#only have small tweaks to make for em hehehe
xianta · 7 months
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Got samples in of my creek artbook!! Keep an eye out for preorders hehe
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fanficsandfluff · 7 years
Supernatural: Doggy Treats
Based off an anon prompt, I needed to write something about my bby Crowley after the s12 finale. This is just gonna be pure tickles and fluff, in case anyone’s wondering. More like my old Supernatural fics. Hope you enjoy while I still suffer over the finale deaths -_- 
Words: 1,480
“Dean, would you pass me the peanut butter?” 
The teen licked off peanut butter from his finger, where he’d been feeding from the bowl. He grinned and handed the container over, “Sohorry.”
Crowley smirked at the young man sitting on the counter, “How long do these bake for?”
“Fifteen minutes or so.”
Dean nodded, looking over to the empty cage in the next room, where his little brother was kneeling next to it. Soft growls and small giggles from Sam told him that the hellhounds were in a playful mood for once instead of.... well, a slashy killy one. 
“Would you like to shape the treats for me, squirrel?” Crowley offered, “Sam seems to be occupied enough.”
Dean smiled and nodded, hopping off the counter to go to the dough. He used the cookie cutter to make bone-shaped biscuits.
“Not bad,” the King of Hell commended, patting Dean’s shoulder once as he walked over to Sam.
“Having fun, moose?” 
The youngest Winchester looked up, his fingers poking into the cage where he’d feel nuzzles and warm, moist breath against them, “Yeah. What’s her name again?”
“Layla,” Crowley said, “However, it could be Romulus who you’re petting as well. They’re in there together.”
“Oh!” Sam smiled wide, “Cool. You knew them since they were puppies?”
“Of course. Helped raise them. And I know you’re eager, but they’ll adore you even more after they’ve had their treats. That’s when we’ll let them out,” he ruffled Sam’s mop of hair affectionately. 
Sam smiled again and he chuckled, rearranging his hair to the way it was, making sure it was out of his face, “Ow!” he suddenly pulled his hand back from the cage.
“Romulus! Bad!” Crowley scolded, “He’s curious, is all. Doesn’t know how to handle new smells and such being so touchy in there. Are you alright?” he took Sam’s arm, where the hound had nipped him. There was only a small dot of blood, “You’ll live. Go grab a napkin and it’ll be fine.”
Sam nodded, standing while staring at the wound on his finger. 
Dean glanced over, “You okay, Sammy?”
“Mmhm, look, he bit me,” Sam grinned softly, holding up his finger for Dean to see.
“Eheasy, kiddo. Don’t wanna get your blood in the treats. Then they’ll really develop the taste for you,” he teased and growled playfully.
Sam rolled his eyes, punching Dean in the arm, “Jerk.”
“Rihight back at ya, bitch,” Dean smirked, “Crowley, treats are all cut. Do I put them in the oven?”
“Yes, squirrel. And set the timer,” Crowley sauntered back into the kitchen.
A little closer to twenty minutes later, with the treats baked and properly cooled, they were ready to let the hounds feast. 
“Sam, they know you. Dean, come closer and give them a feel so they don’t attack you when we open the cage,” Crowley summoned the older Winchester brother. Dean came over and stuck his hand nervously through the cage bars, the invisible hounds growling. 
“I feel ‘em,” Dean smiled and scrunched his face up when he felt a rough lick up his palm.
“That’s Layla. She’s easy to get to,” Crowley explained, “Romulus. Come,” he whistled. 
Once the hounds were acclimated, Crowley stood upright near the cage, “Right, boys. You each have a handful of treats. They’re most likely going to come out with vigor, so don’t be surprised if they jump at you. If anyone’s biting, I’ll ward them off.”
“Come on already!” Sam smiled, bouncing on his toes excitedly. Crowley grinned and he opened the cage. 
As predicted, the hellhounds came bursting out, Layla going to Dean and picking treat by treat out of his hands. Meanwhile, Sam was full-on tackled by Romulus, the treats flying everywhere after the impact.
“Easy easy!” Crowley stepped over and scratched Romulus’s back to calm him. 
Sam yelped at being tackled but started to giggle as Romulus lapped up a treat resting by his neck, continuing to lick around the area with his rough tongue in search of more of the treat taste.
“Ack! Nohohoho!”
Dean looked over and grinned, “What’s so funny, Sammy?” the sight was just too humorous in itself. Seeing his brother squirming on the floor giggling with seemingly nothing causing it. 
Layla whined and nudged herself into Dean’s thigh, being at that level when standing. She had eaten all the treats he had in his hands and wanted more.
“Alright, I’m getting some,” Dean smiled and he felt around the air to find the fur and stroke it gently. Then he went back into the kitchen to fetch more treats. 
In the meantime, Layla was wandering around, sniffing the air and ground, finding a loose treat from Sam’s batch and eating it. There was another sitting by Sam’s legs that she spotted, eating it off the ground, also happening to brush her fur against Sam’s foot. 
Sam squeaked and his foot kicked out suddenly, “Ahaha! Gehehehet off!” he now tried his hand at pushing Romulus, but the dog was still eating treats on the floor around Sam.
Crowley just looked on with amusement clear on his face. 
Dean returned and looked around, “Layla,” he called for her, “Where’d she go?” he asked Crowley.
“Oh, she’s taken an interest in Sam’s feet,” Crowley smirked. 
Now that Dean looked, he could see Sam’s legs struggling to kick and his toes curled. He grinned, having an idea. 
“Heya, Layla. Look what I got for you,” he knelt down by Sam’s legs and held one of them still as he placed a treat right at Sam’s heel. 
“Dean!” Sam exclaimed, Romulus keeping him pinned by his weight. 
Layla sniffed the treat and licked it up, her tongue and moist nose both making contact with Sam’s sole. The Winchester squealed and he burst out into laughter when he felt those odd sensations.
“D-Dehehehehean nohoho!”
“Whyhy do you keep blaming me? I’m just a bystander,” Dean smirked broadly. Now crushing up a treat over Sam’s foot so the hound had free reign to lick up all the bits. 
Sam shrieked when he felt the now incessant licks of that warm, rough tongue, “SHIHIHIHIT!”
“Watch that mouth, bitch,” Dean also gave some brotherly tweaks to Sam’s still underdeveloped sensitive knees. 
“While I do enjoy this, I don’t think the contest is a fair one. Don’t you agree, squirrel?” Crowley took a step forward and snapped his fingers so now Dean was sprawled out on the ground, pinned like his brother. 
“Crowley! Dammit! This isn’t fair, lemme go!” Dean struggled with all his might, trying to get up.
Crowley had waltzed into the kitchen and returned with the tub of peanut butter. He crouched down by Dean, pushing up his shirt so his stomach was revealed. 
“No! Crowley, don’t do it! I’m gonna kill you soho hard!” Dean knew exactly what his plan was when his shirt was pushed up. He winced when Crowley slathered the peanut butter onto his belly with the back of a spoon.
“Y-You’re friggin’ evil...” Dean eyed Crowley, trying to keep his resolve intact for the moment.
The King of Hell grinned and winked at Dean, “I am a demon, after all, squirrel,” and he whistled, “Romulus. Here, boy. Your favorite snack.” 
So now the larger hellhound was off of Sam and sniffing around Dean’s belly where Crowley directed him to. 
The minute Dean felt hot breath against his peanut-butter covered skin, he knew it was all over for him. In the next second, Romulus’s tongue was having a field day all over his tummy. And Dean couldn’t hold back. 
“HAHA! NOHOhohoHOHO! EHEWWW!” Dean had to point out how gross it felt even though it was still tickly as hell.
As for Sam, he was still giggling and now trying to push Layla away from licking at his feet even more, “Nohoho! No no, bahad.... noho more hehehe....” once he found Layla’s head, he pet her there and she chose to nuzzle into Sam instead of tickle him. He got a thankful lick to his cheek, which brought another giggle, as he cuddled the lovable hellhound. 
Glancing over at Dean in his predicament, he could see peanut butter magically flying off Dean’s belly and disappearing from different spots, “Having fun, De?”
Sam giggled and he picked up one more treat on the ground Romulus had somehow missed, feeding it to Layla. Then he felt some odd itchy sensation crawling around his midsection. He scratched at it but it grew more noticeable and strangely tickly the more he scratched. 
“W-Whahat thehe...” Sam squeaked when there was a flutter of this feeling under his arms and he fell onto his back, writhing.
Crowley grinned at both of the Winchesters, “Have to keep you entertained somehow while I clean up. Bye, boys,” and the King of Hell left Dean and Sam to their tickly demises. 
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