#platonic yandere natasha romanoff
marveloustimestwo · 1 year
I saw your post about platonic yandere vampire natasha and I was wondering how would the reader get turned to a vampire? Did the reader want it or did the reader try to run away and fight her
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I apologize for taking so long to get this out. Thanks for being so patient, and thank you for the request.
Warnings: Yandere themes, talk of being turned against your will and forced captivity.
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As I mentioned in the original post, there is absolutely no chance you're not getting turned into a vampire.
Natasha hates the idea of you outliving her. Every parent does, but unlike any normal parent, Natasha has a way to ensure that doesn't happen.
All she has to do is bite you and you'll be like her for the rest of eternity; unaging and forever youthful. Forever her child.
Generally, I think it depends on the person as to whether or not you were turned willingly or not.
Having such a possessive and controlling parent would be rather unfortunate to have in real life. Most people would have trouble dealing with that, especially for so long. No one should have to deal with that.
But hey, vampires are cool man.
There are some issues you might think about. Some people don't like the idea of immortality, while others don't like the idea of drinking blood to sustain themselves.
Despite those cons, depending on what version of vampire you're thinking of, you could also get some incredible powers. Enhanced speed and strength, heightened senses, being nearly unkillable.
Some people even like the idea of living forever.
Generally speaking, though, it's unlikely that you'd be willing to deal with such a controlling, somewhat delusional vampire for the rest of eternity.
Because Natasha's not about to let you get away from her that easily.
You have a very slim chance of actually being able to run away, at least at the start or even before she turns you.
Natasha plans ahead. If you're actively still fighting back (against her obsession, or having expressed not wanting to turn in the past) she won't let you know that she's planning to turn you.
Depending on which type of vampire you're imagining here (Twilight vampires, Count Dracula, etc.) there will be different ways Natasha makes sure you aren't able to run or fight once you come to.
And she's not easily manipulated. She'll see whatever mask you put up to try and get away pretty easily, so any plan you have will have to be long-term and quiet.
And there really is no chance of physically fighting her, even as a vampire. Nat's far more experienced and has fought other far more experienced vampires than you. While she won't kill or hurt you, you will be put on time-out.
Running can be a fool's errand if you don't plan for much more than just getting away. You'd have to actually save up supplies and figure out where you're going to stay after if you want to be alone for more than like, five minutes.
Even then, running from Natasha is really only temporary. She's rich, experienced, and has a lot of connections. It won't take her that long to find you.
Eventually, no matter how hard you fight or how well you hide, you're going to be brought back home.
You're her sweet baby. Now you guys have all of eternity to spend together, whether you want to or not.
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black-aurora-nora · 1 year
Irreplaceable Pt. 2 | Yandere!Avengers x Reader
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It'd been about three weeks since you'd had your life taken away from you.
You'd been living in the Avengers Tower seeing as you had no where else to go.
When you tried to call your parents the first week, Natasha was the one that decided to tell you that they'd been arrested by SHEILD for having relations with HYDRA.
You didn't believe her, but she was quick to bring you to their holding cells.
You and your parents both knew that it was the Avengers doing, but had no power or evidence to show it.
You'd wept for days after that.
Your ex-friends had really taken everything that had meaning to you.
And now, you were laying across one of the many luxury couches in one of the many common rooms of the tower.
You would much rather be in your room, but Tony made sure that Jarvis locked you out after 9 o'clock. He believed that forcing you out to hang with everyone would get you back to how you used to be. Or at least somewhere close to it.
Sooner or later, you would realize that all of this was for you.
Natasha was sat beside you, legs crossed with wireless earphones in, watching whatever on her phone.
There was always someone with you once you were forced out of your room. You barely got any time alone when you were awake.
Hell, you couldn't even get any time alone at night anymore. The anxiety from having your life taken from you made it impossible to sleep and Tony was quick to get you medicated to help out with that.
You still felt like shit either way.
Steve came strolling into the living area, bidding you both a good morning.
You gave no kind of response, staring forward at nothing in particular, wrapped up in a light blue, fleece blanket that you'd received as a gift from a friend when you'd first gotten ownership of the library.
"Hey, (Y/N), did you eat this morning?" Steve asked, at your lack of answer, he sighed exasperatingly, "Come on, (Y/N), you know that you have to eat. You'll never feel better if you just lay around all day."
Natasha began to stroke your head, trying to get you to pay attention but you quickly slapped her hand away and pushed yourself up into a sitting position.
"I'll never feel better. You guys can sit here and pretend that we're one big happy family, but I'm not playing." You started, voice shaky with anger and sadness, "You never supported me and abused your power to take away my life and made me dependent on you guys. And now you guys want me to be happy?"
Steve and Natasha only stared. Were they taking in your words? Who knows. You didn't care.
"No. I will not give you my happiness or my willing compliance. None of you deserve that part of me anymore."
"I have brought poptarts for Young (Y/N)!" Thor's boisterous voice boomed, a warm plate of freshly toastered poptarts in his hands for you both to share.
At the sullen atmosphere, Thor looked between his friends, "Am I interrupting something?"
"No, Thor. (Y/N)'s just a little hangry. Thanks for bringing the poptarts." Natasha answered for you, gesturing for the god to come over, "You guys eat while Steve and I go find the guys."
You watched the two leave and pushed the plates of poptarts away from your person, leaving Thor in the dust and hiding away in the bathroom, ignoring his calls for you.
You lowered yourself to the cool tile, gripping fistfuls of your hair.
Why did this have to happen to you?
Why did they do this to you?
You wished there was some way to get out of this, but... where would you even go?
You couldn't survive homelessness in New York. And it'd be increasingly hard to find a job now that you had a criminal record due to your 'friends' planting confidential information in your library.
And even if you did land a job, it wouldn't provide you with a livable wage. You'd be barely surviving.
And could you ever really escape the Avengers?
Though the better question was, could you survive playing family with them? You doubted they would ever grow tired of you.
They really made sure that you had no other choice.
A knock on the door jolted you from your spiraling mental, "(Y/N), what did I tell you about hiding in the bathroom?!" It was Tony, the one you hated the most.
You could feel something in your mind cracking again, somehow worse than when your library was taken. Everything was really starting to close in on you.
These bastards... these bastards really wanted you to be happy for them... like some kind of fucking dog they found abandoned in the freezing cold.
Tony knocked more and you could hear Bruce telling him to ease up, "You're gonna scare them. They'll open it when they're ready."
Oh, but you'd never be ready.
The knocking stopped and you continued to stay seated on the ground, staring at the tile and hands tightly gripping your hair.
Why couldn't they have just left you alone like you'd asked?
You were left alone to your spiraling thoughts, your breathing growing more and more intense. Your heart beat through your chest, screaming and riving to be let out.
Your vision was starting to go spotty. Nothing else mattered but how angry you were. All you could see was bright red.
A scream ripped from your throat, splattering the confined walls of the bathroom and spilling out through the crevices of the closed door.
Pain began to blossom on your head, but you didn't care. You were too angry to care about physical pain.
Why and what were you being punished for?
Why had these demons, calling themselves angels, from hell do everything they could in their power to knock you down to try and piece you back together?
What gave them the right?
Now you were on the bathroom floor losing your mind when you could've been helping a young woman find a good book to check out or having a bagel from across the street while you read at the counter.
"(Y/N)! Goddamnit! (Y/N), STOP!" Bruce was on your back, desperately trying to grab your hands.
You fought against him, screaming to be left alone but he didn't. He just kept your hands away from your head and instructed you to breathe.
Once your breathing was under control, you noticed that something was in your hands and slowly glanced over, whimpering when you'd noticed what you'd done.
Thick clumps of hair were gripped tightly in both your bloodied fists. And there were plenty more strands and clumps decorating the tiled floor around you accompanied by droplets of blood.
You tried to stand up but Bruce kept you on the ground and you growled, "Get off! Let me see!" You snapped, tears welling in your eyes.
"No!" He snapped back, "It's not bad... there's no need to look."
"You're a fucking liar." You sobbed, "All of you are liars!"
Once you'd wept yourself to sleep and had been put to bed early, the team decided to have a late night meeting.
Tony took a swig of his scotch. He rubbed a hand down his face. Everyone was silent, waiting for someone to speak up.
"Ok, they're not adjusting. I admit it." Tony spoke.
"Yeah, just like I'd warned." Natasha reminded coolly.
"We should've went about this more slowly. (Y/N) could've easily been coaxed to live here." Clint added, arms crossed.
Steve shook his head, "No, they loved that library way too much... worked too hard to get it. They never would've left that library for us."
Bruce tapped a finger against the table impatiently, "We have to do something. We can't carry on like everything's normal," He had a hard frown stuck on his face, "(Y/N) is not ok. We brought them here for their own good and they seem to be doing worse than ever."
They all went silent again. What were they going to do?
Natasha's eyes sparked and she looked over at Clint with a knowing gaze, "Clint, isn't there an agent with memory-altering abilities?"
Clint visibly brightened at that, "Agent Keller."
"(Y/N), it's time to wake up. Steve is almost finished making breakfast downstairs." JARVIS spoke calmly.
With a big stretch, you yawned and rolled out of bed. A dull throb throughout your head made it's presence known and you winced slightly, making your way to the common area.
"Hey, everybody!" You called out.
"(Y/N)!" Steve greeted, "You made it just in time. I just finished the banana pancakes, you want any eggs and bacon before they get taken?" He asked.
You shrugged, nodding tiredly, "Yeah, I'll have some."
Everyone began to make their way to the table, plates stacked with food.
Tony was the last to arrive, smiling at you carefully, "How's your head feeling?"
You smiled back, a fond smile, "A little sore... but the medicine you gave me is making it manageable."
Clint nodded at that, "Yeah, having your hair ripped off by a beggar will do that." He teased.
You chuckled back, "Yeah... also... I had a crazy ass dream last night. I was a bookkeeper with a whole book store. A bookkeeper, can you guys believe that?" You ate a bite of eggs with a thoughtful gaze, "But... it was so nice."
Natasha hummed at that, her chin resting in her hand as she stared at you quizzingly, "But not as nice as being here with us, right?"
You shook your head, "No, I suppose not."
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Ana Meets Black Widow & Bucky Barnes [Platonic Yanderes x OC]
Summary: Ana is working in a cafe in Brazil when an unusual couple comes into the cafe and takes a hazardous interest in her. Can Ana escape the Black Widow and Winter Soldier or is she doomed to fall in their clutches?
Other Languages will be identified like this: Example.
[Brazil - Around The Cafe - Rainy Weather - 5:30 P.M.]
[A Blanket of Grey Clouds consumed the sun and the tears of the heavens fell from the giant sheet - it's been raining for the past few hours and there was nothing I could do about it as I looked out of the Cafe Window where I worked. It was a rather slow day, no one wanted to come into a cafe when it's raining cats and dogs outside - hell, I don't think that they would be able to get through the streets with the traffic that's going on right now. Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ana - I'm a 18 year old psychology student that attends college here in Brazil; I happened to be born here and I was at work but I wish I was at home, rain always makes me sleepy. My dark brown eyes looked out of the window as my hand rested on my cheek while my elbow rested on the glass counter with a bored expression on my face, there hasn't been a new customer in here for hours and it was almost time for my shift to end; I can only pray that it remains this slow until it was time for me to leave and…]
Ana (Thinking as I run my hand through my long red hair): 'I have spoken too soon.'
(I straighten myself up as I reach over to the writing pad on the counter, pulling the pen from behind my ear as I look at the new additions to the cafe..and my eyebrow raises as I lay my eyes on a rather interesting pair. A Man and a Woman. The man had long brown hair with piercing blue eyes and pale skin, he was wearing a black suit with a red tie and his hands in his pockets; if I were a man, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, or even get into a fight with this man and I'm a black belt in Karate. The woman was smaller than him - which was natural, it would have been strange if she was taller than him - with short red hair and pale skin with piercing green eyes the same shade as an emerald gem; just like the man, she was wearing a black suit with a red tie, black heels, and black gloves. The two of them looked around the cafe before their eyes landed on me - they started at me for a while before the two of them went to the back of the cafe and sat in one of the booths. They began talking to each other in another language but I couldn't hear what they were staying to see what language it was but I knew it wasn't english. The woman kept looking at me before turning to look at the man and continued speaking…that's when the man slowly rose from his seat and walked over to the counter, I looked up to him and gave him a smile as I readied myself to write his order on the writing pad.]
Ana: Welcome, Sir. What can I get you?
Man (Looks into my eyes and doesn't say anything for a while before he speaks with a smirk on his face): I would like two dark coffees with no sugar and 2 creams in each. (Reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet and hands me the money for the drinks but before I hand him his change, he tells me to keep the change before walking away back to his table.)
[I head to the coffee machine and prepare the coffee but I can't get the look that he gave me out of my head - why was he smirking at me like that and why was that woman staring at me while talking to him? Maybe I'm just overthinking this. I placed the 2 hot coffees on a serving platter and walked from behind the counter when my ears picked up on their conversation again and I could hear that they were speaking in Russian. I knew Russian as my brother and I were learning new languages - my brother learning Japanese while I was learning Russian. I stopped walking halfway and listened to their conversation and what I heard made my blood run cold.]
Red-Haired Woman: We have to be careful as to how we go about collecting the girl. She has a life here, a brother, and family, if we aren't careful and just take her then they would be all over us before we could get her out of it.
Long-Haired Man: I understand your concern, Natasha, but we need to do this. For the longest tie, I know that you have longed for a child and when I looked into her eyes, I saw myself and yourself in her. She has your hair, she might not have my eyes or your eyes but we can rewrite her DNA to make her our daughter. We wait for the cafe to close and then we take her, the cops will think she was kidnapped and we will be long out of Brazil before anyone knows that we are gone. Ana will be ours.
[My blood froze at what I heard - these people were planning to kidnap me and make me their daughter. I had to get out of there but I couldn't let the know that I was leaving without going through the front door. I made a plan, I would go through the back door and get in my car before going to the police station and filing a report; I need to make sure I am protected and I need to get to my apartment so I could defend myself. I walked over to the and smiled at them, hoping not to give away the fact I knew what they were planning.]
Ana (Places the coffees before them before tucking the serving tray under my arm): Here are your coffees, Sir and Madam. Please, enjoy.
[Turn on my heel and walk away, feeling the glares on my back as I return to my place at the back of the counter, places the serving tray back on the counter, and go to the back to look for my boss. I find her talking to another one of the employees - my boss was kind, she was understanding and wanted us to be safe when something bothered us, I never bothered her until today but my safety was on the line. I walked over to her.]
Ana: Boss, I need to take to you.
Boss (Turns to look at me with concern on her face): Ana, what's the matter? You look pale as a ghost.
Ana: I need to leave early, I don't feel safe and I think the two people in the cafe are planning to kidnap me.
Boss: What makes you say that?
Ana: I heard them speaking in Russian, saying that they were going to kidnap me when the cafe closed - that means they knew my schedule. I need to get out of here and get the police.
[My Boss looked at me and nodded her head, before peeking out to to see the man and woman talking about me again in Russian and told me to get to the back door, which I did. I crept to the door and closed it slowly so as to not make a sound. I looked at the rain falling from above and ran to my car, unlocking the door, and getting inside, I placed the key in the ignition and looked up, only to see the man standing before my car with a black mask covering his nose and mouth. Wait... I know this man. I heard stories about him.
Ana (Thinking): 'The Winter Soldier....and that would make the woman in the cafe the Black Widow... Wait, if he's here... Where is?'
*Knocking on the car window*
[I look to see the Black Widow standing beside the car with a smile on her face.]
Black Widow: You were smart, Little Ana, but you should have played your part a little bit better. We knew you spoke Russian and walked to escape once you heard our plans. We expected you to get into your car. Now, get out of the car and make this easier on yourself.
Ana (Narrows my eyes): Go to hell. (Turning the key, causing the car to roar to life but for some reason, the car wouldn't turn into reverse gear)
Black Widow (Punches the car window and grabs Ana by the collar of her shirt and yanks her out of the car, throwing her into the wall and trash cans, making Ana slump to the ground): I told you - you aren't as smart as you think you are, Little Ana. (Pulls a syringe out of her jacket pocket and walks over to the dazed Ana) Now, just relax. This will only hurt for a moment.
[Before I could fight back, the syringe was in my arm, the liquid was in my system and the effect was instant. My vision was blurry and I began to black out before I fell to the ground and I knew no more.]
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Marvel Masterlist
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looking for spiderman/peter parker? He has his own Masterlist ❤
Steve Rogers
Delusional Steve
Pregnant S/o
Single Parent S/o
Tony Stark vs Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes vs Steve Rogers
Touchy with friends S/o
How Steve spoils S/o
Amnesiac S/o
Nuclear Apocalypse
Killer Steve
Werewolf Steve
Avenger S/o
Rebellious S/o
Steve finding S/o after running away with another man
Hearing S/o sing
S/os friend helping them Escape
Trying to break up with him
S/o goes missing
Steve protecting Villain S/o
Famous S/o
Delusional 50s Fantasy
Clinging onto S/o who doesn’t like being touched
Hospitalized S/o
S/o Framed into Execution
Living in the 40s with S/o
S/o who can die from pregnancy
Bucky/Steve sharing S/o
S/o who is already dating
Insecure S/o
Professor Steve dating College student S/o
necromancer S/o
Haunted House w/ Steve and Bucky
Werewolf Vampire Hybrid Steve
Alien S/o hiding parts of themselves
Ghost Steve communicating through Ouija Board
Figuring out S/os a Lizard human hybrid
S/o suffering from constant headaches
Someone attempting to drug S/o
Model S/o
At a BLM Protest
House spouse S/o
Easily scared S/o who loves horror movies
Doing his makeup when hes asleep
Platonic relationship with his daughter
S/o spending more time with bucky and sam
Magical girl hero S/o
S/o being on team Iron man during civil war
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Bucky Barnes
Winning you over
Bucky Barnes vs Natasha Romanoff
S/o that loves their Stalker
Bucky Barnes vs Steve Rogers
Winter Solider Falling for a Civilian
Gore + Torture TW
Hunted Down
Trick or Treating w/ Bucky
Perusing Dating after Hydra
S/o who is affectionate towards friends
Bucky as a Parent
Prioritizing your child over him
Bucky being in college while S/os still in HS
Bucky w/ Daughter, platonic
S/o w/ cystic fibrosis
S/o who is scared of Bucky
Shoving Buckys head into your chest when angry
King Bucky
Soulmate AU
Crush with a shit boyfriend
S/o that loves pampering Bucky
Running away cause Someone broke in
Running away to the Police
Steve/Bucky sharing S/o
Recently freed Bucky taking refuge with you
Cuddlebug S/o
Pro baker S/o
kpop fan Dancer S/o
Halloween Date
Yandere Letter
Haunted House w/ Steve and Bucky
Shy S/o
Werewolf S/o
Witch S/o accidentally turning herself into a cat
Oblivious S/o
Darlings scared of bugs
Petite S/o
Artistic s/o
Getting a handmade blanket from S/o
S/o insecure about their high pitched voice
S/o whos always tired
Treating his wounds
Touch starved S/o that doesnt know how to show affection
S/o drools in their sleep
Air head S/o
Darling who enjoys being taken care of
S/o whos kidnapped by random people
Fluff Headcannons
“it feels like home when im with you”
S/o who was verbally abused as a kid, made to believe youll never be loved
Darling who has shit friends
Hydra S/o who tries to brainwash him again
S/o who jokes around when nervous
S/o that likes to be carried by his metal arm
S/o with a regular prosthetic arm
S/o got injured trying to escape
General protective HC
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Stephen Strange
Using his powers to get his S/o
Chasing S/o down
Insecure S/o  
Single Parent S/o
Apprentice S/o
Jealous of his Cloak
Using his powers on his Dead S/o
Kidnapping S/o
Yandere Cloak
“Be good for me this time. I don’t want to see you cry again.”
Patient S/o
Tony Stark vs Stephen Strange
Taking their S/o away from their abusive family
S/o with a flat chest
Red string of fate AU
S/o with PTSD
Oblivious S/o
Apprentice S/o getting hurt
Poly Naga Stephen + Tony
Cannibal S/o
Accident Prone S/o
Comforting Anxious S/o
Watching S/o sleep
S/o getting hurt during a city attack
Healer S/o distrusting him cause they think hes using them
S/o favoring his cape as a coping mechanism
Asexual S/o
Darling with narcolepsy and chronic pain
S/o is as good and talented as him
Sneaking out only to come back with puppies
S/o who has bad anxiety attacks
Using his cape to find S/o who sleeps in odd places
Chaotic s/o
Quiet s/o playing ACNH
S/os first time seeing snow
S/o whose ok with being kidnapped as long as they can go to amusement parks
Kidnapped S/o keeps passing out due to fear
S/o wanting to dance in the rain
S/o has the power to teleport
Demon S/o
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Thor Odison
NS FW headcannons
Loki vs Thor
Loki vs Thor Preference
Stronger than Thor thinks S/o
Teaching Thor about Halloween
Finding Puppies
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Loki Odison
Loki vs Thor
Loki vs Thor Preference
S/o in arranged marriage
Using a Love Potion on his S/o
Naga Loki
Affectionate S/o
Teasing his S/o
Valentines Day
S/o who can sing
Insecure S/o who keeps rejecting him
S/os Suicide TW
Brutally taking his Soul mate
Supportive S/o
Harassed S/o
Possessive S/o
Liking his Hair touched by S/o
Halloween Date
Someone cat calling his Darling
Drunk S/o
Asexual s/o
S/o whos best friends with Tony
Depressed S/o
Magica girl S/o
Vampire loki hunting down a s/o whos having fun with it
Platonic yandere  HC
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T’challa Vs Erik
S/o getting Married to someone else after he gets Snapped
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Tony Stark
“I sent you more gifts! do you like them?!
NS FW headcannons
Sugar Daddy
S/o getting attention to the constant attention he attracts
Tony Stark vs Steve Rogers
Cold in Public yet Cuddly in Private
Pushover S/o
Tsundere S/o
Jealous of the amount of attention Steves giving S/o
The Purge
Plus size Lingerie model S/o
“How else would they know you belonged to me?”
“its like you were made for me”
S/o who doesnt mind his Yandere tendencies
Jealous Tony
Finding a kitten
Shy/Book-wormy S/o
Valentines Day
Stephen Strange vs Tony Stark
S/os first relationship
Nerdy S/o
Poor yet incredibly Sweet S/o
S/o not wanting anything to do with Tony
Touchy S/o Hiding behind him
Zombie Apocalypse
Sugar Daddy to a Male College student S/o
Single Parent S/o
Learning S/o has Terminal Heart Cancer
S/o with a Prosthetic Leg
Cute S/o that listens to Death Metal
Drawing Tony in a maid outfit
Blind S/o
Vampire S/o
S/o who shuts down after kidnapping
Yandere S/o protecting their Love interest
Punishing S/o who tried to escape
Artist S/o
S/o who can see ghosts
Suicidal S/o TW
“Hey demons its ya boy”
Making Halloween costumes
Poly Naga Stephen+Tony
Tonys Type
Hunted Down
S/o having a delayed reaction to being Kidnapped
Injured S/o
S/o being hit on by Quentin Beck
Cyber stalking
S/os in the military
Crush thinking his Flirts are only jokes
Losing S/o to the Snap
Comforting S/o after a bad day
Strong Kick ass S/o
Not knowing S/o immortal, watching them get stabbed
S/o loving DIY stuff
Finding out S/o been begging to Jarvis to help them escape
S/o secretly making robo stuff
S/o having inhuman strength
terrorist S/o
S/o calling ptsd “spicy nostalgia”
Tonys s/o phasing through security after being kidnapped
Life Threatening Situation
Male S/o is a single parent
Modest S/o wont let him spoil them
S/o in a depressive episode
What kind of gifts does he buy his darling
How he shows affection
dealing with competing suitors
Proposal HC
Vampire Tony Hunted down
Incubus Tony
Assassin S/o
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Natasha Romanoff
Dealing with competition
Wanda vs Natasha
Bucky vs Natasha
S/o whos not into girls
Hunted Down
S/o Disobeying
Avenger S/o
Choosing S/os Clothes
Shy s/o
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Wanda Maximoff
Wanda vs Natasha
Bisexual S/o
Vampire Wanda
ADHD & Autistic S/o
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S/o who runs away
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Nick Fury
Shy and Quiet S/o
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Bruce Banner
Being able to control his emotions
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Hela Odison
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Carol Danvers-
Powerful S/o
Single parent s/o
Oblivious S/o
Oblivious S/o is getting flirted with
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Hunted down
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Doc Oc
Parental/Platonic HC
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Steve Rodgers 
Vocal Steve 
Turned on during a mission 
College Virgin S/o slightly 
Breeding HC 
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Bucky Barnes
Stealing S/os underwear 
Another Underwear Stealing 
NS FW alphabet
NS FW Headcannons
Sexually frustrated Bucky 
Getting Caught 
Dominate Bucky 
Sitting on his face 
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Stephen Strange
NS FW headcannons
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Werewolf Thors Heat 
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NS FW headcannons
NS FW alphabet
Orgasm denial + Aphrodisiac
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Tony Stark
NS FW Alphabet
S/o has a high Sex Drive 
S/os First Time 
Submissive tony 
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“You’re such a pretty little thing tied up like that” 
NS FW headcannons
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NS FW headcannons
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
yandere Natasha vs yandere Wanda for Marvel :>
I'll try, sure! @universallyweaselwobblermuffin gave me motivation and the Wandavision idea. I'm excited to talk about this because I love them ^^
AU where they aren't in a relationship with Bruce or Vision.
Yandere! Natasha Romanoff vs Wanda Maximoff
(General Thoughts)
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Stalking, Overprotective, Jealousy, Implied mind control, Kidnapping, Violence, Forced relationship.
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I feel this rivalry is a bit unfair due to the power difference.
Yet I still like this idea.
Natasha is like a mentor to Wanda so that may also affect the rivalry.
In fact they see each other as family.
I'm going to keep this as just me spilling general thoughts due to the circumstances of Natasha's fate before Wandavision.
Natasha is a skilled spy and assassin, she would be great with stalking/gathering info while keeping and eye on you.
Wanda has magic, having access to hallucinations/mind control, telekinesis, and creating false realities. She's certainly the worse yandere of the two and the most delusional.
Their obsessions most likely start after Age of Ultron.
It would make sense if you were part of the Avengers but you could also be a civilian friend of them.
Both of their obsessions would start platonic.
They see you as family like they do the rest of The Avengers.
They both grow close to you because both of them have been deprived of families in their past.
Wanda lost her parents and lost her brother.
Natasha grew up as an assassin/spy and was made infertile so she can't make a family.
So the two see you as a close friend and part of family.
Wanda likes to watch Sitcom shows with you.
Meanwhile Natasha likes to train you for self-defense incase she can't always watch over you.
When they both see you as platonic they are fine with sharing.
It's when one of them sees you in a more romantic sense that things are an issue.
To make the rivalry last the longest I'd say Natasha's obsession would have to start first.
As said before the rivalry is rather... unbalanced.
If Natasha fell for you first her original obsession increases.
She begins to see you in a new light and realizes you're important to her.
She wants to be closer, maybe she excuses her feelings as wanting to protect you.
As a result she sticks around you more.
She watches over you way more than she used to and rarely leaves your side unless she has to.
This sudden behavior change doesn't go unnoticed by Wanda.
She feels upset that Natasha keeps dragging you off.
Whenever Wanda invites you to relax with her Natasha makes up an excuse to have your attention.
Wanda may not even realize her own romantic feelings for you until she sees Natasha's motives.
Wanda would still see you as a friend until she sees Natasha flirting with you.
Her heart tightens at this betrayal... she recognizes this emotion as jealousy.
It's then Wanda realizes she loves you... more than a friend.
This even is what would fling this into rivalry.
The two could platonically share you as a friend.
Yet the moment one of them wants you as their romantic partner and tries to take you from the other one?
That's when things get bad.
Cue manipulation on both sides.
Wanda wouldn't want to use her powers at first as she still cares for Natasha.
Yet she still begins fights with her, accusing Natasha of stealing you.
The reason I feel this rivalry would be short lived is Wanda would soon realize she can just... take you.
Natasha can try to fight her but Wanda will try to push her back.
Wanda feels the perfect form of revenge is to simply take you back from Natasha.
After all, in her eyes, Natasha's stolen you.
Would not be surprised if Wanda did another Wandavision to keep you to herself.
She's erase Natasha from your mind and make you her spouse in her perfect family.
Unhappy? She can fix that.
Natasha could try to break you out of that false reality.
It most likely won't work without help.
This is why the rivalry is short lived.
Once Wanda feels she's fighting for your affection... even if she cares for Natasha...
Wanda probably won't hesitate to hurt her and take what she wants.
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💕Love Letter WIPs💕
Yandere Brother!Bruce Wayne to sibling!Reader dating Guy Gardner (platonic)
Yandere Bruce Wayne to Unwilling!Biological!Kid!Reader who becomes Deathstroke’s apprentice (platonic)
Yandere Bruce Wayne to Horror!Author!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Step!Dad!Bruce Wayne to Step!Child!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Connor Kent (romantic)
Yandere Damian Wayne to Jokerized!Twin!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Arkhamverse!Riddler/Edward Nygma (romantic)
Yandere Beast Boy/Garfield Logan (romantic)
Yandere Jason Todd to Horror!Author!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Joker to Horror!Author!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Stalker!Batwoman/Kate Kane (romantic) [TW: self harm]
Yandere Lena Luthor to Fem!Horror!Author!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Talia al Ghul to Damian’s Twin!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Ted Grant (romantic)
Yandere Ted Grant to Biological!Kid!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Inertia/Thaddeus Thawne to Bart’s Civilian!Friend!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Wally West to Hero!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Daken/Akihiro to Logan’s Platonic!darling!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Erik Lehnsherr (platonic)
Yandere Mom!Emma Frost to Child!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Frank Castle (platonic)
Yandere Blob/Fred Dukes (romantic) {angsty}
Yandere Kraven the Hunter to Escaped!Darling!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Brother!Wolverine/Logan Howlett to Surrogate!Sibling!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Toad/Mortimer Toynbee to Villain!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Teacher!Natasha Romanoff to College!Student!Reader
Yandere Peggy Carter (platonic)
Yandere Fanboy!Peter Maximoff to Musician!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Thor Odinson to Child!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Sabertooth/Victor Creed (platonic)
Yandere Doctor Doom/Victor von Doom to Unwilling!Child!Reader (platonic)
Game of Thrones/ASOIAF
Yandere Robert Baratheon to Friend!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Cersei Lannister to Baratheon!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Cersei Lannister to Joanna!lookalike!Reader (platonic) COMPLETED/POSTED
Yandere Oberyn Martell to Stark!Reader pt2 (platonic)
Yandere Rhaella Targaryen (romantic)
Yandere Grandpa!Tywin Lannister to Joanna!lookalike!Reader (platonic)
House of the Dragon/Fire and Blood
Yandere Alicent Hightower to Viserys’!Sickly!Brother!Reader (romantic) COMPLETED/POSTED
Yandere Aegon II Targaryen to Septa!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Daemon to his and Rhea’s child!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Helaena Targaryen to Handmaiden!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Maegor the Cruel (romantic)
Yandere Severus Snape to Lily!lookalike!Reader (platonic) [Harry Potter]
Yandere Draco Malfoy to Hufflepuff!Reader (romantic) [Harry Potter]
Yandere Brother!Regulus Black to thirdborn!sibling!Reader (platonic) [HarryPotter/Marauders Era]
Yandere Mariano Guzman to Madrigal!Reader (romantic) [Encanto]
Yandere Klaus Mikaelson to Escaped!Reader (romantic) [The Orginials]
Yandere Bela Dimitrescu (romantic) [Resident Evil]
Yandere Stalker!Donatello (romantic) [TMNT]
Yandere Galadriel to Human!Reader (romantic) [Lord of the Rings]
(+some anime love letters from my sideblog)
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fluffyprettykitty · 10 months
Summer sleepover
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running from august 21st to august 23rd
We are celebrating life & anything good in it ☺️ and the reward is a drabble sleepover! Ilysm all and sending good and summery vibes of peace of love to you all year round!
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As I had promised in the past we will use the same format as the 1.8 wlw sleepover to help me write my drabbles! What will you do is mix and match a character or several with one or several of the following categories provided.
⋆ Polyamorous ships are always encouraged. No platonic or daughter! reader though.
⋆ Darker themes are welcomed to my discretion. Check my requests page for what I'm comfortable with.
⋆ Please only use a character from the ones already provided. The same goes for all the categories.
⋆ I will either turn them into blurbs or drabbles depending on my inspiration but you can suggest to me what it should be.
⋆ I will do female reader for smut prompts and gender-neutral for fluff prompts. All will be written vague and over 21.
⋆ You can request up to three times.
⋆ You have to be strictly 18+ to participate.
⋆ The time frame is reserved for requests, I will write them and publish them as I see fit aka I don't want to post too much.
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characters: Jack Russell, Cassian Andor, Poe Dameron, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Frank Castle, Billy Russo, Thor Odinson, Gamora, Brock Rumlow, Layla El Faouly, Elektra Natchios, Bruce Banner, Marc Spector, Brunnhilde, Yelena Belova, Monica Rambeau, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Jane Foster, Kate Bishop.
aus: apocalypse, bakery, book store, brothel, celebrity, clone, detective, ghost, restaurant, porn star, tutor, maid, mechanic, mermaid, neighbor, stripper, yandere, werewolf, vampire.
kinks: latex, breath play, cockwarming, phone sex, gloves, choking, strip tease, uniform/suit, deep throating, titty fucking, squirting, dirty talk, sex toys, accidental stimulation, collaring, shower, sensory deprivation, somnophilia, lingerie, object insertion, lap dance, period sex, lactation, temperature play, edging, spanking, exhibitionism, handcuffs, clothes on, moresomes.
date ideas: day trip, road trip, library, museum, restaurant, camping, beach, drinks/bar, concert, walking, sightseeing, boat ride, dancing, spa, errands, mattress shopping, shopping spree, cinema, coffee, abandoned places, photoshoot.
domestic situations: trying new recipes, competitive games, painting nails, reading, cuddling, clothes shopping, packing for a trip, laundry, saying goodbye at the door, repairing things, changing bedsheets, exercising together, ordering takeout, bathing a pet, falling asleep, waking them up, complaining about family, movie nights, doing dishes.
☆ Just combine as many as you want however you see fit! And of course, when it comes to domestic situations and date ideas you can think of other things or be more specific on one situation! ☆
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No pressure tagging: @that-sarcastic-writer, @tarrenterror25, @stargirlfics, @bvckysmoon @aphrogeneias @inklore @alohastyles-x @moonlight-prose @sunflowersteves @flordeamatista @e-dubbc11 @saradika @tom-whore-dleston
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itsss4t4n · 6 months
Who I write for /Rules
I'm new-ish to writing (i used to write fanfiction when i was like 13. i'm 18 now soo..) but I really wanna do it again.
So this is a list of characters/fandoms I write for as well as some rules for asks. Some things may be missing from this list so if you dont see something on this list, feel free to ask. :))
I will add a prompt list to this blog soon but again feel free to request other scenarious. Do add as much detail as you want to a request and please ALWAYS have at least some sort of prompt, as i'm really not good with coming up with storys on my own yet.
I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO DONT REQUEST IT! I might however do spicy stuff (Nothing more than making out tho).
My writing will be for all ages but please still be careful if the fic-warnings include sensitive topics and i might repost some 18+ things so be careful when navigating my blog.
Please be nice and have manners when requesting.
If you have any questions at all if i write for something, or if a topic you want me to write about is okay or not, please reach out through my asks or my inbox.
Also please include what gender/pronouns you want the reader to have (i write for all genders):)))
I write both romantic and platonic for all my characters. Although Teen!readers will always be platonic if the character is an adult.
I also write poly relationships. AUs are also totally on the table (big Fan of celebrity AUs).
Some things I will not write include: Pregnancy, toxic/yandere, student x teacher.
(Also english isnt my first language, and even know in my opinion i speak it really well, if they are any mistakes, thats why.)
Harry Potter
-Fred Weasley
-george Weasley
-lee jordan
-Charly weasley
-Bill weasley
-cedric diggory
-Fleur delacour
-olliver wood
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-James potter
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-regulus black
-Evan rosier
-Barty crouch jr
-pandora lestrange
-lilly evans
-marlene mckinnon
Hogwarts Legacy
-Sebastian Sallow
-Ominus Gaunt
-Gareth Weasley
-Poppy Sweetings
-Imelda Reyes
-Jasper Hale
-Emmet Cullen
-carlisle cullen
-esme cullen
-rosalie hale
-alice cullen
-sam uley
-Paul lahote
-charlie swan
-Leah clearwater
-Percy jackson
-Anabeth chase
-luke castellan
-clarrisse larue
-selena beauregard
-charles beckendorf
-ethan nakamura
-nico di anglo (no romantic fem readers)
-rachel elizabeth dare
-will solace (no romantic fem reader)
-travis stoll
-connor stoll
-hazel levesque (no romantic)
-jason grace
-leo valdez
-piper mclean
Magnus chase
-Magnus chase
-samirah al abbas ( no romantic)
-alex fierro
-malory keen
-tj (thomas jefferson jr)
Kane chronicles (havent read it in a while so might be ooc)
-Carter kane
-sadie kane
-walt stone
MCU (Avengers)
-bucky Barnes
-steve rogers
-tony stark
-sam wilson
-natasha romanoff
-yelena belova
-Peter Parker (tom holland and andrew garfield)
-Wanda maximof
-Piedro maximof
-Clint barton
-scott lang
-stephen strange
-kate bishop
MCU ( Guardians of the galaxy)
-peter quill
-steven grant
-mark spector
-layla el-faouly
Daredevil (Season 1)
-matt murdock
-Foggy nelson
-Karen page
-James wesley
X-men universe
-Eddie Brock
-Harley Quinn
-Jason Todd
-Dick Grayson
Disney Descendants
-Carlos devil
-Benjamin beast
-Chad charming
-Audrey rose
-Harry hook
Tiny Pretty things (Netflix)
-Bette Whitlaw
-oren lennox
-shane madej (no romantic fem readers)
-June park
Jennifers Body
-Jennifer Check
-Colin gray
Ever after high
-all characters
Redacted Audios (no x reader, just ships)
-literally all characters
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Who/What I Will Write For!
Warning: Mini Essay Ahead
Please Note: If you are requesting, I would prefer if you gave me the desired pronouns for the reader/character!
What I Can / Would Be Comfortable Writing & Or What Topics I Will Cover:
Expansion of plot lines
Writing for established couples
Reader inserts
Any type of romance trope
Platonic relationships
Sibling relationships
Parent relationships (including certain characters as your parent)
Magical beings
One shots and multi part imagines
LGBTQIA + characters and readers
LGBTQIA + romance
Plot line changes, time changes
Non canonical couples
Canonical couples
Non canon friendships and canon friendships
Small age gaps (when writing for older characters I will made ages fitting with the character) ex: Tony stark. WARNING: If the age gap makes the characters have a legal adult and minor relationship (w the exception of a senior and junior in high school type of thing)
Certain characters (non lgbtq) in lgbtq relationships. For example Natasha Romanoff is a lesbian relationship.
Writings inspired by a song. (I have written work planned out already)
Any shapes and sizes
More steamy scenes (prob up to third base
More serious topics I will cover:
Mental Illness (Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia)
Disabilities (From physical to internal)
Health Issues
Eating Disorders
Self harm
Suicidal thoughts / attempts
Dysmorphia and insecurities
Abusive relationships
Vomiting (due to ED or illness)
Sexual assault and rape SURVIVORS and sometimes I may write about a character’s recovery and process of coping with something that traumatic
Complicated relationships
I will NOT Write anything (no hate to those who enjoy reading some of these things, I just personally would not enjoy writing it or be fully comfortable writing it):
Furry related things
I will absolutely NOT change the sexuality of a character if it is specifically stated (ex. Phastos from Eternals, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Santana Lopez, America Chavez)
I will NOT write an age gap more than an absolute max of ten years
I will NOT romanticize things in the serious topics I will write for section. They are serious topics and things such as eating disorders are serious, they should not be romanticized. I write things with heavier topics to help people.
Absolutely NO rape scenes
Inappropriate relationships (college student and professor is an absolute no)
I likely won’t redeem people if they’ve done something incredibly evil
Ok here we go! I apologize for the lack of alphabetical order
I will for almost any character (mainly excluding some villains)
Any Peter Parker (just request which one you prefer)
X men
The princes
Big hero six (I will write for hiro exclusively platonically)
From Og Cast up to season 4, including Sebastian smythe and warblers
No Sylvester, or schue romance
Harry Potter:
Golden trio
Young Marauders
Top Gun (+ TG Maverick):
Charlotte “Charlie” Blackwood
Hangman (I adore Jake seresin)
Non Romantic character relationships I will write for in the Top Gun world:
Admiral Cain
Admiral Warlock
Percy Jackson TO:
Characters of the following actors (so if the listed actor portrayed a character I will write):
Grant Gustin
Chris Evans
Chris Pratt
Chris Hemsworth
Darren Criss
Dove Cameron
Scarlett Johansson
Emma Wattson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Stone
Margot Robbie
Glenn Powell
Sydney Sweeney
Andrew Garfield
I will update this list as I get reminded of more people. :) Have a great day, you are loved
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pawsebs · 1 year
─ : MASTERLIST + separated lists
( not created atm )
back to navi | *red : favs 2 write !
individual masterlist for each character.
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ft. harry potter, hermione granger, draco malfoy, fred weasley, george weasley, ron weasley, pansy parkinson, blaise zabini, luna lovegood, neville longbottom, theodore nott, enzo berkshire, mattheo riddle + poly !
ft. marlene mckinnon, remus lupin, sirius black, james potter, lily evans, regulus black, tom riddle + poly !
ft. wednesday addams, enid sinclair, tyler galpin, ajax petropolus, young! morticia addams, young! gomez addams + poly !
★TOP GUN ( 1986 ) ⁸⁶ ( MASTERLIST )
ft. tom 'iceman' kazansky, ron 'slider' kerner, young! pete 'maverick' mitchell, carole bradshaw, nick 'goose' bradshaw + poly !
ft. older! pete 'maverick' mitchell, bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, natasha 'phoenix' trace, jake 'hangman' seresin, beau 'cyclone' simpson, robert 'bob' floyd, reuben 'payback' fitch, javy 'coyote' machado, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, callie 'halo' bassett + poly !
ft. billy loomis, stu macher, dewey riley, tatum riley, randy meeks, sidney prescott, mickey altieri, derek feldman, roman bridger, jill roberts, amber freeman, chad meeks-martin, mindy meeks-martin, samantha carpenter, tara carpenter, anika kayoko, ethan landry, quinn bailey + poly !
peter parker ( tom holland, tobey maguire && andrew garfield ), steve rogers, bucky barnes, natasha romanoff, miguel o’hara ( atsv ), miles morales + earth42! miles ( atsv / itsv ), gwen stacy ( atsv / itsv ), peter b parker ( atsv / itsv ), hobie brown ( atsv ), spider noir ( itsv ), pavitr prabhakar ( atsv ), moonknight ( steven grant + marc spector + jake lockley ), layla el-faouly, platonic! avengers, wanda maximoff, loki laufeyson, eddie brock + poly !
haven't fully explored !
damon salvatore, stefan salvatore, elena gilbert, katherine pierce, niklaus mikaelson, rebekah mikaelson, elijah mikaelson
yandere / oc's, vinny pazienza ( miles teller ), vanessa shelly
love letters
obx & others coming real soon i swear.
©pawsebs , 2024 .
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marveloustimestwo · 1 year
Hi, are you ok? Hope so.
I was happy to see your requests open, because I wanted to ask you if you can do a sequel to Yandere Mother!Natasha. With her being super protective, and Reader calling her Mama as a joke, but Natasha taking it seriously kind of "I'm glad you know, now obey me" vibes
Also: The story is not TAG "natasha Romanoff x reader", so some people couldn't see the first part, which is a shame since the story is very good (:
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Hello, anon! I'm doing okay. Thanks for asking :) Very busy as of late, but okay. How are you?
And thank you for informing me of the tag. I generally don't tag my writing as "x reader" or without "yandere" being in it solely because I don't want it to get into the non-yandere part of Tumblr. I know some people really don't like seeing yandere stuff. They have issues with it for one reason or another, and I try to respect that and take precautions. I don't want to make people uncomfortable or get any rude messages just because it ended up in the wrong place, so I just stick with tagging it as "yandere such and such".
I'm okay with not as many people seeing it if it means I avoid any drama and unkindness on my blog.
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Considering you asked for a sequel to the other one, I'll continue to write her as a vampire like I did in that one.
I see Natasha, both as a vampire and in general, landing on the stricter side of the spectrum when it comes to taking care of her darling.
She doesn't mess around when it comes to your health, safety, and happiness. When she starts to see herself as a sort of parent to you, she takes it very seriously.
Like, you are her child. It doesn't matter that she didn't birth you herself, or that you're an adult by human standards. You're her kid, and no one is going to convince her otherwise.
So it's very easy for her to start acting like a mother to you, and you'll start to notice it quickly.
Like how she never lets you pay for a meal when you're with her. You're starting to feel a bit indebted now, though she always insists otherwise.
Or how she'd ask you to hang out at her apartment. At the start, it'll seem like just a sleepover. It won't be too bad until she's inviting you over more and more.
Then she isn't letting you cook dinner or clean, and you tried to excuse it by thinking Natasha just wants to be a good friend and host.
But you're starting to miss your own bed. It seems like you're only at your apartment once a week now. Sure, Natasha talks about her home is your home and all that, but she couldn't possibly be as serious as she sounds.
One day as you're about to leave for work, Natasha starts talking about letting her drive you. She's always tried to do so and even went as far as to start packing your lunches, too.
As she talks about how much safer it would be for you to have someone pick you up and drop you off, you can't help but roll your eyes a bit and say something along the lines of:
"Fine, mom, I'm sure you know what's best."
You meant it as a complete joke, only trying to poke some fun at her increasingly mothering nature. Instead of laughing, Natasha just deadpans at you.
"I'm happy we both agree. Now let's go, otherwise, you'll be late."
For the rest of the day, you honestly assume she was also joking with you. After all, her humor can be dry and sarcastic.
Except when she picks you up after your shift ends, you find yourself rethinking that notion.
Most times Natasha asks if you want to come over to her place and gives you the option to stay at your own home. This time she doesn't.
You try to give her some credit. Maybe since you left her house for work, she assumed that you would want to stay the night again.
Once you get there, you find it hard to say no to her as she insists on making you dinner after a hard day of work.
But as you try to leave, you'll find that Natasha isn't so keen on letting you do that.
What you meant to be a joke, Natasha instead takes very seriously.
For her, you had accepted your role as her child. Now any resistance will be taken as you just being a bit childish, as children often can be.
You may still work and sometimes go out on your own, but don't get any ideas.
Running away will only result in her hunting you down, and telling anyone about your situation will result in more deaths than you'd like.
For Natasha, protecting you from someone she thinks is taking you away always gives her a good meal, too.
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🌹Matchup Rules🌹
❣10/10 slots filled ❣
🪷Requests will begin being worked on once all slots are filled🪷
Open / Closed
Romantic and Platonic
🫧Please include 🫧
whether you'd like it to be romantic or platonic
Personality traits
Bad habits
Things that annoy you
Introvert, ambivert or extrovert and why?
Your type (whether that be in a romantic sense or a type of friend you'd like)
How others describe you
Sexuality (Not needed if requesting platonic)
Favorite food
Favorite Color
Types of music you like
If romantic, are you into a more villain type or heroic or just no preference at all *this may or may not affect results since i don't really write villian characters*
What nicknames do you enjoy being called in a romantic/platonic scenario
If romantic, do you think you'de be into a more yandere lover or a laid back one
💫Not required but would be greatly appreciated 💫
Physical features
Would you prefer a (Romantic) Partner shorter or taller then you
Love language
Any random facts?
Really anything you find relevant!
♥Romantic Headcanons will include♥
a brief summary of how you two met, how they act around you, and just your relationship over all, why i chose this character for you, other thingies that i feel like adding hehe
Romantic headcanons will ALWAYS be SFW :3 i might but a few innuendos here and there but mostly just used in the context of Wade making stupid jokes
💟Platonic headcanons will include💟
How you two met, things you guys do together, how strong your friendship is, + a few other things
Characters you can be paired up with!
💸Iron Man / Tony Stark💸
🇺🇸Captain America / Steve Rogers🇺🇸
⚔Deadpool / Wade Wilson⚔
🕷Spiderman / Peter Parker🕷
💢Hulk / Bruce Banner💢
🔮Doctor Strange / Stephen Strange🔮
🦾Bucky Barnes🦾
💄Black Widow / Natasha Romanoff💄
🏹Hawkeye / Clint Barton🏹
🥀Scarlet Witch / Wanda Maximoff 🥀
💫Captain Marvel / Carol Danvers 💫
The more info you include the more accurate i can make your matchup 💌
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Could you do a concept for yandere Natasha Romanoff?
I kept it general as I was not given a movie, but it does take place sometime before Civil War. I apologize if she's OOC and would appreciate feedback on how to do her character. It's been a bit since I've seen the movies.
Yandere! Natasha Romanoff Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Vague if Romantic or Platonic, Yandere-like behavior, Obsessive behavior, Overprotective behavior, Slight Possessive behavior, Delusional behavior, Mentioned thoughts of harming others, Implied manipulation/deception, Stalking, Mentioned thoughts of murder.
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- Natasha Romanoff is a woman who goes by many names.
- As an assassin and spy, you need different identities as to not blow your cover.
- Doing such a job was what she did for most of her life before joining the Avengers.
- A group she felt she could call family.
- How she met you could be in many ways.
- But for this concept, how about she's tasked with scouting you out as a new ally to the Avengers?
- You could be knowledgeable in tech or have a power that could prove useful in the future.
- Maybe you accidentally pulled a heroic stunt that got the Avengers interested in you.
- Leaving Natasha to hunt you down and watch you.
- Just to see how worth it you are to the team....
- They chose her because she's skilled in this sort of thing.
- This is when Natasha begins a small attachment to you.
- You're so naive with your skills and clearly need to be shaped into a hero.
- Your first meeting with the assassin is a bit abrupt.
- You're focusing on your own business only to be 'ambushed' by the Black Widow.
- Once she has you 'calmed' before you can retaliate, she speaks with you.
- "Congrats, you've proven that you'll be a great addition to the Avengers. Although, your skills could use some training."
- This offer is a very important decision.
- One you accept after some heavy consideration on your part.
- That's how you and Natasha meet in this concept.
- You become an ally to the Avengers and are good friends with a select few of them.
- Specifically with Natasha, Steve, and Clint
- Like all the Avengers, Natasha treats you like family.
- Even liking you a little more....
- Which leads the assassin into falling for you, despite it being seen as 'unprofessional'.
- Natasha's Deceptive, Dedicated, Manipulative, and Overprotective towards you.
- She's used to lying all her life to keep herself safe.
- It's nothing new for her if she has to do the same to keep you safe.
- She can also be rather ruthless and cruel to those she has a distaste for.
- Yet, towards the ones she trusts, she can be caring and compassionate.
- Natasha rarely shows her affection towards you in public.
- Still keeping up that stoic personality around the others despite how much she cares for you.
- But when you're in private, like when she trains you, she's a little more open.
- "Watch my moves. I'm going a little easier on you because I can't stand you getting hurt."
- Around you she shows some weakness.
- She's dedicated and protective over you, you bring her some inner peace whenever she sees you.
- Despite Natasha's obsession she doesn't reveal all of it towards you.
- While she would prefer it if you and her were somewhere more reclusive all the time, in this day and age it's impossible.
- She's been through a lot in her past, too.
- The longer you're here with her, the more you become a guilty pleasure to her.
- The others barely know about how far her attraction towards you goes.
- She hides it well so no one suspects anything unless they really know her.
- Like Clint....
- Once Natasha starts resorting to deception and manipulation towards you, Clint thinks something is wrong.
- He knows Natasha wants a family to care for based on what he's seen with her and his family...
- But manipulating/forcing it to happen with you isn't right.
- "Natasha, perhaps you should consider what (Y/N) wants instead of forcing this relationship to happen?"
- "Clint, I'm not trying to be forceful. I'm trying to protect (Y/N)."
- "This is a little further than protection. You're delusional, obsessed even!"
- "Why can't you just leave me be? I'm not hurting (Y/N). Just let me have this!"
- Natasha is fully capable of abduction and murder, but she is also smart about it.
- She wants to keep the Avengers together so abducting you is not considered all that much.
- If she did such a thing she'd be considered as 'going rogue'.
- Murder is only towards enemies that try and hurt you.
- She feels she could never kill any of the others...
- Pushing them around for pestering her about you, maybe.
- Natasha usually refuses to harm the Avengers she calls family at all.
- When it comes to them trying to separate you from her, however...
- She'll do what she can to keep you by her side.
- "We're family, alright? Ignore what the others say, I'd never hurt you. You can trust me. I was the first to meet you, wasn't I?"
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waywardsummoner46 · 2 years
Character List~
Finally! It is here. Hopefully this helps you all with any confusion or just in general.
What I’ll write: 
Polyamorous relationships (character x reader x character)
Plain old character x reader
sibling!character or parent!character x reader
Absolutely any AU at all, I’ll list a few ideas down the list
Any version of a character (yandere, dark, etc.)
Literally anything I guess, if it bothers me I’ll let you know!
For certain characters the requests will be strictly platonic however I’m still willing to write dark stuff for them too.
There’s also definitely some I’ve missed so if you don’t see a character or fandom you’re interested in, don’t be afraid to ask!
I’ll put a star next to the characters I’m most interested in writing just in case your struggling to choose!
So here’s the list itself (it’s a bit messy I’m afraid oops):
·        Dean Winchester (most versions of) *
·        Sam Winchester (most versions of) *
·        Castiel (most versions of) *
·        Gabriel *
·        Charlie Bradbury
·        Jack Kline (platonic)
·        Bobby Singer (platonic)
·        Rowena Macleod
·        Crowley
·        Kaz Brekker
·        Inej Ghafa
·        Nina Zenik
·        Matthias Helvar
·        Jesper Fahey
·        Wylan van Eck
·        Aleksander Morozova *
·        Nikolai Lantsov *
·        Alina Starkov
·        Zoya Nazyalenski
·        Genya Safin
·        Peter Parker (all versions) *
·        Loki *
·        Doctor Strange *
·        Natasha Romanoff
·        Yelena Belova
·        Steve Rogers
·        Druig * 
·        Milo/Lucien
·        Charles Xavier
·        Peter Maximoff
·        Jean Grey
·        Logan
Guardians of the Galaxy
·        Gamora
·        Nebula
·        Matt Murdock
·        Jessica Jones
·        Kilgrave
·        Billy Russo*
·        Benedict Cumberbatch *
·        Henry Cavill
·        Joker (Barry Keoghan or Heath Ledger)
·        The Riddler (Paul Dano)
·        Superman
·        Poison Ivy
·        Harley Quinn
·        Dick Grayson (any version of) *
·        Jason Todd (any version of)
·        Tim Drake
·        Damian Wayne (platonic unless aged-up)
·        Wonder Woman
·       John Constantine (Keanu Reeves)
·       Anarky
·      Jerome Valeska
·      Jeremiah Valeska *
·      Edward Nygma
The Witcher
·        Geralt of Rivia
·        Jaskier
·        Paul Atreides *
·        Channi
·        Jasper Hale - Major Whitlock (the fan concept of a different, more dominant personality for him interests me a lot so...) *
·        Alice Cullen
·        Aro
Doctor Who
·        Ten
·        Eleven
The Boys
·        Soldier Boy
·        Tobias Eaton
·        Tris Prior
Harry Potter
·        Tom Riddle *
·        Marauders Era!Remus Lupin *
·        Marauders Era!Sirius Black
·        Newt Scamander
·         Billy Loomis
·         Stu Macher
The Maze Runner
·         Thomas
·         Newt - Crank!Newt
Once Upon A Time
·         Peter Pan *
Star Wars
·         Kylo Ren
·         Anakin Skywalker
·         Luke Skywalker
·         Leia Organa
Star Trek
·         Khan Noonien Singh
Throne of Glass (please for the love of god request for this!!!! If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it!)
·        Rowan Whitethorn *
·        Aelin Galathynius *
·        Aedion Ashryver
·       Dorian Havilliard (with or without collar) *
·       Manon Blackbeak *
·       Ansel of Briarcliff
·       Asterin Blackbeak
·       Elide Lochan
·       Lorcan Salvaterre
·       Fenrys Moonbeam
·       Lysandra
·       Nesryn Faliq
·       Sam Cortland
The Cruel Prince
·       Cardan Greenbriar *
·        Jude Duarte
Percy Jackson and Related
·        Piper McLean
·        Hazel Levesque
·        Nico di Angelo
·        Leo Valdez *
The Mortal Instruments
·       Jace Herondale
American Horror Story
·       James Patrick March *
·       Tate Langdon
·       Kai Anderson
Teen Wolf
·       Stiles Stilinski - Nogitsune *
·       Legend *
·       Jacks, The Prince of Hearts *
·       Donatella Dragna
·       Scarlett Dragna
·       Cordell Walker
My Bloody Valentine
·       Tom Hanniger
Cry Wolf 2005
·       Tommy Jordan
Peaky Blinders
·       Tommy Shelby
Gilmore Girls
·        Dean Forester
Good Omens
·        Crowley (Nanny Ashtoreth)*
·        Aziraphale*
Little Women
·       Theodore “Laurie” Laurence
The Matrix
·       Neo *
·       Trinity
Brooklyn Nine Nine
·       Rosa Diaz
·       Jake Peralta
·       Gina Linetti
Kingdom of the Wicked
·       Emilia di Carlo
·       Wrath
·       Lust
A Court of Thorns and Roses (still reading, will add more characters as I go on)
·    Rhysand
·    Feyre
·    Lucien
·    Nesta
·    Mor
·    Azriel
·    Cassian
·    Amren
House of the Dragon
·    Daemon Targaryen
·    Rhaenyra Targaryen
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
Tumblr media
hello and welcome to another celebration! ❣️❣️❣️
Thank you so much for everything, forever grateful for every single interaction and every one I've met here, smooches and love to everyone <3
This time around I will write blurbs and drabbles and focus solely on the women!!! 🍒
Running from october 17 to october 21!
masterlist here!
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
What will you do is mix and match a character or several with one or several of the following categories.
🌷Polyamorous ships are always encouraged. Dark topics, platonic relationships & aus are welcome. No daughter! reader though.
🌷 Please only use a character from the ones already provided.
🌷I will either turn them to make blurbs or hds or drabbles depending on my inspiration but you can suggest to me what it should be.
🌷As always feel encouraged to send as many asks as you desire. I will be receiving the asks and releasing them of my own volition.
🌷 You have to be strictly 18+ to participate.
characters: Selina Kyle, Natasha Romanoff, Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, Valkyrie, Layla El Faouly, Monica Rambeau, Jane Foster, Jessica Jones, Gamora, Elektra Natchios, Wanda Maximoff || Bix Caleen, Galadriel, Sharon Carter, Nakia, Jennifer Walters, Dinah Madani, Karen Page, Bobbi Morse, Maya Lopez.
aus: apocalypse, ballet, bakery, bar, bodyguard, book store, brothel, celebrity, coffee shop, cult, detective, fake dating, gardening, ghost, mafia, maid, mechanic, mermaid, musician/rock star, neighbor, stripper, tattoo shop, yandere.
kinks: whips, corruption, latex, breath play, cockwarming, phone sex, gloves, choking, mutual or guided masturbation, mirror sex, love bites, strip tease, uniform/suit, deep throating, knife play, gunplay, titty fucking, hunter/prey, squirting, praise, worship, dirty talk, sex toys, overstimulation, accidental stimulation, collaring, shower, sensory deprivation, somnophilia, gagging, lingerie, object insertion, rimming, lap dance, period sex, lactation, balcony, thigh riding, breast worship, temperature play, edging, sex tape, hate sex, spanking, exhibitionism, handcuffs, clothes on, moresomes, degradation, humiliation.
date ideas: day trip, road trip, rock climbing, library, museum, botanical gardens, restaurant, camping, beach, drinks, concert, walking, sightseeing, volunteering, boat ride, dancing, spa, errands, mattress shopping, shopping spree, cinema, coffee, ice skating, cooking classes, abandoned places, photoshoot.
domestic situations: building furniture, trying new recipes, competitive games, painting nails, reading, cuddling, clothes shopping, packing, laundry, goodbye at the door, repairing, changing bedsheets, exercising, deep cleaning, takeout, bath, falling asleep, dancing, holidays, brushing teeth, waking them up, eating, listening to music, complaining about family, movie nights, nagging, doing dishes.
Just combine as many as you want however you seem fit! And of course when it comes to domestic situations and date ideas you can think of other things or be more specific on one situation! ☆
☆ In the near hopefully future, I will keep the same exact format and have all the characters available ☆
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
No pressure tagging: @alohastyles-x, @silver-pieces, @stargirlfics, @maladaptivexxdaydreaming,@musingsinmoonlight, @chelleztjs18, @asgardwinter, @inklore, @bvckysmoon, @that-sarcastic-writer, @wint3r-h3art, @galatially, @writing-for-marvel, @stranger-nightmare, @psychedelic-ink,
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bones-aa2 · 2 years
Hi,this is a more general ask, but for platonic marvel yanderes, what ones do you think would set most strict rules for their platonic obsession and restraining their rights and freedoms, and what ones would be pretty lenient and normal?
Yo! So these are just my opinions and all the marvel characters im listing down are from my fandom list :)
Extremely strict like they barely let reader see the sun and when they do they are most likely on a leash:
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Frank Castle
Wanda Maximoff
Pretty Lenient, chill parents but keeps their eye on them:
Bruce Banner
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton
Matt Murdock (Mf can hear anything)
Luke Cage
Sam Wilson
Idk if that's all of them, lemme know if i missed anyone or if you wanna see more ppl :)
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