#ohmygod there were so many good moments
pinazee · 1 year
Fully on board wesley kirk now! I loved this episode so much! Classic time travel episode, classic Kirk gets-the-girl! Another iteration of Khan! This is the first ep i think ever rewatched immediately after.
P.S A+ marketing for having the going-in-the-past episode released two days early
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bvidzsoo · 2 years
Panic Switch
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 Author: bvidzsoo
 Warnings: light swearing here and there, awful parenting, the use of ‘sociopath’
 Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x female reader
 Word count: 13,647
 Summary:  You descend from a famous and ancient bloodline of empaths. Since the moment you were born, your mother knew you were different than them and that you would wreak havoc. And she was right in a sense. You didn’t feel emotions like others and, thus, your judgement wasn’t always the best. You grew up being called a freak by your own family, who were afraid of you and kept their distance, never showering you with love. And then, at the age of eight, you met Xavier, who was different, considered a freak too by humans...he seemed to be a little bit like you. This quickly lead to a long lasting friendship, but was it always genuine? Or would Nevermore change everything for the two of you? Were you ready to unveil your secrets to Xavier and those around you? 
 A/N:  Ohmygod! It feels amazing to be inspired again and to be able to write. Thank you Xavier Thorpe for your existence, you brought back the artist in me, hahaha. Share your thoughts with me, I love feedback, don’t be shy! I use the term ‘sociopath’ a lot and despite doing research, I might have gotten it a tiny bit wrong. But...don’t take my head off for that, this is a work of fiction after all. I might be a little bit crusty, it’s been a while since I wrote, but damn, does it feel good! I hope you enjoy this little story! Happy reading!
                        Nevermore Academy, a place for all the misfits, or what I like to call ourselves, freaks. This school is the only place where I don’t feel out of place or left out of things. Why would I say that? Because even to my family, I am a freak. I’m different than them, and they are scared of me. I am the black sheep of the family; somebody they refuse to speak of if asked. I’m half convinced I was sent to this academy because my parents feared what I would do at a regular school. After all, following my mother, I am the first one to attend Nevermore. I have four siblings, and all of them go to regular, normal, schools in our hometown. Our abilities aren’t something obvious as we aren’t prone to kill or turn into nightmarish monsters, so, we were deemed safe to society. Well…everyone, but me. We are, what one could call, an empath. Our abilities consist of recognizing others emotions and controlling them to a certain extent. When I talk about my family, they can only feel one’s emotions when they touch them and they can only induce calmness or happiness; their manipulating techniques are restricted. But when it comes to me…imagine it like this: there are mind readers, whom are able to constantly read one’s mind, and then there I am. I am able to constantly feel the emotions of those around me. I don’t have to touch them; all I have to do is be in their vicinity and connect to their frequency. If I’m accustomed to said person, it just comes naturally to me, without having to do anything. So that means: we intersect ways twice and from then on, I’ll always know what you’re feeling. And when it comes to manipulating one’s emotions, I can induce whatever feeling I’d like to. I’m not restricted like the rest of my family is, another thing which freaks them out. Over many generations, there hasn’t been someone like me in the family. And I truly think they would’ve accepted me the way I am, if I wasn’t a sociopath. Now, that is the part which freaks them out the most. The lack of emotions I experience and the lack of empathy I feel for others, which is quite ironic, isn’t it? And to top my day, it’s Parent’s Day. The day when our families come and visit us at Nevermore.
Everyone around me was feeling excited, the emotion so intense it was almost making me nauseous. Well, everyone except Xavier, who was feeling quite miserable and yearning, as he looked at Ajax and his family, who were hugging him and talking to him animatedly. Xavier’s father wasn’t coming this year either, and as much as Xavier would say he didn’t care, you didn’t have to be an empath to see how much his absence affected him. This boy almost always felt miserable and perhaps that is why I liked to stay around him, it wasn’t a cheesy feeling and it gave me comfort. Anything negative felt better than something very positive; if my parents were to hear that, they’d probably faint on the spot, especially my mother. I glanced at Xavier, who was leaning his weight on one leg than the other one, and sighed.
“Stop fidgeting,” I snapped at him, and gripped his arm as his hands were shoved into his pockets, “You’re making me nervous.” A lie, I can’t feel anything like it.
“Sorry,” Xavier cleared his throat as his deep forest green eyes found mine, “It just makes me anxious…seeing everyone’s families. My dad said he’d come, but…I don’t know, Y/N.”
“He probably won’t come.” I deadpanned and I felt disappointment seep through Xavier, truth was always better than lying. And I knew he hated people who lied to him, especially me. Someone who he considered a friend. Still holding his arm, I offered him a smile; one which was robotic, I had learned it a long time ago, and took a lot of time to perfect it so that it would look genuine; I felt a shockwave run through my body. I always felt that when I used my abilities, and as Xavier and I gazed into each other’s eyes, I felt him slowly calming down, my power influencing him. And what was fun in it all, was that they never knew when I used my powers on them. They always thought it was them doing it, but it was always me.
“No use wasting energy on him, right?” Xavier’s smile was half assed, until I felt a strong wave of happiness wash through him. I didn’t need to see the cause of it, I was used to my family’s auras and the feel of their emotions. Xavier saw them, that’s why he got so happy suddenly. I released my grip on his arm and turned my head forward, sighing quietly to myself. My parents were smiling sweetly at everyone who greeted them, they were quite famous therapists, and my siblings, who were walking after them very disciplined, were greeting people politely. One would say my family looked very fake at that moment, but they were actually genuine. They were always happy for the people around them and it was sickening. To me at least.
“Eliza!” Xavier exclaimed as he ran up to my mother and father, who were like his parents as well; we grew up together, “Brad!”
Mom and dad engulfed Xavier into a hug and greeted him with huge smiles, asking him how he was. Sighing again, loudly, I slowly approached them, plastering my generic smile onto my lips.
“Hello,” I spoke up, earning my family’s attention, “and welcome. How was your trip?”
My father smiled at me and was the first one to pull me into a hug, he genuinely missed me. However, my mother kept her distance and plastered on the fakest smile I’ve ever seen. She wasn’t feeling disgust at the sight of me, just…disappointment, how lovely. Not that it was anything new to me.
“Long and tiring, but we got here in time.” It was my mother who answered me and my siblings stepped forward, to greet me. Kevin, the eldest of us, rarely spoke to me. For some reason, he was the most afraid of me and his cowardly amused me. Gemma, who was considered the middle child despite me being it, and was always on her phone, greeted me with a nod and then looked away, far more interested in the academy than me. She was jealous that I got to go here, while she had to go to that mundane, boring, high school. Alec, the youngest of us, ran up to me and tackled me in a hug. The top of his head barely reached my abdomen, he was still growing. Since the moment of his birth he seemed to love me the most. My parents feared he’d turn out to be another sociopath, but I knew he wouldn’t. What they didn’t know, was that he was the most empathetic out of them all, and that he felt pity towards me for the treatment I got from the rest of the family. Oh, and he kind of happened to really love me, for some unknown reason to me. Jason, who was just a year older than me, looked at me with a smug expression and chuckled. But deep inside he was just as scared as the rest of my family, and the funniest thing was, that he could never hide it from me.
“What a freaky place—” He sniffed loudly and glanced at Xavier, Jason never liked him, “Perfect for freaks like you.”
For an empath, Jason was an asshole. Xavier went to say something, but my mother quickly reprimanded Jason, only because he dared to insult Xavier as well. Her precious little boy, I know she secretly wished to have him as her son. She would’ve given me away at any time while I was growing up.
“Careful, Jason,” I let a wide, psychotic, smile spread onto my lips, “We might just devour you in a dark corner.”
Alec, despite the morbidity of my words started giggling, and my mother’s glare could’ve killed me on the spot. My father just sighed and with his eyes asked me to stop the attitude or a fight would follow, and mom would hate that. She hated her perfect little image tainted. Everything had to be perfect, and maybe that’s why she disliked me so much.
“Why don’t you show us around, sweetheart?” My father’s smile was kind as he gripped Jason’s shoulder and pulled him into his side, giving his shoulder a subtle squeeze. My mother went and crossed her arm with Xavier’s, not waiting for me as she started walking ahead of us. I rolled my eyes and held Alec’s hand as he quietly asked me to do so.
“I’ll stay here, my legs will later hurt if I walk around too much.” Gemma whined and before anyone could answer her, she took off towards a bench. Nobody minded her, she was always allowed to do whatever, spoiled brat. Fear was oozing out of Kevin and I let my eyes fall on him as the others took off, leaving us behind. Despite my dad asking me to show them around, my mother decided she’d do it herself. Not that I was surprised.
“Kevin, please” I sighed as my nose scrunched up when he jumped at the sound of my voice, “if you’re so scared, just go sit in the car or something.”
“Mom asked me not to make a scene.” He said while he scratched the back of his neck, “You know how she gets—”
“When things don’t go her way?” I scoffed and looked down at Alec, who giggled again, this little one loved to cause mischief and I might prefer him more over the rest of my siblings, “Go sit in the car, I’ll tell them you weren’t feeling well.”
A huge sigh of relief left Kevin’s lips and he showed me a small smile, suddenly his emotions changed and he was feeling grateful but incredulous at the same time, “Thank you, really, Y/N!”
For someone who was twenty-five years old, he really should’ve stopped fearing our mother a long time ago, “I’m not doing this out of kindness, I just hate the wrenched smell of the fear you’re oozing. It stinks, Kevin.”
Once these words, which some would consider harsh and hurtful just like Kevin, left my lips, disappointment seeped through him and he just turned around and walked off, sulking. I rolled my eyes before Alec and I started walking, trying to catch up with the rest of our family and Xavier.
I felt a light tug on my hand and I looked down at my little brother again, “You can actually smell the emotions we feel?!”
His exclamation and amazement amused me, I chuckled, but before I could answer him, he had more to ask, “What does my amazement smell like?!”
I acted as if I was thinking of it and just to amuse myself more, I sniffed the air around him, “Cotton candy.”
Alec’s mouth fell open and his amazement was replaced with excitement, “That’s so cool! I wish I could be like you, sis!”
Cotton candy was his favorite. And no, you don’t wish to be like me. I hummed as we finally spotted our family, who were just entering Ophelia Hall. I wish I was ready to spend the whole day with them, to feel like a freak once again. I hated acting nice, because it was fake, but around them I had no other choice. Unless I wanted mother to have a fit, which was always quite amusing. But not today, I promised dad I’d behave and show them the school had a good effect on me. Maybe it’s better if they don’t know about the attacks happening to students, I wouldn’t want to be taken to a normal school, Wednesday’s stories of them sounded horrible. I wouldn’t survive a day there.
            My parents knew from the very moment I was born that there was something wrong with me. As a baby, I would rarely laugh when they’d play with me and I would often enjoy hitting Jason, who was an easy target. Whenever Kevin was asked to watch us, I'd somehow lock him up somewhere, so he couldn’t see us and I’d take Jason’s toys away and either throw them at him or hit him with them. But really, these signs could’ve meant that I was just an evil kid and I’d behave better as I grew, but whenever my mother touched me, she felt nothing. I would stare at her blankly and when I’d feel the horror of the thought of her daughter being an abomination, a smile would spread onto my lips. After a while she just stopped touching me, too afraid of my emotions. Or lack of them. It was quite pathetic, really, how a mother was afraid of their own child. A little child, nonetheless. I was harmless, unless you’re asking Kevin and Jason. My father would try and calm my mother by saying that I would develop later and that maybe I was just masking my feelings to annoy them, but the desperation in him each time he’d grip my arm or shoulder to feel the emotions coursing through me, said otherwise. I was a lost cause in their eyes. I think the final straw for my mother was when I had turned five and they attempted to teach me how to control my powers and how to manipulate others, and I just told them that I already knew how to do all of that. The feeling of dread oozing from my mother surprised me, that’s why I still remember it, and it was then when I realized she saw me as a freak. Something she’d hate her whole life. My father gripped her arm and attempted to calm her down, but my mother realized what he was trying to do and started screaming at him that whatever I was, was dangerous to the people around me and that I was a monster. They couldn’t control me and that scared her.
“Daddy is shocked,” I remember I said with a little smile, “but you, mommy, you are scared. Horrified. Disgusted. Do you not like me?”
My mother’s lips quivered as I tauntingly pouted at her, she was on the verge of crying, “I thought you were supposed to love me. Like you love Kevin and Jason.”
“I can not love a monster like you—” My father gasped and his shock quickly turned into anger as his head snapped towards his wife.
“Eliza!” He exclaimed and looked at her with an expression telling her she shouldn’t have said that, “How can you say that?!”
“Look at her, Brad! Does she seem normal to you?!” My mother’s voice was raising and I continued to listen to them quietly, blinking from time to time. Disgust mixed with betrayal was what my mother was feeling and my father was just shocked, angry and disappointed.
“At least keep your thoughts to yourself, she’s just a child!” My father hissed at mom as he gave me a side glance and mom just shook her head in defiance. Before a big fight could erupt, I spoke up as if I was clueless.
“Mom doesn’t have to speak; I feel whatever she’s feeling. And they are never very nice, especially right now.” I said quietly and my parents looked at me both sharply, questioningly.
“I don’t have to touch people to feel emotions, like you all. I can just simply feel them, all the time.” I continued talking and shrugged. They remained quiet and I walked up to them, looking up with no expression on my face. My emotions were always simple, what I felt inside, was calmness. Numbness or nothing. That was my usual state of mind. When triggered enough, I would get angry or irritated, or some other negative feelings, but other than that, I was just…calm. When Alec was agitated as a toddler, he’d always come up to me and hold my hand. When he learned how to speak, he’d always tell me I felt so peaceful, like nobody else.
“What—what is happening?!” My mother stammered as I let them feel whatever I was feeling, numbness.
“This is what it feels like if you’re me,” I chimed up with a fake smile, I didn’t know if it was a moment asking for a smile or not, “and I can make you feel whatever I’d like you to feel.”
I barely finished talking, when my mother turned around and stormed out of the room, taking her horrendous emotions with her. My father sighed and asked me to stop channeling my emotions onto him. He took my hand next and walked me to my room and put me to sleep, reading a fairytale about some princess who got saved from a big monster by a blonde prince, who liked to draw in his spare time. The whole time he held my hand, despite being just five, I knew what he was doing. He wanted to see the roller-coaster of emotions any kid my age would feel during a story like that, and got nothing in exchange.
A few years went by and my relationship only worsened with my mom. She barely spoke to me and started running some harmless tests on me. Kevin was getting more and more scared of me, to the point where he’d start crying if I looked at him for a little too long. Jason would avoid being around me and would call me all kinds of disgusting names. It wasn’t like all of that bothered me, but I knew a decent human being shouldn’t have treated one of its own like that. It was basic knowledge. I was eight when one day dad walked into my room and told me to get dressed because we were going hiking. I wasn’t a big fan of long walks in nature; but nature, which felt just as neutral as I, was always a blessing. Living in a household where everyone’s emotions ran high was exhausting; and Gemma was only four years old, her emotions combined with mother’s would give me migraines on some days. So, after getting dressed, dad and I took off and walked for about an hour. He knew there were some animal attacks in the area, but we were safe. Father’s special power was creating a protective shield around him and whatever else he wanted to, his family lineage was a mix of mind controllers and empaths, they inherited some pretty cool abilities. Apparently, only Alec and I inherited the mind control abilities, but I decided to keep mine a secret, I knew mom would’ve had a heart attack if I were to tell them about that too. Alec could control one’s body to his liking, meanwhile I had the basic ability of moving things with my mind, but only if I concentrated hard enough on them. My father was a hunter as well, he’d seen many gruesome things in his life, yet he’d always feel so awful when he saw a dead animal. During one of his trips, he discovered an animal sliced in two and he knew it must’ve been the werewolves from the outskirts of the town. He wasn’t a big fan of said pack, but as long as they stayed away from my father’s hunting territory he remained civil with them. I was enjoying our walk as I ran up a smaller hill, but soon came to a halt. A lamb was torn in two and flies and other insects were devouring it. I felt my father’s disgust and sadness before I felt his hand on my shoulder, and he sighed. It was hard looking away from the scene. It was nothing like I had seen before. Murder was such a fascinating thing. I was snapped out of my thoughts as my father turned me around and we started walking back as he asked me to hold his hand. My mind was still on the dead animal I had seen, curious as to what happened to it, and how. Whatever killed it, was ruthless.
“I’m sorry you had to see that, sweetheart, it was terrifying and disgusting.” My dad said and I could feel he was sorry. I shrugged and looked up at him with big eyes.
“It’s fine, this is how nature works, right? Kill or get killed.”
My father chuckled, but I felt him shudder. For some reason, he was really calm and that was unlike him, “It feels inadequate to hear something like that coming from an eight-year-old girl.”
I shrugged and followed him wordlessly.
“Aren’t you scared? That we could end up like that too?” My father asked and I took a second to think before I shook my head.
“No, because daddy can protect us with his shield, can’t you?” I grinned at him, finding his power quite fascinating. He could’ve used that to his advantage in so many cases.
“Of course I can, and I would at any given moment,” He cleared his throat and I felt him looking at me, “Can daddy ask you a few questions?”
“When was the last time you got angry or mad?”
“I don’t know.” My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to remember, but couldn’t.
“What about feeling sad? Your grandma died just a month ago, it was really hard on all of us.” He was right, it impacted the family harshly. Well, not me, but to them it was awful. And thus, indirectly to me as well, because they made me feel miserable with their awful feelings.
“I know, all of you were grieving and hurting, it was really bad.” I grimaced thinking back, even though sometimes they’d still feel quite depressed, “It was very overwhelming to be around you, your emotions were making me feel awful. It was very bothersome.”
“You didn’t share our emotions?”
“Other than the headaches mom would get, no.” I muttered and ducked down as we passed by a tree which’ branch was hanging really low. My father hummed as we were nearing the road.
“And happy? When did you feel happy?”
“I can’t remember.” My answer was quick and honest.
“What about love?” Suddenly the calmness disappeared and hope washed over my father, as I looked up at him. What was he hoping for? That his little daughter was suddenly cured after a walk in the woods? After seeing a poor animal sliced in two? I didn’t care. I felt nothing. It didn’t impress me or left me with trauma.
“I don’t know what love is or feels like. I physically can not feel it or experience it. Every human being has a different definition for love and they all feel it differently, so I don’t have an exact answer for you.”
My father’s eyes got a bit teary as the hope he felt was shattered by my words, “You don’t know what it feels like to love.”
“I don’t, and I never will, because I’m a monster.” Maybe it wasn’t the right time to smile, but I did as I looked at my father. And he felt disappointed, not at me, but at himself. But at least now he was convinced of what I was. An empath with no emotions of its own.
“I will teach you everything you need to know to live a seemingly normal life between humans, alright?” There was a newfound spark in my father’s eyes, so I just nodded. And quite ironically, I met Xavier Thorpe the next day as his father came to visit my parents. It was funny, how Xavier met the me, who didn’t know how to mask its true self, yet he seemed to forget the real me as we grew older and older. Maybe it was because I was a genuinely good actress. My father kept his words and taught me everything I needed to know about feelings, emotions, and how to act around people. He helped me asses a situation and react accordingly to it. He taught me how to comfort a suffering person and how to make others laugh with stupid jokes. He taught me how to have a genuine smile and what being kind and sweet to others meant. He taught me when to be sad or even mad, and what to tolerate from others and what not to. I became an excellent body language reader and knowing what people felt around me, it just turned me into a master manipulator. It was funny how everyone who didn’t know the real me loved me and wished to be around me, yet all my family wished to do was run as far away as possible if they happened to come near me. 
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            The day was turning out to be horrible. So much happiness caused an almost unbearable headache. I was feeling quite moody and my family was just making it worse, especially my mother. At some point I stopped paying attention to her and would’ve been grateful to Alec, if I were able to feel that, when he kept asking questions about the academy and whatever he found cool or creepy. The statues were his favorite and he told me he would come to this academy too once he grew up, it was a secret, but he actually disliked normal schools. Too much normality for such a curious and mischievous boy like him.
Currently, it was lunch time and we were sat at a table in the courtyard, supposed to have some pleasant conversations. We were sat close to Ajax and his family and it was quite hard not to overhear his mother, who was loudly praising Ajax and his cousins for their achievements. It was funny, how I was a top-grade student, yet my mother uttered not even one word of congratulations or acknowledgement of them. Oh, but Xavier, fear not, was placed on a pedestal. He was sitting right across from me, next to my mother, of course, meanwhile I was sitting between Alec and Jason. Gemma, who was sat next to Xavier, would bat her eyelashes at him in a sensual way, and I’m pretty sure that subtle emotion I was almost feeling could’ve been called disgust, it did look disgusting and it was hard to watch. Dad sat at the head of the table and Kevin on the other side of the table as he tried to make himself small, jumping at the stupidest of sounds. He was terrified and I seriously couldn’t understand why, but it was getting so bad, that as I bit into the crispy chicken wing, I decided to put him out of his misery. He visibly loosened up as a strong wave of calmness washed over him, meanwhile my skin tingled. Alec accidentally touched my wrist and a huge grin erupted onto his face. Mother noticed and her eyebrows furrowed as I sent him a wink, she was suddenly feeling worried. Probably because she thought I was trying to corrupt her youngest.
“Alec, you shouldn’t sit so close to Y/N.” Mother’s attention was suddenly on the two of us, I closed my eyes for a second, ready for whatever was about to come. Today I was easy to irritate and I could feel my heartbeat quicken, “How many times have I reminded you to stay away from her?!”
Alec placed his fork down loudly, and pouted at mom, “Does it matter? She doesn’t even have to touch us to use her powers. I think it’s whatever how close I sit to her.”
Savage Alec was always satisfying to hear and my eyes almost widened when I felt the satisfaction oozing from my father as he subtly looked at Alec with a proud, little, grin. Sometimes I was sure even dad was fed up with mom, and rightfully so.
“Don’t talk back to me, young man.” Mom snapped as she reached forward to put some more salad onto her plate. I felt something push at my leg from underneath the table and I slowly looked up at Xavier, knowing very well it was him. Out in the sunlight, I noticed the dark bags underneath his eyes. It made his complex look even more hollow. He probably wasn’t sleeping well due to the nightmares. I raised my eyebrow at him and he motioned towards the orange juice which was closest to me. Ah, he was just thirsty. He was awfully quiet ever since we sat down to have lunch and it was because he was feeling uncomfortable and guilty. My mother kept praising him for his good grades and exceptional behavior. Then started blabbering on about his father and how they met up last weekend for a barbeque and it was then when I felt a spark of anger. How could she sit there and talk about seeing his father, when he promised he’d come and visit Xavier today, just to bail out on him. It made Xavier feel horrible and the instant hurt that washed over him, knocked me breathless. Everyone looked at me weirdly when I managed to take a deep breath and it made me realize I was hyper-fixating on Xavier’s emotions so that I wouldn’t feel my family’s, which made me experience whatever he was feeling a lot more intensely. So I stopped doing that and everyone else’s emotions hit me like a roller-coaster, making my ears ring for a second. The warm hand on my wrist and the sudden calmness which washed over me made me smirk as Alec looked at me with innocent eyes.
“You felt troubled so suddenly,” He whispered to me as he pretended to reach for a napkin, “Sorry.”
I hummed and offered him a tiny smile as Xavier handed Alec the napkin. He took it with a huge grin and Xavier chuckled, looking at me again. I raised my eyebrows at him and before he could speak up, mother opened her mouth, again.
“The Poe Cup is coming up, isn’t it?” She sounded excited.
“Yes, in about a week.” She looked at me displeased that I didn’t let her precious Xavier answer her. I smirked at her and her jaw tightened as anger flared in her. She quickly averted her attention back onto Xavier and I heard Jason scoff next to me. Oh, how much he hated Xavier, it was quite hilarious. A freak like him stealing the spotlight from attention hungry Jason, who was desperately trying to get mother’s validation? Such a tragic story. One I can only laugh at.
“And what’s that?” Gemma spoke up sounding very bored, which she actually was. But as Xavier cleared his throat, she sat up straighter and her smile got sweeter. Oh, God, there was that feeling again. Fluster and happiness that Xavier’s attention was on her once again.
“It’s a game,” Xavier’s smooth voice explained and I smiled softly, I liked listening to his voice, it often brought even more calmness to my already numb state of being, “Where we race each other on water, in boats. There are no rules and the winner gets the cup and brings it to their Hall. Bianca has been on a winning streak for a few years now, it gets quite frustrating.”
“What is Bianca?” Alec perked up curiously.
“A siren.” I answered him and he nodded eagerly, “Which makes it really easy to cheat, they are in their natural habitat.”
“How can you cheat when there are no rules, sis?” Jason asked mockingly. My family was becoming more and more irritating, isn’t it just fantastic?
“It’s about having common sense, Jason. Just because there are no rules, you shouldn’t knock your adversary out.” Xavier snapped at my brother, the two now glaring at each other. Oh, their hatred was mutual.
“If I were to play, I’d knock your head off without resentment.” Jason snickered and my grip tightened on my glass of water. I didn’t like it when he disrespected Xavier. Xavier’s jaw clenched and he masked his anger with a quiet laugh as he looked at Jason with a sudden smirk.
“I bet you wouldn’t last a minute; you’d probably get knocked out while paddling.” I snickered and shared an amused look with Xavier as my brother’s hands turned into fists. You didn’t have to be an empath to feel the anger radiating off him. Now, that eased my irritation a bit, it was quite amusing.
“I’m afraid he wouldn’t be able to even sit in the boat—”
“Now that is enough!” My mother snapped, giving me a harsh glare. She gripped Xavier’s shoulder and sent a wave of calmness over him, pissing me off. I think my limits were tested today, and now I was actually mad at them. Why wouldn’t she let Xavier feel whatever he was feeling? Let him be angry and smug, did he hurt someone with that? No. I looked into my mother’s eyes as I allowed my powers to give back Xavier’s initial feelings, body tingling, as my mother gasped. Her hand flew off Xavier’s body and his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at my mother, realizing she was trying to influence him into feeling calm. The hatred my mother felt towards me would’ve made everyone else cry, but I couldn’t care less.
“Stop controlling everyone around you, mother.” I snapped, voice harsh and mask slipping for a second as I felt that terror wash over Kevin again. The calmness I induced in him didn’t last for long, I guess, “People were made to feel. So let them feel. Xavier’s feelings were justified, Jason is an asshole and we all know it. Maybe next time you should educate him better.”
“Your attitude is disgusting—”
“And questionable. Only freaks act like that.” My voice was raising, she didn’t want to cause a scene? Fear not, mother, I’ll cause a scene for you. “You should come up with something more original, something I haven’t heard before.”
My father was feeling uncomfortable and Xavier’s anger was amplified. Maybe now is the moment I tell you how much he dislikes my mother. I wasn’t the only good actress from this table, his acting skills are quite spectacular.
“This school was supposed to make you normal.” My mother snapped and my father’s head snapped into her direction.
“Eliza.” He warned, his voice deep as he glanced at me.
“I am normal in this school.” I fired back at mom, uncaring about the desperation in my father, asking me to stop adding fuel to the fire.
“Normal!” Mom exclaimed sarcastically, and her eyes fell on a short, dark-haired girl with two braids, pale skin and blank expression, as she just passed by our table. Our eyes met for a second and we nodded at each other in a silent greeting, but it was Xavier’s emotions which irritated me more. He was head over heels for Wednesday, it was quite sickening. The way he’d perk up around her and the instant happiness he’d feel at the sight of her. His quick heartbeat would make him blush sometimes and he’d even stammer. The most disturbing thing was the dreamy look in his eyes whenever he spoke about her, it was horrible, really.
“Look at that freak. You’re just like her, if she’s not worst.” Well, she shouldn’t have brought Wednesday into this. One, I enjoyed her personality. Two, she was nothing like me. Getting compared to her felt like an insult, or at least I imagined that’s what it is, since the sudden burst of anger in me made me stand up. I slammed my hands on the table, the loud sound made Ajax and his family look at us, as many other people.
My voice was low and menacing as I glared into my mother’s dark brown eyes. Terror overtook her body and I took the chance and amplified it, making her shake. Her lips were trembling and my father’s mouth fell open in shock as he stood up as well, thinking whether to approach me or not.
“She’s nothing like me, mother. Her feelings are the strongest I’ve ever come across. Don’t compare her to a ruthless monster like me.” Xavier was on his feet now too and he didn’t hesitate like my father did in approaching me, he was by my side in a second. He didn’t touch me, he just made sure to stay incredibly close. Kevin and Jason’s fear was fueling my rage and making me channel them more onto my mother, who had tears running down her cheeks now. Gemma was scared too, but she masked it well as she tried focusing on anything else but us. And Alec, he just watched without feeling much. He was actually happy that I was standing up for myself.
“St—stop!” Mom managed to whine out between clattering teeth and I started laughing, jumping a little when Xavier finally touched me. His hand came in contact gently with my cheek and he turned me away from my mother, his forest green eyes gazing deeply into mine. His calmness actually shocked me. My eyebrows furrowed as we looked at each other. How could he remain so calm in such situation? When he saw my mask slipping? Unknowingly seeing the real me?
“Y/N, please, stop it.” It was my father pleading with me, “I don’t want to force anything on you, so stop it right now.”
“You should teach her how to behave too, father.” There was spite in my voice as I looked at my mom disgusted before tearing away from Xavier and storming off. Enid, who was the purest person I got to know, jumped up from her seat when I stormed past her and wanted to take off after me, but thankfully Wednesday stopped her when we shared a glance. I wanted to be alone. I did not want to see my family for the rest of the day. I would not be seeing them off. Xavier will do that in my place, and I know everyone would be happiest if it was him instead of me. Well, perhaps not Alec, but I didn’t really care. He’d get over it. So I went to a place where I knew nobody would disturb me since only Xavier and I knew about it. His little shed, which he uses as his art studio. I had a few hours to spend alone.
            Feet dangling off the table, I started counting the planks in the ceiling. The shed was a little wood construction. After laying down on a half empty table an hour ago, I was getting sleepy, so I started counting to keep myself awake. Around three hours passed since I left the courtyard and I was enjoying solitary. It was calm out here, the wind had picked up and it would rattle the branches of trees, leaves falling off. Chipmunks would run around from time to time, making the dry leaves crunch. Nature was quiet and after the accumulation of emotions, it was exactly what I needed. I was back to feeling numb, except this time, it felt emptier, hollower. Probably because I was drained and I needed a copious amount of sleep. The scrunching of leaves caught my attention again, but before I could think it was just another chipmunk, a wave of relief hit me. Somebody was approaching the shed, and it was none other than Xavier. He knocked on the door before he entered and he let out a long, tired, sigh.
“Hi.” He said quietly and awkwardly stood in the doorway of his own art studio. I smirked to myself, still laid out on his desk, still counting the planks.
“Don’t just stand there, it’s your own place.” I spoke up and it amused Xavier as he took slow steps, approaching me. I should’ve been disturbed by a few of his paintings, they were of a weird looking creature. I just found them really artistic and visionary. It had a different touch to it; some were foggier than others. As if he couldn’t see the monster clearly. And then there was the other painting, of Wednesday. Of course, it came as no surprise. Xavier, like I said earlier, was head over heels for her. Sickening.
“I see you’ve made yourself comfortable.” Xavier muttered as he leaned against the table, hip brushing my sock covered knee. I hummed as I felt his eyes on me, but continued counting. I was at thirty.
“Your empty table was begging me to lay down on it.” I said with a shrug and Xavier chuckled, looking around. I glanced at him and saw as his eyes stopped on the uncovered canvas. The one of Wednesday. His cheeks flared and he was suddenly embarrassed. He tried to compose himself and avoided looking at me, surely feeling my intense and teasing gaze on him.
“I assume you had seen off my parents, since you’re here now.”
“Correct,” he cleared his throat and crossed his arms in front of his chest, “Alec was quite disappointed he couldn’t say bye to you.”
“He’ll live.” I shrugged and sat up, back feeling a bit numb from laying on the harsh surface of the table for so long. I ran my fingers through my long black hair and looked at Xavier. He was still embarrassed and wouldn’t look at me, pathetic.
“I see you snooped around.”
“I merely looked at what was uncovered.” Well, that was a lie. But I figured I was trying to be funny…or sarcastic. I wouldn’t know which one, but Xavier took it as funny, as he chuckled.
“Right, like that one over there.” He pointed his finger at the one canvas’ of Wednesday and turned his head to look at me. One eyebrows raised, he acted as if he was hurt that I violated his privacy, when in reality he was just embarrassed and flustered. Of course, the thought of Wednesday made him feel many ways, and they all disgusted me.
“Oh, the one with Wednesday.” I said nonchalantly and he let his hand fall and rest on my knee, “I know you’re a great artist, but it surprises me how perfectly you were able to paint each detail. The facial expression is just…the same. Impressive.”
“I did get it pretty close, didn’t I?” His voice sounded dreamy and he looked at the painting of the girl. Xavier was feeling proud and love struck again. I rolled my eyes and pushed his hand off my knee before getting off the table. Xavier’s eyes widened just a little bit when I went to stand in front of him with my arms crossed in front of my chest. My proximity surprised him.
“You did, which is concerning.” I spoke up, faking confusion and worry, “You’ve been observing her really closely, haven’t you?”
“Sometimes.” Xavier shrugged, all of a sudden feeling uncomfortable. He looked into my eyes and pursed his lips, he didn’t want to talk about it, but I wasn’t letting go of the subject yet.
“I think, all the time, is more fitting, Xavier.” I chuckled and he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms in front of his chest, “You do know that she’s not into you, right?”
Xavier gulped and remained silent as he searched my face to see if I was sincere, which I was. I plastered on a blank expression and sighed loudly, as if I was tired of this subject. Which I truly was, but what I was about to tell Xavier, I haven’t told him before. Maybe it’s because today sucked and being alone for three hours hasn’t actually helped, but I was tired and annoyed by Xavier’s blind pinning on Wednesday.
“She doesn’t like you, Xavier. At all.” I continued speaking and his eyebrows furrowed, “When she looks at you, she feels nothing. Her heartbeat doesn’t quicken, like yours. She doesn’t get flustered, like you. She’s never embarrassed thinking she’s not looking her best around you. When you compliment her, it literally leaves her cold, Xavier. Sometimes she doesn’t even hear you. She prefers not paying attention to you and she finds you nagging and annoying. Sometimes even thinks you’re too soft, so that disgusts her. Maybe you should find somebody else, who appreciates you.”
Oh, Xavier was mad now. He was scowling and standing up straight, towering over me. I knew a few people who would’ve felt scared right now, but I just remained unmoving and unblinking as I looked up into his green eyes, which were glaring down into mine.
“And maybe you shouldn’t blabber around without being asked, Y/N.” Xavier snapped at me and I rolled my eyes.
“I just want to awaken you to reality and make you realize, that liking Wednesday won’t lead you anywhere.”
“How would you know?!” Xavier’s voice raised an octave and I clenched my jaw, I didn’t like being yelled at, “Are you a seer now too?”
“That’s funny coming from you.” I fake laughed, “You seem to forget I’m an empath, who feels the emotions of others!”
My voice raised a bit too as Xavier walked away, nearing one of the paintings of the monster. He was feeling hurt and angry. Well, someone had to wake him up to reality, right? I thought it was better sooner than later. It would only get harder later on for him to move on.
“And just because you’re an empath you can predict the future now?!”
“Oh, please, Xavier! She likes Tyler! A lot!” Xavier opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked at me as if I told him I killed his puppy, he was beyond hurt. He felt betrayed, it almost made me laugh. It wasn’t even that serious, he just liked overreacting.
“Maybe you should get a life, Y/N, and stop being so obsessed with me!” I scoffed, but Xavier continued talking, “You follow me around non-stop and have no friends. Sometimes I feel like you’re forcing yourself onto me and the only reason we’re friends is because my father told me to keep you close to myself when we were eight, because you’re dangerous and you’ll hurt others.”
My eyebrows furrowed. That was weird, I knew nothing about that. I knew Xavier considered me his closest friend, but I never knew his father forced him into befriending me when we were little. Any normal person would be beyond hurt right now. I’m just surprised. Xavier has been lying to me for so many years, that’s quite impressive. Well…alright, maybe he didn’t lie, because his feelings were always genuine towards me. It’s just surprising from a command how far things got. I didn’t need friends, I was better off on my own, it was Xavier who needed me. And why did he stay around for so long if he knew I was dangerous? Maybe because I never let my mask slip around him, and made him believe I was a good person. That meant I was doing a great job. A smile spread onto my lips as dread oozed out of Xavier for the horrible things he said to me. I wasn’t affected, I didn’t actually care. If he’s had enough of me, I’ve had enough of him too.
“Y/N—” He quickly caught my hand when I went to walk by him, but I gently pulled it back and looked into his eyes, still smiling. I think this wasn’t the right moment to smile, but it was quite confusing. And it was making Xavier feel even worse. Seriously, we got here because I mentioned Wednesday, this guy needs to priorities himself. I walked off without a word, smile on my lips, leaving Xavier feeling horrible.
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            Three days passed since Parent’s Day. Three days since Xavier has spoken to me. I haven’t realized before how fast friendships could end. It was a weird feeling being alone all the time. It wasn’t something which made me uncomfortable, I welcomed it with open arms, it was just something new. I would always talk about random things that came unexpectedly to my mind to Xavier, who was always next to me. Now I had no one to talk to, so I would keep them to myself. I tried talking to a few students, but they were weirded out. It didn’t take me long at all to realize that the only reason I felt normal at Nevermore was because of Xavier. He never failed to make me feel human and normal. It was peculiar, really, and made me ponder about it sometimes when I got too bored with myself. Did I miss Xavier? Well, truthfully speaking, no. Would I have missed Xavier if I were able to? Honestly speaking, probably yes. But then I would’ve also been very hurt and maybe then there would be no turning back. But if I had actual feelings, than our friendship would’ve been genuine from the very start.
I blinked and shook my head, focusing on the painted target up ahead. It was pathetic how the thought of Xavier could distract me so easily from mundane things, like archery. I loved archery. My father taught me how to use a bow and arrow when I was ten. He is a hunter, so he’s quite experienced with various weapons. Sometimes, just to feel the terror and amuse myself, when dad took me out hunting with Jason, I would point my arrow at him and pretend to release it. He’d freak out and start crying loudly, alerting the animals we were close, therefore ruining my father’s hunt. He’d always get angry at Jason and when he’d explain the reason, our father would just shake his head, ask me to stop and use his power to calm Jason down so we’d continue the hunt. Fun times those were. I took another arrow and pulled it back, zoning in on the middle of the target. The red dot. Just as I released it, I felt a presence behind me. I was concentrating so hard that I failed to notice their aura and emotions until now. Remorse. Embarrassment. Guilt. Longing.
“Hello, Xavier.” I spoke up before he could. I felt him turn surprised that I knew it was him without seeing him. I was used to the feel of him and his emotions.
“Hi,” He cleared his throat, almost hesitating in saying my name, “Y/N.”
I took another arrow and pulled it back, releasing it as it hit the red dot again. There were two days until the Poe Cup. Enid and Yoko were doing their best decorating the boat. Enid was very excited and convinced this year we’d win. Ophelia Hall. And I had to agree, I consider myself a very competitive person, therefore I’d do anything to beat the other teams. No rules meant total freedom. And I loved freedom.
“Can I help you with something?” I raised an eyebrow as I took another arrow and concentrated on the target.
“I just want to talk to you—” I released the arrow and Xavier sighed, frustrated, he wanted me to offer him my undivided attention, “Please, can you stop for a second and look at me?”
I stopped for a second and turned around, to look at him, “Just did it.” My reply was cheeky, but Xavier found it annoying as he was dying to talk to me, before I could turn back around, he grabbed my wrist to stop me. His hand was warm and his hold familiar, he was always very gentle when holding me. I cleared my throat and lowered my bow, finally placing my attention on him. Xavier smiled timidly as he looked down at the grassy ground and cleared his throat.
“Can you get more awkward?” I rolled my eyes and Xavier gave me a look, asking me to shut up.
“Listen, I—I’m a horrible friend. I’m embarrassed and I hate myself for the things I told you.” Xavier’s eyebrows furrowed and the intensity of his honesty knocked me breathless again, “I should’ve never said something like that. It’s a lie! All of it—well, not the part where my father told me to befriend you, but I actually like you a lot! It was never forced or fake! I genuinely consider you my best friend, Y/N. And if you hate me, I totally understand and I deserve it, wholeheartedly! I’m an awful person and I don’t deserve you. If you won’t speak to me ever again I totally understand you and deserve it, but I—I just want you to know, that I am very, very, very sorry. And I hope one day you can forgive me, because not having you around for the past three days felt horrible and I realized how much you mean to me and I just—I don’t know, I don’t want to lose you, even though I probably did when I said those awful things.”
I remained blank faced just to antagonize Xavier more, prolong his suffering. It was really amusing. He was trying to hide the pain, but he couldn’t. If not his emotions, his eyes said everything.
“Well,” I sighed deeply, biting my lower lip, “I guess you’re very lucky that I even listened to that whole speech of yours.”
“Yes, I am!” Xavier exclaimed and suddenly took both of my hands into his and pulled me closer, gazing deeply into my eyes. What the hell? His gorgeous forest green eyes brought peace to my mind, in a normal scenario I could said, I probably missed them. “I am aware how lucky I am, Y/N, that you are standing here, looking me in the eyes after that day, and I just—”
“Okay, seeing you miserable is—” I took a deep breath and released it slowly, eyebrows furrowing, “annoying and quite pathetic, so shut up. I’m speaking now.”
I paused to let that sink into Xavier’s mind and he nodded eagerly. A spark of hope lit up in him, but his self-hatred was still stronger.
“Yes, you are a horrible friend for the things you said. And in a different scenario, I wouldn’t forgive you. But you’ve always been honest to me and our friendship was never fake, so I can’t be mad at you. Maybe your father saw something happening in the future and that is why he advised you be my friend, which was a wise choice if he stopped something horrible from happening. You are my best friend, Xavier, and I don’t want to lose you either. So, please, stop the self-loathing and smile. I forgive you…like, actually, truly, without feeling any resentment towards you, I forgive you.” I said all of that in one breath, meaning I had to take a deep breath by the time I was finished speaking. Xavier was speechless as he watched me smile at him.
“You—forgive me? Just like that?” He was confused. God, this boy could be so annoying. Anyone else would be kissing my feet for forgiving them just like that, but he’s here, questioning me after my half assed speech.
“Yes, Xavier, I do. You’re forgiven, now let me go.” I shook my head at him in an exasperated way, “I’m here for archery.”
“Okay, but I—I’m confused.” His eyebrows furrowed and I rolled my eyes, pulling my hands out of his hold as I reached down for my bow.
“About what? Seriously, just accept what’s happened and move on with your life.” I muttered as I went to turn around, feeling a bit irritated, but Xavier stopped me.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful—”
“I know,” I snapped, glaring at him, “I can literally feel it, Xavier. Remember?”
He just rolled his eyes and ignored my comment, “I’m grateful, however, I’m concerned.”
“About what?!”
“About how easily you forgave me!” He exclaimed and a few people glanced at us, Enid too. Lovely, create a scene Xavier. It’s not as if the whole school wasn’t already talking about our falling out or me, due to my stupid family.
“Why is that concerning—nevermind, you’re giving me a headache.” Xavier tsked and pulled me in closer, leaning his head down to be eye level with me.
“Because you like me…” The silence around the two of us was deafening. I think the right expression would’ve been: what the fuck?
“Uhm,” My eyebrows furrowed, “yes, because we’re friends?”
“No, no—” Xavier felt awkward and I was just weirded out, “I mean it in a way…like…you’re into me. You know?”
“So, you’re saying I’m in love with you?” I asked confused, because I think I was actually confused. And well, amused as well.
“No! Not in love! Just…you know…infatuated or something.” I hummed and bit my lower lip, trying to stop myself from laughing. Poor Xavier, “Are you…trying not to laugh at me?!”
Xavier semi-exclaimed and I finally burst out laughing, breaking our proximity as Xavier released me, finally. He just watched dumbfounded and confused as I laughed and laughed, almost getting teary eyed. Even my belly started aching!
“So, sorry that might’ve been insensible, but—” I cleared my throat once I was done laughing and straightened my stance, “I don’t like you like that, Xavier. Nor am I infatuated with you. We are best friends, and that’s it. Cross my heart and hope to die!” I held out my pinky for him, but he really didn’t want to believe me.
“Listen, it’s fine. I don’t mind it; we’ll still remain best friends—”
“Of course, we will!” I scoffed.
“No, listen to me, Y/N.” He was very serious, “Ever since Wednesday showed up you’ve been acting jealous from time to time. You hate it when I talk about her and I really didn’t want to believe you liked me in that way at first, but after our fight...which started from Wednesday and her not liking me back—I just figured you like me and it’s hard for you to accept that I’m into someone else.”
Now, just for effect, I would’ve loved slapping Xavier over the face. But again, that would be inappropriate. However, it might’ve slapped the illusion out of him! I was beyond irritated. I wasn’t in love with him! Or infatuated! Or jealous! I literally cannot feel!
“Xavier, stop embarrassing yourself. I’m incapable of feeling anything like that.” I snapped lowly at him, irritated. His eyebrows furrowed, but he seemed to disregard my words.
“Hey, I told you it was okay—”
“No, Xavier, I’m serious! I can’t feel a thing!” I huffed and turned around grabbing an arrow more forcefully than necessary, “Now, forget whatever stupid illusion you have made yourself believe and leave me alone. I’ll have class soon and I want to enjoy archery for a little bit longer.”
“Yeah, sure,” Xavier sounded unsure, he was confused, “I’ll see you in class.”
I hummed and listened to his footsteps as he walked away. Human emotions and illusions can be hilarious…and dangerous.
            Our day ended with a thunderstorm. It was pouring down hard, the harsh wind rattling the hinges of my locked window. I didn’t have a roommate, my mother asked Principal Weems to place me in a solo room, so that I wouldn’t cause any kind of trauma to anyone from the Academy. It was quite irritating at first, but after a while I was content with staying alone. Saved me from having to deal with someone else’s emotions after a day full of just that. It offered me tranquility; therefore I could relax and thrive in the comfort of solidary. After taking a hot shower and combing my hair, I decided to sneak down into the Nightshades’ secret library and search for books which were written about empaths. I’ve been doing some research this past month, wanting to find out more about myself. I couldn’t be the only who was born like this, there certainly has to be at least one other person besides me. But so far I had been unsuccessful, and with a tired sigh, I grabbed the book which seemed most interesting and carefully, to not get caught, sneaked back up to my room. The lamp on my bedside table was the only thing illuminating my room, which wasn’t as big as Enid and Wednesday’s. You could define it the size of a bigger storage room, but it was perfect for one person. I made it feel homey, inviting, in case I had people over. I taped some green and red leaves against the walls, making it look like you were in a forest during autumn, creating the illusion of those falling on you. My desk was placed right underneath the big window. I had placed fairy lights all around it, and wall as well. A few sketches given by Xavier were taped above my bed on the wall, and I cut out quotes from books that I found interesting, or some would say, inspiring. Enid loved gifting stuffed animals to me, so in a corner of my room, I had arranged them nicely. Since I put them on display, she would always get happy when she saw them. The bookcase I had from across my bed was huge, reached from ceiling to floor and had a little bit of everything. All the books I owned, and little ornaments I gathered from around the world when I traveled with my family, and the jewelry boxes I bought not a long time ago from an antique store in Jericho. Next to it was my closet, and one of its door’s wasn’t working right, so I couldn’t fully close it. As you entered, right behind the door I had some plants which offered the room some fresh air and right next to it, in the corner, I had a dark green beanbag, placed in front of my body length mirror. Lightning struck again and illuminated my room as I finished reading the last sentence on the page. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was well past midnight, that would explain why I was seeing all the words blurry; my eyes were tired too. I sighed, closed the book and placed it on my bedside table, stretching my back, cracking a few vertebrae. Just as I reached for the lamp, to turn it off, there was a soft knock at my door. I turned towards it and pondered for a second who could be at this late hour.
“Yes?” I called out and my door was cracked open as Xavier stuck his head inside. Uneasiness and anxiety was racking through his whole being, “Come inside, Xav.”
He felt relief flooding through him as he swiftly slipped inside and closed the door, locking it. He was wearing his pajamas: grey sweatpants and a burgundy t-shirt. His hair was untied and the ends were still wet, meaning he showered before going to sleep. His eyes were a bit red and the bags still haven’t disappeared from underneath his eyes. Xavier looked very tired; he was in need of a good sleep at this point. There was another strike of lightning and Xavier jumped at the loud thunder following instantly.
“What happened to you?” I asked with furrowed eyebrows as I threw the blanket off myself. The lower temperature of the room suddenly hit me and I shivered. Wearing a tank top to bed, in the middle of autumn, probably wasn’t the best idea.
“Uh,” Xavier averted his eyes as he licked his lips, feeling a bit embarrassed, “I had a really bad—nightmare. And I couldn’t go back to sleep—not when I know that haunting creature will come back for me.”
I hummed and patted the bed next to me, asking Xavier to come and sit. He was quick as he got onto my bed, pulling the blanket over his bare feet. “These visions have been exhausting me pretty badly, I’m quite sick of them.”
“And the storm isn’t helping you either.” I added with a knowing smile; Xavier hated storms, especially the thunder. There was something very calming in the raindrops falling down and hitting the surface, I enjoyed it quite a lot if I got to stay inside.
“It really isn’t.” Xavier muttered and ran his long fingers through his soft hair as he glanced at me from the corner of his eye. I chuckled and leaned closer to him, resting my chin on his shoulder.
“Well, since I’m feeling generous—” I cleared my throat and Xavier was quick to smile, turning his head ever so slightly to look at me better, “I think you’re allowed to sleep next to me tonight.”
Xavier chuckled and I pulled away as he turned his head fully towards me, gazing into my eyes. He felt lucky to have me in his life in that exact moment and I saw his fingers twitching. There was this sudden new wave of emotion, something I couldn’t define, and it was getting more intense the longer I looked into Xavier’s eyes. He was also confused and his eyebrows were ever so slightly furrowed, but he quickly pushed the weird feeling away and became even more grateful that I took him in tonight. Besides, his fingers only twitched when he was holding back from hugging someone.
“It’s been long since we did this.” Xavier muttered with an amused smile and he looked around my room, his eyes stopping on the sketch he gave me this summer. We were out in the forest and found a flower clearing. While I was gathering some flowers for Alec, Xavier felt inspired and started drawing. The drawing was of me as I was leaning down and picking at a purple flower; his sketch was rather successful. I also admired it a lot ever since he gave it to me.
“Yes, because I thought you grew up and got over your fear of thunderstorms and the dark.” I teased Xavier as I pursed my lips and he rolled his eyes, pushing my shoulder playfully. The push wasn’t forceful at all, but I let myself fall onto my back. I huffed as hair got onto my face and stared up at the ceiling, feeling comfortable. I was really tired; I had a long day.
“Let’s go to sleep.” I spoke up when I realized Xavier remained sitting and just stared at me wordlessly. He seemed to snap out of his thoughts as he nodded and he gripped my blanket, pulling it over his body and mine as he laid down onto his back. We remained in silence as we stared up at the black ceiling for a few more seconds, nothing particular on our minds.
“Good night, Y/N.” Xavier whispered just as I reached out to turn off my lap. Darkness engulfed my room and my eyes needed a few moments to adjust to the darkness, which was lit by another lightning. Xavier turned onto his side, back facing me and blanket pulled up to his chin. He shifted around for a few seconds before settling down, inhaling and exhaling deeply. He got comfortable and I could feel his body releasing the stress he’s been feeling, letting his body and mind rest for the night. I bit my lower lip as I stared at the back of his head, his familiar scent, murky but sweet, made me feel weirdly tranquil. Without thinking much of it, I turned onto my side as well and scooted closer to Xavier. I pressed my forehead against his back and circled an arm around his waist, molding my body against his. We rarely touched each other, but falling asleep while cuddling always just felt…nice, sort of. Not that I could actually feel that.
“Good night, Xavier.” I whispered into his back and felt my eyes get heavier and heavier as the rain continued pouring and the lightning illuminated my room, thunder rumbling in the distance. Sleep came easier that night, to the both of us.
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             The day for the Poe Cup has arrived. And it was in full swing. Ophelia Hall managed to row through the river without hardships, all thanks to Wednesday, who stepped in for Yoko; she couldn’t make it today. I was more than sure that it was Bianca’s hand in it, but Wednesday, who also had the same hunch as me, remained silent and so we didn’t say a thing to Enid. We didn’t want to dishearten her before the race. Emotions were running high, adrenaline rushing through everyone as we were currently leading. We have pulled up with our boat to the deck of the little island, where our flags were. Wednesday was supposed to run for it, but she had hurt her leg the previous day, therefore the position was given to me.
“Go, run, Y/N, run!” Enid screamed loudly, excitement cursing through her veins as I got up and out of our boat. The team was cheering loudly for me, since we were leading, and with a chuckle I took off, just as Bianca’s boat pulled up to the deck as well. I didn’t want to disappoint Ophelia Hall, and Enid was so ecstatic about the whole thing, that I wanted to bring them victory. Even Wednesday, who obviously remained emotionless during the whole battle, was feeling excited and was enjoying the race. She was the most competitive one from our team and it made me grin. Enid having Wednesday and I in her team secured herself the victory. There were no rules, we could do anything. And I was more than convinced that Wednesday and I played dirty. Jogging through the forest, I heard another pair of shoes hitting the ground hard and realized Bianca was catching up. She was fueled with rage and desperation to get to the flag first and then row back to the shore. She really wanted to win, poor thing, I couldn’t wait to feel her despair once she loses.
“Hey, Y/N!” Bianca shouted after me, but I paid no attention to her as I started running faster. The latex suit Enid made us wear wasn’t very restricting and meanwhile it was a bit too much for my taste, I couldn’t say anything. The rest of the team were werewolves, besides Wednesday, and they wanted to represent that.
“Cat got your tongue?!” Bianca spoke up again, and I realized she was right behind me. I rolled my eyes and kept on running, feeling a weird change in the air. It’s like it got warmer, as if a sudden heatwave rolled in. Suddenly, Bianca was next to me and my legs felt a little sluggish.
“Oh, no, seems like your stamina isn’t as good as you imagined.” Bianca’s bright blue eyes stared deeply into mine and for a second, I felt mesmerized by them, “I think you should stop for a second and take a rest. Nobody would want you to get hurt or sick, Y/N, your health is more valuable to us.”
Before I could nod at her, I realized what was happening. I started laughing loudly and abruptly stopped, creating confusion in Bianca. She stopped too, to watch me with furrowed eyebrows.
“Well, I didn’t think it would be funny what I said, but you should totally just sit down now and wait until the race is over—”
“What you said isn’t funny, it’s what you’re trying to do is that makes me laugh.” Bianca was weirded out as she watched me pat my eyelids, I got teary eyed from laughing so hard.
“And what am I trying to do?”
“Your siren powers don’t work on me, Bianca.” Shock, is what she felt, and her eyes widened. It soon turned into confusion and I smirked as I walked up to her, getting all up in her face.
“To manipulate someone with your powers, the person should have emotions and feelings first. Next time, you should check who you’re trying to manipulate.” I was irritated, I always hated it when someone in my family tried to calm me down or make me feel happy. And Bianca tried controlling me with her stupid siren song power. I did not appreciate that, however, the confusion my words created in Bianca offered me enough time to jump on her. She yelped as my legs circled her waist and my hands went around her neck. Bianca’s eyes widened as I tipped her over and we fell onto the dirty ground, a loud grunt leaving her mouth. That must’ve hurt.
“You want to play dirty?” I whispered with a smirk, lips close to her ear, “I’ll show you dirty.”
And then I started squeezing. Bianca’s eyes widened instantly and dread started coursing through her as she desperately tried to pull my hands off her neck. Only problem for her was…that one’s intense emotions only give me more strength, therefore, she had no chance of getting me off herself. She was trying to desperately breathe as I was squeezing her airways, her nails digging into my wrists, as I kept smirking at her and squeezing harder. Relax, I wasn’t going to kill her, I just wanted to knock her out. When she started trashing her body around I got fed up and induced calmness into her, body instantly relaxing. Her wide eyes slowly started to close and I chuckled as she went limp.
“Don’t worry, Bianca,” I whispered and patted her cheek, “we’ll see each other when Ophelia Hall wins.”
I chuckled and as I raised to my knees, to get off her, a body tackled me to the ground. My left shoulder started throbbing as it took the fall and I groaned loudly, scrunching my nose at the uncomfortable body weight pinning me down. I looked up at Xavier, who was feeling conflicted and scared.
"What the hell?!" He exclaimed, eyes going to Bianca, who lay a few feet away from us, unconscious.
“Don’t worry,” I smirked, “I didn’t kill your lover.”
“She’s not my lover anymore, Y/N.” Xavier snapped, frustrated. This whole jester outfit made him look…quite handsome. The red lip paint stretched out his lips and when he smiled, the students around him felt creeped out. I didn’t have to look at Xavier to know that he was enjoying all the attention he was getting, I could feel his smugness. And there were enough people who were turned on by his outfit, that was the excruciating part that I wished to not know about. Plenty of girls were lusting after him, and even some guys too. Xavier and I shared a look before we each got into our boats and he was smirking at me. I fixed him with a glare and he bit his lower lip as he trailed his eyes over my body, holding back a laugh. He mouthed ‘hot’ to me and I flipped him off, straightening my back and turning my head away from him. But they were dressed as clowns, and suddenly, Ajax and him started fooling around, making annoying sounds. Enid was secretly enjoying the whole show and Ajax flushed when he noticed her looking at him, teenagers with their lovey-dovey feelings could get really disgusting. And Xavier felt triumphant when he caught Wednesday looking at him, except that she was just bored and judging his choice of outfit. I had to be honest, though, the colors he wore were a nice contrast against his skin color and brought out his deep forest green eyes.
“Don’t know how seriously I can take a clown, Xavier.” He huffed and his eyes went to Bianca before they fell back on me.
“Explain yourself be—because to me it looked like you were trying to kill her!” Xavier’s voice rose and he was panicking a bit, that’s amusing.
“And so what?” I raised my eyebrows at him and Xavier’s eyes widened.
“You—you can’t be serious, Y/N.”
“I already told you I have no feelings or emotions, Xavier, so why does it still surprise you?” I huffed and rolled my eyes as Xavier shifted a bit, finally taking his leg off my thigh, it was starting to go numb, “Get off now.”
Xavier shook his head, eyebrows furrowed, as he tried to understand my words, “No, not until you explain yourself, because I don’t understand you anymore.”
I sighed and stared up at the blue sky for a second before looking back at Xavier, who’s eyes were desperately searching for mine, so I gazed into his, “Fastest and easiest way to say it…I’m a sociopath. I have no emotions and the only things I can feel are basically irritation, anger, and rarely amusement. Everyone thinks I’m normal, because when I was eight, my father taught me how to act and react to the people around me. Besides, I’m an empath, I know what everyone fells around me, and it’s easy to act accordingly to it. People are very easy to manipulate, Xavier, even you.”
Oh, Xavier was very confused. His eyebrows were furrowed and he opened his mouth to say something, but I left him quite speechless, “Did you never notice I smile in situations which are quite inadequate?”
“I did—I just—I thought it’s because of your dark humor—” I chuckled and watched as Xavier tried to bring sense to all of it. I bet it was hard for him to understand me as he always thought I was just like everyone else. So I decided to show him. Numbness, my usual state of mind. Calm, and quiet. Xavier’s grip on me loosened a bit as I saw his eyes clear up, body relaxing a bit. I didn’t hold the emotion wave over him for long, I just wanted him to catch a glimpse of it.
“There…that is what it feels like to be me.” Xavier was, once again, speechless as he looked at me. He slowly shook his head and muttered a ‘no’. He was going through it, the denial and disbelief stage. It was fine, my father went through it too. Took him some time to accept it, however, I think it’ll take longer for Xavier.
Despite always expecting the unexpected, what came next is still something I never expected to happen. One would say I was shocked, which I probably would’ve been if able to feel. Xavier’s lips were against mine. He kissed me, out of the blue. What the fuck? Why? What—what is he doing?! And they started moving against mine, soft lips which tasted like berries. It took me a second to kiss him back, but just because I couldn’t decide whether it is alright to kiss back your friend, or you should pull away. And Xavier’s feelings weren’t a good guidance all of a sudden. He shut down. As if he built up a wall that I couldn’t sense through. I could still feel a hint of denial, but whatever the hell he was doing, was overpowering my abilities. And so I closed my eyes and pressed my lips more forcefully against his. One of his hand’s released my wrist and he cupped my cheek. He was still gentle, he always was, and despite me trying to dominate he kiss, I couldn’t. There was something in Xavier which always took the lead and so I gave up, following his natural rhythm. I was pretty sure that friends don’t kiss, but this didn’t feel so bad. He wasn’t a bad kisser and it was actually enjoyable. My hand, subconsciously, got tangled in his tied-up hair which wouldn’t bother his jester hat, but it was currently, quite irritating. I wanted to run my hands through his hair, but I couldn’t because of it. His hand slipped from my cheek to my neck and that was when it hit me. A wave of longing, quite powerful too, as Xavier pulled back for a small second. My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to understand what he was feeling, but he wasn’t sure either. So I leaned up and kissed him, less gentle and more needy as I gripped his nape firmly and pulled him closer, making him grunt. He released my other wrist and instead supported himself against the earth as my legs wrapped around his hips. Was I seriously making out with my best friend, on a muddy forest floor, during the Poe Cup? I probably shouldn’t even have allowed him to kiss me let alone make out with me, but Xavier’s emotions were intoxicating and it was making my head spin. His hand slipped back to my head and he gripped my hair, pulling away. Out of instinct, I wanted to follow his lips and kiss him again, but Xavier didn’t let me.
“And you have no feelings?” He asked breathless, chest rising and falling faster than before. I licked my lips as I looked into his eyes, eyebrows furrowed. His red lip paint got smudged and I was more than sure it was all over my face too.
“I don’t—” I cleared my throat when my voice came out raspy. We were in a forest, there are vines, right? “I don’t have feelings, Xavier.”
He shook his head feeling annoyed, “Well it didn’t feel like it when we kissed.”
I rolled my eyes and concentrated on the dead vines behind us, hanging off a tree branch, “Well…you’re the one to talk. Not only you kissed me, you were quite enjoying yourself too.”
Xavier got embarrassed and he gulped, averting his eyes from mine, “Well, I just—”
And I pushed him, my force taking him off guard as he fell onto his ass. The vines I have concentrated on so hard sprung forward and tangled around Xavier’s wrists, who was too shocked to react.
“What—Y/N—” When he realized I was tying him to a tree, he tried to stand up quickly, but I pushed him back down. He couldn’t even struggle against them, because with a flick of my hands, the veins clung onto him tightly, tying him.
“Sorry, Xav, I have a Cup to win.” I chuckled and winked at him as the vines secured my best friend against the tree, making him hiss when they tightened more around his body. Having basic telekinesis powers was quite handy in times like this.
“Y/N!” Xavier was feeling incredulous and just to tease him more, I walked up to him and leaned down. His eyes went to my lips first and I smirked, amused by his behavior and conflicting emotions.
“Bianca will wake up soon and well…it’ll take a few good minutes to get yourself untied, Xavier.” I smiled sweetly at him, “See you on the other side, loser.”
And to put the cherry on top, I pressed a swift kiss against his lips before taking off running towards the flags, which were visible from where we stood. I could hear Xavier’s frustrated screams, telling me to cut the shit and release him. Would I do that? Never.
After all, it was a battle with no rules, and I’d use that to my advantage whenever given the chance.
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quick and dirty game review: KILLER FREQUENCY
it's really good!! why?
it's all your favourite 80s/onwards slasher flicks rolled into one
the premise is ropey as hell but it's self-aware enough to know that and make it FUN
the references are gonna be really obvious to horror connoisseurs but tbh for me they were subtle enough that they weren't overpowering the experience; it's not just fanservice held together by gaffer tape and string
there's one (1) jumpscare right at the beginning, so be aware of that, but it didn't send me running for the hills and while i haven't finished the game yet, it's fair to say the rest of the game does not rely on cheap thrills and scares
that said, the fact that there's a crouch mechanic deeply worries me
but still: without giving too much away, you experience the game by manning the radio station and taking calls from people being pursued by a serial killer. there's no narration or visuals, the tension relies entirely on voice acting and sound design -- and i think they did a spectacular job with that
there were so many moments where i (and chat, i was streaming it) was on the edge of my seat
the puzzles are absolutely doable but still really satisfying when you work them out; and there's timers only on some dialogue choices, so you have enough time to work things out in steps -- also makes it easier/more fun to let chat help hehe
when you do fail, you don't feel railroaded or tricked, which is important, though once or twice a lack of information can be a little frustrating because you're just gonna have to go with your gut
the characters have really interesting backstories, i can't wait to find out more 👀
according to the devs, the dialogue and backstories were all written collaboratively across the team, and the game somewhat responds to how well you do in keeping people alive
there's also clues throughout the story so you can try and put it together as you go -- delighted to find out what's the biggest red herring
devs say all players will get a satisfying resolution re: the killer's identity, but players who do well get a more complete picture -- raising the incentive for multiple playthroughs
there's moments of instant karma that are just *chef's kiss*
the environmental storytelling at the radio station ohmygod
is something lgbt happening to Peggy 👀👀
the dialogue choices match up with the tone of what your character actually says, so it's easy to mould his personality a little bit (and the bits where they get creative with punctuation to help convey that tone are really funny)
i'm about halfway through and so far nothing seems overplayed; instead the game just fully commits to the bit without being obnoxious
mechanics are simple: play records, play ad tapes, take calls, and occasionally run through the station for clues
sadly, you can't photocopy your butt
BUT you can shoot hoops from your desk (with paper balls) and the game tracks how many you got
if you're a horror movie or game fan, if this sounds like you'd enjoy it, i can only recommend it! i'm not super good with horror or survival games, but i had an absolute blast with this. here's a couple of screenshots so you can see the aesthetic they're working with:
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it's got that cell-shaded telltale look -- easy on the eyes, colourful. and the carpets. my god
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sunny-speaks · 10 months
Your 'Normal' Neighbour
Character(s): Ren from @14dayswithyou x reader!
back on that renren grind, sorry for the radio silence yall-
academic rivals! [redacted] has a wip sittin in the back rn, so hopefully yall are excited for thaT-
this is basically like if Ren was your neighbour instead of Violet or if Violet lived like down the block-
hope u enjoy !!
And that was it.
You grunted, setting down that last box before rubbing your back, who knew moving back to Corland Bay could be so exhausting. You swore that you had less stuff when you first moved out!
You finally managed to set your bedroom up in a way that you liked, thankfully having signed up for a fully furnished apartment. This way, you ould just add your personal touches and you’d be good to go, right?
You strung up a couple of fairy lights and puts some polaroids of your friends up. Maybe you’d miss them, maybe you wouldn’t. You certainly didn’t remember many people from Corland Bay, so now you’d have to make new relationships…
But the fairy lights were a nice touch from your friend, Thesia, all the way back in the neighbourhood you’d moved away from. You’d miss them, you thought, heading to the living room, grabbing a juice box out of the fridge.
Thank God you’d stocked it before all this heavy work…
You sprawled yourself on the couch and endured the August heat, mmm, coming back in summer was a brilliant idea. You soaked up all the sunlight from your translucent curtains and basked in the heat.
It wasn’t so bad, if you didn’t pay attention to how sweltering it felt. But you were too lazy to turn on the aircon at the moment…
Almost dozing off, you heard a hesitant couple of knocks at your door, almost groaning in annoyance as you heaved yourself off of your couch.
Your parents had thrown many fits about how persistent door-to-door salesmen were back here in Corland Bay, so you already knew how you felt about people trying to get their hands in your wallet.
You threw open the door and plastered on a close-eyed grin, “I’m not buying anything,” and promptly began to shut the door before you heard a soft noise of surprise.
“Wait!” The stranger stuck his hand right in between your door frame and your quickly closing door, “Ah-!” He hissed a little under his breath but his expression quickly relaxed when he saw you looking at him.
“Oh shit.” You looked at his hand, now red from the impact and then back at him.
That’s when it hit you. You gulped, trying to repress any of your delusional thoughts from coming out of your mouth or your jaw dropping to the ground.
This guy was cute as fuck.
You would buy anything from him, any day of the week. Even though it was summer, if he wanted to buy you a hot chocolate, you would gladly accept.
I mean, whaaat??? That’d be crazy. That’d be so down bad of you…
I mean, just cause he was the prettiest, most awe-striking, adorable guy you’d seen in ever, doesn’t mean you had to get on one knee for him-
Even if he was your future husband, not like he’d want you after you slammed the door on his hand―
“Oh shit.” You quickly grabbed his hand, “Uh, my bad, dude.” ‘My bad, dude’??? That was the best you could do?! Dumbass! “Didn’t, uh, didn’t think telemarketers these days were so persistent, damn…”
The stranger, rapidly blinking his eyes to shift his focus from ‘fuck, were you holding his hand????’ to ‘ohmygod angel is so cute when panicked!!’ before slowly answering your remark, “U-Uh… I’m your neighbour, aha…” They managed as you gently held their hand after having slammed on it, grabbing a pack of ice from your freezer. “I’m, uh, Ren. I wanted to w-welcome you to the building?”
Well, that made things considerably worse.
Not only had you mistaken him for a scammer, you had slammed a door on his hand! And were forcing him to endure conversation with you!
This could physically not get worse.
“Aha, yeah. Nice to meet you,” You quickly introduced your name, age and pronouns, “I really am sorry about the conditions though…” You awkwardly chuckled to yourself, “Uh, take a seat or something, if you… y’know maybe wanna stay? I’m really sorry, I can give you some cash as an apology?” You didn’t really know what to do when you injured someone or how to apologize to be precise. What does one do in that situation?
“Ah, no, no! Don’t worry yourself over that!” He frantically waved, ‘wincing’ at the pain in his hand. “I’m sure it’s just a bruise if you’re worried about anything like that! I’ve had worse injuries! You’re too kind to me, angel…” He muttered something at the end of his dialogue but you couldn’t quite make it out.
He looked up at you with small pleading eyes, “But if you want to pay me back… maybe we could hang out for lunch? I mean, I-I do want to know a little more about my new neighbour, you know?” He quickly backtracked, face flushing, “But i-if you don’t want to, I completely understand! …I know it’s a little forward of me…”
“O-Oh, sure! Yeah, I’d be, I’d be down for that!” You hastily agreed, anything so this wouldn’t be held over your head. You didn’t need someone being mad at you your first day in the apartment complex, much less your neighbour!
Plus, he seemed cute, wouldn’t hurt to get to know him better… right?
You made eye contact with the small Haruko character stand on display in your living room and back at the stranger, picking up quite a few similarities.
You weren’t going to ask that and get someone weirded out, now is not the time.
“I, uh, should probably change then.” You gestured to your clothes that while comfortable in the solace of your home, were not too comfortable in public. Where people could see you.
“A-Ah, of course!” His face perked up and a wide grin took over, as he fiddled with the sleeves, “I-I’ll wait for you here?”
“Yeah, I won’t take too long, don’t worry!” You hurriedly made your way to your bedroom, leaving Ren by himself in your living room.
He hummed to himself excited, practically vibrating on the spot. He was in your living room! He took a couple photos of the layout so he could remember it when he came to visit later that night…
To be fair, he hadn’t expected you to actually let him in on the first try… Angel, you were too kind! One day, some bad person was going to take advantage of that… But he’d be there to protect you so it’s alright then!
Luckily, he’d brought a couple of cameras with him, [REDACTED] wasn’t stupid. He glanced around for a couple blind spots where you wouldn’t see them and slapped them around, even putting one right near your Haruko character stand before pausing.
He hissed under his breath a little, “What do you have that I don’t…?” before returning to his spot on the couch.
You were still in your room, humming along to one of your new favorite songs… for now.
You had taken off your top before pausing in realization. Your cute new neighbour…was wearing two fucking layers. Including a knitted cardigan.
What psychopath was that?!
Mm, nah. He probably just ran cold. Could be a medical condition, or he’s really dedicated to his outfit and aesthetic.
He’s too cute to be a psychopath.
You quickly changed into a normal fitting t-shirt and a pair of sport shorts before grabbing a small backpack before heading out to your living room.
“Alright, Ren. Ready to go?” You hadn’t changed much per se, but you changed enough so you would look good enough.
Now that Ren thought about it, you had been wearing clothes you looked and felt comfortable in… Ugh! He should’ve taken more notes!
Gah, if only he wasn’t so fixated on how pretty you were, how nice you smelled if he leaned in close enough, or how many eyelashes you had on each eyes…!
Ren sat there, out of comission for a couple moments before eagerly nodding, “Mhm! Yeah! Whenever you are, angel~!”
You paused in your tracks, “Um… angel?”
An akward and embarassed look made its way to his face. “Aha… s-sorry… You’re just, really nice, and really good looking. …Do you mind it? Because if it makes you uncomfortable…!” He let the rest of his sentence hang in the air.
You mulled it over. It had definitely been a first for cute guys to want to call you a petname… But you weren’t arguing!
“Mmm… I don’t mind. I’ve never been called that before, so it was a first. But if it makes you happy, then go ahead, I guess.” You paused, before remembering a playful comment Moth had made a while back grimacing with good-natured intent. “But I’m not calling you my ‘little kitten-whiskers’ or anything like that though…”
“Ah, of course not!” He flushed, elated at the mere fact that you were letting him call you ‘angel!’ “Shall we get going then?”
He couldn’t believe it! You let him call you ‘angel,’ which obviously meant you liked him enough for it, right?
And if you liked him now, with enough time, you’d be sure to love him!
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vintagepresley · 1 year
Army elvis smut and the condom breaks (Reader doesn’t get pregnant) but it causes them both to freak out
Ohmygod. Why does this remind me of that story with Scotty, Bill, and Elvis (apparently the first time he had sex), the condom broke and he took the poor girl to the hospital so they could douche her. LMFAOO. Thank you so much for this request! ❤️
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Elvis invited a few of his army over to his house where they had brought over a few girls. You weren't sure at first about coming to this little get together, but your friends insisted especially because Elvis Presley was the host. You didn't want to pass up an opportunity to meet Elvis, but it seemed a little too good to be true. But you finally agreed to go with them. How bad could it be? There wasn't going to be many people there and honestly a chance to meet Elvis would be a riot. You quickly ran off to your room to get ready, deciding to wear a pink plaid swing dress with kitten heels. You weren't sure what to do with your makeup or hair just in case Elvis Presley did make an appearance, you wanted to look your best. Once you had all gotten ready and headed out your friends couldn't stop squealing and giggling over the fact that they were going to Elvis' house.
When you finally arrived you had looked around at some of the guys and so far there was no sign of Elvis. Why would he have a party and not be here? You hung out and drank cokes and some of your friends were already pairing off with some of the guys, but you had no interest in any of them. You honestly just wanted to maybe get Elvis' autograph if he showed up and then go home, because you really didn't want to be there. Meanwhile Elvis was upstairs in his room dressed in his army uniform that he loved to wear even when he wasn't on duty, he was deciding whether to join the party or not. He was the one who decided on it, but he was suddenly not feeling up to it. But he knew that it would be rude not to, so he headed down hesitantly. You continued to sip on your coke and now one of the guys at the gathering was chatting you up and you didn't want to be rude so you politely spoke with him. You were becoming restlessly because it was obvious the guest of honor that everyone was waiting for was never going to show up, then suddenly a man was emerging from upstairs and it was the man himself.. Elvis Presley.
You quickly sat up from your seat the moment he walked in and your friends were just as starstruck as you. You thought it was a bit odd he was wearing his uniform, but he looked so handsome that it didn't even matter. "Uh, hello, sorry I was getting ready." Elvis said softly with a smile. Your friends completely swooning over him, while you couldn't even find the words, but his buddies from the army just spoke to him as if he was just some normal guy off the street. He looked in your direction and smiled at you. You felt like you could faint right there as you let out an embarrassing giggle, covering your mouth quickly. He chuckled because of it and shook his head with a sly grin as he went over to sit down in a chair, he was not what you were expecting he was sorta quiet and shy and watched as everyone chatted and he kept looking over at you every chance he could go and you could quickly look away. He suddenly was whisked away to the kitchen by some of his friends because his grandmother had made some snacks for everyone.
You felt warm all of a sudden and you could feel how red your face was there was no way you'd be able to ask him for his autograph, you could hardly look at him. You plopped back down on the couch completely flabbergasted by the whole ordeal. Elvis hung out with the guys a bit as they talked and he would peek here and there into the living room where you and your friends were sitting with a couple other guys and he would stare at you, wanting to ask who you were. He hadn't really dated any girls or anything of that nature since he been in Germany, not that he didn't want to he just hadn't found anyone that really caught his eye. But you certainly caught his tonight especially with that cute giggle of yours that he couldn't get out of his mind now. He placed his hand on his friends shoulder, and gestured into the living with a nod of his head. "Who's that girl in the pink dress?" he whispered. "Oh, that's Y/N, she's friends with the other girls. I don't really know her that well. She's a looker, though." his friend says. "Mm, she sure is.." Elvis hummed.
"Did you want me to introduce you to her?" the friend asked, noticing Elvis' interest in you and how he couldn't keep his eyes off you. "Uh.." he said softly, running his hand over his hair nervously. "Yeah, sure, okay." he nodded. His friend smile and nodded and he walked off to get you. You looked up when his friend was standing in front of you. "Y/N, Elvis would like to meet you." he said in a hushed tone. Your eyes widen and you looked over to where Elvis was standing and he was staring at you and then you looked up at the man before you. "Why? Why me?" you said a bit confused, your heart racing. "You caught his eye, I guess." he said with a shrug. "Come on." he pushed. "Okay, okay.." you mumbled as you got up from the couch, soothing out your dress and exhaling softly, your friends watching in shock and excitement for you as you were led over to Elvis. His friend suggesting for the other guys to get lost to give the two of you a little privacy. "Elvis this is Y/N." he says before making his own exit. You stared up at Elvis not knowing what to say, playing with your hands nervously.
"Hi." he said with a smile. "Hi.." you whispered, brushing some of your hair behind your ear. Elvis peered into the living room where everyone was watching the two of you and he looked back at you, clearing his throat and he placed his hand on your waist moving you with him out of sight from everyone. You raised an eyebrow at him, swallowing harshly from the feeling of his hand on you that was making you feel things you hadn't felt in a while. "Sorry, I would like to be able to talk to you without pryin' eyes." he said softly. "So.. How old are ya, honey?" he said with a smile. "22.." you said quietly, glancing down at his hand that was still carefully placed around your waist and now his grasp was tight and you inhaled sharply. "Man.. You're beautiful.." he said with a soft chuckle as his eyes looked you over. "Thank you." you said softly, feeling your face becoming red hot again. "Uh, did you wanna go up to my room? So we can have more privacy to talk and maybe listen to records.." he asked with a boyish grin.
You furrowed your brow there was no way the two of you were just going up there for that. You had no self control and you knew it. The way he was making you feel there was no possible way to say no to him if things did go further in his room. "Well.. Do ya?" he hummed. "Sure.. But what about your friends?" you asked, not really caring but he was the host. He shrugged, peeking into the living room and seeing them being entertained with your friends. "They won't notice. C'mon.." he smiled. You nodded as he led the way and the two of you snuck upstairs to his bedroom. You more nervous than before the moment you stepped foot into this bedroom, looking around and it not being what you had pictured at all but it was cute. You watched Elvis go over and put a record on and turning the volume up a bit and then he went over to shut the door. "Please sit. You don't need to be shy.. I'm not gonna hurt ya." He said assuringly. You nodded and sat down on his bed and watching him as he unbuttoned his uniform jacket and you bit down on your bottom lip watching him take it off before coming over to sit beside you, getting a hold of yourself and snapping back into reality.
The two of you sat there giving each other awkward glances and you could feel the bed shifting as he scooted closer beside you, his hand touching yours that rested on the bed and you slowly pulled it back, clearing your throat. "Sooo.. How long are you in Germany for?" you asked as the silence loomed over the two of you. "Two years.." he answered lowly. "Oh, do you like-" you couldn't even finish your sentence before his lips had crashed against your own and your hands quickly flying up to press against his chest to push him back. "What's the matter, baby?" he asked a bit shocked that you were denying him. You stared at him wanting to just yell at him like you would any other guy. But he was not any other guy. He was Elvis and just him touching you, and even the feeling of his lips for that brief second was eating you up inside and making you feel crazy. "Is everything okay?" he asked now a bit concerned.
"Screw it.." you mumbled under your breath and you grabbed him by the collar of his uniform and pulled him toward you as your lips crashed against one another and he wrapped his arms around you as your kiss deepened and your arms slipped around his broad shoulders as you pulled one another closer until your bodies were pressed up against one another as you kissed and you let out a soft moan against his lips when you felt his tongue slip into your mouth and he slowly laid you down onto his bed until he was hovering above you, his lips devouring yours in such a passionate and seductive kiss that it caused him to groan against your lips softly. He moved in between your legs as his hands ran along the curves of your body and groping and squeezing every inch of you. You carefully kicked your heels off and spread your legs open more for him so he was completely in between them.
You could feel his growing bulge pressed right up against you as he laid right on top of you and the weight of him pressed so firmly against you only made you want him more. His hands moving to grab a hold of your dress and he forced it up until your panties were exposed to him and you let out a soft gasp from his roughness and he glanced down to get a peek at your white panties which caused a wide smirk to form on his lips and you could hear him unbuckling his belt and undoing his pants. You placed your hands against his chest and carefully pushed him back some as you took a deep breath. "Wait.. Wait.." you said softly. "Is something wrong? Do you want me to stop, baby?" he asked. "No.. um.. do you have a condom? I just.. I don't usually do things like this.." you whispered. He smiled and nodded at your words, reaching over into his bedside table and he rummaging through the drawer until he got his hands on the condom, holding it up. "Always prepared.." he laughed. You giggled softly.
When he sat up you sat up right with him, watching him rip the wrapping of the condom open with his teeth and you began to unzip the side of your dress and then slowly tugging it off and pushing it to the side quickly and he smirked at the sight of you in your bra and panties as he pulled the condom out of the wrapper. You blushed from the way he was staring at you and you slowly reached your hands up to undo his tie, slipping it off and then unbuttoning his shirt and tugging it off of him, licking over your lips as you ran your hands over his bare chest. He grinned and as he pushed his pants off with such excitement and you giggled seeing that he had no underwear on and his cock springing out right in front of you. You watched as he slowly slide the condom on and then he reached over to hook his fingers beneath the fabric of your panties and tugging them off you, biting down on his bottom lip at the sight of pussy that was already dripping wet for him and you couldn't help but blush so hard as his eyes fixated on it and he climbed back on top of you prompting you to lay back against the pillows, your hands running along his shoulders and down his arms slowly as you stared at him
"Is this your first time?" he whispered softly. You shook your head slowly. "I-I've only done it once before.." you mumbled. He smiled warmly at your words, nodding as he leaned down and kissed you his teeth gazing against your bottom lip as his hands ran along your thighs and grasping them in his big hands and wrapping them around his waist and tugging you forward and you let out a soft gasp as you felt his cock hit up against you and he wrapped his hand around himself and slowly guided himself inside of you the moment you felt him enter you a soft whimper escaped your lips and you inhaled sharply from the feeling and he groaned softly against your lips as he pushed his way in deeper, feeling you clenching around his throbbing cock and he completely bottomed out inside of you which caused a loud moan escape you matching the tone of his soft groans. Your arms wrapping around his torso and your hands grasping at his back as you clung to him. He began to thrust his hips against yours at a steady and slow pace and you titled your head back against the pillows as your moans grew louder, he buried his face into your neck as he groaned and grunted lowly the faster he began to slam his hips into yours. "So f-fuckin' tight..." he mumbled between his noises.
He plowed himself into you deeper and with each thrust he made his cock only forced you to open up more around him and taking every inch of him as he hit against your walls. Your thighs tighten around him and your nails digging into his back as your bodies slammed against one another and moved in the same tune and you moaned his name on your lips softly. "Oh go-.. E-Elvis.." you moaned out loudly, his name leaving your lips like your mantra. You could feel his soft lips giving your neck sloppy wet kisses and he kept one hand on your right thigh and he squeezed it tight as his other hand gripped at the bed post tight until he was practically white knuckling it from how hard he was grasping at it. His thrusts only got rougher and harder as he picked up the pace until he had his bed rocking so fast that you could hear the noises as it hit against the hardwood floor. All the while having no idea that because of how rough he was being and losing control a bit inside of you that the condom had broke.
You could already feel your orgasm building in the pit of your stomach and growing rapidly fast he was hitting all the right spots within you. You couldn't even remember what your first time had felt like because of the way he was fucking you, so rough but gentle at the same time. His hips stirred and his cock twitching inside of you. "Ah shit.. I'm gonna cum, baby.." he groaned into your ear. You felt his hand squeezing so tight around your thigh that his horseshoe ring was digging into your skin and you let out a small hiss between your moans and you heaved as your eyes shut tight and your hands reached up tangle in his tussled hair as you approached your orgasm and coincidentally he had reached his own that the moment you both were about to cum he lifted his head up reached up grab your face roughly, forcing your eyes to open which is exactly what he wanted. He wanted you looking at him when you both came, the both of your noises growing louder as your lips hovered over one another, you moaned into each other's mouths, so sure that if anyone downstairs were listening they could hear everything. His hand was holding onto the bed post so tight that he nearly hurt his hand and with one more swift thrust that was the moment your orgasms came crashing down the both of you came so hard that you made a mess on him.
His hips bucked against yours as he emptied himself into the condom or so he thought until his movements had come to a stop and he collapsed on top of you for a moment trying to catch his breath and you exhaled sharply, staring up at the ceiling as your hands ran over his back slowly, catching your breath. He finally sat up and reached down to pull himself out of you and his eyes widen at the sight of the condom that had completely broke and some of his cum was seeping out of you the moment he pulled out. "Oh shit.." he mumbled. You raised an eyebrow hearing his words. "What?" you asked curiously, sitting up on your elbows. "Um.. the condom.. it broke.." he said nervously. "What!? H-How?!" you said panicked. "I-I don't know! I.. You should be okay, I think.. There's not a lot.." he said not really knowing what to do. You pushed him away from you and quickly ran into the bathroom to try to clean yourself. Elvis got up, pulling the condom off, slipping his pants back on and running to the bathroom, knocking on the door. "Y/N? I'm sorry, I didn't.. What do we do?" he asked becoming panicked now. "I don't know! I think I got most of it.. But I don't know.." you said softly. "Should we.. Should I take you to the hospital? Maybe they can do something?" he suggested. "Like what?! No, that would be so embarrassing! Ugh!" you yelled.
He rested his forehead up against the bathroom as he let out a worried sigh, trying to figure out what to do. Neither of you were ready for a baby, you hardly knew each other to begin with to even have a kid. As he stood there he could hear you start the shower and you did your best to clean most of his cum that got inside of you, shaking your head at your stupidity for even having sex with him. You just couldn't show some self control.. You just had to fuck him.. He stood by the door the entire time until you finished showering, he backed away quickly as soon as you swung the door open and you walked out wrapped up in his towel and you could see the worried look on his face. You let out a soft exhale. "Let's not freak out.. It wasn't a lot. So maybe we're okay." you nodded trying to not show your own worries. "You think so?" he mumbled. "Mhm.. I cleaned pretty throughly, so maybe we'll have nothing to be worried about." you shrugged. He let out a soft sigh, nodding. "I'm sorry." he said softly. You shook your head at his words. "It's not your fault. I'm sure this happens to a lot of people." you said assuringly. "Probably." he mumbled as he sat down on his bed.
You went looking for your clothes and he watched you picking them up and as you walked by him he grabbed a hold of waist stopping you. "Where ya goin'?" he asked. "I thought I'd get dressed and maybe head back downstairs.." you said softly. He shook his head. "Stay up here with me." he mumbled, grabbing the clothes that were in your hands and setting them aside. You chewed at the inside of your cheek as you stared into those gorgeous baby blues as he gave you those puppy dog eyes. "Please?" he asked. "I'm not fucking you again if that's what you think." you teased. That made him laugh hard. "I'm not askin' ya too.. I think it's for the best if we didn't after the scare we just had." he shook his head before he let go of you of you and laid down in his bed, scooting over to make room for you and patting the spot beside him. You climbed into bed with him as you held onto the towel that was still wrapped around you and you laid beside him, glancing over at him and then up at the ceiling and he reached over to take your hand into his, intertwining his fingers with yours. "Thanks for the fun night and the mini scare.." he chuckled. You raised an eyebrow, staring over at him now and catching his gaze. "Yeah, you can thank your shitty condom for that.." you laughed. "Well, it has been sittin' awhile believe it or not.. I don't bring too many girls up here and I certainly don't fuck them the first night we meet." he laughed.
"Mm, I guess I just got lucky.." you rolled your eyes. "Mhm.. You might be even luckier if ya didn't clean all of me outta ya." he started laughing and you playfully hit him, rolling your eyes. "That's not funny." you grumbled. The two of you laid there in silence holding hands and cuddling up against each other, not admitting that though you were joking about it the two of you were still worried.
I wasn't sure how to end this. But I hope I did it justice for you!
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captainmalewriter · 2 years
An Odd Trend Finale
Check out part four to this series here!
Will hung up the phone after talking with his longtime friend and roommate Josh. They were both in great moods after successfully getting away from law enforcement. While Josh was busy enjoying his new cop body, Will had to get back to work finishing their master plan. After taking a quick power nap, Will chugged an energy drink and hopped back on the laptop.
Will and Josh were responsible for a body swapping phenomenon that had been happening all across the United States. They had successfully designed and released a body swapping program disguised as a photo filter on the popular social media app Tiktok. Through strategic planning and sheer luck, they had managed to keep a low profile while the Me & You program had performed over 200+ body swaps. While a police investigator had gotten close to catching them, Will and Josh were already a few steps ahead of him. Josh swapped bodies with the cop using an updated version of the program, one that Will had designed to make the swap go beyond a physical level on the cop's side. It swapped out the cop's entire mental cognition altogether, tricking him into believing he had been Josh since birth.
But despite Josh successfully throwing the police off their trail, there was still an active investigation going on to catch them. Unfortunately for them, Josh and Will were already well past the point of no return.
Will had pulled an all nighter to get the updated body swap program Me vs You running smoothly. He reworked some of the code, ran bug tests, patched any faulty commands, and even gave the program a cutesy color palette just for the sake of it. By the time the next morning came, Will had finished most of the heavy lifting. He was exhausted, but knowing his end goal was within site, Will pushed on. He simply needed to input one last command into the program. Then, after another hour or so, the Me vs You challenge was complete.
Will got misty eyed as he watched his laptop compile the lengthy program. He could hardly believe some half assed idea he had while drunk all those months ago was about to come to fruition. He had worked tirelessly to get it done, and although Josh was a pain in the ass, they had accomplished what they had set out to do.
Will pulled out his phone and speed dialed Josh's new phone number. He eagerly waited as the phone rang and nearly screamed into the phone when Josh picked up. That is until Will heard a woman's loud moans coming from the call.
"Ohmygod, fuck me harder Daddy!!"
"Josh? You there?" Will asked.
"Kinda busy here bud, can't it wait?"
Will heard the cop's voice as expected, but he knew it was his roommate behind that gruff voice. He knew that only Josh would answer the phone during a hook up. Will told Josh the good news, but before he could go into detail, he heard the sounds of a woman shrieking and a door slamming coming from the phone.
"Will, you better not be bullshitting me right now," Josh said through the phone. Will took a moment to process everything he had heard, then shrugged it off to continue his train of thought. He then explained to Josh that the Me vs You challenge was essentially complete, and although it hadn't been given live testing, Will was confident the program would run as expected.
"William you crazy bitch, I fucking love you!! Now hurry up and send me a link! I'm tired of being inside this pig's body,"
"Alright, will do. See you soon, bud."
Will hung up the phone and proceeded to send an invite link to Josh. After hitting send, he couldn't help but look around his apartment one last time. Josh and him had spent many wild nights in that shabby, run down apartment. Although he would miss it, he knew it was time to say goodbye to their old lives.
"Goodbye, William Rivera..."
Will then proceeded to open Tiktok on his phone. He went straight to his one followed account, who just happened to be in the middle of a live feed. Will sent him a DM with the an invite to the Me vs You challenge. He then joined the live with his own phone locked and loaded. He watched as his target opened his DM from him and then pass out after getting flashed right in the eyes by a sudden flash of rainbow colored lights. Will then did the same to himself with a pink light of his own. Within seconds, Will had reawakened inside his new jock body and with all of his memories intact too. All thanks to the Me vs You program.
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Will smirked as he admired his new body in the phone's reflection. Gone were the days where he'd have to endure endless 'sorry no fats' messages as well as catch his breath while going up the stairs. Now Will was the epitome of a healthy, masculine man, and he intended to use his new body to the maximum.
Will then proceeded to end the Tiktok live. He had to wait for Josh to call him, so he went ahead and spent the free time learning all about his new identity. An incoming video call from a private number came in while Will was researching his new self. He accepted the call, and after the caller had spoken a key phrase only Josh knew, he smiled.
"Damn bitch, you got good taste. Almost as good as me, hehehe."
Josh chuckled from within his new, beefier body. Will questioned why Josh would choose a body that was even remotely similar to his original body if given the chance to change, but was happy for him nonetheless.
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Josh had his laugh, but then his facial expression grew serious, and so did Will's.
"You remember what we have to do now, right? No pussying out now..." Josh said with a grim tone of voice. Will chuckled in return.
"Of course I do. Are you ready to take the dive, my good friend?"
"I was born ready, let's fucking do this!"
What happened next made the next few minutes seemed like an eternity. Simultaneously, Will and Josh hung up the call and opened Tiktok back up. They both booted up the Me vs You program with admin access enabled. They then punched in a 10 digit passcode into the program, and after counting to three, the two men had activated the virus Will had implemented into the program with a single button press.
The Me vs You program begun to spread across the internet like a wildfire in a dry forest. Every phone that had Tiktok installed was forced to turn on the Me vs You program. Matches were made randomly between the millions of users worldwide. Then, once all the users had a partner, bright flashes of rainbow lights shined everywhere around the world all at the same time. All the light had combined to make a massive rainbow in the sky despite the bright daylight.
Within seconds, people all over the world begun to drop to the floor like dead flies. All the rainbow lights coming from their phones had died down too. Then after another minute or two, all the collapsed people had begun to rise up in their new bodies. Every single Tiktok user in the world had swapped bodies with another user. And due to the changes Will had made to the program, every single body swap victim had their entire mental cognitions rewritten too. They would live out their new lives blissfully unaware of what had happened, all while Will and Josh enjoyed their new luxurious lives in peace. And while a small minority of the world population had managed to escape the mass body swap catastrophe, most of them were either too young or too old to really do anything about it. Everyone else, Josh would take it upon himself to take care of them personally.
...Weeks had passed since the global body swap incident. Then months passed, then years. Just as Josh had anticipated, nobody questioned what had happened because they simply had no reason to. As far as they knew, they were always whoever they swapped into. While there were a few outliers, Josh tracked them down and forced them to swap too. Any revolt attempt was stamped out before it could even start.
Josh laid out sunbathing in his new yacht. While Will had picked his body based off of looks, Josh had taken his selection a step further. He searched out a body that was both hot and rich. Josh already had good looks in his old body anyway, but now he had plenty of dough to compliment it too.
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As Josh was enjoying some quiet time, he got a call from a familiar number. He answered the call to his old friend Will.
"What up, bud, how you doing," Will answered.
"Fucking amazing. We really did that shit, huh, I couldn't have done it without you,"
"Yeah, obviously. But... I gotta give you credit, you were always the better programmer, and what you did was Godly!"
The two men spent some time catching up over the phone. They shared all about their new luxuries in life; their successes, their sexual conquests, their party lives, everything they ever wanted was theirs.
"So, what's up? I doubt you called just to catch up," Josh said. Will was smirking on the other end.
"Remember when you promised me a drink and a blowjob years ago? You know, after jerking you off in the bathroom..."
"Fuck man... I never thought I'd have to worry about the collections people coming after me again,"
"Heh, well, time to pay up, big boy," Will chuckled. His new body had given him a new sense of cockiness that almost rivaled Josh's. "But, you know, I was thinking about it... I think I have a different idea of how you can pay me off."
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Josh smirked as soon as he heard that. It had been a long time since he had gotten some man ass. And since he knew Will knew how to satisfy him, he figured what the hell and invited him over to his yacht for some fun.
After all, it wasn't everyday you get to celebrate pulling off a body swapping scheme with your best friend. It was time yet again for Josh and Will to relish in everything they had accomplished, but except this time, it was with each other and with their new bodies.
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knightzp · 2 months
(About The forgotten lyre - your fic)
Hey mikiii I am not really sure if I should send this as an ask but my ao3 isn't working and I just HAD to let you know asap 😭
I loved your fic sm <33 😭 I really enjoyed reading it !! It had such an interesting plot that I genuinely thought I was reading a published novel...I was immediately spamming "next chapter" at the end of each one!!
For me, since I am not part of the fandom, I didn't know the characters so they were more like ocs to me but their personalities and dynamics were very clear through your writing :D
I am pretty sure I would love it even more if I was in the fandom and actually knew the characters (which means I must get into it now :D) but regardless I have grown to love them bc of your writing ^_^
Also I am a sucker for riddles and prophecies...so the moment the prophecy was revealed I was sold <3 and it was really satisfying when it was completely resolved :D
There were so many specific scenes I loved too...for example your descriptions of the various places and settings were very good :0 also there were quite a few dialogues I liked too but I'll keep my rambling short for now haha
Keep writing miki I'd love to read more from you!! <3
Also on that note, I have a question!
Is there a fic that you have written...that is your personal favorite? Basically what do you recommend I read of yours after this lol :]
[ALSO The artworks were so beautiful...it really set the scene so appreciation to the artist from my side <3]
AAAAA LEX OHMYGOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY READING THIS MADE ME im really really glad you liked the fic that much!!!!!!!
"I genuinely thought I was reading a published novel" YOU FLATTER ME 🥺​🥺​🥺​ i love knowing you liked the plot of the fic!!! i also Love prophecies and riddles in stories so much but its difficult to do them right so i had to think quite well abt them and im glad you think i did a good job writing them in the end !!
and abt the characters i know you arent into enstars so for you to have read this long fic abt them really means a lot to me <33 im glad you say their personalities and dynamics were easy to understand through my writing and that you got interested in them thanks to it!!! now that i think abt it the characters do have a lot of nicknames depending who is calling them so i hope that part wasnt confusing aldksfk (and omg if you do get into enstars in the end you have to tell me :3)
aaaa i actually love writing description so im happy that you pointed out you liked those scenes 🥺 and there are also some dialogues that im quite proud of so thank you!!!
and im Overjoyed that you really want to read more of my writing like !!!!!! to answer your question im quite proud of every season is full of memories of you with me , and Pink & Blue is quite a short one but is very dear to me too! also idk if youve watched hxh? but i have quite a few fics abt it too. i really like a lot False Steps which is a dancing au !! but well you can just go through my ao3 page and just pick whichever if theres any other that piques your interest!!
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smuttyfang · 9 months
Hange, Good Girl
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"Ohmygod i am BEGGING you to do full on AFAB top/dom Hange smut scenario, maybe with Y/N having a praise kink?"
Words: 823
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"Are you comfortable?" Hange asked, gently rubbing her thumb over your cheek as she looked down at you.
"Yes, I promise. We can only have so many pillows up here with us." You giggled. Hange was the most caring person you'd ever been with. She always made sure you were happy and comfortable. Especially during your love making. She LOVED pleasing, more than she ever loved getting pleasure. It felt like she pretty much turned you into a pillow princess.. but she loved it that way, and so did you.
"I don't know, I feel like I could add another one under your arm there." She smiled at you, making you laugh.
"I promise, I'm propped up very comfortably." Hange nodded. You were extremely comfortable, even with your hips propped upward and your legs spread open for her. The amount of comfort and safety you felt with her was so much that you didn't feel the least bit embarrassed about being so open in front of her.
"I just want to make sure.. this one is bigger than the ones you've had before." You eyed the strap on she was wearing, seeing the large flesh colored dildo attached.
"I know, I picked it out. Remember?" She smiled, using her hand to gently rub your foot before slowly working its way up your leg.
"Of course I remember! I just.. I'm excited." She whispered. "And I want you to feel good." Her hand had massaged its way to your thigh now, just past your knee. You sighed in pleasure.
"You always make me feel good.." Hange giggled darkly, lowering her head and licking at your thigh. She nibbled lightly on your skin, sucking on it.
"I live to please." She dipped her head to your wet cunt, going directly for your clit. She licked it so gently but so precisely for a few moments before pulling away and licking her lips. "You're already soaked for me.. what a good girl." Your heart fluttered at her words.
"It doesn't take you doing much to get me turned on, Hange." You watched as she covered the large dildo in lube, making sure to cover it completely.
"Even though you're really wet, I don't want to risk hurting your pretty cunt." She readied herself at your hole, reaching up to rub one of your nipples, and bring her face close to yours to kiss you. It was slow and passionate, her simple way of letting you know how much she loved you. "Are you ready?"
"Yes.." You breathed. She kissed you again as she pushed the head of it inside. The dildo wasn't as much thicker, as it was longer than what you were used to. So you only felt so good at this point. "Ah, fuck.." Hange was addicted to kissing you, she simply kept kissing your cheeks and your neck to let you breathe. She pushed a little further, adding a few more inches. You were starting to feel it now, you began to feel really full. You felt yourself clenching down on the dildo. As if Hange could tell, she started to shush you.
"Shh, it's okay. You're doing so well. Relax, my good girl." Her deep voice made calmness swoop over your body and it was almost instant. "Can you take it all the way in for me? Can you be a good girl for me?" You nodded aggressively.
"Yes, fuck.. yes. Anything you want." Hange smiled.
"You wanted this, remember?" She slightly mocked your words from earlier. "You wanted this, so take it for me okay? Take it nice and deep. Be good and I'll make you cum." You braced yourself before she pushed her hips all the way to yours, the dildo going all the way inside of you. You felt so fucking good. You felt so full and warm. Every part of your body was hot, your stomach was in knots in the best way possible. "Look at you." Hange pulled back to look you over. "So damn gorgeous." She pulled out slightly before thrusting back in as gently as she could. You let out a slight whimper. "Oh, those noises!" She leaned down to cover you in kisses. "Please make more of those beautiful noises for me.. I love it." She began thrusting with rhythm now, keeping a steady pace so that she could hear your whimpers and moans with each thrust. She just watched you, slightly smiling to herself. "Such a good girl, taking me all the way in like that." Placing her thumb to your lips, you took it in your mouth and sucked on it for her, looking up at her. She practically gasped. "Now that gives me a wonderful idea.."
"What's that?" You said with her thumb still in your mouth and playing with your lips.
"I'd love to see that pretty mouth wrapped around my cock.."
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aria0fgold · 2 months
God, finding any mhyk fans on tumblr is so rare. I can never go to twitter though, because twitter won't allow me to write a whole textblock about my wizards yknow.
Anyways, what are your favorite caiowe moments (0u0)
OHMYGOD! FELLOW CAIOWE FAN IN TUMBLR?! :O Fr though, we mhyk fans here are so rare and twitter posts function cannot contain the multitude of thoughts I have.
I have A LOOOT of favourite caiowe moments, caiowe fuels my brain.
Most and biggest favourite caiowe moment: Chapter 17 and 18 of ms1.5 aka anni1. It's sooooo good to me, the establishment of the pairing, the horror and realization of Owen that Cain was Dying and he didn't even wanted that in that moment. Owen calling Cain's name for the first time and not "Sir Knight"? Owen KNEELING DOWN beside him and PRAYING?!?! Love it, I love that moment so much. Of course, I cannot forget about Cain, in his dying moments during then, ASSURED Owen that it wasn't his fault. Like ohgod... You're dying my guy and you're assuring the one that attacked you?! Oh. OH! You are sooo insane for that. And with that moment, of course I gotta hold the moment during Chapter 26 near and dear to my heart too. Cain, recovering from a near death experience meeting Owen and without missing a beat, invites him out to lunch. OUOUUUOGHHGG I looove ms1.5 for that.
Everything that Paradox Roid had going for itself. That AU is caiowe collection worthy, every moment that those two were together makes me soooo giddy and happy and it's so insane for that. My favourite AU of all time, especially the moments during Chapter 5 with Cain, Akira, and Owen flying by the ice cream truck, Cain with that sweet lil speech and Owen saying "Hello, world" ououuoghhghg my heart during then... Of course what solidified this AU for being my favourite of all is Cain going through INSANE LENGTHS to get Owen back JUST to fulfill his promise to him of buying him the icecream, AND the moment when Owen's memory was all but practically wiped BUT! he still remembers... Cain's words... HE STILL REMEMBERS! Like oooohhhh my god. That's insane. To still remember Nearly the exact words a guy you've only met recently despite your memory being deleted? Insanity. I love it.
EVERYTHING! From the event: Sun-Radiant Blade. That's my favourite event of all time from the canon universe, it has sooo many caiowe moments it was amazing. Owen attending the knight event and everyone being on high guard but Cain reassures them? OWEN GETTING BLAMED FOR SOMETHING HE DIDN'T DO AND CAIN DEFENDING HIM?!?!! Owen being the only one to believe in Cain that he CAN win against the young knight being controlled by a sword and that Oz doesn't need to kill the poor kid, that NO ONE gets to kill the poor kid and only Cain can do that. Owen grabbing Cain's face especially and going "my magic wielding Sir Knight" OH YOU ARE UNBEARABLE OWEN.
Not really part of the game, but the animage magazine article of em makes me just as insane. It's THE CAIOWE magazine of all time, I'll forever be Normal (lying) about Cain's quote: "Come battle, I would become your shield, and I would die for you." LIKE!!! MY GUUUUYYY?!?!!?!!? Most normal thing to say towards anyone at all. I hate him (affectionately).
The event: Prelude to the Festival and Justice has a singular caiowe moment in the form of Owen's eyeball protecting Cain and I'm sooooooo not over that moment yet actually. Owen wasn't even THERE, but Owen protected Cain via the eyeball he forcefully swapped between em like gooooooodddd.
ANNI 2 MOMENT! CAIOWE ANNI 2! That moment with Cain and Owen lowkey arguing with one another lives in my head rent free and then by the ending parts with Owen flying off all alone and CAIN LOOKING UP AT HIM and going "I have to get stronger" just to be able to justify him worrying for him like oh! OH MYGOD!
That one moment during the event: Awakening the Legendary Chalk Castle where Cain SENSED Owen nearby and proceeded to DESTROY THE FLOOR to obtain a shortcut to get to where he was sensing Owen at, very Normal behaviour there Cain. I love him.
Everything bout that one tl with like a stageplay? a stage reading I think? I can't remember but that tl of some parts (mostly caiowe, oh i love it so much) of it and and Owen getting Cain drunk via magic and Cain was boutta START STRIPPING and Snow panicked and immediately got rid of the spell and Owen going "But it was just getting to the good part" LIKE!?!?!?!!? Thinking bout that moment again makes me lose it sooo badly like my guy wdym. WDYM OWEN OHMYGOD OWEN
The newest Alterego AU event is also taking up so much of my brain rn, mafia au, Cain with the northies/former northies, OWEN'S OTHER EYE CHANGING COLOUR TO BE GOLD CUZ OF CAIN, like ya can't just make that up, my guy Owen saw the prettiest gold during his dying moments and the world said "You'll get to have that too" and now he has heterochromia as well, and never mind the fact that Owen gained his during this event, but Cain was BORN WITH IT, he was born with a heterochromia that was forcefully put on him during canon universe, he was born with the Owen red eye in this universe and the implications of that is kinda insane actually (<-most likely reading too into the au with my caiowe glasses). Cuz like! Imagine this, you in your past life had two golden eyes but Some Guy, forcefully swapped eyes with you and then in another life, your born with heterochromia as a result of Some Guy from a previous life and now your born with it, like a mark. Of a wedding-- It's the caiowe version of the red string of fate, I'm convinced with that.
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daisyvisions · 8 months
🩶 - husband!jacob being married to you for a few years now and you get experimental with calling him daddy + wanting to try a new position 😏 (afab!reader)
"d-daddy, ohmygod," you cried out, feeling jacob slam in and out of you from behind. you could feel his grip on your waist tighten the more he pounded into you.
"like feeling my cock, baby?" jacob groaned, amazed at how tight you still were.
you could feel the warmth in your stomach start to creep near your core and you knew you were going to cum soon. "yes, gonna cum soon, daddy," you warned.
jacob started picking up the pace from hearing your warning, and you cried out at the change of speed. "let me feel it baby. you've been so good for daddy, let me see you cum."
you could feel your body go limp as the last few thrusts from jacob sent you over the edge. you came silently for a few moments, overwhelmed by the feeling of it all and then exhaled with broken sighs and whines, hiding your face in the crook of his neck.
jacob kept thrusting in and out of you while you took your pleasure, praising you for finally cumming in the new position that he knew was going to be used many more times after this night. "so good for daddy, yes baby, cum on my cock, so good baby," he repeated.
as you started coming down from your high, jacob pulled out of you and slouched down the bed so that he could cradle you with your face to his chest. he wrapped his leg over your waist and started rubbing your back, trying to coax you back down to earth.
you were still trying to catch your breath when you felt his hand rub gently on your back. "can you hear me, baby?" jacob asked gently, "I'm right here, princess."
when you finally came to, you opened your eyes and met his, smiling and feeling sated. "yes daddy, I'm here," you answered, placing a hand on his chest.
"you okay? I might've went a little too hard on you," jacob admitted, fixing your hair and moving it off your shoulder.
"no da- no jake, I'm okay, it was perfect," you corrected yourself, jacob giggling at your little mistake.
"I'm glad you loved it," jacob replied, scooting a little to bring you closer. "honestly, you can call me daddy any time you want."
you grinned and wrapped your leg around his waist, closing your eyes as you started to feel exhaustion sweep over you. "I might take you up on that offer," you responded, before slowly drifting off to sleep.
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PLEASE THAT WAS SO???? 😩 I never knew I needed dom!-daddy-kink-husband-jacob in my life and just imagine HIS HANDS gripping your soft skin AAAAAAAHHHHH
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fukashiin · 1 year
rating my mutuals!
i dont have too many but it'd still be fun to rate you guys as a small bday gift from me in return for the interactions and moments I've made with you up until now <33 (if you arent here then i was too shy to mention you but i love your works tremendously!!)
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@jeidoleech ⤷ KHOI !
my first ever twst mutual on tumblr actually. you dont understand i squealed like SQUEALED when you followed me back and tagged me in your mutuals list?? i was over the moon <33 your writing style is adorable and it really butters my biscuits AND I WAS OBSESSED WITH YOUR BABY BLUE THEME WHEN I FIRST FOLLOWED YOU GOODBYE. so thank you?? for following me like?? SO much??? you were apart of the reasons why i wanted to continue writing for this fandom <3333 i cant keep up with you altering between jade and Floyd im gnna be completely honest OKAY.
@mifyu ⤷ MIFFY !
youre adorable/10
some of the sweetest people I've ever met hello??? and your themes just??? top it off???? i was super shy to ask if you wanted to become mutuals but ohmygod i wasnt expecting you to be the ballsy one. thank you for becoming mutuals with me your works are just the prettiest and im looking forward to more!! i bet if we had a competition to see who could say 'ily more' you'd win by a mile.
@iuuru ⤷ MILLIE
HELLO IM SO GLAD I REACHEDJ OUT TO YOU WHAT. you match my energy so well and i love that abt you??? MY CHINESE SPEAKIMG COMPANION???? the moment i clicked on your blog i just KNWEW i had to become your moot you just seemed so fun and lovable AND YOU ARE. i was able to improve my chi vocab by a little bit because of you and im genuinely so grateful?? MY FAV LEONA KISSER YOUR WORKS AND IMAGINATION IS LITERALLY IMPECCABLE ILYSM I HOPE TO SPEAK IN CHI WITH YOU SM MORE AND CRASH THE TAG LIMIT BY FAWNING OVER YOUR WORKS
@tinyletterz ⤷ REMY !
stop being so gorgeous???/10
i could use up all the synonyms for beautiful in all the languages i know and it still wouldn't be enough. your works are the prettiest???hello??? whyre they so soft and fuzzy??? u deserve all the cupcakes and cats in the world ill literally take you to the cat island. youre personality is so lovely i literally go through the whole water cycle whenever you answer my ask??? so thank you for being my mutual<33 ALSO WHAT SHOULD WE NAME OUR CAT CAFE??
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newer mutuals who i'd love to know better!
your guys' personalities are amazingf and itms such an honour to be your mutual KISSES
@siphoklansan ⤷ SIPHOK !
your works. your animations. who allowed you to be that talented??? ill always remember the time you said i was lively and fun even before we became mutuals! that made my day!! youre literally some of the nicest people ive met on this app so never give up on your passion for art IM LITERKALLY GOBBLING THEJM ALL UP <3
@twistedchatterbox ⤷ NOIR !
i cnat believe your first interaction with me was digging up my thirst post for idia STOP. IM A CHANGED PERSON. but ohmygod youre so good at art too?? can you stop being so talented with both writing AND drawing???? but regardless im so happy to be your mutual you seem so hardworking with every work you post and i appreciate that sm?? AND I LOVE YOUR OC. SHES BEAUTIFUL;
@cupids-chamber ⤷ CUPID !
i relate to you an eerie amount/10
i couldve sworn i started hyperventilating the moment i saw you follow me????? you may not think that your crack fics are funny BUT THEY REALLY ARE??? at the same time your normal ones make me SQUEAL AND KICK MY FEET IN THE AIR IM SO TEMPTED TO GET RUN OVER BY AN ACTIVE SPEEDING BUS. and congrats on 4.35k!! i hope we interact a lot more <33
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caffeine-clouds · 1 year
So I stayed up till 3AM binge reading Agent Blue and holyshit this fic was throwing me all over the place emotionally, I was hooked
I also like how you sprinkled in so many community headcanons/theories and made reasons/explanations for some of the ooc or simply odd moments in canon, as well as all the references to past games that felt natural to whatever was happening in the fic
I tend not to have all too much interest in canon universe fics and stick more to AUs so it's taken me a good month of regularly seeing your fic whilst scrolling the AO3 tags to actually open and read it but ohmygod this is going up in my top fics list
JISJHDWIDLKDS Thank you so much!!! Glad this fic was able to bring you joy! I love sprinkling fanon stuff in my fics - it's so fun. And I'm a big fan of continuity so - if I can mention the past games organically, I will lmao
I get you! Sometimes AUs just hit better for certain fandoms. But I'm glad you were able to get a kick out of Agent Blue!! Thank you so much, this means so much to me I- AAAAAH
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reservoirreputation · 7 months
My Mom and I watched the FNaF movie last night. It was after game 1 of the world series, so I didn't want her to push through if she was very tired, but she was good, and guys-
-I loved the movie.
Like in a 'this is so charming and darkly twisted' kind of way.
That one article, saying that the movie was heavy on plot and light on scares, acting like that was a bad thing? Is just one of many review sites that doesn't get you're not the target audience.
A plot-heavy movie is exactly (I think) what FNaF fans were largely looking forward to, and it delivered! And, practical effects, my beloved! I think there was only one instance of CGI, and that was any shots that had to deal with electricity. Otherwise? It's a PG-13 gateway horror film for mostly kids that treats the devoted fanbase well, and is even gorier in some places than the games ever were. Like, I don't recall there being any blood AT ALL in the games, and the use of it in the movie was still sparing, but effective!
Also, spoiler(s)
Afton giving Vanessa the hand-me-down toy airplane is an incredibly underrated and twisted moment in the film. Like, think about that; how many of her other childhood toys, clothes, and so on come from the kids her father had murdered? That's a great expansion on what a sick bastard Afton is, and it's a quick moment, too.
The blanket fort scene was so precious and sweet, and taps into the unexpected friendship dynamic that Security Breach gave us, and a great moment of humanity for the dead kids, who could easily just be seen as villains, but moments like this help combat that.
Genuine question: is 'The bite of 2000?!?' a meme yet, because it should be. Both my Mom and I were delighted by how unexpectedly brutal that was, because I was anticipating the hand jump-scare from the commercials, which I think was great marketing; the viewer keeps an eye out for this moment, almost brushes it off, only to be caught off guard by Max getting CHOMPED. Another favorite moment was one of the thieves SCREAMING as he ran through the restaurant, because that's just so good.
Some 'theatre of the mind' scares going on in this movie, and I really think it's gonna burn itself into the minds of kids for years to come, like, who's moving all of these bodies? What happened to Max's top-half before it got moved? What do those corpses stuffed in animatronics look like after 20 years? And, most importantly, what happened to the aunt?!?!?! Like, I wanted to see her death scene because she's an awful character (affectionate) but like, it's really a great choice. 'What happened to my aunt?' 'Don't worry, she's just sleeping.' *only shows us the bottom-half of her body* Like, did she also get chomped?? That's gonna haunt some kid's nightmares, and I love it.
During the diner scene, I was so distracted with the aunt continuing to be The Worst, and bringing her cohorts to a restaurant, only to not buy breakfast, as she's burning money to keep her lawyer with her constantly, only to realize, 'HOLY SHIT THAT'S MATPAT' The way my Mom and I BURST out laughing, ohmygod. Also, that actor who played the lawyer? Does some of the most with the least amount of screen-time to further get across how awful the aunt is. That thousand-yard stare, he's seen some things.
Extra sadness to an already sad movie: do you think Mike's parents, in grieving for Garrett, had Abby as the 'fix-it' kid? Fill the void with another child? Because I think it would further explain how messed up their family is.
When Mike's introduced to us, and he starts doing pushups, I instantly got flashbacks to Pollyanna's character in 'Let Us Prey'. And when he just starts going to town, punching that dad's face? I knew, in that moment, our boy would go the distance against these haunted animatronics. He got the ever-loving SHIT kicked out of him by Afton and was STILL going.
Another great, underrated creepy moment is when Mike tries talking to the kids in his dream, and the one in the foreground stares at him, the others behind him are blurred out. It's such a nice, off-putting touch.
There was something really nice about Mike cleaning the place up after the thieves trashed it. That time and effort to tidy up a place most people would never see again is just really touching, and I think is one of the reasons why he survives for so long in the movie, despite napping on the job. Before Abby ever enters the picture, he doesn't disturb anything, break stuff, nothing. Really, he's the caretaker of a graveyard and he just doesn't know it, yet, so it feels like someone tidying up the lawn, cleaning up the gravestones.
Those are some of my thoughts on the movie, about a day later. I really hope they get to make a second film, because we need more quality gateway horror, and there's certainly a LOT of plot-points and characters the movie hasn't even TOUCHED on, yet.
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faszaakisshobbi · 1 year
March TC Challenge 20-26
do you feel guilty about having feelings for your tc? hell yeah i feel terrible. why am i so attached to these poor women ohmygod 😭 i mean i have my suspicions that the attachment is from trauma and possible emotional abuse and things i lacked as a kid and currently lack now. but idk i still feel really bad. and i also don’t know how i see either of them. like pls stop thinking abt some nsfw things w/ them this isn’t helping things 💀
are you insecure about them liking another student more than you? for П i know i’m her favorite because it’s completely obvious. but i don’t want to be replaced but i know it’s inevitable now that i’m transferring schools. with Б i have never seen her interact with any other students other than this one kid because she doesn’t teach in a school setting. but im very sure i’m not even close to most liked. i want to be her favorite though.
what kind of hairstyle would you love to see them in? uhh idk. П cuts her hair once a year 😭😭 to a really short bob cut and i wish she kept it consistently that short bc it looks so good and really fits her!! and years ago Б had REALLY short hair like a pixie cut. i didn’t meet her when she had hair that short but it looked really good and i wanna see her hair like that again!
do you think they trust you? i go into Б’s house for 3ish hours a week for lessons and i’ve baby-sat her son so i think she trusts me lol. no but seriously she’s talked a lot about her mental health and i just know she doesn’t do that with everyone. and for П she tells me some pretty personal stuff about her and we’ve texted on her personal number. she is comfortable hugging me unlike with almost other students. so i think she trusts me.
what's the most comedic moment that's occurred between you two? i can’t currently remember anything with П because there are so many moments that just blur together. but for Б one time recently she was super enthusiastic and then she stabbed me with her viola bow pretty hard and she leaned in to make sure i was okay and i accidentally hit her and we were both laughing a bunch.
have you ever drawn them or written about them to vent your feelings? i’ve drawn both of them. Б i drew much more successfully but i think i’ve drawn П more. i wanna write but i lack motivation lmao.
how do you feel when you're around them? are you so nervous that you can't concentrate, or do you just feel happy that you get to spend time with them? with П i can try to convince myself that when i’m alone with and/or physically close to her i’m fine, but i’m not. sometimes the way she looks at me is the most distracting thing in the middle of a piece, especially recently. now with Б i was nervous at first but i really do just love being around her. she brings me so much joy.
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lucaonthropy · 1 year
Finished Mencuri Raden Saleh so these are my (non-linear) thoughts. Spoilers ig
- Why is there so many car crash in this movie lmaooo like. From the first plan to the final one there's always at least one.
- The acting is not the best imo but it's good and very enjoyable.
- Now the voice acting though? That fucks. I'm officially in love with Fella and Tuktuk's voice in particular. The way they speak and all. The others are also good. I think Ucup is the weakest tho ngl.
- Gofar and Tuktuk's sibling bond is going to be the death of me. I actually cried when Gofar snapped after Tuktuk got jailed.
- I have ... thoughts ... about the decision to make Sarah the bait because it really doesn't make sense. She (in character) is portrayed as someone who can't really lie or act so I don't get why they immediately agreed on her being the bait.
- But her fighting scenes are chef's kiss ohmygod. The "Kurang ajar! Dasar katrok!(?)" scene got me cheering on my seat like damn wreck that fucker.
- Also a lot of questions about the random guy flirting with her.
- Anyway. Plot-wise it's consumable. I'm not a proper film critics so this is purely subjective but I love it. Are their plans messy af? Were their decisions questionable and have very bad consequences? Well. Yeah. But it makes sense because their backgrounds. None of them had ever done this kinda thing so the mistakes they made, while kinda annoying, make sense.
- Not a fan of Sarah and Piko being together. Not merely because I ship Hackforger but because their scenes together don't really have a ... spark? They don't connect or bond at all. It's just your usual hetero relationship that got pushed by the staff.
- Not as much Hackforger as I expected from seeing Twitter but eh. I'll take what I can get. Their bond is pretty clear and it's classic bromance to romance type of thing.
- I'm gonna reiterate that I'm in love with Fella.
- The flashbacks are getting annoying ngl.
- Ok so I've heard it's gonna be a trilogy or something so I'm not gonna say much about Ucup and Budiman's locked backstory. They are probs saving it for the next movie.
- Kinda disappointed that there's not much scene detailing the painting or the process of forgery because I'm actually interested.
- Oh! Speaking of which: I now headcanon Piko as autistic-coded or at least neurodivergent-coded because there's no way that guy is neurotypical. Just. No way.
- Whoever chose Tuktuk's actor needs a raise honestly. I'm honestly pretty ok with most of the cast because I never grade a film through that lens (I have face blindness. I couldn't care less about the cast) but oh. My. God. He radiated youngest sibling energy throughout the film and as an oldest sib I both want to punch him and kiss his forehead.
- Detective Sita is also very interesting as a character. Def wanna see her more in the future.
- Mbak Dini!!!! Goddamn I love her. Maybe it's the haircut lmao. But also her outfit when visiting the police station is muah. Love it, love her.
- Hoping Permadi and Rama will die tbh.
- Mas Gito the MVP!!! I always have a soft spot for a loyal butler-esque character like Alfred and Gito soooo yeah.
- Also. I thought I'm gonna finish this movie with shipping Fistjack buuut Fellafullo/Gofella got me in a clutch. Love the back and forth they have going.
- Now for some of my favorite moments:
1. When Gofar and Tuktuk's father scolded them for ruining a car and said "Is it not enough that you two have different mothers and you still bring trouble back!" (paraphrased) and Tuktuk replied "Well but you're the dad."
2. Every fight scene with Sarah.
3. The continued saga of Gofar snacking on Fullo after Fella started bringing them to their hq.
4. Gofar breaking down after Tuktuk got caught.
5. Every Hackforger hug.
6. "Fella already bought the company."
7. The chase scene in the first plan.
8. Whenever Ucup laid out the most unhinged plan. Especially the one that got inspired by uhhh idk PUBG? FF?
9. Every scene of Fella being a pro gambler. Like, red flag but also you go Queen.
10. Piko vs Budiman. Nuff said.
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cubedmango · 2 years
NAINA. it’s the delusional cm anon here and ohmygod. It took me so long to come back because I had no strength in me to try and organise my thoughts into words that actually make sense I. Even now I can’t actually express my feelings about all of it to you without talking for years but can we please. Talk about the beach scene can we.please the way kurosawa so easily said that when adachi said he loved him his heart almost stopped and the fact that in the scene w his parents you could literally See his eyes change like something changed within him he almost passed out and then the way he just pulled out the ring and then. The most Fucking. Extra most Romantic proposal scene I have ever seen in my LIFE NAINA LIKE WHAT THE HELL? THE WAY THEY HELD EACH OTHER’S HANDS LIKE THEY WERE HOLDING THE MOST VALUABLE FRAGILE MATERIAL… THE WAY THEY THEY TURNED EACH OTHER’S HANDS OVER WITH THE LIGHT GLINTING OFF THE RINGS… THE WAY. THE KUROSAWA. THE WAY HE RUBBED HIS THUMB OVER ADACHI’S HAND I FEEL@SO UNBELIEVABLY SICK
CM ANON WELCOME BACK !! ALSO BIG MOOD i am just . i dont know how to express my emotions abt this movie in words its not possible . all i can do is scream. Literally. send help please
1. the magic
THE GROWTH . ADACHI HAD. him going from relying on his magic and being assertive thanks to it, to going from being glad he doesnt have it anymore and being assertive despite it is. . it is. Hello. how he went from knowing what to say bc he knew what ppl were thinking to how he spoke what he truly thought himself no matter what the person expects him to say is so. . . Hello!!!!! and its that determination in his own words and his own conviction that he could prove her wrong abt regretting it that got through to kurosawa's mom that i dont think wouldve worked had he read her mind and told her what she want to hear. Augh. augh........
2. the proposal
kurosawa was so happy to hear adachi loves him that his heart almost stopped ...... also what u said abt his eyes changing in the scene w his parents like Yeah.
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ITS HITTING HIM. i dont know the like . terminology for it but those Tiny Changes In His Expression That Mean Everything To Me . mr machida sir can i send u a care package and flowers just for this scene. please
another thing about the proposal is that. there was nothing asked. no question of 'will u marry me' or anything like they just . They Know. but also because it didnt have to be asked? theyre already engaged?? the silent acknowledgement that the pengagement really Was the actual proposal, and this is just then making it official to the world once and for all without having to hide it anymore. im gonna chew glass
3. the rings
kurosawa had the box on him the entire time. rings for good luck, which maybe Did work ... but i think he intended on proposing no matter how their talk w his parents went?? just thinking about That. Ough. but how he presents them just like that ..... no grand speech. no big huge romantic gesture. just the deserted beach and two of them like...... he doesnt try so hard anymore to be perfect or cool and plan a whole proposal, he just thinks about how much adachi loves him enough to declare it to his parents and Goes For It, almost on impulse i feel like ? but like in a good way like he Knows this is the moment™️ for it. anyways that left me pretty unwell also so that was fun
4. the hands
every single word u said anon......... i have no words left to say abt the hands its just. the. the. Theyre. the. i thought the manga's whole hand kissing deal after the proposal had killed me but this. the tenderness. the lighting. the Rings. the fucking gentle thumb rubs.......... I Am Never Going To Recover On God
5. the 'i love you'
listen they muted it . And That Was Extremely Evil Of Them. but i know kurosawa said i love you. i know this. and that too he said so quietly adachi couldnt hear it at first, and then whispering it to him bc he wants only adachi to be able to hear it ........ rlly felt like we as the audience are like. Intruding upon smth incredibly sacred that we're not supposed to see or something . 10/10 scene though like adachi nodding and then kurosawas SMILE and HUG and him taking the fall (AND HIS FEET WHEN HE DOES . idk why but im obsessed w the way his shoe shows up on frame for a bit its just . its so silly. theyre so silly i love them)
6. the hands, part 2
GOD. THAT PARALLEL TO THE DRAMAS INTRO IM TOO WEAK FOR THIS ??????????? why would they Do that to me. the way all their hand movements are in sync..... the way theyre smiling as they look at the rings......... I am normal about this (not)
7. the sillies
please look at my new favorite shot of kurosawa of all time
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HES SO GIDDY. HES SO HAPPY. HE IS SO SILLY!!!!!!!! mans measured adachi's ring size while he was Sleeping !!!!!!!!! where is the deleted scene of him sitting there at like 2 am with a thread in his hand and quietly trying to measure it !!!!! I Demand This !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ADACHI TOO ????? HES SO HAPPY ....... and how he knows what to expect from kurosawa by now like . this is the same guy who got so freaked out over kurosawa thinking abt his mole that he had to run away to the bathroom about it . but now just the plain and simple acceptance that Yeah. Kurosawa Is A Little Weird About His Love. And That Is Okay And Endearing And I Love That About Him that adachi shows here. ............. i am fine :)
ok thats it for beach scene thoughts. for now. but ill probably think of more stuff later as i slowly start to process this movie so like ......... look forward to it perhaps??? also anon pls if u have more thoughts abt the movie i would love to hear them too 👀 i need to talk abt it as much as possible its the only way i can cope
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