#not to mention helping with its gay awakening.. kinda.
looking back it's actually so funny how this teenage vaguely slavic stoner kid had to run a quick dreaming for dummies 101 course for the local ancient omnipotent forest entity
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ultraviolet-ink · 1 year
For the ask game: Seishirou Jigoku, Genshin Asogi, and Yujin Mikotoba?
I think about the original exchange students a normal amount lol! I'm also putting this under a cut to save the scrolling because I am never concise XD Prompts here!
Seishirou Jigoku
Sexuality Headcanon: I bounce back and forth with him haha. I really like playing around with gay Jigoku who really tries to lean into hypermasculinity because of the setting/time period (the same goes with AroAce as well, he just really tries to lean into the roles he's "supposed" to play as a man) Can you tell I've taken a sociology course or two this semester? XD
Gender Headcanon: Cis Man, I didn't really think of much variation here, he's just what he is on the tin haha
A ship I have with said character: So I kinda went down a rabbit hole for MikoJigo haha! (Also, shameless self promo for @aaholidayrare which I am helping run! Less than a month WHOOP!) I also enjoy Jigotex/JigoHart, because I am here for messy bitches who are extremely toxic for each other and will be the other's source of destruction. I find it so interesting because I think that they both kind of hate the other, but dammit they're spicy! :D
A BROTP I have with said character: Yujin and Genshin! I really do love the tragedy of their friendships, and I am determined to write more of them!
A NOTP I have with said character: tbh Jigo////Aso, I can see why it's enjoyed, and I do love messy drama, but it's just not for me. Highkey gives me intrusive thoughts, but I can appreciate it from a distance lol
A random headcanon: brattiest bottom to ever bottom in the record of bottoming (shoutout to AA Anon WHOOP!)
General opinion over said Character: He's a really tragic character when you think about it! If he never listened to Stronghart, he could have been a modestly respected official in the judiciary without it all going wrong. His ambition and self-serving was his doom when he pulled that trigger, but really, he was doomed that night in general. I read an amazing fic where Jigoku shot someone ELSE that night, even if he decided to save Genshin, someone was always going to die and that crime will always return to haunt him. It's really the makings of a Greek Tragedy, and I'm determined to write more of him!! Genshin Asogi Sexuality Headcanon: I think its hilarious if he's the one oblivious het guy! he just has all these homoerotic moments but he's just oblivious omg XD
Gender Headcanon: Cis Man
A ship I have with said character: Honestly, him and his wife, I want to know more about Mama Asogi dammit!
A BROTP I have with said character: Him and Klint! As well as him with Jigoku and Seishirou!
A NOTP I have with said character: I guess Gen////Klint. It's not that I think it's bad or anything, I'm just kind of ambivalent on it. Didn't really call out to me
A random headcanon: he cannot whistle. If you also know anything about Victorian era stereotypes on homosexuals, you'll also chuckle at this (Also, read Strangers: Homosexual Love in the Ninteenth Century by Gram Robb)
General opinion over said Character: He's got the potential to be really interesting, especially with how he's seen by others (especially by Kazuma and Barok), but he really is just some guy. I like the simplicity in that, but I would love to know more about him! (The Great Ace Attorney Investigations when Capcom??)
Yujin Mikotoba
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual icon, he gets all the "that one time in Europe" boyfriends, and the trip was his awakening haha!
Gender Headcanon: He's a Cis Man
A ship I have with said character: I'm HomuMiko trash because TGAA decided to make me the person I was at the age of 12, I already mentioned MikoJigo, and I also helped beta a fic that opened my eyes to MikoBaro! Also, last, but not least, Yujin and Ayame because they seem really sweet, like that first love kind of vibe! Also, maybe having a panic moment where Yujin thinks "shit these Sholmes men are kinda 😳" with Mycroft
A BROTP I have with said character: Like I mentioned with Jigoku, him and Genshin as well! To avoid repeating myself, I also enjoy the dynamic that he and Susato have!
A NOTP I have with said character: I don't really have any NoTPs with him lol
A random headcanon: He's like a fine wine, gets better with age. Also, I don't care what the london model is lying about, mans deserves a dadbod
General opinion over said Character: I think about Mikotoba so much, he's really one of my favorite characters and I love his moral greyness. He lies by omission so much, but he is determined to find the truth as seen with his exploits with Sholmes! He is a good man, but he's also a flawed man!
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welpnotagain · 3 years
I want a rewriting of pride and prejudice in which everything is the same until the part where Miss Bingley and Darcy are like "are you so severe on your own sex?" After Lizzie said that they had insane expectations of women. And I want Lizzie to, instead of what's happening in the book, to be like "no I love women in all their imperfections" and that being her gay awakening.
Darcy will still fall in love with her and instead of the turn around for him being the mean refusal to marry him it's the mean refusal to marry him and her cracking under his pressure because she realised "oh shit Charlotte and I were best friends but I wanted so much more and now she is married and now this stupid man that could hide all this wrongness of me is proposing to me I could take it, be rich and never be reminded of women like that again" so it slips that she isn't interested in any man not only him (but particularly not him because he has been a massive dick) and he is absolutely homophobic at first but nonetheless turns around and when Lizzie visits Pemberley he has turned around and is like "I couldn't control my feelings towards her so I shouldn't judge her for her attraction to other women."
And then it happens. Lizzie (20yo) falls in love with Georgiana (like 17? yo), Darcy's younger sister. (I'm not happy about their age difference but considering in the actual book Darcy is like 27/28 and Lizzie is 20 it's not as bad.)
Darcy still being in love with Lizzie and observing her quite closely pretty quickly realises that she isn't treating Georgiana the same way she is treating everyone else. She is oh duck she loves his sister.
Darcy being the devoted and loving brother will be like "hey I get it you're gay which is fine by me but stay away from my sister I want her to have a normal not gay life and get married to a guy xoxo" so it comes out his turn around wasn't complete but that's only normal because in the original book he just had to learn to not be a dick because he thought it was the proper way to act but in this version he'd have to get rid of a fundamental belief of the church. Something he is quite invested in considering its mentioned in the book that he has a lot of sway in the church.
But he turns around even more when he realises how Georgiana is acting around Lizzie, finally coming out of her shell, not being completely shy and staying as silent as he does because they both are just so socially awkward.
And this is when a time skip happens kinda just like description of Darcy having to slowly figure out what Georgiana thinks about Lizzie, without outing her because he is actually decent enough to not out Lizzie without her explicit consent and because that would ruin not only Lizzie herself but her whole family. So he invites her a few times round to come to Pemberley and visits Netherfield Park with Georgiana for short times, this will help cut short the JanexBingley side story line and help introduce someone who isn't in the original book and is kinda like Lizzie and this will be an old friend of hers so she can introduce her to Darcy and his sister and it's the start of a side plot of Darcy falling in love with her and ends with him acknowledging that he still loves Lizzie but more like a sister (wink) rather than a romantic love interest.
one of the times Lizzie and the new Darcy Love interest visit Pemberley together is when it happens. Lydia runs away with Wickham. Lizzie is completely in through it. Not only is she ruining her family in secret by being gay and being in gay love with a girl who is well above her standing and not gay but now her family is officially ruined. And this is something she finds out while hanging out with Georgiana while Darcy and love interest are way behind them on the walk the four of them are on. Lizzie breaks down, Georgiana completely flustered and helpless tries to help her but Lizzie can't bring out complete sentences because all her suppressing and hiding her feelings didn't help because they still ended up ruined and now she can't even visit Georgiana anymore because she can't be seen with her anymore.
Darcy and Love interest catch up quickly when they see Lizzie breaking down, and it plays out pretty much the same as in the books except this time it's love interest taking control and saying they gotta leave and they need to be there for Lizzie's family and they basically leave immediately and Georgiana and Darcy see them off and sensitive Georgiana is in tears because she is aware she can never see her again because it's be improper™. And Darcy, loving supportive brother who can read his sister like an open book, takes her aside and asks her directly since it's affecting her so much, this is when Georgiana starts to realise oh shit she is in gay love with Lizzie! Oh no! So Darcy doesn't out Lizzie and he doesn't tell her about her feelings for her but he decides "absolutely not. I won't let my sister be ripped away from her love" so he patches up everything the same as he does in the book.
Lizzie finds out through a letter from Georgiana, while they had been radio silent during the two or three weeks or so since they left which is the longest time they didn't talk since meeting. And Lizzie is distraught. She has to thank him, is he still in love with her? She'd marry him just for doing this for her family, also that would mean shed forever be close to Georgiana. Darcy's love Interest, who in this version is more bossy and more importantly independent than Lizzie was and takes more shit on directly and cares a lot less about what a isn't right for a woman to do, just grabs Lizzie and takes her to Pemberley, during this carriage ride she makes it obvious that she knew before Lizzie knew that she is gay and it was quite obvious how in love she was with Georgiana.
So they arrive at Pemberley and Georgiana wastes no time to fly into Lizzie's arms being so grateful to still being able to see her even if Lizzie potentially didn't love her back and obviously Lizzie is a useless lesbian so her head short circuits and all she can do at this perfect moment in which she could confess her feelings is hug her back.
Now to introduce a bit of last few pages drama in which she sees Darcy coming around the corner while hugging Georgiana, letting go of her and asking Darcy if they could talk. Alone. Georgiana is stopped from spiraling by Love Interest, who's pretty smart and figured out what exactly everyone feels for everyone and isn't really worried about it.
So Lizzie thanks Darcy. Tells him she doesn't know how to repay him, in her head she prepares to be proposed to again, which she obv won't but it'd be a nice blow to her ego which I think was a bit missing in the original story considering Darcy's ego was hit very hard and it'd fit well to have Lizzie take a sit as well. So he doesn't propose but says "I want you to take good care of my sister for me." So Lizzie is speechless. Obviously. But they turn around from their walk and meet up with Love Interest and Georgiana again in a bit of a secluded area of the garden, this is when Darcy proposes to Love Interest, who gracefully accepts. Lizzie blushing furiously over her thoughts just a few minutes ago congratulates them and so does Georgiana who is crying from happiness.
So obviously love interest and Lizzie stay in Pemberley as guests so evening comes around and Jane and Bingley who have been long married at this point come to surprise visit Darcy while everyone is in the sitting room playing cards and oh dear god Jane is preganenant??? What a day. So they share that insane news and ask Darcy and Lizzie what a coincidence to see you here but that's cool so we can both ask you at the same time, would you like to be
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jade-it-queen · 3 years
Jade. The fate of female character in Mortal Kombat
It’s been a while since I posted anything on my blog cause I’ve been busy with my life and rapid changes in it. During this time, I’ve watched the new 2021 Mortal Kombat movie as well as the new animation Battle of the realms and also rewatched the Story Mode of MK11 a few times. As you probably can tell, I have a lot to say.
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Skip this if you don’t want to read my very important (and long as sh*t) rant about female characters in MK.
DISCLAIMER. This thing is going to sound extremely feminist and women-supremacist or whatever. By saying things that I’m going to say, I by no means think that male characters should be weak or lacking. If anything, it would be nice to have some godforsaken EQUALITY. I’ll explain further later.
Part One: Mortal Kombat (2021)
There’s no Jade in this movie. 
The end. That should be the sole reason I dislike it.
However, it might be better this way since the Nitara and Mileena portrayals in this movie are... questionable to say the least. Okay, y’all been robbed. If MY JADE would be brought into this movie to BE THERE for like 4 minutes of screen time only to get absolutely brutal FATALITY I. would. be. pissed.
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More than I already am and that means something.
Sure, there’s a possibility that she’s going to be present in some of the upcoming movies because this one is definitely not the only one they’re going to make. But do I want that? Yes. And no.
Mortal Kombat movies (and Mortal Kombat in general) have a problem with women portrayal in general. The target audience for them are MEN, potentially heterosexual men, who want nothing more than bloody gorey fighting scenes with occasional sex scene here and there. To achieve that, they need a female lead, an attractive, kinda kick-assish but not too much, to not overshadow the absolutely badass men characters. Girls tend to be “independent” (because God forbid they’d want to express interest in the male leads before the time is right), sarcastic, laid back and sometimes even bitchy. Because, you see, they are fighters. And they are Sonya Blade. They need NO MAN. They just need plot armor, bigger than America itself. And if they’re not Sonya Blade, they are... non existent. They are there, but they are never really there. Here, let me walk on screen for a couple seconds. Let me sit beside Very Important Male Character (aka Shang Tsung) for a couple of seconds, looking absolutely gorgeous. Let me have a fight scene in which I make choices so f*cking stupid there’s no potential explanation to it. I exist in this movie to make people that love me (this character) to come into theatres in hopes to see some good action and interesting plot.
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Now, I wasn’t born yesterday, I know how the world works. It’S bEeN LiKe ThAt FoReVeR, gEt OvEr here iT. Yeah, it’s been like that forever and the result is a mediocre movie that pleases neither the casual viewer, nor the actual Mortal Kombat fan. I don’t know, there might be guys who just saw Kung Lao’s fatality on Nitara, thought to themselves “Neat” and went on with their lives. But I exited the cinema with a sour taste in my mouth, feeling like I’ve watched one of the “fighting genre” films based on video games that had nothing worth remembering. Well, besides Kano. He was my favourite part of this movie and I  normally can’t stand the guy :’D
Would it really help if they changed the way the women were portrayed? I mean - is that the ACTUAL problem of the movie? No, women being the eye candy and barely something else (if they’re not Sonya Blade) are not the only problem it suffers from. It’s that MK has been going the same route, retelling the same goddamn story for the millionth time. It’s always THE SAME. The only thing changing is who’s gonna get brutally killed. But - of course - out of the “disposable” character pool. It’s never Sonya (because you need our female lead or else there would be no female characters in the story), who ya know could be killed by Mileena but magically WASN’T. Because Mileena FOR SOME REASON was like: Ya know what? Naaah. Even though Sonya’s from Earthrealm and is actively trying to stop you. If anything, kill her because she annoys you. BUT NAH. It’s never Liu Kang because he’s the Chosen One. But killing Kung Lao is fine, he can die so Liu can awaken or smth. It’s not the main character because how else can you portray THE MAGIC OF LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP? Ya, that’s what I thought, don’t even think about it.
You have an amazing universe, filled to the brim with SO. MUCH. POTENTIAL. Let go of the same boring plot line and show us Kombat from another perspective. Change something. F*ck, go all feminist route and make a story center around Mileena dominating the world. Try with different versions of the same story, making it center around different character each time. 
Part Two: Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms
Jesus f*cking Christ.
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To say this film was rushed is an understatement. While I was watching it, I was like: TF? Everything happens all at once, we have Kuai Liang-Scorpion story line, we have Outworld’s attack, the tournament, not to mention the final fight that should be whole another movie. I felt like no story line was properly laid out, some of the characters died before I got to even know them and the battles were... disappointing. I believe they needed to push this movie out so they squished in everything they had and just went with it. 
But, again, this movie just repeats the same things as its live action version. Let me lay it down for you:
Kung Lao dies (because yes)
Sonya Blade lives (because yes)
Jade is just there (more of it later)
disposable characters are disposed of
Liu Kang is badass and always wins
You watch it and feel like you’ve already seen it before. Sure, gore is fine, human Raiden is precious and need to be protected at all costs and adrenaline is pumping (I guess).
You know what’s coming.
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My f*cking piece of sunshine, the gorgeous goddess of beauty and kombat, the woman who owns my heart.
She’s there for like not even a minute.
Words can’t describe how f*cking PISSED I am by this portrayal. These motherfrickers put her in EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE SNIPPET OF THIS MOVIE. HER BATTLE WAS IN THE TRAILER, ONE OF THE SNEAK PEEKS WAS A SCENE OF HER AND KITANA.
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I know I’m not the only one riding this trolley. Li Mei was there just to be killed. Kung Lao had a f*cking single dialogue line and then BAM, fatality, buh-bye. But I was watching everything of this movie, being so enormously happy that I will finally see Jade in the movies, FINALLY! Only for her to be present in a single scene, get her ass kicked by Liu Kang (what’s new) and then she’s never seen again, even when the whole f*cking world is breaking apart.
Again. She’s just there. Ladies and gentlemen, one of the best Shao Kahn’s assassins, gets her ass kicked in fourty seconds. They NEVER let her speak ffs. She just spews some general villanous sh*t and proceeds to step on Johnny. Then, she just goes Observer mode as Kitana “betrays” Shao Kahn, gets tied to the column and then the world is ending. 
If you hype me up for her every chance you get, at least GIVE ME what you’re advertising. This is a scam. This is criminal offense. And homophobic. She is more than a revealing outfit and Liu Kang’s punching bag. I’m SO. F*CKING. TIRED. OF THIS. SH*T.
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Kitana. The rebellious princess of Outworld... turned damsel in distress in this movie. Her role is so effing bad it hurts me to my core. You see her as a general being so badass and independent... oh right, we need Liu Kang to save her because he needs to maintain his hero look. And we need two kissing scenes. How do we get there? Oh, right, let him save her, because you know - that’s what makes wahmen kiss you. 
The movie started just fine, with Kitana being in charge with her right hand, Jade. Then, obviously, they water her down and soon she is a princess in a tower (in this case, princess on a column) that needs her buffy sexy man to save her. Oh, and she can’t resist him - you know, every normal girl’s reaction to getting untied is to kiss a guy you’ve known for like a few hours but seen before and you’ve talked like three dialogue lines in total. Sure.
Kitana just gets the unfortunate role of a female main character. She’s Liu’s love interest and that makes her take the role of a strong (but surface level, only) woman who still needs her hero to free her. Classic damsel in distress story, with Kitana being the princess, Liu being the Prince charming and Shao Kahn as the dragon (lul). Of course, they try to cover this up by making Kitana a general, letting her win a few fights but it won’t matter in the end. Some say that women want to believe in fairy tales but the more I see fighting games’ lore, the more I say it’s the men who want to believe them. 
Is it necessarily bad? No. But it’s boring as fuk.
I would like to ask the directors to stop being so afraid of upsetting the target audience. Target audience can change and sometimes it comes out better than originally planned. My Little Pony was designed as a child’s cartoon but it was the creepy men who made it reach the top. Morally? Questionable at best. But business is booming, right? And that’s what they care for, right?
All I’m trying to say is these days women and gays are the future.
Thank you for today, more to come. I’m going to rant about the Story Mode.
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incorrectsnkships · 3 years
So at first I just thought he was a really confident and comfortable heterosexual, y'know? BUT NOW! NOW!? oh no, no, no!
Reason numbrero uno! He has feminine hips. Straight boys don't strut like that, straight boys don't fucking be flexible like that.
Reason numbrero duex! He says bitch waaay to much. So if you don't know the history of the word bitch, bitch was also used a a gay slur for y'know twinks. You don't see Jean or Levi OR EVEN EREN going around going bitch, bitch, bitch, fucking crazy bitches. Sure maybe once in awhile, but Connie use it like a sister y'know?
Reason numbrero drei! Look at who the fucking hell he's hanging 'round with! Ymir; the fucking bitch lesbian. Christa/Historia; the lesbian or bi girl dude. He's the fucking second lesbian protector (next to Eren). You see that gay ass gay homie grab in like what season 3? Or was it 2? He's friends with Sasha, who does she hang out with most of the time!? Ymir and Historia! Sometimes Jean and Mikasa. Speaking of Jean, he ain't sleek either! Connie hanging 'round with a fucking bi-saster a bi disaster! Not to mention Reiner and Armin! We see him worry about Reiner and Bertholdt when they “missing” asking someone to check on them to see if there alive! Man looking out for his gay homies! Also in one of the games he asks Armin why he spends so much time with Eren, to which Armin shoots back with one of the most gay awakening responses, “Hm well what about Ymir and Historia, or Reiner and Bertholdt?” Like yo.
Reason numbrero shi! He mom picks out gay ass fucking names! Sunny, Martin, Connie. Fucking gay dude. (everyone seems to think Sunny is a girl but judging by there titans I actually think Sunny was a boy dude. That’s just a hunch tho~)
Reason numbrero five! He seems like the kinda guy who would wear jewelry. Not really necessarily gay BUt~ I think earrings would so be he thing, and if he we’re to come out he’d probably start wearing one earring!
Reason numbrero six! Look at the kind of shit this man does! He fucking carried Armin princess style, put him down like a prince, bruh he fucking CHOSE to he CHOSE to. He knew what he was doing. And that one official art where he’s wearing that blonde lopsided wig with makeup on. That dress with the fake boobs in it!
Reason numbrero 7! My mama always say, that if a boy is best friends with a girl he will almost always usually fall for her. Connie is close as HELL with Sasha. And while I LOVE springles. This know discovery is D A W N I N G on me! Connie don’t really seem to show that much interest in women. But not necessarily to men either. And that factor being. I think bby Connie is shy!
Overall I think he’s a great fucking character! I love Connie, but this just made me open a whole new chapter for him. I’m currently rewatching AOT with my mom ‘cause she done wanted to watch it and I couldn’t let her watch that cringey dub so yee. I’ll be paying attention for other Easter eggs and clues. I never researched Connie to much but now that I have I’m made some pretty interesting discoveries! In conclusion Connie Springer is probably fucking gay. SO in other words you were RIGHT! ATTACK ON TITAN IS FUCKING GAY! 😍
( j u s t l i k e m e l o l )
srry for the late reply, but you’ve actually convinced me
mans comes across heterosexual but he definitely had a crush on every single male member of the 104th. literally every one. and like many others, one of the older scouts was his gay awakening. and im not saying that connie had a crush on them or anything, and this is definitely not a ship post between connie and any adult in the show, but im just saying that he admired them. a lot. too much. and had to look away when they got changed in front of him.
“connie why do you offer to go kill titans with captain levi whenever we have a mission?”
“i admire his skills!”
“connie, you do realise that erwin doesn’t have time to have tea with you right?”
“no i know i just wanted to talk about stuff with him. professional stuff. as a soldier.”
“connie, you know that moblit doesn’t need an assistant right? he is the assistant”
he’d simp for armin so hard. every week he has a crush on someone new, and then it goes in a loop. and he’d “practice” kissing too. like he’d occasionally bring the topic up in conversation and then go from there based off of the persons reply. “hey uh, jean, so like- have you had your first kiss yet?” and then jean would tell him no and connie would go full internal gay panic. “o- oh yeah, thas- thas cool, um, well, i havent- had mine either so like- would you wanna practice? it doesn’t count-“
connie would have his first everything with jean and it would be so funny because it just happens all at once. like hed get asked if hes ever kissed someone and hed just glare at jean and be so flustered
connie finds it so difficult to tell romantic and platonic feelings apart and thats why hes fallen for all of his friends
armin: oh, connie, thanks for doing that favour for me! i dont know what id do without you!
eren: wait! hurry, where do they keep the extra blades?!
connie: in the cellar!
eren: great- connie, i love you!
marco: see connie? if you just fold the paper a little more, youll get there :) youre a pleasure to teach and i love spending time with you :)
also why do i feel like connie and marco dated for a little while? not even dated then, had a thing going on for a bit. like besides from jean because he doesnt count, but connies first romantic encounter was with marco, fight me
and i definitely feel like connie went to hange for some advice about his sexuality. he was so confused and liking everyone at the same time, so who else better to go to than the person who tried to convince erwin to start an lgbtq+ youth club right?
but when eren and armin announced that they were officially dating, that was an eye opener for connie and it made him realise that its okay to be yourself
and it took him a while to actually realise that he was gay. hence the fact that hed physically gag whenever someone suggested for him to date sasha, and all those times in the boys changing room that hed have to turn around or leave completely
so yes, i can see where youre coming from, and i agree with you. but if we were to list the people connie has simped for from most-least?
levi (not really simping, more fanboying/celebrity crush)
moblit (same as levi)
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monotonous-minutia · 3 years
ALL OF THEM (someone asked me to do that so I’m passing it along to you)
thank you!! Just managed to finish this before the kiddo woke up :)
1. favourite performance you ever attended
I’ve been to exactly 3 opera performances, and one was technically an intermezzo, and I’d say that one because it was a surprise that my teeny tiny home town that doesn’t even have an opera house despite being the third largest city in the state would do a production of a super obscure piece that I happened to love, AND it was in English with a hilarious translation, AND that translation happened to be by a friend of mine who worked at the theater that put it on (which is also the theater that turned me gay). The intermezzo in question was La serva padrona (which is fantastic look it up) and it was translated to Maid to Marry which I will never not get a kick out of.
2. a performance you would’ve wanted to attend (present or past)
Literally anything Mentzer has done that hasn’t been filmed which is unfortunately a lot (she was Idamante??? And Octavian?? And Adalgisa??? and Rosina?? and Prince Charmant with Frederica von Stade in Cendrillon??? seriously universe get your shit together she deserves more recognition)
3. a piece perfect for your commute
anytime I take a long walk I listen to Hoffmann, almost anytime I drive I listen to my mezzo boi playlist that consists of all my favorite trouser role arias/duets etc. (so, like, every one that I’ve heard)
4. do you have a go-to opera (and version)?
lately Hoffmann and Idomeneo (the latter of which I still think should be called Illia e Idamante or just Idamante but I digress). Versions would be: for Hoffmann, Sher (2009 & 2015), La Scala ‘95, and Brussels ‘85 and for Idomeneo Met 2017 and Salzburg 2006.
5. an opera you loved only on the second listening
as mentioned earlier, Idomeneo
5. a composer you have tried and failed to like
again not really sure bc I’ve liked most of what I heard, but I don’t really vibe with Glass
6. a character you love and definitely never want to meet in real life
Possibly Elizabeth from Don Carlo(s); love her because she’s wonderful and deserves so much better, but wouldn’t want to meet her because we would probably just cry a lot.
7. following up on that: your guilty problematic favourite character
hmmmmmm maybe Eboli?
8. forget anatomy/physiology. which voice category/fach would you choose?
mezzo :D
9. a casting/singer’s voice you’ll defend to the death. (now tell us why)
Nadine Sierra. Seriously people have been so mean to her in comments/reviews lately and it’s just rude because she’s amazing and adorable and talented and definitely one of my favorite divas, reins in my heart as my second favorite Countess Almaviva and is my favorite Illia and I want to see her as everything. People don’t even have anything specific about her to critique, they just say she’s bad. Which, it’s okay to just not like a performer, but don’t bash them because you personally don’t like them. Erg. Her voice and expressions SLAY me and she deserves only positivity.
10. and a production you’ll defend to the death
Sher Hoffmann. People are so mean to it in the reviews! I think it’s utter genius and the sets and costumes are so eccentric and fit the aesthetic of the opera so well, and the casts are amazing--anyone who wants to criticize Lindsey or Calleja can back off and never return. Also to all the critics who complain that it’s too risqué, they have obviously never seen the Geneva 2008 one where the chorus spends a good part of the opera almost fully nude, as does Olympia. Sher’s Hoffmann is my favorite and as the question states I will defend it to the death.
11. something you’re a rigid traditionalist (or revolutionary) about?
I’m kind of a traditionalist for ballet scenes in opera. I get it can be hard to stage those extended musical bits that aren’t as welcome now as they were back in the day, but how is it helping to make the choreography weird and irrelevant? I’d rather just have the ballet removed altogether than suffer through some weird staging. If a production retains the ballet, I would either like to just see some pretty dancing (actually, the Troyens that just streamed last night is a good example of that imo), or something related that’s also kinda funny (like the Wiener 2020 Don Carlos, though I’m not 100% okay with everything in it) or something that makes a statement about the opera (like the 2006 Salzburg Idomeneo, which I wrote a really long thing about earlier). My favorite choreography in any opera so far though is Mark Morris’s super awesome genderfluid choreography for the Met 2009 Orfeo ed Euridice because it’s just some really pretty dancing and also very gay. 
12. an opera that made you have an ~*awakening*~ of sorts (any sort)
Don Carlo(s), you probably know why by now 😉
13. an opera/music debate do you know so much about that people will suspiciously ask “why...do you know this?”
Probably Hoffmann and its various edits
14. rant about a topic/an opera you love but haven’t found a good time to do so on your blog.
I’m not really a fan of countertenors in castrati roles. I’ve seen some countertenor performers that I like, and some productions with them that I’ve enjoyed, but I really need my mezzo bois. I know there’s not really enough to justify one over the other, given the original voice type is now nonexistent, but I will take any opportunity to infuse more sapphic energy into operas. Plus, I just like the sound of the mezzo voice better. And a LOT of my favorite mezzos have played those roles and I seriously don’t know what I’d do without Alice Coote’s Idamante or Elīna Garanča’s Sesto. If a role was specifically written for a countertenor—I see this more in modern opera, Adès in particular—that’s a different story. I enjoy those. But for Baroque/opera seria, I wanna see mezzos.
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 4
1. Favorite character of this season?
Spike. I loved him as the villain in seasons prior, but this is the start of slowly turning good Spike and especially this whacky in-between phase is such a delight. He's clearly not good, but he still involuntarily helps some. Also, lots of tied up Spike, which is a nice visual (sue me).
I love his dynamic with Willow, it's weird. I loooved when he was living with Giles, I adore the snark that goes on between those two, the banter is delightful. Him living with Xander was so much fun. I just really enjoy his journey and season 4 in particular is such a wild ride there.
2. Outstanding minor character (positive or negative)?
HARMONY KENDALL. I love Harmony. I think Harm is an underrated character. Honestly, I mean I am going beyond season 4 here but – she stays herself? She is a vampire, but she is still Harmony. If anything, becoming a vampire actually improved her. Everyone loses their soul and turns into careless killers, she learns self-help books, gets out of an abusive relationship and learns her own worth. Especially under this universe's premise of what vampires are supposed to be and what the bite is supposed to do to a human, I find her character development absolutely fascinating!
3. Favorite character dynamic?
It really is Spike and Giles. What they have is so peculiar, it is peak snarky banter, it is so much fun to watch. In a season I overall didn't like much because of the military nonsense, this was an utter delight and one of the things that still made me love it in a way.
4. Favorite canon romantic ship?
And look, I will not be that easily baited with canon gays generally, but... these two? They were the first lesbians I got to see on screen as a child. The first. They shaped me fundamentally, they mean so much to me on a much deeper level for that because they really were the first time I saw that a girl can like a girl, that a girl doesn't have to like a guy.
Willow's storyline means so much to me, because you can taste the heteronormativity in her early upbringing, everything about her – including Xander and Oz – makes perfect sense to me, as a lesbian who grew up in a heteronormative world. And the gentle, curious manner in which she came out and how she fell in love with Tara, the way those two just... came together, it means so much to me because it meant so much to me growing up.
5. Least favorite canon romantic ship?
Honestly, Riley and Buffy. I just... I care a negative amount about this and considering the fandom discussion is always Buffy/Angel vs Buffy/Spike, I gather the majority of fandom doesn't quite care either. It's just... so boring and plain most of the time? And actively not my cup of tea the rest of the time – when he goes full Good Military Soldier Boi.
6. Favorite episode?
The favorite episode this season was 04x09 Something Blue – it is just... whacky and fun and it gave me my first Spuffy aesthetic. But in a fun way. I really love this episode, there is no evil to fight, just a spell gone wrong with hilarious outcomes.
7. Least favorite episode?
So I have this rating system, where I rate every individual episode something from 1 – really forgettable or really cringey – to 5 – outstandingly favorite episode. Season 1 had one episode in it that was a 1 for me, season 2 had three such episodes, season 3 had four, but season 4 actually has ten of them so that's a bit too much to list them all. There just are too many episodes I didn't enjoy in this season and it greatly links to the fact that I hate the overarching villain of this season – usually the 1 rated episodes end up being dumb filler episodes.
So... I guess the worst offender is the one where they make Oz, of all characters, cheat and then have the morally offended Willow, who had cheated first. I mean, her cheating on Oz does certainly not justify that he cheats on her, but the hypocrisy of it was still very over the top. I really hate that this is how they ended that relationship and that this is how they write Oz out of the show, by making him cheat on her because the animalistic draw is too strong. What a load of crap that was.
8. Favorite Monster Of The Week?
The Gentlemen were delightfully creepy and weird one-off villains who gave their episode such a different flare, it is one of my favorites definitely and they are some of my favorite Buffy villains.
9. Least favorite Monster Of The Week?
I do think another weakness of this season is it's lack of good Monsters Of The Week.
I mean, seriously, this is the season where a bitch demon roommate is trying to steal Buffy's soul? A Poltergeist triggered by Riley/Buffy fucking too much, I mean seriously? A barkeeper who turns people into Neanderthals with beer... And that's not mentioning the awkward Thanksgiving episode where they have a moral dilemma over whether or not the vengeful native American warrior spirit ought to be killed or not because he kinda has a point you know. There aren't many one-off monsters in this season and the majority of them are... not impressive, really.
But I guess if I'd have to pick one, it'd be the “Buffy's sexuality is bad!” episode then. Aka, Buffy and Riley fuck so much that they awaken a Poltergeist, indirectly shaming Buffy once again for her sexuality. Which. Not a good look, you know. Also, just really weird concept there.
10. Rate the overarching villain!
Sucks. Seriously. Every villain is somehow engaging or has something about them that makes them interesting, but the Initiative? It's just the military with its blind, obedient soldier boys who don't question jackshit, which really does account for 50% of the trouble in this season. Walsh could have been a great villain but she was offed barely after being revealed to be a bad guy and then her version of Frankenstein's monster becomes to actual endgame villain and literally nothing about Adam is interesting or appealing or engaging. He ponders philosophical questions, but not in a manner that has you trying to hash them out alongside him, it is awkward and tedious to watch.
Bonus: Other thoughts?
It's just an overall relatively awkward... adjustment phase. I understand that. Seasons 1 to 3 were the high school phase with set roles for everyone. Seasons 5 to 7 are the adult phases. And season 4 is that figuring yourself out season – Giles is without a job, not sure if he is still a watcher, Willow comes to terms with being a lesbian, Oz leaves to figure out the wolf inside of him, Xander goes from job to job not knowing where he fits in, Buffy struggles with where she wants to land in life, Spike is somewhere in the middle between helpful and villain. But if everyone including the overarching plot are 'somewhere in the middle', the entire thing becomes... muddled and awkward.
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
In my ideal world where Dick and Jason have the strong brotherly bond I want them to have, the Ric Grayson thing happened like in canon, and Bruce and Babs came back to the rest of the family and reported Ric wants to be left alone and they should all respect his wishes. 
But two seconds later Jason’s halfway out the window and Bruce is like, “Jason, are you listening?” 
And Jason calls back over his shoulder: “Totally, it was a really neat story B, I just remembered I left the stove on, gotta go, bye!”
Then he drives straight to Titans Tower where he abducts/sorta-politely-requests-the-assistance-of Lilith. “I need your help with something, c’mon you owe me.” 
And Lilith’s like: “....you’ve never done done a damn thing for me in my life, why the fuck would I owe you anything?”
And Jason’s all: “Ugh, damn. I was sorta hoping if I just led with that and put enough conviction in it you’d just roll with it, I hate doing this next part if I can avoid it.” 
To which he adds, through gritted teeth, with actual beads of blood rolling down his forehead where normally there would merely be beads of sweat as proof of exertion, but everything’s just a Little Bit Extra when Jason does it: “I need your help with something, c’mon, I’ll owe you.”
And then Lilith’s eyes glow and in a thunderous voice that rattles the heavens in their windowpanes, Lilith says, "The bargain has been struck, so shall it be!”
And Jason’s like: ”...what the fuck was that.” 
Lil just shrugs and says, “I’m not really sure. I’m maybe a little bit of a demigoddess or something? Hard to say, nobody ever spends enough time on me as a character or actually finishes my plotlines enough for me to actually know what my whole deal even is. Its kinda like Donna, but my story arcs are more just ‘All the confusion, but none of the denoument’.”
“Huh. Hey are we breaking the fourth wall right now?”
“Oh, totally. But I’m pretty sure we’re allowed because gay rights.”
And then they go together to Bludhaven and break into Ric’s apartment and Ric’s like who the fuck are you, and Jason’s all: “I’m the brother of the guy who’s you but faster and this is Lilith, she’s maybe a demigoddess, we’re not sure.”
And Ric’s just: “I have no idea wtf any of that means, and the way just the sound of it makes my head hurt is why I’m pretty sure I told Desperately In Need Of Therapy Man and the redhead who made a point to tell me a hundred different times in under five minutes that she and I definitely never dated, when literally all I asked was if she knew where the bathroom was: I. Don’t. Want. None. Of. Your. Drama.”
Jason just smirks. “Oh no, I got your message loud and clear with the rest of the family. Its just that I’m better at loopholes than the rest of them. Also logic. And I mean, pretty much everything. Definitely the best at not staying dead, and having flair, like at least I actually know how to stage a comeback...”
Lilith interrupts him gently. “Jason? Think you’re getting off topic, maybe?”
“Oh. Right. Point is, so yeah, I heard what you wanted but then I thought to myself, Self, why should I give a fuck what THIS dude wants, when as he pointed out, he’s not even my brother? Like, he’s totally legit for not wanting shit to do with our hot mess of a family. I can kinda even respect him for that and for just spitting it out there rather than succumbing to the existence-sucking vortex that is our dad’s Eternal Depression Spiral and Ensuing Drama which then takes over our entire lives as well and creeps ever onward in its quest to eventually swallow the entire universe. I mean like Darkseid could never, he’s amateur hour compared to the endless Night of Brooding that B would darken the whole universe with if he didn’t have us to gut-check his ego and be all “get over yourself dude, you and your issues are not the most important thing in existence” every once in awhile...”
Ric: “I think your friend mentioned something about a point.”
Jason glares at him. “I was getting to it! I think. Eventually. Okay here’s the deal, Understudy That Nobody Asked For, you’re absolutely valid for saying you don’t owe us jack shit, but turn around is fair play and turns out, that just means I don’t owe you jack shit either. You’re not my brother, and so instead of giving a fuck what you want, I asked my self, Self, what would my actual brother want here? Would he want to just...not exist, while his family is currently in the midst of being the hottest of all hot messes to ever mess hotly? Or would he want somebody to go grab one of the most powerful psychics in existence, who also happens to be a close personal friend of his, and get her to just exorcise the Existential Crisis That Just Didn’t Know When To Quit so I could have my brother back and we could all just get back to normal? I mean, except for you, I guess that would probably suck from your perspective, its just - as established, I don’t have to give a fuck, soooooo.....I’ve decided not to....I know, awkward, huh....”
And Ric blinks. “Fuck. Your logic is sound. The parts of it I understood at least. Umm...I’m not thrilled, obviously, but it doesn’t sound like I could do anything to stop it and its not like I’m exactly living it up and having just an awesome, enviable existence or anything, so....what even happens now?”
Jason checks his watch. “Oh I think now we just wait another ten seconds for Lilith to finish what she’s been doing since we got here while I vamped like a motherfucker and kept you too distracted to try and keep her from messing with your head. Which the ironic thing is you probably coulda done a pretty decent job of if you’d known to try, since one of the many things you didn’t want to know about my brother is that he has freakishly obnoxious willpower he uses in all sorts of other ways besides just being a stubborn asshole, and since you’re basically him no matter what you pretend or want to believe, that probably applies to you too, and so....”
And then Dick blinks and stumbles before catching himself gracefully because he’s Dick Grayson (again) and that’s just what he does, be smooth and graceful like a stubborn asshole even when he’s drugged or sleep deprived or just awakening from several months locked inside his own subconscious because amnesia or whatthefuckever.
Ugh, Jason thinks to himself grumpily. His brother is just the absolute worst.
And Dick’s like: “Jason? Lil? What are you two doing here? Together? And wait, where is here? What the fuck happened?”
And Jason’s all: “So much, Dickiebird, but almost none of it is interesting or anything I care about. So catch the Cliff Notes later from somebody who was actually paying attention and just head back to Gotham with me so I can reclaim my apartment from the Turdlings who have started dropping by it whenever the fuck they feel like. Because apparently, they’ve decided in your absence all Oldest Brother Privileges and Responsibilities are automatically ceded to me, and I absolutely fucking object. Especially since it turns out the ‘privileges’ are misnamed at best and totally not fucking worth it. In fact, I object so fucking much, our next stop is Zatanna or some other big name magic wunderkind so they can whammy you with some kind of immortality ritual, I don’t care how hard it is, I will pay literally any price and take it out of Bruce’s bank accounts because I’ve decided you’re just not allowed to die now, ever, I fucking refuse to have to put up with any of this bullshit again, the next time you try and fuck off to the Great Trapeze in the Sky.”
And Dick blinks, like; “What?”
Jason just whines like the big baby he really is underneath all the bluster and bloodshed. “Look its been a very long year and I’m tired and stressed and can we just go home already, this place sucks and I hate it. Like damn, you really live like this? Amnesia You apparently decided to rebel against good taste along with everything else.”
Dick softens. “Sure Little Wing, lets go home and see if someone else can catch me up to speed. You do tend to leave out a lot of pertinent information on the basis of not caring about things other people consider relevant. Like....laws.”
“Fuck you, I can’t believe you’re coming for me and my amorality like this when I just saved your overrated ass from a lifetime of not existing but also making terrible life choices.”
“And I’m sure I’ll be very grateful once I understand what exactly it is you saved me from, I can’t properly appreciate you if I don’t know what the stakes were, can I?” Dick says. Before Jason can appear too mollified though, he continues. “Although from what I have put together so far, it sounds like Lilith probably did most of the heavy lifting, so isn’t it really her who saved me?”
“This is why I never do nice things for you!”
“I’m joking, jeez, lighten up, Little Wing. Just because your frame is load-bearing now doesn’t mean you gotta act like everything’s so heavy...”
“Hah! I knew you resented me for being bigger than you ever since I came back!”
“Well I’m sorry, its just not natural. I’m the oldest brother, I’m supposed to be bigger than you, that’s just the rule....”
“Oh, well excuuuuuuuuse me, Mr. I Make the Rules, I’m so sorry for getting murdered and then coming back from the dead and being thrown into a Lazarus Pit that just happened to have the side effect of making my remaining growth spurts get me all the way to my optimal size...”
“Aha! So you admit that your being bigger than me isn’t a natural phenomenon!”
“Oh please, I would have ended up bigger than you even without the Lazarus Pit. You’re a shrimp! You’re a shrimp that flies, its that whole acrobat/gymnast thing, you’re a tiny little man and you just need to get over the fact that everyone else who is over eighteen and not Tim is always going to be bigger than you and always was!”
“Aaaaand, they’re back,” Lilith sighs to herself, rolling her eyes fondly as she follows them and the dumbest argument ever out the door. Admittedly, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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butchdaydreams · 5 years
1-99 :)
how tall are you?- I’m 5′6″ so I’m pretty average
what is your body type?- My body type is also pretty average I guess, I dont know a whole lot about body types
what is your favorite part about your body?- I have really pretty eyes and my smile is kinda lopsided but I like it all the same
is your current hair color your natural hair color?- Yes it is!
are you more outgoing or more shy?- I am very shy but I can learn to trust people
are you more femme or butch?- Well femme and butch aren’t a scale where you can be “more” of one or another. You either are one or you aren’t and thats all there is to it. But I’m a butch
are you tol or smol?- I’m smol at heart
wine mom or vodka aunt?- Neither, alcohol will kill me
weird habit?- I crack just about every joint in my body so I always sound like a human rice crispy treat
favorite meme?- Anything with dogs in it or those comic sans valentines sent at weird times of the year
do you sing in the shower?- I used to but I use a public shower now and I’ve fallen out of the habit
ever used a bow and arrow?- Yes, and I’m pretty good at it too
are/were you a theatre kid?- I was back in the day but I dropped it in high school so I could do orchestra and sports instead 
have you ever seen a broadway musical?- Yes, the last one I was was 4 or so years ago
do you think musicals are cheesy?- I think they can be but I don’t think that makes them bad
have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?-I’ve gone to a couple because I’ve always lived near cities so they are pretty easy to get to
favorite Cards Against Humanity Card?- Bees?
last movie you watched?-This really weird gay movie on netflix, I’m not even sure what it was about even though I just finished it like 20 minutes ago
behind the camera or in front of it?- Behind it all the way
favorite tv show?- Primeval
meaning behind your url- I’m a butch and I am all of your daydreams
reason you joined tumblr- I was a depressed kid 7 years ago who needed somewhere to go, and this is where I ended up
who’s your closest tumblr friend?- @kinkyfemmeprincess at the moment, but I dont think she knows it
what’s something most people love that you hate?- I eat an obscene amount of pickles on a daily basis
have you ever taken narcotics?- Yes and I’ve hated it every time
have you had sex?- Yes I have and thats where that ends
have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?- I don’t think so, or if I have I’ve always been able to talk my way out of it
worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told?- I try not to lie so nothing really comes to mind
describe your passion without mentioning it.- They are small and cute and not real but also could kill you with a single glance most of the time
describe your best friend.- He’s smaller than I am so I have to protect him, and we love to antagonize one another but its the fun kind of antagonizing 
give us one thing about you that no one knows.-I run this blog because I am lonely and need that sweet sweet validation
how do you feel right now?- Kinda sad because I was way more into a girl than she was into me and now its over and I miss her
what is your biggest fear?- Being left behind or forgotten by those I care about
what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?- Footloose
what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?- I think going to school was a good choice because every good thing that has happened to me in the last three years has come from that choice
have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?- Yeah, girls man. Sometimes you just can’t win
something you fantasize about.- I really want to own one of those little mini cows with the curly hair 
last time you cried and why- Last night as I had my final conversation with that girl I mentioned earlier
what was the last thing that made you laugh?- I went fossil hunting today and my friend fell on her butt in a creek
do you really, truly miss someone right now?- Yeah, yeah I do
who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?- I think the boy I mentioned earlier, he is a good listener even if he can’t fix the problems
the last time you felt broken?- Whenever someone leaves me
are you starting to realize anything?- That maybe I expect too much from people and I need to learn to just accept what I’m given or I will be very lonely
are you more dominant or more submissive?- I’m dominant in the way that I am strictly a top but submissive in that I will do exactly what you ask me to because I want to see you happy
i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)- You are willing to try and show me that you love and care for me
do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?- I like people who aren’t more than two years older or younger than me
describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.- I’ve never met them in person, but for a while she was the sweetest person I knew. She would talk to me and make me feel loved and special, but she lost interest as people do and it’s over now
do you have any kinks?- I love teasing and edging and overstimulation
first thing you notice in a person?- Their eyes, I love eyes 
how can someone win your heart?- Talk to me, listen to me, and let me know that you care about me
been rejected by a crush?- More times than I can count. One time I told a girl I liked her and she responded by saying that she didn’t like me back and was leaving the country for four years
have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?- Again, more times than I could count
would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?- No, because I want to respect her boundaries 
is trust a big issue for you?- Yes, it is hard for me to trust people and each time it is broken it gets a little harder
did you hang out with the person you like recently?- No, I didn’t get to meet her in person
is confidence cute?- Oh yes!
what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?- I don’t say anything, I let it happen and walk away because who am I to take that away from them
would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?- No, because I think  that laughing around another person is a huge part of a relationship
does the person you have feelings for right now know you do?- Yes she does but that’s how it goes
ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?- I trip over things a lot, and I mix up my words and drop things. I’m an all around mess when I like someone
do you want to get married?- I would love to, it is a dream of mine. I know this generation is trying to do away with marriage, but I like the idea a lot
worst thing you’ve ever done?- My ex wound up in the hospital for four days after she tried to kill herself when I broke up with her. She told me she would do it if we ever broke up months before we did, but I did it anyway knowing she would do it
three things that turn you on.- Looking at me with that determined look and knowing that you are getting what you want from me, trying to turn me on because you want me, and when all else fails, telling me that you are wet because you want me
who do you hate?- I don’t think I hate anyone. It is hard to make me mad and I am very forgiving
favorite term of endearment?- Stick the word “my” in front of any pet name and I will melt
who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?- When Hayley Kiyoko played Velma in that live action scooby doo movie
intimidating girls or kind girls?- Kindness is the way to my heart
what do you look for in a possible partner?- I look for someone who I could trust to be able to help me look after any kids we had together with out holding any resentment if we were to ever get divorced
do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?- I like people on the feminine or androgynous side of things
are you good at flirting?- I don’t think so but I also know that some people find that to be endearing 
who was the first person you came out to?- My friend Emily, I wanted advice on asking a girl to prom and then more advice on how to get over the rejection 
do you have any friends who are wlw?- Most of my friends are gay in some way because straight people are stupid
is your crush wlw?- Yes
last person to make you reconsider your sexuality?- No one, I am a die hard lesbian and would not touch a man with a 12 foot pole even if I was paid
write a short love poem to your crush/self? Roses are red/ violets are blue/ if you don’t talk to me/ then I wont put in the effort for you
do you fall in love easily?- Far, far too easily
is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?- The whole situation with my ex
are you good at hiding your feelings?- I’d say so. People think they can tell, but thats when I’m putting on the act of hiding my feelings while still hoping that they notice
are you a forgiving person?- I am a very forgiving person and it has gotten me into trouble more than once
what is your “type?”- Soft, caring, enthusiastic girls
fall asleep in her arms or rub her back until she falls asleep in yours?- I typically hold her, but every once in a while even a butch needs to be held
tall girls or short girls?- I’m 5′6″, so I can appreciate both girls who are taller and shorter. I think I would go with shorter
hugs or kisses?- Kisses!!! Kiss me!!!! Please!!!
twirl her around or get twirled?- I get buff so I can pick up my wife one day
tummy kisses or thigh kisses?- Thighs
hairline kisses or neck kisses?-Neck
play with her hair or stroke her tummy?- Play with her hair because tummies are often ticklish 
making out or soft kisses?- Soft kisses that lead to making out
hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist?- Also neck
how confident are you in your sexuality?- I am confident that I am a lesbian, but not to confident to proclaim it to the homophobic town I live in 
when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach?- Oof, I get both. So much it feels like I can’t breathe sometimes
have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them?- I believe in being honest, so I have told everyone that I have liked that I am into them
how old were you when you realized you were into girls?- 7th grade, but I denied it to myself until 10th grade
most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl?- I walk into a lot of things while staring at girls or my phone screen
do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon?- This is lame, but Korra and Asami from the Avatar series
what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality?- Anything that even implies that I should give men a shot or be more open to men
when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter?- Just a couple of days ago, before you stopped talking to me
what is love to you?- Love its more than that feeling of butterflies. It’s seeing when they are struggling, and its helping them even when you are struggling too. Its a choice you make to stay faithful and remember them, it’s the choice you make to go just a little bit out of your way to make their life better. It’s choosing to loose an argument where you can prove that you are right with sources because you hate seeing them mad. Love is how you care for someone even when it hurts. Love is putting them first in everything you do
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tumblunni · 6 years
Randomly, i do like the misdirect involved in Kaine's backstory. Like you think that the people of the Aerie hate her and treat her as a monster because of her Shade-arm, but no that all happened AFTER they treated her like shit. They were just bigoted against a small child for being born intersex. She only got her Shade powers as a consequence of this shit village pushing her and her grandma to the edge of the forest and doing nothing to help when they were attacked by shades. Kaine was treated like a monster, so she became one in order to live. And she used that power to help people, even as she was treated as EVEN MORE of a monster because of it! kaine is so damn strong. She has every right to be a goddamn tsundere when her life was so shitty, god...
Tho i still kinda dont understand what exactly happened with Tyrann, tho? Like at first i thought the shade that possessed her was the same one that killed her grandma, but no that was apparantly the lizard boss you defeat shortly after meeting her. So where did Tyrann come from and why did he decide to save this kid and possess her body? I hope its not something like 'oh she was indeed born cursed and he was always trapped in her soul until that moment awakened him'. Like i mean that could have a bit of problematic connotations since i mean this is a male character possessing a female one and itd be messed up if they said she was only intersex because of the possession or something. Instead of just the fact that many women across the world are born this way and it doesnt make them any less of a woman.
Anyway its still not exactly a good representation of intersex people because of the whole fetishization of her and the DAMN STUPID excuse that she likes wearing lingerie 24/7 because it makes her feel 'more like a real woman'. :P But still man its literally the only case i've ever seen of an intersex character who's just intersex, yknow? Like not a 'magic alien whose species is always like this' or 'a magic fusion of a cis man and cis woman' or some other fantasy excuse to portray a real person in a way that validates that they dont exist in real life. Nonbinary people often get the same treatment, since conflating gender and biological sex is a big bigoted cliche, sigh. Like man intersex people have the exact same rates of being queer as anyone else, there is literally no correlation between genetalia and being more likely to be trans. Execpt that intersex people end up with very similar types of predjudice and hell, because of the way society treats them. The absolutely disgusting medically accepted practise of amputating functional genetalia and tertiary sexual characteristics from LITERAL ONE DAY OLD BABIES because they're intersex is just so fuckin messed up! And most of the time these kids are never even told by their parents that this was done to them, so they just grow up with all these health problems and dysphoria while being gaslit about the cause of them. Like seriously when you're rolling a damn dice on which gender to turn your kid into with goddamn invasive plastic surgery, of course its gonna be wrong half the time! You're just picking what they fuckin 'look like', before theyre even old enough to know! Its so relateable to the trans expperience yet EVEN WORSE because you know your parents knew ALL ALONG and they consented to mutilating you to try and "fix" it! There's so much real life predjudice against intersex people and honestky i would say there's even less awareness or acceptance than for trans and gay people.
So yeah its REALLY IMPORTANT to have positive and realistic representation of intersex people. And not just lame corner-cutting where the character is technically intersex yet the story treats it like an impossible fantasy thing and refuses to address any of the real life issues these people face. So yeah man at least Nier does indeed have an intersex character who is indeed intersex and is canonically stated to have been born this way and also canonically stated to be a real woman and only villains treat her as anything less. But it still sucks that the positivity about her also escalates into gross 'lol f/uta sex object' stuff. *sigh* Again, another way the predjudiced depiction of nonbinary trans people gets mashed into the same thing by bigots. And hell there's also the conflation of cis gay men with trans women, because seriously bigots have no damn concept of any sort of reality, apparantly...
Gah the whole thing pisses me off! It also sucks how its hard to represent intersex people in anything except an M-rated game like Nier. (Tho kinda ironic that they can show all this gore and sex but still dance around in metaphors when explaining this..) Like I mean its absolutely possible to talk about being intersex without talking about how people have sex, like seriously saying otherwise would be just as bigoted as saying trans people or gay people are inherantly sexual. But to an audience of cis people who dont know much about LGBTQ community terms it would be kinda hard to make it clear when a character is intersex rather than trans or nonbinary. Like before i read the artbook details i thought Kaine was just a DMAB trans woman based on how its described ingame. And saying 'someone who is both a man and a woman' would be implying intersex and nonbinary people are the same thing, when most intersex people still identify as male or female rather than nonbinary.
Like the only time i've seen intersex representation handled more clearly and more canonically confirmed than Kaine was Angel in DDS2. It was a really good way of explaining it respectfully to a cis audience, just "Angel is a woman but she's both Sera's mother and father". (Due to some complicated in-universe sci fi science where she could extract both her sperm and egg cells and use them to make a clone of herself that could telepathically communicate with the sun. This story is kinda weird lol.) But on the other hand i dont really count that as much of good representation as Kaine, since this one singular sentence about her being intersex is very hidden in an optional area. Aside from that all you get is characters mentioning how she has an 'androgenous beauty' and her boss battle transformation is designed to look 'half male half female'. (Tho at least its 100% tasteful and just a nonsexualized monster vaguely shaped like a dress and a trenchcoat split down the middle, with half lipstick.) Oh and yeah also she's a friggin villain and a manipulative abusive parent, so yeah. She is a synpathetic villain and she's apparantly reincarnated into a happy life with her dead boyfriend at the end, but still she's the primary evil force for 75% of the whole series and never atones for what she did to her daughter.
So yeah sorry this just turned into a rant about how the Two Only Intersex Characters In All Of Fiction So Far are kinda not perfect, and also both from pretty old games too. I really hope i can find some more representation someday, sigh...
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haroldthehorses · 3 years
hi hi hi tysm for doing my pinned ask game! okay ngl my first thought was “Awesome as I Wanna Be” cos I’m a horrid cringe Rainbow kinnie and I’m pretty sure I cried tears of joy when I remembered that song existed. But idk if that counts cos its eg uhm I guess my favorite atm would be “The Spectacle” even though its not really my kinda music (yeah im a hyperpop to dadrock kinda pony what’re you gonna do abt it) its just so?? God I don’t know its just fucking good. Rara is one of my favorite canon pony designs ever and I love that she’s totally Aj’s ex and gay awakening. But I mean c’mon Rara’s songs are all so good. I used to have the entire equestrian anthem memorized and written down and I would hum it to myself when I got nervous,, I’m also going to use this opportunity to mention some other songs I really love! ^w^ “The Laughter Song” is a real classic being in the first two part episode. And I’m certain I’ve cried at it for the sheer amount of nostalgia and realizing how much the meaning of that song helped me. I have always valued a good sense of humor and honesty the most when I look for friends. the failure song “You’ll Play Your Part Your Part” is like “This Day Aria” but not overplayed to the point it’s boring. I have memories of explaining its importance to a school counselor. “I’ll Fly”.... do I need to explain myself? Look at my pfp. Ask me who’s my strongest mlp kin. I cried this year to the episode this was in, just.. the way Dash’s friends handle her breakdown is wonderful. Especially Fluttershy and just- good. all of them. Ponies good.
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sapphicscholar · 7 years
Just some fun snippets from the engagement they deserved (especially as we’re getting to whatever fresh hell the crossover holds). Feel free to consider this a fix-it for…god, really the whole fucking season, but I’m giving them a bridal shower where no homophobic parents are in attendance, some wedding planning, and a bachelorette party featuring a one Lucy Lane
For those who had been asking for proposal fix-its, I already wrote one as well as a short ficlet with Maggie proposing for a change 
Chapter Text:
“Don’t forget your bridal bingo cards!” Eliza called out, handing a sheet to each guest who walked through the door, along with a little golf pencil in case they hadn’t come prepared.
“Kill me now, please,” Alex grumbled, throwing an arm around Maggie’s shoulders and pressing a kiss to her forehead. The sound of a camera shutter drew Alex’s attention, and she held up a finger, pointing it threateningly at James. “What did I say about what I could do to you with that camera?”
“Ooh! Anyone who has ‘photos taken despite Alex’s objections,’ that’s a box checked for you!” Kara yelled over the din of the party, grinning as several people pulled out their cards and checked off the box.
“Brutus,” Alex hissed at Kara as she walked by.
“Nope, just your maid of honor.” Before Alex could protest, she found her hands filled with a flute of champagne and a cake pop and decided it wasn’t worth arguing—yet.
“Ladies!” Lucy yelled as she strolled through the door. “I have arrived!”
“Oh thank god,” Maggie deadpanned, “and here I thought we’d never be able to get the party started.”
“Fear not, Eliza and I have been hard at work coming up with the very best bridal shower games for you two.” Dropping her voice so that only Maggie and Alex could hear, she added, “And I’ve got even more in store for your bachelorette party.”
“What? I, uh, thought the maid of honor planned that?” It wasn’t as though Alex was scared by the thought of Lucy running wild with whatever inappropriate thoughts that came into her mind but, no, scratch that, she absolutely was.
“Typically, yes,” Lucy conceded with a dip of her head. “But since your maid of honor is more pastels and pompoms than lace and lingerie, I figured I could lend a hand. Thanks, Kar!”
“Please don’t mention it…ever.” She might be practically invulnerable, but she didn’t need to deal with an annoyed Alex in the kryptonite training room.
Once Lucy made her way over to Eliza, pulling far too many items out of her bag to Eliza’s delight and Alex’s horror, Maggie dragged Alex around the room to greet all their guests. The routine was simple enough, an excited, “Thanks so much for coming!” followed by some congratulations and best wishes and every so often a “secret tip” for keeping their marriage exciting and the romance alive.
“They don’t know that nothing about your life is boring, huh?” Maggie asked, gesturing to the clump of Alex’s aunts, all of whom had some different secret for keeping away boredom.
“They think I work in a federal lab…and really only do the science stuff.” Hearing the sound of a fork being hit against a glass, Alex grimaced. “Think you’ve got any alien friends who could be convinced to stir up a bit of trouble? Get us out of this hell?”
Maggie gestured around the room to where her closest alien friends were all looking beyond excited at the prospect of hearing about a softer side to the hardass DEO agent who had only recently been accepted by most of them. “I think they’re too invested in finding out about you to jeopardize this bridal shower.”
“Welcome to Alex and Maggie’s bridal shower,” Eliza greeted everyone, joined by Lucy in the corner. “We’ve got quite a few games to play today, but I think we’ll start by bringing our brides-to-be up to the hotseat for a round of the pre-newlywed game to find out how well these two know each other!”
“Deep breath, Danvers,” Maggie whispered, grabbing hold of Alex’s hand and dragging her up to the makeshift stage.
“For those of you who didn’t catch that, we had our first use of Danvers, so go ahead and check that on off your bridal bingo card!” Kara yelled, winking at Alex. If she thought she wasn’t going to use her powers to make sure everyone got the full bridal bingo experience, she was sorely mistaken. Though, Kara had to admit, she was fairly upset that none of her checked off tiles were in the same row or column.
Eliza and Lucy took turns reading off questions, while Alex and Maggie scribbled answers on small dry-erase boards. They started with a few easy ones.
Alex’s favorite color was quickly answered—blue—as was Maggie’s—green—followed closely by their favorite ice cream flavors—rocky road for Alex, while Alex made sure to note that Maggie preferred the vegan version of chocolate fudge brownie, accompanied by her own editorial note, “Gross.” With a question about Alex’s favorite animal (dog), anyone with “Gertrude” on their card found that they had another square ticked off.
“Now how did you two meet?”
A few moments later, they both swung their boards around. Alex’s read: “Crime scene. It was my jurisdiction,” while Maggie’s read, “National City Airport. She still thinks it was her jurisdiction.”
“And how did you two get together?” Eliza asked, remembering just how many weeks had gone by from the first phone call where she heard about Maggie to the one where Alex finally told her they were dating.
Maggie and Alex’s boards matched exactly: “We should kiss the girls we want to kiss.”
“Bingo!” Winn yelled, waving his card in the air.
“What do ya got?” Kara asked, plucking the card from his hands as she read them aloud; they’d agreed the full party would get to decide whether or not it was a real win. “Talk of Gertrude? Check. ‘We should kiss the girls we want to kiss’ story? Check. Free space. ‘It was my jurisdiction’? Check.  Eliza being extra af? I don’t know… What do you think?”
“Not a chance,” Lucy yelled back. “We have so many more things planned—you haven’t even gotten the tip of the iceberg.”
“Then it’s ruled, no bingo!” Winn grumbled as he reached out and took his card back from Kara, but soon had his pencil back out as he heard Alex calling Maggie “Sawyer.”
“Alright, who was your last date with before you got together?” Lucy asked, wiggling her eyebrows at the look of concentration on Alex’s face as she scribbled her answer on the board. Once they stopped writing, Lucy called out, “So who was Maggie’s?”
Alex flipped over her board, looking slightly embarrassed about her answer: “That blonde lady who dumped you?”
“Uh, technically…she did have a name, though—Tricia.”
“No points for Alex,” Lucy declared wielding her pen like a judge’s gavel and tapping it against the table as she announced her verdict. “And who was Alex’s last date?”
“Some boring dude” was scratched across Maggie’s board.
“I mean, she’s kinda right. It was Max Lord.”
“Fake dates don’t count!” Kara yelled out. “Go back another two years!”
Alex glared at her sister, but Lucy beat her to the punch in responding: “None of you are right. Although she clearly did not know it, Alex’s actual last date before getting together with Maggie was with me.”
“Don’t you remember those post-Myriad drinks?” Alex looked confused, while Maggie cackled loudly.
“Guess I don’t get to take all the credit for her big gay awakening.”
“Maybe we play a new game?” Alex suggested, really not needing the next group of questions to all be about her obliviousness.
Lucy shrugged, but pulled out the list she and Eliza were working from. “Okay, we’ve got the purse game that we adopted to be more inclusive—now it’s, what’s on my person?”
Everyone gathered round as Lucy explained the directions. “I’ll call out an item. You can use your pockets, bag, and coats. Whichever one of you can produce it first gets a prize.” Once everyone realized that the prizes were bottles of wine, the labels replaced with embarrassing photos of Alex and Maggie, they looked significantly more invested in winning. Sensing the temptation for cheating, Lucy motioned for James. “Hoist me up.”
“I need to be able to see everyone.” She looked at him like it were the most obvious thing in the world. Finally he gave in, lifting her up to his shoulders where she perched, scanning the crowd to make sure no one was already trying to start off with more than they were allowed. “Alright, we’ll start easy: hand sanitizer.”
One of Alex’s aunts won handily, producing not one, but three small travel-sized containers of Purell. Winn claimed the next bottle for having a tin of mints, and Kara shocked everyone by actually having glitter on her person. They ended the game early when Lucy called weapon and found herself faced with an veritable sea of batons, knives, and guns—of both the human and alien variety—much to the horror of Alex’s family members. “Forgot how many cops and federal agents were here,” Lucy chuckled. “Let’s, uh, holster those weapons, grab some food, and settle in for the next game, why don’t we?”
“Wait! Bingo!” Lena yelled. She might have arrived a bit late, but with Kara’s help she’d more than made up for lost time.
“Let’s see.” Kara scanned the card, only to find it plucked from her hands by Lucy.
“Nope, we need an objective third party.” Lucy looked over the crossed off diagonal line Lena had checks through. “Alright, we definitely had Sawyer used as a nickname. I’m sure I did, in fact, say something inappropriate.”
“So many things,” Maggie laughed.
“Free space, yep. Alex and J’onn having a moment…did anyone else catch that?”
“I did!” Winn yelled, earning himself a light slap on the back of the head from Alex.
“Oh! I have bingo now too!” James yelled, ticking off, “Head slap.”
“Too late, we definitely got guns being drawn, so Lena won!”
“Congratulations, dear,” Eliza said, handing over a bottle with a photo of Alex and Maggie passed out asleep on the floor of the DEO’s conference room after having spent almost 48 hours awake dealing with an ongoing threat.
“Do we sit Lena with Kara at the main bridal party table?” Alex asked, biting at the tip of her pencil as she looked at the large seating chart she had in front of her.
“Oh, you mean because she hasn’t formally admitted that they’re banging?”
“Some might have said dating, dear.”
Maggie just shrugged. “Are we putting Vasquez with Lucy?”
“Well they’re also fucking. So if they don’t get to sit together, it would kind of be a double standard.”
“Wait, what?”
“Danvers, you run in gay lady circles now. You’ve gotta keep up with the gossip.”
“Remind me to bring a notebook to our bachelorette party to record any rumors,” Alex grumbled.
“I hereby declare tonight the biggest, gayest bridal shower to ever hit National City!” Lucy yelled, gesturing for Kara to pop the bottle of champagne and formally start their evening.
“I take no responsibility for anything that happens tonight,” Kara added, catching sight of Alex’s apprehensive expression.
“We’ve got some roleplaying games, the naughty almost-newlywed game, and then Kara has something ‘appropriate’”—Lucy looked physically pained by the idea—“with glitter and cell phones.”
Grabbing the bottle of champagne from Kara’s hands, Alex cleared her throat. “As a reminder, the wedding is tomorrow, and the city is to be free of any and all crime tonight and all day tomorrow. You are all to report to your designated stations on time tomorrow morning.”
“She just means show up at the wedding venue!” Maggie called out, wondering when their wedding started to sound like a DEO mission.
“If any of you get too drunk to deal with emergencies for me tonight or to risk being late tomorrow, so help me, I will show up at your home with every non-lethal alien weapon I have and ensure that you regret your actions from now until the rest of eternity. Are we clear?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Lucy saluted, grinning and looking far too pleased with herself. “But fine, yes, I know some of you are on call tonight. Don’t be stupid—take your water shots and just embody that white girl wasted no shame mentality, mkay?” Once everyone had nodded in understanding, Lucy gestured for Maggie and Alex to come take their place in the two large chairs they’d decorated to look like thrones. “We’ll begin with some roleplaying.”
“Luce,” Alex hissed.
“Hush now, you’re not a part of this.”
Alex glanced over at Maggie to see if she had any idea what was happening, but she just shrugged. Procuring a top hat from what seemed like thin air, Lucy made a show of pulling three cards out—two small ones and one larger one. “Lena and, oh hey look, me! And we will be giving our best approximation of the Sanvers morning routine.”
“I’m still not sold on Sanvers as our wedding hashtag,” Maggie interjected.
“Yes, well, we voted and you lost. Time to move on and start tagging your posts properly.”
Maggie rolled her eyes, accepting the flutes of champagne and bowl of popcorn that were handed to them while Lena and Lucy took a shot each and got up in the front of the room, everyone else quieting around them.
With an exaggerated yawn and stretch, Lucy sat up. “Sawyer! Wake up!” she barked, earning a few small chuckles from the crowd.
“I’m not that bad,” Alex grumbled.
“Morning, Danvers,” Lena tried, looking significantly less sure in her role than Lucy. “Um, should we get breakfast?”
“I assume you want something gross and vegan or toasted to charcoal?”
Biting back a snort of laughter, Lena nodded, feeling the warmth of the shot she’d taken slowly spreading and helping to loosen her up a bit. Apparently Lucy was quite the natural. “Yes, dear. But first let’s look through our closets and pick out which of my twenty identical pairs of skinny jeans I should wear today.”
“Good idea, then we can go into our leather jacket room and find one nobody’s seen yet.”
“So glad we order them in bulk!” Alex found herself smiling in spite of herself, and Lena seemed to relax even more when she noticed that the brides-to-be were enjoying themselves as they went about reenacting their morning routine.
“Breakfast sure was great,” Lucy declared loudly. “Wonder what I should do now? Maybe I should call my dearest and most attractive and best friend Lucy…” She pulled out her phone and made a show of looking at it before putting it back in her pocket and glaring at Alex. “No, I’ll wait til it’s a world-ending emergency. Hmm…I guess the only thing left to do for fun besides shooting is fucking.”
For a moment Lena looked like she might bolt, but she finally seemed to give in with a nudge from Lucy. “We should be sure to do it right by the big bay windows when we know Kara’s visiting—make sure that she’s far too scarred to do anything fun all day.” Lena threw an accusatory glare over at Alex and Maggie, who looked appropriately bashful.
“End scene!” Lucy yelled, loudly clapping until everyone else caught on. “Unless we wanted to turn this into an NC-17 version…no? No takers? Not yet? That’s cool.” With a flourish, Lucy reached back into her hat and pulled out three more cards: “Next up will be Winn and Kara, and they’ll be playing Sanvers at the bar.”
After a few moments, Kara and Winn took their places at the front of the room, both of them grinning.
“Who’s whom?” someone yelled out.
“Obviously I’m Alex. I’m taller, duh,” Kara answered, earning a cheer from Alex.
“Hey, Danvers! Come try this whiskey.”
“Oh, my favorite! It’s totally something normal people drink, and isn’t at all purposefully dark and broody.”
“Nope, not at all. I sure like that leather jacket,” Winn complimented, even going so far as to tilt his head to the side to take it in.
“You too. Love that you’re also in skinny jeans and a leather jacket.”
“But it’s not like we’re matching, and my reaction of threatening Winn when he suggested it was so totally appropriate.”
“Threatening Winn is my favorite pastime! Maybe we should play pool? I love how no one else in this bar literally every approaches our table.” Kara shot a glare at Alex, remembering the one time she had tried playing and been shooed away.
“Ah yes, it’ll be fun to act like I could ever have a shot at winning.”
“I heard Maggie won in other ways on that pool table!” Lucy yelled out, cackling at the way Alex rounded on her and the bright pink flush that colored both Winn and Kara’s cheeks.
“End scene!” Lena yelled, figuring neither Kara nor Winn would go anywhere near the topic now that they knew it could all be turned into double entendre.
A short break and a few drinks later, Lucy dragged Alex and Maggie’s chairs up to the front of the room for all the newlywed questions she’d rejected for the family-friendly shower version. “Audience participation is firmly encouraged,” she added with a wink. “We’ll start off easy.” Alex let out a sigh of relief. “When’s the last time you hooked up?”
“Lucy,” Alex hissed. “What happened to starting off easy?”
“This should be straightforward.”
Eventually Lucy coaxed Alex into writing something down and got her to move it far enough away from her chest to let Lucy read it aloud: “Today.” She nodded in appreciation before turning to Maggie. “You in agreement?”
Maggie spun her board around: “This afternoon.”
“Extra points for the specificity, Sawyer! We’re gonna get along so well.” Maggie grinned at that. “How long did you wait until you slept together for the first time?”
At least Kara already knew the answer to this one, Alex thought as she spun her board around: “3 weeks.”
Biting at her lip, Maggie flipped her board: “2 weeks.”
“Interesting…you both seemed pretty secure in those answers. What exactly did ya do at two weeks?”
Thinking back to what had happened at two weeks, Alex flushed a deep shade of red and clamped her hand over Maggie’s mouth. “Nothing! I misremembered the date!”
Lucy looked like she desperately wanted to push for more information, but she figured she’d wait until after the wedding and get Alex a little closer to drunk before she asked. “Alright, we’ll let it go…for now. Next up, which of each other’s friends do you find most attractive?”
Encouraging the crowd to sell themselves, Lucy cackled as winks were directed at the brides to be and countless kisses blown in their direction. Lucy even played a few bars of music to try to encourage James to take his shirt off. Even if they weren’t together anymore, she could still appreciate the aesthetic.
“Alright, ladies, reveal those answers!”
Alex flipped hers over: “I only have eyes for Maggie.”
“Aww, babe, that’s so sweet.” Maggie leaned over and kissed Alex, earning a chorus of cheers.
“What about you, Maggie? What’d you put?” Lucy yelled, noticing her sliding her board away.
“Oh, uh, same answer!”
“Let’s see.”
“No need!” But Lucy moved fast enough for Maggie to swear she could have been Kryptonian too, snatching the board from her before she could erase her answer. “Oh, Detective, you could have just said so…” she trailed off, fluttering her eyelashes as she spun it around to show the crowd her own name scrawled on the board.
“Fuck off,” Maggie grumbled.
“Only if your fiancée agrees to it too,” Lucy teased, jumping up and back off the stage as she took off, Alex hot on her heels. “This your way of saying yes, Danvers?”
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Super Light Warrior Changéríon: Episodes 1-3 Review
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The year is 1996. Toei Co. Ltd., the penny pinching and merchandise driven imaginative studio that graced the world with anime adaptations of Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball and tokusatsu hero franchises like Kamen Rider and Super Sentai, have found themselves paired up with massive entertainment force Sega (yes, the Sonic the Hedgehog guys) to release a brand new superhero show on the world.  The first idea, a planned follow up to the 1995 Keita Amemiya film Mechanical Violator Hakaider (itself a reimagining of the villain from the 70′s Shotaro Ishinomori classic Android Kikaider) falls through.  A new idea suddenly comes about from Toei producet Yoshikawa Susumu and suit manufacturer Rainbow Co. Ltd: Create a hero suit made primarily out of transparent parts. With that in mind, a cast and crew are soon brought on to create one of the weirdest tokusatsu series of the 1990′s.
So here we are and here I am and it’s Changéríon (yes the accents are how it’s officially written, it’s meant to be French, I don’t know why) time. Sorry for that long build up! Just figured it’d be what all the cool kids do. Super Light Warrior Changéríon is a doozy of a series, one that has held a cult following in Japan for 20 years after its abrupt end in December of 1996. The show featured a staff of producers (such as Shinichiro Shirakura), directors (such as Takao Nagaishi)  and writers (namely head writer Toshiki Inoue) who would go on 4 years later to help revive Kamen Rider for the Heisei era, and in general went on to be remembered for its quirky and surreal nature. Even the show’s star, Takashi Hagino, would go on to be in Kamen Rider (in a very different role as infamous serial killer Takeshi Asakura, a.k.a. Kamen Rider Ouja, in 2002′s Kamen Rider Ryuki) I decided to plunge into this series finally now that English fansubs were out, and I’ve been contemplating how to go about this. For the first installment I figure I’m just going to write up my thoughts briefly on the first three episodes of this 39 episodes series, and I may then expand upon that later and switch the format around a bit at any given time, so here goes!! 
A few things to note ahead of time
1. The head writer of this series (and, to my knowledge, the writer of the first four episodes here) is Toshiki Inoue. Inoue is a man known for his love of drama, strange humor, and plots heavily focused on miscommunication. His best known shows include Chojin Sentai Jetman (1991), Kamen Rider Agito (2001), Kamen Rider 555 (2003) some mess called Kamen Rider Kiva (2008) and oh yeah he’s written for anime, included the Death Note anime in 2005. You have likely seen something he has written if you’ve touched an anime. Or maybe not, I don’t know.
2. The suits in this. They are absolutely gorgeous, but they were infamously dangerous. 
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The Changéríon suit alone had two versions, a 100 kg (~ 200 lb) version for close up shots and a 40kg (~ 80 lb) suit for action scenes. Both were terrifying to those in it. Veteran suit actor Jiro Okamoto commented on the suit being absurdly heavy and fearing he would break it, not to mention that it was so heavy that it hurt his neck. This thing supposedly nearly sent suit actors to the hospital! And yet the action is generally decent despite the struggle in these beasts of a set of suits.
3. The opening, “OVER THE TIMES ~ Beyond The Present~” by MISA. It’s just awesome. It’s really awesome. I mean listen to it. It’s super awesome. 
Aww yeah....
SO! Now that I’ve gotten all of that out of the way, on to the reviews! The format is simple. A summary of the plot first, then my thoughts on it. I’ll see how this works and just go from there.
EPISODE 1: “A Hero!! Me?”
Air Date: April 3, 1996
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Bumbling detective Akira Suzumura is hired to investigate a series of missing student reports from a local elementary school. After a night of staking the grounds out, he soon finds himself on a new path after a freak accident and an attack by a monster from the inter-dimensional invaders known as the Darkzeid lead him to unwittingly become the warrior of light: Changéríon! But as he struggles to master his new powers and deal with the mysterious SAIDOC organization, the full threat of Darkzeid begins to awaken.
Changéríon starts out about as weird as you can expect a show like this to with a massive hoop spiralling down a flight of stairs to a narrow Tokyo tunnel and having a creepy 90′s CG entity force its soulless face out towards the camera. It only escalates by going to a dramatic sequence of Akira and his assistant Akemi seemingly armed and ready for a shootout....only for the sequence to be a harmless rescue of a local puppy. This is Inoue at his peak weirdness, something which can really be hit or miss, but it’s strangely all a bunch of baffling moments which click oddly well. Akira isn’t much of a hero in many ways: He’s clumsy, he’s a bit lecherous, selfish and lazy. He doesn’t have much cash and doesn’t even pay part-timers like Akemi well. And yet despite all of this he has his heart in the right place and it’s fun to watch him fumble around in the suit at the episode’s end. It even made me chuckle seeing him “free up” time on a completely empty schedule to help the school find their students. While some scenes do feel disjointed and a bit uncomfortable (including a very uncomfortable joke about pedophilia which struck me as more than a little uncalled for in a show aimed at children), everything is really bonkers and pretty exciting here! It all ends with the main villains being awakened and a budding rivalry between Akira and the former, intended Changéríon candidate, Hayami, as the good folks at SAIDOC quietly wonder “What on earth have we gotten ourselves into with this nut?” 
It’s also worth mentioning that this show is a definite turning point for Toei’s production, having been one of their first shows recorded on digital video rather than film, and it’s chock full of now dated CGI and strange, minimalist dark rooms for otherworldy realms. It’s kinda creepy and very uncanny, but I’d say it oddly works in the show’s favor at this point. It’s got an unintentional charm to it. There’s a borderline David Lynch feel to the Darkzeid realm bits, in all honesty. Considering how big of a hit Twin Peaks was during the mid 90′s in Japan, it wouldn’t surprise me if the set designers took at least a smidge of inspiration from the Black Lodge sequences during seasons 1 and 2 of the series. It’s not as traumatic as something you’d see Lynch do, but there’s a similarly sinister atmosphere to it all here with countless bodies wrapped in plastic...like...bags, much like Laura Palmer was.
 The combat itself is a bit strangely edited too. Lots of sped up footage and Changéríon seldom kicks (more often getting kicked around instead), which I will assume is due to that hulking suit. But it also gives us one of the most ridiculou(sly satisfying) attacks ever with the Shining Attack. Which...uh...well...
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....okay it’s pretty rad, I won’t lie. That’s pretty great. It is. It’ll get used to death in future episodes, but it’s still cool here.
First impression is a good one. It’s like this episode sets the tone for what is to come quite well.
Episode 2: “Twinkle Twinkle, Little Brain”
Air Date: April 10, 1996
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The three generals of Darkzeid awaken and enter the human world, with plans to consume humans to satisfy their ravenous appetites. Meanwhile, SAIDOC Chief Munakata explains to Akira about the threat of Darkzeid and their need for his help, only for him to swiftly turn them down and celebrate his newfound superpowers with an unlimited shopping spree. But in the process he not only angers operatives Hayami and Eri, but finds himself in yet another Darkzeid plot as Akemi and Eri are kidnapped by an otherworld monster using posessed shoes. It’s up to Changéríon to save the missing women before they end up on Darkzeid’s lunch menu!
It’s here that we see Inoue throw in another one of his big tropes with character writing: The reluctant hero. This isn’t the first time he’d written that character archetype (another great example of this is Gai Yuki/Black Condor in Jetman) but it’s something he loves to write quite often. In this case, Akira decides to just go hog wild with loans he can’t afford, and it’s actually pretty funny. Buying out restaurants for the day, loading up on shoes for Akemi, and just being a total snot and a cocky jerk until he’s forced to realize that he put his own employee in danger and team up with Hayami....after a bizarre sequence of both of them sneaking into the same Darkzeid shoe store. In drag. And not recognizing each other. In drag. Before fighting it out in front of onlookers. In drag. This is after a scene with the store owner, the monster of the week (with a literal face full of shoes in his monster form, no less) attempts to feed his kidnapped victims with mysterious goop in high heel shoes. There’s no shortage of surreal visuals here and it does get disjointed at points, yet I feel like the story comes to a more coherent point from here. 
Despite the goofier antics, there’s still that underlying sinister aura to the Darkzeid generals. Their designs are legitimately creepy and their hushed meetings in dimly lit rooms, murmuring about their need to consume humans and how darkness will consume their own world could easily give a kid nightmares. Even I was amazed at how well the monster suits were pulled off in this show. The villains look like villains, and they’re fittingly mysterious.
In terms of action, Changéríon gets his aptly named Gun Laser, a really nifty weapon with a gimmick I love! Y’see, it runs on disks that he summons from his chest. And the discs spin. Go figure that Sega would manufacture all these toys with a disc gimmick. Not only was it the peak of the CD boom, it also made me chuckle thinking about how they had moved into CDs with the Sega Saturn at around the same time. (Plus the Gun Laser just looks really dang cool!)
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 We’re getting places now that the initial stage has been set! Slowly but surely, we’re getting places! 
Episode 3: “A Bunch of Brides”
Air Date: April 17, 1996
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Brides are mysterious disappearing at the altar! Darkzeid is behind this! Akira plans to counter these objections to holy matrimony with the help of Hayami and Akemi...but time and again things keep going south! Can he save the day and stop these foul occurrences? Meanwhile, in a basement lab, Chief Munakata struggles to develop the sidekicks Akira needs in his battle...
If you haven’t figured out that this series is meant to be goofy at this point, I don’t know what to tell you. This is a pretty fluffy and light episode with some good gags strewn throughout. Perhaps the funniest is Akira’s futile attempt at teaching Hayami how to flirt with women. It’s done with the most 90′s montage imaginable and it killed me with how good it was. The follow up is the sequence in the above shot, which I won’t spoil the full context for, but it also got a laugh out of me. There’s slapstick, there’s snark, there’s a simple but weird vibe to this whole episode and it’s totally fine. We’ve gotten into the groove of the show at this point it feels like, and I look forward to where it goes from here. The most interesting element plotwise is seeing Munakata’s struggle to get a set of mysterious robots up and working for Akira to use. It’s made clear that he and his research are mocked by his superiors, who don’t even think that Darkzeid is real, let alone a threat. Poor guy needs more respect! But we’ll see where things go with these machines in the next episode.
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With 36 episodes left to go, Super Light Warrior Changéríon is certainly an odd, yet familiar show to me. I can see the early elements of Heisei Kamen Rider at play here with how it’s shot, the eerier villain designs, the quick cuts and kinetic feel to the action and the quirky humor and characters. It’s like seeing a mix of Metal Hero aesthetics with Super Sentai pacing making something of a hybrid that will have a lingering impact. Next time I’ll cover episodes 4-7, or perhaps change up the pace a bit. Expect some cool new robot buddies next time, but other than that I’m as in the dark as everyone else!
Hopefully my rambling didn’t scare you away by now, and we’ll be ready for more adventures to come, soon!
And remember! SOMEBODY LOVES you. And SOMEBODY NEEDS you. 
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myheartsoarsforyou · 4 years
The gay asks, as many as you feel like doing. Starting at 1 stop when you feel like it
Oh, you don’t know what you’ve signed up for. I’ll put it under a readmore, lol. 
Just to note: Probably going to do most, if not all of them, so there you go. :)
how tall are you? 5′6″
what is your body type? Chubby, but curves are still there.
what is your favorite part about your body? Ehh, I don’t really like any part. My eyes, I guess?
is your current hair color your natural hair color? For now, but as soon as I’m able to get to my salon I’m dyeing it
are you more outgoing or more shy? Depends on the setting but for the most part definitely shy
are you more femme or butch? Femme I guess? I dunno, I’d argue probably somewhere in-between but leaning towards femme. 
are you tol or smol? Height wise? I guess kinda tol? Iunno I don’t think I’m either but hey! lol
wine mom or vodka aunt? Vodka aunt, but I don’t drink much anymore.
weird habit? Uhh idk?
favorite meme? Don’t talk me i angy
do you sing in the shower? Oh yes, especially if I have music going lol
ever used a bow and arrow? Not yet!
are/were you a theatre kid? Nope, 
have you ever seen a broadway musical? Not in person? 
do you think musicals are cheesy? Probably but that’s half the fun.
have you ever been a part of a protest or a march? I wish, especially right now, but I would probably break down around that many people. I support as much as I can.
favorite Cards Against Humanity Card? I don’t think I have a favorite?
last movie you watched? Silent Hill: Revelations
behind the camera or in front of it? Behind, 100%. I hate having my picture taken. i’ll make exceptions, but. 
favorite tv show? Mmmh... it used to be Supernatural but I don’t really watch TV. Maybe ATLA? I’m rewatching/finishing that sporadically.
meaning behind your url He makes my heart soar higher than ever.
reason you joined tumblr A looong time ago, because of SPN. 
who’s your closest tumblr friend? I don’t really talk to people on tumblr ?? I’m just kinda... here
what’s something most people love that you hate? Iunno o.o
have you ever taken narcotics? Technically yes I have
have you had sex? Mhmm
have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Err, yeah. I got caught with a ‘friend’ of mine when I was younger. Woops.
worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told? I don’t remember any? I don’t know. 
describe your passion without mentioning it. Escape, building something completely new with friends, making friends within a universe you help shape, seeing and doing more fantastiscal things than could be done in real life. 
describe your best friend. I have two people I consider best friends. An artist, an activist, passionate about her work, heartfelt and exciteable. Another artist, unsure of his work but talented none the less, overly critical of himself. 
give us one thing about you that no one knows. I don’t think there’s much if anything that my bf doesn’t know about me?
how do you feel right now? my tummy hurts
what is your biggest fear? Losing him. 
what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Love Me - NU’EST
what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far? Definitely sticking it out and staying close to my bf before we got together and persuing things when the opportunity arose. 
have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end? Very often in my life rn tbh
something you fantasize about. Living with my love in a 3 bedroom house with our little domestic zoo and being happy. 
last time you cried and why Saturday, multiple times. It was a rough day and was thinking a lot about my cousin (long story short he’s no longer around)
what was the last thing that made you laugh? Probably my boyfriend. 
do you really, truly miss someone right now? I miss my bf because I haven’t seen him irl in two years and it kills me. 
who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Bf
the last time you felt broken? Saturday again because of the aforementioned. 
are you starting to realize anything? That I will put up with a lot if I feel like I have to to see him. 
are you more dominant or more submissive? Definitely submissive, but I have my moments. 
i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank) Mmm, I don’t really have strict qualifications. Treat me well, tell me if something’s up, and just love me. But I have that right now, so I guess the strict qualification is if he agrees & We’re good to be a polycule. 
do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older? I used to say strictly older, but honestly AS LONG AS it’s legal and moral either or. Bf’s two years younger than me and more mature than anyone older than me that I’ve been with so lol. 
describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail. My height, great eyes, gorgeous to me, dyed-red hair, avid gamer, tattoo enthusiast. He’s passionate regardless of how he sees it, and he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love every part of him and I will even if things change. 
do you have any kinks? Many. Lol. 
first thing you notice in a person? Depends, sometimes eyes, sometimes voice, sometimes approachability lol.
how can someone win your heart? You’d have to ask my bf
been rejected by a crush? Yep! 
have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? Oh yes lol
would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? Actual texts? No. But if discord messages count - yes. lol
is trust a big issue for you? Yes
did you hang out with the person you like recently? Yes
is confidence cute? It can be, but there’s a fine line between it and arrogance. 
what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? It depends entirely on the situation. Did we agree on a romantic/sexual third? Sure. If not I’d probably be pretty upset. 
would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Probably not. 
does the person you have feelings for right now know you do? I should DEFINITELY hope so lmao
ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? I’ve been in high school. 
do you want to get married I do, though I never thought I’d be able to say that
worst thing you’ve ever done? Probably cheating on someone I cared about with someone I should’ve never involved myself with. 
three things that turn you on. Biting, neck kisses, making out. 
who do you hate? Eh, my boss rn.
favorite term of endearment? My bf calls me kitten c: 
who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening? Probably Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
intimidating girls or kind girls? Why not both?
what do you look for in a possible partner? If we’d work well together lol, it all depends. 
do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls? Err, a little of all? I tend to go for masc in general, but I am definitely interested in all of the above. 
are you good at flirting? Not...really lol
who was the first person you came out to? My bestie
do you have any friends who are wlw? Yep!
is your crush wlw? See, this is complicated. Technically at the moment no, but there has been gender questioning in the past and it’s possible that at some point in the future yes. 
last person to make you reconsider your sexuality? That’s been a long time ago lmao, I’ve been pretty confident I am Super Queer for a long while. 
write a short love poem to your crush/self? I am not good at these and very tired so I’m gonna pass on this one
do you fall in love easily? I used to, but not anymore. Mainly cause I’m still very deeply in love with the person I think is my soul mate. 
is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about? Yerp.
are you good at hiding your feelings? Not really no
are you a forgiving person? I can be. Bf thinks I am too forgiving. 
what is your “type?” Uhh, it depends? And fluctuates? lol
fall asleep in her arms or rub her back until she falls asleep in yours? Both.
tall girls or short girls? Both, though prob tall more often than not.
hugs or kisses? Kisses
twirl her around or get twirled? Twiiiirl. 
tummy kisses or thigh kisses? Thigh
hairline kisses or neck kisses? Neck
play with her hair or stroke her tummy? I have Two Hands
making out or soft kisses? Both, but I Really Like making out
hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist? Neck, but also both. 
how confident are you in your sexuality? 100%
when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach? Yes, a lot lol
have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them? I would not be with my bf if this wasn’t the case. 
how old were you when you realized you were into girls? I think I was 13? 
most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl? Uhhh... I don’t really remember lol
do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon? Yes! But it ended not great so :(
what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality? I really hate when people say I should identify in a certain way because it’s a “slur” the whole point of reclaiming things is to take the ammunition out of it. And a lot of words have been slurs in the past that seem to be fully acceptable. 
when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter? I don’t really remember. 
what is love to you? It can change but at its heart it makes you feel warm and soft, and makes you feel a little bit better about the bad things in life. 
0 notes
liuwdere · 7 years
the gay ass anime masterpost*
*not actually a masterpost, since i give about two and a half fucks about keeping this updated or properly categorized. real loose classifications to follow. shit i haven’t seen in italics; stuff i’d highly recommend in bold. now updated w/ streaming links (some are US-only tho, sorry)
no predatory lesbians or okama joke characters or else we’ll be here all day. k? k.
LGBT-THEMED: anime that directly addresses LGBT identity as one of its primary focuses
Revolutionary Girl Utena
the ez one
Yurikuma Arashi
Class S is bullshit, did u know that. Also, thirsty-ass bear girls and a real angry takedown of the patriarchy
Flip Flappers
I don’t know how you can read this show as anything but lesbian sexual awakening, especially given the Class S Yuri Hell episode
Wandering Son (Hourou Musuko)
pls pay attention to the T friends
Aoi Hana (Sweet Blue Flowers)
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju
Kikuhiko is def not cishet and i will fite u if u insist otherwise. Half the show’s choices make no sense without that lens
Yuri!!! on Ice
fite me
LGBT-THEMED; LIMITED REP: anime that addresses gender or sexuality as a secondary focus, though perhaps lacking explicit representation (e.g. LGBT narratives in the secondary cast). 
The Woman Called Fujiko Mine (from the director of Yuri!!! on Ice)
One of the supporting characters is a gay man struggling w/ masculinity
Gay schoolgirl episode all about female sexual repression
did i mention the titty is good
Princess Jellyfish
Prominent focus on gender presentation
Kuranosuke can be read as a closeted trans woman
Paradise Kiss
Heroine’s love interest is bisexual
Trans woman in the supporting cast; trans identity plays a major role in her story
Ouran High School Host Club
Discusses gender + gender presentation, though protagonist isn’t explicitly stated to be nonbinary
Protagonist’s parents implied to be genderqueer; father definitely bi
Plenty of gay subtext among the male cast
Scum’s Wish
Strong focus on female sexuality; main character is bisexual
Central cast also includes a lesbian
Discusses gender as more of an abstraction? Takes place in a world where everyone is born female to later choose a permanent gender. It does less to directly address gender than you’d expect, though, which is why I’m sticking it here
From the New World (Shin Sekai Yori)
Future dystopia where societal norms practically mandate bisexuality. Honestly, I dunno where to put this; the story’s more concerned with sexuality in general than with LGBT identity
Devilman Crybaby
Classic characters reinterpreted through a queer lens; important theme of coming to terms with one’s own sexuality and identity. Ryo is the definition of disaster gay 
LGBT REP: anime w/ positive depictions of LGBT characters, though not necessarily concerned w/ addressing queerness directly. 
Samurai Flamenco
Four words: gay naked gunpoint proposal. the show makes about that much sense but it’s a lotta fun
i don’t care what the director said
bisexual girl in a poly relationship 
No. 6
boys kissing tho???
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
pls ignore the manga and its magic dick nonsense
One of the two leads is a gay boy. He explicitly says so in the first episode. Avoid the live-action movie like the plague.
I should probably list Kase-san and Bloom Into You here
Mikagura School Suite
The heroine is REALLY THIRSTY for all the cute girls
Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Beyond the obvious homoerotic overtones of Albert/the Count, there’s Franz’s gay crush
Sympathetic trans girl character in the secondary cast
Michiko and Hatchin (from the director of Yuri!!! on Ice!!!)
Girls are good ok
Atsuko is gay
Macross Delta
two girls in the supporting cast do a hell of a lotta cuddling on screen
some versions of Sailor Moon
namely the ‘90s anime
Sailor Moon Crystal and the manga do address gender in… questionable ways
Tokyo Godfathers
Trans woman in the main cast
Tiger and Bunny
Reasonably respectful portrayal of a gay man once it gets going
Central relationship between two men could be read as romantic
Whispered Words (Sasameki Koto)
One of the officers is a lesbian. She gets a focus episode
Monogatari series
Really just limited to Kanbaru, but she’s the most accurate depiction of the constantly horny dank meme problematic gay (e.g. me) i’ve ever seen, ironic propositioning of her straight dude friend and all. The rest of the franchise is obnoxious though, so ymmv
Kill la Kill?
i don’t know how else you interpret one girl kissing another on the mouth
Attack on Titan
If you’ve been living under a rock and somehow haven’t heard about it Ymir and Christa are all but explicitly stated to be in love with each other
Kino’s Journey
Kino asks people to use non-gendered pronouns, apparently? I haven’t seen this yet.
Knights of Sidonia
Non-binary character in the main cast
The manga goes some iffy places with their character tho, be warned
Really though, I mostly like this show for the sentient pink penis alien
Gatchaman Crowds
Several gender non-conforming characters
Trans girl in the main cast
Cardcaptor Sakura?
One of the dudes is canonically gay, not that it makes much of an improvement to the show
A Centaur’s Life
there’s a moment where a lesbian objects to her PDA being considered more obscene than the straight equivalent, which is nice but pretty off-the-cuff
Rose of Versailles
Oscar’s debatably genderqueer, though the show goes some real questionable places towards the end
Gay ladies?
Hunter x Hunter
Trans girl in the supporting cast. Her story’s extremely minor in the grand scheme of things but it’s there and it’s good
Love and Lies
potato-kun gets a harem that includes his male best friend
Land of the Lustrous
non-gendered rock people searching for meaning in life
Bodacious Space Pirates
via @madscientist212​: “two explicitly lesbian characters who are lovers, and one of the story arcs involves the crew helping one of them avoid being forced into an arranged marriage to a dude by her uncle”
Banana Fish
Extremely dated BL-flavored crime drama; unfortunately falls into the pitfalls of old-ass exploitation films: csa, sexual assault, etc. It’s such a problematic fav tho
Kiss Him, Not Me
Reverse harem includes a lesbian
Double Decker! Doug & Kirill
heavy gay subtext between leads and secondary cast members; well-intentioned trans representation that’s... kinda clumsy, tbh
Zombie Land Saga
one of the zombie girls is a trans girl who dies from the shock of puberty. it’s p incidental to her character but the show’s real cute otherwise so go for it
Anima Yell
apparently one of the girls admits to having a crush on a female teacher. or something. idk this show looks hella boring why bother
THE SUBTEXT IS STRONK: not textually gay (some you could argue could fall under category #2 and vice versa; not the point of this post) but can be read that way, even though these shows aren’t super concerned w/ romance in general
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Depending on the version, Shinji’s sexuality can be read a variety of ways. Manga Shinji is pretty clearly bi; TV anime Shinji you could debate. 
Free, I guess
Love Live (Sunshine esp.) if I’m counting Free
Dear Brother (Oniisama e, otherwise known as BE STRONG)
Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon)
Nominally they’re straight and pining for the same girl but BOY do Kaoru and Sentarou have a LOT of chemistry with each other, so much that it’s hard to read them otherwise
Marimite (Maria Watches Over Us)
Izetta: The Last Thing I Would Watch Even If I Had a Gun Pointed at My Head
Despite what you may have heard, this show is bad and 100% plays in bait territory. Also, obnoxious gun fetishism and way. too. much. goddamn. phallic imagery.
Tanaka-kun is Always Listless
Umamusume: Pretty Derby
Princess Principal
I have complicated feelings about this goddamn trash fire of a show, but halfway through the second season it turns into a genuinely compelling gay pseudo-romance (?) about two boys navigating heteronormativity. also i guess the main couple exists, tho they spend a ridiculous amount of effort no-homoing
basically any sports anime ever tbh 
Golden Kamuy
MADE FOR THE STRAIGHTS BUT STILL OK: the yuri, BL, etc. that’s clearly targeted at a heterosexual audience but respectful enough to be enjoyable for the people they’re about
This Boy Caught a Merman
This Boy is a Professional Wizard
Strawberry Panic
Love Stage??? I have some qualms about putting this here but of the trashy BL anime that exist this is probably the least offensive
TEXTUALLY GAY BUT BLUGHHHH: the yuri and BL that just sux
Sakura Trick
Junjou Romantica (how the hell does this thing have three seasons)
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
Gakuen Heaven
Dramatical Murder (POTATO DOGGO)
Super Lovers UGH
idk Gravitation and all that other crappy BL I don’t have the patience to list
GIMME THE TRASH NOW: problematic as all hell but i sure ain’t complainin b/c i’m gay ass trash
Netsuzou Trap (NTR)
Riddle Story of Devil
Love to Lie Angle
if you ever wanted a generic ass harem comedy except with a potato girl instead of a potato guy, here’s that compressed into 3 minutes
Corpse Party wwww
Gakuen Handsome FITE ME
NOT TOUCHING THIS HORNET’S NEST WITH A TEN FOOT POLE: pls,,,, save me from the Disk Horse
Sound! Euphonium
One of these days I might organize this a lil better. Maybe if/when Tumblr figures out how to make editing not a pain in the ass
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whentvsfly · 7 years
5, 13 & 37
5. Share one of your strengths.I think I’m good at getting feelings across to the audience? How a character feels, or reacts to things. Making characters Relatable ™
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?There’s probably so many I don’t think of because I’ve taken them to heart, but the best one I can think of right now is “said isn’t dead”. Using too many action-y based words during dialogue can upset the flow, and it’s ok to use ‘said’ because its accurate, and not at all distracted.  I’m glad I was taught this after middle school tried to convince me otherwise.
37. Talk about your current wips. Oh boy…Uhm! Lemme scroll through my googledoc and see what I even have started hah!Ok so there are a lot more than I realized, and some I haven’t worked on in ages, but I’ll put ‘em here anyways! I’ll organize them by how much I have written for them. (it’ll be “title (as they are in google docs. probs wont be actual title for most)”. fandom. description.)Just a rough idea (no words, only outline)(most ones here were thought up as me and @pundeserving​ texted):1. “Disney”. Mp100. Where Teru just really loves Disney movies and gets Mob to watch Bambi with him but its Sad so Teru has to help Mob not reach 100% sadness. It would be real cute n kinda gay2. “Emojis” Mp100. A short hc based piece about how Teru would use So Many Emojis and Mob would only really use ascii emotes (teru: 😎😆😭 mob:  :) :0 ).  He basically uses them as punctuation at this point. After his Gay Awakening he gets worried that it seems too extra or flirty so he tries to cut back on using them but Mob picks up on that and gets worried like “why isn’t hanazawa-kun using as many smilies? is he sick? is he mad at me?” He mentions it to teru and teru is like crying internally cause holy fuck?? he noticed smth so small like that???3. “ritsu is an ok mom friend” Mp100. Spawned from that “when a group of friends is formed, the mom friend emerges” post. It was decided that Ritsu would try to be the most responsible of them all and thus the mom friend. (Teru does his own thing, Mob wouldn’t wanna ruin the others’ fun, and Shou…is Shou). Also spawned from a hc that, in short, is Teru and Shou would be Those Friends who would be real competitive and egg each other on and, if unsupervised, would be Bringers of Destruction). He has confiscated many “Bad Idea Materials “.The story would just be Ritsu tryin to keep his friends safe heh. Direct quote from outline “”ritsus always like! how the fuck! my guy! just stop this it’s like ur trying to get urself killed!!teru and shou just “we are” simultaneously and ritsu rly cant tell if its a joke but hes mildly concerned for a week after”“. I think the part I really wanted to write is Shou sayin he had a Good Idea (read: bad idea) and then stops texting and Ritsus like “holy fuck did he die” and panics and Mob helps him calm down and they go check on him together and it turns out Shou just passed tf out because he is bad at sleeping like a normal human at normal human hours.4. WoY. I don’t speak of it to anyone and therefore it doesn’t exist. What fic? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 5. One that i have only written in my head, not even in googledocs yet. Mp100. Ritsu trying to be there for his bro throughout the arcs. After the teru fight, the mogami incident, etc.6. I also have a few in-my-head Mp100 ones based on the sexuality headcanons of mine I posted about the the other day. Really wanna write those tooPartially written ones:1. Su. It was gonna be one where Steven went to Centi and ranted to her about all the Shit that has gone down. That was a few steven bombs ago tho I could make him rant about Even More.2. “possible sewuel to long fic“. UT. A sequel to ‘There Are Worse Things Than Being Alone, Like Being A Little Too Late”. It is a whopping 3 paragraphs, compared to its prequel’s 30 pages (20,000 words). I lost motivation, although I still do have scenes of it written in my brain.3. “pidge post season“. VLD. My idea of where Pidge may have ended up after S1. Completely pointless now, although I’m still wondering if it would be something interesting to post as a ‘what if’. I’d have to finish it though and I am not particularly motivated since S2 came out. I just kinda wanted to make a cool fic about Pidge being lost on a water-based planet and trying to get their lion functional again with whatever was around so they could meet back up with the rest of voltron (also I wanted to make another nonbinary pidge fic for the tag cause those fics Give Me Life)4. “shou u little fucker open up“. Mp100.  A loose sequel to “My Parents Should Have Taken Me Back for Repairs Before the Warranty Ran Out”. Snippets of Shou bein relatable and Depressed and Ritsu helpin him out as he can. Written so far: depression meals aka being too down to go to the kitchen for food let alone going to the petstore to get your hamster more food so you text your best bro to get hamster food for you and tell him to feed ur pet for you and bein discrete enough that he thinks youre out of the house otherwise he might not do it cause theres no way in hell youre telling him you didnt do it yourself cause you didnt have the energy to get off the couch for like 20 hours5. “Awakening“. Mp100. I realllly wanna finish and post this one. Its based on those lines those claw guys said. “HQ sent an awakened brat” “What? A kid went though that?”. Shou doesn’t know how bad his dad is, he is young and loves his parents. He admired his dads powers. He wants to be like his dad. He doesn’t know what it costs. (He is weak in power, and his dad wants him to be strong, an heir, so he takes him to a branch and has him tortirued to awaken his powers fully).Fully written (but in need of revision/I’m uncertain of whether or not to actually post it):1. “Ritsu worries for Shigeo, Shigeo worries for the cats“. Mp100. A post Mogami arc fic. Ritsu knows nothing of what his bro went through, but Mob has a new habit of feeding any and all cats on their way to school. One day two of the cats are fighting and mob stops responding and goes to break up the fight but he’s already losing himself to his powers so Ritsu has to help him back down. He is more confused than ever.2.”Instinct, and the Training of“. Mp100. A fic about ???%, or about Mob’s powers, personified. Whichever the viewer themself wants to read it as, I left it ambiguous on purpose. Personally I like to think of it as ???% but I won’t make others read it as that. Every time ???% happens, or nearly happens, or is implied to have happened, from the pov of itself. Written in such a weird style, I just need to reread it and see if it sounds ok and other last review things before publishing. I’ve been too lazy to reread it and post it though.aaand thats it! hooo, that was a lot sorry hah! Thank you for the ask!
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