#his whole energy was kid in a candy store
surprise- sturniolo triplets
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summary- you've always wanted a cat and matt, chris, and nick come make your dream a reality.
contains- platonic relationships only<3 its just a cute little drabble fr.
"she is going to flip the fuck out when she sees him." chris looks back at the little surprise him, matt, and nick got for you while rubbing his hands in anticipation. now that the car is parked matt looks back as well, and his eyes light up for the second time today. "Awww, he is sooo cute. such a handsome man." he coos making both chris and him chuckle. "I don't know...he looks like he'd bite the shit out of me." nick adds right after, making the two in the front seat burst out in laughter. "of course you think that nick" chris says. after they both calm down a little, nick shifts his attention to the camera at the front of the car.
"OKAY so if you guys watch our videos, you know Y/n and you also know how much she talks about wanting a cat. we figured it would be so fun if we just bought her one and got her reaction on camera. I, for one, am so so excited to see how happy she's going to be." he looks out the window at your front yard and sighs happily. "Y/n is so sweet, I love her." he says almost tearfully.
"here he goes, getting all emotional and shit" chris adds giggling at nicks nonsense.
after talking a little bit more about the story about getting the cat, they all walk out to go up to your front door. nick has a key, so there was no need to knock. they just walked right in to your tiny apartment. matt trails behind nick and chris as they make a beeline for your room. "she's probably still sleeping, im kinda scared to wake her up." nicks says fear creeping into his voice. you were one of the sweetest people they have ever met, but you are a whole other person when you first wake up. not only are you grumpy, but your also pissed with the person who interrupted your sleep. one time, nick went to wake you up from a nap to see if you wanted to go to top golf and you ended up shooing him out your room with a broom. lets just say, you didn't go to top golf and nick did not go into your room for about a week after that. chris and matt shudder at the memory, but chris is quick to reassure nick. "nah it'll be okay, she won't be annoyed we woke her up for long. I'll go in first. matt stay outside the door for a little until we call you in. " okay" matt says barely paying attention and just staring at the cuteness that is your kitten.
chris opens your door to find you sleeping. tissues surround the floor next to your bed, and you stir upon hearing someone opening your door. you sit up straight and sigh when you see him. "chris, what the hell are you doing here this early."
"we just wanted to come see you, feels like we haven't seen you in sooo long." he says with way more energy than you felt at the moment. "I would give you a hug, but you look like shit" he chuckles. your eyes were bloodshot red, your hair a mess, and your nose bright red from blowing it all night. even so, you shoot him a glare but your eyes soften when you see his smile. chris always reminds you of a kid in a candy store, and his bubbly attitude is contagious.
"yeah well, im hoping its allergies." you say smiling back at him before nick walks in.
"okay girl, you don't have allergies. lets be real, your sick." nick points at you. "sickie sickie doesn't get any kissy kissies." he says in a strange high pitch voice. matt has to cover his mouth to keep himself from laughing too loud and revealing his hiding spot. chris on the other hand laughs while cringing openly. "dude, never say that shit again, that was really bad." you laugh along before going into a coughing fit. both boys look at each other and then look at you with concern. "Jesus" nick says and chris hands the camera to him. chris approaches your bed and softly sits next to you. he moves the hair out of your face and then places his hand on your forehead. "oh you are burning up, hun. we'll make this quick."
"make what quick? and where is matt?" you question just as he walks into the room your surprise in hand. he took him out the carrier so you could hold him immediately.
"SUPRISE" he yells. you wince a little at how loud he was but quickly recover when you see the kitten he's holding. sick and all, you rush to get out of your bed to go see him. your body is fatigued from being sick for two days so when you get up, you stumble. good thing nick is there to catch you.
"careful there girl" he laughs nervously while grabbing your arm to walk you to matt. you pay him no mind, completely focused on the bundle of cuteness in matts arm.
"AWWW matt, he's so cute!!! whose is it?" you say while picking it up and cuddling the kitten into your chest. nick steps back a little to get both you and matt in the frame.
"its yours y/n" matt says softly and you freeze.
"its mine?" you say tears of joy filling your eyes.
"of course it is y/n, we got him for you because we love you" chris adds smiling at your heartfelt reaction.
"thank you guys" you say as tears stream down your cheeks. even though your sick all three of them came to hug you, touched by your gratitude. you lean your head into matts shoulder and sigh looking down at your new pet in your arms.
"sooo what's his name gonna be?" chris inquires as you all break away from the group hug. you pause to think for a minute, and then your face lights up.
"angel" you say dreamily.
"angel" nick repeats chuckling for no reason at all.
"angel." matt repeats the name as well. "its perfect sweetheart." he sends you a soft smile. you look around at the three boys, grateful to have the most amazing best friends in the world.
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pinazee · 1 year
Fully on board wesley kirk now! I loved this episode so much! Classic time travel episode, classic Kirk gets-the-girl! Another iteration of Khan! This is the first ep i think ever rewatched immediately after.
P.S A+ marketing for having the going-in-the-past episode released two days early
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February 1
rating: G cw: none prompt: Love is letting someone take care of you
It wasn't a lesson Eddie learned easily, or all that willingly. No one had cared for him after his Mama had died. Not for a long time after.
He dad likes to pretend he'd tried. When Eddie was feeling generous, he'd even say he agreed. His parents were so in love it was almost sickening. Losing her must have broken the part of his Dad that knew how to love fully. He didn't turn mean, not like some dads did, but he definitely cared more about his next scheme than he did about the kid that looked too much like his Mama.
Wayne taught him that people who care about you take care of you. They take care of you when you're barely nine and have burned yourself on the stove twice this week, even if you think you should have learned after the first time. They take care of you when you've been caught stealing candy from Melvald's, and skipping school, and flunking senior year (and then doing that again), and even when people accuse you of murder.
Wayne has taught him that people that really, really love you are there when you need them, care for you when you need them.
And Eddie's heart aches that no one seems to have taught Steve that.
Eddie's trying. He steps in to help with "babysitting" duties, especially when Steve looks particularly run down. He started inserting himself into the Platonic Soulmate thing Steve and Robin have going because he wants to be an established replacement Temporary Soulmate while Robin's at college. (Being fair, this was Robin's suggestion. She's worried about how he'll be when she's not around to look after him.)
He's started hanging out with Steve without Robin, too. They get along well, it turns out. Eddie loves to talk and Steve loves to listen. But, more importantly, Eddie's good at getting Steve to talk. As a rule in general, Eddie isn't a good listener, but he could listen to Steve read him the phone book and never be bored. He tries to take an interest in Steve's hobbies. He doesn't have the hand/eye coordination for basketball, or the lungs for swimming laps, but he does have the energy to keep going even when he's bad at those things.
Steve seems to appreciate it, if the soft smiles he gives Eddie is any indication.
And it's not all up hill. Steve's got hangups that seem to crop up when he thinks he's failed at something. He's got a quick temper but it's never physical anger. He's only ever yelled at Eddie twice, and being fair, that first was deserved. Eddie's pushed too far, in his desire to help, not knowing the limit yet.
Eddie gets pissy, too, he's no saint, either.
There's been no fight they haven't gotten through, though.
But the lesson, the thing Wayne was really trying to teach him, comes when Steve gets sick.
No one but Robin has ever seen him sick. She's off at college now and it's just Eddie, fumbling to make soup and not dribble water down Steve's front while he holds the glass Steve is too weak to and Eddie forgot to get some straws at the store.
Steve tried to get him to leave only once. It was the third day in a row Eddie was there.
"You don't have to be here, you know," Steve had whispered, throat still feeling like he ate glass.
Eddie just met his eye and gave a small smile, "I do know."
Steve looks surprised, which is ridiculous, because he had to of known the answer Eddie would give. But then that surprise softens to a new look. Sappier, eyes a bit wetter, and Steve must not want him to see because his whole face scrunches with how quickly he shuts his eyes.
Eddie sets the sleeve of saltines down on the night stand and reached for Steve's hand. Just to give it a squeeze.
He finds he can't take his hand back when Steve tangles their fingers together and drags their joined hands to his face, where Steve rests his feverish forehead against Eddie's hand.
Steve teaches him that, yes, love is caring for someone. But sometimes, it's also letting someone else take care of you.
@steddielovemonth @i-less-than-three-you @nburkhardt @afewproblems @skepsiss
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Fall For Me (Poly! Sleep Token x Fem! Reader) - Part VI
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Why hello there! I am finally back with an Eepy Boi update!! Sorry it took me so long to get around to posting this, between the holidays and my work schedule being all over the place and a heap of other junk it took me a bit, lol. We're taking a little jump back? Forward? In time this chapter, the Fall Festival is finally upon us... Maybe a little bit of tension starts to occur? This is going to be a very fun chapter hehe. Thank all of you so so much for your continued support during my hiatus, I see every single note, reblog, and kudos on this fic, I read every single comment I get, all of you are absolutely wonderful, again, thank you. If you would like to be added to my tag list for this fic, please let me know! If you ever want to come be crazy over the Sleep Token boys with me, shoot me an ask or a message! Now onto the good stuff, I hope you enjoy!
WARNINGS: None, fluff, not proofread
My Masterlist! ~ A03 Link!
Part V - Part VI
“Absolutely not.” Vessel responds blankly as he flips through one of the magazines by the register.
“Ves, come on.” You groan. “It's one night.”
“Yeah, one night with a whole group of people that want to run us out of town.” He retaliates in the same bored tone as he turns another page.
“Everyone's going to be wearing costumes, no one will know it's you.” You offer as you start bagging his purchase.
“They've seen pictures of us, love.”
“What? Those blurry, grainy sasquatch looking photos from the paper?” You sigh, handing him the bags. “Listen, I know you're worried. I know you just want to keep everyone safe, but you hiding yourselves away is only going to make people more suspicious.” You could feel his eyes studying your face.
“I get the slightest feeling that something is wrong we leave, do we have a deal?” He sticks out his hand to you, you clap your own into his without hesitation, giving it a firm shake. “I agree that people might be more comfortable with us being in town if we can exist in the same space without an issue… I just hope you're right about this.” 
“I'll be right by your side the whole time.” You exchange a soft smile.
“Are you closing early that day?” He asks.
“Of course, I have to get into costume myself.” You giggle. “I'll be closing at noon that day, but I can always reopen if you guys want to stock up afterwards.” You offer.
“It’s not that, I wouldn't want to trouble you.” He chuckles. “I was thinking maybe we could meet here before the festival.” 
“I'd like that.” 
“Then it's a date.” He bows his head slightly in dismissal before pushing out the door.
The next day the store was abuzz with excited children picking out glow sticks, mother's buying ingredients for their bake sale items, and last minute costume necessities for all the town's residents. “Miss (Y/N)!” You can't help but smile as a young boy with messy brown hair and a gapped tooth smile rushes up to the counter.
“Daclan, she's busy-” his mother starts, a bubbly school teacher you had gotten to know quite well since she had moved to town.
“Don't worry about it, Siobhan.” You chuckle, pulling the bucket of candy out from behind the counter and discreetly offering it to him. You lean down slightly, “if you don't tell the other kids I'll let you take two.” You whisper with a wink. He shoves his hand into the bucket before quickly and triumphantly retrieving his candy.
“Miss (Y/N), are you coming to the Fall festival?” He asks excitedly.
“Of course I am, I wouldn't miss it for the world.” You smile. “What's your costume going to be this year?” He starts rambling on about his skeleton costume as you ring the two of them up.
“Woah! Mom, look at him!” Your attention flashes over to the door to see Vessel frozen in place as every pair of eyes in the store land on him. As quickly as he caught their attention it was gone, the bustling energy returning once more as everyone continued their shopping. You motion him closer with a wave of your hand. Declan stared up at the large masked man in amazement. “What are you supposed to be?”
Vessel gives you the briefest of looks, not exactly sure how to respond at first. But, seeing the boy's bright smile and lack of fear, it warmed his heart. He leans down, resting his elbows on the counter to bring himself closer to eye level. “The Grim Reaper, pretty scary, right?” He says with a grin.
“Awesome!” Declan exclaims in response. “Mom, can we make a costume like his next year?” Vessel chuckles at the young boy’s excitement.
“Sure thing, honey.” She ruffles Declan’s hair. “Come on, let’s let Miss (Y/N) close up so she can get ready.” You exchange goodbye’s with her, Declan telling you that he hopes you get to see his costume before hurrying out the door.
“So far so good.” You remark as you lean against the counter, you and Vessel shifting to more easily face each other. “I promise tonight will be fun.” You reach out, grabbing his shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“Well, if you talk so highly about this festival, I can't see any harm in giving it a shot.” You wait for your last few customers to file out of the store before locking up.
“Where's everyone else?” You ask, looking out in the empty lot for their truck.
“They're in back, I hope you don't mind.”
“Not at all.” You click off your open sign with a smile, motioning with a nod for Vessel to follow you out the front door. Your keys jingled in your hand as you struggled with the lock. “You'd think after all this time I wouldn't mess this up.” You sigh. The front door had a tendency to not shut fully unless things were maneuvered a certain way; the keys had to be slid into the lock a certain way, you had to push the door fully shut with your shoulder, you felt your cheeks start to burn as you struggled with something so simple in Vessel’s presence.
“Mind if I give it a try?” He offers quietly. You shuffle out of his way, the heat of his body noticeable against yours as he slid a little too close behind you. He jiggles the key slightly, slamming his shoulder into the glass pane’s metal frame, managing to slide the deadbolt into place. He pulls on the handle a couple times, making sure it's fully secure, before turning to you with a proud smile. “There, that should do it. He follows you out back, the other three members of the usual group lounging in the cab of the truck. IV was the first to notice you, perking up in his seat when his eyes landed on your approaching form. He nudges II, who looks up immediately from the book he was reading at the mention of your name.
“Where's your costume?” III asks in mock annoyance. He hops down from his place situated in the bed of the truck, his long strides allowing him to approach you quickly and pull you into his arms. He pulls back slightly, his blue eyes finding yours and making you freeze under their warm gaze. “Promise me I'll get you to myself for at least a little while tonight.” You could hear the smile he was wearing under his mask lace it's way through his words. Before you had a chance to respond the passenger door of the truck was kicked open, IV practically falling to the ground as he scrambled out. Your eyes darted up to three, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he gazed down at you. He gives you a quick wink before he steps back, satisfied with your flustered state. 
IV bounds up to you, excitedly taking your hands in his. “I can't wait to see your costume.” You jump slightly as a warm hand if placed against your lower back, you caught the sight of II in your peripheral.
“Well we have to let her go get changed into it first.” He chuckles. “It's good to see you, love.”
“Come on guys.” You chuckle, motioning for the four of them to follow you. “You can hang out upstairs while I get ready.”
It always made your heart swell every time they were all together in one place. The warm, me jovial energy that filled your apartment had you practically skipping to your room to get changed. You could hear the four of them continue to talk in the living room, just quiet enough to make it so you couldn't hear. You opened your closet, pulling out the neatly packaged bag that contained your costume. You shimmied into the tight dress, the stretchy fabric hugging all of your curves just right. Was this the most original costume in the world? Absolutely not. But, considering you were hoping to catch the attention of some masked men in particular this evening, you figured it wouldn't hurt to be a little cliche. You did your makeup as quickly as you could, a dark smokey eye that was finished off by you drawing a little black nose at the tip of your own with eyeliner. You grabbed the headband from your vanity, adjusting it perfectly atop your head before giving yourself one final once over in the mirror and heading back out to your waiting guests. The room fell silent the second you stepped through your door, four pairs of eyes locked on your small form. All of the sudden attention made you feel self conscious about your costume choice, maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. You wrapped your arms around your torso, your cheeks warming as you looked between the four. “Does it look ba-”
You didn't have a chance to finish your question before they were all scrambling out of their various seats towards you. All of them reassuring you that you looked fantastic and apologizing for staring. Your small group prepared to head out, III hung back to wait for you, his monstrous form taking up most of the doorway. You smile up at him as you straighten up from pulling on your shoes. “You look beautiful.” He compliments you softly, making your cheeks warm.
“Thank you.” He slips his hands into yours, his lips warm through his mask as he places a soft kiss to your knuckles.
“Ready to get going?” You nod, letting your hand reluctantly fall from his.
You piled into their truck, you were currently squished in between Vessel and II, III and IV curled up in the bed. “So, you're all excited about this festival, what are we even going to be doing?” Vessel asks suddenly, breaking the silence in the truck.
“Well,” you start, “there's going to be a lot of food, hay rides, a costume contest, lots of vendors from around the town, a few rides, a haunted house. It's nothing spectacular, but I’m hoping it will make you guys feel more at home here.” You noticed him and II exchange a look over your head. It wasn't long before you pulled into the bumpy dirt parking lot of the fair grounds. III vaulted out of the truck, his heavy boots landing on the ground with a loud thud. You notice II shove him back slightly as he holds out his hand to help you out of the truck. He gives your hand a soft squeeze before dropping it, you were quickly surrounded by the four men, all of you chatting happily as you made your way up to the festival. The four froze, taking in the chaotic sight before then. IV reached out, slipping his hand into yours.
“There's a lot of people, huh?” He asks, startling back slightly as a child rushes past his legs.
“The whole town’s probably going to show up.” You explain. You lean on closer to him, “you alright big guy? We can always turn around and go back to my place if this is too much.” You squeeze his hand reassuringly.
“I think I can handle it if you're by my side.” You noticed his features soften as he smiles under his mask. Your cheeks warm, your eyes darting to the ground in an attempt to try and hide your flustered expression.
“Where should we start?” III slips an arm around your shoulder, you instinctually lean into his side.
“You're the expert, love, lead the way.” Vessel shoots you a sharp grin. The group stayed close to your side, forming a buffer between you and the rest of the crowd. You wandered from booth to booth, letting the boy's childlike wonder take over as they excitedly showed you small trinkets and hand made gifts they stumbled across. The booth of old ladies selling goat milk soap cooed over how adorable all your costumes were, slipping sweets into all your hands as you made your way out. You paused in front of a vendor selling handmade jewelry, you jumped slightly as a hand came to rest on your waist.
“That would look very pretty on you.” II’s gentle voice meets your ears.
“You think so?” You ask through a flustered giggle. II asked to see the necklace in question, the beautifully wire wrapped crystal sparkling in the gradually setting sun. “It is really pretty.”
“How much?” He asks without hesitation. The young woman running the stand told him the price, to which II shocked you by immediately purchasing the necklace. He steps behind you, your hand raising to the unfamiliar weight as it falls around your neck. “A beautiful necklace for the most beautiful woman in the world.” His warm breath bounces off your cheek as he speaks, sending a shiver down your spine. You glance over your shoulder, your eyes immediately finding his bright blue ones.
“You know you didn't have to buy me anything.” You see the corners of his eyes crinkle as he smiles.
“What if I wanted to?” You didn't miss the teasing tone that had laced its way into his words. You traced a finger along the cool metal wire, fully turning yourself to face him. You glance up at him through your lashes, struggling to find the right words to say to thank him. You pushed yourself up onto your toes, quickly pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Well, I think that’s very sweet. Thank you, II.” You perk up at the sound of one of the others calling your name, III appearing at your side and slipping his hand into yours.
“Mind if I steal her from you?” He quickly asks II.
“Not at all.” He holds up his hands with a soft chuckle. “I'm sure I'll manage to snag her back later.” He winks at you, making your cheeks grow warm.
“What a shame,” III leans down to murmur quietly in your ear, “looks like I'm going to have to beat them off with a stick to get you to myself.”
“Careful, you're all going to make me think you have a crush on me or something.” You tease in response, shooting him a playful smile of your own.
“Only a pretty little thing like you could handle something like that.” He winks. “I want to make sure you eat before IV gets over excited and drags you off to the rides.” He jokes with a smile. He tucks you safely into his side, helping you avoid the bustling crowd that surrounded you.
“Are you having a good time?” You ask him softly. He glances down at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiles.
“Yeah, I’m spending time with you, of course I’m having a good time.” You let out a bashful giggle, quickly turning away as you feel your cheeks grow warm. 
As the evening carried on you couldn't help but notice II grow more fidgety with every passing hour, occasionally leaning into Vessel to whisper something only for the taller man to clap him on the shoulder and give him a reassuring grin. You were currently sat in a circle on the ground, finding a nice place in the open field to settle down and have some good together. You laughed as IV expertly stole a bite of your corn dog faster than you could comprehend what had happened. “What's your favorite ride?” II suddenly chimes in from his position sitting across from you.
“I'm personally a big fan of the haunted house, I think all the cheap jump scares are fun.” You respond with a laugh.
IV makes an intrigued noise. “We should all go on!”
“Only two people can ride together, unfortunately.”
“Well, how about you ride with me then?” II winks at you, making you blush.
“If you think you can handle it.” You tease in response. II stands, offering you his hand which you eagerly accept. He hoists you from the ground, pulling you into his side and slinging his arm across your shoulders. Vessel tagged along with IV, knowing it would be the only way to stop him from complaining about how he wanted to go too, III elected to stay back to save your spot. You all chatted happily as you stood in line, the slow creeping pace allowing them to see a little of what the ride had in store for them.
Brown metal buggies horribly painted to look like wood creaked along the track, bat shaped hood ornaments were barely recognizable after years of dings and chipped paint.A repeating track of over dramatic screams and ghoulish moaning looped from the speakers. “Next in line, please!” The ticket collector barked, IV and Vessel stepped up first, IV practically vibrating with excitement as he waited for the all clear to get on. II’s arm slid around your waist as you stepped forward, waiting patiently for the next cart to wheel itself into place. “Y’all have fun.” He waves you on. II helps you step into the cart, your body thudding against the thin, leather covered padding on the seat.
“You’re not going to get all scared on me now, are you?” You ask in a playful tone.
“Oh, don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll be right here to protect you.” He returns with a smirk. Your body lurched slightly as the buggy started to move. You were hit with a blast of cold air as you crept into the dark space, II’s arm wrapping around your shoulders, you found yourself instinctually snuggling into his side. You jumped slightly, giggling over being startled by the second air cannon you had rolled past.
You rolled past a growling werewolf, “Look, you can see the wires.” You nudge him slightly, pointing upwards.
“I personally think it adds to the experience.” He chuckles, you can’t help but laugh yourself. “You’re so beautiful.” You feel your breath freeze in your lungs at his compliment. You clung to him as something shot out of the darkness at you, it took you a moment to recognize the plastic skeleton’s limbs rattling at you. Your eyes are drawn back to him as you feel a warm hand slip over your cheek. “And you thought I was going to be the one getting scared.” He chuckles, his eyes flashing briefly to your lips. “Cute.” He fidgets with the edge of his mask for a moment, stretching the black fabric away from his neck. “Can- can I, um…” He swallows thickly, his confidence immediately crumbling as you continue to cling to him for comfort. “Can I kiss you?” You nodded, your wide eyes glimmering in the dim light. Without hesitation II lifts his mask, his lips slotting perfectly against your own. Your hand slides over his chest, you could feel his heart pounding under your palm. As quickly as the kiss had started it was over, II’s mask already neatly back in place by the time your eyes fluttered open. You hide your face against his neck, hoping he hadn’t noticed your flustered appearance. “That was nice.” He suddenly chimes in, making you giggle. You both reluctantly shuffle away from each other as the exit opens in front of you, squinting under the bright lights. II offers you his hand to help you from the cart, your eyes meeting his as he smiles. Your pinky wraps around his as he lets his hand slip out of your grasp. You hear him laugh softly at your actions, allowing your fingers to stay linked.
“That wasn’t even scary.” IV groans as you approach.
“I never said it was scary, I just said I liked it.” You respond. Vessel smiles down at you.
“How was riding with II?” He asks with a chuckle. Your cheeks immediately warm at the question.
“We had fun.” You get out through a nervous giggle. 
“Well, look who’s back.” You can’t help but smile at III’s cheerful tone. He hoists himself up from his position on the ground with a soft groan. “How was it beautiful?” Your eyes trailed after the people that were starting to gather in the open field.
“It was fun.” You felt a pang of guilt in your chest as you thought about kissing II. “See anything interesting while we were gone?”
“There’s a pretty good band playing over there.” He nods somewhere behind you. “Want to go check it out?”
“Sure.” You can’t help but smile as you feel the warmth of III’s hand brush against yours. The two of you lazily strolled in the direction of the music that floated through the air. A local folk group was currently performing under a gazebo, a small dance floor set up in front of the stage. You laughed as III took your hand and spun you around in time with the music, pulling you to him and swaying you in his arms.
“Do you know how to dance?” He asks with a grin.
“Not very well,” you giggle in response, “but I feel like with you that won’t matter too much.” You found yourself easily falling into a rhythm with him, every small misstep and teasing comment from him made you both crumble into fits of laughter. You both paused, looking up at the sky with the rest of the crowd as fireworks started going off overhead. III continues to hold you close, your arms sliding over his shoulders as the two of you watch the display. He fully encircles your waist with one arm, his hand sliding over your cheek, turning your face in order for his warm lips to find yours. Unlike the kiss with II, III took his time letting the sensation of kissing you sink in. You felt so small in his arms, the gentle dominance he had over the kiss allowing your body to fully relax into his embrace as your eyes fluttered shut. He traces a thumb along your jaw before hesitantly pulling away.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” He rushes to apologize, his body relaxing at the sight of the soft smile that had laced its way across your lips. Your eyes meet his, bright blue irises scanned your features with an adoration you had never seen. “I really like you.”
“There you guys are!” He jolts back from you, the sudden lack of warmth making you shiver. “We’ve been looking all over the place for you!” It was IV, he jogged up to you. “Vessel wants to get going.”
You found yourself in the cab of the truck between Vessel and IV, II and III electing to sit in the bed for the ride back to your place. Your mind raced as you played over both men kissing you over and over again in your head. You didn’t know what to do. On one hand there was II, his silent charm and the undeniable intimacy the two of you have has drawn you in from the beginning. But then there was III, who made your heart race and dominated every aspect of your senses whenever you were with him. Who, despite his monstrous size, was always so gentle with you. You were absolutely torn. You rumbled into the store’s parking lot, Vessel parking the truck around back. You stood at the bottom of your stairs in a small circle. “Well, I hate to admit it, but that was pretty fun.” Vessel grins at you, there were murmurs of agreement amongst the group.
“Do you guys want to come up for a bit? There’s, um, there’s kind of something I need to talk to you about.” You fidget with your hands as you nervously put the statement out there. You were going to deal with feeling conflicted the only way you knew how, by facing the problem head on.
Tag List: @spookyghostjelly @herripinkle @thepoisonedchalice @saturnhas82moons @wingsofeternitysstuff @creamwhxre @itsyagirl-snowflake @themultiverseofmars @bookishpenguino @m0cha-bunny @madsthenightowl @dangerkittenclaws @rainy-darling @shad0wcast @amara-among-the-stars @v3nu5s @dontpercieve-me-pls @ripleyswife @thepityscene @lipstick-and-lycanthropes @vmpireskiss @savaneafricaine @sanekiii @ajordan2020 @diditgirl13 @sodomizerrrrr @mishaglass @thisbicc @chewbrry @backwards-readings @popppylove @lovelyan @asianchic-44 @littlemiss-sakura @sleepy-time-dreamy @xdarkcreaturex @deltottoro @chewbrry @thisbicc @miss-multi45 (If I missed you or you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know!)
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marblemoovt · 1 year
Bake A Wish - John Price/Reader
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 7.2k
Warnings: Fluff with a smidge of angst
You bump into a man and his daughter at the grocery store. The kid is really insistent you join them for dinner.
She’s been on a tangent about her father, who you assume she’s hiding from, for ten minutes now. From what you’re able to gather, he works in the military. 
Unwilling to dampen her excitement, you crouch down and listen to every word. “Is that so, little one?” you say, propping your chin up with your hand. 
She nods, brown strands flying everywhere. “Mhmm. And he’s super handsome, too! A lady called him a dill, but Daddy’s not a pickle! She was so silly.” Your eyes widen, and you slap a hand over your mouth to barricade the gurgle in your throat. A fucking DILL.
This has been sitting in my wips for over a month but it's finally done!! I apologize if the quality feels sporadic throughout the fic. Writing consistently is just something I can't seem to do and my motivation/inspiration has been in a slump lately. The amount of fluff fics I've written that involve baking is ridiculous, I didn't realize that's the activity I default to lol.
I've never written for John before, so I'm still trying to get a feel for his character.
Anyways, thank you @yeyinde for introducing John Price to me. I was debating on not tagging you but I can't be a coward forever.
Happy Reading! ヾ(•ω•`)o
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
John holds the hand of his six-year-old daughter, Rose. The little munchkin is a ball of energy, and he fears the consequences if he were to let her run wild. “Don’t let go of my hand, ok Rosy?” Rose grins with more mischief than a little child should have. She attempts to run away, and John scoops her in his arms.
“I’m too big to be carried, Daddy!” she squeals, arms flinging around his neck to stabilize herself. The scent of her strawberry shampoo tickles his nose.
“You have to promise me you’re not going to do that again,” he says. Rose holds out her pinky, and he accepts her promise. Her finger looks tiny and frail compared to his. He sets her down and ruffles her hair despite her whinging. “Do you remember what we came here to buy?” he asks.
She claps her hands with glee and exclaims, “Cookies for Santa!!! Because Daddy can’t bake, so we have to buy cookies from the store!” John smiles, but he can’t help but feel the sting of her bluntness. Kids are way too honest.
“What kind of cookies do you want to get?” he asks.
“Not chocolate chip. Everyone uses chocolate chip.” She strokes her chin, imitating the gesture she’s seen her father do whenever he has to think hard about something. “Candy cane cookies!” She ponders over it for another minute before nodding her head. “I bet Santa’s never gotten candy cane cookies before.”
“I don’t think they sell those, rosebud,” he says, and she frowns.
“I guess they’re too special to sell in a store,” she laments, her enthusiasm wilting a little.
John crouches down to Rose’s eye level. “Why don’t we look at all the cookies they have and pick one afterwards?” he suggests.
“Ok,” she sighs, holding her hand out for him to grab. Large, calloused fingers swallow her hand whole, and John wonders how much longer it will stay like this. Her brown locks are a few inches longer than last time, but the beaming smile on her face when she sees him remains constant. He blinks the heat away from his eyes and leads Rose to the snack aisle. 
There’s an entire shelf dedicated to cookies, some of them themed for the holidays. But the snowflake shortbread cookies further deflate Rose. She droops when they come across sugar cookies in the shape of Christmas trees. John silently curses the corporate companies for manufacturing every winter holiday cookie except for a candy cane. He squeezes her hand, and his heart aches when he catches Rose biting her lip. Tears are on the verge of spilling, but she will not cry. He actually can’t remember the last time he’s seen her cry. The thought bothers him more than he wants.
John spots a box of rainbow cookies on the top shelf. He releases her hand to grab them, “What about these?” When he turns around, Rose is gone. The box tumbles to the ground. “Rose?” His eyes sweep the shelves. Rows of cookies and other snacks, but no sign of her. “Rosy?!” He begins jogging through the store, checking every aisle before moving on to the next. Icy claws grip his chest, and all of his senses are on high alert. He fidgets with the dog tags around his neck and has to remind himself that he’s not on duty.
Sharp laughter slices through the pounding in his eardrums; a high-pitched fit dissolves into familiar giggles. Rose. He flexes his clenched fists to relieve the stinging in his palms. He pinpoints the sound to the baking section and sprints like a madman. Sliding to a stop, he spots her at the other end of the aisle. His body sags against a shelf, and the air enters his lungs with ease once more.
“My Daddy’s amazing! He can shoot bad guys from reeeeally far away,” Rose brags to a stranger crouched in front of her. That stranger is you.
A faint giggle grabbed your attention. Twinkling lights accompanied by the pounding of tiled flooring. A little girl beelined straight toward you, veering to the side to hide behind a display of chocolate bars. She covered her shoes with her hands to dull the blinking, peering around for someone. She spotted you holding a bag of flour and asked if you bake. Her eyes lit up when you confirmed that you do. 
She’s been on a tangent about her father, who you assume she’s hiding from, for ten minutes now. From what you’re able to gather, he works in the military. 
Unwilling to dampen her excitement, you crouch down and listen to every word. “Is that so, little one?” you say, propping your chin up with your hand. 
She nods, brown strands flying everywhere. “Mhmm. And he’s super handsome, too! A lady called him a dill, but Daddy’s not a pickle! She was so silly.”
Your eyes widen, and you slap a hand over your mouth to barricade the gurgle in your throat. A fucking DILL. You don’t have the heart to correct her. Correction: You’re too busy trying not to collapse on the floor in a fit of laughter. The misunderstanding is best left alone, but your curiosity is piqued. What does this man look like?
“Rose!” A voice booms from the other end of the aisle, and the child hides behind you. You stand up and shield her with your body, eying the stranger with a frown. Brown hair with silver streaks, and his eyes—fuck, you wish the sky would be that blue instead of grey. He approaches you two, and when Rose makes no further movements, you stick your arm out to block him.
“Who are you?” you ask. He must be at least six feet tall, with broad shoulders, and built like he could beat you into a bloody pulp if he wanted. 
He mirrors your frown, eyes flickering to the brown hair peeking behind your figure. “I should be asking you that. Who are you, and what are you doing with my daughter?”
You narrow your eyes. “How do I know you’re not some pervert who kidnaps children?”
He chuckles; the low rumble sends the butterflies rampaging against your stomach walls. “Sweetheart, I could say the same about you,” and he crosses his arms—his thick and muscular arms. The way his biceps bulge underneath his sweater…. You bite your lip. The metallic tang in your mouth grounds you. You swipe a tongue across the fresh wound, and the sting helps you regain a few brain cells. 
Turning to Rose, you ask, “Is this your dad?” and squeeze her hands. “You can tell me if it isn’t, and we’ll find a nice employee to help you.” You talk slowly, enunciating each word with care. Rose glances at the man behind you before settling on your face. 
She cups her hands around her mouth, and you lean in, her warm breath tickling your ear. “Yeah, that’s my dad. What do you think? Super handsome, right?” she whispers. You glance at him and huff. A fucking dill, indeed. 
“Rosy, stop bothering the nice stranger,” her father says, gesturing for her to come to him. She skips over and fails to dodge his hand. Rose groans and buries her face into her father’s stomach as he ruffles her hair. You avert your eyes and ignore the heat that prickles the back of your neck. Wringing your hands, you stare at the floor as their laughter echoes in the aisle. You hardly know these people. Plus his wife must be somewhere in the store, ready to pop out at any second. 
“The ‘stranger’ has a name,” you speak up, introducing yourself. You keep your eyes trained on the shelf of sprinkles above his right shoulder as if the plastic bottles of sugar will stop you from falling.
He holds out a hand for you to shake. “John, John Price.” Firm warmth envelopes your skin and dissipates far too quickly for your liking. Sparks of electricity fizzle before they get a chance to light your nerves on fire—and you want to burn.
“Heh, P as in Pickle,” you snicker, making the mistake of meeting his gaze. Your arm drops to your side, and your bones turn to lead. The sky must be grey because all the blue was stolen and contained in his eyes. There’s no coldness, no ice, only calm ripples of water. The gentle drag of the ocean as the waves lap against the shore, inviting you into its depths.
John raises a brow. “An odd observation, but yes.” He smooths Rose’s hair to no avail. Baby hairs and cowlicks in all different directions are a continuous reminder that he’s been meaning to learn how to style hair. 
Rose beams at him with her toothy grin. “Cause Daddy’s a dill!” she adds.
John’s confused expression quickly morphs into one of horror. “Where did you hear that?!” He narrows his eyes at you. 
You throw your hands up in surrender. “Don’t look at me. This is the first time we’ve met.”
Rose tugs on his shirt and says, “That lady who used to babysit me. She also called you a fox, but I told her you’re a man.” Your eyes widen, and your shoulders tremble. John runs a hand through his graying hair, and you rip your gaze away because witnessing that felt illegal. Every time you look at him you notice another thing that attracts you.
John sighs and rubs the back of his neck. “I’m sorry about her. I love Rose, but she can be a handful at times,” he says, whispering the second half. His head tilts forward, and now all you can focus on is how his moustache frames his mouth. Plump and pink.
Your lips crook upwards in a slant. “It’s not a problem. She’s an entertaining conversationalist.” You find yourself drawing nearer to his face, wandering from the shore and deeper into the ocean—oblivious to the current that will pull you under.
Rose tugs on your shirt and asks, “Why don’t you join us for dinner?” You pull away with a sharp inhale, processing how John’s eyes flicker to your lips. The little girl gazes at you with a hopeful smile, but you look to her father for confirmation. 
“Rose, you can’t invite people you barely know to your home,” he reprimands, and her smile flatlines. It’s probably for the best. At the current pace, it’s like you’re in a sappy romance novel! John shoots you an apologetic smile, but you wave your hand and shake your head in understanding. 
Rose pouts and stares at her shoes. She shuffles her feet, and the lights twinkle with each tap. “But then there’ll be someone who can bake cookies,” she says, looking up at him with puppy eyes. John winces.
You notice him wracking his brain for a response and decide to help him. “They sell rolls of sugar cookie dough; next to the puff pastry,” and you jerk a thumb behind you. Sometimes you buy a roll or two when you feel particularly lazy but crave cookies. 
John mouths a “Thank you” and holds Rose’s hand. “C’mon, rosebud. Let’s buy some, and you can make your candy cane cookies.” 
Rose perks up at the mention of cookies, her shoes now fighting to match the brightness of her eyes. “Wow! They sell everything here!” She drags him to the pre-made dough section. Well, she tries to drag him. Rose is less than half her father’s size. It reminds you of those cartoon characters that try to move a comically large boulder. Blue eyes meet your gaze one last time and wink at you. 
Did. Did he just?
You stand there, unblinking, staring at the corner they disappeared behind. 
Holy fucking shit. He did. 
You don’t register going through the checkout and packing your things in the car. With a blink, you’re in front of the steering wheel, key in hand. Where were you...? Home. You were on your way home. Slotting the key in the ignition, you start the engine and begin the drive home. For once, the clouds have gone, and the world mocks you with its clear skies. You don’t think you can stand to look at the colour blue for a while. It’s a good thing you’re sitting right now. 
The drive itself is unremarkable. You go through the same streets, pass the same buildings, pull into the same parking lot, and park in your usual spot next to a truck. You admire the muscular arm resting on said truck window. Funny. Guess that sweater is popular around here. Large hands run through brown hair flecked with grey—John.
Shit. Shit. Shit. 
You creep out of your car and circle around to the apartment building, abandoning your groceries.
Just a few feet. Just a few feet, and you’ll make it to the door. Conscious of your steps, you slink across the pavement and concrete. You wrap your hand around the handle, and the tension bleeds from your shoulders. 
“Are you playing hide and seek, too?” a voice from below asks. You jerk and pull the door instead of pushing. A loud rattle echoes in the vicinity. Who decided it was a good idea to make doors out of glass? A sadist who likes to watch people open doors incorrectly, that’s who. You glance down. Long lashes frame blue eyes that stare into your soul. Your fingers itch to adjust the cowlick in the disarray of her hair. You spot a few leaves clinging to her locks. Was she hiding by that bush beside you?
“Are you hiding from your dad?” you ask Rose, scooting behind the potted plant when she beckons you closer.
Rose shrugs and peeks around you. “Daddy was taking too long. I’m waiting to see when he’ll notice I left.” 
Your brows pinch together. “That’s not safe, Rose. You should stick close to him. What if something bad happens to you?”
“Don’t worry, I have a lot of uncles, and they taught me how to beat up baddies!” She punches the air a few times. Her face pulls tight in concentration before loosening into a grin. She shrinks behind the bush and brings a finger to her lips.“Now shhh, we have to be quiet.”
Boots thud against the pavement, the strides between each step growing shorter. “Rosy! Where did you run off to this time?” There’s a divet to his tone beneath the loudness, like the warning tremors of an avalanche. “I need to put that girl on a leash.” There’s a smile in his tone, but it stretches taut like a rubber band, ready to snap and whiplash you with his increasing agitation. He runs a hand down his face and sighs, eyes darting across the rows of cars. 
You can’t watch this any longer. You move to reveal yourself, but Rose beats you to it. She tiptoes behind her father, giving up halfway and slamming herself into him. 
“Boo!” Rose screams, voice muffled by his shirt. 
John stares at Rose and shouts half a second later. “Ah!” Half a second too late.
Rose pulls away with a sullen frown. “I didn’t scare you, did I?”
John crouches down and pets her hair. “No, no, rosebud. Was so afraid I forgot how to talk,” he insists. 
Rose gives him a scrutinizing look. “Liar,” she pouts. John leans in and whispers something into her ear, scratching her smooth cheek with his beard. She giggles and squirms, pushing his face away with both her hands. He deliberately rubs their cheeks together, and it causes her to laugh harder. 
Once again, you’re watching the two of them from afar. Heat pricks your skin, and your gaze steers toward the door. You should be able to slip unnoticed if you’re quiet. Standing up, you wince as your joints pop. You might as well hang a giant neon sign to denote your presence. 
John’s voice glues your feet to the ground. “Let’s bring everything inside, then you can bake your cookies,” he says. You press your back against the wall and exhale through your nose. No big deal. You just need to wait until they head inside first. Your palms dig into the stony material of the building. As if with enough force, you’ll be able to reorganize your atoms and disappear into the walls to escape dying from embarrassment. 
“I have a surprise for you, Daddy!” Rose’s voice draws nearer.
You are a wall. A silent, still, and formidable wall.
“Did you find another pretty stone?” John asks, tone laced with amusement. 
You close your eyes, but the ocean will not leave you alone. The waves lap at your feet on the shore, and you shrink away. Stone presses hard into your back.
They won’t find you. They’ll walk past you and go inside. Your erratic heartbeat fragments your thoughts into mismatched puzzle pieces. You can’t think with all this drumming and adrenaline.
“It’s pretty, but it’s not a stone.” Rose runs up to you and tugs you from your hiding spot. “A special guest for dinner!” she presents you like a prized animal. You stumble, and your eyes snap open in fear of hitting the ground. Strong arms rush forward to steady you. You lift your head, and your mouth dries.
Cerulean eyes pull you into their depths, crinkles forming at their edges. John’s accent caresses your ears, and you tamp down the unintelligible noise that threatens to destroy your last shred of dignity. “I didn’t know you lived here too,” and the corners of his lips twitch.
You force your tongue to articulate, the words scraping like sandpaper up your throat. “Neither did I—that you also lived here! Cause I know that I live here because I live here!” A shaky laugh warbles out of you. “I wasn’t following you because that would be creepy—and I’m going to shut up now.” You seal your lips together before you can dig a deeper hole for yourself. His hands are still on you, fingers wrapped around your arms. Your blood sings at the contact. 
“Do you think Daddy’s handsome?” Rose blurts out. Flames lick your skin, and your mouth becomes reminiscent of a goldfish. 
John’s fingers dig into your arms, and it’s not until you flinch that his hands drop to his sides. “That’s not a polite question, Rose,” he rumbles. It’s low, a warning. But when you’re a kid, you’re not afraid of anything.
Rose places her hands on her hips. “But you were like this in the car on the way home too! And when I asked you what was wrong, you told me I was too young to understand. I’m not stupid, Daddy. I’m six.” She stomps on ‘six.’ And you watch as this little girl brings this burly man to his knees. 
John sighs, “Not here, Rose. Please.” 
But Rose refuses to yield. “Why not? You both like each other, so why can’t we have dinner together?” she asks.
John rubs the back of his neck, the muscles in his arms flexing. “Would you like to join us tonight?” he asks, eyes flickering between your face and the parking lot behind you. 
“I’m afraid Rose will kidnap me if I don’t say yes,” you joke. 
Rose grumbles, “Just because you’re right doesn’t mean you have to say it out loud.” She grabs your hand and tugs you to the entrance. “Daddy can bring the groceries inside. I want to show you my toys!”
You dig your heels into the ground and say, “I need to bring my things inside as well. It’ll only take a few minutes.” Rose’s smile falters, and she reluctantly lets you go.
“Don’t worry, Love. I can take care of that for ya,” John offers
You fidget with the keys in your pocket. “Are you sure?” You’re not worried about him stealing your car. He can’t exactly hide if you two live in the same building. Besides, you want to believe that the kindness in his eyes is genuine. 
“Wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t,” he reaffirms. 
“Ok,” and you hand him your car keys. His fingertips graze your palm, and you shiver. God, you’re pathetic. Rose tugs on your arm, and you trail after her. She leads you up a few flights of stairs before stopping on the third floor, where you also live. Except she walks to the opposite end of the hallway, away from your apartment. She pulls a key out of her pocket and unlocks the door.
Rose drops your hand and runs inside, returning with a stuffed animal in her arms. “This is Mr. Bear. Daddy got him for me!” Mr. Bear is wearing tactical gear and a bucket hat. Frayed threads stick out of his body along the seams, and small patches of fur have fallen out. She cradles the stuffed animal close to her chest and rests her chin atop his head. 
You nearly melt on the spot. “That’s very sweet of him,” you say.
“Sometimes, when I miss him, I just need to squeeze Mr. Bear tight.” She gives you a demonstration.
A familiar warm timbre greets your ears.“I love you, rosebud.” 
You grin and say, “Your dad reminds me of a bear.”
“Yeah! He’s big and cuddly. But his face turned red when I told him,” Rose mumbles the last part. She straightens up and tugs on your arm. “Oh! And these are my action figures!” 
You walk into what you assume is her bedroom. It’s not as chaotic as you thought it would be. Her bed is in one corner of the room, with a collection of stuffies sitting along one side. There’s a shelf with knickknacks and picture frames. Your eyes land on a photo of John holding a small bundle in his arms. It looks like the picture was taken without him knowing. His eyes are wide, staring at the tiny hand wrapped around his thumb. 
There’s something that’s been bothering you, but you don’t think it’s your place to ask. Rose startles you when she starts barking out, “Hold your fire! We can’t alert the enemy of our whereabouts!” You whip around to see her sitting on the ground with a mini soldier in each hand. The large tub behind her is open, the lid propped neatly against its side. You sit next to her and watch the ‘mission’ play out. She hands you a soldier and assigns you the special position of super spy. Now a successful job rests on your shoulders.
Thanks to Captain Rose, your team retrieves the files, returning without a single casualty. Although you had a close encounter with the enemy’s Captain Pickles, which began some sort of enemies-to-lovers arc. You don’t know. She’s six. She reasoned that the power of love triumphs over all. Rose begins cleaning up, setting the toys neatly in the bin before snapping the lid shut.
“Did you learn all that from your dad?” you ask.
Rose shrugs and picks up Mr. Bear. “Daddy never tells me anything about work. It’s classified. Sometimes I watch TV. There’s a show where one of the characters looks just like him, but Nana doesn’t let me watch much 'cause it’s not for kids.” Dear lord. Could you imagine being sandwiched between two Johns?? 
“Rosy? Want to bake your cookies now?” John shouts from the corridor, snapping you out of your fantasy.
“Yes, please!” Rose replies. She grabs your hand and gives you a toothy grin. “You can be my assistant. Daddy’s hopeless at baking.” She leads you to the kitchen, where some bowls and a tray are on the table. Rose lets go and skips to a seat, plopping herself down. Mr. Bear is seated on the chair next to her.
You sit at her other side and ask, “What kind of cookies are we making?” There are no cookie cutters in sight to give you a clue. 
Rose clasps her hands together. Her feet swing beneath the table. “Candy Canes! Santa will be so impressed that he’ll grant my wish for sure,” she answers.
You don’t know what a six-year-old would ask from Santa, but you sincerely hope it’s fulfilled. Perusing the items on the table, you notice a vital ingredient missing. “Do you have food dye?” you ask. 
Rose strokes her chin. She hops off her chair and walks up to John. “Daddy, do we have any food dye?”
John’s head peeks out from behind the fridge door. “Sorry, Rosy. I don’t remember,” and there’s a sheepish grin on his face. 
Rose hums and grabs a stool, tottering to the drawers. “I forgot. You went away for a while. I think Nana left some the last time we baked.” Your eyes snap to the fridge when you hear a thud. An apple rolls across the floor and stops near your feet. You pick up the fruit, thumb brushing over the bruise blooming underneath its skin. “I found red!” Rose waves a small bottle in her hand and dashes to show you. 
You set the apple on the table and praise Rose. Her chest puffs up, and the smile she gives you is dazzling. She hops onto her seat, clutching the bottle to her chest. 
John walks up to you two. “Here’s the dough,” and he holds out the cylindrical tube but changes his mind and leaves it on the table. The only seats left are the ones across. He picks the spot in front of you. 
“Thanks.” You snap the tube open and remove the packaging. “Alright, Rose. We split the dough in half, and you’ll colour one part red.”
Rose cocks her head to the side. “We don’t paint the cookies?”
You shake your head and say, “There’s an easier way to make them look like candy canes.” You hand Rose a wooden spoon and tell her to mix the dough while you add the dye. Once half the dough is red, you take equal parts from both bowls and roll them into noodles. Putting them together, you twist them to form a cane. You curve one end, and the result is a near-perfect replica of a candy cane. Rose marvels at the sight, face inches from the table’s surface. 
There’s a streak of food colouring on her face, and you grab a tissue for her. She’s engrossed in the cookie, picking it up and turning it over. Out of impulse, you wipe the stain on her cheek and her laughter tinkles throughout the room. She complains about being ticklish between her giggles. A low sigh draws your attention. You look over to John, who’s watching you with his head propped up with his hand. “What? Do I have something on my face?” you ask.
There’s a softness to John’s features. He looks at you like you’re holding his heart in your hands, squeezing the pulsating organ with every cookie you form. “Do good looks count?” It’s barely audible, but you hear it. His elbow slips from the table, and he clears his throat. “Just been a while since I’ve seen her so happy.” He folds his arms across the table, a wall of muscle to create a false sense of distance. 
You gesture your head at Rose. “Make a cookie with her; have fun together.”
John stares at the table, stroking his chin in a familiar fashion, but remains silent otherwise. You chew on the inside of your cheek and resume forming the cookies. The squeal of wood scraping against wood pricks your ears. John squeezes himself into the space between you and Rose. His shoulders brush against you, and he is radiating heat. “What have you got there, Rosy?” he asks.
Rose looks at him with furrowed brows. “A candy cane, silly. Here, I’ll show you how to make it,” she answers. Rose does a quick demonstration, but John still struggles. Somehow he’s managed to mix the parts to create pink. Rose shakes her head, lips tugging into a frown. “My hands are too small; can you help him?” She turns to you. Long lashes frame her doe eyes, and you can’t bring yourself to say no.
You glance at John to find he’s staring at you. Shifting in your seat, you say, “If you don’t mind…?”
John maintains eye contact. “I’m all yours,” and the smile he gives you is bashful. You fight the warmth rushing to your cheeks, but it’s like trying to douse a flame with gasoline. The heat intensifies, and you grab a tissue to wipe your clammy hands, muttering an excuse about the dye staining your skin. 
You focus on the table, resisting the temptation to turn your head and meet the gaze burning into your face. “You take equal parts of each dough and roll them into logs.” You pause to make sure he’s following along. “Once they’re the same size, you can twist them together to form a cane.” John is about to mush his cookie as children tend to do with playdough; always mixing the colours. You grab his hands to stop him. His fingers twitch against your palms, but he doesn’t recoil. “Like this,” and you twist your cookie, rolling it some more to flatten the cane.  
“You make it sound so easy,” John huffs.
You shrug your shoulders. “It’s not too bad once you get the hang of it.”
John shakes his head. “Give me a pistol, and I can field strip and reassemble in a few minutes.” He holds up a warped cookie. “This, this I can’t do.”
You bump your shoulders together. “I’ll have you baking like a pro.”
John grins; it’s boyish and charming—it pulls you in like a flower reaching for a ray of sunlight. “Is that a promise?” he asks, lashes framing an expanse of blue. And once again, you are hopelessly lost at sea. 
“Only if you’ll invite me over again,” you quip.
“Is this flirting?” Rose asks. Her head pops up behind John’s shoulder. “If Daddy won’t invite you, I will.”
You smile as John buries his face in his hands. “Thank you, Rose,” you say.
She returns the gesture with a wide grin. “You’re very welcome.”
You continue making the cookies in silence, gaslighting yourself into thinking that the numerous brushes against your hand are accidental. 7/10 times you’re grabbing something, John also happens to be reaching for the same item. The cookie under your palm flattens into a pancake when his body leans ever-so-slightly into yours. Thankfully this is the last cookie, and you place it on the baking tray with the rest.
Rose insists on putting the tray into the oven herself, and John watches her like a hawk, hovering behind her in case he needs to step in.
Once John’s certain the apartment won’t burst into flames, he rolls up his sleeves. You eye the veins along his arms as subtly as you can, wincing like a child caught in the act of misbehaving when John speaks. “Can you please help Rose clean up? I need to get started on dinner,” he asks.
“Yes, Chef,” and you give a mock salute. “Alright, Rose. I’ll wash all the dishes in the sink. Can you wipe the counter?” you ask her.
Rose straightens her back and nods. “Affirmative,” she replies, marching to grab a towel. 
You begin collecting the bowls and utensils, plugging the drain afterwards to fill up the sink. A few drops of soap and a mountain of suds form. With a sponge, you begin scrubbing away at bits of dried-up dough and red dye. In the corner of your eye, Rose is reprimanding Mr. Bear on how he needs to pull his weight too and that it doesn’t matter if he’s not heavy because he’s full of stuffing. 
“You’ve got an adorable soldier,” you say, turning your head to John, who’s heating a pan on the stove.
John watches Rose with deep affection. Those are the eyes of a man staring at the purpose of his existence. “She’s a trooper, alright,” and the smile on his face is lax.
“What’s on the menu tonight?” you ask, adding more soap to your sponge. The remaining traces of dye are giving you grief.
“Fish and chips; one of Rosy’s favourites,” John answers.
“Daddy makes the best!” Rose pipes up.
John shakes his head, and the base of his neck flushes. “She’s exaggerating,” he says.
You smirk, “I’ll be the judge of that.” The chuckle your words elicit from John fills you with a pleasant buzz.
“I have to warn you. I aim to please,” and the lilt in John’s voice encourages you further.
“Yes, you certainly look the type,” you say, eyes trailing up and down his figure. John’s body trembles under your gaze. “Is it just you and Rose here?” You don’t know if he’s divorced, but you don’t recall seeing a ring on his finger.
“She’s dead,” John says. Concise and well-practiced. The plate in your hand slips and splashes into the sink with a thud, shattering the silence. You look over at John, but his back is to you. Shoulders hunched and head low. “Died during childbirth,” he adds, and the slight wobble churns your stomach. You should have known. Should have guessed from how the pictures on the walls only contain two subjects. Rose only ever talks about her father and grandparents. How could you be so fucking blind?
You crush the sponge in your hands, and bubbles seep out between your fingers. An apology is on the tip of your tongue, straining under the weight of your rapid thoughts. Day one, and you’ve already stepped on a mine. A phantom pain aches in your chest, grieving the loss of a love you never had in the first place. John says nothing. Continues to fry the fish in silence. Pops of oil like the rounds of a machine gun, but not loud enough to drown out the hammering of your heart.
Rose breaks the silent war. “I cleaned the counter. Can I check on the cookies?” she asks.
The apology dies on your tongue, and you tear your eyes away from John’s back, missing how the tension bleeds from his body. “Of course,” you say, placing the last dish on the drying rack. “Do you know how?”
“Nana showed me the buttons because I accidentally turned off the oven before,” Rose replies. She hands you her towel, and you lump it in the sink with yours. Rose walks up to the oven, and John moves to the side. You hang back, grappling with the temptation to steal a glance. You’re not sure what’s worse: John catching you staring or the disappointment of him not staring back. In the end, you decide to focus on Rose. She awes at the cookies and beckons you closer. You shuffle towards her, sticking close to the opposite side.“We should leave extra for the reindeer and elves who want some too!” 
You smile and pat her head. “Next time you can buy peppermint extract so they’ll taste like candy canes too!” you suggest. Rose’s eyes widen. She looks at you like you have the biggest brain in the world. Your confidence skyrockets, but a quick peek at John sends you plummeting back to Earth. You can’t read the expression on his face, and it worries you.
“They look so good! Santa will definitely grant my wish!” Rose’s comment piques your interest.
“What’s your wish?” you ask, crouching down to her level.
Rose glances at her father before lowering her voice. “I can’t tell you with Daddy around; it might make him sad.” Your jaw slackens. What could a child wish for that would make their parents unhappy?
Dinner is served, and the seating arrangement remains unchanged. True to John’s words, Rose devours her dinner. She even asks for seconds. “I’m a growing girl,” is all she responds with when she notices your amused expression.
The conversation consists of small talk. You learn they moved into the complex two years after you did. It’s honestly amazing how you didn’t run into them earlier. John doesn’t talk about his job, but he asks you plenty of questions about yours. You’re happy to answer. Glad to have something to talk about that won’t prod old wounds. Before you know it, you’re cracking jokes, and John is struggling to breathe. His laughter is intoxicating, and like an addict, you crave another dose. Rose watches the entire interaction with a broad smile, nibbling on her food as her eyes ping pong across the table.
John leans forward and hangs off your every word. Every ounce of his attention focused solely on you. You pause mid-story, caught up in the softness of his features. Before he can ask you what’s wrong, your phone vibrates in your pocket. You pull out the device to see it’s a text notification. The time on the screen reads 9:30 pm. It’s getting late, and from the way Rose slumps in her chair, she should be in bed soon.
“I should go. Rose looks like she’s about to pass out,” you say.
“M’not sleepy,” Rose argues, rubbing her eyes.
John rises from his seat. “I’ll clean up. Rosy, why don’t you say goodbye to our guest?”
Rose gets out of her chair with Mr. Bear and holds your hand, leading you to the entrance. John steps forward but stops himself. He turns to collect the dishes, and you walk away, feeling the heat of his gaze lingering on your back. 
As you’re slipping on your shoes, you ask Rose, “Now that it’s just us, do you want to tell me your wish?” She glances behind her. The faint sounds of porcelain clattering against metal travel along the corridor. 
“You can’t tell Daddy, but I don’t want him to be lonely. He doesn’t cry at night anymore when he thinks I’m sleeping, but he still looks like a raccoon in the morning,” Rose says, pinching an invisible zipper between her fingers and dragging it across her lips. You copy the gesture and even go as far as to mime turning a key and tossing it over your shoulder. You have a sneaking suspicion, but you don’t want to get your hopes up. 
Unlocking the door, you reach for the doorknob. “Wait,” John shouts, stopping you in your tracks. He jogs up to you and holds out a reusable takeout container and your bag of groceries. “I made too much. Take some leftovers with you.” You peer inside, and there’s a generous portion. How much did he cook?
“I’m tired. I’m getting ready for bed,” Rose suddenly announces.
John chuckles, “I thought you weren’t tired earlier?”
“That was earlier. I’m tired now.” Rose walks off to her room, mumbling to Mr. Bear. The only snippet you catch is something about ‘having a moment.’ You take the container and bag from John, fingertips touching. He doesn’t let go, and you’re left standing there awkwardly.
“Don’t feel bad about what happened earlier,” John says, withdrawing his hands and shoving them into his pockets. 
Earli—oh. Your cheeks tingle with warmth. You clear your throat and bring the container close to your chest. “I didn’t mean to pry, I just wanted….” You pause.
“Wanted what?” John asks, and his eyes are wide and pleading. He waits and doesn’t push. Watches as you chew on the inside of your cheek and avoid his gaze.
When you finally gather the courage to look at his face, tender eyes observe you. Does he feel the same? A wave of confidence washes over you, and you decide to take the risk. “To know if I have a fighting chance,” you say.
The corners of John’s lips boomerang up and then back down. His eyebrows draw together, and he almost looks… scared. ���Love, I work in the military. I’m a single father. I don’t have much to offer,” John rasps, the words constricting his chest like a vine of thorns. His throat bobs, and he closes his eyes, steeling his body. Because bracing for impact is a natural human response in an attempt to lessen the damage of an imminent crash.
You smile softly. “And if I said I didn’t mind? That I’ll wait for you to come back and become Rose’s favourite while you’re gone?” John’s eyes snap open wide. He stares at you like you’re some sort of mythical creature; a being that can’t possibly exist in this world. Here is a man with his own baggage, who carries a burden on his shoulders that you will never comprehend. And you want to learn how to love him anyway. His expression softens, and he gravitates toward you.
“When I saw how you handle Rose, I didn’t think I could like you more than I already do,” John says.
Your ears perk. “You like me?” you ask. You didn’t think the attraction went both ways.
John rubs the back of his neck, and his cheeks flush. “Might have seen you use the elevator a few times… regularly,” he confesses. “I’ve liked you for a while.”
“And you never tried to say hello?” you tease him, placing a hand on your hip. The pain that flashes across his face is brief, but it stops you from continuing. You decide to change the topic. “Can I kiss you goodbye?” Your face engulfs in flames. “On the cheek, I mean!”
The pink dusting John’s face darkens. “Only if I get to kiss you—on the forehead,” he clarifies.
“Deal.” You place a quick peck on John’s cheek, his skin an inferno against your lips. He cups your face and leans in. It’s soft and leaves you tingling from head to toe. A laugh bubbles in your chest. You slap a hand to cover the dopey grin spreading across your face. “Sorry. I'm just really happy.”
John’s thumb caresses your cheeks. His blue eyes are sparkling. “So am I, Darling. Goodnight,” he says, leaning forward to plant another kiss. You close your eyes and make a content hum, basking in his warmth. 
John opens the door for you and leans against the doorframe after you step out. The hallway is relatively dark, and the lights from the apartment bathe him in an ethereal glow. A smile graces his features, and the current that threatened to pull you under has settled into gentle ripples. “Night, John,” you reply, waving goodbye. 
A smug grin stretches his smile, and he winks at you. “See ya later, Love.” 
You skip to your apartment. The door behind you doesn’t click shut until you disappear from sight. You head to the fridge first to store the leftovers. You find a note when you put away your groceries. Fishing out the paper, it reads: ‘Rose’s bedtime is 10 pm.’
The clock on your stovetop tells you it’s 9:50. 
Where did you put that expensive bottle of whiskey you bought years ago?
Bonus Scene:
John tucks his daughter into bed, pulling the blanket to her chin. “What else did you wish for, Rosy?” he asks. It’s become a tradition to figure out her Christmas present. He makes sure to ask her right before bed when he’s certain she won’t remember the conversation in the morning.
Rose snuggles into her pillow, hugging the stuffed bear close to her chest. Her voice is muffled and thick with sleepiness, but he hears it crystal clear. “A little sister.”
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
End Note:
Happy early Valentine's Day! I can't wait to consume the Valentine-themed content for all the fandoms I'm in. Not related, but I saw a cowboy ghost render on IG and I think I'm going to have to go back to writing something for him ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
Time to drop off the face of the Earth for a month or two again.
I'll see you guys at my next hyperfixation! (。・∀・)ノ
Reblogs are appreciated!
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thesirencult · 2 years
Pick A Card : Messages From Your Future Spouse
3 Piles. Take a deep breath and let a number come into your mind.
Scroll down to see your message.
Pile 1
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9 Of Pentacles, Knight Of Pentacles, The Moon, 5 Of Swords, 3 Of Wands
stars align, the princess and the frog, shrek, damsel in distress, trips in nature, building from scratch, independent woman/man, symbols, background check
"You've been waiting for tto long my love. The stars are aligning on our horizon as soon as the sun will come down.
Slow and steady wins the race and although it seems like I'm not coming at all, just keep holding on !
There are so many things I wanna say to you. So many places I want to take you. My beautiful princess ! Your knight in shining armour is coming !
In the background the stars are aligning. Remember my words ...
A lot of things are happening in the background.
I'm working on building a beautiful garden for my little flower now. I want abundance to flow in our lives and no money issues to get between us.
I'm not what I seem at first."
Pile 2
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The Star, 3 Of Wands, Page Of Wands
wishing upon a star, tale as old as time, a dream is a wish your heart makes, soon, red and purple, indigo child, I see red, impatience, a spoiled kid wanting his candy, excited, spoiled rotten, used to getting their way
"I'm not the patient type. Clearly.
I want you fast. I want you now.
I want you late in the evening and early in the morning.
You're my first and last thought of the day.
I know that this creeps you out but I have pure intentions...
Life has not been kind to me and I feel entitled to your energy.
You're the only thing I'm hoping for.
Your presence will scratch away all the false starts and dreams.
Sweep me off my feet. Break me to heal me.
Make me who I'm supposed to be.
Love, love, love is the only thing that comes to mind when I hear your name.
Are you coming for me ? Where are you my sweetness. Your nectar is calling me home. You are my home. Where are you my love ?"
Pile 3
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9 Of Pentacles, 10 Of Swords, 7 Of Cups
your kiss tastes like strawberries, your lips look like cherry blossom, the number 3/33/333/1133, deja vu, back to the future, homecoming, pink, everything is blue
"My love,
You're the fruit of my labour. You're the gift life had in store for me. Everything that's mine is yours now. I'm so happy you're here. I can feel your energy and it feels like the dusk on the equinox.
I was betrayed and feeling very low before you came to me. Everyone left me. Only you have the ability to heal me.
I know what you're thinking. I've put you on the highest pedestal there is and I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean to pressure you. It's just that I'm very excited for your physical arrival.
I know that if you left me I would be destroyed. The power of destruction and helping lies in your hands.
I spend a lot of time day dreaming about us. I've had enough time to picture our whole life together 😅.
Forgive me.
I will adjust my daydreams to your wants and needs my fairytale ❤️.
Yours forever,
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hexbimbo · 1 month
DBD Favorite Food HC:
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Dwight Fairfield
Cheese Pizza.
No more no less.
Thinks pepperoni is “too spicy.”
Pizza What! Had 25% lifetime employee discount.
Meg Thomas
Doesn’t particularly care about her diet as much due to her active lifestyle.
Probably needs more calories than the average person because she’s always on the move.
A good hearty veggie burger is enough for Meg.
Claudette Morel
Ham and Cheese Sandwich.
No crust, untoasted, on white bread.
Toasted bread makes her teeth hurt.
Cut into triangles for maximum efficiency.
Jake Park
In the ~lore~ he is shown to have affinity for Korean Barbecue Ribs.
Really enjoys smoked meats and canned veggies
Canned Artichokes. Boom.
Nea Karlson
Energy drinks.
Probably consumed with some rock candy for extra ✨sizzle✨.
Has attempted to down a can and crush it with her forehead (failed)
Laurie Stroade
Apple pie.
Something all American and sweet.
A nice dollop of vanilla ice cream too please!
Ace Visconti
Would probably tell you some fancy name that makes you feel broke.
More likely a home cooked meal by his Mom
Thinks that high rollers shouldn’t be associated with low class dishes of a foreign country.
I’ll go with Alfajores. Especially the ones dipped with a little chocolate.
William “Bill” Overbeck
Tv dinner with a cold beer
Preferably a Salisbury steak one 🔥🔥🔥
Over boiled canned peas with a slice of buttered bread ain’t bad either.
Feng Min
Candy and chips seems too obvious yknow?
~Lore~ also mentions her being an alcoholic but that’s not really a “favorite” is it?
Probably sponsored a limited edition soft drink that she really liked.
David King
Toad in the hole.
“Classic British “cuisine””
Surprisingly not a fan of a good chippy
Too much oil for his diet
Quentin Smith
Yknow those hard candies in strawberry wrapping old people give on Halloween?
Those 💯
Especially ones with little soft center
David Tapp
Chinese food.
Crab Rangoons was always his go too.
Especially slathered in duck sauce. (Sweet and sour)
Kate Denson
Sun flower seeds.
Perfect snack for wildness jam seshs.
Would be trail mix if she didn’t only eat the chocolate.
Adam Francis
Connivence store meals
Have you see the pre-made meal game in Japan?
~Lore~ mentions that he enjoyed spending his weekends at high end restaurants too.
Big fan of Japanese food.
Jeffery “Jeff” Johansen
Pancakes. Maybe with some blueberry if he’s feeling fancy.
Nice slab of butter in between each layer.
Likes the syrup to soak into a the pancakes for a bit.
Beard definitely catches the sticky crumbs.
Jane Romero
Grilled Chicken and Beet Salad.
Sprinkle some walnuts and goat cheese for extra yummy flavor.
Probably enjoyed with a tasty raspberry or apple vinaigrette.
Ashley J. Williams
Relax kid! He’s just joshing ya’!
Cow tails are pretty groovy.
But he wouldn’t say no to a few special brownies.
Nancy Wheeler
She looks boring as hell
Vanilla ice cream with cherry shell.
Not that flavorful but sweet enough it’s a treat.
Steve Harrington
Root beer float.
Mid tbh.
Enjoys the idea of sharing it with someone via two straws at a sleepy diner.
Yui Kimura
Street food.
Takoyaki to be specific.
Her gang spent a lot of time muscling about in the narrow streets of Tokyo. Easy access to cheap and piping hot food.
Likes eating with her hands.
Zarina Kassir
Felt like she wasn’t as appreciative of her “foreign” lunches as she could’ve been as a kid.
Makes an effort to recreate her childhood meals but lacks the “mom touch.”
Always on the move for the next big story, this film maker enjoys celery and carrots.
Cheryl Mason
Dry Cereal.
Just something to pick at through out the day.
Not too sweet either. Something whole grain works for her.
Felix Richter
Heavily salted potato salad.
Boil some proses till tender, throw in some mayo, lemon juice, parsley, dash of sugar, salt ‘n pepper and you, my friend, have got it ON 🔥🔥🔥
The side dish you’re forced to try but end up digging.
Élodie Rakoto
Hachis Parmentier. Served with a cucumber salad.
“Classic French “cuisine.””
About as tasty as you would expect.
Easy to prepare and easy to eat. (Kinda)
Yun- Jin Lee
Fancy foods for the fancy lady.
Western food has a soft spot in her cold, unfeeling heart.
Mushroom risotto and seared scallops.
Jill Valentine
BLT hold the mayo.
Wavy chips make a good side.
Maintains a firm diet.
Leon S. Kennedy
I raise you one: Ham, Cheese, Egg croissant.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner all in one.
And available at many fast food places.
Had one with a runny egg yoke and - lord.
Mikaela Reid
Lavender Matcha Boba.
Her tastes buds soared.
Too bad it was a limited time promotional item.
Jonah Vasquez
Caesar Salad Wrap with Ranch.
Maybe with a small lil fruit cup.
Overall very healthy 👍.
Yoichi Asakawa
Hamburg with cheese.
I don’t really know a lot about him tbh.
Seems like he has a well balanced diet.
Probably eats it with a cabbage garnish.
Haddie Kaur
Fried eggs served over spiced watermelon rinds are 👌.
Can’t go wrong with an eggs and cheese.
Ada Wong
I can’t really imagine her eating??
My mind says she probably collects antique wine but I can’t really picture her drinking either.
I’ll go with mussoli.
Rebecca Chambers
Expensive? Yes. Shareable? Also yes!
“Oh! Those look just like a smiling hamburger!”
Vittorio Toscano
Cheese and bread.
Maybe- MAYBE a little watered down wine.
Not like a charcuterie board. More Skyrim “going ham on a wheel of cheese and bread”.
Thalita Lyra
Grilled Pineapple.
Dusted with some brown sugar and grilled on an open flame is 🤤.
Likes it tender. Undercooked, firm pineapple makes her sad.
Renato Lyra
Rice. Rice never changes.
Goes well with cheesy stroganoff.
Wash it down with a fizzy drink.
Probably doesn’t eat much else tbh. Classic ‘Tism 😎
Gabriel Soma
Due to his memories being fake it’s hard to tell if he actually likes the food or just THINKS he likes it.
Probably likes hotdogs.
His Mom would always get him some to nom on during baseball game.
Hates pork hotdogs.
Nic Cage
Apparently is irl favorites are KFC and champagne.
Sounds about right.
Seems like a memer and would get a baja blast if his kids suggested it.
Ellen Ripely
Freeze dried ice cream sandwiches.
Or crackers.
Likes the crunch and long shelf life both can provide.
Alan Wake
Scrambled eggs, buttered toast, and black coffee.
You ever such a rough morning you gotta process what’s on your plate for 10 minutes?
Likes his eggs salty.
Sable Ward
DIY spooky treats!
“Mummy Dogs” are croissant wrapped hotdogs and “candied eyeballs” are tangulu grapes.
Probably had an edgy phase of “only liking black coffee.”
“How can you even enjoy the natural taste of coffee with all that sugar and milk??”
Evan McMillian
Boiled Dinner.
Throw some cabbage, pastrami, and bacon in bag with some seasonings.
(Read: salt and pepper).
Delicious for 1800 palettes.
Phillip Ojomo
Canned beans.
Eating them straight from the can hit different after a long day of crushing cars.
Knows how to open any can with a spoon alone.
Max Thompson Jr
Biscuits and Gravy.
Was usually served the slop version as a kid.
Tries to re-create it a bit more “not bad”.
Sally Smithson
Johnny cakes.
Probably also likes food with not okay names.
Like “Injun Bread” 🫤.
Micheal Myers
Chips and Cola.
Eats more to survive than for comfort.
A lot of victims tend to be teenagers relaxing on Halloween with an assortment of junk food goodies.
Chips in bowl and a half empty cup of cola are very tasty snacks when he’s on the move.
Lisa Sherwood
I’m not sure if it’s ever explicitly said but I head-cannon her as being from New Orleans.
Craw fish is tried and true banger.
Even in her “Hag” form, she enjoys slurping them up raw.
Herman Carter
Black Coffee.
Wakes up early to enjoy some time alone with his mug.
Maybe dips a crostini in.
Anna likes her food in a very particular way, almost OCD with her eating habits.
Refuses to eat until she “earns” the right to eat.
Bear is the perfect challenge.
Bubba Sawyer
Add a dollop of cheddar jack cheese on top for a pop of color.
Likes dipping bread into it.
No spoon required.
Freddy Krueger
Apple slices.
A nice juicy apple was refreshing on a hot summers day working in the garden.
Now, the juices sting his skin.
Amanda Young
Fast food.
If you ever worked the morning shift at a fast food place yknow the crack heads be jonesing out in the corner booth.
Post Recovery, I think greasy fast food helps settle her stomach.
Jeffery Hawk
Corn dogs if he’s mad, cotton candy if he’s sad.
Or both if you wanna meet an early grave.
Either way, eats way too much for his body to properly digest and often is constipated.
Rin Yamaoka
Sticky fermented beans beloved by Japan.
Kinda icky but it’s a staple there.
Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey
Frank likes hot chocolate.
Julie likes loaded fries.
Susie likes sprinkles.
Joey likes red slushies.
Mutton and dates.
A holy meal for a holy woman.
Not too sure if the Babylonians had honey ( I think they did) she’d probably slather it on.
Danny Johnson
French fries.
Perfect finger food while typing up the next big story.
Tries dipping it in the blood of his victims to be “edgy.”
Decided against it as it could implement him to the crimes (credit card, receipts, DNA etc).
Enjoys nibbling on plants.
More of a sensory thing than taste.
They tickle all the right places in its mouth.
Kazan Yamaoka
Pickled Veggies
Great for traveling and very nutritious .
Probably would be a meat dish but I’d imagine he was very disciplined with his diet.
Caleb Quinn
Lambs Fry.
Also likes snacking on bar peanuts.
His favorite part is the eye ball.
Pyramid Head
I don’t think he can eat.
Doesn’t he have a tongue??
Likes flicking it over the inside of his helmet.
Likes the metallic taste of rust.
Talbot Grimes
“Classic Scottish “cuisine””.
Would cry eating it as child.
Also likes hibiscus tea for the anti oxidants ☝️.
Charlotte and Victor Deshayes
Food was hard to come by growing up.
Survived off of scraps.
One time they were lucky to come across very tasty meat.
Their mom said it was “honeyed” whatever that meant.
Ji-woon Hak
Definitely pours it over himself to watch it stream through his abs.
Enjoys dropping a fruit in to dive after.
Nemesis T-Type
Nemesis is technically a meat suit being piloted by a parasite (that’s what his tentacle thing is.)
Kinda feeds off the body it’s piloting.
Like a fungi to a tree (which is bananas, look it up.)
Elliot Spencer
Especially likes the thicker variety that peel clean off.
Bonus points if it’s has that soft, goey white stuff in it.
Carmina Mora
Caldino de congrio.
Hot as fuck.
Eel hits different.
Sadako Yamamura
Nothing special.
A plain bowl of rice lightly salted is a good meal in itself.
Maybe a peice of unseasoned fish.
Enjoys chewing on its “hands” and hearing that sweet, sweet crunch.
Sometimes chews on the fingernails of deceased survivors to see if it can taste what they’ve previously eaten.
Albert Wesker
Sultans Delight.
A creamy eggplant mixture topped with some braised lamb.
Doesn’t really take the time to enjoy it.
Give him 7 minutes tops.
Tarhos Kovács
Preserved fish.
The extremely salted filets cook up real quick for a tasty dish.
Was always a treat when he found a barrel of them in his raids.
Adrianna Imai
Enjoys it especially as a mixer.
Her mini fridge is always stocked with some.
“Eating” is an organic thing.
No thanks.
Does have a favorite type of electricity.
Enjoys the smell of carbon.
As an apex predators, Aliens enjoy killing everything that catches their eye.
I imagine our Alien in particular developed a taste for human flesh.
Charles Lee Ray
Swedish Meatballs.
Some meatballs are better than others.
But they like, gotta be seasoned super well. Not like a dash of Italian herbs and you call it day.
Bone marrow.
Likes to suck them out of chicken bones.
Or human bones.
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alexalessandro · 5 months
Okay, are y'all ready for an unhinged theory about Fig?
So we all heard this at the end of the first episode.
"You've been holding onto a piece of magic for a long time... If you take me, you know what you would save. And you smell something sour and curdled."
Now, that's fucking ominous, but I wanna focus on the "something sour and curdled" because that's an odd way to phrase it, right?
Now, this is apparently from a piece of magic Fig has been holding onto for a long time, and Fig's phrasing at the end there:
"I come from hell, we make deals with devils"- Is vague and also blatantly wrong. Fig doesn't literally come from Hell. Our girl comes from the suburbs but is now a devil, the Archdevil of rebellion.
So, I think the one making a deal is not necessarily Fig, but whoever is calling out to Fig is making a deal with her, as she's the devil in the exchange, and I think the creature may not necessarily be devilish in nature.
And who is this creature making a deal with fig? Something that has been with her for a long time, something that smells curdled?
It's been a joke theory in the FH fandom for a while now that Gilear acquired some extraplanar energy from 1. Dying this many times, and 2. Dying in hell. If they got frequent revivify miles, Gilear's Soul definitely got em.
Now, the fact that Fig smells something curdled immediately calls back to Gilead's Curdled milk and lemon yogurt bit in sophomore year (and his overall yogurt obsession from freshman year). It makes sense that if he became an eldritch being of any kind dairy would be a big part of his supernatural brand.
I would also not put it past Brennan to turn Gilear into a more plot-relevant being, considering his popularity within the fandom, the bad kids, and his presence in the Dropout merch store before the season drop (a whole Gilear plush, really? Don't get me wrong I love it but I'll absolutely be taking that as theory fodder thank you very much).
It would also make sense to link Gilear to Fig's magic this way, not only because a lot of his deaths had to do with devilish ends (The Balgura, literally dying in hell, TWICE, and dying by wearing the armor of one of the seven deadly sins), but also because who else has been there with Fig since the beginning? A piece of her that has been with her for a long time? There's also the fact that Gilear is the first soul she revivified after becoming the archdevil of anarchy and rebellion, and that oughta create a deeper magical bond, right?
We all know how Brennan feels about Gilear "HE'S JUST A GUY! SOME PEOPLE HAVE TO BE NORMAL!!!" But Gilear's life has not been normal since the bad kids, and as much as Brennan is a DM, he's also a producer of the show: "As a DM, my faith in you as a player was not shaken for a single moment. As a producer of the show, I went, Fabian Aramaris Seacaster is one of the most beloved characters of any property on our platform, and we are going to watch him die in real-time, and no agent of the company has the ability to intercede!"
As a DM, Brennan hates Gilear and doesn't understand how he became one of the most beloved characters of any property on D20's platform (especially when he put more effort in and cared more about other parental characters in the show, as he said in a crown of candy adventuring party I believe). As a producer of the show, Brennan understands Gilear's importance in the Fantasy High brand. And if his plush is anything to go by, I think Brennan did not forget about our favorite sad elf dad when planning the storylines of junior year.
Anyway, insanity over, can't believe we have to wait a whole week for the next episode.
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softer-ua · 10 months
Hc that Kacchan developed a very discerning sweet tooth as a little kid after learning about the existence of devils and angels food cake, which he thought was hilarious and became fascinated learning about flavor profiles and how they shape the perception of food
As he gets older he leans more into cooking than baking because he grows too impatient and ill tempered to create the level of baked goods he wants and huffs it off as a waste of time anyway
But after the war Izuku wants to make Eri and Kota some treats for their conjoined birthday party,
Izuku didn’t even have to ask Katsuki to help him, Katsuki just found his feet moving on their own into the kitchen where some cook books were stored and grabbing a small one for simple desserts, while asking the freckled hero what he had in mond
Beaming Izuku started rambling that it should be something portable because their having the party outside, he knows Eri loves apples, he once made her some candy apples, has Kacchan ever made candy apples? It was harder than he’d expected but Kacchan would probably have no problem, especially since he’s more heat resistant. He’s not too sure about what Kota likes but he kinda reminds him of a younger Kacchan so something spicy? Can desserts be spicy? Eri might not like that
Katsuki caught himself leaning against the counter, book forgotten, listening with rapt attention and blatantly staring. Embarrassed by his lack of irritation he quickly straightened up and shoved the book into Izukus mouth.
“Start looking nerd, choose something good, because it’s gonna have to stand out against sugar guy’s cake”
With that Katsuki stomped over to check the cupboards and fridge, mostly to hide his blushing but also making note that they had plenty of apples and the base ingredients for nearly any dessert, so they likely wouldn’t need to go to the store
After some debate they decide on Apple Pie Snickerdoodles, adding a little more to the spices, it’s something different but nothing beyond an amateur bakers capabilities and sure to be enjoyed by both kids
It’s not as mind-numbingly boring as Katsuki remembers, maybe because Izuku is there making himself both useful and entertaining; from using a hand whisk to cream the sugar and (cold)butter together with the efficiency of even the best stand mixers on the market, to catching leftover apple chunks in his mouth like a trained seal
Katsuki hasn’t had this much light hearted fun in what feels like eons, that light feeling carries over into the next day at the party
The cookies are big hit, Eri might be the smiley-ist child Katsukis ever met, her joy is so contagious that everyone is infected
Even the shy cranky little boy Kota is full of energy and high spirits, he seems so different from the brat he watched punch Izuku in the dick at camp
Watching her and Kota jump around feels healing in a way he can’t describe, he’s not great with words, but it’s like proof of their victory, reassuring that their sacrifices were worth it
More than that it brings to mind his own childhood birthdays-
The ones where he had to invite Izuku; annoyed he showed up, and devastated the one time he didn’t, only to be annoyed when he arrived the next day with a gift and apologies.
The ones where he had to go to Izukus, grumbling the whole time but never leaving his side and even throwing a fit when it was time to leave
The ones were he no longer had to invite Deku, so he didn’t, and the building annoyance when he didn’t show up that day or the next, instead a present and card were just left in the mailbox, so a singed card was left on Dekus desk that next Monday
The following ones where Izuku invited no one and no one bothered to inquire about it, what the nerd had done if anything at all was a mystery
Now he stood watching two kids with just as different temperaments as him and Izuku, choosing to share a birthday, pulling each other out of their usual bubbles with wild exuberance for life that only children can possess
Well children and a handful of UA losers who seems just as excited about the party games as any child
Mirio was helping his boyfriend cheat at twister by disappearing a leg, Kaminari was failing epically to pin a tail on a donkey, and Kirishima was trying to break open a piñata with just his arm while Sero kept it out of reach so he was left swinging wildly at nothing, while Mina was trying to incorporate her dance moves into a game of charades and making it impossible to guess what the hell she was miming
All of which was entirely independent of the actual birthday kids, who were currently being swung around by Izuku’s black whip like a living carnival ride
Katsuki enjoy just watching, so he sat next to Momo who’d brought tea and some seriously fancy looking scones(they each had had a perfectly candied fruit slice on top) to go along with a costume closet she’d tailored for each kid for dress up tea time
Humoring her he dawned a crown decked out in concerningly realistic looking rubies, when she refused to meet his raised eyebrow he changed the unspoken topic and in faux haughty tone asked for the recipe of the scones, when she actually produced several recipe cards he was pleasantly surprised by how warm the idea of making them made him
The idea of spending Sunday morning in the kitchen slowly making a perfect replica of each brought a smile and sense peace to him, even as he looks over the cards and noted how simple the steps, there’s be no rushing and he kinda liked the idea of taking his second chance at life a little slower, enjoying the little things just a little more.
No grande event on the horizon that he felt the need to rush towards, this time he’d enjoy getting there just as much as he enjoyed the victory,
Maybe even more he thought smirking up at an out of breath Izuku, who’d come to join him, now adorning a glossy top hat and a monocle that were completely out of place on such a sweaty dopily grinning face
Definitely more
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 10 months
haiii!! :3
im gonna leave this to be as ambiguous as possible (you're welcome to decide what type of writing it is and what characters are involved in it! just whoever you think fits the best/would be funniest), but any of the pastas or marble hornets characters getting all the stuff required to make "battery acid spaghetti"? like with the monster energy and all sorts of candies and stuff? im curious to hear your ideas about this!!
also do NOT feel obligated to answer this if you have other stuff going on!!! take care of yourself!!! :33
– 💿 (i dont think anyone has claimed this yet!!)
Oooh, a chance to give my own headcanons...how rare...
Also, you are correct! No one has claimed that name yet, so you're good!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Jeff, Toby, BEN
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Ah yes, these silly gooses
BEN was probably the first person to come up with the idea
Toby, wanting to do whatever everyone else was doing, obviously joined in
And for Jeff, he's just in it for the free drinks and snacks
And so, toby goes to their local grocery store and buys anything he thinks would suit the concoctions (as well as, of course, the airheads ropes)
When he gets back, the three of them clamor into BEN's room, excitedly talking about their ~fabulous~ idea
BEN turns on music and a t.v show (yes, both) and begins to help set everything up
Just to make it extra authetic, they even forced jeff to go downstairs to get some bowls to put this ungodly mixture in
And so, the potion making begins
BEN goes first, because he is rhe "expert" on this whole situation
A white monster, some sour patch kids, war heads, sour skittles, and of course, the airheads ropes
The other boys follow suite, mixing the elixers up, before abruptly stopping
Jeff looks at the two in front of him, "so uhh, what utensil do we use for this?"
Toby stares at their creations "i don't think god intended for there to be a utensil for something of this caliber..."
BEN shrugs "welp. Bone apple tit!" He says, taking the bowl in his hands and slurping up the candies and monster like a bowl of milk
The other two boys wait for a reaction out of BEN cautiously, not wanting to take any chances on their own
BEN puts the bowl down with a disgruntled look on his face "well, it's uh..."
The other two lean in
"It's not the worst thing I've ever had??"
That seems to be enough to satisfy jeff, as he is the next to grab his bowl and gulp down a big mouthful
He almost immediately sets the bowl down and wipes his watery eyes "jesus fucking christ! That shit is sour!"
BEN snorts and laughs at jeff as toby clicks his tongue "duh, we just put a bunch of sour candies in there, numbnuts!"
While Jeff chokes to death and BEN laughs, toby eyes his bowl for a moment longer before hesitantly picking it up and slurping the tiniest little sip
"Oh man, that's pretty good!" He exclaims
The night ends up with Jeff giving toby the rest of his bowl (which didn't end up finished because as it turns out, energy drinks make Toby sleepy instead of energized)
Jeff ends up destroying the toilet for the next hour or so, the mixture of sugars messed his stomach up pretty good
And BEN ended up laughing at Jeff some more as he finished off his bowl
The entire experience left them all with the same conclusion, "never again."
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14muffinz · 8 months
when worlds collide
inspired by @blackfire-fanfiction 's soul switching au
words: 1819
The day starts slow.
Maybe it’s just Leon’s imagination, but it’s probably not. Being in this body is just not his thing. Their knee is hurting like crazy, as always, and every time he shows up he swears that everyone around here gets angstier.
He loves these guys, don’t get him wrong here. But he’s always more at home in the other body, with his overly energetic and constantly loud brothers, where he’s almost expected to wind down.
The other guy likes it around here, though, and Leon can still see why. After all, these are the guys he grew up with, before the swaps started. And Leon’s are the others. Plain and simple.
Anyways, back to the point – things start slow. He and Mikey gather together on the couch to watch a few episodes of a cartoon that Leon’s blanking on the name of. Leon’s itching to do something more active, but their knee is protesting and they’re not far from training time anyways, he might as well save the energy.
Right when he’s preparing to follow the usual schedule, the peaceful morning is interrupted by a sight that instantly has Leon on edge. A bright blue portal, a very familiar bright blue portal, lights up the room, and Leon’s already rushing before he processes anything else about it, like the purple sparks flying out of it for one.
Mikey’s not far behind, and because it’s still an unprompted portal in the middle of their home, both turtles draw their weapons.
The sinking feeling doesn’t come until figures start flying out of the portal, all screaming at varying volumes. Donnie – as in, yes, the softshell Donnie – lands first, scrambling back to his feet and hand quickly reaching for his bō. He’s quickly followed by Mikey, who’s pulled completely into his shell and only leaves once he starts sliding against the floor. Finally comes Raph, who’s curled around a light-green turtle that Leon’s used to seeing in the mirror.
His first thought? Holy shit. His second thought? Ah, shit.
The local Raph enters because of the noise, eyes blowing wide as he registers the scene around him. Donnie’s not far behind, not even shutting the lab door as he rushes into the main room.
Raph – oh, great, this isn’t confusing at all – releases the fourth turtle from his hold, and within a few minutes both sets of turtles are staring down one another, all hostile except for…
It’s him.
Leon needs to keep up the leader thing, as does Leo, but it’s clear they all have forgotten that in favour of just staring at one another like they’ve never seen themselves before. Because in a way, they haven’t. He’s known that the other guy is real, of course, but knowing that and seeing one of his bodies moving on its own is a whole different experience.
“I think that we’re doing the alternate universe thing again,” the local Mikey notes, still holding his nunchaku but his stance quickly beginning to slip.
Yep… seems so…
Okay, so there’s probably a great story for how his other set of brothers managed to land themselves in this dimension, but Leon really really really needs to pull the other guy aside for a chat. Or conversation, definitely not a short chat. There is a lot to be said here.
“Again?” Other Donnie – okay no that is not better what the heck should he be calling everyone – blurts, taking on a familiar kid in a candy store expression. “Ohmigosh, have you breached the barrier before?”
More than you know, bro.
“I am not about to blindly trust you,” the local Donnie states, staring down the alternate set of turtles. That seems to snap the other guy back into his performance, and he adjusts his stance to something a bit tenser, and Leon has to suppress a snort as he watches the guy pretend to scan the room. “How did you get here?”
Oh, if only he were in the other body. As the three more colourful turtles all slowly turn to glare at their Donnie, Leon nearly joins in. This is prime bullying time! It’s a betrayal to twin code to not be at one another’s necks! The other guy does it for him, though, so he supposes that’s good enough (for now).
Donnie’s not the type to hesitate under a glare, in Leon’s experience, and it certainly showed. “Awkward cough– technically the blame cannot be 100% assigned on me, because Leo—”
“You are not pinning this on me,” the other guy (Leon hesitates around calling him by his own name) argues.
“Well it was your interference that caused—”
The other guy crosses his arms and scoffs. “You asked for my help, Donnie.”
“And you provided i—”
Bigger Raph, already bored of the twin fight (wow it’s weird to be on the other end of that. Is that really how they act? Weird), grabs Donnie by the battle shell and yanks him away from the other guy. Donnie keeps up his glare, but the other guy doesn’t give one in return. Leon wishes that he could.
Leon realises that he’s already sheathed his swords, he didn’t even notice. The other brothers from this dimension are hesitating, but they haven’t warmed up to the concept quite as much as Leon.
Rude. They’re the ones who have already done this song and dance. Someone needs to pass around some chill pills.
Younger Mikey clears his throat, bouncing slightly on his feet. “Anyways!” He says actually. The bouncing picks up energy as he scans the room more thoroughly. “Donnie, your thingy worked! You did it!”
Smaller Raph steps forward to say something, and while that distraction is going on, the two blue-clad turtles meet eyes yet again. Leon tilts his head a little, the other guy nods, and Leon knows that they’re on the same page. We need to talk.
“I can certainly… try to recreate the portal with the help of Donatello,” Leon’s twin says carefully, a few minutes later, when the turtles are all settled in the pit and not gripping any of their weapons. “Though it will be quite the challenge without the blueprints for the machine on hand. The last copy I have of them saved is a few nights of work out of date.”
Great. Coolcoolcool.
“…Is that it?” Bigger Raph asks.
The eight turtles all hesitate, all wondering where they’re supposed to go from here. Luckily, Leon already has a pretty good idea of what he’s doing next, if he can pull this off while staying in character.
Good news, he’s the son of an actor, and he’s been acting for a good portion of his life.
“I believe so?” Local Donnie replies, also hesitant.
Leon’s first instinct is to clap his hands and stand up, but he hesitates right before he actually claps, realising that maybe that’s not the best approach. Instead, he fidgets for a moment or two, making sure nobody else plans on speaking up.
“Is it alright if I speak with other-me for a few minutes?”
Local Raph (someone should have brought up a naming system, but whatever, too late now) looks up, startled by the question. Nobody has any reason to stop them, and when Bigger Raph meets the other guy’s eyes, the other guy shrugs and stands up.
“O– my bedroom?’
Leon’s been awkward around here, sure. It’s still his body and in a way his brothers, but at the same time it’s always been more of the other guy’s place. Leon plays his role while he’s here, and in return the other guy pretends to be him whenever they’re swapped. And up until now, when they’ve finally met, he’s thought that he’s done a pretty good performance. Now he feels like he’s being judged.
The two disappear down the hallway with all of the turtles’ bedrooms, and the moment Leon shuts the door to their bedroom, he can’t help the hysterical laughter that begins to bubble out of him.
It doesn’t take the other guy long to join, flopping down on their bed and letting out his own set of hysterics.
“This is so weird,” Leo admits.
“Did you ever think we’d actually…” The other guy trails off. It’s a bit weird hearing in Leon’s own voice, but to be fair it’s not the oddest thing of the day.
“Of course not!” Leon responds, joining his other self on the bed. There’s room, and standing just makes him feel even more awkward. “I don’t even know what to call you, man.”
“That’s what you’re focusing on?”
Because the other guy is apparently an absolute hog, he decides to steal the pillow and lean it against the wall, using it as a backrest. He stares around their room as if seeing it for the first time. “Do you think we’re going to be able to switch back while everyone’s here?”
Leon’s first thought is what if this stops us from switching back at all but he stops that thought fast because it’s too scary, and this is supposed to be a good moment, one where he finally gets to have a real conversation with the guy he’s spent a good chunk of his life pretending to be. “Maybe? We don’t have any proof that it has to do with which world we’re in.”
“We also don’t have proof it has to do with which body we’re in.”
“Are you trying to be negative nancy right now?”
“I’m just making sure that we’re thinking about all the information we have.”
“Can we sit back and just appreciate this? For two seconds?”
The two seconds don’t take long to get awkward, so Leon makes a pop noise that quickly snaps the other guy back into motion.
“For the record? It’s still Donnie’s fault that I’m here.”
Leon chokes on a laugh, and then several more, and even if it does irritate his throat a bit, he still thinks that it’s way too funny. “You sure?”
“Yes!” The other guy responds, throwing his hands up defensively. “He was asking to see how our ninpō would work with his machine, and I guess I wasn’t as good at controlling it as I thought.”
“That sounds like your fault,” Leon responds flatly.
The other guy crosses his arms in a dramatic way that Leon didn’t think was normal for him, and executes a pretty impressive glare. “Well, he’s the one who trusted me.”
Leon would argue, but he’s pretty down for teasing his twin, as long as it’s not taken too far. Plus, they can have Leonardo solidarity, or something.
There’s a lot more to be said. Leon’s still trying to prioritise everything in his head, but after years of having painfully slow, hard to read conversations, they finally have a chance to sit back and actually talk, and he’s not about to waste it.
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eunchancorner · 1 year
Prompt idea comin your way!
Tickle fight between Kevin and streber. You can’t convince me streber doesn’t use his vampy teeth against his ticklish candy boyfriend
NO BC I’VE HAD THIS IN MY HEAD FOR DAYS Also I’m a fan of the hc that Streber got a fully-functional prosthetic arm after the Tender Treats incident (or maybe I’m just too lazy to write him one-handed lol)
Lers Kevin and Streber, Lees Kevin and Streber
Warning: one cuss word
Word count: 934
“Kevinnnnn,” Streber whined as he gently shook his boyfriend's shoulder, “Wake upppppp.”
“Noooo… ‘s my day off, lemme sleep…” Kevin whined right back, snuggling up further into the soft blankets.
“I knowww, so I wanna spend time with youuu, but I can’t do that if you don’t get upppp!”
“Then cuddle with meeee, ‘m colddddd.”
“... That took an unexpectedly sweet turn but I am NOT complaining!” Streber cheered as he flopped down beside his lover, pulling him close to his chest and resting his chin on Kevin’s fluffy hair.
He looked down in confusion at the fluffball as he heard a whine, raising an eyebrow at him.
“What are you whining about now?” he questioned, “This is what you wanted.”
“Your prosthetic is coldddd… take it offf… why do you have that thing on so early…?”
“So I can do this!” Streber gave Kevin a soft squeeze, one that caused him to melt into his chest with a contented sigh.
“Good enough, it can stay…”
“Thanks, Kev,” Streber said as he pressed a soft kiss to the grumpy man’s temple, watching his frown try to morph into a smile before it was stopped halfway.
“Heyyy, I saw that. C’mon, gimme a smileeeee!” Streber cooed, making his boyfriend’s face flush just a bit.
“Noooo…” he whined yet again, hiding his face in his boyfriend’s chest, “no smileee…”
“Awww, pleaseeeee?” said boyfriend gently cooed, lightly tapping his fingers along the backs of the candy store cashier’s ribs, feeling him huff and squirm a bit in his arms. “Don’t make me make youuu~”
“Pff- n-nooooo…” Kevin mumbled, holding back the giggles that wanted to bubble out.
“Nooooo?~ Alright, then I guess you leave me no choice!~”
And, suddenly, those gentle taps turned into quick scribbles, making Kevin huff out the giggles he was trying to hide. The soft, sweet sound melted Streber’s heart and he couldn’t help the soft smile that overtook his face. Kevin was just too cute!
“Nohohoho, Strehebeheherrrrr,” he bubbled out, his face moving to Streber’s shoulders, “Stahahahahap.”
“Aww, why would I do that? This makes you sound so happy!” the vampy boi squealed, nuzzling into Kevin’s neck. “But I could make you sound happierrrr~”
“Nohot if Ihi mahahake youhu fihihirst!”
Suddenly, little raspberries were being blown all over Streber’s collarbone, making him let out a more panicked squeal, followed by dorky laughter and little kicks.
“EEEhehehe Kehehev nohOHOHO!” his laughter picked up again as his fingers accidentally dug into Kevin’s ribs in an attempt to ground himself from the tickles, making his poor boyfriend squeal into his shoulder, which tickled a lot more than it should have.
“Kehehehev! Dohohon’t mahahake mehehe- EEEHEHEhehehe!” Streber tried to warn but it came out as a high squeal as Kevin found the breath to blow a raspberry right in the crook of his neck, “Thahat’s ihihit!”
He nibbled at Kevin’s neck and dug his fingers into his ribs, making the poor candy kid squeal and cackle, bringing his face out of Streber’s neck and gripping onto the back of his shirt, kicking and squealing to try to let out the ticklish energy filling his whole body and lighting up his nerves.
“STREHEHEHEB! NAHAHOHOHO IHIHIT’S BAHAHAD! SOHO BAHAHAD!” he complained, squirming about and doing his best to keep from curling up to block the tickles.
“It’s too late, the vapmire is awake, and he’s hungry for your laughter! Muhahahahaha!” the haunted house host used his best vampire voice, something that never failed to make Kevin laugh at least a bit louder at the silliness, and succeeding in turning his already bubbly laughter squeaky and happy. He slipped his hands under Kevin’s shirt, wincing a bit and the small scream he let out.
“NAHAHOHO STREHEHEBEHER! COHOHOHOLD!!” he complained yet again, this time about the prosthetic hand scribbling and digging at his ribs.
“Yeah, funny how metal doesn’t trap heat very well, huh? Guess you’re just gonna have to deal with it!~”
“Oh, I suck do I?”
Oh no
“Well, guess you leave me no choice!”
Kevin should have guessed that would happen, but the words flew out of his mouth before he could stop them. Nevertheless, the fact that Streber pulled one hand away would have helped him if the anticipation of what he was grabbing didn’t make him feel ten times more ticklish. The nibbles at his neck stopped for just a bit, where he was able to look up and see Streber fitting his vampire teeth from Halloween into his mouth. Of course he couldn’t help the silent laughter that left his mouth as he felt the hand digging back in right as the stupidly sharp teeth gently brushed against his skin in a way that was too ticklish to be legal. If he wasn’t so comfy being snuggled up to his boyfriend he’d have rolled away and hid in the blankets. Damn Streber and his comfortingness!
Poor Kevin had to give in, he had no choice, it was way too ticklish and he was reaching his limit.
“STREHEHEB! YOUHU WIHIHIHIN! YOUHUHU WIHIHIHIN!!” he gave in, slapping Streber on the back, panting and giggling as the tickles finally stopped.
“Aww, good try baby, you almost had me! Hehe, too bad I’m such a good tickler~ Now get up, we’re having Bojangles for breakfast!” he announced, taking the vampire teeth out of his mouth and getting up.
“Mhmhm, ohokay…” Kevin mumbled as he sat up and sighed the last of his giggles out. He silently swore, one day he’d beat Streber in a tickle fight. One day.
But for now, he needed some biscuits!
Hehe Bojangles biscuits are good, especially when they’re packaged with the fries and seasoning gets all over them and they’re just so mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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brattytoddler · 11 months
little!reader trick or treating with the older kids on halloween in hawkins <333
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— joyce definitely puts those tacky acrylic window stickers up on the front of her store during halloween (but it’s joyce, so it’s adorable). she knows you love them, too.
— the group try to be careful with how much candy you’re eating, but they just can’t help giving into your sweet, innocent: “please jus’ oneee more piece?” (you’ve been saying that after every piece, 23 pieces of candy later…)
— steve and eddie make you walk between them down the streets <333 nobody can hurt their sweet baby!!!
— nancy is so motherly the entire time, making sure you’re crossing the roads holding someone’s hand, looking both ways before crossing, staying close to everyone, etc. she loves you endlessly and wants to make sure you’re safe.
— the group love seeing how happy you are walking from house to house, bag expanding with more candy as you giggle, loudly announcing your sugary victory every 5 minutes to the whole group (which they find amusing).
— robin loves seeing how giddy you are the entire night, matching your energy by also bouncing up and down at you getting a full-sized candy bar.
— “robbie! robbie- look! look- it’s a big candy!”
— jonathan takes his role as the group photographer very seriously, snapping the cutest photos of everyone but smiling when you decide to dramatically pose in front of the camera from time to time. it makes his heart swell, so he encourages you by giving little paparazzi comments.
— “oh yes, stunning!” click! “gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!” click! “so adorable!” <333
— eddie would be the first to notice how tired you are after walking for a couple hours, so he gives your pillowcase to steve (“baby, i won’t touch your candy, i promise.”) so he can scoop you up onto his shoulders. you preferred this over walking anyways, honestly.
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not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but i tend to enjoy conversations with saeyoung more when he's being serious and not treating the MC like an audience he's performing to. however, so much of the fandom content is of him acting like this and it's really disheartening considering the whole point of his route was to accept him for who he is 😭
Oh, listen, Saeyoung is many things. He's not just a joker. He likes to tease and have fun, that's an aspect of his character but that's not his entire being. If you limit him to being a haha-funny-clown all the time instead of listening to him, that's quite frankly how you get a Bad End for him. That's the ending where he ignores everything and gives up on being taken seriously while you laugh and demand that he stays a silly persona. People who follow that ending don't care about who he really is.
They want 707.
Not Saeyoung.
Saeyoung deals with this in fandom a lot. I love to poke fun at him and make a joke sometimes, we all do, but at the end of the day, he's more than laughs and giggles.
There's more to him than the mask that he wears. He pretends to be a joker but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have those qualities. That is a part of him but he has forced himself to only show that part of his personality for such a long time. He hasn't allowed himself to be taken seriously. When you come into his life in a positive way, he starts to realize that it's okay for him to let out that serious side.
It's not going to hurt you. It's not going to destroy you. There are parts of himself that he's afraid of and he's hidden them away for such a long time. But, when you give him space and you respect him in the midst of the worst moment of his life, he realizes that he doesn't have to push you away and that he can let out that part of himself that he tried to bury.
I find it a little disheartening myself from time to time when I'm looking for content for him just to read and it turns into something where he's mischaracterized. I don't get to see people writing about him where he's being vulnerable or he's being open with himself very often. It's rough when that's all he really wants... he wants to be seen as himself.
At the end of his route, he tells you that he wants you to see the parts of him that he hasn't let out since he was a child. He says to call him Saeyoung… please don’t just call him Seven… or just Luciel. That was his name and that is his name. He cannot have it taken from him ever again. He wants to love his name... please, say it.
He doesn't want to bury himself anymore and he wants to be seen as all aspects of himself. Sure, he likes to tease you and he likes to make you laugh, but could you take him truly seriously? Listen to what he's saying because there's so much underneath the surface. There's so much that needs to be heard. He deserves to be listened to as he is and that means hearing Saeyoung and nobody else. He's a man with layers and sure, it'll take time to understand him, but you love him. It is worth the time to get to know him.
His true personality is somebody that's driven. He's very to the point when he speaks and when he's talking about something that he's interested in, you can see the light in his eyes. You can see there is a passion burning in his soul when he doesn't have to give up everything all the time.
Being with him isn’t just like being with a kid in a candy store running around with energy we’ve never seen before. It's more like being with somebody who has a genuine curiosity in the world around him and wants to learn as much as you can. He's like a sponge. He soaks up everything and he wants to be able to experience what it's like to be alive. He's not afraid of trying something even if it seems like it might be dangerous.
He wants to have conversations and discussions. He wants to debate things. He wants to be able to be taken seriously when he's talking. He doesn't want people to laugh at him or assume that it's some kind of joke. Even if what he's saying might seem outlandish, he still wants somebody to hear him out and see that there's a point to what he says. He's creative and there's no doubt about that, but if you treat him like everything he says is some kind of game, you're not getting it.
He's hurting. It would be nice for his depression and fears to be taken seriously when he voices them. There's not an expectation on your part to be a therapist or somebody that takes care of him like that, but it would be nice for him to hear for once in his life that he doesn't have to lie about it being okay. It's not okay. He's allowed to say that it's not okay. This is the kind of person that desperately wants to be okay so that nobody else has to feel like that.
He is the kind of person that would sacrifice everything if it meant that his loved ones would be safe. For once in his life, if you could look at him and tell him that everything that he's gone through isn't something that he deserved? Well, it would feel like he's finally been seen.
I don't know why I don't see more people writing about him being somebody that takes you out on a night drive where you both sit underneath the stars and talk about your place in the universe. He can hold a very intellectual conversation about this and it's a shame that he doesn't get this very often. Let him talk about space and what he learned about it! Even I think it would be intriguing to experience that with him and I only care about him platonically.
At the end of the day, I could go on and on about all of the ways that he is his own person in a way that has nothing to do with the Persona that he's been wearing. Yes, we can all agree that the jokester mask is a side of him but it is not the entirety of his being. If you limit him to being just that, then you didn't learn anything.
I feel the same way about people that don't write any of the Saerans with care, either, but I’m biased.
I care a lot about how the twins are represented. I put a lot of thought into how I try to perceive them because I feel like it's important that they have autonomy in what they express they want. I think the hardest thing for me is seeing people misconstrue Saeran’s path of forgiveness or Saeyoung’s choice to be himself.
God, I think the worst thing I’ve seen done to the twins that’s wildly inaccurate is people writing them drinking or engaging with anyone who drinks in close quarters. The two of them will never do that and they'd prefer not to be around it. Saeyoung has expressly stated he doesn’t drink or smoke, and he never will pick up the stuff. Saeran already had a horrible time with the elixir on top of the trauma he experienced from his mother’s alcoholism.
He wants no part of that, either. I get that it might sound a little silly, but as somebody who shares the trauma that they went through, whenever people write them drinking after they have very expressly said that they would never, I get a little upset about it. It feels to me like people who ignore you when you say that you don't want to take a sip of alcohol and try to coerce you anyway.
Anyway, there are a lot of issues in fandoms where characters get flanderized from one or two specific character traits.
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Ooh! How about Corroded Coffin beach trip headcannons (or fic if you want to tbh I don’t mind :p)
[lol im visiting Aulani in Hawaii rn and I keep thinking about how they would interact (if that’s the right word) with everything and stuff]
i love this idea! especially during these cold winter months 😂 idk how it is everywhere else, but here in the midwest it’s pretty freezing right now and i’d give ANYTHING to be laying under an umbrella on the beach right about now
Going to the beach with the guys is essentially the same as bringing a bunch of kids into a candy store
They LOVE going to the beach with each other, and they’ll go out of their way during the summertime to try and go every other week
But usually you’re the one who has to triple check that they packed everything up before you leave
Sunscreen, towels, snacks, drinks, and everything else that they’d need while you’re laying in the sand for a few hours
At home they’re not the types of guys who play sports or get very active but on the beach it’s a whole other story
They’ll toss a football on the shore, they’ll see who can swim out to a certain distance and back the fastest, and they love being able to make sandcastles and things like that
You know how whenever you bring a man to the beach they’ll want to dig a hole? Expect that.
They’ll dig a giant hole in the sand and fill it with water so it’s like their own little tide pool to stick their feet in
But of course they’ll mess around with each other too
They’ll make a mess of themselves in the sand and tackle each other, they’ll build small sandcastles and push each other into them, and if someone finds a crab they’ll chase the others around with it
Their favorite thing to do with you on the beach is make a moat around where you’re laying and relaxing, almost like you’ve got your own little island
And if they don’t mess it up while they’re building it, they’ll spend a few hours making a huge sandcastle just for you
There will be a lull in the day where they’re kind of exhausted from being able to release all their pent up energy and that’s your favorite time to spend with them
They’ll relax in the shade with you, maybe take a little group nap just to reenergize and you’ll talk for a little while before they’re dragging you out into the water to swim with them
You’ll do chicken fights with one another and they always let you win
They’ll bring a few drinks out with them into the water and just stand around up to their knees and just enjoy the sun and the nice weather
And if they find a cool rock or seashell they’ll give them to you like little gifts
Because that’s just what boys do
Even though most of the day they were the ones who were running around, they’ll help you pack up and insist one of them drives you all home so you can rest in the back
And for the next few days afterwards you’ll almost always end up having to help Eddie put aloe on his shoulders because he refused to put sunblock on more than once
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 2 years
Relationship headcanon with Jason and Salim Part 3
Now for the spicy part… 
I cannot see them as 100% sub/dom or top/bottom. I think most people can be all of them in different situations, depending on their mood.
Salim, as sweet and gentle and polite he is in da streets; he is a real freak in tha sheets.
Remember that low whispering, therathening voice he has? It can be used very effectively in the bedroom too.
Not theathening of course, but just that low rumbling purr.
He knows what his voice can do, and he will use it for his advantage. 
Whispering sweet nothings into his lover's ear, slowly, spinning out every word and every letter which can make one's knees tremble. 
He's a big tease. He showed he is a funny guy- joking around, and can be a little mocky sometimes.
 He will go on breathing in their ear, telling them how much he's gonna ruin them, playing their strings until nothing is left but a whimpering mess from his lover. 
From his age, Salim has some experience, but he always stuck with the "old and well-tried" ways.
Well this changed as soon as he got…khmm active again. He's like a kid in the candy store- wants to try out everything and anything (staying in line only with things his partner would be okay with, of course). 
He gets more and more bold when he becomes comfortable, knowing he can express himself as he wants to, nobody will judge or talk him down. 
He likes to mess around, be "young and hot headed" again, because he couldn't do it in his youth, he's making sure it won't be left out anymore from his life. 
As soon as he knows he can have the upper hand, he will act upon it - loves to pin his partner to the wall, basically caging them with his board form, strong hands doing whatever he wants to do. 
Might even be into wall sex - knowing he's so strong, he can hold up his partner to the wall, while pounding into them. 
Catching them spontaneously, for a quickie, and just pouring all his energy into it because it's such a new and electrifying feeling for him. 
Jason – when can act tough and cocky - and no misunderstanding; he IS tough and cocky and can act like it in the intimate moments too, -he would search for more steady ways. 
In no means he's boring or understimulating, he's just touch starved. 
He wants to hold and be held as long as it's possible. 
He's in for it not just for the exact feeling he gets from sex, but for how he feels the tender embrace, the soft touches and sweet looks he can get, because he lacked these before.
His whole life revolved around being harsh and stern, acting emotionless - so feeling the enormous affection, adoration and care makes his soul bright and comforted. 
The main goal for him- no matter the pace,position or type- is to be as close to his beloved as possible, to be able to kiss them and caress their skin.
And this goes vica-versa, he wants to be kissed and caressed and be told he's loved. 
Yes he can get rough and heated, but as long as the mutual adoration is there, it's good for him. 
I hc-d before, he might have a praise kink, and it would go with eye contact in bed- to see how his partner feels, how they look at him, how he can read into their mind with this. 
He loves to tease, how he can affect the other with his words and acts - but he is a sucker for it when he gets teased. 
He won't admit it, never in a million year, but he likes it when his partner takes control. Seeing them, how they can be just as fierce and headstrong as he is, makes him proud -he might even help build up their confidence (as his partner did for him). 
Like I said, goal is to create any and every kind of contact he can, so he's very touchy. 
He likes when he can interlink his hands with his partner, hold their face, or embrace them. 
He would kiss any surface on their skin he can find/reach, squishing the soft flesh and drawing patterns into the skin.
Both of their aftercare is tender and sweet, with goofy giggles and sweet kisses, checking if everything's fine, if their partner needs anything. 
The first would be Jason getting out of bed to recompose,taking a shower, going for a glass of water. But afterwards he climbs back for more cuddles. 
Salim can easily fall asleep, especially at night times. His lover won't speak to him for 5mins and he's out, snoring softly, while one arm is firmly around his partner's waist. 
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