#obsessively curious about the world around him to the point where it blinded him for a very long time
wizardnuke · 6 months
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mayullla · 2 years
Title: Flowers and Shells
[ - Cottage (Fem!reader) + Lily (Platonic yandere) + Ayato (Genshin Impact) + Chocolate brownie (Mermaid/siren au) - ] - Anon's Ask
Summary: Fairytale au: The little mermaid; Ayato lost his sister who chose to die instead of hurt her true love, in anger Ayato wanted revenge and found you.
Additional warnings/tags: child!reader, manipulation, kidnapping, dark/obsessive themes, unhealthy coping mechanisms, tell me if there is anything I missed
[ - Fairytale Picnic Event - closed ]
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“Gasp mister you are so pretty!!” That was the first thing you said to that man in the water with a fishtail that looked as pretty as the jewel stones you saw the adults wear. He was also very pretty, with hair that reminded you of a clear blue sky and his eyes reminding you of a particular blue jewel.
Young, your guardian had told you many stories. Some stories of the fairies and magic but you always found the books that talked about mermaids the most fascinating. You would always beg your nanny to read you the little mermaid before you sleep as if you would never be able to sleep without even hearing the first page of the story.
Your nanny told you that mermaids were real and even if the people around you didn't believe it. You believed it!
“Hello, child.” The man smiled, chuckling as you watched his tail move under the water. “Careful now you could get fall if you lean too far into the water.”
You didn't listen, you continued to look at him in awe and fascination.
"What is your name merman!" You asked at one point playing with the shells and pearls that Ayato had in his pouch. He hummed as he played with your hair adding the shells one by one so prettily placed.
"My name is Ayato, young one."
"A pretty name!" You said laughing cheerfully at him. He became your friend, when you were lonely you would go to the cave where you first meet him and wait for a little. Ayato would always come after a few minutes holding something from the ocean your small hands could not reach.
He was your friend, but he wanted your neck.
Ayato wanted revenge, he wanted revenge toward the humans that took his little sister away from the waters.
Ayaka was a child of pure heart, with such a loving and caring personality she was a treasure to the ocean kingdom loved by everyone. Yet even so Ayaka craved the world outside her reach, the place of land.
She fell in love with a boy from the outside world, a boy that she saved from a shipwreck from the storms and waves. She sacrificed her own voice in exchange for legs to be with the man she loved above ground yet that man choose to marry another instead, breaking her heart. 
After Ayato found out he tried to help his sister, telling her to crave out the boy’s heart with a magical knife and splatter the blood on her legs to become a mermaid again.
To return to the sea.
However Ayaka’s kindness and loves knows no bounds when she instead sacrificed her own life so that the boy she loved would be happy with his lover, she turned into nothing but bubbles as the sun begins to rise. Leaving instead sorrow and blind anger in her brother's heart.
He wanted revenge, he wanted to give the same pain and heartache to the man who took his sister away from him. Even after years he waited, he had his people, the more stealthy of his subordinates head to the surface and gather intel and from there he found you.
You were a daughter of that man too young and naive to understand what was going on, but cheerful and curious when you meet him.
There were many times, many times that you were so close to your own death. You were just a young girl after all, younger than Ayaka when she died Ayato could easily grab you and drown you in the water. He chooses not to tho, for his aim was your dear father.
He wanted him to suffer even more.
Yet here he was holding you in his arms as you brought a basket full of flowers to make a flower crown, they were flowers that Ayato have never seen fresh only in books did he see them or the old flowers that somehow managed to get into the water one way or another by the time it was in his hands they were brown and rotting.
“This is for Ayato! I made it just for you!” you said cheerfully, holding out to him a flower crown pretty in your hands. "Thank you." He smiled as he glanced at the flower.
He was sure that if he would take this flower with him, it would not survive the waters and instead wither. It was weak, a delicate beauty yet so weak. It was funny how it reminded him of you.
Yet he let you place the flower crown on his head. His hair crowed with beautiful flowers while your hair had a crown made of coral and shells.
"We match now!"
Ayato chuckled at your cuteness patting your head in affection. He could not help himself as time passed you started to carve a part of his heart. He had grown so protective of you as he once was towards Ayaka. Your innocence reminded him so much of her... he could not help it.
He wanted her back so much that sometimes he could not live. He hated when you have to leave when his mind made up scenarios where could not reach you anymore, where you were taken away from him. He was scared he would lose someone again when he is already all alone in this world.
He wondered if the ocean queen was willing to help him out a bit. So faithful to her following most of her orders. He protected the waters from dangers and avoided many.
The queen had made a few puppets in the past and placed life within them. Surely something like bringing a child from land to the waters would be simple if not Ayato knew a few who could be of help. A few secrets and a few words would be enough.
He could make a deal with the sorcerer who Ayaka made a deal with to change her tail to legs.
Ayato would take something your father so cherished just like he took Ayaka away from the world. Ayato's hands tightened around your small wrist, flinching in pain you looked up confused.
"What is the matter Ayato?" You asked yet Ayato just shook his head.
Placing you on his lap he let you play with his arm, you were always so fond of the iridescent scales of his so he always let you touch them when he wants to keep you in his arms.
He will take you that your father treasures most.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Genuinely curious abt this; Gon with a Darling concerned but also afraid of him. Basically they have conflicted feelings for him; they always viewed him as this sweet innocent ray of sunshine capable of no wrong, he always has this sense of justice that Reader admired. They followed him on his journey to find his Father in the Hunter Exams, all the way to Chimera Arc.
That was a big turning point there. Reader noticed the signs througout their journey but they were confused. And then they saw how Gon reacted to Kite's death, they tried their best to console him. But with how Gon mercilessly plummeted Pitou to nothing, Reader's image of Gon is put to question and now they have no idea how to act or feel around him. Their responses were shorter, unsure, a bit distant and avoidant but they're also not sure whether to pull away or stay.
How would Gon reassure them?
That arc changed my view on Gon too. I guess it changed many opinions about Gon.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, clinginess, delusions, obsession, violence
Should I leave or stay?
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🎣​You two basically grew up together and have been inseparable as long as you can remember. You two are are childhood sweethearts. Gon just has something that you've always admired. He's optimistic, always cheers you up when you're done and has a strong sense of justice. He's already told you about his dream to go to the Hunter Exam and find his father and you've been nothing but supportive, have already sworn to go together with him. That led to a pinky promise you two made on that day, promising to go through everything together. Gon's crush on you is fairly obvious but the whole village watches with smiles since the both of you are too adorable together. Who knows, your admiration and all the years you spent with him might have led to a crush from your side too.
🎣​You make great friends on the way, feel really happy in the beginning since it feels like nothing could ever get in your and Gon's way now. You have great people like Leorio, Kurapika and Killua with you after all. Hisoka marks the first real confrontation with the more evil aspects of the world as he has an interest in Gon and you, sees you as something that has potential. He freaks you out and Gon notices, reacts very protective as he always tries to shield you as soon as Hisoka notices your group.
🎣​Many things happen and the grim reality which was kept away from you on the isolated island starts dawning on you more and more. There are times where you feel down but Gon and your new friends encourage you and are there for you which is why you're always able to stay up. You help to save Killua from his family, fight your way through the arena and learn together with Gon and Killua Nen. You even manage to survive the Phanom Troupe somehow thanks to Gon and your own abilities which you unlocked thanks to your Nen. Bisky only helps you more to unlock your true Nen-potential as you work on your own special move fitting for you and your type.
🎣​You admire Kite and you know Gon does the same. He's finally a close lead to his father and a great teacher to top it all. Both of you look up to him and in your own naivety you genuinely think that after surviving the Phantom Troupe there is nothing you can't handle. That is until the Chimera Ants appear and Neferpitou attacks. The aura they project has your whole body trembling as you feel something that can only be described as the certain knowledge that you'll die here. Only thanks to Kite fighting and screaming you to run away and Killua grabbing both you and Gon, who wants to help Kite, are you able to survive.
🎣​It's the first time you've seen Gon being shattered as he turns into a shell of what he used to be for a while after. Your heart aches and you try to console him and cheer him up as good as you can. He's done so much for you already so you can at least do something for him too. Initially you're too blinded to notice what starts to brood inside of him. Or maybe you just try to ignore the signs he sometimes gives you such as the flare of negative aura or the empty look in those normally warm eyes. He's still your childhood friend after all, the optimistic and cheerful Gon. How can you ever think about him changing into something more dark when he sometimes clings to you as silent tears slip out of his eyes? You're in denial for a long time.
🎣​Those empty eyes when the three of you confront Neferpitou are horrific just as much as the hateful and murderous aura around him. Suddenly, as you see Neferpitou pleading to save a human life and Gon mercilessly shooting their offer down, you can't tell who is truly evil anymore. There is a human girl about to die if the Chimera Ant doesn't help them so why won't Gon give them the time they need to properly heal them? Gon surely wouldn't sacrifice a human life, an innocent one? Kite wouldn't have wanted this! The Gon you know wouldn't do this! You try to talk sense into him, ask him to give Pitou the time they asked for yet you stumble back out of fear when he turns around. His face is contorted into a ugly mask you can't bear to look at as he suddenly resembles a monster more than the boy you know. Surely you don't suddenly take the side of the killer of Kite, right?
🎣​You feel like you can't breathe anymore as you stare at the stranger in front of you, your heart beating out of fear. Why do you suddenly fear Gon? Is...Is that even Gon? You are silent for the rest of the time and as soon as Pitou is finished with their work and Gon wants to force them to heal Kite, he tells you in a voice devoid of all emotions that he wants you to stay away and go somewhere safe. Any protest you have dies out when he stares into your soul with those blank eyes that feel like they might suffocate you. You fear a direct confrontation and lie to him, something you've never done intentially before, tell him that you'll wait for him. In reality you just wait until you're sure that neither him nor Pitou with their insane En reach will notice you. You're sweating as images of Gon go through your head, the one you've tried to ignore despite all the signs.
🎣​When the insane wave of Nen hits you, you have a vivid flashback of the first time you met Pitou. Someone is going to die! You rush to the place you sense the trememdous wave of sinister Nen coming from. You stumble and scratch yourself as your body gives up multiple times on you out of a sheer overload of fear yet you force yourself to go on. You have a bad feeling deep down in the pit of your stomach, nearly throw out the contains of your stomach multiple times and are only able to take shallow breaths the closer you get. Once you reach your destination, you finally throw up everything you've eaten as you see something that completely shatters your own heart.
🎣​A huge man, plumming the headless corpse of Pitou into a bloody mush. Tears drop down you feel nauseous, coughing up the bitter and sour liquid of not fully digested food. Your throat stings from the gag reflex as you continue to cry, eyes tightly pressed together as you refuse to look. You know those clothes, you know the color of this hair, you know this Nen aura even if it is nothing like the friendly and passionate one you used to always sense. It feels like all your memories of Gon are tainted until you can only see the image of empty eyes and a dead person who is beating into the ground until only a puddle of blood and bones remains.
🎣​When you hear your own name being called, you choke on the air. Your body is violently shaking and everything inside of you screams to run away yet you don't have the strength. Your head is only able to move milimeters as you slowly dare to lift your head, pupils quivering. The only thing you can hear by now is your own heartbeat threatening to break through your ribs. Yet everything completely stops, even time, as you meet those eyes. He's crying, despite the horrendous act he just committed he is crying, blue blood decorating his face as he looks at you. It feels like you forget how to breathe, even your heart feels like it stops beating in that moment. Your vision is invaded by black dots dancing in front of your eyes as your chest starts to hurt.
🎣​You don't remember much after that, you only know that you wake up inside of a hospital. Apparently you've fainted, Killua found both you and Gon and carried you both back. When you hear Gon's name, your hands clutch the sheets of the bed tightly as your throat feels tight. You barely manage to press out the question of what happened to Gon and the hesitant look on their face has your heart freezing. You prepare yourself for the worst yet nothing could have prepared you for Gon's condition, you nearly throw up again. You get to hear that Killua apparently knows a way to heal Gon and has gone without you yet Leorio is here. When the man asks you worriedly what happened, the full burden hits you and you end up crying in front of him.
🎣​You spend hours just staring through the glass pane, waiting for Killua to come back. During this time you have a lot to think about. Gon has changed. You can't deny this any longer. You've just ignored all the signs you noticed throughout the way since you didn't want to accept that your Gon would ever change. You've been a fool to think that way. This world filled with Nen and hunters is vastly different from the small island you two grew up, obviously you two would change somewhere along the way. You've probably changed too, everyone changes eventually. This realization that Gon has changed and has lost something important has you shedding silent tears. His whole perception of the world must have warped when Kite died and you wonder how much of the old Gon is left. What you do know though is that the sight of this darker Gon has traumatized you and your body still reacts that way even now. There are slight shivers of terror going through your body.
🎣​You force yourself to stay around, at least until Gon finally meets his dad. You even try to stay optimistic when you notice that Gon is back to his old self as soon as Nanika has healed him. Yet you can't. When you stare at his grinning face, your mind automatically recalls empty and cold eyes and a face covered in blue blood. You always have to avoid your eyes as you try to suppress the shivers. You can't converse with him anymore, your responses are short and you always end up excusing yourself, walking quickly away as your hands turn to fists. You can't even look at him anymore, the images of him obliterating a corse haunting you.
🎣​Your distant behavior confuses Gon, it hurts him even. You two have always been so close after all so he isn't able to fathom why you suddenly want to pull away from him. He's a honest and straightforward person so he tries multiple times to ask you about your strange behavior but you constantly dodge him and leave him, not even spare him a glance. He senses your fear. You're scared of him and that knowledge bruises his heart. Why would you be scared of him? He'd never hurt you. His memories are foggy, he can't recall everything that happened after his encounter with Neferpitou and it isn't until Killua tells him that he found you lying unconscious near him that he realizes that you were there too.
🎣​Gon isn't very good with mind games, he confronts you openly about this at one point. Tries to reassure your dwelling fear of what you saw on that day. There are tears brimming in his eyes when he notices how you shake and take a step back as soon as he leans closer, a terrified look on your face. He pleads you to look at him at least just once but when you do and he sees the terror written all over your face, he can't bear it. He starts crying too but instead of trying to comfort him like you used to do, you just stand silently there with your lips pressed into a thin line.
🎣​Gon tries to make you forget, acts extra sweet around you to show you that he's still the same person. He's clingier though and more protective. He tries to tell himself that you'd never leave him, you two made a pinky promise after all to go through everything together. You've forgotten about that promise by now though and can only give him a bewildered look when he reminds you that you two made a promise. That means nothing to you anymore and hearing you say those words plunges a dagger of pain and desperation inside Gon's heart. He grows paranoid even more though he mumbles to himself that you wouldn't leave him since you two have always been together. That everything will be fine between you two. He becomes quite overbearing though, follows you everywhere and is excessively sweet towards you. If you try to run away, dangers are that he'll snap though. He already lost Kite and can't handle losing you too. He needs to protect you.
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
based on your theme, i’m guessing the floyd brainrot has started strong. how about him obsessed with a reader in pomefiore in their final year?
Yeah, although Malleus is so hot too 🤤, also this is a little wonky, since I wasn't really sure where I was going with this, but I hope this os is to your liking!
Floyd Leech x Male!Reader [Fluff]
[reader is a pomefiore student in his third year]
Game; Twister Wonderland
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When they first met, Floyd couldn't help but wonder how. How was (M/n) a Pomefiore student? As far as he noticed, pretty much everyone in that dorm was quite eccentric, both in personality and appearance. But he... wasn't like that.
(M/n) was also one of the few students that didn't bother wearing make-up and never acted as if the world revolved around him, which was nice.
Floyd met him in his first year, a few days after the semester started, and he was having one of his mood swings again, unfortunately, Jade wasn't there to help him, so he was aimlessly walking around the halls. And at some point, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed someone outside, sitting under a tree.
His mismatched eyes turned to look at that person, the purple band wrapped around his left arm, it swung gently with the subtle breeze, and something about him made Floyd unable to take his eyes away from him. His beauty was almost blinding, his hair flowing with the wind too.
Just by sitting there he looked mesmerizing, and Floyd was attracted to him, his steps slow and hesitant as he approached the male who was writing down stuff in a notebook. Silently he lay next to (M/n), who only glanced at him momentarily before showing him a small, sweet, and friendly smile.
Floyd stared at him, hypnotized by his calm aura, he felt his face heating up as he stared into the male's (e/c) eyes. He wanted to keep looking at him, observe his every feature, but when the Pomefiore student started humming a song, Floyd couldn't prevent his eyes from closing, soon enough falling asleep.
"...oyd... Flo... Floyd," the sound of his twin's voice got clearer and clearer as he regained consciousness, slowly blinking as he began sitting up, letting out a small yawn, just now realizing he fell asleep.
With wide eyes, he turned towards his side, deep inside hoping that the male he saw was still there, but he only saw an empty spot under the tree, and a small sigh left his mouth, getting up as he scratched the back of his head.
"I didn't even get to ask his name~" he whined loudly, and Jade stared at him, curious about who he was talking about.
Ever since that day, Floyd hasn't been able to stop thinking about him, that guy whose name is (M/n), a now third year and a great magic user. He noticed how (M/n) didn't seem to have a lot of friends, but Savanaclaw's dorm leader, Leona, appeared to be quite fond of him, occasionally sitting with him during lunch break at the cafeteria whenever he decided to actually show up and eat.
It took months for Floyd to gather up the courage to talk to him since he was used to just remembering things like the melodic sound of his voice whenever he was able to hear him talk to someone, the pretty sound of his laugh, and the beauty of him whenever he was writing down potion formulas or just reading some notes from his class.
Floyd may be a little bit obsessed with the older male, but he was okay with that. Admiring (M/n) was the only thing that could keep him entertained for longer than any other thing could, and one day when Jade and Azul were done seeing his enamored look in his eyes whenever his eyes would lock onto (M/n)'s figure, they gave him the little, subtle push he needed to talk to him.
He was scared, something that he found unusual, stuttering as he sat down at the cafeteria table with him.
(M/n) looked up when he heard someone else with him, and a content smile stretched across his face.
"Is nice seeing you again, Floyd-kun," hearing his name being said by (M/n) made him become speechless and turn bright red, his heart thumping in his ears, and he was a little scared that he could be able to hear it despite the ruckus happening at the cafeteria. "The other time you fell asleep before I could talk to you," the sound of his chuckle so close and clear made Floyd feel in a trance, he wondered if (M/n)'s signature spell had something to do with his voice, it was so... nice and pleasant, "I'm (M/n), by the way."
Floyd took a deep breath before showing a more "normal" smile in (M/n)'s way.
"N-nice to meet you, (M/n)-senpai..." Uncharacteristically for him, he stopped himself from calling him by a pet name, even though he really wanted to, he didn't want to make (M/n) feel uncomfortable around him.
As easy as that, Floyd couldn't believe that he and (M/n) became friends.
Every day was fun, being able to be with (M/n) without hiding and observing him from afar, hearing him talk and hum, falling asleep on his lap, and knowing that he could make his mood swings go away as quickly as they came.
He's not exactly sure when he fell in love with (M/n), maybe when they became friends, maybe when he heard him humming, or maybe... when he first saw him sitting under the tree. He didn't know, and it wasn't like he actually cared, he knows that his feelings are there, and they are real.
This may be this "true love" people usually talk about, but he's okay with being friends for now, perhaps someday, he will say something and confess, but today... is not that day, and Floyd is happy with that, even if he wants more of that tingly feeling he feels when he and (M/n) touch, when they make eye contact, when they talk and even when they in complete silence.
Floyd loves that feeling and he's a little scared of it too, but he's happy with how things are now.
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radiantroope · 4 years
Do You Trust Me? || JJ Maybank
pairing: jj x reader
mentions: john b, kiara, pope
requested: yes, i don’t have the exact request because it’s over on @maybanksbitch
summary: jj finds out you’ve never had sex. being the loving best friend that he is, he offers to show you what you’ve been missing.
warnings: swearing, underage drinking, mentions of peer pressure, fluff, protected sex (no glove, no love), very detailed and graphic fluffy smut
wc: idfk but it’s LONG
a/n: well, here it is! the end’s kinda shitty but honestly, i needed to finish this instead of going back to it on and off for a week. this is unedited because it’s long as hell and i’m lazy.
masterlist | add yourself to my tag list
* not my gif. if it’s yours, please let me know so i can give you proper credit!
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It was a lazy day at the Chateau for you and the Pogues. Everyone was debating on what to do for the day. John B suggesting surfing, Pope suggested fishing, Kiara desperately wanted to go swimming since it was blistering hot out. You and JJ were the only two who seemed keen on staying in. You’d rather sit around drinking and playing dumb games.
You sat with Kiara and John B in a half circle of old, stained lawn chairs. Pope and JJ were playing their favorite game that you called ‘Balance’. The one where you try and knock the other person off balance by pushing their shoulder. They were both holding strong, neither one leaning too far with each push.
Somehow you’d all gotten on the topic of hookups. JJ glanced your way and caught your eye for half a second. He’d been your best friend since you were in diapers, of course he knew you didn’t hookup with, well, anyone. The other Pogues didn’t know that though.
“Remember Fallon?” John B asked the group, sending JJ a sinister smile.
“Oh my God, she was obsessed with JJ!” Kiara shrieked through laughs.
You couldn’t help but laugh too, earning a glare from the blonde headed boy. Everyone remembered the crazy redhead who spent everyday at the Chateau looking for JJ.
“That was the first and only time we’ve ever had to lock the doors,” Pope recalled the memory, laughing when JJ shoved his shoulder harder.
“Oh, don’t think I don’t remember Crystal,” JJ teased, pointing a John B. “Or Brad,” he added and turned to Kiara with a raised eyebrow.
“God he still texts me,” Kiara muttered, shuddering at the memory of the Touron who practically fell in love with her last Summer.
“What about you, Y/N? We see the guys all over you at the parties. One ever stick?” Pope asked.
JJ’s jaw clenched at his question. He caught your eye yet again and almost fell over when Pope gave him a good push. You knew the blonde hated how guys treated you at parties. He was always there to get you out of those uncomfortable situations.
“Andrew,” you responded, feeling your chest tighten.
Your exboyfriend was a touchy subject. He dumped you after a year together when you still didn’t want to sleep with him. It never felt like the right time and at first he was okay with it, until he wasn’t. He tried to demand you sleep with him because that’s what couples do.
“He was your boyfriend, he doesn’t count,” John B said.
“I met him at a party though.”
“But he wasn’t just some hookup that became obsessed,” Kiara added.
“He was an asshole and friends with Rafe. Let’s leave it at that,” JJ intervened and gave up on the game with Pope.
The blonde walked over to you and instead of taking the empty chair between yourself and John B, he plopped himself right on your lap. You huffed and wrapped your arm around his middle when he leant back against you. You brought your bottle of Budweiser up your lips, giggling as some of the cold condensation dripped on JJ’s bare shoulder and he shivered.
The conversation changed quickly after that. JJ was protective of you and they all knew if they continued, they’d never hear the end of it. No one wanted to be on that end of JJ’s anger.
Eventually, it was decided that John B, Pope and Kiara would take the HMS Pogue our for a ride. Where they ended up was unknown, but they needed to get out of the house.
“Y’all coming?” John B asked as he stood up and stretched.
“Nah, I think we’re gonna hang back,” JJ answered for the both of you, though you weren’t complaining. You missed the days where it was just you and him. It would be nice to spend some quality alone time with your best friend for the first time in forever.
“Suit yourselves, you two have fun,” the brunette shrugged and went to follow your other two friends down the dock.
“But not too much fun!” Pope quickly called, pointing two fingers at his eyes then back at you.
JJ rolled his eyes and sent Pope his middle finger while you laughed. They all teased you two for being so close. They insisted that you were soulmates and just blind to it. You’d be lying if you didn’t feel some type of way towards the blonde, but you always pushed those feelings away. Soulmates could be best friends, right? They didn’t always have to be lovers.
“Okay, my legs are numb. Please get up,” you patted JJ’s stomach and let out a grunt as he stood.
JJ grabbed the chair John B had been sitting in and pulled it over so he could sit in front of you. He leaned forwards and rested his elbows on his knees, hands reaching out and grabbing your free one. He toyed with the bracelets on your wrist and tightened the ones that were coming loose.
You could tell his brain was at work with the way his crystal blue eyes glazed over. He wasn’t really even paying attention to what he was doing. You wanted to ask him what he was thinking about but also didn’t want to ruin the comforting moment. The rough pads of his thumbs started massaging gently into the top of your hand as his eyes flickered up to your face.
“I have a question. You don’t have to answer, obviously, but I’d like to know,” the blonde broke the silence with his soft voice.
You raised an eyebrow in response, giving him the indication to continue.
“I know you don’t hookup with people at parties, but I’ve also never heard you talk about Andrew in that way,” JJ started, causing your heart rate to increase. You knew where he was going with this. “Are you...have you-have you ever had sex?”
You mouth went dry at the blonde’s question. He may have been your best friend, but that wasn’t something you disclosed with him. Your friends may have been comfortable with expressing their sexual endeavors but not you. You let people think what they wanted and didn’t really care if it was true.
Your lack of response made JJ nervous. He didn’t want to pressure you into talking about something you didn’t want to. He couldn’t care less wether you had sex or not, he was just curious. “You can tell me anything, Y/N. You know I won’t judge you,” he added.
“I know, I know,” you told him, twisting your hand to hold the blonde’s. The tiniest smiled curled at the corner of his lips.
“I, um, yeah, no,” you stumbled over your words, cheeks heating up under JJ’s intense stare. “I’ve never had sex.”
“Not even with Andrew?”
You shook your head and let out a small laugh, avoiding his gaze and staring out at the water. “It never felt right with him. He dumped me because I wouldn’t,” you explained, feeling his grip tighten on your hand. “And I hate the idea of drunk, meaningless hookups too. It’s not like I don’t want to have sex, of course I do, just not like that.”
JJ’s bright eyes watched the way your index finger tapped against the neck of your beer bottle. His gaze trailed up your arm and stopped on your lips. He could see that you were chewing on the inside of your bottom lip. He watched your eyes flicker across the horizon, sparkling with the sun’s reflection. Your hair blew over your shoulder in the warm breeze.
“Do you trust me?” your blonde best friend caught your attention with his question.
You turned and met his stare, eyebrows furrowing a bit. You answered, “Of course I do. More than anyone in the world.”
“Would you let me make you feel good? Show you what you’ve been missing?” JJ was calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside his heart was hammering against his chest.
You didn’t know what to say at first. You’d be lying if you said you’d never thought about it. JJ was hands down, the most attractive guy on the island, in your opinion. And you knew him in a way other people didn’t. You didn’t know how you hadn’t already taken the dive and fallen in love with him sooner. With the way he was looking at you right now, it started to seem like a possibility.
The pads of JJ’s fingers started to ghost up and down your arm slowly, causing a shiver to run through you. He tilted his head and questioned you, “Y/N?”
You took a gulp of your beer to ease your nerves and set it in the cup holder of the chair. Breathing in deeply through your nose, your e/c eyes fell on his sapphire ones yet again. You head bobbed as you nodded and small smile spread across your lips, saying, “Yeah.. yeah, okay.”
JJ stood up and pulled you up as well with the hands holding yours. He interlocked you’re fingers and led you the short distance up to the Chateau. With each step your heart started to beat faster. You grasped the blonde’s hand tighter to try and keep yourself from shaking. He smiled over his shoulder at you as you crossed the threshold into the house.
The blonde’s hand left yours once you’d entered the spare bedroom. You turned and shut the door, flipping the lock into place just in case the Pogues came back during your escapades. You turned around and tried not to ogle at JJ who had shed his shirt in the few seconds you’d had your back to him.
A smirk curled on his lips as he sat down on the edge of the bed. You’d seen him shirtless thousands of times, but this was different. His eyes were a darker shade as he stared you down. A heat spread through your body as JJ used one finger to beckon you to him, a soft “C’mere” leaving his lips.
You took the few steps to the bed and stopped in front of him. His hands reached out and landed on your waist, pulling you in between his legs. He guided you down into his lap until you were straddling him. Your soft breaths mingled with his from the close proximity. Your hands found place on the warm skin of his bare shoulders.
“If it starts to be too much for you, just tell me to stop,” JJ’s voice was soft as he reached up and tucked your hair behind your right ear, “Okay?”
You nodded and gave him a small smile, whispering, “Okay.”
JJ’s pointer finger hooked under your chin and pulled your lips to his. He tasted like beer with a hint of mint and his lips were a bit chapped. He could taste your cherry chapstick and a soft hum left him. Your fingers slid their way around his neck and into the soft waves on the back of his head.
The blonde’s hands found your waist again as he pulled you closer. Your head tilted, deepening the kiss as you felt his tongue swipe your bottom lip. You obliged and allowed your lips to part, tongues dancing together. Your head was spinning. Never did you think you’d be kissing your best friend of sixteen years, nor that it would feel so good; so natural.
JJ’s fingers slipped under the material of your shirt, dancing against the soft skin of your hips. You pulled away from his lips, breathless. His eyes were soft as he gazed up at you and pushed his hands higher, your shirt moving with them. His hands sat on your ribs, thumbs stroking your skin.
“Can I take this off?” he whispered, eyes darting between both of yours, reading your expression to make sure you weren’t overwhelmed.
You bit down on your swollen bottom lip and nodded, holding your arms up as JJ removed the clothing. Your arms came back down, hands resting against his defined pecks as he took in your naked chest. It wasn’t unusual for you to not wear a bra. They were uncomfortable and itchy so you hardly ever wore one unless completely necessary.
“God, you’re fucking beautiful,” JJ breathed as his hands came up and cupped the mounds of flesh.
Your heart fluttered at the compliment, cheeks flushing and a smile spreading across your lips. JJ’s head dropped, nose nudging your jaw as you turned your head to the side. He pressed open mouthed kisses to your neck, sharp teeth gently nipping in certain spots. Your eyes slipped closed, breath hitching as he found your sweet spot and focused his mouth there.
His hands stayed on your chest, squeezing your breasts softly. He pinched one of your nipples between his thumb and pointer finger. On the other side his thumb brushed over the peaked nub with the lightest touch. A soft moan escaped your lips at the sensations he was bringing you. Your body was getting hotter, a tingling feeling intensifying between your legs.
JJ lifted his head when he was satisfied with the marks littering your skin. He brought his lips back to yours in a hard kiss, tongue immediately pressing it’s way into your mouth. His hands gripped your thighs as he turned the two of you abruptly.
Your back met the mattress and your lips seperated. He was settled between your legs, hands on both sides of your head. He took in the way your pupils were blown, parted lips puffy from the pressure of his own. Your hair was sprawled around you as short pants left your body. A smile tugged at his lips as he leant down to kiss you again. JJ was starting to think he didn’t care if you were the only girl underneath him for the rest of time.
His lips didn’t stay on your for long, wet kisses being pressed down your neck and chest. You watched him kiss his way down your stomach to the hem of your shorts. His eyes flickered up to yours in question as his fingers lingered around the button.
Your head moved in a single nod and that’s all it took for the boy to undo your shorts and pull them off, your underwear going with them. You felt shy under JJ’s hungry gaze as he dropped your clothing onto the floor. Your thighs went to clamp shut but he put his hands on your knees to stop you.
“Is it too much?” the blonde asked, staring up at you.
“No, no,” you responded quickly and smiled softly, putting a hand over the side of your burning face. “S’just no one’s ever seen me like this before.”
JJ smiled at you and glided his hands up your thighs, leaning down to kiss the inside of your knee. He started to trail his lips up the inside of your thigh slowly, eyes still locked on yours. “You’re beautiful,” he told you again against your skin.
You bit your lip to hide your grin and shifted as he pushed your legs open wider. JJ laid down flat on his stomach in between your legs, nearly moaning as his painfully hard cock brushed against the mattress through his board shorts. His eyes flickered up to your face and remained there as he leaned forward and tested the waters, tongue dragging through your folds slowly.
A soft gasp left your lips at the foreign feeling. The bottoms of your feet pressed further into mattress. JJ repeated the action a few more times, the drag of the velvety muscle against your clit sent jolts of electricty through your body. His middle finger came proding at your entrance, slipping in with ease.
He pumped the single digit and slid his ring finger in beside it after a minute. A soft noise of discomfort left your parted lips. JJ wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked softly to distract from the feeling. There was no stopping the smirk on his lips when a sharp moan left you as he curled his fingers. His tongue flicked at your sensitive bundle nerves and your fingers grasped onto the sheets tighter, another moan leaving your mouth.
“Ah, shit,” you hissed, face scrunching in discomfort as he added a third finger.
JJ looked up at you and then focused his mouth on your quivering inner thighs, trying to ease the pain. “I know, I know. But I’ve gotta make sure you’re good ‘n stretched so it’ll hurt less,” he cooed.
You nodded twice and breathed slowly as you willed your body to relax. JJ’s mouth came down and found your clit again. He swirled his tongue as he began pumping his fingers again. He was pleased to hear your whimpers turn back into moans.
The blonde pulled away when he figured you were stretched enough. He wanted nothing more than to have you cum around his fingers, then his cock, but he thought it might be too much for you. A soft whine came from the back of your throat when his fingers left you and he chuckled.
JJ came to a standing position beside the bed and undid the strings on his shorts. He pushed them down and kicked them off, dick standing hard and proud once it was free. He didn’t miss the way your eyes widened and you nervously swallowed as you eyed him.
“I know it looks intimidating,” JJ started, feeling proud that you were impressed. “But you’ll be okay.”
“JJ, you’re gonna rip me in half with that,” you stated, completely serious.
A loud laugh came from the blonde as he bent down and grabbed a condom from the box stored under the bed. He stood back up and crawled onto the bed, silver foil packet clutched between his fingers.
“That’s not gonna happen, baby, promise,” the nickname directed at you rolled off his tongue and your stomach flipped. You’d always teased each other with names like that but it was different in this sense.
You watched silently as JJ ripped open the condom package. His hands shook the slightest bit as he rolled it on and let out a puff of air from the little contact his erection received. He shuffled closer to you on his knees and hooked his hands under the backs of your thighs, pushing them towards your chest. You bit down on your bottom lip as you felt the head of his cock brush your entrance.
“Ready?” the blonde asked, bright eyes meeting yours. His thumb rubbed gently on the back of your thigh as if to tell you it’s okay to back out now.
You nodded in response and let out a deep breath through your nose. Your hand reached down and gripped onto JJ’s wrist that had your leg held back. He gave you a small smile then looked down between your bodies, free hand helping guide his length into your entrance.
Your mouth fell open, hand squeezing onto his wrist tighter as he pushed into you slowly, inch by inch. JJ’s jaw clenched as your pussy gripped him like a vice. He put the hand that was free on your hip and paused.
“Relax, Y/N, you gotta relax,” he groaned out, resisting the urge to plunge into you like he was used to.
“I’m trying,” you whimpered, tears stinging the corners of your eyes.
“Breathe,” JJ told you, “Breathe through it, baby.”
You sucked in a shaky breath through your nose and let it out your mouth, repeating the action until your muscles started unwinding. The muscular boy above you huffed when he felt you unclench around him. He pressed forward again until his thighs were pressed against the back of your own.
He stayed like that, letting you adjust, drawing soothing circles against your skin as he waited. He looked up to your face and saw you had your eyes clenched shut. His hand came up and caressed the side of your face, thumb brushing underneath your eye.
“You okay?” he asked softly.
You swallowed thickly and opened your eyes to look up at him. He was staring down at you in worry but his eyes were filled with nothing but adoration. The whole scenario was making your head spin.
You were laying there, stuffed full for the first time with your best friend’s cock. What?
“Y-Yeah,” you managed to respond, feeling breathless under his stare. “You can move.”
JJ put the hand that was on your face beside your head, leaning his weight on it as he hovered over you. He pulled out slowly then pressed back in. He pushed your leg back farther with the other hand and thrust his hips again.
It was an agonizingly slow pace, you knew that much, but he was taking his time with you and you’d never been so grateful. Anyone else probably wouldn’t have taken care of you the way JJ was. You couldn’t picture losing it to anyone else in that moment. He was the closest friend you had. He was your person.
JJ’s eyes moved between your face and down to where your bodies met repeatedly. He was entranced by seeing your tight walls grip him so deliciously, but also needed to make sure you were okay. He smirked slightly when he saw the crease inbetween your eyebrows disappear with each thrust and soft, pleasured noises started to leave your lips.
The blonde boy began thrusting faster, unable to contain the low groan that bubbled in his throat. Your hands moved up onto the back of his neck and wrapped around his bicep. Your blunt nails dug into his skin as you moaned louder, head tilting back and pressing into the mattress.
JJ readjusted his position, dropping to his elbows on both sides of you. You hiked your legs up on his hips, breath catching in your throat at the new angle. His cock made you feel so full, brushing against your g-spot with each stroke.
“Fuck, J,” you moaned out, fingers tangling in the hair on the back of his head.
The feeling JJ got when looked at you underneath him and you moaned for him was indescribable. A heat flooded his whole body. He wanted to be the one who made you feel good; the only one. The thought of anyone else seeing you like this infuriated him, but the feeling of your hand tugging on his hair brought him out of the trance.
“You’re doing so good,” he muttered, bending his head down to press kisses to your neck, “so good.”
JJ’s thrusts got harder, the head of his cock pressing up against that spot inside of you that made you see stars. You cried you, gripping onto him as he kept the pace, his mouth working more marks into your skin.
He didn’t think he could last much longer, not with how tight your pussy clenched around him every time he hit your spot, moaning his name in ear. He pushed his weight onto one arm and slid the other down between the two of you. He lifted his head and watched as your mouth fell open as soon as his fingers made contact with your clit. He rubbed in quick figure eights, working you up to your high.
“O-Oh shit,” you cursed, nails scratching against JJ’s shoulders as your back arched off the bed.
Your whole body was tingling, a tightening feeling coiling in the pit of your stomach. The rhythm of JJ’s thrusts never faltered. The sinful moan that tore through your throat as you came was music to the blonde’s ears.
“Fuck,” JJ gasped as you clenched around him, following you into euphoria with a moan of his own.
Your thighs shook, still hooked around his waist as you came down from your high. Your arms were still wrapped around his shoulders as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. The two of stayed like that for a few minutes, letting your heavy breaths return back to normal.
Eventually, JJ pulled out of you slowly, causing a small hiss to leave your lips. He climbed off the bed and went to dispose of the condom in the bathroom trash quickly. When he entered the room again, you were climbing under the covers, wrapping yourself in the blankets. You had a hazy look in your eyes and a dopey smile on your face.
“Was it everything you thought it would be?” JJ asked as he climbed under the covers beside you.
The two of you faced each other on the bed, heads nuzzled against the pillows. You hummed softly, eyes fluttering closed as exhaustion washed over you.
“Better,” you muttered in response, cracking your eyes open to peak at your best friend once again.
He was staring at you, soft smile adorning his lips as his eyes trailed over your face. He scooted closer to you and wound an arm around your waist. He pulled you against his chest and pressed a chaste kiss to the top of your head. His fingers trailed lazy patterns up and down your spine, lulling you into the best sleep you’d ever have.
“I love you,” JJ whispered, knowing you were deep in dreamland by now.
The blonde didn’t sleep, he just laid there and held you, replaying what just happened in his mind over and over again. He saw you in a different light; a light that he never wanted to burn out. Laying there holding you, butterflies fluttering happily in his stomach, all he could do was smile.
The two of you were definitely going to be having a long conversation on how to move forward when you woke up.
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agent-cupcake · 3 years
IDK why but yandere prompt 10 screams sylvain to me! it's okay if you dont wanna do this one, though. thank you for opening requests! ive really enjoyed all your writings
10. “I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t have you.”
Sylvain didn’t greet you when you took a seat beside him, ready for the meeting to be called. Agriculture wasn’t a particular interest of yours, but it was a part of your duty as the wife of an important, land-owning lord to be invested in the affairs of Gautier territory. For his part, your husband didn’t seem terribly enthused. Just as you were about to ask if he was okay, he spoke.
“Who was he?” Sylvain asked in a would-be casual voice, low enough to be lost in the mindless chatter of the slowly filling council room.
The question usually went something like that, innocuous but pointed enough for you to know where it was headed. And you knew who and what he was referring to, knew it so intently that you felt a completely unreasonable stab of guilt because you knew how Sylvain was, how he might have interpreted your interaction with one of the male mages working on the current project. As familiar as the question was, you couldn’t immediately guess the tone. Sylvain was tricky, always masking his intentions behind playful masks and a glip front.  
“Who?” you asked, playing dumb. That sometimes worked. If it seemed like you were innocent, he might drop it and move on. It would be incriminating if you admitted that you knew what he meant right away. And if he was just teasing, playing around to fill the part of the protective husband, you didn’t mind the role of the oblivious wife. Really, you wished you were that type of woman. Blind to the world, and especially the men, around you. Everything would be so much easier.
"That guy you were talking to,” Sylvain explained, dangerously nonchalant. “The two of you seemed pretty close.”
“Really? We only met… Mmm, last week?” you replied, refusing to meet his eye or become flustered. That would just make you seem guilty. Which you weren’t. “He’s from Fhirdiad, one of the mages who are working on solutions to fertilizing the soil in the fields near the Fraldarius border.” You hesitated, searching for something to add, something to change the subject and ease the tension. “Um, the tests so far have been really encouraging. They’re thinking that next spring they can have at least half of that land ready for production.”
"Yeah, I heard about that,” Sylvain said, nodding off your attempt to distract him. “I was just asking ‘cause you were laughing pretty hard.”
There it was. Sylvain’s tone, as you had come to know quite intimately, was cool, a little stiffer than his usual way of speaking. Lacking inflection. It was always like that with him. He never told you outright when he thought or felt or explained his stark shift in demeanor, always skirting around the subject with those needling little questions, maintaining his façade of indifference even as a storm brewed behind his dark eyes. Once, what felt like a lifetime ago, he told you that he’d never experienced jealousy before you. He told you that it hurt. Was this pain? Was that what made everything so uneasy and uncomfortable, leaving you scrambling to find the words to ease his mind?
You forced a faint smile, clinging to your innocence. “Was I?”
“Yeah,” Sylvain said, clearly not buying it. If anything, his eyes just narrowed. “You were.”
“We were just discussing his work. If I was laughing, I don’t…” You shook your head, forcing a shrug. “Please don’t get the wrong idea.”
“The wrong idea?” he asked. “I was just wondering who he is.”
“For no reason,” you said, some of your frustration leaking through.
“Yeah, sure, for no reason,” Sylvain agreed in an amicably flat tone. “Although now I’m curious about why you’re so defensive.” He paused, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth. “I guess he was kinda handsome. Are you worried I’m jealous?”
“That’s not-”
“‘Cause I’m not…” he insisted. “Unless there’s a reason I should be.”
There wasn’t. There never was. You never thought like that. But he did. Sylvain always did, those too keen eyes of his following you around, waiting for you to slip up in some way, to do something for him to misinterpret in the most uncharitable ways he could. Even if it was ignored, unspoken, willed out of existence through the sheer force of his adoration, yours was not a relationship born out of the stuff of romantic novels or even the clumsy affections of young lovers. For as obsessively insistent he once was in proving your own feelings to you, sometimes it was like Sylvain didn’t believe it when you told him you loved him and only him. Because there was a time―such a long time ago, hardly worth remembering―when you didn’t mean it. Even though you did now, that memory was his constant anxiety, an endless tension lingering right below the surface.
“I don’t want to fight,” you finally said, spreading your hands out in an attempt to de-escalate the situation, to convince him of your innocence. “I swear that it meant nothing. But… but if it makes you uncomfortable, I won’t talk to him again. I really, honestly don’t care.”
“Sheesh, you make me sound like I’m some sort of control freak,” Sylvain said with an air of coolly playful offense, leaning back in his chair. “Why would you even assume I’m trying to fight?”
“I don’t-”
“I’m not,” he said before you could really respond. Not loudly, never loud enough to draw any unnecessary attention to the two of you. Sylvain always knew exactly how to skirt the line of propriety in public. “It’s not like it’s even my business who you talk to. I’m only your husband. No big deal, really.”
“It is!” you insisted, heat burning at the back of your eyes. Realizing you’d spoken a bit too loud, you softened your voice, glancing around the room to ensure nobody heard the slip-up. “You are. Of c-course you are.” Maybe it was the trembling of your bottom lip as you stared hard at the table to fight off the tears burning your eyes that made regret flash over Sylvain’s face. Sometimes, when he was in a very particular type of mood, your crying only spurred him on, but not now.
“H-hey,” Sylvain told you, leaning close and draping his arm across your shoulders. “Don’t cry. I was just playing around. Guess I let it go too far.” Now he seemed apologetic, looking at you with a sheepish smile.
You met his eyes, confusion and distress giving away to understanding. Of course Sylvain had only been pretending. And you had been overreacting, always too sensitive to this kind of thing. Embarrassment followed the momentary emotional lapse, frustration that you wouldn’t just go along with his antics and had to go and make it all weird. Relief, too. It was just pretend, after all. He wasn’t upset with you.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?” Sylvain asked sweetly, pulling you towards him with the arm around your shoulders, his soft voice tickling your ear.
“You’re too mean,” you told him. But the words weren’t serious. They made him smile fondly, such a dramatic shift from the Sylvain of only minutes before.
“I’ve gotta keep you on your toes,” he said. “You never know what’s going on in the heads of pretty girls like you. I mean, imagine if I lost you to a guy who studies dirt. I’d never live it down.”
“That’s ridiculous,” you told him, leaning into the half embrace.
“Isn’t it? But, you know, I can’t help it.” Sylvain leaned in even closer, speaking in such a low, intimate way that it definitely pushed the lines of propriety, even for him. “I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t have you.”      
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Opposites attract
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Pairing: Hermione Granger x Slytherin!Reader, Platonic!Blaise Zabini x reader, Draco Malfoy x Pansy Parkinson, Platonic!Draco Malfoy x reader (The reader is race-neutral!)
Warning: I think there’s a couple swear words, uhh if you’re in love with Draco you probably shouldn’t read this, there is not a single sentence in this fic where Draco and Y/N are any more than friends. Actually, Y/N will commit an act of violence against him. (Don’t do this to your friends)
Summary: Blaise notices that his best friend, Y/N is different the second he sees her again after Summer break. You are a full-fledged pure-blood Slytherin, but during Summer, you got your heart stolen by a certain muggle-born Gryffindor.
A/N: I am OBSESSED with Gryffindor x Slytherin trope, I’m so sorry I will write a reader who’s in Hufflepuff soon! Also, I love Blaise Zabini? He deserves love :/ He a true King in this fic. Oh and Y/N & Hermione are a power couple who eat men ok cool happy reading!!
It was a quiet evening in the Slytherin common room. The white noise of the light rain present, but none of you could see, for the Slytherins belonged in the dungeons.
You had your head rested on the lap of Blaise Zabini, your best friend, and your legs over the lap of Draco Malfoy. You wouldn’t say he was your best friend, per se- you didn’t always like how he acted. You thought of him more like a brother, in a way. An annoying brother, no less.
But while your friends engaged in some deep conversation about whatever they talked about, your mind was elsewhere. Since last week, you’ve been lost in the curious world of a strange muggle book titled “pride and prejudice”. You picked the damned book up every time you had some spare time.
“What’s this then? Never seen it before.” You recall 2 weeks ago, laying by the old oak tree of the city park, the bushy leaves shielding you from the blinding sunlight.
“You’ve never seen a book before?” She teases, playful laughter filling the crisp summer air.
“You know what I mean! C’mon, read to me.” You look up at her, sitting down with her back pressed against the tree. Her face was covered with the red cover of the book, but you could swear that what you were seeing deserved to be drawn on canvas and presented in museums. Her golden curls looked as if they were lighting up under the sun, her soft yet strong hands curling around the spine of the book.
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife-”
Blaise also had a book opened in his hand, but he was not reading- he was listening in on Draco and Pansy’s conversation. Also glancing down and seeing you smile to yourself, for whatever reason. It could have been the book, but he doubted it.
And even though this was the first day back to Hogwarts, he knew that you were very different from who you were when he waved goodbye to you before summer break.
First of all, you never read muggle books. You were the eldest child of one of the most pure bloodlines to exist. Your family were very close with the Malfoys, the Blacks, and obviously the Dark Lord. Anyone would expect you to grow up hating muggles, and... in all honesty, Blaise thought you did.
But then why didn’t you say anything few hours earlier when Granger bumped into you on the train? A witty quip about her blood, perhaps? But nothing. And why in the world did you have a Jane Austen story in your hand?
Despite the multiple questions looming over his head, Blaise had a theory. So now, he wanted to see. Test you, on how you’d react to another one of Draco’s degrading talks about “muggles” you recently seemed to take an interest to.
“God, those mud-bloods infuriate me. And what’s Dumbledore thinking, opening a class of ‘Muggle Studies?’ What a pathetic excuse for a school.” Draco said quite loudly for the whole common room to hear, looking behind him and at first-year Slytherins as if to get them to agree with him. They nod out of fear, but Blaise can see it’s poisoning their unbiased minds already.
Great. More racism. He’s never been a big fan of it.
Just when Blaise turned back around to pretend to stare at his book once more, you quickly stood up from your place in his lap, and smacked your hard-covered book over Draco’s head. The first years jump and gasp from utter and complete shock.
...Ouch. Blaise doesn’t know if he should be happy he was right about something being up with you, or stop you from killing Malfoy.
“What in the- What is your problem, Y/L/N??!” Draco stands up too and glares at you in an accusatory manner, hand flying up to the back of his head. His tall figure looms over your head, his eyes burning with confusion and rage. But you’re not afraid. Quite the opposite.
“Don’t you dare talk about muggles like that ever again, Draco. You know I’ve never liked it when you used that word.” You point your halfway closed book into his chest, the corner digging into his neatly ironed shirt.
“What? You’ve never hit me over something as little as this? What’s wrong with you, Y/L/N?” Draco questions loudly, the irritation in his voice evident. Pansy stands up as well, linking her arms with the Blond, and glaring at you up and down.
“You’ve been acting strange all day, Y/N. Blaise, say something!” All three of you looks over to Blaise, who was nonchalantly pretend reading his book, unmoving from his place on the couch.
“What? So Y/N can’t hit Malfoy with a book now? She’s done it before.” He looks up and locks eyes with Pansy, “I don’t give a fuck” written all over his face.
“That’s not the point! Why is she so angry over filthy Mudbloods?” Pansy retorts, but as soon as the last word left her lips, you raised your brows at her warningly.
“Don’t. Use. That. Word. Why does bloodline matter? We all bleed red, for Merlin’s sake!” You huff, whirling around to get yourself out of this godforesaken dungeon. Blaise gives a playful salute and trails closely behind, leaving behind the pure-blooded idiots and follows you towards the Gryffindor common room.
“Will you tell me, though? Y/N, what happened during summer?” Blaise stops you just in front of the portrait of the fat lady, and you’re forced to look at your best friend’s curious expression.
“Promise you won’t laugh?” You sighed, knowing you would have to tell your best friend if he wanted to come with you. He nods sincerely, although there is a twinkle in his eyes that lets you know he’s enjoying this.
“I fell in love with someone. A muggle-born.”You confess, your cheeks burning like a 1,000 degree flame just by admitting that.
“A muggle-born??” Blaise’s brows shot up to his hairline, his brilliantly talented imagination already making up a scene of you getting disowned by your parents.
“Wait...” his gaze glides past you and at something behind you. “Does it happen to be Granger?”
Your eyes grow wide as a plate, and you almost break your neck from how quickly you turned around. Hermione, Harry and Ron stood there, the door to the Gryffindor common room wide open.
“There was a Slytherin alert. Uhm, Fred and George. Not us.” Harry tries to explain, looking over at Ron for some assistance, but he just stays in place. Wether it’s from shock or fear, you couldn’t tell.
“You... fell in love?” Hermione looks directly into your eyes, as if everything that wasn’t you didn’t exist to her. She climbs out of the entryway, taking a few steps over towards you.
“Uh- I did. Over the summer.” Guessing you didn’t have much other choice than to admit it, you stood your ground and focused on her sharp brown eyes you’d come to adore.
“You did.” Hermione repeated, stunned from the looks of it.
“I did.”
“So did I.”
“You did?”
“I did.”
“Oh bloody hell, just admit you love each other and move on.” Ron teased from a few feet behind, comfortable now that he saw who he originally thought was a Slytherin nightmare act so awkward and giddy.
Hermione glared at him threateningly, and so Harry wordlessly pulled him and Blaise into the Gryffindor common room. Before entering, Harry almost forcefully rips off the cloak from Blaise, still skeptical of the Slytherin always hanging around Draco Malfoy.
“Right. Anyways-“
Before you could say anything, Hermione hurriedly pressed her lips against yours, her cheeks tinting rose from a mixture of excitement and embarrassment. She’d never done something like this before. She feels like she can hear her heart beating rapidly in her ears, which can’t be normal, but she thinks it feels right.
You feel like getting wrapped into a cloud of euphoria as she deepens the kiss, your hands finding their place on her cheeks. The book clatters on the crème stone floor, but neither of you pay it any mind. Luckily, not one soul is walking around the halls at this hour, everyone getting settled into each their dorms. But you don’t even think about that, for your mind is filled with her, and only her.
After pulling away, Hermione chuckles at your surprised look, mumbling a little “You’re blushing, Y/N.” Before pulling you into her chest for a hug.
You return the gesture without hesitation, grinning from ear to ear and whispering back, “So are you.”
“Come on, we’ll have butterbeer inside. Take your cloak off and hide the tie. I’ll bring my jacket.” Hermione laughs nervously, and looks back at who she swears is the most beautiful girl in the world. Never had she thought she’d get her heart stolen by a Y/L/N, even in an alternate universe, or in a dream.
But she takes your hand, and pulls you into the common room, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
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tobealostwanderer · 3 years
Maybe one day you will finally leave this planet and meet the person you are destined with, or they find you first.
Din xGN!Reader
Soulmate AU (I have been obsessed since I saw a few videos about it on TikTok and decided to give my own twist on it)
Cw: Brief talk of death/murder, weapons
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The Razor Crest lowered into the atmosphere of a woodlands planet. It didn't have a known name. There were native people on this planet, Din had found out, but their technology was underdevoloped and being a planet at the uttermost edge of the Outer Rim made it so that barerly any people came here. Not enough to help devolop it at least.
His bounty had fled to here as far as he knew. It was a smart move. He hoped that his fuel tanks would hold enough fuel for the way back. He will have to turn off the ac and power when he lands, to perserve it.
A patch of grass showed on his GPS and it seemed big enough for the Crest to land so he put the autopilot to land there, helping the ancient ship every now and then until the landing gears groaned with the weight of the ship and everything came to a halt.
Grogu was asleep in his pod so he locked him in the tiny room with his cot so he wouldn't wreck the ship. Checking over the security one more time, Din made his way down the ramp and locked up the ship. He took out the tracking fob, turned on the build in tracker in his helmet and set off.
You were washing your clothes as one of the scouts ran into the village's common place and started to make a ruckus. People started gathering around him, with the Chief joining in. You were curious as well and decided to abandon your laundry and see what is going on.
The world had been in greytones for as long as you can remember. Your people have a genetic malfunction which made it impossible to see color- until you found what the Elders called a "Soulmate". Not a lot of people have a soulmate, but the ones that do speak of the most beautiful colors. The sky blue, the grass green, flowers having all kinds of color.
"Spotted a ship, Chief. Landed 100 meters away in the big clearing. Think he is going after that shooter?" Yori, the scout, said. Someone had arrived on Temork a few days ago, found your village and raided it. A few people were shot, Meva's husband died in the fray but the intruder left as soon as she started to wail about her shot husband. She was now but a shell of herself.
"We can ask the captain. Take my son with you and be careful. We don't know if this person is the same as Gurric's killer" the Chief responded. His son, a young lad called Qwil, looked at his father with determination and followed Yori out of the village. He had his spear with him but you knew that if this person had weapons like the intruder had, it wouldn't help much.
People already started to gossip, dispersing and talking with friends. Meva approaches you. "What do you think?" She asks, her voice hoarse. Her eyes were red and swollen and it made you sad as well. Giving her a tiny smile, you guided her to the river with your abandoned laundry. "I just hope this one will protect us.. How are you doing now, Mev?" You asked softly as she helped you wash.
And so you two made small talk under the work. After she helped you hang up the laundry, you invited her to dinner. The two of you knew eachother from birth, your parents were neighbors so you grew up in eachother's houses and were inseparable. Now you were older, she already had two children and was now a widow whilst you never really liked anyone in the village. Truely, you hoped for your soulmate to pick you up and whisk you away from your planet. Ever since you heard about space travel and the Galaxy, you wanted nothing less.
A crunch was heard up the road. Din carefully took his Amban rifle in his hands, slowly raising it. The fob on his side didn't increase it's beeping, so the bounty isn't close. Doesn't mean that there aren't dangerous creatures around, he thought.
Two figures stepped onto the road, their hands raised. Both had a spear on their backs and hatches on their hips. They looked human and were absolutely no danger to him.
His sensors didn't pick up any other creatures in the area so Din lowered his rifle and put it back on his back. He stood, silent, making himself look big and imposing, waiting for the two to make a move.
"We are sorry to intercept you like this, Sir," the younger one said. He had a thick accent, unlike anything he ever heard. "But we saw your ship and hope you could help us. A stranger has raided our village, killed one of my men and wounded a lot of them. He has weapons like yours," the man points at his blaster and rifle, and the bandolier acros his chest. "We don't have anything to fight against him. But if you help us, we can gift you food and shelter" he finished.
Din didn't need to ponder too long. These people have seen his bounty. They might have more information about him. Food and shelter is just an added extra. "Do you know where he went?" He simply asked. The two men seemed surprised to hear his modulated voice.
"Yes, yes. Our Chief, my father, had him followed after the destruction." The young man answered. Din grunted. "I need to retrieve some stuff from my ship. Come help me and lead me there." He said, turning back where he came from and walking to his ship, not really caring if the two followed or not
Yori had returned about a hour after he and Qwil set off to inform the Chief that the pilot was willing to catch the intruder. In return he would get housing and food. It was decided that you would be the one housing the pilot, seen as you are only one with a house made for a family without actually having a family.
So, you were dashing around the house, trying to straighten it for the mystery man. You weren't a messy person but it didn't hurt to go over the details. Plus you needed to make shure that the guest room was well and ready.
Once you were done cleaning and moving stuff around, you decided to start dinner. You made more than you usually make, not knowing how much Mystery Man ate normally. Just as it was about to be finished, there was once again a ruckus outside. Qwil and Mystery Man had arrived. Turning off the stove, you got ready to meet him.
The only thing that Din found weirdly disturbing about Qwil, as the man had called himself, is his very pale eyes. They were like moons. Even his pupils were greyed over which made him think he was blind at first but after he asked Qwil about hit, the man corrected him.
"We don't know a lot about other planets or galaxies, but we know that me and my people have a defect in our DNA. We can see clearly, but we see only in greytones. Only when one meets their Soulmate, we will be able to see color. We are not with many, so Soulmates are rare. Only a few couples can see color," Qwil said as they walked back.
"So almost everyone has eyes like mine. It doesn't stop us from living our lifes, so most are content with seeing grey. Most of us never find their soulmates, but are content with settling down with someone else." Qwil finished. Din nodded. Even though he tried not to care for his job's sake, he couldn't help being intrigued. Even Grogu, who was awake in his pram, was cooing like he was being told a fairytale. Din sometimes read one to him if he was fussy or had a bad dream.
The walk to the village was around an hour and a half on foot. Din wasn't complaining but he did start to feel his back and legs. I'm getting too old.. he thought for the bazillionth time.
There were a lot more people than Din thought. At least 150 of them, the children not included. The houses were well spaced apart, unlike the ones on Sorgan, and the clearing was surrounded with woods and a water stream. The clearing must've been manmade to make way for the houses.
The central place of the village was an open place with room for a campfire. A few logs were rolled to the side. Now, it was full with people waiting for them. For him. A man stood at front, a big necklace around his neck. Qwil joined his side. This must be the Chief.
A gasp was heard in the crowd but no one seemed to mind as the Chief greeted him, asked for his name (to which he just said "Mando"), and welcomed him to the planet and his village. "We thank you for going after the killer. Meva and her children especially will be thankful to have him gone from the planet after her husband was killed" he said this quietly. He was nodding to a blonde woman who was talking to another person, seemingly in distress. "My condolences. I want to talk to you about this person. Where they went. How armed they are." Din said to which the Chief just chuckled.
"Yes yes, but we can talk business tomorrow. For now, I wish you to go eat and relax for tonight. One of our people is willing to take you in for your stay." He looked at the child who was looking around in wonder "They are great with children. You will feel right at home. I shall get them for you and tomorrow morning, at dawn, I will be here to give you more details" Din nodded in thanks as the Chief went to get someone.
You stood next to Meva as Qwil and the Mystery Man entered the village. You couldn't see Mystery Man yet, so you shook Meva, asking if she could.
When the Chief stepped forward, he became clearer. And as you gazed upon him, you gasped, holding tightly onto Meva. The world started to change. Things became more vibrant, clear, like you never seen before, and it took you an agonizing second to realise that this man, this Mystery Man, was your Soulmate.
"It's him, Mev." You whispered to your friend. "What do you mean?" She asked you, turning you around. It is as if you were looking at your friend for the first time. You didn't know which colors were which but it was overwhelming. Your friend was on a whole other level of beautiful now. "It's him. He is my 'mate" you whispered to her and her eyes widened. "You mean- You can-?" You just nodded and she gasped and laughed. "I knew it wouldn't be one of us! But oh, will you be alright? He will stay with you.. He has a kid it seems.. And when he is done here he will leave and probably never return.. I don't want your heart to be broken like mine is" she said somberly and you squeezed her arm. "I am going to be allright," you told her "If he does leave, I will be sad for a bit, but I am going to be fine. At least we have eachother." You gave her a kind smile.
The Chief chose that moment to step up to you with the armored man behind him. He had a knowing look to him as he met your gaze. "Sir Mando here will be in your care. Is that going to be okay?" The Chief asked. "Yes ofcourse, Chief. Don't worry" you said. You turned to Mando. Your Soulmate. You gave him your name and a pleasant smile. "Dinner was just about done when you turned up. Might I interest you and your child in some?" You asked him. It was a bit overwhelming still, and seeing him close was doing nothing for your nerves. His armor was so... Shiny. Blinding almost. He probably takes great care in polishing it.
"Thank you" he simply said and you nodded, leading him to your home.
Din had already told you about how he doesn't eat around people because of his Creed, so you had taken some food up stairs to him after you had shown him his room. He had thanked you and Grogu had happily chirped seeing the two plates. You had disappeared as soon as you had appeared.
Your eyes weren't the greyed over moons that Qwil had, or almost everyone in the village for that matter. The Chief, along with a few couples, were the only ones next to you to have bright and colored eyes. So Din deduced that you too had found your Soulmate he wondered who for a bit, before he forcefully pushed the thought out of his head. I got to concentrate. He thought. I can't let some person distract me. Soon they will just be another face and I will forget about them.
The evening turned into night and soon it was dark outside. The room was dark but with his helmet he could see perfectly. The kid eventually started snorring and Din's thoughts became too much. He sneaked out of the room and walked as silently as he could downstairs.
A few candles were lit when he came into the livingroom. The fireplace was blazing which gave off the most light. He went and sat next to you. You didn't notice, too enamoured by the flames.
"Qwil told me about that genetic malfunction of your clan" Din said after a minute. You jumped, only now realising that he was there. "I noticed that your eyes weren't like the other's. You found your 'Soulmate' then?" He asked carefully. In his mind he bashed himself for asking you.
"I guess. But I don't think I will spend much time with them. They will... Leave soon" you answered, back at watching the flames lick the wood in the fireplace. "Why's that" Din then asked. You turned to him, a sad smile on your face. "Don't freak out but.... It's you"
He was in shock. And before he could respond, you had dashed out of the living room and up the stairs. And so Din spend the rest of the night staring at the fire in the fire place. The candles burning out and soon there were only cinders left in the fireplace as the sun started to rise.
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ineedglasses · 4 years
VK Character Analysis: Shizuka Hiou
Once in high school, an old friend who also read VK asked me who my favorite character was, and when I said Shizuka, she was shocked. Now her favorite was Zero, and she thought I hated Zero since I liked Shizuka, his enemy.
That is not true, I don’t hate Zero. For some reason, some Zero fans seem to think anyone that likes Shizuka hates Zero. There is NO correlation between liking Shizuka and hating Zero. Some people love them both, while some people hate them both.
Anyway, my friend seemed appalled when I told her my fav character and she asked me why. At that age I wasn’t the most articulate or the most patient, so I simply told her, “just because.” So, now that I have free time and because her question had bothered me for a while, I decided I should write down my thoughts on why I love Shizuka.
First of all, Shizuka was NOT actually insane.
Medically speaking, “insanity” is associated with conditions like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. There is no indication in the manga or anime that she exhibited any signs or symptoms of those diseases, such as hallucinations or delusions.
The regular definition of insane is to exhibit a severely disordered state of mind or to be affected with mental illness. Even by this definition, Shizuka was not insane.
She was aware of her actions and of what is right and what is wrong. The only time she can be considered “insane” is right after her lover was killed, when she was so overcome by grief and anger she could not think straight and focused on revenge without stopping to think who the real enemy was (cough, Rido). And in that state of severe emotional turmoil she went after the Kiryuus. But I do not think that can be considered true insanity, because it was a onetime occurrence.
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Shizuka knows that she was wrong to kill the Kiryuus, because they were simply following orders and doing their job, and also because the real mastermind behind her lover’s death was Rido. She even acknowledges that her actions in regard to the Kiryuu parents and Zero were “sinful”, whereas a truly crazy person probably is unable or unwilling to admit that. If anyone were actually insane in VK, it would probably be Rido.
Secondly, she did NOT attack the Kiryuus out of a random whim or desire to do evil things.
All readers should already know this, since Hino explicitly states that Shizuka was motivated by revenge. Shizuka ONLY went after the Kiryuus because they wronged her first.
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They killed her ex-human, the only person she ever loved. Hunters are only supposed to kill crazed level E’s and vampires that have harmed humans, but her lover was none of that. He should not have been killed by those standards.
But the Kiryuus were simply following orders without question, and killed someone they shouldn’t have, and thus they were killed in return.
For hunters, being killed by vampires seeking revenge is not a shocking end. Even Zero’s mom mentioned that, when they were packing, saying they should move soon so vampires do not find out where they lived. People who kill tend to get killed too, that’s just the reality of that sort of life. Zero’s parents were not normal, innocent civilians, they were people that killed vampires for a living. Thus, I don’t think Shizuka killing them is so shocking and unforgivable. I can understand why she attacked the Kiryuus, although it is still wrong (because hate breeds more hate, and the idea of an eye for an eye is not good).
What was truly unforgivable was that Shizuka turned Zero into a vampire, to hurt his parents as much as she can. This is where she went too far in her vengeance because children are innocent, it was only the parents that should be punished. And yes, I acknowledge that these actions are bad, even if I am her fan, I am not blind to her flaws.
Anyway, Shizuka would never have bothered crossing paths with the Kiryuus if they had never killed her lover.
Thirdly, although she was an antagonist in the story, she had her own moral code. She was not evil, and rather more of a neutral grey, and I appreciate characters like that.
She wasn’t like Rido, who used even his own son as a tool, and who did not care for anyone. Shizuka cared for Ichiru, despite the fact that he was her enemy’s son. She felt a sort of kinship with him because they were both alone and had nowhere to go. She gave him her own blood and flesh and refused to turn him the whole time they were together, even when she was dying, because she knew he would have been in more danger if he was a vampire instead.
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Ichiru understood that she genuinely cared for him, because even when he was dying, he asked Zero to not hate her, even if Zero can’t forgive her.
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Shizuka also kept her promise to Maria and gave the sickly girl her blood to make her better (in comparison, Rido just took over Senri’s body without asking for permission or giving him anything in return).
And thus Shizuka is a sympathetic villain, and Hino points that out in the interlude chapter where Ichiru comments how Shizuka was “beautiful even as she was dying”, in contrast to Rido, who Kaname once referred to as “the dregs of an ugly obsession.”
Even Kaname felt sympathy for her, because when he killed her, he didn’t just let her drop to the floor but caught her and laid her down carefully on the floor. He also assured her that he would not let her life be wasted, and that he would definitely end Rido.
And finally, she was a very tragic character, a victim of circumstances herself.
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(This is her history, taken straight from her character profile in the official fan guide)
Shizuka was locked up in a cage as soon as she was born, because apparently some members of the Hio clan had also gone berserk before.
(On a side note, I doubt the Hious had a genetic defect leading to mental illness, it was probably a circumstantial thing, like how Rido most likely started off sane but life took directions that pushed him off the edge towards the end. After all, they are purebloods and their genes are supposed to be flawless. And Rido…I have so many thoughts about that dude, but I will save them for another post.)
Hino never stated how old Shizuka was, but since we know that Rido, Haruka, and Juri are “over 3000” according to the guidebook, she is probably around that age. If we treat the Fleeting Dreams novel as canon, then Shizuka is probably even younger than Juri, because Rido mentions that Shizuka was still “a tiny child” when his parents kept Juri away from him and engaged him to Shizuka instead. So, I assume that Shizuka spent almost 3000 years, her whole life, locked up in a cage with barely any company, except maybe the occasional visitor (like how child Kaname visited her once).
3000 years is a long, long time. To put it into perspective, the USA as a country is roughly 250 years old. So she was locked in a cage, all by herself for the timespan it would take 12 USAs to rise and fall. It is really a wonder how she did not actually go crazy and end up more damaged than she was!
Besides the tragedy of having her freedom taken away, no one loved or cared about her, something mentioned by both Maria and the guidebook. Shizuka herself commented that she was envious of Yuki, who had been cherished, unlike her.
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(A bit of a tangent, but I am quite curious what happened to Shizuka’s parents. Why did they just let her be locked up? It is very irresponsible to bring a child into the world if you aren’t going to bother taking care of it. And it seemed she had family members because Kaname later on killed the head of the Hio clan. IDK what her familial relationship with that particular Hio man was, but she seemed to have been neglected by her own clan.)
Anyway, everyone probably treated her warily, like a bomb that might explode at any time. She was basically an outcast. Take for example how Aidou says it is unlucky to even mention her.
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If there was someone besides her dead lover, Ichiru, and Maria, who did not treat her with suspicion or fear, it was probably Rido, and he certainly did not treat her well either. Ichiru mentions that Rido was the one who imprisoned her and changed the hunter list. Based on that, I assume Rido directly ordered her locked up, or used his influence with the Senate to have them lock her up. Either way, the dude had something to do with it.
Besides locking her up, Rido most likely treated her poorly, him being the way he is. His main issue with her is that she refused to become obedient like Senri’s mom. And IDK about the rest of you, but whenever a man says he wants to make a woman “obedient”, I get bad vibes. He probably did some shady and questionable things in his attempts to make her docile.
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If Shizuka had been engaged to someone else other than Rido, someone more normal, like Isaya, her life would probably have been more bearable. Although Rido did not want her because he was unhealthily obsessed with Juri, he had to ruin Shizuka’s life and happiness instead of just letting her be. He did that out of some petty reasoning, basically “If I can’t be happy, you can’t be happy either”. His decision to put her lover on the execution list led to many tragedies. 
This man is really the root of all evil in VK, LOL.
Finally, after all those centuries of loneliness, Shizuka met someone who treated her well, for the first time. Thus, her attachment to her ex-human lover was extremely strong, and it made sense why she could not move on, why she was so consumed by revenge. Unlike normal people who can find solace being comforted by friends and family, she doesn’t have that kind of support. And furthermore, she is a pureblood, all of whom have been shown to form extremely strong attachments to the ones they love, and have trouble moving on.
And regarding her lover, we can’t even be sure if he loved her back. Shizuka said that he most likely never forgave her until the end for turning him, and that he never yielded to her, but went with her when she proposed running away together because remaining with her was his only option. Honestly, her lover didn’t seem too happy being with her, or if he did care for her, their relationship was still strained and angsty, not the simple, lovey-dovey relationship Haruka and Juri had.
Overall, her romance was ill-fated, they simply would have never worked out because they were supposed to be predator and prey. I have a feeling that even if the Kiryuus hadn’t been assigned to kill him, she and her ex-human would not have had a happy ending regardless.
Anyway, after Shizuka lost him, she also lost her will to live. She only hung on to life out of the desire to kill Rido, but she wasn’t even seriously trying. Her biggest desire was to die, and we can see that in how she didn’t bother resisting when Kaname killed her. When she laid on the floor dying, she looked the most peaceful she had ever been. Later on, Maria (mistakenly thinking it was Zero who killed her) also commented that Shizuka probably wanted Zero to kill her. Sara also said Shizuka lost her will to live and mentioned how she doesn’t want to become like her.
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Finally, Shizuka was definitely tragic, because even Kaname who killed her pitied her, commenting: “It’s sad isn’t it? I wonder if anyone truly understood her.”
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I love this character partly because I feel so bad for her. While Zero suffered early on, he eventually got to marry the girl he loved and had a daughter with her. Kaname also got to be with Yuki, had a daughter with her and got to meet both daughters and experience being with family when he was revived. But Shizuka…her whole life was a tragedy, and the only time she was happy was that brief period when she was with her lover. However, the time she spend with him was a tiny drop, almost nothing compared to how long her life was overall.
A lot of characters in VK had sadness in their lives, but her life struck me as the worst. If I had to pick someone to be in VK, it would definitely not be her.
IMO, her life was screwed the moment she got engaged to Rido. Even though she wasn’t crazy, she was still locked up and treated like she was. Her circumstances/fate pushed her to make the choices she did and end up a villain. If fate had been kinder to her, she would not have become a villain at all.
Other reasons I love her are because of how beautiful and elegant she is, how she has an air of mystery and sadness, and how her story just interested me the most.
And I get that other people still hate/dislike her regardless of everything I mentioned, and that is alright. This is not meant to convince people to like her, but to explain why I personally love her. So don’t come at me trying to tell me why she is evil and I should be ashamed for liking her okay? (ง'̀-'́)ง
So! If you ever read this long post, Hazel, now you know why she is my favorite character.ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ
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lassieposting · 3 years
Serpine x Vile for the new ask game? 😘
I'm bored, so. Send me two (or more) characters for a headcanon on how I'd have them get together
Rubs my filthy lil crack goblin hands together
There are two things that lead to vile/serpine.
Firstly, it is a truth universally acknowledged that serpine has bad taste in men. He knows this. He is the person who will, in a room full of otherwise attractive and personable men, inevitably develop an obsessive fixation on the one (1) outlier who just...happens to be a raging psychopath even by his standards (Christophe Nocturnal, now that was a mistake), or has a god complex (looking at you, Mevolent), or tries to kill him every time they meet (Skulduggery Pleasant, most irritating man he's ever met).
The second is that he loves to push buttons. People explode spectacularly when you find the right ones. He enjoys torturing captives, but those are always easy buttons to find - any body will break with the right application of pain. Finding his own allies' buttons is a far more intricate game, and Serpine is an intelligent man. He enjoys the dance, the constant twists and turns of outmanoeuvring your opponent, always making sure you have more on them than they have on you.
So when Mevolent promotes a third General, some Necromancer from the rank-and-file, he's both intrigued and unsettled. Intrigued, because the Necromancers are notorious cowards, and haven't ventured out of their temples in a couple hundred years. To find one fighting on either side is unusual, and this one, apparently, is something special. Mevolent doesn't appoint someone a General without seeing them do something pretty spectacular. And unsettled, because he knows this Necromancer knows more about Serpine than Serpine knows about him. His area of expertise is cloak-and-dagger political manoeuvring - the whispers, the quiet assassinations, the extraction of information. Having an associate he knows nothing about is something he hasn't been comfortable with...ever, now that he thinks about it.
So, before they ever even meet, he makes some discreet enquiries, asks around, digs for dirt. His informant in the Temple gives him a few bits of useful intel - the Necromancer's name is Vile, for example, which seems a wee bit overdramatic to Serpine, but who's he to judge? "Vile" apparently joined the Dublin Temple a couple years ago - but not as a transfer from another Temple, which is unusual; the Necromancers are a weird, insular bunch, and they tend to bring their brats up in their grubby little underground dungeons from birth. During his time in Dublin, the informant tells him, Vile shot up through the ranks at an unprecedented rate, was lauded as the "Death Bringer", whatever that means, and had the disquieting habit of practicing his death bubble skills on his fellow students. And then he abandoned them, without so much as a by-your-leave. Beyond that, the informant knows nothing about him, and neither apparently do the High Clerics.
Vile has no history. None whatsoever. Nobody knows where he came from, or what he looks like under the helmet, or why he's joined up with Mevolent. By all accounts, Vile didn't exist a few years ago.
And then they actually meet, and Serpine can kind of see why the Necromancers were unsettled by him. Vile is - what, seven foot, with the helmet? - of razor sharp, restless shadow in full-body armour that shifts as he moves. Something about him sets off a primitive alarm in Serpine's hindbrain and makes him want to run, as fast and as far as he can, because this is death itself looking down at him, ancient and inhuman and entirely without mercy, and all he can do is try to outrun it.
But. He's made of tougher stuff than that. Vile is a Necromancer, like any Necromancer, which means he's probably weird and sunlight-deficient and not much fun at parties, but he's still a man under the freaky helmet. And now that he's chased down that irrational spike of fear, he finds himself giving Vile an appreciative once-over. Tall, aloof and terrifying is, after all, one half of his type (the other half being tall, aloof and entirely at his mercy), and he's heard of a few creative uses for Necromancer shadows that he hasn't had a chance to try out yet.
Now...it's not like Mevolent is in the habit of making new Generals play an icebreaker when they get promoted. He wasn't expecting Vile to stand up and announce three facts about himself, or anything. But when Vengeous got promoted, it took all of three conversations before he let slip something Serpine has been holding onto ever since, in case he ever needs to move against him. But vile?
Vile doesn't talk.
Or - not ever, exactly. He chimes in on occasion, while Mevolent and Vengeous are discussing battle plans. He seems to know what he's talking about, if the way the Baron reacts to his suggestions are anything to go by, and he uses all of that jargon with a casual confidence that suggests he's a career soldier, but he's impossible to engage in conversation. Serpine considers himself a sociable, likeable man. But Vile doesn't speak to him unless he has to, barely looks at him in meetings, doesn't laugh at his jokes. Serpine tells Vile the story of his victory over Skulduggery Pleasant three times and doesn't get so much as a "Good for you."
Being friendly isn't working. So he changes tack and gets his flirt on.
This is a tactic that usually works for him. His flustered target will reveal a pretty little wife that can be used against him, or a willingness to step out on his marriage, or an interest in...he doesn't know...goats, or werewolves, or something. A devious little scrap of information that could destroy him, if Serpine wished it.
It doesn't work on Vile.
He's now fairly sure there's something wrong with Vile - like, there has to be - and damn it, he's curious. Either Vile is a painfully repressed closet case like Vengeous, or he's horribly mutilated under all that armour, and either way, that's a button to press.
So he presses. Hard. And repeatedly. And as it turns out, Vile is one of those people who don't react to being needled...right up to the point where they explode. The long and short of it is, Serpine drinks a glass...bottle...too many at Mevolent's birthday bash, pushes...the wrong button, evidently...and ends up getting creatively throttled on the balcony at a fancy party, and like, that's probably not the best moment in the world to tent your trousers, but it's not like he does it on purpose, okay, he just has a little bit of a thing for being manhandled, and damn it, Vile notices. And does this stupid little cocked-on-one-side thing with his head that feels weirdly familiar, and then the shadows move south and the throttling lets up just a little in favour of exploring, and around this point Serpine realised that somewhere along the line he's completely lost control of this interaction and Vile is now doing the button-pressing but he can't really bring himself to mind all that much, because he's going to...
And then the bastard just. Drops him. And goes back inside without so much as a backward glance, leaving Serpine out there with shaky legs, a raging hard-on, and maybe some oxygen starvation.
And like. He knows right there that this is going to become An Obsession.
So it becomes a repeat incident, and then it becomes a habit. He pokes the bear until Vile loses his temper and puts him back in his place - because he's pretty sure that's what's going on, inside whatever head is under that stupid spiky helmet. It's a power thing. Vile's got something to prove, and he thinks dominating Serpine makes his point. Which, whatever, honestly. Prove away. Serpine's not going to complain, so long as he's getting something out of it.
Like a lot of addictions, he doesn't realise how hooked he is until he can't indulge anymore. Mevolent gives Vengeous and Vile their orders, and Serpine's primary source of regular orgasms gets shipped off to fucking Egypt of all places - a Necromancer in blinding sunlight, honestly, has Vile ever even seen the sun before? - and he finds himself in the middle of a seven month dry spell, and now he knows what torture feels like.
He thinks about Vile a lot. More than he thinks about him when he's actually there. And? It's not like he's got feelings for him, or anything. Vile could get himself killed tomorrow and Serpine wouldn't care a bit. But it would be so inconvenient. He'd have to find someone else who fit all his criteria; interesting, scary, violent, temperamental... it'd be such a hassle.
He can't help it. He hopes Vile comes back alive. And when he does, maybe he'll finally let Serpine get him out of that armour and dig up all his secrets.
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floatingfish626 · 3 years
MC Server ಥ_ಥ
Me and a group of friends made our own MC server. Unfortunately, the server was abandoned. Me, being the person I am, still feel the server has potential, so I still play/write lore for it. This may be wayyyy out of the usual for my page but lets be honest, who actively stalks my tumblr page? This is mostly gonna be a place for me to dump the failed server ideas/backstories. So, here goes nothing. If you wanna read them, random stranger, feel free to! I wanted this server to last a while, and we made it almost 2 months with about 12 people in total. So, enjoy!
Word Count: 2,603  (11,679 Characters)
Character Origin 1, Seven: Seven was born into a life of poverty, shortly after he was born, he got sold to work as a slave on a sea village, quickly being transferred to a sand village outside of a prison. He did is work as a farmer to a small, yet kind and caring family, who adopted him as their own. His name, Seven, coming from a number tattooed on his neck while in the market. During Seven’s time at this small village, they had a fatal accident, having a berserk enderman ruin the home he had grown custom to. He rebuilt the fallen Village, only to have a Piglin army slaughter whomever remained. Seven only escaped with his life, befriending a Guardian named Marvin, who became his best friend (RIP Marvin, we miss you <3). The Guardian helped Seven grow stronger, and learn to fight. A few years later, he came across two children, Tex and Rox. Seven, taking sympathy for the two, took them as his own. As the revenge grew further from his mind, his children grew older. As they grew, he taught them what he knew about farming and combat. His kids grew older and left him, a crazy old man in a dirt hut with the guardian, forgetting the revenge he wished for many years.  On a normal day, Seven had witnessed something unforgivable happen. He had met Oxlo, Void, and Levi. After spending every waking moment together, the three ended up falling for each other, having adopted Levi and marrying the other two, Seven had have a happy life, with his 3 stolen adopted kids and poly relationship. (End Seven.)
Character Origin 2, Levi:  Levi was born into captivity from a hybrid mother. By the time he could walk, he was taken from his mother, and raised like a solider. Levi had large, beautiful wings, that got removed as a child, leaving him scared and unsure of who he was all throughout his ‘childhood.’ Being he was a hybrid being, he was used on for testing, by horrid endermen. Having experiments done constantly, he had mutated a mouth (basically Venom from the movie Venom) that he had grown to hate. As Levi grew older, he became rebellious against the unfair people. He gained many cruel and inhumane (lol) punishments. During one of these ‘rebellious moments,’ he had expected to be caught. instead, he was left alone to do so. He heard a loud crash and began to investigate. He had walked outside to see 2 large entities trying to fight against the endermen, and winning. Levi took this as an opportunity to escape. He left the end before the two closed the portal to the end. He blacked out and woke up to a short, sandy blonde man and 2, really tall men, resembling endermen, staring at him. After many, many years of building trust and learning how to communicate, Levi became one of their family.  He Moved out many years later, only to return to his home town to find everything left barren and abandoned. (End Levi.)
Looks: Light blue, messy hair, dark blue eyes, scarf covering his mouth/nose, unhinged and slimy mouth, white and blue tshirt, black jeans  (you can tell this one is my, NoName’s, OC cause he is a lot more detailed LMAO)
Character Origin 3, Tex:  Tex is 15-17, a strider hybrid. He comes from a Nether village called Riften, but now resides in Toadstool Field. He works as a dealer and supplier for the Midnight Mafia. He can easily build and mine, and is also good at navigating the Nether and finding gold (piglins wanted gold all the time so he grew accustomed to getting it) he's obsessive and goes into a blind rage near piglins, and gifts objects and builds often. Tex was a runt in his village, so when it was attacked by piglins when he was 6-8 he was left behind for a offering, after years of being with piglins he came to despise them. He escaped around 11-14. (He isn't good with remembering his age) He had multiple siblings, but cannot remember them very well. He assumes they are dead along with the rest of his village and now only is comfortable around Seven, Void and Levi Tex has pointed ears, and scars from water/staying with piglins. He has sharp teeth. He cannot see well, water is hurtful to him and his memory is bad but he can easily swim in lava/fire resistant. He is twitchy and quick, he has curious movements and is very touchy and talks quickly and mumbly. He wears a magenta sweater, black overalls, purple flowers scattered about and no shoes Tex wants to be renewed in his new family's eyes, he wishes not to be known as a runt he thinks everyone sees him lower bc of him being a runt. Tex doesn't understand human feelings/ striders don't have many emotions, his anger was very new to him he is scared of Piglins/hoglins and hates water
Looks: Messy, dark hair, pointed ears, black eyes, fangs, darker, loosing fitting clothes
Character Origin 4, Amber:
So amber was born in a town called Fransin in the nether and lived there with her single mother, she was bullied a lot as a kid because she didn't have spare money for the nicest clothes or shoes she stayed there until about 15 when her mother had kicked her out because it's the same as her mother did when she was younger, she stumbled upon a portal and went through which lead into dark woods and after wandering around for a bit she came upon Toadstool Fields. She was a bit scared, but after meeting the town's folk she adjusted to the overworld, yes she had a few bumps along the way (especially when her friends suggested they go swimming, as she’s part blaze), but she has grown more and made more friends, plus they even let her build her own home! She has always been grateful because they've always helped her and given her everything she needs, especially since she grew up kinda rough
Looks: Light brown hair, Golden eyes, ash colored freckles, Bee striped shirts
Character Origin 5, Rox: When Rox was young around 4, she was made as a science experiment, (hence the endwalk state that will eventually happen later) she was later sent out to the street after all of those tests (for over 3 years), that she hated so dearly, After about one week on her own in the world, she was soon adopted by seven. She was taught how to fight and defend herself. As she got older, he became smarter and was filled with anger from the past. (hence chaotic good and neutral evil yknow?) So yes, around 16, she married milly and has been with her for a year now, she is just trying help people with her bakery and fight people if necessary (Since she’s in the mafia clan thingy).
Looks: short, pink hair, glasses, blue eyes, dark clothes
Character Origin 6, Void: Void was born in the end, to a noble Enderman, though they don't remember that. They don't remember their original name, or their parents, or anything about their life. All they know is that they're not welcome in the End anymore, being ostracized after a series of unfortunate events in the End. Their first interaction with the Overworld wound up in them in a village and slaughtering everyone in it due to someone making eye contact with them, shortly afterwards picking up the masks to avoid eye contact and avoid looking at the scars on their face. They fled the premises with their sister Redacted and hid deep into the woods, starting on making a mansion for themself and their sister, where they would be safe. They want to keep all those dear to them safe, bordering a bit on possessiveness with the protectiveness. They have a lot of secrets, and in general are an unknown entity to those around them. They're extremely morally ambiguous and run a mafia, with their pet as their right hand man. 
Extra: -Redacted is not Void's blood sister. -Void has worn their masks for so long they don't know what they look like. -Void only takes their mask off to threaten people. -They have such a love of birds because the first mob that didn't run away from them was a parrot. -They hate government because one tried to kidnap them once and study them as an Enderman, using water torture against them. Void escaped and killed a few people, grabbing two masks off the wall as they went to hide their identity.  -Void's eyes are different from fellow Enderman, and if you look into them it's an unpleasant experience for you both. -Void is a peaceful entity until provoked, just like Enderman. -Void has an immense hatred for sand. -Void likes gazing at the stars because it reminds them of gazing into the void in the End, which is where they got their name from. -Void has a dog named Spark because shortly after they found him they were struck by lightning, which they found hilarious.
Looks: Tall  (height unspecified), Dark, fancy clothing, Mask (smile, no he isn’t dream), dark, messy hair)
Character Origin 7, Milly: Milly is a neko hybrid, she's part feline, part human. Her existence came to be when her mother, a neko, and her father, a human, fell in love. She grew up in a small town which wasn't very popular, she wasn't picked on but she did get pushed around by some people growing up. Despite bullies, she had a normal upbringing; her parents were nice and supportive, teaching her everything they could. Her mother often told her how horrible the world can be, teaching her how kindness is a must and how no matter what, she should always help people in need and keep up a smile if she could. Milly followed this advice the best she could. While her mother taught her things through talks, her father tried to teach her things physically: he told her how he agreed, how the world was horrible, so he taught her to fight- to defend herself and protect others with her fighting skills and feline abilities. Although Milly loved her parents and the friends she had, she grew adventurous when she turned the age of 15- she wanted to explore, to see and meet more than she has. Her parents respected her wishes since they loved her dearly, they gave her all the supplies and advice they could before they hugged her goodbye. It wasn't long after that she met Rox, an enderman hybrid who she grew to cherish being around. So, her and Rox got married at 16 and  She moved in with Rox, in the smp she loved living in for all her days. Hence where the story starts. 
Headcanons: -Milly has about five cats she keeps, she loves cats. -She likes to draw, collect flowers, bake sweets, and help out people. -She's a lawful good person and pacifist -She likes dogs but they don't like her :( -She has special feline characteristics: she can jump two blocks higher than a normal person, she can purr, she will take random naps sometimes during the day, she has fangs, and she gets distracted by cat toys sometimes
Looks:  Long pink hair, light pink eyes, collar (it has a bell), white shirt and a pink skirt
Unmentioned Characters (ones without backstories): Sammy, Oxlo, Will
this took me an hour. JUST EDITING- (ó﹏ò。)
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Avengers Infinity War-First Time Watching Reaction Play-by-Play (Pt. 2)
Part 1
I wonder how many people Gamora has killed? What made her finally snap to not serve Thanos anymore?
How DID Gamora find it? Like, who told her?
How did Thanos capture nebula?
Poor nebula. She’s literally been through hell and back.
Ohhhh she snuck on board...
Thanos you suck so much. You favor one daughter over another.
Oh. Where was said map to the soul stone?
Gosh I feel so damn bad for nebula. She was raised as his daughter too but he tortured her and tore her apart. Nebula never had the chance to be her equal. She deserves so much.
Taught groot as an elective? What about all speak?
Buckle up rocket. It’s gonna get emotional.
Thor is literally all alone. He needs a time to sit alone and cry and break a whole building.
Rocket and Thor friends? Please
1500 years old? Jane, honey, you escaped.
Gotta give it up to Hemsworth’s acting chops here. Especially talking to nobody in reality. Just a bunch of cgi
Ew ew ew eye socket
Should have washed that yikes
Snuck it out by hiding it up your? Huh? You watch too many movies rocket.
Huge title card. Thank you. I wouldn’t have known where we were despite them saying their location many times.
How is that video game battery not dead?
Perceptive rabbit
I LOVE that they used a dwarf to play a giant character!!! This is brilliant! (And that dwarves are giant for some reason lol.)
Soooo again Thanos killed everyone EXCEPT Eitri despite his “morality” supposedly being balance
Poor hands
Poor nebula
Smart nebula
Maybe should have waited to be fixed fully first
Love how Stark asks for peters help in steering and not Stephen lmao
Nice parking job
Peter, stop popping pop culture refs
Blanket of Death. Capey has a new nickname.
Where’s Gamora
Who’s Gamora
Why is Gamora
What master do you serve?
I mean, yea I do. So does Pratt lmaoo.
Storm breaker time baby
“In theory it could summon the bifrost” who theorized this? How do you only theorize and not know?
Oh my gosh mantis is just bouncing around
Mr. Clean lmao
Kick names, take ass
Hey now, these guys saved the galaxy and universe from Ego so lmao
Oh no I know the scene coming up
Poor quill lmao
“I’m half human. So the 50% of me that’s stupid, that’s 100% of you.” “Your math is, blowing my mind.” What’s funny is that Quill’s math was actually completely accurate lol
Stephen having a stroke or a seizure? You good homie?
Soooo if Strange looked to the future and so possible outcomes, what does that mean for the TVA? According to them, there’s ONE sacred timeline, so all other branches are erased (which again messes up what smart hulk eventually says in end game. See kids, this is why you don’t mess with time travel in stories. There’s no way to go back in time without creating a time loop). Ehhhhh I’ll let it slide. Just ignore it... sigh... I can’t help it if I’ve studied paradoxes
Hmmmm not good odds I’ve gotta say...
Watch like, outside of the millions of realities that strange saw, there were like a million or billion more he missed where they won with no casualties lol
Hey Red Skull. Long time no see. How did he get here anyways and why?
Yea you’re prepared all right...
Gotta say, Lord Elrond has seen better days
I’m not ready to say good bye to this Gamora. Gamora and Loki and Nat go down as my favorite characters, gotta say. I know that Tony does and it’s sad, but his feels more satisfying because his sacrifice directly results in them winning. Loki is murdered. Gamora is murdered. Nat died just for a stepping stone for the avengers. She has no idea whether or not they will actually win in the end.
I’m hopeful they may bring Nat back like in the comics, red room clone style.
We got back vision, Loki (kinda), variant Gamora, a new captain America, why not Nat? Yea we have a prequel, but gosh I love her so much.
“You must lose that which you love.” Couldn’t that apply to like an object or something? Could I not throw my Nintendo switch over the cliff? Or my dog? (I would hate that just as much as a person, don’t get me wrong, I’m just curious about the rules)
Yea boohoo sad for Thanos... loses his favorite daughter. I don’t care about him. He deserves suffering.
Poor Gamora doesn’t think he’s willing to do it.. GIRL RUN!!!
Thanos deserves all the suffering.
He does love you Gamora... but that love... it’s selfish. It’s blind... Thanos seems to be a chaotic vigilante who is narrowminded, tunnel vision on his goal with no regards of the cost. But he is evil. If there is ever an alternate route to an end that doesn’t result in the loss of innocent lives, and you know that but you willingly choose the once that costs innocent lives, that is an evil decision. Maybe Thanos isn’t evil, but he’s not good. Far from it. He’s obsessed with this idyllic Utopia but he rushes to one method of getting there. Yes, people suffer. It sucks... it’s unfair... it’s horrible. But it is never the right of someone else to dictate whether or not said person would be better off dead. Who lives, who dies. If Thanos truly was neutral and not selfish, he would have thrown his own life into the mix of the potential 50/50 snap. Thanos is not good. He’s not misunderstood. He’s a murderer. A genocidal cult leader. I have no tears for him. Only for those who suffered more at his hands.
Rant over, time to try not to cry about Gamora...
Her face of realization
Gamora run please
Thanos, I hate you. (Great character her, but not a good person)
Poor Gamora
Oh my gosh the emotion here is great but I’ve heard this sound used as a meme on TikTok too many times aghhhh
What a way to die
I’m crying again. I miss her already...
Who the hell designed this place and put the stone here???? Who did this?
Cry Thanos. Suffer. My only comfort here is that you are sad. You deserve suffering. You really do...
The TVA is laughing here and I’m not okay..
Poor Peter Quill... he’s also lost a lot like Thor, but has had the “luck” of not knowing his family too close.
Wakanda babyyyy
No, you don’t want Starbucks, you want Dutch bros
Lmao I love rhodey. Poor Bruce.
Yea Shuri show em up.
Okay quick pause, I love love LOVE how Shuri is smarter. It’s a powerful moment for females BUT it’s not done in a way that’s condescending to males! It’s not saying women power because men bad, she’s just good! (And she has had access to technology they never could have but I digress). More of this please Hollywood. Don’t let being a female be the power. I don’t want strong female characters, I want strong characters who happen to be female. Ones who hold their own, have faults like anyone else, struggle, have weaknesses and strengths, but are strong without putting down others. Just a comment, just because a woman character may not be as strong as a man character, that is not saying she’s weak. If you’re the second strongest human in the world, you are NOT weak. You’re just not as strong as the strongest human ever, but that’s nothing against you. LET WOMEN STAND ON THEIR OWN MERITS WITHOUT SEX AFFECTING THEM!
I love Shuri
I wish they had more time. She definitely could have done it. But stupid Thanos
I know what many scenes are upcoming... with quill and peter and vision and everyone else
Thank you Nat!!! I love that Nat is so protective and selfless.
Bucky needs love please. He’s my stand in, manipulated, greasy, long haired, dark and mysterious, stabby boy. (Also I need Bucky and Loki to meet. But let Loki finish his show (and come out of it alive because if he doesn’t I will sue) and be the antihero hero we need. Please. If he doesn’t get reintroduced into the mcu as a hero I will sue.
Thor, sweetie, are you a masochist?
Back to wakanda
Oh no, bad CGI, floating head Bruce banner. I’ll let it slide... sigh....
Can’t like, you just rain bombs on them forever?
Sorry Proxima Midnight, you look like a frog and your name sounds like a middle schooler’s OC.
How nice. Diplomatic meeting.
“Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood.” Reeeeeeally wish you didn’t say that, T’Challa...
Yay big CGI battle commence! It’s like a really expensive animated cartoon at this point
Poor Bucky. Forgot this dude doesn’t know much about the modern world.
Ahhhh Kamikazi aliens
I just wanna say that I love that Wakanda still has the artistic culture in their clothing and tradition all the while having badass, super advanced technology.
Why can’t they just rain bombs down the whole fight lol. Rhodey has those super nice bombs, like, do that they he whole time? Please? Why do you not have a barrier around the entire king.
No M’Baku, it’s not the end of wakanda. But half of all life, yea
They should honesty all have nano tech suits like black panther lol. Or iron man suits. Fine maybe the most powerful one with the best quality material for the king, but besides that, yknow.
Wow Steve is hot with a beard.
So much happening at once. Thor, Wakanda, Vormir, Knowhere, am I missing anything?
Okay, but what IS the full force of a star? Like in Newton’s or something? Juls? Is it heat?
What’s this metal? How does it fare with vibranium?
Get off your wooden butt, groot.
“He needs the axe” are you Thor, the god of axes?
Soooo, I thought Thor didn’t NEED the hammer, it just helped him concentrate his powers or act as a conduit. Is that retconned already?
Cmon groot, put down your game. Soooo, is Groot worthy? He technically lifted it. Or is it a technicality because it wasn’t fully finished yet?
Cmon bucky, use that fancy arm of yours.
Wow they’re getting destroyed.
They need wanda to help.
How did Thor know to come to wakanda?
Floaty head Bruce
Ahhhhhahahaha yeaaaaaa
Cry Thanos. Do it. I hate you.
Much more of a purple grape nutsack.
Oh gosh... I know what Peter Quill is going to do. I still don’t hate him.
“With all six stone I would simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist.” Orrrr, now hear me out, I know I sound like a broken record now but... MAYBE DOUBLE THE RESOURCES INSTEAD?? That’s not mercy. That’s not up to you to decide whether or not someone’s better off dead.
Yea quill has experience with the power stone
Cmon it’s basic zombie tactics
I love peter quill lmao
Go capey!!!
Magic with a kick!
Poor Peter
Wow he’s OP
Ouch quill just got majorly clotheslined
“Where’s Gamora?” 😭😭😭 SHE CARES AGHHHH
Restrain him! Work it mantis!!!
Why even remove the gauntlet, just slit his throat... kill him....
Quill no... stop being cocky...
Oh no
Quill please don’t
Quill please....
Poor quill. Just lost the person who really really loved him
Okay, I still love star lord. Idc what others think. He reacted realistically. If you hate peter quill for how he reacted, you better also hate Tony Stark for how he reacted to bucky when he learned bucky killed his parents despite knowing for a fact that bucky was brainwashed. Yes it was annoying... yes they were so close, but quill is so human here. I don’t hate him. He gets too much hate for acting like any normal person would have. Distraught, grief filled, he lost his love. Someone who helped him open up and finally move on from his mother’s death and fathers villainy.
Spider man saving mantis gives me life
How did that power stone blast not kill them?
Clearly Thanos has played Majora’s Mask. At least he has good taste.
So close vision.... but I know... I know what happens.
Lmao give rocket Bucky’s old arm.
“I am Groot.” “I am Steve Rogers.” Comedy gold
Cmon Thor, go after the big one first.
Cmon wanda, save them. We need some scarlet witch magic up here to stop these
Okay that was so cool. AND THEN SHE USED THE BLADES
Oh no but now Shuri is alone
So close yet so far.... Dangit... vision was almost good
Ouch. Bonk to the head
Ouch poor vision
Cmon Thor back up vision
Hulk is in his feels
Cmon hulk grow up
Ooooh smart move banner
Aaaaand he’s gone
Giant blade look oit
Corvus, screw off.
Oh dang. Nice one wanda. But also, sheesh. Helluva way to go. But no big.
Yea vision. Stabby time.
Now vision and Steve, kiss.
Spider man saving everyone’s lives.
Where was this in New York???
Oh no
Well then... ouch. Soooo where’s the real stone???
Hey look Tony, you have a fan.
Okay I’m just pissed odd they didn’t just kill Thanos when they had him subdued. Like, worry about the glove AFTER he’s not longer a threat
Tony is taking a beating
I don’t want your respect Thanos. That’s an insult.
They will remember him. They will remember him Thanos. When he kills you.
You really doing this??? I guess he knows what needs to unfold for them to win... dang. I wouldn’t trust him tho.
Peter Quill in berserker mode
Where’d he go?
Name dropping the second movie
Strange knows everything about to go down. Who dies, who lives, what Thanos is about to do... he’s accepting his soon dusted demise because Stark needs to live...
Stop teleporting. That’s Loki’s gimmick.
Homie way too OP
Poor wanda and Vis...
Poor wanda. To have to kill her love... this.. this is a sacrifice Thanos... not your murder....
Wow Steve is holding back Thanos with pure brute
And I know what happens next...
Poor wanda
Piss off thanos you understand nothing
You lost more than she could know? Bull crap. You are causing everyone to lose...
Cruel reality. Wanda has to see him die twice. RIP Vision
RIP half of all life...
How did that not kill Thanos tho. It may not have been a head shot but still.
Lil Gamora
What is this place?
Is this the soul realm?
Thanos, I hope you suffer forever. You deserve all the pain...
Rest In Peace: Vision, Loki, Bucky, T’Challa, Groot, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Mantis, Drax, Peter Quill, Dr. Strange, Peter Parker (I don’t feel so good), and everyone else...
Thank you Nebula.
Thanos, you do NOT deserve to retire peacefully—wipe that smile off of your face
Oop, Rest In Peace Maria Hill and Nick Fury too... Motherfu— (so close Sammy boy...)
Yea Thanos you didn’t really think that through. Much more than half will died since other people rely on other peoples lives
Good thing he hit that button last minute huh? I wonder how captain marvel would fare in the TVA? are her powers considered magic? I mean, she clearly doesn’t know everything since she only just learned about Thanos (which is funny because she was supposedly traversing the universe to protect people)
Welp... onto movie two!
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elcorhamletlive · 4 years
fandom: MCU (Post-Avengers) relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner & Clint Barton & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark & Thor, Nick Fury & Avengers Team, Maria Hill & Avengers Team, Nick Fury & Tony Stark tags: POV Outsider, Fluff and Humor, Team Feels, Truth Serum My fic for the Holiday Exchange, for talesofsuspense! Summary: “Look, I’m not thrilled by the prospect of spending my day here either," Nick said, "but there’s no postponing this. We can’t give them a chance to combine stories.”
“Right,” Hill said. “And I’m sure they’ll all be very…cooperative.”
“Hope you didn’t have any dinner plans."
Hill’s sigh mirrored his own so much it was unnerving. “Okay.” She leaned forward and pressed a button on his desk. “Send in the first one.”
Hill flipped through the pages, making the already thin folder appear even smaller. “Not much of a starting point,” she said.
Nick leaned back in his chair. “No,” he agreed. The report from Stark’s A.I. was very brief, and the rest was just what the scavenging team managed to comb through from the quinjet debris. “The press will not be satisfied with that. And there is a key part missing. We deliver this to the Council, they laugh in our faces.”
Hill raised an eyebrow at him. “So our job is to make the folder thicker?”
“Our job is to understand what happened,” he replied. “So we can deliver them something slightly more coherent, and they can feed the reporters whatever they want.”
“And you think this will work?” Hill gestured to the room around them. Across the desk where she was sitting, on a perfect diagonal view from Nick’s eye, there was a single, empty chair. “Seems like a criminal interrogation.”
“Maybe it is,” Nick said. He wasn’t sure if the superficial report was an intentional cover up or just plain sloppiness – both were equally likely when you had people like Romanoff or Stark in the middle of an OP – but at the end of the day, it didn’t matter. There was a hole in the story, and the World Security Council didn’t deal with holes. “Look, I’m not thrilled by the prospect of spending my day here either, but there’s no postponing this. We can’t give them a chance to combine stories.”
“Right,” Hill said. “And I’m sure they’ll all be very… cooperative.”
“Hope you didn’t have any dinner plans,” Nick quipped.
Hill’s sigh mirrored his own so much it was unnerving. “Okay.” She leaned forward and pressed a button on his desk. “Send in the first one.”
“There isn’t much to tell,” Romanoff said, and, if Nick wasn’t sure there was something being hidden before, now he did. “I believe JARVIS sent you a detailed account, didn’t he?”
“Depending on what you consider ‘detailed,’” Nick replied. The report had extensively covered the material damage to the quinjet, as well as the information pertaining to AIM’s plan and how it related to it. It was just lacking in the “explanations” department, and it seemed to jump in key time periods between events very hurriedly. Either Stark’s robot was a shit storyteller, or the human factor (specifically the “what the fuck were your team of freaks thinking to let something like this happen, director?” factor) had been strategically avoided.
And there was the matter of the tapes. The security footage recovered from AIM’s quinjet seemed to cover just about every angle of the battle - that is, up until a point right where everything just faded to static before it returned just in time to record the crash.
“This is standard procedure,” he continued as Romanoff’s eyes studied him attentively. “Which, I’d like to stress, is actually a kind way to go about it.” Romanoff quirked an eyebrow at him. “The Avengers initiative isn’t the most popular plan SHIELD has ever come up with, agent. To the world, you might be celebrities, but a lot of people on the inside see you as - how did Banner put it? Oh, yeah - a time-bomb.”
Romanoff smiled. “We’ve made it work so far.”
“Only barely,” Nick said. Romanoff didn’t deny it, nor could she - ever since they had all decided to stay at Stark’s tower, after the battle of New York, Nick had kept his eye close on their performances, be it on the field or with the press, and though the initial animosity seemed to have lessened, they were still a far cry from a synchronized, united team.
The Council had been against them moving in together - there was just too much potential for the proximity to make things go south again - but Nick had argued in favor, and they ultimately decided to allow it. Nick himself knew he was making a risky bet, but at the end of the day, he figured a bunch of anti social people on the edge of normal society had a better chance of making it as a team if they could at least learn how to deal with each other on a friendly basis. And Stark putting the damn A on the tower was as close as he’d ever get to admitting he wanted the company, so Nick didn’t want to deny him it. Hill had a laugh at his expense, then, saying he was getting old and soft.
None of them knew about any of this, of course, and they would never find out. But if Nick Fury made a bet, he wanted to ensure it’d pay off, and crashing a quinjet belonging to one the world’s largest weapons manufacturers in the middle of rural property of the some of the richest people in America was far from a reward, especially while keeping potentially vital bits of information in the dark. That wouldn’t do, and he was determined to get the full picture of what had gone down, whether they liked or not.
“Why don’t you start at the beginning, agent?” Hill suggested.
Romanoff’s eyes blinked astutely before she smiled. “Of course,” she said, much more kindly than Nick would have anticipated. “It started at the fair.”
“I wouldn’t normally have come,” Dr. Banner said, straightening his glasses. “The events we get invited to, they're… not my usual scene.”
“Too many reporters?” Nick asked. He knew Banner wasn’t the press’ favorite target - Stark and Rogers, both recipients of huge celebrity fame way before anyone added superhero worship into the mix, were tied up for that position - but he also knew the Avengers in general were the go-to topic for any gossip show running out of material. The fascination with them pendulumed from healthy curiosity to obsessive speculation way too often for Nick’s liking.
“Too many people,” Banner said, with a nervous smile. “The other guy doesn’t like crowds. But AIM said they were interested in having me and Tony speak. ‘The science bros.’” He made air quotes. “Or something. And, well, it was a nice idea to hang on a science exposition. I looked through the flier, and there were some interesting exhibits.”
“The whole thing was just a blatant rip off of the Stark Expo. But you know how it goes – imitation, flattery, yadda yadda.” Stark leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on the desk as if it was his office. “So, we get the invite, and, not going to lie, I was a little curious. Pep said we should make an appearance, smile a little, make niceties – but, well, you know me.”
Nick raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by the display. “We do?”
Stark smiled. “I don’t like to do things halfway. I’m just not built for it.” He shrugged. “So I decided to come, and I thought it would be good if everyone else came too, and that we should try out some of the exhibits together – team bonding, you know? Sometimes it’s nice.”
“Stark wanted to show off,” Barton said, taking a sip of his water. “He thought there was no way Hammer’s people could organize something on that scale, and he wanted to drag us all there to see it because he was sure it would end up being a huge mess.” He sighed. “I guess at the end of the day, he wasn’t wrong.”
Rogers’ jaw clenched so hard Nick thought he’d pull a muscle. “Everything went normally. We got there, took some pictures, got inside… Nothing out of the ordinary.” He looked at Hill. “But, like I said, this is all in JARVIS’ report.”
“Right,” Nick replied. He tilted his head to get a better look. Rogers was as tense as a wood board, and his effort to not let it show made things a lot worse. “I have to say, Cap, I was a little surprised to not get the usual report coming from you.”
Rogers shifted on the chair. “Tony—” He cleared his throat. “We, uh, we thought JARVIS would make one more quickly.” His eyes turned towards Fury, defiant. “From what I understand, every piece of information the Council needs should be in that file.”
“Need and want are two very different things,” Nick said. Rogers took a deep breath, and Nick couldn’t help but frown. “So, you guys started to mingle, right?” he asked, wanting things to get back on track. “That was when you decided to go to Hammer’s stand?”
“Yes. He… invited us.” He paused. “Well, Tony, at least.”
“Right,” Nick said. “But you also ended up going, right?” Rogers gave a reluctant nod. “Why?”
There was a moment of silence, and Rogers said, “It seemed like it could be an interesting experience.”
“Stark dared him to do it,” Thor stated bluntly. “Said Steven was probably too scared to lose to him.” He smiled, amused. Nick was fighting against the urge to underestimate him, but boy, was it hard. “It reminded me of some of my disputes with my brother, when we were both younglings and daring ourselves to attempt to steal Heimdall’s helmet.”
“Well, that’s a nice thing to hear about two adults who are constantly in charge of saving the world,” Nick deadpanned.
Thor looked at him disapprovingly. “They are worthy warriors,” he said. “They just… get a little wrapped up in their blind spots, sometimes.” Nick and Hill stared at him questioningly, and Thor looked away, coughing on his hand. “Uh, well, where was I? Right – the stand.”
“It was a silly concept – melt stuff with our new laser project, whoever melts the most wins, woohoo! - but I’ll admit it seemed like it could be fun. It took place in a separate room, though, and they were only letting two people in at once.” Stark straightened his tie, looking away from Nick for the first time since he walked inside the office. “So me and Cap decided to try it out.”
“Why just the two of you?” Hill asked, precise as a whip.
Stark stayed focused on his tie. “Well, I wanted to check out what was so great that Hammer was showing off in public. As for Cap, who knows? You should probably ask him.”
“So it was a spontaneous thing?” Nick pushed. “You didn’t ask him to come along?”
Finally, Stark looked at him. For a second, his expression was downright defiant. Then it all melted away in a shrug. “I might’ve. I wasn’t driving back home, you know? So I had a few drinks, and I was saying a lot of things, and maybe I asked if he wanted to try it out.”
“We heard you dared him,” Nick countered. Normally he wouldn’t put the cards on the table like that, but something in Stark seemed to favor a more direct approach.
Stark’s expression didn’t change. “Again, I might’ve. What’s life without a little challenge, right? But, still, if you want to know why he came in the stand, you should probably ask him.” His eyes darted towards the window, avoiding Nick and Hill. “Maybe he just… needed a distraction. He hates those things.” Nick tilted his head, noticing the strange thoughtfulness in his voice, but as soon as it came it was gone, and Stark was rambling at rapid fire speed again. “Anyway, I suppose this is where I get to the gas, right?”
Hill turned a page of the folder. “This is where the truth serum got them, right?”
Barton gave them a lopsided smile. “Stark would blow a fuse if he heard you calling it that,” he said. “But, yeah. Exactly.”
read the rest on ao3!
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lordxgrinnyxboy · 4 years
rewatching tgm for the umpteenth time: wifi's not working edition 1/?
ngl i've Never, In My LIFE, done any singing or acting outside of puppet shows when i was in like the 3rd grade but every time i watch TGM i'm more and more like "GOD i wanna be cast as Barkilphedro" and i don't even know why? like why would i want to be the greasy clown nasty? He has No Rights? I Don't Like Him Or Sympathize With Him At All? And Yet???? It must be a calling.
there's like. two barrels on the stage.
uggggggh i love Ensemble!Maskell and Ensemble!Obianyo they're both so pretty
ngl Barkilphedro has No Rights and he gets No Sympathy from me but i do feel sorry for him when he talks about his mother. also sucks for him that he wasted so much time hoping his loyalty to Clarence would pay off, only to get nothing but mockery in return. also also as 'comical' as the Erotic Breakfast Dance scene is played it's still...really gross and Not Okay. This dude's 100% culpable for his actions and he made his own choices and is absolutely slimy but it's like those bits in LotR when they talk about Bilbo pitying Gollum. idk i just kinda hate that ol' Barky let himself be twisted into such a wretched creature. He crossed the No Rights line the night he decided to carve up a kid's face tho and just kept right on going.
ensemble!maskell is so cute send help
it's the eye makeup and the lighting it's just. a really good look
ms. obianyo pls
just noticed Bark's little pose on "obsessed with the pursuit of beauty"
okay so i've seen some comments around about Clarence's "How do you keep your pecker up" remark and just thought i'd- dude's fingernails. wow they're so shiny. ahem -mention here that i've looked into this expression before and it's actually a term that i guess is mainly used in England or something and it's like nose = beak = 'pecker' as in birds which ‘peck’ things with their beaks. It's basically the same as "keep your chin up". Snufkin says it to Moomin. I mean with Clarence i wouldn't put it past him to mean it another way but also given where the show is set it makes sense he would use such a term.
ngl i want to Know about Angelica tho like. why is she Brutalized. why did Clarence send her awaey. i actually want to know about the whole family. I feel like it's a three separate moms situation but even if it's only two separate moms Where Are The Moms. did Clarence send Them awaey too? Did one or more of them Die? Were they Killed? oh god what if it's like in Light Princess and he actually Had (one of/)Them Executed. I think it's interesting that Clarence Lorded Dirry-Moir. we don't get to know about how he treated Josiana, but none of his kids even turn up to his funeral and the only one who talks about him at all only does so to denounce him.
also thinking about the differences yet similarities between the Green Box Family and the Royal Family but i can't articulate worth anything rn so i'll just *pins for later*
love Ensemble!Brisson
also ngl even if the whole Royal Introduction/Lords on Palace Hill bit isn't 100% literal it still paints a pretty clear picture of the kind of toxic and vapid society that's encouraged under Clarence's reign.
does 'bonnie prince' mean anything specific or
ugh i love Osric
wait i just noticed the stripies on dirry--moir's shirt. nice. i'd wear that.
not as much as i'd wear the heck out of Osric's coat though. actually his whole outfit. add Osric/Lord Trelaw to Roles I Wanna Be Cast For In The Timeline Where I Sing And Act
the face Dirry-Moir makes while Osric's getting started introducing the fair tho. he looks like a kid trying to fit in with a cool new friend group.
the way Mr Maskell sings "we have a huge collection of the crippled and the dabbed" tho it sounds like he's got a cold
i'm gonna need somebody to meet me irl just to do that lil dance that Dirry-Moir and Osric do after "If you've got the money/I've got the misery" it looks fun!
au where Mr. Maskell stays on stage through the end of Laughter is the Beast Medicine. i need to See him do the choreo for this part.
had a real cursed idea right here but no it's Too cursed
the look on Osric's face when Bark grabs his bad arm tho
this whole "imagine laughing without any cruelty at all" is such a weird bit tbh
have i already said that i love the whole look of the "the poor soul who stands before you" part like idk if it's the pose or what but Gwyn Looks Really Good In This Scene
okay but the way puppet!Gwyn holds out his hand toward his mom and then she goes to- hangon i can’t describe lemme see if separate post separate post
ngl im real curious as to whether this bit on the pirate ship (idk why i’ve always defaulted to ‘pirates’ for these cats) actually happened or if Ursus fully made it up like we really Don’t get to Know how much of this has any basis in what really happened that night do we u-u
kay but the fact that Dea’s mom’s lying there with her eyes open and the way they emphasize her frozen-ness by having her arm stay up like. wow.
wait a minute is that Born Broken playing for lil baby Dea? i think it is.
yeah sing it hazlit
interesting how Ursus has little!Gwyn sing “they put blood in my nightmares” but also vow to find the man who cut him. which i mean singular ‘they’ is obviously a thing but as i doubt the intention was for Gwyn to have decided that whoever cut him must be a they/them man i just think it’s interesting that even the wording in the puppet show points to the fact that there was Someone Else There, even if it does then swerve back to a single perpetrator. But also it’s still accurate because while it was only one man who cut Gwyn’s face, it was both Barkilphedro and Ursus who contributed to putting blood in his nightmares.
honest question why is Mr. Maskell’s voice Like That like who gave him the right
love how puppet!Gwyn and puppeteer!Gwyn and later real!Gwyn all do that same little motion with their head on the word “disgrace”
OH HEY we’re at the part where Lon Don picks up NICE
add Mojo Puppeteer to my list of dream roles
wait ohmygod there’s this thing kind of hanging off the cart and i was squinting at it like “what is that” and then the cart turned around and i realize that’s the body that goes to the head-on-a-shelf ursus what the hell
wait so Dirry-Moir genuinely thinks Dea went blind from looking at Gwyn’s face but he also wants to see it? although granted Ursus said she went blind from “gazing too long” so maybe Dirry-Moir assumes he’ll be safe if it’s only a quick look. still. Concept: Post-Show Dirry-Moir having this tendency to Not Look At Gwyn very much until eventually either he explains why and somebody has to Tell Him, or maybe at some point he’s like “wait a minute. that was made up wasn’t it” and everyone has a bit of a laff
ngl i love the inside of the cart and how there’s like four, maybe five puppets, counting Beauty and Beast, and also some of the shadow puppets...all kinds of vials and bottles and what looks like painting supplies...what looks suspiciously like crimson lethe on the stove...looks like some cabinets and extra storage up very top. im curious about the layout since we only get to see one part of the cart at a time.
wait why’s the song called stars in the sky when does he say th- why isn’t it called “New World” or “dreams” or something why stars in the sky he doesn’t even say- does he say it in the reprise???  *skips ahead* NO?
does the Disney Chorus Say It??
ugh i love ms obianyo
“to help them forget themselves” yeah that’s what you want him to do huh Ursus
“not now, Grinpayne”‘s a p curious line to include and only the fact that Gwyn’s still using his puppet!Gwyn voice while complaining is keeping me from being like “lol Gwyn’s lil rant was actually him breaking character and then Ursus just went with it like it was part of the show lol lol”
cutting here for length uwu Dea finishes the word ‘skies’ at exactly 30 minutes in which is nice bc i didn’t even have to interrupt her mid-word in order to pause for post-length.
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10 Times Arnav Singh Raizada Was Absolutely Right
We see so much of his legendary aggression and silence that we miss out on the fact that Arnav has actually been pretty right. This is an appreciation post as well as a deep look at what his being right meant.
Coincidences Are Never Just Coincidences
Not Introducing Lavanya to His Family
Reprimanding Khushi for Spilling the Beans About Lavanya
Not Getting Married Because He’s Not Ready
Fury on Lavanya’s Push to Getting Married
Knowing Mami Won’t Believe in the “Akash-Payal Made Forever”
Never Trusting Shyam, Again
Rebutting With Dadi
Bringing Sheetal in the House Would Spell Disaster
Khushi Would Not Fit into the Fashion World
#1 Coincidences Are Never Just Coincidences
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Yes, it’s destiny and he and Khushi are star crossed lovers. But you have to hand it to Arnav Singh Raizada on believing less in fate and more in motives.
Khushi happens to be the most magical part of his life - naturally it leaves him confused, bothered and curious. She is everything he does not believe in. But her existence counters his belief.
But if we remove Khushi from the equation - Arnav’s disbelief in coincidence makes him an astute observer of his surroundings. He tracks people’s behavior, becomes aware of what people mean when they say something and knows when someone has other motivations.
If Arnav was in Khushi’s shoes, he would have never stopped thinking that Shyam is around a lot. And Shyam’s slip ups that only made sense to Khushi at the end would’ve been unavoidable in Arnav’s eyes from the very start.
Scene Example: On the night of their wedding, it does not take Arnav even a minute to understand that personal surveillance, purchase of cameras, and Shyam’s sudden quietness and agreement to their remarriage isn’t a coincidence. He immediately connects it to Shyam while Khushi is, still, surprised.
I think Arnav is judged very harshly for not believing in fate, but we all know that Shyam was able to dupe Khushi and her family only because they were not as pragmatic as Arnav. Arnav’s only blind spot was Anjali - otherwise he wouldn’t have missed Shyam’s activities.
An opposite character: Khushi Kumari Gupta. Everything is fated and she is appalled at the thought that anyone could even deviously plan to fake goodness. A reason why she might be so - I feel it’s a coping mechanism for her to justify her parents’ death. It was fated and in God’s will and there was no way Khushi could have prevented it. Arnav, on the other hand, saw his parents’ commit suicide, so of course there was no God’s will and the very next day his uncle kicks them out of their house. Not so surprising that they form different opinions on fate, right?
A character who understands: Shashi Gupta is a good balance of believing in fate but also not believing in coincidences. Which makes me think that the two of them share the most tender bond as Shashi is an astute businessman and Arnav has never had a great paternal figure.  
#2 Not Introducing Lavanya to His Family
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Great idea. This is for everyone - if you’re not ready to make a relationship serious then you’re not ready! You’re not a villain for that, rather you are being mature. If there’s anything I appreciate about Arnav Singh Raizada is the fact that he knows where his relationships are heading.
Barring Khushi, she’s a perfect anomaly in his life. Arnav probably hated how she fit right into his house and heart as a family member.
Arnav and Lavanya’s relationship in the beginning, is around 5 (?) months old. So they’ve really just started dating and considering the family that Arnav has, introducing Lavanya to them means that the very next day he needs to pronounce his vows to her. Now we might feel the relationship is very serious because Lavanya treats it seriously, she continues to test the boundaries of their relationship and tries to celebrate anniversaries (even when it’s not been a year).
Of course people marry much quicker than that. But this is Arnav, who doesn’t have the best relationship with the ideology of marriage and stuff. So he’s not the guy to marry someone after five months.
Scene Example: Arnav, carefully, lets Lavanya know that he does consider her his girlfriend - and let’s note that he’s outside his office - and lets her celebrate the ‘anniversary’. He’s humoring her, not celebrating it himself. And I think it’s the same day / or the next, when he clearly let’s her know she’s his girlfriend outside the doors of his office and she shouldn’t try blurring those lines.
Also, Nani is legit intolerable and creepy by pushing a woman of her choice on Arnav at this point. No wonder Arnav didn’t bring Lavanya home.
An opposite character: Akash Singh Raizada. He looks at his lady love and immediately knows he must learn to speak up in order to incorporate her into his life forever. In a way he’s already planning a wedding and he doesn’t know Payal’s name yet!
A character who understands: Anjali Raizada. She knows before Arnav can accept that Arnav does not hesitate marrying, he just doesn’t think Lavanya is the woman in the first place that he wants to bring home (not, he’s not having internal fantasies of a woman like Khushi either at this point) - and by that Anjali knows that their relationship is not serious. But she also knows no one would get that. She is the only one who does not question the length of Arnav’s relationship. So why does she pressurise Arnav to tell Nani about Lavanya? Well it’s to stop Nani from bringing one family after another.
#3 Reprimanding Khushi for Spilling the Beans About Lavanya
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Ok, Arnav going to her class and status has always been a bitter blow - so for that, two imaginary swats on his head.
But everything else he yells at Khushi for? Perfectly fine reasoning. With Arnav Singh Raizada we also learn that people have boundaries and spaces in life. Unlike the ideology that if you live with your family you share everything with them, Arnav teaches us that everyone has privacy.
And Khushi was heck judgemental in assuming Arnav shouldn’t be too upset with Nani getting to know the truth because if he has nothing to ‘hide’ then there’s no concern. It’s the upbringing given to most that no secrets should be kept because elders make the best decisions?
*Cough* Bua ji *Cough* Forcing her niece to marry a man she technically has no idea about.
She does not know Nani, the interpersonal relationship of Arnav-Nani-Lavanya, nor Arnav Singh Raizada himself.
Arnav only shares everything with the people who understand him the most - Anjali and Akash. They are the only ones who know about Lavanya.
He only starts hiding from them when it gets about Khushi… perhaps for the fear that they will realise something he does not want to confront.
Arnav yelling to Khushi that there’s a line between his office and personal life struck a chord with me. People should know and respect somebody else’s lines. It’s not just decency, but you never know how and when people want to say something. Now it’s a different thing that Khushi really didn’t know that Nani didn’t know and Arnav should’ve tried to understand that it was a case of misunderstanding and miscommunication.
Scene Example: Anjali is only worried and immediately informs Arnav that Nani knows about Lavanya. Her guilt in this episode, in failing to protect the secret her brother entrusted her with motivates her to do anything to make her brother’s relationship work. Under no circumstances will she allow Nani to manipulate him into a marriage with a woman he does not want.
An opposite character: Devyani Raizada. Her failure to protect her daughter makes her obsessive over Arnav (who probably shows a lot more traits of his father). She is traditional, does not respect privacy - given by the way she controls Manohar & Manorama’s marriage - and does not see that her grandson is different but not disrespectful.
Characters who understand: Anjali & Akash. Akash is as silent as a grave, does not question Arnav. For him it doesn't matter who Arnav dates as long as Arnav is happy (we see that Akash is the only one who gets positively upset at the upheaval that happens and is always on Arnav’s side - asking if his brother is alright). Anjali always supports Arnav but more than often acts as his conscience. In several instances we see Arnav relaying his days to Anjali and depending on her feedback to know if he has done something right or not.
#4 Not Getting Married Because He’s Not Ready
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SOMEBODY GET ME A LOUDSPEAKER. Whoever you are - don’t get married unless you want to. Really, even if we remove Khushi from this scenario we can see how disastrous it became because Arnav, clearly, was not ready to marry.
Lavanya’s proposal infuriated him - distancing him away from her and diminishing all his affection he had for her. His engagement came out of spite and a response to society as opposed to his own decision. He was bullied into making Lavanya a wife and post that there’s little to no romantic interaction between Arnav and Lavanya.
This needs to be heard, relationships are like a butterfly. If you crack open a cocoon for a butterfly, the butterfly never flies. The cocoon needs to crack at it’s own time and pace. Relationships need time. Forcing a relationship ahead can break it, not make it.
Arnav was so right when he said he was not ready for marriage. He wasn’t being ‘immoral’, he was being honest.
Scene example: The scene after Lavanya’s proposal. First of all it was infuriating that the proposal reeked of Khushi Kumari Gupta because Arnav was already in two minds as to where his own heart was headed, and secondly Lavanya did this in public without discussing with him if he wanted to get married. 
Live in does not equal marriage, not unless both the partners think so. Lavanya’s affection supersedes Arnav by a huge extent. We are made to see that scene as if Arnav is a villain but remember Khushi’s reaction when Shyam “proposes” her (basically getting Bua ji to do the proposal)? Khushi said no, and we all agreed with it because Shyam is not Arnav, and also Khushi tells them she is not ready. Similarly, Arnav too tells Lavanya the same!
An opposite character: Anjali Raizada. Upon being left at the altar, I think it’s understandable why Anjali feels that marriage, that restored her honor in society’s eyes, is a sign of permanence and the end goal of any relationship. Anjali is constantly praised or belittled by the people around her based on the situation of her marriage. 
Marriage means everything to Anjali. So of course, she cannot understand why Arnav can’t marry if he can bring Lavanya to the same house. Because then what’ll happen to Lavanya’s honor? (she clearly associates marriage with honor).
A character who understands: Payal Gupta. Post being left at the altar she does not see marriage as an ultimate, unlike Anjali who shared a similar fate. She has seen the evil side of the ‘fairytale’. It’s no longer about prince charming on horses, it’s about ugly reality. She really does not want to marry Akash, a man she loves, until he can reassure her of everything. 
She craves permanence from character and strength of the relationship as opposed to just being married - something I believe Arnav also feels. Unlike Khushi, she does not immediately demonize Arnav for his broken engagement. Rather she’s just confused and only wonders why things happened the way it did.
#5 Fury on Lavanya’s Push to Getting Married
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Arnav is so right… he is so right. Arnav and Lavanya are really suffering from a bad phase in their relationship because Lavanya, slowly and gradually, is becoming a woman he had never imagined.
To put everything in context - let’s imagine Kabir from Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara (if you haven’t watched the film then please do). He loved his free spirited/independent/ambitious girlfriend Natasha. Later, she becomes obsessed with marriage and turns into a woman who’s a far cry from the woman he loved in the first place. So much so that he’s unable to marry her - even though he began seriously dating her in the idea that perhaps one day they would.
The same thing happens to Arnav. He tries to explain to Khushi that he understands that she has a different upbringing. An upbringing that reinforces marriage as ideal. Khushi also points out, accurately, that a part of him chooses to stay away from marriage because he’s afraid and that it’s his weakness. But it’s not the right time to tell him so, especially if she’s saying so to defend her actions. This is one of the few times that he does not regret getting upset on Khushi.
Even I was upset with Khushi and the whole “let’s force Lavanya to be a bride”.
Arnav is completely right to lash out (NOT the pitch or with that aggression) on Lavanya. For me this scene has me feeling sad for Arnav because really it’s just communicating that two people, in a relationship, have really different expectations from each other.
Scene example: Arnav retaliates to Lavanya’s accusation of not ‘loving’ her enough by stating that he brought her to his house, even though it was too early. And he’s surprised by Lavanya because this was the same woman who would understand that he apologised by sending a bag. Somewhere between then and now Arnav & Lavanya drifted from understanding each other to becoming strangers.
An opposite character: Lavanya Kashyap. If one day Arnav was in her courtyard, suddenly, on a horse and in a sherwani asking her to marry her out of bluemoon - Lavanya would say yes, irrespective of the length of their relationship. It’s not evident in the beginning but Lavanya’s sudden eagerness to marry shows that she hoped for that - only didn’t know when, where and how to go about it. It’s also why she turns a blind eye to Arnav’s problematic behavior during the brief time when they were about to be engaged.  
A similar character: Payal Gupta. She gets furious at Akash, twice, for proposing her. Just because Akash is someone she likes and presents himself as a suitor does not mean that she will marry him then and there. Alright, her reasonings are different from Arnav’s, but Payal - unlike Akash, Lavanya and like Arnav - does not immediately dream of marrying Akash the minute she sees him. Akash did literally just say “Will you marry me” out of blue-moon!
#6 Knowing Mami Won’t Believe in the “Akash-Payal Made Forever”
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One of the best things about Arnav Singh Raizada is that he knows individuals differ. What applies to one does NOT apply to another. Not a surprise considering how he’s built a fashion empire for himself by the age of 26.
Of course his logic and pragmatism escapes him when it comes to Khushi. She’s the only person he puts massive generalizations on! Apart from his uncle and the pricey dude he slaps in the beginning few episodes. He really never generalises anyone else. But Khushi does. She even thinks the “rab ne banadi jodi” will work on Arnav’s aunt.
This is Arnav’s aunt. The woman who has the weirdest but most solid friendship with Arnav. The woman who is obsessed about her own son but will sell her entire, precious jewelry for her orphaned nephew.
If anyone will get her, it will be Arnav. It might be portrayed that Arnav was crass with his own aunt, but really nothing would have stopped Manorama until and unless she saw that she had to be made indispensable to Akash’s marriage with Payal. Hence getting power and dominance in her son’s marriage - a thing she was, anyways, aiming at.
Khushi’s dialogue was hilarious and Arnav really didn’t need to gloat his victory in her face but once again, if anyone understands Manorama Mami the best then it’s her Arnav bitwa and let’s keep it to that.
He’s right when he says his aunt won’t understand.
Scene example: Arnav telling “what crap” to Khushi’s plan to convince Mami. Really, it’s his aunt and he knows the best. Always has and always will. It’s a nice change to see that sometimes Arnav’s brains work over Khushi’s heart.
An opposite character: Khushi Kumari Gupta. Really, she thinks Manorama Mami cares about couples made in heaven theory? Now just because you believe so, does not mean everyone else does.
A character who understands: Manohar Singh Raizada. That man truly understands his wife and although he never brings up the past, this time he does. He realises Manorama’s fury does not just arise with Akash’s love for a middle classed person, it’s that Devyani is entirely accepting of it. And this infuriates Manohar because in a way Manorama can’t accuse Devyani of being mean if she’s following her footsteps. And Manohar yells at his wife because her shortsightedness has put their son’s happiness at stake.
#7 Never Trusting Shyam, Again
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YES! I literally blew air kisses to Arnav when he said he can’t trust Shyam again. Like literally Shyam was first Khushi’s enemy. But to project Arnav as a ‘hero’ who fights the ‘villain’, I am forever pissed that they make the whole house against Arnav, even Khushi (mind you women are not forgiving of their molesters but Khushi is [?!?!?]).
His intuition is correct and his mistrust in Shyam is validated because we get Shyam’s epic Dhoom 3 makeovers and Crime Master Gogo level plans of ruining Raizadas’ lives.
Arnav Singh Raizada had never been more right. You don’t trust a man who cheated his wife, planned to murder you and molested a woman.
You never trust them.
Scene example: Arnav punching Shyam the minute he opens his mouth in the hospital - yeah, give him those punches and I’m so glad you don’t trust his tears!!!
An opposite character: Snake Manohar Jha himself! *Daiya Ho!* This man actually thinks he can regain the trust of everyone. What he doesn’t get is that even though Khushi brought him in… everybody hates him, Khushi included. He thinks he has succeeded because he managed to bring a rift between Arnav & Khushi! Literally apart from Dadi, Anjali and even Garima - everyone hates him on a unified front. *Loved his EPIC MOUSTACHE! WHATTA DISGUISE GUYZ*
A character who understands: NK & Shashi Gupta. Okay, none of the Raizadas are happy that Shyam is back but they pretend for Anjali’s happiness. Except NK & Shashi, they both call out the bullshit the minute they see it. The stink eye both of them give to Shyam on Haldi is one of my most favorite scenes. No dialogue, just one stare! NK & Shashi are fiercely protective of Khushi and it was nice to see someone remembering what atrocities Shyam committed against Khushi. A friend and a father - two people who would never forget.
#8. Rebutting With Dadi
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Elders get respect because they’re old. No. Respect begets respect. Arnav’s love and childlike attachment to Dadi dies a quick death the minute he realizes that he never misinterpreted the older woman’s actions. She was as conniving, traditional, conservative, orhtodox and tenacious as he had remembered.
Really this needs to be spread out, don’t respect and obey people because of their age - respect them because of their deeds. While everyone in the house was running around like headless chickens in a way to appease Dadi, Arnav was as cool as a cucumber as he preserved his manners but delivered a scathing word or two.
Automatically giving people of age/authority some power, irrespective of whether or not they are capable of handling it, enables them to abuse further.
Arnav was incredibly right to be impervious of his grandmother’s wishes.
Scene example: Arnav telling off his grandmother during his wedding. In his calm demeanour he explains the truth of his father because he sees through her manipulation. He realises he has seen the ‘truth’ through her narration of events. And his marriage would happen, irrespective of the absence of an elder like her in his family. For Arnav, only the people that matter are his family.
An opposite character: Anjali Raizada. She immediately falls into Dadi’s arms and shares all her griefs in the hope that as an elder, Dadi can soothe her pain and wake her up from her nightmare. Her reassurance of Dadi actually pushes her to continue believing in Shyam because an elder has reassured her. 
Until that moment Anjali was in two minds, not knowing if she was doing the right thing by meeting Shyam behind everyone’s back. She does not question Dadi again for her disappearance because elders always know what they’re doing.
A character who understands: NK. One can say it’s because he’s brought up abroad, another can say he shares his cousin’s intellect - I say both. Sometimes when you’re raised abroad you see a larger understanding of the world and you get the opportunity to see people the way according to your culture/tradition (by your parents) but also according to the country you’re raised in. 
It’s advantageous because you have a wider horizon. So while NK understands that Dadi should be respected, he also knows that nothing gives the authority to Dadi to insult Khushi the way she does. He dislikes Dadi from the day he meets her and is happy when she’s gone.
#9 Bringing Sheetal in the House Would Be Disastrous
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At this point probably the CVs had given up because Khushi is beyond my recognition and I feel the age gap between Arnav & Khushi increased! Khushi has to be sixteen to have the reasoning that she has, definitely not twenty three/four/five.
He was right. To have his ex-girlfriend live in the same house was hell awkward and a terrible experience. I feel there would have been a protest against Arnav if he manipulated the situation to get Khushi’s ex to live in their house so as to know if Khushi’s ex and Khushi slept together.
My only problem with Arnav here is that Arnav is not bothered by how much Aarav, his ex’s son, copies him.
When Arnav genuinely and actively deals with this situation, things and conversations are immediately mature, understanding and serious.
Scene example: I won’t recommend anyone to watch any episode of this track (barring a few), but Arnav literally has to spell out he was jealous of NK to make Khushi realise how awkward it was for Arnav to be in the same house, years later, with someone he dated. And Khushi still does not get it until a roof falls on her head.
An opposite character: I don’t even want to analyse because everyone was off character.
A character who understands: Arnav is left alone in the woods of logic and pragmatism. They are all attached to Aarav as if he is Simba who returned home. Aarav, individually, had potential but the rest I give up. I really wish Shashi Gupta was around to knock some sense - he was the most sensible character of all.
#10 Khushi Would Not Fit into the Fashion World
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Yes Khushi, you don’t fit. Saying bhaiya, exercising in georgette/chiffon salwar suits when your husband could buy out athleisure companies, using mimicry for the ‘talent’ round, not realising rivalry in one of the most politically charged and competitive industries, and not really pulling off any makeup/clothing out of your comfort zone (barring a wonderful blue gown) only shows that Arnav Singh Raizada pulled strings.
Enough strings to build a freaking saree.
Her not speaking English was really not a problem, her lack of passion for fashion is. Models work really hard. From intensive exercise, makeup/fashion routines, educating themselves about the world they’re in and a true dedication to the modeling world.
It’s a pity that there’s zero respect for the fashion world in this track. Check out the reality show MTV Supermodel of the Year with Malaika Arora, Milind Soman, Masaba Gupta, Ujjwala Raut and Anusha Dandekar - even though it’s a reality show it at least gives us a glimpse of how models are!
Arnav could easily be sitting on the panel - his character has been built so. Khushi, she could’ve designed clothes because of her passion for chikankari, gota, Lucknowi karigari - that was established!
I don’t know where this track went because fashion is Arnav’s forte. There’s no way Khushi could succeed without his backing because that just undermines the fact that he’s right about the industry he mastered!
To succeed Khushi required passion, that Arnav has for business. She’s really like a five year old going ‘ha, I’m gonna beat him in his own stuff’. Imagine Arnav fighting with Khushi and then teaching her how to make jalebis, opening a sweet store and doing better despite not following anything Khushi advises!!! Sounds crazy, right?
When it’s about business and fashion, Arnav Singh Raizada is always right. He has been, otherwise no one can easily build an empire, afford the living expenses of his entire joint family, buy back their palatial childhood mansion and buy a massive house in Delhi’s most expensive location.
At the age of 26.
Not going to talk about the scene, or the opposite character.
But a character who understands: Payal Gupta. She knows, from the first day, who Arnav Singh Raizada is. So much so that when Khushi is swept in the emotions of the office challenge Payal reminds Khushi that the job and office is his to begin with. The only time she’s furious with Arnav is when he crosses his boundaries of being ‘right’ but apart from that she probably would also advise Khushi against going into fashion like Arnav. Not because Khushi can’t do it, it’s just not her world. It’s not what Khushi is passionate about!
The end, thank you to anyone who stuck around and read it! 
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makeyourownmyth · 3 years
best seen in 2020.
My usual caveats from previous years are still applicable here: I don’t watch most of the major nominations the years they come out, and I’m usually not much for theaters and/or current TV. However, due to the pandemic, we watched a loooooooot of content. Here’s just a list of movies that I watched or rewatched this year, that were neither terrible, nor great, but I want to make note of:
Toy Story 4, The Brothers Bloom, Happiest Season, The Peanut Butter Falcon, Moana, Mr. Right, Moulin Rouge, Ocean’s Eleven, Spring Breakers, X-Men: Dark Phoenix (this might have been the worst movie I watched this year?), Widows, Gattaca, Black Klansman, Primer, It 2, Shazam (this maybe should have gone on the Honorable Mentions - it was fun), Training Day, Parasite (OK, now I have to update my Honorable Mentions), The Green Book, Strange Days, Elf, Love & Basketball, Above the Rim, Coach Carter.
That being said, there was some bad stuff, and I try not to shit on any artist’s creations too much, because I know no one sets out to make something bad, but these didn’t work for me. 
Uncut Gems - It’s not that it was BAD, it was just too stressful for me to enjoy.
Brick - It wasn’t even close to enjoyable on a rewatch that I encouraged my partner to take on for the first time. I felt bad. 
Hereditary - Neither a scary movie, nor a good movie.  
The Witch - Same, but maybe better made?
Under The Skin - Jesus, this was terrible. Maybe I’m not artsy enough to get it?
Now, however, let’s get to the good stuff. 
Honorable Mention TV
Avatar - I can’t legitimately put it on the Best Of list, because I’m not done yet, but I’m on Book 3, after finally actually getting started. I think I tried to start this in 2016, and i know all my nerd friends have been yelling at me for a long time because I haven’t gotten to it yet, and as someone who’s almost done, I can say: they were right! It’s great. 
Ozark - S1 was great. It fell off a fucking CLIFF after that. Ignore people who tell you that you HAVE to watch this. They’re wrong. It’s fine. 
The Last Dance - I know the world is obsessed with Michael Jordan, and I’m glad it came out when it did, but really, all it did for me was confirm that he’s an asshole who was very fortunate to play when he did. And also that the Bulls were fucking phenomenal. 
His Dark Materials - Neither as bad as some of my friends think, nor nearly as good as the books (obviously) but also not good enough that I’ve even started S2 yet, so....I guess it’s fine? 
The Mandalorian S2 - I think they know what they’re doing, and it’s super enjoyable, and I loved the ending, but I’m also curious as to where they’re going now. 
Fargo S3 - Given how good the rest of the series is (other than my distaste for S2, dealt with below, and out of step with pop culture) I thought this one was a misstep, 
Orphan Black - I cannot believe how late I was to this, and how good it still was. It really fell apart toward the end, but the acting was incredible, and the fact that they got to tell the story they wanted to was amazing. 
Best TV
7. All the Smoke with Kobe (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R3KIyEgCgc) - Maybe it was just his death, but it hits hard, and I miss him. Does this even count as TV? 
6. Looking for Alaska - It felt like gratuitous masochism to watch this and enjoy it, being 20 years older than when I fell for it, and feeling ashamed of the young person I was, but even knowing what was coming, I was weeping when it happened. Even knowing that they were ultimately going on a fruitless search and yelling at the TV while the Colonel and Pudge were searching for “signs” and hating them for it, I remember feeling like everything HAD to happen for a reason when I was this young... So yeah. It’s pure nostalgia for me. I’d be super interesting in hearing how kids responded to it. 
5. Locke and Key - I get that some people feel like they don’t need old shit in a new medium, but for me, I’m always up to try it out. If it’s fun, I’ll stick with it. And this is. It’s fun, it’s got some of the old shit, it’s got some new shit, and it’s a treat to see my favorite comic of the last decade in a new medium. Haters need a new bit. 
Fargo s1 and s4 (I didn’t love S3) - I know that I’m in the minority here, but I think 1 and 4 are the best and 2 was good, and 3 was fine. I literally watched all of this show this year, though, so I didn’t have the same time to digest as others. But I think that’s a benefit in some regards? 
4. Magicians s5 - One of the saddest conversations of the last year to two was when a nerd friend of mine said he didn’t like The Magicians because all of the characters were whiny and self-indulgent. For me, that was almost literally the point: they shoved Q into the corner and told the story of the others (at least one episode quite self-referentially so) and it was so much better for that. I wish it hadn’t ended, but I’m glad they left it where they did, because it was so good.  
3. Devs esp. The beginning of e5 - Jesus. The show of the year? Except for the fact that Watchmen came out at the tail end of last year, and I didn’t have it on my 2019 list? I mean, honestly, is there a show more tailored to me? I’m not gonna get into any spoilers, but it’s a quick watch, and it’s fucking fantastic. Watch it, have your mind blown by the concept, especially in the beginning sequence of E5, and then stick around for the subpar ending where basically all of the threads are resolved in the least good way. 
2. Watchmen - This deserves multiple re-watches and all the praise that people heaped upon it. 
1. The Good Place - I know, objectively, that Watchmen was a better show than The Good Place. But this is my list, and I’ll be damned if anything overtakes my favorite sitcom (maybe of all time?) for best of the year. I know it barely just ended this year, and there’s plenty of acclaim to go around for this show, but honestly, every time I talk to anyone about it, it feels like they kind of laugh it off. This show is not only worth your time, but should almost be considered must-watch material. If more people watched this show, we wouldn’t need the insult “sophomoric” to describe people who’ve just had their minds blown by Philosophy 101, and we’d be better off as a species. 
Honorable Mention Movies
In this order, and you can take the comedies and make them the only honorable mentions, if you’d like to make a nice, even top 10. (Until I saw Tenet the night before I posted this.( (And then I looked back at the playing cards that we use to randomly choose movies and I found that I needed to modify the Honorable Mentions and the Best Of lists.) 
21 and 22 Jump Street - In general, I’m not a fan of comedies. So I’m happy I watched these, thanks to Nathan Zed, and they’re funny. Good work guys. 
Palm Springs - Apparently there’s now backlash against Groundhog Day? I dunno, man, it was fun, and all the actors seemed like they were having a good time, and I was down for it. 
Parasite - I can’t add anything to this that hasn’t already been shouted from the rooftops, so let me just briefly say that I thought it was great, but it didn’t quite make the list of best. The combo of genres was great, the cast was fantastic, but what I loved the most about it was how quiet it was.
Best Movies
10. Blinded by the Light - Way more resonant than I thought it’d be from the previews, and I already thought it was gonna be stellar. I didn’t take into account TIME along with place, and that made a hell of a difference for this movie. 
9. Shoplifters - Yeesh. What a tough watch, but so good, and so necessary. For me, I think we watched it back to back to back with Parasite and I, Tonya, and this one just stood out so much more. The storyline was softer all the way through, but really had gravitas simultaneously. 
8. Tenet - It was fucking fun! I don’t get the hate! I liked it, I’ll like it more next time I see it, and I wish I’d seen it on the big screen, but I’m super glad I could see it on my TV! 
7. I, Tonya - Geez, what a powerhouse of acting. Not only did they get me to feel good about the villain of my childhood, they got me to feel good about Margot Robbie, who I’d only thought of as a hot lady before. Superb acting from everyone else, too, and what a great pick up to be like, yeah, this is the story we’re gonna tell. 
6. I Am Not Your Negro - I avoided watching it for so long because I was already depressed this year, and I didn’t think I needed any more of that, but it turns out I did, and I always do, from Baldwin. He’s a master for a reason. 
5. Hamilton - I know there was some backlash with the time difference, and I’m sure it was better to see it pre-2016 in the theater, where it’s meant to be seen, but I’m not a billionaire New Yorker, and I was plenty happy to see it when and where I could. 
4. Won’t You Be My Neighbor - I mean...what do you think? It’s so much exactly what you’re thinking it is, but then it’s even better, because it’s the real deal, and he was so good, and it’s so pure. Watch it. 
3. Her Smell - Elizabeth Moss has already gotten all the acclaim, but to play this different of a role, in a movie that felt as stressful as Uncut Gems, but pulled off an actual plot so much more successfully? I can’t believe this one didn’t get more pub, but then again, yes I can: it’s a movie about a girl band that rages against the machine, and she’s got severe issues. Small surprise that the people didn’t react well. Seek this one out! 
2. Arrival - Yes, I am going to totally cheat and put a movie that’s appeared on my list (sooooo long ago) as the #2 entry this year. You know why? Cuz fuck 2020, and this is a great movie, and it’s the movie that made me feel second best this year. It’s incredible, and I know people appreciated it in its time, but I feel like they should appreciate it even more. 
1. Moonlight - It’s not a shock, nor am I trying to appease anyone with anything. It’s just that I finally watched it, and it’s the best movie I saw this year. I don’t think I could possibly add anything to the authentic critics who have already heaped praise upon it, but I do have to say that it’s all due, and so much more. The acting obviously stands out, but the direction, from the color palettes, to the choice of when and where (and how) to break it up, are all masterful choices.  
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