#oc: suraya
surayazayad · 9 months
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I want to draw blorbos and these are giving me some inspo so ima post so I can remember to come back when I have time
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night-triumphantt · 1 year
Kiara (the wayhaven chronicles, sorta lol): “I’m here for you.” // “You do not have to shrink to make room for others.” // “No one you love will stay.”
Fareeha (a tale of crowns): “You have survived all this, you will not break.” // “Trust yourself.” //“You will bring this kingdom to ruin.”
Zaphira (the Exile): “I see your anger, and grief, and they are justified.” // “Becoming numb will only serve to hurt you more.“ // “You were not worth saving.”
Silas (the Exile): “I know you’re trying, its not your fault.” // “It’s ok to be tired.” // “No amount of doing good will save you from your fate.”
Suraya (the Exile): “You gave them all you had, and I’m sorry they failed you.” // “Your anger will tear you apart.” // “You are nothing more than a weapon for others to wield, even now, you never had a choice”
Cal (the Exile): “You are more than your past.” // “You are allowed to move forward.” // “You are incapable of bringing anything but pain.”
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puppycheesecake · 6 months
💼 Coworker
Supermodel (and work frenemy) Suraya Shariq. She's a ton of fun, but her tongue is as sharp as her cheekbones and she has 0 filter. She also called Lian "Liam" for like a full year.
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kinadestiny2 · 5 months
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First time meeting their friends
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fangaminghell · 1 month
Since it's been a while, here's Early Game Suraya!
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Didn't change much from her old look lol. Pretty much the same. Here's a funny bonus
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She :)
( please note: this is not an invitation for a picrew/ meiker chain!)
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batteryrose · 1 year
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Yashpari summer and winter clothes
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rozetheeuwu · 10 months
Leo and Suraya for the request asks!
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Here you go! Hope they look good! I wasn't sure where to put her scars so I just did something.
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cashweasel · 2 years
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Oc-tober day 4 - Commander Hyacinth
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theonyxranger · 2 years
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No more book magic time for stabby magic
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rensart617 · 2 years
Lost and Found
Trigger Warning for Implied Physical Abuse, and Morgan nearly beating someone to death.
Special Thanks to @artsy-hobbitses for allowing me to feature their Human!Decepticons in this fan-fic. :) (This is also my first ever fan fic, so please forgive me if it's trash. 🤣
I only own Sayuri "Silverfang" Fukushima and her dad.
The rain was pouring down hard, thus making a thick mist that made it impossible to see clearly. Though Suraya, codenamed Soundwave, didn't allow for such a thing to stop her. Especially since she didn't need to worry about something as trivial as her loss of sight to get in the way. She was done with that a long time ago. In front of her, Ramiro was sniffing urgently against the forest floor, trying to pick up a scent.
"Are you sure there's someone out here, Soundwave? I'm not picking up anything!" Ramiro called over his shoulder, towards her.
"Positive! She should be around here!" Suraya replied, silently praying to whatever god that existed that someone hadn't-
She suddenly stopped and started listening intently. The rain had finally let up some to where she could hear just the faintest sound of what she could only pinpoint as a mix of a puppy howling and a little girl crying.
Ramiro ceased his sniffing and looked up in alarm. He didn't need for Suraya to tell him where to go now. In a flash, he raced towards the sound of the cries with Suraya right at his heels. However, upon reaching the source of the cries, Ramiro couldn't believe what he was seeing.
There was a large dog crate where there was a little wolf girl, possibly no older than nine, was hunched inside. She had immediately stared at Ramiro with wide, bright blue eyes that were red from crying for so long.
"Oh, Dios mío..." Ramiro said as he cautiously approached the cage, yet when he gently pressed his muzzle against the crate, sniffing almost worriedly, the child inside snarled defensively and tried to take a swipe at him, making him jump back in alarm.
He stood up upon morphing back into his humanoid like appearance, and looked over at Suraya, and even though her mask and her red visor like shades were concealing her face, he could tell that she had a worried look on her face.
"Tell Lord Megatron that we need him over here. We have a really big problem."
Morgan looked inside the dog crate at the little girl who was baring her little fangs and growling at him. He was able to tell that she had to have been in that crate for maybe four weeks due to how her fur looked overgrown and matted.
"It's okay, little one. We're here to help you. You're going to be alright." He said gently as he lightly pushed his fingers in through the bars of the cage and managed to touch her paw-like hand before she yelped and huddled further in her cage.
It was then that Morgan took in more of her appearance. She was wearing a hospital gown, and her arms and legs were covered in bandages. And since she had reacted like she was scared of being touched, he could only imagine the physical pain and torture she had gone through.
And that was enough to make his blood sing with rage.
Standing up, he turned to face Stefan, who immediately went rigid from the look on his face.
"Get ready to open up the crate. She will dart out the moment it's open." Morgan said as he took off his coat and knelt down to the forest floor.
Stefan swallowed thickly as he walked towards the crate, standing above it as he grasped the latch, ready to pull the crate's door open. Upon getting a nod from their leader, Stefan pulled the cage door open, which broke off its hinges from the force.
There was a flash of greys as the little girl tried to flee, but Morgan was faster and caught her in his coat. She immediately started thrashing while howling in agony and fear, yet Morgan wrapped his coat around her, almost swaddling her and gently started rubbing her back.
"We have to get her inside. She won't last longer in this damn rain."
It took both Ramiro, Stefan, and Suraya to get the child cleaned up and given proper food until she had finally settled down enough to be approached without trying to attack. Lara lent a band shirt of hers for the child to wear and had instantly fawned at how adorable it looked that it covered the little girl down to her paws.
However, Morgan took it upon himself to take the child to a nearby clinic that specialized in treating beast men.
A nurse walked over to him, holding a clipboard in her hands.
"It's a good thing you brought her here. She has a broken hand and a fractured ankle, which would have been amputated if you waited any longer. She also needed to have a cap placed on her right upper canine tooth, which was broken, and it will fall out on its own. Now, we need some information. May I have your name please?" She asked, in a sweet southern belle accent.
Megatron took a deep breath as he looked down. This had to be a reason he hates hospitals and clinics of any kind, because he always had to answer using his real name instead of what he goes by.
"Trayton. Morgan Trayton." He said and the nurse quickly scrawled on the clipboard.
"And does the little buttercup have a name?" She asked.
"Sayuri Fukushima. And if you want any information, it's going to be from me."
Morgan and the nurse looked towards the doors in alarm as a man about 5''12 entered the clinic, and upon laying eyes on the man, he couldn't help it. Morgan immediately hated him. And he had a feeling that this bloke's insides only matched his heinous outside.
"And you are...?" The nurse asked a little hesitantly.
"I'm the wolf girl's father. And I'm here to take her home."
Morgan stood up and he was careful to approach the man calmly. "Your daughter was found in a crate by a few of my associates in the forest. If you are her father, why was she left alone in the wilderness like some wild animal?" He asked and the man turned to face him.
"That's none of your concern, construct. I'm here to retrieve my daughter and I'll be gone." Mr. Fukushima replied as he tried to brush by the Decepticon leader, though it was almost like trying to push a brick wall.
"Actually, it is my concern. Especially when a young child has been left to fend for herself with no way of calling for help. As a matter of fact, you have no right to be here. Sayuri will be given to the proper authorities and will be given to a family member who actually cares for her. I suggest you leave, otherwise I can escort you out myself." Morgan said, and the nurse stared at him with awe.
"Bastard. Who do you think you are?! I can do whatever I want with my daughter! I could even take her back to Trepan and have her-"
He didn't even get the chance to finish. In an instant, Morgan's fist smashed into Mr. Fukushima's face, sending the man flying backwards into the door. Stunned, he tried to get up yet was then kicked in his stomach, followed by getting pulled to his feet and having his nose broken by Morgan headbutting him.
Morgan was seeing red. Now he understood why he instantly didn't like this man. He was nothing more than a disgrace, who would give his own child away to be tortured and possibly experimented on. He continued to beat down on this man until he was practically a bloody mess on the floor and was shaking in agony.
Morgan grabbed him by his hair and forced him to look up at his face. "Let me make something very clear to you. I have associates, and very close friends all around the world. There is no place where we can't find you. If word comes back to me that you have once again subjected any future children to physical and mental torture, I will find you. And you better pray that I don't obliterate your entire existence the next time we cross paths." He snarled as he opened the door of the clinic and threw the man outside.
With a deep sigh, he turned to face the nurse who was still staring at him.
"May I please see her now?"
Sayuri sat in the exam room, waiting patiently. She looked up as the door opened and Morgan was led inside the room. She immediately smiled at him and held out her arms, and Morgan walked towards her and carefully lifted her up, carrying her.
"Sayuri, you're going to be living with me from now on. I promise you, no one's going to harm you ever again, little one." He said, giving her a small smile.
Sayuri tilted her head to the side as her tail wagged lightly. She finally smiled back at him as she gave a nod to show that she understood him.
"はいお父さん!" She responded, and Morgan laughed softly in response. Seems like he'll also have to teach her to speak English later or learn Japanese so that he would be able to understand her. Since it seems that she can understand him perfectly, but never learned how to speak a second language.
He looked over at the nurse who smiled softly.
"お父さん. It means Dad in Japanese." She replied, and Morgan looked at Sayuri in surprise as she grinned at him. He immediately took notice of the cap on her tooth and hummed softly.
Sayuri "Silverfang" Fukushima...
It honestly didn't have a bad ring to it.
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nayci · 13 days
Tagged by the lovely @keldae. (I didn't forget about this I swear…)
Thing of note, I am an unashamed Canon x OC/Reader fan soooo take that for what you will. lol
3 Ships
Joshua Rosfield/Suraya Murdoch (Final Fantasy 16) These two have lived rent-free in my head and my soul since Final Fantasy 16 game out. Still waiting for it to come to PC so I can actually play it but I digress. Hasn't stopped my brain from coming up with something. Somehow their story ended up being childhood friends to lovers to boot. Normally I go for an older man, younger woman vibe. But for these two? It's reversed and it's wild and I adore it. Joshua being the inheritor of the Rosarian Duchy and Suraya being the adopted daughter of Rodney and Hanna Murdoch. So, the two of them inadvertently got pushed together during the early years since her father wanted her to get the most out of her upbringing, self-defense being a top priority along with her studies. Suraya was and still is incredibly protective of Joshua's happiness and hated his mother with a burning passion for how she treated all of them, even to her own detriment. That said, Joshua formed feelings first when they were children, but never had a chance to speak of them before the fall of Phoenix Gate. So it was years before anything could happen. Suraya on the other hand, never had a chance to even think about it until they were reunited, and she had to come to terms with the fact that her ten-year-old friend was no longer a boy, but was actually a young man determined to bring her the happiness and joy she gave him, should she wish it.
Vergil/Alya (Devil May Cry) These two shitheads have also been living rent-free in my head since 2019 and have given me at least five different massive fanfic reworks since then. And it continues to morph and change so I just keep flipping my desk over at this point. Anyway, for these two it was never an overt thing. They pretty much fell together without ever explicitly talking about it as neither was looking for a relationship. Behind the scenes Dante was over Vergil's bullshit, Trish and Lady were over Alya's bullshit, and Nero was like: fuck that I'm not getting involved, and watched from the sidelines with Nico who had a betting pool that everyone was in on much to the pair's annoyance after the fact. Either way, Alya wanted answers after her father was murdered and Devil May Cry is who ended up coming to her aid. To that end, it opens up a massive can of demons and angels. But those angels aren't your traditional light and loving kind. Having the upbringing Vergil had, or lack thereof after his mother's death, he was always wary about opening up again, and in many ways still is, but Alya takes it in stride. And for that, Vergil is silently grateful. In turn, he is her protector and rock, and a good listening ear. What he can't say in verbal words, he will say in written poetry. This is more of my status quo, older man, younger woman vibe, but with the added bonus of magic, demons, and a slow-burn romance.
Graha Tia/Khulan Noykin (Final Fantasy 14) Listen, when I got into Final Fantasy 14 back during ARR, me and my Warrior of Light didn't think too much of the Allagan cat boy. He was a friend, nothing more to her at the time, and while she did mourn for him when he locked himself in the Crystal Tower, she also understood. Plus, she was dealing with her own feelings for a certain rogue bard soon-to-be gunbreaker. It wasn't until Shadowbringers that Graha Tia came in dropkicking Khulan in the face, and Thancred being a complete ass didn't help. Khulan during this time saw much of herself in Graha Tia's willingness to die for a cause and hated it. Not him of course, but seeing a mirror of some of your faults is never a fun thing. As their friendship developed after defeating Emet Selch, it eventually became a dance around the subject of feelings. Graha never feeling like he was good enough for her and Khulan feeling the exact same way but of herself towards him. Everyone else saw it as it was blatantly obvious, but the events of Endwalker came before anything could become of it. Khulan ends up in a dark place during this time, almost robotic like her ARR self, but a lot more deadly than her early days of being just an arcanist. It's when she begins losing her friends that the walls around her heart begin to break, and Graha's sacrifice was the breaking point. When all of it was over and they were back home, the two of them start to explore something more as Khulan recovered from her fight with Zenos. Now, going into the events of Dawntrail, me nor Khulan know where this is going to go. But hey! it's a new adventure!
First Ship
We're going back to when I was but a small eight/nine year old child and loved Ash and Misty as a pairing. During this time I didn't know what fandom was or that people wrote fanfic and created art. So it was mostly me creating terrible drawings. Did I self insert into pokemon as well? Of course I did! lol
Last Song
"The Phoenix" from Fall Out Boy. I just discovered it after find a GMV for Final Fantasy 16. It was so good I had to find it in my Apple Music and is now on repeat. I regret nothing regarding my hyperfixation.
Currently Reading
"A Court of Thorns and Roses" by Sarah J. Maas. Yes I'm late to the game, but hey! I made it! Am I only on chapter 3? Also yes, but hey, I'll get throgh it eventually.
Last Film
I think it was Mission Impossible 3? It was on at work so it was just background noise.
Currently Craving
A vacation. A true, real, good vacation. Tagging anyone who wants to do it
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surayazayad · 2 days
Continuing to think ab how blorbos were when I first was making them v how they ended up being, like initially I thought that suraya would become hollow if she lost one more person (nikke) but actually I think she would become bitter, she’s already aggressive and prone to being rude but I think on top of it she’d be so bitter. After having clawed her way out of everything she’s lived through back to happiness and some semblance of stability only for it to be ripped away again, she would be bitter asf. But yk, if she still has her other support systems around maybe it won’t be so bad
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night-triumphantt · 8 months
I was tagged by @sysba beloved to do this uquiz, for the blorbos and I decided that paying attention in class is overrated anyways so here I am lolll idk who to tag so I’m sorry, I am gonna tag @cashweasel beloved tho for blorbo reasons
Love that Lasts: Kiara, Cal, Nikki
love unconditional, love unfailing. you love no matter what happens because you believe in the best - of you, and them. it will hurt and it will fail you, but this love tastes so sweet - you can never believe that it bitters sometimes. the way you choose to love unconditionally is incredible.
Love that Protects: Suraya, Ashe
you love so fiercely, with every fibre of your being. maybe you were wounded by love in the past; such that you choose to love and love and love so wonderfully that the next person who comes into your life never doubts that they are loved by you.
Love that Strengthens: Daemon, Layla
you make sure that people know that they are loved, and you give them strength when they need it the most. this is an ability that is rare; the love that you hold speaks wonders of yourself. i hope you're doing alright. isn't it exhausting always being the bigger person?
Love that heals: Silas
your love is healing. it burns you with every bit of your soul, but you choose to heal, nevertheless. you are so, so so strong and i hope you know that. i send you peace. i send you calm. i hope things will become better for you in time, just as you have made others better in time as well.
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menaslg · 2 years
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OC Rana Suraya
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stars-eternall · 6 months
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An evergrowing (wip) list of ocs, including tags, info, playlists, etc
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og verse ~ he/him ~ 5’9, nerd, likes math and hair dye ♫ Spotify ☆ Pinterest
• connections: daemon (brother) auntie Quinn (aunt) unnamed cousin
og verse ~ he/they ~ 6’10, king of -, modern au fashion designer ♌︎ Leo ♫ Spotify ☆ Pinterest
• connections: thora (sister)
Thora Swanhill
og verse ~ she/her ~ 5’9, fae, -, ♊︎ Gemini ♡ sunbeam ♫ Spotify ☆ Pinterest
• connections: valen, gideon (friends) drahnan (brother)
Gideon Turbereth
og verse ~ he/him ~ 6’4, General of the three armies ♑︎ Capricorn ☻ faceclaim: Loic Williams (only in his handsome boy era not his rat man era) ♡ Valen Isilien ♫ Spotify ☆ Pinterest
• connections: valen, thora (besties) donar (mortal enemy RIP)
Valen Isilien
og verse ~ M! he/him / F! she/her ~ 6’7, bard, royalty ♎︎ Libra ☻ faceclaim : Turkan Soray ♡ Gideon Turbereth, Galael Lightdew ♫ Spotify ☆ Pinterest
• connections: thora, gideon, silas lol (besties) ethariel isilien (brother)
Hyacinth Urrun
The exile, og verse, zombie au ~ he/him ~ 6’4, deathless demon, emo ♊︎ Gemini ☻ faceclaim: Peter Steele ♡ Syfyn Javall, KainxZaphira ♫ Spotify ☆ Pinterest
Jay Jackson (LJ)
Infamous ~ she/her ~ shared oc ♡ G Reign/Victoria Valentine ♫ Spotify ☆ Pinterest
Reed Rose
Infamous ~ she/her ~ ♡ seven lawless, Orion Quinn ♫ Spotify ☆ Pinterest
Yazan Hadidi
og verse ~ he/him ~ 5’8, Kiara’s husband lol ♍︎ Virgo ☻ faceclaim: Christian Daloi ♡ Kiara Kingston ♫ Spotify ☆ Pinterest
• connections: karima, shaheen (siblings) kiara (bestie)
Karima Hadidi
og verse ~ she/her ~ 5’9, menace, for the girls ♒︎ Aquarius ☻ faceclaim: Ysely Dimate ♡ Daemon ♫ Spotify ☆ Pinterest
• connections: yazan, shaheen (siblings) Dina (bestie)
Shaheen Hadidi
og verse ~ he/him ~ 6’0, dad goals, loves his wife ♈︎ Aries ♡ Layla Hadidi ♫ Spotify ☆ Pinterest
• connections: yazan, karima (siblings) zeina, rami, nour, fairouz (kids)
Melethen Melchior
og verse ~ he/they - 5’8, matchmaker and fortune teller ♡ Aven ♫ Spotify ☆ Pinterest
og verse ~ she/her ~ 5’8, human bard ♡ Thora Swanhill ♫ Spotify ☆ Pinterest
blades of light and shadow ~ she/her ♡ tyril starfury
Suraya Ameen
twc ~ she/her ♡ mason
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fangaminghell · 9 months
( In which Suraya teases her girlfriend)
"….I guess I'm not used to it. Getting stuff I want, I mean." Saphira mumbles, craning her head towards Suraya's neck. She's particularly soft today, Suraya notes, snuggling closer towards her, and making herself seem small.
" Hmmmm?" Suraya hums, resting her cheek on Saphira's head, "Well I guess that just means I have to spoil you,"
That makes Sapphira off guard, sitting up and looking at Suraya with wide eyes.
" W-what?" Was all she could muster. Suraya found it cute, how her red her face was turning. She gives her girlfriend a teasing smile.
" Yep, gonna have to spoil you rotten," Suraya continues her teasing, seeing Saphira's face gradually grow more red.
" Suraya-"
" Nope! Already decided," Suraya laughs slightly, " Oh, Saphira, your face is so red,"
"I-it's only the weather!" Saphira huffs, turning her head away, as if to hide. Suraya merely rolls her eyes, reaching a hand out to cup Saphira's face, gently guiding it towards her.
" Oh darling," she sighs, " So deserve so much and more,"
Suraya leans in a give Saphira gentle kisses on her cheek. She could practically feel Saphira melting with each one. It doesn't take long for Saphira to move away, and coming back into a hug, burying her face in Suraya's shoulders.
" You tease me too much," Saphira mumbles. Suraya laughs, stroking her hair.
" You like it,"
"....Shut up,"
Suraya laughs again, leaning back into the position they were before.
" ….I meant it, you know. I want to spoil you, Saphira. You deserve to be spoiled,"
Saphira doesn't respond, and for a second Suraya worries she might have crossed a boundary. Before she can voice an apology, Saphira speaks up.
" I guess that wouldn't be so bad…"
Suraya could barely contain the smile on her face.
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