#note blocks
pokotate-mc · 4 months
song of the spiral
fibonacci sequence, modulo 3, modulo 6, modulo 9, modulo 12, and modulo 15, mapped onto the f# minor scale. Played on note blocks in minecraft
using a lower modulus creates a short ostinato, and as we add in each higher modulus, the music sequence harmonizes with itself
full video here
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sphinxwalker-when · 2 years
I’m not sure how many of my followers play or care about Minecraft, but as a data pack developer and someone who’s job is to create Minecraft content, I want to talk about something very concerning.
Today, Minecraft revealed that in an upcoming update, they will be adding Piglin Heads as a decorative block, and along with all the other heads that already exist in the game, it would be given the ability to, when placed on a Note Block, make the Note Block make the noises of the creature who’s head is on it.
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If you’re not familiar with Minecraft, you might not really care, or maybe if you do play, you’re thinking “So what? We already have like, Zombie Heads? One more sounds cool enough.”
Except Piglins are very distinct from something like Zombies. Piglins are intelligent, and participate in an organized civilization.
In Minecraft, Piglins live in the Nether, which was recently updated to be much less like a direct Hell, and more like a complex superwarm underground ecosystem, with actual life outside of souls or undead in the form of Fungi, Striders that walk upon the lava, and Piglins: bipedal pig-people.
Piglins live in the ruins of Bastions, clearly ancestral homes of an aged mining empire. They are known for liking and hoarding Gold. However there’s a lot more to them than that: Piglins wear leather clothes that they craft by hunting Hoglins, which are like giant boars. They farm Nether Wart to brew Fire Resistance Potions. They dance, and have an understanding of value in commerce--they know that if the player gives them gold (even if they’re mad at the player) that they should offer something in return. They have a military hierarchy, with Brutes being classified as guardians that wear more significant armor, and are not forgiving of invaders, only being stationed to protect their treasure.
This is an intelligent civilization. Semi-primitive, sure, but they have society. That they are hostile if the player doesn’t wear gold doesn’t strip them of intelligence. They they are an opponent that can be fought, killed, and stolen from doesn’t diminish their intelligence, however even then there are clear mechanics at play that discourage killing them, such as their sense of community when attacked and the fact that they don’t drop any loot when killed. Adding a feature that allows the player to hunt them, and then to mount their heads as trophies? That is horrific. It degrades them as an intelligent people. If Villager Heads were added to the game, it would be disturbing and gross. Why not for Piglins, who exemplify many of the same traits as Villagers including commerce, farming, clothing, community, military, and construction?
Piglin Heads should not be a thing. At the very least, they should be obtained via loot chests, not from the usual manner as with Zombies or Skeletons, or worse, Wither Skeletons. However more seriously, I think they should explicitly not be real Piglin Heads at all, but rather a Piglin Mask, or Golden Piglin Head--something that they might make as part of their culture.
Minecraft 1.20 doesn’t yet have an Update Name, but it is explicitly focused on representation and inclusion--this comes in the form of adding more default player skins for different skin colors and nationalities, making bamboo ( a very versatile real-world resource) into a crafting ingredient with all the same uses as wood, and adding camels, just because people in the world live in places that have camels. But Minecraft is even more than that--they have shown repeatedly that they care about the impacts their game has on how we view the world, which is why Frogs do not eat fireflies as they were originally planned to.
Please Mojang, give Piglins respect as an intelligent civilization. Fight them, steal from them, but don’t glorify their deaths with stuffed heads as trophies.
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shesnake · 1 year
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this was in response to a now deleted tweet by an adult about disney channel "falling off" and I think about it all the time when people my age complain about teen media
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the-roadtrip-system · 4 months
note blocks are hard to use, but i got the timing kinda right at least!
its the opening vocals to blue by derivakat :D
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secretly-of-course · 3 months
but what if the walrus was a fairy
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now on redbubble!
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emily-e-draws · 11 months
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treating every korok I find extra gently to make up for all the war crimes 💔
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wizardmania · 7 months
The absolute silence today is gut wrenching. Leaflets were dropped on the west bank telling palistinians to go to Jordan. Last time they told them to go south and they got bombed. Everything about Palestine has suddenly dropped off trending and we know that staff has been suppressing the tags #free palestine and #palestine. Now its has to be every single tag that was trending, because i just simply do not believe we stopped talking about it over night. I feel so hopeless about this shit but the only thing we can do rn is to not stop talking. We have to stop trying to bury our heads in the sand and keep posting as if it was normal because its not normal. Palestinians don't get a break from the horror, the least we can do for them is to make sure their suffering isn't silent.
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glitchedmagic · 4 months
once season 9 wrapped up, i'd been thinking about the way the hermits made the server have such a distinct sound
all of the goat horns, from "SHADDUP" to "hi im cleo" and the john cena one. all of the music disks, like pearl's cleaning lady ad and all the amazing songs. not to mention the tcg song, all of the do audio design, the voice of the museum, and more.
and i was wondering what hc s10 was going to sound like
i did not predict wet fish slapping
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apollos-olives · 8 months
"waaa waaa israelis are getting killed" okay??? and??? palestinians have been getting massacred for almost 80 years non stop. i was three years old when an israeli soldier held a gun to my face. i don't care that a few colonial settlers (that are ILLEGALLY settled there btw. according to international law) are dead.
hey answer this for me- why are the settlers and civilians the first people who get hurt? why? you wanna know why? because israel does it on purpose. it's all systematically set up. israel systematically puts settlements with israeli people who are not soldiers RIGHT next to the palestinians, so if anything happens, the settlers will be the first ones to die, and israel and america can immediately put the blame and demonize palestinians even more. israel is doing this ON PURPOSE. israel doesn't care for it's people. they kill them off whenever it's convenient. they will do everything in their power, including allowing their own people to be killed, in order to make palestinians look less than human.
stop falling for propaganda. stop listening to the western media. listen to the palestinian voices. listen to indiginous voices. listen to the opressed. we need help, and we need all of you to support us. from the river to the sea 🇵🇸
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pokotate-mc · 4 months
song of the spiral
these are the clips I recorded for backgroun music on my "song of the spiral" video. use the popout player for some music while you scroll, or take a break and listen for a bit.
while trying to decide which note blcok instrument to use for the background music, I discovered how nice note blocks sound when doubled with packed ice + gold blocks. it creates the perfect sound for a pensive mood.
the background music, in theme with the video topic, is also derived from the fibonacci sequence (and lucas sequence) using the same conversion framework.
full video here
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bixels · 3 months
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Quick doodle while writing stuff for the AU's New York City story. The main six would get split into pairs with their own little story.
Flutterdash's logline: Dash and Félicie navigate NYC's transit system to go to a Wonderbolts ball game, all while battling intense feelings of homesickness for Nebraska.
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kizzyedgelll · 3 months
the last poll i saw on this matter was very biased, so i decided to make my own.
for the sake of this poll, "creation" means art, gifsets, photography, poetry, fanfiction and etc; and "non creation" means everything else (like text posts, memes, silly polls like this one etc).
yes, you are allowed to reblog this with commentary.
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booklovertwilight · 7 months
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the death of a god savior human
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girlblocker · 2 years
they were in love here <- two characters currently beating each other up
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fvck-you-bitch · 3 months
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