#om! mephisto
l3viat8an · 2 months
MC: You...seem like a person whose brain doesn't react to women.
Mephisto: Are you saying that there is something wrong with my pituitary gland?
MC: Not exactly…
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ankiebitez · 6 months
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1-siracha · 8 months
belphegor: *shoves bag off couch so he can sleep* satan: hey, that could have had something valuable in it! someone's work could have been destroyed because of you!
belphegor: it's mephisto's bag.
satan: shove it again and blast it with a fucking bazooka
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starrymuya · 7 months
✨Happy Birthday Mephistopheles✨
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nerdy-talks · 2 years
💚 Who else loves Mephistopheles? 💚
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💜 I want him to step on me 💜
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natstablook29 · 11 months
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amor-immortalem · 2 years
The word I’m searching for…
my life just sucks right now due to certain personal events so I haven’t really been able to post anything new on any social media site recently…
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rainiishowers · 1 year
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*Shamefully adds these two to my rare-pair*
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whatever-fanfics · 7 months
Headcanon that the demons and angels don't have that instinct when somethings wrong.
MC *feels the hairs on their arms stand up*: Somethings wrong
Solomon *feels a pit in his stomach*: I agree
Demons and Angels: What the fuck
*Something goes wrong*
The Demons and Angels: What the F U C K 🤯😱🤯
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1st-star · 15 days
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Go tell him, Mephisto!
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kannra21 · 2 years
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inspired by this post
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l3viat8an · 1 year
I am a faithful believer that Mephisto surely would hatefuck reader bc their friendship with diavolo, but not because he's watching over Diavolo, no nono, he's being possessive of reader
Nsfw MDNI!
Mephisto genuinely hates you.
You take up Diavolo’s time and it’s annoying. It’s definitely not jealousy that you’re spending time with Diavolo and not with him!
That’s unthinkable.
Mephisto will deny it’s jealously, even when he has you pinned to the wall in the newsroom, muttering just how much; he hates you and “How you’re always up Diavolo’s ass. It’s so fucking annoying…” like he’s any better- as he kisses and bites his way down your neck.
Tugging clothes off haphazardly and bending you over his desk, still telling you how much he hates you, how you never leave his mind.
He can’t get a moment’s peace without your damn smile, the way your damn eyes light up when you’re happy and the way you-
The way you’ve completely taken over his mind and he hates you for it.
Even when he’s fucking you, just to show you how fucking annoying you are and just how much he hates you- ofc <3 You’re the only thing in his mind, how soft your skin feels, how sweet your moans and whines sound.
Even more then all of that, he hates you and he hates that he’s enjoying this.
Watching you cum around his cock, groaning out “Fuck, I h-hate you.” and filling you with his cum…..oh and another thing Mephisto hates….is seeing you try and waste his cum when he pulls out-
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ankiebitez · 9 months
nsfw //
thinking SO hard about a frenimies with benefits relationship w sub! mephisto. riding him while he's tied up and wearing a cock ring so he cant cum while you use his dick to get off or gagging him while you fuck him so he'll actually shut up for once aghhhhhh yeah im definitely normal about him
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In the devilgrams Mephisto is by far the one MC gets the most chances to bully and I'm sorry but it never stops being funny meanwhile Mammon's become the one where it's rare to have a negative/dismissive/genuinely mean (and not just teasing) dialogue option
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Babe he's fine. He's a demon. He's immortal. He just pricked himself with a needle, you're acting like he got stabbed in the kidney
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nocreativityfornames · 11 months
Lesson 19 hard mode in a nutshell:
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rae-writes · 1 year
just a few more
Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephisto + two bonus characters // 3.k wc
     *disclaimer: this is written as poly!romantic mc + all dateables
not only did Mc bag the seven lords of hell, they also ended up bagging the prince, his butler, and his highest ranking noble. Yk, as they should.
a/n : we’re gonna pretend Diavolo didn’t say he couldn’t form a pact with us just bc he’s the prince/future king because I think that’s a load of shi—
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It all started with you mentioning how pretty you thought Barbatos’ pact was. You said it casually- in passing- when you and the brothers had been over for tea. They were all fighting (with the exception of Lucifer and maybe Beel and Satan) over who’s pact mark looked the best when you dropped the bomb.
“Come oooon, Mc! You don’t havta pick a favorite or anythin’, just tell us which one looks the best!”
“That’s the same thing, moron!” 
Smiling, you picked the choice least likely to start a fight, “I think Barbatos has a pretty sigil. Solomon showed me once.” Yep- there definitely wasn’t any room to argue when they all had their jaws on the floor. 
Oh, but you sent a shock of heat straight through Barbatos, who was the last one expecting your particular reply. 
Not even the uproar from the brothers or the shit eating grin from his master could make that heat dim. In fact, it only grew stronger at the mischievous smile you sent him.
And then you showed up on the castle’s doorstep, bruised and bleeding, while crying out his name. 
“B-bar— Barba-tos! Barbatos!” it was the only coherent thing he could decipher as he watched you sob violently into his chest, fist clutching his shirt so hard he almost thought it’d rip. 
You’d been in the Devildom for so long now, it was a shock that anything could scare you this badly- but when you managed to choke out that a group of demons ganged up on you, the butler felt searing hot threads of possessiveness and rage grip at him. 
They’d touched you- hurt you. You were probably crying out for him while you fought your attackers and he didn’t hear it. He couldn’t hear it.
The final blow to his wavering resolve came only an hour later : 
“Why didn’t you call one of the brothers? You could’ve gotten fatally wounded if you hadn’t been using your magic.” He was scolding you. 
And you were smiling. “I didn’t want one of them at the time. I wanted you.” 
He blinked, staring at you blankly, “Huh?” Did he really just space out? 
“I said I’m sorry for worrying you and putting my life in danger. I’ll be more careful next time and call on my pacts.” 
Your pacts. Pact. “May I have the pleasure of entering a pact with you?” 
Surprised, you stared at Barbatos like he had three heads for a moment. “Me? A p-pact with me? But I thought—“ 
Barb interrupted by grasping your hands and bringing them to his lips, “If you think I do not trust you, I must ask you to think again.” 
You watched him press your intertwined hands against his chest, where his heart is, before he was leaning closer- closer than he’d ever been. 
“I trust you, Mc. Do you trust me?”
Voice nothing more than a whisper and without a trace of hesitation, “Yes. I’ll make a pact with you- I want to make a pact with you.” 
Barbatos’ eyes darkened ever so slightly as he gave you a genuine smile, “Excellent.”
Then his lips were on yours and your hands broke apart so he could cup your face while yours went straight to his hair and you could faintly feel the tingle of your new bond but kissing him felt too surreal for you to even begin deciphering where it was located. 
7 -> 8
Mephisto was certain he only tolerated you due to your closeness with the seven brothers and his lord- it’s all anybody heard him run his mouth about when you were mentioned. But when he got scolded by his kid brother for saying such things about you, he simply decided he had to see what everyone saw in you- and boy, was he straight up beat down with the realization. 
“Good morning, Mc.” 
Without even questioning why he was suddenly speaking to you out of the blue, you smile brightly and stop walking, “Morning, Mephisto! I like your tie, is that one new?” 
He blinks in surprise— you…noticed? “Yes, it is. I thought I might change things up every now and then.” 
“It’s pretty! Like you!” Not even embarrassed at such a bold comment, you point in the direction of the newspaper club’s office (which was opposite of the student council’s- where you were supposed to be going), “I’ll walk you to your office so we can talk some more, yeah? I don’t get to see you much!” 
One day he caught you taking care of his little brother and the feelings just intensified. 
“Now, now, none of that. You’ll make your eyes all swollen-“ you wiped away the boy’s tears, “and then your little head will hurt-“ your hand ruffled his hair playfully, “and we can’t have that, can we?” 
Mephisto watched you carefully doctor his brother’s scraped knee, not noticing his feet were moving until he was right beside you.
Smiling at the excited ‘big brother!’, you glance up in acknowledgment before placing a bandaid over the injury. “All better!” You kiss his knee, giving him another on the forehead before helping him stand. 
And as you and Mephisto watch the younger demon run off with a wave, he can’t help but feel the slightest bit miffed at the kisses you’d given said demon. It must’ve shown too, because—
“Oh, ‘Phisto,” you couldn’t stop giggling, even after you’d grabbed his face and pulled him down, “If you want a kiss, all you have to do is ask.” 
You kissed him on the cheek, patting it afterwards, before leaving with a grin (and leaving him behind with a blush and a hint of possessiveness). 
Not even a full week after that, Mephisto quickly decided that you simply couldn’t go any longer without it. 
“Form a pact with me.” He stamped down the urge to shuffle nervously under your surprised stare, “..please?” 
Your expression slowly morphed into a giddy smile, “I’d love to make a pact with you, ‘phisto.” Feeling the familiar warmth of the forming sigil, you beamed at him. 
He could feel it too; the bond threading itself together— his first (and only) pact. “Mc…” his tongue felt like lead but he knew what he wanted. All he had to do was ask. “May I have a kiss?” 
“As many as you want.” You sounded breathless as you brushed over his lips with your own, connecting them eagerly once he grabbed onto your hips. 
He nearly jumps when you grab onto his tie, though he steels himself and pulls you even closer, not daring to break the kiss for more than a couple seconds at a time. Now that he’s felt this…Mephisto doesn’t think he can live without it. 
8 -> 9
Your pact with Diavolo, while he truly wanted to have that relationship and bond with you, mostly happened due to childish jealousy. He’d dealt with your happy ramblings about your pact with Barbatos for months, but then…
“Another pact? With Mephisto? How ever did you manage that?” 
Either you didn’t notice the strain in Diavolo’s voice or you simply didn’t bother pointing it out, your smile stayed as you hummed happily. 
“I didn’t really do anything. ‘Phisto just came up to me all of a sudden and asked to make a pact.” 
“He asked?” If Diavolo wasn’t bothered before, he sure was now. Mephistopheles in a pact? It was simply unheard of, and now, he was the only demon in your group without a pact with you. “I see…”
It was such a petty feeling, because truly, he was thrilled for all of his friends— Diavolo just felt undeniably left out despite no one treating it that way [but him].
“I swear if the four of you stubborn bastards don’t take a break, I’ll make you!” giving a deadpan stare, you crossed your arms and stood in front of the demons seated at the student council table. 
Mephisto relented immediately, having heard of what exactly you can do with your pacts, and chose to go get some coffee. Lucifer- after a quick staredown- followed the noble, but not without leaving a kiss on your hand in silent ‘thanks’. Barbatos and Diavolo, however, remained in their spots.
“I appreciate the sentiment, Mc, but we really must finish; these are documents for RAD’s-”
“Barbatos. Take a break.” you watched his hands release the papers involuntarily, smiling at his incredulous stare, “At least go eat something. Please.” when Barb reluctantly stood from his chair, you turned to Diavolo and leaned to rest your forehead against his. “Just because I can’t make you, doesn’t mean you’re exempt from this. Up- come on.” 
And while his heart was practically beating out of his chest at the care you showed for him, that ugly jealousy still churned inside him at the clear display of difference in your relationships between him and the others. 
Everything finally bubbled over the day you confessed to him :
“Apologies, Mc, but could you…repeat that?” 
Ducking your head to hide the flush of your cheeks, you fiddled with your fingers, “I like you, Dia- if that wasn’t already obvious, and Barbatos and a few of the others agreed that I should tell you and ask if you’d like to date me too…”
Diavolo answered a bit too fast and desperate for his liking, “Yes! I-I mean, yes, I would be overjoyed to be in a relationship with you, Mc.” 
“But?” you squinted, knowing something was- and had been for a while- on his mind. “What’s wrong? You’ve been like this for weeks.”
“Nothing is wrong, I just…” Follow his heart or follow the rules? “I just want to be in a pact with you like all the others.” he averted his eyes, feeling childish when he spoke those feelings aloud. 
You only giggled, “That’s it, huh? I would love to enter a pact with you, Dia. Wait- are you even allowed? As the prince and future king, I mean?”
As soon as you agreed, his hands were already cupping your face, “I don’t care-” his lips finally, finally met yours as his feet began moving, walking you backwards until you hit the wall, “-I decide what I want and I’ve wanted you for so long, been jealous of the others for so. long.”
With the pact etching itself into your skin, you couldn’t deny him anything in that moment, completely enamored with the way Diavolo was practically begging for you, still, even though he already had you. 
9 -> 10
When Simeon fell completely, wings black and horns protruding from his head, he desperately needed something to ground him while he worked through his new body and new status. 
“They’re so pretty, Si.” You were brushing through his wings softly, smiling at the contrast it brought to your glittery nails, “Your horns, too.” 
Simeon shifted, nervous despite your words at letting anyone else see his new form. “Do you really think so?” his spine straightened at the feeling of your lips pressing kisses down his back. 
“I do. You’re so beautiful- angel, human, or demon.” Nuzzling your head into his neck, you smiled against the skin, “In fact, I’m going to have to fight off so many demons just to keep you to myself.”
That made him chuckle, body relaxing into yours easily, “Nonsense…that might be quite a sight, though.” 
Adjusting wasn’t hard— he thinks he had an easier time at it than the brothers, but he couldn’t help but feel something was missing.
It was difficult to not fiddle with his outfit, but in Simeon’s defense, this was his first time at one of Diavolo’s formal parties as a demon— and the first time everyone saw his demon form. 
Tsking, you gently slapped his hands away and re-straightened his shirt. “Don’t pay any attention to the staring. You’re just too pretty to look away from.” 
He knew it was because, in all technicalities, he was a fallen angel, even if he’d been human before this. But he also knew that if anyone was an expert in unwanted spotlight attention, it was you. 
“I’ll try not to, thank you, Mc.” Simeon smiled at your pleased expression, “May I have this first dance?” 
As the night went on, he watched you dance with the other nine demons (and with the other members of Purgatory Hall). Everything was like it always was- nothing changed after he became a demon. Still though….
“Simeon!” you called out with a bright smile, hand waving him over to join the dancing circle you, Mammon, and Asmo had created. 
He felt as if there was something absent in him, something he couldn’t describe. “I’m coming.” 
Finally, Simeon figured out the missing puzzle piece. 
Laying with you, clad in only your underwear, always brought him a sense of love and tranquility. He simply couldn’t get over how vulnerable and exposed you were willing to be around him.
“Siiimeonnn~” you sang, laughing when his eyes fluttered sleepily. Your fingers carded through his hair, making him hum in delight, and you hummed right back at the faint feeling of his nails tracing over your pacts. 
He continues to trace the slightly raised skin, not thinking too much about it until you mumble something about how he’s always had a fascination for the marks adorning your body. At that, Simeon sits up quickly, all traces of tiredness gone.
You follow his lead worriedly, “Simeon? What’s-”
“Make a pact with me. Please, Mc, please, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more- I knew something was missing when I became a demon and now I know it’s because everyone else is bonded to you but me. I couldn’t have that with you as an angel or human but I can now. Please, Mc, allow me to be selfish just this once.”
“Oh, Si…” there was an undeniable warmth blooming in your chest. “You never needed a pact to feel bonded to me— you’ve always been perfect the way you are.” 
Simeon let out a shaky breath, allowing you to shift closer while his heart thumped wildly in anticipation. 
You moved even closer, and closer still, until you were practically in his lap. “You can be as selfish as you want with me. I’m yours, and now-“ your lips brushed, “-you belong to me, in turn. I’m honored you trust me enough for this, Simeon, of course I’ll make a pact with you.” 
And although your lips have met in this dance time and time again in the past, and will surely do the same in the future, it still sent shivers down his spine and heat to his face. 
When his hands move to trace your pacts out of habit again, his is the first he finds- guided by your own hands- and devils does that make Simeon’s head spin; he’s finally complete.
10 -> 11
++extra reverse!bonus [no specific demon form]
For someone with 72 pacts and ongoing shameless attempts at getting Lucifer into one, it surprisingly didn’t occur to Solomon once you became a demon (in his defense, he was more focused on your well being and adjustment). 
“You need to stop scratching, Mc. I know it itches, but you’re going to get an infection. You’ll get used to them eventually.” 
While he was lecturing, you were practically boneless in his lap, keening as he softly rubbed your horns and applied ointment on the irritated areas. 
“Are you even listening to me?” He huffed in false annoyance, feeling a smile fight its way onto his face when you whined at the loss of his touch. 
Nudging your head against his hand, you stubbornly huffed right back. “Yes. Don’t be mean- feels good. You're so sweet to me…” 
“Don’t get used to it, darling apprentice. You’ll learn how to do this yourself eventually, too.” 
And while you did in fact get the hang of caring for your own demon form, you simply enjoyed when he did it instead. 
“You know, each of the ten demons you have wrapped around your finger would jump at the chance to help you.” 
You hummed in agreement, curling in on yourself at the blissful feeling of Solomon grooming your extra appendage(s). 
He lifts a brow, “And yet I’m still called, why? No complaints here of course, but I am curious.” 
“Want you.” Stretching, you shift onto his lap to be closer, “Don’t you want me anymore, Sol?” 
Solomon inhales sharply, tilting his head so you have more room where you’re nipping at his pulse point with your sharpened canines, “Of course I do, Mc.” 
The lightbulb finally goes off in his brain when he catches you glaring at his bare upper body, to which he’s all too happy to oblige you : 
“What’s with that look?” Based on the tone of his voice, he very well knew what said ‘look’ was for. 
You bared your teeth anyway. “You’re mine.” nails scratched over the pacts on his lower stomach as your hands gripped and prodded at every small inch of bare skin you could see. 
Solomon wanted to see just how possessive a new demon could get. Did you have those instincts yet, especially since he was already yours beforehand? “I am. So why don’t you prove it?” 
“Gladly.” Your voice came out as a low growl, hands finally coming to a stop when your fingers brushed ever so slightly below his belt. “I think mine will go riiight…here.” You pressed down over his pelvis firmly. 
He tried not to stutter, “o-oh?” but he could feel the blush snaking up his face. 
“Make a pact with me, Solomon. ‘S not fair you have so many marks but mine…mine’ll be the prettiest, though…especially on you.” 
“Fuck- yes, I’ll form a pact with you, Mc—“ Solomon’s back arches at your pact etching into his skin, having forgotten the feeling, but the knowledge that it’s yours makes it all the more better. 
“mine, mine, mine. Is this proof enough, or do I need to prove it further?”
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