#offhand disney
aceforwhatevenisthis · 7 months
do the FYA podcast guys know that while Haunted Mansion was in development, the janitors were so terrified of the prototype props that they developed a buddy system because they refused to clean that area alone
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toomanywatchers · 7 months
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instantromannoodles · 8 months
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Watcher is doing a theme park podcast! My special interest and one of my favorite YouTube channels! And Dallin on an episode! One of my favorite YouTubers on a podcast from one of my other favorite channels!
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harley-the-pancake · 9 months
Ok I know Tumblr knows the joys of Defunctland but do you know the joys of Offhand Disney. Do you know the woes of Jeane Lafitte. I cannot spell it’s one am.
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redeyeflyguy · 10 months
BONUS #WONDERFUL!!!: Speaking of making the rules, this post wouldn’t be complete without me mentioning the number one proponent of bringing back the Disneyland People Mover and one of my favorite Walt Disney Parks related channels, Offhand Disney. His videos generally tow the line between informative, interesting and awkwardly hilarious somehow without being cringy (at least in my opinion). Whether it be his top ten lists, diatribes about Disney History or attempting to gas-light us into thinking Space Mountain doesn’t exist, Dallin never fails to put a smile on my face. As for which video to highlight, it turns out his most recent video is a perfect fit since it’s all about how the concept of “kinetic energy” adds to the immersion of Disney Parks and that includes, wait for it…The People Mover! He even mentions how Living With The Land is the best attraction in this one! Yaaaaay…but seriously, check out his stuff. It’s good stuff.
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offhand disney has made a disney parks trash can tier list and he has given PUSH his own tier above S. Mad respect
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disneydreamer95 · 1 year
Offhand Disney says it best. 2022 was a wild ride when it comes to the Disney Company and the Disney Parks. I remember every single one of these events and questioned every single one of them.
Especially the Figment Popcorn buckets. We can't forget those.
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alwritey-aphrodite · 10 months
Mayhaps I’m just autistic, but the Haunted Mansion movie was really good!!
There was so much lore and so many easter eggs!! It was really fucking funny too!! Everyone was great (fuck you Jared Leto)
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froggierboy · 2 years
disney ppl are so funny like everyone was hyping up that they updated the final scene of carousel of progress and i didn't rlly care bc that ride sucks but i finally saw a tiktok abt it and all they did was change all the characters' clothes 😭😭 this is not worth making a thing over it
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For the ask game: 🙊💪😁🐸
🙊 Your coworkers or classmates stumble across one of your fics, but don't know you're the author. Do you fess up? Or keep quiet?
I wish I could say I'd handle this with grace and responsibility and all that, but I know me. If they compliment, I'm going "oh that's me!!! :O" and if they start talking shit, I'm going "o-kay, that's my fic tho >:(" because I don't wanna hear that. Sssso... 💪 What motivates you to write?
Lots of things, including music and my fixations, but especially other people's stories! Like...I literally just turned out a 3K drabble in 4hrs yesterday (that NEVER happens to me, I usually struggle to write over 500 words a day, and even when I'm really inspired it'll only get up to like 2K...) because I read a REALLY good fic. ...Unfortunately, I can't share the damn thing, because it's heavily connected to an rp me and my friend are doing, and would read almost completely nonsensical to anyone who isn't 1. familiar with that rp, and 2. familiar with my headcanons >:Y 😁 What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
Literally any amount of interaction rn, because I'm rather starved for it (;′⌒`) I'm one of those people who, when I DO post, gets like...no reblogs, maybe a like. Or five to ten kudos and no comments. No one sends me asks, nobody asks about my theories or where I'm going next, or about my headcanons or ships...even when I was in a discord server where I wasn't being ignored and tons of praise and fic speculation was going around for everyone else, the response I got to questioning why no one was ever doing the same for me was "oh, well you never talk about your stuff!" which. was nonsense because I actively WAS talking about my stuff and posting updates regularly...
Though, I've nothing for it right now, unfortunately. Hopefully soon, though... Hopefully... 🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
This one's funny to me because I'm not a classic OTP person; I'm a shameless multishipper and whoever my fave currently is, I'm attempting to pair them up with EVERY character I can feasibly put them with. (With limitations to the fact that either I or my friends have to be able to write the other character.) Anyways, I would go with something like Lilo and Stitch, where the destructive lil guy is adopted and loved and doesn't have to be alone.
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kukalakas · 10 months
SNW has so much heterosexual nonsense I cant handle, i need captain angel back 😔
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what's going on
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bumpscosity · 2 years
Avengers campus e ticket real????
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transsexula · 2 months
Hate seeing people say that Transandrophobia isn't real because, in their words, the "androphobia" isn't something people in real life face.
Now. Maybe this is because when I see this opinion, it's attached to someone who is either transfem, AMAB, or who has only ever lived in incredibly liberal areas.
Meaning: They do not have the life experience to speak on that.
It's simple, I can use myself as an easy example: I grew up on the west side of the US. My extended family and parents were very Christian, very conservative. The community I grew up in was in turn the same- very conservative, very Christian, very fundamentalist. Certain Disney movies were banned from the house for featuring witchcraft, or other "morally reprehensible" things. DISNEY MOVIES.
With this background, I'm sure you can tell where this was headed: I can clearly remember being in the pharmacy with my mother. I was small. I saw a lady with what I now know is a pixie cut- incredibly short hair, bright bold pink. Her girlfriend was there, and her own hair was incredibly butch- like they went to a sports clips and asked for what the guy next to them was getting. I was amazed- I'd never seen a woman that looked like that before. I voiced so with awe and wonder to my mother. I was supposed to get a haircut in an hour. "I want that! She looks so pretty and nice"
Who was visibly disgusted. Grabbing me, yanking me away, muttering "no. You don't want to look like that. Let's go."
Fast forward a few years. I'm too young to be drinking a beer, my uncle has stayed up late. We are watching music videos and sharing interests, when we see a rather masc looking woman in a video. He's disgusted. He makes an offhand joke about how she needs to be reminded of her feminine ways. I know what violations he's implying so vividly. He opens up about his fantasy of hatecriming two butch "women" he saw. I'm too afraid to speak.
There's a debate in church. Should women be allowed to wear above the knee shorts? We really didn't like that they can wear pants. Really, the pastor says in his sermon- it's the woman's job to maintain her feminine nature, in opposition to her husband's masculine nature. These blurring lines aren't good for people.
And- I don't want to get into the people I've known who've been hurt, abused, forcefully feminized, beaten for being masculine- the men that feel entitled to their bodies, because they feel entitled to a say in how they present.
The reason you don't see the abuse for being masculine, is because you come from a world where it's widely accepted in ways that not every culture, not every state or country has.
Gnc women, trans men, transmasc nonbinary people- if you're in the wrong place, born to the wrong family, you may never be safe enough to wear pants. You may not be able to cut your hair. Or be anything less than the perfect, ideal woman.
You get punished for not being what you have been assigned. For the act of defiance against others perception, you can be killed.
So, yeah. There's a lot of androphobia. There's a LOT of fear of the masculine. It just comes out in ways you aren't expecting, as someone who hasn't had to experience it. You don't know what to look for. Where to look. It's everywhere but you can be blind to it if you're insulated enough.
Hell- even terfs are falling into severe androphobia. It's their whole motto. What am I, if not a failed woman to them? Mutilating my perfect feminine form? Being a man is the ultimate crime to these people. Are you really telling me JKRs very public campaign hasn't made life hell for ALL of us? We are all losing healthcare due to this.
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signed-sapphire · 2 months
Okayyyy rewatched Wish
Here are my notes
Valentino wasn’t as annoying as people say. Sure, he did nothing for the plot and could’ve been removed entirely, but he didn’t make near as many butt jokes as people say he did
The lead-ins for all the songs were great. Certain media (Hazbin, for example) just jump into the songs
Magnifico??? Didn’t touch the pages??? So why would he be corrupted? Why does Amaya know of obsidian oil? Don’t you just skim the pages to release the evil?
Dahlia was amazing
“At the very least break the hold it has on him” Amaya? Didn’t you found this kingdom with thin? Wouldn’t you know?
Also Amaya was very sidelined. Where’s her backstory?
Asha’s magic wand mishaps were… corny at best
Why did they make Dario high all the time? He’s not stupid. I feel like they made him try to be like Fred from Big Hero 6 but failed
“Nine zillyboo, twenty alphabet!” Val, buddy. No.
DAHLIA. MATE. TRUE LOVE’S KISS CAN BRUNG HIM BACK I swear, it feels like the directors were switched
The spider-carriage thing. I feel like that could’ve been a Disney reference instead
Gabo was still my favorite out of the teens. Bazeema was sweet too
Also. Halzeema moments were actually in canon.
Sabino did not act 100 at all.
Crushing wishes did nothing to people except make them sad for .2 seconds
Asha’s drawing, her magic wand, none of that was important to the actual plot
I feel like the horses could’ve been Disney references too
Why did the roof open? That was never explained
Mag’s hair needed to be messier. Evil Magnifico? Crazy hair
How did he hear them from all the way down there
Mag’s really out there beating up a minor
The curse rope green things were not scary at all
Was Simon just in the forest the entire time?
The Magnifico getting sucked inside his staff… I feel that could’ve been a play to Dr. Facilier somehow
The stars raining down were beautiful
Was Star’s nose tap a reference to something?
The people’s talking… idk how I felt about that
Another half-assed apology. First Namaari, now you. At least Simon’s was an actual apology. Wait. More of it goes on.
Ok his apology isn’t too bad
How did the staff get all the way down there?
Changed my opinion, Amaya deserved to tell Mag off
Did Mag’s curse break once he was in the mirror? Why did he act sad all of a sudden?
I’ve heard Asha’s movements weren’t finalized until later, but her movements seem pretty fluent
Clumsy and energetic, sure, but besides from the mouth drooping part, she wasn’t that quirky
Which. Could be a bad thing. She didn’t really have much of a personality
I like the Peter Pan building a flying machine idea
Zootopia ref
Why does everyone suddenly understand Star
But off-topic they were so cute
“It” I guess
Why refer to Star as an it
“They” was too woke for the Disney execs? Why, you had a one-second offhand comment about a water cousin who’s nonbinary!
That Cinderella-reference thing… wasn’t slow enough to be a dress transformation. So I’m fine with her not having a different dress. I mean obviously I would’ve loved it but idk
“I understand you well enough” I DON’T! HOW ARE THEY TELLING YOU
Some of Valentino’s jokes were funny. Sue me
I liked the Tinkerbell and Mikey Mouse reference at the end
The storybook was a nice callback
Overall. Not as bad as people are making it out to be. But definitely not worthy to be Disney’s 100
I’d say… 7/10. The backgrounds did look watercolor, but the shading seemed off in places. Especially Sakina. There was major improvement to be done, but with the hell the execs were giving (and the proven creativity of the concept art) I feel this movie is getting too much hate. Critiques and criticism are fine. But don’t blame the writers for getting rid of Starboy. Yes, it could’ve been better. But it’s Disney. And the creators tried their best to pour their love into a movie that they didn’t have a full say in.
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Unimportant question you don't have to engage with: Have you heard of the tv show "The Zoo" which is a show about the Bronx Zoo? If you have or you've seen it, what do you think? :D If you don't know about it, I do recommend it!
Anyway, pls, zoo photos!
I have! I watched the first two (?) seasons prior to my first trip to the Bronx Zoo. There’s also spin-offs at a couple other zoos, although I can’t remember offhand which ones other than Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
Overall I remember it being a good show. They dealt very honestly with things like injury and euthanasia. I would have liked to see more about the reality of the job (manual labor) and some explanation of safety procedures and stuff, but I know that’s not why most people actually watch it. I think it was a pretty fair look into the way facilities operate and how they care for the animals.
It also does show how stuff can sometimes be not great! I remember one of the episodes with handraised tiger cubs being put into the big habitat for the first time, and director’s wife was filmed putting her hands all the way through the chain-link fence to scratch them. It is something that happens? Sure. Should it? Probably not, and it’s not great to have management doing on camera. But I liked that it didn’t hide that.
I will say I don’t know exactly how approval of what goes into the show happens. I’m not sure how involved zoos get to be in saying “no we don’t want x covered” or “don’t film in y area.” The shows are in effect advertising for the zoo and for AZA, but that doesn’t mean they’re propaganda or can’t be trusted afaik.
The only reason I haven’t kept up on the shows is because I try to keep recreation time separate from work brain. I think they’re worth a watch! And I’m happy to chat about stuff folk notice or wonder about. (Tell me what you see!)
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