#obey me dry humor
violetduchess · 1 year
Soulmate Headcanons 2
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Summary: You are the soulmate of the Obey Me! boys.
Characters: Lucifer, Satan, Barbatos, Diavolo
CW: None
[Part 1] [Current] [Part 3]
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- When Lucifer first met you, he was surprised to feel a strange connection to you. He couldn't explain it, but there was something about you that drew him in.
- As the two of you got to know each other better, Lucifer began to realize that you were his soulmate. He had always been a bit skeptical about the concept of soulmates, but he couldn't deny the way he felt around you.
- Lucifer is initially conflicted about his feelings for you. As the eldest brother, he feels a responsibility to lead the demon brothers and protect the Devildom. He worries that getting involved with a human, especially one who has been summoned to the Devildom, could jeopardize his duty.
- Despite his reservations, Lucifer can't help but be drawn to you. He is captivated by your strength, your kindness, and your determination to make the best of your situation in the Devildom.
- Over time, Lucifer begins to open up to you more and more. He shares his passions and interests with you, and he starts to let his guard down around you.
- As your relationship with Lucifer deepens, you start to notice that he has a softer side that he usually keeps hidden from others. He has a dry sense of humor that makes you laugh, and he can be surprisingly affectionate when he wants to be.
- Despite the challenges that come with being from different worlds, you and Lucifer are determined to make your relationship work. You support each other through the trials and tribulations of life in the Devildom, and you cherish the time you spend together.
- Eventually, Lucifer confesses his feelings for you. He admits that he was afraid of falling in love with a human, but that he can't imagine his life without you in it. He promises to always protect you and keep you safe, no matter what.
- From that moment on, you and Lucifer are inseparable. You work together to make the Devildom a better place, and you revel in the joys of being together. Though there may be obstacles along the way, you know that you have found your soulmate in Lucifer, and that nothing can ever change that.
- Satan had always been fascinated by the concept of soulmates, but he never thought he would find his own. When he first met you, he felt an inexplicable pull towards you, and he knew that there was something special about you.
- At first, Satan was hesitant to approach you. He was worried that his demon form would frighten you, or that you wouldn't be interested in someone like him. But as he got to know you better, he found that he couldn't resist being near you.
- Satan was intrigued by your knowledge of human literature, and he often found himself engrossed in conversations with you about your favorite books and authors. He loved the way your eyes would light up as you talked about your passions, and he found himself falling deeper in love with you every day.
- Despite his fears, Satan eventually worked up the courage to confess his feelings to you. He was nervous, but he knew that he couldn't keep his feelings bottled up any longer. To his relief, you felt the same way.
- Satan was elated to discover that you were his soulmate, and he couldn't believe that he had been lucky enough to find you. He cherished every moment he spent with you, and he made it his mission to show you just how much you meant to him.
- Satan loved taking you on tours of the Devildom, showing you all the hidden nooks and crannies that most humans never got to see. He was proud of his home, and he loved seeing it through your eyes.
- One of Satan's favorite things to do with you was to read together. He loved sitting next to you, with your head resting on his shoulder, as he read out loud from one of his favorite books. He would often pause to explain certain parts or to hear your thoughts on the story, and he loved the way your mind worked.
- Satan was always there for you when you needed him, whether it was to lend an ear or to offer words of comfort. He loved being able to support you, and he was determined to make sure that you always felt safe and loved in the Devildom.
- Satan was also a bit of a romantic at heart, and he loved surprising you with little gifts and gestures. Whether it was a bouquet of flowers or a handwritten poem, he loved seeing the look of happiness on your face.
- Despite their differences, Satan and you were a perfect match. He loved how you balanced him out and brought out the best in him, and he couldn't imagine spending his eternity with anyone else. He knew that he had found his soulmate in you, and he was grateful every day that he had been given the chance to love and be loved by you.
- Barbatos is surprised when he first sees you in the Devildom, as he senses the mark of a soulmate on your wrist. He's never felt such a strong pull towards someone before, and he knows that you must be the one he's been waiting for all these years.
- At first, Barbatos keeps his distance, not wanting to frighten you or make you uncomfortable. He observes you from a distance, admiring your strength and bravery as you navigate the challenges of the Devildom.
- As you begin to settle in and make friends with the demon brothers, Barbatos starts to approach you more often. He offers to help you with your studies, using his vast knowledge and experience to guide you.
- Over time, Barbatos becomes more and more enamored with you. He loves the way you question everything, always eager to learn more about the world around you. He finds himself wanting to spend more and more time with you, wanting to learn everything about you.
- One day, while the two of you are working on a research project together, Barbatos can't help but blurt out his feelings. He tells you how much he admires you, how much he cares for you, and how he feels like he's been waiting his entire life to meet you.
- You're taken aback by his confession, but also intrigued. You've always found Barbatos to be mysterious and intriguing, and the fact that he's your soulmate only adds to the intrigue. You admit that you feel a connection with him as well, and the two of you share a moment of vulnerability and honesty.
- As time goes on, Barbatos and you become closer and closer. He shows you parts of the Devildom that few humans have ever seen, taking you on magical adventures and introducing you to his vast network of contacts and allies.
- Despite the challenges that arise from being a human and a demon in love, Barbatos and you stay together, knowing that their connection is too strong to ignore. He loves you more than anything in the world and will do whatever it takes to keep you safe and happy.
- Diavolo had always known that his soulmate was out there somewhere, waiting for him. He had felt the words on his wrist for as long as he could remember, a constant reminder that he was destined for someone special.
- When you arrived in the Devildom, Diavolo was immediately drawn to you. There was something about you that felt familiar, almost like a long-lost friend.
- As you got to know each other, Diavolo found himself falling harder and harder for you. He loved your spirit, your determination, and your kindness.
- One day, as the two of you were exploring the gardens together, Diavolo took your hand and led you to a secluded spot. He looked at you with a mix of nervousness and excitement in his eyes, knowing that this was the moment he had been waiting for.
- "My dearest soulmate," he said, his voice soft and gentle. "I have waited so long to find you, and now that you are here, I can hardly believe it."
- He took a deep breath, feeling his heart racing as he gazed into your eyes. "I know that we come from different worlds, and that there are many challenges that we will have to face," he said. "But I also know that I am willing to face them all with you by my side."
- Diavolo reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. He opened it to reveal a beautiful ring, studded with diamonds and rubies.
- "My soulmate, I know that this may seem sudden, but I cannot imagine spending another moment without you," he said. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my partner, in love and in life?"
- Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked at the ring and then back at Diavolo. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you realized that this was it, the moment you had been waiting for.
- You threw your arms around Diavolo's neck, feeling his arms wrap around you in a tight embrace. "Yes, Diavolo," you said, your voice shaking with emotion. "I will be yours, now and forever."
- Diavolo pulled back from the embrace, slipping the ring onto your finger with a smile. "Then let us face the challenges ahead, together," he said.
- From that moment on, Diavolo and you were inseparable. You faced challenges and adventures together, always supporting each other through thick and thin.
- And as you looked down at the ring on your finger, you knew that you had found your true soulmate, the one who would stand by your side for all eternity.
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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ruhorih4ra · 1 year
Hiii!! I love love Looovveee your recent obey me post. Its so?? How do I say this, unique in a way. I lovee the way you wrote it and the concept you used! Could u pls make a part 2? I am wayy too invested
Even if you don't make one, thank u for making such a great story😊😊😊
Hii! I'm so sorry for the late reply! I wanted to answer you with the part 2 hahaha. Thank you for your words (they are very much appreciated ♡), I'm glad you like it (⁠ ⁠���⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ) 💕
I already wrote the entire thing, sadly I'm really slow when it comes to edit it.
Part 1. ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ
Last time I forgot to clarify something, I decided that the new exchange student will be "Sc" since one time in some Fanfic the exchange student had my name (She stole the brothers and also my name, the audacity JAJAJA). If your name is Sc I'm deeply sorry, I know that identity theft Is not a joke
Get out of my way 🌈
You woke up drowsy and tired but your finger was perfect. “Looks like I'm fucking amazing.” even though your mouth was dry and you could feel a growing headache, the satisfaction of healing such a horrible wound was all you needed to regain your good humor. At least that's what you’d like to say, but it wasn't entirely true, you lacked something essential: revenge.
“Oooh, mini Little D! Yoo-hoo!” you looked at every corner of your room but there was no hint of said demon. “Did I imagine it?” no, that would mean not only that you are delusional, but your well-deserved achievement would disappear too.
You headed to the dining room, wary of your surroundings, trying to spot a black shadow. You were so distracted by the mission at hand that you missed how the room suddenly went quiet, how everyone tensed.
“Good morning, Mc.” Lucifer was the first to speak, in response, you simply nodded. It seemed to everyone that you were mad and distant, but in reality you were too absorbed in your own thoughts. “There must be a way to prove what happened yesterday.” you started to chewing the food on your plate, not even caring for what it was.
“M-Mc! Today we're planning to do a movie night again.” Being in your own world, the brothers’ chatter became background noise and thus you missed the fact that Levi's voice sounded nervous and somehow guilty. In the two years you had been in the Devildom, never before you had seen or heard about those mini Little D.'s
“We should see that movie you wanted to see.” Satan said, feigning indifference, trying hard to hide the fact that he was dying to know what had happened yesterday. Were you okay? Are you mad at him? He can feel the wrath inside you. You haven’t read with him in a while and now you don’t even meet his eyes, he was not angry but anxious.
What if you’ve gone crazy? Oh god, this is the last thing you need. No, no, it's obvious that it happened. There must be information in somewhere, you can always ask Solomon too. “Lucifer promised that he will come too!” Sc added.
“Mc? You'll come, right? I'll lend you my pillow, this special time.” Until that moment you hadn't notice they were talking, what is worse, they had been talking to you. Why would you want Belphie's pillow? “Uhh... No, I don't need your pillow Belphie, thanks?” “But you will come to the movie night?” Another movie night? They must have really enjoyed last night if they want to repeat it, however, you have other concerns. “Hmm, no thank you Levi-”
Suddenly, it had been for a brief moment, but you had seen a black shadow moving behind Levi. With your mouth still open and narrowing your eyes, you kept looking for the shadow. “-ahhh...” you noticed the gazes of each person at the table and quickly regain your composure. “aahh-than, Leviathan. Hahaha…haha… ha.” You smiled, a curious contrast to Levi, whose face visibly dropped.
The dining room grew tremendously silent, you knew it was your fault but you'll apologize later. For now, you wanted to talk with Solomon as fast as you could and so you started eating faster.
Moments later, Mammon began talking, he blushed and a frown appeared too (his useless attempt to hide his embarrassment). Sc just laughed and rolled her eyes, not without shooting quick glances at you. Everything was normal, but then you saw a black shadow behind Mammon. You tried to move so you could have a better look, but Mammon moved too. You moved again and so did Mammon. You frowned and moved once more, but the Avatar of Greed stood in your way again. “Mc, are ya even listening?!” “Fuck, Mammon! Could you please move?!” you pushed him aside but the Little D. was gone.
Everyone seemed surprised, you’d never use that tone with Mammon before, the white-haired demon saddened almost immediately, averted your eyes and muttered a weak “sorry”. You cleared your throat, suddenly very aware that everyone was looking at you. “Mc, are you okay?” Lucifer asked you.
“No! A Little D. Wants to eat my soul!” But you can’t tell him that. The worry on his features was growing, why cannot you tell him? It's actually what you should do, right? “Mc?”
“I...” The moment you spoke, a perfect copy of Lucifer appeared behind the demon, it was Lucifer but completely black, his clothes, his eyes, his teeth, everything. Of course, it was a Little D. But not so little.
“I can't lie, I'm surprised by the new exchange student’s grades.” The copy of Lucifer imitated him, his voice was identical. You knew what he was going to say next, after all, you had this same conversation with Lucifer some weeks ago.
“Yes! She's pretty clever. She even helped me with some council work.” you thought it wouldn't be a big deal but Lucifer proved you wrong. “That's supposed to be your responsibility, Mc.” “Maybe she should be the council officer, right?” You said, trying to downplay the matter in hopes of avoiding the lecture. “She’d do a better job.” ouch.
“Hey! Don’t be mean!” you elbowed him in a friendly way, it was a feeble attempt to hiding your hurt while asking for an apology. “I should ask for her help instead of yours, looking how you enjoy slacking off.” You rolled your eyes. “Sure.” “Don’t come to my office tonight, then.” You stopped, his face was emotionless, as if he were talking about the weather.
Since when Lucifer treat you like this?
No, you don't need a pompous peacock. You could do this alone. You saw the brothers, they looked worried, but where have they been these last few weeks? The growing frustration inside you led you to believe that maybe you needed some time to cool off.
The copy of Lucifer smirked, satisfied. Did he think you fell into his trap? That only made you angrier, you'll erase that smile.
“Mc?” Lucifer asked again, frowning. The look in your eyes was cold, he tried to reach you but you looked at his hand in disgust. Were you repulsed by his touch? That cannot be true, right? But you backed away. He saw wrath in your eyes, were you mad at him? Understandable, he knew that his attitude had been inexcusable but- “I'm fine.” you whispered but you weren't hungry anymore. You got up and handed your half full plate to Beelzebub. Excusing yourself, you headed to RAD.
“They didn't even notice that I made their favorite food.” Mammon looked so miserable that his brothers decided not to tease at all. “They called me by my full name.” Levi mumbled, surely overthinking that small detail. Lucifer’s gaze was on his hands, he didn’t know what to do with them.
You, on the other hand, were practically running towards RAD, only a thought in your mind. You were definitely going to kick that Little D. ass.
Part 3. ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ
Thanks for reading! (⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)⁠━⁠☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚
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marveloustimestwo · 1 year
Hi, are you ok? Hope so.
I was happy to see your requests open, because I wanted to ask you if you can do a sequel to Yandere Mother!Natasha. With her being super protective, and Reader calling her Mama as a joke, but Natasha taking it seriously kind of "I'm glad you know, now obey me" vibes
Also: The story is not TAG "natasha Romanoff x reader", so some people couldn't see the first part, which is a shame since the story is very good (:
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Hello, anon! I'm doing okay. Thanks for asking :) Very busy as of late, but okay. How are you?
And thank you for informing me of the tag. I generally don't tag my writing as "x reader" or without "yandere" being in it solely because I don't want it to get into the non-yandere part of Tumblr. I know some people really don't like seeing yandere stuff. They have issues with it for one reason or another, and I try to respect that and take precautions. I don't want to make people uncomfortable or get any rude messages just because it ended up in the wrong place, so I just stick with tagging it as "yandere such and such".
I'm okay with not as many people seeing it if it means I avoid any drama and unkindness on my blog.
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Considering you asked for a sequel to the other one, I'll continue to write her as a vampire like I did in that one.
I see Natasha, both as a vampire and in general, landing on the stricter side of the spectrum when it comes to taking care of her darling.
She doesn't mess around when it comes to your health, safety, and happiness. When she starts to see herself as a sort of parent to you, she takes it very seriously.
Like, you are her child. It doesn't matter that she didn't birth you herself, or that you're an adult by human standards. You're her kid, and no one is going to convince her otherwise.
So it's very easy for her to start acting like a mother to you, and you'll start to notice it quickly.
Like how she never lets you pay for a meal when you're with her. You're starting to feel a bit indebted now, though she always insists otherwise.
Or how she'd ask you to hang out at her apartment. At the start, it'll seem like just a sleepover. It won't be too bad until she's inviting you over more and more.
Then she isn't letting you cook dinner or clean, and you tried to excuse it by thinking Natasha just wants to be a good friend and host.
But you're starting to miss your own bed. It seems like you're only at your apartment once a week now. Sure, Natasha talks about her home is your home and all that, but she couldn't possibly be as serious as she sounds.
One day as you're about to leave for work, Natasha starts talking about letting her drive you. She's always tried to do so and even went as far as to start packing your lunches, too.
As she talks about how much safer it would be for you to have someone pick you up and drop you off, you can't help but roll your eyes a bit and say something along the lines of:
"Fine, mom, I'm sure you know what's best."
You meant it as a complete joke, only trying to poke some fun at her increasingly mothering nature. Instead of laughing, Natasha just deadpans at you.
"I'm happy we both agree. Now let's go, otherwise, you'll be late."
For the rest of the day, you honestly assume she was also joking with you. After all, her humor can be dry and sarcastic.
Except when she picks you up after your shift ends, you find yourself rethinking that notion.
Most times Natasha asks if you want to come over to her place and gives you the option to stay at your own home. This time she doesn't.
You try to give her some credit. Maybe since you left her house for work, she assumed that you would want to stay the night again.
Once you get there, you find it hard to say no to her as she insists on making you dinner after a hard day of work.
But as you try to leave, you'll find that Natasha isn't so keen on letting you do that.
What you meant to be a joke, Natasha instead takes very seriously.
For her, you had accepted your role as her child. Now any resistance will be taken as you just being a bit childish, as children often can be.
You may still work and sometimes go out on your own, but don't get any ideas.
Running away will only result in her hunting you down, and telling anyone about your situation will result in more deaths than you'd like.
For Natasha, protecting you from someone she thinks is taking you away always gives her a good meal, too.
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devildom-drabbles · 2 years
hihi !! i have a request: how would the obey me cast react to a drunk! MC. specifically lucifer, satan, diavolo & solomon. if you're uncomfortable writing this, then ignore this request, lol !! <3
Not a problem! Just to forewarn you all, there will be mentions of alcohol, being drunk, getting sick, and hangovers. Thanks for the prompt! Enjoy!
How would Lucifer, Satan, Diavolo, and Solomon react to MC being drunk?
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Lucifer will act annoyed by MC’s drunken stupor, saying things like, “Why did you let yourself drink so much?  Behave yourself.”  Even so, whether he’s right next to them or on the other side of the room, he’s keeping a close eye on them.  He won’t humor any of their romantic advances if others are around, but if it’s just the two of them, he’ll reciprocate some of it—his tone teasing or affectionate depending on the situation.  When he can tell that they shouldn’t be drinking anymore, he’ll snatch away any alcoholic beverage they try to get their hands on.  He’ll bring them to his room when they pass out so that none of his brothers can bother them while they’re sleeping.  He’ll lightly scold them the next day for going overboard with their drinking, only stopping when they express discomfort from their hangover, which will prompt him to fetch something that’ll help them feel better.
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Satan will be a bit startled at first, but he’ll quickly take advantage of the situation as a way to learn more about MC—without crossing any lines, though.  He’ll do this mainly by observing their interactions and occasionally asking questions to hear their thoughts about him, his brothers, and things he’s curious about, like what’s their ideal date (you know...for “research” purposes).  He’s able to tell from both their physical and nonverbal cues if they’re about to be sick, so he’ll rush them to the nearest trash can or bathroom before anything happens.  He’ll also immediately hype them up if they get into an argument with anyone who’s with them but will scare off their (possibly equally drunk) opponent before things can get too intense.  Later on, MC will wake up to him sitting next to them on his bed while he’s reading about how alcohol affects humans.  When he hears them call their name in a raspy voice, he’ll hurry to grab a glass of water for their dry throat and anything else they might need based on what he’s read.
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Diavolo will be surprised by how MC behaves when they’re drunk, especially if it reveals a new side to them or they admit things he never knew before.  He’ll ensure that they’re within arm’s reach while they’re in this state, wanting to prevent them from getting hurt due to their lowered attentiveness to their surroundings.  If they’re playful or affectionate, such as going over to hug him a lot or wanting him to dance with them, he’ll happily join in their actions—even more so if the two of them are already in a relationship.  He’ll become worried if they start to have trouble walking or holding a conversation and will seek Barbatos’s advice for properly caring for the drunken human.  He’ll stay with them until they’re fully recovered the next day and let them know what happened when they were drunk if they don’t remember anything.  If they ask him to, he’ll promise to keep certain things that they blurted out a secret.
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Solomon will be amused by MC’s drunken behavior, and he might record some of the things they say and do to show them when they’re sober.  He’ll tag along with them wherever they go for the sake of their safety, but he’s having fun the whole time.  They decide to start rambling about something?  He’s all ears, especially if the topic involves how they feel about him.  They want to do something semi-dangerous in their uncoordinated state, like climb up a statue or do a handstand?  In many scenarios, he’ll encourage them while also using magic to protect them from potential injuries.  (If it’s something truly dangerous, he’ll steer them away from the idea by distracting them.)  He’ll only become serious—even intimidating—if anyone tries to manipulate MC while they’re inebriated.  When MC wakes up hungover the next day, he’ll give them a magic-infused remedy that improves their condition before proceeding to tease them about everything they did while they were drunk.
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pro-mammonologist · 8 months
are you enjoying WHB so far? it just got released recently, right? I've seen sm about it and I want to try it out really badly but at the same time Idk if I should, so any stance you'd be willing to share on it would be much appreciated :')
I’m not very far in but so far my biggest critique has been the battles. There’s a kajillion of them. Like so fucking many Jesus.
However I like the storyline they have I love anything that demonizes heaven or anything holy!!!
You fuck Satan almost straight away. 👍🏻
You can make the demons nut in this little side thing that I guess is almost like the intimacy meter in obey me which is cool and horny.
I’m biased cuz I’m such a slut for obey me but I feel like WHB is really really gonna milk the r18 factor and focus more on the sexxing part and not the story. It feels very hentai. Their designs are fantastic and everything is super duper put together and pretty and something tells me that considering this is somehow free and doesn’t cost money let’s me know it’s either not gonna last long or everything is going to become expensive.
On the other hand, I’m happy it’s more risqué and I love the designs. If you’re also into more darker stuff than WHB is good for you. I also really really like the humor like obey me is very dry but WHB is just weird and a lot of one-liners.
Thus far I still enjoy obey me a lot more and I played til like lesson 20 the first day I got it and I haven’t been able to play WHB for like hours straight prolly because there’s so many battles and the format is a little confusing, but I think it’s still very entertaining.
However, the obey me devs are gonna HAVE to get more NSFW if WHB becomes popular and a part of me wants it to get popular so they make obey me more nsfw lololol
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Hello, again~! Thank you so much for answering my request and I absolutely loved it! You did such an amazing job~! I was wondering if I can request a match up for Obey me as well? Take as much time as you need and please don’t stress out about it 🥺.
I’m a bi woman, but I do have a preference for men and my pronouns are she/her. I’m a Gemini and an INFP.
Appearance: I’m 5’4 with a curvy/chubby body type, which I’m very insecure about. I have big green eyes and I wear glasses. I also have a lot of piercings (nose and a few ear piercings) and I have shoulder length wavy hair that’s dyed a burgundy color with an undercut as well. My aesthetic would be described as whimsical goth. I wear lots of skirts, platform boot, fishnets and corsets.
Personality: my friends would describe me as being cute and sweet, but with a spicy side lol. I’m shy and awkward around people. I also blush and get flustered very easily. Once I’m comfortable around someone I’m much more outgoing, talkative, bubbly, giggly and playful. I have a spicy sarcastic and mischievous side. I do have a bit of a temper and I can be very moody at times. But it doesn’t take me long to be my normal bubbly self. I also curse a lot when I’m upset or frustrated. I try to avoid confrontation, but I will stand up for myself and others when I feel like it’s needed. I suffer from anxiety, depression and ptsd…so I need someone who can be patient when it comes to that. People seem to feel safe with me and will come to me when they need condor or advice. Which I’m more than happy to give what I can. I can be social when I want to, but I prefer to be more reserved and observant during social interactions. I have a bad habit of zoning out, which makes me confused 99.9% of the time lol. My sense of humor would be described as being dry, awkward and dark at times, so I’m unusually the only one laughing at my jokes ;-;. It takes awhile for me to make friends/relationships because of my introverted nature, but I’m super loyal and rude or die for my friends and s/o. I’m an introvert so, I prefer to spend my days at home, rotting in bed while being wrapped in a burrito blanket lol. I love hard and fast which can be a double edged sword for me. Super sensitive and my go-to reaction to anything is crying ;-;
Likes/ dislikes and hobbies: I LOVE animals and kids. I have two cats (named Jasper and mochi) and I’d like to have kids someday in the future. I also have an obsession with anything cute, fluffy and soft. So I have a massive collection of blankets, pillows and stuffed animals. I enjoy nature, taking walks and drives, reading, painting, watching trashy reality shows lol, makeup, clothes, shopping, anime, Kpop, lowkey like gossip and naps! I will literally sleep all day long if someone doesn’t wake me up lol. I also find anything spooky quite fascinating. So o go on a lot of ghost hunts and I’m learning how to read tarot cards! I’m TERRIFIED of spiders (arachnophobia) and I have a strong dislike for crowds, loud abrupt noises, sand, hot sweaty weather and mornings/being awakened from my naps lol.
Ideal type: I love to tease and banter, so I need someone who can put up with my teasing/playful tendencies. I’m usually not a very physically affectionate person, but I’m SUPER clingy and cuddly with my partner. And a tad bit possessive at times. Someone who’s also taller than me, and who has a very charismatic and addictive personality/voice. And someone who can handle my moods (like the typical Gemini I am lol). My love languages are words of affirmation and gift giving. And I prefer to show my love through acts of service and gift giving as well.
Extra fun fact: I can play 5 different instruments and I love to sing as well~.
Thank you so much and please take all the time you need~! I hope you have a lovely day/night~! ☺️
First off, can we be friends, please! I, too, am a fellow Gemini, and reading your whole thing, I was like, please, I want to be this girl's friend so bad! I also have my hair dyed a maroon red right now underneath my standard muddy blonde color!
Anyway, I was torn between two brothers and one other character; however, after much deliberation and a mild personal basis, I chose your match!
~~~~~ MATCHUP ~~~~~
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~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
Satan can seem cold and distant initially, but that's only because he doesn't want to give Lucifer the upper hand. In his mind, liking you means allowing Lucifer to back this exchange program to work.
Satan couldn't deny, though, that he really liked your style. Your clothes matched the whole black cat vibe he enjoyed. He would never admit this but has considered adding some green to your style.
Being the head of the Hate Lucifer club, he often found ways to upset him. To his surprise, though, as you got closer to the brothers and saw how Lucifer treated everyone, he was enamored when you stood up to his brother. You were either the most courageous person to live or dumb.
When Satan found you, though, later in your room crying from the heated encounter with Lucifer, he realized you were courageous like a lion, just only for those you cared about. But why would you care about him?
From that day forth, Satan made an effort to get to know you. He saw how easily you got close to Mammon and Levi, so he was curious to learn how to get you to open up. He knew he was blunt and abrasive, but he could be just as funny and witty as his siblings.
Your two's relationship was founded when you found him with some stray cats nearby. For the last few weeks, you had been taking care of them, but it looks like today Satan beat you to it. Watching him fawn over the sweet creatures opened you up more to him.
As soon as you two talked and learned more about one another, you were opened up to a whole new side of Satan. His cold, abrasive exterior was purely to protect himself from the duty of being Lucifer's brother. Underneath, he was a kind and compassionate man with a mild (Extreme) temper.
Though he had a temper, he never let it out on you; on the contrary, he protected you fiercely. If anyone triggered you or hurt you, he was the first to lash out and give them a taste of their own medicine, only to turn back into a softy and care for you.
Due to Satan not always being super in touch with his emotions, he turned to giving you all the things you could want to make a smile appear on your face. He definitely did not sneak into your room to find all the hobbies, interests, and items you liked.
When things became more official between you two, Satan grew just as possessive over you as you were for him. Especially when it involved Lucifer or Mammon. When it became apparent all the brothers liked you a lot, but he won your heart, he made it a point to show them who you chose. (He is a petty bish, but we love him)
Satan did have a favorite pastime: reading his books while you played one of your instruments. Sometimes, he would join you and play the piano, but he loved watching you become one with the music.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
The exchange program was going well, but it was time for your big project. You were doomed; it wasn't that you weren't smart, and you had been acing all your classes here in the devildom; the problem was simply that you were busy with the brothers. You know how important this program is for Dia, so it's now or never to try and finish this. What do you think you should write about? What did you learn in the devildom, the brothers, and the adventures? As you thought about all of this, a particular blonde walked into the library where you resided. Satan took his place next to you as he did since you two became official. Leaning up against your chair, watching you attempt to write the first letters of your project.
"Having a hard time figuring out what to write, doll?" You jumped, startled by the sudden presence, before relaxing into Satan. "Yes, this is the worst. How am I supposed to pick just one thing?" A small laugh echoed from the man before he took the paper from you. While observing your doodles and quotes on the side of your paper, he pointed out the little doodle of him you made. "Am I one of your potential topics, love?" You nodded eagerly, and he smiled. Suddenly, an excellent idea struck you. You would write about how you made your pacts with each of the brothers and concluded with your newfound love for Satan.
You snatched the paper from his hands, kissing his cheek before hurriedly packing up and running back to the House of Lamentation. Hours had passed by the time you finished the paper, checking the time you knew that Satan would be holed up in his library. Packing up your belongings for school the next day, you went to the library. Entering quietly, you found the cutest sight to bear. Satan lay in his recliner with two pretty cats, Jasper and Mochi, resting against his shoulders. You smiled gently as you went to his room to retrieve the green fluffy blanket you bought for him recently and placed it around the three of them. Smiling to yourself, you turned off the lamp nearby and retreated back to your room, obviously not before snapping a quick picture and sending it in the group chat.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(You and the brothers decided to take a trip to the lake nearby to relax. You guys even managed to get the angels, Solomon and Dia, to join. Barbatos chose to stay back at the castle.)
Y/N: Asmo, are you planning to actually get wet this time?
Asmo: No, of course not. People pay good money to look as good as I do.
Mammon: It's more like he's afraid of losing any water games we have planned.
Satan: Oh, you mean like how you did last time?
Y/N: Love, if I remember correctly, from the stories you also lost.
Satan: Only because I was on Mammon's team!
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courtofmatchups · 23 days
Hello~! I was wondering if you’d like to do a matchup trade with me for obey me?
I’m a 25 year old woman and my pronouns are she/her. I’m 5’4 with a curvy/chubby body type, which I’m very insecure about. I have big green eyes and I wear glasses. I also have many piercings (nose and lots of ear piercings) and I have shoulder length wavy hair that’s dyed a burgundy color with an undercut.
Personality: I’m a Gemini and an INFP. I’m shy and awkward around strangers, but I’m much more outgoing, talkative, bubbly, giggly and friendly around people I’m comfortable with. I have a sarcastic and a mischievous side and I do have a bit of a temper. But I usually don’t stay upset for long and go back to my normal bubbly self pretty quickly. I can be super sensitive and get flustered easily. I suffer from anxiety, depression and ptsd. I’m usually not a touchy-feely person as being touched suddenly makes me anxious, especially from random people. But I’m super clingy and cuddly with my s/o. I’m also a bit possessive of them too 😅. I ah e a hard time making friends and maintaining friendships, but I’m super loyal and compassionate to my loved ones! People feel comfortable with me pretty quickly and would often go to me for comfort or advice, which I’m happy to help with~! I’d describe my sense of humor as being dry, awkward and dark…so most of the time I’m the only one laughing at my own jokes 🫡. I love hard and fast as well. I can be social when I want to, but most of the time I’d rather be more reserved during social settings. I also have a bad habit of zoning out and being confused 99.9% of the time lmaooo.
Likes/dislikes and hobbies: I LOVE animals and kids! I have two cats of my own named Jasper and mochi and I’d like to have kids in the future. I also have a really bad obsession with anything cute, soft and fluffy…so I have a huge collection of pillows, stuffed animals and blankets. I enjoy gaming, reading, playing instruments, singing, shopping, doing my makeup, nature, going on walks and drives, watching trashy shows, taking hot ass baths lol, Kpop, anime and napping! I’ll literally sleep for hours on end if someone doesn’t wake me up lol. I also love anything spooky like ghost hunts and tarot cards readings. I’m actually learning how to do tarot readings! I’m TERRIFIED of spiders (arachnophobia) and I strongly dislike crowds, loud abrupt noises, rude/inconsiderate people and being underestimated by people because of my quiet, reserved nature.
Ideal type: someone who’s taller than me, could be only an inch taller and I’ll be happy lol. Super affectionate, protective and playful. I love to tease and banter, so I need someone I can play around with without getting annoyed. Someone charismatic and compassionate~
Thank you so much and I’m excited to do a read worth you~! I hope you have a good day/night~! 😊
It seems to me, you've captured the heart of...
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pls don't be angry, I'm going based off personality ;-;
Well, I do certainly see some parallels between the two of you... this does sound like someone Diavolo would enjoy the company of! Perhaps he can help with your shyness and comfort issues, as he quite warm and compassionate to others. He's quite understanding feelings of insecurity as well. He's dealt with those for quite some time in his childhood (Please give him lots of hugs). It seems to him that you have a nice personality that would be interesting to learn more about.
It seems you're very compassionate, yet at the same time can be sassy or mischievous. Diavolo would love that you have a sense of humor, and that you're both awkward and funny at the same time. You're is like a walking contradiction! He would love your unique personality. Also, you seem to be very affectionate, which he would absolutely love. HUGS. CUDDLES. HAND HOLDING. Diavolo is touch starved as hell, so physically show your affection whenever you can. You also sound very considerate and mindful of your partner's wellbeing, which he would find to be rather endearing.
You've been through quite a bit, so that might affect your relationship, but conversations and some work on that would greatly help in overcoming that.
Also, Diavolo just thinks you're really cute. He'd adore how much you love animals and children. Being good with animals and children is such a big green flag, he'd mistake it for a curtain. As for your interests, he would love to do them with you. And if you ever get overwhelmed, he'll get you to a quieter place so you can collect yourself.
I just see the two of you being really happy with one another.
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bsxcrxts · 2 years
kinktober #2
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Sex toys with Bucky Barnes
Bucky wants to know what the hell a ‘vibrator’ is. Who are you to deny him that knowledge?  
Content warnings: 18+ only! absolutely no minors!! Put your age in your bio to interact with my work. Bucky plays coy, sex toys (vibrators specifically), use of pet names like babe, babydoll. Fun times
A/N: this is about 800 words. I haven’t written for Bucky in a long time so this is me diving back in!
"Show me?”
You pause at his words, forcing yourself to look up at Bucky’s face suddenly. You hadn’t really thought he was joking– Bucky has a dry sense of humor, and rarely cracks jokes, he’s more of the sarcastic type– but your brain can’t work out another feasible option to explain what he’s just asked.
He’s been looking at you like that again; like he was anticipating something, waiting for your approval.
You give a half-hearted laugh, unsure of what else to do for a moment. “Show you how my vibrator works? I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” you placate.
“Why not?” he asks, shifting just a bit, imperceptibly inching closer towards you. His eyes, clear and blue, look almost innocent, but the hint of a smirk that’s forming on his face gives him away.
It occurs to you that Bucky must already have a basic knowledge of what a vibrator is, or at least that the definition involves sex somehow, and that he’s toying with you... so to speak. The look on his face is a bit too knowing for you to believe he’s fully clueless, and you’ve been dating him long enough to know what that does look like.
You narrow your eyes at him a little bit, assessing your next move.
“So I can learn about new technology,” Bucky says, doubling down.
It makes your decision easy.
“Okay,” you say, smiling back at him. Bucky looks at you with just a hint of smugness, evidently pleased with himself, which is a look that quickly turns to shock and then arousal when you tell him to undress and lay on your bed. He obeys, stripping down to his underwear and propping himself up, waiting for you.
“Is this okay?” you pause to ask, straddling his thighs. Despite being pretty convinced this was a ruse to get you into bed anyway, you want to make sure you’re on the same page as the man below you.
Bucky’s eyes are blown wide and dark, his cock already halfway to hard in his grey boxers.
“This is perfect,” he assures you. He tilts his head up to kiss you, and you melt against him, temporarily forgetting your plan to take charge. You come back to yourself quickly as you remember the toy in your hand, breaking the kiss and pushing him down into the mattress softly. He gives you a breathy moan, a soft, heavenly little mh sound that fits the image he makes under you, his hair splayed around his head like a dark halo.
In one swift motion, you click the vibrator on and press it to his clothed cock. Bucky jolts, back arching and gasping at the sudden feeling of the sensation against his dick, sensitive even with the barrier of his boxer shorts there.
“F-fuck, fuck,” he chokes out, “Jesus, b-babe, feels good.”
You feel an odd sense of pride swell in your chest. When Bucky starts to stutter, it usually means he’s getting pretty close; normally he’s a smooth talker who remains composed. Bucky falling apart so soon has you blushing and your cunt dripping for him.
“Getting all worked up for me,” you murmur. “This isn’t even the highest setting.”
“More,” Bucky moans for you.
“More? Greedy, darling,” you tease, pulling down his boxers to reveal his hard cock, dripping precum at the tip and straining. You click the toy up two settings and press it against the underside of him, right below the flushed head of his dick, where you know it’ll drive him crazy.
“Oh, f-fuck, babydoll!” he practically shouts. Bucky fists the sheets, thrusting up against your vibrator. You think he might tear the bedding and it turns you on even further.
It’s a lewd display, your boyfriend fucking desperately up against your toy, a toy that you’ve used to bring yourself off in his absence on more than one occasion. You make no move to tease him or deny him, mesmerized by the way his ab muscles ripple and his face flushes pink high on his cheeks.
His hips twitch two, three more times before he spills all over your toy and his own chest, cumming with a groan. When he comes down from his high, you lean over to kiss him gently.
“Did you really not know what a vibrator was?” you have to ask.
“Never used or seen one, but it’s in the name. It wasn’t hard to guess what it does,” Bucky smirks at you.
“Sneaky. Could’ve just told me you wanted to try it,” you smile.
“Honestly thought the first time we used it together would be on you,” he says lightheartedly as he grabs the vibe you’d discarded next to him on the bed, “Speaking of, it’s your turn now, babe.”
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killsaki · 1 year
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do not interact / byf / rules
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— about the blog / byf
+ this is a dark content blog. proceed with caution.
+ i write for: tokyo revengers, my hero academia, jujutsu kaisen, obey me, one piece, demon slayer, and attack on titan.
+ i do not allow reposts/translations/recommendations of my fics on other sites.
+ this is a spoiler free blog. check my tags here.
— do not interact
+ minors, under 18.
+ proshippers. lolita/shota enjoyers. people who are over 18 and knowingly talk to minors about sexual topics.
+ anyone who is anti-aging up.
+ if you allow minors on your nsfw/dark content blog.
+ ageless, blank, no pfp, no reblogs/posts blogs.
+ if you have gore on your blog.
+ if i have had you/you had me previously blocked.
+ if you fit basic dni criteria.
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— interaction rules
+ do not call me feminine terms. (queen, girly, sis, etc)
+ i have really dry and/or sarcastic humor which can rub people the wrong way. 99% of the time anything i say is super unserious. feel free to ask for clarification or just unfollow me at anytime.
+ i never want criticism. good or bad. this is a hobby.
+ if i do anything which you don’t like and you chose to unfollow me, please feel free to block me. especially if we are mutuals. i have bad memory and will likely forget if you just soft blocked me.
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— writing rules
+ i write mature, explicitly adult content. this can & will include: dark/taboo, power imbalances, monsterfucking, noncon/dubcon, yandere, stalking, drugging, incest/stepcest, angst, etc.
+ i don’t/won’t write: eating disorders, death, pregnancy, lactation, gore, cannibalism, wound fucking, mommy kink, mom incest, sister/sister incest.
+ i am a slow, inconsistent writer. do not pressure me about fics.
+ i don’t take requests.
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thanks for reading ! <3
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4ngel-inc · 3 months
Shannon hello ily! I saw you started writing for Obey Me characters and I'm super excited to see your beautiful writing on it!!
In all the brothers who do you like the most?
I hope you have a good week!
((Signed @hachikarimitsu but I didn't want to go on anon/ can't send asks from a side blog!))
omg hi my little cupcake !! ᰔ thank you so much !! :) omg i have loved obey me forever & am so obsessed with lucifer, he's everything i love in a man (stern, smart, dry sense of humor, very serious but loving), he's just the first person i fell in love with in the game !! i also love satan and diavolo :)
who are your favs ? i must know !! ᰔ
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obeythedemons · 2 years
Hey c: yt science experiments w/ Simeon maybe?
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Genre: Fluff/Humor
Word Count: 498
3000 Follower Event: Date Night
Obey Me! Masterlist
“Since we are supposed to learn more about each other’s worlds, I thought it might be fun to learn about the magic of your world, MC,” Simeon explained with a small smile. “I found some interesting videos that I’d like to try.”
After some struggles, MC was finally able to the videos Simeon was referring to. A demon was reacting to some child’s science experiments from the human world. Everyone was losing their mind in the comments. MC laughed lightly. “That’s not magic, Simeon. It’s just science.”
Simeon hummed, the smile never fading. “I’d still like to try it with you. Is that alright?”
“Of course it is,” MC responded. “Hold on, I think we have the stuff for one of the more common experiments.” They dug around the cabinets for things Solomon brought from the human world. True, they didn’t ask for permission to grab them, but they were food items. They were doing everyone a favor by taking them away. “Here!” They pulled out a package of mentos and then a bottle of soda.
“We’re going to consume those?” Simeon questioned with a slight tilt of the head.
“No,” MC said as they motioned for him to follow. “We’re not. Let’s go outside. Ah—” They paused for a moment. “We need some towels.”
“I got it,” Simeon responded and quickly fetched some towels from the kitchen before following MC to the back gardens. “Now, what are we doing with the soda and candy?”
MC grinned and opened the cap to the bottle. They then opened the package of candies and placed them in Simeon’s hand. “Put them in the bottle.” Simeon looked at the candies with a confused frown. His brilliant blue eyes failed to see how MC stepped away from him with the towels in hand. Without asking any further questions, Simeone dropped the candies in.
Almost immediately, the soda exploded from the bottle, splashing against Simeon’s face. He gasped and staggered backward as the sugary drink continued to geyser upwards. It rained from the skies and coated Simeon’s hair and shoulders. MC burst into a fit of giggles when Simeon turned to them. His arms were spread to the side as the soda dripped off of him.
“MC? Did you know this would happen?”
MC nodded with a goofy grin. “Yeah, are you mad?”
Simeon just sighed and carefully walked towards MC. “No, I couldn’t get mad at you. Although, I would appreciate a towel, now.”
MC walked towards him and instead of handing the towel to him, started to pat him down. They gently dried his hair and moved towards his face, caressing it with the soft cotton. Simeon sighed and leaned into MC’s touch with his eyes closed.
“You’re probably going to have to take a shower,” MC hummed as they ran their fingers along his cheek, feeling the soda still sticking to him.
“Only if you promise to dry me off again.” Simeon opened his eyes and smiled playfully at them.
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gumiluver · 6 months
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hey luv’s, thanks for stopping by! heard you wanted to learn more about me, so I thought I’d share some facts :)
✧༺♥༻✧ ✧༺♥༻✧ ✧༺♥༻✧
I’m Rosie! I’m 22 y/o. My ethnicity is Filipino-Caucasian, but my culture primarily consists of Filipino-Hawaiian traditions and lifestyle. I was born in socal, and currently reside in oc! I currently work as a clinical case manager at a mental health facility, and have been working there for over a year now! I plan to apply for my masters degree in social work for the fall 2024 semester, so wish me luck! <3
✧༺♥༻✧ ✧༺♥༻✧ ✧༺♥༻✧
luver boys <3: fushiguro megumi <3, nanami kento, gojo satoru, okkotsu yuta, hayakawa aki, kishibe, denji, eren jeager, levi ackerman, reiner braun, erwin smith, tomioka giyuu, rengoku kyojuro, kamado tanjiro, hatake kakashi, uchiha itachi, uchiha sasuke, nara shikamaru, uzumaki naruto, yamada asaemon shion, chobo aza, lucifer, mammon, beel, solomon, loid forger, kurusu kazuki, suwa rei, zuko
luver girls <3: mei mei, zen’in maki, mikasa ackerman, kocho shinobu, kanroji mitsuri, hinatsuru | makio | suma, yuhi kurenai, senju tsunade, haruno sakura, yamanaka ino, yamada asaemon sagiri, yuzuriha, yor forger, azula
luvers <3: yelena, hange zoe, uraume
this list may change as time goes on! <3
✧༺♥༻✧ ✧༺♥༻✧ ✧༺♥༻✧
cuddling with my bf & cats, reading, writing, playing games (on mobile & switch!), makeup, baking, gardening, video essays, scrapbooking
✧༺♥༻✧ ✧༺♥༻✧ ✧༺♥༻✧
series: bobs burgers, haunting of hills house, black mirror, big mouth, the office, new girl, brooklyn 99, law & order: svu, rick & morty, hannibal, better call saul, breaking bad, game of thrones, house of dragons, vikings, vikings: valhalla
movies: parasite, uncut gems, mother!, talk to me, get out, us, nope, annihilation, hereditary, midsommar, mama, requiem for a dream,
games: obey me! shall we date?, red dead redemption II, cyberpunk, god of war, doom eternal, elden ring, legend of zelda: botw & totk, sekiro, animal crossing: new horizons
anime: jujutsu kaisen, chainsaw man, attack on titan, demon slayer, hells paradise, naruto, haikyuu, spy x family, buddy daddies, fire force, soul eater, record of ragnarok
novels: blood meridian, flowers for algernon, the metamorphosis, johnny got his gun, ‘till we have faces, one flew over the cuckoos nest, sybil
authors: Cormac McCarthy, C. S. Lewis, Ellen Hopkins, Franz Kafka, Mary Shelley, Stephen King
genres: existentialism, cosmic horror, psychological, psychological horror, slice of life, dark humor, dry humor
artists: khantrast, suicideboys, flatbush zombies, ramirez, denzel curry, JID, brockhampton, polyphia, her, summer walker, doja cat, sza, billie eilish, ari lennox
music genres: underground rap, dark trap, r & b, metal
✧༺♥༻✧ ✧༺♥༻✧ ✧༺♥༻✧
homophobia, transphobia, bigotry, anti-feminism, anti-abortion, racism & anything else of a similar nature! if you engage in any of this behavior, please do not interact with me or my content!
✧༺♥༻✧ ✧༺♥༻✧ ✧༺♥༻✧
Feel free to drop an ask or leave me a message! I’d love to get to know each and every one you you luv’s <3
✧༺♥༻✧ ✧༺♥༻✧ ✧༺♥༻✧
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mythical-illustrator · 6 months
My friend! You know I adore Helena and Fox so can I asked for 2, 7, 20, and 35 from the relationship ask?
I love those two, I was gonna say you have no idea but I think you do and thats why you sent me the ask ;)
2: First date.
It takes Fox and Helena way to long to go on a real date but predating might as well have been dates - it invlolved a lot of coffee lol. But when they clear the air and all the secrets are out in the open, they FINALLY go on a proper date.
The other guards have rearanged their schedule to heck and back so they could make sure the marshal commander got his dang date, Helena as made sure all her of her work was done and did a light patrol before hand.
There is a nice resturant that Fox found, and was able to get a table out- He asked Helena's aunt for advice and she helped him a lot becuase Clones aren't always welcomed everywhere. They sit down, order. Fox is wearing his nice dress uniform, Helena is wearing a proper shirt, clean pants. No oil stains.
Their food comes- Armered bank car robbery goes right by. They stare at each other, their food then the window and gapping people before Fox's com goes off. Its a very appologetic Thorn. The two of them sigh and spring to action, Thorn is pulling up with Fox's kit and Helnea changes in alley way.
There date ends with them crawlling up to a high building and sharing caf, bruised and a little beat up and just watching the sunset together.
7: What do they aruge about.
Helenas role as Spider-Woman.
Before they started dating Helena wasn't that well known to the upper levels and was a urabn legand in the lowers. The security police force "Knew" about her and warned the clones but the Senete doesn't know about her, the Jedi doesn't know about her and the rich people of upper coursant don't know about her.
Fox worries as she helps more and mroe people that she'll attracht the wrong attention and he'll be ordered to investiage her or worse, arrest her.
He doesn't want to have to choose between her and his brothers. Being A marshal commander, obeying orders, its what keeps his brothers safe.
He won't ever ask her to stop, its a part of her like being a solider is a part of him. But he does try to help her as much as possible, give her as many tools as he can so she never gets caught by the wrong sort of attetnion.
His greatest fear is being ordered to arrest her by the Channcler. Thats not an order he can ingore, bot because he choose to, but he wouldn't remember it till he was already acting upon it.
20: Whare are they like sharing a bed?
So fox is a star fish when he has the space to spread out. the safer he feels, the deeper his sleep is, I'm talking head back, open mouth doorl.
Helena is a limpet octipus. She will cling, to pillows or another warm body if they're near.
It took Fox a minute to get use her clingy ways, especally with Super stregth. But evenntally, they get use to each other and end up almost all tangled up with Helena treating herself like his own personal backpack. She says he runs warm and she can turn all her senses off when shes around him.
It takes Fox longer, and he use to just stay away and listen to her breth, but eventually he breathing lulled him to sleep and he could geta full nights rest with her around.
35: What Moment did they realize they were in love.
Unfourtinily for Fox, Helena realized she was in Love with him in the middle of being Spider-Woman. She had been working with him for a bit now, in and out of the suite. She thought him serious but carrying and new he loved his brothers more than anything. He had a surprinsingly dry sense of humor and had made her laugh more than once.
But when fighting crime, he took that job very seriously. And he was a skill fighter. They were chasing after some bounty Hunter and she went to go swing by and help him when She watched Fox hand the controls of his speeder to THorn, throw himself off into imcoming traffic and then land on their escaping prisoner. She watch him deck, daze, then taze the hunter before restling control of the speeder away from him and bring it saftely to a stop.
She almost swung into a building.
For Fox its watching her feed his brothers. She brings up coffee sure but he looked up one day and realized not only did she bring him caf, she brought all of the Command squad caf too, taylored to their own prefrences and home cooked goods, laughing and joking with each of them and knowning their names and personilties. She makes a joke with Hound, hands grizzler a treat and then turns and holds out a cup of caf to him and he realizes hes in love with this nat-born woman.
Only Thorn is a whistnessed to the pol-axed face of realization on his vod's face
he's defintly not going to let his vod run away from his feelings.
Thank you for the ask friend, I loved asking these you have no idea. Thank you for indulging my strange crossover.
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Tag list:
@anxiouspineapple99 @clonemedickix @dangraccoon @secondaryrealm @dystopicjumpsuit @starrylothcat @sev-on-kamino @multi-fan-dom-madness @wizardofrozz @523rdrebel @dickarchivist
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May I request a matchup for Obey Me!, if that's alright? (Shocker, I know, fandom blog requests for the fandom of the blog /lh.)
My name is Sano, he/him or they/them pronouns. I'm gay (preferring men or other nonbinary people), a Taurus, and an INTJ-A.
I'm 5'7" and fairly slim, with blue eyes and black hair I prefer to have in a bun. I tend to wear things more in an academia style; I like to have a good mix of comfort and elegance/formality.
Personality-wise, I'm rather reserved; I prefer environments to be less crowded than more, and to spend time only with those I'm familiar with. As long as they're people I know well, I don't mind some chaos and will participate in some extent, even if just to reduce collateral damage. I'm known by those around me to be very blunt, perceptive, and wry in my humor, usually providing sarcastic commentary on whatever might be going on. I'm also very inquisitive, so in terms of the OM! universe, I would probably ask quite a few questions to whomever I became close with first to learn about the environment. I care deeply for my loved ones and am willing to do whatever I can to take care of them. I like spending quality time and receiving physical affection from those I'm comfortable with, and I'm fond of giving acts of service, physical touch, and words of affirmation.
I like music, both listening to it (lofi, classical, and indie especially) and composing it, along with writing, cooking, drawing, and video games. I don't actively dislike much in terms of things to do, but I'm heavily uncomfortable with some bugs and I have sensory issues, so I can't stand a few textures.
I have autism, anxiety, and depression, which can make it difficult to be motivated at times. Days when the latter two are particularly hitting are usually spent doing something low-energy.
Apologies for the length, much appreciated. Do take your time in responding /g.
Hi Sano! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchup!
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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Satan loves your sense of humour. He’s someone with a very dry sense of humour as well so he can bounce off your banter easily.
He’s very appreciative of your perceptiveness. He’s not great at expressing his emotions at times so if you’re about to see how he’s feeling without him needing to say anything, it takes a lot of pressure off.
Satan’s very good at remembering what activates your sensory issues so he’ll do his best to help you avoid those things.
Quality time and physical affection? Say no more. Satan’s finding a book he knows you’ll both enjoy and cuddling up to you on the lounge to read with you all afternoon.
He appreciates any acts of service and likes physical touch but I think he would really love words of affirmation. It means a lot hearing you say you care about him and things you like about him.
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godkilller · 8 months
There is a shiver that traces down Izuru's spine, the soft click of a dry throat swallowing. The rumble of Gin's voice rolls through him like thunder, the electricity of it fizzles against the nape of his neck and makes the fine hairs little stand on end. He feels the other man's warm breath against his ear, and with it, a hot coil that twists in the base of his belly.
It's all teasing. Humoring his lieutenant. Empty flirting. Nothing that Gin won't do with anyone else if he thinks it could be even minutely entertaining. It shouldn't be making Izuru a little weak in the knees, shouldn't have his breath hitching high in his throat, his head feeling light as a balloon, swimming with spiraling thoughts. Like he's some kind of nervous, fluttery little virgin again.
His face feels hot to the touch as he rests his cheek into Gin's palm, eyes drooping closed. When he makes to speak again there is a delay of the words, tongue sticking to the roof of his dry mouth.
❝ ...If I was someone desirable, I'd want you to do whatever you wanted with me, ❞ he murmurs.
Send my character a ► and a command. They must obey.
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COULD HE NOT TEASE WITHOUT IT BECOMING A COMMENTARY ON IZURU'S WORTH? Gin knew the lieutenant had his fair share of insecurities, and he wasn't seeking to coddle or give the man a hand-out with... this, whatever this was -- but couldn't he flirt, couldn't he have a little fun? They were both consenting adults, weren't they? Perhaps Izuru mistook Gin's advances as something born from pity. But to Gin, the lieutenant was quite alluring, easy on the eyes. A darker part of him idly wondered what kind of pretty noises could gasp their way out from Izuru's mouth, too, and how strongly that skin could dapple with bruises.
As flustered as Izuru was right now -- and cutely, at that -- Gin knew the man wasn't a complete blushing schoolboy when it came to the subject of sex. Hadn't he had a few flings, at the very least? Gin couldn't quite recall the details, but he knew something stood out at the time whilst in the Third Division; Izuru never dated anyone. At least not in a manner that became noteworthy.
Afraid of that sort of intimacy? Or maybe he believed he wasn't worth that sort of connection. Thus justifying those next words, spoken with an almost hoarse rawness. Izuru's belief that he wasn't desirable.
❝ I think you're awfully desirable, ❞ a simple truth, spoken clearly whilst Gin loomed. Fingers smoothed across the soft features of Izuru's cheek, leading them back to capture the man's chin. Leaning away from his lieutenant's ear, Gin snarled a smile, a sliver of deep azure blues revealed from near-hidden gaze honed sharply onto Izuru. ❝ -- but if ya keep talkin' like you're the dirt underneath my shoe... I'm gonna haveta gag ya. ❞
Before any kind of rebuttal could be made to argue over one's self-worth and whether or not it was warranted to believe himself to be so lowly... Gin lurched in for a kiss, dipping down and meeting lips with a far more gentle exchange than what bite Gin could offer to others. Affection Izuru wished for, and softness he'd receive -- to be Gin's meant to be swallowed up by the intensities of his care, but that did not mean it had to always present the constricting tension of suffocation, of devouring, no. Gin could be gentle if he so wished, and he wanted that for Izuru. Not because he believed Izuru too fragile to handle otherwise, but because his heart hurt over the thought of this man thinking he deserved such treatment.
So the kiss was of possession, yes, it was of the caliber that sought to claim Izuru as his... but it was also, primarily, one made to caress. A kiss meant to ease Izuru into a warm embrace, to cup one's cheek whilst leaving them to softly exhale and relinquish control. Deepened, passion still there but the hunger was restrained, kept at bay in favor of reverence. A soft echo, one that could darken at a moment's notice; you are mine, you are mine, you are mine.
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ficfanatictrf · 1 year
bluebell, tigerlily, and aster for the ask game!
And just in case you haven't heard it yet, happy new year!
Thank you very much and I hope that you have a happy new year as well <3 <3 bluebell— do you have any pets? if so, what are their names?
I have two cats. Sunny and Jaci. They are twins when my mom adopted them from our local cat shelter she was volunteering at after my cat (Cookie) past away. Sunny is a male short haired orange hyper mess. He is ready to run towards anything that seems dangerous, but he is also super intelligent. He comes when I call his name, and he is pure muscle. Jaci is a female long haired mixture of grey tones ball of anxiety. She would rather lay down and nap than run around, and honestly she is a tad stupid (I say this with love because she is my favorite). She is super small, half of what you see of her is just fur.
tigerlily— do you have any favorite quotes from any movies, tv shows, books, or poetry? (or from people in real life)
It is a super short quote, but is something that I have always loved because of the whole entire story. "Hey Mr. Arnstein, here I am" - Barbra Streisand (Funny Girl) For me, I always looked up to this song because if she had just stayed with the group (the safe option) she would have never lived the life she wanted. She put herself out there and went for something that could have blown up in her face - yet she made the decision with knowing that. That is why I love it so much.
aster— do you have any 'fictional crushes' on any movie, tv show, or book characters? who and why?
OMFG! Well, let's go on the list. Thin Smart (I am a nerd, and I adore listening to Tedtalks and podcasts....give me someone who can talk for hours on a topic they are passionate about? I'll marry the man in a heartbeat) - Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) - Milo Thatch (Atlantis) - Viktor (Arcane) - Athelstan (Vikings) - Professor Lupin (Harry Potter) Husband Material (They are so perfectly what I am looking for in a husband that I can't help but love them) - Shikamaru (Naruto) - Intelligence, dry humor, board games - James (Seduce Me, Otome Game) Intelligence, oldest child, *cough* BDSM *cough* - Sam (Seduce Me, Otome Game) Physically fit, protective, caring - Zuko (Avatar the Last Air Bender) - Tom Lucitor (Star vs the Forces of Evil) He learns about what his partner is into (even if he doesn't like it), he is protective but in a supportive way, may have an obsession with Tomco - Genos (One Punch Man) Hardworking, never gives up, caring, sometimes adorably childish - Shin-Ah (Yona of the Dawn) OH GOD A precious sweetheart, he deserves all the hugs, such a sweet and caring guy - Hak Son (Yona of the Dawn) Sarcastic humor, protective, dedicated, loyal - Tetsuro Kuroo (Haikyuu) Science nerd + sports, pays attention to his team, good with people, punny - Rengoku Kyojuro (Demon Slayer) What I want to be more like. Positive attitude even when not in a good mood, able to work hard even when people try to push you down, and kind in all situations but able to speak his mind bluntly - Bakugou Katsuki (My Hero Academia) Hard working, physically fit, shows care for people the way I show care for people, while I wish I was more like Kyojuro I know I am more like Katsuki - Dick Grayson (DC Comics) Funny, positive attitude, kind, hard working, caring I know it's a kink (if we met in real life I would probably die- I can go more into these...but this is getting long) - Loki (Marvel) - Sasori of the Red Sand (Naruto) - Damon Salvatore ( The Vampire Diaries) - Sukuna Ryoumen (Jujutsu Kaisen) - Lucifer, Avatar of Pride (Obey Me! Game) - Satan, Avatar of Wrath (Obey Me! Game) - Mammon, Avatar of Greed (Obey Me! Game) - Beelzebub, Avatar of Gluttony (Obey Me! Game) - Garou (One Punch Man) - Ban (Seven Deadly Sins) - Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter) - Kaz Brekker (Shadow and Bones)
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