#one piece 1059 spoilers
cebwrites · 2 years
OK! it's the "jump the gun" anon and I'm glad to hear I'm not spoiling anything with this! for the thought my brain won't let go of!
Mihawk and his husband (reader) hear about this mini Hawk look alike and investigate. That then leads to them finding the kid, taking him in, and then subsequently adopting said kid! how do you think Mihawks gonna react to this little winged clone and then to his spouse declaring "this is our child now and no one, not even the world government, can have him!"
cause seriously that kid is adorable and younger Mihawk was adorable and I wanna squish his little cheeks (and demanded Mihawk show baby photos of his scowling tiny self to fawn over!)
"mihawk and his husband 🥺💕" anon i'm kissing u on the lips this is adorable YES i am here for the gay goth dad content <33
spoilers for chapter 1059 under the cut masc reader word count: 0.4k
adopting his seraphim son w/ the reader (Mihawk)
Frankly, he isn't surprised - Mihawk's had a directionally challenged moss ball and a bubblegum goth dropped into his lap without reason already, so what's one more?
He is, however, a little amused at your enthusiasm about it all; he thinks it's cute
No matter - whatever the love of his life wants, he gets
Domesticity and attempts at parenting are a little rough on the high seas now in comparison to the comfort of his castle that the navy so rudely lay siege to but he’ll manage
First orders of business - working whatever murderous tendencies that Vegapunk had built into this little Mini-hawk; wielding unfathomable amounts of strength was all well and good but if it was left to the hands of a temperamental child that wouldn’t do anyone well
Fathering comes like a second nature to him, especially after having Zoro and Perona invade his space for two years, and he’s got the reflexes to prove it, too - they may not be able to childproof much on a boat but there’s still plenty of ways for a kid-shaped weapon of mass destruction could fuck up
Mihawk isn’t the spoiling type, if anything discipline is very high on his list of priorities, but if there’s anything he doesn’t spare any expense to, it’s your and the Mini-hawk’s food, which he handles personally unless you want a turn at cooking for the night
He’s quiet by nature, so is Mini-hawk by proxy, but where the kid doesn’t communicate verbally he’ll make up for in gestures like pointing to things, holding books up to read before bed-time, and tugging at your or Mihawk’s pantleg when he wants something
Some days you’ll find Mihawk sleeping upright again in some grand chair, but upon closer inspection, you find the baby bird curled up against his side with Hawkeye’s arm around him and you have to stifle the squeal that threatens to leave your throat
Mihawk notices your presence, careful not to wake the kid up but he does beckon you over, to lean down so he may kiss his husband, mumbling quiet compliments and ‘I love you’s while you’re in close proximity
Mini-hawk of course stirs because he’s a light sleeper just like his father (the avian one), but you plant a kiss and shush him back to slumber before the kid can fully awaken and be cranky about it
You may not have the luxury of Kuraigana’s vast castle with it’s sprawling walls gothic architecture, and Mihawk’s personal garden anymore, but it was just you, Mihawk, your little baby bird - you could rebuild from there, wherever the sea took the three of you - and that was enough
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bottlepiecemuses · 2 years
Saying What We Are All Thinking About Blackbastard
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Sometimes the immature response is the only good one. 
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thecountesstribe · 2 years
Spoiler... Spoilers Alert.
Nah don't feel we forgot. Some of y'all were mad disrespectful when it came to Hancock and the Amazons. Hancock clears your favs. Blackbeard was the only person to ever put a scratch on her (that we know of) and that's because he snuck her. Yasss!!! I've known a long time that her character was a real problem. Kudos to Oda!!!! Shakky being a former empress wasn't in my bingo cards but here we are. I just knew she was ridiculously strong since the bar scene 🤣🤣🤣. Infatuation with Luffy aside please put some respect on her name. The chapter legit had my heart racing cause I be avoiding spoilers like the plague on Twitter so when I saw BB show up and got the jump on her I was like shit but then Goat Rayleigh came in so I was like phew. Dr. Vegapunk is the devil himself, you can't change my mind. Say a prayer for Koby, another fat, ugly pirate (iykyk) captured him again and now they probably got him swabbing the deck of their ship. I just know King would be fuming when he sees the new pacifistas, I just know and rightfully so.
That lil moment with Hancock and Rayleigh is so wholesome. Now I wanna see more of them and Shakky going forward. Might just get my wish cause apparently she's going to the new world. Marco and Luffy meeting and Marco mentioning Ace😭😭😭😭 . Oda's on his p's and q's. I love this for us!!!
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freinhardt56 · 2 years
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This makes his departure bittersweet instead of a total slap in the face.
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livin-lightning · 2 years
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One Piece 1059 spoilers!
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lilliandwilliam · 2 years
In regards to the latest One Piece... (Ch. 1059)
I like... how fucking messed up these children are. The government was able to mix the DNA of lunarians, the ones they nearly brought to extinction, and the DNA of who we can assume did not sign up to have their DNA extracted. Now the question is, do they have Hancock’s DNA because she was a Shichibukai, or because she was a slave? Do they have to be alive? Will we see a young Fisher Tiger being treated like a weapon with new features rather than respecting the person they were? Like, I don’t know about you, but I find it fascinating how morally distasteful these creations are. I can see the scientific achievement and wonder, but it makes me question is Caesar was the only messed up scientist of the two. That aside... do these children have a will of their own? The expressions make me lean more on yes... which would be interesting in a world about holding someone’s will. Would they see Vegapunk as their father? Perhaps the ones that trained them if there was a trainer? Or would deep down... would they yearn for their lunarian roots that the government will try to repress as hard as they can? I have a couple ideas: 1) Rob Lucci is their teacher. It would make sense they would try to raise the next generation, and I would completely adore Lucci growing a soft spot for at least one of their students. 2) As a bonus, maybe that student is their Doflamingo. I feel it would make a lot of sense for the themes of Doflamingo’s character if we saw a side of him that was raised different. What would be the same? What would be different? There were small signs of honor in our Doflamingo when it came to his crew, so would those traits be amplified under the right circumstance? Of course the government would want all of them to be killing machines, but I have a feeling at least one is going to be the outsider. 3) Child Crocodile is one of them, and this is how Crocodile is going to have to face the past that Ivankov has dirt on. Of course my theory on what that dirt on is the obvious choice, but it could be other things too.
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torao-d-water-ya · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1059
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1. Shanks continuing to simp for Marco, as he should
2. Marco honey you're like 5 years older than him calm down
we are not going to think about why he's too worn out, no siree
3. Thoughts and prayers for our guy Benn Beckers, unfortunately we can only imagine what you go through
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"There's a random ship nearby, no big, just some guy I know, wants me around enough that he'll sail me all the way back to my island." Okay Marco.
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This is too cute. Get Law in on this conversation
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Oda. Oda how could you do this to me. I was not prepared for any of this.
Of course he would, Luffy. Of course he fucking would.
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homemadebabka · 2 years
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his smile
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usopps-froggy-hat · 1 year
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NO! BAD sword! *brings out the spray bottle* you stop that RIGHT NOW!!
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quilfish-swan · 2 years
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[image ID: a digital drawing of shakky from one piece as an empress of amazon lily. she is sitting relaxed in a pile of pink peonies that continue a little bit up the left side of the drawing. she has a white snake around her arm and a cigarette in her hand. she is wearing a bright pink halter wrap top with black spots and a black skirt with a gold hexagon pattern. she is covered in various gold body jewelry. she is blowing out smoke that fades into the background, which is also smoke. she is winking. her head is haloed by the kuja pirates’ jolly roger. the drawing is formatted like the tarot card for the empress. /end ID.]
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lapizeui · 2 years
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Who is this?
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bottlepiecemuses · 2 years
Rayleigh Is Pulling A Shanks
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Putting Blackbastard in his place. 
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she is still doing her “looking up so much she is looking down on you” thing. queen.
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l0afip · 2 years
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missmungoe · 2 years
I know the gear 5 reveal is largely considered the biggest this year but
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Former Empress of the Kuja tribe?!?!
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