourage her inside and shut the door behind her.
"S' Fine. Nothing note-worthy-" she pauses in the hallway, glancing down at the battered couch.
"He's still here?"
She points to the man sleeping on the couch, stained white tank that was pushed up to his chest, exposing a bloated stomach.
I ignore the obvious disapproval in her voice, grabbing her wrist as I pulled her through the house to my room.
"How's your classes? Do you like them?" I ask her as I shut the door, making sure to lock it.
Dale, my mom's boyfriend was a real prick. Ellie and him have had their fair share of issues. One ending with Ellie punching him in the jaw after he called her a slur.
"Uh- yeah, yeah. They're good. Except for this one class- the teacher is a dick, but other than that, it's good."
She slid her backpack off her shoulder, tossing it to the floor before taking a seat on my bed.
I sit next to her, now feeling suddenly a lot more anxious in the quietness of my room.
"How are things here?" She lowers her head to me, concern raising in her voice.
"Oh- uh.. you know." I fake a laugh, looking down to my hands.
Ellie remained silent for a second, probably catching on that things here where in fact, not great.
"What's up with those?" She grabbed my hand, turning it over and observing the obnoxious set of acrylic nails.
I let out a more genuine laugh, her bewilderment written all over her face as she traced the edges of the nails.
"It's fr' my job. It's kinda a big thing there."
Her eyes break from my hands and look to my face.
"Waitressing requires talons?" Her eyebrows go up, child-like confusion on her features like if you tell a kid anything, they'd believe you.
"No! Oh my god- I quit the restaurant after you left."
She paused and leaned back, waiting for an explanation. I bit my lip before taking a deep breath, pausing before opening my mouth.
"I work at a club.. like a night club kinda place."
I held my breath as I examined her face, her eyes darting between mine.
"Doing what?"
Ellie's eyes narrowed, her mouth tightening into a straight line.
"It's not a big deal. I actually have a shift tonight and was hoping you'd come. You can drink for free."
My voice strained, desperate to get her on board for the sake of me needing her to understand my position.
Ellie nostrils flared through rapid breaths, stone facing me before looking away.
"So you're a stripper?" Ellie sighed deeply as she rubbed between her eyebrows.
"... yeah." 
Ellie leans forward, elbows resting on her knees, looking around the room before taking a deep breath.
"A stripper? You're barely 19!"
Her voice grows louder out of anger, clearly not approving of my choices.
"I know, I know... but I need to move out. I can't stand living here, Ellie! After you left shit just got more fucked." 
I flail my hands before tucking them back into my lap. I needed her to understand. I needed her to realize how desperate I was and that I didn't take this job just for the experience.
Ellie remind silent for a minute, taking in my explanation.
"I'm sorry- it's just.. I hate the idea of you dancing around naked."
"It's not like that... I mean I'm not completely naked."
I laugh in an attempt to lighten the mood. Ellie cracked a smile, but it didn't seem sincere.
"Will you come tonight? It would help knowing you were there." I ask her, dipping my head down.
Ellie pauses before answering, mentally analyzing how it would play out.
"Yeah I'll go.. but only to beat guys up if they look at you for too long." She said smugly, nudging her shoulder into mine.
"That's literally what I got hired for."
I roll my eyes, trying to down play the heat rising in my cheeks.
"I see you still drive that sad excuse for a car."
My eyes remained glued to the screen, taunting Ellie as we played an out-dated version of call of duty zombies on my PlayStation, killing time before I have to get ready.
"It's not sad! It's a Mustang." Her voice pitched, defending her prized possession.
"Yeah... a 2005 Mustang that almost killed you and drained your bank account." I roll my eyes, spamming buttons on the controller.
Amongst our bickering, we lose our concentration causing a horde of zombies to down us both.
The colors on the tv screen loses saturation and text on the screen read: game over you survived 12 rounds
"Aw man. This is totally your fault."
I open my mouth to argue Ellies claim when the door handle rattles, and aggressive banging followed.
"Why the hell is your door lock?! Who's in there with you?" A loud male voice creeped through the  hinges.
I stood up and walk towards the door, turning back to give Ellie a look of "please be cool" before slowly opening the door.
"The hell is all that noise fr?" Dale grumbled, looking rougher than usual. His eyes look behind me into my room, eyes going wide as he saw Ellie, who gave him a wave and a shit eating smile which definitely did not help the situation.
"What the fuck is she doin' here?"
I take a deep breath, putting myself in front of him to crate a barrier in case shit goes south.
"She's jus' staying for the weekend, okay? That's it."
His eyes bulged out of his head, veins becoming more prominent against his now red face.
"Bull fuckin' shit she is! This is MY house."
Dale yells, pouting a finger in no particular direction.
"The only thing you own is a spot on the sex offender registry." Ellie rebuttals. I'd admit it's a good burn, but holy fuck, this was the opposite of being chill.
"The fuck did she jus' say t' me?!"
Dale pushes himself past the door, shoving me out of the way as he v-lined for Ellie.
I grab Dale by the arm, using my body weight to hold him from getting closer to Ellie, who didn't seem affected, if anything, she looked amused.
"Dale- Dale please calm down... she didn't mean it, okay? Just please stop." I spoke calmly to him like I've done so many times in the past when he got this way.
Dale silenced his yelling, looking to me as he breathed heavily, blood shot eyes and a slight twitch in his eyebrow.
I put on a brave face, having done this repeatedly over the last 3 years that he and my mom have been dating.
"She will be gone tomorrow, okay? I'm sorry I should've told you... I can talk to Chris at the club and see what he has, okay?" I spoke sweetly to him even though it made me feel physically sick.
He didn't respond, eyes darting between me and Ellie, then back to be before he stomped out of the room.
"The hell did you say that for?" I huffed, rubbing my eye, and walked over to Ellie, plopping down next to her on the bed.
"Because I hate him." Ellie responded sternly, looking at me like I was dumb for asking such a question.
"No shit, but the least you can do is be in your best behavior, for my sake. I'm the one who has to live with him."
My words came out rushed, annoyed that she wasn't understanding how uncomfortable living in this house truly was.
The way my mom was black out drunk for days on end, how Dale would sneak around outside my room in an attempt to catch me undressing, not to mention the smashing bottles on the wall or the never ending psychological abuse Dale carried out.
"You're right. M' sorry. That was a dick move. I promise I'll be good."
Ellie held her hands up, one over her chest and the other in the air, signaling a sarcastic attempt to keep her promise.
I roll my eyes and bit my inner cheek to hide a smile. I missed her goofy self, the smug way she would tease to cheer me up.
"Okay, fine...you're forgiven'."
I flash a smile, looking at my phone to cheek the time.
"Shit- I gotta start gettin' ready. Do you have to get ready?" I stand, waking to my closest.
"Uh- I don't know, do I?" Ellie asked, sounding concerned that she had no idea how to dress for a strip club.
I look back at her, observing her outfit more closely. A checkered blue and white flannel with a simple white t-shirt underneath, dark washed denim jeans that hung tight to her legs paired with her signature high top converse that she couldn't live without. She looked good.. like really good. No matter what she wore, I always found myself admiring her, even when we were young. She was effortlessly cool to the point it was annoying to me.
"I-I think you're good. I mean, you're a customer. You can wear whatever, I guess."
I turn back around, shuffling through the designated spot in my closet that I lovingly refer to as "skin rash central". Sequins and feathers and other skimpy clothes that look like discarded scrapes from a Victoria secret factory.
"Ugh- don't call me that."
Ellie winces at the choice of words. Customer. She didn't want to be a customer at a strip club where her childhood best friend worked. It felt wrong like she was crossing an invisible line. Only ever dreaming about the possibility if that line were to break, disappear completely, and the term friends would be replaced with something else.
"Don't worry, you don't have to throw money at me... although I wouldn't be opposed to it-"
Ellie shifts uncomfortable in her seat, clearing her throat to hide the fact her cheeks began to burn hot from my comment.
"Im gonna' get ready... uh- make yourself comfortable." I said, motioning my arms in a way that was meant to be funny, but I realized how stupid I must have looked.
Ellie laughs anyway, nodding and shooing me out of the room.
"Okay... lookin' good."
I turn around, observing myself in the spectacle mirror. A red lingerie set that I've worn a few times before, bows and ribbon that dangled across bare skin. Makeup is simple. Classic. Flawless skin with a wing liner, and big eyelashes that complimented the shape of my eyes. A few carefully placed fake beauty marks along my jaw and below my eye. I decided to keep my hair down, letting the length fall to the lower part of my back, loose, big curls that shaped my face and shoulders.
I take a few deep breaths, leaning my hands against the sink.
"You got this. It's just like very other night." I tell myself quietly in the mirror.
I throw on a jacket and sweatpants, not wanting to reveal myself to Ellie quite yet in case she loses her shit.
"Hey- sorry. I know I took forever. You ready?" I return to the room, glancing to my phone to check the time.
9:47 pm
When she didn't respond right away, I looked up to see why she wasn't responding. To my surprise she was already looking at me, more specifically my face.
"Ellie?" I snap my fingers at her, breaking her trance.
Ellie flinches, blinking her eyes a few times.
"Huh? Oh- yeah. I'm ready." Ellie clears her throat, wiping her sweaty palms on her jeans.
Her behavior confused me, she was nervous when I came back into the room. I figured it was because she was not use to seeing me all glammed up, considering she knew me when I was a little girl, playing in the mud, catching bugs and reptiles in the creek behind the house. 
"Can we take your car? Dale is gon' kill me if I take his truck again." I asked her, focusing on putting an extra pair of shoes in my duffel bag.
"Yeah, that's cool... uh where is the club located?"
I rushed to my vanity, spraying ungodly amounts of sweet smelling perfume along my body and clothes. Panic was starting to kick in. Anxious that this was defiantly not like every other shift. My best friend was going to be there, to watch me dance half-naked for other people's pleasure.
"Further into the city. Don't worry I'll tell you directions. Traffic might be kinda bad though so we need to leave." I finish putting on deodorant, slugging my bad over my shoulder, dragging Ellie along by her hand out of the house and down the driveway to her car.
"Do you want to play music?" Ellie asked, holding the aux cord.
I happily obliged, shuffling through playlists I made specifically for her. I find one that felt just right, clicking it and waiting for her recognize the beat.
"Oh shit! So it's that kinda night, huh?"
Ellie cranked the volume up, tapping the steering wheel with her hand and started to sing along.
I watch her with a warmness building in my heart. Seeing how happy she was listening to a song we have both heard hundreds of times.
It felt like we were teenagers again, driving around in this same car, having no destination in mind as we blasted borderline obnoxious tunes. Ellie was always older, not just physically but mentally.
I realized my feelings for her when I was 15, and she was 17 going on 18. I could never tell her it would just put her in an awkward situation and possibly ruin our friendship, and I definitely didn't want that.
"Turn left at this light and the club will be on the right side. You can't miss it, it has a bright ass pink neon sign out front."
I bit my lip, feeling insecure about the location of this place, not realizing before how fucking sketchy this part of town was.
Ellie turns the car into a parking spot, killing the engine and took a deep breath.
"You forgot to mention it was in east side."
"...sorry. It's not that bad, I promise."
I look down to my phone, checking the time.
"Oh good! We're kinda early. You can get a drink before I go on." I say a little too excitedly, my thought process being she can get shit faced while I worked, in case I make an ass of myself.
I exit the car, tossing my bag over my shoulder and start heading towards the doors. I stopped, realizing Ellie wasn't right behind me, I turn around.
"What's wrong?" I ask her with a puzzled look.
Ellie's face lit up a pink hue from the sign, her eyes fixated on the building.
"Wha- nothing... nothing. I'm comin'." Ellie words faltered, her head hanging low as she made her way to where I was.
I push open the blurred glass door and examine the crowd. It was fairly busy, considering it wasn't even midnight yet, which is when people started to flood in.
"Hey doll- you're early." Coco greeted me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I greeted her with a smile, genuinely happy to see her face.
"Yeah, I thought traffic would be bad-" a awkward silence formed between the three of us, Ellie looking at me and then down to the floor.
Coco sensed Ellie's lack of experience in a strip club, looking at her and holding a well manicured hand out.
"You must be the best friend. I'm Camilla. It's good to finally meet you. She talks about you all the time."
Ellie shook her hand, focusing heavy on her face to avoid looking at what little clothing she was wearing.
"Oh does she?" She let out a nervous laugh, breaking the hand shake and wedging herself behind me. I was humored by how Ellie was acting. Nervous and in full gay panic, being surrounded by a bunch of girls that were half-clothed.
"I'll leave you to it. Have a good night-" Coco kisses my cheek and then points to Ellie, who straightened her stance immediately like she was meeting the president.
"And you, take care of her tonight. She's good at what she does, but she's a magnet for trouble." Coco turns and disappears into the club, leaving the two of us standing awkwardly by the entrance.
I shake my head, covering my face with my hands out of embarrassment.
"Magnet for trouble?" Ellie repeats her words, a smug tone hinted in her voice as she teased me.
"Don't- just... don't. Now, c'mon let's go get a drink." I grab her wrist, pulling her though the club towards the bar.
"2 shots of tequila please."
I leaned over the bar, kicking my feet like a kid in a candy shop.
Fez, the bartender gave me a stern look, rolling his eyes.
"You can't drink yet, doll. We've been over this." He shook his finger at me, trying to sound serious, but he was a gentle giant, sweet and very easily manipulated.
"C'monnnn please. It's a special occasion."
I blink wide eyed at him, pouting my bottom lip.
Fez shook his head, taking a deep breath and pretended to think hard about it.
"Fine... but I swear this is the last time. No more." He turned, slapping two shot glasses down on the bar and filled them to the brim, letting some spill over onto the counter.
I scootch the glasses closer, holding one up for Ellie, which she takes hesitantly. Her one eyebrow raise, and a smirk on her face as she brings the shot to her lips, throwing her head back as she downs the liquor. I copy her motions, swallowing the liquid, feeling it burn my throat as it made it way down.
"Awh- ohmygod... that's foul." I choke out, scrunching my face and pushing the shit glass away.
Ellie was unfazed by the taste, not flinching  in the slightest.
"You're such a baby." She giggles, shaking me by my shoulder.
"Sorry I'm not a frat boy like you." I snark back, feeling pretty pleased with my remark.
Ellie rolls her eyes playfully to make me feel like I won that conversation.
I pull my phone out of my pocket, letting the screen light up.
"Shit- uh I need to get ready for my set. You can stay here and keep drinking- or if you get hungry, I can ask the guys in the back to make you something?" I ramble, covering all my bases to make Ellie as comfortable as possible.
"I'm fine! Just go do your thing." Ellie let's out a laugh, shooing me away. I give her one last worried look before turning away and walking through the club, maneuvering around people and squeezing between chairs and tables.
I get rid of my jacket and sweatpants, switching out my vans for platform heels. Red to match my outfit, straps that accentuate the top of my foot and up my ankle. I button the straps, flexing my foot to make sure it wasn't pinching the thin skin.
I sat at the vanity, the bright bulbs around the mirror gave me a headache. My nerves were spiraling.
I planned my dances tonight with Ellie in mind as a way to welcome her, to still embarrass her even if the two of us were the only ones who knew. "White mustang" by Lana del Rey was my first song, a little inside joke for both of us, that leaked into "summer bummer" purely because that song made me want to dance, not think too hard. Just dance.
"Fuck. Okay, you got this. Jus' go out there and dance. You've done it dozens of times. No biggie."  I voice words of encouragement to myself, wiping  smudged lipstick from the corner of my mouth.
I coax myself with deep breaths, going through the motions of trying to calm the uneasy feeling in my stomach.
"Doll, you're on."
I look at my co-worker, meeting her eyes through the reflection of the mirror. One last deep breath and I walk through the door, leaving the safety of the break/ hair and makeup room.
I walked slowly, carefully as possible to the stairs of the stage, scared I'd break an ankle in my uneasy footsteps. I kept my head low, scanning the crowd to look for Ellie. Lights strobing shades of pink and red, a haze building from the cigars that were being smoked.
My heels clunked the wood stage floor as I take position on the pole, holding it with one hand as I casually swung around it, waiting for my song to start. Yelling and whistling from the handful of men that gathered closest to the stage. I smile at them, waving playfully while still peeking looks in hopes I'd find my friend.
The first cords of the song started to play. I switch to my professional personality, becoming more serious and seductive. I parade myself around the pole, letting my legs fall wide as I leaned against. Dollar bills started to float onto the stage, hooting and hollering as I caressed my body. I engage with the men, bending over in front of them to show them something worth their time.
From the outside, I looked like I was doing my job and doing it well, but internally I was panicking. I couldn't find the one person I wanted to see, but at the same time, if she was watching and I couldn't see her, it was a new nightmare. Curious to know what her face looked like as she saw her once, innocent, childhood best friend.
Ellie waited as patiently as she could, finding a dark corner of the club where less people were. She sipped on a whiskey she ordered, leaned up against a wall.
A sudden burst of cheers and hollering caused Ellie to jerk her head in the direction where it was coming from. A women was walking into the stage, playfully hanging off the pole. The lights made it hard to make out at first, but upon seeing the light brown, almost copper tinted hair, Ellie's eyes widened, almost choking on her drink.
This was a side to her best friend she has never seen before, skin that Ellie's eyes have never been graced by before, at least not to this extent.
Sure, when they were younger they'd change in front of one another, but Ellie always turned away, scared that her friend would notice the changing hues of her cheeks.
Arms stretched outward towards her like a painting depicting a religious experience, and to be honest it felt like one to Ellie. These men begged for the touch of her hand, the words on her lips, but Ellie was the only one who knows what it was like.
The way she smiles so brightly, laughs so fully like she wanted the whole world to hear. How clumsy she truly was even though she danced so gracefully on the stage.
I prance in my heels all over the stage, trying not to make it obvious was trying to avoid the shining lights in my face to look for Ellie. I squint towards the back of the bar. Her familiar frame came into focus, leaning against a wall like she worked here as a bodyguard.
I wave at her, excited to finally have found her. Ellie does a double take before pointing to herself . I nod, not caring that this wasn't part of the routine as I usher her closer to the stage.
Ellie carefully comes closer, stopping a couple of feet behind the handful of men that surrounded the stage. I felt a burst of energy seeing her, knowing that she was still here.
I lower myself to my hands and knees, crawling forward to the men that clasped bills in their fingers. I lay in front of them, arching my back against the scuffed floor, letting money drape over my face.
Ellie held her breath as she watched, never looking away, hell not even blinking, scared she'd miss even a second of the show.
I get back into my knees, hovering above the paying customers as they place the bills in the straps of my thong and bra, letting it snap back only to be repeated. I diverted my attention away from my patrons to meet Ellie, her eyes heavily glued to me. I raise a finger, pointing it at her and curling it, signaling that I wanted her to come closer.
To my surprise she takes a few more steps forward, shimming between the men who gave her dirty glares in return, but she didn't care. Out of everyone here tonight, Ellie was the one who had all of your attention.
Ellie positions herself front and center of the stage. I crawl closer, leaving only a few inches between our faces.
🎶 the day I saw your white mustang-🎶
Ellie's realization of the song made her crack a smile. Even under the colored lights, I could tell she was blushing, cheeks red making her freckles more prominent. I felt my own cheeks cramp, a wide grin on my lips that I definitely couldn't hide.
I watch Ellie's hand disappear into her back pocket, pulling out crisp bills, and slowly, her hand moves to my chest, using her other hand to open the top of my bra as she inserts it gently, smoothing her finger over my cleavage before she retracts her touch.
"You suck-" I mouth to her, rolling my eyes playfully. My body jittery and my heart thumped loudly against my chest. Without much thought, I leaned down from the stage, planting a kiss to her cheek, which left a very prominent lipstick stain to her pale complexion.
My ears perk up to the changing of the song, feeling much more upbeat after our interaction, I jump up and blow Ellie a kiss, which she pretends to grab before she took a few steps back.
I carry on through my set, shaking my ass more energetically to match the vibe of the music. Dollar bills of various worths littered the stage.
Ellie watched from further away, her eyes loom in my direction as she babied her drink, not wanting to risk forgetting this night.
Ellie didn't try to hide how she bit down on her lip, eyes studying the movements of my hips or how I extended my neck to the side, leaving the exposed skin on display for her imagining how she wanted to mark it.
"So... whaddya think?" I ask out of breath from rushing off of the stage as soon as the song ended.
Ellie opens her mouth and closes it again as her face contorted, trying to figure out what to say that was both respectful, and didn't come off pervy.
"I see why that lady said you attract trouble."
I give her a confused look, tilting my head to the side.
Ellie purses her lips before making a tsk tsk sound with her mouth.
"You were- unreal... it kinda scares me how incredible you were up there." Ellie looks away, rubbing her thumb over the back of her hand that held her drink.
I feel my face heat up, a giddy sensation building inside me.
"I mean I wouldn't go that far, but thank you Els. It means a lot comin' from you." I said sweetly, interlocking my fingers behind me as I rocked back in forth on my toes. I felt like I was in school all over again... like when you have a crush on someone that's way out of your league, but they talk to you anyways.
"Hey doll, Gerald wants a private dance." Camellia interrupts us, sounding slightly apologetic.
"Ugh- fine." I groan, rolling my eyes.
"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere!" I yell back to ellie as I walked towards the champagne room.
Ellie didn't love the idea of you giving someone a lap dance. She wanted to hold you back, prevent you from walking away, but she didn't because after all, this was your job.... The idea of some old man grabbing you and fantasizing about how he would touch you made Ellie sick.
Ellie waited for your return as patiently as she could. Uneasiness was sinking in, causing her to sip from her glass at a faster pace. She felt a new sensation kicking in as she waited. Maybe it was a sense that she needed to protect you, keep you safe, but no, that wasn't it. It was jealousy. A possessive urge to keep you at arms length. It was a feeling that Ellie desperately tried detaching herself from for a number of years.
"Sorry! That took longer than it should've." I say to Ellie, stumbling back to her slightly out of breath.
"It's fine. When does your shift end?" Ellie's tone shifted. She sounded annoyed, frustrated even.
"Uh... soon." I answer weakly, uncertain why Ellie was acting different towards me.
Ellie didn't seem thrilled with my answer, looking down at her now empty glass and avoiding my face.
"If you want, I can see if I can leave early? It's slowin' down now. I don't think it should be a problem."
Ellie lifted her head, looking at me with wide eyes. Her face lit up at my suggestion, but quickly dwindled.
"You don't have to-"
"Hush. I want to. Plus, I want to spend as much time with as possible... jus' the two of us." I cut her off mid sentence. It was the truth. I didn't want to waste our only time together, not knowing when I'd see her again.
Ellie smiled, her eyes burn into mine causing me to want to lean into her, but she clears her throat when she realized how our gaze lingered.
"Let me go ask." I tell Ellie, resting a hand on her bicep before I turn to leave her again.
"Please! I'm literally beggin' you. Just this once- I won't ask again." I pleaded, holding my hands to my chest, interlocking my fingers in a prayer.
Warren. Aka boss man, looked me up and down, and took a deep breath before rubbing the meaty part between his eyebrows.
"Look- doll. You haven't been working here long enough to be making such requests."
"-and it won't happen again. I swear." I bat my eyelashes a few times in hopes he'd show me some mercy.
There was a few seconds of silence, Warren looked at me and then down to the papers strewn about his desk.
"Fine, but I expect good things from you from here on out. No more slacking."
"Thank you! I promise I will." I rushed over, planting a kiss on his cheek before running out of them room.
I strut over to Ellie, not giving her any time to react as I take her hand in mine and march us out of the building towards her car.
"I guess that's a yes?" Ellie asked, a smug tone hinted on her lips.
"Let's get the fuck out of here." I smile at her as I open the car door.
Ellie does the same, picking a song before she reverses out of the parking spot.
The neon glow of the club's sign was fading behind us as we drove away, windows rolled down to let the cooler breeze of the night swirl around us. This felt like everything I could ever need, ever want. I was happy with just this. The only person who ever looked out for me, who ever cared about me is by my side. I felt safe and loved by her, not really caring if she loved me the same way I loved her.
"I'm sorry I left you." Ellie breaks the silence, turning down the volume of the music so she wouldn't have to yell.
"What? No, don't be sorry. You grew up and so did I. There's nothin' to be sorry about." My voice grew weak as I spoke. It hurt to be reminded that she wasn't a permanent person in my life anymore.
Ellie didn't know what to say to that. She felt the hurt in your voice as you spoke and of how you shifted in your seat. Ellie glanced at you from time to time in her peripheral, taking note how you were still in your 'work' clothes. She quickly reframed herself from starring too hard from how little was being covered.
You turned away from Ellie in the car as you looked out the window, feeling a sense of dread that the night was coming to a close and Ellie would have to leave in the morning.
I felt the engine turn off, an ear piercing silence followed as we both made no effort to get out of the car.
"You ready?" Ellie asked, her voice quiet and gentle.
I nodded, opening the car door and walking up the driveway with Ellie close behind.
Reaching the door, I took out my keys, holding them up to the lock as I took a deep breath, praying that the house was quiet and everyone was asleep or simply just gone.
I creep open the door, listening for any movement and when it felt safe I motioned the coast was clear to Ellie. I shut the door behind us, taking off my heels to prevent the clunking sound on the tile floor.
"Thank-fucking-god." I sigh, falling back into bed, looking up at the plastered ceiling of my room.
"I can't wait to leave and never see this stupid ceiling again."
Ellie lowers herself onto the mattress beside me and looks up to where my eyes fixated before looking down at me.
"Me too." Ellie said absentmindedly, eyes lingering over the skin on your lower stomach and chest.
"Can you bring me with you? I can sleep in your closet or something... people have pets that they hide in there dorms, right?"
I laugh to make it sound like a joke, but it wasn't.
"Trust me. I wish I could." Ellie bit her lip. She couldn't hide how seeing you so close like this and so exposed made her feel. How your breasts pooled over your bra, how the skin between your legs looked so soft and malleable.
I sat up and looked to Ellie when I noticed how her demeanor had changed. Her eyes, usually a bright green where now much darker, more intimidating. My eyes drift to her lips, slightly swollen and glistened from her spit.
I divert my eyes from her face, feeling slightly uncomfortable by how much my body was reacting to her. My thighs squeezed together, my heart pounding and I couldn't stop thinking how much much I wanted to kiss her.
That's when I look at her arms.
Her fucking arms.
The sleeves of the flannel she wore were rolled up to below her elbows, exposing the tattoo on her forearm. The veins in her hand were prominent, trailing upward to her long fingers.
"Fuck-" My inner dialogue slipped, coming out as a whisper.
"I mean-" I try to cover my ass, praying my horny fucking brain to come up with anything, but it was too late.
Ellie leaned forward, putting her arms on either side of me, forcing me to lay back on the bed.
"Are you doing this on purpose?" She asked, tilting her head to the side as a smirk grew on her lips. Her voice sounded different. Low and sensual, unlike I've ever heard from her before.
My breath hitched just from her voice alone, the heat building in my core as she hovered over me.
"Wha- what do you mean?" I stutter, confused and at the same time feeling the effects of the atmosphere change in the room.
Ellie leaned closer, dipping her head so she was inches from my face.
"Still wearing this." Ellie raised her hand, bring her fingers to the strap of my bra and tugging on it.
"Maybe I am." I said barely above a whisper, grabbing her wrist and guided her hand to my stomach before moving it upwards to my chest, encouraging her to touch me.
Ellie's face changed from lust to genuine confusion, eyebrows furrowed and she studied my face.
"This isn't funny."
I shake my head weakly, squeezing her hand that was cupped around my breast.
"I'm not joking, Els. I want you to. Always have."
I bring her hand up and kiss the back of it, making deep eye contact as I leave wet, and sloppy kisses to her skin.
Ellie held her breath as she watched you underneath her, so beautiful and so eager for her touch. Ellie couldn't hold back anymore, all these years of repressing her feelings for you were coming to the surface.
I look up at Ellie, making slow circular motions with my hips as I imagined how Ellie's fingers would feel inside and that was her breaking point. Ellie pulled her hand away, forcing mine above my head as she leaned down and closed the empty space between us.
I moan into her mouth, feeling her lips on mine finally after all these years of only ever dreaming about this moment.
Ellie's lips move sloppily against mine, her tongue grazing over my teeth and exploring the spongy walls inside my mouth.
Ellie breaks away and looks at me, panting slightly from the passionate kiss.
"Are you sure?"
Her eyes were wide, and her brows turned upward. A puppy dog-like expression on Ellie's face caused me to smile, seeing how hard she was holding back just to make sure I was okay.
I simply nodded, reaching up and holding her face to bring her back down to reconnect our lips.
Her hands roamed by body, squeezing my breasts tenderly, but firmly. I did the same to the little amount of skin I could. Lacing my fingers around her forearm, sinking my nails into the flesh.
"Can you take this off? I wanna touch you." I pull away from her lips out of breath, tugging at the hem of her shirt.
Ellie wasted no time, sitting up on her knees and pulling the flannel off her arms, tossing it to the floor.
I gawk at the sight of her as she pulls her shirt over her head, discarding it to the side in one swift motion.
Ellie's stomach was flat and toned, defined ridges that outline her subtle abs that led downwards into a 'v' above the waistband of her jeans.
I bit my lip as I watched, taking in the sight of her.
I bring my hand up and grip the loop in her jeans, pulling her down to taste her again.
I let my fingers slip into her waistband, touching the uncharted territory. Ellie pulls away before I could feel her further, a hungry look in her eyes as her impatience grew.
"What are you doing?" Her voice was low and raspy like pop rocks, igniting your mouth with its rigid edges and leaving a sweet coating on your tongue.
"I wanna feel you." I whine, reaching up to palm her breasts over her sports bra. Ellie let out a muffled whine from the contact, shutting her eyes as she felt me drag a nail over her harden peak.
"You're drivin' me crazy. You know that?-" Ellie says, letting out a low chuckle before weighing out her options.
"Only if I can feel you." Ellie says, negotiating with me as her hand hovered down my stomach, giving me goosebumps as her fingers trickled down the skin.
I nod enthusiastically, gripping the sheets beside my head tighter as I felt her hand palm my pussy, rolling the heel of her hand against my clit.
"Fuu- you're this wet already? I bet I can slip right in.." Her hand continued to grind against the thin fabric.
My back arches under her, swirling my hips against her hand.
"Mm- El... please." I moan, looking up at her with a pained expression. 
"Please, what? Use your words, baby." Ellie said smugly, toying with me as she removed her hand, causing me to cry out from the lack of friction.
"T-touch me. I wan' you in-inside." I stutter over my words, my body wringing beneath her.
"Atta girl."
Ellie lowered herself once again, kissing me deeply, sucking my bottom lip before biting it between her teeth.
I feel Ellie's hand roam my body, tugging and gripping at various parts before she sipped her hand underneath my underwear. Her fingers skimmed along my folds, my slick coating her fingers before she circled around my clit.
My nails dig into the back of her shoulders, breaking the skin but not enough to make her bleed as she picked up the pace on my clit.
My lower stomach clenched and tensed, the heat pilling between my legs and I craved more.
"Ellie- empty.. I need you to fill-"
I was cut off by Ellie's fingers plunging into me over and over again as her fingers curled against my cervix with each thrust. Ellie paused, but only partially as she yanked down my underwear before fucking into me once more.
"FUuu mm-" I cry out, but it was muffled by Ellie's free hand covering my mouth, her fingers digging into my cheeks.
"Shh baby... you have to be quiet." Ellie growled into my ear before kissing the corner of my eye. Tears began to spill down my face from the force of her hand slamming against my cunt. 
I nod as she removed her hand from my mouth, letting it fall to my throat as she gently squeezed it.
I bit the back of my hand, sinking my teeth into the skin as I held back my moans.
"Good girl... such a good girl-" Ellie cooed, placing the occasional sweet and delicate kisses on my face, which didn't line up with what she was doing to my aching core.
Wet sloshes filled the room along with my muted whines from behind Ellie's lips.
I felt a bubbling sensation rising inside me, my mind becoming fuzzy and blank. I felt like I had no control over my body, my limbs becoming stiff  as my eyes roll to the back of my head.
"Els- I'm gonna-" I barely mutter, breaking away from her kiss as my head falls back, pressing deep into the mattress beneath me.
"Cum fr' me, baby girl." Ellie encouraged, her fingers slipping deeper into my cunt with each blow.
I squeeze her bicep, sinking my nails into the freckled skin. Occasional moans that I try hold back escape my lips, no thanks to Ellie. My jaw hung open as I lift my head to watch her fingers disappear then reappear inside me. I couldn't take it anymore, my head rolls back, my eyes shoot to the back of my brain as my stomach tenses, my hips rising with her fingers that continue to fuck into me as she rode out my climax.
I lay on the bed as my cunt continued to throb, taking deep and uneven breaths to try to calm the tingling sensation I felt all throughout my body.
The springs of the mattress creak as Ellie lays down next to me.
"You okay?" Ellie asked, sounding scared like a little kid that got caught stealing candy.
I roll my head over to look at her, her eyes wide and bright that how I always remembered them.
"Yes. I'm more than okay."
I turn my body to face hers, brining my fingers up to tuck a stand of hair behind her ear.
We lay there in silence for what feels like an eternity and I would I've been okay with that. Our hands danced over the skin of our faces, memorizing every curve and line.
"I don't want you to go." I said weakly, almost crying just thinking about her departure.
Ellie cupped my hand that rested on her cheek with her own, rubbing small circles with her thumb to the back of it.
"I know-"
I felt my eyes begin to well and I quickly try to blink them away, but it just made it worse. Tears fall down my cheek and my nose as I softly sobbed.
"Hey- shh.. shhh. It's okay." Ellie soothed me, pulling me into her. I bury my face into her chest as she held me. Her hand soothed over my head, patting it softly as she raked through my hair with her fingers.
I sniffle, pulling away to look at her again.
"I'll be okay. It's just- hard without you here."
Ellie's heart was breaking as she watched you crumble beside her. Your usual carefree and happy self was just a mask that you wore, a mask to make everything seem good and normal when that was the opposite of your life.
Ellie didn't want to leave you just as much as you didn't want her to leave. She couldn't stand the thought of not being able to take care of you, see you everyday and to have you within reach at all times.
Ellie took a shaky breath, unsure if what she was about to say was out of bounds.
"I've been looking at apartments off campus-"
My eyes lit up at Ellie words, confused at first, but equally as excited to know where this was going.
"And if... you want to come live with me in Houston-"
I pounce on top of Ellie, cutting her off before she could finish her sentence.
"Yes! Of fuckin' course I want to live with you!"
My voice became loud and high pitched from my excitement, planting kisses over her forehead and cheeks before I bring my lips to hers, kissing her harder and longer than I intended.
"Okay, okay.. easy there." Ellie laughed, pushing me away to catch her breath.
"I promise I'll get a job and I'll cook and clean-"
Ellie brought her finger to my lips, silencing my rambles.
"Don't worry about that shit, okay? I'm gonna take care of you." Her hand cupped my face, soothing her thumb over my temple.
I fall into her chest, holding her tight, and she did the same. Tears fell from my eyes, not out of sadness from her leaving, but from the happiness that every bad thing that I've ever gone through was going to be that of the past, and now I have something good to look forward to.
"Shit!" I throw my head up, leaving her chest.
Ellie tilted her head, eyebrows raised in confusion from my sudden movements.
"I didn't get to touch you."
Ellie laughed from the genuine disappointment in my voice, pulling me back down to kiss me.
"Don't worry. There will be plenty of time for that."
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ruh--roh-raggy · 6 months
Home Sweet Home (William Afton x Wife! Reader) - Part 4
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Hello hello! Part 4 is finally here!! This is gunna be a long one folks. In this one Henry and Sarah show up with a gift for reader, her and Sarah have a girl's day out, followed by some horizontal mambo time with our dear William. I hope you enjoy! If you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know!
WARNINGS: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, MINORS DNI, 18 + CONTENT AHEAD, MDNI, smut marked with divider, body worship, lingerie, reader is a bit self conscious but it's very brief and non-descriptive as to why, pussy eating, p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampie, some real lovey dovey shit in this one, William rips your lingerie in half, some swearing, if I missed any please let me know!
You can find my Masterlist here!
Word Count: 7,354
Part 3 - Part 5
You wrapped William’s sweatshirt tightly around you as your bare feet padded out onto the porch. You can’t help but smile as you see a familiar head of curly black hair jump out of the driver's seat, Sarah Emily waving excitedly at you from the passenger seat. Your husband’s arm wraps around your shoulder. “You didn’t tell me you invited Henry over.” You tut, a smile pulling at the corners of your lips.
“I figured you and Sarah could use some girl time.” He chuckles before directing his attention across the yard where Henry was opening up the bed of his truck. “Plus, they’ve brought a surprise for you.” He gives you an excited, lopsided grin before he scoops you up in his arms. You let out a startled shriek that quickly faded into laughter as William spun you around with him. He carried you off the porch, your feet bouncing in the chilly afternoon air with every step. Sarah pushes open her door, scooting over so William can toss you into the cab, you giggled as you bounced on the worn seat. She pulls you into a tight hug.
“How are you sweetpea?” She asks as she squeezes all the air from your lungs. Both of you laugh as you hear your husbands already beginning to argue over whatever task they had joined forces to complete.
“Some things never change.” You roll your eyes, shaking your head as a playful smile spreads across your lips.
Sarah laughs in response before leaning closer to you. “So, I was thinking. You go get dressed, we go get our nails done, Henry already said he would stay and help Will here. And maybe, if you're feeling bad, we could swing by some stores and pick up a little… surprise, to show our husbands how much we appreciate their hard work.”
You point an accusatory finger at her, “what did he say to you?” Your eyes narrow as you wait for her confession.
“Nothing!” She exclaims. “You may be moving into your new house but this is the first vacation you and William have taken since your honeymoon! You deserve to relax and have some fun, you shouldn't be working your ass off the entire time.”
“Who says I'm not having fun? Last night was definitely fun, I can assure you of that.” She gasps at your implication, lightly slapping your arm in excitement.
“You have to tell me everything.” She nods in the direction of the door, you turn to find a smiling William, his arm resting on the top of the opening as he leaned into the cab.
“You two come up with a plan?” He grins at you.
“Yes, we have. But, first things first, you need to get this poor girl inside before she freezes.” Sarah orders, making you chuckle.
“Yes ma'am.” He groans, scooping you up in his arms before carrying you back to the house. “You look excited, you must be going to do something fun.”
“We're going to get our nails done.” You explain, immediately wrapping your arms around his middle and cuddling into his warmth as he sets you down on the porch. “Maybe I'll grab you something special while we’re out.” You hint with a wink. William stoops down, his warm breath against your cheek making you shiver slightly.
“The only thing I'd like is for you to be naked in this bed after I'm done building it.” Your eyes snap to him as you realized what he meant by the fact that Henry and Sarah had brought you a surprise.
“You already got a bed frame?” He nods in response, making you squeak in excitement. “Oh, honey, thank you.” He chuckles as he feels your arms tighten around him.
“It was no trouble bunny, I just want to see my girl happy.” He rests a hand on the top of your head, ruffling your hair slightly as you press a kiss to his chest.
“Gross, get a room!” You hear Henry bellow from his truck. William rolls his eyes in response to his friend's comment, one hand tangling in your hair as the other wraps around your waist. He pulls you to him, kissing you with a mind numbing intensity that nearly caused your knees to give out. As his lips separated from yours you felt utterly breathless and a little lightheaded, something you could tell William realized from the subtle smirk on his face. “Why don't you start giving Sarah the grand tour while I help Henry bring the bed inside?” He places one final chaste kiss to your lips before bounding back down the front steps.
Sarah gives you a knowing smile as she joins you on the porch. “The second he and I leave tonight William's going to be all over you, mark my words.” You chuckle as you motion for her to follow you inside. You paused in front of the window as the two of you ended up in your bedroom, both of you looking outside to the performance your husbands were putting on. Henry stood in the bed of his truck, his arms spread wide as the two of them argued back and forth. He made a broad motion to all of the parts of the bedframe and then began wildly gesturing to the house. William stood on the ground facing the much more excitable man, one hand on his hip and the other pushing up his glasses to massage the bridge of his nose. Both of William’s hands snap in front of him, making a motion that made you assume he had told Henry to stop talking. Sarah laughs from her position perched next to you.
“Do you think today might be the day they finally kill each other?” You ask with a brief glance over at her.
“I guess you never know, I'm surprised they made it this long.” She responds with a small shake of her head, a smile still laced across her features. In one fluid motion William hoists himself up into the back of the truck and, despite the smaller man’s obvious signs of protest, starts to maneuver the headboard out into the lawn.
“That dumbass is going to hurt himself.” You grumble as you throw the window open. “William Afton!” The argument that had ensued between the two men had come to a screeching halt the second your stern tone met their ears. “I know I'm not seeing you try to move that headboard all by yourself!” You could see him getting ready to protest, the sight of you crossing your arms over your chest getting ready to hear whatever clever comeback he had in store was enough for him to snap his mouth shut. “Let Henry help you so you don't throw out your back!” He gives you a hurried nod before you slide the window shut.
“You simply have to teach me how you do that.” Sarah states in awe. You and Sarah chatted idly while you got ready, changing into some more appropriate clothes than your ratty moving ensemble. William and Henry both wandered into your room just as you had finished freshening up.
William pauses, pointing between the two of you as he fishes around in his pocket. “Neither of you are to spend a dime on your nails, am I clear?” He hands his wallet over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and placing a kiss to your forehead in the process. “Have fun, I'll take care of things around here tonight so try to relax.”
“I will.” You smile, resting your hand on top of the one he had on your hip. “What color should I get my nails?”
“Whatever color you want, sweetheart. They're your nails, it doesn't matter what color I want.” He chuckles.
“Well it does,” you start confidently, “you're the one who's going to have my hand wrapped around your-” William claps a hand over your mouth, Sarah letting out an audible gasp, and Henry choking on air as you get cut off. Your husband's face was bright red as he stared down at you with wide eyes. He raised an eyebrow at you, the expression flashing across your features sending a shiver down your spine. You'd be paying for that later.
“Purple.” He responds bluntly. “Now, you dirty little thing you, go have fun.” His features soften as he smiles at you. You stand up on your toes, pressing a kiss to his lips and giving his hand a gentle squeeze before heading off with Sarah.
“I can't believe you! I've never seen William look so flustered!” She exclaims with a laugh.
“It was the truth!” You rebuttal. “I want it to be a color he likes if I'm going to be…” you make a vague gesture with your hands that Sarah interprets as a jacking off motion.
“We definitely need to go get you some lingerie that matches your nails. If William was ready to rip you apart before I can only imagine how riled up you've gotten him now.” She gives you a teasing grin.
“Oh, I'm in for it later, there's no doubt about that.” You respond with a flustered giggle.
While you and Sarah were out enjoying some downtime William’s task at the house was going anything but smoothly. “Henry, so help me god, if you scratch these walls I'm going to kill you.” He grunts, the two of them struggling to get the heavy mahogany slab up the stairs.
“You're acting like I'm trying to mess up your house. This thing's heavy, excuse me for struggling.” Henry huffs.
“You're getting soft in your old age Henry.” William chuckles gruffly.
“You're such an asshole.” The other man responds with a laugh. The two of them lean the headboard up against the wall, returning downstairs to grab the final pieces before taking a short break. “You know, I never thought I'd see the day William Afton settled down.” Henry beams. “Look at you, you've got the huge house, big yard, successful business, loving wife.” William offers him a shrug and a proud smile “And don't you try to hit me with the ‘it’s not much’ speech.”
“Well, I definitely wouldn't be here without you Henry, you've had my back since day one.” He chuckles. Henry tosses a bottle out of the 6 pack he brought to William, the glass cool against his palm.
“I think this has less to do with my support and more with that wonderful young woman you have on your arm.” Henry loved the way that William seemed to grow flustered at the mere mention of your name. His best friend, who had always been rough around the edges and a pessimist by nature, never had even considered the idea of falling in love before you.
“She's a special one, that's for sure.” He smiles broadly as he thinks about how adorable you'll look once you arrive home later. He had no doubt in his mind that you would bound up to him, allowing him the chance to scoop you up in his arms. His eyes drift over to the disassembled bed. “She's going to lose her mind when she sees this finished.”
“Do you remember how you used to sleep on a mattress you had shoved into the corner? I don't even think you had sheets on it most of the damn time.” Henry bellows out through a laugh.
“Let’s be honest, I was never home to begin with, so it's not like that mattered.” William hooks the edge of his ring under the bottle cap, cracking it open with ease before taking a long swig of it. “Things definitely changed when she came into my life.” The happiness and comfort that the thought of you alone brought William was unmistakable. He leaned against the wall, taking another sip of his beer as he absentmindedly twisted his wedding band around his finger with his thumb. He sucks in a deep breath before beginning to talk again. “I really love her, you know?” Henry nods, leaning in order to make himself comfortable. William didn't share his feelings often. But, when he did, especially when it was about you, he could go on for hours if the mood struck him. “Even something as simple as moving here… I'm excited because it's another step I get to take in my life with her by my side. There isn't a second from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep at night that I'm not thinking about how happy she makes me. I just… I don't know, I know I probably sound like a love struck fool-”
“No!” Henry rushes to reassure him, the crack of him struggling not to get emotional all too apparent in William's ears. “Goddammit Will, you don’t sound like a fool at all. Anyone who sees the two of you together can tell just how perfect you are together. Before she came into your life you never left your workshop. You would hardly eat or sleep. Whenever I managed to catch sight of you, you looked miserable. But then she showed up.” The pair exchange a small smile as they remembered just how much of a difference you had made. In the past, it was no secret that William was never the most approachable person. The employees at Freddy’s would go as far as to dare each other to try and sneak a glimpse of the elusive Mr. Afton down in parts and services. The day that William had unceremoniously knocked you out with a pizza tray, Henry had started to notice a definite change in his best friend.
Henry’s eyes shot up from the paperwork on his desk as William pushed into the room. “Please say you didn't give her any permanent damage.” The shorter male groans, leaning back in his too plush leather office chair.
“Nothing like that,” William hurriedly tries to brush off his worries. “But, I did want to check in with you. She seems fine, but I'd like to take her to the ER, make sure she doesn't have a concussion.” Henry’s eyes narrowed slightly as he listened to William’s phrasing.
“You want to take her to the ER?” He questions, trying to keep his tone as level as possible. If William got the inkling that Henry was even suggesting it was more than that he might clam up entirely.
“Unless you want to-”
“Oh, no I'm slammed here!” He exclaims with a chuckle. “Inventory, bills, you know how it goes.” He waves his hand as he prattles off an excuse. “Just make sure to tell her she has the rest of the week off with pay to give her some recovery time. And I’d appreciate it, since you're the one taking her to the hospital, that you make time to go check in on her.” He could see the look of confusion on William’s face. He could tell Henry was up to something, he just couldn't quite place his finger on what. William nods, his hand coming to rest on Henry’s office door as he prepares to shut it. “Oh, and Will?” He freezes as he waits for the continuation of Henry’s sentence. “Don't be nervous.”
“You were scared shitless! I could see it in your eyes!” Henry yells, pointing an accusatory finger at William.
“Can you blame me?” He shoots back with a laugh. “I had just whacked the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in the side of the head with a pizza tray, I can only imagine the rumors the rest of the employees told her before she even met me.” The two felt like a pair of giddy twenty-something year olds as they recounted the past. The two swapped stories back and forth as they sipped their beers. “Alright, let's get this thing done before they get home.” He laughs, grabbing Henry’s empty bottle and slotting it neatly back into the pack.
“He is going to love that color on you.” Sarah nudges your shoulder with hers as she looks over at your nails.
“Yeah? I hope so.” You beam, looking at the deep shade of purple you had decided on.
“You know what I think you need?” You hum in response to her question. “A nice new set of lingerie to match.”
“That would look gorgeous on you.” The nail tech chimes in.
“Wouldn't it?” Sarah responds excitedly. “So, once we finish up here, there's this little boutique in the center I'm going to take you to. We’re going to pick you out something nice and sexy to surprise Will with later, and then we’ll head back to check in on your surprise.” She says in a sing-song tone.
You stood by Sarah’s side, both of you looking through the racks of delicate lace and soft satin. “What about something like this?” She holds it up to your body. You could tell just from looking at the complicated pattern of straps that it would be a nightmare to put on. You scrunch up your nose slightly, shaking your head.
“Too complicated. I want something easy to put on and easy for William to take off.” You both giggle as she sticks the hanger back on the rack.
“Don't try and pretend that he's not going to shred whatever lingerie we pick out to pieces with his teeth.” Your face flushed at her statement.
“That was one time.” You mutter in response. She snorts out a laugh.
“ I remember when you told me about that, the look on your face.” She dissolves into another fit of laughter.
“I knew he was strong, but holy shit.” You state through your own nervous chuckle. “He's an animal.” You loved getting to spend time like this with Sarah. You two had met a little while after you and William had started seeing each other, Henry insisting on double dates in order to get to know his closest friend's girl, you and Sarah hit it off immediately.
“How was the first night in the house? Did you christen the bedroom?” She gives me a devious smirk.
“The living room, actually.” She gives you a shocked look. “He brought the mattress down so we could eat pizza in the living room, one thing led to another…” You trail off, turning your attention back to the rack.
“Both of you just can't keep your hands off each other, can you?” She asks in a teasing tone. “We have to find something perfect!” She squeals as she grabs your arm, the two of you continuing your shopping. Sarah fussed over every small detail of what each of you picked up, ensuring that you were leaving with something that made you feel like a goddess. You broke into a bright smile at the sight of William standing in the porch, waiting for you as the truck rumbled up the gravel driveway. You hurried out of the cab, your shopping bag smacking against your thigh as you bounded up the steps and into your husband's waiting arms.
“There's my girl.” He wraps you up in a tight embrace. “How was it?” He takes a knee, nodding and listening attentively to you ramble about your afternoon, a soft smile on his lips. He asked to see your nails, you held out your hand to him. “Very beautiful rabbit, I love the color.” He beams before pressing his lips to the back of your hand. You let out a small squeak as he trails kisses up your arm and over your neck before finally landing on your lips. He went to peek inside of the bag you carried, you lightly slap his hand away.
“That is for later.” You chastise waving a finger at him.
He laughs at your seriousness, “fine.” He keeps an arm wrapped around your waist as you walk inside, Sarah fussing over Henry who was complaining about jamming his hand. “You ready to go see your surprise, sweetheart?” His hand gives the pudge of your hip a small squeeze before he lets you go to run off up the stairs. You hear his heavy footfalls boom behind you, letting out a small scream as you catch the sight of your husband chasing you up the stairs. You scramble down the hall in a fit of giggles, William not far behind. Just before your fingers could wrap around the doorknob and arm slid around your waist. Your feet are lifted from the floor with ease as William pulls you into him, your body falling limp as you hang from his arm in a futile attempt to have him let you go. “Well, I killed her, guess she won't see the room after all.” He jokes letting out a sigh. You can't help but giggle in response. William pretends to be confused by the fact you were able to make any sound at all, dropping his head lower to listen for any signs of life. “My god, she's still breathing.” As he keeps up the bit it causes your resolve to crumble. You break out into a fit of laughter, one your husband joins in on as he carefully sets you on your feet. “Go on bunny, I want to see what you think.” He prompts with a nod at the door. You slowly push into the room, curious eyes scanning your surroundings. You step into your bedroom, allowing your eyes to fall on the bed.
“Will…” A smile spreads across your face as tears well up in your eyes. Your husband's warm hand slips into yours as you look at the sight before you.
“You did say you've always wanted a canopy bed.” You took a hesitant step closer to it, feeling as if it was too good to be true, like if you got too close it would dissolve away in front of your eyes. William had taken the liberty of wrapping some Christmas lights he had found while unpacking around the top of the frame, the small white bulbs twinkling in the otherwise dark room.
“How did you… Where-”
“You'll have to thank Henry and Sarah for that.” You caught the sight of the two of them peeking in from outside the doorway.
“You guys got us this?” You asked, trying to keep your voice steady, not wanting to cry in front of your friends.
“Our neighbors were getting rid of it.” Sarah starts to explain.
“William wouldn't shut up about how hard it was trying to find a frame for a canopy bed.” Henry continues with a chuckle. “I have a truck-”
“-and two able bodies.” Sarah wraps an arm around her husband's waist, the two of them sharing a proud look.
“We’d be assholes if we didn't bring it over here to be honest.” You hug both of them, teary eyed and emotional over the fact that you had such amazing friends. You wipe at your eyes with the heels of your hands, cursing under your breath.
“Well, there has to be something I can do to repay you. You guys went through so much trouble just for this, I'm not letting you get off the hook that easily.”
“How about you make us dinner some night and we’ll call it even.” Henry chuckles.
“I think I can manage that.” You respond with a laugh of your own. Henry and Sarah stuck around for a bit longer, helping you unpack a few more boxes while the four of you had a couple drinks and reminisced about the past.
“You still have this?” Henry exclaims as you hand him the photo.
William chuckles and nods, “she has a box where she keeps all the mementos she saved from our relationship, we opened it yesterday.” Henry and Sarah held the picture between them, pointing out old employees of Freddy’s they remembered and looking at your much younger, smiling faces.
“Will you look miserable!” Sarah laughs.
“Good ol’ Wiffle Bat Willy!” Henry bellows, causing your husband to groan and roll his eyes.
“It's been almost ten years! Can't we move past it? I hit one kid by accident with a bat, one, and I still can't escape the nickname?” You break out into a fit of laughter at your husband's annoyed state.
“I'm afraid you've earned the nickname, you'll probably die with it, my friend.” Henry chuckles as he finishes off his drink. “We should probably start heading out, let you two enjoy the new bed.” He groans as he stands up from the couch.
“Thanks, we’ll try not to break it on the first night.” William responds casually.
“Are you alright? Are you sick?” Henry goes to feel William’s temperature only to get his hand slapped away. “Since when do you make sex jokes?” He exclaims, throwing his hands out to the side. “You're a bad influence young lady, I know it.” The playful glint in Henry’s eyes makes you giggle, attempting to hide your flustered appearance.
“Guilty as charged.” You raise your hands in defeat. Sarah grabs Henry by the arm, whispering something in his ear that had his jovial smile turn into a smirk, his eyes briefly flashing between the two of you.
“You kids have fun. Will, remember, you can swing by Freddy’s to get her a pizza. But, so help me, if I see you trying to sneak back into parts and services-” William rolls his eyes before Henry even has a chance to finish. He stands up, grabbing their coats for them. Henry continues to ramble as he pulls you into a tight hug, your husband making small affirming sounds in an attempt to appear like he was listening.
“Let me know how he likes the lingerie.” Sarah whispers in your ear as she hugs you goodbye.
“With how he is right now, it’ll probably be in pieces on the floor within the next hour but I'll fill you in.” You both laugh before Sarah links her arm through Henry’s.
“This is supposed to be a vacation, I know the two of you are moving but, my word William, when was the last time you took a break?” Sarah keeps gently tugging him closer to the door, William’s larger form and unstoppable stride assisting her. “You should be taking your wife on a… on a cruise or something, I don't know! Not spending all night working on-” the pair finally managed to get him out onto the porch. You wondered how he seemed to be able to keep going despite the fact you never noticed him take a breath, the thought made you chuckle under your breath.
“Henry!” William barks suddenly causing the shorter man to immediately clam up. “Not that I don't enjoy us rehashing the fact that you think I work too much for the millionth time, believe me it's the best part of my week.” You saw Sarah struggling to fight off a grin at William’s sarcastic tone. “But, I'm going to go have sex with my wife now, so…” He trails off with a nod before swinging the door shut in Henry’s face.
“I told you she was a bad influence!” You both laugh as you hear Henry continue to yell outside before his voice quickly dissolves into laughter at a comment Sarah must have made. You hear the engines purr slowly fade away as the two of them pull out of the driveway. The moment they were gone William’s gaze grew hungry. He saunters up to you, your heart hammering wildly in your chest as his towering form approaches you. He takes your chin between his fingers, tilting your head so you are looking straight into his steely gray eyes. “I’m going to go make the bed. I want you to go put on that little surprise you brought home, when you're done getting ready and you feel nice and pretty you come join me, okay bunny?” You nod slowly, your wide, excited eyes making William chuckle. “Words rabbit.” He coos.
“Okay.” He lets you go, patting your butt as he walks past you, making you giggle. You grabbed the lingerie bag that you had stuck in the kitchen for the time being. You pad up the stairs, William smiling at you as you slip into the bathroom. You tie up your hair, pulling out your makeup bag from one of the vanity drawers, feeling the need to really doll yourself up in order to see how worked up William could get. You took your time getting ready, knowing the anticipation would turn both of you on even more. Your reflection stared back at you, doe eyed and blushing as you dabbed the slightest amount of lipgloss against your perfectly pink, pouty lips. You pulled the lingerie set out of the bag, carefully picking at the sticker that held the pastel pink tissue paper closed so you wouldn't ruin it. You ran a finger over the bustier’s rigid boning, smiling softly at the way your husband's favorite color contrasted nicely against your skin. You managed to get yourself looking exactly how you wanted, taking one last look at yourself in the mirror as you tugged the lace of your panties up a little higher, making sure they sat in a way that accentuated your hips. You slowly turned the handle to open the bathroom door, the steady thrumming of your heart loud in your ears as you heard the soft click of the latch coming undone. You peeked around the edge of the door, your husband lounging in bed with an arm behind his head, you swallowed thickly at the sight of his shirtless, muscular form reclined against the pillows. His glasses rested low on his nose as he read, waiting patiently for you to finish getting ready. “Will?” Your soft, nervous voice floats through the room. Your husband's gaze sliding in your direction as he snaps his book shut.
“What's the matter bunny? I can't see how pretty you look if you're hiding.” He smiles, his legs swinging over the side of the bed in order for him to sit up and face you, giving you his undivided attention.
“I feel kind of silly.” You admit as a blush creeps across your cheeks. Despite the fact that William was always telling you how beautiful you were there was always a small, nagging doubt in the back of your mind.
“Honey,” the gentleness in his tone snaps you from your thoughts. “You know you’re my beautiful girl, right?” You nod softly. “If you feel silly we can always stop, but is it alright if I see what you picked out?” He slowly stands, waiting for your permission before stepping any closer. He stood a few steps in front of you, holding out his hand in an attempt to help lessen your nerves. Your fingers slide against his palm, the familiarity of his warm, calloused skin, bringing a soft smile to your face. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze as you slowly step out into your bedroom. William’s eyes widen slightly as his gaze rakes over your smaller form. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.
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“Do you like it?” You ask nervously, the intensity of his eyes on you making you feel exposed and vulnerable.
“Like it?” Bunny, I love it.” Your eyes snap to his, the hunger returning to him as he drank in the sight of you. His hand cups your cheek as he presses into you, capturing your lips in a mind numbing kiss. You stumbled backwards, the only thing keeping you upright was the arm William had slipped around your back. “You look absolutely stunning everytime I lay eyes on you, I still can't even begin to understand how I ended up being lucky enough to make you all mine.” He growls seductively, his lips barely out of reach. You let out a squeak as he scoops you from the floor, his lips finding yours once again as he carries you over to your bed. He hovers over you for a moment, breathless as the two of you separated. “I think someone needs to be reminded how gorgeous they are.” His fingers trail down your cheek before tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “I want tonight to be all about my pretty little wife.” He gives you a sharp smile that makes your stomach flutter with anticipation. His large hands press firmly into your sides, memorizing every curve and angle of your body as he makes a show of lowering himself to his knees at the edge of the bed. “Lay back and relax sweetheart.” He winks at you, reaching up to give your hand one final squeeze before he sets to work. You let out a soft, pleased whine as he presses his thumb into the pad of your foot, his lips trailing gentle kisses from your ankle up your leg. If there was one thing you knew about your husband it was just how meticulous he was, not a single spot of your body was left unattended. The room quickly filled with the sounds of your soft gasps and moans as William marked you up. The feeling of his sharp teeth against your sensitive skin, the dark purple love bites that littered your thighs. He was a master at pushing out any negative thoughts you had, drunk off his touch alone.
He runs his hands over the curve of your waist, hot open mouthed kisses being placed along the hem of your panties. You mewled from the sensation, your fingers sliding into his salt and pepper hair. William pauses with a soft hum; your chest already softly heaving as you struggle to keep your breathing under control, your cheeks flushed, your pupils slightly blown as they meet his, he would never get tired of seeing you like this. “So pretty, all for me.” He raised his hand, running his fingers over the delicate lace that adorned your body. “You even found something in my favorite color, hm?” He gives you a small teasing smile. He rests his cheek against the inside of your thigh, nuzzling his scruffy face against your soft skin. “What did I do to deserve you?”
“What do you mean?” You lovingly stroke his hair, eyes never leaving his. “You're the perfect husband, I'm lucky you’re mine.” You place your fingers under his chin, pressing against him in a way that silently asks him to come up to you. You cup his cheek, thumb rubbing languidly over his warm skin.
“You deserve to have the ground you walk on worshiped.” He whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “Someone who loves you unconditionally, someone who would kill for you if you asked… I plan to deliver on all of those things.” A shiver ran up your spine under your husband's intense gaze, a tone of absolute, unwavering devotion to you in his words. Your fingers slide into his hair, pulling his lips back to yours, a breathy ‘I love you’ falling from your lips before you kiss him. He wraps an arm around your waist, guiding you into his lap. His fingers ghost over your sides, making goosebumps rise on your skin. “You look very pretty in this bunny, but I would like to take it off if that's okay.” His voice was low and gravelly as it met your ears, the growing bulge in his pants pressing into your core in a way that made you whimper with need.
“Please,” you whine, “I want you to touch me William.” Your permission seemed to be all that was holding him back. A growl bubbles up in his throat, his fingers dipping into the thin bustier. He grabs tightly onto the cups of the bustier, pulling them in opposite directions. His biceps flexed under the strain, your eyes widened as you heard the fabric of your lingerie start to rip. You looked down, watching the threads pop apart as one long line split the bustier in two, your breasts bouncing slightly as the support was removed and tossed haphazardly across the room. William curses under his breath, his gaze hungry as his hands massage your sensitive mounds. You bite your lip in an attempt to keep yourself quiet.
“Let me hear those sweet sounds, bunny, don't be shy.” He prompts with a smile. His head dips lower, his lips wrapping around your perky nipple as he rolls the other between his fingers. A broken moan cracks from your throat, one hand tangling in his hair, the other pressing into his thigh as you lean back slightly to give him easier access to your chest. He swirled his tongue around the sensitive bud, his free hand squeezing your waist as he held you in place. He releases you with a wet pop, your skin hot to the touch as your husband meticulously warms you up. He adds a myriad of hickies across the expanse of your chest, your breasts, your collarbones, and up your neck, ensuring that anyone who looked at you would automatically know that you belonged to him and no one else. He lays you back carefully onto the bed, kissing down your stomach as he eases your panties down your legs. His large hands wrap around the inside of your thighs, spreading them apart as he places the ghost of a kiss to your aching clit. He runs a finger over your entrance, humming at how wet you already were. He eases a finger inside of you, making you gasp which quickly turns into a moan as his tongue flicks over the sensitive bundle of nerves. He groans as the taste of you coats his tongue, his beard tickling your skin as he loses himself between your legs. Your thighs clamped around his head, tugging at his hair as you grind your hips against his face. He slides another finger inside of you, your back arching off the bed at the delicious stretch. William traces a complicated pattern of shapes with his tongue, you could feel the coil in your core starting to tighten as he coaxed you to your first climax. You scream his name as his fingers curl inside of you, hitting a spot that made you see stars as he mercilessly assaulted it. He hums against you, satisfied with how you allowed him the chance to make you fall apart on his tongue, the vibrations making you whine as you fought a losing battle to hold off your orgasm just a little longer. A fleeting worry about crushing William’s head between your thighs was quickly shoved aside as your climax crashed through you. You pushed yourself against him, crying out as your whole body shook with pure ecstasy. He pulls off of you with a sharp gasp, finally allowing a full breath of air to fill his lungs. The lower half of his face was entirely coated in your arousal, making his beard as cheeks shine in the room's dull light. His eyes now black, his pupils blown with lust as he stared back at you hungrily. His movements tantalizingly slow as he crawls up your body, his forearms caging you on either side of your head as his massive form traps you beneath him. “I need you.” He admits in a low growl. He nuzzles his face against your neck, breathing in your sweet scent. “Please let me have you, bunny.”
“I'm all yours.” You smile your response, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. Despite how desperately he wanted to grab you and plow you into the mattress William always exercised the utmost control, he knew how easily he could hurt you if he went too quickly. He presses soft kisses to your throat, you let out a hum of anticipation as you feel his tip prod at your entrance. You let out a high pitched whine as he pushes into you, your hands grabbing tightly onto his shoulders as you adjust to his massive size.
“That's it sweetheart,” he coos softly, “just relax. I've got you.” He brushes his thumb over your cheek, his eyes scanning over your features for any sign of discomfort as he settles himself hilt deep inside of you.
“Fuck, Will.” Your voice cracks, the fullness of him stretching you so completely making your eyes roll back in your head.
“Such a pretty bunny, taking me so well.” His lips trail along your jaw, making your shiver. “How are you feeling, sweet girl?”
“G-good.” You stutter out. “Really good.” You claw at his back as he rocks into you, a guttural groan escaping your throat as your second climax quickly welled up inside of you. “Fuck, I'm gonna…” you're cut off by another high pitched moan escaping you as William’s hips snap into you.
“You're gonna what, rabbit?” He smiles down at you. “Are you going to finish bunny? Is my pretty little wife going to cum all over my cock?” His hand dips in between your legs, rubbing tight circles on your clit. You cry out his name, your legs thrashing wildly as you try to push away from him, his much larger body keeping you pinned perfectly in place. “So good for me.” He groans next to your ear. “You feel so good bunny, fuck.” His large hands wrap under your thighs, pushing them up to your chest and allowing him to press impossibly deeper inside of you. His fingers dig into your supple flesh with bruising force as he continues to pound into you, a growl escaping his throat as he chases his own climax. “You think you got one more in you, bunny?” He can't help but chuckle at your fucked out expression, your tiny frame barely holding onto consciousness. The way he had you pressed into this position, filling you so completely, hitting the deepest part of you, it snapped something in your mind. You babbled out incoherent nonsense. William’s voice sounded like it was underwater, muffled and far off. Strings of praises tumbled from his lips like a prayer as he fucked into you at a merciless pace.
“Please…” you sob. “Want you to cum in me.” He lets out an animalistic snarl as he slams you down on his cock.
“I'm gonna fill you up so good bunny.” His voice was gruff in your ear. “Such a good girl.” Your mind grew hazy as you felt yourself on the brink of cumming again. You could tell that William was close, his thrusts losing their steady rhythm. He groans softly, his hips stuttering slightly. He curses under his breath as he finishes, the feeling of his hot ropes of cum coating your walls enough to push you over the edge. He collapsed against you, a shudder running through his body as your cunt clenched around him. He gives you a few more gentle thrusts, hissing at the overstimulation before he pulls out of you.
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You laugh as he lets his full body weight lay on top of you, lips fluttering over your neck. “That was some really pretty lingerie you picked out.” He chuckles, his voice raspy as sleep quickly threatens to take over.
“It's a shame you ripped it in half.” You tease.
“I'll buy you a new one, bunny.” He smiles, pressing a kiss to your cheek. Neither of you were able to move, both of your minds foggy as you came down from your highs, absolutely exhausted. William rolls off of you before pulling you into his chest. You let out a soft hum as you nuzzle against him, his warm, rough hands massaging over your waist.
“Yes rabbit?” The room was incredibly still, the only sounds breaking up the silence in between your hushed conversation was the subtle creaking of the trees in the wind.
“I'm so happy we’re married.” You yawn. William beams down at you, his wife, his everything.
“I am too, sweetheart.” The last thing you feel is the warmth of his lips as they press against your forehead.
Tag List: @yellowbunnydreams @zoey5252 @redflowery @weirdoartist21 @loudchaosking @residentevilbeast
236 notes · View notes
yexthiccxa · 8 months
The Angel With Horns Pt. 2
summary: the man you despise, satoru gojo is unfortunately your mentor at jujutsu high. he agreed to help you get with your childhood crush, suguru geto, but things have taken a bit of a turn after that last "mentoring" session
this is a continuation of part 1, but if you don't care about plot, feel free to read this as a one shot (:
wordcount: 9.7k 🙃 (i guess i just get carried away. this is also 4 chapters btw)
c/w: gojo/fem!reader, geto/fem!reader, gojo/oc, geto/oc, modern!au, teacher!au, smut, fluff & smut, some plot, plot what plot, rough!sex, flashbacks, asshole!gojo, flirty!gojo, cocky!gojo, soft!geto, rough!geto, cousin!shoko, mutual pining, confessing, teasing, flirting, playful banter, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, sensual tension, sexual tension, pet names, degradation, fingering, f!masturbation, oral, fantasizing, choking, light gagging, multiple orgasms, inappropriate use of cursed energy, inappropriate use of cursed techniques
a/n: hiii thanks for the love on pt. 1! again this is my first fic so feedback is very much appreciated! will be working on part 3(some) ;)
Read Part 1 Here!
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✦✧✸✧✦ 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT ✦✧✸✧✦
Chapter 5: Regret
I’m alone with my thoughts, trying to stop the embarrassment from consuming me. I look out the windows before peeking down the hallway—no sign of Satoru anywhere. I realize I’m searching for someone who doesn’t want to be seen.
The intimacy I shared with Sugu—I mean, Satoru, has me conflicted. My mind thinks one thing, but my body feels the other, ultimately bringing me right back where I started. But this time around, my thoughts are coherent enough to take over.
If there’s anyone who would leave without saying goodbye, it’s Satoru. If there’s anyone who would be an absolute tease, it’s Satoru. If there’s anyone who would fuck now and not give a shit later, it’s Satoru. After all this time we spent together, I thought things would change. But now it’s crystal clear: Satoru Gojo will never change.
“Satoru is so annoying,” Shoko grumbled as she barged into my room.
“What’d he do this time?” I asked. With graduation around the corner, all I could think about was passing my exams.
“I asked him out, but he shot me down. He told me it’s because he likes someone else,” Shoko revealed. 
To keep our conversation short, I replied with, “Yeah that sucks I guess, but I’m sure you’re better off just being friends.”
Shoko plopped herself onto my bed, lacing her fingers behind her head while she stared at the ceiling. “Honestly, that’s totally fine—but that’s not the annoying part,” she started. “The annoying part is that he won’t tell me who. He talks about all the girls he hooks up with, but now he wants to keep it a secret? I just don’t get Satoru.”
I let out a sigh, “Maybe he’s just messing with you the same way he does with me. After all, Satoru is such a dick.”
I spend the evening doing chores in hopes of forgetting what happened earlier this afternoon. If Satoru is going to be like this, the best thing I can do is to leave the past in the past. With my mentorship being over, I have no reason to even think about him anymore. All I need to do now is stick to the plan and keep my energy focused on Suguru.
Oh, right. Suguru. As the image of him forms in my mind, I’m reminded of our date. I’ve been so caught up with Satoru, I realized that I’m nowhere near prepared for tomorrow.
He said to meet at his place, but are we staying there? Or just meeting, then going out? Should I dress up? Or down? Heels, boots, or sneakers? My internal debate goes on for far too long before I finally decide to give him a call. 
The phone rings and I’m greeted with his signature velvety tone. “Did you miss the sound of my voice?” Suguru asks.
I’m immediately paralyzed, unsure of how to reply.
He lets out a little chuckle, “I’m just kidding. What’s up?”
“Ha. ha. Very funny.” I begin to ease up but butterflies still linger in my core. “I actually just wanted to ask what we’re doing tomorrow. I’m trying to figure out what to wear.”
Suguru pauses for a moment, “I don’t want to give away all the surprises, but let’s keep it simple and say dinner. I can’t tell you where, but just wear whatever makes you feel good.”
A surprise? My body tenses in excitement. “Okay, fine. I can work with this. Thank you! I’ll talk to you later!”
“No problem, see you tomorrow,” He replies.
Before I can hang up, Suguru calls for me one last time. When he gets my attention, he finally says, “I’m really excited for our date. I can’t wait to see you.”
“Me too.” I hang up the phone, and I can’t seem to wipe the grin off my face. I’m finally going on a real date with Suguru.
The next day arrives and at 7pm, I find myself standing in front of Suguru’s door. I’m fixing the dress that I picked out the night before. It’s a black velvet mini dress with sheer cuffed sleeves. The sweetheart neck accentuates my chest, while the fitted flare skirt hugs my curves—the perfect blend of cozy, but classy. My nerves increase after the first knock, but it washes away when the door opens and I see Suguru’s face. 
Although the door is only halfway open, his physical presence still commands the space. His smile is pure and his eyes gaze at me with sincerity. “Please come in,” he says.
When I walk inside to take off my shoes, he closes the door and his footsteps echo towards me. I feel his hand cup the small of my back and a shock jolts through my body. His fingers brush against the zipper of my dress. As he slowly leans down to my ear, he whispers, “You look beautiful tonight.” The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and my heart begins to melt.
“Aww, thank you. You’re looking quite handsome yourself,” I reply, smiling in adoration. 
I take a moment to look around the apartment and my eyes widen. Flower petals line the hallway floor, leading me to the living space. The space is larger than I would expect for a Tokyo apartment. Across the room, windows stretch from the floor to the ceiling, making it feel ten times bigger. The lighting is soft, but the glow from the lamps warm up the space.
My eyes continue to wander until they finally land on his dining room table. Though the table is set for two, it’s completely filled with several plates of food. I see perfectly formed pieces of nigiri, various bowls of soup, an array of grilled fish and meats, and bowls of rice neatly placed on the side. 
“Oh my god, Suguru…did you make all of this?” I ask in disbelief.
He nods, curling his mouth into a smile.
“Do you do this for all your dates?” I challenge, raising my brow.
“Nope, just for you.” He makes his way towards the table. “Since you recently moved back, I wanted to make it feel like home.”
I can feel my jaw drop. I try to speak but nothing comes out. “I—I don’t even know where to start,” I finally reply.
He pulls out a seat and offers his hand to me, “You can start by eating.”
It takes everything I have to resist eating everything in one bite, but the taste is so delicious. Each bite is a burst of flavor that sends me to the moon. Even if our date ended here, I would easily be satisfied. When we finish up our meal, I help him pack the leftovers and clean up.
As we’re washing dishes together, I turn to him. “Suguru, thank you for cooking. You’ve always taken such good care of me. I really don’t deserve you.”
He pauses to turn off the water and wipe his hands. I watch him move towards me to cradle my face while his fingers trace the edge of my jawline. “I told you once before and I’ll tell you again, I like taking care of you. Always have, always will.”
We gaze into each other’s eyes, and for a moment, time stands completely still. I gently place my hands on his chest. His heart beats fast, like it’s trying to challenge my own. Is he just as nervous as I am? As I slowly grasp the wrinkles of his shirt, his pulse quickens and his breath becomes shallow. When I see his smile begin to form, I close my eyes and pull him down to meet my lips.
Suguru’s mouth molds into mine and it’s everything I could’ve ever imagined. I love how his lips are soft and his grasp is warm, nothing in this world can compare. As he guides me to the sink, my back arches and I can feel myself getting engulfed into his body. It’s covering me with comfort and protection. I’ve imagined this moment many times and it’s absolute perfectio—he pulls away.
Suguru walks towards the dining room and he mutters something with his head in his hands.
I follow him, tugging at his sleeve. “Hey, is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?”
He finds his way to the couch muttering, “No, no. It’s not you.” After a moment of thought, he continues, ”Sorry, I just thought I could do this but I’m scared of what might happen to us. I don’t want to hurt you, and I definitely don’t want to lose you again.”
I take a seat next to him, placing one hand on his shoulder, and the other over his knee. “Hurt me? Lose me? Again? Suguru, what are you talking about?”
He brushes my arm, hesitant for what comes next. The room is quiet and I can almost hear his heartbeat with mine. “During your last summer here,” he starts. He takes in a breath and slowly lets his words tumble out. “I was talking to Satoru for you—basically telling him to lighten up on the jokes and all that. He seemed to  take it well, but I remember him saying, ‘Fine. But she’s leaving soon anyways so it doesn’t really matter.’ I wasn’t sure what he meant at first, but he ended up telling me that he overheard you talking to Shoko… about moving away.”
My heart drops as memories of that day slowly piece back together…
“Are you really going to leave?” Shoko asked.
I gave an apologetic nod. “It’ll be good for me to get out there, you know? I’d travel the world, learn from other teachers, see if there are bigger and better things out there for me.” I let out a sigh. “I feel like there’s not much here for me anymore.”
“I get it. Well, just know that I’ll miss you. I’m sure the guys will too,” Shoko said as she gave me a hug.
I laughed, “Doubt it.”
I return to the moment and look at Suguru. When he sees tears forming in my eyes, he wipes them away. His hand tightens around mine before he says, “I didn’t think that was true until you told me yourself. It hurt me so much inside but, who was I to stop you from finding yourself or seeing the world? You deserved to do all the things you wanted to do.”
But all I wanted was you. Are you saying you wanted me too? Droplets trickle down my face, but I keep my eyes locked onto his—taking in every single word.
“After you left, I was a mess. I stopped training, so my cursed energy weakened. Then during one of our missions, I fucked up and part of my soul merge with a cursed spirit. When it took over my body, it was strong. It’s a long story, but the main point is— I’m scared to get too close. I don’t think it’s safe.”
I bring myself in closer, moving my hand to his face. “But Suguru, I always feel safe when I’m with you. It’s always been like that, even now…especially now.”
“Yeah, but that’s because I’ve trained myself to control it. When I lose my senses, it slips out, and when it slips out…it isn’t pretty—it just doesn’t feel like me. Even though I’m still the same person physically, everything else becomes more intense. The rage, the aggression, all the things in between.”
He pauses, placing his hand around my cheek. “I like you, a lot. But if I ever let anything happen to you…or worse, if I let myself do anything to hurt you, I don’t know what I would do.”
My heart is pounding, my mind goes blank. The world goes silent as his voice becomes an echo. Is this…real? I open my mouth to let my words out, but nothing. I eventually muster up the strength to ask a question, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was going to, but when you said that you didn’t have anything left here… well, I thought that also meant me. I never wanted to be the one to hold you back.” He retracts and his face becomes resigned.
Before he can pull away, I bring my face to his. “Suguru, I’ve liked you for a very long time. And I appreciate you for letting me live my life, but I promise you—I’m ready for this. For you. For all of you.”
His face softens and shows a smile of relief. “All I want to do is take care of you,” he starts. I can feel his hands tremble. “But I’m scared of the person I’ll become.”
“Suguru…” I lift myself up, slowly climbing over to straddle him. His frame is large, but I still feel myself fit comfortably around him. As I settle myself onto his lap, I feel his bulge pulse against my center. The tension in the air grows as I move myself closer. I let my mouth linger inches away from his and whisper. “I trust you.”
He stops momentarily, savoring every last word that fell from my mouth. His eyes ignite and I can feel fire coursing through his soul. In one second, I feel his breath and in the next, I feel his mouth. He plants a kiss onto my lips, letting his hands roam around me.
Unlike before, this kiss is searing with passion. One hand grabs my hair while the other grabs my ass, and he lays me on the couch until his body is covering me. He pulls away for just a moment before he growls, “Then let me feel you, beautiful.”
Chapter 6: Rough
Something in the room has changed, as though the air has warmed up around us. Traces of Suguru’s cursed energy illuminate the room, forming a blue haze that floats above us. I let out a breath of awe—everything in this moment feels like a dream.
My attention floats back to Suguru as his kisses effortlessly consume me. It’s like he knows all the spots that make me tremble. As he kisses his way down my neck, his hands move to the contours of my curves. When he gets to my chest, he uses his fingers to pull down the neckline of my dress. My heart beats out of me as I’m completely exposed.
He stares for a moment, slowly cupping his hand around my breast. His tongue works my nipple, while my hands grab his hair. The tie on his bun slips and I feel his locks gently fall. The Suguru I’ve known has always been proper—pristine, but the way he looks right now makes him absolutely primal.
As his lips are tugging on me, I feel his hand slip between my thighs. They’re large and overpowering, but they feel so soft as they dance against my skin. There’s no doubt in my mind that his touch is absolutely perfect. His tugs turn into nibbles and a surge of liquid gushes between my legs. As my back arches with pleasure, he pulls off my panties and gently caresses my folds. Suguru brings himself up to kiss me and purrs, “Baby girl, you are soaking wet.”
He continues to treat my breasts with care and I can feel him rub the edges of my slit. I relax myself back into the couch and let the rhythmic passes of his fingers take me—teasing me with every stroke.
“Please Suguru,” I breathe. My voice is needy, unsteady.
He picks up his head while the edge of his mouth curls to the side. Easing his fingers into me, he rumbles, “Anything for you, my love.”
His fingers barely enter me, but the sheer size of them is enough to make me whimper. The thoughts in my head no longer exist. It’s just me, him, and the rush of desire flowing through me. As he glides them back and forth I can feel my juices slip out. My walls contract and pleasure grows between my thighs.
He slides in nice and slow, feeling every inch of the warmth inside of me. The ridges of his fingers press against me, massaging every crevice he can find. Oh how I wish this would never stop.
“Do you like when I touch your pussy like this?” Suguru asks. His voice is sultry and slow.
I can’t find the words so all I do is nod.
He slows down to give me a kiss before his smirk grows into a full on smile. He slides down the couch until he’s near my entrance. “Spread your legs and I can make you feel so much better.”
Whenever he speaks, goosebumps travel across my skin.
He lowers his head and drags his tongue across my slit. It’s wet and warm, emulating the essence of the cream between my legs. His mouth moves all over my center and I can feel myself pulsate against him. He sucks me, licks me, completely consumes me, and all I can do is yell his name. I lock my fingers onto his hair every time he makes me moan.
“You taste so good.” The vibration of his words travel through my walls.
Just like his kisses, his mouth is rough and needy, wanting to taste every bit of me. He swallows every bit of liquid that oozes out and I can tell his mouth is drenched because of me.
As he continues devouring me with his tongue, I feel the length of his fingers tease my entrance. He slides them into me and my moans begin to amplify. My back arches further and the tension continues to build.
His tongue and his fingers move perfectly in sync, I can’t take it. It’s wet, sloppy, and the drumming around my clit leaves me enchanted. I can feel myself reaching my limit.
“Don’t stop,” I pant. My moans become louder and I can feel the tingles creep into my core. “I— I’m gonna come.” 
His pace remains steady, but that doesn’t stop the pleasure from climbing. He doesn’t pick up his head to speak, but the way he drives into me lets me know he’s saying, “Come for me.”
The thought leaves me in absolute heat. I let out one last moan and I feel the orgasm flow through my body. Waves of ecstasy slam against every end of my body. For a moment, I stay still, taking deep breaths and feeling every tingle leave my body. The clouds of Suguru’s cursed energy are still floating around us and I remember that this time, it’s not actually a dream.
I keep my eyes locked on Suguru as he climbs off of the couch. His hair is disheveled and his shirt is wrinkled, but he still looks as handsome as ever. He offers his hand to pull me up, and greets me with a kiss. I feel him pull away, but he remains close and utters softly, “I’m not done with you yet, beautiful.”
He gently turns me around and starts to unzip my dress. As his fingers brush off the fabric on my shoulders he tells me, “I’m warning you now… I’ve done my best to remain steady, but if I start to slip I can’t promise that you’ll like who I become. Are you sure you still want to do this?”
My dress drops to the floor and his gaze roams my body.
I slowly lift up his shirt and pull him close. “It’s okay Suguru, I can take it.”
Suguru grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls me into a fevered kiss. His body towers over me as I race to take off the rest of his clothes. When I make my way to his pants, I let my hand graze the length of his cock. He immediately hardens beneath me and the air takes another shift. The haze of blue swirls fade into red and his skin runs hot like fire.
I can barely pull down his slacks before he grabs my waist to pull me up against him. His skin is smooth, his chest is hard, and I can feel him brush against my center. When his strong grip takes a hold of my ass, I wrap my legs around him while he walks us to his room. 
He sets me on the bed and guides me down until my back presses against his sheets. The lights are off, but the red fog illuminates the room—allowing me to make out the contours of his body.
He looms over me and begins to rub my clit. I hum in pleasure and roll my head back.
“You’ve barely even touched me and I’m already breaking,” he growls. He takes another look at my body and I can feel the hunger in his eyes. “You are god damn beautiful.”
Suguru uncovers his cock, and I can feel my eyes widen. He’s big. And I mean big. As he tugs against it, I feel my eyes locking onto him—he’s mesmerizing.
“Is something the matter, princess?” he smirks. His brow arches like it’s a challenge. “Like you said… you can take it.”
I do my best to bite back a smile as my heart continues to race. The haze grows brighter around us.
Suguru lowers himself onto the bed, guiding himself into me. He stretches me so wide, forcing me to moan—but I know it’s only the tip. He continues to ease himself inside and I can’t help but gasp for air.
Once my walls adjust to his size, he grips my thighs and picks up his tempo. I can feel his whole length beat against my cervix. I cry in pleasure as my back arches and my eyes begin to shut.
“Eyes on me, baby girl. The whole time.” My eyes shoot open and see a fiendish smile dance across his face. “Now show me how much of a slut you can be.”
He moves one hand up my body, stopping to stroke my nipple, before landing on the edge of my neck. His fingers gently press on the sides of my throat, leaving just enough passage for air to flow through. His touch is violent, his voice is stern, but all of it has me dripping in delight.
My mind goes numb, registering only the feelings of pleasure and pain. I knew he was large, but the magnitude of his cock leaves me speechless. I keep my gaze fixed on him as he drives inside me, making me cry out louder each time. All I can make out is, “Fuck, Suguru.”
“That’s my girl. Louder,” he growls. “Let me hear how much you need me.”
My moans begin to amplify, but that only makes his thrusts go deeper. I don’t know who this Suguru is, but he tames me like an animal and fucks me like a beast. Everything about this makes me crave him so much more. My thighs clench at the thought, making the juices leave my body. “Fuck—that feels…so—good.” My words are breathy and labored.
“Your pussy is so tight. Fitting for a little slut like you.” He releases briefly and forcefully flips me over. As he grabs a fistfull of my hair to pull me close to his face, I feel him whisper. “Let’s see how well you can take me from behind.”
He keeps his grip wrapped in my hair, and my head presses into his chest. I feel his power surge through me as he pushes his way back inside. My center is so wet, he makes driving into me seem effortless. When he rams into the front of my walls, I feel myself squeeze around him.
Suguru releases my hair, but he wastes no time. His fingers move to hook into my mouth, leaving every part of my body filled. His other hand remains painfully gripped around my waist. I struggle to catch my breath when his pressure doesn’t let up.
“You feel so good, baby girl. I could fuck you forever.” The vibration of his voice tickles the side of my throat. His pace is steady but his movements are rough and relentless.
Every beat has me screaming in desire.
Suguru lets his hands trail from my mouth to my center and uses the wetness on his fingers to rub my clit. I’m overwhelmed with pleasure as I feel my folds throb against him. With my mouth free, he plants hungry kisses onto my lips and I can feel my body wanting to release.
His hips continue to strike into me, causing tears to well into my eyes. They fall down my cheek, but his tongue slowly cleans it up before he returns his mouth back to mine.
The pressure inside grows and I feel my climax calling for me. He’s so good. All of him feels so good. I can’t stop thinking about the way he looks, the way he feels, how perfect he is inside of me. “Please don’t stop, I’m—gonna—” I can barely speak, let alone breathe. “Come.”
“As my little slut should. Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” His breath quickens and the way his body moves tells me he’s close too. “Do you want me to come inside of you?”
I moan with pleasure and that’s the only confirmation he needs.
Suguru roars in desire, but the volume of my cry rivals him. I feel him release inside of me as tides of my orgasm flow through my body. My ears are ringing and my fingers go numb.
His come feels hot as it shoots up through me. As his grip tenses around me, I can feel them leaving bruises on my skin. He catches his breath and slowly glides his way out of me. I can feel his liquid dripping down my thighs.
I let myself settle back down onto the bed, feeling the remnants of my orgasm drift away.
Suguru adjusts himself so that his mouth hovers inches away from my ear. “Thank you for gracing me with that perfect little pussy.” he whispers.
No, Suguru. Thank you.
Chapter 7: Relax
The morning comes and the sun beams brightly through the windows. I wake up and see Suguru’s arm wrapped around me. His embrace gives me comfort, and I never want to let go. As I adjust myself to see his face, I notice how the rays of sun bounce off his back. The light illuminates the outline of his silhouette—he is truly an angel.
I think back last night—how raw, powerful, and commanding he was. But as I look at him now, I see that there’s no sign of the animal he once was. His eyes are softly shut, his mouth is calm, and his hair is gently swept across his face. I brush back the strands that have fallen, and place a delicate kiss on his cheek. With one last look of admiration, I slowly inch my way out of the bed to grab a glass of water.
“No, don’t go,” he softly groans. He’s half asleep, but his grasp pulls me right back next to him. He caresses the contours of my naked body, and I’m reminded of how good it feels to have his hands around me.
I let out a little chuckle, “I’m getting water, I’ll be right back.” I give him another kiss and he surrenders. I hear him grumble but he doesn’t fight back as I wiggle my way out of the bed.
I make my way through the living room, and back to the kitchen. Sunlight pours through the windows, unveiling the aftermath of our night. Our clothes are everywhere, the furniture is skewed, and the pillows from the couch have been dumped on the floor.
As I pick up the mess, I hear the door unlock and my heart immediately drops into my stomach. Fuck. I’m completely bare. Running back to the room would take too much time, so I race to put on the shirt that Suguru wore the night before. Who the hell is even at the…oh, it’s Satoru. I forgot they were roommates.
When I realize it’s Satoru, I feel my heart stop and a powerful rage fills me. I’m reminded of the anger, the horror, and the embarrassment I felt Friday afternoon. I thought I could look past it, but I let my emotions consume me.
As the door closes, I hear a vexing voice drifting my way. “Looks like someone had a little fun last night.”
I march up to him as the hems of Suguru's shirt brush against my knees. “What the hell is your problem, Satoru?”
He continues setting down his belongings. “For someone who looks like they had great sex, you seem a little feisty.” His tone is mellow, his grin is smug. It’s everything I hate about him. 
All I want to do is scream, but with Suguru asleep, my voice remains hushed. “One—yes, I did have great sex, thank you for noticing. But two—I’m furious with you. What happened on Friday? You literally just left me there.  And three—What is your problem? What kind of sick person does that?”
Satoru leans himself against the table. “Listen, angel. I did you a favor.”
I rush in front of him to block the noise from traveling too far. “Keep it down,” I snap at him.
Satoru picks himself up and takes a step towards me. His face hovers over me and I can feel my heart shudder. Our gaze latches onto each other as he softly whispers in my ear. “You seemed like you were enjoying yourself there, and trust me… while I would’ve loved to go further, I couldn’t take that away from Suguru.”
My arms cross and my stare remains unwavering. I scoff in his face. “You are so annoying. What makes you think I would ever let you have sex with me?”
“You wouldn’t?” He fires back quickly.
My jaw drops. I want to shoot back, but I’m at a complete loss for words. The hesitation is enough for his look to become even more self-assured.
He steps a bit closer and the heat from his body warms the air. “I’m just kidding angel. Although, I’m sure Suguru wouldn’t mind sharing.”
I push him back with enough force for him to bump the table. “Satoru!”
He makes his way around me and charges straight for the rooms. “You know what? We can just ask him about that right now. Hey Su—”
“Satoru, shut up!” I try to pull him back but his force is too strong.
A raspy voice emerges. “Good morning,” Suguru appears from the hallway leading to the room. He looks at us and breaks into a gentle laughter. “I guess some things never change with you two.”
He walks over to me, wrapping his hand around my waist to give me a kiss. “Nice shirt.”
My cheeks flush as I'm reminded that all I have on is Suguru’s oversized tee. I cling to him in embarrassment.
Satoru watches us move to the couch as he grabs a drink from the refrigerator. His brow perks up with interest. “This is new. Looks like you two had a fun night,” he calls from across the room.
I feel my eyes burn as I glare at him.
Suguru wraps his arm around me as a gesture of reassurance and I settle into his arms. “Satoru, relax. Don’t you have other women to fuck or bother? Leave mine alone.” He kisses me on the forehead and I look up at him with affection.
Satoru grabs his drink and strolls to his room. “Yes, your majesty,” he mocks Suguru lovingly. He turns to me with a sarcastic bow. “Sorry m’lady, please go about your day.”
I roll my eyes at him before directing my attention to Suguru. “How do you do that?” I ask curiously.
“Do what?” he replies.
“I don’t know, wrangle him? Satoru always listens to you.”
“I get him out of so many things, he basically owes me for life.”
“You’re always looking out for everyone, aren’t you?" I smile because this is the Suguru I know and love. Nothing about him could ever scare me away.
He turns to look at me like I’m the only person in the world. “But it’s only fun when I get to do it for you.”
Our morning together is exactly what I hoped it would be. We spend a good bulk of our time preparing breakfast—grilling fish and whipping up tamagoyaki, just to scarf it down with a side of rice.
Unfortunately for me, Satoru joins us for the meal. However, I’m pleasantly surprised when he decides to keep the conversation tame. As much as I hate the guy, he’s not completely intolerable. We spend a few moments cracking jokes and I watch them playfully argue about who would win in a fight. As I look around the table, I smile. I’m overjoyed with the feelings of nostalgia that whip through my soul.
After we finish cleaning up our meal, Satoru heads back into his room while Suguru and I plop ourselves on the couch. He rests one elbow on the armrest, and the other around my shoulder. I snuggle myself into him and rest my head on his chest. He plants a kiss on my forehead and His eyes light up with his genuine smile.
I've shared many years of my life with Suguru, yet none of them have been quite like this. His cuddles comfort me, his kisses revive me, and his touch—well, his touch ignites me in ways I can’t describe.
“You know, I could stay like this forever,” I say to him.
“What do you mean?” His brow lifts.
“Being cuddled up against you. It’s the best feeling.” I smile because it’s true.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, this is great,” he begins. “But I can think of a couple more things that might feel better.” He moves from the armrest, letting his fingers graze my chest and dance down my body. He lifts up the hem of my shirt.
A jolt of arousal runs through me when I feel the pads of his fingers rub against my panties.
“Suguru!” I playfully push him off with a smile.
He raises his brow and smirks. “What’s wrong? Don’t think you can handle another round?”
“Satoru is right there,” I murmured, carefully keeping my voice down.
Suguru adjusts himself to get a better angle of my lips and presses his mouth against mine. “He can fuck off. Let him see.”
My attention is immediately averted when I hear a passing voice coming from the bathroom.
“I’m right here,” Satoru calls out as he crosses the opening in the hallway.
Without breaking the kiss, Suguru lifts his hand from me, and I shift my eyes to see his middle finger raised at Satoru. I chuckle.
Satoru returns to his room and shuts the door. Once we’re back to being alone, Suguru returns my kisses and focuses his attention back to my folds.
The pleasure rises as I feel his lips part and he slips his tongue into my mouth. He hums against my lips as his fingers gently rub my clit. No matter how many times he touches me, I still feel a rush. My body gets lighter as it drifts away, in search of euphoria and I mutter curses under my breath. I wish this feeling would never stop. My thighs begin to clench as I feel liquid form between them. This is so— 
Buzz. I hear his phone chime on the table. He silences it and stays fixated on me. 
Buzz. He tries to ignore it, hoping it will pass.
Buzz. He hesitates. Now completely distracted, he momentarily breaks away. “I’m so sorry. Do you mind if I take this real quick?”
I nod, moving from him so he can get up to take the call. I can’t really make out the conversation, but judging from his tone, it doesn’t seem great.
He hangs up the phone and shoots me with an apologetic smile, “Yaga needs me to help with some curse clean up, but it shouldn’t take long. I promise. Do you mind if I step away for a little bit?”
My brow furrows. “Why doesn’t he ever call for Satoru’s help?”
“For what it’s worth, he does call him. But have you met Satoru?”
“Yeah you’re right.” I remember our conversation from earlier. I get him out of so many things, he basically owes me for life. Damn you, Satoru. You owe him—or rather me, big time. I let out a sigh as disappointment washes over me.
Suguru gives me a soft kiss, though he knows that isn’t enough to satisfy the arousal between my legs. “I’m so sorry. Feel free so stay if you want, make yourself feel at home,” he starts. “It’s 12 right now, so I’ll probably be back in an hour—two hours, max. I promise.”
As he gathers himself together, Satoru approaches from his room and appears in the hallway crossing. He rests his arm on the edge of the frame and directs himself to Suguru. “Hey, I heard some shuffling, are you going somewhere?”
My eyes widen as I notice Satoru’s body stretched along the wall. He’s only wearing a pair of sweats while his top is completely bare. The sun from the windows hits the contours of his muscles, making his skin glisten. His white hair rests gently on his face as he tilts his head in curiosity. The blue in his eyes are centered on Suguru but the color still pierces my vision from afar.
My gaze goes from the top of the frame and travels down the length of Satoru’s forearms. It reaches the subtle curves of his bicep and slowly creeps down to the lines of his chest and the ridges of his abs. His build is lean, and his body is defined. My eyes slowly roam as they follow the lines of the V-shaped trail that leads right down to—fuck. Stop.
What am I doing?
I snap out of it and return to find myself plugged in mid-conversation.
“...I can go if you want,” Satoru finishes. 
Suguru continues to round up his things, but pauses to place an arm on Satoru’s shoulder and sighs. “I would love that, truly. But no offense, you’d probably get yourself into trouble. Yaga would just call me anyways to clean up your mess too.” He turns to me with a regretful look, pleading for forgiveness. “It’s just faster if I do it myself, I promise I’ll be quick.”
Satoru huffs as he rolls his eyes. “You’re right, but offense has still been taken.”
One more kiss and Suguru heads to the door. “Be a good mentor and take care of her while I’m gone. Try not to be an asshole.” His voice trails, but he stops momentarily to give me one last heartfelt smile. The door closes and my gut churns as I’m left staring at a shirtless Satoru.
Satoru lifts himself off of the frame and heads back to his room. Before the door shuts, he mockingly calls out, “Don’t worry angel, I’ll keep my hands to myself.”
I shake my head and let out an exasperated breath. Even when he’s being cordial, he still gets under my skin.
With Suguru gone, I’m unsure of what to do. My core still feels tight and there’s the lingering arousal between my legs. Satoru has locked himself in his room, so it feels like I have most of the apartment to myself. I use this as the perfect opportunity to draw myself a bath so I can finally relax. 
Stepping into the tub, the immediate warmth cocoons me. It reminds me of being wrapped in Suguru’s embrace. I take a few moments to unwind, feeling the comfort of the water against my skin. My head rests on the edge of the tub as I close my eyes and let my mind drift…
My vision jumps to Suguru as he hums into my breasts and teases my folds. His touch is warm and playful, but it’s no surprise that I long for more. The image in my mind is clear, but the feeling falls short. I let my hands slip between my thighs and let the gentle pressure of my fingers fuel my fantasy.
The image shifts, and I envision how Suguru’s frame completely overpowers me. His shoulders are wide, his muscles are thick, and I let my eyes trail down his beautiful body. The contours of his abs feel like steel, but his skin is smooth as his hips rock against me. My gaze reaches his cock and it’s already trickling in arousal.
He teases me, gently sliding the tip across my slit. I bite my lip to hold back my whimper. When he sees how needy I am for him, he guides his length into me and I feel him expand my walls. I let myself mimic the motions with my hands and a rush of pleasure flows through me.
Suguru grinds his hips, thrusting everything he has into me until my pussy is completely filled. The rhythmic motion leaves me dizzy and I can feel my vision beginning to blur. The tension inside me boils as I imagine the friction of his cock massaging me. All of his ridges compliment my own and I can feel myself drip with desire.
Suguru’s presence invades my thoughts and a moan escapes my breath. As I feel myself pulsate against the pressure of my fingers, a devilish voice drifts through my head. Though I can’t make out the voice, the thought just fuels my fire.
“He would tell you you’re soaking wet,” I continue working my clit until I’m on the brink of pleasure. I squirm as the tingles of my orgasm begin to peek over the horizon.
“He would say you’re god damn beautiful,” The words make my core flutter and my center continues to throb. I’m close, so close. The image in my head flips.
“Does he make you feel good?” Yes. So good. A vision of Satoru pounding into me resonates through my body. I’m about to—
“Yes, angel. Come for—” Fuck.
My eyes immediately shoot open when I realize the narrator of my thoughts. No, no, no, no. That did not just happen. I feel like I just woke up from a mortifying nightmare. But…if it’s a nightmare, then why do I still feel myself quiver? Stop.
I grab my towel and I shake my head to wipe away the image. As I let the bath drain, I find myself deep in thought. Why the hell is Satoru in my head and how do I get him out? I press my fingertips against my temples. Please just leave.
I try to collect myself, but memories of Friday with Satoru flood my brain. I get flashbacks of his fingers pressing into me and I immediately feel weak. I remember his tongue on my center and it makes my heart skip a beat. Stop. In my haste, I bolt out the door and collide into a large figure. 
I lift my head up to see Satoru standing before me. The warmth of his skin bounces off of me. “What the hell are you doing?” My voice is raised, but he doesn’t realize it’s because he invaded my thoughts. 
Satoru furrows his brow with one hand holding a towel around his waist, and the other raised up in defense. “Whoa, can’t I take a bath in my own house?”
My pupils dilate when I realize our towels are the only thing in between our bodies. It takes every bit of willpower to not let my eyes linger below his waist. I decide to keep my head down and swiftly maneuver past him. “Oh, right. Fine, just go ahead.” I get to the front of Suguru’s door, and my hand hovers over the knob.
Before I can turn it, Satoru calls out to me. “By the way, I noticed you were a little loud in there.” I try to move, but my body stands still. ”Were those moans for me?”
I’m frozen in shock. I tilt my head to see if his gaze is darting towards me—it’s not. Instead, all I see is his towel drop, but the door shuts before I can see it hit the floor. Nice ass—Stop.
My cheeks flush, my heart races, and I’m pretty sure my entire soul has left my body. How do I leave every interaction with Satoru feeling absolutely mortified?
Chapter 8: Repeat
Were those moans for me? No. Yes—I mean kinda? So what if they were? Fucking hell, this cannot be happening right now. Stupid Satoru and his stupid charm.
As I struggle to push the thoughts aside, I check the clock and it’s 12:30 pm. It’s only been thirty minutes since Suguru left. That’s okay, I can just relax in his room and avoid Satoru for the next hour and a half. I let out a groan and try to figure out my next move.
I set the towel down and look at my options for clothing—Suguru’s shirt from last night, dirty. The dress that I wore here, dirty. My panties sitting on the floor, soaked… and dirty. With my options limited, I settle for a fresh t-shirt from Suguru’s dresser, hoping he won’t mind. Similar to the last one, this one barely grazes my knees—but it’s cozy nonetheless.
I spend some time mindlessly scrolling away on my phone, until my stomach starts to growl—I haven’t eaten since breakfast. I tiptoe my way to the door and press my ear against the wood to see if there’s any sign of Satoru in the common space. It seems quiet, so I think the coast is clear—but of course, it isn’t.
Satoru is sitting at the dining table with his headphones in. He looks like he’s intently watching something on his phone. His hair is a bit wet, and he still hasn't gotten around to putting on a shirt. Can’t blame him though, it is his apartment after all. After a moment, he notices that I’ve stepped out of Suguru’s room and pauses the video to talk to me.
“Oh hey, you’re alive! I thought you were either masturbating, napping, or dead so I didn’t want to disturb you.”
I give him a half smile, spotting an unfinished plate of food resting in front of him. It reminds me why I went out in the first place.
“You’re probably hungry. Here, I can warm up something for you.” Before I can protest, he’s already up to grab me a plate, some chopsticks, and containers from the refrigerator.
“Oh okay, thanks.” Satoru hasn’t teased me yet. In fact, he’s actually being nice? So far so good. I take a seat at the table and try to figure out what’s playing on his phone. “What are you watching?”
“It’s this movie about some mad scientist who turns—”
“People into worms,” I help finish off his sentence.
He smiles. “Yeah, Human Earthworm 4. You know it? One of my students keeps pestering me to watch it. It’s messed up, but I actually think it’s kinda funny.”
“Yeah, I knew I recognized it! I’ve seen this one before and it’s pretty good. Unlike the others, this one feels more like a romance.” I reply with a laugh. 
After setting down my food, Satoru disconnects his headphones and moves his plate to the spot next to mine. He props his phone in between us and we spend the last 20 minutes of the movie eating our lunch, huddled closely together around his phone. His body heat radiates as our shoulders touch, sending a brief shock through me.
When we finish our meal, I wipe down the table while he washes the dishes in the sink. We laugh about the movie, share sentiments about the storyline, Satoru even comes up with theories on what Human Earthworm 5 would be like. In moments like this, I’m reminded of the times in our mentorship where we actually got along. This is nice—this Satoru is nice.
As I finish putting the last container back into the fridge, I hear him turn off the faucet. I turn around to see him dry his hands and lean on the edge of the counter. I can tell something in his demeanor has changed. His mouth opens to say something, but he decides to keep it shut.
“Is everything okay?”
He looks away, scratching the back of his head as if he’s nervous to speak. “So, you never answered my question.”
“What question?”
“Your bath. Your moans. Were they—”
I immediately cut him off while my eyes roll, and my shoulders drop. I was hoping he wouldn’t bring it up, but I should’ve known better. All Satoru wants to do in life is get under my skin. “I really don’t understand you. I know you’re capable of being a nice and normal human being, so why do you insist on antagonizing me like this?”
He takes a step forward, like it’s a challenge. “You’re not denying it, so I can’t be completely wrong.”
My mouth twitches open, but I hesitate. I guess I’m not denying it.
Satoru moves another inch closer, causing me to take a small step back. His powerful presence is all I can feel. His velvety tone delivers his words nice and slow. “Do you want to know the beauty of the Six Eyes, angel? It means that I can see everything.”
I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and I take in a sharp breath. Everything? What does he mean by everything? “Wh—What are you talking about?” I stammer.
His words are paced and methodical. “I see the way your cursed energy changes every time I walk in the room.”
There’s silence.
“...I can see the way it gravitates towards me when I rest on the doorframe, and the way it struggles to hold your gaze up when I’m wrapped in a towel.”
The sound of my heart fills the room.
“...I see the way it vibrates when you try to get a glimpse of my ass.”
My jaw drops open, but nothing comes out.
“...And I definitely see it sync with your heartbeat whenever I whisper in your ear.”
His hand grazes my shoulder while the other gently caresses my waist. I let him. My gaze locks onto his and I’m completely hypnotized.
Satoru slowly leans down and stops until his face is next to mine. “You want me, angel.”
I stiffen my spine, in hopes of him seeing that I won’t back down. But who am I kidding? I’ve already been caught in his trap. As I take in the scent of his freshly bathed body, I feel myself gush between my thighs. In that instant, I’m reminded that my only piece of clothing is an oversized shirt. “So what if I do?”
Satoru smiles, gently pinning me against the refrigerator. He places his forehead on top of mine and can feel his gaze burn through me. “Do you remember the rules I told you about on your first day back?”
One—If you want me, don’t want me.
Two—If you need me, don’t need me.
Three—If you need my help, help yourself first.
I let him lift my chin and gently kiss my lips. “I think they were for me more than they were for you. Because right now, I want you too.” 
When I kiss him back, I feel his touch become more needy. I haven’t said a single word, but he knows my actions speak louder. He grabs my waist and flips me around so that my hips are pinned against his counter, allowing him to go deeper into the kiss. His grip is demanding, desperate to feel every bit of my body.
“I played nice and let Suguru have his fun, but I’m telling you right now—I need you.” He briefly pulls away and I see a rush of desire filling his hungry eyes. “So please angel, help me.”
I direct one of his hands to the bulge of his pants and the other underneath my shirt and in between my legs.  “How about you help yourself first.”
“No panties? Angel, you’re making this way too easy.” Satoru tugs down his pants to reveal his cock, stroking it as he teases my folds. He drops his forehead onto my shoulder and I hear him groan as he pleases himself. The size of his length is enough to make me gasp. I watch his large hands tug on it before my vision is blocked by Satoru pressing his lips into mine.
My arms stretch back onto the counter and I can feel the coolness of the sink spike through my fingers. My head rolls back and the rays of sunlight blind me as Satoru kisses his way down my neck.
“I always thought you were a good girl,” he growls in my ear. “I never expected you to prove me wrong.”
The words send shivers down my spine and I immediately tangle my fingers into his hair. He slides his fingers inside of me and my slick oozes out onto his hands. I feel the warmth of his pads, the ridges of his knuckles, I feel everything. He glides himself in and out, and the pressure instantly makes my walls convulse.
He continues to jack himself off and his breath becomes labored. The warmth in his breath hugs me as his kisses move back to my mouth. He’s desperately clinging to my lips and I can hear his groans as I tug on his hair.
He breaks away, panting, leaving our faces inches from each other. “Do you want to know the real reason I left that day?” he reveals. 
My gaze locks onto his beautiful blue eyes.
“If I stayed, I would’ve wanted more. I would’ve dropped my limitless and it would be over.” Satoru slows down the pace of his fingers, and I feel myself dripping down on him with excitement. I guide the rest of his pants off and he gently lifts off my shirt.
The softness of his skin roams my body, leaving a trail of fire within me. When his hands are done searching, he drags them up to cup my face. “I left because… If I had the chance to feel you, and I mean really feel you, I would’ve fucked you until your legs give out.”
My mouth twitches and I raise my brow to challenge him. “Prove it.”
Before I can even think, Satoru’s hands race to grab a hold of my thighs. He lifts me up until my elbows are resting on the counter and my feet are off the floor. His grip is powerful as he drives his cock straight into me. No easing, no adjusting, just pure thrusting. I immediately throw my head back and moan in sincere delight, knocking over the dish rack behind me.
His hands venture over to my ass, squeezing so hard like he wants to milk every last bit of me. I don’t mind the bruises as long as it showers me with bliss. The pounding of his hips against mine reverberates through the entire room. All I hear is our moans mix with groans and he’s fucking me senseless like a messy symphony of pleasure and pain. 
As his cock drills into me, I feel my back ache as he presses me into the counter. The edges dig into me, but the arousal between my legs overpowers it all. “Fuck.”
When Satoru notices, he eases his stroke to pick me up, and carries me to the table. “Maybe this will be a little more comfortable for you.”
I feel my cheeks touch the surface and slowly lower my back onto the wood. Satoru picks up one of my legs and throws it over his shoulder. Once he settles, he resumes pace and doesn’t let up. Whatever angle he has me at has his cock ramming directly into the sensitive spot in my pussy. I struggle to find a grip on the table, causing the vase of faux plants to crash. 
“Angel, you are so tight.” His words have my moans growing louder by the second. How can I be an angel when Satoru fucks me like he’s the god damn devil?
His pace slowly increases and I feel my orgasm works its way to my core. “S—so close.”
Satoru removes his hold from my waist and brings his fingers to his mouth. He wraps his lips around them, before placing them on my clit. The initial shock stuns me, causing my walls to contract. He works with an even pressure, smearing all of my slick around me. The vibrations of his fingers build up inside of me and I can feel my body on the brink of release. He gives one last thrust, knocking down a chair and shaking the table, and I immediately crumble.
My orgasm shoots out from my core, down my legs, and through my toes. I let out a moan but it feels like my cry can be heard from miles away. The pleasure overtakes me and a rush of ecstasy floods my brain. My eyes snap shut, my body tenses, but as my orgasm fades, I wonder if I just died and got railed to heaven.
Satoru falls over me, panting hard to catch his breath. He lifts his head and curls his mouth into a smile. I return his smile with a complementary chuckle.
I slowly prop myself up when suddenly, a voice suddenly emerges from the hallway. “Satoru, you cheeky little bastard. When I said take care of her, I didn’t mean it like that.” Fuck. Suguru.
My mind goes blank and I can’t even move. Satoru’s head perks up as he turns to face Suguru. The air is tense and the silence lingers for far too long. Time slows down and it feels like no one has moved in what feels like hours. As I focus my attention on Suguru, I’m puzzled to see the reaction on his face. I fully expect anger and rage, but it’s…not?
“Hey, I—” Satoru starts.
Suguru lifts up his brow and the side of his mouth twitches into a smirk. “Well, are you going to let me join, or am I just gonna sit here and watch?”
As my eyes widen, Satoru turns his head back towards me. “See angel, I told you he wouldn’t mind sharing.”
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Read Part 3 Here
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suddencolds · 5 months
The Worst Timing | [3/?]
part 3 (6k words)!! you can read [part 1] here! (it gets worse before it gets better). this chapter is more character-centric (sorry again 🙇‍♀️). i wanted to post this before work eats me alive this week T.T
this is an OC fic - here is a list of everything I've written w these two!
Summary: Yves invites Vincent to a wedding, in France, where the rest of his family will be in attendance. It's a very important wedding, so he's definitely not going to let anything—much less the flu—ruin it. (ft. fake dating, an international trip, downplaying illness, sharing a hotel room)
It’s fine, until it isn’t.
Yves gets home, showers first (only after Vincent insists that he shower first), heads out into the living room, and shuts off the lights. The lights in the bedroom are still on, bleeding in from the doorframe. 
His head hurts. Every part of him feels cold. He burrows deep into the covers on the pullout bed, rearranges himself until he finds a sufficiently comfortable position, and shuts his eyes. 
Tomorrow, he’ll be away for most of the afternoon—with the wedding rehearsal, and then the rehearsal dinner with the rest of his family—and Vincent will grab dinner and drinks with some of Genevieve’s friends in the meantime. Yves will probably be home late. They won’t see each other for the entire day—at least, until he gets back from dinner some time in the late evening. 
Everything for the wedding is ready. His suit jacket is ironed, his shoes polished; his speech has been written for weeks and rehearsed first alone, and then in front of Leon and Victoire, who’d told him how to make it funnier (Leon) and more concise (Victoire). Two days from today, Aimee and Genevieve will be married.
All he has to do, now, is just see it through.
Yves wakes up coughing.
He feels distinctly wrong. His head is throbbing. His limbs feel strangely leaden, like they’re weighing him down, like it’d be a considerable inconvenience to move them—he isn’t sure if he’d be able to sit up properly.
He presses a hand to his forehead, in an attempt to gauge whether he’s running a fever. It’s no use—his hand is warm and clammy. He can’t tell.
Fuck. This is not good. 
One wrong breath leaves him coughing, harshly enough that the coughs seem to reverberate through his frame. His throat burns. He reaches blindly through the dark in an attempt to find one of the waters he’d bought yesterday night, at the convenience store. Had he left a bottle on the nightstand? Or had he gotten rid of the one he’d drunk from last night? His breath hitches, so sharply that he has practically no hope of holding back.
“Hhehh’YISHh-CHHiew! hhHEHH’iIDTSSHh-iiEW!”
The sneezes tear through him with little warning, leaving him flushed and shivering. It’s not warm enough in the living room. He doesn’t know if it’s the air conditioning in the room, or the relative thinness of the blanket he’s under, or if perhaps the window is open just a crack, or if perhaps he just hasn’t been moving enough to get warm. He’s not sure he could pinpoint the cause if he tried.
The only thing that seems evident to him, now, is that he feels immediately, uncomfortably cold. He could get out of bed and look for something to wear—he hadn’t packed any thick jackets, because Provence in March isn’t especially cold, but even one of the dress jackets would be better than nothing, so long as it’s one of the ones which can withstand getting a little wrinkled.
But when he sits up—or, rather, when he attempts to sit up—he feels the world tilt, uncomfortably. He braces himself on the frame of the couch, propping himself up with one arm up on the armrest. 
He definitely has a fever, even if there’s no way for him to verify that right now. Otherwise, it would be strange for him to feel so cold. Even now, only half-vertical, he finds himself shivering so hard he can barely move the blanket back up to sit comfortably around his shoulders.
One wrong breath sends a painful twinge down his throat, and he finds himself coughing, gripping the armrest tightly to keep himself upright. He should get out of bed. He should find water, put on a jacket, make an attempt to get back to sleep.
For now, all he can do is muffle the coughs as best he can into a cupped hand. His chest aches with every cough. Every breath he takes in feels like it only manages to irritate his lungs further.
Through the haze of his exhaustion, he thinks he hears footsteps. The knowledge that he’s keeping Vincent up is the last thing he needs, right now. 
Through the crack under the doorframe, he can see the line of light from the hallway, which is lit even at night. Maybe if he’s going to be up anyways, he should spend the night out in the hallway—at the very least, he’ll be a little quieter out there.
Someone presses a bottle of water into his hands.
“Drink,” Vincent says. “It’s uncapped.”
Yves brings the water to his lips and takes a short, tentative sip, and then another. His throat is sorer than it had been yesterday—the water burns against the back of his throat as he swallows.
Vincent steps past him, past the edge of the couch, to do—something. Yves doesn’t know what. He hears a click, and the lamp on the cabinet by the sofa flickers on, floods the living room with dim yellow light. Vincent regards him carefully, his expression unreadable.
“Sorry,” Yves says. The next breath he takes in exacerbates the tickle at the back of his throat, and he twists away, muffling cough after cough into a tightly cupped hand. “I didn’t mbean to wake you.”
Vincent’s eyebrows furrow. He looks… upset, somehow, though the light is dim enough that his expression is hard to make out. Yves tries to think of what else he should say, but his head feels heavy.
He tries to re-cap the bottle of water, though his hands are shaky enough to make it a little difficult. Vincent takes the bottle from him and screws the cap tight in one fluid motion. Yves tries and fails to think of something to joke about.
Vincent presses a hand to his forehead. His hand is comfortingly warm, and a little calloused. It’s strange, how good it feels to be touched—he knows and knows well that it means nothing, but the gentle press of Vincent’s fingers to his skin—when he’s spent the past few days trying to keep his distance from everyone—is strangely comforting. Yves leans into the contact, despite all logic.
Vincent pulls away, too soon. “You’re—”
“Warm?” Yves finishes for him.
“Feverish,” Vincent clarifies, with a frown. “Did you already know that?”
“I had a hunch,” Yves answers, honestly.
Vincent just stares at him, for a moment, frustration evident in the set of his jaw. Yves repositions the blankets over his shoulders, a little self-conscious. “It’s fide. I’ll take something for it,” Yves says. “You should go back to sleep.”
“We slept early,” Vincent says. “I’m not tired.”
“What time is it?”
Vincent glances at his watch. “5:34.”
“That’s still early enough that you should be asleep.” Yves sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face. His head hurts, and there’s a prickle in his nose again. “Sorry. I can be quieter.”
His breath hitches. In a frantic attempt to keep his promise, he lifts the blanket to his face and stifles—or, rather, attempts to stifle—the sneeze into the fabric.
“hh—! hhEHH’NGKTSHCH-iiew!”
It’s still not very quiet, despite his best efforts, and the attempt to stifle leaves him coughing a little. It’s a good thing they’re not sharing a bed, he thinks. He hasn’t exactly been careful about keeping this illness to himself.
“Bless you,” Vincent says, rising to his feet. He ducks into the bedroom, only to be back a moment later with a box of tissues, which he tucks into the crook between the pullout bed and the sofa armrests, conveniently in reach. “Was it like this last night?”
“Were you unable to sleep last night?”
It’s not an accusation, but Yves freezes at the question, nonetheless. For a moment, he worries—that Vincent knows precisely how little sleep he’s gotten since they landed in France. That Vincent was awake last night—or worse, that Yves was the one who kept him up—which is why he’s asking this question now.
But if he knew, wouldn’t he have said something about it yesterday? 
“I slept fine,” Yves says. 
There’s a cold breeze coming in from somewhere—from the hallway, or from one of the air conditioning vents, he can’t say. Yves tries his best to suppress a shiver. He can tell, by the change to Vincent’s expression—the way Vincent’s eyes linger on him a little too long—that he doesn’t do it well enough.
“You should really have taken the bed,” Vincent says, with a sigh. “It’s warmer.”
“It’s warm here too,” Yves says. There probably wouldn’t even be a problem if he weren’t feverish—it’s just the relative temperature difference that’s making him shiver. “Are you goidg to stop interrogating me ndow?”
“If you stop giving me reasons to be worried,” Vincent says plainly, “Then I will.”
Yves sighs. He’s cold, and exhausted, and he wants this argument to be over. He doesn’t want to have to justify all of this to Vincent, who should be enjoying this vacation instead of worrying about Yves and whatever cold-slash-flu he’s managed to pick up this time. “This is not the first time I’ve been under the weather,” he says. “I—” he veers away to face the opposite direction from Vincent, pulls the blanket up to cover his face. “hHeh-!-hHEHh‘nGKTTSHH-iiIEw!”
“Bless you.”
“—I kdow what I’m doing, snf. I don't even feel that—hh… hHheh'iiDDZZCHH-iIIEW!” The sneeze comes on too quickly for him to stifle. “—that udwell,” he finishes, sniffling, though that’s not entirely truthful. He lifts an elbow to muffle a few coughs into it, blinking through the tears that are surfacing, irritatingly, in his vision.
“So you’ve said,” Vincent says.
“Yes,” Yves says. “You can trust me on this.”
Vincent looks at him for a moment. For a moment, Yves waits for him to refute this, waits for him to point out just how unprepared he is, just how little of a plan he has aside from sticking this out until he has the chance to crash and burn.
“What do you need?” he says, instead.
Yves blinks at him. It’s not the question he expects Vincent to ask.
“Nothidg,” he says, honestly. “Seriously. It’s just a cold. I’ll take somethidg for it when I wake up.”
“Cold medicine?” To Yves’s nod, Vincent says, “I can get it for you, if you want.”
“No need. I’ll probably just — hhEhh-! HhEHh’IITShh-iiEW! Ugh… I’ll pick somethidg up from the codvenience store on the way to breakfast.”
Vincent turns aside to muffle a yawn into a cupped hand. Yves is unpleasantly reminded that he’s probably the sole reason why Vincent is awake right now.
“You should sleep, seriously,” Yves says, insistent. “Maybe you’ll be able to squeeze in a few more hours of sleep before sunrise. I’ll be okay.”
Vincent blinks at him. “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“Okay,” Vincent says, softly. 
Then he stands, sets the bottle of water on the cabinet by the sofa, switches off the lamp, and heads back into the bedroom. Yves listens as his footsteps recede. His sinuses are starting to feel like they’re slightly waterlogged, and the pressure from behind his eyelids is back, throbbing.
The tickle in his nose heightens, momentarily, and he finds himself muffling another set of sneezes into the bedsheets. He desperately hopes it’s quiet enough to not be disruptive. It’s hard to be fully quiet when whatever he has leaves him sneezing so forcefully, but he’s determined to try. 
The coughing fit that follows leaves his throat feeling like it’s been nearly scraped raw. He clears his throat quietly, though that hurts, too. He takes another small sip of the water, though it goes down his throat with such difficulty he finds himself coughing again.
Two more days. He just has to make it through. He’ll grab a pack of cold and flu medication from the convenience store downstairs—the kind that’s supposed to smother all the symptoms—and then he’ll be good as new, he’s sure.
Yves shuts his eyes, turns to the side, and tries his best to get comfortable. He’ll be less disruptive if he’s asleep. It’s just getting there that’s the problem. He’s exhausted—that fact only seems to become more evident the longer he stays awake—but every time he finds himself drifting off, he’s jolted awake by another untimely sneeze which wrenches him back into consciousness.
In college, whenever he was up unreasonably late for some reason, Erika used to tell him to Stop worrying, Yves, I can hear you overthinking from the other side of the room. Ask anyone else and they’d say that Yves has his life reasonably put together—being the eldest of three does that to you. He’d spent his formative years growing up trying to be the sort of person Leon and Victoire could lean on—the kind of person impervious to the sorts of stressful situations he’d gotten regularly thrown into—and for the most part, it’d worked.
He’d learned, early on, that it is not really that difficult to keep things from people. He likes to think of himself as reliable, even if that means that whenever something does come up—something that feels frustrating and insurmountable—it doesn’t really hurt any less when he goes through it privately.
Erika had always been good at seeing through his bullshit. It was one of the things he liked about her—that he could lean on her if he needed to, without worrying that it’d take its toll on her. That she’d take a look at his problems, which always felt so all-consuming in the moment, and make them seem simple and solvable and almost trivial.
It’s hard not to miss her, now, when he’s alone in the dark, devoid of any and all distractions. Or maybe it wasn’t her. Maybe it was just having someone he didn’t have to hide from.
Yves wonders, faintly, what Vincent would’ve said if he were more honest with him. He and Vincent aren’t actually dating, but he thinks maybe Vincent would understand. He thinks that they’ve been getting along well, as of late—he might even consider them friends.
But then again, hasn’t Vincent agreed to do all of this—lying to Yves’s friends and family, falsifying their relationship, letting Yves drag him from one celebration to the next—because it’s easy? Because he is willing to tolerate going to a party, or a housewarming, or a wedding, where there are no strings attached, when after the night is over he can drop the act cleanly?
It’s a lie that they’re telling, but it’s a self contained one. The moment they step foot out of whatever event they’re attending, there’s nothing left to pretend. Yves can go back to living his own life, and Vincent can go back to living his. Would Vincent really have agreed to do any of this if that weren’t the case? 
It’s going to be fine, Erika would have said. Just breathe. She’s not around to tell him this, now, but he still tries.
The medicine will be enough to get him through today, and the day after. It has to be.
When Yves falls asleep, it’s the kind of restless sleep that sits somewhere in between unconsciousness and wakefulness. He dreams in fragments of scenes—him at Aimee and Genevieve’s wedding, the details hazy and illogical and unusually bright, the weddings he’d been to in the past all superimposed into one.
When he wakes up to the sound of his alarm, it’s to a pounding headache and what he’s certain must be a fever. He can’t seem to stop shivering. It’s already bright out—the curtains in the bedroom are pulled shut, but light streams in from the sliver of space between them.
He feels too cold and somehow entirely devoid of energy, though he doesn’t remember doing anything particularly tiring. Sitting up makes the throbbing pain in his head sharpen, so painfully that he has to grip the side of the couch to steady himself, blinking against the dizziness. If Aimee saw him right now, he thinks, she’d send him straight home—he’s in no state to attend a wedding, and he’s not sure if he’s in any state to pretend that’s not the case.
He breath hitches. He raises an arm to shield his face, habitually, even though there’s no one here to witness—
“hhEhh-’iZZSSHH’Iew!” The singular sneeze is, unfortunately, far from relieving. The tickle in his nose is irritatingly persistent, even when he reaches up to rub his nose, which is starting to run. “Hh-! hhEH-!! HEHh-’IDDZSCHh-yYew! hHEHH’iDDSCHh-iEWW!hhEhH-! H‘IIDzZCH-YIIIEEew! Ugh…” The sneezes scrape unpleasant against his already-sore throat, leaving him hunched over as he muffles cough after cough into his arm.
There’s a small packet of cold medicine on his bedside, along with an uncapped bottle of water, and Vincent is nowhere to be found. The medication is a relief. It’s strangely thoughtful—a part of him is a little worried that Vincent’s only gotten this for him out of a sense of obligation—but he’s grateful for it, nonetheless. 
It’s exactly what he needs. Surely if he takes something for this, his symptoms will be, at the very least, tolerable enough for him to function as usual.
He picks up the packet, squints down at the instructions. The text is inconveniently small, and he’s always been better at speaking French than he is at reading it, but he gets it eventually. It’s supposed to last six hours. If he times this right, he can take a dose that will last him until the end of the rehearsal dinner tonight, and then—if he’s not feeling better by tomorrow—take another before the wedding starts. 
It will be fine. He uncaps the bottle by the cabinet, downs two pills, squeezes his eyes shut, and sits there for a minute, forces himself to breathe, waits for the uncomfortable pressure in his temples to subside.
Then he shoots off a quick text—
Y: thanks for the cold meds :)
Y: sorry i essentially left you with some strangers (again)
Y: this seems to be a theme for me huh
Vincent texts him back just a few minutes later:
V: No problem. I hope you feel better soon
V: Leon and Victoire invited me out for lunch
Yves blinks. That’s a little surprising. But come to think about it, Vincent’s plans with Genevieve’s friends aren’t until dinner time, so it makes sense that he’s out doing something else.
His second thought is: he is definitely in for an earful from both Leon and Victoire.
Y: jealous! have fun! 
His phone buzzes not long later with Vincent’s response.
V: I considered waking you, but I figured you could use the sleep
V: Do you want me to bring anything back?
Sure enough, when he checks his unread texts, Leon has texted him, are u alive????? And then, a few minutes later, ur sick? dude worst fucking timing ever 😦, to which Yves types back, thanks for your glowing reassurance
Victoire has sent him, vincent told me you’re sick :((( and, feel better soon (preferably before 3pm tomorrow!!), to which Yves says, thanks, fwding this to my body. hope it gets the message ✌️
Then he sends back to Vincent:
Y: i’m good, but thanks for asking! enjoy lunch 
Vincent doesn’t say anything, to that, which means that he’s probably busy. Yves makes a note to thank him in person later. And again, much later—when all of this is over.
He just has to get the next day and a half to go according to plan.
The wedding rehearsal is mercifully uneventful. They walk twice through the processional, and then twice through the recessional. Yves picks a seat near one of the back rows, shivers through thirty minutes of run throughs, and tries to cough as discreetly as he can. He stifles every sneeze into a vague approximation of silence—he’s never been good at stifling—and does his best to ignore the mounting congestion in his sinuses, the persistent ache behind his temples.
It's easy enough to ignore all of those things in his excitement. He’s happy to be back—here, in France, surrounded by his whole extended family A part of this still feels unreal to him. He’s really here, in a place that feels familiar and simultaneously so novel, to watch someone who’s influenced him so fundamentally get married. 
They’re all dressed for the spring weather. For the wedding rehearsal, Yves picked out a gray blazer over a dress shirt, chinos, and dress shoes. It’s not quite as formal as what he’s planning to wear tomorrow—the shoes are the only item he’s planning to rewear—but he finds himself distinctly grateful for the blazer jacket when the wind threads through the trees, knocking his tie slightly out of alignment.
It’s not unusually cold out—this would probably be considered temperate weather here, in March—but the wind is cold enough to offset the otherwise agreeable temperature.
The cold medicine helps, too—it keeps him feeling well enough to stay upright, which is already an accomplishment. He’s congested—his sinuses hurt a little, like everything’s a little waterlogged—but at least he isn’t sneezing as much as he was last night. His head still feels heavy, but the pain is a little duller, a little more muted; he’s tired, but he thinks right now he could stay awake on pure adrenaline alone.
“Dude, you sound awful,” Leon says, after the rehearsal ends.
“Thadks,” Yves says, muffling a fit of coughs into his elbow. “You always kdow just how to flatter me.”
Leon looks him over with a frown. “Are you sure you’re good for tomorrow?”
Yves doesn’t know. “Let’s hope so,” he says. “I don’t have any contingedcy plans for if I’m not.”
“I’m sure Aimee would understand if you told her.”
“I’m sure she would.” Yves looks over to where Aimee’s standing—she’s in the middle of a conversation with Yves’s parents and some of the adults on Genevieve’s side of the family. He’s too far to make out what she’s talking about, but she looks happy—she’s gesturing animatedly, her eyes bright. Every so often, he sees her flash a smile at Genevieve, as if to make sure Genevieve is following along.
Leon seems to understand that Yves has no intention of telling either of them, because he sighs. Yves changes the subject before he can say anything. “How was ludch with Vincent?”
“I like him,” Leon says, brightening at the question. “He’s surprisingly pretty funny. I hope you guys stay together.”
“Just because he’s funny?”
“That certainly doesn’t hurt,” Leon says, grinning. “But you work with him, right? If he’s a nice person while he’s looking at like, tax forms, or whatever, he’s probably a great person when he’s doing anything else.”
“Yves! Leon!” someone waves them over. When Yves turns, he sees it’s Roy, one of his younger cousins from his dad’s side of the family. “Pictures!”
“Coming,” Leon shouts back. 
Yves has no idea why there are pictures happening today when the wedding is tomorrow, but he fixes his tie hastily and heads over to join them both.
When dinner rolls around, Yves finds he has no appetite, but he eats what he can and spends the rest of the time making conversation with some of his aunts and uncles. He’s always found this kind of small talk to be more enjoyable than it is tedious. They ask about his job, about his workload, about life in the states, about his parents, about Vincent—all things that he knows intimately, and has no problem speaking on. He thinks that speaking in French makes him a little more deliberate with his answers, partially because he has to spend some time formulating the sentences when they get more complicated, and he likes that, too. It has all the camaraderie of a family gathering—warm and crowded, welcoming, a little chaotic.
He finds Genevieve after dinner, sitting out on the steps.
“Hey,” he says, in French. She looks up, and he motions to the steps beside her. “Do you want some time alone before you get swamped with codgratulations tomorrow, or can I crash your alone time early?”
She smiles up at him. “You can sit here,” she says.
He takes a seat on the steps—a few feet away from her, because he doesn’t want to risk passing whatever he has onto her. He doesn’t know Genevieve very well. He knows her best through Aimee—through the stories Aimee has told about her, through the way Aimee’s entire disposition seems to change around her—but he’s exchanged very few words with her outside of that, all over the summer during their yearly family reunions in France. His extended family is large enough and the family reunions hectic enough that he can probably count the number of conversations he’s had with her in person on one hand.
“So,” he says. “How are you feelidg before the big day?”
“Do you want the good answer, or the honest answer?”
“The honest one,” Yves says. “hit me with it.”
For a moment, Genevieve doesn’t say anything. Yves zips his jacket up a little higher, just to have something to do. Genevieve pulls her legs in towards her chest.
“I’m terrified,” she says.
“You think somethidg might go wrong?” Yves asks, surprised. “You guys have planned this all out so thoroughly.”
“It’s not that,” she says. “It’s more like—this is probably going to be one of the most important things I’ve ever done,” she says. “You know, when something is really important to you, so it’s just that much more crucial that you don’t mess it up?”
“You’re the bride,” Yves says, clearing his throat. “I don’t think you can mess up. Unless you like, hheh-! hHheh… HEH’IIDZschH-YIEEW! snf-! Unless you get cold feet and say no when you’re supposed to be saying your vows. I wod’t forgive you if you do that, by the way.”
She laughs. “God, no. I’d never do that. It’s just—there’s all this perceived… I don’t know. Like, fragility around the moment. Like you’re just waiting for the moment to crystallize, and once it sets, it will be like that forever, so you have to make sure that it crystallizes right.”
“I’m guessing you’re ndot a fan of, like, pottery,” Yves says. He tries thinking about what other kinds of art carry the same lack of tolerance for backwards revision. “Or sculpting.”
“I haven’t tried either of those things,” she says. “Though I would probably be bad at them.”
Yves looks off into the distance, towards the countryside, the rows of verdant green hills which unfurl before them, the white cobblestone paths, the houses lining the winding roads all the way to the horizon.
“I think you don’t have to be so concerned about what it’s supposed to be,” he says. “You can give yourself permission to just—live it. Enjoy it, free of expectations. Who cares what you think about it after, right,” he says. “You’ll have a ring on your left hand. That’s good enough to offset any—well, awkwardness, or clumsiness, or anything, because as the bride, you are sort of incapable of doing anything wrong, by default.”
“I guess,” Genevieve says.
“It’d be a disservice to Aimee if you spent the wedding worrying about how to get things right idstead of like, just living,” Yves says, turning to face her. “What’s the worst that could happen? Like, you spill your drink during the wedding toast, or your mascara smears a little, or you trip on your wedding gown and you have to be helped up by the woman you love most? I think that almost makes it more romantic,” he says. “Because however the moment crystallizes, it’ll be you.”
“Did you learn all of this through pottery and sculpting?” Genevieve asks, wiping at her eyes. She looks a little better than before—she’s sitting up straighter, and the tension in her shoulders is less pronounced.
Yves grins at her. “I have a younger brother and a younger sister,” he says. He clears his throat again, though it doesn’t really do a good job at making his voice sound less hoarse. “It’s exactly as bad as you think it is. I have to be the one to talk them out of their stage fright like, all the time.”
Genevieve laughs. “It must be lively,” she says. “Your whole family is very accommodating.”
“They’re certaidly a handful,” Yves says, with a laugh that tapers off into a short cough. “I love them to death. And I’ll be happy to have you as part of them.”
She smiles at him. The evening light strikes the windblown strands of her hair gold. “Thanks for this.”
“Yeah,” he says. “No problem.”
They sit for awhile in silence. Yves crosses his arms in an attempt to conserve warmth and tries his best not to shiver too visibly.
“How did you kdow it was her?” he asks—a sudden, impulsive question.
As soon as he says it, he feels the urge to take it back. Genevieve is already stressed out enough about the wedding without him asking her difficult, abstract questions the day before the ceremony. He opens his mouth to apologize.
“There was never any doubt,” she says.
When he looks over at her, her expression looks a little wistful.
“Like, one day I woke up and I realized that whatever future I imagined for myself—in Marseille, or elsewhere; as a copywriter, or a journalist, or a director, or something entirely different—she would always be there.” Yves understands that—back when he’d been dating Erika, he’d felt like that too. That she was going to be the last person he’d ever date. That there was no conceivable future for him that didn’t involve her.
“Those kinds of revelations would come at the most insignificant of times,” Genevieve says. “I’d look over her halfway through morning coffee, or I’d watch her pick groceries from the aisle, or I’d watch her fiddle with the radio as she drove, and then it would strike me.”
“That you wanted to be with her?”
“That I was happy.” Genevieve tilts her head back to face the setting sun. “I’m really happy. It sounds like such a simple thing, and it is, but even a few years ago I’m not sure if I could’ve told you that that was true. And I think that finding someone who makes you feel that way—like they’d guard your happiness under any circumstance—is really something special.”
“You were the one who proposed to her,” he says. He remembers Aimee texting him about it, the night after it’d happened, remembers how he’d excused himself from dinner somewhere or other, ducked out of the room to get on call with her. She’d sobbed recounting it, the engagement ring on her finger.
“I was,” Genevieve says. She smiles. “I knew that if I gave up this chance I’d be kicking myself for it for the rest of my life.”
When he gets back from dinner at last, it’s late.
The cold/flu medicine he took from earlier is starting to wear off. His whole body aches—spending the evening outside in the cold probably didn’t help with that—and even in the relative warmth of the hotel room, he finds that he can’t stop himself from shivering.
He takes a hot shower, which feels pleasantly indulgent in the moment, but not long after he shuts off the water, he finds himself shivering again. The absence of the hot water makes him a little dizzy—he finds himself gripping the tiled wall, pausing for a moment behind the shower curtain to catch his balance.
His head really hurts. It’s the kind of sharp, throbbing pain that makes him all too aware of his heartbeat. He gets changed, towels his hair dry, and steps out of the bathroom.
Vincent is sitting on the bed, reading something. He must’ve gotten back at some point while Yves was showering. At the sound of the door, he puts the book down and looks up.
“How was the wedding rehearsal?” he asks.
“Great,” Yves says. He clears his throat, but clearing his throat irritates his throat enough that he has to muffle a few coughs into his elbow. “How was dinner with Genevieve’s friends?”
“They were very nice,” Vincent says.
“Ndicer than my friends in New York?”
“I felt less like I was being evaluated,” Vincent says, with a smile. “But if they were to express their disapproval of me in French, I would be none the wiser.”
Yves laughs. “I’mb sure that even if you learned the ladguage in full, you wouldn’t hear any disapproval from them.” He takes a seat on the couch, if only because he can’t quite trust his legs to keep him upright for the entire course of the conversation. “What did you guys talk about?”
“Lots of things. Life in France,” he says. “Life in the states. Individual freedom and the formal institution of marriage.”
“Do you believe in mbarriage?”
Vincent looks at him. “I think I believe in it just as much as everyone else does,” he says. Then, after a moment: “It worked out for my parents.”
“The busidess competition proved to be a good edough reason?”
Vincent traces a finger down the spine of the book, over the gold lettering. His shoulders settle. “They weren’t in love when they got married,” he says. Hearing him state it so plainly comes as a surprise to Yves. “Strictly speaking, I’m not sure if they ever were in love. But I think they came to love each other eventually.”
“What about you?” Yves asks. “Do you think you’ll fall in love someday?”
“Is that really something I’d choose?” Vincent says. “It either happens or it doesn’t.”
“Sure, but there are plenty of ways you can seek out love actively.” 
“If I found something worth pursuing, I’d go after it,” Vincent says.
Yves laughs. “That’s very like you.” he wonders what kind of person Vincent might be drawn to enough to see as worth pursuing. Wonders if, after all of this is over, he’ll even be in Vincent’s life for long enough to know.
His head hurts. The slight prickle of irritation in his sinuses is already tiringly familiar.
“hHEh… HeHh’IIDZSCH-yyiEW!” The sneeze snaps him forward at the waist, messy and spraying. He reaches for the tissue box Vincent left him this morning, still nestled into the crook of the couch, and grabs a generous handful of tissues. “Hh… hehh-HEh-HhehHh’IIzSSCH-iEEw! Hh…. HEHh’DJSCCHh-IEew!”
The sneezes leave him coughing, afterwards. His throat feels raw and tender—he raises the tissues back up to his face to blow his nose.
“You sound worse than you did last night,” Vincent says, with a frown.
Yves opens his mouth to speak, but he finds himself coughing again. He can feel Vincent’s eyes on him. It’s embarrassing, he thinks, to be seen when he’s like this by someone who’s usually so well put together. “I’b a little prone to losidg my voice when I’m sick,” he admits. “It’s pretty incodvedient.”
“I’m probably not making it any better by talking to you,” Vincent says. That might be true—Yves is half sure that any time he does lose his voice, it’s because he typically makes no effort to converse any less than usual—but Yves likes talking to Vincent. Besides, they haven’t talked all day. 
He opens his mouth to say as much, but then Vincent asks: “How are you feeling?”
“Good as new,” Yves says. When Vincent raises an eyebrow, at that, he amends: “Good enough for tomorrow, at least. The ceremony doesn’t start until three, but I’ll probably be up earlier to see if there’s anything else Aimee and Genevieve ndeed help with.”
Vincent’s eyebrows furrow. “If anything comes up, I can help.”
“It’s fine,” Yves says. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“You don’t have to ask. I’m offering.”
“I can handle it on my own. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, I— hHHEh’IDJZSCHh-yyEW! snf-! I’mb really fine. I swear.”
“I’ve done this before,” he insists, which is true, too—he’s certainly been through worse. It would be wrong to put himself first, to take things easy when he might be needed still. “It doesn’t have to be your problem.”
For a moment, there’s something there, to Vincent’s expression—a flash of something that looks suspiciously close to hurt. Then it’s gone. When he blinks, Vincent’s expression is carefully neutral, as usual. He wonders if he’d imagined it.
“Okay,” he says. He sets the book gingerly on the bedside counter, and pulls the cord on the lamp. Darkness engulfs the bedroom. “You should sleep soon, if you’re able to.” A pause. The rustling of sheets. “Goodnight.” Yves wants to say something. He has a feeling that he’s messed things up, somehow, though he’s not entirely sure how. 
But what can he say? He just—he just wants, desperately, for all of this to be okay. He wants the wedding to go just as planned, wants to be as present and as reliable as Aimee deserves for him to be. All of that responsibility falls on him and him alone, doesn’t it? 
“Goodnight,” Yves says, instead.
[ Part 4 ]
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daddy-dins-girl · 3 months
Playdate - Chapter Seven
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pairing: Marcus Pike x f! Reader x Dave York
Word Count: 5.2k
Notes: I am posting TWO new chapters back-to-back (7 & 8) as they take place at the same time but from multiple POV's. I'd recommend reading chapter 8 as soon as you can after this one, so its fresh in your brain ;)
Chapter Warnings (minor spoilers in the tags...): 18+ MDNI. Soft!Dave York (like, you can't even stand it. Soft Dave needs his own warning). Porn WITH plot (who gave me the right?). All the feelings (I'm sorry). Unprotected P in V. Creampie. Angst! (in MY porn story? who am I?). Infidelity-ish I guess, technically (look these are just 3 idiots in love who don't know what tf they're doing, okay?). Plus probably ever other tag from previous chapters... you know the drill by now for this series.
MASSIVE thank you for @janaispunk for beta'ing and being my sounding board. I really appreciate all your help!
Page dividers by the generous and talented @saradika-graphics
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You power nap through the rest of the afternoon and into the early evening, thanks to the blackout curtains drawn shut but mostly in large part due to the strenuous activities the three of you had gotten up to just before you’d passed out. You remember your eyes closing involuntarily as you lay half draped over Dave, Marcus snuggled into your back and his own breaths began to even out just as yours did.
Soft lips pressed to your forehead and a light hand brushing over your hair causes you to stir some time later and you wake feeling rested, a satisfied smile playing at your lips as you rouse to consciousness.
“Hi Baby” you murmur into your pillow. You don’t even need to open your eyes to know it’s your husband.
He presses a kiss to your forehead once more and breathes out a whispered “I’m sorry” that makes whatever peacefulness you were reveling in vanish in an instant.
His words are enough to get your eyes to fully open. You stare up at him, brow furrowed in confusion as to what on earth he could possibly have to be sorry about and when your gaze sets on him he’s seated next to you on the side of the bed and looking far too overly dressed in tan khakis and a black polo shirt, the expression on his handsome features substantiating his remorse.
“Where are you going?” You ask, concern laced in your tone as you push yourself up into a seated position. Maybe you all are just going out for a late dinner or something and he was apologizing for having to wake you up from your nap for it, but the frown of his face quickly dispels that theory.
He lets out a sigh and hangs his head slightly. It’s then you notice his hair is wet so he must’ve just gotten out of the shower. “Something came up, at work. An emergency” he clarifies, gaze still fixed to the comforter he’s sitting on rather than looking at you. “Cab’s downstairs already.”
“You have to go?!” You ask, incredulous. Your voice raises maybe a little higher than you should’ve let it, but you were rightly shocked that your husband has to leave you now, on your birthday no less.
“Where are you going?” Dave’s voice immediately floods into the room and you look up to see him wandering into the bedroom, towel around his hips and another around his neck that he’s using to dry his hair.
He must’ve showered just after Marcus, you presume.
“Uh work. Last minute thing just… came up. I um, I’ll try not to be long” Marcus continues, turning back towards you for the last part.
“There’s no one else?” You try, sounding a little pouty, you know, but you really don’t want him to go.
He sighs, taking your hands in his and bringing them up to place a kiss to your knuckles before whispering another “I’m sorry” against them.
“But look why don’t you order dinner, or go downstairs for it even, just have it all billed back to the room and I’ll take care of it later, ok?”
“Ok…” you sigh, eyes cast downward. You feel silly for feeling so emotional, he’s literally spent the last 24 hours at your side giving you the best birthday you’ve ever had and you’re still near tears just because he has to leave you. Marcus has a very important job and you know these things come up from time to time. He’s been dragged away from anniversaries, birthdays, even your cousin's wedding on one occasion but it all came with the territory of being married to a senior Federal Agent and you knew that and had accepted it long ago so you just offer a small nod of your head, unable to bring yourself to look at him right now. You don’t want to make him feel more guilty than he likely already does by seeing the disappointment that’s surely written across your features.
Dave is oddly quiet, too. Still hanging back at the doorway leading into the bedroom you presume as you haven’t heard him moving around. With a sigh Marcus leans down and presses a kiss to the crown of your head and puts a comforting hand on your shoulder before pushing himself up and off the bed. “I’ll call” he promises. You nod again, forcing a smile to your lips as you finally raise your head to look up at him.
“Hurry back” you playfully scold, reaching a hand out to lightly smack his hip with the back of your hand and he chuckles.
“Happy Birthday Babe” he tells you once more before reaching for your hand and giving it a small squeeze. He sighs, settles his shoulders, drops your hand and finally turns away from you. You sit up in bed and watch as he crosses the room until he reaches the doorway where Dave is still standing there in a towel.
“I’ll um... Yeah, I’ll see ya” is all Marcus offers to him before brushing past him. A few seconds go by and you hear the front door of the room open and then click shut.
Well… now what?
“Are you um… are you hungry?” You ask Dave, suddenly feeling awkward as you bunch the sheet up a little higher under your armpits to ensure you stay covered up. “We could order something again, or even go down to the restaurant to eat if you wanna get out of this room” you shrug.
The room feels suddenly too small for the two of you. Like you shouldn’t be in such close proximity to each other without Marcus present (especially not in the state of undress you’re both in). It’s not that you feel uncomfortable around Dave, more like the opposite, and therein lies your problem. Dave makes you feel… a lot. But discomfort is not one of those feelings. The only thing uncomfortable about being around Dave is probably how comfortable you feel around him now. Like you could just walk across the room to him right now and throw your arms around his shoulders and kiss him like it’s a habit.
But you can’t. Of course you can’t. Marcus didn’t explicitly implore you not to, but he also didn’t outright give his blessing either. It feels wrong without Marcus here and you think both you and Dave can feel it, the way the energy shifted in the room the moment your husband stepped out of it. You have been alone with Dave before of course, but only once, and with your husband's enthusiastic permission. Insistence, even. Now there’s a sexual tension hanging in the air that makes this massive suite feel suffocating.
Finally after what feels like a moment dragged on far too long, Dave answers. “Should probably get going, right?” he shrugs his shoulders, voicing aloud what you’re both thinking.
You don’t want him to leave. Of course you don’t. But you both know he needs to.
“Yeah, right” your gaze is cast downwards again as your fingers pick at a loose thread in the soft sheet covering you. You suck in a breath, willing for no tears to fall to your cheeks as you begin to feel overwhelmed with loss, with what your evening had become versus what you had managed to conjure it up to be in your fantasies while you were falling asleep just hours earlier.
You had thoughts. A lot of thoughts. Especially after what had inspired earlier, you were ready and willing to experience a lot more of that and you’d told yourself you were going to be brave and honest and adult about it and tell them both exactly what you wanted, but now here you were about to be left alone in this hotel room. Maybe you’d just pack everything up and go home, text Marcus and let him know to meet you back there after work. You didn’t want to sit around this giant reminder of what you were missing out on tonight.
You remain seated in the bed, back against the headboard and arms wrapped around your legs that are bent at the knees in front of you, hugging yourself as Dave wanders around the bedroom getting dressed in fresh clothes and cleaning up all of his belongings, stuffing them back into his overnight bag. You glance at him occasionally as he busies himself packing, eventually moving out of the bedroom and throughout the rest of the suite to gather what’s left.
“Think that’s it” he sighs as he re-enters the bedroom a minute or so later and takes one final glance around to ensure he hasn’t forgotten anything.
“I’ll walk you out” you say, suddenly remembering your manners and Dave manages a small chuckle but ultimately holds up his hand in dismissal.
“Don’t need to get up on my account, I’ll see myself out”
You nod your head, a murmured “ok” leaving your lips as you wrap your arms back around your knees again.
Dave crosses the room over to your side, hesitation in his steps until he finally reaches you. He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead and then smiles softly as he pulls away. “Happy Birthday” he tells you. “Hope it was a good one” he adds with a playful wink and your lips instantly spread into a grin across your face, despite your less than happy mood.
“Best one yet” you promise him. It was the truth, after all.
“Goodnight” he finally says, after a long drawn out silence stretches between you and he turns on his heel, exiting the bedroom. A moment later you hear the main door exiting the room open and shut again and just like that, he’s gone, and you’re alone.
Your head falls back down to your knees and you gently shake it back and forth, willing yourself to be strong and not break down to tears like you want to. It was silly, really, but dammit if it didn’t hurt all the same.
With a huff into the empty room you decide you’re not just going to lie there feeling sorry for yourself all night. You’re going to get up, clean up and start packing to meet Marcus back at home like you had thought about earlier. It was too sad sitting in this gorgeous suite all alone, watching a clock or your phone waiting on your husband to return. You get up and throw on one of Marcus’ t-shirts and a fresh pair of panties, quickly use the bathroom and brush your teeth and then begin to wander about the room, picking up clothes and toiletries and any other of yours or Marcus’ belongings and start packing them into the small suitcase. Once everything is packed you take a look around the suite and realize what a disaster you’ve all made. Between dirty dishes, empty coffee cups, liquor and champagne bottles, and a haphazardly made bed, you decide to tidy up a bit as well before you leave. You know that’s Housekeeping's job but you don’t think you could live with yourself knowing you left a room in the state this one was in so you begin about tossing away trash, collecting empty bottles to line them up on the small counter top and fixing up the bed at least halfway decently. The “do not disturb” sign had been stationary on the outside of the suite door handle since your arrival last night so no cleaning staff had bothered to come by and you couldn’t in good conscience leave the room the way it was.
You stand in the middle of the living room and take a final glance around, satisfied with how you’re leaving things now and go to turn back to the bedroom to get dressed and collect your suitcase when there’s a sudden knock at the door. Your brow furrows at who it could be but you head over to pull it open away, thinking maybe your husband had decided to take the liberty to order dinner for you, rightfully assuming you would skip it all together had it been solely up to you.
You reach the door and pull it open, ready to let whoever is on the opposite side of the door know that you won’t be staying to eat but the words die on your tongue as it swings open and reveals what - or rather who - waits on the other side.
“Hi” you breathe, voice barely above a whisper.
“Hi” he murmurs back, eyes boring into yours.
With one large hand planted against the door frame, Dave looms over you as a dead silence stretches on between you. You know what he’s waiting for. He’s waiting for you to tell him to leave, that he shouldn’t be here. He still has his duffel in his other hand which means he didn’t even make it to his car. From the close proximity you can smell the alcohol on his breath, maybe he only made it as far as the hotel bar and convinced himself to turn right back around.
Either way, you know you just don’t have it in you to turn him away. He knows it, too. Despite not even knowing you very long, he’s always been able to read you like a book.
There’s always been a pull between the two of you, a magnetic attraction. But over the past couple of visits, and certainly over the last 24 hours, something has shifted. You’d felt it, and given the way Dave was looking at you now, you know he did too.
Dave is first to break the silence with a whispered “fuck” before he pushes his way fully inside. Duffel dropped to the floor just inside the entryway, his left arm wraps around your waist and lifts you easily as his other hastily slams the door shut before joining the other to secure you to his body. Your legs wrap around him and both his hands grab hold at your ass while yours wrap around his neck and your lips meet in a heated frenzy as Dave carries you further inside.
“Where?” Dave mumbles against your lips between kisses, halfway across the living room by now.
“Bed. Take me to bed” you answer easily. You don’t want a quick fuck on the couch or against a wall. There’s a yearning inside of you that can’t be fully satisfied unless you do this right. Dave hums his approval into your mouth, passing by the couch and into the next room until he reaches the foot of the bed and he stops to let you down, your body slowly sliding down his front until your bare feet hit the floor. Your arms remain around his neck, his at your waist and he looks down at you, forehead resting against yours, holding your gaze for several long seconds.
“Thought you left” you manage to say, voice barely above a whisper.
“Me too,” he admits. Your breaths mingle in the limited space between you, the temperature in the room suddenly stifling. Dave can feel the way your body slightly trembles in his arms, just as you can easily read the longing in his gaze. You want this. You both do.
“Tell me to go” he tries, voice so low and soft it’s barely discernible, his eyes falling shut and thumbs absently rubbing back and forth at your hips.
“Can’t” you answer simply. He knows it’s the truth.
“Then tell me to stay” he tries instead, eyes opening again to search yours, needing your consent, your affirmation that you feel this too, whatever is inside of him. He needs to know that you need him as much in this moment as he needs you. That you’re willing to cross this line with him.
You don’t answer him with words. You can’t. Instead you lower one arm down to take his hand into yours and you lead him around the bed, turning once you reach the head of it and dropping his hand to bring both of yours to the waistband of his jeans, slowly popping each one of the buttons of his 501’s until they’re fully open and you’re able to push the denim down his hips. He helps you free him from the confines of his jeans until they’re bunched at the floor and he quickly toes out of his shoes before kicking his pants the rest of the way off. His t-shirt goes next as he reaches behind him and drags it up and over his torso, quickly tossing it aside before both his hands come down to cradle your face and he stands before you in only his boxer briefs.
Words still unspoken, your hands come up to splay across his chest and give him a gentle guiding push. He follows your lead, sinking down onto the mattress and gets seated with his back against the headboard, bringing his legs up to stretch out in front of him as you carefully crawl on top of him, one knee bent on either side of his hips as you straddle his lap and then lower your forehead to rest against his, bringing a hand down to gently caress against his cheek.
Dave lets out a desperate little groan before pressing forward enough so he can capture your mouth. He kisses you slow and deep, moaning into you when your lips part and his tongue brushes yours. It’s not the bruising, desperate and rushed kisses you’re used to from Dave. It’s soft and romantic and decidedly intimate.
His right hand trails up your side under the oversized t-shirt and cups a bare breast before deft fingers begin to play with your nipple, gently pinching and rolling it between the pads of his fingers while your back arches into his touch, desperate for more. He takes the hint and pulls you back just enough so he can tug the t-shirt up and over your head, tossing it carelessly to the floor before pulling you closer once more. His mouth trails downwards, placing hot open-mouthed kisses to your jaw, down the column of your throat, your collarbone, and finally finding purchase on your other breast, mouthing over the pert bud before gently sucking it into his mouth.
You moan at his actions, hands coming to card through his hair, gently scraping his scalp with your fingernails.
“God you make me feel so good” you pant and he moans his appreciation for your praise into your heated flesh. “So good to me, baby.”
He continues to kiss and lick and suckle at your breasts, paying each one equal attention and his hand pleasuring whichever one his mouth isn’t currently fastened to and you arch further into him, head thrown back and allowing your hips to grind against his groin. He’s growing hard underneath you, you can feel him swell and begin to strain against the tight fabric of his underwear as you take your own pleasure from him, reveling in the friction created between your legs with each slow drag of his hardening length between your cotton covered core.
“God, fuck!” You whine, swearing you could come from this alone. Dave groans into your breasts, hands coming to take hold at your hips and help guide your movements to grind down further into him.
“You’re so goddamn beautiful” Dave lets out, breathless as you rock on top of him, your body on full display as you take out your pleasure on him with each downward press of your pelvis into his. “My perfect girl” he praises before surging upwards to capture your mouth with his once more, tongues entwining immediately into that all too familiar dance now as he wraps a strong arm around your waist and easily flips you both until you’re underneath him, his body weight gently pressing you deeper into the mattress as he kisses you until you’re both left breathless.
He’s cradled deliciously right between your legs as you lay on your back with your knees bent and raised in the air to accommodate him as he slowly continues to grind against you and before long it gets to be simultaneously too much, yet not enough and you reach down, desperately shoving at the soft material of his boxers to get them off. He laughs against your lips between kisses but quickly obliges your silent request, aiding you in pulling them all the way down before he can kick them away and then slowly he lowers himself down the length of your body, pausing to kiss and lick and nip at whatever piece of flesh he finds along his descent until he’s up on his elbows with his face hovering right above your core.
“Dave, fuck” you whine, hand instinctively reaching out to push through his hair.
Dave however seems intent on driving you to the brink of your sanity as he places a soft kiss to your still covered mound, then gently rubs his nose through the seam of your folds and finally sticks his tongue out to lap a few times at your panties, creating enough of a wet spot between his saliva and your own arousal that it nearly feels like there’s no barrier between you at all, your white panties surely transparent by now.
“Please, please, please.” It’s barely above a whisper. A pathetic whine, really, the way you beg for him. Need him.
He turns his head, placing little kisses at your thighs and hips until finally his hands go to the elastic waistband of your panties and he slowly peels them down your legs until you’re finally rid of them and he tosses them to the floor before crawling back up your body and capturing your lips in a searing kiss, swallowing down each one of your moans with his mouth.
“I need you” you confess, breathless and writhing under the solid weight of him.
Dave groans, pulling his lips away from your mouth to nuzzle into your throat instead where he voices his own desperation “need you too. Fuck I need you”.
You moan at his admission, reaching to grab for his face to bring it back to yours but he diverts slightly downwards, bringing the attention of his mouth back to your breasts. He takes one into his mouth while his right hand gropes the other, massaging and kneading the flesh under his large grasp before delicately taking your pebbled nipple between his fingers to pinch and tweak at it until you’re writhing into his touch all over again.
Dave always made sure to prepare you for him, but never had the two of you taken so much time for just foreplay and you feel like you’ve been on the edge of an orgasm for an eternity by now. You’re used to Dave taking you hard and fast but tonight he seems perfectly content on taking his time to unravel you until you’re nothing but putty in his hands, desperate for him to carve you out and mold you into his body however he sees fit.
Before long his free hand drifts down your side and goes between your legs and when he feels how absolutely soaked and ready you are he lets out a little growl of need and for a moment you’re certain the Dave you’re used to is about to take over. He’s going to toss you around until you’re in the position he wants and drive his cock into you so hard and fast that you forget your own name and can only scream out his.
But you wait, and it doesn’t happen. He continues to gently kiss, lick and play with your breasts while his other hand presses into your folds, slides down to plunge two fingers inside of you and raises his thumb to circle your clit. Your hands become lost in his hair, desperate for anything to hold onto as you grind yourself into his hand, panting, moaning and whispering little bits of praise at how well he takes care of you and Dave is absolutely eating it up. With every little adoration that slips past your lips he moans or whimpers into your skin, eager for your praise and eager to please you and it’s night and day to the Dave you’re used to that tells you to stay still and take what he has to give you.
A third finger joins the first two as he slowly strokes your walls, curling them at just the right spot deep inside of you that has you mewling and whimpering under his delicate touch. They drag in and out of your core at a slow but precise pace as he works you open, his mouth never faltering from pleasuring your breasts while his hand drives you to the brink of sanity. He knows your body well enough by now that he can sense when you’re getting close and he amps up his pace, fingers gliding in and out of your wet heat easily with renewed vigor as the lewd sounds of your gushing arousal coating his digits and slapping of skin against skin fills the small space of the bedroom.
Before long, you finally cum on his fingers, back arching and a long drawn out moan releasing from the depths of your throat and Dave’s mouth climbs back up your body to swallow down the rest of your moans while his fingers continue their delightful torture below, working you through your orgasm as your walls pulse and contract around his thick fingers.
“Oh my god” you sigh, hands wrapping around Dave’s head as he buries his face in the side of yours and his hand finally leaves your sex to rest at your hip instead, giving you some reprieve. He shifts to lie on his side next to you now, pressing in close against your body while you lie on your back, body still trembling as you come back down from your high.
“You’re so beautiful” he murmurs, placing a soft kiss just below your ear while his thumb absently runs back and forth against your hip. “So perfect” another kiss, this time to the underside of your jaw and you turn on your side to face him. “So good to me” he concludes, pressing a kiss to your lips.
He’s being so sweet and attentive and incredibly affectionate and though you definitely like the harder, dominating side of Dave, there’s something about his softness that you’re finding just as addictive.
You’re well and truly fucked now. Literally, figuratively.
You try to ignore the way your heart swells as you lie here on your sides face to face, slowly kissing and exploring each other with your hands. Dave’s touch is slow and methodical, like he needs to map out every inch of you to commit to memory like he might never see it again and you arch into his touch every chance you get, desperate to feel more of him. It’s not long before your body is craving him again and with how you can feel him pressed against your belly, you know he needs you too. You roll on top of him and take his face in both hands, ensuring his eyes focus on you and they do, his hands stilling on either side of your hips.
“Make love to me. Please David”
The words barely get past your lips before Dave surges upward, mouth capturing yours in a desperate and heated kiss. His arms wrap around you and he flips you both so you’re underneath him again as his tongue invades the heat of your mouth, the wet muscle wrapping around yours as he seemingly puts every emotion he has into the passionate kiss.
Below you he’s gently lifting one of your legs up so it’s bent at the knee before his hand goes between his own legs to guide himself to line up at your entrance. It’s a slow press of his hips that pushes him inside of you and you both moan into each other's mouth once he enters you, filling you up so completely. He stills once he’s buried to the hilt and and pulls back from your mouth so his forehead rests against yours, your panting breaths mingling in the limited space between you.
Your name leaves his lips in a whisper and it nearly catches you off guard. You’re not even sure you’ve ever heard him say it before. He’s called you lots of names, sure, but never your own and a warmth spreads through your whole body at how it sounds coming from his lips like a forbidden secret meant only for your ears. Your hands go back to his face and pull him back in, your mouths melding together as he slowly begins to move.
“My god you’re fucking perfect” he breathes out as he pulls back just enough so that he can look into your eyes as he gently rocks his hips in and out of you and both your legs come up, locking your ankles together behind his back to keep him impossibly close as he ruts into you. “My perfect girl” he praises, eyes slipping shut as his forehead rests against yours and he focuses all his attention on how good you feel completely wrapped around him, consumed by him.
He fucks you slow and deep for what seems like an eternity, neither of you in any hurry to finish, just wanting to feel. Every slow drag of his cock against the wet heat of your walls sends a tingle down your spine that has your toes curling, ankles digging deeper into the soft and sweat-slicked flesh of his back. Eventually though the need for a release comes on strong and fast for you both and refuses to be ignored. Your legs wrap around his torso a little tighter, your hand in his hair gripping harder and his hot breaths against your neck getting more ragged as his hips pick up the pace.
“Close?” he asks between labored breaths into the shell of your ear and you nod against him.
“Mmmhmm, fuck I’m so close, please”
“C’mere” he breathes, turning onto his side and shifting you into the same position, lying on your right side with your back to his front. He lifts your left leg that rests on top of your right so he can slip in between them again and slide right back into your welcoming heat, both of you groaning in pleasure at how much deeper he can reach inside of you at this angle.
“Oh my god” you cry out when he begins to piston back and forth.
“Right there?” he breathes against the side of your face and you whimper unintelligibly, nodding your head before turning it back so you can capture his lips, allowing him to swallow down each of your moans.
The hand still hooked under your leg wanders slightly until it reaches its prize between your legs, deft fingers pressing down exactly how you need them to and rubbing small tight circles against your puffy, swollen clit and that’s all it takes. Within moments you’re falling apart, a wrecked sob leaving your throat as your arm that’s not currently underneath you comes up to wrap around Dave’s neck, securing him to you as you whimper, whine and moan into his mouth, your orgasm completely taking hold over you for several long seconds.
“Baby, I can’t, I’m - fuck” he groans, holding himself back with no small amount of effort from finishing. The way your walls clamp down around him as he feels your release coating him, your limbs entwined all around his own that tremble and pulse like his own second heartbeat.
“Let go, it’s ok” you manage between shaky breaths, neck still craned so your lips are just a whisper away from his. “Wanna feel you, please. Want you inside me. Fill me up, baby. Please”
The moment the last words leave your lips he pushes in deep one final time and lets go, a strangled groan leaving his lips as he empties inside of you, pulsing as he paints the inside of your walls with rope after rope of his warm spend.
“Oh my god, oh my god” he groans into your throat as he slowly begins moving his hips again, ensuring every last drop of his seed stays buried deep inside you.
“Mmm hmmm” you whine, a desperate little sob escaping you as he continues to fuck his cum into you. “David, baby, god don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop”. He lets out a low growl, fucking you through the aftershocks of both your orgasms for as long as he can manage, then gives one final deep push as far as he can possibly reach and stills for several long seconds until he’s forced to pull back and finally, regretfully, slips out of you.
“Baby,” he sighs, like he’s physically pained by pulling out of you, wishing he could stay there forever. He gently lowers your leg back down and his arms reach around underneath you to embrace you and he rolls you so you’re on top of him, neither of you concerned about your sweat slicked bodies or the sticky mess where his spent cock rests against your swollen sex.
“That was incredible” he confesses in a low whisper before planting a kiss to your temple, a strong arm coming up to wrap around your head and hold you close, afraid if he lets go you might just disappear.
In your post-orgasmic clarity you feel yourself begin to tense as you try to comprehend what exactly you just did and more importantly, what it means. Whatever that was, felt so different than every time before with Dave. You want to open your mouth to say something to him, to discuss what just happened and hopefully get some kind of gauge on what he’s feeling but your brain is a jumbled mess and the words don’t come in time before he’s gently rolling you off of him to get up.
He grabs for one of the discarded towels from earlier that you’d tossed over the back of the armchair in the room and brings it between your legs, gently wiping away any leftover mess that’s there before he bends down and places a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m going to take a shower” he tells you and you can do little more than nod your head. You wish you could form at least one coherent thought in your brain but they all escape you. You don’t even know where to begin, or what you even want to say. Or if you should be even having any sort of intimate conversation between the two of you without Marcus present.
None of it feels right, except for the part where it all feels right, and that alone terrifies you. You flip over onto your side and nestle into the pillows, willing for your brain to just shut down and provide you with a few minutes of solace. By some miracle, peace does come to you in the form of sleep, your body too spent and exhausted to stay awake a moment longer and you’re passed out before you even hear the shower stop running.
You don’t wake up to the snick of the hotel door closing shut after Dave gathered up every last piece of evidence of himself in the room and left without a word while you slept soundly, blissfully unaware that when his lips pressed against your forehead right before he walked out the door that it was the last time he intended on ever seeing you again. Either of you.
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lavender-at-heart · 1 year
Hiya, I love your writing, could I request some fluff with Erik (poto) where the reader is sick, tysm x
Omg tysm for the request!!! <3<3<3 I haven't written in a while so I'm not sure if it's any good. Also perfect timing because I am sick and it sucks.
(Ignore the fact that I have meen m.i.a for months 😅🫢😓)
Pairing: Erik The Phantom x fem!reader(can be read as gender neutral but there are a few uses of typically fem. terms of endearment)
Warnings: illness(?)
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Your mind humms awake after a long dreamless slumber. Your body feels heavy. You can hear Erik at his organ but every note he taps seems to amplify the growing pain in your head. You attempt to open your eyes but immediately shut them once the bright blinding light hits them. You slowly pull yourself up into a siting position-
𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘵! 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴? 𝘌𝘳𝘪𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘶𝘱𝘴𝘦𝘵!
Today was the day you and Erik were going to finally leave his dark abode and have a romantic picnic near the Seine. It was something that you had been anticipating for months and maybe even years! No doubt Erik will be in a mood when he hears. Looking into your mirror you look a ghastly version of yourself. Your try and brush out the wires of your hair but you still seem a fright.
Quietly shuffling over to the organ in your flowing night dress, you hope Erik doesn't hear you aproach. 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴.
"[Name], mon coer! Your awake! Are you ready for this afternoon, I- oh dear your looking a bit dull, do you feel alright?."
"What? What are you on about? I feel fine! Of course im alright!" You protest and try to hold back a nasty cough.
"Hmm..." Erik holds a hand to your forehead before you can flinch away. "My dear your burning up! Your are most definitely ill. Why did you lie to me?"
Taking his words as anger; you start to get worried that you have upset him, and worse that you've ruined your afternoon together.
"I'm sorry Erik! I didn't mean to! I'm really not all that sick we can still go outside, I promise!" You plead to him and grab his hand that was once resting on your head.
"Darling what's there to be sorry for? You are sick and we must take care of you."
"But I feel fine!"
"I'll have none of that now back to bed, I'll be right there." You begrudgingly trud back to bed accompanied by a sneeze and a cough.
Happy to be back in the warmth of your quilt, but still saddened about your soiled plans; you await Erik's return. Ayesha mewls over towards you and finds comfort in your lap. Soon enough your eyes begin to droop and you find yourself nodding to sleep.
You awake not long after to the feel of soft hands on your own. A fruity smell fills your nose and Erik hands you a cup of herbal tea.
"Here, drink this, sweetness."
The warm orange liquid helps to ease your aches and calm your mood. Then you take a few vitamins and enjoy a bowl of soup.
"I know you are saddened about this afternoon but please don't be. I am perfectly content to care for you right now. Besides we always have next time." Once your soup and tea is finished, Erik kisses your forehead and gets up to close the curtain that wraps around the bed. Then he goes to blow out the light and comes to cozy up with you in bed. He wraps his arm round you and sets his head between your neck. You carefully take his mask off and place it on the bedside table.
"Would you sing for me?" Nothing ever seemed to soothe your pains more than Erik's singing.
"Of course, cheri. Any requests?"
"My favorite please."
And you begin to fall asleep again as Erik's soothing voice sings 'The Music of the Night'; but this time your sleep is filled with the wonderful dream of you and your phantom enjoying a picnic by the river.
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merrybloomwrites · 11 months
You Can Start a Family (Chapter 9)
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Summary: Mitch, Sarah, and Y/N enjoy time between shows. An encounter with Harry opens the door to a new possibility in their relationship.
Previous Chapters: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight
CW: Smut, slight angst
Thank you so everyone who's been enjoying this story so far! I hope you all like this chapter as well!
Wembley Night 3 has arrived, bringing some nerves with it as Mitch will once again be opening the show with his own music, Sarah by his side.
Since everyone had gone to bed early the night before, you all wake up rather early, giving you plenty of time to relax and get ready. Sarah helps you, styling your hair and putting on your make-up. You hadn’t asked her to, but she offered. After the past couple of days, it made her feel better to care for you in these ways.
You absolutely loved those moments spent with her. You’d been missing this kind of calm quality time and it felt good to have a chance to just sit and talk while she took care of you.
Mitch was once again given his own dressing room for the day and that’s where the three of you head to in the early afternoon. You can tell Mitch’s nerves are picking up the closer it gets to show time, so you sit with him, trying to distract him. You’d like to distract him with kisses but people have been popping in and out so you can’t risk it.
It’s 5 minutes before they need to go to the stage, the dressing room is empty, and Sarah goes to close the door, giving you all a brief moment of privacy. Just like at Slane, Mitch walks to kiss Sarah, then you.
You again give each of them a pep talk, then one last kiss, and you head out to your spot to watch them. You’re joined by a couple of other band members there to support him as well.
He does an amazing job once again, and you can’t wait to congratulate him after. Unfortunately, everyone else has the same idea, and the dressing room is immediately crowded. It clears out eventually, leaving just the three of you.
“Oh, shoot, I forgot to give this to Madi,” Sarah says holding some make-up. “I need to run this to her real quick, I’ll be right back.
She pulls the door behind her, leaving it nearly shut, but still open a crack. You finally go over to give Mitch a hug, telling him how proud you are and how much you enjoyed his set. His hands cup your face, and he pulls you in for a kiss.
You hear someone enter and you both assume that it’s Sarah since everyone else should be getting ready. However, the next thing you hear is Harry saying, “Okay, honestly what the hell is going on?”
Mitch steps back to turn to him and say, “Dude it’s not what you think.”
“I don’t know what to think. I’ve been trying to figure you all out for days, and I’m trying not to jump to conclusions, or judge anyone, but seriously, what is going on with you guys? Does Sarah know?”
“Do I know what?” Sarah asks, stepping back into the room.
Harry pauses, unsure what to say to her. Mitch speaks up instead, saying, “Harry just walked in and saw me and Y/N kissing.”
At the mention of your name everyone turns to you, as if remembering you’re in the room. You haven’t moved, unsure of what to do or say.
“Oh, then yes, I do know,” Sarah replies before walking to you and pulling you in for a kiss as well.
“So, are you- are you all together then? Is that what this is? I’m just so confused. How did this happen?”
“Yes, we’re all together,” Mitch answers very matter-of-factly. “It happened when we were staying with my parents.” He’s about to continue when there’s another person at the door, looking for Harry.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” he answers them.
He turns back to the trio and says, “I have to go get dressed, but I just need to know.” He pauses for a moment before asking, “Are you all happy? Does this relationship make you all happy?”
“Absolutely,” Sarah replies with a beaming smile, which you and Mitch match while nodding in agreement.
“Okay, then that’s what matters.”
“If you have more questions, we’d be happy to answer them,” Sarah says.
“Yea. That would be great. Maybe we could do breakfast tomorrow?”
“Of course,” Mitch says.
“Great. Okay. I’m staying at home tonight so come over to my place at 9?”
“We’ll be there,” Sarah answers. She pauses a moment then asks, “Are you okay, Harry?” You know why she’s asking; he’s giving off a vibe no one can quite read.
He takes a deep breath and visibly relaxes in front of you. “Yes, I’m okay. I was just a bit thrown. But, uhm, you know what? I’m happy for you guys. Really. Anyone can tell how good you all are together.”
“Thank you,” Mitch says sincerely. You feel his hand on your back as Sarah’s fingers intertwine with yours, and your smile grows even bigger. Harry notices all of this and you see him start to smile in response.
After another moment he says, “I’m gonna finish getting ready. Y/N, I hope you enjoy the show. Mitch, Sarah, I’ll see you in a little while.” He walks out of the room, firmly closing the door behind him.
“Well, that’s not how I expected that to go,” you say.
“Definitely not how I wanted him to find out,” Mitch answers. “But I’m glad he knows.”
“Yea, and I’m happy we’re doing breakfast tomorrow. It’ll be good to explain the whole story,” Sarah says.
Mitch steps away and starts to get dressed for the show. You turn to Sarah, letting go of her hand so you can wrap your arms around her waist.
“You alright love?”
“Yea. Just wanted a hug.” You feel Mitch walk up behind you to wrap you both in a group hug. As always when they do this, it’s a wonderful feeling, being squished between the two of them, and you feel incredibly safe and loved.
Not for the first time you find yourself biting back three little words. You know what you feel for them, know that you love them, but you’re too scared to tell them. Plus 5 minutes before they need to be on stage is probably not the best time. You swear to yourself you’ll find the right moment as well as the courage to tell them before you head back home.
Instead of saying anything you lean up to press a kiss on each of their lips and pull away.
“Alright, I’m gonna go find a spot and stop distracting you both from getting ready,” you say as you walk towards the door. You blow them a kiss and the last thing you see before walking out is their answering smiles.
You decide to mix in with the crowd again today and find yourself in front pitch. You can’t believe your luck when you find a spot at barricade. You ask the people nearby if that was anyone’s place and after being assured that it is open you claim it.
From there you can see the whole stage as well as the screens perfectly. You find that you love being with the crowd, being surrounded by their excitement and energy. The show begins and you sing and dance along.
Harry gets to the part of the show where he thanks the opening acts. After getting everyone to cheer for Wet Leg he says, “Will you please make some noise for my friend, Mr. Mitchell Rowland!” He pauses as people cheer before he continues, saying, “The only person in the world who would get up in a stadium with over 80,000 people to play music and not tell them that he’s made an album.”
You cheer even louder and can’t help but laugh at Mitch’s little shrug. It warms your heart to hear the excitement in the people around you at the news of Mitch’s solo music and it confirms the theory that Harry’s fans will absolutely be supporting his career in the future.
The show continues and you try to watch everyone on stage but find yourself constantly drawn back to Mitch and Sarah. You’re not sure exactly what it is, but you’re completely enamored by them tonight- and truthfully, a little turned on watching them. Maybe it’s their stage presence, maybe it’s the black outfits, maybe it’s Sarah’s different hairstyle, but you can’t help but think about how attractive they are, and about what you want to do when you get home.
Mitch’s guitar solo in She doesn’t help get rid of this line of thinking, as you watch his incredibly talented fingers dance on the strings of his guitar.
The song finishes and the girls and Harry make their way to the B stage for Matilda. It turns out that you’re standing right in front of where Sarah will be, and as soon as she walks over, she spots you. She gives you a look and you immediately know that she can tell where your mind has been wandering to. You close your eyes and take a deep breath to get rid of those thoughts for the time being.
You watch Sarah throughout all of Matilda and Boyfriends, and she occasionally glances back at you as well. You share small smiles, trying not to be obvious. Harry notices the looks you two share and smiles as well. He can see the connection you have with each other, and questions how he didn’t notice it before.
At the end of the two songs, she gives you one more quick smile before making her way back to the main stage. You expect Harry to begin Satellite but are pleasantly surprised when he sings Love of My Life. It’s one of your favorite songs and Harry performing it live right in front of you is a surreal experience. There’s a moment when his eyes meet yours and linger with a look you can’t quite discern.
Satellite is next, and tonight you are in the perfect spot to watch as Harry does the infamous Satellite stomps. You find yourself as mesmerized by him as you have been by Mitch and Sarah all night. 
The show continues and you have a fantastic time. You love the transition from Cinema to Music for a Sushi Restaurant, and it’s made even better by Sarah on the screen the whole time.
During Treat People with Kindness, Harry runs in front of you multiple times with a Pride flag. No matter how many times you see that, it still makes your heart swell.
Fine Line is even more magical tonight than the last shows, Harry choosing to sing the higher version for most of the song. You make a mental note to ask Sarah to teach you the ending on drums the next time you all have the opportunity.
Your thoughts, which had turned innocent throughout the show, once again become more inappropriate as they play the final songs, especially Medicine and Kiwi.
You rush backstage the second the show is over, but you still don’t beat Mitch and Sarah back to the dressing room. They’re already there when you enter the otherwise empty room, and you quickly shut and lock the door.
Without hesitating you walk up to Mitch, pulling his face down to your level so you can kiss him. It’s intense, and dirty, your tongues immediately sliding together. You place your leg in between his and he grinds down onto your thigh, his hardening cock rubbing against you.
You groan at the feeling before gripping his waist, encouraging his movements against you. He breaks the kiss, moving his lips to slide along the column of your throat, biting and sucking gently as he goes. Sarah moves in to claim your mouth with her own, and your hand moves to rub her center. The layers of clothes in the way make it harder to get enough pressure, but her gasps of pleasure must mean you’re doing something right.
Bringing them both to such levels of desperation in only a few minutes has you on a high. You’ve never felt power like this, and you’re lost in it, until there’s a knock at the door. The three of you immediately break apart as someone calls out “Vans leave in 5 minutes.”
“Fuck,” Mitch mutters against your skin, his gravelly voice sending a wave of desire through your body.
Mitch and Sarah change quickly. You sneak glances at them as they do so while also helping pack up all of their things so you can quickly get to the car. It only takes a few minutes to get ready, Mitch needing one last second to adjust himself and hide the rather obvious bulge in his pants.
You once again end up in between them in the back row of the van, where they do everything they can to discreetly rile you up. While you had hoped to maintain the power tonight, you quickly lose it. Sarah places a hand on your thigh, fingers sneaking up under the hem of your skirt to tease you. Meanwhile Mitch wraps his arm all the way around your waist, his hand sliding under your shirt to rest on your side just above your waistband.
You place your head on Sarah’s shoulder, your hair creating a curtain blocking you off from the others in the van. This comes in handy a second later as Sarah rubs two fingers directly on your clit over your panties and you bite her shoulder to prevent an incredibly needy whine from escaping your mouth.
Mitch’s hand dips lower to tease you, and you allow this to continue for a few minutes. You suddenly push them both away, and Sarah whispers, “Are you alright love?” You nod and answer with a quiet mhmm, looking up to meet her eyes. She sees your flushed cheeks, your pupils completely dilated, and she understands how close you just were. A mischievous smirk spreads across her face, which Mitch picks up on but you’re too busy catching your breath to notice.
They keep their hands off of you for a few minutes, but then you again feel a hand sliding up your skirt. This time it’s Mitch’s, and you’re only given a second to prepare before his fingers find your center, running up and down the wet spot on your underwear. You’re glad it’s Madi and Ariza in the row of the van in front of you, both too wrapped up in their conversation about what song they should cover together to notice the way a shiver runs through your whole body as you bite your bottom lip.
He continues to work you up, your hand finding Sarah’s leg and squeezing hard as you once again get closer to coming right there in the car. Mitch suddenly pulls away and you’re equal parts grateful and frustrated. His hand moves to your knee in a soothing gesture which only partially helps you relax.
Sarah starts moving closer but before she can make another move the van pulls up at the hotel. You’ve never been happier for a drive to be over and the three of you quickly make your way upstairs, saying a very rushed good night to Ariza and Madi.
You all enter the hotel room and stand in the entryway. The second the door clicks shut Mitch is on you, pulling you in for a bruising kiss. He reaches down to lift you, and you jump up, wrapping your legs around his waist. He takes a few steps until your back is up against the wall. His lips move to your pulse point and he sucks, pulling a loud moan from your lips.
He moves again to carry you to the bed, laying you in the center. You watch as he takes his clothes off and kneels next to you. Sarah climbs in between your legs, and you moan again at the sight of her naked body. You reach out and grab for her, pulling her up to crush her lips against yours.
Your hands reach out to both of them, blindly feeling them beneath your palms and they work to remove your clothing. When you’re finally as bare as them, Sarah moves down your body pressing kisses as she goes. Once she reaches your center she doesn’t hesitate, immediately wrapping her lips around your clit and easily sliding two fingers into your soaking core.
Mitch leans forward, his hand cupping one of your breasts while his mouth wraps around the other. It only takes a couple of minutes before you’re once again at the brink of your orgasm. You can feel the release only a second away when suddenly you’re left empty, fingers and mouths gone from your body.
“No!” you cry out. You thought for sure they’d let you finish this time, that the only thing stopping them before was the fact that you were all in public. But now you realize they’re doing it for fun. You have no idea how long this will go on for.
“I thought Harry was the one that enjoyed edging,” you say, referencing how often he jokes about edging his fans during shows.
Mitch leans in and says, “Who do you think taught him that?” Your eyes shut and you’re met with a mental picture of Harry in your position, being teased relentlessly by Mitch. You force your eyes open, and Mitch’s smirk lets you know that he’s aware of exactly where your thoughts just went.
You’re jolted back to the current moment by Sarah’s tongue sliding through your folds. Mitch stands up and goes to the end of the bed. Sarah’s lips find your clit again and her fingers slide back inside you as Mitch lines himself up with her entrance. You know the exact moment he pushes inside, as the vibrations of Sarah’s moans add another sensation to your already sensitive core.
You’re on the edge twice while Mitch thrusts in and out of Sarah, and each time you hope she’s too distracted by what he’s doing to realize that you’re close. Unfortunately, she’s incredibly in tune with your body and manages to pull away just before you can come.
Tears are sliding down your cheeks, overwhelmed by this constant torturous pleasure. Sarah notices and asks if you want to stop but you tell her to keep going. You know it will be worth it in the end.
She leans back down but pulls away quickly, as Mitch rubs his fingers against her clit, sending her over the edge. After working her through her orgasm he pulls out of her, and she lays next to you on the bed. Only seconds after she moves away you feel Mitch lining up with your entrance. He slides in and you moan in the relief of feeling completely full. He pounds into you, and you can tell he’s extremely close. After a few more sloppy thrusts you feel him emptying inside of you. Sarah’s fingers rub at your clit, and she whispers in your ear, “Come for us.”
Your orgasm is instantaneous and intense. Your vision practically whites out and your whole body feels pleasantly fuzzy. You’ve barely started to come down and reenter reality when Mitch slides out. You whine at the loss, but you’re immediately filled again with Sarah’s fingers. Three fingers curl inside you, hitting just the right spot while her thumb circles your clit.
Another orgasm washes over you, and your eyes roll back in your head. You have no idea how loud you’re being, or if any sounds are leaving your mouth at all. Sarah’s fingers don’t stop, and you feel the wet tears on your face, either from the edging earlier or the overstimulation now, you can’t tell.
“Give us one more, Y/N” Mitch says, mouth pressed up against your ear.
“I can’t,” you cry out.
“I think you can love, be a good girl for us,” Sarah adds before her mouth goes back to your clit.
Another broken moan leaves your mouth, and you nod your head though you’re not entirely sure what you’re agreeing to. Are you saying you can do one more? Are you confirming you can be their good girl? Mitch’s lips wrap around your nipple and suddenly your mind is blank. All you know is the feeling of their hands and mouths on you.
You come one more time and it’s more intense than the others. You’re roughly pulling at their scalps, your legs shaking, and this time you fully black out.
When you come back to your senses Mitch and Sarah are lying on either side of you.
“Welcome back,” Mitch says when your eyes meet his. He sees the look of confusion on your face and adds, “You passed out on us for a second there.”
For some reason this news makes you feel incredibly shy and vulnerable, and you turn to tuck your face in Sarah’s neck.
“You did so well,” she says. “Such a good girl for us.” Your cheeks heat up even more at the praises that the two of them start to shower you with. Their hands lightly caress your body, and they place gentle kisses to your hair.
You all lay like that for a while before Mitch gets up and walks to the bathroom. You assume he’s going to grab cloths like usual to clean everyone up and are surprised when he walks back empty handed.
He notices your puzzled look and says, “Washcloths aren’t gonna cut it this time. I’ve got the bath filling for us.” He puts his hand out and helps you into a sitting position. You try to swing your legs to the floor but instead say, “I think you guys turned my legs into jelly.”
Mitch laughs and leans down to pick you up bridal style. “Need me to come back for you?” he says to Sarah.
“No, I’m alright,” she answers with a smile before getting out of bed on only slightly unsteady legs and following the two of you to the bathroom.
Sarah slides in the tub first and Mitch helps you to join her, your back resting against her chest. He gets in on the opposite side facing you both. Even though the tub is larger than average, it’s still a bit of a tight squeeze and your limbs all tangle together.
They both help clean you up. Sarah massages shampoo in your hair while Mitch runs a soapy washcloth along your body, being extra careful with your sensitive areas. After everyone is clean, they help you out of the tub before wrapping you in a plush hotel robe.
You all move to the couch in the bedroom, and they sit on either side of you. Sarah gently brushes your hair while Mitch uses a wipe to get rid of any makeup left behind on your face.
You start to say thank you to them, but instead of those words you say, “I love you.”
They both pause what they’re doing, and your brain catches up with your mouth. Before you can panic however, Sarah turns you to face her.
“I love you too, Y/N, so much,” she says before pressing a sweet, gentle kiss to your lips.
You hear Mitch say, “We’ve loved you for so long, baby,” and you turn again to kiss him as well.
When you break apart, you’re all smiling, everyone feeling incredibly content and loved.
“Let’s get to bed,” Sarah says. “We’ve got a long day tomorrow.”
Everyone gets up and changes into pajamas before climbing under the covers. You’re wrapped in their arms, legs tangled together. You think about how this sleeping arrangement should make you feel claustrophobic, but with Mitch and Sarah you just feel safe.
You wake up the next morning to the sound of a phone alarm going off. The first thing you realize is that you’re sprawled on top of Sarah.
“Sorry,” you murmur, moving to slide off of her, but her arms wrap around you.
“Don’t,” she says.
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t be sorry. And don’t move yet. I like it when you become my human blanket. Mitch does too.”
“It’s true,” you hear him say, though his voice doesn’t come from the bed like you expect. He’s already up, pulling out his clothes for the day.
“What time is it?” you ask.
“Just after 8,” he answers. “We need to be at Harry’s in an hour for breakfast.”
“Right. Breakfast. Getting ready. I’m on it.” You say this but make no move to get up.
After a few minutes you hear Mitch say, “Y/N? Getting ready?” You look up and see that he’s now dressed with brushed hair.
“Ugh, yes, I’m getting up!” You dramatically slide off Sarah and out of bed, going to walk right past Mitch but he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss.
“Good morning,” he says against your lips. Despite how tired you are you find yourself smiling as you wish him a good morning in return.
You all finish getting ready and start your walk over to Harry’s place.
“If he lives this close, why did he stay at the hotel earlier this week?” you ask.
“Some of his friends with kids traveled here for the shows. He let them stay in the house since it’s easier than a hotel,” Mitch answers.
“Of course he did.”
“What does that mean?” Sarah asks.
“That’s just such a Harry thing to do,” you reply. “Like, of course he would give up staying in his home on one of the rare opportunities that it’s an option, just to make other people’s lives easier.”
“Yea I guess not many people would do that,” Mitch says.
“We’re here,” Sarah says, and you look at his house. It’s smaller than you expected it would be, and honestly looks quaint and adorable.
Before you can even knock, Harry opens the door, smiling and welcoming you all to his home.
“I wanted to cook breakfast but it seems I don’t have any food here so I ordered takeaway. It should be here soon. Y/N, would you like a tour?” Harry says all of this as soon as you walk in the house. You can’t tell if he’s nervous or excited or not used to hosting people in his home.
“Yea, a tour would be great,” you reply. He walks you through the house and you’re charmed by it. It’s by no means tiny- three bedrooms, three full baths, a living room, a den, a bonus room, a beautiful eat in kitchen and a spacious garden out back. Even with more space than you originally thought by the exterior, it’s an incredibly cozy home. You tell him this and he thanks you with a beaming smile, obviously proud of the work he put into decorating.
The food has arrived by the time the tour is finished, and Harry asks, “Would you all like to eat in the garden?”
“Do you have privacy back there?” Mitch asks, a hint of protectiveness over you and Sarah and your relationship coming out in his question.
“Absolutely,” Harry replies. “No one can see in, and the neighbors are farther than they seem so no one will overhear us.”
Reassured that the conversation will be completely private, you bring breakfast outside. For the first few minutes everyone quietly eats their food and enjoys the morning’s beautiful weather.
After a while Harry breaks the silence. “So, the story. How uhm- how did you three end up together in a relationship?” You can tell he doesn’t want to pry exactly, but this is the reason you’re at his house in the first place.
Sarah speaks first saying, “It actually starts back on your birthday, Harry.” You give her a confused look, not knowing how you could be connected to something from before they even met you. Sarah sees your face and continues, “There was a girl that came up to me and Mitch and offered a three way.”
“Was it Colleen?” Harry asks.
“Yea, I think that was her name.”
“Sounds about right, I’m pretty sure she propositioned at least one other couple that night,” he says with a laugh. “Sorry, go on.”
“Well, we turned her down, but the idea stuck with us. And then when Mitch’s mom was sick, and we were staying with them we met Y/N. And I thought maybe she’d be the perfect person for us to explore and have some fun with.”
“Wait, so it was a sexual thing originally?” you ask, not having known that before.
“Just at the very beginning,” Mitch immediately reassures you.
“Honestly, I’m weirdly flattered by that,” you say with a laugh. It boosted your ego a bit to learn they found you that attractive, even at your first meeting. You look back at Sarah, encouraging her to keep telling the story.
“And then Y/N started coming by more often, eating dinner with the family and checking on Tammy. I’d say we became friends pretty quickly.” You and Mitch nod in agreement.
“After Tammy’s cancer was cured, she and Mark went away with friends for the weekend. I saw this as an opportunity for the three of us to have some alone time, so we invited Y/N to stay with us. We spent Saturday together and then had some dinner at home and then we uh, we were all kissing.”
“I’m wildly curious how you get from dinner with your neighbor to kissing.”
You blush slightly and let out a chuckle, remembering what it was that started everything that evening. You look to Mitch with your eyebrows raised.
Adding to the story for the first time Mitch says, “Well, Y/N had been pretty open and vulnerable about her family situation earlier in the day and she wanted us to share something about ourselves. And I told her about us.”
“Us?” Harry questions. “Us like you and me? In Jamaica?”
“Yup.” he replies.
“And then what?”
You blush deeper as Mitch answers, “Obviously the first thing she asked was what it’s like to kiss you. Then immediately followed that up with wondering what it was like to kiss me.”
Everyone’s eyes are on you, amused looks on their faces and you say, “Yea I had absolutely zero brain to mouth filter that day.”
“Thank goodness for that,” Sarah says. “I told her that if she really wanted to know what it was like to kiss Mitch, she could find out for herself. And so, she did, and then I got to kiss her and yea. That’s how it started.”
“And how did it become an official relationship?”
“It was about a week or so later that we stayed at her apartment for a couple days and went on our first official date.”
“Which I didn’t know was a date until after,” you add.
“We literally took you to the fanciest restaurant in town, I still don’t know how you didn’t pick up on that,” Mitch says.
“Why would I assume a married couple is taking me on a date? Maybe I thought you had high standards for dining after traveling the world?”
“That is fair,” Harry says on your behalf.
Sarah finishes the story saying, “Well we cleared everything up that night and made the relationship official. It not exactly uncomplicated, but we love each other, and we’re happy.”
You smile and the blush which had been fading from your cheeks comes back in full force at the word love. Sarah leans over to press a quick kiss to your lips before Mitch does the same.
Harry smiles watching the interaction and says, “Thank you guys for trusting me with the whole story. I meant what I said yesterday. You seem great for each other and I’m truly happy.”
“I’m sorry that’s how you found out,” you say.
“I promise we were going to tell you soon,” Mitch adds. “We were just trying to find a good time.”
“No, it’s fine. I completely understand. I know how careful you need to be when talking about relationships.”
“Thank you,” Sarah says.
Harry’s watch starts beeping and he says, “Sorry, I need to start getting ready for later. Mitch, can you help me clean up? Sarah why don’t you and Y/N take a look at the flowers in the back over there. The ones you recommended are blooming beautifully.”
Everyone stands up, the boys grabbing the remnants of breakfast while Sarah slides her hand into yours. The two of you take a moment admiring the landscaping and literally stopping to smell the flowers.
Meanwhile Harry and Mitch are in the kitchen when Harry says, “I can’t believe us hooking up 7 years ago would lead to you in a poly relationship.”
“That’s- yea I guess that’s true. Crazy how these things work.”
“Do you ever think about it?”
“Think about what?” Mitch asks.
“Jamaica. What we had together.” Harry keeps busy, handwashing their mugs so he doesn’t have to look at Mitch while he asks this.
“Of course, Harry. Are you okay, man?”
Harry turns to face Mitch, leaning back against the counter and crossing his arms. “Yea, I guess maybe I’m just jealous? And I don’t even know who I’m jealous of? Like, when I met Y/N I kind of had a crush on her, but also, I know that you and I are compatible, and I’ve always admired Sarah. And at the same time maybe it’s just been so long since I’ve had a real meaningful relationship that I’m lonely and seeing you all so happy made me realize how alone I’ve been.”
Mitch looks at Harry for a moment, trying to figure out how to respond. He isn’t quite sure what to say so he instead walks over to wrap him in a hug. Harry immediately responds by winding his arms around Mitch’s waist and holding him close.
“You’re not alone,” Mitch says. “You always have us, understand? Me, and Sarah, and Y/N.”
“I know. It’s just not the same.” Mitch steps back to give Harry some space and a questioning look. “When you met Sarah, I knew right away that you two were perfect together. And I never really considered it, but I guess I thought that if you ever wanted to add someone to your relationship, that maybe- maybe it would be me.” He gets quieter as he says this to the point where he’s almost whispering at the end.
“I never knew you felt that way.”
“I never really thought you’d open your relationship to anyone else.”
“We didn’t plan for it to happen, honestly.”
“I know. And you couldn’t have known how I felt. I ended things after Jamaica and pushed you towards Sarah.”
“Still, I should’ve checked in with you more.”
“It’s okay, Mitch. I’m okay, really. I promise.”
“And we’re good?”
“Of course we are. You’re my best friend. Nothing can change that.”
Mitch pulls Harry in for another hug, pressing a kiss to his cheek and saying a quiet, “I love you man. Always have. Always will.”
“I love you too,” Harry replies.
They pull away and finish drying the clean mugs before putting them back in the cabinet.
You and Sarah decide this is the time to enter the kitchen, having witnessed most of the conversation unbeknownst to Mitch and Harry.
“Your azalea bush is amazing Harry,” Sarah says to announce your presence to the boys.
“Thank you! It just started blooming when we got back to London, like it wanted to make sure I saw it,” Harry says with a laugh.
“Oh, I’m sure it did,” you say. “My grandparents’ forsythia bush would always be at its peak exactly on Easter when we all went over for dinner, like it wanted to be seen by as many people as possible.”
Mitch glances at the clock and says, “We should start heading back, we’re getting short on time.”
“Yea, I have to hop in the shower soon. Thank you guys again for coming over and telling me the whole story. I’ll see you all in a few hours?”
“We’ll see you then,” Sarah says leaning in to give Harry a hug. He hugs you and Mitch as well you all start your walk back to the hotel.
The conversation stays light during the walk, but once back in the room Sarah turns to Mitch and says, “In the spirit of full honesty, Y/N and I overheard your conversation with Harry. And I’m a bit worried about him.”
Mitch nods and replies, “I know he says he’s okay, but yea, he has been alone for a while.” He pauses for a moment before continuing, “I mean the signs were there. Have been there. And I missed them.”
“Like that kiss with Emily in Tokyo. That was really out of character for him,” Sarah says.
“I just wish I had known how he really felt about us all this time. I would’ve- We could’ve. I don’t know. Just, done something.”
You’ve been watching them quietly but hearing this sends some doubts through you. “If you had known, do you think maybe you would’ve included him to your relationship?”
“Maybe?” Mitch replies. You start to get lost in your thoughts, wondering what would’ve happened with you if Harry was the third person in their relationship. Would they have still wanted you?
Sensing your spiral of thoughts and practically reading your mind, Sarah says, “Okay, this isn’t helpful. We cannot change the past, and I wouldn’t want to. Not when all those decisions led us to Y/N.”
“You’re right,” Mitch says. “Absolutely right. As always.” He smiles at his wife, placing a kiss on her lips, then walking and doing the same to you.
“No changing the past,” you confirm. “Just figuring out what we can do for Harry now.”
“Did you catch the part when he said he has a crush on you, Y/N?” Mitch asks.
You blush and reply, “No, we must’ve come in right after that.”
Everyone’s quiet for a moment before Sarah says, “Take away his public persona, and the fact that you’re in a relationship with us. Based on the time you’ve spent with him on this trip, would you have a crush on him as well?”
“I mean, yea, I would. He’s a genuinely good person, that’s been easy to see this past week. He’s funny, and he’s kind, and yea.” You cut yourself off before you continue to ramble to your boyfriend and girlfriend about another man.
“And he’s confirmed liking all three of us. And all three of us like him.” Sarah states.
“What are you getting at?” Mitch asks.
“Is four people in a relationship crazy?” She questions.
“A couple months ago I would’ve said three people is crazy,” you answer. “But we’ve made it work.”
 “To clarify, you’re suggesting that the solution to the Harry problem is to, what, add him to our relationship?” Mitch asks.
“It’s not a bad solution,” you reply. “I love you both, so much. And I can tell he loves you guys as well. And you both definitely love him, that’s easy to see. And it solves the problem with the public too.”
“You lost me at the end,” Mitch says.
“Eventually people are going to pick up on me following you guys around everywhere. This tour might be ending but we all know he’s gonna tour again soon enough and you guys are going to be with him. Privately all four of us would be together but publicly, it could be you two and then me and Harry.”
“That does make sense,” Sarah says.
“So, wait. Hold on. Is this something we all want to do? Ask Harry to be a part of our relationship?”
“I think we should give it a try,” Sarah says.
“I’m open to it,” you say.
You and Sarah turn to Mitch, who stands quietly for a minute. She places her hand on his arm, and he starts to nod, a small smile on his face. “Okay. Yea. Let’s do this. But how?”
“I guess we just tell him that it’s an option for him and let him decide.”
At this moment there’s a knock at the door and Sarah goes to answer. She comes back a minute later and says, “Vans are leaving earlier than planned. We need to be downstairs in an hour.”
“Shit, that’s not a lot of time,” Mitch says.
“Group shower? Save time?” You suggest.
They both burst out laughing at your cheeky proposition.
“Yes, group shower. But no funny business!” Sarah says.
The shower only has minor funny business and ends with a blast of cold water to cool everyone down quickly. You get dressed and do your makeup but run out of time before you’re able to do your hair, settling to run a brush through and hope it air dries okay.
Sarah sees your dilemma and asks, “Want me to braid it for you when we get there?”
You smile and nod before grabbing your bag and heading out with them. The drive to Wembley takes longer today, since they need to take a detour due to an accident, so you end up arriving at the same time as usual.
Sarah braids your hair as promised then pulls Mitch’s hair back into a neat, low bun. After getting partially ready they realize there’s still 20 minutes until Yaffra goes on to open the show. You decide to find Harry and see if he’s able to talk, not wanting to delay the conversation.
The three of you walk down the hall to Harry’s dressing room and Sarah knocks lightly. You hear a quiet “come in” and open the door.
“Oh, hey guys, didn’t expect to see you all again so soon,” he says with a light chuckle as you walk in the room. Mitch closes the door behind him allowing for privacy.
“We wanted to talk to you about something,” Sarah says.
“Sure, what is it?”
There’s a moment of awkward silence, no one sure how to approach this topic.
“You know that we’re always there for you, right?” Mitch says.
“Yea, you said that earlier,” Harry says, slightly confused.
“And you said that we’re not there for you the same way as we’re there for each other. But, we can be. It can be the same.”
“Mitch, what exactly are you saying?”
Sarah walks to Harry, almost reaching to lay a hand on his arm but deciding against it. “He’s saying that we talked about the conversation you two had earlier. About your feelings towards all of us. And we realized that we feel the same way.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means, that we would love for you to be a part of this relationship.”
Harry’s quiet for a moment, looking between the three of you.
Sensing his hesitation Mitch adds, "It's completely up to you. Take some time and think about it."
“Okay. I will. It’s just a lot. But you’re all on board with this?”
“100 percent,” you answer.
Having said what needed to be said Mitch pulls Harry in for a hug. You hear him quietly say, “No matter what, we all care about you. You are never alone.” Harry grips him tight and nods into his neck. When they break apart Sarah reaches out to hold him. She steps away and you wrap your arms around his waist, your head resting on his shoulder. It’s one of the best hugs you’ve ever received, and you want to test the theory about him never pulling away first but you know it’s almost time for everyone to go out and watch Yaffra so you reluctantly break the hug.
“Thank you all so much for your care and support. I promise I’ll think about what you said.”
A second later someone knocks at the door, and the moment is broken. The final night at Wembley must continue. Everyone collects themselves and walks outside as though nothing happened- as though two of Harry’s band members didn’t just invite him to join their relationship.
That night is as wonderful as all the others. You watch Harry out of the corner of your eye during Yaffra and Pauli’s sets. While he is very focused on supporting them both, you also see him glancing over at you, Mitch, and Sarah.
They all leave to get ready, and you watch Wet Leg; you’ve slowly become obsessed with them and their music.
You’ve been allowed a very special spot that night, sitting in front of the Johnny’s Place barricade. You questioned the security guard who led you over there, but he assured you that you wouldn’t block anyone, nor would you be in the way, so you just accepted this gift.
The second Harry walks onstage your jaw nearly drops. He’s been wearing the heart covered overalls in different colors all week, and you expected him to wear it again. What you didn’t expect was for him to go without the shirt underneath. He spots you in the audience, sending you a quick wink.
It’s a truly amazing show, with a few moments that stand out. Sweet Creature is sung beautifully, and you can’t help but notice a couple of looks shared between Harry and Sarah. Matilda once again hits you differently, as you find yourself hopeful that maybe your family will be growing even more soon.
Halfway through the show Harry takes time to interact with the crowd, and before moving on he says, “Now there’s one more thing I’d like to do tonight. It’s a special night, it’s our fourth and final night here at Wembley Stadium. This morning-” he cuts himself off and turns towards the back and says, “How you feeling Mitch?” For a brief moment you almost panic, wondering what in the world he’s going to say about Mitch and that morning.
Harry continues, “This morning I received a very special delivery. It’s a gift for Mr. Mitchell Rowland.” The next thing you know, Harry’s presenting Mitch with his very own Grammy Award. You start cheering along with the rest of the crowd, possibly louder than anyone else around you. Harry and Mitch embrace on stage, and it’s easy to see the connection the two have, both as collaborators and friends- and maybe something more.
The show continues and the moment the rain begins to fall during Sign of the Times your only thought is that Harry must be able to control the weather. The moment is simply too perfect.
The time between the show ending and you all making it back to the hotel room is a blur. Everyone is hopped up on adrenaline from completing four perfect shows at Wembley Stadium.
Walking down the hallway to the hotel room, you’re surprised to see someone at the door to the room. You’re more surprised when you realize the person standing there is Harry.
Without a word Mitch opens the door and the four of you walk in.
“I thought about what you guys said earlier,” Harry starts immediately.
“Will you be staying with us tonight?” Sarah says with a hopeful lilt in her voice.
“No,” he answers. Seeing the immediate looks of disappointment on your faces he continues, “Not tonight. I thought about the option you gave me, and I want to try it. But not until tour is over. It has to be my priority right now. And when we do this, I want to do it right. Give this relationship the attention it deserves. Does that make sense?”
“Yes, Harry, it makes complete sense,” Sarah replies.
“I really want this to work out.”
“We do too,” you say.
“Okay. Great. My car is waiting downstairs so I should get going. Could we maybe hang out next week?”
“Of course, we’d love that,” Mitch answers.
You all hug him before he leaves, each embrace longer than the ones before, no one waiting to pull away and watch him leave. But eventually he does, and the three of you take turns getting ready for bed.
You lay in silence and reflect on the past 24 hours. You think of the previous night’s activities, and the declarations of love that followed.
You turn to face Mitch and say, “I love you,” before pressing a kiss to his lips.
“I love you too baby,” he replies when you break apart.
You turn over to Sarah and do the same.
You’ve always disliked the term “making love” but you find that it’s the only way to accurately describe what happens next. You feel even closer, even more connected with them than you have before.
You fall asleep that night happier and more hopeful than you’ve felt in years.
AN: Thanks you so much for reading this chapter! Mitch's first solo single, Come June, is out now! Go listen if you haven't yet!
Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @theekyliepage @numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry @ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess @houseofdilfs @shaquille-0atmeal-1 @kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye
Also, some of the tags aren't working, not entirely sure why. Anyone know how to fix that?
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mikachacha · 6 months
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Synopsis: You stole Bada's first kiss while hanging out at the amusement park.
Warnings: cursing (they're playing the game of hiding their feelings)
(A/N: I literally can't with these two 😭😭 teenage/highschool romance is just sweet and everything 😩😩)
Series Master list
Chapter Three
"Hyejiiii you gotta be kidding me!? You're not coming?" you whined as you called Hyeji since you wanted to ask them to hang out at this recently opened amusement park and to also celebrate the fact that you made it through 8th grade without anyone failing any subjects.
"I mean, I'm coming but I can't hang out with you guys.. I kind of enrolled in this dance group and luckily got in. They asked if I wanted to go with them and I said yes.." Hyeji explained and you pouted. Hyeji won't be able to come, Haeun is on a vacation abroad and Bada is a bit busy since she's also training to be a dancer.
"Oh okay.. And congratulations by the way! I'll need your autograph when I see you so I can say to people that I got your autograph first before you got famous." you joked and you could hear Hyeji laugh. You miss your friends but then again, all of you are quite busy. Bada and Hyeji are training to be dancers, Haeun is enjoying her vacation and doing some modelling on the side while you're being enrolled in several acting classes not because your mom forced you to do it but because you really want to be an actress yourself like her.
"You're crazy.. See you whenever, bub. Gotta go!" and the call ended. You plopped down on your bed, thinking of who to invite. Well the only one left is Bada. Though you're hesitating if you should call her considering she's on the same path as Hyeji and you'd be extremely sad if she declines as well. Before you could even call her, Bada decided to barge inside your room, completely unannounced and plopping down next to you on the bed.
"Jesus! You scared me!" you complained and smacked her with a pillow and she laughed, ruffling your hair.
"Go get dressed! We're going to that amusement park since I don't have any dance classes today. Hurry or I'm dragging your ass." she says and you immediately get up, getting ready and soon you were racing with Bada to the car.
"Heyyy you didn't return that shirt to me. You have had that since your first day." Bada says as she noticed that you're wearing the shirt she lent you on your first day being transferred to her school.
"It's mine now even though it clearly says Lee 22 at the back." you laughed and made sure your seatbelt was on before your driver began driving to the amusement park.
"Can we go to the rollercoaster please? I've never been on one and I wanna try it so bad!" you asked Bada and she really wanted to say no because you might throw up but the way you looked so cute, eyes twinkling with much excitement had her caving in. How could she ever say no to your adorable face? How could she ever say no to you?
You spent the whole afternoon with Bada, trying on rides and games at the amusement park. You only stopped when it was around 7 in the evening and you're both getting hungry. After getting lost for quite some time, you finally got to the restaurant inside the park and shared a meal together. Bada knew it's just a casual hangout for you but deep in her heart, she wants to believe this is your first date together. She had realized months ago that she is in fact, falling in love with you but she didn't want to lose you and the bond she had created with you so she kept her feelings hidden.
"Badaaaa I really wanted that dog stuffed toy from that ring toss game.. But my aim is bad. And the stuffed toy is way too cute!" you rambled your little problem to her and she couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable you are.
"I'll get it for you but you have to ride the Ferris wheel with me right after. Deal?" she held out her hand towards you and you shook it without hesitation because you really wanted that stuffed toy.
Right after you destroyed the order of corn dogs, boneless chicken wings and some fries with Bada, you immediately dragged her to the ring toss booth where you saw the stuffed toy that you wanted and she immediately got to work. She failed a few times but she's not stopping until she gets that stuffed toy for you. And when she did, you were overjoyed that you weren't really thinking properly. You just turned to Bada, cup her cheeks and just kiss her. Not on the cheeks, but on the lips. You just kissed your best friend on the lips. You just kissed Bada on the lips.
"Shit, shit, shit.. I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean to do that. I was just--" you were rambling apologies to Bada while she just stood there, seemingly in a daze as she's still trying to process the fact that she just had her first kiss. That you just stole her first kiss. She would've freaked out if it was someone else who did that but she felt like she's on cloud nine because it's you who did that. It felt like she could pass away happily knowing that you kissed her. That her crush kissed her.
"No, no it's okay Y/N.. Don't sweat it out. It's all good, we're good." Bada reassured you when you looked like you were about to cry because of that kissing incident. She took you to the ferris wheel but you guys didn't talk about what just happened. Bada wanted to ease your mind so she didn't address it, waiting for you to talk about it if you wanted. You're internally freaking out yourself. You just kissed Bada and it was your first kiss.
"Look, I'm really sorry about earlier.. I really am." you finally spoke as you're both on the ferris wheel and she gives you a smile and a gentle squeeze on the hand.
"It's okay, Y/N. I swear. It's all good, no big deal. Plus, I'll gladly audition as your kiss partner while you're training to be an actress like your mom. You just gotta give me food and tutor me in return." Bada jokes and you finally crack up, laughing at the idea of you practicing a kissing scene with her then paying her with food afterwards. It's ridiculous but deep down, you wanted it just as bad as she does. The way her lips felt against yours is just perfect. It felt right like it was made to be.
"I'll have to think about it but keep your lines open." you told her in a playful manner and she just pinched your cheek, telling you as if you'd get roles with kissing scenes considering you're still a minor and that your dad will kill people if you get that kind of scene.
That night was memorable and it's what brings you comfort, especially when both you and Bada got busy. With you doing workshops for acting and Bada doing dance classes. You barely hang out anymore but would still text along with Hyeji and Haeun. You couldn't wait for the next school year to start so you could be with your friends again, so you could be with Bada again because you're missing her presence. You're missing her deeply.
Bada wanted to just leave her dance classes and go to your house, hang out with you and just be with you but ever since the kissing incident happened, she decided to distance herself a little bit just to regain control over her feelings. She didn't want you to think that she only befriended you because she wanted to date you. She doesn't want you to think that she's using her friendship with you as a leverage for you to love her. It pains her to be away from you for too long but she's got to do it. She's falling dangerously fast for you and she doesn't want you to avoid her if ever you find out about the feelings she's kept locked away. She values your friendship more than anything else, more than her feelings.
Bada: I'm sorry, Y/N but I don't know how I'll ever deal with losing you if you find out I'm so in love with you.. Maybe someday I'll find the courage to tell you all of this but for now, I'll just love you in secret..
Bada typed on her phone, just saving it on her drafts for now since she hasn't found the courage to confess to you yet. She's just hoping that when the day comes that she confesses to you, you're still available by then so she can shower you with all the love she has to give, she can show you how much she cares and cherishes you.
Tag list———;; (It's still open 🫶)
@xiakiyama , @mightymyo , @moonsvrse , @itstrashjustrash , @prilux , @mikaleialt , @azhel, @lil-elliesgf , @1luvkarina , @jhopes-whoopee-cushion, @zhivaxo , @boombadabby , @avocifera , @rhickah
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Bump P3
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
Requested: Please do a part 3 Part 3 please 🙏🙏🥺
I woke with a yawn, given how utterly exhausted I had been the last few days. Still not convinced I had caught up on sleep. I pushed myself up slowly trying not to make too much noise. But My heart sank as I saw the little bassinet at the foot of our bed was empty! Panic Immediately set in but It quickly ended as I saw the most beautiful sight. 
Y/n sat up in the bed with a cushion between her and the headboard, her hair pinned up where she had been sleeping, her little nightie around her sweetly, one strap pulled down and her breast revealed with Sebastian cuddled in her arms, Him slowly feeding from her breast. she smiled down at him gently stroking his sweet little head. 
I smiled leaning on the headboard, unable to look away from her as she worked. 
"Good Morning," She smiled, 
"Good Morning," I smiled closing the gap between us and gave her lips a sweet kiss, "and good morning to you too" I smiled giving his head a little kiss "You having a nice time with mummy?"
"He's enjoying his morning drink," She giggled 
"I bet he is, as much as I long to stay, I need to get to work,"
"Of course, We will be here waiting for you."
"I know you will, have a nice day darling"
"You too."
"And You. Be good to your mummy" I told him, 
I quickly got out of bed and got dressed for the day ahead giving them both as many kisses and cuddles as I could manage before heading downstairs and grabbing some toast and marmalade "Thanks Elis," I told her as I took my breakfast she simply nodded working on y/n's breakfast, so I took my bag and headed to work. 
It had been a fairly usual day, checkups, appointments, Sneed pouting like a child where I bruised his nose. I was on fairly minimal hours now only coming in a few hours a day to do my most urgent work, at least for a while. I was concerned given my walk that... I wouldn't have a job to return to and I almost didn't. Snivelling Sneed had gone to Prof to tattle on me, and of course, Prof was going to fire me for insubordination, arrogance, leaving my post, and so on but the moment Sneed mentioned WHY I left unexpectantly, even Prof in his newly sober state almost kicked him up the arse for trying to stop me. When I returned to work Prof even apologized for Sneed and he had sent a few maternity items to the house as an apology and a gift for y/n. In fact many around town had sent things to us in the days since Sebastian was born, which was incredibly kind of them, Even if the nurses had been pestering me, well everyone had really about when they all were to see him, as we had yet to take him out in public or even reveal his name. I had told her it was up to her but I think she just wanted to keep him all to ourselves a little while longer. I had surgery this afternoon nothing major my last job of the day, was just an arm amputation so I was in the room with Sneed as we got prepared, hetty rushing around with another couple of nurses in order to get things prepped and ready. 
When suddenly I spotted a sight indeed, She arrived to the prep room. 
Dressed in her little black boots, usual stockings and other such dress elements, her beautiful little grey dress, her hair pinned up, with her little hat on, as well as her little gloves which she just slipped off as she entered. I smiled so widely almost crying, that she had come to visit me at work, and given I hadn't seen her in anything but her nightie in about two months, she looked so mesmerizingly beautiful. But then I noticed she wasn't alone as with her she tugged with her a little wicker carriage closed up to hide him from the heat. 
"Good Afternoon," She smiled of course immediately getting everyone's attention 
But I couldn't hold back any longer I rushed over and gave her a cuddle and a kiss "Awww Hello darling, you came to visit?"
"Of course I did," She smiled
"You look beautiful"
"Thank you, I thought perhaps everyone could meet him?" she smiled 
"I think that's a wonderful idea." I smiled and honestly as if the hospital was psychic. Honestly, I think one nurse may have just seen her coming in with the pram and thus told everyone else! almost all the nurses, Jim, and even prof all lingered outside the door. So we let everyone in much to Sneed's annoyance and I gave her a kiss letting her take charge of this moment. 
She giggled a little to see how everyone was so excited, and she pulled back the cover slowly pulling him up into her arms so everyone could see him. "Ladies and gentlemen I proudly introduce. Sebastian William Dawkins." She smiled, 
And Immediately there was CHAOS! 
All the nurses wanted to see him and coo over him, they all got their chance to hold him, I was congratulated by everyone in the room! which is strange I really didn't do much, he got a million compliments from everyone saying how cute he was, how sweet he was, how well-behaved he was being, Hell Even SNEED! cracked a smile when he got a turn to hold Sebastian. Until at last he found his way back to me so I could have a cuddle again.
"yes Hello, Hi little guy" I smiled giving him a cuddle 
"Congrats. Really." Sneed said a moment of peace between us
"Thank you, Now everyone out we have a surgery to do." I told them and everyone begrudgingly left but Hetty, and sneed. "Ohh I know I know I want to cuddle you a little longer but Daddy has work to do. Go on then back to your mummy" I smiled giving his head a little kiss and handing him back to Y/n, but the moment I did I noticed his little hand, in it he held the short chain from Sneed's Waistcoat clearing having stolen it without him noticing, Y/n and I looked at each other rather sheepishly but all we could do was laugh "That's my boy." 
"Slippy little devil" She giggled putting him back in his pram with his blanket "So? can we stay?"
"to watch, I figured Sebastian could watch his daddy work." 
"You are too sweet, of course, but just remember everyone is going to make a fuss of you,"
"I know, It's okay. I'm sure he's excited to get such fuss"
"I'm sure of it." I smiled "Alright as soon as I'm done with the surgery we'll head home" 
She nodded and took the pram with her to the viewing area so she and Sebastian could watch, I continued to sort out and organize I offered my coin to do the flip as usual but he handed it back 
"You do it."
"Thanks," I smirked a little, So we headed out and of course, did the surgery, it wasn't all that exciting but I often glanced up to Y/n seeing her holding Sebastian so he could watch until finally It was over so I cleaned up and met y/n in the entryway "Hello, daddy do good?" I asked as I pulled Sebastian into  a cuddle 
"Aww he loved it, he adored watching his daddy work. A future little surgeon I'm sure of it." 
"Absolutely, future Dr Dawkins right here." I smiled "Shall we head home then?"
"Of course, dinner's waiting" She smiled putting Sebastian back in his pram, so we headed home together, we sat down to dinner and then sat by the fire having a drink each while she fed Sebastian.
"You are the best mother you know that?"
"Awww thank you Jack, you are an excellent father" she smiled giving my cheek a kiss, 
I heard the front door but didn't think much of it. 
Until Elis spoke up. "Uhhh Ma'am." 
we both perked up and immediately I had a heart attack! 
Y/n quickly handed Sebastian to me and fixed her dress as she stood up and turned to see the man in the doorway in his naval uniform, So I quickly put Sebastian in his crib and stood too. 
"Hello, Father," She smiled 
"y/n! sweetheart!" He gleamed so eager to see her but he then looked at me and Sebastian confused about who I was and why I was here. "Wha-"
"I...I Have some new father." She said "I uhh i-" She began nervously but I took her hand standing with her to keep her close "I got married father, while you were gone."
"I did, This is my husband Dr Jack Dawkins. We fell in love Father and I know we should have waited but we wanted to be together so badly, I do hope you're not angry."
"Y/n, my sweet daughter, I'm not angry" he reassured and she ran giving him a tight hug "I'm so happy you found who makes you happy," He smiled pushing her back gently and turning his attention to me "Please to meet you Son." He said offering his hand 
"Sir." I smiled shaking his hand 
"Surgeon sir. Surgeon Leftiant actually, New to Port Victoria" 
"Ahh good man" He saluted "Captian myself."
"Ohh sir." I saluted back "I'm sorry she never said-"
"I wasn't when I left" he winked "You take care of my daughter?"
"Yes sir, I have a job at the royal Hosptial."
"Well I am sorry I missed it all you two, But I look forward to getting to know my son in law" He smiled bringing her hand and giving it to me 
"I look forward to getting to know you too sir."
"Thank you Father" She smiled 
"Anything else I've missed?" He laughed
"Well..." She blushed going to fetch Sebastian and he looked shocked but very happy "You're a grandfather too."
"A-A Grandfather!" He smiled overjoyed "May I?"
"Of course" she smiled handing Sebastian over to her father he held him gently in his arms sweetly crying at the sight of his grandson 
"His name?"
"Sebastian" She smiled 
"Oh?" He asked curiously
"Captain Sebastian Grimm, Got me my job in the navy without him I'd never be here, or with y/n."
"Understandable" He nods 
"Sebastian William Dawkins" She smiled telling him Sebastian's full name "After your father."
He wiped away his tears, "My grandson, I cannot think of a better sight to return home to" He smiled before he handed Sebastian back to us and then hugged all three of us tightly. "I am so happy to be home."
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purplecoffee13 · 6 months
The Fake Girlfriend - pt. 3*
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Summary: “Y/N finds out the complicated truth about the reason for her role as fake-girlfriend, and gets a bit possessive over Harry.”
Wc: 4.2k
Tropes: semi-enemies-to-lovers (she hates him)
Warnings: possessiveness (mostly from her), oral (m!receiving), cursing, dirty talk, sexual tension THROUGH THE ROOF, angst and insecurities
The next morning, I awake by the sunlight beaming through the window and right onto my face. I open my eyes, my body more relaxed than it has been in weeks, and my lips can't help but form into a lazy smile at thinking of the reason why.
However, the reason why isn't here.
A small frown creases my forehead, especially because I'm not hearing any noise from the bathroom. I lean towards Harry's side of the bed, and spot a note on his nightstand.
'Fulfilling groomsmen duties.
Breakfast is on the dresser.
Catch you later, H.'
Though it was sweet of him to leave a note, and to let me sleep in and leave me breakfast, my heart still churns at the idea that I won't see him until the afternoon. I had hoped we could talk about whatever the fuck happened yesterday, but I guess it will have to wait.
My heart flutters though, as I munch down my breakfast before hopping in the shower. Since I slept in, I have to hurry a little bit if I want to be ready in time.
Luckily I have my hair and make-up done in time, and I manage to strategically shimmy into my dress without ruining any of it. I send a silent prayer as I put on my heels, hoping the blisters will not form until after the ceremony.
After checking the itinerary, I start to make my way to the garden where the ceremony is to be held. Upon exiting our room, I run into a hard body which manages to catch before I fall onto the ground.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Matthew spits out as he helps me balance myself out again. I nod at him, smoothing my dress and taking a deep breath.
"I'm sorry, I should've watched where I was going." I awkwardly smile at him. He waves it off, and extends his arm to me.
"Need an escort to the garden?" He asks with a genuine smile. I hesitate for a moment, but from his body language, I gather that he got Harry's message from yesterday.
"That would be great."
We begin to walk and I immediately spot other people going the same way as us, easing my anxiety about getting there too early.
"Where is Harry?" Matthew brings me back into the moment after momentarily getting caught up in my thoughts.
"Uhm— groomsmen duties, he said." I answer, and Matthew hums. We walk down some stairs that are needed to take in order to reach the garden.
"You're not a groomsman?" Maybe it was a little too intrusive, but it was too late to take it back now. Matthew shook his head.
"Jimmy and Harry were in a football team together since they were little. It's how our Rosa met him. Jimmy and Rosa kind of see Harry as the reason why they got together, so even though they are not as close as they used to be, Jimmy made him a groomsmen." He explains, and I nod my head. That's an interesting part of his family history I did not yet know, and it makes me wonder. Maybe Matthew knows about the girl Harry's family wants to set him up with, the reason I’m here.
"What's with that frown?" Matthew goes to stand in front of me and lowers himself down to my height. I widen my eyes at him and force an exaggerated smile.
"Nothing, nothing..." I chuckle, shaking my head. He raises his eyebrows, not believing me one bit, but laughing along anyway.
"Let's go sit." He says, and leads us to the assigned seats, secretly rearranging them so we can sit next to each other. I laugh at his inability to be subtle, but he manages to pull it off nonetheless. We sit down, and I take in the garden and its beauty. Slowly, I spot the people who are here, and it dawns on me; everyone is very beautiful, especially the girls.
I spot a lengthy blonde in a baby pink dress, chatting with two brunettes whose dresses look like they were picked out from a runway. My brows crease at the sight of everyone's perfect hair, and I find myself smoothing out my own, which seems like a poor excuse for a head of hair now. My heart begins to beat faster and— oh my god I'm going crazy.
"Matthew." I say his name, sounding a bit more urging than I wanted to. His head shoots towards mine.
"Yeah?" He asks softly, a bit of concern evident on his face.
"Uhm… Harry– well, he told me about this girl–"
Ophelia? That's her name?! If that is her actual name then I can't imagine what she looks like. Probably as ethereal as her name.
"I don't know, he never gave a name. But, he said she was going to be here." I tell him, and he hums. I wait to see if he's going to give me any information, but he doesn't say anything. "What– um, what do you know about her?"
My attempt at casualness falters with the stutter of my voice. Matthew lets out a breathy laugh at my nervous question, and is quick to stroke my arm.
"You have nothing to worry about, Y/N." He tries to assure me, and I give him a quick nod.
"I know, I know... I was just wondering, that's all." I turn my body away from Matthew, realizing how pathetic I was beginning to sound.
So what, Harry gave me an amazing orgasm and I think I'm developing a crush on him? I lost my best friend because of him. Well, I guess she was always a bit mean in hindsight, but still. Just because he was nice yesterday, doesn’t mean I should be acting like this.
"Ophelia's mom is good friends with Harry's mom, so they've known each other since middle school.” Matthew suddenly speaks up, and I can feel the blood rise to my cheeks. “They dated for about two years, went to prom together and everything, but they broke up when they graduated."
They dated..?
"Ophelia got a new boyfriend not long after the break-up. They got engaged and everything, but the guy cheated on her so they broke off the engagement like six months ago. Since then, Harry's mom has been forcing him to reconcile with Ophelia, but he was actively opposed to it. Sheila wouldn't let it go though, and usually Harry doesn't mind doing his mom a favor, but this time he was really against it. Now we know why." He smiles at me, like I should be glad with the end of this story.
He dated her for two whole years. They went to prom together, they've known each other since middle school, and his mom is a fan of hers. She wants her son to end up with that girl. I stand absolutely no chance. There is way too much history there. I could never stand above anything like that, ever. God, I hate that. Why do I hate that so much?
My eyes refuse to meet Matthew, but I give him a sad excuse for a smile anyway, to make it seem like he didn't just unintentionally put a serious damper on my mood.
Then, the music starts, and the ceremony begins. I didn't even notice the groom and his men standing by the altar already, but when I look, I catch Harry's eyes on me. He looks confused, or rather concerned. His brows are deeply creased.
I tear my eyes off of him when the bridesmaids walk in, and I immediate know, I immediately feel who Ophelia is.
Gorgeous, long blonde hair with sparkling green eyes and a smile that every Hollywood celebrity pays a good amount of money for. Her petite figure makes me feel immensely big and I hate myself for comparing myself to someone who could not look more different from me. She is stunning and I understand why everyone is so enamored with her. I'm sure she's very nice too.
I know my insecurities are not her fault, but damn do I feel vulnerable when I catch her staring at Harry. My gaze flies towards my fake boyfriend, but it seems that he is still looking at me. I throw him a smile and give a thumbs up, but I only receive a weak, half-smirk in return.
The ceremony seems to last forever, yet I don't catch everything of it. I'm met with a constant pit in my stomach that needs to be flushed away with a glass of wine. I need to get my shit together, and then put it aside, at least until this trip is over. I can figure out my intricate feelings when we're back on the campus, but until that time, I need to play the part and I need to play it well. If anything I should be lucky it isn't as difficult as it was a few weeks ago.
After the bride and groom have gone off to take pictures together, we are all given a glass of champagne. I gladly take one and clink my glass with that of Matthew as we talk about the ceremony and the wedding vows. Harry has disappeared once again, along with the other groomsmen and bridesmaids, so I guess I won't see him until dinner.
I chat a bit with Harry's parents, and Matthew introduces me to some friends of Jimmy's. They're all very nice, some them a bit too flirtatious, but it takes my mind off the Ophelia of it all.
About ten minutes have passed and we make it to the dining hall, where Matthew and I are separated, not before he escorts me to my table of course. My table is very close to that of Rosa and Jimmy, who have seated all of their bridesmaids and groomsmen together.
I sit down and am tapped on my shoulder by Quinten, one of Jimmy's friends who Matthew just introduced me to, and who is sitting at the table behind me. I turn around and begin to chat the time away with him. So much, that I don't notice someone standing besides us until he coughs awkwardly to get our attention.
When I look up at Harry, my mouth falls open a little bit. He looks criminally beautiful in his suit, and his jawline looks to prominent from this angle. I suck in a deep breath at the realization that I had temporarily stopped breathing altogether, and all of my insecurities and blues are washed away by the need to drag him to the nearest bathroom.
"Hi." I manage to let out, a sheepish smile on my face. Harry doesn't look very amused, hands still in his pockets, as his eyes dart from me to Quinten.
"Hey man." Quinten says, but he gets nothing more than a murmured 'hey' from Harry before he tugs on my arm, pulling me out of my chair and into his embrace, where his nose buries into my neck and I feel him taking in my scent. He leaves a couple of kisses there before pulling his head back to look at me.
"You... are breathtaking." He slowly says, staring into my eyes. My cheeks burn at the flattery, but it's impossible to look away from him. My mind is dizzy from his hands — one on the small on my back and the other one on my waist —, and I am feeling too many things at the same time.
I'm still frustrated with him for throwing me into the lion's den without properly telling me what I was getting myself into, I'm giddy because he is too pretty and his eyes glisten in this light, but most of all I'm horny and I want him right now. Ophelia may have him when all of this is over, but for the remainder of this trip he is still mine.
"And you are a shit excuse for a fake boyfriend." I tell him, and look to the side with my nose high up in the air. He raises his brows, clearly taken aback by my response. He doesn't lose his playfulness, though; a wide grin on his face as he lowers his head until the heat of his breath reaches my ear.
"Didn't you read my note?" He asks lowly, before planting a kiss on my ear.
"I did, but it didn't include you saying I wouldn't see you the entire day." I sputter, crossing my arms together. He pulls back with a wary smile.
"Did you miss me today, love?" He asks. I don't initially respond, because I did miss him and that reality is too terrifying to confess.
"So, you and Ophelia dated, huh?" I change the topic, deciding that I might as well throw it on the table. Just so he knows, that I know. "You know, you could've told me this is about making someone jealous."
I purposefully imply something there, solely to see if it's true. Harry's face falters for just a second, and I ask myself whether I even want him to answer this question.
"Y/N, it's–"
"I'm just saying," I cut him off and take a step closer to him, because I, in fact, do not want to know his answer. "If I would've known, I would've played my part better. But I'll be good for you tonight."
"Y/N..." he sounds almost whiny, and that sounds a bit too good to me to stop.
"I promise I'll be a good fake girlfriend, alright?" I smile at him, my arm snaking around his neck. He swallows, then gives me a firm nod.
Dinner is excruciating. Harry and I are leaned towards each other the entire time, trying to sit as close to each other as we can. He keeps his hand firmly on my thigh, and in between courses it sneaks to the back of my neck, doodling traces on my skin with his fingertips.
We exchange our so-called love story with everyone at the table and all of them assure me that they have never seen Harry so in love before. I laugh when I turn my head to him and he says it's true. Partly because I know it isn't, and partly because I find it hilarious how a part of me almost believe it to be true anyway.
After dinner, everyone scatters a bit around the room, and the dance floor gets cleared up for the first dance. I don't miss the perfect girl from the past that starts nearing our now empty table, and neither does Harry.
Ophelia awkwardly waves at the both of us; Harry waves back but I only give her a half-smile.
"Can I talk to you for a bit?" She asks Harry hesitantly, and I can't help but fight the smile at the audacity of this girl. But then again, they've known each other for a long time, so technically I am just a temporary nuisance to her.
Harry's head shoots towards me. He doesn't want to be left alone with her, it seems, but I don't make a scene like he secretly wants me to. His green eyes bore into mine and I resent him for a moment just for how pretty he is. I really don't want his eyes on Ophelia, but it is inevitable. A bold thought enters my mind.
I kiss him, just a soft kiss that lasts no more than a few seconds. When I pull back, my mouth travels to his ear and I trace his jawline with my fingertip on the other side of his face as I whisper into his ear.
"I just want you to picture me on my knees in front of you, returning your favor from yesterday, while you talk to her. Something to look forward to after your little conversation with her, hmm?"
Harry doesn't have time to respond because I have already stood up and started walking towards the bar by the time I finished my sentence.
As I wait for the drinks I ordered, I run into two other guys Matthew introduced me to. Robert and Simon, if I remember correctly.
"Getting drinks?" Simon rhetorically asks, pushing some of his blonde hair away from his face, and I raise my glass at him to answer his question. The two chuckle at me.
"Yes, what about you guys?"
"We're just wondering why a woman like you is getting drinks for herself at the bar." Robert smirks, and I playfully roll my eyes. Just at that moment, the bartender sets down Harry's drink in front of me.
"For myself and my date." I correct them with a smile, but they don't seem intimidated by the fact that I am here with someone.
"Shitty date." Simon quips.
"Yeah, you deserve better than that." Robert says, brown eyes full with empty confidence. He earns a supportive nod from his friend.
"Are you guys implying that I can't get my own drinks?" I reiterate, catching them a bit off guard. I can tell they have no idea what to say, they're confused by the contradiction of my supposed sweet smile and my sneering words. As if it was meant to be, I feel a hand on the small of my back.
"Sorry gentlemen, I'm taking back my girlfriend for a minute." Harry's voice suddenly sounds from beside me, and his hand press against me more, urging me to walk with him. I wave goodbye to Robert and Simon and follow him along as he walks — rather fast — towards the exit of the dining hall.
He takes me to a door and opens it, revealing a pitch black room. I frown at it, but hurry in anyway when he grits 'get in' through his teeth. I flinch when he turns on the light and reveals the broom closet we are currently finding ourselves in.
I am about to criticize the harsh lighting of the room, when all of a sudden Harry grabs my waist, turns me around and plants his lips on mine with a need I thought only I was feeling.
I stumble back a bit but he snakes his entire arm around my waist and pulls me into him, turning us around and then backing me up against the door. After a while of making out, he begins to move his lips from jawline to my neck, and lower...
I pant as he assaults my skin by sucking, kissing and biting every part of it. I whimper at the sensation of his skin against mine and close my eyes to enjoy it most optimally.
"You drive me insane, do you know that?" He growls into my neck, and I moan when his hand grabs one of my breasts and starts massaging it.
"No, you do." I push him off of me, and he lets go very easily. I take the opportunity to turn us around, pushing him against the door with all my strength, a few of his curls land in front of his face as his back hits the surface. I go to unzip his pants, and sink down in front of him as I pull his trousers down.
"You disappear all day..." I slowly lower his underwear down his legs, and he hisses at the sensitivity his hardened cock feels from the restraint. I know Harry's big, my ex friend told me about it, and the tent in his underpants only confirmed it for me. "And I find out you spent the entire day around your ex-girlfriend."
His cock springs out of its confinements when I finally pull his underpants all the way down, and I try not to look intimidated by the actual sight of his size. Instead, I lean forward and let some saliva slowly trickle onto the top of his cock, and spread it out with my hand. The immediate groan at the touch of my hand makes me feel things I shouldn't, so I try to ignore it and focus on making Harry come.
"Fuck, baby... I–"
"Such a bad fake boyfriend today, weren't you?" I begin to pump him, and delight in the way his breathing becomes heavier with every stroke. When he doesn't respond right away, I tighten my grip around his dick a little bit, earning a moan from him.
"Yes baby. I'm sorry, baby." He mutters, and my stomach twists in every which way at the sound of the pet name he’s given me today.
I decide that enough is enough, I won't make him wait any longer — also because I can’t wait any longer — so I take him in my mouth. He is quite big, so I have to use my hand to make up for the parts my throat isn't able to take just yet. I take my time working his cock deeper and deeper into my throat.
Making sure to keep an eye out on him, I look up at him through my eyelashes, my panties pooling as I watch Harry falling apart above me. He’s clenching his jaw hard, head leaned back against the door.
"Jesus, fuck!" He curses, out of breath from the pleasure I am giving him. That notion alone gives me a dizzying rush of power. His hand finds it way to my hair and he softly plays with it as I keep sucking him off. "Such a g–good girl, fucking hell."
I take him out of my mouth for a moment and get back to rubbing him off, a devilish smirk on my face as he succumbs almost entirely to my touch. The moans that leave his throat almost make me orgasm myself. I can’t contain the moan I let out.
"Tell me Harry, did you think of me?" I pick up the pace just a little bit more. "When you talked to her, did you imagine me like this? Bruising my knees for you?"
"Fuck— yeah baby... Always think of you." His eyes are tightly shut as he rasps out a response. I take him back into my mouth, needing his release almost as much him.
"Oh... Y/N, if you keep doing that I'm gonna come." He says when I take him as deep as I can and his dick touches the back of my throat. I am too busy controlling my breathing, and besides, I want him to come right here, right now.
"Baby, baby, fucking... hell!” He groans out and I begin to feel spurts of his hot cum launch into my throat. I meal at the feeling and the idea of his cum in my mouth and I wait until he's ridden out his high to completely remove myself from his dick.
I get up and make sure he watches me as I swallow the load he just gave me. He stares at me with big eyes, completely out of breath.
“Was it just like you imagined?” I ask with a devious smile, wiping off the remains of him from the corner of my mouth. He lets out a chuckle of disbelief, and my heart is racing at the way he is standing there, entirely defeated, but a hand on my waist anyway.
“I don’t know what I did right to deserve that.” He mutters, a joking tone to his voice, but my cheeks still heat up at the compliment. I realize, I have never taken this much pleasure out of pleasuring someone else. I’d pay serious money to have him crumble for me like that again, and because that thought scared me to death, I push it far away into the back of my head.
“Put on your pants. You’re taking me to dance.” I order him around, and he raises his brows in surprise, and leans down to put on his trousers.
“You like being in control, don’t you?” He asks as he zips his pants. A few curls have fallen to the front of his face and I don’t think I have ever seen an image that screams ‘sex’ more than that one. I shrug.
“I like seeing you fall apart for me.” I confess, because it’s true. I’ve never explicitly liked being in control, I’m a bit more submissive in that sense. But seeing him in that state of euphoria, and knowing it’s because of me… that is what I enjoyed the most.
“Do you now?” He looks up at me with a soft half-smile, and he pushes some hair from the front of my face behind my ear while pulling me into him with his other hand. I nod at him.
He stares at my face a for a bit, analyzing every feature in the comfortable silence that overtakes us. My shoulders automatically tense when his gaze, and thereby the entire energy around us, shifts from soft to almost… sad?
He fixes his posture and plants a kiss to my forehead before moving away from the door, opening it, then turning back to me.
“Dance?” I ask him almost desperately, hoping his energy will shift back.
“Drink, first.” He gives me an awkward smile, and I know there’s no going back to how it was just a few seconds ago. He saw something when he looked at me just now. I don’t know what it was, but it’s almost like it scared him. This relationship is getting too complicated, and I don’t know what I should take as the truth while we are still here.
Maybe, whatever scared him, is something I should be scared of too. Perhaps, taking a step back is the best for both of us, even though it feels like the last thing I want want to do right now.
“Drink first.” I weakly lift the corner of my mouth, and walk past him out the door…
Part 4
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