#oliver meadows
Fragments of a Cybernetic Mind: Chapter 9 - Daddy Issues
Summary Half a year has passed since the events of Christmas of 2064. The world is slowly adjusting to sentient ROMs. But Turing is distracted from their task as ROM-kind’s leader and ambassador by another obligation they carry. They want to deliver Leon Dekker’s last words to his daughter. But first, they’ll have to find her, which doesn’t prove easy. They ask their journalist friend for help, who seems less than thrilled.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 10 (final) Epilogue
cn: family problems, bigotry
Turing spends the next weeks combing through the memory data, but without any success. Any leads they find just terminate in dead ends as the data becomes eaten up by glitches, corruptions or the memories just cut off at the wrong point. What they do find in new information - mostly more insight on Sarah - doesn’t lead anywhere substantive either, not even when they cross-reference the mesh.
I asked Lexi to keep her eyes and ears open, since she is meddling with extra-legal activity as part of her job. She finds some people claiming to have contact to military androids who are willing to do dirty deeds for the right pay, but it all seems very dubious. The same results from Crow’s side.
I continue searching the mesh for mentions of Dekker and other combat androids, reading my way through accounts of violent crimes attributed to them. For some reason, it doesn’t trigger my trauma as much as even the happiest of Dekker’s memories did. 
None of this gives us any information on Dekker’s family. It’s like his entire existence has been scrubbed of the mesh, and the world at large, which seems a particularly cruel fate for him. If it weren’t for my own pride, I would consider talking to Flores again.
At least my writing is going well. My editor has been sending me notes the last weeks, and together we give the text the last polish. I’m particularly proud of the chapter describing the events in Parallax’ server room, though I still have to think of a good pseudonym for Dekker. While most of what Flores said left me bitter, I do agree with her that his full name doesn’t need to be known, especially now that we might involve his daughter. So far all I got is his name with some letters shuffled around.
It's one of the last days of summer, though the heat is not any less intense for it, burning down on the market street and making the air flimmer. That’s Neo San Francisco for you. Turing, Lexi and I fled inside the Hassy bar, where we ordered some of Ramona’s newest creations: the Iced Hassy Hot Cup.
We are surprised to see Chad and Oli here as well, who are enjoying one of the last days of their summer break before it’s back to school. Oli is having a deep conversation with Ramona about a new VR drama, while Chad leans cooly against the counter and pretends he doesn’t care, though he keeps chiming in with opinions on one particular character he seems to identify with a lot.
“Hey, no loitering!” Lexi calls over to him as a joke.
“What?” Chad yells. “What are you, a cop?”
“Chad...” Oli puts a hand on his arm. “That’s the lady who arrested us for spraying graffiti in November.”
Chad flinches back.
“Relax, I haven’t worn the badge for months now,” Lexi says, leaning back against the cushioned seat with her Hassy.
“Oh, yeah,” Chad says. “So you can’t do nuthin’ to us. We could trash the whole place, and you couldn’t stop us!” He climbs on the nearest empty table, garnering looks.
“I could,” Ramona interjects. “And I will.”
“Chad, please don’t get us banned from this place,” Oli pleads. “I like it here. And I like Ramona.”
“Fine, I’ll not trash this place,” Chad gives in. “But not because I’m scared or anything. I just like hanging out here. You don’t piss where you drink.”
“Especially because after this performance, I’m not letting you use the restroom,” Ramona says.
“Come off that table, Starfucker, and sit with us,” I call up to the boy.
“Hey, you called me it.” Chad grins and jumps off the table that starts dangerously teetering. “Oli, you haven’t called me it in ages.”
“Do you sign like that on your college applications as well?” Oli asks as he walks over to our table, rolling his eyes.
“For the art schools, yes.”
“Wait, I thought your dad was against art school?” Oli says.
“Yeah, he wants me to go to law school, so I can do the HR’s work in court,” Chad explains. “Which sounds boring as fuck.”
“I’d love to see you face off against Jess,” I say. “That would end in a cat fight.”
“The only way you should ever be in court is as a defendant,” Lexi notes.
“I’m sending out applications to art schools anyway,” Chad says. “And even if Dad won’t support me, I know Mom’s got my back.”
“Wait, I thought you weren’t in contact anymore?” Oli asks. “After the whole, uh, gene splicing thing?”
Chad looks embarrassed. “She, erm, actually reached out to me last month. So we met up. Kept it secret from Dad, he wouldn’t understand.”
Oli’s face lights up with a wide smile. “Chad, that’s amazing!”
“No big deal. We just talked,” he scoffs. “Caught up a bit. I was never really into the HR stuff anyways.”
“That’s sweet,” Ramona says. “I can’t believe your father would separate a family over some bigoted ideas about purity. That’s straight up evil.”
“I am very happy for you, Starfucker,” Turing says.
“Yeah, yeah, we’re all happy for me.” Chad blushes, brushing his hand over his face in a way that makes it look like he’s trying to punch the tears out of his eyes. “Anyways, we talked a bit about my plans for the future. And Mom said she supports my decisions, and that she’d pay for art school. Said that’s what parents are for, after all.”
There’s a loud crashing sound as this time, a table does fall over, drinks flying through the air and to the floor. Oli has to dodge out of the way.
“Damn it, I just cleaned there!” Ramona cries out. “And it’s my shift as well! The ROM’s on break.”
“We are so sorry,” Turing says. “We will help you clean up.”
“Hey, is everything okay?” Lexi asks me.
I’m staring ahead, my mind racing. Then I turn to Lexi: “Can you get us access to Fairlight’s finance accounts?”
“What?” She looks at me in confusion. “Did your drink have too much caffeine?”
“Did you figure out a way to track Fairlight?” Turing wants to know, their face a question mark.
“But some of the brightest minds in the country already looked through everything he left behind,” Lexi explains. “And they didn’t find anything. TOMCAT included. Besides, the accounts are all frozen.”
“They weren’t looking for this,” I say. “And it’s not Fairlight I am trying to find. So can you give me access or do I have to ask TOMCAT?”
“I can try to call in a few favors,” Lexi says, still confused.
“What did you find out?” Turing asks.
“It’s what Chad said,” I explain. “A good parent secures their child’s future, even if they might not be able to be there for them.”
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stars4sole · 2 months
the finding out about secret relationship trope is my favourite. ESPECIALLY if it's not from their povs. Add a little 5+1 in there and I'm booked for the afternoon.
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annabellelupin · 4 days
it's been quite a while but I make a list of queer headcanons every year for pride and I can't break my streak so here we go
*marauders era*
-demiaroace lily (yes I will die on this hill)
-demifemme lesbian Marlene
-obviously dorcas is a lesbian too
-pansexual and genderfluid mary
-aroace peter
-transmasc, gay, and aroacespec regulus (will fucking die on this hill too)
-transfemme, pan and ace Alice
-bi and ace frank
-bi Pandora
-last but not least, bisexual remus and gay sirius
*golden trio era*
-demisexual lesbian fleur I shall die on this hill
-pansexual genderfluid tonks
-ginny and harry are bi
-draco is gay plain and simple
-ron is pan (Hermione bicurious)
-percy and Oliver are very very gay (and in love I will not take criticism)
-pansy is most definitely a lesbian I'm just saying
-luna is nonbinary, ace and pan
-neville also takes me as a mspec so bi or pan
and those are the main ones at least
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crashlapine · 6 months
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smallestbubs · 2 years
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Jegulus isn’t the mlm Dorlene. Flintwood is.
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
who cares about who’s the sun and moon in the couple, start getting on the olive theory (100% true soulmate test)
scorpius like olives, albus hates them. harry likes olives, ginny hates them. dean likes olives and seamus is strictly anti olive. parvati likes olives but lavender hates them. hermione likes olives and ron will eat them but complain about their saltiness after because he’s a drama queen. sirius resents olives, remus likes them despite his sweet tooth. draco likes olives but astoria cringes every time she eats one. dorcas likes olives whilst marlene will throw them off her plate. lysander will eat olives out of the jar whilst lily just looks on with horror. newt likes olives, leta hates them, vice versa vice versa
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jaytoons7 · 8 months
Interrogation Rescue
Hehe finally wrote another fic based on a Discord convo I had with friends. This one has Scottie going through it for the millionth time.
Warnings: Implied torture, Implied abuse, Violence
Notes: The government are assholes in this (Except Charles, He's a real one), Scottie's found family is here to kick ass, Scottie has PTSD, I'm so sorry if I wrote anybody's OC ooc
Accordion and Violin belong to @bluetorchsky
Brutus Dan Gerbreaker and Gayle Fiesta belong to @smoresthehalloweenqueen
Danny Felizima belongs to @capturecharlesau
Nearby footsteps were moving…
That was the only sound Scottie could hear… Their arms were tied tightly behind a chair as they sat in a very dimly lit room. Or was it a tent? It didn’t matter. They knew that they were in the grasps of Galceforce’s wing of the government.
It all happened so fast. Scottie was dragged last minute into a raid, Much to their initial annoyance. Things quickly went downhill when they fought a bunch of government soldiers and quickly felt a sharp pain on the back of their head before things went black.
Everything after that was a blur to them. There were only flashes of pain as they were demanded to answer questions. Scottie doesn’t know how long it’s been since this started, But it felt like an eternity. Or maybe that was because they shut down during these interrogation sessions. Apparently the interrogators were on a lunch break right now, Which is why they weren’t here now.
It didn’t matter… After all, It wasn’t anything they weren’t used to. None of these scars and injuries are new. They spent the first 16 years of their life enduring this type of pain, They could do it again.
But then why did they feel so helpless…?
“They’re here! I know they are!”
“Toppats! Don’t let them get to that tent!”
“So you DO have them! You won’t get away with this! NONE of you will!”
Outside of the tent Scottie was in, A group of Toppats were fighting the government soldiers. Jay meanwhile was looking desperately for Scottie. He soon saw someone with red headphones and launched themselves at him.
“Where’s Scottie!?”
“Scottie?” Charles thought for a second before realizing what Jay meant. “Oh! That Toppat chef?” He looked back and forth before pointing at a tent “They’re in that tent over there.”
Jay obviously had some suspicion. “Is this a trick?”
“No! No!” Charles put his hands up defensively. “Look, I had nothing to do with this! Apparently the general ordered to have any Toppat brought back interrogated! He didn’t even run this plan by me…”
Jay’s expression calmed down a bit before facing away for a second. “Accordion! Come here!” Charles' eyes widened as he saw the towering Toppat walk over. “O-Oh…”
“This guy says he knows where Scottie is.” Jay explained. “Can you stay close so he won’t pull anything tricky on us?” Accordion looked at Charles with a slight glare before nodding at Jay. “Of course Jay. He’s unfortunately the only lead we have right now it seems…”
Jay sighed before facing Charles again with fiery eyes. “Take us there, And don’t try anything!” Charles quickly nodded. “A-Alright sirs! J-Just follow me hehe!”
Charles made sure nobody else was watching before leading Jay and Accordion to the tent Scottie was being kept in. Scottie flinched a bit at the sudden light from the tent entrance opening.
“Scot!” Jay quickly ran over to the brutally injured Scottie. They quickly used his powers to burn the ropes. Unfortunately, Scottie was too weak to stand up and fell forward from the chair onto the floor.
Accordion quickly picked up Scottie and cradled them close. “J-Jay… O-Oliver…” Scottie managed to breathe out, Vision blurred at this point. “I-I’m s-sorry-” “No, Don’t apologize for this.” Accordion spoke up. “This wasn’t your fault, None of this was…” He hummed deeply, Causing them to calm down a bit.
Jay faced Charles with a confused look. “W-Why did you help us..?” “Like I said, The general never ran this plan by me.” Charles explained before looking down. “He can be harsh but this..? What was he hoping to gain..? It didn’t even work, They never gave us any information…”
There was an awkward silence for a second before Charles faced the two Toppats again. “You two need to leave. You got what you needed, And if you don’t you’ll be outnumbered.” “U-Understood.” Jay nodded before going to the front of the tent. “And thank you…” Charles only stayed silent as Jay and Accordion left the tent with Scottie in tow.
“Little Fox! A!” Ulle was in her dragon form flying above some unconscious soldiers. “Did you find them!?” “Yeah!” Jay nodded. “But they’re injured real bad! They did a real number on them…” 
“Oh Shortcake…” Ulle looked at the barely conscious Scottie with worry. “I’ll get V to open us a Music Path! Meet us at the other side of the base! These soldiers are gonna get more intense when they realize you guys got their prisoner!” “Understood.” Accordion nodded. “I’ll keep Jay and Scottie safe. Please be careful Dazzling Fire…”
Ulle flew over to the other side of the base, Where some other Toppats were, Including Violin. “V! We found Scottie!” She landed next to him. “Them, As well as Jay and Accordion are on the other side of the base! It’s time to create a Music Path!”
“Are you sure they’ll make it Dragon Girl?” Brutus asked. “They’ll have to cross the whole base to make it!”
“I’m positive! Jay and Accordion know what they’re doing, And it’s too dangerous for us all to go across the base or for me to carry all three of them here! You’ll have to trust me!”
“I believe in you and them.” Violin gave Ulle a reassuring smile as he pulled out this instrument. “What I want you to do is make sure none of the soldiers can swarm them while I play. Can you do that, Pretty Comet?” Ulle nodded with determination. “You know it! I promise to make sure they’ll make it here safe!”
With that, Violin started playing.
On the other side of the base, Accordion and Jay heard the sound of a song played on a violin. “We need to move.” Accordion spoke. “A Music Path will be open soon.” “Don’t need to tell me twice!” Jay grinned. “Stay behind me, I’ll keep both you and Scottie safe so you can focus on protecting them!”
Jay ran forward and attacked any soldiers trying to come after them. Accordion followed close behind, Holding Scottie close.
Once they were halfway across the base, The song ended. A path was created and a portal with a metronome opened. “The portal!” Jay gasped. “We don’t have much time!” Accordion pointed out. “We need to move!”
Unfortunately, A bunch of government soldiers showed up. “They have the prisoner! Don’t let them escape!” Jay growled. With no choice, His eyes changed color as blue flames escaped them. The Blue Fox formed and picked up Accordion and Scottie. “Jay!” Accordion shouted in surprise.
“Go!” Jay’s voice echoed. “The portal will close any second!” The Blue Fox ran swiftly towards the portal. While Jay was focused on the fox, A soldier tried to attack them from behind.
Suddenly, Golden music notes suddenly attacked the soldier causing them to run off. Jay looked and saw Ulle landing closeby, Brutus and Gayle. “You scared the shit outta us Firefox!” Brutus half shouted. “We saw your fox thing zooming forward out of nowhere!” “Sorry.” Jay’s voice still echoed. “It has a mind of it’s own sometimes.”
“Alright gamers, Accordion and Scottie are about a quarter of the way there!” Gayle explained. “We should probably be joining them!” “We’ll get there! Just hold on, I see a LOT of soldiers ahead!” Ulle growled.
She took a deep breath before singing out and sending flaming meteorites flying towards the soldiers. The group used this opportunity to make it to the portal.
The Blue Fox zoomed into the portal while holding Accordion and Scottie. “We made it!” Ulle and Jay ran over. “The Music Portal’s about to close!” Violin stepped through. “Let’s leave!”
Jay’s eyes went back to normal. “F-Finally! Let’s go!” The rest of the Toppats went into the portal right as it closed.
Scottie’s eyes slowly opened, Flinching at the light above them. They noticed the bandages on them before wincing in pain. “Ugh…”
“You’re awake!” Scottie looked over and saw Jay and Ulle, Who both had tears in their eyes. “G-Guys..?” “You scared all of us!” Ulle sobbed. “We thought we lost you!” Scottie winced again as they sat up. “W-Where..?”
“You’re in the medbay.” Accordion finally spoke. “The government, They really showed you no mercy…” “O-Oh…” Scottie looked down at their hand. “I-I didn’t tell em anythin’... I-I zoned out through most of it…” Accordion looked at them concerned. “Zoned out?”
“I-It’s nothin’...” Scottie huffed. “Whatever they did to me, I’m used to it… I could go through it again if I had to…”
“No Scottie…” Accordion looked down. “You don’t ever have to go throught that again… You shouldn’t have to go through that again…” “He’s right!” Jay held Scottie’s hand. “You deserve better than that! You don’t deserve to be hurt like that!”
Tears formed in Scottie’s eyes. “I-I… I’m sorry… I-I never meant…” “D-Don’t apologize!” Jay shook his head. “Like Accordion said, None of this was your fault!” “H-How… How long did was I g-gone..?”
“Three days…” Ulle reluctantly answered. Scottie sat there quietly. Three days. Those were three whole painful days they would never get back. “I-I fuckin’ hate those assholes…” They noticed someone at the door. “Danny..?”
The Italian waiter flinched. “S-Scottie! I-I wasn’t eavesdropping I swear-” “I-It’s fine…” Scottie sighed. “I-I’m guessin’ I ain’t goin’ back to the kitchen for a while…”
“I-I’m afraid not. Reginald ordered that you stay rested until your injuries recover.”
“A-Ah… A-Are you sure you and Calypso can handle that..?”
“W-We’ll manage. Look, Whatever happened to you, You need to get your rest.”
“Exactly!” Ulle nodded. “But don’t worry! We’ll make sure to visit you the entire time!” “Yeah, And you’ll get to try out some delicious pastry recipes I wanna make!” Jay smiled. “Give em the Scottie taste test!”
Scottie sat quietly before more tears fell. “I… I love ye guys… Ya actually came to help me… A-And you still wanna help me… I-I don’t know what I’d do without ye guys…” “Of course.” Accordion gently placed a hand on their shoulder. “You’re family. Nobody hurts you and gets away with it.”
Scottie gave a small smile. They were part of a family that actually cared about them. A family that would risk so much to help them. And it was all they could ever hope for.
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sunflxwerelfgirl · 11 months
me completely ignoring the golden trio because I love the chaotic side characters that didn’t get enough attention in the movies (if they got any at all, rip Charlie Weasley never showing up on screen) the entire last 18 years that I’ve been a fan of the series
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gbveryspecialguests · 7 months
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6 Missing Kids
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Stephen interviews a bunch of children to make an absolutely hilarious horror movie trailer, and it's... everything, honestly.
(Obviously posting this for a reason given my blog theme, but this is also too good to not share.)
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nikatyler · 2 years
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Max became a spellcaster!
Oliver and Parker are both redheads! We’ve had so few of them in this save. The only other ones are Bert and Luke, I think.
Babies #95 and #96, Quentin and Robin Eggleston! We really can’t stop now, Max is so close to finishing this, but she’s also so close to being an elder, oh no. Hurry up!
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kittaykattz · 2 years
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teenagedirtstache · 2 years
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fledermoved · 1 year
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It’s a liiiiittle exclusive, but I did make a Vixey (and child) blog
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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International Sauvignon Blanc Day
The French may have given the world the term terroir – the wonderful alchemy of influences from soil and aspect and climate and winemaking that creates the unique character of a wine – but on the other side of the world, New Zealand winemakers have found their own distinctive ‘magic’ place.
Tūrangawaewae (pronounced: too-runguh-why-why) means "my place" in Māori. It describes a uniquely New Zealand approach to winemaking that includes terroir but also embraces the surrounding landscape, the characteristic climate, and the history and spirit of a place and the people who make it their home.
As a concept that expresses connectedness and belonging to the land, tūrangawaewae is a creative force that is producing exciting new styles of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.
The rise of a modern classic
New Zealand is no stranger to innovations in wine. It is the place where a humble vine that grows in southwest France became a wine world superstar. Sauvignon Blanc likely derived its moniker from the french word “Sauvage,” meaning wild, as the vines are reminiscent of wild grapevines. As the adventurous young winemakers who planted New Zealand's first Sauvignon vines in the 1970s discovered, a happy combination of ideal climatic conditions and skilful viticulture and winemaking transformed the sauvage qualities of the grape into the characteristic "green" aromas and mouth-filling tastes of classic New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. 
Success at local and international wine competitions soon followed, along with a chorus of praise from international wine critics. By the early 1990s New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc was established as the global benchmark for the style and now accounts for over 85% of wine exported from New Zealand. It is a remarkable success story that is celebrated around the world every year and 3 May 2024 marks the fourteenth International Sauvignon Blanc Day.
Sauvignon classics to come
Although Sauvignon Blanc is grown throughout New Zealand’s 10 wine regions, the province of Marlborough is its undisputed heartland. Located in the South Island’s northeast where broad alluvial plains rise from the coast and are sheltered by mountain ranges, Marlborough's long and steady cool-climate growing season creates Sauvignons with impressive aromas, distinctive fruit characteristics and extraordinary purity and intensity of flavours. 
Like the rest of New Zealand, Marlborough's geographically diverse landscapes are spectacularly beautiful and bountiful, and wine touring here and in every region is enhanced by vibrant communities of artisan producers and excellent restaurants and cellar doors. As you visit world-famous makers of classic Sauvignon in Marlborough and beyond you will also encounter newer producers of emerging styles whose wines are often less overtly powerful but wonderfully complex in the glass. And they are still unmistakably “New Zealand”.  
So this International Sauvignon Blanc Day pour yourself a glass of New Zealand and experience our country through pure and vibrant flavours in our wines. 
Did you know?
Sauvignon Blanc was commercially produced on our shores for the first time in the 1970s.
It is the country's most widely planted variety, and has established itself as New Zealand's flagship wine the world over.
Nationally, over 25,000 hectares of vineyard land are devoted to growing the grape.
Three-quarters of all Sauvignon Blanc is planted in Marlborough (22k+ ha), followed by Hawke's Bay (1k+ ha) and Nelson (0.6k ha).
Sauvignon blanc comprises 72% of New Zealand’s overall wine production — and it’s 86% of what we export to the rest of the world. Total production - 302,000 tonnes.
It's one of the parent grapes of Cabernet Sauvignon. The other? Cabernet Franc.
Sauvignon blanc is an excellent food-pairing wine. Depending on which style you’re pouring, you can roll with everything from Thai food and grilled chicken to salmon and pasta.
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