#okay i am done i am going back to work. i love this freaky little dude fan club 😊
talentforlying · 6 months
it makes me so happy to see all the john constantine love that's come out of the nbc show and legends. like that's a universal trash can fire of a man right there, not just my niche little weirdo anymore! i love it!!!
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prince-liest · 2 months
I know you’ve gotten asks already talking about how happy they are that you’re going more in depth on the subject of Vox being trans in your next installment, but I can’t help myself… I’m so excited that you’re writing about that. It can be difficult to find trans rep in fandom spaces sometimes and your stories are so well written that this is like a gift from god. SO ANYWAY I’m super happy and your works are amazing and I just hope you know how many people value your works for all that they give.
Secondly, I was wondering whether or not Vox would have been trans on earth or just in hell? I mean I’m sure it would be difficult considering the time period but I also couldn’t think of a reason why he would be cis on earth but trans in hell. UNLESS he realized he was trans in hell/was finally able to do something about it?? Anyway, all of this is just speculation, I am only curious!!
Regardless, great work. It genuinely means a lot to me, if no one else :)
Oh, man, I'm ngl, one of my little, "Wait! I can do anything I want!!!!" moments of going mad with power once I got more and more experience at writing was realizing that I could just trans anyone's gender at-will and I didn't need anyone's permission for that. I still remember the first time I quietly decided an OC of mine was trans (love you, Laledy, you obnoxious asshole). I'm always a little apprehensive to start writing trans characters in new fandoms, mostly because I've been in a number of fandoms that have corners that get very tetchy about their weird gender role stuff, but it's consistently been met with such a positive reaction that it really brings me joy. So thank you so very, very much!!
My personal take on Vox in 666 specifically (a lot of which isn't going to come up because he does not want to get into it) is that he wasn't personally really in a position or environment conducive to considering trans-ness as, like, a thing that happens when he was alive, and he put his all into putting on The Correct Gender Performance with the vim and aplomb that we see from him in canon, plus all the underlying bullshit that goes into maintaining that facade. So, y'know. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, minus the Jewish. Which did not do amazing things for his mental health, not that he let himself pay attention to that at the time!
And then he wakes up, in hell, with this weird-ass demon body with a television for a head, and - well, it just makes sense to present as a man at that point, doesn't it? Hell is dog-eat-dog, and he's not going to pick the submissive gender to put himself on the back foot from the start!
He figures out what the fuck being trans even is eventually, just. Not for a while, and not until after someone like Valentino, having known and assumed that Vox is trans as a given for fucking months, mentions it offhandedly to Vox, who had been mentally describing himself as "just lying about his sex like those girls in stories that get shit done by dressing up as men". Then he gets to have his own little spiral about it, and also why it's upsetting him, and why he felt so vulnerable about Valentino knowing, and why Valentino specifically, Mr. Fishnets, Heels, and Microminis, is the one that ended up in a position not only to know this about Vox but for Vox to feel comfortable having any kind of sex with. It wasn't something Vox had to analyze back when it was just "her" freaky boyfriend being into pegging!
Okay, fuck, I have even more feelings about trans Vox than I thought I did, hahahaha.
Might fuck around and write a staticmoth-centric prequel interlude at some point if I have the brain cells for it. Vox is a lot more confident and comfortable with his gender now, to the point where he can absolutely see fucking around in a dress for kinky reasons as crossdressing and not being forced back into a box that doesn't fit, but it'd be neat to explore the earlier days. Val isn't here for gender, he's here to be sexy, but Vox... this IS the origin of the daddy kink, just saying.
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sassygwaine · 1 year
parts of “unmasking autism” by devon price, phd that made me go oof
I do think when allistic people declare that everyone is a little Autistic, it means they are close to making an important breakthrough about how mental disorders are defined: why do we declare some people broken, and others perfectly normal, when they exhibit the same traits? Where do we draw the line, and why do we even bother doing so? (32)
All too often, the difference between who gets perceived as an innocent, shy Autistic and who gets viewed as creepy, awkward, and obviously disabled is more a function of things like race, gender, and body size than it is any innate difference in personality or behavior. (57)
I was basically a perpetual adolescent, performing intelligence for praise but mismanaging my personal life and not connecting with anyone in a deeper way. (85)
Once you’ve proven yourself capable of suffering in silence, neurotypical people tend to expect you’ll be able to do it forever, no matter the cost. (99)
When the entire world shames people for being into “childish” things, having odd mannerisms, or simply being irritating, you don’t need ABA to program you into compliance. Everyone around you is already doing it. (102)
Unfortunately, when an Autistic person complains about the sensory pain they’re in, people think they’re being overly dramatic, needy, or even downright “crazy.” … They acted as if I chose to be distracted and furious every day. (115)
We often seek out clear “rules” for good behavior, which we then adhere to rigidly, hoping they will keep us socially safe and finally render us worthy. (121)
When many of us were growing up, adults saw us as loud, stubborn, uncaring, overly reactive, and burdensome. We’ve grown up believing we truly are hard to be around, and to love. (144)
Today, his fiction readers tell him he’s fantastic at writing dialogue, and really understands how other people speak and feel. But it’s not because these things come naturally to him. He devoted thousands of hours to picking conversations apart to make sense of them. (161)
We’re more like the protagonist of the video game Katamari Damacy, a freaky, colorful demigod who rolls an ever-growing ball of objects around, each step forward attracting more random items into his ball’s expanding gravitational field until it engulfs the universe. We don’t complete discrete projects. We build worlds. (178)
It’s vital we learn to navigate interactions marked by conflict, and practice standing firm in the face of negative reactions from others. As long as we haven’t abused anyone or violated their rights, it’s okay for our actions to make others unhappy. (193)
At times, unmasking means teaching our neurotypical friends and family to treat us better; in other situations, it may mean disengaging from those who aren’t ever going to be worth the effort. (195)
[regarding friendships worth cultivating:] Who tells me honestly when I’ve hurt them, and gives me a real opportunity to do better? (205)
“I am not a math-minded type of Autistic…I am the kind who thinks about people obsessively.” (219)
In his writing, [Mike] Oliver described disability as a political status, one that is created by the systems that surround us, not our minds and bodies. (230)
Emotions that are too large, passions that are too childish and not profitable, habits that are too repetitive, and bodies and minds that require daily assistance all challenge this incredibly narrow definition of health. It is only by expanding our definition of what is acceptable human behavior and working to meet other people’s manifold needs that we can move forward. (233)
From the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, to Hans Asperger’s research on “high-functioning” Autistics, to the forced lobotomies performed on gay people and communists, immense violence has been done in the name of science and “protecting” the public. (247)
We all deserve to take a step back and ask whether our lives line up with our values, whether the work we do and the face we show to others reflects our genuine self, and if not, what we might want to change. (250)
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yomarlon · 3 months
really proud of where i am mentally & emotionally right now after years of healing & growing. i worked so hard for my peace & enjoy my solitude. yes it gets a little boring sometimes & i wish i had someone to share moments with but my luck with women is terrible.
i think i’m a simple guy, i don’t ask for much. if i had someone id just want it to be us two and id make all efforts to never jeopardize us. i learned so much the last 5 years. i know what i want and certainly what i don’t want. life is tough & having someone in your corner to go through it with you sounds peaceful.
i need reciprocation & integrity. i need security & passion. i need fun & adventure. i need trust & reassurance. i’ve been to hell before over someone that i gave and did all, i can’t go back there. pulling yourself out from the lowest point in your life is not easy. i’ve done it.
sometimes i wish i wasn’t me. i wish i was the asshole type or that doesn’t care. that something that i guess this generation likes. maybe taller? more muscular? model looking? idk. it’s silly. i just have a heavy heart. idk when i became i hopeless romantic (a freaky one though) but that’s just what calls to me. i blame my moms novelas. is it because i was pretty much raised just by her? i mean i have the best stepfather i could’ve asked for.
nonetheless it is what it is. i’m just doing me and i love it. my vibe right now is just living life, my goal is being always happy, my drive is being a better me. ✨
solo disney trips, solo outings, solo drives with music on blast. late night binge watching shows, trying new foods & cafecitos. just working & sleeping. & hopefully doing more things. that’s what i’m on. phew i guess i just rambled on. i had to get that out though. it’s okay.
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oldsalempost-blog · 1 year
The Old Salem Post
Our  Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays          Contact: [email protected]                                                    Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library.                                            Volume 7 Issue 12                                                                                                  Week of March 13, 2023                https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                                         Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR: I feel sure we are all guilty of being inconsiderate.  Most of us have a conscious and have that nudge to apologize when we realize we could have handled something better.  We need to remember we do not know anyone’s circumstances.  Someone might be having the worse day of their life, and might need a kind word, instead of a rude remark or a blasting of the car horn.  We need to do what the Bible teaches.   Love puts the needs of others before our own.  A lot of us say we are Christians.  If we are, our actions need to show it….all the time. ..LRMartin
TOWN OF SALEM: Community Easter Egg Hunt April 8th. Help share the true meaning of Easter.  You can help this mission by dropping of wrapped candy at the Town Hall.     SALEM LIBRARY:  Leprechaun Traps ages 5-10  Friday 17 4pm-5pm  Register through Eventbright.                                                                
Rosa Clark Health Clinic March 14, 10am-2pm.Walk-ins Welcome! —Rosa Clark is providing the opportunity for our residents of all ages to have a monthly clinic if there is a need.  Please come to the clinic on this day for healthy care, screening.  Learn how  Rosa Clark can help you. **Please share this opportunity with everyone you know.                                                          
AnMed Mobile Mammography Coach will set up at the Eagles Nest Art Center parking area on March 18, from  8:30am until the last mammogram is done.  Call for guidelines or  to schedule your appointment or need more information please phone 864-512-5400                                                                    
Jottings by Jeannie                                                                                    Jeannie's Report on Domestic Violence Conference            Jeannie Barnwell
Back in 2012-13 --  during 6 months, one woman a month looked into the a face of a man she loved, and then he murdered her.  That is why Oconee County gets bad marks for domestic violence.  Ever since those freaky days, many smart people have been working to improve our domestic tranquility.  Michael Cogdill, NBC reporter, served as keynote speaker. He was born to a lovely couple; however, his dad  frequently morphed into a violent alcoholic, and his mama was co-dependent. (That means she covered up her bruises and never dealt with the situation that held lifelong trauma for her son). The speakers at our conference on March 9, shared stunning info about bullying and family violence. o  The most deplorable Death Row Inmates reveal that during childhood they were EITHER evil bullies or their helpless victims. o  SC is the only state that will not grant a divorce based on threatened verbal violence.  -- No luck getting a divorce here until you've got broken bones & bruises!  o SC has many more ANIMAL SHELTERS than shelters for adults and children needing escape from domestic violence. OKAY-- this is just too depressing.  This is all the bad news I am going to tell you.   NOW- You, yes YOU must be a paragon of  civility. Don't be around others if you are acting  selfish and scary.  Miz Jeannie is counting on you to be kind, loving, happy and forgiving.  Little kids are watching YOU.  Be a sterling example of a grown up in Oconee!  Civility- "treating others as you would wish to be treated, smiling, acknowledging other human beings. DO IT!"   Much love, Miz Jeannie
Bored, Depressed, Lonely?  Walk more. Let the sun shine on your face.  Say hello to someone you meet or give an old friend a quick call. Get a pet.  If you have a pet spend extra time with your pet.  Send someone a note of encouragement.  Write down your thoughts.  Help someone in need. Sometimes you will find many people much worse than you, then you will be able to see your own blessings.  Thank God for your blessings.  But if you need help immediately the crisis or suicide lifeline is to call 988.   Seek until you find help.        
Bradford Pears– Now is a great time to cut down those blooming invasive trees that take over our native hardwoods.                                                                                           
                         ASHTON RECALLS    by Ashton Hester
Here's another interesting DAR School story. I will send it in installments over the next few weeks.                                                                                          DAR SCHOOL STUDENT FROM 1942-1946 RECALLS EXPERIENCES -(Introduction: In 2011 a local lady, Mrs. Pauline Kelley Cannon, graciously offered the Keowee Courier the opportunity to print a lengthy memoir she had written about her childhood experiences as a member of a sharecropping family in upper Oconee County and then as a resident student at Tamassee DAR School. It occurred to me that the DAR School memoir would especially be interesting to readers of The Old Salem Post, so I will send it in a series of installments during the coming weeks. Maggie, who is referred to, was Pauline's sister, and Mrs. Kirksey was a social worker who had arranged for the sisters to enter the DAR School. Sadly, Mrs. Cannon died a few years ago). . .This story covers from when I entered Tamassee DAR School in the fall of 1942, when I was 13, until I graduated in the spring of 1946 when I was 16. . .When the decision was made to enroll Maggie and me in Tamassee DAR School, Dad went to Walhalla and purchased a footlocker for us to carry our clothes in. He could not afford to buy each of us a separate one. . .Dad and Mrs. Kirksey carried us to the school. We went to Mr. Cain's office and he took us to the South Carolina building and introduced us to the house mother, Mrs. Allie Crouch. We went upstairs to a room with four beds and met our roommates, Mary Jane and Juanita Rholetter, who were from Brasstown near Westminster. Mary Jane didn't stay very long but Juanita stayed two years, and she and I became good friends. They also had a brother, Glenn, but he didn't stay very long... CONTINUED NEXT WEEK.                                          
             EAGLES NEST ART CENTER , 501c3, 4 Eagle Lane, Salem                                                                                                                                                  Treasure Shop– The Eagles Nest Treasure Store will open on Tuesday, March 14, 10am-2pm during the hours of the Rosa Clark Mobile Clinic on our premises.  Come inside to say hello or discover a treasure.  
OCONEE MOUNTAIN OPRY: March 18, 2023, 7pm-9pm.  It has been said that some of the best picking, never heard by audiences is right here, on our back porches.   Oconee Mountain Opry will present some of the best local musicians on our stage.  John Oliver, Marshall and Eli Rowland, Rachel Van Slyke, Freddie Vanderford and Brandon Turner will present a variety of  acts to keep you captivated and your belly laughing with some interspersed home-spun humor. Get your tickets on Ticketleap, the Town of Salem, or at the door.  Call 864-280-1258.  
BELLFEST 2023:  Join Friends of Jocassee for the 10th annual celebration of our native Oconee Bell at Devil’s Fork State Park. March 18 from 10am-3pm.  Park entry fees apply.  There will be Interpretive Bell Trail  walks, craft vendors, food trucks, music, kid & family activities, silent auction, and more. Visit www.friendsofjocassee.org to learn more.  
JOCASSEE VALLEY BREWING COMPANY,(JVBC) & COFFEE SHOP 13412 N Hwy 11 Open Wed-Sat 8am-9pm. Sun 12pm-7pm.  Events this week: Wed: Blue Grass Jam 6:30  St. Patty’s Fri– FOOD: Nard’s BBQ,  Music: Brown Mountain Lightn Bugs  at 6:30pm.  Sat–Music: West End String Band 6:30pm Food: Lobster Dogs   Sunday: Food:  Iron Pig Irish 12pm Music: Irish Jam at 1pm with Goers and Allen at 4pm.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Lord, Help us to love always. LRM
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lastoneout · 2 years
Got any HCs for this new pla au you’ve mentioned? (here’s an excuse to gush about it, I’m very intrigued 👀)
Oh boy do I ever >:3333
So like I mentioned on the other post this partially came about cuz I read some "Akari isn't fully human/has some sort of prophet/changeling/divine aspect energy" fics and so in the AU she gets properly isekai-ed and while is still mostly human, she's def like human+ or something cuz whatever Arceus did to send her back Mixed Things Up A Bit, but at the beginning it mostly manifests as her having some weird vibes sometimes, staring off into space, saying strange things occasionally, and being ridiculously good with/drawn to pokemon. (Doesn't start getting Freaky until they're in Hisui and the rift happens.)
So yeah she gets touched by the divine and loses her memory and all that, and then gets dumped on Laventon when he's like 24-25 and only just starting his own personal research in Hoenn, and since he can't find anyone who knows Akari(and starts to assume given how she's dressed weird and getting stares and fell out of the sky he's not going to) he's like well guess I'm keeping her and brings her along with him while he travels, which ofc leads to the "congrats, you're a dad now!" found family stuff.
I don't have much of a plot beyond that yet but boy do I have ideas so!!
He ends up buying Akari galarian-style clothes in Slateport(where he arrived and there are merchants from lots of different places) because she can't keep wearing her Weird Future Clothes and figures if she looks like she came from the same place he did they won't attract as much unwanted attention. Unfortunately the only clothes he can find don't fit her super well so for the first year or so with him she's dressed like a bit of a disaster.
Tho because I am a SAP I did want her to have a sweater that kinda matches his that they found because she got attached to him Real Quick and pointed it out when they were shopping. (It is also too big but she loves it and once she grows out of it she is Big Sad)
Akari loving pokemon is absolutely a double edged sword because sure Laventon also likes pokemon and is as happy to ramble about them for hours as she is to listen, but this is also the Past and she's like seven and small children don't mix super well with Dangerous Wild Animals. Ofc she always ends up okay but does give Laventon a severe heart condition.
And he actually ends up being a bit overprotective once they get to Hisui and Akari is old enough to join the survey corps. Which ofc she desperately wants to do more than anything else. Thankfully it doesn't take much for him to see he's being unreasonable and he's absolutely super proud when Akari blasts through the first trial like it's nothing, and super emotional when he sees how happy she is. And maybe he cries a little when she gets to try on her uniform for the first time. And he takes lots of pictures like a dad on their kid's first day of school. Bcs I said so.
Laventon is absolutely weak to Akari's puppy dog eyes(poochyena eyes??) tho. 90% accuracy, high critical hit chance, always super effective.
Akari ends up learning to speak Galarian because when she finds out that he speaks a different language she spends like a week demanding to know the names of everything until Laventon, as much as he thinks it's cute, just Can Not anymore and starts teaching her the alphabet and making little worksheets to distract her so he can get his own work done.
She starts calling him 'papa' pretty quickly and at first he doesn't correct her but still feels bad cuz he's very well aware of the fact that he's Not Her Real Dad, and it doesnt click until like a year after finding her something happens, like she gets really sick or scared idk yet, and she calls him that and he's like "Oh, wait no I'm actually dad now oh man okay" which makes him have a mini crisis before accepting that he's more than okay with it.
Akari still get blamed for the sky turning red thing and exiled, because despite meeting her way earlier in this au Kamado still is picking up on Akari's ~vibes~ and the things about her story that don't add up, but Laventon goes with her because ofc he does. (Also fun angsty bit if we add surveyshipping to the AU I think Cyllene and Laventon would agree that she stays to keep an eye on the village and Rei, while he goes with Akari, which could DEF make Akari feel mad guilty for splitting them up on top of all the Bad Time Feels she's already having.)
Akari does withdraw a lot as she tries to figure out who and what she is and what her place is, but in the end she gets to meet Arecus again and figures it all out(I'm kinda thinking she died in her previous life and got a little Weird when Arceus grabbed her, made her not dead, and dropped her out of the sky but idk for sure yet), at which point she goes home to Jubilife Village and Laventon and Cyllene and everyone because that's where she decides she belongs. (And she probably helps Ingo get home cuz she's not just gonna sit by and accept him being stuck.)
anyway that's what I've got so far and I have absolutely already written a few little scenes out because I am in fact obsessed with this AU!! I just love me some single dad of weird child shenanigans and the potential for feels is off the charts and am always down to talk about it uwu
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fific7 · 3 years
Evil Twins - Part 1
Billy Russo & Aleksander Morozova x Reader
Summary: When two worlds which have already collided then collide with yours - that’s an explosive situation.
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s mainly a mix of fluff and angst with quite a lot of lemon zest 🍋 My Fantasy Punisher/Shadow and Bone crossover AU.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including oral and unprotected* sex between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My photo edit)
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New York City
Billy Russo awoke with a start, sitting bolt upright in bed and grabbing for his Glock. What the hell? Thunder was rumbling loudly overhead and he sighed, putting the gun back under his pillow and laying his head back down. It was probably the bright flash of the lightning followed by the beginning of the thunderclap that had awakened him.
He was just closing his eyes again when he spotted something, only vaguely visible in the dim light from outside, in the corner of his room. It was…. swirling?
Grabbing his gun again, he sat up and pointed the Glock at the corner. It was getting bigger. “You’ve got two seconds to show yourself before I blow your fucking head off,” he announced, calmly.
He squinted a bit to get a better look but it didn’t make much difference. What the fuck was it?! Smoke? He decided he had no choice and leant over, switching on the wall-mounted bedside light.
The… smoke cloud?… was still increasing, becoming bigger and blacker with every second. Then he saw the vaguest silhouette of a tall figure within it, moving towards him. He leapt out of bed, on the far side of it so it was between him and whatever the fuck this was.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Aleksander Morozova - or General Kirigan, the Darkling, the Black Heretic, the Starless Saint, whichever of his many names he decided to call himself at any given point in time - could see a tall figure brandishing some kind of strange gun at him as he began to emerge from the swirling shadows.
Following certain unfortunate incidents - including a huge and furious argument with his darling mother - he’d decided it would be politic to get out of Ravka for a while, much as he didn’t really want to. But this wasn’t where he should’ve ended up. What was this place?
He emerged completely from the shadows and immediately felt something bounce off his kefta. He heard a ‘ding’ and looked down at the wooden floor at his feet. A bullet.
Looking quickly back up, he saw that the man opposite him was glaring at him, eyes wide and unbelieving, gun still pointing at him. He also realised that looking at this man was like looking in a mirror.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy was dumbfounded. He’d just shot the fucker! And the bullet had bounced off him. Fuck. He threw the gun down onto the bed and slid his hand under his other pillow, pulling out his Ka-Bar. No way he’d get past that.
He took a moment to have a good look at the dude opposite him.
Dressed in riding boots and some kinda long black tunic thing, with a black fur-collared full-length cape over it. What a freak! Was he a goth or something? But then he realised something even freakier…. this guy looked exactly like him.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
The two of them were still contemplating each other, when finally Billy spoke. “Who are you? And what are you?”
Aleksander laughed. “Usually it’s me asking those questions.” Billy huffed, “You’re in my fuckin’ apartment, so just answer them!” He saw the guy draw himself up, and he said, “I am Aleksander Morozova, also known as General Kirigan, commander of the Second Army of the Grisha.”
“Means fuck all to me,” grunted Billy. “One name not enough for you? And why do you look like me? Are you some kinda shapeshifter or somethin’?”
“I have many names because I am centuries old. And I don’t know what a… shapeshifter?…is,” said the other, “…but I am the Shadow Summoner. And who are you? Where is this?” he waved a hand round at the apartment.
Billy scoffed, “Centuries old?!! Oh fuck off. You’re the same age as me by the looks of ya! I’m Billy Russo, ex-US Marine Lieutenant and now CEO of Anvil. That’s a security company, mainly staffed by ex-military vets. And this….” he also waved his hand around, “…is my penthouse apartment in New York City.”
Aleksander shook his head, “I have never heard of that place.”
Billy eye-rolled, “How can you not have heard of New York?!” he asked, incredulously. “And what the fuck is a Shadow Summoner?”
“It’s becoming obvious we are from two different worlds. I seem to have been diverted from my intended course, I don’t know why,” shrugged Aleksander. “Well maybe it’s time you took off to wherever it is you were headed for in the first place,” said Billy.
“It seems that I have been brought here for some specific reason,” replied Aleksander, “and it also seems I cannot leave for the moment, I have already tried.” He waved both hands around, firstly extending and then curling up his fingers, watching them closely as he did but it was clear that nothing at all was happening. “You see? Nothing. It is worrying to me. My shadows are no longer obeying my commands at present.”
Billy sighed and perched on the edge of his bed, “Great! Just fuckin’ great! This is just…! So when can you leave?” The other man spread out his arms, “I have no idea.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Devon, UK
Way across the Atlantic, you were already hard at work in your little bookstore in Appledore, Devon. You had a snug apartment above the store and had filled it with lots of your favourite things. It was a cute little coastal town and you loved living there. The community was small and friendly especially in the winter months, only increasing in summer with all the tourists who came to stay. As long as you made a decent living during the holiday season - which you normally did - then winter was a much calmer, chilled time of year.
You added a final book to the new display in the centre of your store and stepped back to take in how it was looking. Yeah, not bad if you did say so yourself. It was comprised of a fantasy trilogy for young adults about some ancient guy who could summon up shadows, and was a bit of a villain from what you could tell from the story synopsis on the book covers.
Not your cup of tea, to be honest. Generally speaking, all types of action stories were more your thing - something with a bit of ‘va-va-voom’. In fact, you were looking forward to tonight when you’d decided you were going to sit down with a nice tub of ice cream and rewatch one of your favourite series. The one with a relentless avenging ex-Marine whose family had been killed and his psycho ex-Marines buddy. Who happened to be rather hot to your mind.
You sighed a little, heading back behind the counter. That was the only thing about Appledore. It was a lovely place, but there was a distinct lack of hot guys.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
New York City
Billy and Aleksander were sitting on separate sofas in Billy’s living area, eyeing each other warily. Aleksander had been trying to explain to Billy all about his world, the Grisha, the Fold, volcras, Ravka, the Sun Summoner, sand skiffs - as much as he could.
It had blown Billy’s mind, to be honest. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. In turn, he’d explained all about his military career and the shitshow which had eventually developed once he’d come back to New York. Aleksander looked as equally confused as Billy.
Billy sighed, “I mean, what the hell are you gonna do? You don’t belong here. I need to go to work in a couple of hours. I’m not leaving you here so I’d need to take you to Anvil with me, and you sure as hell can’t go out looking like that.”
Aleksander looked down at his kefta which he’d unbuttoned. His cape was draped over the back of the sofa. “What is wrong with the way I look?” he huffed. “S’pose I could always say you were going to a Comic Con,” muttered Billy. “A what?” “A Comic Con. it’s where fans of fantasy comics go to have fun. They dress up as their favourite characters sometimes. I could always say it was cosplay.”
Aleksander shook his head, “I still don’t understand what you’re talking about. Are you saying I’d look out of place in my uniform? All the Grisha wear these,” he pointed at his kefta. “Not what we wear here,” said Billy, “…and I still don’t get why you look so much like me.”
“I have no idea!” said Aleksander, through gritted teeth, “I told you that already!” “Alright, alright! Calm down.” “I AM CALM!!!” roared the other man.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
New York City
Slightly later that morning, Billy was showered, suited and booted and ready for work. He’d persuaded his uninvited visitor to put on a borrowed leather jacket of Billy’s over his kefta as Aleksander refused to take it off. He’d also made him put on a pair of black trainers, which he’d done very reluctantly. These two items had instantly transformed the freaky-looking guy into someone at least a little more acceptable to your average New Yorker.
Aleksander was wriggling around in the jacket, “It’s not very comfortable.” Billy heaved yet another large sigh - he felt like this was all he’d been doing this morning - “Look, just wear it! You’ll get used to it.” He noticed the other guy sniffing at the collar of the jacket, then his eyes lifted to Billy’s, “You wear perfume?!” “Men’s cologne,” snapped Billy, “or aftershave, as it’s also known because - guess what! - you use it after you’ve shaved!”
His fingers stroking his chin, Aleksander nodded, “Okay, that I understand. We do not use this perfume in Ravka.” “Cologne!” yelled Billy. “Fine, cologne then. Why don’t you like it when I call it perfume? That’s what it is, after all.” “Women wear perfume. Men wear cologne. Okay? Now c’mon, I’m gonna be late.”
Billy strode over to his front door and tried to open it. The handle wouldn’t budge. He shook it, rattled it, pulled the door handle back and forward, exerting more and more strength but nothing worked. He stood back from the door. “It won’t open,” he said, rather unnecessarily. He looked at Aleksander, “Is this you? Or something to do with you?” “No!” he protested, “I have nothing to do with this.”
A somewhat raspy female voice spoke from behind them, “No, but I do.”
The two men swung round, both gaping as they saw that there were what could only be described as rippling waves distorting the whole interior of Billy’s flat. The light had also diminished quite drastically and then they both saw a woman’s head and shoulders start to become defined and then fully visible in amongst the ripples. She seemed to float there at head height but she obviously wasn’t physically present.
“Mother!” exclaimed Aleksander.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Devon, UK
You snuggled down amongst the soft cushions on your sofa, tub of ice cream and spoon in hand and scrolled to the series you were looking for. It was quite gory in places but you loved it - except for the bit right at the end where the hot dude got killed. That made you sad although you couldn’t deny he definitely had psychopathic tendencies.
As you were looking for the one you wanted to watch, another series caught your eye in the ‘Suggested for You’ section. Hey, it must be based on that trilogy of books you had in the store right now. Maybe you’d give it a try after you’d finished your current one.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
New York City
“Mother?” echoed Billy, “….what’s going on here?!”
The woman’s head swivelled towards him then back to Aleksander. “My two boys, together again. How sweet.”
“What!?” said the two men in tandem. She gave a bitter laugh, “How I managed to produce two such problematic children, I’ll never know.” “What are you talking about, Baghra?” ground out Aleksander. Billy was just standing there, dumbfounded and looking between the two of them when suddenly her glare focussed in on him.
“Maxim.” Billy returned her stare, “I’m Billy!” he corrected her. She shook her head, “You will forever be Maxim to me. And as I’m your mother, do not argue with me. Now…. no doubt Aleksander has been making a great fuss about how he’s many centuries old, has he?” “He did mention it,” said Billy, begrudgingly. She nodded, “I thought he might have. Listen to me, both of you. You are twins, so obviously you were born within minutes of each other. To me.” The two men exchanged glances, before looking back at her. “It became obvious to me that Aleksander - from a relatively early age - was going to cause himself and everyone around him nothing but trouble and strife, so I took a radical step.” “What did you do, Baghra?” questioned Aleksander.
“If you’d have patience, I’m trying to tell you!” she snapped, before continuing, “I got one of the few Heartrenders in existence at that time to take Maxim out of Ravka to a secret location. There, he placed him in long-term suspended animation. When you…” she pointed an accusatory finger at Aleksander, “….started all that nonsense with the Sun Summoner and hunting for the stag, I travelled with another Heartrender to where Maxim was, and brought him out of his enforced hibernation. I had to protect him as there was no guarantee you’d survive, Aleksander.” She stared at his scowling face and carried on speaking.
“He had no memories remaining of his past life and so I took him into the forest, there is a portal there which only I know of. There used to be more knew about it but I am the only one left now. Other universes can be reached through it. And I decided to send Maxim to another one. This one. It was only three months ago in Ravkan time, but in this universe more than thirty years have passed.”
“Wait… what?!” Billy was pissed. “You… you just threw me into some portal and walked away? Not knowing where I would end up?” “I had to save one of my sons!” she spat out, “…the other one had lost his mind and was on a collision course with disaster!” Billy put his head in his hands, before looking up again and raging at her, “I was abandoned for a second time by the woman I thought was my mother in this universe! She was a drug user, a total mess! I was placed in an orphanage… it was terrible!” He saw a remorseful look pass over her face for a split second, “I am sorry, Maxim! But I had no choice. Then I had to step in again when he…” pointing again at Aleksander, “….was nearly killed by volcras. I managed to get him to the portal before he fully regained consciousness. He thinks it was his idea to leave Ravka after we had an argument, but I managed to plant that idea in his mind before I pushed him into the portal.”
Billy and Aleksander both snorted in unison, then glanced at each other again. Billy looked back at her, “You’re sorry? That doesn’t quite cover it. I went to war! And now I’m in a very bad situation due to things which went down in Afghanistan during that war.” Aleksander chipped in, “And how dare you make a decision like sending me to another universe without consulting me first?”
The sigh Baghra gave echoed round the apartment. “You are a pair of ungrateful whelps! And now it sounds like I have to get you of trouble too!” She pointed at Billy this time. “I firstly had to find some very old documents about it, but I managed to find out how to enter the limbo section of the portal, which this is, because I wished to speak to both of you before I sent you on your next journey.” She lifted her hands and swirled them around in a kind of ritualistic fashion, “Be on your way to the next universe!” she chanted, and suddenly the rippling got even more pronounced.
Billy and Aleksander began feeling overwhelmingly dizzy, feeling as if they were falling but in fact realised they seemed to be rushing through time and space.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Devon, UK
It was Saturday tomorrow so because you could sleep in a bit as you opened later, you finished the first series (but not the second one - it always upset you) of the one you’d originally been watching, and had then moved on to the one based on the trilogy.
You peered more closely at your TV screen - yeah! you were right, the hot bad guy looked so similar to the hot bad dude in the other series they could be twins! Was it the same actor? You’d need to check on the credits but it must be, surely.
No reflection on the series you were watching, but having finished your ice cream you dozed off during episode 6.
You woke up - you had no idea how much later - and as you sat up slightly, realised that you were feeling very strange. Standing up from the sofa, you were so dizzy that you collapsed back down onto it. You tried not to panic, but you’d no clue as to why you felt so unwell all of a sudden.
Then you noticed that your apartment appeared to be rippling. Rippling??!! What the…. The rippling waves began to die down a little and you were suddenly aware of two looming figures standing over you. Their outlines and features slowly became more defined, more solid, and eventually you realised you were looking up at both the hot bad dudes from the TV.
Of course you were.
Okay, your reeling mind said to you, maybe the celestial Powers That Be had been listening when you were complaining about the lack of hot guys in your town.
They were both looking down at you, clear interest in their eyes. Maybe because you were wearing silky shorts with matching tank T. Your sleepwear didn’t leave too much to the imagination.
So you stared at them, and they stared right back at you, although again you were acutely aware of two sets of very dark eyes roaming all over your body.
You wondered if someone had spiked your ice cream.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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hyuck050320 · 3 years
this one's for you bestie @myfirstandna ! we're all a fan of his thighs and hands so it's understandable...
pairing : soft dom!haechan x reader
warning : smut, thigh riding, slight choking, dirty talk
you spent the whole day in your apartment, getting some tasks done. after 3 straight hours of working, you decided to take a break.
that's when a notification pops up in your phone. you chuckled when you realize it's your boyfriend going on vlive with his members.
you clicked on the notification and your jaw immediately dropped. he looks so fucking good with a full black outfit that fitted his body, highlighting his toned torso and thighs.
your mind went blank for a second. it's been a while since you and haechan had sex. the closest thing you got was a full on make out session before haechan's phone rang and he was forced to go to the studio with a hard-on 5 days ago.
you can't help but feel needy. you really tried to get rid of the dirty thoughts inside your head, but it's no use. he really looks like a full course meal. you exited the app to text him.
hyuck, when are you coming back?
you walked around the living room, waiting for his reply.
hi bub, are you watching my vlive?
i'll be home soon :)
then you send another reply, your heart full of excitement.
yes i am
okay, be careful <3
the convo you just had with him seems so innocent. but you can't deny that the tension is in the air when he came home.
"hey." he gives you a quick peck after entering your place.
"hey." you give him a smile.
he raise his eyebrows with a smirk when he realized you are wearing his shirt that he was wearing for the dream show encore. slightly oversized but you look adorable.
"why are you wearing my clothes?"
"grabbed the first thing that caught my eye this morning." you grin at him.
he chuckles and plops himself down at the couch. you followed and sat next to him.
he throws his head back and closes his eyes. brushing his hair with his fingers.
he nods, "glad i'm here tho, i fucking missed you."
you give him another fond smile, even though his eyes are closed right now.
you gulp when your eyes trailed down his body. the dirty thouhts came back. him manspreading doesn't help at all.
"don't stare for too long, you might fall for me even more." he opens his eyes with a smug smirk. he knows what he's doing to you.
"too late. i already did." you said before clashing your lips on his, straddling him. his hands found your hips while yours reach for his fluffy hair.
"damn, why are you so needy?" he asks when you both pulled away, licking his lips.
"have you seen yourself today? this fit is driving me insane." you answer before your lips meet his again. his ego boosted knowing that he is the only one who can make you feel this way.
"i know i look good, but i didn't expect this reaction from you." he jokes, lips inch away from yours.
that's when he makes you sit in one of his thighs. you look at him, confused.
"ride my thigh, babe." his voice low, sending shivers down to your spine.
you let out a whimper when your clothed heat meet his muscular thigh. "hyuck..."
"it feels so good...ah- fuck... so fucking good." you begin to pick up your pace. your knee brushing slightly against his member.
"keep moving, love. that's it...such a good girl for me."
the feeling is overwhelming, but you really need that extra boost, that's why you grabbed one of his hand and guide it to your neck.
his eyes went wide, "what do you want me to do, babe?"
"choke me, hyuck...please."
a growl fell out of his lips after hearing those words out of your mouth. he didn't hesitate to follow your words.
"fuck. i didn't know you are this freaky. such a needy little girl for me, yeah? look at you humping my thigh while having my shirt on, such a fucking dirty girl. my dirty girl."
you nod, words struggling to get out of your mouth as your climax is approaching.
"you close, babe?"
you nod again.
his other hand found its way to your shorts, he looks at you before sliding your shorts and panties to the side.
the new sensation from the friction of your uncovered core and his black jeans meeting is making you seeing stars.
"oh fuck- donghyuck! i'm cumming." you manage to let out.
"that's right, cum for me." he say while forcing you to look at him in the eyes.
that's all he need to say and the knot in your stomach is released with a high pitched moan. your body falls against him.
you try to catch your breath while his hand rub circles on your back. that didn't last long though, he picks you up right away and walks to the bedroom, throwing you on your bed.
he unbuckles his belt, your eyes found the tent in his jeans and you gulp again. he crawls over to you.
"look what you've done to me, now help me with the problem you've caused."
the last time you see haechan like this, he went on for the whole night, oh and you can't walk for the next few days.
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hwascripts · 3 years
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What Izuku would be like in a relationship: The positive traits, the toxic traits, his love language, my own personal headcanons and an overall conclusion
WC: unknown
TW// POTENTIAL SPOILERS, No smut but Izuku is aged up, Toxic traits aren’t necessarily toxic...more so just bad traits, Teeny tiny little bit of angst, I think that’s it!
Disclaimer: I am in no way claiming the following headcanons are true. You are 100% free to disagree with me but please DO NOT send me hateful comments or asks. I am simply writing what I think Deku would be like in a relationship
a/n: Just to let you know, your nickname for him is Zuku just so you don’t think I kept spelling his name wrong.
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-Deku is literally the kindest soul ever and it makes me want to cry. He’d give you his umbrella if you ever forgot yours, he’d literally carry you to first aid if you ever injure yourself- this man will legitimately do everything for you
-He’s incredibly observant. If he catches you looking at a pretty ring then he’ll literally show up at your door days later with that very same ring in his hands
“I saw you looking at it a few days ago and I wanted to surprise you!”
“Zuku baby oh my god how much did you spend?!”
“You don’t need to worry about it sunshine”
I wholeheartedly believe Izuku would call you his sunshine or something along those lines
-I have this one headcanon of him drawing you all the time as an excuse to “observe you and your quirk” but it’s really just because he wants to admire the way you shine underneath the sun- and that’s how he came up with the name Sunshine for you
-Deku has a heart of gold oh my god, this guy cares so much about you it’s unreal. Imagine trying to hide the fact that you’ve been crying while on a phone call- mission failed because he heard your shaky voice and now he’s on your doorstep with your favourite hoodie of his and your favourite snacks
-His memory is insanely good, like it’s freaky how good it is. Like you mentioned to him ONCE that you liked a certain drink and now he pulls up to your dates with that drink all the time (not like I’d complain if Deku brought me my favourite drink)
-Just like Bakugou, Deku is incredibly smart and he literally always comes up with a solution. You could literally vent to him about a problem you’re having at work and he’s come up with at least 73 solutions within 6 hours
-He’s determined and hardworking. Again, he’s just like Bakugou in the sense that he’ll put his blood, sweat and tears into whatever he’s doing- no matter if it’s a serious high stake mission or something like planning your weekly date. The second he puts his mind to something, he makes sure to give it his all.
-Izuku is your own personal cheerleader, this dude will hype you up no matter what. Training after work? he’s cheering for you. You completed a really difficult task? you better believe he’s gonna pat you on the back for it.
-He’s very protective of you. Remember when the LOV attacked the training camp and he rushed to find Kota? yeah he’s 10x more protective of you.
-And it’s not because he thinks you’re weak and can’t defend yourself, it’s because he genuinely worries about you all the time and just wants to make sure your always safe
-He’s an inspirational person, he makes you hella motivated to do even the most boring chores around the house
-Deku isn’t afraid to show his emotions. Unlike Bakugou, he’s often seen showing his emotions. Deku said “toxic masculinity who?”. He definitely gives 0 fucks if someone sees him crying/upset because I feel like Pro-Hero Deku would stop the stupid mindset of “Hero’s can’t show their genuine emotions”
-Izuku is the type of person to analyze all his losses, figure out what he did wrong and then learn from it to make sure he doesn’t make the same mistake again. He’s the complete opposite of Bakugou who gets bitter over his losses due to his superiority complex.
-He’s so good at comforting you that it’s unbelievable. Deku gives the warmest hugs that make you feel so safe- you literally cannot change my mind about this
-You know those hugs where the other person lightly rubs your back and lightly sways side to side with you? Yeah those are the hugs that Deku gives (he’d definitely give you a sweet little kiss on the forehead/cheek)
“Sunshine come here, let me hold you while you let out all your frustrations. I’ve got you, nothing can hurt you while you’re here with me”
-Can you tell I want some comforting Izuku hugs? He wouldn’t let go of you until he put a smile back on your face and GAHH oh my god I need Izuku hugs
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-As much as I hate to do this, it needs to be done 😔✊🏻
-Izuku is such an over thinker, this guy worries about EVERYTHING under the sun. Your eyes didnt crinkle when you smiled? he’ll think you’re upset with him. You gave him a side hug rather than a normal hug? he’ll think he did something wrong.
-He’s self aware that he overthinks things but he just can’t seem to stop his thoughts. No matter how many times you reassure him that you aren’t upset with him, he’s subconsciously thinking about how to make it up to you
-He constantly pushes himself past his limits. You guys saw how many times he’s broken his bones. Deku may be intelligent but when it comes to his own self he can be completely hopeless
-The amount of times you’ve scolded him while you clean up his scrapes and cuts is insane. He just sits on the toilet lid and bites his lip nervously while you wave your finger angrily at him
“Sunshine please, I said I was sorry and that it won’t happen again!”
“Zuku you and I both know that’s a damn lie, I’ve had to patch you up 3 times this week! When are you going to start being more considerate of your limits?”
-I’m sorry but I picture him being so nervous to initiate anything with you. This guy would be so fidgety just by THINKING about holding your hand
-And deep down he knows he’s being ridiculous because come on, you’re his S/O and he’s been dating you for years now- why does he still get shaken up just by holding your hand?
-At first you think it’s cute, he’s just being respectful of your boundaries- but as time goes on you kind of get a little annoyed because he always asks you a bunch of times if you’re okay with him being affectionate.
“Zuku...sweetheart you know you don’t need to ask me a million times if I want to cuddle, right? I love cuddling with you!”
*cue sweating* “I’ll keep that in mind, Sunshine”
-He eventually gets a lot more comfortable with affection...more often than not you wake up with him nuzzled into your side like a cat
(Side note PLEASE wake him up with a bunch of kisses, he’ll literally melt)
-He’s very insecure about his scars because they make him feel like he’s “ugly” and sometimes he doesn’t even want you to look at them
-Do me a favour and please kiss along his scars/ trace them with your fingers while you compliment him- he’ll start crying because the scars he thought made him ugly are now starting to look beautiful to him
-This isn’t necessarily a toxic trait, more like a bad habit. Whenever Izuku gets stressed he’ll train himself to the brink of exhaustion just so he can try to focus on something other than how stressed he is
-Again, not a toxic trait but a bad one...Deku puts everyone else before himself. Which isn’t a bad thing if it’s done in a healthy amount, but Izuku goes to the extreme. I feel like he’d neglect his own needs just to satisfy everyone else and you’d have to intervene before it gets worse
“Sunshine I said I was fine, you don’t need to worry about me! Your Zuku is perfectly energized and ready to go”
“Zuku don’t lie to me, you know I can read you like a book. You’re coming with me and I’m putting you to bed”
-I hate to say it but this guy hates confrontation so much that sometimes he’ll suffer in silence for MONTHS before he even hints at being upset with something
-I honestly think your biggest argument with him would be about his lack of communication in terms of him not being completely honest about how he feels and he just breaks down-
-Like he has a really bad breakdown because he’s been bottling everything up for so long because he hates the idea of fighting with you.
-And now he’s sobbing because he’s so frustrated that he doesn’t know what else to do
-Anyways, the two of you just silently comfort each other until you’ve both calmed down enough to talk properly. This is the night Izuku finally starts opening up to you rather than bottling up every negative emotion he feels
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-I honestly think his love language is a mixture of giving you gifts and words of praise
-He’s a little shy when it comes to showing you how he feels through affection, so giving you gifts and his praise get his point across
-He’s totally the type to send you cute messages throughout the day, send cute selfies when he misses you, or he just sends you a random bouquet of flowers because he saw them and thought of you
-Also the type of guy to have photos of the two of you displayed around his office. His most prized one being the photo of your first mission together
-Just warning you now that if you ever mention that your suit ripped or a certain item isn’t functioning properly then he’ll literally buy 10 replacements- each one better than the last
“Zuku I said that the sole of my BOOT ripped off, not my entire suit!”
“Well now you have 10 new upgraded suits to make sure it won’t happen again! Isn’t it great, Sunshine?”
(Someone take his credit card away from him)
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I definitely think Izuku would be an amazing S/O! He’s caring, kind and comforting- and he does his very best to try and work on the bad habits he has.
Overall, I would say Izuku definitely would win a “S/O of the year award” (sorry Bakugou)
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If I Go, I'm Goin' On Fire - Part 1 (Rick Flag x OC)
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Summary: Delphia's eyes have gone white and no one can make it stop.
Pairing: Rick Flag x OC / Squad Family & OC (Delphia Holman)
Word Count: 3825
Warnings: ANGST, coma mention, missing person mention, language, i am so sorry
Timeline: April 2022
if i go masterlist
A/N: I am mega nervous to post this. It's different from anything I've ever written and I hope that you guys like what I'm doing with this little universe I've made.
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Abner’s entire childhood was spent in a lab being poked and prodded. And then as soon as he was free from one prison he was thrown into another. So it was no wonder that now that he was out — really and truly free — he loved being outside. Reading in the gazebo, hanging out with Harley dishing gossip in the treehouse, helping Cleo find wildflowers to make into beautiful bouquets.
And so, that fateful morning, when Delphia asked for his help in pulling weeds from the flower beds out front, he jumped at the opportunity to spend a few hours in the sun. Abner felt his entire world brighten when Delphia smiled thankfully at him. He didn’t see his mother when he looked at Delphia. All he saw was red hair and kind blue eyes and more motherly affection than the woman who raised him ever showed. He was so grateful to her and Rick for everything they had done for him and the rest of the squad. For giving them a place to live. For helping them all find jobs. For making them feel like a family.
It really was just like a family.
It was warm and comforting and he didn’t dread walking through the front door at the end of the day. He longed for it even. He longed to be in that house with those people. Eating warm meals around the dinner table, playing far too intense board games, and listening to Rick and DuBois yell at their favorite sports teams.
And it was the happiest Abner had ever been in his entire life.
“Alright, where do you need me to start?” he asked as he walked out onto the front sidewalk.
Delphia stood in front of the azalea bushes, trowel in hand. But when he spoke to her she didn’t respond. She didn’t move or even turn her head to look at him. Only continuing to stare into the white paneling of the house in front of her.
Abner came closer to her with an unsure smile. “Hey d’you here me? I’m ready to start working.”
Still, she didn’t answer. Even though he was right beside her. Concern fell over him as the first snow of winter as he reached out to touch her shoulder. He had to force her body to turn and look at him — pushing her shoulder away.
“Oh, God!” Abner yelped, jumping away from her with a spastic flail of his hands.
Her eyes. All white and unblinking. He’d only seen her like that one another time. It was freaky then and it was terrifying now.
Because the first time he had known the purpose of her using her Sight as she liked to call it. She’d done it with a nod and a mischievous wink the night before his job interview. Her eyes going white so she could tell him all the questions that were going to be asked of him. But now — but now with her eyes like that, it didn’t feel helpful or mischievous. It felt wrong and ominous and Abner had to wonder what reason she could possibly have for looking into the future right now.
“Right, okay — what — what does Rick do when you’re like this?” Abner mumbled to himself. Then he snapped his fingers in front of Delphia’s face a few times and said, “Hey, Dee, you still here? You can…Come out now?”
That didn’t work.
“It’s me — Abner. Er….We gotta get weed-eating so if you could just stop doing that now that’d be cool.”
Still, there was no change. An iron ball of dread sunk low into his stomach.
Oh, God.
He took hold of her shoulders and shook her softly. His voice cracked with a fear he hadn’t felt since the experimentation of his youth. “Dee?”
Delphia’s blank face only stared back at him. White eyes unblinking and unchanging and terrifying. His breath trembled from him as he searched her for any sign. Any sign that she was there. That she was going to pull herself out. And he couldn’t find one.
He dashed back inside, desperately hoping that someone else was home.
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Harley sat on her bed — Looney Tunes playing in the background and a nearly finished collage in her lap. Filled with pictures she had taken from the girl’s trip into town where they tried on all those wedding dresses. She smiled as she glued on one last flower clipped from a magazine she’d dug out of the trash behind her work. It’s amazing what people will just throw away. Perfectly good magazines, purses, an assortment of knives that she hadn’t told Rick or Delphia about.
But that didn’t matter. What mattered right now was the collage and where she was going to hide it until the bachelorette party she was planning. Delphia deserved a day off from working around the house and one last night out before she tied the knot. And Harley was planning the perfect day. Filled with massages and bar hopping and going ax throwing. Harley was most excited about the ax throwing and the pedicures. Mostly the ax throwing.
It felt good — to be entrusted with something like this. Harley nearly cried when Delphia asked her to plan it. That was something a friend did — maybe even family. And Delphia put all her faith in her with a knowing smile and a confidence that made Harley feel that much more confident in herself. Harley had never felt this before. This sort of unconditional love. Not with the orphanage, definitely not with Mr. J. It could only be found here in this house with these people and there was no way she was going to let it go. Not for anything in this world.
“Help!” Abner screamed from downstairs, “Is anyone home? Please — I need some help!”
Harley instantly jumped from her bed, tossing the collage aside, and bolted down the stairs. Abner stood in the foyer with crazed eyes and his hands wringing themselves into knots.
She hopped from the last step and said, “Hey, Pokey, what’s got your panties all in a twist, huh?”
“Oh, thank God. It’s — It’s Dee,” he stuttered, throwing his thumb over his shoulder, “We — We were supposed to work in the front garden but….She’s stuck — “
“Stuck where? Like Winnie the Pooh?” Harley cackled, “Now this I gotta see!”
“Wait, Harley, not like that — “ Abner began but it was too late.
There was no stopping her now. If Delphia was stuck halfway through a window or in a badger hole or something, Harley was absolutely going to see it and take millions of photos of it and then remind her of this occasion for the rest of time. A fun moment they could share for a lifetime. When they were old and grey on the private island they owned, sipping margaritas (What? A girl could dream.). She didn’t need any more information before she yanked open the front door and stepped outside.
But it felt like she’d been doused with ice water when she saw her.
“Why didn’t you say she was stuck like that?” Harley asked when Abner came to stand beside her.
“I tried to,” he hissed, “I’ve tried snapping in her ears, talking to her, shaking her — she won’t pull herself out of it.”
Harley chuckled nervously — a coping mechanism to make herself feel less scared. No. She wasn’t scared. Not at all. Her friend was going to be fine. Just fine. “Nothin’ to worry about, Pokey! You just give Flag a call and I’ll handle this.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, totally!” She shooed him away with a finely practiced grin. “I got this!”
When Abner had disappeared around the corner with his phone to his ear Harley took a deep breath as she came face to face with Delphia. It was spooky looking into those eyes. Eyes that she knew saw everything and yet nothing while she was like that. At first, Harley thought her power was cool. Always gouding her about which lottery ticket would win her millions at the gas station or if she should begin her day with cereal or oats in order for the rest of it to go well. But the more she talked with Delphia, the more she began to realize that that power was always going to feel like a burden and never a gift. She stopped joking about it once Delphia admitted to her what her job had really been with Waller.
“Allright, doll, I’m really sorry about this,” Harley sighed.
Then she slapped Delphia across the face. So hard it even hurt her own hand. She watched, lip caught on her black painted lip, as Delphia’s cheek reddened. But her eyes never once changed. Not even a glimmer or a waver in the whiteness over them. Panicking, Harley slapped her other cheek. There was still no change. Just her face pointing the other direction and now both cheeks pinked in the shape of her hand.
“Dee?” Harley took hold of her face and shook it around gently. “This ain’t a time for playin’ games. You gave Abner and me a good scare — so you can stop now. Very funny. S’a good prank.”
Harley had never hated more to be met with complete and total silence.
“Dee, baby?”
Abner jogged back around the corner. “Rick’s not answering his phone.”
“Shit,” Harley pushed out through clenched teeth. She wasn’t exactly the leader type. But right now, Delphia needed her. So she pulled the trowel from her hand and threw it on the ground. “Try him again. Let’s just get her inside for now.”
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Nanaue kept to himself most of the time. His bedroom was quite literally the pool. It reminded him of the ocean where he grew up. But he enjoyed having visitors. He enjoyed people dipping their toes in and talking to him. Playing games. Eating food inside.
Friends. No. Family.
Delphia taught him that. That they were his family now. He liked that most of all.
So when he saw, over the edge of the pool, Abner and Harley toss Delphia onto the couch unceremoniously he bristled. The red haired woman was never like that. She was always awake and graceful and warm. She always smiled and waved at him through the window and offered him snacks. Was something wrong with her? Was something wrong with his family?
Concern, such an unfamiliar emotion for Nanaue, manifested itself in a white hot anger instead.
He rose from the pool as a Lovecraftian horror and dashed towards the sliding glass door. He didn’t even take the time to open it, he simply crashed his head through the glass and muscled his way through the frame. Bending it all out of shape and cutting his skin in his hurry to get inside.
“Family!” he shouted at Delphia, huffing and puffing.
Harley and Abner stared at him for a moment as they adjusted Delphia’s limbs to lay comfortably on the couch. They didn’t understand. Delphia would’ve understood. She always did. With another huff he tried to get closer to her, but Harley instantly got up and put her hands on his chest to stop him.
“Woah, woah, big guy — easy,” she said.
“Want to…” Nanaue couldn’t find the words. There were so many. “Help!”
“That’s very sweet, but — “ Harley looked back over her shoulder at Delphia and sighed. “But I don’t think this is something any of us can help with.”
Nanaue growled. Fine. He couldn’t help. But something was wrong. That much he was sure of. So instead, he stomped around to the other side of the couch and sat down on the floor. His large head sticking out over the top so he could see everything that was going on — so he could see if anything changed with Delphia.
“Stand guard,” he told Harley and Abner.
The white hot anger was gone. Finally understanding that concern laid on him like an oil spill. Thick and suffocating.
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“Flag’s still not answering?” Harley said.
“No,” Abner replied, “Maybe we should try your phone?”
Cleo furrowed her brow as she stepped through the broken back door. She had only been gone for twenty minutes. Roaming the woods behind their house and picking wild flowers as she went. But now Nanaue was sitting guard behind the couch, Harley and Abner were bickering worriedly, and Delphia was laying there — unblinking white eyes staring up at the ceiling.
“What’s going on?” Cleo asked as she stepped further into the living room.
“It’s um — “ Harley tried to say, tears shining in her eyes as she cleared her throat and tried again. “It’s Dee. She — She won’t come out of her Sight. And — And we don’t know what ta do.”
She shrugged with a half formed smile. Cleo’s brow buckled in even further as she set down the small bouquet she had gathered and edged closer to Delphia.
“Have you — “
“We’ve tried everything.” Harley shook her head with a quivering lip. “We’ve tried everything.”
Cleo turned back to look at Harley. Then to Abner. Nanaue. She had never seen any of them look so scared before. So worried. It felt like a balloon was filling in her chest. Forcing all the air out and making everything too tight. She’d felt something similar when she found her father dead in that alley all those years ago. Was someone else going to die now?
Abner took the phone away from his ear with a frustrated shout. “We’re trying to call Rick now — but he won’t answer. What the hell is he doing?”
“Him and Robert are interrogating a suspect for that missing persons case,” Cleo answered, eyes glued to Delphia.
She didn’t want to lose another family.
“Shit you’re right,” Abner groaned.
“Dee told me what it was like once,” Cleo said, coming up to the couch and sitting on the ground beside it, “She said….It was like her entire self is transported somewhere else. But she can still sense what’s going on in the present.”
She took hold of Delphia’s hand and interlaced their fingers. Holding onto her tight. Sebastian, squeaking sadly, crawled down from her shoulder and came to rest on Delphia’s abdomen.
“She needs to know that we’re there for her.”
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DuBois hated to admit it, but Flag was better at interrogations than he was. Flag had more patience and experience. But did he seriously have to take over for him with such a smug ass look on his face? They had bagged the suspect in town and brought them to the office they had been renting out. At first, they were unwilling to talk about what happened that day six months ago. Bur right now, with Flag listening intently and DuBois standing by the door in case they tried to run, they were singing like a bird. Giving loads of helpful information for their case.
Maybe they would find this missing kid after all.
And just as the suspect was getting to the good part, DuBois' phone vibrated in his pocket. He groaned as he fished it out of his jeans. It was a call from Krill. The fuck did he want? With a face he silenced the call and focused back on the interrogation. But then his phone started vibrating again. So he silenced it again. And again. And again. Until finally —
DuBoi stepped out into the hallway with a groan and answered the phone. “The fuck you want Krill — we’re in the middle of somethin’ ‘ere?”
“Oh, thank God!” Krill answered back, “You answered!”
“You have thirty seconds before I hang up.”
“Please, don’t. We’ve been trying to call Rick for the past hour but he wouldn’t answer. It’s Delphia. She went into her Sight and won’t come back out — or can’t bring herself out. We’re not sure. We — We’ve tried everything but nothing’s working. We’re starting to get worried.”
“Shit,” DuBois sighed, “Who’s we?”
“Everybody. The whole team.”
“Alright. We’ll be there in twenty.” DuBois hung up the phone and sighed again. Long and hard.
He would never admit this to anyone, ever, but he liked Delphia. She was a bit of a hard-ass. But she was loving and kind and treated his kid well when she was around. What more is that she cared about him. Actually cared about Robert DuBois. Ex-assassin and gun for hire. And it was never about what he could do for her or some burdensom responsibility. It was only out of the goodness of her heart and that made DuBois snear and soften all at the same time.
The door to the office opened and Flag stepped out with a satisfied grin. “Alright, they last saw Benny down at the quarry — but he was leaving in a red pick-up. And — what?”
DuBois watched as Flag’s face fell — brow furrowed and lips turned in a frown. His face must have been saying more than he realized. Fuck.
“DuBois, what’s goin’ on?”
“It’s Dee, man. She’s in trouble.”
The man was built like a fridge and DuBois was always impressed with the way he could haul ass when need be. But he had never seen Flag move that quickly before. His eyes widened for a split second before he was running down the hallway and towards the door to the parking lot. DuBois followed after him nearly as quickly, leaving the suspect in their office alone and confused.
Once the door was opened he saw Flag already at the Jeep, tugging at the locked doors angrily. Oh, shit. DuBois yanked the keys out of his pocket.
“Oi! I’ve got’em!”
Flag caught the keys he tossed easily and practically dove into the driver’s seat. DuBois barely had time to slide into the vehicle beside him before he was peeling out of the parking lot.
“You know what’s wrong?” Flag asked as he drove, grip on the steering wheel tight and focus unwavering.
On the country roads, he was even going too fast for DuBois’ tastes.
“Krill said something about ‘er bein’ stuck in her Sight. They’ve tried everythin’ to pull her out but nothin’s worked.”
“Shit,” Flag hissed with a smack to the steering wheel.
“This eva happened before?”
“Er — When she’s panicking, yeah. But I don’t….Shit. I was able to pull her out of it then. Did they say how long she’s been like that?”
“‘Bout an hour.”
Flag coughed as he adjusted in his seat. Fingers flicking from the steering wheel to rubbing his forehead to picking at his jeans to adjusting the air temperature. There was something more going on here. DuBois just knew it. He could see on Flag’s face the panic, the fear, the tears that were glossing over his eyes.
“You said you’ve done it before, yeah?” DuBois spoke encouragingly.
“Yeah, but…It’s different now.”
DuBois narrowed his eyes. “Different how?”
Flag’s eyes shifted from the road for a split second to glance at his partner. Then he sighed, fingers tapping nervously against the leather wheel. He sighed again. Nervous. He didn’t want to say. DuBois opened his mouth to tell him to forget it.
But then Flag said, “Dee’s pregnant.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” That was not what DuBois was expecting. “How long you guys known?”
“Twelve weeks.”
“A whole three months?” DuBois asked incredeliously, “And you haven’t told anyone?”
“We were waitin’ for the right time.” Flag shrugged, a bit distracted but still tense. “Her parents know at least.”
DuBois nodded, then he sighed dramatically. “Shit — gonna have to move out now. Babies are annoyin’ as shit.”
Flag chuckled as he turned onto the back road that they lived on.
DuBois really hoped that Delphia and that baby were okay.
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An eerie, heavy sort of silence filled the house as Rick Flag walked through the front door. The sun was nearly set and the lights were off. There wasn’t the smell of food from the kitchen or soft folk music playing from the speakers. This didn’t feel like his home. Didn’t feel like the place where he felt the most loved, the most at peace, the most relaxed. Because he knew, in the back of his mind, Delphia wasn’t really there.
Everyone looked up at him like their savior when he stepped into the living room. But it only succeeded in making him feel all the more helpless.
A deep terror, like a bullet to the gut, hit him when his eyes landed on Delphia. Laying flat on her back, fire red hair sprawled out on a crooked pillow, eyes — oh, God her eyes. Hollow and solely white and terrible. No one said anything as Rick took her into his arms. They all hung on bated breath, waiting for a miracle. He sat down on the couch, Delphia in his lap with her head against his chest. With a trembling breath, he spread his hand over the slight swell of her belly.
Was it really only yesterday? Yesterday, that she had turned to him from the full-length mirror, shirt hitched up under her armpits, to tell him that her bump had finally popped. Her smile had been joyous and warm and bright. Her eyes blue, crystalline, and filled with a love he never thought he could have. That he never deserved.
Rick squeezed his eyes shut against the pain, against the fear, as he gripped the back of her neck gently. He held her ear to his chest, trying to calm the heavy beating of his heart.
He really wished everyone wasn’t watching.
“Dee? Baby girl?” he whispered softly, “Listen to my heart, okay? Listen to the beat of it.”
And then he waited. Hoping, praying, that this would work. She had never been under for this long. Not that he could remember. And with each passing moment where nothing seemed to change he felt his heart hammer against his ribcage. Forcing his lungs to work overtime, to flutter uncomfortably in his chest. His grip on her tightened. Tears he felt betrayed by and terrified of slipped past his hard exterior.
“Dee,” he tried again, his voice thick with emotion as he spoke into her hairline, “Please come back to me — please.”
He took hold of her hand and gripped it tight against her abdomen. “Come on, baby girl, the squad needs you. The baby needs you. I need you.”
Her eyes remained white and unfazed.
A noise, choked with sorrow and grief and the fear that consumed him, slipped past Rick’s lips as he pressed his forehead into Delphia’s. Hadn’t she told him once, that this was her greatest fear? Ending up just like her mother — stuck in the future while her body withered away?
“Oh, God, please no,” he whispered, “Not her. Not her.”
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Taglist (if you would like to be added to the list to be tagged for future installments just let me know!): @bbygrgu @a-reader-and-a-writer @slayerx147 @xoxabs88xox @kasey-puff @witchygagirl @the-pink-petite-princess @blooo0ooop @woodlandmouth @csigeoblue @rexorangecouny @h-hxgirl @thisisthewayrose @blondiekook @darkestbeforethedawn16 @runic-belova @weallhaveadestiny @oopsiedoopsie23 @nerdgrrlramblings
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𝒲𝑒 𝐿𝒾𝑒𝒹~
Pairing: ATEEZ Park Seong-Hwa, ATEEZ Choi San & Reader
Warnings: It’s Suggestive, My Friend. Be Careful. (It’s Kind of Long Too)
Inspiration: Not Gonna Lie, I Don’t Know. 
Basic Idea: You Are In A Polyamorous Relationship With San And Seong-Hwa, Your Guardian Angels. But... They Hide A Deep Secret. 
Type: Fluff & Suggestive
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
On your way back home you were humming a song, enjoying the tune as it was finally Friday. You were hoping to just get home and cuddle with your favorite boys -- your guardian angels, Seong-Hwa and San.
You opened the door and saw Seong-Hwa organizing the dinner table while San was nowhere to be seen. Smiling at the sight, you once again feel comfortable and recharged after entering your house. “I’m home~” you chirped as Seong-Hwa looked up at you. “Oh! Hi baby,” he smiled as you smiled back.
“Where’s San?” you asked as Seong-Hwa brought out the last plate of steak. “He’s playing online with Yun-Ho,” the raven haired angel smiled at you, “Come on, go change to more comfortable clothes and tell Sannie that we have to eat dinner,” he ushered as you nodded and went off to the shared bedroom.
Opening the bedroom door, you saw San being focused on the game. You quickly gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, catching him off guard. “Oh, _____-ie!” he squealed while giving you a smile. “Hwa finished cooking dinner, let’s go eat, okay?” you asked as he nodded.
You then changed to more comfortable clothes, San saying goodbye to Yun-Ho as he then hugged you from behind. “How was work today?” he asked as you chuckled, “Slightly annoying, but now I feel better,” you responded. Turning around, you hugged him back, laying your head on his chest.
Eating dinner was the same as always, you guys shared how your day was and everything was rather chill. Something that did catch your attention was Seong-Hwa’s eyes. 
They would normally shift color from black to a light blue that resembled the sky. This would normally occur when he felt a strong emotion from you, and when you were recounting your story of how your boss yelled at you, you did feel quite frustrated.
However, this time… His eyes didn’t resemble the sky. They blinked a dark turquoise that you’ve never seen before. It caught you off guard, but you didn’t expect the turquoise to be enchanting -- it was mysterious, deep, and full of… Desire?... You weren’t sure yourself.
You decided to let it slide, and soon after dinner you guys huddled up on the couch to watch a movie. “Hyung, should we watch Fifty Shades of Grey?” San asked as the question caught you off guard, “What? Aren’t you guys not supposed to watch those types of things?” you asked, knowing that the movie was quite graphic from reviews -- you yourself never watched it, you just read reviews.
“I’m sure nothing bad will happen,” Seong-Hwa replied as you still felt concerned. Midway through the movie, you of course felt slightly heated -- however you were sort of worried over the toxicity of that relationship, and mainly, the fact that San and Seong-Hwa shouldn’t be watching this because they are angels… Guardian Angels, to make things worst.
As you leaned your head on San’s shoulder, you felt his hand lay on your thigh, which intrigued you. He was a bit playful, but not to this level. You felt a bit more heated, a wave of desire washing over you. And as you calmed down the strong emotion, you glanced and saw how his once emerald green eyes shone a dark forest green.
Something was definitely wrong. And you couldn’t help but feel excited.
“I see that our little baby has noticed something,” Seong-Hwa suddenly spoke, making you whip your head to look at him. “Huh?” you question as you feel fear creep into your system. Seong-Hwa’s eyes shone the same dark turquoise, and rather than returning to his black marbles…
They stayed in the unusual blue.
“Hwa?” you squeaked out as he smirks, you then felt San kiss your neck from behind, his soft hair tickling you slightly. “Sannie?” you asked but quickly got shut up by Seong-Hwa’s harsh kiss. You whimper at the force, closing your eyes.
Seong-Hwa kissed you hungrily as you couldn’t help but also feel aroused by San’s soft kitten licks on your neck. "It took you some time, _____-ie," San purred out against your neck as you were still confused over what the two angels meant.
You then opened your eyes and saw how Seong-Hwa didn't have two white feathery wings behind him. His halo was also missing… Instead, he had wings resembling those of a black dragon. That is also when you felt
Two sharp teeth graze over your sensitive neck.
"Oh babygirl.. We weren't your Guardian Angels.. In the crooked world that we live in, the only things that exist are those who are evil and those who are neutral. Creatures like us.. Incubus, if you may, were supposed to come here..”
“And ruin you,” San whispered in your ear.
“Though, we disobeyed the rules, and fell for a mortal.. We fell for you, _____,” Seong-Hwa confessed as San trailed kisses from your shoulder to your neck, sucking on your sweet spot softly as Seong-Hwa cupped your cheeks.
San pulled away from your neck, looking down at the mark that he left. Seong-Hwa then rubbed your cheek with his thumbs, "We were supposed to ruin you while you slept, darling.. But you won our dark cold hearts with your peaceful and beautiful face. I felt your sorrow from your tear stained cheeks,"
"And I felt your desperation when you hugged your plushie as if it were the only object that kept you sane."
"We felt connected to you.. And we couldn't ruin you," Seong-Hwa ends as you couldn’t help but look away, freeing yourself from the older’s grasp. You stood up and left to the bedroom, overwhelmed from their sudden reveal.
On the bed you sighed, hiding yourself under the blankets. You heard and felt someone shuffling to lay down next to you, someone else then laid on your other side. “Baby girl?” Seong-Hwa asked as you peaked your head out of the blankets, you were pouting, catching the two incubi off guard as they expected you to be mad.
“I hate you two.. For lying to me.. But I also love you two.. For being next to me and keeping me happy,” you confessed, as if opening the gates, allowing the two to enter your heart. You were about to wrap your arms around Seong-Hwa’s neck, but he stopped you by pinning both of your hands above your head.
“Then.. Should San and I.. Show you a whole new world?” he asked, smirking softly while purring out in ecstasy and love. You couldn’t help but feel enchanted by his dark turquoise pearls -- nodding at his statement.
San then chuckled and used his index finger to guide your view towards him, making you peer into his forest green marbles.While he crashed his lips onto yours, Seong-Hwa took the time to start kissing your neck, creating another mark near your sweet spot, to complement San’s mark.
You moaned in the kiss, feeling more heated as San’s hands trailed down and creeped underneath your shirt, massaging your tummy softly -- the friction making you ticklish. As you squirmed slightly, San and Seong-Hwa pulled away. San looking down and imagining your pleasured face as Seong-Hwa blew on the mark, causing you to exhale shakily.
San then laughed, a bit sinisterly, turning you on even more as he unbuttons his dress shirt with one hand, the other moving his hair back. Seong-Hwa also started unbuttoning his shirt, making you feel flustered -- watching two extremely hot incubi undress.
“Oh, by the way, baby girl.. Before we ruin you, remember that we are incubi, so we are more freaky~”
“We’ll give you an experience that you won’t be able to live if you date a human. Us incubi are especially proud of our skills,”
“We’ll make you squirm from the pleasure,”
“We’ll make you scream our name,”
“We’ll make you wish for more”
… “Are you ready?” …
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hello hello! Bunnie here~
Sorry I’ve been MIA, had to focus lots on school since it’s the last quarter and I was trying to exempt all of my classes to leave school earlier :D
Thankfully, I am officially done with my sophomore year! Yaay! *Claps*
However, one sad thing is that my summer is gonna be hectic =_= so I may not be able to push out as much stuff as I’d like -- I have a summer assignment for AP Language and I’m attending an online Summer Program. 
However, I will try to type some stuff beforehand so that I still have content. 
Anyway, I present to you -- “Guardian Angels” Sannie and Ddeonghwa! :D
Did you like this concept? I did tone down the suggestive since I felt like I crossed the line a few times in the other ones. (Side Note: I did the GIFs myself, which is why the quality is kinda bad T_T)
Please tell me if you liked this! And please! Do send me a message if you have any requests! My inbox is open!
Have fun with your imagination, y’all!
Thanks for the patience and support! I’ll catch y’all next time!
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dream-to-be-frog · 3 years
hello just watched kate (2021) and. thoughts. spoilers ahead, of course.
things about kate (2021) that make me go ????:
mew is super pretty but. why is she a random white girl in japan.
moreover, why are she and her handler (henceforth known as haymitch because hunger games) both in japan !
it just. does not seem like the story needed to be in japan. it feels like they chose japan for vibez only. oh, there’s cool technology stuff and bright colors! that sure would look nice on screen! we can do some fun weird fetishizy implications about asians while we are at it hehe🤪
like 30 mins into the film @scrambld-egg was like “why’s it always the yazuka?” and like. YEAH. this could have happened in russia or be italian mafia or literally any kind of organized crime anywhere because of how absolutely little relevance it has to the plot.
why is kijima’s brother even a target? why him specifically? what did he do bestey
what does their “crime syndicate” even do? what kind of illegalities do they get into? did anyone even consider this
did anyone consider any of this plot, frankly. like i have to ask.
we all knew haymitch (varrick) was working against her after she suggested retiring and like. that kind of plot twist is fun and all but GOD would it kill y’all to make it more ... something ? dramatic, personal, thought-through ?
like. yeah he is selfish and cruel and obviously groomed her from a time she was vulnerable and a literal fucking child to be his little killer but WHY is he like this. we do not get any backstory for him, even a little.
similarly, what changed for renji that made him so willing to turn his back on family. we kind of see something in that he thinks he can do better than kijima and he got power hungry but for a group that supposedly cares about family he sure was willing to massacre his.
in fact, kijima even said something about how western poisonous mindsets overtook renji and made him turn his back on family and just. okay but for why
it’s just a Lot to kill a child, especially a niece or whatever she was to him. silly
we know kate was trained to be a killer since being literal Baby but like. i wanted to see more flashbacks that made her solidify her implicit trust in haymitch.
i am begging why the FUCK is she even in japan it does not seem like she travels much
for that matter, if she IS the kind of assassin who travels a lot (i miss villanelle at least she fucking made sense), they literally never mention it. they literally do not talk about her life experiences aside from freaky haymitch being a weirdo awful man.
to recap: did she travel for her murder work? if yes, why not say so. if no, why the FUCK is she in japan of all places.
how can you have a story in japan about a woman and make her white
and then have her massacre a bunch of asian men for no reason that we know. i didn’t even know to hate them i just felt bad and there is something unsettling (as an article i found articulated better than i could as i watched) about watching her mindlessly murder a bunch of poc.
like i get the reason why ani was obsessed with kate because she lost everyone and new mother figure saved her life but like
why does kate care so much? if it’s guilt, aside from her quitting because she can’t get over osaka, we don’t see any of her conflict.
i’m just. kind of bitter because the premise and the characters have SO MUCH POTENTIAL but the absolute lack of plot is devastating
and like. i can appreciate a good action movie with zero plot + blood and vibes only but the way that kate started made me genuinely be like oh wow! they sure have a lot to work with i hope they develop things!
things that kate (2021) could have done better to truly live up to all of it’s incredible potential; a list:
listen the actress is super pretty (she reminds me of renfri from the witcher and i would DIE for renfri) but like. she should have been half-japanese.
when ani tells kate “we’re the same” .... girl help that would he SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER if kate was half japanese.... kate would literally see herself in ani, a half-japanese girl who is forced to grow up too soon with too much violence around her.... the parallels between the lives they could lead and have lead would be so much cooler....
and it would goddamn explain why the FUCK she was in japan oh my god it is just so seems white savioury even though kate doesn’t play the hero and like
a flashback scene (NOT a flash of one) where she was younger and haymitch was coaching her and something goes wrong and you see that weird freaky deaky bond demonstrating her implicit trust in him.
how can you have ani LITERALLY SAY “i’m the last person you’ll ever get to know. are you sure you don’t want to know me? that’s sad, kate. that’s sad.” AND LITERALLY NEVER HAVE KATE LEARN MORE ABOUT HER
like they made kate fall asleep like IMMEDIATELY after, so everything she could have learned about ani was said to her when she was passed out. and it made the scene where ani takes selfies with her kinda weird because there is not that much emotional impact
similarly her death was anticlimactic? i like when action movies have anticlimactic deaths but those deaths usually have some emotional impact and. this was so hollow besties
it just is such a shame because the cinematography was BRILLIANT and again there was. SO MUCH POTENTIAL for a movie to MEAN something
there were a couple of metal lines too, but those seemed hollow as well. “i’m dying. i have to finish... i have to finish something.” could have been SO GOOD. “my life was never mine. until now.” (this one may not be verbatim i cannot remember exactly) could have been SO GOOD. the basic premise was all there... she was regaining control of her life hours before her death, the poetry is all there, just BEGGING to mean something. but it doesn’t, in the end. it doesn’t mean much at all.
some action movies are good for nothing but blood and i can respect that. but when a story is TRYING to have a point but misses in delivering... that’s when i get upset. i love mindless shit but if you want me to care, fucking make me care, kings!!!!
that is all.
anyway. thoughts?
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
I feel like ordering something hot for this cold weather, hi, hi, is it okay if I ask for a lemon tea? Extra hot, please, I'm freezing. Leona, Octavinelle x MC, first french kiss because french kisses are good, and perhaps some hands involved, no one can resist french kisses' effects 🤭 Thank youuuuuuuu.
°•°•°•𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓚𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼•°•°•°
HC's with: Jade, Floyd, Azul, and Leona
WARNING!!!!!! Suggestive content, French kissing, mild spice ;)
Note: I'm late to requests what's new?😔 I am dying as I write this and the adrenaline in my system is ✨thriving✨ Go and live the horni dream as you read this crappy hc I guess? eHeM sElF iNseRt tiMe- hope you enjoy this hotass tea.😔✨
[ 𝙻𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚎𝚊: 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ]
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°•°•°•𝓙𝓪𝓭𝓮 𝓛𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱 •°•°•°
A kiss with jade was always short and sweet. A peck on the cheek, a peck on the lips..... How delicious...
But those "little kisses" weren't really enough to feed this eel for long. (・////・)
As time passes by, the sweet temptation from a lick of your lips sets his mind to a frenzy. He'd want to pull you for a deep long kiss, but he promised that he'd take it slow... Goodness you were such a tease...
Normally he'd just settle with kissing the back of your hand before a goodbye, or an occasional kiss on the lips when you tug on his blazer... But today, it seems as if this desires has took a hold of himself...
Sitting by the tables at the Mostro Lounge, you tugged on the end of his coat before you said your goodbyes...
Expecting for a sweet peck on the lips, Jade leans down your sitting figure instead... Ohoಠ ͜ʖ ಠ
His tall figure looming over yours with an intensive gaze as if he's ready to devour you any moment.
Let's be real here, You're probably frozen on the spot and you don't know what to do or what to say, thus you just go blushy blushy under Jade's gaze... Same tho ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
With the awkward silence as the two of you were alone in the lounge, the scarlet tint of your flushed cheeks just fuels Jade's desire more and more... My now, don't you just know how to push his buttons quite well?
In a flash of a second, everything goes black as Jade's lips collides with yours, unlike the usual comforting kisses... This one was... Hot...
Jade's tongue will gladly explore the deep depths of you. The kiss would definitely be long leaving you breathless. Take it or leave it( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This being your first very very intimate moment, breathing through the messy kisses was difficult... But this eel just has a sadistic side to him enjoying your little squirms and embarrassment under his hold.
After the kiss, he loves admiring your flushed face with trails of saliva running down the corners of your mouth.
"Y/n my love, swallow it."
Maybe it was the dim lights and the slow music that played on the background, but a glint of lust sparkled in Jade's eyes with your reflection...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"Let me see... Good girl~"
Just like that with his usual foxy smile, don't be surprised if your knees were to give up later ಠ﹏ಠ
°•°•°•𝓕𝓵𝓸𝔂𝓭 𝓛𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱•°•°•°
Oh Floyd... Ok, I'll make life easier for you and give you a summary of his Hc: "Pls pin me down and dominate me. Thanks"
Floyd's kisses were always unexpected; A pleasant surprise if you will.
Floyd's mood swings can sometimes go higher than a rollercoaster, or lower than my grades, but by the end of the day, he comes in refuge in your arms asking for all of your love and attention.(´ω`)
But sometimes, his affection for you maybe goes a little bit too much. From a cute sweet kiss, it quickly escalates to something more...lustful...◕‿◕
From a warm hug and sweet kiss, now you're pinned down on the couch as Floyd attacks your neck with multiple kisses leaving a trail of bruises and saliva.
Now comes the fun part. Floyd being Floyd, his hands may get touchy. Like, a whole lot.
Be it with his hands sliding past your shirt or pants, or him constantly removing parts of your clothes one by one. ಠ‿ಠ
He's the type to hold up your wrists together so you can't move, and watch your pretty little face squirming and struggling until you beg for more kisses.
Down from your neck, moving his way up to your lips, a sudden entrance in your mouth will caught you by surprise as Floyd devours you on the spot. (✿^‿^)
His kisses were deep and long, his tongue explores every inch of your mouth.
You have to admit. Floyd's tongue is quite skilled, in fact very skilled.
With Floyd's deep and long kisses, It surely does get hard to breathe with drools dripping from the corners of you mouth.
But the moment he pulls back, the image of you all messed up and all the darkened hickeys on your neck fills him up with excitement! ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
The drools staining your chin as you breathe heavily under his hold does a lot to him.
Both you will definitely be a mess after this.
"Ahh~ Koebi-chan, look what you've done to me~"
Yeah... I'll leave that sentence to your imagination( ╹▽╹ )
•°•𝓐𝔃𝓾𝓵 𝓐𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓷𝓰𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓸 •°•
oH yEs I'vE bEeN wAiTiNg lOnG fOr oCtObOy- ehem( ͡°ᴥ ͡° )
Azul is not the sweetest person to ask for a kiss, but when he's jealous however... That's a different story... ಠωಠ
He might ask you to sit on his lap while he works, of course who are you to decline the sweet offer of cuddling up to Azul? But it seems as if a cuddle is not something he's asking for...
While his pen glides on the papers at the desk, his face will make it's way in the crook of your neck.
Please remove his glasses for him and stare deeply in his eyes, he finds that very sweet! (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Azul loves to savor your sweet scent that gets him excited everytime. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Azul definitely finds a vocal partner a turn on, hearing your beautiful whimpers are music to his ears after all. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)♡
Trailing butterfly kisses in the nape of your neck, making his way to kissing your jawline.
After all of that hot stuff, he'll carry you to the sofa and sit you on top of him. Oho it's getting fun ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ
One hand supporting your waist, while the other hold unto your cheek. Azul diving for a hungry kiss with you.
Azul will try his best to take the lead and control the situation. He did his research afterall.
A deep kiss closing the gap between you was the best reassurance he has that you're his and his alone.
Please hold unto his shoulders for support and pull on his hair!!! Octoboi finds it hot heh-
With the kiss being deep and long, it will get hard to breathe. So after pulling away from the kiss, the hot breaths and saliva mixed together was quite the hot mess.
You can imagine Azul out of breath as he licks his lips staring directly at you.(•///•)
"Y/N... You're mine."
Eye contact... It's all about the eye contact that melts your insides when you look at Azul... AZUL WITHOUT GLASSES!
If you blush at his remarks, you get bonus points because Azul lovessss seeing you embarrassed~ ಠ﹏ಠ
Say "I love you" and you have Azul as putty under your hold~
Oh! and when you say I love you, Azul will definitely get flushed red to his ears and neck so... Teasing time hehe~ bully the octopie with love!
OCTOSQUID IN MAFIA SUIT I LOVE YOU SM I CAN'T EVEN- ok I'll shut up I'm sorry about that
•°•𝓛𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓪 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓵��𝓻 •°•
First of all, I can guarantee that the first french kiss with Leona will happen after a fight...ಠωಠ
After a fight of pride with Leona, sexual tension is through the roof! Glaring at each other, no signs of giving up as both of you are on each other's neck... Leona finds that hot ಠ‿ಠ
Leona won't admit to it, but having a fiesty partner that challenges him and puts him on edge was hot... In fact, very very hot...
Of course it's annoying at first, but seeing your furrowed eyebrows as you push your hair back in frustration does something to him (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Leona finds attraction in high sexual tension, So let's say you're about to flip and your face goes a little bit too close to his... He'd take that as an open invitation to shut you up.
My, don't be surprised if a pair if lips started to kiss yours desperately. Pulling unto your waist as his other hands hold your chin up to face him, the kisses were messy, but it was exciting.
Ngl Leona's tongue can win a talent show with his top notch skills.
He'll gladly explore every inch of your mouth with pleasure ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
Oh, kissing with Leona gets pretty touchy too! His hands will wander under your shirt unto your back, maybe even lower if he feels extra curious today-ಠ◡ಠ
Please pull unto his hair, he finds that really hot too.
Expect low growls to bless your ears here and there... ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ
Oh! Sometimes Leona may get a little too touchy, so I guess you have to have the control to stop him if you don't like that. I doubt it tho( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But if you're into those freaky stuff, Leona will gladly go on an adventure with you down there( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
After the kiss, don't be surprised if you find love bites here and there, better cover up since it's a lot...
Oh, but it's no use to cover up since this cat boy happens to be an exhibit artist that loves to show off his work staining your neck purple.
What a way to come back with something like this amirite? Heh🤠
Azul I want your kneecaps🤭
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Last night at around 11 pm - 1 am I watched @pixiecaps favorite movie, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. This movie fucked me up and made me feel weird. I liked it a little and the everything just makes me think so much
here are my thoughts and emotions during the film. Please don’t read if you don’t want spoilers and excuse my spelling. It was late and I was tired
I was enjoying their love and then he started crying in his car
This tech is so casually used it makes me wonder how it would be used in real life. We would jump at it so quickly. But heartbreak is what makes us human and produces human things. Art comes from heartbreak and experience
The shit is fucking surreal
Elijah wood is good at playing a weird character and Jim is good at an awkward character
Their relationship looked really good at the beginning but it seems tired and angry often. They want to love each other but also tear each other apart
They are going to pour something I know it
Patrick is too much for me. Pantie thief
That is horrifying no face uggjjjjhhhhh
Clementine is very insecure. She seems to get so angry when people can’t keep up. She fears and talks over
Not saying Joel is better. He doesn’t talk and shuts things down
They look like a good couple but they are like bundles of twisted wires, itching to snap.
These technicians do not give a fuck do they?
How do they get their jobs done at alllll
They had happy moments but the negative overwhelmed them :(
So surreal
Ohh patrick is a litttttle freaky thief
This memory scene is quite strange. I like her outfit tho
He’s off the map!
Pix are you sure this is not a horror movie? Their lack of faces are telling me otherwise
May i say i love the music and sound design
Also the transtions and weirdness! This feels like a new world but its the mind.
You think the snow was powdered sugar
I think mary also wants to fuck howard or she just really looks up to him
Howard seems like a well mannered man who cares
No offense but does any one really remember quotes like that well
Its too late for me fighting sleep for movie and hw
Oh she kissed him… so i was right! I’m great at predictions :)
Oop mary gets around huh
Howard! I had hope for you. Think about your wife and kids you nasty old wrinkly man
This is one disastrous night
Hehe he was caught and he’s in trouble
Im worried about Joel
Poor Mrs. Howard’s wife she has only been on screen for like 15 secs I feel for her. She is my favorite now maybe she just looks so worn down she hasn’t even spoken
She was here for one scene and she is just great. I wish she didn’t have to get hurt this way. And she just hits Stan, roasts her husband, and drives off! As she should, queen.
Poor mary she just felt old heartache. I do not like Howard at all. I hope pigeons eat his ass
Okay I get Clementine. At least she admits she’s fucked up. I wish they could have stayed happy
Everyone in this movie is fucked up tho hmmm
Fuck this procedure it’s dumb as fuck and hurts people
I despise ads let me watch my movie grrrrrr
One question was the beginning like the not going to work and talking on the train fake?
The spotlight on the face
I am not choking up with 17 mins left
Surreal beautiful heartbreaking scary. Human. That’s this film
“We’ll talk” but will they?
Oh oho oho is is the beginning after the wipe
It’s all coming together oh ho ho
Fuck patrick btw elijah wood did a greeat job
Why did i think it was a bite mark head in hands
Badass Mary chaotic but badass
Sure eharmony blah blah real love. Let me watch my movie
I am crying, i i blame you pix so much
Like i said before, this film is human. In a messy ugly way. In a surreal artistically beautiful way. It’s so real. We want to erase what hurt us but we end up coming back. We miss it because we loved it
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horanghaes-gaze · 3 years
Got7 reaction to false lashes
Heyo~ I know that it’s been forever since I have posted anything, so I decided to post a piece of writing for you guys, I hope that you enjoy this reaction and again, I am so sorry for not posting in a while. School has just been drowning me and I haven’t had the time to post, but I am back and better than before. Please request something as it helps me write and post more. And if you do request something, please check my Things to Know page which is linked in my bio. Thank you so much, and once again, I hope you enjoy!
You had just gotten back from date night and were getting ready to go to bed. You were removing your makeup and Jaebeom was finishing up brushing his teeth. Both of you got into bed and were turning on a movie to watch before going to sleep. Snuggling up to him, you were getting comfortable before remembering that you hadn't taken off your lashes yet. Sitting up you said
"I'll be right back I have to take my lashes off,"
He looked at you with confusion written all over his face. Looking at you up and down as he tried to gather his thoughts.
"Your...your what?" he asked slowly.
"My lashes, I forgot to take them off earlier"
"They come off? Because mine don't, I love you, but you're making no sense right now" he stated.
You laugh at how he was genuinely confused. You thought that he knew they were fake since you left your lashes out numerous times before. And if he hadn't caught on from that, you thought that he'd caught on when you took him makeup shopping that one time.
"Can I take them off?" he asked in the middle of you laughing.
You nodded your head as you scooted closer to him, closing your eyes.
"Just pull gently, and slowly, but not too slow," you instructed.
He took a deep breath as his fingers touched your lashes. Exhaling, he started to pull, and when you opened your eyes, they met an amazed Jaebeom. Letting out another small laugh, you close your eyes again. He gently cupped your face with one hand, taking off the second lash with his other hand. Placing your used lashes in the palm of your hand, he said
"I didn't mess them up, so you can use them again"
Shaking your head, you got up to go throw them away. He let out a small gasp as he saw you casually toss them in the trash.
"Won't you need those again?!" he let out, worried for your lashes.
"No, I can always get new falsies, Jae," you said nonchalantly, snuggling up to him again.
"Well, I think your real lashes are better and less freaky since they don't, you know, come off," he said, kissing the top of your head and playing the movie again.
You had gone out drinking with some friends for a girls' night out and promised to call Mark when you needed a ride home. He knew that you didn't hold your drinks well and that you would probably be wasted by the time you call. And he was right. How'd he know? Because you had called him saying
"Heyyyy, Mark! I kinda need you to maybe pick me up...yeah. And also, I have to do this now or I'll regret it if I don't, but ...Ikindofhaveareallybigcrushonyou haha. Okay, anyway, see you soon, thanks!"
He laughed after you hung up, glad that you still had a crush on him despite dating him. Grabbing his keys, he left to go pick you up before you confessed to another guy, which is something he wouldn't appreciate much. Parking the car, he made his way inside, immediately looking around to find you. He was about to text you when he got a tap on his shoulder, turning around, he saw your friend trying to keep her hold on your hand as you were trying to run away. Thanking your friend, he got a hold of you, smiling as you giggled like an excited high school girl around her crush. And then you just slumped down on him. He caught you before you hit the ground, carrying you to the car. 
He woke you up after getting home, helping you get cleaned up and showered. Before he got you into the shower, he had to take your makeup off. You were being quite the handful, thrashing around as he tried to wipe the makeup you had on. He had gotten almost all of it off, only your lashes left. For some reason, you really didn't want him to take off your lashes because you moved around even more than before when he said 
"I just need to take off your lashes and then you can shower,"
"No, absolutely not!" you yelled out, slipping away from him again. 
He sighed and sped walk to you. The two of you wrestled each other until he finally just sat on top of you. His legs were criss-cross apple sauced on your legs as he held you in place and cupped your face, quickly pulling off your lashes before you put up more of a fight. He got up and pulled you up, too, pushing you into the shower. He walked out into the bedroom, grabbing one of his hoodies for you to wear since he knew you found them comfy, and because he thought you looked cute in them.
"I'm done," you said as you walked out in only a towel, coming over to give him a kiss. He gladly accepted and handed you the change of clothes he picked out.
"Do I have to put clothes on? We could always, you know..." you said suggestively at him.
"I like that idea a lot..." he said smiling at you. 
Your eyes lit up, getting excited.
"...so keep it in mind for when you're sober," he said giving you another kiss. He laid down on the bed, waiting for you to put the clothes on.
"I don't have to be sober," you start.
"y/n, no"
This was the first time that you were staying over at his place and you were excited to finally get to cuddle with him to sleep for a full night. The both of you were getting ready for bed and he had offered to help you remove your makeup. You agreed and let him wipe off your makeup for you. He was doing a good job of making sure that your face got thoroughly cleaned and to be gentle as well. He was in the middle of taking off your eye makeup when suddenly he stood up and yelled
As he was asking if he had hurt you, you were laughing at how panicked and hectic he was. To make it even worse for him, you just tore off your lashes and threw them in the trash. He let out a yelp as you walked to throw them away, asking if you were insane and how you could just rip off your lashes like that.
"Jackson, they're fake, I can buy new ones, it doesn't hurt or anything," you explained.
He refused to believe you, taking your face in his hands and looking at your real eyelashes. Questions spilled out of his mouth and every single answer you gave confused him more and more.
"No, I can't do this, girl eyelashes are so weird," he finally stated, deciding to not dig further into this.
"Not really, I just stick them on with glue and take them off,"
"GLUE?!" he screamed, the look of confusion coming back on his face.
You shook your head, finally deciding to just show him.
"Here, I'll just put some lashes on you since you're so perplexed over this," you said, grabbing a pair of new lashes from your bag.
You held his face steady as you blew on the glue to make it tacky, placing the lash on his eyelid. You adjusted the lash to sit on his lid properly, making sure that it wouldn't fall off. After putting on both lashes, you turned him to the mirror, letting him see how he looked. 
"So that's how lashes work," he said, finally coming to a realization.
"Yes, this is how they work, Jackson," you replied.
"Girl, I look fabulous with them though, you have to admit," he said, pretending to flip his hair.
You laughed, telling him that you needed to go to bed and that he needed to take them off. He shook his head, stating
"Are you kidding me? My eyes have never looked better than this,"
You shrugged, getting into bed simply saying that he would get no cuddles to sleep. Once he heard the words leave your mouth, he aggressively tore off the lashes and jumped into bed. He wrapped his arms around you saying
"How dare you try to take away cuddles from me,"
"It's either cuddling with me or the lashes, baby," you answered.
"It'll always be you, princess," he said, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You and Jinyoung had just returned home from shopping and were unpacking everything. You were busy putting things away in the kitchen and he was putting things away in the bedroom and bathroom. Jinyoung was putting away the bath products you guys had bought along with leaving your makeup on the counter for you to sort out later. He was getting to the bottom of the bag and pulled out a little box with "false lashes" written on the box. Now, Jinyoung was a rational person for the most part, but right now, all he could think was: she's been wearing eyelash wigs the whole time?
He walked out into the kitchen holding the little box and went to ask you about it.
"Hey, honey, you've been wearing wigs for your eyelashes this whole time? How does that even work?" he asked, holding the box up for you to see. 
You were confused as to what he was asking since you didn't know what he was talking about when he said "wigs for your eyelashes". And as you turned around and saw the box, you pieced together what he meant by "eyelash wigs", and it made you laugh a little at how he referred to them. Jinyoung stood there, watching as you slightly bent over in laughter and it made him even more worried and confused for you. 
"What are you laughing at?" he finally said.
"I'm sorry, but they're not 'eyelash wigs', they're just falsies, Jinyoung" you explained.
Although it didn't help him much, since he still didn't understand what falsies were. You took the box out of his hand and walked him back into the bathroom, opting to just show him. You put some mascara on and curled your natural lashes as he watched in fascination. You then took out the falsies and trimmed them, then putting on some glue and blowing on it a bit. After putting on the lash, you showed him the before and after on each of your eyes. The way it clicked all together in his head was apparent from the face he made, his mouth forming an 'o' shape as he understood. 
"So they're not wigs for my lashes, they just help my natural ones look fuller, silly," you told him.
"Well, what was I supposed to think? All the box said was 'false lashes' so I just assumed that they were like wigs"
"Alright, whatever, but since you know how these work now, you can help me take them off after a night out"
"Uh, how do you take them off?"
To answer him, you just pulled off the lash, leaving him in a worried state as he thought that you were about to pull off all of your lashes.
"You don't need them, I think you're beautiful on your own. Plus, those freak me out" he finally said, leaving you in the bathroom, who was laughing once again.
You and Youngjae were going through your closet since you were about to move in together. You were packing the things in your room, and when you got to packing your clothes, it became a little fashion show of you showing him all the outfits you found and had hidden in your closet. His eyes lit up every time you walked out of the bathroom to show him, truly thinking that every single thing you tried on and showed him looked absolutely amazing on you. Granted, maybe it was more you than the clothes that made it look amazing to him, but either way, he enjoyed seeing you have fun showing him all the outfits you put on. After you tried on all the outfits and packed all of your clothes, you both laid down on your bed, basking in comfortable silence. 
"I can't believe that tonight is the last night that I'll sleep in this bed," you said, interrupting the silence. 
"And I can't believe that after tonight, I get to fall asleep with you in my arms every night, and wake up to your beautiful face every morning," he said, smiling and rolling over to take you into his arms. 
You two stayed in that position, smiling at each other with the most love-struck gazes anyone could give to another person. Suddenly, you sat up, startling him. You then just took off your lashes as they had been annoying you the whole day. Earlier that morning, you didn't put on enough glue so the whole day, they felt like they were falling off. Since you took them off in a fast and abrupt manner, Youngjae sat there with a horrified look on his face. He had never seen someone rip off their lashes before, and here you were, ripping yours off without flinching even a bit. He sat up and cupped your face in his hands, looking over your face worriedly before checking your eyes to see that your lashes were still there. He then let go of your face, a look of confusion now painting his features as he looked at you.
"They're just false lashes, Youngjae, I didn't actually rip my lashes off," you explained. 
"So...they don't hurt?" he asked.
You shook your head, "Nope, not at all, it actually feels kinda nice at the end of the day"
"Do you put them on everyday? Will I see that when we get ready in the morning and for bed?" he asked. 
"Well, not every day, I usually just put some mascara on, but I put them on sometimes when I feel like it," 
"Okay, good, because I don't think I'll ever get used to that"
You laughed a bit, reassuring him that next time, you'll warn him before taking your falsies off. He took you back in his arms, hugging you with his chin resting on your head. He always loved it when you laughed, especially when he's the cause of your laughter. He wants to make sure that you can be happy as much as you can. He wanted to make you smile for as long as possible. To him, you are what makes his smile stay and why he feels like the luckiest man in the world, so all he wants to do is make sure that you know that and feel the same way.
You two were at the mall together, having decided to go on a shopping date. Taking the escalator upstairs, holding a couple of shopping bags, you remembered that you needed to buy some makeup and skincare.  When you told Bambam that you needed to go get some things from the cosmetics store, he had no problem agreeing. In fact, throughout the whole day, the two of you mostly went to places that you needed to go to, him following you, helping you carry your bags, and giving you some fashion advice here and there. Trailing behind you as you walked into the store, he looked around, seeing some things he recognized and used on himself, along with other things he saw that confused him. One of those things was the false lashes, which is why he got a little concerned when you stopped and took a look at them. He was even more bewildered when you picked a few and turned to him.
"Which ones do you think look better?" you asked, holding up a few pairs. 
"Uh, isn't that what mascara is for?" he asked back, confused. 
"Well, yeah, but these just help make them look fuller is all, kind of like hair extensions"
"Oh, okay, I see, I see," he exclaimed in understanding. He didn't fully understand, but he got the basic gist of it. Looking at the ones you had held up, he picked a couple that he thought would accentuate your eyes and add to your makeup. 
"Not too extravagant, but not subtle enough to be unnoticeable, good choices, Bam" you said, placing the lashes in the basket you had grabbed when entering the store. 
The two of you went to go check out after you had grabbed a few more things that you needed. Of course, he refused to let you pay since you were his princess and deserved the best, in his opinion. He didn't mind paying for you at all, it's not like he couldn't afford it, but something he loved about you was how you knew fully well of that fact and still insisted on paying. He smiled a bit as the cashier handed him his card and receipt, remembering times when the two of you had fought over the bill. He took the bag, adding to the bunch that he already had, and walked with you as you left the store. 
"So where to next?" he asked enthusiastically, wanting to make sure you got everything you wanted.
"Home" you answered, feeling a bit tired after the hours you spent at the mall, and just wanting to cuddle on the couch with your boyfriend. 
"Then home it is" he replied with a smile, leading you outside to the car.
Yugyeom sat on the bed waiting for you as you got ready for dinner. It was a surprise fancy dinner that he planned and got a reservation for since you two didn't get to go out on dates much. You had just finished your makeup and were rushing to change into your clothes. Checking the mirror one last time, you sighed as you saw that one of your lashes had fallen off when you were changing. It was still half attached to your eyelid, but you took it off, quickly walking back into the bathroom to glue it on again. Yugyeom stayed sitting on the bed for a moment, confused at what he just saw. You did not just rip your eyelashes off, no ma'am, that's impossible. He got up and walked into the bathroom, watching as you applied glue onto the lash band. As you were placing it on your eyelid again, he spoke up. 
"What are you doing...?" 
"I'm just putting my lash back on, Gyeom," you answered. 
"Yours come off?" he asked another question.
You chuckled, finding his curiosity adorable. "No, these are just fake ones, I can just put them on and take them off whenever I want" 
Looking at him through the mirror, you could see his head tilt to the side, your answer clearly not satisfying his interest. 
"But if you have real ones, then why bother putting on fake ones?"
"They help make my real ones look fuller"
"But you said that that's what mascara is for"
"It is, but these help make them really look full"
"But you look beautiful without them"
"I literally wear them every time we go out, you just don't notice"
"I don't notice because you are beautiful whether you have these thingies on or not" he answered again, this time with more determination in his tone. The two of you often did this, going back and forth with each other on the most random topics. It was one of those things that was special in your relationship with Yugyeom that you had with no one else. With him, you could talk about everything and nothing and still thoroughly enjoy the conversation, time ticking away more slowly to you when this happens, 3 hours felt like 3 minutes with him. 
"We'll lose out reservation if we don't leave now," he said, breaking your chain of thoughts. 
"Well, now that I have my lash back on, let's go enjoy this dinner," you say, making your way to the car, excitement evident on your face. A smile could be seen on him as he got in the car with you. But what couldn't be seen was how nervous he was the whole dinner... or the ring in his pocket. 
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whump-mania · 3 years
prologue: the journal
(tw implied parental death, apocalypse scenario)
my name is Quinn Taylor. i am 13 years old and im writing in this stupid notebook about nothing because my stupid mom made me because i need to “work on my writing” and i think thats stupid and boring. she said i can write what i want so im writing about that i dont want to be writing. she said i have to write ten sentences. maybe i can make really short sentences and be done so i can stop. this is sentence six. this is the seventh one. eight. nine. ten okay done bye journal
i have to write in my journal again because its monday. my weekend was fun though. dad took me to see a movie. i think it was the one with the minions but like the seventh one. it wasnt good but he bought me popcorn so it was ok. we went to the post office after. i like the post office because all the stamps are cool. school today was boring. i got in trouble because i was late because i was in the bathroom. i dont wanna do this anymore im bored
My mom read my entries and she said I have to use good punctuation now. I don’t really want to because it’s exhausting. But now I’m going to do good punctuation because she said that if I did then we can go to the pool on Saturday. Swimming is fun and it’s still hot in the fall so it’s okay. Sometimes there are leaves in the water. I really don’t like punctuation. It makes me feel like a grownup. Boring. Boring. Boring okay done.
I am really really mad. I have to write THIRTEEN sentences today because my MOM said that my last three sentences yesterday weren’t sentences. I know you’re reading this mom!!!! I think your rules stink!!! But I really want to go to the pool so I take that back. But your rules still kind of stink but only a little bit. Hey mom, when we go to the pool, can we bring the darts that go to the bottom? I can get the ones all the way to the deep end. It’s really cool. I would have been done here but I have to write thirteen sentences. This is so so so dumb. My hand is cramping now. This is too much.
one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine. ten.
Sorry, I had a really bad day yesterday. My mom said that since I called her rules dumb we can’t go to the pool tomorrow and I got really mad. I really wanted to go to the pool and now we can’t. But she said that maybe if I do a good job next week we can go next Saturday. So I’m going to try harder next week, and hopefully I can go swimming. I just remembered that I don’t have school on Monday. Maybe I won’t have to write in my journal on Monday. That makes it a lot easier for me to earn the pool. Maybe my dad will come swimming with us too. I like when he throws me up in the air.
Someone at school said something really weird today. She said her dad and a bunch of his friends are going to “rule the world” and it’s gonna happen on Friday. I think that’s kind of stupid. That girl is kind of weird (sorry if that sounds mean). I asked her why and she said “because”. That means she’s making things up. I really hope my mom likes the sentences I’m writing. I found the pool darts in my closet. I’m going to throw them all the way down to the deep end this time. I hope my ears don’t clog up.
The girl from yesterday didn’t show up to school today. Nobody knows why. I don’t know why I’m still thinking about her. I never talked to her before yesterday. Maybe what she said kind of creeped me out, I don’t know. But she didn’t come to school today. Am I at ten sentences yet? Nope, I’m at seven sentences now. I think doing this has made my handwriting better. I guess that’s a good thing?? Thanks mom…I guess.
school got cancelled today. im really scared. i dont know whats going on. the principal told us they found spray paint on the doors saying really scary things and no one can come to school now. mom is on the phone with my friends mom making sure hes ok. my dad is at work still and i want him to come home really bad. i dont know whats happeni
mom and dad went to the store together to get a lot of food so we can stay inside. its friday now and i yelled at them to not go because of what the girl said and they said we need to eat so they went anyway. im in my room. i want them to come home so bad. mom im sorry i thought your rules were dumb i love you please come back home
It’s really weird looking back at all of these. It’s freaky, knowing I wrote these on the day everything fell apart. Never thought I’d see this thing again. I’m on a scouting mission right now, for food and supplies. I thought I would visit my old house. It doesn’t have a roof anymore and my bed is all moldy. But this book, this damn notebook is in the same place I left it. If Daniel saw me slacking off right now he’d kill me. I guess I’ll leave this here forever.
A lot of shit has happened to me after 10/1/2034. But in all honesty, I think the saddest part of all of this is that I never got to go swimming.
tag list: @tears-and-lilies @mammonsemptycreditcard @abitefullofwhump @myst-in-the-mirror @xzinn-fury @whumpasaurus101 @whmp @freefallingup13 @sadistgalore @firewheeesky @finch-birb @authorofemotion @lavmars @whatwhumpcomments @w-whump @wingedwhump @writerat @wvnda-whump @whumblrwork @ficklefuddle @yesimlonely
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