#oc x delgado
atonalginger · 7 months
Here is something that so far has been a one shot. It's set up in such a way I could go back and forward and flesh it out more but for now it's just this. Starfield AU which changes to canon story beats because with Unity anything is possible!
Warnings: explicit language, light sexual suggestions (like the slightest this isn't spiced), kidnapping mention, missing child, mentions of past violence. Pretty mellow considering its centered around the Key/pirates OC(non-Starfarer) x Delgado Word Count: 3,095
Work-Life Balance
Bella and Delgado struggle to keep work and private life separate as things begin to boil over at the Key.
Just what had she gotten herself into, Bella thought as she walked down the corridor past Jazz’s office window. Jazz looked up from her terminal and waved, a bright smile flashing before going back to her work. Bella waved back and pushed on for the Cherry bomb with little Sophie waiting.
All she had wanted was to make enough creds to ensure Sophie was comfortable. It’s why she took that Argos job. Lin said there’d be desk work for Bella and soon they’d have a base she could bring Sophie along to. Lies. Then Constellation said Sophie would be safe at the Lodge while she worked and while not a flat out lie she didn’t like how they treated her over the situation. Ryujin was promising and the pay as a senior operative was nice but wasn’t the whole point of finding legit work to get away from the jobs that could land her in prison?
So then what was she doing now? What was this? She gave up on the idea of running with the Fleet when she got pregnant with Sophie and yet now she’d docked at the Key at least once a week trading loot and intel for creds. Even bringing her baby girl to the belly of the beast. And for what? Certainly wasn’t for that bastard Ikande. Filthy shark talking out both sides of his mouth, acting like she’s not expendable while forcing her to go undercover with the Fleet. As if threatening to disappear her daughter in the UC foster system wasn’t violent coercion. She thought about going to Fox and Jay but would MAST believe them over Ikande? Would they believe her?
She hugged her self as she waited for a crew to finish unloading their overstuffed crates of goodies. They each smiled and waved at her as well, most calling her Rook but their captain winked and greeted her as Cap Cherise. Not everyone was like this but she noticed those most loyal to Delgado were warm and welcoming to her and Bella couldn’t complain. It was jarring but a nice change compared to her time with the Syndicate.
Delgado. Her mind wandered back to the first real job on Suverov. How Mathis turned on her in the control room as Del opened the hanger bay. The way he threatened Mathis over the intercom before dashing for the surface. She had wondered if it was bravado as she clawed her way into the shuttle and closed the loading bay before Mathis could shoot his way onto ship, leaving the traitor as a peace offering to the creepy crawlies. But no, Delgado was waiting at the docking port when she got back to the Key, personally patched her up as she told him what she found.
She loved the way he looked at her. There was a hunger in his eyes, one that came through in his touch, his kisses, the way he fucked her. Good news or bad, he was always happy to see her. He talked her up to others around the Key. Demanded respect for her when Neava once again popped off at the mouth. She felt safest when in the arms of a man most called a monster. What was she doing? He was dangerous and if it was ever discovered she was docking at the Vigilance? She’d heard the talk about what Delgado did to rats.
Maybe ol’ Benny was right. Maybe she really did have a death wish and was just in denial.
Bella’s heart stopped when she reached the Cherry Bomb. The door was open wide and she could see the ransacked infirmary inside. How? The door was locked, only people who have the code are Jazz’s team and Bella. She climbed inside and hurried up the ladder. More mess. Every berth looked upside down. Clothes destroyed. And Mister Azure mutilated, hanging from the hatch into the cockpit. She did another pass of the ship, where was Sophie?
“Cherise?” a man’s voice called from the infirmary. Juan Wrecker, one of Del’s personal crew, “You in here? Sammy said you were heading this way.”
“Juan, how did this happen,” she looked down the ladder at him, fighting back tears, “I had it locked and…”
“Del has Jazz looking into that.” Juan motioned for her to climb down, “Me and Seumas are supposed to look for clues here while you head back to command. Del would have come down personally but he’s entertaining a little guest at the moment.”
Bella hopped down to the infirmary, “how’d she get…”
“Del had Mollie looking at the security footage. She said everyone acted like she wasn’t there. Little one also told us that mean men were wrecking your ship and she slipped away while they were busy.” Wrecker gave Bella a pat on her shoulder, “she was shaken up but she’s safe now.”
“I…Thank you…I need to go,” Bella wiped her eyes and hurried off the Cherrybomb.
Seumas called after her as she hustled past and started to sprint, “don’t worry, we’ll find who did this. They’ll pay.”
The Command station was quiet when Bella hurried in. Mollie was standing over a series of screens and Thrasher was working away at his usual console. Ever since Bella and Jay figured out the Legacy was lost in Bannoc IV and there’d be no retrieval Command had gone quiet. Mollie looked up and batted at chunk of hot pink hair out of her face, “they’re upstairs. Hope its okay, I fed Sophie some Chunks. A cheesesteak chunk and two cosmic red apples. Figured the apples would balance the scale.”
“She ate for you?” Bella’s jaw dropped slightly.
“Well not for me but I grabbed them for her. I saw her eating them while sitting with Del. He took her upstairs, said Thrasher and I were too much.” Mollie laughed, “oh and I already messaged Del and Wrecker, I saw who broke into your ship and Wrecker and the boys should be rounding them up quick.”
“That was fast.” Bella looked up the stairs and saw Sophie and Delgado in the window. He was holding her seated in one arm while they both waved at her. She blinked, shocked. Sophie didn’t like strangers and especially wouldn’t let one pick her up. Hell she barely tolerated her Aunt Jay some days. But there she was, smiling and half hugging Delgado, waving from the conference room. Bella waved back and turned back to Mollie, “who did it?”
“I don’t know him or his crew well, Captain Rusted Nail and some rooks he found. Only thing I know is that name is the most interesting thing about him. Don’t know why but Wrecker will find out. Go on, go hug your baby. I know you must have been scared.”
“Thank you,” Bella said in a quiet voice before hurrying for the stairs.
As soon as she opened the door Sophie ambushed her, hugging her leg tight, “Mama!”
“Sophie!” she leaned down and rubbed her daughter’s back and then slowly knelt down to hug her daughter close, “baby, how’d you get here?”
Sophie talked fast while tugging at her shirt hem and rocking back and forth, tripping over her words, “I ‘member you always saying you gotta go to command so when the mean men started throwing things and banging stuff I slipped away and asked a wobbly guy in red where Command was and he laughed and told me to go to the elevator and slap the top button and then go through the big orange doors and walk straight,” the little girl’s arm suddenly shot out to make a straight line, “until I saw the scrawny man with the red jacket with no sleeves and then go this way, “she swiped her arm away to one side, “and then ride another elevator up and then look for the big glowing table.”
“Wobbly man was one of Jazz’s techs off duty. Jazz is talking to him about maybe next time just walking the kid to Command instead of setting them loose in the Key but he still gave better directions than most.” Delgado joined them kneeling next to Sophie, “Sophie here walked in like she was Gran Jeffe looking for you. Said bad men ruined her nap.”
“They did,” Sophie nodded.
“That was very brave of you,” Bella said as she smoothed her daughter’s hair, “I’m sorry you were alone, baby.”
“S’okay, Mama. You did want me to stay with Auntie Jay.” Sophie hugged her mom. Bella held her close.
“That doesn’t excuse it.” Bella wondered just how badly she was fucking up her kid in this moment. That her five year old was rationalizing this already. Sophie was supposed to be playing at the playground with kids her age, not having to talk to drunken pirates while assholes ransacked her ship.
“Our ships are our safe havens,” Delgado took Bella’s upper arm in his hand and rubbed it with his thumb, “Plenty of the Fleet have their kids aboard to keep them safe. You did nothing wrong; I will see this is dealt with.” There was a fire in his eyes as he finished speaking.
“Mama?” Sophie tugged on Bella’s coat sleeve, “when you were on the Bomb did you see Zur? I forgot to grab him and I’m worried those mean men might have hurt him.”
The sight of Mister Azure, Sophie bright blue trilobite plush her aunt got her, hanging in mutilated pieces from the cockpit hatch hit Bella like a slap to the head. She stared at the big blue eyes staring up at her, struggling to find words.
“They hurt Zur, didn’t they?” Sophie’s voice broke, tears breaking instantly.
“I’m sorry baby.”
“Why?” She wailed, “he’s just a friend!”
“Because they are bad men,” Delgado spoke softly. He leaned in closer and placed a hand on Sophie back, “bad, bad men who are in a lot of trouble with me. I’ll have my guys get your friend and we’ll make sure he gets better, okay?”
“Del…” Bella started.
“I’ll handle it,” he looked up at her then back to her daughter. He wiped tears from Sophie’s cheek and pulled his red scarf from around his neck, “here. You wear this for now. It’ll keep you safe while I go talk to the bad men.”
Sophie’s cries had gone quiet as quick as they’d started and she now held one end of the silk scarf, running her fingers over the swirling patterns painted on it.
Delgado stood up and motioned for Bella to join him at the door. Once they were a few steps from Sophie he took her hand and leaned in, “I don’t know what those concha de su madres think they were doing but they will regret it. I promise you.”
“You’re doing a lot for a Rook who failed you,” Bella looked away to her shoes.
“Fleet comes first. You’re fleet, you come first,” Delgado chuckled and touched her chin with his other hand, lifted her head back up softly, “plus it’s not like you sank the Legacy into Bannoc IV yourself.”
“This is still a lot for a rook, Del. I told you I didn’t want you playing favorites. We’re suppose to be separating work with pleasure, remember?”
“One, you are not a Rook anymore and haven’t been since you successfully brought the Comspike back. No I don’t care what Neava said, I’m the boss not her. Two, those fuckers broke into one of my captain’s ships while docked on the Key and did who knows what to it. I want to know why, I want to know how, and I want to make them pay.”
They stared at one another. The fire in his eyes was intense. She hadn’t seen him this intense since he patched her up months ago. His gaze flickered to her lips and back to her pale green eyes.
Little Sophie voice broke the silence, “Bad men said Neav said look for Evan Dense. I don’t know who that is or why they thought he’d be on the Bomb but they were looking for Dense.”
They both slowly turned to look at the five year old standing near the table. She was looking up at them with a smile.
“Repeat that again, baby?” Bella turned to face her daughter.
“One of the bad men, the one in charge, kept scolding the others and saying Neav said to look for Evan Dense.”
“Evidence?” Bella asked, trying hard to not sound like she was correcting her.
“Yup, do you know who that is?” Sophie asked.
“I do,” Delgado said first, “don’t know why Neava thought he’d be on your Mama’s ship.”
Bella snapped her look back to Delgado and watched as he grinned so proudly. He leaned in and kissed Bella’s cheek and then looked back to Sophie, “I’m going to ask the bad men why they’re looking for Mr. Dense. Thanks for telling us that, sweetheart. You stay here with your mama. I’ll be back soon.”
Bella paced little circles in the back of Delgado’s private quarters on his ship as he talked. In the next berth Juan, Seumas, and Sophie were playing board games. Bella was spiraling. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen, just that the wind had finally blown and the house of cards was going down around her.
Sophie had been in the conference room with Delgado for nearly forty minutes when Bella finally got back to the Cherry Bomb. In that time Sophie had inadvertently outted her mother as a sysdef mole. Sophie had told Delgado the bad men who trashed the Cherry Bomb reminded her of the mean men who kidnapped her and her Mama in New Atlantis so long ago. She told him how a bully named Ikande made her cry when he wouldn’t let her see her Mama and how he made her Mama do work she didn’t want to do. Bella also learned that apparently Jillian Toft had been checking in on Sophie whenever she was staying with Jay and Sam and tried to get Sophie to talk when she was on the playground. Toft had told Sophie that Ikande and her cared about Sophie very much and they just wanted to help her.
“But Sophie’s a smart girl and knew Jillian was lying through her teeth and refused to talk.” Delgado was watching her pace, “Bella, come on, sit down, you’re going to wear a hole through the hull like that.”
“And somehow Neava figured this out too. And she’s trying to find anything to pass around the Key to rally people to kill me. I’m her latest mistake, it burns her ass that she fucked up and she’s going too…”
“Bella,” He was behind her, his arms now wrapped around her holding her still, “She won’t touch you.”
“I’m a rat.” Bella didn’t move.
“You’re not a rat. Sophie said you were always talking shit about those sharks, not her words, and saying you wouldn’t give them anything useful. And I believe it. You’re loyal.” He kissed her neck.
“Del, do you realize how crazy you sound, trusting a five year old’s word completely. She swore she met a pink miniature giant space frog last week in the park in the Embassy district. Her best friend is a neon green invisible ashta named Roxie.”
“Hey Roxie is cool, I got to meet her earlier when Sophie was eating one of her apples.” Delgado kissed her neck again, “I don’t think Sophie is lying about this. She’s not old enough know to lie about this.”
Bella turned around and looked at him. “What now then? Even without edgelord Rusted Nail finding “Mr. Dense” the rumors are already swirling. Why else are we here and not still on the Key? And how does that make you look, hiding a sysdef mole on your ship?”
He took her face in his hands and kissed her hard. She let out a surprised squeak and stumbled as he walked her back to the wall and pressed her against it. His hands ran down to her hips, one grabbing firm and the other quickly returning to her head, sliding behind and holding her still. “It will be dealt with.”
“You can’t deny everything has been falling to shit since I showed up. I won’t be the only one to notice.”
“Everything had been falling to shit for a while, Bella. Anything you did it a spit in the ocean.” He paused and kissed her again, lingering for a moment and then nibbling on her neck, “It’s why I was so focused on finding Kryx’s Legacy. I thought if I could bring it back to the Key then I could bring back the ideas, the values Kryx set in place when he founded the Fleet. I realized today, when Sophia said Neava gave the order, that those were gone, been gone for a long time. I’m a fool for not seeing the plots before and I’ll figure out what to do next tomorrow. Tonight,” he kissed her lips again, “tonight I just want to rest.”
A cheer in the other room drew their attention. Sophie had won the game and the guys were cheering her on. Bella stared off toward the commotion, “I should have told you sooner.”
“I understand why you didn’t,” Delgado brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her cheek, “forced to walk a tight rope, probably fed all sorts of bullshit from sysdef.”
“I mean yes,” she looked back at him, “I just didn’t know how you’d take it. I don’t know where we stand and I didn’t want to make you feel pressured or…”
“We stand right here,” he tugged at her hip and rested his forehead on hers, “With you at my side we can take on the universe.”
“Didn’t think you the hopeless romantic type, Del,” Bella mused.
He threw back his head and laughed as he stepped away, “I’m the guy who sank millions of credits into finding crumbs about the Legacy hoping it would save a sinking ship.”
“Fair,” Bella looked once more toward the door. Sophie was singing her latest favorite song and Juan was trying to be backup but two off-key singers weren’t making a tune, “What if the ship really sinks?”
“It’s in bad shape but it won’t sink,” Delgado led her back to the couch and pulled her onto his lap as he sat down, “but those are all concerns for tomorrow.”
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loriane-elmuerto · 19 days
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Obi-Wan x Aminata (sw) / Johnny x Inara (mk) Halsin x Gilriel (bg3) / Shanks x Carmen (op)
got tagged by @risingsh0t, @imogenkol, @crownrots, @rhettsabbott, @frankwoods, and @cryptcombat to do this picrew and sincerely from the bottom of my heart. I'm kissing u all thank you so much FOR GIVING ME THISSSS
gonna tag (taglist to opt in/out for future content if you want!):
@shellibisshe, @rolangf, @ghostfvcker, @roofgeese
@queennymeria, @florbelles, @jackiesarch
@countessrooster, @lucky-107, @unholymilf
@cptcassian, @thedeadthree, @belorage
and anyone else who wants to participate!
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bearlytolerant · 5 months
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Fandom: Starfield
Pairing: Delgado x OC
Chapter rating: M
Chapter: 7
This is part 3 and the final part of the Bannoc IV chapters. More on AO3 or start at the Beginning.
It’s late and alcohol buzzes in his veins as he palms the nav table with slumped shoulders. There’s a brunette sucking him off that he’d brought back from The Last Nova. It’s been three weeks of worrying and he needs to find pockets of relaxation. So, the brunette offered relief and a blow job’s a blow job. He’s never been too picky about it before. But this one? It’s not that it’s bad and it could be categorized as pretty good. It’s just not—it simply is not her. It’s not great.
Delgado grits his teeth together and vacantly stares as the red lights in the command center flicker. Fucking annoying. He’s losing focus. But he shouldn’t have to concentrate this hard. It’s a goddam blow job. Shouldn’t he be thoughtless and less tense by now? Maybe if he just imagines the mischievous glint in her eyes or the feel of her teal strands in his grasp the tension might unravel. He closes his eyes to paint her picture but it’s blocked by flickering orange behind his eyelids. Flicker. Flicker. Suck. The suction is pleasurable but his mind is so fickle, and he falls flaccid with the languid lathing of the pirate’s tongue. Fuck, he can’t even remember this one’s name.
He backs up and tugs her off. Teeth scrape against sensitive skin and he winces. “Go.”
“But I—”
Raised finger like the reaper, he points at the fated door, his pants bunching around his ankles. The pirate doesn’t even huff right as they saunter from the room. Delgado yanks up his pants, and strolls those few steps to the exit. He marches down the stairs to the command center. There’s not a single glance spared in the direction of the displaced pirate.
The trip to ship services is the same as always minus the interruptions from Murdock. Instead of entering Jazz’s space though, he leans over the counter like any regular customer, waiting for her to notice him at the window. Eyes on her computer screen only, she doesn’t see him there.
He taps the ‘ring for service’ bell once and its jingle echoes throughout the atrium. “Have you heard—”
Jazz sighs and cuts him off. “No, still haven’t heard anything from your precious pirate.” Her brows furrow as she continues typing, the glow of the computer screen highlighting her annoyance.
Naeva barked out a laugh. “Your little friend probably ran off with the money by now. Do you really think someone who steals from you every chance she gets is going to suddenly become loyal? What reason does she have to bring it back here?”
“I hate to agree with Naeva on this one boss,” Jazz says while her fingers clack against the keys. She briefly glances up at him.
“You agree because deep down you know I’m right.” Naeva folds her arms across her chest, leveling a hardened stare at Delgado. “I say you hunt the bitch down and take back what’s ours.”
“Alright, Naeva. That’s enough,” Del says, his tone remaining cool and even. “Jazz. Ready my ship.”
A small smile graces Naeva’s lips and she almost nods approval. “I am leaving The Key in both of your hands while I am away.”
“You are leaving it in good hands.” Naeva’s smile grows bigger.
“Oh and Jazz, I need my ship prepped for Bannoc IV.”
Naeva’s face falls and the clacking of the keys ceases.
“You have got to be fucking joking,” Naeva says, throwing her hands up in the air in disbelief.
“I mean, I do have prototypes of both the ComSpike and conduction grid but they are just that. They are prototypes. I can’t guarantee your safety.”
“I do not tell you often but you should know that I have great faith in your capabilities, Jazz. I do not need the concern. I simply need my ship outfitted with what you have.” He turns away.
“Del,” Naeva reaches out to grasp his wrist.
“I know what you are going to say. But I need you to trust me on this one. Just one last time.”
Naeva releases his wrist with a sigh. “Fine but if you don’t come back—”
“I trust you and the others to take care of the fleet. If I don’t come back, you can say I told you so to the ghost of my memory.”
“Ha. Real funny,” Naeva says, shaking her head.
Jazz sighs. “Well, if you’re sure.”
“I am sure,” Delgado states without hesitation. “So outfit my ship while I gather a crew.”
He exits, heading back to the bunks. Hopefully, he will be able to scrounge up his usual crew and they won’t be too drunk or high.
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fangbangerghoul · 6 months
Ao3 Masterlist
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Starfield Tales
Updated: 04/24/24 Word Count: 155,010
Ghoul series:
1. Neon City Delights (completed) TW: Drug use, SA, Cannon Violence
Walter Stroud has finally decided to talk to you (Main character) like you are a person at Constellation. So, to prove to yourself and the companion the association has assigned to you as of late, Sam Coe, you now get to walk the streets of your hometown to complete a mission with your lead. What happens at the Astral Lounge doesn't need to be told, right?
2. Settling with the Stars (completed) TW: Cannon Violence, Alcohol
Being grounded to a planet is worse when you know you could be out doing something better with your time. Sarah Morgan wants our main character to lay low while others have been out doing quests of their own. How has our main character been settling with their down time since their near-death experience at Neon City?
3. Fleeting Pleasures (completed) <Masterpost> TW: Violence, Murder, Addiction, CNC
Our characters Crimson Fleet Arc. After going undercover our main character now has to balance who they are versus who they have to be and the line starts to blur. (Sam Coe x MC x Delgado)
4. Cellar Door (on hiatus) TW: Grief, Isolation, SA
"This famous linguist once said that of all the phrases in the English language, of all the endless combinations of words in all of history, 'cellar door' is the most beautiful." - Karen Pomeroy from Donnie Darko
To discover the unknowns of time, space and the grand universe like a true adventurer was everything to the Constellation members but at what cost? In this small epic discover what eternity really means with our main character.
5. Heavy Metal Lover (in progress) (Fic Masterpost) Tw: cannon violence
Ghoul and Delgado are back! Ghoul is stealthy, aggressive, indulgent, and stubborn as hell. Delgado is rough, creative, intimidating, and a manipulative Crimson Fleet leader. These chapters will be windows into Ghoul's Crimson Fleet life if the ending of Fleeting Pleasures never happened.
This takes place separately from Fleeting Pleasures in a universe where Ghoul finds her footing within the Crimson Fleet. This AU is a year after Ghoul joining the Fleet and the Constellation and Sysdef foregoing any hold they felt they had on her.
Starfield Shorts
Offbeats/One Shot's:
Capacity Limit (Sam Coe x fem!reader) TW: Bondage, Cannon Violence
Reader and Sam Coe are on a mission to eliminate Spacers and Reader keeps picking up too much shit.
Tear You Apart (Pirate Sam Coe x fem!reader) TW: CNC, Facefucking, bondage, light forced voyeurism, it's very explicit and it's a pirate being a pirate so just be wary. This isn't your Sam Coe from Kansas anymore.
You are now Starborn in search for the remnants of what you have left behind in your new current universe. You rush to be reunited with a new version of those you cared deeply but things go awry.
soft leather and spurs (softdom!Sam x fem!reader) Tw: praise kink, soft breeding kink, language?
You are leaving the bar for the night after playing a game of let's meet like strangers with your favorite cowboy.
Bonus Stories:
Ghoul Adventures (Halloweenedition, in progress)
This Halloween edition of Starfield tales takes our Main Character and some of the crew of Constellation on a spelunking adventure in search of what is causing all of the spooky rumors at the local citizen outpost.
Ghoul Files (a miniseries in progress) TW: Smut (I honestly don't think I have anything too hardcore in this series to tag, I will update if that changes)
This is the start of entries from Ghoul's life. Not all entries will be cannon to the current series. These entries are also little tidbits to hold you over in between chapters and series! Some will be Crimson Fleet oriented; some will be regular Ghoul activities!
Ghoul's Time at Sandrock
Short 1000 words or less chapters:
That Damn Rock (completed) fem!builder x Owen Tw: Fluff, slice of life, maybe a smooch
Builder, Ghoul is struggling with gathering materials.
What Did I Get Myself Into? (completed) fem!builder x Owen TW: Fluff, slice of life, fun stuff
Builder Ghoul tries to socialize like a normal Sandrockian.
Baldur's Gatekeep, Gaslight, Gouge Eyes 3
Collection of BG3 inspired Fics:
Thorny Feelings (completed) OC Ghoul x Bearlytolerable's OC Valentine Blanche TW: smut, anal, cunnilingus, light bdsm, magic
Valentine follows his dear friend Ghoul out into the woods away from the camp of companions they've been traveling with in Faerun.
100 Followers Celebration - Bloodweave (completed) Gale x Astarion Tw: fluff, hurt/comfort kind of
While the party is taking a short rest; Astarion and Gale strike up a conversation.
100 Followers Celebration - Calm Nights (completed) Halsin x Astarion x Ghoul Tw: bathtub, relaxation
Halsin, Astarion, and Ghoul finally settle for the night into a paid room for the night after long voyaging.
Bonus Posts
Masterpost Character Editions:
Sam Coe: Collection of oneshots and features Sam Coe from Starfield
Delgado: Collection of fics featuring Delgado from Starfield
Owen: Collection of fic that features Owen from MTAS
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toxiclizardwrites · 5 months
YOU JUST REMINDED ME TO DO THIS. For the WIP game, you KNOW I gotta hear about Tattoo. Pleeaasseeeee and thanks. :)
Your wish is my command! It is a WIP, but here is an excerpt:
Delgado and I walked into the room, and I immediately took a seat on the raised black leather chair in the center.
“There's even an actual tattoo chair, impressive,”
Delgado chuckled. “It was here when we found this starstation. I guess the UC has an affinity for tattoos as well.”
His eyes scanned my body carefully, like an artist surveying their canvas, taking in every detail and making mental notes about every curve and imperfection. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. I knew he was just trying to see where I would get my tattoo, but there’s just something about those amber eyes that melts your composure.
“Where do you want it?” the question pulled me back into reality.
“I was thinking on my side,” I said, pointing to the area just beside my right breast and slightly under my arm.
His lips curled into a mischievous grin. “It’ll be hidden, are you sure?”
I nodded and focused on his eyes. “It won't be hidden from everyone.”
His grin widened. “Sure, if that's what you want, let's get started.” he took of his jacket and placed it on a countertop, revealing a black fitted t-shirt underneath.
I slowly lifted my shirt off my body, and placed it at the end of the chair. I leaned back and shifted my weight to get comfortable.
“You’ll have to take your bra off as well,”
I hesitated. It was difficult enough being in front of Delgado with just my bra and pretending it was no big deal, but completely topless? My face turned red. “Can't you just move the side of it?” I asked.
“No, it's too tight against your body, I need a clear space to work or it's going to look like shit,” he replied, busying himself with the ink, cloths, and other supplies that he would need to complete the tattoo.
“Ok, fine,” I said, trying not to make it sound like I cared.
I reached back to unhook the clasp at the back, arching my chest forward to make it easier to reach. Delgado didn't seem like he was paying attention, still fussing with the supplies on a nearby table with his back turned to me.
Holding the cups in place, I leaned back. “That should be good, right?”
He turned to see me laying on the chair. His eyes scanned me for a moment.
“It’ll do,” Delgado said with a hint of disappointment in his voice. He sat down on a wheeled stool and scooted it close to me, pulling along an old surgical tray with him that also had wheels. On top of the tray was the tattoo gun, some cloths, and a bottle with some distilled water in it. He was close now, his chest inches away from my bare skin. I could smell his earthy Cologne and feel the heat emanating from his body on my own.
He turned to get a cloth, and used a bottle to wet it. He brought the cloth to the side of my body, the cold liquid causing goosebumps to appear on my skin. He wiped the area gently and purposefully, his fingers gently brushing the side of my breast. The feel of the cloth and the pressure of his fingers against my skin sent a sudden jolt of pleasure though my body, one that took everything in me to not show. I swallowed.
“Are you ready?”
I nodded.
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aro-pancake-writes · 2 months
It's Wednesday? Ooh!
It's time!
WIP Wednesday!
It's a short one, as it came with a small burst of creativity and energy last night. And thank you to @atonalginger for the laughs and ideas!
Bonus: I finally made a new OC! Her name is Penelope (yes, because of Odysseus wife), the pronouns are she/her, and she's Charlie's little sister.
[title TBD]
“My darling Penelope…” Delgado says, pulling his lover closer to his side, and giving her a kiss.
“Del, what are you doing?” Penny giggles at the care. He's so different when they're alone, and she revels in the attention he has only for her.
“Caring for my lady, as usual.” He offers her a chocolate lab, that Penny takes a generous bite off.
She couldn't be more entranced and in love.
Del gently tucks her black hair behind her ear, pulling her for a proper passionate kiss, when the shooting starts outside his door.
He barely has the time to stop and turn when the door opens and a looming figure stands at the passage.
“Penelope, that's the last straw.” They say, stepping in.
The bright pink hair is unknown, but there's something about their eyes as they look at Penny, something tired, above all.
“But Charlie…” Penny tries to argue, only to be held by the arm and pulled away. She can hold on to the bedsheets and wrap it around her body before getting out, thankfully.
“No buts, Penny.” Charlie drags her through the Key, towards their ship. “I told you a million times already, do not get involved with those pirates.”
“You only care because your husband has a big name, Charlie.” Penny argues and digs her heels on the floor. She knows that her sibling cares about her safety, but the way they do it is borderline extreme.
“Penny, I swear to… whatever there is out there.” Charlie tugs at her again.
“That's it.” Delgado appears, behind them, and grabs Penny by the waist, safely away from her captor.
“Oh, don't you start, pirate boy.” Charlie mocks, pulling out their Deadeye. “Give me back my sister, and I'll let you live.” The gun goes straight to Del's face.
In this moment, Penny notices three things:
First, Del is barely dressed, probably due to rushing in after them.
Second, whatever pirates are within range to see them, are hidden wherever they can. In fear of Charlie or Del, she doesn't know
And finally, that they're near Jazz’s. Naeva and Jazz are sitting at Jazz’s table, watching with absolute focus and curiosity, while eating some… popcorn?
“And what if she wants to stay, huh?” Del questions Charlie, who in turn leans over the side to look down at Penny.
“My sister. My responsibility.” Charlie says, cocking their gun and maintaining eye contact with Penny. “You, to the ship. And you, Delgado, if I feel in the force that you're anywhere near Penny, I'll castrate you myself.”
Charlie grabs Penny one more time, and manages to toss her over their shoulder.
“Why, you brute!” Penny screeches, pounding at her siblings back. “I can walk by myself!”
“Penny, I will not tell you again to stay away from him.” Charlie sighs, stepping into their ship and locking the door, while telling Sam to undock.
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silurisanguine · 2 months
Sunday Snippet
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Tagging the Coemancer Crew as always, @vorchagirl @despicablediet plus anyone else who'd like to share a snippet from their latest WIP. No pressure! This is a rough from a future chapter of Chasing Your Star Until I Reach Home.
As they hurried back to the Cora's Revenge, Seren almost skidded to a halt when she caught sight of two people she'd hoped to avoid when coming to this place. Delgado and Naeva talking to each other casually, obviously waiting for Sam to return to his ship. Seren bristled under her armour but stayed silent, hoping Sam would be able to talk his way off the station without causing a scene. Though it was very clear to her he wasn't happy either, the fact he still had his rifle unholstered was testament to that. She doubted he would openly attack Delgado...Naeva on the other hand... Delgado was the first to notice them both and made eye contact with Sam, crossing his arms and glaring.
”I thought I told you it was best you stay off the station for the time being?” Delgado looked the same as he did in Seren’s universe, though if anything the circles under his eyes were more obvious. Seemed the weight of leading a strange rebellion with less than enthusiastic soldiers was wearing at him.
"Just picking up some supplies Del, then I'll be out of your hair.” Sam sounded cheerful, but he still hadn't holstered his rifle from before when he stood in front of them both. Mainly because Naeva hadn't taken her eyes off Seren and was staring daggers at her, whilst twirling a very real dagger in her hands. Delgado's second stepped forward jabbing the dagger like a finger at Seren, who remained calm even as she clenched her fist ready to use one of her powers.
"That's her Del. You bitch! You trapped us on Vectera. Took Lin two hours to get us out of that hab.” Naeva spat the words out, her sneer even worse now there was a harsh scar pulling at her top lip.
"I’d have done the same honestly.” Sam chuckled as Delgado placed a hand in front of Naeva to stop her lunging forward. The pirate woman spat at Seren’s feet, her displeasure at being held back obvious.
"So she’s with you now Coe? Guess her services are more than just mercenary.”
Naeva tried making a show of looking Seren up and down, but the nervousness that came off the woman was so obvious for Seren to feel, so she made a point of keeping her helm opaque so as not to let the woman see her face. She knew how intimidating her armour could be, even with the robes that now covered the strange metal. She saw Sam shake his head and place all his weight on one hip, still acting casual at a glance, but Seren knew he was wired to act on a second if needed.
"I wouldn’t make her an enemy Naeva. She's an enemy of the UC and an ally to us, plus you threatened her when you first found her. What the fuck did you think she'd do? Just be glad she let you live." He stepped slightly in front of Seren which made her grin behind her helm, he was protecting her again?
"I can speak for myself Sam.” She said, her voice echoing so it made her sound sinister within the confines of the station. Raising her hand to let it bristle with ice cold sunless space energy, she looked directly at the pirate woman who took a step back when she saw the ice ball forming in her hand.
"Ms Mora.  You may test your assumptions at your convenience.”
"Enough!” Delgado brought his hand to his temple and rubbed it, obviously staving off a headache. “Coe, I dont care who you ally with if it helps us. But…do you have an update for me regarding what you are meant to be doing? Is Victis planning an attack here?”
Seren moved her head imperceptibly from Naeva to Sam, her worry hidden by her helmet. That’s what he was doing? Sarah had to know, she was no fool.
"Cant say…boss. The General is tight lipped at the Lodge and she has her robot guarding her office day and night.” Sam lent on one hip again, seemingly not bothered by the way Naeva was still looking daggers at them both. The obvious disdain in the way he said boss was not lost on Seren either, so she kept her guard up. “What I have heard let slip through her lapdog Barrett is Victis is getting bored of playing nice. He cant use his ideal weapon on us here and knows it, but I have a feeling he plans to cut us off from our supplies by targeting them. Here’s all the evidence I was able to get, including a possible planned attack on Neon.“ He handed a slate to Delgado who took it and showed Naeva. She took her eyes off the pair to read it and almost growled before standing up straight, tucking the dagger back into her thigh holster.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 5 months
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Happy Birthday @manyfandomocs
Small highlight reel of Gossip Girl crossovers because I love them​​
Carmela De Leon & Andrea Fitzpatrick Colette Garrel-Waldorf x Wesley Dawson Kyla Keller & Natalia Finch Mercedes Delgado x Lorenzo Waters Olivia Olsen x Matthew Porter Valentina Wolfe x Gavin Cohen
Happy birthday Charlie!! I'm so glad to have gotten to know you over the past year, you're a wonderful creator and such such such an incredible person! I hope you have a fantastic year!
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atonalginger · 5 months
Wanted to Say 'Thank You'
Del and Bella are back in this spicy prequel to Work-Life Balance.
Rated Explicit for explicit sexual content.
After a close call in The Lock, Bella decides to pay Delgado a visit after normal hours to thank him for all he did for saving her life and words simply won't be enough.
Read the full fic on ao3 by clicking Here
snippet below:
“That needs to go,” she tapped the bulky belt.
“Then so does that,” he reached out and tugged on the bottom edge of her padded armor.
She let herself laugh and withdrew her hands to undo the clasps and pull the armor off. He looked momentarily disappointed to lose her touch before setting about undoing his belt and leather coat. They both tossed their armor toward the back wall, his gear landing on top of hers. 
Bella stepped closer and laid a hand on each shoulder, still in awe over how relaxed he felt and looked. She would have thought someone living on the Key would be hypervigilant, always cautious of the knife waiting for their back. But not Delgado. No this cocky prick reclined on his couch, at least one drink deep, letting the newest rook touch him.
Her left hand dropped to his belt and unfastened the clasp with deft precision and pulled it free of its loops, tossing it onto the pile. He hummed in approval, holding eye contact as she worked the button and zipper of his pants, a subtle curl of the corner of his lips.
Stop this right now, caution insisted, you will regret this!
Add it to the pile, she thought as she knelt down on the floor, her armor’s knee pads scuffing the concrete, “room could use a rug, you know.”
“Just one more thing to clean,” he replied.
“I suppose,” she said.
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x3no9 · 7 months
Here is a new pairing from me... Starfield OC, Heinrich with Delgado , the Crimson Fleet Captain. Honestly made Heinrich far too effeminate but it is OK. Delgado probably likes them pretty lol.
I went overboard with different versions here.
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fangbangerghoul · 7 months
Fleeting Pleasures: Chapter 6
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photo credit: @bearlytolerant
Tags: violence, interrogation, knife play, degradation, smut stuff, dom/sub role inferred, i am sure there is more just know its VERY explicit This story was made possible with the help of: @spookyspecterino, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @bearlytolerant. Without their valuable input I would have been too lost in the sauce to finish it!
Fleeting Pleasures on Ao3
Chapter 6: Quien eres tu? Our main character is at her wits end and soon the jig is going to be up. This might be her end on The Key.
Chapter 6: Quien eres tu?
            The bar was chaotic to say the least as bottles and bodies flew in every direction around the room. There was the sound of music, shouting, and grunts that echoed off of the four walls causing an overwhelming sound wave to blast out into the halls outside of the bar. Inside the bar there was a combination of scents ranging from blood, sweat, alcohol, and various foods. 
The brawl was intense and it all started from a bottle being smashed over a pirate’s head. Ghoul leaned back on a grimy wall in a dark corner watching the amusing chaos that she caused and gave herself a silent pat on the back. There was a devilish grin on her face and her yellow eyes were glossed over from the amount of aurora and alcohol she had been partaking in since she arrived at The Last Nova. The pirates all around were enjoying the mayhem they helped perpetuate within the bar and even the bartender, Bog decided to join in with a bat and a few bottles of his Bog’s Grog. The bottles were being shot towards the various brawlers. Glass pieces and beer sprayed everywhere causing a sticky and bloody mess around the whole bar area.
Ghoul caught the view of two captains with their clothes half torn off and bodies exposed in a corner. The two bodies were entwined and fingering each other with a fierceness that almost made her blush. One of the women caught her staring from across the room and as she licked her own fingers clean from their current sexual partners slick, she then motioned her finger for Ghoul to join. Ghoul didn’t bother to think twice about the proposal as she drooled a bit from the thought and as her foot was about to step forward, she was interrupted with a body crash landing into her, and she felt herself slam against the wall. The impact forced the air out of her lungs, and she felt a little dizzy as a consequence. 
She pulled herself together from the mixture of irritation and confusion and went to grab the collar of the pirate that was on the floor in front of her. They were bloodied and losing consciousness but still stood to try to start a fight with her but instead of succeeding she threw them away from her. Her attention was focused on trying to remove the one imbecile that she didn’t realize the main culprit of this distraction was charging at her with a broken bottle. It was an instinctual reaction to redirect the assailant's arm that held the weapon and to spin smoothly around them with a twist of her right foot. Intoxicated or not Ghoul’s body was ingrained to react quickly, and it was the only thing she ever appreciated about her upbringing. She still hated Ryujin industries with a passion and was more than glad to never have to come in contact with Imada ever again. However, in this instance she was grateful that instead of wasting away on those streets of Neon City she actually acquired this useful skill.
Ghoul was behind the pirate that charged her and kicked the back of their knees to force them to lose their balance. A grunt came out of them with the pressure Ghoul applied against them and she took slight satisfaction from how easy it was going to be to toy with this loser. The pirate tried to over-correct themselves to turn around and swing at Ghoul, but she managed to use the force of her elbow to tip them over enough to initiate their downfall. Before they could get back up Ghoul grabbed their dark brown hair and slammed their face into the floor with a force that had the pirate’s head bounce back into her hand. She was breathing a bit heavier but there was a rush and a tingle that flooded her body from the events. Ghoul could feel the energy of the room start to affect her as well as if she was in one of the cage matches. There was slight movement underneath her crouched position over the body and to make certain Ghoul would no longer have to deal with this person, she repeated the gruesome blow till she was certain they were left unconscious. There was a small pool of blood that started to expand from around the head of the foe she just knocked out and there was a moment of uncertainty and even apathy of whether she killed this captain or not.
Ghoul rose from her position and her eyes immediately scanned the room to see if those lovely women were still willing to offer her that invitation. Her entire being was itching to have a good time. The intense closeness her body felt with Delgado the previous night had fanned a flame that had her body aching for that immense release. None of these drugs or fights were going to provide her with the satisfying feeling her body was in search for now. She considered the offer he had given her previously but feared allowing her guard down with Delgado. She knew it would lead her to an unsavory spot in her current fucked situation. 
There was a sense of unbridled ambition about him that lured her into him and if Ghoul was not careful, she would get lost within him for infinity. 
When their mouths connected something inside of her wanted to fall into him so effortlessly that it was like she was a different being in space and time. It was smarter for her to ease her current need with a casual fling with those beautiful ladies to sate her appetite. It would at least put her in the clear headspace she needed for whatever came next on The Key. Delgado did promise her that their conversation was not over and it was only a matter of time before she had to carefully explain herself. A smile crept on her face at the thought of telling Delgado that the knife was just a guilty kink of hers to convince him that she was not actually trying to murder him.
There was a loud presence that pierced the room and it interrupted Ghoul’s search for the two lovely captains. Her thoughts about what would happen to her next ended quickly and her focus was on the new focus in the room. Naeva pushed through the brawling crowd looking infuriated beyond belief, perhaps homicidal herself. Her braids seem to stand up on her own head and she immediately was trying to break up a few of the fights that were around her. Slowly the people who were around her started to notice the second in command’s presence but it wasn’t enough for Naeva. She lifted her gun into the air and fired off several shots that began to quiet the entirety of The Last Nova.
“Now I know you all aren’t acting like fucking fools and destroying the one bar we have on The Key!” She howled into the crowd and the various bloodied and bruised pirates’ attention turned to her. Once she was certain she had just about everyone’s attention she started to spew out commands to people around her.
“If you don’t want to end up dead by the end of the night then you mother fuckers better start cleaning up this mess and lick your wounds.”
Ghoul watched as everyone started to delegate the tasks with one another and she thought that perhaps it would be a great time to slip out before she was seen. She wiped her hands off onto the shirt she was loaned by Delgado and noticed how torn and bloodied she had gotten from the few scuffles she already had. The thought crossed her mind that she was overdue for a shower and since the majority of The Key was in here with their tails between their legs it would be a perfect time to go and have a minute to herself. She still needed to clear her head and release the burning ache within her body.  
“Now who started this fucking mess?” Naeva demanded from everyone at the bar and no one seemed to have any answers. That was the final sign Ghoul needed to get the hell out of the room before she was snitched on. Plus, there were more important things for her to deal with. She began to move her way towards the back entry of the bar and she grabbed two shot glasses that were left unbothered and threw back the harsh liquor. The shots slid their way down her throat with haste, burning her esophagus and sending a chill down her spine. The shots put a pep in her step she could feel she needed after the last few days. Ghoul managed to slither through the back door and as she spun around to move ahead her eyes were met with a familiar honey brown eyes that had a scar on the right one.
“Going somewhere?” The husky piqued voice asked curiously, and he gave her that foxlike cunning grin of his. Delgado was standing in front of Ghoul and accompanied with him were two of his armed men and of all people, Mathis. She forced a smile as casual as his deceptive grin was before she answered. * * * *
The rest can be read on Ao3 due to the explicit nature of the story. Thank you for your continued support.
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amethystmoonsims · 9 months
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Levi and Rowan
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toxiclizardwrites · 3 months
Snippet Sunday
It's been a looong time, but chapter 11 of Love and Rage is very close to being done! I took some liberties with the standard Crimson Fleet questline here, but the main outcomes are still the same.
*******Some spoilers below for the "Absolute Power" quest of the Crimson Fleet questline below!*****
Here's the snippet:
It was easy enough to sneak through the facility, but finding the blueprints? Not easy. It seemed every computer she tried to hack led into a dead end, not enough access privileges. 
After what seemed like ages, she finally reached the power core room and accessed the terminal that held the conduction grid data. But there's a hitch: the data is encrypted. The only person who has access to this data, as it turns out, is Breyson Bayu, the not-so-well-liked younger brother of Benjamin Bayu. 
Toxic sighed and checked the map of the facility, and found that Breyson’s office was actually quite close. Sneaking around in some vents, she entered the office easily, only to find Breyson waiting behind his desk, hands up. 
Surprised, Toxic approached him, one hand behind her back ready to grab the dagger she had stopped to her leg, hidden by her dress. 
Breyson also gave her a quizzical look, but didn't put his hands down. “Easy,” he started as Toxic came closer, “I'm not your enemy, despite what it might look like from your end.” 
Toxic stopped, but her hand remained behind her back ready to grab her dagger. “Is that so?” 
Breyson shifted in his chair. “Yeah, can I put my hands down now?” 
Toxic nodded and Breyson lowered his hands, but kept them on the desk in full view. His eyes met hers. “You're not exactly what I was expecting, but you've sure caused a stir.” 
Toxic laughed. “So you know what I'm after, then?” 
He nodded. “I'm assuming you're after the conduction grid tech? I'll give it to you freely.” 
Toxic tilted her head to the side. “So willingly? But why?” 
“My brother was always the one that got everything handed to him. He was always the best, you know? And I was the fuck up.” 
“So giving me the tech is a way to get back at your brother, then?” 
Breyson sighed. “I don't want to die. Not for him. Take it and bring it to the Fleet. I'll even put in my password.” He reached over to type on the keyboard. “There.” 
Toxic walked over to the terminal and pulled out a slate to download the information on the conduction grid. Then she hesitated for a moment, but decided to run Estelle’s virus. After all, she was Toxic’s ticket out of Neon and back to Delgado, so not following her wishes wasn't really an option. 
Satisfied, Toxic turned to leave. In the end, it all seemed a bit too easy. But now it was time to meet Estelle and get off this soaked planet.
She headed to the Astral Lounge, the music thumping as she made her way to the back where the elevator to the VIP rooms were located. She slipped into the room Estelle had said she would meet her at, but something felt off. 
Before Toxic could process the feeling, a dark figure emerged from the corner of the room. Benjamin Bayu.
Toxic’s breath hitched in her throat but she knew better than to speak. The message about meeting at the lounge was a trap, something obvious that she should have realized. She mentally scolded herself as Benjamin closed the space between them. 
“The only thing I'm interested in is who is responsible for the virus” he said plainly. 
Toxic took a step back, considering her options. Taking the fall for Estelle crossed her mind. That way, Estelle would be safe and able to get back to Bessel III to meet with Delgado, even if Toxic wasn't with her. But blaming Estelle would surely mean that they'd go after her and Toxic’s only chance to get off Neon would be compromised. 
She drew in a breath. “It was me,” she said. 
Bayu snorted as if he didn't believe her, but accepted the answer nonetheless. “Fine. Here's what is going to happen. You have an hour to get out of Neon. There is a body with very convincing evidence implicating you with murder. If you stay, security will kill you rather than arrest you.” 
He looked down at his watch. “Better get moving, Fleet scum.”
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endlessly-cursed · 2 months
OC x OC Love Interests
Heads up: all my OCs are bi until proven otherwise (meaning there isn't a sexuality set for them yet)
I. The Founders Era
Soledad Delgado (b.968) fc: Irene Escolar
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She's immortal
Ambitious, will get her way no matter what
Is loyal to nobody but herself for centuries
Is still alive in the modern era
Wants power
Kenna Thorne (b. c980/90) fc: Ivana Baquero
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Daughter of Luxia
Enemies-to-lovers/starcrossed lovers trope
Adventurous, reckless, with a stormy temper
Xanthe Arcano (b.1240) FC: Bethany Antonia
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Daughter of Zoya and Skall
Conqueror on her own right
Skalafell princess
Fiery temper, no-bullshit woman
Commits many war crimes
II. The Victorian Era
Angelique Bellerose (b.1878) FC: Eleanor Tomlinson
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Free spirited
Loves horse-riding and sports
Rich and French
Wants a storybook love
Later author of children's book
Annabel Cifuentes (b.1855) FC: Blanca Suárez
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Spanish noblewoman
Ran away from arranged marriage
Divination professor
Predicted many happenings of my lore
Looking for people her age or professors at Hogwarts
III. Word War One
Corrine Lovette (b.1888) FC: Kate Beckinsale
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Literal genius
Single mother
Wants to prove herself
IV. Riddle Era
Geena Greenaway (b.1930) FC: Sevda Erginçi
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Was the wife of Henrick of Alderly and is ancestor of Naila
Has an unique power
Doesn't age ever
Looking for an epic love with someone who's her equal or willing to be her equal
Modern candidates must be over 18
V. Magic Awakened
Lucille Dubois (b.1997) FC: Valentina Zenere
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Is cursed
Looking for someone who'll join her evil quest
Dies young and under mysterious circumstances
Stories that match
Mutuals I have less than three ships
Mutuals I haven't interacted with yet
Won't accept:
People I've blocked (this is directed)
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lady-olive-oil · 8 months
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Note: ok! Here it is finally!!! Imma work on the covers for this but for now, here’s the cover for chapter 1🤣if you’d like to be added to the taglist let me know.
Expect The Unexpected Ch 1
Word count: 2520
February 2nd, 9:10pm, Eastern Standard time.
The night was like any other night in Brooklyn, it was quiet and calm. Just relaxing on the couch with my dog Chilè, with a cup of honey chai. The moment was blissful till I heard the front door slam shut.
“Well you're here late.” I sighed heavily and glanced at my on again off again boyfriend Damian, of 3 years. I’ve been allowing him to crash at my condo for a few weeks, till his apartment was done being fumigated.
Looking at the clock, it was 9:15pm. He’s been doing that a lot lately, which isn’t odd. I’m used to it by now but I always had a sneaky suspicion. We've been having all kinds of arguments lately and I have a feeling there is gonna be another one.
“Yeah? What about it? I’m here ain’t I?” He shrugged and placed a kiss on my head, before heading to my kitchen. “What’s for dinner?”
If the facial expression I had could kill, it would be deadly. “Nothing. I had already eaten with my family a few hours ago. You’ve been out all day, you could’ve found yourself some food.”
“All you had to do was make me some food, Kianna. That’s it. Not that hard to do.” The tone he had with me was uncalled for. I made my way to the kitchen, putting away the mug I had.
“Or you could just get up off your ass and cook ya damn self, Damian. You’re very capable of doing it.”
He chuckled deeply, and then glared at me. “It’s your job to feed your man, you know?”
“Not when he has his own hands and his own place to cook at. You have hands, use them. Dumbass.” I had had enough of his crap to the point where I was fed up. “You ain't shit for saying it’s my job to feed your ass. And you still ain’t shit for coming here late every night since I let you stay here. You do not even help around here.”
His arched brow was a draw in a battle. “I help around here you know.”
“Damian, no you do not.” rubs my forehead, I shook it in annoyance. “Whatever it is that you are really doing, I hope it is worth it. You ain't shit for how you've been treating me lately.”
“You ain’t shit! That’s why I cheated on you.”
And there it was. The honest truth finally reared its ugly head.
“Really? I ain’t shit?” I glared at him with an electrifying expression. “You’re really gonna stand here, and tell me that when the girl you're messing with doesn't really want your scrawny ass?!”
“Yeah right, we’ll see. She is better than you, you know that right?” His smug grin etched on his face, showing some kind of pride. We made it outside to the front of the condo, on the sidewalk.
I scoffed and began to walk away from him. “Whatever Damian. You can go fuck yourself! I’m done.”
“Yeah, yeah. We’ll see about that too. You always come crawling back to me.”
To get him away from me, I started walking backwards. He came closer with every insult he could muster, that is until I shoved his head with my middle and pointer finger. Which caused him to stumble back into a muddy rain puddle.
I stifled a laugh and then it came out in a full blow. I was holding my stomach in the process. It was too funny.
“What the fuck is so funny!? Help me up!” He demanded and tried to get up, but to no avail he kept sliding back into the mud.
I rested my hands on my knees and came into eye level view of him. “Oh nothing. Just you finally falling on your ass.”
“Stupid bitch! I swear to god I’m gonna-“
“You aren’t gonna do shit. Have fun with your little toy who you think loves you so much. I honestly should have cheated when I had the chance.” Dusting off my jeans, I headed back inside and locked the doors. Finally being rid from him for good, as I heard him yelling in the background.
“I really gotta change the locks. Good thing he left his keys on the counter.”
The whole argument replayed in my head over and over again as I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. A smile etched on my face as I finally achieved peace. I wasted 3 years of my life on and off with this guy, who really did not give a crap about me. On top of all that, I’m still in school to become a nurse no less. He was right about one thing though, I was always foolish to go back to him thinking he was gonna change. And he didn’t do it once at all.
I felt hot tears run down my high cheekbones, staining my light blue sweater. Having my heart broken this time around, I felt like the world was crashing around me. I normally ended things in my past relationships when moments got too hot or they didn’t last very long. This time it was different, cause I went with my heart instead of my head. I thought Damian was different, and boy was I wrong.
I couldn’t shake it out completely. Wounds don’t heal overnight, but I knew I had to be strong for myself. Gathering my thoughts, I managed to take a hot shower. As time passed I felt something touching my hand, as the hot water hit my rich sepia skin. I looked down at my left hand and saw an indigo colored spider crawling on top of it. Before I smashed it, it bit me.
“Shit!” I yelped silently in pain, soothing the back of my hand as much as I could. “That hurt like a bitch.”
-The next day-
After finishing my nursing exam, I had returned a phone call to my parents to check up on my siblings, as they were out on work business. I had gotten on the bus, and sat in the back. Looking at my hand thoroughly, from the bite, I noticed that it was gone but the bruising was still there.
“That was weird, It was just there yesterday.”
Getting to my destination, I made sure Mrs. Hamilton, the only neighbor my parents trusted to watch my siblings, was good to go. After that, I decided to take care of the wound on my hand, before I checked on my siblings to make sure they were asleep. Oftentimes, I’d wait for our parents to come home from work, on some late nights. Tonight was no different, as they were working late. As the older sister, my job was never done even though I lived 4 blocks away.
Placing a kiss upon each of their heads, I smiled gently to myself as I closed each door behind me, and headed to bed. The twins were my everything and I was honored to even be their sister. Trying my hardest to be the best example possible.
Once I was settled down for the night in my secondary room, I felt a bit better about everything. I drifted to sleep to prepare for my graduation obligations, and yet little did I know that that spider bite changed the rest of my life.
-4 years later-
“Alright Gwen. What am I supposed to be doing again?” I asked while wrapping my hands up with the boxing wraps, knowing I was already going to be sparing alone since I do my tasks alone anyway.
She thought a bit before snapping her fingers. “Try to destroy the targets in under a minute, without using your webs.”
“Done.” Smirking a bit, I leaped and flipped into the training module. Knocking out every single cardboard cutout in record time.
“45 seconds flat. Not bad, not too shabby at all. You gotta teach me how to do that backhand-spring into a roundoff.” She chuckled.
“It’s all in practice, kid. All in practice.” I smiled back, wiping the sweat off my brow. “I’m still shocked how the big guy does not know someone is using the training room.”
She shrugged as we walked out the room, after cleaning up. “He’s always at his computer screens anyway. Not like actually paying attention. Speaking of which, have you seen Hobie?”
Snickering a little I nodded. “Yeah he’s in my world, chillin with my cousin Saniyah, again. I’m sure he’ll be back soon though. I’m just glad they have each other.”
“For someone who doesn’t like labels, it seems as though he has a label when it comes to her.” Gwen chuckled a little.
“You could say that. At least they’re both happy and know the risks. If only it were actually possible to have a love life.”
The thought of them both being happy made me feel good. I was happy for them, and that’s what I wanted for myself. I practically had everything I’ve ever wanted except for a stable relationship.
I graduated from medical school, so I help the other spiders if need be in the medbay. I have a great job back home in my world. But there’s a lot of things missing in my life and I do not think it is possible to have a love life.
“Well, we just gotta find someone for you. You’re a great catch Kianna, and anyone would be lucky to date you.”
“Thanks for the encouragement Gwen. I needed it, truly I did. I’ve been in my head lately, and this talk helped.”
As we headed towards the cafeteria, a portal opened and Hobie came out of it. “Ello, ladies. What’s shakin?”
“Nothing much, just got done training with Gwen. How was your visit with my cousin?” I arched a brow and smirked at him. There was a slight tint of pink on his face that I could see.
“She’s just- I can’t describe it Kiki. She’s amazing, truly. Thank you for introducing us, love.” His voice cracked a bit describing how he felt about my cousin. Thus, causing Gwen and I both to chuckle.
“Well I’m glad you think so. Because she is, even though she isn’t a spider.”
“I’m perfectly fine with it. A cat and a spider, opposites attract in my book.” He nodded in his typical cool way.
Like a switch went off, he inquired a bit. “Speaking of opposites, have you and Miguel talked yet? You’ve been here for like 3 years now.”
“He’s only spoken to me about missions, at least 4 times, which was at least 50 missions with you and Jess. I’ve been doing medical stuff since I’ve been here.” I shrugged and grabbed an empanada. Biting into it, my face contorted in disgust.
“Whoever made these needs to be handled accordingly. These are nasty.”
Hobie and Gwen both let out a gut busting laugh, minimal tears coming out their eyes. Rolling my fireball red colored eyes at the two, a smile creeped up my face. I enjoyed my time at HQ every now and then. It was a second home after all.
“I agree. Not enough flavor.” A deep baritone voice said behind me. We all stopped and turned around to see Miguel himself in the cafeteria. He was taller than I remember last time, which didn’t really mean anything but it was significant. Miguel stood at a whopping 5’10, almost 6 ft height, compared to my 5’9.
“Boss man. What are you doing down here, with us common folk?” Hobie broke the silence.
“Well I wanted to know what all the laughter was about and came down.” He glanced over at me longer than I anticipated. His scarlet red eyes gave me a once over, piercing into my soul.
Arching a well trimmed brow, I crossed my arms over my chest “Seeing something you like, O’Hara?”
He scoffed and shrugged. “Not really, just wondering what you all are doing. Carry on and try not to be so loud, alright?”
“You got it!” Gwen smiled nervously and we all watched him walk away. “That was weird.”
“You’re telling me. Imma go shower and take a nap. See y’all later.”
Leaving them to their own devices, I went to my little apartment in HQ. It was a smaller version of my house back home but doable. The steam of the shower eased the aches in my muscles, soothing them out in the process. The jets of the water pressure made it even more relaxing. Upon lathering my brown sugar body scrub on my legs, I had images pop in my head. I could not make out why my head was swimming with images I didn’t recognize but it seemed familiar.
Getting ready for bed, I made sure to tie my box braids down and drifted into a deep slumber. The images were clearer now. I could finally make out Miguel’s suit and my own, drifting away from the nano tech that had made them. Why was I dreaming of my boss and a new suit? Little did I know the dream version of me wanted him more than anything in the world. A soft groan left my full lips, as I tossed and turned in my sheets, the images shifted to a more sultry scene of Miguel and I in a very compromising position.
I jolted up from the bed, breathing heavily. Trying to catch my breath and make sense of it all. “I really do not need this shit right now.”
Rubbing my head to calm myself down, my phone rang and I noticed an odd caller ID. It was Miguel. “Hello?”
“Delgado. Sorry to bother you but we gotta go, team mission. See you downstairs in 10 minutes.” And just like that, he hung up.
A deep sigh escaped me as I grabbed my bracelet to have my suit on me. All I had on was a purple Nike sports bra; matching spandex shorts and slipped on my sneakers. Upon walking out the door, I felt something sharp prick my bottom lip. I looked in the mirror on the wall.
“Ouch! What was that? Did I bite my lip?” I was worried and confused till I saw a set of decent sized fangs pop out in four places. “Holy shit.”
I didn’t have time to be fascinated over them, I’d have to deal with that another time. I met the team downstairs at HQ, just in time. I slipped my head cover for my suit on, and noticed a rip on the back.
“Damn it. I’ll have to fix that.”
“Ready to go?” Hobie asked as he saw me pull my braids into a bun.
“As I’ll ever be.” We all got into the portal, surrounded by fluorescent colors.
I couldn’t get thoughts of Miguel and I out of my head from a bit ago in my dreams. What could it mean exactly? Who knows really, I just hope it’s nothing life changing.
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pathcrier · 2 years
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Quick Kerry and Ronnie being cuties!
Maybe I'll finish it one day 🥲
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