#officer! Sam carpenter
p0rkbun · 1 year
Ok but how about officer!Sam YALL-
*Playing Dangerous by Lana Del Rey is in my head rn*
when I saw officer sam, the song; policeman by eva simons came to mind 👮‍♀️
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Hey ms. policewoman! I don’t want no trouble! 🙅🏻‍♀️
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woewriting · 7 months
cold coffee
pairing: tara carpenter | fem detective reader warnings: mdni! no major warnings, fluffy and soft moments, implied sex; this take place after scream vi events. word count: 3049 a/n: this one is for you, @wesstars 🫶
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“Think you can warm me up?”
The low request came almost unnoticed by you, making you take a step back and look carefully at the ball of blankets on the couch.
Hidden there, under a couple layers of cozy blankets, a small Tara appeared with a red nose.
You smiled softly at the adorable view in front of you.
“I can’t, babe, I have some reports to look at, and it’s getting late.”
She pouted, looking at you with doe eyes that never failed, wide, soft with shining little stars dancing in the brown as she looks at you.
“Please? Just until I fall asleep.”
How could you say no to that?
You fold in the same second, forgetting that you have long pile of files to look at, carefully placing your mug filled with hot coffee on the side table, you took off your slippers and slid under the thick fabric, opening your arms towards the younger one.
Like she always does, Tara threw her legs over yours and hugged your torso, resting her head on your shoulder.
“You know…” you started, pulling her closer to you. “You wouldn’t feel cold if you wore more than just underwear and a tank top.”
“I don’t need to wear clothes; I have you to keep me warm,” Tara said back, looking at you with soft, sleepy eyes.
You smiled fondly, caressing her thigh with your hand. Leaning forward, you placed a kiss on her forehead, admiring the way the corner of her lips slightly tugged up, eyes closed and tip of nose red, the freckles spread on her face like stars in the dark night; Tara was a work of art.
“I love you so much, did you know that?” You whispered close to her lips.
She wrinkled her nose, “I know, but I don’t mind hearing you saying again, and again…”
Stopping her rambling, you pressed your lips on hers, sighing with such familiar taste of cherry of her lip balm. Tara was all soft, and when she was like this, calm and patient under your touch, it made your heart race.
When you first met her, during a rainy night at the police station, the girl could barely sustain your eyes, always avoiding them and fixating on somewhere or something else, like on her older sister, Sam. She came in because some idiots from a frat house were harassing her and her sister following the events from last year. You didn’t know much about the Carpenter’s sister, it was only your first month as a detective in New York, only heard rumors and whispers about it.
You ignored the others eyes on her, taking off your jacket to cover the small body that was trembling, being closely watched by the older Carpenter. Carefully, you placed the brown leather jacket around her shoulders, taking a couple steps back once you did, giving her a safe space.
Tara went home with your jacket that night, and when she brought it back, leaving it at the front desk, 5 days later, a small note was inside the pocket, written in a delicate handwriting, a small “thank you :)”. You smiled, keeping the note inside and going back to work.
The precinct was a place filled with gossips, theories and lies made up to creep you out. Your colleagues — if you could call them that — weren’t the most delightful people to be around, as most of them were men, you felt misplaced, an outcast, even thought you were on a higher level than them, mere police officers with a giant ego. Respect was a word that, apparently, wasn’t taught to them during life. You could count on your fingers the ones that were truly a nice officer and decent human being.
As the days went by, more talking took over the place, annoying ones that always got your rolling your eyes and ignoring them, the Carpenter sister’s being the subject of it 90% of the time, it’s like the big apple only had two young girls living in it and they were the reason to all the chaos that perpetuate in New York.
One day, late at night, you were finishing some reports to call it a day when a familiar voice caught your attention, the short blonde hair and leather jacket automatically bringing a smile on your face. You closed your computer and stood up, grabbing the brown leather jacket from the chair’s back and tossed over your shoulder.
“You’re too loud, did you know that, agent Reed?”
The woman turned around the same second your known perfume filled the room, a big smile tugging on her lips. She waited for you to get closer, annoyingly punching your arm as a form to say ‘hi’. Standing in front of her, the younger Carpenter was awkwardly looking at you, curiosity in her eyes as she watched you and your old friend interact.
You didn’t notice, but Tara was carefully watching you, the way your eyes light up whenever Kirby said something that happened while you were away from each other, crazy stories like the one where she almost got killed, again, a couple months ago. Funny ones, like when a common friend of yours got scared during a mission and yelled like a little girl because of a cat hidden inside a locker, causing you to throw your head back as you deliciously laughed. She smiled too, tilting her head to admire the way your nose scrunched or how your lips moved when you talked, or how your browns furred when Reed told what happened last year during Halloween, only then your eyes met Tara’s for more than a few seconds, a pinkish color painting her cheeks.
You didn’t know much about it, choosing to ignore the comments as you never knew what was a fact or what was a lie purposefully made up to destroy the sister’s images. All you were aware off, was that the masked killer that terrorized your colleague, and friend’s, life years ago in Woodsborro came back and worked at the precinct.
Kirby wasn’t the type of person that spoke about her fears and the horrors that haunted her over the years, all you knew was what she chose to share and the reason to why she decided to become a detective. You didn’t push her to talk, patiently waited for her to open up to you by choice because she trusted you. It took a long time for the moment to come, but one day, the alcohol in her made her talk and boy… she really had a lot to share, and it was very graphic — you swore you could feel the knife twisting inside you.
And now, with your eyes connected to Tara’s, a girl that seemed so sweet and kind, had gone through the same traumatic event as Reed did and, knowing her the way you did, you could only image the scars that hung onto the young Carpenter’s body and soul. You smiled at her, reaching your hand to hers.
“It’s nice seeing you again, miss Carpenter.”
Her hand was soft, warm and delicate against yours.
“You too, detective.” She smiled, hand still on yours. “I didn’t know you and Kirby knew each other.”
“Well, when I joined the force,” you started, forcing yourself to break the contact. “Reed was the first one to reach out to me and invite me for some beer after out shift.”
“She’s a very quiet girl, but it’s a great listener.” Kirby said with her costumery side smiled. “If you ever need someone to talk to, Tara, she’s the one you can go to.”
You looked at Kirby with pursed lips, head tilting in a silent ‘what the fuck are you doing?’
Tara let out a small laugh, “It’s good to know that, Kirby. If you trust her, then I do too.”
“Well, I don’t believe in that,” you said, licking your lips as you gave your attention to the girl. “I rather earn your trust than Kirby just giving it away. Trust is a very precious and intimate thing, Tara, you should only trust someone you know.”
“In that case, we should get to know each other better.” She smiled. “Don’t you think, detective?”
“I think that’s a great idea, miss Carpenter.”
That night was the first time you went out with Tara; Kirby tagged along in the first two hours but went home after a few rounds of beer, the alcohol getting to her way easier than you remembered. Helping her into the cab, you made sure to share her live location with you before sending her home, an old habit you had acquired after the truth about her life in Woodsboro.  
“You know…” Tara started, her index finger messily playing with the sweaty, half empty, beer glass in front of her. “It’s sweet what you did there.”
“What do you mean?”
You have always been strong when it came to alcohol, maybe it was due to your position as a detective or you had a really good regenerating immune system — even a common cold couldn’t get to you.
Tara, apparently, wasn’t like you. She was leaning against the table, playing with the glass cup like a little kid that was sleepy but refused to close her eyes and drift away in slumber. You carefully watched her, afraid that she would eventually fall off the chair.
“The location, I saw you sending her live location to your number.”
You shrugged, taking a sip of your beer. “It’s nothing, really. I just want to make sure she gets home safe.”
“Still,” her hand reached yours on the table, thumb softly brushing your skin. “it’s sweet. You’re sweet.”
“And you’re drunk.” You laughed awkwardly, finishing your beer in one long sip, still allowing her to touch you. “Come on, let’s get you on a cab.”
Her hand grabbed yours when you threatened to stand up, ready to pay the bill. “No, please. I want to get to know you better.”
“We can do that some other time, miss Carpenter.”
You didn’t like promises, it carried an obligation that you didn’t like, but you just couldn’t get yourself to say no when her big, sparkling eyes stared at your soul.
You sighed with a small smile, “I promise.”
When you were paying the bill, Tara was standing close to you, holding onto your arm as if you were going to run away from her. It was cute, you had to admit as you looked at her while the cashier waited for your card to approve the payment, the different height between you two very noticeable when her head barely reached the top of your shoulder.
Before you could put her inside the cab with her apartment address on it, you made sure to save her phone number and share her location with you, just like you did with Reed over the years.
“Text me when you get home?” Tara asked through the open window when you closed the door for her.
“I will.” You smiled, turning to the old driver. “Take her home safely, please?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
You stood there for a few seconds, watching as the yellow car drove away, Tara’s happy face outside the window waving at you. You waved back, heart warm at how adorable she was.
When you got home that night, you weren’t exhausted even after the busy day and all the beer you had, you felt alive and giddy as you texted the newly-added number, telling her you were safe and sound at the comfort of your home. The reply came in the same second, telling you that she was in bed already with a kiss blowing emoji next to it.
Now, a year after that first night out with Tara, you had the young girl sleeping safely in your arms, the morning sun breaking the thick, rainy clouds and invading the apartment, waking you up. Tara was hidden in the hollow of your neck, her calm and heavy breathing tickling your skin, still sleeping soundly.
You looked around the scene, still half asleep. Your coffee mug, now cold, still on the side table. The birds were chirping for the first time in a while since the winter arrived in New York. Some blankets had fallen to the floor, leaving only one covering your bodies. It was true, Tara only needed you to keep her warm.
Feeling your eyes on her, she stirs in her sleep and you’re fast to tighten your arms around her, but after all the incidents that happened around her in the past years, she was a light sleeper.
“You’re suffocating me.” She giggles, hand resting on your neck.
“I should suffocate you after you made me skip work last night.”
“Did I? I don’t remember putting a gun to your head and making you cuddle me.”
Your eyes widened, pulling back just enough to find hers.
“You did worse! You looked at me with Bambi eyes and you know I cannot say no to that.”
She laughs, “You’re very weak for a detective.”
Rolling your eyes, you ignored the fake teasing, caressing the scar on the right side of her belly.
“I’m only weak when it comes to you. You’re my only weakness, Tara.”
Her expressions softened, eyes analyzing your face. She knew you weren’t lying, just like she knew you would do anything to protect her, other than the four core, you were the only one that took her walls down.
“Well, then I guess I’ll have to use this against you so I can have you all to myself.”
“You’ll always have me all to yourself.”
“I know,” she shrugged. “but sometimes work steals you from me.”
You smile, “I have to keep my girlfriend safe, don’t I?”
“I guess you do, but today,” the tip of her fingers slid under the collar of your sweater, noticing the lack of bra; she wet her lips. “I have you all to myself, and I am not letting you go.”
“I certainly don’t want you to.”
Tugging you by the collar, she climbed on top of you, the blanket falling to the floor with the sudden motion.
For the first time you could fully see her as she sat on your hip; black panties and an equally black tank top, slightly wrapped around her thin waist, the tip of her scar visible, messy hair cascading down her shoulders.
Biting your lower lip as your eyes followed her curves, hands on her thigh following to her hip, then her waist in a strong squeeze. When she leaned down, lips oh so close to yours, you jumped when a low clearing of the throat coming from the kitchen filled the room; your instinct quick to pull a blanket from the floor to cover Tara’s body and pull her against you.
Standing in the corner of the brick wall, Sam was avoiding looking in your direction until her sister was fully covered, arms crossed in front of her chest.
“Please, tell me you two weren’t going to have sex on my couch, again.”
Tara hid a laugh against your neck, unlike you — who felt heat rising from your toes all the way up to your face, cheeks burning with Sam’s disgusted look. This wasn’t the first time the older Carpenter walked on the two of you, but it was funny that this happened twice on the same week, at least this time you both were fully covered…
You opened your mouth in an attempt to say something, an apology, or maybe try to convince her that this was not what was happening at all, but all that came out was a struggled sound that caused Tara to laugh muffled against you.
Sam took a deep breath, reaching out for her keys that were settled next to your mug. She adjusted the black beanie as she walked to the door, unlocking the 4 sets of locks and turning to you with a tired expression, “If you two are still on my couch when I come back, we’re gonna have a whole different conversation. Got it?”
You nodded fast.
And left.
You let out a breath you didn’t even realize you’d been holding when you heard the jingling of keys on the other side of the door and distant steps going down the stairs.
Removing the blanket from her head, Tara looked at the closed door before staring at you, a loud and delicious laugh breaking the almost palpable tension that was left in the room.
“How can you laugh like this when your sister walked on us like this, again?” You were in disbelief, heart beating in your throat.
“If you could see your face, you’d laugh too,” she whipped the corner of her eyes, pressing a fast kiss on your lips. “I might be your only weakness, but Sam is your only fear.”
You huffed, agreeing with your girlfriend.
“I’ve seen what she’s capable of, I am not risking having my hands cut off, I’d miss them a lot!”
“Oh, trust me, I know,” she leaned in, hands on the side of your head, a hard grip on the cushions you laid your head on. Tara brushed her lips on yours, a fainted smell of cherries filling your lungs. "I would miss them too... more than you could ever imagine.”
Before you could close the small gap between your lips, the jingling of keys got you sitting up, arms firmly wrapped around the youngest waist, walking to bedroom at the end of the hallway, a giggly Tara clinging to your body for her dear life; you kicked the door close and leaned against it, breath caught up to your throat as you faced Tara with pursed lips.
Sam had her eyes closed when the door swung open, one hand on the door knob and the other covering her face. She had forgotten her cellphone. When she was met with silence, her index finger moved up a little, enough for her to peek at the scene.
The living room was a mess, blankets all over the floor, your slippers and Tara’s lost in between, a couple cushions in the middle as well, but what made her take a deep breath to keep from freaking out was the overturned mug on the side table, cold coffee dripping on the wooden floor.
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toournextadventure · 6 months
a novel life pt.1
Summary: You're a Lit professor at Blackmoor University when you meet Samantha Carpenter. Life becomes... a lot more exciting with her around.
Word Count: 4.3k Warnings: swearing, bullying, sister arguments Pairing: Sam Carpenter x GN!Reader (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) (pt.5)
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You liked Sam.
No, that was quite the understatement. You would almost - almost - go so far as to say you loved her! Not quite yet, obviously, you still weren’t completely, absolutely positive. But you were pretty certain that the things you felt for her could be classified as love. At least that’s what your dad said love was, and he had been happily married for 41 years at that time, so how could you possibly argue with that kind of experience?
It wasn’t like you had meant to fall in love with her. Not that you actively avoided it, you just… hadn’t been looking for her. Both you and Sam had a habit of lying when people asked how you met; they always assumed it was some kind of meet-cute. Her friend Mindy was determined it was something adorable, like meeting at a coffee shop or running into each other at the library.
The truth, the cold hard truth, was much more ridiculous.
“Why are you watching me?”
You blinked hard and looked up at the… woman (?) standing in front of you. She was all blurry and all you could really make out was dark hair and beautifully brown skin. If you really squinted, you could see just enough of her posture that, when coupled with the tone, was indicative of frustration. Maybe even anger, if you pushed it.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “I didn’t know I was.”
“How could you not know?” She asked, her tone staying incredibly not happy.
“I, uh-” you cleared your throat, “-I couldn’t see you.”
Her laugh was condescending. And pretty. “You were looking right at me.” Her blurry frame shifted. “Come up with a better excuse.”
This strange woman was rather mean, wasn’t she? You kind of liked it.
“It’s not an excuse,” you said once her frame had officially stopped moving.
“Then how did you not see me?” She asked. “What are you, blind?”
You smiled to yourself and set your bagel down. “Kind of,” you said as you lifted your head to face her. Or at least you hoped you were. “I forgot my glasses at my office.”
“Fuck,” she said softly. Her tense tone had disappeared rather quickly. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you said. “Sounds like you’re used to being watched.”
“You have no idea,” she said quickly.
Wait. That was an opening. You hadn’t talked to a woman outside of work in ages. This was your chance!
“Want to sit down over coffee some time and talk about it?”
You really really wished you hadn’t forgotten your glasses. Without them, you couldn’t see the look on her face. Did she think your question was rather rash? Rude, even? Or perhaps she thought it was a welcome idea, even just to get something off her chest. From the sound of it, she had a lot on her mind.
“Sure,” she said eventually. “I’d like that.”
The rest, as they say, was history. You had both gotten your coffee and you hadn’t forgotten your glasses again. Which made the coffee date a little awkward because then you could see just how truly beautiful she was, and you had not been prepared for it. She had watched you become a stuttering fool who could only spout random, unwarranted facts about things.
By some miracle, she had asked you on a dinner date.
The singular benefit of the entire situation was that you had met at the very beginning of summer break. You had decided not to teach a summer class that year, instead opting to use the hotter months to find more material that you could bring to the fall semester. There had to be a wider range of literature from the Romantic Period outside of what the school had already been teaching when you joined the staff. The literature classes at the moment were so… basic.
Because of this, work never came up. Sam never asked, and you never even thought to tell simply because… well, you just hadn’t thought of it. You hadn’t been hiding your profession, you hadn’t even tried to be sneaky about it. After all, your entire apartment was filled with tomes and first editions of novels and the closest thing you could get to original manuscripts of the ancients. And Sam had very certainly seen the inside of your apartment more than once.
The thought had  never occurred to you to bring up what you did for a living. After all, you finally had a girl…friend? You weren’t quite sure if that term could be used officially, but you were going to use it in your internal monologue. Regardless, this was the first time in years, how were you supposed to remember everything she might want to know? Besides, it wasn’t like she had asked yet.
And neither had her sister! Who, unfortunately, you were starting to think didn’t like you. She had never said it out loud, so you couldn’t be sure, but she made sure to give you a, uh, look whenever you would come over. Sam had told you that Tara loved movies - horror movies to be precise - and you had even managed to find a rare copy of a “famous” B-list movie for her!
It still didn’t work.
“Do I need to try and cook dinner for her one night?” You asked, looking up from your book. Sam was still doing her own studying for her night classes.
“If you cook for Tara, she will eat you alive,” Sam said without missing a beat. “She had to cook for herself for years, she will tear you apart.”
“She’s so scary,” you whispered to yourself before looking back down at your lecture notes. “What if I found the original script of her favourite movie?”
At that, Sam put her pen down. Your stomach fluttered; had you said something wrong? Oh of course you had, you absolute fool. You don’t question someone about how to win over their siblings! Well… did you? Maybe you needed to do some research on the topic.
“Your efforts are sweet,” she said with a soft smile, “but you can’t push Tara. She’ll come around when she’s ready.”
You frowned. “How will she be ready if I don’t try?”
“Trust the process,” she said. She leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before going back to her studying, and you were left stewing in your own thoughts.
The process didn’t make any sense.
“Do you have to go?” Sam asked in a raspy voice.
You looked up from tying your shoes. Sam had rolled over to her other side on the bed, giving you the perfect view of her. Her hair was a mess and her eyes could barely stay open, but she looked just as beautiful as always. The sun had barely started to peek through the curtains to hit her skin at just the right angle. It looked like she was glowing.
Maybe you didn’t have to go.
No, you had students waiting, of course you had to go.
“I’ll be back after work,” you said quietly. Her eyes were still mostly closed, and you didn’t want to jolt her awake; she deserved her beauty rest.
“Be safe,” she said.
You finished tying your shoe and stood up, leaning down to give her a gentle kiss on the lips. She sighed softly. “I’ll be safe.” You placed one more kiss on her forehead before pulling back. She quickly fell back into bed, already fast asleep.
Thankfully, all of your stuff was outside the bedroom. It made it easier to stay quiet, tip-toeing your way out of the room and easing the door open and shut with as little noise as possible. You waited a moment, listening through the door to see if she had woken up, but nodded to yourself in confirmation before turning back around.
And facing Tara.
“Your nerd shit is by the door,” Tara said a little louder than you would have liked. She was going to wake up Sam if she didn’t quiet down a bit.
“Thank you,” you said. Because of course that was something normal people said in that situation. “Are you, uh, headed to class?”
You gestured your head toward her backpack. Which was clearly filled with school books. Which you were more than aware meant that yes, of course she was heading to school. Where else would she be going? You weren’t doing a very good job at winning her over, now she was going to think you were stupid.
“No, I’m running away,” Tara said with a roll of her eyes.
“Oh,” you said sadly. Then, her words clicked in your mind and you perked up. “Oh.” Okay, she wasn’t going to think you were stupid, she was simply going to bully you.
Jokes on her, you had been bullied all your life, you were practically a professional.
“I’m heading that way too,” you said as you ungraciously shoved your arms through your jacket. “Want to go together?”
Tara looked you up and down for only a fraction of a second. “Absolutely not.”
You watched, dejected, as she exited the apartment without another word. Although you weren’t entirely surprised, you weren’t exactly happy about the situation. Well, there went one of your chances at winning her over. You would have to try again next time. And maybe not be so… what did you hear Tara call you the other day… pathetic in your attempts.
Which was going to be rather hard to do when you couldn’t even catch your bus, leading to you having to walk the long distance to the university. It led to you shedding your jacket before getting halfway to your destination, and blisters on the backs of your heels from your shoes. Maybe you didn’t need to dress quite the same if you were leaving Sam's apartment; clearly it wasn’t a safe choice.
You were nine minutes and 27 seconds late to your class.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” you said the moment you stepped into the classroom. Everyone was still talking, but they quieted down slowly. “I missed my bus.” You tossed your briefcase onto the desk and started digging for your papers. “Which means, lucky for you, we can skip icebreakers and get right to it.”
There was a mix of mumbled approval and sighs of relief at the release from icebreakers. You would admit, you weren’t too upset about it either. Even though it did help everyone learn names - ahem, it helped you learn their names - it was rather intimidating. No one knew what to say, it put everyone on the spot, and more often than not ended up with no one talking the entire semester. This was better for everyone, and at least you had an excuse.
“Alright,” you huffed, finally pulling the stack of papers out of your briefcase, “pass these around while I tell you about the changes in readings.” Groans quickly followed. “You won’t be buying more textbooks, I’ve got PDFs to share.”
You quickly handed the stack of papers to the student closest to the front, giving them a smile and a mouthed “thank you.” She smiled back and nodded before handing them back. Even as you reached back to grab your own notes, you finally, finally looked out at the class.
And froze when you met a pair of familiar brown eyes.
Tara had a look that you would have classified as “furious.” Although her nose scrunched up like Sam’s, and you could truly see the family resemblance in their anger. That was… well, it sure was something. You hoped you could grow to get used to all of this enough to keep a professional demeanour in class. It wouldn’t do you any good to lose it now simply because your girlfriend’s (?) sister was in your class.
Admittedly, class went on without a hitch. Eventually, after nearly the entire hour had passed, Tara had managed to relax enough to look over the syllabus and even give her input on a few of the readings you had changed up. She was smart. You hadn’t heard much from her, but she was incredibly smart. It was going to be a delight to hear her opinions throughout the semester.
“Alright everyone, I’ll let you out a few minutes early,” you said once you had thoroughly exhausted everything on the syllabus. Had you really needed to take as long as you had? No, but you weren’t going to miss a single piece of information. The point of teaching was to prepare everyone for success, not to throw information out at them and hope they could comprehend it well enough on their own.
The class quickly started packing up, talking about nothing that you had told them about. Which was as expected. You hadn’t been teaching for too long, but you weren’t naive; you knew students usually only cared during class and gave up as soon as they were free.
“Oh, Miss Carpenter,” you said quickly, catching Tara right before she left. “Can we talk for a moment?”
Your heart beat loudly in your chest as Tara sighed, but otherwise nodded and trudged back into class. She didn’t sit, but stayed standing on the other side of the desk. A defence mechanism if ever you saw once. Though, judging by the scar you could see on her hand, you assumed it was for good reason.
“I want to check in with you that my presence won’t negatively impact your time in this class,” you said once everyone had finished filing out of the room.
“Will my presence negatively impact your time with my sister?” She shot back quickly. Why was she so fast? You didn’t answer. She sighed and shook her head. “I’m a big girl, I can handle you as my professor for one semester.” 
“Good,” you said with repetitive nods. “Please inform me if you change your mind.” Tara rolled her eyes, but you weren’t phased. “I do not mean to impede upon your success.”
“Shut up,” she said softly, “you sound like such a parent.”
“I mean it, Tara,” you continued. “You don’t have to like Sam and me, but I don’t want it to impact your life-”
“-Oh my god, I get it,” she interrupted quickly. Her weight shifted between her feet. “Just shut up already, I have another class to get to.”
“Okay,” you said with a gesture toward the door. “Stay safe.”
Tara didn’t bother answering before practically sprinting out the door. You hoped she was being serious about not being too influenced with you as her professor. It was against every part of your being to create a barrier between her and her academics. If she didn’t like you, that was one thing, but if it caused a problem? You would have to talk to Sam about it.
Oh god, you did sound like a parent.
By the time all your classes had ended and you could finally head back to Sam’s apartment, you had nearly forgotten all about Tara being in your class. Now, it certainly didn’t help that you were so focused on getting back to Sam so you could crawl into bed with her and rest. You clearly had better things to think about than a potential, unconfirmed incident at school.
Well, you thought you had better things to think about. When you approached Sam’s apartment door, you could hear elevated voices inside. Elevated voices that were related to each other. And that were surely unhappy about something. Oh gosh. You debated walking away, but what if they were in trouble?
You would not have been the one to save them, but by golly if you weren’t going to try.
“They’re one of my professors, Sam,” Tara shouted while you walked into the apartment.
Oh jeez. You should not have tried to save anyone. Sam was standing near the couch with her arms crossed defensively across her chest. Across from her, Tara was near the kitchen, her backpack and books strewn along the table as if she had thrown it there. Which, judging by her apparent anger, was likely.
“You can’t just date one of my professors,” she continued. “That’s so wrong.”
“You’re an adult, Tara,” Sam said, “you can handle one semester of this.”
You debated stepping in, but couldn’t decide if that would make things better or worse. Clearly Tara had an issue, and you didn’t want to throw it back in her face. That certainly wouldn’t help you win her over. You decided to stay put for the moment.
“I don’t trust them, Sam,” Tara practically shouted. Not quite, but she was building it up. “They just want to show up, worm their way into every part of our lives, and I’m not supposed to be suspicious?” She asked. “After everything we’ve been through?”
“This isn’t-” Sam stopped when she met your eyes.
Tara turned around at Sam’s sudden halt, groaning when she saw you standing there. You lifted your shaky hand slowly, giving a half-hearted wave. Sam’s eyes softened as she watched you, but Tara’s only hardened. And, you supposed you couldn’t fully blame her. She… made a good point.
“I can head out,” you said softly.
“-Don’t.” Tara and Sam said at the same time. Sam glared at the younger Carpenter. “You don’t have to go.”
“I don’t mean to intrude,” you said with a slight shake of your head. “I can come back another time.”
“I’ll walk you out,” she said.
“Seriously?” Tara asked. “We’re talking.”
“And we can talk when I get back,” Sam said quickly. She practically pushed you out the door. “Don’t go anywhere.”
You didn’t get to see Tara’s face at Sam’s order. No doubt it was… not happy. It made you… sad to see them arguing, especially about something as insignificant as you. There was absolutely no reason they should be arguing about you.
Perhaps there was also a small bit of relief at being an only sibling.
Sam leaned against the door and closed her eyes before letting out a drawn out sigh. Your inexperience got the better of you; you didn’t know what to do. Not only had you not had a girlfriend for *ahem* a little while, you also didn’t have siblings. Was this normal behaviour for siblings? For sisters? Surely it was.
No, you needed to think, that didn’t matter. What mattered was that Sam was clearly upset in some form, and you needed to do something to comfort her. What was comforting? Ah, you knew. You reached forward carefully and grabbed Sam’s hand, intertwining your fingers with hers. They linked together perfectly, like they were meant to be.
She opened her eyes slowly and looked down at your hands. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips before she looked back up at you. There was a slight crinkle at the corners of her eyes; the main indication of her smile that she was holding back. You loved that crinkle.
“I’m sorry,” she said softly.
“Don’t be,” you said with your own smile as you pulled her closer to you. “I don’t blame her for being cautious.”
“I guess it’s my own fault,” Sam said. You both started slowly making your way down the stairs. “I openly disapproved of her partner, so.”
“Payback,” you said with a nod.
“I didn’t know you were a professor,” she said shyly.
You chuckled. “I didn’t know you didn’t know.”
“Tell me about it?” She asked.
You both stepped onto the ground floor in tandem. As much as you wanted to stand there with her all night, you knew she needed to have a talk with Tara. If any of you wanted this to work, you would have to put in the effort and do the things you didn’t want to. At the moment, it was Sam and Tara hashing it out.
“Over dinner?” You suggested. “Next Thursday?” She smiled. “I don’t have class Friday morning and a co-worker suggested this delightful little bistro.”
“That sounds great,” she said. “But you’re paying.”
“It’s only fair,” you said with a shrug. “I suppose this mess is my fault.”
“100%,” she said, biting her bottom lip immediately after.
You didn’t have to be experienced to know what to do next. Her arms instinctively wrapped around your neck as she pulled you closer. Your hands fell to her hips, holding her securely against you. You didn’t have to move very far to kiss her. She tasted lovely; the taste of chocolate, a splash of wine, and the ever-present hint of cigarettes.
She tasted like love
The countdown to your date with Sam had seemed to drag on endlessly. The days seemed to go by too slowly, you only got to talk to her on occasion, and you had been thrown back into the swing of things with… far too many classes to preside over. It was your own fault, of course, but that didn’t make it any more tolerable.
Add to that the fact that Tara, while behaving herself, was keen on giving you some rather distasteful looks during class? It was a rather long week.
But the day had finally arrived! You had finished your class and practically sprinted - to the best of your ability - to the bus stop to get back to your apartment. A simple shower to freshen up, a new change of clothes, and you were all set to go. You stopped by the little bodega on the way, purchasing a small bouquet of flowers, and then you were on your way once again.
Sam had texted you earlier in the day, telling you to stay in the lobby and let her know when you were there. You assumed, rightfully, that it was because Tara was up in the apartment. Things might have been resolved, but that didn’t mean she had to like you yet. It was a fair compromise for the moment.
You texted her as soon as you stepped into the lobby, and she said she would be down momentarily. That was alright, at least the lobby was cool compared to the hot post-summer air outside. It wasn’t miserable, but it was enough that you weren’t too keen on being stuck outside.
“Nice shoes,” a voice said. “They look clean, where’d you get ‘em?”
You looked up from the hole you were staring into the floor to meet the eyes of a youngster coming into the lobby. They had rather kind eyes and a smile that, though accentuated by scars on both sides, was one of the most genuine you believed you had ever seen.
“Thank you,” you said as you rolled your shoulders back. “They’re from, ah, Allen Edmonds? Rockefeller Plaza?”
“I think I know that place, yeah,” the person said. “You’d recommend them?”
“Of course,” you said with a nod. “They’ve been the finest quality shoes I own.”
“I’ll have to check ‘em out,” the person continued. They nodded at the flowers in your hand. “For a girlfriend?”
“Yeah,” you said, “she’s on her way down.”
“She’ll love ‘em,” they said kindly. “I’m on my way up to see my girlfriend, so I’ll leave ya alone.”
You nodded enthusiastically. “You two have a wonderful evening.”
“You too,” they said with a crooked half-smile and a small wave before jogging up the stairs two at a time.
It only took another moment or two before Sam came down, looking as stunning as always. Her dress hugged her curves in all the right places - which was every place - and complimented her eyes beautifully. Paired with a simple bracelet and necklace, and you were one lucky person.
“You look gorgeous,” you said softly, pulling her into a quick kiss but being careful not to smear her makeup. “These are for you.”
Her smile was small, a smile that almost gave you more butterflies than her bigger one. This one was almost reserved for you exclusively, and you would have done anything to see it more often.
“They’re beautiful,” she said, leaning up again to press a kiss to your cheek. You hoped it left a lipstick stain.
You grabbed her hand and led her out of the building, hailing a taxi and ushering her in before following behind. In the privacy of the cab, she let her head fall onto your shoulder as she played with your fingers. You didn’t look down, but you felt her twisting your class ring round and round, almost nervously.
“You know,” you said as the cab pulled to a stop at a light, “I met the most delightful young fellow in the lobby before you came down.”
“Oh really?” Sam asked. She had stopped fidgeting with your ring and had started running her fingers over your clothed thigh.
“They asked about my shoes,” you said with a nod, “and said you would love the flowers.”
Her fingers stopped moving.
“What did this “young fellow” look like?” She asked. Her head lifted from your shoulder; you instantly missed the sensation.
“About yea high,” you said, indicating vaguely how tall they were. “Crooked smile.”
“Scars on their cheeks?”
“That’s the one,” you said with a nod. “I liked them.”
“That’s Tara’s partner,” Sam said with a huff.
“Oh?” You asked, intrigued. Well, you certainly wouldn’t have guessed that.
“The one I don’t exactly approve of,” she continued.
“Oh,” you said with far less excitement. “Well, I thought they were lovely.”
“I’m sure you did,” she said. Her tone indicated annoyance, but you glanced down in time to catch the small smile on her face that gave her away.
You pulled her back into your side and kissed the top of her head as the cab continued its route to the bistro. Maybe it wouldn’t be too difficult to get all four of you to get along. You loved Sam, even if you weren’t quite ready to admit it yet. After all, with her hand in yours and your lips pressed to her skin? What was the worst that could happen?
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wandagcre · 5 months
under your spell | sam carpenter 🔞
(Mob Boss!Sam Carpenter x Fem!Reader)
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Samantha Loomis will do everything to keep the journey of your love story with her floating, come what may. Even if it takes killing an important figure in your life, she won't risk it.
WARNING: dom!mob boss sam, sub!reader, manipulation, graphic depiction of violence, strap-on sex, teasing, 69 - not proofread | 18+ men & minors dni. Words: 3.5k Note: more of mob boss sam! this was requested by one of my favs, @romanoffsbish! hope i did justice with this one ahhh🫣
[ series masterlist ] | [ masterlist ]
You lost count of how many times you tossed and turned in the bed. It’s particularly lonesome even while you’re enveloped in the comfiest mattress and sheets of layers that provide much-needed warmth. You craved Sam by your side.
It was unimaginable how you didn’t want to be in this bed almost a year ago. 
Now, it was nothing but an embarrassing fact as to how your body and mind depended on the woman. You yearned for her touch; her chin perched against your shoulder as her strong arms wrapped around you protectively and how you heard Sam’s light snores that oddly brought comfort rather than a nuisance. In your comfort lies the much-needed presence of the woman.
The thought raised concern for you, as usually, Sam wouldn’t waste any time to join you here. 
Having enough time alone, you got up quickly took your robe, and sauntered your way to Sam’s office. You’re immediately relieved that you put on a robe, covering your sheer nightgown underneath. You just saw some of Sam’s men patrolling outside the house as you passed through the wide halls, one of them nodding in acknowledgment as they saw you through the sliding door. The last time someone saw you vulnerable…it did not end well. 
You rub your arms for warmth. Entering Sam’s office at your home was an experience. You’ve been here only a few times, understanding that the woman needed her own space – even if that concept felt foreign for the two of you. Pushing one of the two doors, the intimidating air welcomed you. The high ceiling, and the modestly tiered chandelier hued her lair. It was as grandiose as it can get; with the pillars and currently enclosed European rolling shutters, layers that provided extended privacy. If it weren’t for her chandelier and lamps in the room, it would be a total blackout as light did not stand a chance.
Whether it was out of Sam’s paranoia or extra precaution of safety, you love her just the same.
When you carefully made your way through her to the U-shaped table, Sam didn't say much, but you figured she knew it was you already. She’s pensive and painstakingly occupied with the files on her hand.
“Mi amor, come over here…” Your heart soared at her tiny voice. 
Sam welcomes your touch with ease. Like a reflex; she freed one of her busy hands to clasp it with yours that hugged her front. Yet, it was her mind that was drifting.
“I miss you, come to bed.” You murmured and felt her soft laughter vibrate against your body.
You ignite a familiar glint in Sam’s eyes. “I like the sound of that. Domestic. Married.”  She turns the paper with a faint smile.
In closer view, you have the sight of Sam in her trousers and importantly, her cufflinks and blue button-down undone, hugging her from behind. You take advantage of the proximity, breathing in Sam’s scent which is mixed city dirt and a particular musk that you love, heightening your serotonin. You can’t help but wet your lips with the thoughts you’re being wrapped into.
“Hm. Well, your wife needs attention now.”
“I’m sorry, mi amor.”
“Hey. I knew what I signed up for, Sammy.” A fracture of it, your mind quips. Not that you minded. It blows over quickly as Sam hums. “Nothing that a few kisses can’t solve. You can start by downplaying them now…”
Your sultry words didn’t fly over her. 
She indulges your play immediately. “And you’re charging this with interest, I suppose?” Sam can feel your devious fingers dancing on the expanse of her toned stomach, skipping over the material of her work clothes. The air rapidly thickened with the brewing hunger and tension, rousing both of you into a familiar pit of lust.
Sam’s back still is facing you, momentarily pulling away to unbutton her top.
“Very much so I’m afraid.” You lazily murmured against your girlfriend’s back as you jumped back near her. Sam feels herself grounded towards reality, her icy exterior melting. You feel Sam’s tense muscles wearing off. A faint smile comes over you. How do you even do that? Sam wonders each time. “What are you even worrying about? Your beautiful eyebrows are bunched up like a grandma.”
Sam swiftly turned. Her kisses soon trailed over your jaw and lips, insistent. 
“I need to pay up first, amor.”
“But Sammy—Oh!”
Sam deflects. Although you noticed, it was hard to be devoid of her wishes as you did not have a choice but to take in her little yet adamant pecks. Soon, it grew into seemingly aggressive and bruising kisses. She tasted a hint of whiskey, burning on your tongue. Letting out a gasp wasn’t too good either as Sam took it as her chance to kiss you harder and swallow your moans. She lifts you to have you sprawled out on her oak table, determined to stir a carnal disarray. With each tilt and lean, the bites and growls that Sam released onto you had made your brain all muddled. You caress her firm shoulder and decide to pay back; you give her breast an adamant squeeze through her sports bra.
Sam pulls back and her matching gold accessories shine from your view. God, she looked beautiful – almost forbidden. Her shiny, half-lidded eyes peer over you lustfully and mischievous. 
“M-mm, you’re so good for me… I had something in mind, would you excuse me for a second mi amor?”
You teasingly ran your fingers through her nape and undid her tied-up hair, letting her alluring black tresses cascade messily, and tugged her hair back for good measure. Sam gulped at your assertiveness, gripping your hips firmly.
“I won’t go anywhere but here.”
As Sam came to fetch a spice to spruce up your evening, you gratefully absorbed the time she gave you. She can be an intense lover who knocks the air out of your lungs without fail. Your eyes flit over the mess sitting atop her desk. The sepia-colored portfolios were noticeable, strung up neatly. Her Glock particularly stood out with its metallic shine that made your heart race in nervousness. The daydreams can be hot, sure, yet if you were to be frank; you’re still taking in this new life one day at a time.
Until you saw another notable profile related to you.
It struck a personal vein as it was none other than your beloved partner and coworker for years, only her papers were marked “CLOSED” with a bright, red stamp across her personal description and profile shot. Your stomach churned at the possibility of her in danger. She was the closest figure you had for a mother. Although a part of you feels worthy of the success you have now, you can’t help but also think you have grown selfish and self-centered. 
The last time you talked to her was 2 months ago, her birthday. A bittersweet smile spread across your features. You even kept postponing a simple brunch date with her – one that you didn’t have trouble with, until… no. 
What’s wrong with you?
It’s not like she also reached out to you. You wonder what Grace thought of your Sam. She appeared skeptical, though you brushed it off knowing that what you and Sam have are unique. Perhaps you left out a few minor details that made her disapprove of it – detecting easily when you’re secretive about things. You didn’t find the point to it, though. You, among all people, were the most aware of you and Sam being from two worlds that happened to collide. But you insisted that it works; both of you put effort and love into it.
Sam is your person.
A hand rubs comfortingly on your shoulder. “Mi amor, are you okay?”
“Sammy, why do you have these files? What does Grace have to do with your business?” You bit the inside of your cheek.  “Is she… okay?” The apprehension coursed through your veins unsettlingly. 
You’re not even sure if you were ready to hear the truth.
With shaky hands, you gather the papers and examine them. Reading them made the coldness eerily vivid as though you’re holding a decomposing body, as though Grace that you once knew was now nothing but a closed history. Your vision blurred as your eyes trail over the personal information. Not one has registered in your mind.
Meanwhile, Sam carefully examined your reactions, silent as you soaked up the files that appeared to rattle you. Lost in your bewildered thoughts, you didn’t even notice the tanned woman’s presence until she gently took your forearm and her lips were pressed against your wrist.
“You won’t be seeing her anymore. Would you like me to elaborate?”
Fuck, you sure hope so. “Sam. This– this doesn’t look good to me,” Your voice cracked at the end and your eyes were starting to well up. Your figure moved in discomfort.
“You’re right.” Sam sighed and threaded her fingers through her hair. “It does not look good… but for all right reasons. Can you lay your back on the desk?” You tilt your head inquisitively, yet following Sam made her appeased with your actions. 
She hooked her hands around your legs, making your lower back pressed on the oak table. The robe you wore slid off, but you didn’t mind — Sam did not mind. 
“Good girl.” Sam praised you with her honeyed voice. You felt the familiar desire stir in your stomach. However, it did not stop you from staring – waiting – at those plump lips to further elaborate. “She’s gone.”
It expeditiously induced a sharp pain in your chest. Grace is gone – echoed faintly in your head. Your heart and mind throbbed at the sudden news.
Despite Sam’s monotonous tone, you’re unable to dissect the emotion further as you feel Sam lock your lips into a titillating kiss, her body atop you. A tear rolled down your cheek, Sam did not mind, hurriedly swiping them away with her thumb. Your mind ebbs slowly of its previous worries, tangled in the woman’s skillful touch; latched onto your skin with greed that appeases both of your needs. It confused you greatly, while as despair filled you, you were also throbbing, your cunt aroused again and wanting for more.
“My men bagged her head with a canvas, almost suffocating her.” You helplessly groan as Sam places a hand over your mouth. You couldn’t speak at her firm hold. “But don’t worry, she passed swiftly… least as I could let her be. She was interfering with us, mi amor. I hope you do understand – I’m doing this for us. I haven’t failed you yet, have I?”
You only nod weakly. It was the truth; she didn’t disappoint at all. Your body was still in fight mode and attempted to relieve it by desperately clawing on your girlfriend’s tanned bare back – searching for something tangible. Your fingernails dug into them and rewarded you with Sam’s breathy moans, swallowing the lump in your throat. On the other end, Sam was relieved by your response. No matter how it was laced with sugar coating, she still fears that you will never meet each other by the eye.
“I can’t hurt you, ever. You know that I wouldn’t do something bad when it comes to you, (y/n/n).”
She’s real and you’ll be alright… your girlfriend always had a good reason for her decisions, right?
Sam’s carnal ways did not waver; instead, you hear the rustling of her trousers and how she unzipped them. You didn’t even notice how she smoothly set your underwear aside, your wet pussy exposed to the cold air that made you quiver as Sam was ready to plunge in the tip of her strap.
“The things you do to me, amor, fuck!” Sam uttered gruffly as she parted your folds, the action impenitent and dirty. Her thumb probes over your wet insides, resulting in your breathing growing erratic and your head being thrown back, as she didn't hesitate to put a few inches on you unannounced. “I had fun playing Russian roulette with your dearest Grace. I can hear her terror each time my revolver clicked. If only I had the reins to get messy, I would have gutted her stomach apart until her insides spilled!” She punctuates the anguish in her tone by pounding in you harder, rocking both of you and the entire length of the strap almost inside of you. 
The squelching and the slapping of skins reverberated in her room. You felt dirty and guilty, knowing it was the place where parts of Sam’s empire were laid tactfully. Though, you fucking loved every second of it. It felt that it was a Cathedral and all you knew was to worship and moan Sam’s name — until every fiber of your being occupied nothing but her.
Your ragged breathing and continuous moans were interrupted with Sam grabbing you by the cheek again. Her brown eyes were pierced into your drunk ones. “I love you. Nothing’s going to wreck that. Not even the slightest.”
This was a real woman in front of you, unashamed to tell the tales of how far she was willing to go for you. You never had that in your life – until her, your Sammy. So, you gratefully nod, your heart felt as though it was going to burst in hopes that your eyes could convey how the feeling was mutual.
It should be disgusting but you can’t help but gush more at the stretch even while in Sam’s morbid monologue. “And I’m here, fucking you with my cock senselessly. Do you like being put in this situation? You have no shame, amor. That’s why we fit perfectly,” She grabbed you by your jaw, “Answer me.”
“Y-yes! Fuck, yes!” You wail as the phallic inside of you feels too vivid against your walls. Your eyes rolled at the back of your head. The shame burned your insides but oh so satisfyingly. “I-I love it!”
“You do, don’t you? This is what you deserve. Goodness and me. Your partner didn’t even cry out for you, they cried out for Marly, the bitch from work that they cheated on you with. Don’t worry mi amor, I’ll gut her next for ever hurting you like this…” The huff and panting of Sam’s eagerness had overpowered the internal dilemma growing out of you. It cemented your mind on one thing; you were hurt, but Sam has once again swooped in to rescue you. 
Marly was soon history as Grace was. You couldn’t believe your mother figure had disposed of you just the same.
“You’re always there for m-me… ‘could never doubt you, Sammy,” You choked in moans and felt Sam’s breath ghost to your bare neck. “I-I love you,”
Reeling back to full pleasure, you’ve easily taken it in, both Sam’s strap and the new life you were in. You might as well accept it – take it wholly – no matter how much red is drowned in Sam’s ledger. And Sam? The macabre beast melded inside of her and groaned in satisfaction. Your robe was halfway off, the nightgown almost ripped in half, revealing your skin and breasts that were painted with deep red and purple hues, as you’ve braved through a storm. More importantly, you took her with almost no hesitance and your pretty lips affirmed how much you loved her, even with Sam admitting her sick ways of keeping you both safe.
It made her feel worthy and on top of the fucking world. All of the blood and gruesome journey she has gone through — it was all for you and so, so worth it.
You wail underneath Sam’s relentless pounding that fueled her to thrust in varying angles to make your mind all fuzzy. You feel everything and then nothing all at once, completely spent as your orgasm crashed — the strap still buried inside of you. You were certain that Sam wanted it molded on your velvety walls until all it knew was her.
In your drifting-off state, Sam gently pulls back the robe on you and picks you up, carrying you against her front. You’re perched against the crook of her neck and you want to giggle at her sidestepping, the bodyguards looking away from your sight as Sam is careful to not reveal your current state. It was proving to be a challenge not to moan and simply fuck yourself against the strap, as for some reason Sam kept it in. 
You thought it was the end as your girlfriend placed you on your shared bed until Sam fully unbuckled her then loose belt, and her trousers pool by her ankle. She’s bare for you, her blemishes and scars were open to you, and somewhat they made an appetizing touch to her perfectly carved body. Now you feel the familiar throbbing rising on your tummy once again and your thighs spasmed at the light strain it encountered from earlier activities. Sam deviously chuckled at your reaction and crawled her way on top of you.
“I wanted to return the favor…” You whispered against the shell of Sam’s ear, hands busying themselves on undoing the strap laced on her waist. “I need to have you in my mouth.”
Sam’s stomach visibly twitched at your words, her throat drying up at how they dripped with much desire, just for her. 
“Funny, because I was planning to eat you, too.” A tender kiss was pressed against your lips. Sam moved teasingly as her words did, affecting you greatly.
“We can do it at the same time, you know…”
Sam’s heart constricted at your suggestion. She would be stupid if she were to turn down your offer. Imagining you between her thighs and putting all of her will not to suffocate you? Sam grew wet. She twitched like a junky in need of a fix and her orbs were glazed with excitement and tenfold desire. Perhaps, Sam was rubbing off on you too much these days. 
“Fuck, you mean—?”
You timidly nod. “Yes. It’s a win-win situation for us, Sammy.”
You strip out of your useless clothes quickly. There was no use for it. Sam watches you as if she were hypnotized. How this woman has a nonstop carnal desire to take you at every moment possible was lost on you.
Getting into position was inevitably awkward. It was a new thing, both of you were testing the waters. But given Sam’s words of encouragement, the intimidation soon dissolved and it made you communicate better. In reverse positions, you were met with Sam’s long and toned thighs. Having the strong inner skin wrapped between your head was a daydream much as her face. You can smell her arousal vividly – one that was caused by none other than you – which had made pride surge wildly in your chest. Sam easily slid and handled your body towards her face. 
“You’re so wet…” Sam whispered as she peppered your thighs with soft kisses. Each contact had left you squirming and frenzy for more. “My pretty girl, have you imagined this for so long?”
You were too shy to admit it. 
Although it was very telling on Sam’s end, seeing your slick smeared. Her mouth watered. Soon it will be all over her face. She grabbed the back of your thighs and eagerly lapped on your wet folds, your cries of pleasure served as wonderful stimulation against her exposed cunt. Her tongue flattened up for good measure, Sam slid perfectly against you. Opposed to her confident moves, your movement was gentle and slow, as though you wanted to savor all of Sam’s fluids. This made your rhythm against hers messy and uncoordinated, but it was you so she didn’t mind.
Your cheeks were heated not only out of disbelief that this was happening, but also from the warmth that Sam emits – somehow that makes you flustered. While you’re lost in the haze of lust, Sam tries to be gentle with her thigh grip. However, as it grows tense and firm, it seemingly pulls out a moan from you that makes Sam weak in her knees.
You feel the tip of her tongue dip inside, as though Sam is curious to extract more – savoring the flavor on her tastebuds. The repeated motions continue with the relentless lapping of her tongue, muscle invasive and fast, almost slurping between. It was addicting, like seeing red, only with Sam’s stimulation and breath existing to reel you in further. You keep up and mimic her actions and soon you two find the groove, moving and grinding on each other’s body – mouths barely detaching from the waterfall of wetness. As happiness is meant to be consumed, you do it with such bliss, eyes closed.
Soon, both of you convulsed at the rush of release. Hurriedly, you lapped on Sam’s cum like it was the last thing you’ll ever drink. Sam was more brutal, and practically buried herself in your pussy until you had to push her away. Your fingers dug into the soft flesh of her thighs, both cunts were tender and as Sam did, your breath was heaving as well. A sheer sweat covered both of your bodies. Fuck, you can’t believe you’ve just done that.
This was fucking heaven.
Sam was the first to get up. You were spent and your clothes were gone, meant for replacement again. She giggled at your adorable sight, a chaste kiss laced with strong remnants of your taste greeted your mouth – ending it with you in her arms, lulled by Sam's heartbeat against your bare chest, and open-mouthed kisses on your tired jaw.
A triumphant smile makes its way to her devious features and whispers I love you against your forehead.
She has done it again. You barely knew what rattled you moments earlier, instead, your mind was filled with the woman and how you can’t live without her.
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do not repost/translate on other sites. © wandagcre
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ornii · 4 months
Tara Carpenter x Male Reader?
Funny enough, I was never a big Horror Fan so the Scream series went under my radar. Conveniently enough I decided to watch the latest one and I gotta say not too bad.
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Takes years to form, can be broken in one moment.
After a short but memorable service in the Army, you were able to take an honorable discharge after barely a year, after searching a Home you saved your squad from a makeshift IED. It Left a few scars, but that was the last of the physical damage, mental damage can never truly be measured and heal fully, but you’re managing. Hearing the Murders of Woodsboro, and Tara surviving thankfully.
You and Tara had been friends since moving to Woodsboro years ago, just kids at the time but there was something really different about her, you couldn’t put your finger on it but she always lit up the room, and specifically took your breath away. Leaving for Basic Training, you never got a chance to admit it, but you knew once you returned it was the first thing to do on your bucket list.
So when you were discharged, Blackmore University was a nobrainer to attend. But it was only downhill after that, the Killings return, and it seemed to return just as you did.
It was all too much of a coincidence for anyone else to ignore. So they did the only sensible thing.
You were standing in the middle of the apartment, unsure of what to do. You were essentially surrounded by Tara, Sam, Chad, and Ethan. “I don’t understand..” you said, your eyes tracing along the eyes staring at you. “You think.. it’s me?” You ask. And Chad stepped up first.
“We heard what happened at Woodsboro, it just, takes someone pretty skilled to do that stuff..” he said, Chad had an attitude that he didn’t want to believe it, but a capable man with a knife is pretty tough. You looked over to everyone else, Quinn seems indifferent, Sam was reluctant to speak and Tara couldn’t look you in the eye.
“Tara, Tara look at me…” you pleaded, Teary eyed she slowly looks up to meet your gaze.
“You really think I could do this? I came back here for you, why would I…” you slowly trail off, silent as you truly were at a loss.
“I don’t want to believe it..” she said, “but.. it just all looks bad..” She admits, and that truly broke your heart, the one person you wanted to believe you, before you could say anything, Ethan walks over putting his arm around Tara to try to soothe her. Ethan always had a slimy attitude, and you never really felt, safe around him. But seeing him do that to Tara made your skin crawl. Something about this, about all of this, was way off.
“(Y/n), Quinn’s dead, we have to stop this before more people die; if it isn’t you then the police are gonna release you.” Sam explains, and they wheel an office chair with arms over for you to sit. Seeing how distressed Tara was, you very reluctantly sat down on it, and allowed them to bind your arms to the chair. Tapping your foot restlessly, you eyed Ethan. “Feel safer now?” You said obviously with sarcasm, and Ethan give this look. Of disappointment.
“Look I know service does a lot to the brain.” He started, and you realized just what he’s about to do.
“No you fucking don’t..” you cut him off sternly and harshly, knowing his plan to blame your PTSD and use it to label someone as unstable. Ethan gives you another look, as if he’s hiding a smile.
“Let’s give him some fresh air at least, would be better for him.” Ethan walks over and calmly pushes you to the balcony, “it’s for your own good.” He mutters a bit abruptly, and walks back to the others, you can’t hear what they’re saying but Tara eyes you a few times. You wanted to plead and beg for her to listen to you, but it would have been for nothing, she’s already convinced it was you. Your train of thought was cut off by footsteps around you, mostly above, you hear them and look up to see someone heading down, it was too dark to make out who it was, but once you saw the flash of steel with their knife you instantly knew.
“Guys! Guys!” You shook and kicked to get their attention, they all looked over as you fought to break free. You screamed for help, It was too late, heading down the fire escape, Ghostface made their appearance, grabbing your legs they lifted you up and over the balcony, you felt the instant dizzying sensation of being tossed and your head slammed hard against the lower balcony rail, it all went dark after that but you tumbled against more rails and slammed on a hard sheet metal roof and slid off onto the ground.
Somehow, you still lived. Opening your eyes slowly you see the hard New York ground and the wheels of a dumpster, using what strength you had you were able to stand up, seems the chair broke most of your fall, but still causing cuts and bruises and probably a cracked rib or two. Using the dumpster you prop yourself up and reach into your pocket with your bloody hands to your cracked IPhone, it was near impossible to make any calls, but one app did catch your eye. Find my IPhone. Tapping on Tara’s name you spot her location, a old theatre. Tearing off the tape on your wrists you look around for anything to defend yourself, all you see is a sharp end of plastic from the fallen chair. Snatching it you make you plan.
You stand up, feeling a hot burning pain in your leg, specifically your ankle which probably has a torn ligament or shattered bone. You push the pain down and limp your way to the theatre. Pushing the door open with your bloody palms you limped in, to a sight you least expected. You watched Ethan terrorize Tara, who looks ready to fall off a ledge, Sam barely holding on as Quinn, who never was dead approaches, and Detective Bailey, aiming a gun at them all. It was all a ploy to kill you and lessen the numbers. Ethan’s words “for your own good” kept running in your head, he set you up to get killed. All that military training began to pay off, you crouched with a bad limp and had to crawl to avoid making too much noise, you crept up behind Bailey and didn’t hesitate. You took the sharp plastic and rammed it into the side of his neck with force. Using his other hand he tries to hold his neck to keep the blood loss. You reached and gripped his hand hard, forcing him to Aim at Quinn and crushing his tigger finger. A bullet flies and almost hits Quinn, Sam looks up to see you and you continue to force him to pull the trigger until one bullet gets lodged right in the head of Quinn. She drops dead and so does Bailey. You stood there, silent as Ethan turns to see you. You didn’t care why he did it, you didn’t care to even ask.
“Get Tara up.” You gave Sam her order and she took the change to yank her sister up while you handled Eathan. He danced the knife around his hands, waiting for you make a move but you knew better. You kept calm and locked in. Ethan thrashed at you to land a hit but you kept calm, keeping your distance and avoiding close cuts. You watch in go for a stab, you open your arm, he goes past it and you lock his arm under yours, with one swift jerk up you snapped his arm, you cocked back and began to hammer his face in, punch after punch. Ethan stumbles around and with one judo throw you slammed him into a table, exhausted from the ass beating you promptly put on him, he lies there, laughing.
“You don’t deserve her, I always wanted to stick something in her… and she picks you, a fuckin freak who cries when fireworks go off..” Ethan spoke with venom though his bloody teeth. You looked at him, disgusted.
“Cry me a river.. and fuckin drown in it.” You grabbed him, dragged his head to the edge of the table and lifted up your arm and slammed your elbow right into his eyesocket, his neck snaps back with a crunch, as he lays there, dead. (Y/n) slumps down, exhausted. After dispatching three serial killers like John Wick he finally breathes as the nightmare is over.
The FBI and Police arrive, taking statements and doing some investigating and body clean up. You were getting the cuts and bruises patched up, and the ankle looked at.
“Hairline fracture. Gonna need some time for it to heal but you’ll be walking again.” The EMT gave a warm smile to you and went to tend to Sam. You leaned your head back to finally rest, you felt a presence approach, he could immediately tell it was Tara.
“…What do you want?” You said, you tilt your heard back forward and look at her. She looked good, even if she was getting murdered half an hour ago, still so.. beautiful. “Can We.. can we talk?” She said, almost in a whisper. You scoot over the ambulance seat to let her sit down.
“I’m… so sorry I didn’t believe you. And you almost got killed for it..” she bit her bottom lip to keep from crying, as angry as you were, she got baited into it, you put your arm around her.
“I wish you trusted me but I understand why you didn’t, let’s just, relax first.” You felt her lean into your arm, content with how things are finally.
“Yeah.” She closes her eyes to take in the moment, and you finally let this nightmare end.
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murdrdocs · 9 months
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thirty one nights of classic, horny, fun.
requests: closed + note from celeste
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an exclusive with the infamous ghostface killer from the recent 6th installment
manipulation, p in v, choking/breath play, mean!ethan, ghostface!ethan
other articles include ...
INTERVIEW 001 - ,, mean!hobie brown + degradation. OCT 03
INTERVIEW 002 - ,, sub!stiles stilinski + thigh riding. OCT 05
INTERVIEW 003 - ,, ethan landry + period sex. OCT 07
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in a shocking interview, you reveal your attraction towards the nogitsune, despite all of the havoc he has inflicted on your loved ones. including the owner of the body he possesses.
fem!reader, void stiles, slight dubcon, manipulation, impact play, forced impregnation, snowballing, choking
other articles include ...
INTERVIEW 004 - ,, theo raeken + manipulation OCT 8
INTERVIEW 005 - ,, mean!rafe cameron + degradation OCT 10
INTERVIEW 006 - ,, officer! miguel o'hara + playing dangerous OCT 12
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this week we sit down with you and are blessed with the revelation that stiles stilinski really likes your fangs and craving for human blood.
vampire!fem!reader, void stiles, heavy manipulation, oral sex (f receiving)
other articles include ...
INTERVIEW 007 - ,, ethan landry + suffocation + oral OCT 15
INTERVIEW 008 - ,, eddie munson + non con voyeurism OCT 16
INTERVIEW 009 - ,, rafe cameron/sarah cameron + stepcest OCT 18
INTERVIEW 010 - ,, ghostface! jj maybank/rafe cameron + dubcon OCT 21
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in this tell all, miguel o’hara details the time he got with you. well not you you, but the you in another universe. the faces are the same, so he wonders: what else is the same?
fem!reader, dubcon + cnc, size kink, dacryphilia, oral sex (f receiving), p n v
INTERVIEW 011 - ,, robin buckley + voice kink OCT 24
INTERVIEW 012 - ,, theo raeken/stiles stilinski + voyeurism OCT 26
INTERVIEW 013 - ,, finnick odair + filming OCT 28
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INTERVIEW 014 - ,, mike schmidt + filming OCT 29
INTERVIEW 015 - ,, stepsis!hazel callahan + filming + blackmail OCT 30
INTERVIEW 016 - ,, hazel callahan + corruption OCT 31
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respect the authors wishes; do not request any kinks not on the list; if unsure about anything, contact me! most if not all works are dark content. minors pls dni !
Chad Meeks Martin, Charlie Walker, Corey Cunningham, Dave Lizewski, Eddie Munson, Ethan Landry, Finnick Odair, Hobie Brown, Hazel Callahan, Harry James Potter, Jackson Whittemore, Jake Seresin/Hangman, Jake Sully, JJ Maybank, Miguel O’Hara, Mike Schmidt, Namor, Peter B. Parker, Peter Parker (all), Peter Quill, Quinn Bailey, Rafe Cameron, Robin Buckley, Rodrick Heffley, Sam Carpenter, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Steve Harrington, Steven Grant, Tara Carpenter, Theo Raeken
Age gap/age difference, Blood Play, Bukkake, Car sex, Cock ring, Cuckold, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Femdom, Filming, Groupsex/Gangbang, Hate Fucking, Heat, Knife play/danger kink, Mommy kink, Monster fucking (vampires, werewolves, incubus/succubus), Mutual Masturbation, Pegging, Piss/Bladder control, Public sex, Sex Pollen, Size difference, Somnophilia, Stepcest, Voyeurism
original blog navi
532 notes · View notes
cobaltperun · 2 months
Lost (20) - Miracle
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Word count: 4.1k
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-Take a look around, it's you and me, it's here and now-
~X~ March 23rd, 2027 ~X~
It was cold, this entire place was as cold as ice for her, and it had nothing to do with the weather, or her clothing. She could put on the warmest clothes she owned, instead of  her jeans and baby blue sweater, and she’d still be cold.
Truly, she should have been used to this by now, she should have known her life was going too well, that she was so happy, and that the universe wouldn’t allow that.
“I’m sorry miss L/N, we’ve been instructed not to allow any visitors,” the officer told her, and Tara had to take several deep breaths to calm down and not make a scene, though at this point she had no idea how she was controlling herself. Maybe because making a scene wouldn’t fix anything. It wouldn’t do her any good, it wouldn’t chase away the persistent cold.
Her hand touched her stomach, knowing there were plenty of reasons why she shouldn’t stress too much. “I’m her wife,” she repeated, hoping there was some humanity left in this man and that he would let her through to you. She needed to see you, even if it was in this cold, dark place, even if you were locked up. Even just seeing you would be enough to, at least for a bit, make her feel warm again. “I’m carrying her child, please, just for five minutes.”
He looked down, and while Tara could still hide it, a closer look would reveal that she was, indeed, two and a half months pregnant. “Well, it’s not exactly her child, is it? Get out miss L/N, this is your last warning,” he sneered and came up to her, ignoring her glare and ready to shove her if necessary.
“We get it, we’re leaving,” Danny stepped between Tara and the officer, just to be sure nothing would happen to her. “Come on, Tara, he won’t let you see Y/N,” he pleaded, gently taking her forearm and pulling her outside.
Tara let him, she followed him, defeated. You’ve been locked up for three weeks and no one was allowed to see you or hear from you. And Tara? Tara only had Danny left… You were locked up, Sam was gone, her friends weren’t there, they were dealing with their own lives, and while she missed them, Tara refused to ask them to come and stay with her.
She got in the backseat of the taxi and Danny gave the driver his address as Tara got lost in her thoughts. Things were so much simpler and happier just a month ago, in fact, everything was going well ever since you recovered, over four years ago.
~X~ December 2022 ~X~
You were being mean, laughing at her and handing her the inhaler at the same time. Jerk… “You needed me so much you couldn’t breathe?” you dropped down unceremoniously next to her and pulled her closer the moment she returned the inhaler to the nightstand next to your bed.
Just to be slightly petty she playfully stuck her tongue out and turned her back to you. And you just chuckled, spooning her and wrapping a strong arm around her waist. Despite your teasing she relaxed against you, enjoying the warmth and the feel of your bare skin against her back. “It’s not my fault you went crazy after I called you ‘baby’,” she sighed dramatically. She wasn’t sure she could move from the bed any time soon, not that she was complaining, besides, it was clear you got your stamina back…
You leaned closer to her, slowly kissing her just beneath her ear and Tara hummed in approval. She twisted around in your arms, baring her neck so you could keep kissing her. “I remember hearing something else as well,” you eventually reminded her, your tone low and slightly raspy and all the things Tara was weak to.
And she turned completely red when she remembered exactly what you were talking about. “You’ll never hear that again,” she ducked down, hiding her face beneath your chin and just wrapping her arms around you.
“Whatever you say, Tara,” she could feel you smirking, she could sense it! Damn you for knowing exactly how to get her worked up, and for making her call you… no… she wouldn’t even think about that. She’d forget it. She’d make you sleep on the couch if you ever mentioned it. Or maybe not that. She needed you next to her to sleep well, so maybe she wouldn’t make you sleep on the couch. Forbid you from kissing her? No, she liked that too much to use it as punishment. She could sit somewhere other than on your lap?
Hell no!
She could take your car. Actually, that would get you to ban her from sitting on your lap.
She’d just make you play horror games without her. That’ll teach you.
But then another thought popped into her head. And while there was a chance it was said in the heat of the moment, that it was just your desire and passion talking, you did kinda tell her you wanted to marry her. And while it easily could put you in a bad spot, she wanted to hear your thoughts now that you weren’t consumed by your desires.
“Say, Y/N, were you serious about wanting to marry me?” she asked, absentmindedly tracing random lines on your arm. You still haven’t recovered all your muscles, but she could feel them under her touch, firm and strong, and she was sure you’d be back in shape before the end of the year.
“Completely,” you didn’t even hesitate, you just hugged her a bit tighter. “I’ll do the whole proposal thing sooner or later, but if you want to marry me, then yes, I am absolutely serious about that.”
Tara nodded, smiling brightly. “I do want to marry you,” she kissed you, from your neck, your jaw, all the way to your lips. “I want to spend my entire life with you,” the two of you haven’t even been together for a year, though it was close to a year now, but she had no doubt in her mind that what she said was exactly what she wanted. Her lips met yours and she nudged you slightly so you would get on your back, and she moved with you to straddle your abs. “I want to take your last name, to have-“ she suddenly stopped, just now realizing that was one topic the two of you never talked about.
“Tara?” you raised an eyebrow, confused by her silence.
“Do you want children?” she blurted out, because she did, she wanted at least one child, or two, maybe two would be better. Probably not more than two. She wanted to give someone a childhood she wished to have, as far as parents went. But even more than that, she wanted a family with you. Regardless of if it was just the two of you, or if there would be kids.
You kinda just… shrugged and now it was Tara’s turn to be confused. “Eventually, sure. I haven’t really thought about it, but I’m not against it,” you tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and Tara sighed in relief. “If you want kids, we’ll raise them together, if you don’t, it’ll be just the two of us,” you pulled her down for a kiss and Tara felt like melting.
She definitely didn’t want kids right away, she wanted to finish college, get a job, get married and then, eventually, when both of you felt you were ready, either adopt or get pregnant. That, however, was topic for another day. In the back of her head she worried about Ghostface coming back, but she could only believe in you, in your ability to come back to her, and her own ability to make sure she came back to you as well.
“You know, it’s good that you called me-“ she shut you up with a kiss. She knew exactly where you were going with that, and she would not let you finish that sentence.
“Don’t you dare,” she warned you. You just grinned at her, and even though you stayed silent she knew the word was on the tip of your tongue. She’d have to make you say something embarrassing as well eventually. With that thought in mind Tara kissed you one more time.
~X~ December 13th, 2023. ~X~
This was it. This was how you were going to have your second heart attack and drop dead. All things considered your panic-filled mind wondered if this could be considered suicide, because, all of this was, after all, your own doing. It would be fine, right? Tara did want this, she said so! Granted, the one and only time the two of you talked about this was over a year ago, but surely nothing has changed since then, right?
“I can’t,” you were pacing around the hotel room, not even daring to glance at the tiny box on the table. Oh, if a bird swooped in from the skies and grabbed it you would be the happiest woman alive, because you’d at least have an excuse to postpone this. Maybe you should go and ask for some bread, just to leave crumbs near the box and hopefully lure said birds inside.
“Y/N!” Anika grabbed your shoulders and pushed, but she couldn’t get you to move. “Sit down you… mass of muscles and ridiculous strength only Tara gets to move!” she grunted and then just threw her arms up, and sat down herself. “Fine! Stand there!” she gave up. “If you don’t do this today, you’ll have to wait until next year, remember?”
You looked to the side, annoyed that she was right. Her hair was braided, and she was wearing a nice, bright and colorful dress Mindy was going to drool over tonight. It was December thirteenth. The second anniversary of your and Tara’s relationship and you were ready to propose. Well, as far as setting everything up was concerned. You booked the restaurant in this hotel, hooray for successful business, got the ring, dressed up, everything was ready. Mentally though… you were absolutely not ready.
The proposal was also why you were on an urgent business trip, why Anika went back to her parents, and why Mindy and Chad had to visit their mom, and why Sam and Danny would be taking Tara to a restaurant so she wouldn’t feel lonely, and you’d be making up for the urgent business trip tomorrow, when Tara turns twenty-one.
Which was all one big lie, aside from Sam and Danny taking Tara to the restaurant, all so Taa wouldn’t suspect anything.
“Or maybe, hear me out, I say screw important dates, and just randomly ask her one day?” you suggested, raising your finger to make a point.
Anika got up and began jabbing her finger above your chest. “You, Y/N L/N, are one of the best women MMA fighters, you lived through being shot, stabbed, impaled on a rebar, falling from a roof and won Sam’s approval to date her sister, which is probably the most impressive accomplishment of them all,” she told you. “You are going to go downstairs, dressed in that,” she looked you up and down and just stepped back. “that… let’s just say Tara is lucky, because, well, you dressed to impress,” and you did. You went all out, finding the best clothes for the occasion.
And then the phone rang, and you saw it was Danny calling.
Afraid something happened you immediately picked up and put him on a speaker. “Yes?”
“It’s a disaster,” he opened dramatically, his voice filled with panic. “Tara won’t dress up!”
You felt the tension from all of this, all the pressure from wanting to propose to her, all the worry caused by his call, it all just vanished, and you felt like you could breathe again. “Dude, let her come in whatever she wants,” you laughed, no longer feeling nervous. This was Tara, your Tara and you suddenly felt silly for even being nervous in the first place.
“She wants to come in your damn shirt!” he whisper shouted and you watched Anika’s jaw dropping as she heard that.
“So let her! Let my girl do whatever she wants, it’s her night!” you just sat down on the bed and couldn’t wipe the grin off your face.
“It’s a five-star hotel and she wants to wear an oversized shirt that looks more like a dress on her and jeans! She didn’t even do her hair!” and she’d look more beautiful than anyone else in this whole hotel.
“Yup, let her, just bring her here,” you sighed dreamily, your mood swinging in the exact opposite direction.
“Unbelievable, both of you,” he groaned and hung up.
You looked at Anika, still flabbergasted by what she heard, and then at your usual clothes. “You know what, Tara has a point,” you’d wear fancy clothes for some special occasion, maybe tomorrow night when you take her out not as your girlfriend, but as your fiancée.
“No! Y/N! I won’t let you!” Anika cried out, but it was too late now.
Dressing up… as if Tara wanted to do that tonight. You weren’t there, and she was basically being a third wheel on Sam and Danny’s date, so no, she wouldn’t dress up. She wanted to stay home, watch a movie, and wear your shirt so she could feel like you were hugging her. But, Sam insisted and she couldn’t say no to Sam’s pleading gaze.
Well, she’d see you tomorrow, so that was nice. Urgent business trips have happened ever since you opened your own company. You used the money you got from your retirement and ensured you could mostly work from home, but you still needed to leave every now and then to meet up with your business partners. Did it suck that you had to leave on your anniversary? Yeah, it did. Was Tara angry? No, just a bit lonely since everyone else seemed to leave as well, but you called her plenty of times today and she couldn’t wait to see you tomorrow.
The hotel Sam and Danny took her to… well, now she felt a bit silly for being dressed so casually, especially since Danny went for a dark brown suit and black turtleneck sweater and Sam went through trouble of doing her hair and wearing a light green long coat with shirt and pants. And Sam didn’t exactly dress up that often, she preferred casual clothes she could defend herself in if needed, and while Tara became cautious after what happened last year, Sam took it to the next level, and that made Tara worried for Sam, she wasn’t letting anyone new in, no matter what, even at work she kept to herself and barely even got out unless Tara or Danny specifically asked her to.
That made Tara feel a bit guilty, because this was actually Sam’s idea, and now that they were here Tara wondered if she really should have dressed up.
She walked in behind them, noticing immediately the hotel restaurant was empty, sure, it was expensive and all that, but completely empty? And several people greeted them and took them to the round table set up for six people, where Chad, Mindy and Anika were waiting already.
They were all dressed up, and Mindy was rolling her eyes when she noticed how Tara looked.
“Seriously Sam? You couldn’t get her to wear something else?” Mindy shook her head in utter disbelief.
“She’s stubborn, and well, the three of you didn’t do a better job anyway,” Sam muttered, further confusing Tara.
Several ideas were crossing her mind, but the table was set up for six people, and all thoughts of you somehow popping up were ruled out by that simple fact. Unless that was what you wanted her to think. Since it wouldn’t be that hard to just move things around a bit and make space for one more person, in fact, there was suspiciously wide open space between Chad’s chair and an empty chair next to him.
But everyone was dressed up. Anika was stunning, Mindy looked just as beautiful in that red, slightly revealing dress and Chad went for a more casual, button up shirt and suit combination, and that worried her, because he loved dressing in a more casual way.
“Still the most beautiful girl in the room though,” her jaw dropped at the sound of your voice and she looked to the side as you came down the stairs, dressed just as casually as Tara, just simple, slightly tighter polo shirt and pants and a smile on your face as she ran up to you and jumped into your arms.
“What’s this all about? How are you here?” she wasn’t complaining, not in the slightest, she just wanted to know.
You laughed, lifting her up and carrying her bridal style to the table. “Well, I wanted to make this a bit fancier, but,” you looked down at her choice of clothing and grinned. “I think this suits us much better,” you lowered her back to her feet and guided her to the remaining free chair. She sat down, still looking at your eyes. “Tara Carpenter,” you went down to one knee and pulled out a box. “Will you marry me?”
Tara refused to cry, she wasn’t going to cry, she was absolutely crying as she fell into your arms and hugged you as tightly as she could. “Yes, a hundred times yes!”
You laughed at that, and got up, lifting Tara up in the process and hugging her tightly. “I love you,” you kissed her lightly, but she wasn’t having any of that as she deepened the kiss right away, her hand cupping your cheek.
“I love you too,” she whispered against your lips when you separated.
~X~ Present day ~X~
The two of you got married on your third anniversary, exactly a year after you proposed, and last year you decided you’d try IVF and then, when Tara and you told Sam about it… well, that’s when it all started going downhill, as Sam grew more and more irritated and angry and would leave for several days at a time. Tara tried to be patient, she tried to understand her sister, to be there for her, but it was starting to take its toll on her as well, because no matter how she approached Sam nothing seemed to be working. And then something she feared the most happened. Despite how much she tried to tell you it was fine, it happened, you snapped.
~X~ December 2026 ~X~
Getting married didn’t change anything, Sam was still living with Tara and you, and her and Danny were still not living together. They’d spend nights together occasionally, but Sam never brought up the idea of him moving in, or her moving to his place. “Sam, please, just tell me what’s going on,” Tara pleaded when Sam once again chose to ignore how worried she was making Tara be.
“Nothing is going on,” Sam shut her down, not even once looking at Tara as she sat in your shared kitchen. You were out, buying groceries for tonight’s dinner, you and Tara wanted to make this dinner feel special, since it’s been a while since Sam was home for more than a few days. And this time she actually made it through the week without disappearing. “Just make sure to take care of yourself when you get pregnant,” there was frustration in Sam’s voice that Tara immediately noticed.
“Are you angry at me?” Tara asked, not really having any ideas as to why Sam would be angry, but it just felt like she was. Surely she wasn’t angry because Tara wanted to have children, right?
“No,” and Sam refused to elaborate and in her anger and frustration reached into her pocket for her cigarettes just as you came back home.
“Drop them! Sam, drop them right now!” if there was one thing, just one thing that didn’t involve actually harming someone you loved that would make you snap instantly, it was someone who knew Tara had asthma trying to smoke near her.
“Baby, wait,” Tara got up, stopping you before you could take the cigarettes from Sam. This was already a volatile situation, Sam was frustrated, you were angry, and Tara needed to calm things down. “Let’s just go to our room, okay?” she took the groceries from your hand and placed them on the table, noticing ojo de pancha from a nearby bakery Sam loved at the top. She reached up, cradling your cheek, feeling and seeing the tension on your face. She pulled you closer, relaxing slightly when she felt you relaxing a bit. “Do it for me?” she spent her entire childhood listening to her parents arguing, then to her mother and Sam arguing, she didn’t want to listen to you and Sam arguing as well, especially for her sake.
You sighed, but nodded, ready to just let it be, until Sam spoke, her cigarette now lit.
“What are you two even thinking? What if Ghostface comes after us again?!” Sam demanded and Tara turned to look at her, at the fury in her eyes.
“Sam?” she called out, not recognizing her sister. She knew Sam was paranoid, but this much? “We weren’t attacked for over four years,” she tried to remind her as she took your hand and took a few steps back, away from Sam’s rage and from the smoke and despite knowing Sam would never hurt her you stepped between her and Sam.
“Tara has me, I won’t let anyone hurt her, or our child,” you said, for the first time in fifteen years you’ve spent as Tara’s best friend, as her protector, as the one person she could always rely on, the guard dog barked at her sister. “You included, Sam, so put that damn cigarette out before I make you,” you warned, your tone dangerously low.
You would turn twenty-six in a bit less than half a year, and for the lack of a better word, you were at your peak. Stronger than even when you fought for the title, or when you fought against Thomas. Speed, strength, skill, all of that was as high as you could take it, and it was one of the reasons why you chose to start a family now, because Tara did worry about Ghostface coming back, and so did you. So, if the two of you wanted children this was the absolute best time to do it, even if it meant starting your family at a fairly young age compared to most couples.
Sam scoffed and walked out, and despite Tara’s pleas, she didn’t come back for a week.
Looking back now, it was like Tara was looking at herself from back when you first came to New York, only Sam was almost thirty and angrier than Tara ever was. When Tara found out she was pregnant, she wanted to have you and Sam there, but Sam just… left… abandoned Tara again, and no one, not her, not you, not Danny, no one could reach her. For nearly three months now, Tara had no idea where Sam was. And she felt as if her life had fallen apart completely.
Chad, Mindy and Anika left New York a while ago, Chad pursuing his football career, which took him to Miami last year, while Anika and Mindy formed a rising star duo, directing horror movies all over the country for the past two years. So, her group was scattered, and while they all stayed in touch, Tara was only left with you as her constant. Danny was there as well, trying to be supportive while Sam was going through whatever she was going through, but it really was just you and her.
And then, three weeks ago you got arrested, framed for murder you didn’t commit. And the victim? Your own father?
He was stabbed, and despite her best efforts, Tara had no idea why you even went there in the first place, she just knew you didn’t do it.
A/N: Right, Tara is pregnant. I’m sure that won’t raise the stakes at all. Anyway, this is my Scream 7, I'm not watching anything unless Melissa and Jenna are back. Have fun with Lost season 2!
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michealwilliams11 · 13 days
noo i need to know what happens next in the bodyguard fic
My Loving Bodyguard pt.2
Tara Carpenter x gn!reader [I didn't think you guys would like it since it was so old✋️😭]
Summary: Death and questions are all that flood your mind.
Warning: Guns, swearing, suggestive sex.
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You barged into the room, a few officers on your tail, with your gun pointed around the room. There she was, your sister. You quickly ran to her and checked her pulse. Luckily, it was there, but it was faint.
"Take her to the van. Now!" You ordered the police officers, some made way, and took your bleeding sister while some searched the room. You knelt down to Officer Bailey's body, there was a clear stab wound on his neck.
You didn't want to accuse anybody yet, but it was clear who stabbed who. Bailey had a knife in his hand that still had blood on it. There was also a butter knife near his face. When the officers weren't looking, you snatched Bailey's phone and put in your pocket.
"Take his body for inspection and clean this mess up. I'll talk to the family members." You spoke up, the officers nodding to the orders and quickly going to work. You walked out of the room, taking a cigarette out and lighting it. "Bailey, Bailey, Bailey." You murmured under your breath with the shake of your head.
You walked into the Carpenter's apartment with a bouquet of flowers in your hand. Everyone glanced at you before focusing on what they were doing. Some muttered a greeting, and some chose not to. You scanned the room, not finding any sign of Quinn. So you silently walked to her room before knocking on her door.
There was shuffling before a muffled "Come in!" was heard. You took out a deep sigh before entering the room. "Y/N? What do I owe this fine visit?" Quinn asked, playing with her tank top and biting her lip. She doesn't seem to be looking at your eyes.
You cleared your throat, clearly shocked at Quinn's behavior. "I'm here with some bad news." You hinted to the flowers and put them on her nightstand before sitting next to her. "That my bed might break?" Quinn asked, putting her hand on your arm and tilting her head.
"Your father was murdered." You bluntly said, Quinn quickly shot up at the news. "He.....He was what?" Quinn said, some gears moved in her head. "Get out." She whispered, her voice ringing out the room.
"I...I would like to ask-" You were cut off when Quinn started hitting you. "Get out! Get out! GET OUT!" Quinn screamed, you quickly dropping a device in the transparent trash bin and left the room.
"The fuck happened in there?" Mindy asked from her position on the couch. You glanced around the room to see everyone staring at you again. "N-Nothing, well......Officer Bailey is dead." You clarified, everyone's eyes went wide. Chad quickly put the news on.
"Reports have been confirmed that Officer Wayne Bailey has been killed. The officer was found in an apartment building, which is owned by Olivia L/N. She said, "He just came in and stabbed me." The case is known as self-defense and attempted murder." The woman voiced before it went on commercial break.
There was a moment of silence before Ethan shot up. "I-I got to go." He announced before leaving in a rush. You studied the room and decided to stand outside. You took a cigarette from your back pocket and lit it.
You smoked for a little while before the apartment door opened. You turned to find Sam and Tara walking out, the duo stopped when they saw you. You inhaled again before throwing away the cigarette. "Where you guys headed?" You asked, some smoke coming out of your mouth.
"We're headed to the hospital. To talk to Olivia. I'm so sorry for what happened." Sam spoke up as Tara just looked at the cigarette that was still lit and now on the floor. You stepped on it and started to walk. The duo looked at each other and followed after you.
"If you don't mind. What happened?" Sam asked. The duo entered the elevator with you right in front of them. "What you heard on the news is what happened. Bailey attacked, and my sister killed him." You answered, your answer running thick through the elevator.
The three of you started to walk to your car before Sam's phone rang. You glanced at it to see 'Richie' on the screen. "Get in and make sure to lock the door." You instructed as you pushed the duo in the car before making sure they locked it.
You pulled out your gun from your holster and looked around the street. There didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary. Everything seemed fine before you saw a glimpse of a knife in your window. You quickly ducked and punched Ghostface.
They staggered back before tackling you. Your head hit the ground hard, and before you could think of anything. They stabbed you and made sure to twist the knife before a big chuckle rang out. The voice was covered by the voice changer but there was a small peek of the real voice.
You thought quick and punched Ghostface. They again staggered, but they were too late to go into action. You took the gun that you dropped and shot them straight in the stomach. Ghostface looked at you and then to their stomach before falling back.
"That was easy. I expected you to be stronger." You said, your voice a little wheeze as everything started to look....doubled? You took the knife out of your abdomen. "Y/N!" Tara was quickly found at your side and helped you to stand.
"I'm calling the ambulance." Sam said as she put her phone to her ear. Tara was mumbling a sort of prayer as you held her close. Her prayer fell short when she let out a shriek. You looked down to see Ghostface grabbing her leg.
But they didn't seem to do it to attack. No. It was because they wanted help. "Please......no." Their robotic voice said. They're hand reaching out. You shook your head and tutted. "Where's the other one?" You asked, leaving Tara's side and squatting down.
"I...." They said, gripping onto your sweater. You leaned down to hear them better. "Hos....Hospital." They murmured, short and quick pants coming out. You shook your head again and tried removing his mask.
They had other ideas as they grabbed a rock nearby and slammed it against the side of your face. A few gunshots rang out as your vision was blurry. You felt someone drag you in a car and speed off. There she was, Tara, the woman you loved but couldn't have.
Her voice rang out, calling for you to stay with her. You wished, but the blood that was lost from the stab and rock started to affect. It was only a while until everything went black.
You groaned in pain as you tried blinking away the headache that started to form. "Careful." A voice rang out, making you turn to the owner. There stood Tara, who seemed to have rolled up her sleeves and taking out some pills.
She glanced at you before handing you the pills. You glanced at them suspiciously before downing them and some water. It was silent as Tara sat next to you and held your hand. You opened your mouth open, Tara leaned in, but you closed it again.
"When will I be discharged?" You asked instead, Tara deflating slightly in disappointment. "Anytime you want to." She answered truthly, but her eyes held some hope that you would stay. Though you never caught that.
"Call the nurse." You ordered. Tara stared at you for a moment before her face turned into a scowl. "Excuse me? I literally drove you to the hospital, dragged your bleeding body, and waited for you to wake up." Tara spoke, standing up abruptly. The chair that she was sitting on fell back.
"Tara..." You tried calling out, but Tara scoffed and left. You cursed out and held your head in your hands. You were so confused about what was happening. There was Tara, your sister, and Ghsotface. God, you hoped that these drugs would help you out.
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b0ng05 · 4 months
Sam Carpenter x fem!Reader -
Coffee pt.1
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Word Count: 1135
Summary: While at work, one of Y/n's regular customers, Tara, brings someone new to the cafe.
Also, Not Proofread💅
Master list/ Request list
Raindrops scattered down the big glass window of the cafe, the sky dark and gloomy with thundering clouds. The air smelt of fresh ground coffee and the small scent of cinnamon rolls baking in the back. Soft and quiet music played through the speakers as I leaned my arms on the frigid metal counter in front of me. My face resting in the palm of my hand as I looked around the emptying dining area. Chairs and booths void of customers, leaving my mind bored with the dull atmosphere. I sigh as I mentally pray for my shift to end faster, all I wanted to do was go home and sleep, between finals, work, and studying, I was beyond exhausted.
The ting of the bell above the front door goes off, jolting my eyes from their heaviness. I glance over to the door to see Tara enter the cafe, a usual patron of the cafe and someone I often saw around my college campus. She lifted the hood of her sweater off, her dark brown hair tied in two messy braids. As she walked over to the counter, her lips were perched in a smile that made her dimples apparent. Her once light gray hoodie now a darker shade with the absorbed rain.
“Hey, your usual Tara?” I ask with a polite smile as I go to reach for a cup to write her name on.
“Yup, but I’m gonna also need a medium cold brew, I’m meeting someone here today.” Tara nods, reaching in her pocket for her wallet.
“Absolutely,” I nod, turning the tablet keypad towards her so she could swipe her card.
Once the receipt prints out, I slide it over the counter to her before making my way to the cups. Tara walks over to her usual booth in the corner where she would sit and study most weekday afternoons. I write her name on the papercup with sharpie before doing the same with the other. I make Tara’s frappucino first, adding extra whipcream and caramel, something I had done for her often. I move on to make the cold brew, adding the top with cold foam.
By the time I’m done, I notice Tara is no longer sitting alone in her usual booth. Across from her sat a woman with long black hair and dark brown eyes. Her eyebrows were furrowed in confusion as Tara rambled to her about something. I walk over to the table, holding a drink in each hand. As I get closer, I feel my heart start to race and butterflies fill my stomach. I place the cups gently on the table between them with a polite smile.
“Oh, thank you, Y/n,” Tara smiles joyfully as she picks up her straw and peels the wrapper off before taking a big sip of her drink.
“Of course,” I smile and nod. As I turn to walk back behind the counter, my eyes meet the mystery woman’s for a brief second, not expecting the icy glare that I got in return. I quickly walk back behind the counter, grabbing a rag and cleaning up to avoid the feeling of impending doom that came from the glare the woman gave me. A shiver ran up my spine as my hand grabbed the neck of the spray bottle, hoping she was focused on Tara by now.
As I wipe off the counter, I subtly glance back up at the woman, unable to help myself. The woman took a sip of her coffee, my eyes drinking up the sight of the prominent veins in her hand holding the papercup. My eyes drift along the sleeves of her black bomberr jacket, up to her defined jawline-
My eyes widen as our eyes meet once again, she squinted slightly in an intimidating manner. But what I didn’t miss was the small smirk that teased at the corner of her lips for a second before disappearing. I blush as I turn around to walk into the back office where my coworker had been on his break. My eyes wide and panic on my face as I wordlessly sit next to him at the small table where he was eating his lunch.
“Joey…” I say.
“Y/n,” Joey mumbles through a bite of his sandwich, taking out his earbud before looking up at me.
“Hear me out. If you let me take my break right now, I will totally pick up one of your shifts,” I offer, my eyes meeting his bright blue ones.
“Okay, why would you want that? I have like ten minutes till my break ends, take one then,” Joey asks, looking at me bewildered before he wipes his mouth and hands with a napkin before crumpling it and trying to throw it into the trashcan. Totally missing the shot by a few feet.
“I accidentally made eye contact with a woman out there, more than an appropriate amount,” I sigh, covering my face with my hands as I lean back in the chair.
“What do you think is an inappropriate amount of eye contact?” He laughs, leaning his elbow on the table and pushing his hair out of his eyes.
“We didn’t say anything to each other, it was one of those got caught staring moments.” I admit as I blush red in embarrassment.
“Oh so you find her pretty,” Joey teases playfully, reaching over and nudging my arm with his.
“She totally gave me the stank eye.” I switch the topic as I hold my hand across my forehead.
“Well, I will not be leaving my sandwich anytime soon, so you can go enjoy Ms. stank eye,” Joey chuckles as he puts his earbud back in, mere seconds away from decimating the sandwich before him.
I sigh dramatically as I get back up from the chair to go back behind the counter. As I walk out of the office, I notice that Tara and the mystery woman are already gone. I couldn’t tell if I felt more relieved I wouldn’t be glared at, or more sad that I couldn’t continue to gawk. I sigh as I rest my face in the palm of my hand again, realizing I’d have to continue the boring passtime of waiting for customers, restocking and cleaning.
As I reach for a rag and cleaner to go wipe off tables and booths, I couldn’t help but let my mind drift back to that woman, the small smirk of hers etched into my mind, I unconsciously bite my bottom lip as I thought about her dark brown eyes that glared into my soul. Despite being terrifying, I couldn’t help but enjoy the way her mezmerizing eyes felt on me, and I could only hope that Tara would be bringing her back here in the near future.
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hi! can you do a ethan laundry x reader where reader is ghostface too please ? (with smut if it’s possible)
Request: Riley!reader who wants to get revenge on sam for dewey’s death. She puts on the ghostface costume and is the mastermind for scream 6’s murders
I need someone to recreate this gif with
Warnings: mention of murders, scream 5 spoilers,
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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After years of surviving the masked killers, your father lost his life during the last murder spree in Woodsboro. 
All because of Samantha Carpenter. If she hadn’t gone to your father’s trailer and asked for his help, he wouldn’t have died in that hospital corridor. He would still be living his quiet life as a retired police officer with a slight drinking problem and spend his days watching shitty TV while thinking of all sorts of dumb excuses to call your mother — and hopefully one day rekindle their relationship.
But now he was gone and you wanted revenge. Revenge for taking your father from you. Revenge for killing all hopes for your parents to get back together. Revenge for making your mother so heartbroken. 
You wanted to stab Samantha Carpenter and watch her bleed out. 
Once you got back to New York and started college, you crossed paths with other people who had the same dark urge. A grieving father, and his two remaining kids — Richie Kirsh’s family. 
‘’Quinn should go. She’s fast.’’ 
‘’Sam is strong,’’ the redhead reminded them, knowing her roommate better than everyone else around the table.
‘’Then Ethan should go.’’ You glanced at Ethan, sitting before you. ‘’Can you take Sam?’’ 
He hesitated. He was confident about the elder Carpenter, but what if someone else was at the apartment? ‘’What if Chad’s there? He’s getting close with Tara and Sam is not letting Tara out of her sight since the new wave of murders.’’ 
Chad could bring a challenge for Ethan. Amber was able to take him to the ground last year, but it was dark and she took him by surprise. You’d rather not take a chance. 
‘’I think it would be better if we went for Gale next,’’ Bailey said, not agreeing with your plan. ‘’We have to finish Richie’s movie—’’
The second victim was going to be killed using Amber Freeman’s mask.  The same mask that was used to kill your father. 
You slammed your knife on the table you were all sitting at, making the faux-detective and his son jump. ‘’She’s my mother, you sick fuck,’’ you reminded the older man, not letting him finish his sentence. ‘’You will not touch a single hair on my mother’s head, got it? It’s Sam we wants, not her.’’ 
Although they were crime partners, they were disposable. If any of them dared touching Gale Weathers, it’s their blood that will spill next. There’s enough rage in your small body to take them down.
‘’And Tara,’’ Quinn added.
You shrugged, not really caring for the other Carpenter sister. 
After everyone was dismissed, Quinn went back to her and Sam’s apartment and Bailey to the police station. You could see on his face that he was mad at you, but you were the one in charge.  
A chair screeched on the old wood floor and Ethan came up to you, a dark look in his eyes. He looked like a mommy’s boy in his preppy polo from the Gap. You didn’t understand why he chose to dress up in a ‘character’. All he had to do was use a fake name and pretend to be nice to Chad. 
‘’The way you talked to my dad gave me a boner,’’ he informed you, not even embarrassed by it. You glanced down, seeing the tent in Ethan’s pants. ‘’He might be okay with killing his wife, but I would never harm my mother,’’ you said. Your eyes shifted back to Ethan’s face as you grabbed his belt to pull him closer. ‘’Besides, I’m the brain of the operation. I make the calls.’’
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous @iluurmom @popeheywardssecretgf @michaelangdonsslut @byhrxb @kamthecoolest @kattybug @ravenstrueluv @landryslxys @die4niyahhh  @sl4sh3rfuck3r @radiant-whore  @Meadzy21 @luci1fer @nomorespahgetti  @bloodyhw  @depthsofdespairr  @bellysbeach @wilmalovegood @loupiotesworld  @wenvierismycomfort @t-candy  @s-al-em  @darylscvmdumpster  @tommysaxes  @adaydreamaway08 @johannelis2302nely @aqshua @lynbubble @luiise @planetkt @vampyrgoff @adrluvh @mymultiveres  @miqi-16 @not-liah  @lovenats01 @doestalker @lonelywitchv2 @lausley336  @arinexeisnotworking @halforangecuts @l3ndryz  @ilovelandry  @your-platonic-gay-lover @danniackerman  @angelxxrose @lottiefromsam  @thecrowdedstreetin1944 @cinnamonbun222 @angelxxrose @lottiefromsam @zoeynicolas @thecrowdedstreetin1944 @cinnamonbun222 @pumkinnroses @cruzgrecia @sunnysunny133696 @aesthetixhoe  @gizmodecaprio
All and more taglist:  @kenqki  @hawkegfs  @gillybear17   @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade   @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff  @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity
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p0rkbun · 1 year
This video honestly reminded me of a requested art of officer! sam carpenter 😍
(This is my queue to sketch officer sam rn brb—)
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vioartemis · 1 year
Falling for her (part 2)
(ghostface! Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: After months of dating Tara, you find out she killed people, dressed in a Ghostface costume. Looks like you have a type... Part 1 || Part 2 Warnings: blood, injuries, death, angst (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
It has been five months since you and Tara started dating. Everything was perfect. You dates, the time you spent together, her. It was as if you were living in a dream.
It was rare to see one without the other, you were constantly on each other, cuddling, holding hands, or kissing. Which annoyed your friends, but you didn't care. You were happy with Tara, and hoped it would last.
Even with the recent murders that occurred, you weren't too affected.
Unfortunately, Tara wasn't with you right now, she had to go to the library to study, and you were bored. You thought you might study too, but you couldn't find your notes. Then you remembered where they were.
It was night, and the streets were dark and empty. You shouldn't be outside with a killer on the loose, but you really needed these damn sheets of paper. If only she didn't forget to give them back to you during the day...
A few days ago, you let one of your classmates, Ava Bennett, borrow your notes so she could complete hers. She wasn't supposed to keep them a whole week.
When you arrived at her house, you were surprised to find the door slightly opened, as if someone forgot to close it. You pushed it hesitantly, not wanting to see things you were not supposed to.
The first thing you saw was how messing the house was. Everything was upside down, vases broken on the floor. Suddenly, you heard a sound of broken glass coming from the kitchen.
Without thinking twice, you ran in that direction - dumb decision - only to be met with the sight of Ava's bloody form on the floor. You let out a horrified scream, before realizing she was not alone in the room.
The killer looked at you through his Ghostface mask, tilting his head slightly. You took the taser Sam forced you to carry out of your bag with shaky hands.
Fortunately, the killer ran away, probably thinking you were not alone.
A sudden movement made you jump. It was Ava. She wasn't dead! You let the taser fall to the ground, getting on your knees beside her, applying pressure on her wounds to stop the bleeding with one hand, taking your phone with the other.
You dialed 911.
"Please I need help! M-my friend has been stabbed she's bleeding!" you said as soon as someone picked up, tears in your eyes
"Miss, calm down, what happened exactly?"
"We don't have time for that! She's going to die if you don't come!"
You didn't listen to what the man said to you, quickly giving him the address before putting your phone down and put both of your hands to better use.
You grabbed a towel on the counter and applied more pressure on the bleeding wounds.
"I-it's gonna be okay.. I called 911... they'll be here quickly..." you said, in an attempt to comfort the girl.
Or maybe you were trying to convince yourself everything would be okay.
When the ambulance arrived, followed by the police, your hands and jeans were soaked with the girl's blood. She was still alive, you could feel it.
Some ladies helped you getting up, and led you to the back of an ambulance to see if you were hurt. A police officer then came so you could tell him what happened.
The rest happened really fast; they took your phone and called Sam, registered as the person to call in case of emergency, they told you they would need to keep it as an "evidence". Then Sam arrived.
She talked with a police officer, looking at you with worried eyes, before they finally let her pick you up.
She was about to hug you, but you stopped her, holding your hands in front of you.
"I wouldn't want to ruin your clothes..."
When you finally got home, Tara was waiting for you in the living room. She got up the second she heard the door.
"Y/n! Are you okay??"
She didn't wait for your answer and hugged you tight. The warmth of her body made you feel a little better.
"I have to see my therapist, can you take care of her while I'm gone?"
"You can go.. I'll be fine..." you said before Tara could answer
Sam nodded, still worried, before leaving.
"C'mon, let's clean you up.."
You both went to the bathroom, where Tara helped you take the blood off your hands, before giving you a new pair of jeans and throw the blood stained one.
Then, you headed to your room. You got under the covers, feeling safe with the blanket on you, while Tara sat beside you on the bed, stroking your hair gently.
She placed a soft kiss on your lips.
"You want to talk about it...?"
There was not much to say, as you arrived too late. You told her what you saw, Ava, stabbed several times, laying on the floor of her kitchen.
"He looked at me... he looked at me, and when I took the taser... he just- he ran away..."
"Don't worry, the police will catch this fuckhead soon. We already survived two Ghostface, we can survived one more, don't you think?"
"Yeah, I hope so.."
Then it hit you.
"... How do you know it was Ghostface...?"
You looked at her, sitting up in your bed. She stayed silent.
"Tara, how to do you it was Ghostface...?" your voice broke on the last words
"Y/n I-"
"Answer me."
That silence said everything. You couldn't hold back your tears.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me..."
"I'm sorry! You weren't supposed to learn it like that... I-"
"I'm not doing that. Not again."
"I- I never would've hurt you I'm not-"
"The last person who said that tried to stab me five minutes later."
"I know but you have to believe me! I love you so much... I would never lay a hand on you-"
"Get out."
"No Y/n please listen..! She wasn't a good person, she-"
"Tara. Get. Out."
The look in your eyes hurt her. You didn't care. You got up. She took a step back, looking at you with teary eyes.
"Y/n please..."
"Get the fuck out of my room."
Without her realizing it, you made her walk out. You slammed the door shut as soon as her back hit the bathroom wall, locking it from inside.
You sat in the opposite corner, knees against your chest, face buried in your arms. Tara was banging on your door, trying to talk to you. You could hear the despair in her voice, the guilt.
But you couldn't do this again.
You covered your ears with your hands, head resting on your knees, tears flooding down your cheeks.
When the door opened, she stopped trying. You didn't hear anything for a solid five minutes, before someone, probably Sam, knocked on your door.
"Please go away..." your voice was low and broken
No one else tried to talk to you after that.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
You spent the next three weeks avoiding everyone, especially Tara. You still couldn't believe your sweet girlfriend killed Ava. Maybe she killed the others too. You weren't sure of anything at this point.
Despite all your efforts, one night, Sam managed to catch you in the kitchen, while you were grabbing some food.
"I'm worried about you... you don't talk to anyone, you almost don't eat... What happened that night...?"
"Y/n please... Tara's not doing well either, she feels really bad... I'm afraid she does something she'll regret... I don't know what she did, but you could talk about this, don't you think...? Or at least talk to me... maybe I can help..."
"You can't help us... We- I have to deal with this myself... But I can't right now, it still hurts too much..."
Before she could add anything, you got back into your room.
What could you do? Tell the police, and send the girl you loved in jail? No, that was not an option.
Forgive her, and hope she doesn't try to kill you? You wanted to. Yet you couldn't help but remember what happened with Amber. You thought you could convince her, and she tried to kill you.
The next day, while you were walking to class, you heard someone call your name. You turned around, already pissed.
"Y/n! Can I talk to you?"
It was Luca Harris, Ava's boyfriend.
"Uh... sure" you sighed
"Can we to go a.. more private place?"
You didn't really understand but you followed him behind the gardener's cabin.
"What do you want..?" you asked
"I'd like to talk about Ava..."
You glupped.
"What about her?"
"I wanted to thank you, for trying to save her."
"How do you know-"
"My dad has friends in the police. They told him they found you next to her, hands covered in her blood, trying to stop the bleeding..."
"That's what happened yeah..."
You didn't see where he was going. The only time you talked to him before was after you walked in on them having sex, to apologize.
"C'mon Y/n... we both know that's a lie"
"My dad's friends told him who you were. Y/n L/n, ex girlfriend of Amber Freeman. The psycho responsible for the Woodsboro massacre last year."
You felt your heart miss a beat.
"W-what are you trying to say...?" you asked
"Isn't it obvious? You killed Ava. Because you're as crazy as your ex. Because you were jealous of her."
"What...? Of course not..! Why would you-"
"Stop lying, I saw how you looked at me when you saw us in Ava's bed. You blushed so hard you were as red as a tomato."
"Because you were fucking naked!" you said, but he wasn't listening to you
"Your girlfriend can't satisfy you, can she? You needed someone else to take care of you properly, I can understand that. But you could've just asked, I would've done it with pleasure."
You tried to back off, but he wasn't ready to let you go.
"Why did you have to kill her? Now I have to kill you too... to avenge her"
Saying that, he took a pocket knife out of his jacket, and pressed a button to open the blade.
Luckily for you, Tara was watching from afar. The shine of the blade caught her attention.
In less than thirty seconds, she was here.
"What exactly do you think you're doing with that knife?" she asked the boy
"Ah, I was wondering when you would come. I was about to slice her open, just like she did to Ava."
"Don't you dare touch her."
"And what are you going to do, huh? Slap my knee? You're like 5'1! No wonder you can't satisfy her."
You tried you take a step closer to Tara, but Luca was faster than you. He put the knife against your throat, pushing the tip slightly into the soft flesh.
Everything happened so fast you barely understood what was going on.
Tara kicked the back of his knees and pulled him by his collar, making him fall slightly backward, before taking the knife out of his hand.
"No one touches my girlfriend dickhead."
With that, she stabbed him in the eye. Blood splattered on her shirt.
His body fell to your feet. He was dead before he even touched the ground.
You started to panic. There was tons of people only a few meters away. The body would be found before the end of the day.
You took a tissue in your pocket before bending down to remove Tara's fingerprints from the knife. Then, you took the boy's hand and wrapped it around the weapon, just in case, before taking off your sweater and throwing it at Tara.
She looked at you, mouth agape.
"Put it on, you're covered in blood."
She did as you told, before asking:
"So you don't hate me...?"
For the first time in weeks, your gaze met hers.
"Of course not..."
You saw her eyes shining a little with hope.
"Y/n I-"
"Can we talk about this later..? After classes? When we will be far away from his dead body?"
You didn't say that in a mean way, just worried someone might come here for whatever reason and catch you.
"Let's go before someone sees us..."
You both headed to class, hoping you didn't leave any evidences next to the body. Every time a teacher spoke, you were scared they had found the body.
Tara, on the other hand, was more relieved than scared. All she could think about was you. You didn't hate her. You gave her your sweater, her favorite one with your perfume on it.
It was too big for her, and you always told her she looked so cute in it. She spent her day thinking about all your dates and the moments you spent together.
Until an announcement was made.
You were in history, one of the only classes you had together, when the speakers turned on. The director started talking. They found the body.
You gave Tara a worried look across the class.
"Classes will end now. You must go home and lock the doors. Don't walk alone, always be with someone. Don't take any risks, if you see something suspect, call the police immediately."
Everyone started to talked as soon as the announcement ended, quickly exiting the classroom to find a friend to walk home with.
You walked to Tara, feeling sick.
"You okay..?"
"Yeah I think... let's just... let's go home..."
She nodded, and was about to take your hand, before stopping, not sure you wanted her to. You looked at her for a second, and took her hand.
"... I'm sorry I didn't try to talk to you... It just brought back memories I wanted to forget..." you said
You were both sitting on your bed, decided to explain yourselves.
"I'm the one who should be apologizing, I knew what Amber did, I saw how you felt after that, and I did the same... But the simple thought of someone wanting to hurt you makes me sick to the core... I... I just wanted to protect you..."
You placed your hand on hers softly.
"Why did you kill Ava..?" you asked gently
"I... I heard them, her boyfriend and her. They were talking about you.. He was telling her what happened at Woodsboro, the murder, that you were Amber's girlfriend, and probably her accomplice... They wanted to blackmail you, using that information..."
You didn't say anything, taking a minute to register the informations.
"And... and the others...?"
Once again, she explained everything to you. These ones wanted to take you away from her. It was true that they had been flirting with you for a month or so, and became more and more insistent.
"... You're not mad...?" she asked
"I can't say I'm happy about that... but you did this to protect me so... Thank you..."
Your lips curled up into a little smile.
"Does that means.. does that means we still have a chance..?"
"At first, when I learnt you did.. what you did, I thought you were like Amber... But I had time to think, the past weeks, and... Now that you told me everything... I realized you couldn't be more different... She was ready to kill me realizing I would leave her... You killed people to protect me from getting hurt, even if it meant me being mad at you"
You brought her hand to your lips, placing a kiss on her knuckles.
"I love you so much Tara... I'm sorry it took me that long to talk with you... but please stop killing people, I don't want to take the risk to lose you..."
"I'll try. For you"
She came closer to you, sitting on your lap, and cupped your cheeks. You tilted your head up slightly to look at her, before her soft lips met yours.
"I missed you" you whispered against her lips
"I missed you too"
[Previous part]
׺°”˜`”°º×•°¯`•• ♡ ••´¯°•×º°”˜`”°º×
By the way, I'm opened to requests, so if there's something you'd like me to write, feel free to ask ;)) you can see who I write for here (along with the rules to request)
@captainbeat @faunusrubyrose
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6rookie-writer0110 · 8 months
Tara Carpenter/ Yandere Ghostface…
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•When Tara first saw you, it was love at first sight for her.
•Tara had to know everything about you.
•But when she found out that you were dating someone else, she didn't like that at all.
•Tara and her friends are having a party. She did talk to you but people would interrupt you and Tara, and she hated that.
•You didn't feel Tara pickpocket your phone. She walks away and you start to search for your phone.
•Tara puts a tracking app on your phone. Then she pretended to find it in another room.
•Tara started to stalk you. She found out where you lived and she lied to the maintenance saying that she is your girlfriend.
•The maintenance let Tara into your apartment. She starts to look around and she gets on your laptop. Then she starts to read everything on your laptop and then finds out where Quinn Bailey lives.
•Tara puts on the mask Ghostface and she goes to kill your girlfriend Quinn. She didn't feel bad for killing but she enjoyed it.
•You felt sad about what happened and Tara would comfort you.
•You fell for her charm then you started dating her.
•She would want to know what you would being doing or where you will go.
•Anywhere you went, Tara was right by your side.
•Wes didn't think it was healthy that you and Tara would spend every second together. She noticed that Wes was encouraging you to break up with her.
•Tara got mad. She puts on the mask and she sneaks into his house, and he was sleeping.
•She covered his mouth and he tried to fight back, but she stabbed him in the chest.
“You shouldn't have told Y/n to break up with me!” Tara yelled.
He tries to scream for help but she slit his throat. Then she starts to stab him multiple times.
•Tara is always affectionate with you.
•She would make you feel important and loved.
•Tara would stay at your place and some of her clothes would be there.
•She likes going to sleep wearing your shirt or hoodie.
•You went to the movies with some friends, but Tara tagged along. And your friends didn't like Tara at all.
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•One time, you did try to break up with her but she manipulated not to break up with her.
•Tara did kill the person that was giving you a hard time.
•Officer Wayne Bailey, hates Sam and Tara.
•He told you how dangerous they are. Because of him, you find out who is their father.
•You told Tara and she won't lose you.
•Tara locked you in the basement and the windows are too small for you to use.
• Officer Wayne Bailey, wanted to kill Sam and Tara.
•But you managed to escape from the basement.
•He has the gun aimed at them. You are hiding and they haven't noticed you.
•You went to grab a knife from the kitchen.
•Something took over you.
•Before he can pull the trigger, you stab him in the back.
•Tara smiled. In her mind, that meant you are in love with her because you killed him to save them.
•You are breathing hard and dropped the knife.
“I knew that you love me!” Tara smiled.
“I-I don't know… I don't know what happened felt like something took over me” You said.
Tara put her hand on your face and then kissed you.
“We are meant to be. I will never let you go, Y/n” Tara smiled.
“You are Ghostface?” You asked.
“I did it to protect you” Tara smiled.
•You did help Tara and Sam get rid of the body.
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ellebakers · 1 year
☆ Desire | Part two
Ethan Landry x reader
Summary : the group finds out you’ve been killed by ethan.
Warnings : mention of sex + fight + death + blood. !!!!! SPOILERS SCREAM VI !!!!
Next part
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That's it, he had done it, he had just killed you. Ethan was on top of your body, he admired his work, it was his first kill and the fuck did he love it. He had warned Chad of your death, and he had called the police to inform them about the attack of ghostface, Ethan was smart, he knew it would take seven minutes for your friends to arrive and nine minutes for rescuers.
He therefore still had five minutes to make the attack credible. So he took his knife and stuck it in his left thigh.
The pain was so intense. "Damn" he grumbled.
Then he cut his stomach slightly so as not to bleed too much and finally he hit his head against one of the brick walls.
"Holy shit," he exclaimed, running his hand over his now bleeding skull.
The last thing to do was get rid of the knife, he looked for a hiding place, he saw a hole in one of the walls in front of him, he approached and hid the knife in it then he took one of the bricks which were on the ground and plugged the hole.
Once everything was settled, he looked at you one last time then went towards the street to find your friends, but before he arrived, a noise caught his attention, like footsteps behind him, he turned around but didn't see anything, so he went back on his way and walked down the street.
"Ethan, you're fucking bleeding." Exclaimed Sam who approached him running.
"Yes that motherfucker tried to get me but I hit him and he left." He answered her.
"Where is Y/n ?" Asked Tara who had just arrived, her face streaming with tears.
He turned to her "I'm really sorry, I tried to help her but it's too late. Her body is in the alley."
Chad and Mindy had just arrived with Quinn and Anika. The group of friends rushed into the alley, Ethan following them.
"It's horrible to see, you shouldn't—" He stopped talking and froze when he saw that you were gone.
———☆ ★ ❀ ✿ ♡ ☆ ★ ❀ ✿ ———
"Where the hell is she ?" Chad got angry.
Ethan leaned against the wall, trying to figure out what was going on. You were dead, you had to, he stabbed you and you bleed out in front of his eyes. It's impossible that you could get up and leave.
"Guys" yelled Mindy.
Everyone turned their heads in her direction.
"Did you find her ?" Sam asked.
"Nah, but there are traces of blood, as if her body had been dragged."
The friends advanced towards the tracks. "Do you think someone took her ?" Asked Tara.
"Where is the interest ?"
"Maybe Ghostface came back for her body. Maybe it's part of his fucking plan." Sam exclaimed, clearly worried about her friend.
"Will someone explain this mess to me."
The group turned and saw Quinn's father, Detective Bailey approaching them, a medical team rushed at Ethan.
"Hi Dad."
"Hi sweetie."
The detective turned to Sam "There was a murder tonight. Two students were found dead in their apartment. There were ghostface costumes and your ID Sam."
The eldest Carpenter opened her mouth in shock. "What ?"
"You have to follow my colleagues to the police station."
"But I did not do anything !"
He nodded "I know, but that's the procedure."
Sam groaned as she ran her hands over her face "Okay, but please find my friend Y/n. Ethan told us she was killed by Ghostface, but her body is nowhere. There might be a chance she's still alive."
"I will do everything to find her." He ensured
As Sam followed two police officers to a car, the detective turned to the group.
"I want you all in Quinn's apartment, I'll personally come watch."
The friends were about to answer but he shook his head "It's non-negotiable, you are in danger here."
They then walked towards Chad's car, but Bailey cleared his throat "Except you Ethan, I have to take your statement, I'll drop you off after."
Ethan nodded. After everyone left, the detective hit the back of the boy's head.
"Damn Ethan, what the fuck did you get us into ?"
The boy lowered his head, ashamed.
"I'm sorry dad."
"As you should, you little shit. Can you explain to me why you killed her now ?"
"I had an urge."
The father shook his head "You and your fucking urges. And besides, what the hell were you doing with her ?"
Ethan bit his lip. "I wanted to...well you know what I'm talking about."
Bailey sneered. "You wanted to fuck her. I can understand that, but fuck it Ethan. We've been planning your brother's revenge for months and because of you everything might be screwed up."
"Dad, I cut her open like a fish, there's no way she's still alive."
"So where is her fucking body !"
Ethan shrugged "Maybe some crazy guy found him and wants to play with his body. You're going to have the hospitals monitored anyway, right ?"
The man nodded.
"So if she ever gets treatment, you'll be the first to know and we can finish her off. Look, I know I screwed up on that one, after I fucked her, I don't know, it was probably adrelanine, but I acted without thinking, but I promise you it won't happen again."
The detective put a hand on his son's shoulder.
"I know, sorry for getting upset, but we're doing this for Richie."
"I know dad."
The man kissed his second son's forehead. "Despite everything, I'm proud of you, you not only fucked her but also killed her."
Ethan smiled at his father "I've never had so much fun."
———☆ ★ ❀ ✿ ♡ ☆ ★ ❀ ✿ ———
Bailey was chatting with the FBI agent who had been sent to investigate the case when Samantha arrived.
"Kirby ?" she exclaimed
"Hello Sam"
"Do you know each other?" he asked
"We were in the same high school in Woodsboro, well Kirby was in his last year when I entered."
The blonde nodded, then Samantha turned to the detective. "Any news from Y/n ?"
He shook his head no. "Unfortunately not, but my teams remain on high alert."
Kirby frowned "Y/n ?"
"You know her ?" Sam asked.
"Yes, before the killings ten years ago, I spent a lot of time with Jill Roberts, and she babysat Y/n very often, I saw her often. Is she okay ?"
Sam shook her head "No, Chad's roommate, a friend of mine. He took her home, but he says he was attacked by Ghostface and Y/n died but before we got there her body was taken."
Kirby closed her eyes "Shit."
Days passed without any news of Y/n or her body, which increasingly worried the group of friends. One night, Ghostface broke into the apartment Sam, Tara and Quinn shared. He killed Quinn, then Anika. Ethan was the first suspected by the four friends. The more time passed, the more the tension growned.
———☆ ★ ❀ ✿ ♡ ☆ ★ ❀ ✿ ———
Tara and Sam couldn't believe their eyes. It was Ethan the killer, but not only.
Detective Bailey was complicit and Quinn, who they thought was dead, was there too, donning the Ghostface costume.
"It was so simple." Ethan exclaimed pointing a knife at Tara. He and Quinn, who turned out to be his sister, killed Chad.
"Become roommates with that fat prick Chad. Then then there was Y/n."
Tara felt anger invading her body, she wanted to avenge you and to avenge Chad.
"I had so much fun with her, I fucked her first, like she had never been fucked before, then I gutted her like a fish."
"The thing that freaked me out was when her body disappeared, but hey, she didn't resurface, she must be dead in a vault by now."
He approached a little closer to Tara "Dead, like your boyfriend."
As she was about to punch him, a deep voice came through the speakers. The voice of Ghostface.
"Surprise Ethan." Everyone looked up at the loudspeakers in the theater
"Y/n is it you?" he asked.
The deep voice chuckled "Oh no, I'm someone who hasn't killed in a while and is dying to slit a few throats."
Suddenly Ghostface appeared running behind Quinn and slit her throat. Bailey and Ethan rushed at the masked person, that's when Tara and Sam took the opportunity to jump on them.
Sam pulled out her father Billy's knife and stabbed the detective twenty times.
Tara was hitting Ethan as hard as she could, but the boy punched her in the face and tackled her to the ground, ready to finish her off.
That's when Ghostace grabbed him by the hair and lifted him, giving Tara the opportunity to get up. The young girl didn't know if she should run or stay, the masked person stared at her, then he handed a knife to the young Carpenter.
Tara grabs the knife and stabs Ethan in the throat. The boy then began to spit blood, she pushed the blade even more and approached his face
"That's for Chad."
She pulled the knife out and shoved it back into Ethan's lower abdomen, then gently brought it up to his sternum. "And that's for Y/n son of a bitch."
Ethan's innards came out and he fell to the ground. For a moment Tara and Ghostface exchanged looks. "Y/n ?" she asked.
The person shook his head no.
"So who are you ?" Tara felt a shiver run through her when this person put his finger to his lips in a gesture of silence.
Then, he turned and walked away as if nothing had happened, but before leaving the theater, he stopped near Kirby who was injured on the ground, knelt down beside her and passed a tender hand on her cheek, then without saying anything, Ghostface left.
———☆ ★ ❀ ✿ ♡ ☆ ★ ❀ ✿ ———
Three days passed and things were starting to go back to normal. Chad was miraculously alive, as were Mindy, Kirby and Gale who had been attacked in her home.
Y/n was still in a coma because of all the blood she had lost, the doctors had managed to stabilize her condition but they couldn't believe their eyes, someone had treated her all her days before taking her to the hospital.
The group of friends sat in Y/n's room hoping she would wake up.
"Who do you think it was?" Mindy asked
"I don't know, but it was someone who wanted to protect Y/n." Sam replied.
"No matter who it is, it's thanks to him or her that Y/n is still alive." Tara exclaimed.
"Yeah, and I'm glad that person helped her." Added Chad.
Kirby, who was sitting in the corner, nodded.
A silence fell over the room, until a tired voice was heard. "She's alive."
Everyone turned to Y/n who had just woken up. They stood up and gathered around her.
"I'm going to get a doctor." Sam informed before running out of the room.
"She is alive." Continued Y/n.
Kirby gently put her hand on Y/n’s arms "Shhh, it's fine. It's over."
The more she woke up and the more the girl stirred.
"She's alive. She saved me."
"Who are you talking about ?" asked Tara
"Y/n you should try to calm down, you're just coming out of a coma and you-" The Y/h/c grabs Kirby's arm tightly to silence her.
"She’s still alive. Jill is alive."
———☆ ★ ❀ ✿ ♡ ☆ ★ ❀ ✿ ———
author's note: i apologize for the end of this sequel, but i really want to see jill roberts return to the scream franchise. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this second part. thank you for all the comments and likes of the first part. i love you guys.
tag list : @swiftxe @callsignwidow @luv4nanami @fanboyluvr
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bel1ewrites · 1 year
i have a request for sam :)
could you write one where sam is busy with something at her desk, working or idk but reader wants her attention and bothers her a few times, sam ends up pulling reader into her lap so she can finish her work and still give some attention but reader starts distracting her by feeling her up etc and sam ends up overstimulating reader as punishment? thank you sm!!
a/n: I loved this idea, thank you so much for the submission! Also sorry in advance for my avoidance of the word "panties" ...I hate it.
Risky Rewards (Samantha Carpenter x Reader)
Description: After a long day, Sam decides to put you in your place.
WC: 2.2k
Warnings: smut, overstimulation, forced orgasm, praise kink, oral, fingering, top!Sam, bottom!Reader
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“I’M not going to hold your hand through this, Mr. Stewart. Figure it out and don't call me back until you have- oh for the love of God I don’t give a shit where it-”
Nothing good ever happened when you interrupted Sam while she was working. You knew this to be a proven fact. It almost always ended in you walking out of her office, head down and metaphorical tail between your legs. It wasn’t that she didn’t want you in there, in fact she enjoyed your company. Ever the handsy one, you’d take it too far and she’d scold you, turning you around and handing you something to keep you preoccupied as she screamed at grown men. Technically, you fell under the umbrella of insanity; doing the same thing time and time again, expecting different results. 
This time, she sounded even more pissed off through the door than usual. Her tone was tight, stress from the day seeping into her every move. You could picture her in her work clothes, back rigid and brows furrowed. You’d been lonely all day, and all you wanted to do was help her relax, no ulterior motive behind your actions. 
There was a silence that fell over you as she stopped speaking, which you took as an invitation of sorts. Quietly, you pushed open the door and slipped in. 
She hadn’t noticed you, a look of determination shining on her face as she held up the speaker of the landline she insisted on buying in the interest of looking more powerful. It worked, you had to admit. She was something out of a magazine, sitting at her desk and twirling a pen skillfully between her fingers whilst she bossed around people twice her age with a flawless finesse. 
When you began walking towards her, she spotted you and some of the tension drained from her body. The man was still on the phone with her, but she quickly slammed it face down, effectively hanging up on him mid sentence. 
“Hey, baby,” she grinned brightly, pushing back in her chair and gesturing for you behind her desk. The office was tidy, painted black and red and furnished to match. Pictures of the two of you sat just next to her desktop so that she could glance down at them throughout the day. 
You went over to her eagerly, standing with your back to the desk and smiling down at where she sat in a manspread. Her arms rested on those of the chair, highlighting the cuffs of her sleeves and the rings on her fingers. 
“Hi,” you whispered bashfully. She patted her lap, inviting you to sit with her.
“I have a few documents to go over, but it shouldn’t take long,” Sam explained as you situated yourself on her lap and wrapped your arms around her neck, “I promise we can do whatever you want to when I’m done, pretty girl.”
The nickname made you shudder and bury your head in her neck. She must’ve assumed you were just getting comfortable because she said nothing about it, simply pulling back up to the desk and continuing to work as you clung to her like a koala. 
Everything was going fine. You’d dozed off on top of her, content to breathe her in and wait like a good girl. She got through all of her documents in blissful peace and only had five minutes of work left, at most. In all honesty, Sam was impressed that you hadn’t tried anything.  
 The phone rang, jolting you out of your sleep and pushing a disappointed sigh out of your girlfriend. Maybe ten minutes. 
“Carpenter speaking,” she gritted. “This better be good.”
Faintly, you could hear a man on the other side of the line. His voice was unusually high, nerves making it shake slightly. When you noticed Sam start to tense up you started massaging her neck in an attempt to calm her. 
It worked for the most part. Her head rolled back and she groaned at the painful pleasure as your fingers worked at the knots. The sight was heavenly, enough to bring a grown man to his knees. Your eyes devoured her hungrily. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she continued to speak, free hand rubbing your back as you worked. “Listen, man. I’m tired, you’re tired, we’re all collectively tired-” you hit a particularly sensitive area and she groaned again, “-but you don’t see me fucking complaining about it, do you?” a pause. “That’s what I thought.” You hit a tight knot, watching her cover the microphone in her shoulder and turn to look at you, “Right there… mhm, like that. There you go.” Her head was limp on her neck, hand grabbing roughly at your hip and kneading it while the other brought the phone back to her ear.
You were growing desperate, trying your hardest not to shift and align your center with her clothed thigh. She looked so perfect in her work clothes, jaw clenched in either pleasure or anger and eyes running over your body. You wore her favorite top just to fuck with her. It was cut inexplicably low, exposing a little underboob with each shift. The sweatpants you had on were hers and you’d worn them because you knew how much she loved seeing you in her clothes. 
“Jesus fucking Christ. Who hired you? I bet it was Christine. Goddamn Christine... I’m hanging up now,” she rolled her eyes, hanging up on the poor man for a second time and turning her attention to you. 
With both hands free, she gripped your waist and adjusted her legs, situating your clothed cunt right against her thigh. She leaned back in her chair and watched your jaw go slack as you slowly grinded against her. Once she was comfortable with your pace, she crossed her fingers behind her head and watched as you put on a show for her.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you came in here for,” your angry girlfriend spat, listening to you whine and sigh. “You know, the worst part is,” you ducked your head against her shoulder, “I fucked you last night. Multiple times, if I remember correctly. So I’m gonna sit here, and you’re going to make yourself cum on my thigh without me having to move one fucking muscle, okay?”
“Okay. Yeah, okay,” you agreed hastily, picking up your pace. 
The barrier that the fabric created was a blessing and a curse. It was keeping you away from her muscled thigh, but it was also so delightfully rough that each time it rubbed against your clit you couldn’t help but moan a little louder. You needed more, but you knew she wouldn’t give it to you until you came so you rolled your hips as hard as you could and tightened the muscles in your lower belly more and more with each move. 
“Look at you, making a mess on my nice work pants. You must be so messy down there,” Sam breathed into your ear. She watched you ride her like it was the most amazing thing she’d ever set eyes on. 
You worked yourself up, slowly but surely, hips and abs aching from exhaustion. “So close,” Sam heard you mutter breathlessly, speeding up and grabbing onto her shoulders, shifting so more pressure pushed against your clit. It was dirty and messy, all speed and no rhythm but still your head lolled back as you came. It was a quick high, making you tense and shake and gasp loudly. 
Sam didn’t give you any time to process, quickly standing up and holding onto the small of your back as your legs wrapped around her waist out of instinct. You choked on a breath when your sensitive clit bumped against her stomach, each step she took was pure agony. 
She walked you out of her office, moving down the hall, up the stairs, and ending up in your bedroom. Her movements were quick and erratic, throwing you onto the bed and grabbing the waistband of your (her) sweats. They were off of you so fast that you questioned if they were ever even on in the first place, along with the white lace that had taken the brunt of your mess. 
“If you want me to stop, use the safeword because I’m not going to put up with your begging tonight,” she said in an almost animalistic tone as she threw the wet fabric behind her and watched you nod eagerly.
With no further words, she crawled onto the bed and in between your spread thighs, stopping when her chin hovered above your messy cunt and pressing her arms to your thighs to keep them open. “Take it like a good girl,” she demanded, dark eyes looking up at your flushed face and chest, “And take the top off, I wanna see all of you.”
You made to do as she said, grabbing the cropped hem, but your head fell back as she pushed her middle finger into you and curled it up against that spot she knew so well. “I said take it off,” she growled, thrusting the singular finger in and out of your dripping heat.
Somehow you managed to get the shirt off right before she added a second finger and licked a rough stripe along your still sensitive clit. It was too soon for you to cum again, but the way that she fucked you with strength and precision made your walls tighten around her with the threat of your next orgasm. 
“Wait Sam-” you urged her, “Sam slow down,” a short gasp, “I’m gonna cum- oh fuck- again.”
She kept going as if she hadn’t heard, picking up her pace and swirling her tongue through you like a starving animal. As soon as she pulled your clit into your mouth, you came with a deep moan that stemmed from your chest.
Usually, after you came, Sam would slow down her pace to help ease you through the waves of pleasure. Under normal circumstances, she’d take her mouth off of you and whisper sweet nothings as she’d watch you convulse beneath her and stroke your hair. This time was different. This time, she kept up her speed, having to work harder to push through your tightened walls. Her mouth remained pressed against you, dark eyes watching as you realized she wasn’t stopping. 
“Sam, Sam, Sam,” you chanted as you tried to push her away and close your legs. She wasn’t letting up, her insane strength keeping you on the bed as she wrestled your writhing body. “Sam I came I came I came- Sam,” you whined, clit aching and a dull thud running through your body as she continued to pound into you. Wet noises and pathetic sounds filled the room 
Your legs shook violently as she continued to fuck you, pulling another orgasm from your drained body. This time it hurt, your body was pushing itself to the limits. Your vision went black as your eyes rolled back in your head, feeling each push against your spasming cunt; each lick and twitch. 
She lifted her head up momentarily, fingers still pushing into you and pulling out your soul. “One more baby, one more I promise,” she assured you, watching tears stream down your face and straining to keep your legs apart. Sweat was forming at her scalp with the exertion. 
You shook your head violently and sobbed out. “I can’t, I can’t please I can’t,” you begged hoarsely, knowing she wouldn’t stop unless you said your safeword. 
“Yes you can,” she smiled, pressing a kiss to your shaking thigh. “You’re so good, baby. Taking it all. I know you have one more, it’s okay.”
Her lips went back to your abused clit, puffy and red and deliciously swollen. Through the pain, you could vaguely feel the pleasure building within you, letting out sobs and focusing on the way she fucked you like she knew you were hers. You pulsed limply around her fingers, walls tiring from the tension. When you looked down at her, eyes on you and lips on you and hands everywhere all at once, you came one last time.
The only way Sam knew you came was the look on your face as you fell completely limp, eyes closed and skin dewy with sweat. She kissed both of your thighs lovingly before climbing up and placing a kiss to your forehead. She then stripped herself of her work clothes, grabbing a towel to clean you with.
When it was done, she pulled your still twitching body to hers and threw the blankets over the both of you, watching your face as you slept.
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subliminalbo · 8 months
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Internal Affairs #1: The Rookie
By the third week, Lydia’s revulsion was turning into arousal. By the third month, she struggled to remember the assignment at all.
I’m a cop, she reminded herself before rolling her hips, sliding down the john’s cock until it was pressed deep up inside her pussy. A soft moan staggered from Lydia’s lips. Again, I am a cop. Hips roll, cock deep, soft moan. I am a cop. Repeat until the john was satisfied.
It was all part of establishing her cover. Nobody would believe Lydia’s work if she didn’t do the work. Why couldn’t she enjoy it too?
I am a cop.
But she wasn’t a cop. Not really. It had once been Lydia’s dream. When she was eleven, two officers visited her class. The man looked like any other cop on the eleven o’clock news: wide shoulders, short cropped hair, carrying all that “fuck your civil rights” privilege with pride. Most of the boys stared at the gun on his hip, waiting for the little shit brave enough to ask, “Have you killed anybody?”
But it was the female cop that Lydia couldn’t take her eyes off of. She respected the children, spoke to them like people. Not like her partner who addressed the class like he was facing a courtroom. She didn’t look like any woman cop that Lydia had ever seen either. She was tall, and a statuesque beauty made her all the more intimidating. The boys only saw the man and the gun, but Lydia saw the looks between the two. How the man would turn to his partner before giving an answer. He only did it a couple of times, but it was enough for Lydia to know who was really incharge. No one had told her a woman could have that kind of power.
But Lydia’s dream of carrying a badge didn’t make it past high school. She ultimately chose a criminal justice degree at Carpenter State University over the police academy. She never expected that it was less of a path to a future, and more of a strange, meandering way back to her dream.
I am a
“...mindless whore,” the john said as she rode him.
Lydia stared down into his eyes. His face twisted between embarrassing expressions as he fought back the inevitable orgasm. The way he grunted his words, it surprised Lydia that the john could even try to talk dirty to her, most of his mental bandwidth allocated to holding out as long as he could. Lydia wasn’t cheap and she only took one shot for each service rendered. Every John wanted it to count.
“Is that how you like it?” Lydia playfully responded. “Young, dumb, blonde bimbos without a thought in their heads?”
The john grunted something back that a generous listener might say sounded like, “Yeah.”
“I am a mindless whore,” Lydia bit her lip. “My mind is just a wet hole aching to be filled by its Master’s cock.”
“Fuck,” the John gasped. “Say it again.”
“I am a mindless whore.”
“Again,” he pleaded.
“I am a mindless whore!”
I am a mindless whore.
Lydia had been applying to law schools when her professor approached her with the opportunity.
I was hoping you could set some time aside in your calendar to meet with a friend of mine from RPD. I think you’ll find it educational. If you’re interested, shoot me over some dates and I’ll set up the meet.
Dr. Bloom
Lydia met with the friend from RPD the next week in Dr. Bloom’s office. Lieutenant Barbara Keyes sat across from her at Dr. Bloom’s desk. Dr. Bloom briefly introduced Barbara then excused himself to let the two of them talk. Barbara wanted the meeting to feel informal. “Call me Barbara,” she quickly said when Lydia referred to her by her title. But the location betrayed the intention. Not a lot of people knew that Lieutenant Keyes was there.
Lydia did her best Sam Spade, studying the woman across the desk. Mid-thirties to early forties, no ring on her finger. More likely a divorcee than a spinster. A married to the job kind of cop, she figured. But most important was the confidence–Lydia realized as she watched Barbara speak that she carried herself with the same confidence that had first caught her eye all those years ago in her sixth grade glass.
They chatted for a moment about Lydia’s education, Barbara’s background, and quickly found a comfortable place where they were just talking like old friends until Barbara said, “So Charlie tells me you’re his best student."
“Best,” Lydia laughed. “I don’t know about best–”
“I do,” Barbara cut her off. “I’ve known Charlie a long time and I trust his judgment.”
Lydia sighed, considering her next move, then decided that it was best to just cut through all the bullshit. “So is this a job interview?” she asked.
Barbara sat straight, unmoved by Lydia’s candor. “Lydia, I work in IAD. Do you know what that is?”
“Internal Affairs,” Lydia blinked.
“Unfortunately, I find myself in the position of trusting absolutely no one in the Romero Police Department, which means when it comes to recruits I need to look in unorthodox places.”
“Like Carpenter State,” Lydia said.
“That’s correct.” Barbara nodded. “Now, on top of my position in IAD, I’m also the deputy director of the RPD sex work task force. Since the task force formed two years ago, we’ve managed to clean up much of the areas around Carpenter State, which is a point of emphasis for the commissioner. That being said, River City remains frustratingly impenetrable.”
“I don’t understand,” Lydia said. “So is this a job interview…to go undercover?”
“I need young, female cops,” Barbara said. “But more specifically, I need young, female cops who don’t look like cops.”
Barbara was right. It was unorthodox, even downright unethical. But it was hard for Lydia not to admire the risk she was taking. Barbara Keyes was the kind of woman who valued education over brute force, that’s why she’d turned to Carpenter State for new recruits. And Lydia understood her reasoning too–her dream of becoming a cop came to an abrupt end in high school after a highly public, sweeping police corruption case in Romero upended the department. It had shaken Lydia’s faith in justice, but she couldn’t totally let those values go. If anyone else had come to her with this offer, asked her to play the role of a prostitute as an inexperienced, secret cop? She wouldn’t have just turned them down. She would have blown the fucking whistle. But Barbara was different. Lydia couldn’t stop seeing that cop from sixth grade. For some reason she wanted to do what Barbara asked of her. She had no choice but to accept.
I am a mindless whore.
Lydia always came with the john. That was what made her one of the most popular and expensive whores in River City. She’d been trained that way. She’d been trained that way because it made her a good cop. A good whore was a good cop. But she always seemed to forget about that when she was on top of them, bracing herself against the headboard as her body rocked from the most powerful orgasm she’d ever experienced. It was always better when she was with a john.
They’d leave the money on the small table by the door and before they exited, Lydia would always offer something to keep them thinking about her.
“Your cock felt so good,” she said, dreamy eyes selling the illusion that this fuck was anything more than a transaction. “Next time I’d even let you cum inside my pussy.”
“You do that?” the john smiled.
“Well,” Lydia pondered as if she wasn’t reading a script. “I’d have to charge an extra five grand. Secret menu, you know? High premium for the risky stuff. But it’s worth it for my favorite.”
The john melted as she batted her eyelashes. They never had that kind of money, but goddamn they would fuck anyone over for that opportunity.
Lydia worked tirelessly through the night. Fucking, sucking, even occasionally offering her shoulder to cry on. She didn’t stop until she saw the pale blue light of the morning sky through the hotel room’s yellowing curtains. She took a quick shower, collected the evening’s take into a fat envelope, then flipped through her phone’s camera roll. 
The johns blurred together until they became one universal face. The only way she remembered them was by the pictures. She insisted on snapping a photo of every john’s ID before taking them to the hotel. “For security,” she would innocently say. 
Nobody had been busted by Lydia yet, so why should they suspect that it was anything more than a safety precaution? The johns liked Lydia and they wanted her to feel safe. But truthfully the IDs were part of the operation, one of the few things that actually made her feel like she was a cop. Barbara had been frustratingly vague on the details of her job, but Lydia knew that she was looking for somebody. Many of the johns were cops, and given Barbara’s role at IAD, Lydia assumed that she was trying to catch one of her own. But who?
She never recognized the faces. And try as hard as she could, she couldn’t match the names to them. They were right there next to the pictures, but something made it impossible for her to think of them as anything other than, “john.” The blue-eyed john, the brown-eyed john, the john with the scar next to his lip. Lydia selected the photos from her roll, a dozen for this night, and forwarded them in an email before deleting them from her phone forever.
Why had she done that? The details of her night’s work were better off with someone who understood it. No reason to burden herself with that knowledge anymore.
Before she could finish dressing, the room's phone rang. She was reluctant to pick it up, but the mechanical sound of the old fashioned landline phone drew her toward it. Something is wrong, she thought. I shouldn’t answer this.
It rang again, and she was powerless. Lydia lifted the receiver from its cradle and pressed it to her ear.
I am a cop.
“Good morning, Lydia,” the voice on the line said.
I am a cop.
“Good morning,” she slowly replied.
I am a
“I trust the evening was productive.”
I am a
“Yes…” she breathed.
I am
“And the IDs?”
I am
“I forwarded them to your email,” she said.
“Good,” the voice said. “And the night’s take?”
“Twenty-four grand.”
I am a mindless whore.
“That’s very good, Lydia,” the voice replied. “You know where to drop it off.”
Everything Lydia believed she was evaporated at the tinny sound of the telephone’s ring. By the time she heard the voice speak, that Lydia was already gone, replaced with the mindless whore she’d been trained to be. And she was one of the best in River City. She couldn’t fight that truth no matter how hard she tried to lie to herself. It felt too good.
“Tell me what you are, Lydia,” the voice commanded.
“I am a mindless whore,” Lydia said without hesitation. Speaking it out loud now drove her to the edge of another orgasm.
“That’s right,” the voice said, “And that’s all you’ll ever be.”
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