#oh yeah go follow my Instagram btw
achillestheartist · 1 month
MerMay Day 3
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Today’s MerMay prompt features Rae’s husband, Jack. Also a doodle of a reverse mermaid dragon because I felt like it.
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ynbabe · 1 month
LOGAN FIC REQ!! (i love your messages au smmm btw THEYRE SO GOOD AHH) ok anywayssss
can you pls do logan x super super famous!reader.(preferably an actress but i don't mind any) so both of them are dating but are trying to keep it a secret since they've only been dating for a short amount of time. one night they decide to go on a date but paparazzi was there and it was going VIRAL. reader regrets not double checking if there would be any paps. sooo then everyone starts investigating on logan as the internet does and since everyone doesn't watch f1, they only see logan crashing and blah blah blah so they see him as a "bad driver" and he starts getting A LOT of hate because people think reader deserves better. they also start comparing him to reader's "more better and famous ex". reader and logan take time off social media and people think they broke up until reader releases an instagram post defending him and yeah a lot of fluff and hurt/comfort.
idk if this made sense but pls feel free to change anything!! again i love your work sm 💕‼️
Hiiii, omg thank you so much! Love love LOVE the fic idea and without any further ado- here's the fic, it isn't exactly as the prompt but I hope you love it-
Keep my wife's name OUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH ୨୧ Logan Sargeant x famous! reader
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As a celebrity, you don’t often have the privilege of privacy. The cameras seemed to follow you everywhere, from outside your house to the restaurants you ate at and even to private celebrations with your friends and family.
Your last relationship had gone south exactly because of the paparazzi, making assumptions about the seriousness of your relationship and even spreading pregnancy and marriage rumours, scaring the man away.
You had wanted to take it slow, heart broken from your previous relationship but then you met Logan and for the first time in a long time you felt like you could breath, like you could do what you wanted without being judged.
You knew who he was and he knew who you were and that was perfect.
The both of you had spent a perfect week in your villa in Bali, it had been risky but no one caught on, surprisingly.
You thought your luck would continue and you threw causation to the wind, not asking your assistant to check for paparazzi at the sushi restaurant you were going to in Shanghai.
Unfortunately, you were caught just as you were leaving the restaurants waking up to a host of notifications, some good and some gut-wrenching.
Logan on the other hand tried not to throw up, his eyes wide, you could tell he was scared. Would his team drop him? No, no. Why would they? Right? Oh God.
"Logan, Logs, baby are you okay?" You called out, dropping to your knees and cradling his face in your palms.
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f1waglife Y/n nation how are we feeling tonight? Logang? How are we? This was definitely not the couple we expected but is this the couple we deserve?
Username Y/n come home the kids miss you
Username Omg mans is in love
Username Get someone to look at you the way Logan looks at Y/n
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You saw some of the comments and while some made you smile, some made you want to slap a bitch, unfortunately, a scandal would not help, so you called up your PR manager, and the post was gone within a minute.
Logan's race had gone sour, with him getting an unfair penalty and points on his licence. The already poor start to your day had turned even worse when you saw Logan tiredly storm into the room collapsing on the bed, burying his face in his pillow.
"What... the..... fuck?" He screamed into the pillow making you smile a little. The small habit he'd picked up from you, screaming into the pillows as a way to think, one that you had picked up from one of the characters you played a long time ago.
"Why do people even care about who's dating who? That's so stupid." He rolled his eyes.
"Don't we binge Keeping Up with the Kardashians every Monday?" You asked.
"That's not the same though-" He paused and switched his phone off, he already didn't have access to his own Instagram, having given access to his manager a long time ago, he now didn't even want to talk to his friends or colleagues many of whom just wanted an autograph from you along with an explanation how he could be with you.
He turned around, pulling the blanket on him, tired from the day.
You pulled up Twitter as a habit but were greeted with a terrible chain of tweets judging every aspect of your relationship and even worse criticizing Logan without even knowing anything about the sport.
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"What the fuck-" You cursed out loud, you knew your fanbase was slightly (an underestimation) larger than your boyfriends but how could they call themselves your fans, when you have been a fan of Logan's since his first season in f1? All your co-stars American or not knew your borderline obsession for the man, every race week you'd be posting Williams on your story, how could they still hate on him?
You looked next to you, where your boyfriend was sleeping a small scowl on his pretty face.
PR be damned, he didn't deserve this.
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y/nl/nofficial To anyone who calls themselves my fans and talks shit about my lovely boyfriend, UNFOLLOW ME ASAP. Logan is the kindest, sweetest, most talented man I've had the pleasure to know and he deserves better than the bullshit he gets from some assholes who don't know anything about him. To quote my friend Will: KEEP MY WIFES NAME OUT YOUR DAMN MOUTHS-
username oop sis snapped
username you tell em girl
username LOVE a gf whos rabidly in love with her bf
username now why would y'all try and shame Mother's boyfriend when all she does is post about him for race weekends??
username fr shes been a logan fan before logan fans have been logan fans
Williams We stan a protective gf 😮‍💨
username admin you'll always be famous y/nl/nofficial Cant help it he looks really pretty in blue 🥰 username oh she in love love
username shall we start calling him Father?
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The way I was struggling to write this fic cause I had to write bad things about Pookie Bear Logie is insane. But- I hope yall like it, please do let me know in the comments or reblogs!!!
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sgiandubh · 9 months
It's all fake, anyway
Oh, my. The last two or three video snippets in Marina del Rey. The revolt. The pearl-clutching. The hate.
Again, you know nothing, Jon Snow. It's all about the medium being the message, again: carefully calibrated snippets of information, destined to a captive, deeply divided and (how can I put that without sounding offending, I wonder) unexperimented (yes, that's decent enough) audience.
During the last 24 hours, we've got the Marina del Rey gin promo & MPC teambuilding (hardly an orgy, btw) and C's MUA (or is it hairdresser? irrelevant) hinting on Instagram about a photoshoot at a gin distillery in a #beautifullocation, somewhere on Earth, presumably in Scotland - given her last IG follow. No further details, of course. Very probably a (late-) latergram, too, when she finally got the green light to publish it. Implying nothing, but leaving a boulevard bandwidth for people to infer whatever suits their own narrative. Expect FMN news soon? I highly doubt that and stand corrected: the last photoshoot (with McSideburns, in London) was on May 3rd, when she needed to somehow show the world the Two of Them were continents apart. Identical modus operandi. And always, always via tertiary players.
As for the Marina del Rey teambuilding, if you think that is 'S living his life' you are: a) living in a remote mountain/island area or under a rock; b) an impenitent Mordorian with an agenda to boot or c) incredibly incompetent with the way of the world (or at least, that world). Allow me to translate?
It is alcohol promo, duckies, disguised as teambuilding. The intended message is aimed at a younger, non-OL related audience (as I already warned you) and it roughly goes like this:
'we are a fun loving, no nonsense, start-up business in the spirits industry. Because we don't have a huge advertising budget, we're testing the waters with a cheap, reality-TV snippet to better evaluate the number of social media clicks and new followers and help gauge & calibrate the next step'.
Was it poorly executed? Yeah, you could say that, but then what to do, in a very restrictive, highly regulated tobacco & spirits advertising market, hum? Is it my cup of tea? I don't drink, therefore this type of message touches one ball without really moving the other.
Yes. Start-up business: if we take into account the COVID logistic delay, I believe we're still in that three-years frame. And this detail is essential in order to put context around a very forgettable snippet. Selling a brand-new, more democratic product. Selling it clumsily, in an effort to build relevance, because even bad advertising is, ultimately, good advertising. But make no mistake: it's nothing more than that and it is all they can do, in the current context.
This brings to mind another aspect of the charade, namely the fact that after the Remarkable Week-end (and with the exception of some carefully scripted 'slips'), released and available information progressively became (at least) two-tiered.
First tier: information carefully calibrated for immediate release and general consumption, primarily but not exclusively by the fandom. This includes: spirits shilling, innuendos galore, look-here-not-there latergrams. It also entails less direct interaction with the fans on socials and delegating the media management to secondary players (often called to the rescue, too).
Second tier: public information with a limited availability (you have to take the plunge and pay), for sleuths able and willing to go the extra mile. They paint a very different landscape. And draw two copycat timelines of people who are investing, buying and selling property and overall branching out of their primary source of income with a plan.
I am not a photo sleuth. But with a little bit of time on my hands, I am a decent paperwork analyst. Accounting is not my forte, but legal and business is. I saw what I needed to see and it holds.
So before you start screeching (bad idea, right?), remember this (credit given to @dillon7fan, thanks):
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Not really: it is doctored make believe. Bless your heart, honest guy.
Next stop, Tehran. Yes, you read that correctly.
This evening or tomorrow, at the latest. Because context is everything and this fandom severely fails at this.
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desireesfics · 5 months
pairing: rockstar!Ellie x drum player!reader
summary: You and Ellie have been in a band for as long as you can remember, you two were close with the other members but nothing like you and Ellie. A couple hours later after your last performance of the tour, Ellie decides she has to confess something to you.
warnings: fingering, make out sesh I guessss?, pet names, tit play, I think that’s all? 🤑
a/n: sorry I haven’t written anything in awhile, hope you enjoy this! 💞 — I’ve been very busy with Christmas holidays I’m so sorry! This is rushed btw my bad ☹️
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Your heart was pumping as the lights flickered on, there were a lot more people at your bands concert than you expected. Tonight, the air felt different something inside it made you weary and calm. You had remembered what Ellie had taught you, breathe in — hold for 5 seconds — then breathe out and repeat.
You held your eyes closed for a bit until you felt loud thumps crash onto the floor and loud cheering from the overly excited crowd, it was Ellie, prettier than ever. Only her presence could calm your rapid heartbeat.
As soon as she started humming that was your hands cue to start. The way Ellie was singing was magical and that seemed to be all you could focus on, she was living her best life out on stage and you were there, just admiring how much more perfect could she get?
Your band’s performance that night was more than perfect. As you were walking back stage, with sweat dripping down your forehead you felt long and cold fingers snake around your wrist. You felt warmth rising to your cheeks.
“Hey y/n, you okay? I saw you were a bit uneasy tonight?” She was looking at you? You couldn’t speak, all you could focus on was her veiny hands and fuck, her goddamn raspy voice goddd.”y/nnn?” She snapped her fingers in your face twice, breaking you out of your trance.
“Oh yeah, haha sorry just sad it’s our last performance from this tour, it’s been fun.” She felt a warm smile creeping up on her cheeks, leaping onto you for a hug. “Where still gonna see eachother right?” You sniffled and she chuckled. “The bands not breaking up silly..” she whispered softly against your ear, which made you squirm underneath her touch.
You smelt s’good she thought, fuck that vanilla perfume you always wore. But it wasn’t just that, your natural sent drove her through the roof, you always left the room making everyone feel energised.
After cuddling with you for a bit she told you she would be back, she wanted to go say goodbye to the other hand meme bees before leaving. She left your heart pumping. “Tell them I said h- fuck— bye!” She chuckled and gave you a thumbs up before running over to them.
After a short amount of time she raced back and you were stalking her Instagram, nothing much just her cute little drawings. “I’m back!” She almost made you jump out of your seat.
“Didnt mean to scare ya sorry doll.” That nickname always made your heart flutter. Ellie peaked over your shoulder to see that you were stalking her Instagram, she didn’t know how to use it well but the only people she followed were you, Jesse, and Dina— (which are in the band). How cute, she thought.
Tonight was the night Ellie was going to confess her ongoing love for you, I mean it was weird— she never gave out any signs she was inlove with you? Maybe she’s just really good at masking stuff. It’s whatever.
“Hey doll?” You hummed giving her the ‘yes’ to go on. “You know I love you right?” You smiled at her, dimples showing, it made Ellie’s heart ache. “I love you too.” You hummed, scrolling through Instagram. “No like, I— I love you.” You looked up at her, eyes full of hope. “Els..” you looked into her eyes.
Her face inched away from you, hesitant wether or not to kiss you. So you cupped her cheek and pulled her closer to you, foreheads touching. She leant her lips down further to yours and kissed you softly, you could feel her cheesy smile through the kiss. You parted your lips for her slide her tongue through and so she did, eliciting a moan from the back of your throat. Ellie pulled away, “Don’t, don’t make sounds like that..” she panted, you had no idea what you are doing to her. “Why?” You teased, knowing damn well why. “Fuck, don’t tease doll.” You rolled your eyes with that big smile she loved. “Williams, ____, move it!” Your boss yelled. “Mmh, fuck princess, you wouldn’t mind if I took you back to mine would you?” You shook your head which made her smirk even more. “What did I say? Leave now!” He yelled, stomping his foot on the floor. “Ugh, fuck okay! We’re going bro chillll.” He rolled his eyes and stomped out, making the floor rumble. “Fucking fatass.” She chuckled and you giggled hard.
Ellie was driving you to her house, with her hand on your thigh. Princess treatment! You loved it when she did that, it made you feel special. You were humming along to a random ass song on the radio and she was admiring you from afar, well hats what it felt like, she just wanted to hold you or pin you up against her wall.
You watched as she unlocked her chipped door with her rusty key, you half expected her house to be a little empty but it looked very cozy—as in messy teenage room cozy.
You walked into her room, stumbling over her messy floor filled with clothes and empty Amazon packages of some sort well atleast that’s what it looked like? “Ellie your house is so homey.” You made your way to her bed. She just hummed in response. She jumped onto her cozy bed, making you bounce a little. “Where were we?” She smirked as she grabbed your hips and pulled you on her lap, making you gasp.
Moments later you found yourself grinding against her hips, unaware of your well-being, too lost in the moment or looking for some sort of friction. She kissed every inch of your body, slowly taking off your clothes but by bit. Your head fell back in response. “Fuck Ellie.” You bit your lip. “Mmh, such a needy girl, you need these fingers inside of you, don’t you?” You could almost feel her grin through kisses. You shivered at her words, who knew such sentences could make you this wet.
“You look so beautiful.” She peppered your body with kisses, bringing up her freehand to grope your plush tits, eliciting a moan from the back of your throat. She saw how wet you were and couldn’t make you wait any longer so she brought her fingers down, just to tease you a little longer.
“Ff-fuck Ellie!” You moaned as her fingers circled the entrance of your cunt, she smirked sheepishly. “Please.” You whined over and over. “Please what mama? Where’s your words, too backed up in your throat? Maybe I should help you get them out.” Soon enough her fingers were thrusting inside of you, fast. You almost screamed, grinding up on her fingers so she could reach that spongey spot inside of you and when she did you clawed onto her back like a rabid animal.
Ellie was fighting back the urge to pull out her strap and fucked you dumb, but she could tell you weren’t so experienced. Her fingers moved fast and she started curling them up to hit that spot. “Ellie oh my god-“ you managed to choke out.
She knew you were close, picking up her pace and fucking you through your orgasm. “Holy fuck— ahg-“ your back was arching and your nails were digging deep into her shoulders.
“You did s’well baby..” you opened your eyes to get a glimpse of her sweet face. Your chest was falling up and down too fast for her liking. “Hey, hey it’s okay.” She kissed your forehead and went to go get a dampened cloth to clean you up.
As soon as she got back she was babying you and everything, it made you feel safe. She turned on a movie of your choice after you were all cleaned up, you laid your head on her shoulder and she played with your soft hair. Not a word was spoken, but it was comfortable.
a/n: I’m so sorry it was kinda rushed at the end I jus wanted it to be finished it’s been sitting in my drafts for so long now 😭
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justanotherfanartist · 2 months
heeey guys little social help here? (poll at the end)
get ready for a rare real life lore dump (yippee) because I have a social scenario I’m not sure how to handle. this is your chance to have input on my life like some sort of rpg (if you’re into that kind of thing lmfao)
(I really really hate outing my age range like this but I feel like it might impact peoples choices so. just know I’m on the older end alright)
So, I went to this nearby jazz festival on Saturday. Basically, it’s an event that pulls a bunch of local highschools and their upper and lower level jazz bands together (I’m in my schools lower level group) to compete for awards and finalist placements and stuff like that (very fun very cool experience every time) and something that’s become a habit of mine is scanning each group for anyone interesting and it just happened that there was this guy from another school’s upper band that really stood out to me.
He is genuinely one of the prettiest guys I’ve ever laid eyes on, bro is GORGEOUS and also an amazing trombone player with super clean tone (and was part of a killer trombone soli) so naturally I’m pretty smitten. For real as soon as you start playing an instrument yourself “being good at an instrument” is immediately something added to your type which makes going to these things an interesting experience.
Anyways, I thought he was attractive enough to try and shoot my shot (I do this kinda thing every so often especially if I think I’ll get rejected just as a confidence booster. works like a charm btw) so I made up my mind that hey, we all stash our instruments in the same place, so after the finalists concert when everybody goes to grab their gear and pack up I’ll go up to him and ask him if he wants my number before we all have to leave for the night. Pretty non instrusive introduction that guarantees a short conversation and an excuse for him to leave if I happen to make him uncomfortable, that sort of thing. (I love planning out social interactions in my head before I have them)
(also this is fr the strat bc a) “hey do you want my number?” gives the person a choice and b) if they do say yes awkwardly in the moment but regret it they can always just decide not to text you; it puts the ball more in their court rather than you getting their number and texting them first, that sort of thing)
so that’s exactly what I did. I tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around, and the interaction went like this:
“Hey, you’re one of the trombone players from (insert local highschool’s upper band) right?”
“I was just wondering, would you want my phone number? :D”
“Oh, I’m actually not looking for anything right now.”
“Hey, no problem.”
“Thanks though. :)”
“Yeah ‘course!”
and then we split ways.
As of today I found their jazz group’s page on instagram (basically, I’m going around and following all the ones that I thought were really good, including his who placed first just ahead of my school’s upper band in second)(we were psyched btw cus their group is known for crushing everyone so being up there second only to them felt pretty good) and I realized he’s probably following them and I actually did manage to find his page, which is privated (oddly enough he happens to be followed by someone who I very loosely know) so it’s request to follow only.
My question is would it be weird to request to follow him? Based on my instagram page and what I have up he might not be able to recognize me but I’m guessing he’ll know it’s me just because of our interaction and the follow request, but I’m not sure if I’d be breaking a social boundary if I did that.
I don’t intend to hit on him or push him for romance or anything like that— I got a clear and polite “no thanks” and I’m not going to infringe on that full stop (boundaries are to be respected always). Blanket statement I think this guy is cool and an impressively good player, I’d legitimately want to see him perform again or possibly be friends (I’m starved for jazz friends) but I’m just reallllyyy worried it’s gonna come off as creepy or boundary breaking to request a follow so I’m not sure if I should or not.
(my logic is that he already rejected a request for communication so requesting to follow him is essentially doing the same thing again and might come off as creepy or pushing it and the last thing I want is to make this guy uncomfortable. on the other hand it could be seen as completely harmless or even flattering depending on the person but I’m really not sure.)
mutuals give me opinions bc I’m curious what you think (also I’d really appreciate it if you picked something other than maybe lmao or left me a comment of your thoughts or smthn like that. I may be overthinking this)
(asterisk is for extra info for the first poll option)
*regardless of your intentions, which he is unable to truly discern, but will probably assume is still romantic pursuit
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xxbatmanb3y0ndxx · 6 months
making a new about me post cause uh i think the last time i did i still had that god awful typing quirk
hey fam im damien (15) uh ill be 16 in janaury (1/25 baby!)
um i have an awesome bf & i post like sometimes
btw i have notifs off for EVERYTHING (instagram, tumvlr, snapchat, uh i think even my emails are muted 😭)
im most active on instagram but dont worry my e kittens i still check tumblr @ least once a day so
ok ok interests or whatever:
- saw . its all saw rn, saw is infecting me dear god
- final destination 1-3, uh saw and fd arw my mains rn icl!
-animal crossing new horizons… stop it dont look @ me like that…
-fortnite i friggin love fortnite SO MYCH
- dc . oh god im sorry guys it wont go away im so sorry
- rhats like pretty much it i think?? side from music rhats like all that i like so! oh yeah & total drama & i used to really like soutj park but i had a really bad haricut when i did so … like all i can feel is cringe but i used to (but dont actively anymore) collect south park memorabilia
ok uh dni :
i really dont have a dni i think i mean like if ur a raging racist piece of shit i dont really know why youd be following me but yea basic dni critieria of like dont be a total douche
fun facts:
-i met fred durst and got to go on stage during a limp bizkit concert
-my uncle went to the same prison as the people in the nerve gas house from saw ii (joliet)
-i had to take drivers ed twice and still failed my drivers test (dw im retaking it when i get my liscense)
-sean bonnette from ajj told me happy birthday when i turned 13
-oh ueah & im working on a really shitty comic too guys
rhar mifhr be it guys uhhhhh yea!
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rudegizmo · 2 months
Helllo rudeboy! I am still following you on Instagram and honestly wondered about you recently. I am not into emo bands anymore I still listen to Tøp but I try to keep in touch with my old internet friends / idols if they are still around.. ahhhh this is me confessing to you a bit 😆 I'm kind glad yuiezi brought me to your new profile and I can tell you how I looked up to you as a teenager, your confidence made me giddy when I wanted to express myself online more. Okay and for your q and a I'll also ask what's your favorite foods to eat :3
Holy, a real OG in the metaphysical flesh.
The emo will never leave me, I just keep changing the flavour of emo I ingest tbh. I've also had some TØP leaking back into my listenings, they sure know how to music, love those guys♡
I'm honestly flattered, and very glad that my edgy ass energy and willingness to be myself, whoever that was at the time, was meaningful to you, and anyone else. Even me, I know I was something else at times but I'm still like, hell yeah younger me, you were kind of a badass. Just doin whatever. Good for that little bastard, I hope whatever perpetual timeloop that guys living through, he remembers how sick he is y'know, rooting for him. Rooting for your younger self too☆
Alright. So,
Ramen. Curry. Sushi.
I like spicy ramen with seaweed and egg, I love to have mushrooms and meat too, just load that bowl.
When it comes to curry, I really prefer Japanese style with chicken thighs and a cacophony of veggies with Naan bread, or butterchicken. I really like chicken btw.
And sushi. Oh lord. I love it a lot, but I be spending way too fucking much when I order it, and probably eat near lethal amounts of shrimp every time I do (yes, I'm still all about the fucking shrimp.)
I've also been really into chocolate strawberries lately, not sure how long that will last, but I'm a fucking Monster for chocolate as always.
I could probably go on about food for 9 million years, but I think that should suffice for now
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harry1simp · 11 months
So I ve been obssesed over Harry june from dkb recently so lets write smth lol.
lot of teasing from the other members lol.
Pairing : harry june x f barist.reader.
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So a group of boys went to my bar 1 week ago and since then they dont stop coming over. When I greet them to take their order they always seem to hide something like they look so nasty lol.
So today as any other day, I put myself in my uniform which is pink AND really tight so people better know me when they start getting annoying Im starting too since IM uncomfortable.
It was the morning and actually just a few people came to drink a juice or smth. So I ate my lunch with my boss and some colleagues and we talked about nothing and everything.
- So whats up with that group of grown up men? Taylor asked, one of my colleague.
- What do you mean " THAT group of grown up men"?- I replied in a mocking tone.
- Co mon you know who I am talking about. Especially this boy who looks a bit younger than the others. He seems so shy when youre around thats so cute !
I choked with my noodles.what the fuck ?
- Are you talking about THEM ? - I asked shocked.
- Of course them. Dont you find them hot ? - my other friend Ben started
- They're litteraly 9 wth ?!
- Lmfao y/n I know you do not have 9 holes im just saying you prob find ONE of them hot or idk.. - Ben said while laughing like he was dying.
- You scared me I swear. Hm well.. yeah that young boy is cute not gonna lie but im not gonna try anything.
Taylor scoffed and whispered a " whatever" followed by Ben saying " you better get at least one of them" before returning back to work leaving me alone.
It was 4:00 pm and thats the moment people finish work so we all know we gonna be really busy. When i say "people " I also include them. Sometimes theyre all together sometimes theyre not.
- Look who came y/n. - Ben said teasingly.
I looked to the main entrance and saw them. They were 5. The cute boy, another one who was doing some body rolls while walking, a tall boy with yellow hair, one with a cap on his head and the last one all in black looking like he wanted to kill someone. I gave my attention back to work since I started to stare a lil too much.
- Dont try to run away y/n . - Ben said.
- Yeah go take their order btw. - taylor ordered
- What n- I didnt finish my sentence they both pushed me to the hall where people were sat.
I took a deep breath and took a piece of paper with a pen while making my way to them.
- Hi guys ! - I said naturally like I didnt know my friends were watching me in the kitchen smiling like psychopaths.
- Hey y/n. How are you doing ? - The guy with the cap asked happily.
- Im good ahah thanks what about you ? - I asked trying not to seem awkward af.
- We're good. Happy to see you again. I would like a milkshake please !
- Okay noted - I informed taking notes.
- For me it will be a wisky please. - The serial killer said without even looking at me.
- What about you guys ? - I asked mentioning the others.
- Can I have an iced tea ? - The yellow haired guy demanded nicely.
- Sure !
- By the way y/n my son here has something to ask you. - The first guy spoke pointing the cute boy with his finger.
- Oh.. - I said suprised .
The guy smiled placing his head in his hands feeling shy and aparently not aware about the guy opening for him.
- Could I have your number or your instagram ? - he asked looking so adorable I could only accept.
- Yeah sure ! - I took my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him showing my number.
- What is your name ? - I couldnt hide my happiness I was smiling like an idiot.
- Harry June - He replied with a big smile on his face.
- Nice harry june, what would you like ?
- A lemonade please.
- and for me it will be a coca. - the guy who was hip trusting the air earlier said.
- Okay guys thanks.
And I walked away like I hadn't a bunch of others clients waiting behind me.
I went back to the kitchen with my notes plus my heart beating like I just talked to a celebrity.
- Tell us. - Ben said his arms crossed against the wall.
- Tell you what ?
- You litteraly handed him your phone I dont think he asked for Ben's feet pictures ! - Taylor said dead serious.
- Hows that you have my feet in photos ? - Ben asked concerned.
- Calm down I didnt show him your fucking feet but my number !!
They both went silent for a second.
- He asked for your number ?? - They said in synch.
- Yes he did can you guys stop screaming for christ's sake ??
- Which one ? The cutie boy ???
- Yes Harry June.
- His name is Harry June ? - Ben said while gasping in a gay way.
- I swear to god shut it down or I punch you.
- No way youre on your period-
- Ben !!! - Taylor and I shouted to him.
- Poor boy he must have been so scared asking you your number Im dying.
I stared at Ben feeling annoyed and just gave them the orders making my way to the others clients.
When I was taking some orders I could sense his stare on me, Im not complaining tho but I just couldnt focus.
/ H-J 's pov /
- Im so proud of you my baby ! - Dongil said while hugging me like I was a child.
- Urgh dont do that in public please ! - I said feeling embarrassed.
- My dear you better get into pda when she will be yours or she wont do anything with you. - Heechan affirmed with no guidance.
- Are you being serious right now ? Stop talking about this its weird. - I begged fearing that she could hear us.
- Lets leave him alone poor boy. - Changmin suggested.
I sighed and looked away to meet y/n in front of me with our drinks.
- Heres yours Harry June - She said nicely while giving me my lemonade.
- thank you - I replied with a small smile in the corner of my lips.
- Your coca.
She gave us our drinks and was about to leave but of course my stupid friend had to open his fucking mouth to speak.
- Y/n are you free after work ? Harry would love to get to know you.
I want to slap him.
- Oh Im done in 2 hours wont it be long for you to wait ? - she asked looking at me concerned.
- I- No no problem i will wait for you outside - I offered her my smile.
- So kind from you Harry, enjoy your drinks guys. - She said before leaving.
- Youre dea-
- Youre welcome - Heechan cut me off.
- Im not a kid I could have asked her out and not have you doing it for me. - I said angrily.
- you have a date so stop being a dick and give me a hug.
- Never. - I replied crossing my arms feeling betrayed.
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/ Your pov /
I was so excited to see the cutie boy that I litteraly mistaken some orders which made my boss furious but its okay my friends protected me. Thats when I realize they can actually be usefull lol.
So when all the clients were gone I put myself into more comfortable clothes.
- Enjoy pretty. - Taylor said winking at me before grabbing her bag ready to leave too.
- I.. I will taylor go home safe. - I said in a sigh not really knowing what to say.
Ben was allready gone for a moment. Well lets go I told myself.
I took my bag and closed the bar behind me.
- Oh you're here. - A male voice said coming from my back.
I turned around facing Harry June.
- Yeah ahah, Im here. - I put the bar's keys in my pocket and returned my attention to him - You know you didnt have to wait for me I know your friend said that but really we can do that another day if y-
- No no dont say thay its completly fine ! - He cut me out while using his hands. - My friend can be a little invasive but he was right and I dont have anything to do so..
I nodded feeling relieved that the boy didnt feel obliged to wait for a girl he didnt even know.
- Thank you very much. My clients actually left sooner than usual so Im all yours ahah. - I said with a laugh.
He laughed too and not gonna lie he has the prettiest smile and laugh ever. He was wearing a large tee shirt with some grey jogging. He seemed to be comfortable in it, that made me want to snuggle myself into it.
- So.. what do you wanna talk about ?
I stopped to space out for a second and looked at him like a normal girl.
- Tell me more about you. I actually see you coming to my bar with your friends every week but I just got your name today ahah.
- Yeah we really enjoy coming to your bar. Its cozy and we have a good time when were there.
- Ooh I'm glad to know this ! You know when me and my friends see you laughing out loud with your group we actually wanna know what you are talking about.
He laughed. I.MADE.HIM.LAUGH
- Oh my god I hope we dont do that much noise.
We walked side by side without really knowing where we were going but I felt actually good. For a guy that seemed shy at first sight hes actualy really easy going with me.
- So where are you from Harry ?
- Im Korean. Both my parents are korean too. Youre a foreigner right ?
- Yes I am. Korean is such a struggle for me urgh. Your english is amazing harry by the way !
- Oh thanks Im studying this really hard since a lot of foreign people come in Korea.
I nodded actually amazed by his talent.
- Youre not that bad either ya'know your Korean is actually pretty good.
I smiled hapily like a little girl but mostly cauz I actually received a compliment from him.
- Oh thanks Youre the first one saying me this ahah.
- Dont underestimate yourself like that. And maybe I could help you out with your Korean I mean if youre okay with it.
- Yes sure that will be so nice !
A few hours went like that and when I noticed the time on my phone I actually gasped.
- Oh my its 8: pm I need to go harry Im so sorry to leave you like that I didnt expect us to talk that long !
- yeah youre right I actually have to go too its okay.
- I really had a good time knowing you Harry
- Me too y/n come home safely
- You too harry bye.
He waved at me and thats how we left each other.
That night I couldnt sleep. I told Taylor and Ben everything about harry june, about how he was so sweet and kind with me, how interesting he seemed to be and they look to like him back.
I was dreaming eyes open when I received a text from Harry.
00:25 am : Youre sleeping ?
I laughed feeling amused by his question.
00:27 am : No I can't :(( Seems like you either ?
00:28 am : Yea :// A friend of mine is sleeping next to me and hes growling like a pig help *_* And what about you ?
00:29 am : Lmaooo Can't really help you sorry 😭 Same for me.. Well Im alone tho but cant close an eye.
00:30 am : Is it cauz you cant wait to meet me again ? 🤭
I actually didn't know what to answer and I didn't plan to give him a reply maybe tomorow.. but his answer interested me even more I just couldnt sleep without making a move from my side.
00:33 am : Mhhh.. Maybe ? 🤷‍♀️
00:36 am : XD anyways now Im not in front of you plus not my friends being dicks I have to admit youre really pretty :)) idk if I seemed shy lol but its just Im not used to y'know approach girls like that so..
I wanted to scream. He said Im pretty. The cutie boy harry june said I was pretty. I was jumping in my bed like a groopie but he texted a few seconds after again.
00:38 am : Ive never been into a relationship, so before running lets walk first y'know 👉
00:39 am : YES YES 50TH SHADE DEGRES REFERENCE 🙌 WAIT how old are you harry ? Arent you too young for this ?
00:40 am : Im 21 yo. C mon I just got lost on netflix.. 🤫
00:41 am : Yeah yeah.. 🤨 anyways thanks youre very cute too and handsome lol.
I embarrassed myself for saying this and actually have no shame so I put my phone on my nightstand and tried to sleep but with no results.
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I had my day off today and man Im gonna enjoy it. Thats when I took my phone that realisation hit me. I got 2 messages from him.. Men Im scared. I opened them with shaking hands.
00:42 am : Oh thank you thats the 1st time a girl finds me cute and handsome 😊
00:45 am : I really appreciated this evening with you y/n. I hope we could meet again real soon ?
1:00 am : Good night I guess 🌃🌙
My heart was melting inside my breast. Hes so sweet. Hes like a teddy bear you wanna hug when youre not feeling safe. I didnt waste one second and answered him immediatly.
10:00 am : Oh my ! Sorry June I felt asleep so abruptly ! I really did too and I would looovveee to see you again as well ;))
I felt so stupid leaving him with no response til 1 am. But I couldnt hide the smile appearing on my face.
I took my breakfast in front of a serie I loved and was just chilling in my sofa and then i received a notification.
10:13 am : Its okay y/n ! At least you fell asleep ahah. I look like a zombie 😫 What about tonight ? I would like to show you a place I love.
Tonight ? Well I have nothing to do but idk it seems off..
10:15 am : Why not :)) What time ?
10:16 am : Hm lets say 9 pm ? We could grab an ice cream just next to it !
Ice cream okay im coming.
10:17 am : Okay perfect !
He gave me a place to find him and then I did the dishes.
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The moment arrived I put myself in a floral dress I bought a while ago and finally found the occasion to wear it. I came to the previous place and foud him sat on a bench looking hella good.
- Hi ! - I greeted him.
- Oh y/n h- he paused for a moment looking at me. - Wow youre beautiful. - He said touching his neck.
- Oh thank you Harry youre amazing too !
We didnt know how to greet ourselves at first it was awkward lol. But he took a step forward me and opened his arms. I did the same and we ended up in each other's arms. I wanted to cry. It was just like him ; sweet and warm.
- I missed you. - He whispered next to my ear. We separated from each other and it felt empty.
- I missed you too harry. So.. show me that famous place you wanna take me to !
- Ah yes let's go ! - He said in a cute way I wanted to eat him.
We walked for around 20 hours while talking and I could feel his hand touching mine's at some moments.
Then we arrived at a quiet and peacefull place .
- Here we are.
- Wow it looks great I've never been here before !
The landscape was just magic. There was a small lake in front of us and some benches to admire it.
- Let's have a seat.
- Sure. - I continued.
We sat next to each other and just like that we stared at the lake without a sound.
- Can I ask you a question ? - Harry broke the silence turning his head facing me.
- Of course Harry.
- Are you single ? - It was so out of nowhere.
- A-Yes I am. What about you ?
- I am too.
- Well.. great I mean-
- I like you Y/N - He said in one breath.
- I- I like you too Harry
- I mean no.. I love you. I know we don't know each other that much but I don't know I.. didnt stop thinking about since we spoke to each other and.. every time I come to your bar my eyes are always on you..
- Woah harry I.. I lost my words.. I honestly feel the same way..
- Really ?
- Yeah.. You know.. let's give each other times to you know.. be sure about our feelings and.. then we could enjoy it completly ?
Harry nodded.
- Yeah let's do that.
We both smiled feeling relieved like we couldn't hold those secrets in anymore.
- Can I.. kiss you ?
I looked at him smiling. Yes ofc I wanted. HARRY FUCK KISS ME
- Yes please.
He laughed and didn't waste a second to catch my lips in a short and sweet kiss. We pulled from each other.
- Thanks. - He said like I gave him a gift.
- What are you thankful for ? - I asked feeling so soft for him.
- I just kissed a pretty girl and she loves me too.
- Harry youre so cute I swear come here .
I hugged him tightly and he did the same.
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Some weeks passed and Harry and I hung out a lot. We went to different dates. He took me to the pool with some of his friends. I met Teo who's such a sweetheart, Yuku a Sunshine he's ma fav, Junseo who first gave me killer vibes ended up being the complete opposite, he's a big teddy bear but he still scares me since he's like 500 times bigger than me. Then there's Heechan who is really funny but Jesus's christ he's so perverted. Like we can talk about food and heechan is in the back talking about pussy.
Anyways theyre all very kind with me. They keep reminding harry that he's lucky to have me lol. When we're all together, Dongil, aka Harry June's father, says " Protect yourself my son I dont wanna take care of another child " so we both end up cringing from embarrassment.
We're currently at Harry's place with some of his friends ; Seongmin, Dongil and Changmin. I was on Harry's laps, his hands around my waist and we were just chilling on his sofa while talking.
- Im sleepy guys Imma go to bed. - Dongil said while whining.
- Good night. - Harry and I said in synch.
Dongil left the salon. Seongmin was sleeping on the floor and Changmin was still sober next to us.
- You look so cute together- Changmin said letting out a small laugh.
- I know - Harry said in a provocative tone.
- Why won't you stay tonight y/n ? - Changmin asked looking at me.
- Oh I didnt plain to tho and I dont wanna bother you.
- Harry will give you his bed. Right harry ?
- Yes sure. You wont bother anyone babe.
- Youre sure ? - I asked concerned.
- Of course y/n ! Stay with me tonight. Please.. - He almost begged me.
- Well, kids do whatever you want just dont be loud in the bedrooms please. - Changmin stood up and whined before going into the same room's Dongil went in earlier, leaving Harry and I alone.
- So you stay..? - He demanded poutting with his lips.
- Where are you gonna sleep harry ?
- On the sofa Im okay its pretty cozy he-
- Cant you sleep in your bed, with me..? - I put my hand on his not wanting to be alone in his dark room.
- Oh is it okay with you ? I dont wanna make you uncomf- I took his head in my hands and locked our lips in an eager kiss. I moved mines in a slow pace and I felt a wet texture. His tongue asked access for my mouth which I accepted.
- Lets go to my rooom. - He interrupted us, standing up from the couch locking his hands with mine. We made our way to his room trying our best to stay silent.
I made myself comfortable on his bed.
- Oh you might want some clothes for the night, dont you ? - Harry asked looking out for some pants and tee-shirts in his closet.
- Well I wont mind Harry.
- Have this then. - He handed me his clothes and he just stared at me for what felt like an eternity.
- Are you just gonna watch me stripping out of my clothes ?
- Oh my god yes sure sorry my bad ! - He excuses himself and turned around, his back facing me. Feeling suddenly in a teasing mood I threw my shirt on him after had removing it from me.
- Uh y/n ? - He said in a suprised tone. He could hear me laughing behind him and then I placed my hands on his shoulders.
- y/n ? - He turned around and found me topless, just some inches away from his face. He looked at me and tried to say something but nothing came out of his mouth.
- Youre okay Harry ? - I whispered. He didnt say a word but instead put his lips on mines. My arms found his neck while his found their place around my waist.
- I dont wanna rush things..- Harry confessed into my ear.
- Its okay me neither.. - I melted into his embrace and started to lose myself into his scent. He put me on his bed, then grabbed his shirt to out it on me. His moves were so gentle. He soon joined me in his bed and turned the lights off.
Ive never felt so comfortable in someone's arms. Harry made me feel like I was a crystal, his diamond.
- I love you - He said before kissing my cheek and with that we bith fell asleep in each other's arms.
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Its the end guyss Im kinda disapointed with the ending but guys be prepared for a fanfic with a kdrama character im not telling anything yet hihi 🤫 but anyways this one was cute I guess also english is not my language so tell me if I made any mistakes ://
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i see Nykki on TikTok all the time but since i don't speak Czech i never have any idea what she's saying! most of it seems like GRWM or makeup tutorials - which, my god, what a face for that, right? has she dropped any nuggets or is it just mostly describing what she's doing? their dog kills me btw what a ridiculous animal.
Oh yeah, she definitely has the beauty influencer face, no one can deny that.
Most of her videos are honestly her reviewing different make-up brands, doing comparisons between the cheap and expensive ones, tutorials, and simply all that stuff surrounding make-up, during the playoffs she also did a few of the "pick an outfit with me for my boyfriend's game" while styling the Carolina WAG jacket, every once in a while she mentions Necas in a sense that she is excusing the noise in the background because her boyfriend plays video games with his buddies or that she getting ready for a date night with him.
The only video, where she really dropped something particular about their relationship was a video where she was once again doing make-up while talking about certain rules that she applies whenever she is in a relationship:
Saying that she respects the "boys nights" just as her boyfriend respects the "girls nights" and that she doesn't insist on going there with him as long as there are no other girls (meaning girls, the boys met downtown or someone just randomly invited, not other WAGs), cause then she (justifiably) feels like she has the right to be there as well
She wants her boyfriend to have a good influence over his teammates and step in if any of them was cheating or just being awful to his partner - perhaps that's why has Necas calmed down lately compared to the heated rumors regarding him last summer when he was wilding out there with Svechnikov
She doesn't need to know the passwords to his devices or social media, nor she feels the need to secretly go through his stuff but when she asks him to show her something because she has some suspicions, then she expects him to simply do it.
She doesn't want her boyfriend to like photos of other girls - she is fine with him following and liking content of girls she personally knows and is confident that there is nothing "fishy" going on between them behind her back, but liking photos of those Instagram influencers is a huge no-no for her because she knows how the girls view it when a guy (let alone a fairly known and popular one) likes their photo as she and Martin has met and got together like that
Overall, all of these points are more than reasonable in my opinion and if they actually work in their relationship, then I assume it a healthy one.
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random-cryptid · 6 months
ok so, i made a lil dolly of ms frizzle and now all i can think about is making lil dollies of winnie, mary, and sarah and i am going nuts over it
i think the three of them would love the fact that i wanna make lil dolls of them, especially winnie. like, theyve never had anyone do that to them, so the thought of me trying out something ive never done before just so i can always have them with me would make all three of them melt faster than honey in hot tea
i'd have to ask mary and winnie how the fuck they do their hair like that cuz idk how to draw it, let alone recreate it with yarn shhdhdj. oh! and i'd have to ask sarah if she has any tips for making the clothes cuz i dont really know how to make clothes in general, let alone doll clothes
ik the dolls are gonna look really skrunkly and messy, but i think they'd be super proud of me for trying something new, and over the moon that i chose the three of them to be my muses for it.
I think Mary would be climbing walls (metaphorically) too ngl. I believe she's an arts and crafts girly (not as much as Sarah though but definitely does some clothes and such too!) so she would find it especially cute.
I believe I can help with the hair and clothes!!!
Winifred's hair is pretty much the same as Queen Elizabeth I, and this tutorial is pretty easy to follow! Definitely not historically accurate in the techniques but it's the same shape lol. Basically her hair is just two big buns!
Mary's hair however... I can't by the life of myself figure out how her hair works (my hypothesis is that her hair is twisted into shape... Kind of.) apart from her having one tiny braid going along the whole hat shape of her hair.
All the tutorials I've seen for her hair have in common using wires and some sort of cilinder to shape her hair tho!!! This is one of the easiest ones I've seen. (Btw it's crazy to me how this lady has her exact vibe)
Now for the clothes you can check Salvador Perez's Instagram account! (He's the costume designer from the second movie) But if you don't want to scroll too much it's okay I gotcha! Here you have:
• Sarah's sleeves (they're sewn in on the corset!)
• Sarah's corset (you don't have to embroider anything, I think it's better if you use markers instead)
• Winnie's top gown + accessories (basically her full gown is two pieces: the top one, which is the deeper green one, and the under one, which is the one with purple and a lighter green)
• Mary's full outfit + details (this one's just a general idea)
• Mary's corset + sparkles (once again, more of a general idea)
• The Sister's shoes + thighs + undergarments (looove love Winnie's boots ngl)
Making sewing patterns is basically like making puzzle pieces and putting them together, so getting the shapes shouldn't be too complicated! In any case, if you need help with that I can help you out! (Unfortunately I'm no taylor but I'll do my best). You can also look up tutorials for specific things like skirts! (They're actually one of the easiest things to make!)
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yonpote · 1 year
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lol my private insta and phannie insta accidentally match 🤡
oh yeah btw! i have a phannie instagram!!!! im just gonna be posting my art there and tbh i havent been frequent about uploading cuz i am intimidated by my own backlog of phanart LMAO
anyway yea go follow me @/yon.pote on ig ^_^
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8celestebells · 11 months
Im the one who sent you the last message. thank you for answering! btw, I totally agree with your point. Just one thing: who do you think who sent that video that came out on Instagram of Rebecca and Carlos walking which it clearly seemed like made it on purpose? If you watch it it's like the person sitting on a bar table (?) is waiting for them arriving. And Carlos , then? He was looking like it was a normal thing to be recorded or just like HE KNEW IT? For me, it's soooo strange. And again, the video was sent only at this page of gossip and never posted anywhere else? So strange, again. What do you think about it?
Oh hello again!
Okay you see yeah the video is strange in itself and it’s clear one of them knew that person was there, or both, obviously Carlos looked to be ahead of her, so obviously he noticed the person (if he didn’t know about it), and obviously it’s Carlos he grew up in the spotlight in Madrid cause of his dad and he’s in the spotlight now cause of his career, so he knew people were gonna record him regardless of where he is, but it seems as he saw the person and didn’t think much of it and he just continued on with his day. Maybe he knew that person was there cause obviously meetings are a thing and so they probably told him that person would be there.
Now I don’t want to say Carlos O. Called someone to wait at the bar or whatever to film them, cause let’s be realistic here, Carlos Sr or Carlos O. Calling anybody to sit there for maybe hours just waiting for this moment, is weird as shit in itself if they were to ever do so, cause people are gonna go up to Carlos Jr and ask for pictures the moment they recognize him cause guess what, the Sainz are well known in the Motorsport world. Especially in the surrounding areas of Madrid we have seen that, now I think her and her team are opportunistic, cause she’s a nobody influencer who needs the fame that the Sainz carry.
Now about only one gossip page on Instagram getting that video (cause I saw it there first) is odd in itself cause you would have to really pay attention to what gossip page has the most followers and the most engagement and that takes time cause there is a fuck ton of gossip pages on Instagram about the drivers and teams. Also why did they supposedly wait weeks to post? I think they truly got paid or something to say that, cause the moment you get sent something interesting you are gonna post it if you have a gossip page right? Now another thing, Carlos’ family and team know about that gossip page on Instagram hell his parents used to or still do follow it, why would they take such a long time to share it? Obviously if you don’t know the page engagement you are gonna wait and see how popular they are so you are holding on to something that might interest them enough to post about it.
Now you see that’s the other thing, if it was truly a fan that recorded them or whatever why didn’t the fan stop Carlos and ask for a picture , it’s not like his gonna say no, he would have told whatever fan who asked for one yes.
So all in all here, yes it’s a very staged thing all of the Rebecca shit, in my opinion I just can’t see Carlos’ team doing all of this, her and her team I could see them trying to do it. But case is let’s say they dragged Carlos into this, he must be getting paid a good amount of money for it, cause you have to pay the party you are adding to your pr relationship. So like my question here is who started this relationship and who the hell is getting paid to be in it? Cause like if they approached him, obviously his gonna ask for the bucks to be in it cause I can’t imagine how tiring that shit.
Also side note; I find it really hard to believe Carlos would actually jump into another relationship a couple of months after ending his 7 year relationship with Isa. Cause like what the actual fuck? Kinda would show he never truly loved Isa but then again why would they be together for so long.. yeah know.
Also he more than likely has a fuck ton of girls throwing themselves at him and he choice Rebecca yeah okay…. Man’s most likely has a new girl in his bed when ever he can and then online he started something with Rebecca 👍🏻
Point is I don’t buy none of the shit that people claim are happening with Rebecca and Carlos cause in my mind and how I see it, Carlos and Lando are living out their hoe phase together.
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placegrenette · 2 years
a personalized hard sell
To explain: when I got on Tumblr nine years ago it was because I was lonely and needed to yell about Infinite. And I was exceedingly blessed to grab a scattered group of lovely people who would listen to me. And now we are in 2022, and the gentlemen of Infinite have (hopefully) mostly made it through the worst of idol life and emerged relatively comfortable, and we are two weeks away from Myungsoo completing his military service, and when Jamie, one of those aforementioned lovely people, reached out to me the other day I was like, I have Tumblr back now! and it felt like a hug.
but as y’all know I’ve been prone to yelling about a different group for a while, ad nauseam. I’ve been using this tag for years. And anybody who so much as even vaguely hints that they might be willing to hear me out about Ninety One is at risk of getting the OH BOY OH BOY LET ME TELL YOU A FEW THINGS treatment.
so the following is extremely self-indulgent. and may not make sense, or be particularly effective, outside a specific context. but you are welcome to eavesdrop on my tailored yelling.
why you should take affectionate interest in Ninety One (where “you” = primarily, but not limited to, @berestweys​):
they are very charming
“Okay, fine,” you’re thinking, “but it’s not that hard to pretend to be very charming, especially if you have a whole infrastructure of charm built up around you, and nevertheless end up acting like a rotten human being.” I hear you; I have kept that in mind for five years. suffice to say I cannot prove to you that the members of Ninety One are not jerks, never will be able to, but I have been looking for evidence of their jerkiness for over five years now (up to and including flat-out asking people who’ve met them if they’re jerks) and not found it.
the entire split from Juz Entertainment at the beginning of this year stands as evidence in the not-jerks column. admittedly it stands as more evidence that their boss is not a jerk, since he had less to lose from jerkiness, but he showed up to sing at ZaQ’s wedding and then ZaQ and Bala were at an Orda concert (boss’s band) a week or so later. but presumably the not-jerkiness went both ways
also when Ninety One left Juz presumably staffers had an option to leave with them or stay, and some amount of financial calculation must have been in play, but a good many of them decided to go with the guys, including constantly helpful behind-the-scenes dude The Other Other Azamat, extremely adorable director Nurs, thoughtful producer Beka (who also just got married, July is apparently a popular time for weddings in Almaty), and of course Zhadra
speaking of Zhadra: now that they’re married ZaQ is being less shy about showing her (their) cats on Instagram, Ninety One now 25% more cat stepdaddy enabled
but also the guys have always taken (and been able to take) a pretty healthy attitude towards dating. AZ was public about having a girlfriend in 2017-18, then later fans asked Alem if he was dating Veronika (who was working in some capacity for Juz at the time) and he said, “Well, yeah,” and they’ve been a public joy ever since. as someone who remembers the utter shitstorm that was dumped on Myungsoo’s head for dating in late 2013, let me tell you, this feels so much saner
btw Infinite and Ninety One have next to nothing in common besides being male idol groups but: the supposed “visual” is a giant weeb who is forever randomly taking naps (and/or playing way too much Dota 2) and gives every impression of not actually believing this whole nonsense about him being attractive and just wants everybody to be happy and also he has the strangest sneeze noise imaginable and a nonzero percentage of Q-Eaglez think he might be from another planet, does any of this sound familiar
also “maknae on top” I swear Bala is on a barely concealed quest to dominate the entire group, if you break music and lyrics credits out separately he might have more than anyone else now
related: Bala’s face. Sadly I can’t spend all day giving you additional evidence in GIF form but BALA’S FACE
their staged scripted reality shows include episodes where they confront their haters with love and win them over by playing paintball (and Alem was concerned that paintball was too violent)
their unstaged unscripted reality shows consist of a great deal of bilingual yelling
oh yeah do you like linguistic rabbit holes? HOO BOY. these guys (ZaQ especially, but not exclusively) have done a lot of thinking about what it means to speak/sing in Kazakh instead of Russian, and the implications not just for them and their sales/careers but for their country. like there is an entire documentary on the Kazakh language just released in which they appear and I haven’t even seen it yet because I want to finish going through the subs of the interview with the documentary maker in which they switch between Russian and Kazakh and discuss the implications of switching
their latest video, which a fellow Eaglez described as “what in the shinee hell”
I haven’t brought up the actual music yet because I’m not sure what your tastes lean towards; this is the song I consider their best but you might prefer this or this. this is the best song they’ve released this year and here is their most recent We Shall Don Suits and Then Take Over the World effort.
but if you have time for only one MV make it this one, for its combination of resilience + refusal of self-pity + goofiness + social commentary.
but keep in mind this is the group which, when faced with the pandemic and the damage it wrecked on their country’s economy and the departure of the member who was everyone’s default bias, responded with, well clearly this is when we do the epic party jam whose chorus turns entirely on Kazakh-Spanish punning!
I have also not brought up the lore (where “lore” = roughly a century and a half worth of Kazakhstani history) because it’s not strictly necessary, you have a ways to travel before you need to concern yourself with questions such as Who Was Premier Kunaev and Why Did the Dudes Feel the Need to Tell Everyone They’d Borrowed His Car. but suffice to say if you like the idea of learning about a country and a culture through a pop group this one’s pretty damn rich
if wading into the ocean of nonmusical content I would recommend this video, which is 60% them struggling with trivia questions (+ AZ knowing his solar system) and 40% them waxing philosophical about education and finding your own career path
one more thing that won’t be immediately apparent: they’re simultaneously one of the biggest pop groups in Kazakhstan right now and... underdogs? but when they got started they were accused of being Satanic and too effeminate, to the point that they were regularly being dragged into fistfights. (there’s an entire docudrama about this, which is actually grim and not terribly enjoyable, I only recommend it to completists) also their concerts were getting cancelled under mysterious circumstances. that was 2016; it is now 2022 and their concerts are still getting messed with under mysterious circumstances, as I write this they’re having trouble with bureaucrats in Atyrau
and back to the are-they-jerks question: the opposition has definitely been fueled by homophobia, which is much more standard in Kazakhstan than it is in the US/Canada/Australia/western Europe, and under such circumstances it would be understandable (if regrettable) if they joined in on the gay-bashing, but as far as I know (and there’s a lot I don’t know!) they never have. when reading homophobic hate comments after debut they laughed them off. while they themselves are all straight (occasionally going to the trouble of posting “We’re straight!!!” on Telegram, I don’t know what prompted that) and tend to act as if their fanboys universally are too, they have never shied away from including said fanboys in their Eaglez spotlights
and I will stop here, this has gone on long enough, here’s all the song reviews if you need them, suffice to say they are entertaining dudes who I do believe are trying to do good in the world with their work. yell back any time
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ebdanon · 2 months
10 celebrity crushes? (Both embaressing and proud)
OH GOOD HEAVENS LETS GO LMFAO (no particular order btw)
1. shawn mendes (i get clowned for this irl on the regular but i dont care)
2. josh hutcherson (short king revolution!)
3. calum hood (the way he and josh ruled my middle school years is crazy btw)
4. sabrina carpenter
5. renee rapp
6. ross lynch
7. kit connor
8. logan lerman
9. jan ravnik — that one eras tour dancer. the one thats shirtless during lavender haze
10. just remembered i was blessed enough to be on earth at the same time as dylan obrien
also bonus idk if this counts as a celeb but this guy @/alex1leg i follow on instagram… yeah
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shark0zu · 3 months
Bassist! Itadori Yuji x GN! reader
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context: Yuji is part of a band named “Joint Jinx Keystone” (JJK) alongside Satoru, Suguru and Megumi. He is not shy at all when it comes to how much he loves you… he is still obsessed with Jennifer Lawrence, so that's something. Suguru is 22, Satoru is 21, and both Megumi and Yuji are 19.
content: chaotic, loving, caring and genuinely a cutie patootie Yuji, also some angst.
warning: none. an: This Band! AU is made by sketchyysummer on Instagram! (link to their Tumblr). I made Satoru and Suguru’s already (link to it below). It's Yuji’s turn now, and after this one, I’ll work on my Megumi one… After that I’ll figure something out! (maybe Sukuna)
Idol! Gojo Satoru HC Drummer! Geto Suguru HC w/c: 1.6k
art: Summer's Band! AU Character Design
likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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Bassist! Yuji, who the first time he met you- thanks to Megumi (you are Megumi’s friend), he immediately started to talk to you, wanting to know more about you… wanting to know everything. Bassist! Yuji, who definitely does not have a filter, especially when he talks to someone with the intention of getting closer to them. So he asks you questions, and asks Megumi as well when you are not in the same place (poor Megumi). Bassist! Yuji, who ends up asking Megumi where you are, if he is going to see you again, what are you up to, what did you do last week. Megumi ends up giving him your phone number (he got tired of Yuji). Bassist! Yuji, who texts you first. “Heyyyy! Megumi gave me ur phone number, i hope its ok! Oh, its Yuji btw~!”, you look at your phone and check your messages, and smile at it while reading. You end up replying saying something along the lines of “yeah, it's ok don't worry, I was going to ask for your number anyways.” Bassist! Yuji, who starts to text you daily, you really picked his interest (and it shows). He texts “gm” and “gn” everyday since then… and not going to lie, you don't mind getting more ‘excuses’ to talk to the pink haired boy. Bassist! Yuji, who after a while asks Satoru for relationship advice (I don't know if that's the best option though). Yuji really likes you, and he wanted to ask you out properly, he just didn't know how… after asking Satoru, Suguru came by and helped Yuji (properly) gave him stable advice and helped by hipping up the boy.
Bassist! Yuji, who finally gathers the courage to ask you out in person. He asked you on a date, a cute date, very cute. He picks you up from your place, taking you to a little park where he had this whole picnic thing planned. You both chill for a while, talking, listening to music, overall enjoying each other's company and presence.
Bassist! Yuji, who before the date ends, and while the sun is setting, he stares at you (in a cute way) waiting for you to take notice. When you do, he smiles and breaths in to relax, then sighs and asks you out. “Hey you, I know we've been talking for a while… and I feel that we both have developed feelings for each other- WHAT I WANT TO SAY IS-! I really like you…” , you were speechless, you did laugh at his outburst and thought it was cute that he made the whole proposal an experience.
Bassist! Yuji, who after hearing you laugh at his almost botched confession, relaxes a bit and waited for your answer, which of course- was “I would love to be your partner Yuji”, as you hold his hand. Thank God it was still bright outside, you could see the boy smiling like a little kid from how happy he was. Bassist! Yuji, who even after almost 2 years of dating him, still treats you the same, he loves you so much, and makes sure to show just that. He always shows it, but oh my lord, if you had a penny for everytime he said “i love you”, you would be able to buy an entire country.
Bassist! Yuji, who’s main love language has to be words of affirmation and physical touch. This man is clinging to you the whole time. Like a little puppy following you all cute and shit. You don’t mind it though, but he knows that if he ever does get a bit ‘too much’, he will make sure to let it rest for a while. Bassist! Yuji, who has never once in his life disrespected you, and he does not plan on it. He protects you with his life, after all, you are his precious partner. Putting himself on the side of the road while walking on the sidewalk, would give you his jacket when you are cold, or to use it as a cover for a wet chair. Man would do anything to make you feel comfortable and loved.
Bassist! Yuji, who learned how to play the bass thanks to his older brother, Sukuna. Who was already playing the guitar, but saw interest in Yuji’s eyes, and started to teach him bass. Once in a blue moon you see Sukuna while hanging out with Yuji. The most you get out of the man is a nod of acknowledgement and a “wassup” here and there. Bassist! Yuji, who when taking you to his place for the first time, you were greeted by Sukuna waiting at the door to meet you, definitely trying to scare you off. He will never admit to it, but he loves Yuji a lot, and would destroy anybody who comes close to hurting him in any way. Bassist! Yuji, who is always being bullied (with love) by Sukuna. He ends up going to you crying like a baby, while Sukuna’s laugh can be heard echoing around the house. You have to suppress the laugh threatening to come out, after all- Yuji is your boyfriend, no matter how funny (and cute) Yuji looks fake crying.
Bassist! Yuji, who loves to have you on the VIP seats at his concerts, and always has VIP entrance tickets to everything. He loves to see you smiling at him, or chanting his name while he plays the bass. He makes sure to show off how good he is on stage to you. And you don't miss the opportunity to wave and smile and jump every time he does so. Bassist! Yuji, who is the type to take pictures of you and post them on Instagram (with your consent). He loves to have people he cares about on his feed, it makes him happy to make memories (plus he takes a shit ton of pictures of you… even sleeping). Bassist! Yuji, who definitely has a full photo album with pictures of you. That can range from you just walking, selfies with him, you sleeping, eating, cuddling, playing video games and even screenshots of facetime calls. Bassist! Yuji, who after going on tour for a while, loves to come back to you. He will try his best to find you, once he locks you in his view this boy will run full speed and either tackle you to the floor, or pick you up and spin you around, hugging you and giving you kisses (certified puppy). Bassist! Yuji, who misses you a lot while on tour, so much that he calls you every time he gets, and he always insists on a facetime call, since he loves to see your face (duh). He always has headphones, either on him or on his neck, so no need to worry, he likes to keep the convos ‘private’. Bassist! Yuji, who hardly has any sad times in his life, he always tries to keep everyone on their happies times. But when things do get a bit dark, you're the first person he will go to. He finds more than only comfort in your arms. He may be strong (physically) but when it comes to mental strength, the best way for him to feel better, if having you by his side.
Bassist! Yuji, who will be curled up in your chest while you caress his back (or his hair) to fall asleep. It's the little thighs you do that make him fall in love even more. He loves to be held by you (most likely the only person he is this vulnerable to) and either listen to your day or talk to you about his own.
Bassist! Yuji, who would definitely carry all your bags, whether going on a trip or shopping. And he would also be the type to carry you when you get tired of walking or just don't feel like it anymore, piggy back ride style! He also loves having you close, so letting you ride on his back is something he loves to do (and this mf is strong, so don’t worry).
Bassist! Yuji, who steals your fries when eating together, will eat twice as much as you and still be hungry. Either his stomach is made out of steel or he has a bottomless pit for a stomach… sometimes this question scares you, since no one really knows the answer to it (not even him).
Bassist! Yuji, who loves anything that has you in it. Sleep overs? Karaoke? Picnics? Anything. He will be there and will make sure to make it a happy and unforgettable experience. Will definitely break something (by accident) in the process, but that's part of the fun, no? At least to him.
Bassist! Yuji, who always shares his headphones with you so you can listen to music together, no exception. He loves music, so it's a given that he makes you a playlist. The playlists featuring your favorite songs and songs that remind him of you. He will listen to this when on tour, or everytime he misses you for that matter. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUJI!! <3
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wolfaartmation · 3 months
About me! :D
Hello, welcome to my main blog! Where I do reblogs and share my art <3
I'm Wolfa but you can also call me Charly! I am 18+ and fr*nch buddhist with ADHD. I'm a trans man (he/him), panromantic and very gay.
I am an artist/animator mostly known for Warrior Cats stuff such as MAPs (Multi Animators Projects, not the other one...)
I have some side blogs that might interesst you!
@wolfa-battlecats-designs <- My Warrior Cats designs blog for... my warrior cats designs klskjsnks by Erin Hunter
@warriors-hearts <- Blog for my Warrior Cats x Kingdom Hearts AU!
My ask box is always open if you have questions about my art, ocs, personal opinions etc.. (I will get cancelled on twitter dot com)
I do commissions! If you want to know if they're open/want to know the TOS/prices/etc... please go to this link :)
Here's my socials if you guys want to follow me on there too!
Art fight! (Team: Werewolves) I'll always try to do more points than you in my revenges >:)
Toyhouse! If you want to get to know more about my ocs
Instagram! If you want to follow me there too (Theres more art here as it's older than my Tumblr)
Youtube! If you want to take a look at my animations/MAPs/etc..
I am not consistent in therm of posting art, because senior high school is torture who tf got a nice high paying job for working from 8am to 6pm frfr, plus I have to pass my French diploma this trimester (don't ask why it's a France thing).
Speaking of inconsistencies I'm a self taught artist since... oh god 2013?? Even longer like I draw since childhood soo... So yeah I don't have a consistent art style as I like to experiment a lot on it!
I mostly like to draw my OCs or fanart, but really mostly my OCs bc I love them sm grrr
If y'all are curious about my fandoms and interests (pls ask me about them) here's a list under the cut!
Music Artists and Bands:
Powerwolf (My #1 favorite band!!11!!1)
Hollywood Undead
Avril Lavigne
Linkin Park
Limp Bizkit
System of a Down
Alestorm (we love some good pirate metal)
MARINA and the Diamonds (the contrast lmaooo)
2000-10s songs bc I love nostalgia
Kingdom Hearts (HELL YEAHHHH!!!11!!111!1)
Warrior Cats (The community is so dramatic for no reasons tho-)
Saint Seiya/Knights of the Zodiac (The fandom is dead bc only ppl over 40yo know about this)
Final Fantasy 7
Five Nights at Freddy's
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Sonic the Hedgehog
My Little Pony (Old Brony right there lol)
Black Butler (The community when you have headcanons and opinions they will shoot you dead)
Twisted Wonderland (I'm not in the fandom I just like the thing)
Cuphead (Same as for Twisted Wonderland)
.... Am I allowed to talk about Camp Buddy and Jock Studio? xd
World of Warcraft
Camp Camp
Animals! Mostly Hyenas!! I love Hyenas!!!11!!
Fantasy/Medieval/Celtic stuff (DND, LOTR, The Hobbit, etc...)
Pirate stuff
Electro swing
Other cultures's history (such as religions, traditions, etc...)
Horror stuff (Horror movies, analog horror, gore, etc...)
Crystals/Gemstones (idk i just think its pretty)
Mystical creatures
Scene/emo/punk/y2k/goth/metal/2000s/retro/cyber core stuff :>
I am not a furry btw
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