#oh the woes of a multi
spkyscry-aa · 9 months
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Have I seriously used this blog so little that Redacted earlier was only my 10th reblog..?
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rykia · 2 years
Characters featured in only 1% of the story should be in additional tags.
While i do appreciate that you beautiful and godly fanfic writers have acknowledged my underrated and unpopular blorbo, it breaks my heart when I'm searching for substance, and they're simply a cameo.
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icharchivist · 2 years
I finally understand your beef (so to call it) around gbvs-onlys who see gbf and think its about them :crushed:
Saw a youtuber do musical analysis on armageddon (beautiful song what can ya say) and some clown in the comments said the song came from the arcsystem versus and it was The Granblue Game(TM)
i do think versus has slight remix of the songs so it depends what is the version the video was analysing, but also don't the remix have different names???
insisting that it's from GBVS first and that GBVS was the base GBF game... so wrong. so so wrong wtf.
This is unnerving me to so much, gbvs only ppl were clowning the other day by making cygames trend to say that "cygames is over because they still don't have rollback" like my good buddy my pal. I saw takes about how GBF was done for because of that, and "i don't understand how the devs are so lazy that we got no news for Granblue (read: gbvs) lately" like SERIOUSLY. IN FRONT OF MY SUMMER LIVE STREAM????
I've also seen when Summer Belial came out people asking if they needed to play the VS game to understand the mobage and i swear i felt like decomposing on the spot. What is going on.
Relink is going to make things worse and i just want to cry.
I'm so sorry you had to run into those. i fear it's only going to get worse. i'm sorry.
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correctproseka · 1 month
Ok but- and I am saying this with respect for your point of view bc I think you are correct on a wider societal level- I keep seeing this argument of 'There is more m/m fanfic therefore this fandom is lesbiphobic and misogynistic' and it has bothered me for a long time. As a queer girl myself, asexual and somwehere on the aro spectrum, who has many wlw ships and enjoys looking at art for them... I don't enjoy reading wlw or straight fics bc I subconsciously project myself into the relationships too much (this is also why i generally avoid reading straight romance books lol). When I read mlm fic, there's a degree of separation from me that means I can enjoy it without getting anxious about imagining myself in that position.
I'm not trying to be like 'oh woe is me i cant read yuri', im just explaining my own reasons, and trying to get across that other people have their own reasons for what they enjoy- ranging from long winded explanations like mine to 'idk I'm attracted to guys and I like writing about them'. People have preferences, and that comes across in most fandoms, even in heavily female casts like prsk. Like I mentioned, lack of wlw content IS an issue.... when it comes to mainstream media. But when it comes to fanfic... the majority of writers are queer, many are women, hell, some of the most prolific writers of mlm fic I know are lesbians. People have their own reasons for writing what they like, and they do it for FREE. I think it's silly to say a fandom is misogynistic when most of these fandoms are full of queer female writers writing what they want to write.
And again I say this with respect because I do see where you're coming from- instead of saying 'write less mlm', because absolutely one will listen to that.... say 'write more wlw'. Write what you want to see in the world! More fics are always a good thing!! And if you don't want to read about guys, that's what the ao3 filters are for lol.
If you actually read all this, thank you, I really appreciate it. Sorry for yapping in your ask box LOL I just wanted to express my opinion on this topic bc it's something that I care about a lot. Also, like I said, while I don't read fic for it I still love wlw ships so..... ANHANE YURI FOREVER 🌈🌈🌈🌈
See, the thing is, i agree with you, but is that really the only reason for A LOT of people?
What im advocating is not for people to write less mlm, is for they to look at themselves and wonder why they like it more, i know a lot of people who claim to like the boys more for this reason or that, then turn around and act completely misogynistic 5 seconds later, some of them in this fandom, even.
Im just saying that in a fandom with way more girls than boys, it makes not much sense how much more content of the boys there is.
The ao3 filters exist, yes, but they dont stop me from having barely any content even on bigger wlw shipps, from rereading the same fics over and over again because that's all I have for days/weeks, months even on the leoni/mmj side of fandom.
Sincerely, I have myself over 50 prsk fics, only one includes mlm and that one is a multi, focused mainly on platonic ships, and is still somehow my most famous fic.
I see your point, really, and I agree with it, but it only comes so far in a fandom like prsk where there's way more girls, or Alien Stage, that my friend got me into and the girls have been canon for so long but the boys have nearly always been more famous, even before they became "canon". As a wlw enjoyer its tiring to see this over and over again in every fandom im in, you know?
Plus, its not just not writing girls, its how the fandom ACTS with them. Saki as just a fodder for Tsukasa angst, Honami might as well not even exist, Mizuki themselves exist only to be a friend to Rui to a lot of people, An and Kohane? They're only backgrounds on Akitouya, that is when An doesn't get in between the ship, of course. Emu can't even be shipped with one of the boys, because she's a child obviously, but she can be shipped with Nene, just leave her to the side its alright.
Its a lot of double standards, and not only "not writing fics", the fics are just a quick way of showing what I mean.
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cozfics · 11 months
Hi!! I saw you write for linked universe and also that your requests are open—could you do a Legend x reader enemies to lovers?? :00 thanks in advance xoxo
Word count:2.86k
Tw:blood, violence, swearing, blades
Notes:if it seems like two different people wrote this its because i took a month between the start and end
You let out a heavy groan as you saw the familiar red tunic. Great, of course, he was coming to bother you. That made perfect sense with the kind of day you had been having. You had burned your breakfast, ripped your favorite set of pajamas, and arrived late to work, soaked because you had lost your umbrella and it was raining cats and dogs outside. So why wouldn’t that prick arrive at your doorstep today? The perfect way to top off your day. Listen you get that he was the hero and tons of people in the village swooned because ‘ who wouldn’t want a man that could protect you.’ or whatever, but they didn’t have the pleasure of interacting with the hero. He was rude, short, snippy, and sarcastic. The one time he had saved you instead of making sure you were okay after a monster attack he had shoved your goods in your arms, calling you an idiot for being out at night. As if he hadn’t also been out at night, the same age as you. Those who wanted to date him and knew him had to be after him for his title you had decided.
“Oh no, we aren’t doing this shit today. Get out.” The words left your mouth the second your inn’s door opened, leaving the boy who had opened the door, who was very notably not Legend, frozen for a moment. He had straight hair and a multi-colored tunic. He was kinda small too, did you just yell at a child. Damn, you felt bad now. “Sorry... Thought you were someone else.” You mumbled quickly, embarrassed.
A one-eyed man walked in, armed to the teeth and his armor catching the light. Dear god if that was the child’s father you were screwed. Thankfully he didn't mention your outburst, just looked around.
“Do you have enough room for nine guests?” He asked after a moment. That’s a lot of guests but… You had ten rooms, four were currently occupied. That’s six rooms, two beds each. Plenty of space.
“Yeah, we got enough for nine guests. Two beds in each room that would be five rooms. How long are you staying?” You asked, writing the information down in your log.
“Just for the night.” The one-eyed intimidating man answered. While you had been talking with him other people who looked vaguely similar to him (And to the single most annoying creature in the world.) had pooled into your lobby. Though you only counted seven people. It was then that you heard it. That annoying, sarcastic, no one can ever get close to me so I must push everyone away and insult them bastard. He’s being dragged in by a man in a blue scarf, complaining the whole way.
“Listen, I’m just saying I’m sure we can make it to the next town before setting up camp.” The twig of a man insisted.
“That’s bullshit and you know it. It’s already sunset and we’d like to sleep in a bed since an inn is right here. Now are you gonna get your head out of your ass or am I going to have to fix that for you”
The cause of all your woes, (Or, at least you’re going to blame him because it’s nice to have something to blame, and his attitude makes it SO easy-), opened his mouth, as if he was about to reply, but you cut him off
“Ah, If the hero is with you, one hundred fifty rupees for the night per room. If it’s coming out of his wallet.” You leaned on the counter, deciding you would go the overly civil route this time since blowing up had almost blown up in your face. “Link, always a pleasure.”
“Bullshit, We both know you charge one hundred per room” Link narrowed his eyes.“Unless it’s you, my dearly hated customer.” You wouldn’t admit that you dearly enjoyed bickering with him. It was always fun, bringing up your mood.“So what, I don’t get a discount for saving your life… Or saving Hyrule?”
“Oh, you do. But it’s quickly wiped out and then some by the ‘just being an asshole’ tax.” you hummed. “But it'll actually be five hundred rupees for the nine of you to stay the night. Will you be staying for breakfast?”
“With your shitty cooking? I’d like to leave here alive, thank you very much.” Link huffed, narrowing his eyes at you. You scribbled that down.
“Alright, I’ll show you to your rooms.” You hummed. You put your hands on the desk and pushed yourself up. This would be good money at least. 500 rupees is 500 rupees. And it’s not like you really had to deal with Legend. He’d be in his room the whole time.
As soon as the boys had been settled into their rooms you decided to head out for a walk. It was a nice warm night, the moon and stars lit the way through the woods. In your arms, you held some leftover food that you planned to feed to some of the wild animals you had befriended over the past few years running the inn. It even kept them from attacking random travelers and they protected you when monsters struck. Now you didn’t need Link’s help. You never wanted to have to rely on that prick's presence again. You can save your own damn self. You had saved up, bought a sword, and taught yourself pretty well you had decided. After all, it had served its purpose.
You set down the food for the animals and drew your sword. It was simple and effective. A one-handed sword. No engravings or fancy handles. You had set up a few homemade training dummies. It helped some travelers and it allowed you to practice your skills. A great addition to your inn. You swung your sword a few times at the dummies before you heard a voice call out from behind you.
“Your form is all wrong, you could be knocked over by a gust of wind”Ah, yes. Just what you wanted to hear today.
“I could still kick you out.” You swung again, not bothering to spare Link a glance. “And I’ve been able to hold myself fine. Thank you very much.”
“Able to hold yourself well till now. Why won’t you take valid criticism that might save your life.” Legend huffed. “Fuck, this is why I hate whenever I have to stay here. You can’t take any fucking criticism. Your stubborn and hard-headed!”
“Oh, and here I thought it was because you were just a prickly bitch who loses years off their life just from having to interact with the public.” You rolled your eyes. “Suck my dick Link.”
“Listen I’m trying to help you genuinely.” Link said after a moment. You assume he was probably trying not to blow up at you. He sounded sincere…
“Okay, Okay. Show me how I should be standing then.” You decided you would let him help you.
Link walked closer to the dummy, quickly taking your place. He began to walk you through it. Explaining how low your body should be, how far apart your legs should be, how to swing your sword and follow through.Now it was your turn. All of this felt off, your feet felt wrong.
“It feels odd.” You complained.
“That’s because you’ve been practicing wrong.” Link responded. You swung at the dummy, and well. It definitely left more of an impact than you had been making before.
“Alright fine, fine you were right”
“Oh, Words I never tire of hearing” He smirked. And there he is again. The annoying ass cocky attitude.
“Alright, I’ll be heading in for the night. Don’t get yourself killed.” He waved goodbye as he walked away.
Okay. Maybe the hero of Legends wasn’t a complete self-centered asshole, doesn’t mean that you had to swoon over him though. He was just a person. An annoying person.The next morning as the boys were filtering out you overheard the conversation of some of your other guests,
Apparently, there were two groups of ‘black-blooded’ monsters. Each about a half day’s travel away in opposite directions. You hoped that they would stay away, you didn’t feel like putting the sword practice into action any time soon.Later that night half of Link’s group came in, beaten and bloodied. But Link was nowhere to be seen.
You began to send them to their rooms, but you couldn’t help but ask where Link was. It took them a moment to think, you’d probably blame exhaustion for that.
“We split up, our group agreed to meet here… They should be here shortly.” Weird face marking guy supplied.
Thankfully it only took an hour before the second group came back. They seemed to be in better shape than the first group. Though the one with a shaggy head of brown hair was unconscious. You lead them to their rooms. Now that everyone was inside you went to follow through with your nightly ritual And partway through Link joined you again.This kept happening frequently for three months.
You had caught several odd conversations between Legend’s group. Apparently, They had been calling Link Legend. You had overheard them talking about a black Lizalfros, how the fact black-blooded monsters kept popping up near the hotel must mean he was near, and about how it was odd they had been around so long.You didn’t really know what to make of it, and it really wasn’t your place, so you ignored it.
You went out to practice your sword skills with Legend. It was his idea. He said it would prepare you better than some idle dummies.
“Ready to go down hero?” you teased, doing a fancy twirl with your sword.
“If only I had 5 rupees for every time I heard that. I’d be rich.”
“And Ravio would manage to drain you of all of it” You grinned. “Come on.”
You didn’t even make it to him. There was an ambush. Damn, you for making the training area so far away. You just didn’t want to disturb the sleeping guests! Monsters surrounded you two. Most of them looked unfamiliar. Legend looked like he wanted to tell you to run, but being totally honest, you couldn’t run even if you had wanted to. There were too many. You had to fight. Thank god for the sword training.
You got into a fighting stance quickly moving to launch yourself towards the monster, thankfully it was slow and clumsy. Your sword struck its flesh as a river of black flooded down. You pulled your sword free and landed with a roll, dodging another monsters club. The injured monster stumbled back, letting out a roar. You shot up, trying to take out the injured monster's leg. Just hoping to drop their numbers by one. You dragged the blade along their calf, jumping away quickly again, just barely keeping their claws from closing around you. Woah your body felt shaky and your brain was in overdrive. And if you were honest, you loved it.You shot up to slice at the monster's face. And this is when it went downhill.
You didn’t dodge the club this time. Pain exploded in your ribs and for a moment you could only see stars. However, you didn’t have the luxury of being able to lie on the ground to recollect yourself. You had to get up right then. And you did, you pulled yourself up. Unfortunately, you had been flung back and thanks to a cliff you were pinned. You didn’t have a lot of room to back up. It seems like while you had been fighting Legend had gotten himself into a similar situation.
One swing from a club and you were both tumbling down a cliff. You felt the air strain against your body as you fell. The absolute weightlessness of everything. Then a pair of arms around you as the ground got closer and you began to tumble along the jagged cliffside. Legend had held you to take the brunt of the fall. You tried to ignore the sickening crack that sounded at the initial contact with the rocks. You tumbled for moments, but to you, it felt like forever.
When you stopped rolling it was pretty dark. When you had rolled along the cliffside it would seem you two had managed to fall and land inside a cave.
A weight lifted as Legend pulled himself off of you and let out a string of curses. You turned to look to see what warranted calling the goddess the term for a female dog. Though you understood quickly after a quick glance. Legend’s leg had been the cause of the cracking sound. It would seem that you were both stuck here until you were found then. The cliff was far too steep for you to climb and the adventurer in this cave had a broken leg.
“We’ll be found in the morning” Legend sounded so sure of it. You could only nod in response.
“I… I’m going to try to find something to make a fire.” You decided after a moment. Yeah. You could use a fire. Legend’s leg needed to be cleaned, And honestly. It was as cold as Farore’s tits here. Legend just nodded along.
You managed to find sticks at least. And a stream of water. But it went back underground and you weren’t sure where or how long until it came back above ground. It wasn’t worth risking your life yet. You brought the sticks back and lit the fire. Legend had brought out a pot that he just had because of course he did. Fucking hoarder. You plopped down beside him while you waited for the water to boil.
“Sword training paid off at least.” You broke the silence.
“Yeah. It did. Good, wasn't that your goal?”
“Well… No, my goal was to make it to where you never needed to save me. And you still helped me during the fall so…”
“But it’s different now. You weren’t an ass about it so it’s fine” You waved your hand a little.
“I… see.” He said, laying on his back and staring at the roof of the cave for a moment.
“Do you wanna hear a story?” He asked after it had gone silent again. Preferring that to silence I nodded.And with my confirmation, Legend just started talking. About anything from adventures to blacksmithing tips to how to play instruments. Keeping the silence at bay.
“And he just decided to stay at your house?”
“Yep. I was at a loss for words at how bold he was.” Legend sat up. “Who the hell just waltzes into someone's house during a time of crisis and asks to stay there-” he shook his head. “Fuck. I just want to relax.”
“I never realized it was that stressful being the hero. The stories that get back to us always paint you as some sort of stoic hero.”
“Well fuck that. I’m not stoic. I still feel. I feel tired and in pain. Most of the time I’m hungry. And I’ll deny it if you ever tell anyone this but fuck, sometimes I’m even scared. And since I’m the hero, The one who’s been on more adventures than you can coin on one hand I’m apparently supposed to just be over it? What kind of bullshit is that? Seriously you tell anyone I’ll fucking stab you”
“Well yeah I mean it makes sense about how you act now. You just never wanted to drag anyone into this huh?”
“Well yeah I mean We hung around your inn too long and now look at us.”
“I mean. I’m not complaining. I kinda like it here. The cave has good company.” You smiled over at Legend, folding your hands over your stomach and laying beside him. “Company that speculation has it would be very good boyfriend material.”
“No. No instant rejection. Try to ask me in a better way and we’ll talk. Come on, that was shitty even for you.”
“Okay, okay I get the point.” You laughed. “Link. Over the last few months, I realize my feelings for you have changed. We’ve gotten closer. And I genuinely enjoy your company over most people. Would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend.” You asked.
Legend hummed.
“Come on! I just put my heart out for the world to see you prick!” You playfully swatted his arm.Legend smiled.
“Yeah yeah. Yes. I think I’d like that.”
“Yknow I was genuinely pissed when I saw you coming to my inn with your friends?” You admitted. “And goddesses I felt so bad when I yelled at the little boy in your group when he walked in. I thought he was you.”
“Wait… Wind wasn’t the first one to walk in. That was..” Legend began to cackle. A genuine smile, goddess you wouldn’t get over seeing that. “I’m never letting him hear the end of this. That was Four. He’s an adult”
“That was a man?!” You yelled.
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csphire · 5 months
BG3 Woes
-Want's to play BG3 but can't decide which character to play when I open the game. I've got more than twenty because as a writer I keep getting ideas for new Tavs and Durges. -Wants to romance Dammon but can't. The mods to transform companions or playing as Dammon helps but only a little. Just frustrated we can't get to know him more. -Terrified of the Strange Ox killing Dammon bug is still ongoing. I dunno if I can handle watching him get killed if I'm not fast enough. (Come on Larian, give Dammon more than 8 hp you meanies! Or hells any modders out there that could up it to at least 25 hp like Alfira's that would be fantastic!) -I don't want to slog through Act 1 again, ugh. Noooo... -Can't kiss Astarion since Patch 4 dropped on the only playthrough I've gotten where I can even attempt that. Yes, this issue has actually made me quit just short of completing the game on my only playthrough that's in Act 3. (This issue has been ongoing since mid fucking Oct! Each patch and hotfix is not doing anything to fix that but yeah sure wiggly dangly bits are more important I guess.) -Almost too scared to get to a point where I could get a repeatable kiss with another character to only find out I can't kiss any of them. -Thinking about removing all mods to run a vanilla game. Pros it might fix the kissing problem (Ha sure I wish!) and there will be less choice fatigue. Cons crappy dye options, no more transforming anyone into Dammon and giving up on a lot of progress on a lot of characters. Also, some will not be re-creatable as they have mod heads and/or hair. Oh, and I tried to do a clean reinstall before, and on the only playthrough I can kiss Astarion still did not work or fix anything.
Any advice? I want to still keep playing but because of all of these issues, I'm feeling a little bummed and burnt out. Is anyone else having any of these problems too?
*The bright side is it's led me to do more writing at least. I got around to posting those three one-shot fics on AO3 and here. Plus currently have thirty or so pages down of a Dammon/Astarion/Karlach/OC MGIT multi-chapter fic started.
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aeferkssr · 1 year
*ੈ✩ aeferkssr masterlist
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— FUNKY LITTLE SELF INSERT VOICELINES ; a collection of character voicelines with a reader insert
aether mond.
aether liyue.
aether inazuma.
aether sumeru.
— MOVIE MOMENTS ; various movie scenes with genshin impact characters
prince eric!kazuha (coming soon!)
— HAPPY LANTERN RITE ; spending lantern rite with aether, xiao, and ganyu
— MWAH! A KISS ON THE CHEEK! ; aether, albedo and hu tao giving and receiving kisses
— INATTENTIVE READER HEADCANNONS ; how bennett, chongyun and xingqiu would treat a reader who is easily distracted
link. (this fic glitched out while publishing so the format repeats itself)
— MEETING YOUR PARENTS ; the memebers of the fanmade group 5nemo meet your parents for the first time
— GENSHIN LOVER PROMPTS ; various characters as different relationship prompts
— COOKING BY THE BOOK ; making meals with aether, thoma and gorou
— DUMB CONVERSATIONS, WE LOOSE TRACK OF TIME ; collab with @/crowxnie. falling out of love with xiao, albedo and scaramouche
— YES OR YES? ; a clever love letter written by a friend trying to set you up with various genshin characters
— STRESSED READER ; different genshin characters comforting theiur lover as hey deal with stress
— QUICK MAKEOUYLT SESH' ; making out eith several charas.
— DREAM SWEET IN SEA MAJOR ; you look quite divine tonight here among these vibrant lights, pure delights surround us as we sail. signed, yours truly, the whale.
— MELTING LOVE ; a collab done with @/pr1nxs. constantly flirting with chongyun may have paid off in the long run
link. (the url doesn’t work)
— INTROVERT!AETHER ; aether being an introvert, living the life of an extrovert
— BOY, WHAT A DAY ; reader had a bad day at their adventures guild job, and aether is there to cheer them up!
— ARE YOU LONELY? ; stargazing with aether, based on this side of paradise by coyote theory
— BUT I LOVED YOU FIRST ; having a crush on kaeya may not be the best thing for angst heart
— YOU ; a songfic / one-shot with aether written after crying about the fact that the song was so pretty
— COMFORT FOODS ; you were oh so tired, and thoma made you feel better with his comforting cooking
— HIS ANGEL EYES ; trying to find kitsune!kazuha to fulfill a wish
— THERE, WITH HIM, TOGETHER ; throughout the milennia that xiao has lived for, never once have you left his side
— SO THIS IS CHRISTMAS ; a holiday celebration with your boyfriend, aether, and his family
— MR TELEPHONE MAN ; you and aether have a project to work on so you two exchanged numbers
— LOVE GROWS ; aether coming to the realization where he may see you more than just a friend
— I HATE YOU ; bickering with eula as lovers absolute enemies who will have their revenge
— YOU’RE SO DREAMY ; heizou heart eyes
— THE LIGHT-FILLED GAZE OF THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS ; the prince of the abyss looks down upon a lonely soul with an unfamiliar affectionate gaze
— YOUR YAMHEAD ARC ; you are so madly in love with this boy, oh woe is you!
— LETS GO BELOW ZERO AND HIDE FROM THE SUN! ; dancing in a snowy feild with aether
— AETHER MODERN AU HEADCANNONS ; you and aether in a modern setting (aka going to school etc)
— ROYAL AU W/ AETHER ; if i ever woke up in a royal au, i hope that aether would be there.
— PHANTOM THEIF AU ; heizou being a detective idk how to descibe this one
— EMBARRASSED AETHER ; aether being embarrased to the point where he starts to let some of his elemental power slip...
— GENSHIN IMPACT VISION HEADCANNONS ; what i think its like to have a vision
— LOVE CHANGES PEOPLE ; xiao realizes how much he has changed since you two started dating
— MIDNIGHT RENDEZVOUS ; vampire diluc sucks you(re blood)
— A CUDDLING HYPOTHESIS ; cuddling albedo but he's overanalysing it
— GENSHIN IMPACT DR SELF ; stories from when i shifted to genshin impact
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this isn't on the list but what are your biggest fanfiction pet peeves (that other authors do)
oh man we're about to get CONTROVERSIAL in here fghjkghj
generally bad writing
no capitalization and/or punctuation
no paragraph breaks
people who make multi-chapter fics where every chapter is 400 words or less. literally unbearable
i once read a fic where this person put a big image of a stop sign at the beginning and end of every chapter and wrote this whole long paragraph about how you need to comment or else they wouldn't feel motivated enough to write a next chapter, and at the beginning of every chapter they were like "thanks to everyone who commented, though i did notice that it didn't match the amount of hits so i'm feeling disheartened now....woe is me...." and never in my life have i wanted to reach through a screen and attack a person more
typos in the title. if you can't even catch a typo in your title then i'm flat-out not reading the fic
fics where the author obviously wants to make a political message so they're very doing it through fictional characters and not even trying to make it sound natural or in-character
people who mash a million different fandoms together into one fic so it's 76564678 words long with 28380 chapters but only one or two of them is for the fandom you used the filters specifically to find
on that note, really any time people put a bunch of different oneshots and prompts into a single fic so every chapter is a completely different story but they just put them all together because it's part of the same event even though the series option is right there?? just make them separate fics please i'm begging you
reader-insert fics. they just weird me out
people who "start" a fic but the first chapter is just an author's note talking about how they're GOING to write this fic and haven't yet, but they're working on it, they swear. WHAT IS THE POINT OF THAT. WHO ARE YOU HELPING. JUST POST THE FIC WHEN YOU'VE ACTUALLY WRITTEN IT WHY ARE YOU POSTING IT WITH ALL THESE TAGS IF YOU HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED THE FIC YET
"fictional character we all know and love/oc" as before, it just weirds me the hell out
miraculous ladybug, danny phantom, and white collar. 'nuff said there
if you censor words in the middle of your fic ("r*pe" "unalive" "f*ck") you immediately sound eleven years old in my head and i will exit the fic faster than the speed of light
people who spell damian wayne as damien or damion or any other variation. this is a COMIC BOOK fandom. BOOK. with WORDS. you literally have to READ the name to even know the character exists or to experience the medium at all, how can you fuck something up that badly
"everything is the same except this character is actually the same person as this other character from a completely different fandom" (ex. everything is the same except dick grayson is also harry potter, hannah montana-style) one of the strangest genres i've ever encountered
fics with a length of like. 90 words. and yet the thing has a hundred tags. what is even the point of that. who wants that
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stars-and-birds · 1 year
Alright, I’ll play. There’s a lot of questions because I just copy and paste the original post and remove anything I don’t wanna know or feels too personal or whatever.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. (Do it)
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
💖 What made you start writing?
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
🏆 What's your most popular fic?
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
🧠 Pick a [toh] character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (It’s gonna be angst-y most likely btw)
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Okay I’m doing this no procrastinating.
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh? Cannot think of any i might be funny here but it doesn’t come naturally in writing
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers? hmm does inserting a twice song into my first Wenclair fic count?
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride? if I ever actually go somewhere with twaf (I’m working on it I swear) we are going places and not coming back folks
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. (Do it) i have good analogies?? I think??
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately? yup! I’m a swiftie bitch and right now I’m listening to cruel summer a lot for a ronance fic that maybe I’ll release someday should the fanfic gods allow. that and silk chiffon by muna has been stuck in my head since I watched do revenge
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic? *grits teeth* they can’t prove it
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write? preferably afternoon 👍
💖 What made you start writing? i do wanna be writer but I didn’t really think I’d write fanfic. But then I tried and despite all the woes I have about it it’s super fun
❌ What's a trope you will never write? I can’t think of any?
🏆 What's your most popular fic? good question. I should probably know this. okay I just checked it’s New Years eve. (A Wenclair fic) which I am slightly salty about bc like all of my popular things I wrote it at midnight slightly unhinged. Still, I like it and I even got some fanart of it (!!!) out of it which was super cool.
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which? *sighs* I’m not cool enough to have readers theorizing abt my work lol. Maybe further into twaf that’s my dream
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants? both! I spout out the randomest shit as I go but if I have a timeline idea I’ll write it down in a separate doc with future scenes I want to use
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started? write multi chapter fics in advance or you’ll regret it
🧠 Pick a [toh] character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. (It’s gonna be angst-y most likely btw) give me a vee headcanon!
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon? oh god. I might actually die if any of them read any of my fics but especially the new years fic idk it’s a little dramatic
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success? well I wouldn’t consider any of my fics successes so… maybe praise. or just a comment. I’m not a popular fanfic author but one day. One day.
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)? id love to say angst but I’m not sure that’s true. maybe action I can’t write fight scenes ;-;
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart? nope.
thanks for the ask dagger sorry this took me so long!
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notasapleasure · 1 year
Fanfic ask meme: I am asking ALL the ones you haven't done yet! YES ALL
ohmygod ok, ok? thanks? Sorry? [fanfic ask meme]
Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind?
My automatic response is yes, I need music ALWAYS or some kind of noise around me.* But I do write a lot on my notes app on my phone which often means I'm not really paying that much attention to the ambient noise. However I will always have some kind of playlist for characters/wips, and often that will involve a specific artist or album that fits the vibe and kind of becomes the default background noise - when I want music that Fits without being distracting the best thing is an album I've listened to to death already. For Only Ever Just One Night it was Jon Boden's Afterglow, which I hadn't listened to for ages, and right now it's a lot of early Elvis Costello and Springsteen. Usually I tend to...match what I want to listen to anyway to the fic and characters, but obviously with the Lymond band AU (@theartistknownaslymond) I worked on playlists first and then listened to them when I needed to capture the right feeling for the characters.
*The one noise I Cannot Work Through is the dog whining. He loves the sound of his own voice and has perfected the 'woe is me pay attention to me' whine that just. Cuts right through thought like the proverbial hot knife through butter.
2. Do you have a trusted beta reader?
For my epic And Then We Danced fic, @erinaceina very generously read and betaed EVERYTHING. For the.... crunchier parts of the band AU I know I can always send stuff to @stripedroseandsketchpads first before posting live. And Kay will even read most SW drafts when I'm mired in self-doubt and loathing! :') (clowned myself by writing one of her squicks into the current wip though, so it's just me and the endless possibilities rn)
But generally We Die Like Men. It's not that I don't want a beta reader for the other fics, it's just I've never bothered going to look for one. Usually I don't write things with enough plot to worry. I don't know how I got through my old Cassian/Jyn longfic on my own tbh, no cheerleader, no beta! Loyal readers were very ready to point out flimsy aspects of the plot :') so having learned from that I would definitely get a beta for a fic like that if I did another (well, the ATWD longfic proves that).
3. First person or third person?
Usually third person, but I've written at least one fic in first person - it seemed to fit 'Cornelius Hickey's' ego.
4. Past tense or present tense?
Usually past tense, but I can't explain why the Andor fic all wanted to be in present tense. That's just how it came to me. Probably something about wanting to not subconsciously be thinking of how it all ends :')
5. How long do your fics tend to be?
Longer than is decent or desirable, generally. I know this is a feature/bug of not really planning stuff and just writing on vibes, I'm mostly at peace with it.
6. Multi-chapter or one-shots?
The one-shots have an unfortunate habit of growing lore/sequels/prequels.
7. Rarepairs? Yea or nay?
Oh very much YEA. I have obviously written for big ships too (I stand by my Jyn/Cassian love), I don't go out of my way to pick the rarepairs, but god they're just so much more fun. Writing for them, reading them, fandoms for them - it's all so much better. The shared headcanons, the emphasis on a couple of really significant scenes, the extrapolation from crumbs...
8. In character or ooc?
....why would I write for a fandom/character only to write it ooc? The best crackfic and satire is good because it's still in character.
9. Tropes - answered elsewhere
10. Omegaverse?
....no. Not even a bit. I was never into spn, and my earliest fandom interactions were before it was invented. Werewolves? Sure. But just reading the words '[character] was in heat' brings me out in hives
11. OTP(s)?
That I've written/intend to write and stand by as OTPs: Reid/Deborah Goren (Ripper Street), Francis/Jerott (Lymond Chronicles), Marthe/Oonagh (Lymond band au nobody dies), Goodsir/Silna (The Terror), Merab/Irakli (And Then We Danced), Cassian/Jyn, Baze/Chirrut (Rogue One), Cassian/Brasso (Andor), Lee from Utopia/physical pain, his own or others' (Utopia)
That I haven't written for but (would) love to read: Trevor/Alucard(/Sypha) (Castlevania TV series), Captain/Havers (BBC Ghosts), Éowyn/Faramir (LotR), Assane/Benjamin (Lupin). Probably any combination of Wedge/Tycho/Hobbie/Janson (X-Wing series). Luke/Bodhi (Star Wars). That random IRA guy/Matthew MacFadyen's character in Spooks - yes fic exists, yes I've read it.
12. Notps
I'm....really resistant to post-S1 Bix/Cassian and Bix/Brasso. Partly it feels like enforced heterosexuality. Partly I want her comfort and healing to come from community and her own working through it rather than a single magical external healer? Partly I want to know more about her and Timm still (Bix finding the most pathetic little man but genuinely seeming to care for him). Partly I'm petty.
I don't care for big unbalanced power dynamic ships or saviour/damnation type deals like R+ylo. Jyn/Krennic is such a huge NOPE. Reid/Cobden (this is mainly spite ok), Reid/Mimi. Crozier/Silna (lol book version what book version?). Ed/Calico Jack (it's my inner, petty Stede. Also I can't look at Will Arnett, I'm allergic).
It's canon, but Jerott/Marthe can still be a notp. The less I have to think about Anakin/Padmé the better, frankly.
13. Fluff or smut or both?
Oh smut, definitely. But smut that veers unpredictably from fluff to feels to fucked up and back to feels, ideally.
14. Answered elsewhere - I love angst!
15. How do you come up with fic ideas?
I'm pursued by a scene or character or concept until it gets written down, I guess. Sometimes spitballing ideas with people helps, or just gazing lovingly at the same gifsets time and again.
16. Are you a planner or do you just write by the seat of your pants?
Pantsing. Sometimes when I'm already in too deep I'll sullenly plot out a few bullet points, but by and large I just try to dissociate until words happen.
17. Do you title you chapters?
Oh hell no, titling the fic is hard enough
18. Overused words or phrases that just make your eyes twitch?
I probably don't read enough fic to have a list of these. I try not to be a Britpicker, but I like to read fic that's been properly researched, where the setting and language has been considered so obvious oversights around the setting can be off-putting.
19. What's something that you struggle with as a writer?
Oh, the big picture, passage of time type stuff connected with a solid plot and plan. I zoom right in on scenes and mannerisms and expend thousands of words on not very much happening, and then I read a fic that is so succinct and well conceived and covers several years in a character's life and leaves no wiggle room at all but is like. 3-5,000 words? And I just die a bit because how do you do that?? But I'm trying to be happy with what I write anyway - it's a different approach and it suits the way I'm able to find time for writing these days.
20. Any writing advice?
Leave your shame behind and just write what you want, how you want! Tag well and post it because you enjoyed creating it and maybe someone else will enjoy reading it! Also don't be afraid of restarting a draft from scratch, but don't delete anything you've written - keep those files. And probably just...go for a walk or a shower or whatever and have a think away from the draft for a bit, things will often be clearer with some distance.
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Red velvet fabric adorned the walls of the Hollywood Theatre, a venue tucked away on a trendy Kitsilano street. Icy blue neon lit up the wall behind the bar, and strips of golden lighting guided concertgoers down towards the stage. The atmosphere was intimate, comfortable, and visually appetizing.
It felt like a perfect fit for the beautiful and elaborate musical stylings of Purity Ring – an electro-pop duo comprised of vocalist Megan James and producer/multi-instrumentalist Corin Roddick, hailing from Edmonton, Alberta.
Purity Ring holds a special place in my heart. When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit, the group released Womb, an album that granted me peace of mind amidst the chaos. From cover art to lyrics, beats and melodies, everything is so ethereal and gorgeously synced together.
The show kicked off with opening act EKKSTACY, who delivered passionate and captivating indie punk-rock. Joined by piercing electric guitar and intense drums, EKKSTACY’s setlist included the dimly upbeat “it only gets worse, i promise,” the dominating and dark “I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING,” and the intensely disinterested “f*ck everything!”
EKKSTACY moved with devotion and purpose, often clinging onto the mic stand like his life depended on it. His vocal tone was magnetic, strong, and crisp, while still maintaining a textured indie flair. Red stage lighting painted a bold contrast with the band’s all-black attire.
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“I’m actually from here,” said EKKSTACY, a little bit shyly. “I was born in Surrey.”
“You escaped!” yelled someone from the crowd. It was clear that EKKSTACY’s hometown had been sleeping on massive talent.
Purity Ring began their setlist with “pink lightning,” a song swirling in dainty electric sparkles and waves of deep bass. James entered the stage wearing a large, hooded jacket and Roddick produced behind on what looked like a chunky organ.
“Warm water rises / It still feels like I can’t stop crying / Hold me inside it / It still feels like a storm not dying.”
Next up was “soshy,” a track off the duo’s newly released album graves. Cute industrial sounds accompanied James’ elegantly processed vocals. Green abstract projections danced in the background, as golden spurts of lighting lit up Roddick’s instrument. The sound quality was exquisite.
Purity Ring played through a mix of songs from different albums, including the snappy and heavy “Obedear,” along with the slower and cinematic “i like the devil.” They also played “push pull,” “repetition,” and “Lofticries.” Each song was an enchantment that put the crowd in a trance.
“Green, green thunder / And the loud, loud rain / Lead our woes asunder / ‘Neath the proud, proud veins”
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James danced lightly and gracefully, almost skating all over the stage. Her hair cascaded in the wind as colourful lighting assortments rotated, and firefly-like projections flickered in the dark. A wardrobe change during the concert had James standing on a tall chair in an extremely long dress, creating a sharp silhouette.
The musicians wore masks the entire performance and thanked those who wore them at the event, advocating for keeping each other safe.
Purity Ring’s last songs included the otherworldly pop number “bodyache,” the light-hearted “Fineshrine,” and the strikingly inspirational “graves.” Coming full circle, Purity Ring ended their performance off with “begin again.” Heavy dramatic bass contrasted with James’ gentle vocals, as the crowd joined in on the chorus.
“You’ll be the moon / I’ll be the earth / And when we burst / Start over, oh darling / Begin again”
Purity Ring’s concert was a sight for sweet eyes. It was a marvelous, magical spectacle that nurtured ears, eyes, and soul.
Written by: Jenna Keeble Photographed by: Moe Yang
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wesper-ao3feed · 3 months
oh dear ghezen
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3xOeucQ by daydreams_from_the_void in which the crows are now in a modern high school band. things like: Wylan Van Eck Being a First Chair Flute! Jesper Fahey's Sequences of Fails on Different Instruments: Part 4 Rental Trombones for the Low Price of 1000 a month! Kaz Brekker and His Teacher on Leather Gloves! Kaz Brekker and the Continuing Woes of his Breaking Knee Brace. Inej Ghafa being a Parent™! Nina Zenik Not Participating and then Killing It on the Clarinet at Concerts! Matthias Helvar on the Tuba! Ketterdam High School's Plaid Marching Band uniform, courtesy of Jesper! Group Chat Chaos™ Kissing in an Instrument Storage Closet! Everyone Hates Percussion! Nina Zenik Drawing Insanely Good Drawings During Class! Nina and Matthias are Musical Rivals! and more!!! Words: 1139, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Multi Characters: Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck, Inej Ghafa, Matthias Helvar, Nina Zenik, The Crows, but they're a band - Character, and it's nuts, in which there is:, missing music sheets, a fencing match with a clarinet and a flute, the teacher ranting about kaz's gloves, and other stuff - Character Relationships: Kaz Brekker & Jesper Fahey, Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck, Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik, Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3xOeucQ
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paiganzero · 3 months
Trust Me Now -- Infinite AI Zoom Video -- "Trust Me Now" by Stephen Sink featuring AI Musicians from Stephen Sink on Vimeo.
Video: 4K video in an Infinite Zoom, created with Stable Diffusion. Alternating between two futuristic and psychedelic landscapes in time to the music (at 100 beats per minute).
Music: Funk Soul Pop Rock, featuring all AI Algorithms and multi-instrumentalist me not playing a single instrument, although heavily involved in the writing, chopping, combining, tweaking, mixing, and mutating what the AI gang produced for me on the whole range of rock band instruments: drums, electric and acoustic piano, bass, 9-10 tracks of guitars both acoustic and electric and a full set of two wah-wah guitarists (one playing melody single notes and the other playing chords). Then I added 4-part backing vocals in harmony to the song chords (featuring the voices of Solaria (8va), Natalie (5th up), Kevin (thirds up) and Ritchy (bass and chord root notes). Then I had Hayden in lead singing the main melodies. All of the vocals were written and programmed by me, but sung by algorithms, who sing what they’re told to and how, just like any other human singers. Garbage in = garbage out, for the vocals, and they sound as good as the singer/algorithm can sing, depending on what I make them sing.
“Trust Me Now” by Stephen Sink (1st verse sung with piano only once, and then full band) Perfect times rarely get noticed Times go so fast, times blow right past Times might not last long
Prechorus Friends are all we have to share this world’s Pain and joy and love for people Family, friends, and pets, neighbors, Making the world better for all of us
Chorus You should trust me now (whoa oh) Two could just be how (oh no) Why would there be doubt (woe oh) We could rock it out (let’s go)
Perfect lives barely get noticed Life goes so fast, life blows right past Life might not last long
Perfect things fairly get noticed Things go so fast, things blow right past Things might not last long
Prechorus Chorus Guitar Solo
Prechorus Chorus
Perfect lives barely get noticed Life goes so fast, life blows right past Life might not last long
Perfect lives, you should trust me now
0 notes
caemthe · 10 months
11, 16, 22!
munday meme
11. Would you write with duplicate characters? How do you think your muse would react?
The majority of my muses technically are 'original' characters (original as in they're my take on a character from an old tale or myth but don't exist in modern media) so the probability of coming across a duplicate is next to none and even then chances are they would have a completely different take on the same character and even fc so I don't think it's possible for them to have duplicates. (oh the woes of being into very specific and not popular media)
As for the canon ones, I would love to! <- It's what I want to say but past experiences taught me that how good or bad this can go depends entirely on your rp partner because having someone compare your muses and then spiral into self-deprecating when all you wanna do is write™ is not cute to witness. That aside, I think all my muses (except Knives) would be thrilled to meet another them and go cause trouble together.
16. Favourite trope?
Your typical going on adventures together in a fantasy setting (aka found family with fantasy elements specifically) and solving crimes together that result in witnessing paranormal activity. As for character tropes, my favorite gotta be the chosen one™, shooting star/hero dies young, and the character goes down their corruption arc because of the loss of a loved one.
22. Short, medium, or long threads?
I like to do this very fun thing where I start with crack-like, short replies that then get longer and transform into multi-paragraph threads and I'm so emotionally invested it's not even funny anymore. Besides that, I think I alternate between medium and longer threads. I tell myself that I should limit my writing to a normal amount but every time I am betrayed by my own muses and their 100 thoughts.
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racingliners · 1 year
F1 Re-Watch 2013: Round 1 - Australia
Well, given how the past few days have gone, I thought I’d have to sideline my next full-season re-watch, but for the moment here we are!
Long story short, I had way more fun than I expected watching the 2022 season back. So I decided I wanted to watch another season in full (only one with much more personal enjoyment value) so I put up a poll and 2013 won. 
Which is very fitting, as 2013 was the year I got back into watching F1, but a little more story time on that when we get to Spain and Canada.
While I watched all of the races from the second half of the season, I think I only watched 3 or 4 races from the first half in full. So a lot of these races I will have never seen before, including Aus (the irony of calling this a re-watch is not lost on me). So much rambling aside, let’s jump on in!
I forgot to add that the first three races will be out of sequence as I watched Malaysia in honour of Multi-21 day back in March
ugh the old F1 intro. Such a core memory, I miss her
fun fact I still try to make the final ‘neow’ sound in time with the intro because autism brain
“Will it be Sebastian Vettel with his fourth [title] in a row?” Yes Crofty. Yes it will.
oh it was cloudy in Melbourne on race day with a slim chance of rain. damn.
Now for the re-watch we’re still going to have starting grid whiplash but instead of “what do you mean X is starting in 12th?!” it’s going to be “Oh my god remember when Adrian Sutil was team mates with Paul di Resta?!”
(I realise this now makes me somewhat of an elder in the fandom and... well it’s too late in the evening my time to be mulling over shit like that)
anyway remember when Jenson was still driving?! 😭😭😭
this was also Lewis’ first race with Mercedes which knowing what we know now about all the success they’ve had makes me so incredibly emo
ANYWAY: Starting grid. and back in my day they started with the front row and went backwards.
RBR 1-2, Lewis P3. Jenson P10. (how tf does Raikkonen win this from P7?????)
ah, the man, the myth, the icon. Pastor Maldonado lines up in 17th
ahhhh cut to Lewis and the Merc crew, you can just about see Bono as well. To think this was just one year before the regs change and the beginning of Merc’s domination of the hybrid era and them becoming utter legends. WILD.
[Formation Lap]: Sorry I ramble a lot when I’m excited but ANYWAY the cars are moving now.
also rip Hulkenberg, his car went poof going to the grid so he didn’t make the start.
Bono and Simon Rennie reporting a chance of rain which... idk if I need that at twenty to eleven at night. (also WOW the quality of radio we have on the TV feed now is so good compared to ten years ago)
the whiplash of seeing Stefano Domenicali in the Ferrari garage as TP. Same ringleader different circus.
[Start/Lap 1]: and away we goooooooo
Seb with a good start, Massa with an even better start and just mugged Webber off the line. Alonso also went from P5 to P3, so Lewis is down a spot
damn Webber went from 2nd to 7th. ouch.
Lewis v Raikkonen for P4.
[Lap 2]: Rosberg watching behind with popcorn
Jenson in 9th... 2013 was the start of McLaren’s current woes and it was a painful year as a Jenson fan 
meanwhile, Raikkonen passes Lewis for P4. the Lotus is zoomy.
[Lap 3]: Man it does feel so strange seeing all the old team names (for any newbies, a lot of the teams on the grid now were teams from the 2013 grid rebranded. That’s why Alpine sometimes get called Team Enstone and Aston Martin Team Silverstone bc they got rebranded so much but the personnel mostly stayed the same).
but anyway a clean first few laps, on the first race of a new season, with a tiny bit of racing???? besties we did not know how good we had it.
Seb just zooming off into the distance. He didn’t win in Aus, but still the story of 2013.
“How long will these super soft tyres last?” it’s been ten years, and yet we still hate on Pirelli. oh my.
[Lap 4]: heh. remember when Perez was a McLaren driver that one time?? (spoiler alert it didn’t end well)
Not Fernando nearly crashing into Lewis at the start bc they were both trying to avoid a very slow Mark. FELLAS.
and Jenson is the first car to stop, supers for mediums.
[Lap 5]: ahem TEEEEEED!!!!!
oh wow he thinks the go-to strategy for the race is a 3 stop. a 3 stop.
It’s been 84 years.
One stop races used to be impressive bc of making the tyres last. but now they’re the norm and quite boring.
[Lap 6]: anyway replays of Dan racing van der Garde (Caterham). Midfield spice!!!
[Lap 7]: The Ferrari’s are both catching Seb. Seb’s tyres are also looking very unhealthy.
and in he pits for his first stop.
[Lap 8]: Massa is still ahead of Alonso. my eye is twitching.
nvm Massa pits to give Fernando the lead.
That’s what, three race leaders in 8 laps???
[Lap 9]: oooh Seb jumped Massa at his first stop. nice.
“Have Ferrari made a mistake with not covering Sebastian Vettel?” ...have Ferrari EVER had a functioning strategy department????
oh wow Raikkonen chasing down Alonso... it really is the 2010s. They even follow each other into the pits.
and they maintain their positions coming out of the pits, just further down the grid.
[Lap 10]: Lewis in the lead!!! (I know, he still needs to stop)
[Lap 11]: Merc 1-2. to think in 2013 that was a rarity 🤣
“Weather wise there are pretty dark clouds coming towards us” I’m in danger
[Lap 12]: Helmet watch: Seb has a super pretty cobalt blue design which I love.
[Lap 13]: “Raikkonen the fastest man on track at the moment” F1 2010s intensifies
Meanwhile the Mercs are still yet to stop while everyone else’s tyres have crumbled
ayyyy Merc engineers and Bono sighting.
[Lap 14]: and Lewis finally pits for mediums
ah yes, 2013 aka try to tell the Merc driver apart by their different shades of yellow helmet. (Nico’s was a brighter yellow, Lewis’ a more sunflower yellow, fyi)
[Lap 15]: And Rosberg pits, giving the lead of the race to... Adrian Sutil. Breathe it in folks.
“evidence there of McLaren’s lack of pace” for comparison, Jenson and McLaren won in Australia the year prior. They were very average for the two seasons before the dreaded Honda years.
[Lap 16]: Anyway I’m just trying to soak up a Force India leading the race. Go get it Team Silverstone.
The main reason why he’s still leading is because he started on the mediums as he qualified outside the top ten (2013 was also way back when you had to start on the tyre you set your Q3 lap on if you were in the top 10)
[Lap 17]: Ticking off my “wow it’s strange seeing Fernando in a Ferrari” comment
[Lap 19]: Obligatory livery watch comment: I miss it when the RBR livery was a glossy metallic sheeny blue 😭
[Lap 20]: Adrian Sutil is still in the lead
the remaining top ten is Seb, Massa, Alonso, Raikkonen, Lewis, Rosberg, Jenson, di Resta and Vergne
ah. so they think that Sutil holding up the front runners helps Merc in trying to pull off a two stop.
[Lap 21]: Alonso makes his second stop, onto another set of mediums
(this was also way back when we had just two dry compounds of tyre per race instead of the three we have now)
[Lap 22]: Sutil finally makes his first stop, and Seb makes his second.
And Sutil stays ahead of Seb, and they come out behind the Ferraris.
Fun fact, Bradley Joyce of ‘BRAAAAAAAD’ fame, who is now head engineer at Aston, was Sutil’s race engineer.
ROB SMEDLEY!!! Oh I really am showing my age.
[Lap 23]: Looks like Ferrari are trying the two-stop with Massa.
Woot, Seb passes Sutil for P6!
Just to hammer home how bad a race Webber is having, he just passed Perez for 10th.
[Lap 24]: Ah, Ferrari pitted Massa. so much for the two stop.
and this is how Raikkonen gets the lead from starting P7.
[Lap 25]: Oh god. Seb closing up to Fernando.
and cut to “Rain Expected” on the Force India pit wall. I was having a great time and now I’m being ATTACKED.
Ah, Maldonado is beached in the gravel at turn 1. No VSC as that didn’t exist yet, so just waved yellows
[Lap 27]: Rosberg pulls off to the side of the track, Merc went poof
cut to a perplexed Ross Brawn and even more perplexed Merc engineers
[Lap 28]: also also the sky looks DARK 😶
and now the weather, with Simon Rennie
(potential light drops of rain at turn 13)
[Lap 29]: There’s raindrops on Massa’s t-cam
*distressed yelling*
it is indeed, ever so slightly raining. OH BOY.
[Lap 30]: I didn’t even realise that Lewis was in P2 with all the pitstop shuffles. but Alonso is very quickly catching him.
[Lap 31]: and they’re now properly battling. 2010s F1 intensifies.
but oh it’s good to watch though.
oh my god Lewis locked up braking for the corner but still stayed ahead. KING SHIT.
I mean Also did get past in the very next corner. But still, iconique.
[Lap 32]: and he comes in at the end of the lap for another stop which I’ve very much lost count at this point.
[Lap 33]: Both Force Indias are in the top 10???? Team Silverstone intensifies
In weather news I think it’s stopped raining?? so nowhere near enough rain for anyone to think about inters.
[Lap 34]: Ah, Lotus have remembered to pit Raikkonen. I want to say that’s his second stop but I’ve truly no idea at this point.
[Lap 35]: “My tyres are not going to last 23 laps at this rate” Gonna call that the og ‘Bono my tyres are gone’ for the memes.
[Lap 37]: In what I’m now calling Sutil watch: He’s in P3. P3!!!!
we’re way past midfield spice and in full on midfield elation territory.
[Lap 38]: Seb makes his final pit stop. Another set of mediums, and he’s behind Lewis in 5th
“It [Red Bull’s race] could all change when we get to Malaysia next week” nervous laughter
[Lap 39]: So, Alonso in the lead, Sutil P2, Raikkonen P3. Not the top 3 I expected to by typing out. I’m pretty sure that Force India finish off the podium but yeah, still very wild.
[Lap 40]: And Alonso makes his final stop, he comes out behind Raikkonen.
and Seb passes Lewis for P4.
Sutil still has to stop bc he needs to run the super softs.
Massa racing Lewis and it lasted all of two seconds bc of Lewis’ 2-stop strategy.
[Lap 41]: And Dan DNFs with a mechanical fault. He has the worst luck at Albert Park I swear
[Lap 42]: Webber chasing down Di Resta for 8th.
Ooooh and a nice move under braking going into turn 9
[Lap 43]: and Lewis switches over to a 3 stop. He comes out in 6th.
And Raikkonen takes the lead off Sutil, while Alonso is chasing both of them down nearly hand over fist.
[Lap 45]: “Miserable place that is” Ted not rating RBR very highly on his tour of the garages sfhauefh
oh not Sutil getting shown a blue flag when Alonso is racing him for position 😭😭😭😭
[Lap 46]: nvm Alonso passed him anyway, but still, the disrespect
FIA you can and will meet my fists 
[Lap 47]: And Sutil finally pits for the super soft tyres. That was genuinely such a good drive, we love the midfield winning
I’m not going to comment on Crofty’s “papal conclave” stats dive because otherwise I will cry laughing and it’s twenty to one in the morning.
[Lap 48]: them cutting to Martin Whitmarsh on the pitwall when McLaren are 9th and 12th, I would simply pretend there was a bad connection because OUCH
[Lap 49]: Anyway, Alonso is 7.8 seconds behind Raikkonen
And Lewis is catching is old buddy Sutil, 1.6 second gap
oh god MORE RAIN
This race really has had almost everything. whew.
the Aus GP, 100% that bitch.
oh not Brundle detailing the fallout of Lewis’ and Sutil’s friendship live on air WHAT
[Lap 51]: ANYWAY, Lewis is within DRS range, and Webber is pretty close behind them both.
oof Lewis just stormed past. And Webber gets by a few corners later.
and cut to Sutil’s tyres that already look awful wear wise
I’m shaking my fist at the sky and insulting Pirelli
[Lap 53]: Raikkonen still with a solid 7 second lead over Alonso.
[Lap 54]: 5 laps remaining klaxon
[Lap 55]: gap between Raikkonen and Alonso down to 6 seconds.
and replay of Fernando nearly spearing into a Caterham 😶
[Lap 58]: Final lap! And thanks to Brundle I just realised there hasn’t been a safety car at all this race, which for Melbourne is wild.
[Finish]: And Raikkonen wins! Alonso P2, Seb P3.
Massa, Lewis, Webber, Sutil, di Resta, Jenson and Romain Grosjean round out the Top 10.
Well! That was certainly more eventful than I expected, mainly due to trying and failing to keep track of all the pitstops. But we did get some nice splashes of racing, especially in the midfield. And more than expected whiplash of “OH!!! It’s that person!!!”. I will hopefully get used to the 2013 grid again after a few races 😅
But overall, a pretty decent race. As mentioned at the start of the post, I’ve already watched Malaysia, so the next race will be China, and then we’ll be in sync with the 2013 calendar!
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luluh2o · 1 year
Here's my first attempt posting a ff! Hope u enjoy the 1st chapter! No warnings or anything, its for everyone to read. (BTW Ch 1 was too long so it'll be in 2 pts!)
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Chapter One : Heavy Is the Head That Wears the Woe (Pt 1)
As the last snowflake slowly fell from the cloudy skies above, dropping below on to a black tar road where it melted into nothing but a lukewarm puddle of water; a black 1950 Cadillac Hearse was driving down a long winding road to seemingly nowhere. A large man was hunched over the steering wheel, staring out on to the road with a dead pan look. Meanwhile in the back of the vehicle sat a solemn faced teenage girl with long, black-haired braids trailing past her chest and swaying back and forth with each bump the vehicle drove over purposely.
“Lurch?” The girl had spoken in a melancholy tone.
The man Lurch grunted in response.
“Do you happen to know the reason why mother and father are not chaperoning me this semester back to Nevermore Academy?” She asks, demandingly. “I would have thought they’d be proud of my accomplishments last semester.”
Lurch responded with a few noises.
“How disappointing.”
Suddenly, the vehicle came upon two tall iron gates with the words “NEVERMORE” across the bars. The girl and her driver had not considered stopping to wait and see if the gates would in deed open for them or not, and continued to drive through. Luckily the gates had already started to slowly open for their arrival, and allowed the vehicle to enter through the wide entrance on to the grounds of Nevermore Academy.
“Look! Wednesday’s here!” A perky girl replies, smiling up to her boyfriend.
When the girl with twin braids known as Wednesday stepped out of her family’s car, she could feel the looks of all the students gazing at her. Normally, she would relish in their terrified or upset looks with a smirk, but she had already expected her return to Nevermore would be much different than her first. The other girl with short multi-colored dyed blonde hair happily skipped over to the somber teenager, and tries to greet her with a warm hug. Wednesday quickly flinched at her attempt, but the girl didn’t seem disappointed in the slightest at her rejection and only returned a bigger smile than the one that she had previously worn at first sight of her.
“Enid,” Wednesday spoke, reminding her, “we’ve talked about this.”
“Right. Sorry!” Enid Sinclair apologized. “My bad!”
As Wednesday checked to make sure Lurch was doing his job as a butler, delivering her luggage back up to her and Enid’s dormitory in Ophelia Hall, the two girls walk side by side together into the school’s entrance which would eventually lead to the Quad. A place where most of Wednesday’s classmates would hang out and talk, or as Wednesday would know as the place where one could waste the most absolute time by doing nothing but jabber.
“So, how was your holiday?”
“Uneventful. How about yours?”
“Mine was great! My whole pack is happy I’ve finally wolfed out!”
“Really? I thought you didn’t care about that.”
“Oh, well, it’s not that I don’t care. It’s just… I’m so use to not wolfing out, and when I did it felt incredible, but now all this attention is on me all of a sudden! More of the Furs want me to hang out with them, and Mom doesn’t quite understand why I don’t want to, but that doesn’t surprise me since our relationship has always been complicated.”
“Hm. My parents have yet to decide whether or not my involvement with Jericho’s murders and discovery of a Hyde is worth their time. They haven’t mentioned once whether or not they are proud of me, acting as if nothing has changed, and it’s… infuriating.”
“Maybe they’re planning on surprising you with something!”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Enid! There you are!” A wide-eyed boy whose head was completely covered by a beanie shouted out, and walks over to take Enid’s hand in his.
“Ajax! There you are, babe.”
The two of them gave each other a kiss on the lips.
“I’m going to throw up if you both don’t stop the public display of affection.”
“Sorry, Wednesday! I can’t help it.”
“We should go anyway, Enid. I don’t wanna miss checking out the new headmaster.”
“…or headmistress!”
“Yeah, sure. Whatever! Now come on!”
“Wait a sec, Ajax! Wednesday, do you wanna come along?”
Wednesday was going to explain to Enid and Ajax why her interests do not align with the school’s new headmaster or headmistress, but unfortunately she found her own curiosity to take a tight grasp over her other thoughts and feelings instead.
“Wednesday? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine. I wasn’t planning on concerning myself with trivial distractions.”
Enid’s wide grin caused Wednesday to blink in disgust.
“…but if you stop smiling at me like that then perhaps I will go with you.”
“Okay! It’s a deal!”
Enid immediately wraps her arm around Ajax’s, and with Wednesday following them close behind into the Quad. She watched as their bodies were stuck close together, displaying their romantic interest in one another for everyone to see which caused Wednesday to throw up in her mouth. The taste of bile and stomach acid burning the back of her throat which she would normally find more enjoyable than watching after two lovestruck idiots.
“I thought I told you to stop that.”
“What?” Enid asks, clearly not listening.
She and Ajax were sitting in front of the fountain ogling at each other.
“Wednesday Addams.” A familiar voice interrupted.
There's pt 1 of ch 1! I'll be posting the next pt immediately after the first so there's no wait. Other chs will be coming along as soon as I get to writing & editing them! Thanks a bunch and hope u enjoy :)
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