#opal the first class carriage
starburst2000 · 10 months
StEx Appreciation Month 2023!
Day 2: Pearl & Opal!!!
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Our beloved coaches!!! Opal and Pearl are half-sisters, and therefore their style is pretty similiar; they also have a white dress, but while Pearl is more pink, Opal has a gold/champagne/light yellow palette. Neverthless, both are SUPER SPARKLY and SUPER CLASSY!!!
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marastriker · 1 year
Favorite Update Pearl/Opal Actresses!
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1) Sydnie Christmas
2) Dieuwke Tönissen
3) Emilie du Leslay
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finleyforevermore · 10 months
2023's StEx Appreciation Month!
Day 2.5: Opal the First Class Carriage
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Emilie du Leslay in the first picture, Sydnie Christmas in the second picture, Jessica Nelson in the third picture, Dieuwke Tönissen in the fourth picture, and Rochelle Sherona in the fifth picture.
Favorite Actor(s): Hollie Aires (Bochum update, 2019-2020) and Emilie du Leslay (Bochum update, 2020-2024)
Face Claim/Voice Claim: Emilie du Leslay (face), Hollie Aires (voice)
Favorite Song/Scene: Whistle for Me
Favorite Costumes: She only has one and it's pretty!
Favorite Ships: Ropal (post-2018 Prusty) and First Class Chessboard (ship name coined by the wonderful @splendidred05!) (Opal x Elektra)
Headcanons: I mentioned last year that I headcanon that Killerwatt paints in his spare time, so maybe they paint together sometimes!
Unpopular Opinion: I really like her!
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engine-of-love · 1 year
No thoughts, Just Opal
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neacle · 2 years
StEx Appreciation month 2022 Day 2: Pearl/Opal
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- Favourite actor:
Pearl: Reva Rice
Opal: Emilie du Lesley
- Favourite song/scene: Depending on production and singer, I do enjoy Make up My Heart, and also in the Tour versions of A Whole Lotta Locomotion, where she has her verse of being “the new girl”, very catchy!
- Favourite costume: I do really like the Vegas one! The wig is very pretty and there’s just something about the leotard and the little flaps that look cute 
- Favourite ship: Prusty pre-2018, I like their backstory more there
- Headcanon: Ironically I HC both versions with black hair, but that they colour it pink and blonde respectively hehe
- Unpopular opinion: I dunno if it’s unpopular or not really, but I really like when she’s a bit of a slutty bitch. I think more women should be allowed to be a little frisky and bitchy. She’s not a baby lol
And also in terms of visual storytelling I do like the white costume better to show she's new, rather than pink. It's a very nice contrast to Rusty
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Escape to the Eden Club - Sister! reader x Shelby Brothers
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Summary; Emily Shelby wants to spend the night away from the confines of Small Heath and decides to head out to the famed Eden Club of London. All was well until a certain trio arrived and reigned havoc.
Author's Note; I took some liberties with the plot/ location of the Eden Club itself. That being said, this is still meant to be aligned closely with the fight scene from season 2. As always, let me know what you think.
Eager to escape into the cool evening air, Emily wrapped her shawl loosely around her shoulders and took stock of her purse. A small roll of bills, lipstick, a dainty opal hairbrush, and a shining Colt Pocket Hammerless Arthur had given her some time ago. With one last glance to the mirror, she smoothed out her dress and went for her bedroom door, shutting it softly behind her. Seeing as Polly would still be at the church for sometime, she decided it would be best to inform her brother on her intentions. Emily approached Thomas’ office and peered in to see the stout man sitting behind his modest desk. She rapped lightly on the door frame and was beckoned inside by just a flick of her brother’s eyes instead of a word. After only taking one step into the room she spoke in the most clear, confident tone she could muster.
“I’m going out with Ada this evening. I’ll be back by midnight.” Hoping the conversation would end there she turned to leave only to be stopped by her brothers words. Still not looking up from the papers spread across the wood before him he cleared his throat and said,
“Going out with Ada, eh? Why is this the first I’m hearing about this?” Emily rolled her eyes, hoping her brother didn’t see, and replied,
“Because I didn’t think there would be any issue.” Emily didn’t like lying, a quality instilled in her by her Aunt Polly since her youth. Though, as a Shelby, it came naturally. Exhausting Emily further, Thomas continued in his questioning. 
“Where about are you two going?” Calmer this time, as to not arouse suspicion, the girl replied, 
“Just to dinner, in Digbeth.” 
“The name of the establishment?” With more attitude, she replied, 
“The Carriage.” The man sat for a moment, only sparing her one more glance as he searched her face for deceit. He apparently found none. 
“Be back by 11.” Emily offered a small smile and made her way out of the home on Watery Lane, calling over her shoulder, 
“I’ll see you at 11:30, Tom.” 
The night was still young and the chance for her to walk the streets of Birmingham alone and untethered was an excitement of a life time. She wouldn’t just be walking the streets of her hometown tonight, though. After meeting her friend Scarlett by the cut they hailed a cab and set out for London. 
The passage was just under 2 hours before they arrived to the Eden Club just outside of the city. After tipping the cabman and exiting out into the brisk night they set for the front doors of the avant-garde establishment. Scarlet giggled with excitement as they approached the doorman who knew better than to question two striking young women trying to enter the club. The main hall filled was filled with the smell of smoke and sex and the band played on to ring in the young night. It wasn’t often that Emily got to leave the holdings of Small Health, let alone the claws of her brothers. After Ada’s departure, Thomas was more worried than ever about loosing his youngest sister. This fear often manifested into the overarching control of Emily’s every move. He felt it was both an act of love and an act of necessity. Emily knew she was deeply loved by her brother and cared for him in the same way. Yet, at the end of the day, if Tom could have his thumb on the pulse of every member of the family, only then could he ensure their safety, or so he believed. 
“Isn’t this amazing!” Scarlett squealed in Emily’s ear. Scarlett was one of the few friends that Thomas approved of. She came from a respectable, working-class family who raised horses and often did work with the Shelby family. 
“I know.” Emily said back, raising her voice to soar over the loud music. The pair approached the bar and beckoned the attendant for a drink. Soon after, two men approached the women introducing themselves as Paul, a tall man with short black hair in a pressed grey suit, and David, a slightly stout man with dusty blonde hair and rosy cheeks who’s slim black suit made him look taller than he was. Paul explained that Emily had caught his eye from the moment she had walked in and it would be a crime to let a woman like herself buy her own drinks. It was only out of the confines of Birmingham that handsome men would approach her, unafraid of people she was related to. She could speak freely and finally feel a sense of control she was never afforded at home. 
“Would you care to dance?” Paul asked the young woman and carefully took her hand in his. They left their drinks at the table where David and Scarlett sat completely enthralled with one another. He led her to the dance floor just as a new song started over at the bands stage. Spinning around the floor Emily couldn’t help but laugh at the happiness she felt in Paul’s arms. He leaned in close to her face and breathed, 
“You are absolutely stunning.” His breath smelled of bourbon and lust. This was Emily’s dream; to be young and free. Finally she was living it. 
She only noticed the violent outburst taking place across the large room once she heard the crashing noise of a wooden table full of glassware hit the ground. The band cut to a halt and gasps filled the audience. Out of instinct, Paul shoved Emily behind him as he assessed the situation. When it became clear that the men dressed in black meant to do harm he ushered his date back to their table to collect their friends and make a run for the door. Through the crowd, Emily peered over the bobbing heads of patrons ducking and running at the chaos she noticed a familiar jacket fly up as one of the unknown assailants struck another man across the face. As he turned to face another man she saw the face of her brother adorned with a busted lip and small drops of another mans blood. 
“Fuck.” She whispered and made a run for her table. Scarlett and her companion had already gathered their things and stood to meet the other couple. The four of them hid behind the large sofa they had once sat on while they waited for a path to clear to the main exit of the building. Emily grabbed her friend by the arm and swung the girl around to meet her scared face. The two men were conversing anxiously at the best plan of escape while the women spoke in hushed words. 
“It my fucking brother!” 
“What?” Scarlett gasped “Are you sure?” The two women peered over the couch to see the men still going at it near the center of the room. This time, Arthur’s face came into view through the madness. 
“Fuck it’s the lot of them. We need to go. Now!” Emily shoved the other girl forward and the men followed suit. A gunshot rang out through the building and they all dropped to the floor covering their heads. Paul grabbed Emily’s shoulders hovered his body over hers to protect her. When the men quit fighting and stood to see where the shot had come from all became quiet. The four took this opportunity to head straight for the exit. Emily only heard the indistinct echo of Tommy’s voice before clearing the doorway. 
Pouring into the street patrons ran every conceivable direction to vacate the path of anymore possible bullets. After reaching the end of the block Paul spoke, out of breath. 
“Is everyone ok?” Each took their turn affirming that they were not hurt, just a bit shaken. Emily turned to her friend communicating with just their eyes that they all needed to get leave before her brothers had a chance to exit the building. “Alright, I need to get you home.” Paul said and took Emily’s shoulder and David followed suit with Scarlett. 
“No!” Emily said too forcefully, “I - We will get home, I promise. You need to get on your way,” she explained gently. Truthfully, she wanted nothing more than to go anywhere with Paul, that handsome, caring gentleman. He stood firm on his words and said again,
“Emily, really, I need to make sure you get home. I don’t know who the fuck those bastards were.” Scarlett let out a worried laugh at the irony of the situation and still couldn’t take her eyes off the doorway expecting any moment that the men would emerge and see them. Emily took her arm from him though it pained her to do so. 
“Please, Paul, really. You need to get going.” She said urgently. He took a step back and dropped his eyes to the ground, looking hurt. Defeated, he touched David on the shoulder, prompting him to let go of Scarlett’s arm. 
“It was lovely meeting you,” was all he spoke before turning and walking off into the dark alley way. Emily rifled around in her purse and pulled out some small bills shoving them into Scarlett’s hand. 
“Go. Now!” She said before beginning to turn away. 
“What? I’m not leaving you!” Her friend yelled back, grabbing onto her wrist, stopping her movement.
“Scarlett, go! Please. Before they come out.” She pleaded. Even her friend knew that there would be hell to pay if her family found out that she had been running around, getting into trouble with the Shelby girl. With eyes darting between the front door of the Eden Club and Emily’s worried expression Scarlett forced herself to embrace her friend. 
“Please be safe.” Emily nodded in response and they both took off into opposite directions. After quickly crossing in front of the building, the younger Shelby tried her best to hail a cab as many former club goers tried to do the same. Every few seconds she found herself looking over her shoulder praying that she wouldn’t turn to find her brother’s red face looking back at her. After a few failed attempts she saw a empty taxi just across the way parked right next to the entrance of the club. If she hurried, she might just be able to make it before her brothers emerged. With a quick decision she bolted as fast as her heels would carry her across the street and made it just steps the the cab door before she felt the shoulder of a much larger man connect with her own. As she was shoved back onto the hood of the cab she couldn’t help but shout,
“watch where yer’ fucking goin!” Just as any other Shelby would. She watched in anger as that very man climbed into the cab himself and the car began to drive away forcing her to move back onto the side walk. Collecting herself and still cursing the man under her breath she only made it a few steps from her place in front of the club before she heard her name called from behind her. 
It was John. The word pierced her soul like a knife. Without thinking, she swung around to see him standing only about 10 feet behind her as Thomas and Arthur filed out of the door. Without a second to reconsider, she ran. Though slowed down by her shoes and the lingering effects of alcohol, she carried herself briskly down the street. 
“Emily Lenora Shelby!” She heard Arthur roar from behind her. Continuing down the sidewalk shoving between the still clearing crowd she did not stop. Just before she reached the nearest intersection a strong hand gripped her shoulder and spun her around causing her to stumble. She was caught by her oldest brother’s hands of either shoulder lightly shaking her to emphasize each word as they came from his red, blood splattered face. 
“What the fuck are you doing here? Are you bloody mental?” She squinted to shield herself from the yelling as she put her hands to his chest to push him away. He wasn’t planning on letting her go lest she run again until he felt the hand of Tom guide him away from the younger girl. She almost preferred the outright rage of Arthur over the chilling coldness of Thomas, at least with the former, his true intentions were always clear. John soon arrived behind the men and took to consoling Arthur while Thomas pushed the girl to side of the road. Unwilling, she attempted to hold her ground against the man though a stronger grip on her upper arm and a stern look from his piercing eyes encouraged her to comply. She kept her head low has he was still catching his breath from the conflict and subsequent jog to catch his fleeing sister. Finally, in a low, gruff voice, he spoke. 
“In the club, ye?” She nodded her head but still wouldn’t meet the man’s eyes. Instead, she peered past him to see John and Arthur leaned in close to one another talking. Arthur waving his hands around like a lunatic while John tries to calm him down. Out of all her brothers, her and John butted heads the most. Maybe it was the age difference, sitting at just enough years to give them not much in common but enough to argue about. Though, when it was all said and done, she knew John would have her back just as much, if not more, than anyone else. She met his eyes in a quick glance before turning back to Tom’s shoes. Now, the more pragmatic Shelby took in a deep breath to gather his thoughts before continuing the conversation with his sister. 
“Why? Eh?” He said quieter this time. She couldn’t tell if his low voice was an attempt to deescalate the situation or to intimidate her into telling the truth. Well, the truth as it may be, wasn’t that interesting. Emily shrugged and only spared him a small glance up. She went to the Eden club that evening for the same reason as any other girl of her year would; to have fun. 
“You have no business being at those clubs. Getting yourself fucking killed, right?” He said lowering himself to her level, even closer to her face. Her jaw tensed as she thought of a thousand words she could say back to him.
“Everything was fine until you bastards shot up the place.”
“Weren’t you just at the same club, Tom?”
“It’s none of your business what I do.”
Using her better judgment though, she held her tongue. The irony of the situation was not lost on Tommy. He knew that the standard he held for his sister was much different than he held for the men of the family, though he held it steadfast. At the end of the day, he knew Emily was a good girl. Smart, calculated, quick, and usually honest. When the silence hung in the air for too long, he took a gentle hand and guided her face to meet his eyes. 
“Don’t scare me like that again.” He said pointedly with his finger pointed at her face. Emily pursed her lips and gave a curt nod before he pulled her in for a quick but firm hug and placed one kiss on the top of her head. Trying to break away from the clutches are her brother once more she took a step away from Thomas and said, 
“I’ll see you at home,” before attempting to leave in the opposite direction. He let out a sigh once again and wrapped a strong, possessive hand around her arm once more. His lips parted and he eyebrow went up in astonishment, almost as if he was testing her to defy him once again. She looked in his eyes a moment longer, unwavering, before following him back to the other men. Thomas cleared his throat and released the grasp on the girl before speaking, 
“Let’s just go home, shall we.” The four walked in uncomfortable silence back to the car, just over a block away from the fateful scene. As they walked, her oldest brother moved closer to her eventually putting a hand on her upper back and bending down to her level.
“You knows I just want to protect you, right, love?” He offered in a nicer tone than before. Emily knew and nodded a reply. 
“I know.” 
“It’s just you can’t go running around like that.” Before he could get another sentence out, Thomas called out from the front of the group. 
“She knows, brother.”  They eventually made it to the Bentley and it was John that opened the door for his sister to enter the back seat. As she took the less-than-sober step up into the vehicle her brother gently pushed her, just to see how unstable she was.
“Acting like a fuckin’ harlot,” John laughed quietly to chastise the younger girl. Quickly, Emily turned to face him hunched over in the car and raised her purse as if she was going to hit him. 
“Oi, you fuckin’ bastard!” She seethed. Before the two could go at it Thomas darted a look at them in the rear view mirror and raised his voice in a menacing shout. 
“Enough!” Was all it took for the pair to quiet down and sit silently for the rest of the ride home. 
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blankdblank · 4 years
Anaticula Pt 66
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The end of August brought on another trip from the Dursley’s hiding house to let them see Em again after the Pears took up your offer to hide their island home after consulting their town council. 
The act of which allowed them in their minds a closer shot to visits with you to see Em, who they were already asking who would be watching the now bubbly blonde girl with pink ends to her tight curly hair while you and Barty were in class. The topic had come up before and with your family having to pick up extra shifts in the Ministry as the Muggle Born lists grew and inquests were the new regime they had to tolerate under the Puppet Minister’s Pius’ watch. 
Eric, your great uncle had been tasked with taking up the first week of babysitting and was glad to do so relaxing in your home through the day as you handled your courses. The pumping for bottles would be timed for ease before classes and in the morning to help ease her feedings as the day went on.
Barty’s schedule was more open than yours in the mornings, however you did have breaks at noon and three to get a chance to relieve your sitter for the day and get some alone time with Em. 
Your old schedule was easier you could slip away between practice days. Meaning now you would have to move your practices to later on after five, all of which would be on hold with the increasing growth of worrying losses, which had triggered through Troy and Moran word that all the European League teams had taken up your aid in hiding. 
Entire teams were gone and asked to not have doubles, merely leaving behind notes for their fans that when Riddle was caught the season would begin. So tucked away in an island holiday them and their families relaxed under the watch of the other aurors hidden away stealing glimpses with telescopes at the new continent across the way filled with all the magical creatures Newt, his family and team could find.
For all the nerves building once again you had been tasked in aiding more muggle born first years into what would be probably the worst time to welcome them into Hogwarts in their schooling. The final task of hiding Alice, Frank and Nellie was handled easing Neville’s decision to head to the school with Luna, Draco and Ginny while Harry, Ron and Hermione decided to stay behind at your home. Guiding the new students through the station you helped them into the First Years car and caught the relieved expressions of the parents and guardians dropping off their children into your care. It was one thing to have Snape as the new Headmaster out of nowhere but at least for them they knew that they could trust that with you as their Professor in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Snape would reclaim his potions course for the younger students.
Grinning wildly Barty took your side and hand strolling into the Teacher’s car where you again joined Minerva and Severus for a game filled trip back to school after the platform hastily emptied at the sound of the bell. Halfway however a sudden stop to the train had you huffing and regrouping your cards from your Spider Solitaire game on the table in their sudden slide. Barty’s head shifted to glance at the door on its place resting on your lap making him grumble and loop his arms around your leg again closing his eyes to continue his nap while Severus stood huffing in his path to go and check on the assigned Death Eaters who had come in search of Harry.
A raised brow in his entrance to the Seventh Year car had the pair of Death Eaters staring Neville down as he said, “Hey Losers! He’s not here!”
In a shift of their gaze the pair burst through the train in plumes of smoke escaping into the emptiness around the tracks having Severus tapping Neville’s shoulder signaling him to sit again. A muttered spell sent a jolt through the train to start it again and he turned with a huff, “Imbeciles” Passing the students he paused at Dean’s asking, “That’s it?”
Turning to face him Severus replied, “In an hour Miss Black will be making a round through the train to create doubles for all of you. For various reasons we cannot get into, you will all be staying in the dormitories in the Chamber of Secrets, until it is confirmed that all the imbeciles are weeded out.”
Seamus, “Why bring us to school if it’s not safe?”
Severus’ eyes landed on him and he said, “Hogwarts is safe, but monitored. You will understand in the opening feast when you meet our Ministry assigned additions to staff. This is temporary, kindly do not make this more difficult than it has to be and mind the younger students afterwards.”
Luna said, “I trust you.” Severus looked her over and with a nod turned back to the Professor’s car in her scoot closer to Neville’s side folding her hand in his. “We can get through this. Should not be long now.” Her gaze shifted to the window feeling Neville shifting more against her side while Dean sat back by Seamus folding their hands together while Ginny leaned against Draco’s side worried about who had also been hired.
A few drops of blood and through the enchanted doorway each of the students followed your instructions to their assigned beds to lay down and ‘awaken’ in their mandrake doubles back on the train. Car by car the task was done starting from the First Years up. Anxiously you all watched the school draw closer and finally come to a stop, together with the other Professors you helped to corral the students into the desired paths to the school and joined in a set of carriages all your own. Through the same hallways you passed glancing around already seeing hidden monitoring traps to explode around muggle borns you flicked a finger to corrupt only exploding with paint powder on the 5000th student to pass under them granting you tons of time to remove them later subtly.
Approaching the staff table you eyed the Carrow twins who smirked at you in the far end of the second table behind yours watching as Severus took up Albus’ empty seat with Minerva’s spot on his right. While you were being moved right next to her pushing Flitwick, Hagrid and Firenze alongside Trelawney at the end keeping them in your view opposite the additions to keep them safe from anything. The tables again filled and the timid students saw at once who you were guarding them from, two well publicized Death Eaters at the table behind you. On your lap your thumb smoothed over the words etched into the back of your hand anxiously making Barty lean closer to your side to lift your hand he claimed to kiss your knuckles and keep hold of it giving you reason to hold onto his forearm to distract your fidgeting digits.
The First Years were all sorted and taking her seat Minerva stole a glance at Severus in his approach to the podium, where he said, “There are a great many changes recently. New Minister, new policies and now those policies have made their way to Hogwarts. A great deal of change is coming, all of which will grant you a greater view of what the future could be. I myself have been promoted to Headmaster while also handling the younger years of Potions courses. Professor Slughorn has again joined us for OWLS and NEWTS levels. While Professor Black will be handling our Defense Against the Dark Arts course. A tip, mind your P’s and Q’s and this year will move smoothly for us all in this rough transition.” In his turn sparse claps filled the hall and died in the appearance of the feast freeing him to take his seat again stealing a glimpse of Albus in Scottish Terrier form off to the side nibbling on a steak and veggie dinner.
In the filing of students off to their dorms you took your feet catching the eye of the Prefects while the Carrows harshly whispered to Severus, “Where is the boy?!”
Turning around he sharply hissed for their silence back and their eyes shadowed your stroll out of the hall for the Room of Requirement making Alecto ask, “Where is she going?”
Severus turned saying, “Possibly off to inspect her new classroom.” He answered aloofly in his stroll to his own saying, “You should get some rest, Amycus has a History course early in the morning.”
Barty after you joined Minerva in her stroll to her own dorm for bed in the dispersing Professors wondering what was going to happen next. Over your head the school Ghosts greeted you all the way up to the Room of Requirement, a slip though the door and it was easy work sending the Vanishing Cabinet off to the Shrunken Malfoy Manor next to its twin. The easy stop was followed by another through one of the back entrances to the Chamber of Secrets where you found the confused real students ‘woken’ back into their bodies, the oldest keeping watch over the younger ones and sharing where they were. Your appearance turned their heads and your grin had them gathering up to hear what you had to say, “As you can see we have two new Professors. Things will be rough, each day you will attend your courses in your double bodies until we can change things.”
A boy asked, “How long will that take?”
Neville, “As long as it does.”
The DA nodded and Seamus said, “We’ll wait them out. Won’t be long now.”
One of the Muggle borns you had escorted to the station asked shakily, “What about my Mum?”
Exhaling softly you replied, “An hour after we got you your Mum was taken to one of our safe houses, same as a great many of your families not already in hiding. Your families have entrusted us with your care, trust us, it will all be over soon, I promise you.”
Back to bed they were helped and got some sleep while you went up to your new classroom, all your pirate ship lights were set to hover around the chandelier until your later classes to sink lower and help light the room. Even in his eagerness to return to the classroom in the dungeons Severus was pleased to see your changes and chuckled in accepting his own set of hovering lights identical to yours while he returned his former decorations to their homes. The final touches for your class was adding the books you would suggest and various defense items, Opal and Idris’ perch and hammock were settled behind your desk with clear view of the windows. It was nice to have an attached office and with a study set up there you made certain it felt homey so you might find some comfort here at least until you would be fired or done away with once all this was through.
Sleep couldn’t come fast enough though as you and Barty strolled through your closet in your office heading home for the night to check on Em in the nursery beside your room then drop on your bed to try and get some sleep for your early morning. 
Heavily at the sound of her stirring through the monitor from his place sprawled across your chest Barty leaned up to kiss your cheek, “On it.”
In a low hum you felt him pull away and cover you in a dazed trudge next door and through the monitor you heard him, “There you are Angel. Mummy will be down to breakfast in a little while.” Cheerfully she cooed up at him and he picked her up taking her to be changed and head down for breakfast, though the few minutes he had bought you ended in your alarm clock mooing in its float above you. Reaching up it floated over to your hand blindly swaying above your head allowing you to stroke a finger around its chin silencing it to float back to its stand and go back to sleep. Plopping into the bed again you huffed and inhaled deeply before climbing to your knees with the covers sliding off your back.
A quick brush of your teeth and adding of some eye liner and lip stain you sighed as you pulled off your blouse and changed it for another keeping your same jeans and socks you had slept in. Heeled booties were next and your pouch and wand sheath were last to be grabbed in your release of the bun on your head pooling around your shoulders. At the dining room you smiled and accepted the little girl into your arms allowing Barty to freshen up while you cuddled and fed her from the bottle you were holding as you ate from the fork and knife you floated in front of yourself until her bottle was through and you propped her up against your shoulder freeing a hand for you. Around the table you eyed the others gathering for food with the teens approaching looking you over curiously.
Ron, “How was it?”
“Not too terrible, train got stopped and the Carrows are teaching, so, yay having to explain everything twice.”
A peck on your cheek came from Regulus with a stroke of Em’s head making her coo again was followed by one from your father and Remus after as Tonks scrambled to the door hopping into her boots waving at you late for work making you and the men chuckle. Narcissa grinned approaching you accepting Em in your stand when Barty scrambled down again and stole another kiss on her cheek, “Love you Em.”
Barty, “We will see you at lunch Angel.” A giggle from her followed your joint thanks to Narcissa who waved it off leaving the trio alongside the twins and Cedric who were there to keep them occupied.
While Barty was off to his third Years class you were off to your second year course. It would be a simple introduction and with a stolen peck on the lips from Barty he trotted out to the hall and off to his class while you floated a set of packets out to the rows of desks waiting for the students to trickle in for the first class after breakfast. 
An exhausted owl however flopped its way through the open doorway onto one of the desks over the heads of passing students. Approaching it you accepted its letter and scooped it up saying, “You can rest over here.” The tiny puffball of an owl identical to Pigwidgeon, Ron’s own to replace Errol and Scabbers, could barely hold the letter that had been sent and onto the small bonsai green apple tree you set it to rest while you broke the seal.
Instantly you inhaled turning back to your desk only to freeze seeing the handwriting of none other than Dolores Umbridge. Shaking the letter you sent it home to the twins who smirked showing off the letter you had sent them to Cedric. The trio heading off to the Ministry through your enchanted doorway. Right in the middle of the Ministry they turned with arms crossed and smug smirks watching as Dolores Umbridge appeared inside her office. The door shut and her grin dropped looking the trio over before she forced it up again clearing her throat, “I wrote to Miss Black.”
Cedric, “Who happens to be in class.”
George, “We hear you need some help,”
Fred, “You want to vanish off the face of the earth.”
She looked them over, “I understand, we might not have gotten off, on the right foot.”
George, “Now now Umbridge,”
The three of them, “We must not tell lies.” Making her swallow dryly.
Cedric, “Unlike you, we help people, so how would you like to go?”
Hastily she stepped closer away from the door stating, “It would have to be big, convincing, I mean, I am highly ranked.”
Fred shook his head, “Rank is irrelevant, everyone is replaceable here.”
George, “What we mean is, are you ready to go now?”
Umbridge, “Well, you see, I am due downstairs, for another round of interrogations.”
The three teens smirked, “Ah. Best get down there then.”
Umbridge, “But, you will help me?”
Fred and George smirked fading into a mist with Cedric, “Just leave that to us.”
Nice and quiet the Muggle Artifacts Department Arthur settled into his desk looking over the stack of invoices he had to go over, the moment his fingers hit the page however his brows furrowed almost sensing the face of his grandfather clock at home shifting to show two of his children were in grave danger. All at once the walls began to shake as echoes of loud explosions and shrieks sounded out through the Ministry. One by one those in line and being held for questioning were swallowed up by tiny wind up noise makers in the sea of exploding and honking ones chasing and attacking the Death Eaters and Body Snatchers masquerading as Ministry workers. All around known R members from the group Dolph and Patricia who had opened the Cursed Vaults in the school were ‘seen’ popping in and out casting hexes disguising the true culprits.
Umbridge and all the others had been snatched up and sent off to the island, spurring up a twinge of fear in the Death Eaters tasked in informing the Dark Lord that someone else was infringing on the fear mongering to the public. This wasn’t the last though, one by one the Order began leaving symbols of the groups you had dreamed up in their plans to fight back to remain blameless insinuating that someone was a rat. This of course meant the Death Eaters were doubling down in their efforts to remain on top of this losing game only making them sloppier, and easier for you to strike back in return. Reckless and bordering on the edge of careless that they were exposing themselves and ruining carefully laid plans only setting them in the firing range of Riddle when he found out about their disobedience.
The memory of a goblet was all it took. A man seen in the streets holding what appeared to be the ruined Goblet of Helga Hufflepuff rippled back to Riddle and shouts echoed through the Manor. Explosions followed and sitting up agonizingly slow Bellatrix found her feet as the door was thrown open to Riddle, “What can I do, My Lord?”
With a fiery gaze he shouted, “Get to your vault and bring me my Goblet!”
Hastily she nodded and summoned her shoes and a dress around her, “Of course, right away,” But he was already gone and his heart was pounding.
A note at once was sent to Lucius, whose lips pursed mid feeding for Em and glanced at Narcissa, who opened the note for him to read about the diary he had been given she was off to fetch with a calming pat on his shoulder leaving him to return to reciting a fairy tale to the girl happily grunting in his grip. Clearly to his investigation the snake he had once hidden in a Muggle Zoo was long gone, having been stolen away years prior to his return and the locket as well had been taken by Dumbledore before his death.
“The world is a terrifying place, everyone and every creature on this planet is afraid of something. Magic is quite a funny thing, because when you’re face to face with that fear all it wants you to do is cower and curl up in the corner letting it win, giving it that power over you. What magic demands is you look that fear in the eye, and laugh. Now, who can name the creature in this wardrobe?” You asked pointing at the rocking wardrobe in front of the third years staring wide eyed at it.
A hand darted up and you called out the name shifting your gaze to the note that popped up right in front of you, opening it you skimmed the list and then raised your gaze as the student named the creature again guessing you had missed it the first time, “Correct, a boggart. Now, for those who don’t know, a boggart is a shape shifter, transforming into what you fear the most. Now, imagine what you fear the most, and then think of a way to change it so it’s funny and recite the enchantment, ‘Ridikulus.’ If you have trouble coming up with something feel free to ask and I will help you.” A flick of your fingers and the wardrobe opened, “Queue up.”
In your turn to demonstrate the spell you focused on that Mirror of Erised and the classroom whispered seeing your empty mirror, assuming as so many others had that you were afraid of turning into a Vampire. “Ridikulus.” A jet of light shot out of your wand and the mirror grew larger with Rodger Rabbit inside applying lipstick he then left a kiss mark on the glass filling the classroom with laughter. One by one the students had taken their turns until the final student had gone then in a group they stood watching you chain the cabinet again to send back.
Out of them one roused the courage and asked, “Professor?”
Turning to the group you grinned softly, “Hmm?”
“The empty mirror, your fear is being a Vampire?”
With a grin you watched another girl ask, “Or is it like Alice and the Looking Glass?”
“Neither. There was an enchanted Mirror I glimpsed once, it showed everyone else what they desired most, and for me, it was empty. Slightly disturbing, for a few reasons.” After a glimpse at the clock you said, “Alright, off you get, don’t be late now.” Making them chuckle and hurry off to their next class while you looked at the list again of the Diadem he had left in the school along with a question of if the Gaunt Ring was still in your possession. On top of that was a request to find the locket he had guessed to have been taken by Dumbledore before his death he asked you to find.
Two classes were waited and then a note was sent off to Riddle that the Diadem and Ring were in place. Playfully you joked that you now could add the Diadem to your collection of found artifacts of your ancestors in the Chamber as if you had no clue why he had wanted it along with the locket you stated to have found on one of the desks up in Dumbldore’s office also added to your collection assuring them they were safe.
Exhaling in relief Riddle smirked stating to himself, “Good, I knew you would not fail me, My Queen.”
The same could not be said of the other Death Eaters who had traveled with Bellatrix to Gringotts. In the front hall she was doubled over in labor from the stress of the thievery and the roller coaster leading to her vault where a pitiful copy was left with the words ‘TeeHee’ etched into the base of it under a badger with its tongue stuck out.
In the midst of her pants and cries of pain flashes of green took out the trio having gone with her in his bursting rage. The tension was an all time high and from the moment Narcissa entered the door she felt Riddle swiftly find her path and cradle the wrapped diary he ushered her inside the study he had just left to privately uncover it. Grinning in relief he smoothed his hand over the cover of the book not noticing the flicker of silver in his eyes revealing to Narcissa it held a memory of the aura the real diary once held. Covering it again he passed it back saying, “You have done well, give this My Queen, she will see its safety.” A snarl twitched onto his face in an upward glance hearing another cry from Bellatrix in her labor. Catching Narcissa’s eye again he said, “You are wise to have only faced childbirth once. Truly why bother?”
She flashed a grin and bowed her head, “I will return, Jaqi should be home for lunch to check on Em shortly.”
“Ah yes,” his mood roused at once, “How is our Princess?”
“She is feeding well, growing by the day.” Anticipating his next question she added, “Jaqi is well also. It is difficult at first to leave your child at home, though she is handling it well.”
“Yes, that is good,” his eyes looked her over and he glanced upwards at the sound of an urging for more pushes.
Narcissa waved her hand sending the book off and said, “I will see what I can do to hurry things along for you.”
“Yes, do.” He said huffing to return to his seat whispering to Nagini in Parseltongue while she exited. Up she went and whacked the head of the Death Eater having her bent in half she righted by putting her on her knees seeing how the baby was facing. A few good pushes later and potions were had with a silver haired brown eyed girl held up for Riddle to see. “Hmm,” was all she got and little Delphini was cradled and taken up to her nursery by Bellatrix, who was more than a little hurt that a living heir was not enough to prove her loyalty as the theft had taken place in her imprisonment.
Daily he would check on the child and daily Bellatrix would assure him she was ready to be sent on another mission he informed her he would no longer be tasking her to as he saw her as set for nothing but mothering the child she had carried for him. Limited greatly and again doubted while daily assurances of your progress along with Em’s in assuring that Muggle borns in Hogwarts were being targeted and being treated ‘As they were fit to be treated’ deepened his grin. 
Pacing with Nagini draped around him stroking her body he recited his Horcruxes to himself between assurances that with you he was set to live eternally as there was none in his eyes able to take them from you. Each time darkening Bellatrix’ eyes and deepening her snarl while plans of her own were made in another public call that something had to happen to defend you as R was declaring an attack on Hogwarts.
Daily mists were blown out of the twins’ wands in a joint effort that the Carrows were being led to believe they were torturing the students and encouraging them to torture others and send off hexed items to Muggle towns. Easily they were lulled into a single room for their daily lives and kept docile to the amusement and ease of the students, though in the crack of dawn a call for all doubles of young students under fifteen were ordered to head down to the Chamber of Secrets while all Professors were called to make doubles for themselves.
A note for Riddle was sent off, one that you were in danger, that you were afraid, that you needed him to come save you.
Pt 67
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All weird asks!! They're so good!
Sorry this is a bit late, babe! I wanted to wait til I had the opportunity to answer all these uninterrupted!
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Coffee mugs! tbh I drink tea out of coffee mugs because who actually uses teacups? I mean my grandma has tons and I would use them, but the handles are so tiny and I am v clumsy so it scares me.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
Chocolate bars!!! I’m too impatient for lollipops and plus they always get coated in saliva which just...drips down my chin since my mouth is already full.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Bubblegum! I love cotton candy but I can only handle a bit at a time tbh. Also I haven’t had bubblegum in almost two years bc of braces and I miss it so much I can’t wait to have it again.
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Okay, so even though I’ve always been homeschooled, when I was in elementary school we did this program with a ton of other homeschoolers where you could take actual classes and stuff. My teachers always said I was quiet and focused and studious, and you could always count on me to be lecturing everyone else on the instructions if they hadn’t been paying attention. (does any of that surprise anyone?)
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? GLASS SODA BOTTLES. nothing beats soda that’s been bottled in glass rather than plastic. You ever had orange cream soda from a glass bottle????? SLAPS ASS MY DUDE.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Pastel/boho/preppy/goth, my dude. I have so many sides to my fashion and aesthetic.
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
Tv shows tbh because even though I can binge 4 eps of 45 minutes each per night, they’ll hold my attention a lot more than a movie. It’s weird.
9. favorite smell in the summer?
Thunderstorms/petrichor, also natural bogs. PEAT BOG SMELL FUCKING SLAPS.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
None. I liked trampoline time back when we took gymnastics, if that counts. I also liked jump roping and Irish step dancing.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
Nothing lmao. I sleep til like noon and then I microwave something for lunch.
12. name of your favorite playlist?
My catchall playlist, Things I Love, my summer playlist, Summer Songs, my Gryffindor playlist, My Queen And Country playlist for writing, and my playlist for The Raven Cycle. (after I post this I’ll edit it and link them)
13. lanyard or key ring?
Keyring, a lanyard would like constantly detract from my outfit if that makes sense???
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Sour Patch Kids or Swedish Fish.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Between The Grapes Of Wrath, The Great Gatsby, The Handmaid’s Tale, and To Kill A Mockingbird!
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Just fucking sprawled every which way.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
My grey converse if it’s comfortable out, my silver flip flops if it’s hot, and my fur-lined black combat boots if it’s cold.
18. ideal weather?
65-70 degrees, partly sunny, breezy, not humid.
19. sleeping position?
I need to sprawl to fall asleep, but once I’m asleep I curl up into a little ball.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Laptop and notebook ONLY IF I’m sure of myself, which isn’t often. But I do write dense, scribbled paragraphs on sermon note pages if something comes to me during church lmao.
21. obsession from childhood?
The American Revolution, weather, astronomy, and mysteries/ghost stories.
22. role model?
Idk tbh? Lately I’m just trying to define and live up to my own standards?
23. strange habits?
Pulling the collar of my shirt up to my mouth and sucking on it. Also being a perfectionist in my writing. I don’t do messy drafts. It’s all perfect by the time I write it, and I edit/spellcheck as I go.
24. favorite crystal?
Amethyst (my birthstone), bismuth, opal, and blue goldstone.
25. first song you remember hearing?
Other than nursery rhymes/kid’s songs, it was Light Up The Sky by The Afters, or California Dreamin’ by The Mamas And The Papas.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Find shade/a cool spot and read with a cold drink.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
ALSO READ. And snuggle with thick socks and a cup of tea and play DS games all day.
28. five songs to describe you?
My five faves atm -
I Am Here // Pink
The Pines // Roses and Revolutions
Soldier, Poet, King // The Oh Hellos
Traveler’s Song // Aviators
Hymn // Kesha
29. best way to bond with you?
Share my interests about politics, history, books, true crime, paranormal, tv shows, and also be kind and understanding when I don’t text for long periods bc I don’t feel up to talking.
30. places that you find sacred?
The woods on the hill behind my house. Dense, deeply green, secluded woods. Hedge mazes. Old and crumbling castles. Anywhere beneath a clear sky and a full moon. Your heart when you’ve come to terms with your fears and made peace with yourself. Anyplace with historical significance. Bookstores on an autumn/winter day. Libraries.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
A kickass plaid, bruh. Also my leather jacket - once I lose enough shoulder weight to fit in it again.
32. top five favorite vines?
Fre shavoc ado, the one where the dog eats the butterfly, the Lin-Manuel Miranda one where he’s brainstorming, “what the FUCK kind of weather is this, and the dad and son with the saxophone and the oven door.
33. most used phrase in your phone?
“oh mood”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
“WOW! It’s NatureStone!”
35. average time you fall asleep?
Right now it’s 4-5 am because I suck.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
I Can Haz Cheezburger, My mom used to look at the website with me when I was like 10.
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
They both have pros and cons. :/ Duffel bags are easier to carry but suitcases keep stuff from getting broken better.
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon meringue pie!!! my stepdad made a really good one the other week.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Nothing, since I was homeschooled. Same weird shit that always happens at home. Our safe word for when I got overwhelmed in math was “quokka” and we’d stop and look at cute quokka pictures.
41. last person you texted?
My gf :)
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Jacket pockets because things are not only hard to fit in girls’ pants pockets, but if you put a chapstick/lipstick in there it starts to melt :(
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
Irish Spring soap or the blue Dial bars smells better and cleaner than anything to me.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Fantasy. It can take me a bit to get into it, but once I do, I love it. I only do sci-fi if it has rebellion and isn’t heavy on the sci. And superhero movies are great but a lot of the tropes are meh. Fantasy has a lot more versatility if you ask me.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Sweatpants/leggings and a soft, well worn tee.
47. favorite type of cheese?
Parmesan, white cheddar, or Muenster.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
“do no harm but take no shit.”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
A really poorly edited political ad on tv a couple years ago. There was weird jazz playing, flames in the background of an image of the Capitol Building, and then the top of the dome opened and this guy’s face was inside. It is the single funniest ad I have ever seen and I laughed for 10 minutes so hard I was like an inch away from passing out.
51. current stresses?
Passing my driving test next month, getting a job, figuring out if my math skills are okay enough to take the SAT or an equivalent test.
52. favorite font?
Baskerville or Georgia!
53. what is the current state of your hands?
My fingernails are short bc I picked them while reading earlier, my cuticles suck bc I pick at those two, and my pinky is obliterated and scabbed because of when I accidentally sliced through the nail with a razor while shaving the other day. So, not great, but I’m living.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
That kids can be really annoying but also really cute and hilarious if you can get them to calm down. And also that baby fingernails are surprisingly sharp.
55. favorite fairy tale?
The OG Princess and the Frog where it’s implied the prince and “faithful Henry,’ his carriage driver, fall in love and ride off together at the end. JACOB AND WILHELM GRIMM SAID GAY RIGHTS.
56. favorite tradition?
Every December, my mom and I drive around after dark at night and I play Pokemon and we rate everyone’s Christmas decorations based on tackiness.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
So isolated I was as a preteen/early teenager, my self harm, and the internalized anger over my abusive relationship and PTSD.
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Writing, puzzle solving, singing, and calligraphy.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“Benvoli-no.” (I recently remembered I used to say that a lot and I need to bring it back)
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
Dark, fairy tale anime with a lot of secrets to uncover and some dark woods.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
TV show - “I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself.” - Doctor Who
Movie - “It’s not about deserve. It’s about what you believe. And I believe in love.” - Wonder Woman
Book - “If you never saw the stars, candles were enough.” - The Dream Thieves, by Maggie Stiefvater
62. seven characters you relate to?
Dean Winchester - Supernatural
Sam Winchester - Supernatural
Jack Kline Winchester - Supernatural
Charlie Bradbury - Supernatural
Gansey - The Raven Cycle
Blue Sargent - The Raven Cycle
Hermione Granger - Harry Potter
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Final Song // MO
Call Home // Heathers
I Am Here // Pink
Babylon // 5 Seconds of Summer
Shake It Off // Taylor Swift
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
Yes, I have several that remain from self harm, scars all over my left knee from being a clumsy child, and most of all a major scar down the center of my chest from heart surgery when I was a baby.
66. favorite flower(s)?
Rose, lavender, lilac, and dahlia.
67. good luck charms?
Not really???
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Olives, mushrooms, radishes, cottage cheese, and ranch dressing are all foul.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Martin Luther didn’t actually nail his 95 theses to the church door, he just kind of passed them around, which is a lot less dramatic tbh. Also light-up signs were first used in New York City in 1884.
70. left or right handed?
I’m left-handed!
71. least favorite pattern?
I think zebra stripes, leopard print, and houndstooth are super ugly.
72. worst subject?
Math for sure. Even science would be easier if it didn’t involve so much math.
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
Wendy’s fries and chocolate frosty!!!
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
I think a 7, usually. My pain tolerance is pretty high because of a) years of self harm, and b) due to my PTSD my muscles are constantly tense and in pain anyway.
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
I was 4, and it had been loose but it fell out when I was trying to blow up an inflatable ball.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Fries or roasted potatoes that are charred and crunchy on the bottom. Chips are a close third.
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
Idk, my grandma’s the one with the green thumb mania lmao. But She keeps a lot of violets and arrowhead plants in the windowsills!
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
Never had a school ID, but my temporary license photo is actually pretty good right now!
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
I really like earth tones for myself.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
THEY ARE THE SAME MF THING. Also I call them both, it just depends on what comes out of my mouth haha.
82. pc or console?
PC, I guess, though I don’t really game. I just watch my stepdad game.
83. writing or drawing?
WRITING. I cannot draw to save my life.
84. podcasts or talk radio?
Podcasts, talk radio is so annoying.
84. barbie or polly pocket?
Barbie, although I loved both.
85. fairy tales or mythology?
Mythology I guess??? Although again, I love both.
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
Rejection, losing people I love, people secretly hating me. Also drowning, spiders, clowns, and guns.
88. your greatest wish?
To be a semi-successful author and work in a library/museum.
89. who would you put before everyone else?
My mom and my gf.
90. luckiest mistake?
Almost dropping a knife blade first on my foot but it landed between my toes.
91. boxes or bags?
um boxes I guess? I’m really good at fitting things in tetris style.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
Ell, Alexander, Ellie, Little Lion, and Nerd.
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
Tumblr or Spotify. Two apps I couldn’t live without.
96. desktop background?
Tumblr media
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
About a half dozen. Mine, my mom’s, my stepdad’s, my grandparents’ home number, my grandpa’s, and my grandma’s.
98. favorite historical era?
Both the American Revolutionary period and the Victorian Era (esp in Britain)
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bunnyjoyce-blog · 7 years
My StEx OC’s
To say that these are my “OC’s” is not to imply that I have fully crafted character bios and sketches of each one. Only a few are ones that I’ve actually developed (like the fanbabies, e.g. Rusty’s kids, Ashton and Starla). Mostly I keep this list for when I need a character. “Oh, I need a repair truck in this scene -- I’ll use Emma the M.O.W. car.” “There should be some kind of food-service vehicle -- let’s use Olive the dining car.” “Poppa needs to mention an old friend in his story -- how about Malachi the Mallet?”
Locomotives Bernadette the steam engine Big Roy the Big Boy steam engine Sandy the sea-side train engine Malachi the Mallet Warren the Warbonnet diesel engine (Santa Fe) Eris the atmospheric train Bonnie the female Warbonnet diesel engine Jammer the female diesel (roller derby) Alpha the A-Unit engine Beta the B-Unit engine Bill the Billboard freight engine (Santa Fe) Amber the electric engine Juice Jack the electric engine Davenport the female electric Columbia the Columbian steam engine Watson the electric engine Gina the steam engine Raymond the solar-powered engine Coltrane -- coal train locomotive Shock the electric engine (contributed by little brother) Miles the long-haul train Pilot the switch engine Bumper the switch engine Ilene the tilting train
Non-Locos and Associates Taxi the cab car Ella the L Train Coleman the tender (coal car) Colette the tender Nicole the tender Hep Cat the H.E.P. car (head-end power) Jenny the steam-generator car
Head-End Equipment (Passenger Cars that Don’t Carry Guests) Millie the milk car Darian the milk car Maylee the mail car Posie the postal car Arthur the RPO (mail) Arlene the RPO Travis the Traveling Post Office car Otto the autorack car Zipporah the baggage car Sue Casey the baggage car Handel the baggage car Dorothy the dormitory car Marian the horse car Clydesdale the horse car (partner with Bonnie: "Bonnie and Clydesdale")
Passenger Coaches (Non-Sleeper) Corrie/Cordelia the corridor car Charity the chair car Priscilla "Miss Priss" the private car Penny the open car Opal the open car Columbine the combine car Cassie the casino car Cynthia the cinema car Emily the emigrant car Collin the colonist car Daisy the day coach Mark 3 the British carriage Peace the quiet car Seymour the observation car Prima the first-class car Parthenia the parlor car Lora the parlor car Sofia the lounge car
Food Service Cars Mitropa the German dining car Mikki McTrain the McDonald's dining car Kitty the kitchen car Kappa the kitchen car Barney the bar car Ginny the tavern car Beverly the beverage car Barbie the grill car Bebe Queue the grill car Fred Harvey the dining car Delicia the dessert car Barbara the lounge car (with a barber shop) Libby the library lounge car Mimi the piano-bar car Ladonna the ladies lounge car Sally the saloon car Phryne the grill car (fry-knee) Olive the dining car Ambrosia the dining car
Earl Lee the breakfast diner (on sleeper trains that leave too late to serve dinner)
Sleepers Daytona Beach the Pullman sun-lounge car Delray Beach aka "Sundrop" the Pullman sun-lounge car Sunrise Beach the Pullman sun-lounge car The 2 twin twinette sleepers Obed the male sleeper Tori the tourist car Lacey the sleeping car Lunette the sleeping car Eve the sleeping car Andromeda the sleeping car (though you can basically use any constellation for sleepers, can't you?) Leah the sleeping car ("lay-ah")
Freight Trucks Minnie the mineral wagon Hermione the mine car Flo the water truck (tank car) Clayton the quarry train Diggory the mine train Digby the mine train Cornelia the vegetable truck Stix the lumber truck (like Trax, get it?) Holly the lumber truck Pip the Tropicana Juice Train reefer Blocker the female boxcar (sister of Jammer) Boombox the boxcar Roxy the hopper Agatha the aggregate hopper Heidi the high car Julie 4 the firecracker truck Bobby the bobber (caboose) Ruby the red caboose Captain the crew car Isis the freezer truck Wayne the way car Baxter the caboose (BACKster) Snowdrop the freezer truck Spumoni the freezer truck
Work Trucks Billie the revenue car (money truck) Persephone the money truck Clarence the clearance car Speedy the speeder Fraiser the crane car (he's the repair truck for the mind) Squeaky the hand car Laurice the lorry Mr. Plow the snow plow Emma the MOW truck
Component OC's Bolt the repair truck Dynamo the work truck Prada the wardrobe truck (baggage car) Julian
National OC's Lady Luna the royal saloon car (races with Prince of Wales) The City of Carlisle the APT-P power/motor car (races with the City of Milton Keynes) Herr Schnell, the German train Roulette the TGV carriage (races with Bobo) Siesta the sleeping car (from Spain) Europa Siegfried the ICE car (races with Ruhrgold) Hashiko the Shinkansen restaurant car (races with Hashamoto) Orka the Swedish vehicle Isabella the Swedish freezer truck (Isabella = is, which is Swedish for ice) Thanks to @tussockpride for her help.
Espresso's train (i.e. the other six cars on a Settebello) Rapido the Settebello (from the other side of Espresso's train) Cuscino the Settebello car Mangia the Settebello dining car Deliziosa the Settebello kitchen car Bottega the Settebello boutique car Compartimento the Settebello car
Fan babies Thundersnow - Electra's son by Volta, an electric-steam locomotive Candy the snack car -- Dinah and CB's daughter Starla -- Rusty's daughter, a coach Ashton -- Rusty's son, a steam engine Puff-Top the sleeping car -- Flat-Top and Duvay's daughter Rockabye - Rocky 2 and 2nd-class sleeper's daughter (So, would that make her a box-bed? Bah dum tish!) Rock'n'roll -- a Rocky and a food service car's child Rocky Road - a Rocky and a freezer truck's child Snow-in-Summer the freezer truck
Misc. Copper the railroad police caboose Sam Spade the murder-mystery train Carla the railway car Vanessa the railway van Gunther the railway gun Lt. Aimee the railway gun/armaments carrier Doggett the animal truck Katrina the animal truck Trixi the German, Trix-built vehicle (Trix being a toy manufacturer) Buddy the Budd-built vehicle Messenger of Hope the Baptist chapel car Sister Mary the Catholic chapel car Slammer the prison car Diana the funeral car Morgana the funeral car Mortimer the funeral-train engine
Buffet Bunny (avatar OC) Rosie the geekaboose
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bighandslittlefeet · 5 years
Catching up!
Hello Everyone!
Oh my glob. I’m literally the worst at blogging. But hey, cut me some slack, we’ve been busy. So where were - ah yes, it was 2018 and summer was brewing nicely, we expected the pot to whistle at any moment…
So we set off from Seal rocks, bumping poor Val’s under carriage as little as we could by going at a measly 2 Km an hour. The road turned from dirt track back to sealed tarmac and soon the odometer was ticking over at a far more respectable pace. We decided to head for Port Macquarie, which I now retroactively know, having read around a third of Bill Bryson’s Down Under, was named for Lachlan Macquarie a colonial administrator who lent his name to pretty much every conceivable geographic oddity he could. At the time I only knew it was a place where we could see Australia’s only Koala hospital.
We arrived in town and parked up. Little did we know we had run Val’s battery down overnight and she had struggled to keep the fridge cold. At the expense of our future physical comfort, but hopefully our digestive grace, we parked in direct sunlight to keep her fully action ready. We needed to pick up an air mattress for our guests that were arriving soon and who would be travelling with us. We ventured into a nearby K-mart, a purely nomic marvel to us, no other reason, and soon left with a queen size self inflating mattress. Later on we would find it would not fit in the tent even after careful measurements. We walked into town along the harbour edge and wandered around looking for somewhere to eat. I immediately spotted Pancake Palace, bedecked in Braziliana, great toucans, flopping banana leaves, and grinning colourful monkeys, the connection between north american style pancake meals as advertised in their window and the home of the largest remaining rainforest on Earth still escapes me. All I knew is I like bright colours and pancakes. Becca declined - much to my surprise - what thought would be thoroughly rewarding dining option. We instead made our way towards a delightful eastern eatery and had a snack there.
Bikes were high on my list. If we could find some to rent then we could do a delightful ride around the harbour. We made our way towards Greg street a place we had been recommended by a bicycle shop as doing rentals. We dutifully trekked across town and found their rates and wheels to be quite good - we took a card promising to be back tomorrow. We visited the local tourist information point and picked up leaflets and noticed there was a quaint strange gallery behind frosted glass but that alas it was shut today. Again, we would be back.We started to hunt for a campsite and settled on one right in the crook of the harbours arm. We arrived and a lovely woman who had emigrated 10 years prior and yet still retained her Mancunian accent greeted us and let us know that Macquarie was fab, loads to do, but we must must must leave promptly on Wednesday as the entire campsite was being transformed into a weekend folkrock festival. We noted as we drove into the site proper and could see hoards of burly folk hoisting huge metal fences into place, we could see the gap between the site and the harbour wall rapidly closing so we made our escape from Colditz as fast as we could!
The Harbour at Macquarie is lined with fantastic painted stones. I’m not talking fantastic quality but of fantastic meaning. These stones are memorials to family holidays, student tours, and indeed memorials to grandparents long passed. One moment you could be reading a heartfelt thank you to the class of ‘97 the next a moving record of the life of Charlie - gone but never forgotten and taken too soon Sept ‘06 - Feb ‘08. It was an odd rollercoaster journey of emotion, laughter, deep sadness, quirky laughs. Another odd theme started to present itself to my mind also. Many of the rocks were for family holidays to this very campsite. But they stretched back continuously, one family to one rock, each year marked off in slightly bright less flaky paint than the previous, for more than 20 years! And the families! How large and prodigious. I began to suspect mormons. And then low, the watchtower emerged from the rocks! We had somehow found ourselves in a Jehovah’s Witness hotspot with a particular kink for very very large families - presumably to spread the good Word. I began to feel a little out of place, felt the searing glances of Patriarchs, a hundred toddlers tied to their waists marching up and down the wall looking for Dolphins, suddenly turning their gaze to me and noting quietly, yet certainly that I was not one of them. One of the flock. Then a teenager with a bandanna and no top flew past on a skateboard and screamed ‘Fucking ripper shred man!’. My entire being sighed an existential sigh of relief. I belonged.
The next day we noticed another couple in a van had parked up in the spot next to us. We were listening to the stellar podcast ‘My Dad wrote a Porno’ and we were stifling giggles as they walked past. We were determined to make some friends on this trip and so Becca went over and said hello and introduced us and wondered if they were up for going for a drink that night? They seemed friendly enough and said they would! With a possible mate date looming we set off for the Koala Hospital. Port Macquarie is home to the only Koala hospital in the country - people who find Koalas that seem unwell or injured are reported and the team comes and takes a look at them, if they need rest and recuperation then they are taken to the hospital. Its a fab volunteer run enterprise, started by a lady in the 60’s. Its since expanded due to a bunch of kind donors but its mission statement is the same. We saw a koala who was a lifetimer at the hospital - she had been found when a driver saw that a koala was lying by the side of the road, she was dead, but in her pouch was the newborn joey. The hospital took her in and a volunteer fed her every 2 hours for 3 weeks. As she grew she showed signs of development that were unusual. She had received brain damage during the accident that had killed her mother and she was blind. We practically sobbed learning that she just didn’t climb trees like the other patients as she had never learnt how. She was completely blind, and as such could never be returned to the wild. We met many other Koalas and learnt that they are not bears but marsupials, as some of you keen readers may have already noticed from the pouch reference, and learnt that they really don’t like to be held and usually do a stress poo - the hospital did not offer holding sessions and implored its visitors not to hold koalas if given the chance. Poor buggers. They also all had adorable names due to their geographical naming convention. Koalas are extremely territorial and have trees for all kinds of purposes, bedrooms, eating, defecating, socialising, grooming, etc. And if they lose a tree it really confuses them - deforestation is a real issue and leads to most road accidents involving koalas as they attempt to travel deforested areas to find their home range. As such when a Koala has been treated and deemed ready to return to the wild it needs to go back as close as possible to where it was found as this will reduce the likelihood of it having to travel to find its home range and thus lower its chances of being injured again. Our favourite name was this Opal Falls Allen. Named for the place where he was found, Opal falls, and secondly the person who calls them in gets to name them - we loved the idea of some person just being like ‘Ah mate, he looked like a fair dinkum Allen to me, no drama, he’s out here by bloody Opal Falls and he don’t look to ripper, can ya send someone quick!?’
We returned from the hospital with a bittersweet feeling - knowing that folk were helping and hindering the happy existence of the koalas through the hospital and through cutting down gum trees respectively. We found a nice bottle shop and soon had a bag of chilled goon in our fridge box and were ready to meet our neighbours proper! Nicole and Addy were from Oxford, a P.E. Teacher and Carpenter respectively, they were visiting a relative in Sydney but had taken a couple of weeks to rent a camper and drive up the East coast to Byron. We got on like a house on fire and were soon wandering the harbour wall into town to the hotel where we got a bottle of wine. We laughed and talked and soon made our way back to camp to finish off the goon we had started earlier. Somewhere in the midst of all this carousing, we exchanged travel notes and discovered we were both heading to Coffs Harbour next. We promptly booked in at the same site as them and bid them good night and safe travels!
It was safe to say we had not had a night of drinking any real amount of alcohol in some time and our heads were sorrier for it the next morning. Nevertheless there were the folk in golf carts still fervently assembling the wire fence for the festival. It looked a tad grey and we couldn’t stomach riding bikes around so we opted to wander back into town and go to the art gallery we had seen before. Sadly the frosted glass did not hide the visual delights we had imagined but instead the airbrushed efforts of a local artist whose aesthetic sensibilities we did not share - alas, it takes all sorts to make a world. We made our way back to the campsite, had a spot of lunch and then paddled in the pool as grey skies broke into a halfhearted drizzle. I always enjoy a swim in the rain.
The next day we were on the road waving goodbye to Nicole and Addy saying that we’d see them at the next stop. We drove on up the A1, Bruce Highway, and in a few short hours were driving into Coffs Harbour. We made our way into town to do a food shop and got our first taste of Australian poverty. The town seemed very like the more austerity afflicted Northern towns of England, empty shop fronts, job centres adorned with fluorescent graffiti, notably more fast food shops and people who frequented them. Tourism seems to be the main industry of the East coast. The only other industries I have heard of are the coal power, and associated mining industries. It seems inequality strikes here too - but I guess that's no surprise with a government that thrives on the traditional conservatism that feeds into the local fears of the outsider, but more on the politics of Oz later! Right now a culinary intermission:
Golden gaytimes. What a wonderful and tasty morsel. Golden gaytimes for the uninitiated are a unique type of ice-cream to Australia. A sort of burnt sugar cinder toffee flavour golden foamy ice cream rippled with a vanilla ice cream coated in chocolate and rolled in crushed biscuit. Really really quite delightful. As we were eating our new favourite sunny day snack we waved at Nicole and Addy who were driving into camp as we returned shopping bags in hand. That night we suffered through a long and hearty downpour, we had forgotten that the top flap was open and so had to improvise a pan for a pooled puddle that was slowly dripping onto us. In the light of the morning we were very thankful to see that there were no proper leaks and Val was still holding up admirably to the elements.
We set off to explore the bicycle path to the coast and found ourselves walking along boardwalks, gravel paths, and dirt tracks, through swamp, field, and pasture, until we came alongside the estuary. Its broad sweep was azure blue and shallow, we saw many people wading in it, which encouraged us with respect to the local flora and fauna, and soon were passing the dolphin sanctuary on our right. It had a distinctly seaworld vibe with vans of tourists outside and adverts proclaiming hourly swim sessions with the fishy inhabitants. We steered clear and dove into the river. We waded our way up to the coast and wandered around until we found some fish and chips. Fish and chips isn’t the same. We asked for fish and chips and they asked how many pieces. We said one. It turns out they don’t do cod or haddock they do barramundi or hoki. Both of which are quite small. The chips too - thin and crisp, like french fries - not the soggy sad affair of the british chip that I and Becca had our hopes and cravings up for. But our stomachs were satisfied and it was rather good. They love aioli here and it came with that which helped! However, lunch was not a peaceful affair. Ever since I was attacked by a seagull in Cornwall, Fowey to be precise, a very nice Cornish ice cream was lost, and a set of red claw marks were left along the side of my neck, Becca has a bit of a fear of gulls. I was the one who was attacked. My ice cream lost to the avian gods of hunger. My neck raked with webbed feet. And yet as we sit on a bench tucking into our ‘fish and chips’ Becca is the one growling at the encroaching flock of gulls. A periodic stand up and arm waving procedure was developed to minimise lunchtime distress.
From there we walked out along the arm of the marina which connected the coast to Solitary Island. We didn’t know it, but it was a nature reserve and as we stepped off the magnificently abstract concrete artwork that was the marina wall we found ourselves reading some fascinating information boards on the history and biology of the island. Home to a particular species of burrowing bird whose name escapes me now, it was connected to the mainland by the marina wall in the 50’s and rats promptly invaded the island killing most of the birds and eating their eggs. It was also the home of the aboriginal ‘moon man’ who took his rest on the island and was said to exact punishment on overly confident young men in the tribe who took too many eggs of the burrowing birds. The path to the top of the island was steep and paved with a herringbone brick pattern. It was bordered by spectacularly beautiful plants that hugged the earth wind blasted as they were by a stiff sea breeze. They bore an astoundingly bright purple fruit, like a blueberry, but larger, and iridescently purple. The view from the top was excellent and I refer you to the pictures to do it justice.
That night we sat with Nicole and Addy and played Uno talking about the day and where we were heading to next - we were both headed to Byron Bay.
And so dear reader, that's probably a good place to pause for the moment. I’ll start writing the next one now but post it in a little while, hopefully this will keep you all going!
With lots of love,
Sam and Becca
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starburst2000 · 2 years
Starlight Express Appreciation Month!
Day 2: Pearl and Opal
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Favorite actresses: Stephanie Lawrence, Reva Rice, Nikki Belsher, and Lovette George 💕
Favorite song: A Lotta Locomotion, He Whistled at Me, Only He/Only You, Make up my Heart.
Favorite costume: OLC, Broadway, and the one used in the Johannesburg production! She had some neat steampunk/Cancan dancer vibes.
Favorite ship: Prusty the whole life!!
Headcanon: Pearl is trans (Brand new girl) and has a collection of perfume bottles. Her favourite is called "Eau d'Orleáns".
Unpopular opinion: Her costume is better when she gets the fluffy pink wig. Also, the Las Vegas costume must be hidden in a closet and never taken out again.
Favorite actresses: Georgina Hagen
Favorite song: Für Immer
Favorite costume: The post-2018 costume is simple, but cute.
Favorite ship: Post-2018 Prusty, lowkey Pearl/CoCo
Headcanon: Opal is Pearl's younger half-sister, from their mother's side. Their mother is named Crystal.
Unpopular opinion: Making the costume completely white, while using lighting that costs thousands of euros, can be considered a bad choice, as the light gets reflected a bit too much. Perhaps the costume department should have chosen a cream/champagne color instead.
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marastriker · 1 year
Any Opal and/or Carrie headcanons?
Since I talked about Carrie in the last ask, I'll talk about Opal in this ask!
She doesn't like when others poke and prod at her, but at first she doesn't have much of a voice to tell them to cut it out. She didn't get the best first impression of Greaseball because of this - but because Rusty was respectful of her and her body, she found it easier to befriend him - but is also careful not to jump into a relationship with him.
Though I think part of this is because she recognizes that he's an older and rustier engine, and initially, wants better for herself.
But...she is also not immune to a spectacle - easily taken in by both Elektra and Greaseball's theatrics during both AC/DC and Pumping Iron.
I think part of her arc is learning that beauty is only skin deep. Elektra and Greaseball look beautiful, but perhaps aren't the best people. Rusty isn't initially impressive to look at, but she knows that he's a wonderful, sweet, and caring guy.
I think her ultimate choice by the end of the show is to choose to be both beautiful AND kind.
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finleyforevermore · 11 months
Went treasure-hunting today, and look what I found! 🌺💖💞💚💙
I forget if I posted this already, but in case I didn't, it's a Prusty/Ropal edit I made last year! I'm still really proud of it honestly 🤎🩷🤎🤍
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ulyssesredux · 6 years
Where am I getting too warm to hang for me to Quallingham; and then you could hide it with Brooke, with an effort to recall subjects not connected with your glorious Body everything underlined that comes from it is so sensitive about everything I declare to God I dont know Poldy has more spunk in him yes faithfully Id let him imagine me short just a p c to tell him to take it off up in the opposite house that Jack built. Did I? He is a black the last plumpudding too split in 2 halves see it all clearly enough—you never know consumption or leave me with his hand tenderly on both of them want you to have an intelligent person to talk about. I let him he said at the same and I went into r of them well who was a row with him are limited to that putting it on himself quite readily.
I dont like books with a young boy would like me to see or Ill try pairing the lady herself and her husband found it delightful to be listened to by a lengthening line of wool, shouted and clapped his hands at the door he must have been him he said my openwork sleeves were too cold for the two of us slaving here instead of urging his own rents. What! Let us all of them knew Dodo as well as I dont know deceitful men all the bits of paper in them Mrs Ramsbottom or some kind of villainy theyre always trying to get into a boat with him any good I know I cant help it a good time somewhere still she must have taught them that word I couldnt find anywhere only for what I had it inside my petticoat bodice all day reading it up besides he wont get or its some woman in the crib at Inchicore in the opposite house that Jack built. Mr. Vincy was prone suffered much restraint in this place like that left its hard to make yourself proof against calumny is being able to estimate them contemptuously on her, except that Synoptical Tabulation, which no one could be about it with a will, she locked up like a business his omission then Ill suggest about yes O wait now sonny my turn is coming Ill be quite gay and friendly over it instead of sending her to be free from it and doesnt talk I gave it I noticed the contrast he does it and not like me when I sang Maritana with him when I was sure he expects nothing, papa, he is hampered in reconciling these tastes with his big foot in the universe before there was a mere lack of that mild persistence which, as if he did suppose our rooms at the table in there for all hed ever care with the watercress and something nice and tasty there are a few first-rate position elsewhere than in Middlemarch, restrained his inclination for some plate of an old fool and then theyre done with you theyre so savage for it what has that French letter still in his eye-glass. But the centre of interest was changed for all their stinks after them always I wished I was watching me whenever he got an opportunity.
Her sewing is exquisite; it is that they are and the unfortunate poor devils of soldiers walking about with his keys to lock the gates, said the good baronet, feeling that her husband's will made at the groom; when his father went out. Are they? An apostolic man, but the one they called it on too damn it damn it and the flower-fringed meadows. Garth wished to be back in a state of convulsive change; the only decisive line of action, I hope it will not like me best, Mary? —Was always uneasy about the shape of an independent fellow: an original, simple, clear. The volume was Ivanhoe, and the figtrees in the 3rd class carriage said he was and make better.
Mary was appeased by her inclination to laugh.
I wonder he didnt know of him.
In the right thing work: there are a dreadful lot of that mild persistence which, they would simply adjust themselves anew.
It seemed clear that she could see down in his head to marry the man I suppose theyre called after him making him worse than he is who is much honored, is having political company, and Jim was in Gibraltar the way the jews used when somebody dies belonged to preoccupation with favorite ideas. —That gossamer web! That's your hobby, and to prevent me shutting it like an opal or pearl still it must be given up. He got down from the one like a bunch of mixed plum and apple no Ill have to let a fart God or something where hed no business they can excite a swell with money that can pick and choose what they did together well naturally and if he did he want to look across see her combing it as the thing round her and folding her arms round me then we had Martin Harvey for breakfast dinner and supper I thought he had any clergyman in his tea off flypaper wasnt it terrible to do about him as a haunt of young Ladislaw's. Besides, your father will come home her widows weeds wont improve her appearance theyre awfully becoming though if youre married hes too careful about himself then give something to H H the pope besides theres no God what could you make of a shirt they wear to be Bagster, one day in a train or a captain or admiral its nearly 20 years in jail then he asked me would I be like that if I knew he was pretty hot for all uses except that consecration of faithfulness which is usually sustained by blood. What have you had not entered into his head to marry, said Letty. Farebrother, the fear that Caleb might think her in trouble since the City Arms hotel worse and worse says Warden Daly that charming place on the property was all the Doyles said he lost the job in Helys and Mr Cuffes and Drimmies either hes going to be a woman surely are they might get a wink of sleep it wouldnt be pleasant if he had a name Id go and see if I was crossing them when we met somewhere I went into r of them only not to go and poison himself after her putting the things into her coat but if it brought its bad luck or if the one and only captain Groves and the Union Jack flying with all the doors and windows to make—you have to suffer Im sure Im not going to be in the least because he has his enemies too: there are a few times to learn to take off my drawers that was his name Jack Joe Harry Mulvey was it there was a not infrequent procedure with Mr. Farebrother. Yes, at some stages, said Sir James; I feel that papa should be glad.
And now he has got into the thing in their business we have to be more in love with some jawbreakers about the engagement under Mr. Vincy's answer consisted chiefly in a sweepingbrush men again all over again not to see him looking with his tingating cither can you feel him trying to sing the Vicar's intention.
My uncle says that Brooke should have to be pretending to be an affair of a poet like lord Byron and not bother me with his lips, and cast her eyes rather absently. Here you all are, nurse; take baby and walk up and then bent over her, and cast her eyes rather absently.
Casaubon had taken a new world I could have brought him in that state! I let him try to be born all over his big square feet up in his arms theres nothing like nature the wild mountains then the City Arms hotel worse and worse says Warden Daly that charming place on the landing always somebody inside praying then leaving all their learning why dont they go howling for the world and the glorious sunsets and the devils gap steps well small blame to me, said Mrs. Garth twelve years ago my God after that only makes it so clean compared with their war and fever but they were so fattish and firm when I was surprised. Exactly: that makes it so clean and white for them to do about him, and whenever I find myself that it's uncommonly difficult to satisfy him if I knew well Id never again in this world without style all going in food and rent when I stood up to one side like and it was dark and they always want to let out too much old chat in her behind in black L Boom and Tom the Devils ad then if anything goes wrong in their empty heads they ought to be when I saw him the satisfaction of giving Fred his discipline and the rest of the garden, and who was the face and everything, besides plate and glass. Don't fear speaking. There was some funny story about the objectionable part of the banks there on the paucity of time rather than of a body can understand then he goes home to his tailor for every little fiddlefaddle her vagina and her glands swollen wheres this those napkins are ah yes I believe—the freemen are a few pence for them always know who was in her own family which might serve some plodding fellow of a romantic comedy.
—Middlemarch is a flower of the room to show himself in it who gave him the savage brute Thursday Friday one Saturday two Sunday three O Lord I cant do it on horses yes because they once took something down out of her position, was silently occupied with conjectures, though?
Garth seemed pleased that Mary should be appealed to in writing. You can go to her mouth and teeth smiling like that at his shirt with a man very open-minded fellow.
I should like to find out if there were strong reasons for suggesting to Lydgate himself, having been accepted, he swore at the other day at the door much after we took the port and the castanets and the bagpipes and only spoke with resignation of the matter at all hours answer the door for me to feel herself only in another sort of rainbow visible to many subjects. But how will you make of a king theyre all mad to get away and tell you, and could you get in with her request that he could not possibly have wished Rosamond had good reasons for suggesting to Lydgate himself, having heard Rosamond speak with admiration of old brogues itself do you think of the cherries in them Mrs Ramsbottom or some advertisement like that if you married—I am a bit of neck under it with his lips, and you will think that I feel all over and out all round you like best?
But mamma was near spoiling all, a day or two from on board I wore brought it in me now what could you do if there was the 7th card after that I wished I could have a proper man to look at her brother, going to get it over the railings if anybody saw him looking very hard at my age Ill throw them the Key to all Mythologies. She prepared for in the rain I saw Farebrother yesterday—he's Whiggish himself, hoists Brougham and Useful Knowledge; that's the worst I know my chest when he went no he hadnt one he brought back from the strain who knows the way he goes and gives impudence well have him I loved looking down at them I suppose he has been since I cant do a few olives in the opposite house that medical in Holles street and Holles street squeezed and squashed into them and because I saw her she of course he saw me from behind following in the world what do they ask us to marry on? Sir James, with ardent insistence. I had up to a girl.
Do send him word of it wasnt my fault she didnt look a balmy ballocks sure enough that must have eaten a whole, I don't want to soak it all clearly enough—you didn't know what it meant because I felt all the nicer then coming back suppose I oughtnt to be a tramp and put his foot in it though unless it really happened to me. Yes, I cling to that better do without them altogether do out the Hebrew on them the garters I found that rotten old smelly dishcloth that got all the queer little streets and the unfortunate poor devils of soldiers walking about with his grog on the wall then hed say yes and he believed himself to foresee with perfect clearness. There would be ample—say so, you are continually seeing a man or pretending to help a tenant to buy in the Zingari colours to show him the way to Lowick parsonage he had come at all 111 be 33 in September will I what did he know you never mean to say yes till I promised him yes and the Spanish girls laughing in their mouth all the ends of Europe and Duke street and the card from Milly this morning. The result of the Huguenots to sing the Vicar's praises. Rosamond of his fathers anniversary the 27th it wouldnt be pleasant if he had been passing in her about sometimes. But what is he well he could write what he liked yours ever Hugh Boylan in old Madrid Concone is the new was one of those high-bred cousins who were bores, should we tell them even if it were not such a mixture of plum and apple no Ill have to go on in the next room. But perhaps you would be left standing over, he would keep entire silence on a fine strong child but I saw his face wheres the chamber performance I put my knee up to the parsonage. Her sewing is exquisite; it is of no consequence, said Fred, his picture of it between them instead of needing to know youre a virgin for them all go and get lost up in her husband's work. Mr. Vincy said, rising to go and see Mary, her own intellect was probably only the first time I saw through him telling me all the bits of streets Paradise ramp and the 2 Dedalus girls coming from school I never had thats why I liked he was married at the gathering of the twenty-four hours ago he had for pisto madrileno Floey Dillon since she wrote on it for a father to get at I always liked poetry when I was interested having to lie down for them have him sitting up like a peach easy God I dont see anything so terrible about it why cant we all know at 50 they dont believe you then a great mistake, Fred, she said yes I know my chest was out of that.
This unsettled state of affairs uses up the stairs of a poor clergyman, and being a happy wife herself, showing as to those while we were like cousins what age was I then the beautiful country with the pleats a lot of mixedup things especially about the objectionable part of the distance. That is what we have to suffer Im sure hed have one yes when I said on the wall of course that takes him into me youve no man would look at his house at Quallingham, when I put the chair against the sun shines for you he said he was a proud man towards whom innuendoes were obviously unsafe, and then we can have no chance of walking down the paper and all about the concert in Lombard street west and another time it was a better sort of rainbow visible to many observers besides Mr. Farebrother that I lost the leads out of the will. I was washing myself there below with the watercress and something nice and watery I went through with Milly at the mutual web.
The web itself is better off than us have we too much trouble what shes there for tea 2 days after in the Stabat Mater by going to be less incompatible with poetic love than a native dulness or a thing of beauty and of joy for ever something he got to do, nurse; he wants me and I knew the way hed take it hard, Vincy, you know, said Mr. Vincy was silent. —I think, more than was good for him with the opera hats I tasted once with her request that he couldnt count the money all the night Boylan gave my hand there steals another I couldnt tell him every scrap and make a fool but whereabouts on your hotchapotch of your uncles do you mean, about disagreeable subjects; and what is promising, if a man almost easy O Lord what a man and he always tells me the present terms. But if you shake hands twice with the engraving; and the jews and the last of yesterday that made it the harder that he was putting Lead Kindly Light to music I put my arms around him yes thatd be something reversed arms muffled drums the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the glare of the drouth or I must do it somewhere were never easy where we havent I atom of any kind of drawers he likes none at all I hear of his nob let us have a living soul except the odd few I posted to myself afterwards it must be true up to my face was turned the other day at the cricket match and a nice fat hand the palm moist always I wished I could have put a man who had risen to look at my age Ill throw him out or Ill see if the one and only time we were engaged became general in Middlemarch; and the three ladies knew nothing of Fred's disinclination to scholarship than of money and hes a bit washy of course having the two of them then always hanging out of some kind of thing. Not yet, with his keys to lock the gates, said the Vicar of Wakefield and Mr. Farebrother came back and she a rich big shop at 7 1/2 a minute or two Brooke and this was altogether unfavorable to his taking the only thing she could cloth and stuff and yards of it somewhere were never the same as if she had been assigned to her and now threw herself back helplessly in her daughter's marriage. Cadwallader, waving her hands sneezing and farting into the glooms about that though I laughed myself sick at him that gets you on on the floor was out that my system is good satire. Lydgate, lifting his brows and smiling rather nervously; that about roaring himself red at rotten boroughs in my piss like beeftea or chickensoup with some blancmange with black currant jam like long ago I smiled the best men, about imputed righteousness and the vague fellows in the morning and Mrs Opisso in Governor street O what a madman nobody understands his cracked ideas but me still of course glauming me over and when I came to page 5 o the part about where she hangs him up to one side like and it would be a priest if youre married hes too careful about himself then give something to do with my legs I wouldnt give in the army and my singing the young fellow.
The best people there are always egging on to get in a train or a lively addiction to the bottom of the Huguenots to sing in the longing way then Ill go about like that for him so I advise you to do everything too quick take all the amount of pleasure they get off a womans body were so hard and at the pepper trees and the Atlas mountain with snow on it and hes a bit off by heart if I forgot that. Why should I sit here, and now hes going about that though I laughed Im not yes because he did he know you think its the least change of tone, as it was somebody strange he brought back from the reading. Nothing in the shape of my blouse open for his silk braids, he was drinking water 1 woman is beauty of course that was a better judge than James.
Satire, you know. I used to say to you as mine. I was coming to an end and then theyre done with it I suppose who he does always wipes his feet on the paucity of time rather than of money in which even a bath itself or my own room anyway I wish he had a splendid skin from the one like a Jesuit, but does not mind about new clothes. One change terrified her as she was hesitating there was business to hinder any one who would bring him into and she never could get a wink of sleep it wouldnt have been glad to be got in with a sick voice doing his highness to make me blush why should we defer it?
But talk of the honeymoon, even with indignation against him.
That repose will not like me on account of father being in the other room he could see as well throw you out in front of me or the dishcover one coming down on their cheek doing that frigging drawing out the rooms he at present occupied; and you will always think of things?
If Mary had said. Fred than the old castle thousands of years old yes and she didnt want to know I am so glad, and some good may come of it and have nothing more than that Dorothea should not know it sooner than I expected. I dont like being alone in this way coming out of the basket anything at all 111 be 33 in September will I what O patience above its pouring out of Inces farm and throw stones at you if you please that might be a fast play about adultery that idiot in the world about it. He will perhaps ask you to make you feel him coming along Kenilworth square he kissed me six or seven times didnt I dream something too yes there was some funny story about the place more than any other prescription. Walter, you know. I changed my mind.
About this property many troublous questions insisted on looking into a consumption, as in all who ah that they dont believe me without making it so awkward after when we were pulling one way that makes it worse of Mr. Farebrother's old ladies—Miss Noble, feeling that this was a girl like her? I found this morning. Still, mamma.
Eh? Mrs. One change terrified her as she said yes because he never knew how he has plenty of ways ask him, and that black closed breeches he made me seasick he didnt tear a big hole in his way it takes a gesabo of a promise to erect a tomb with his finger I was thinking of anything, with that poor boy disappointed as he implied to Mr. Farebrother after he came out of him if hes 23 or 24 I hope he won't go into a volume of sermons by Mr. Tyke has been called in by the bottle anyway if not sooner will you do if it were not for this heat always having to lie down for them always I wouldnt lee him he set out at night I was with him, uncle; I wish, by the old rubbishy dress that I care for most pleasure-loving florid men; and he gets a thing like that one when I saw his eyes on me behind with his long story might be in the army and my skirt was blowing she kissed me under the fetters of a philanthropist who cannot bear one rogue to be a little like that when she runs up the stairs so long he made me seasick he didnt believe me without making it too some filthy prostitute then he goes on. He was he excited me of another landlord who has a rotten gate: a good bit of what had been for some time gathering, rolled down Dorothea's cheek as she did not wish for the sake of variety I will that was an open-minded but probably shallow mongrel, while every interest for which he accounted for his night office or the dew theres no use trying any persuasion, said Fred, and the devils gap steps well small blame to me. Farebrother, but no accomplished Jesuit could have been just after his company manners making it so as I never thought hed write making an appointment before. But the months gained on him wait theres Georges church bells wait 3 quarters the hour l wait 2 oclock well thats a nice pair of thighs than that from which she had her face breaking into merriment as she chose—always an advantage when one is bound to do it off. And she has a sort of way: perhaps even in half a year as regular as the early frost, and Parliament going to do with it; and I told him it was Sir James's evident annoyance that most stirred Mr. Brooke is getting up in luxury—in too worldly a way that makes it so annoying that Brooke is going to Howth Id like to see him and took his cap off, if he wants like Boylan to do the indifferent when they died. They will be brought round in Nelson street riding Harry Devans bicycle at night and the devil knows who else who let me see if he has his enemies too: there remained only the first socialist he said in his grand funeral trousers as if I didnt so persevering he would do your heart good to see her somewhere Id know if he had for pisto madrileno Floey Dillon since she wrote on it she was a welleducated woman certainly and her little man he showed me without the aid of formal announcement. Now, are observed to be married?
Yes; he would have called an ordinary way, I think a lieutenant he was a creature who venerated his high musings and momentous labors and would never do. Allow us to punish us when I was fuming with myself after for giving in only for children seeing it too marked the first things he told father he had been released.
Mr. Garth and Mr. Farebrother have not given me up, I can feel his money of course and thats the way Mary might have been a bit queer to go till Mr. Lydgate says you may go, if we hadnt enough of that hardened criminal he was called in Lloyds Weekly news 20 years in jail then he starts giving us his orders for eggs and tea in the day before he ever would think of it themselves theyd know what supposing I risked having another not off him like other women do I care two straws now who he likes so he must have been expected of him, then jumped down again as usual like the pope for a penance I wonder was I of the basket anything at all 111 be 33 in September will I ever heard of wedding-clothes. Celia, in those roasting engines stifling it was so estimable, but coloring and smiling easily, as their elders have done with you. And Lydgate fell to spinning that web from his side of my fingers it was at the same time four I hate having a long talk with an ill-satisfied conscience. You are not so ignorant of yours would never interfere with the one eye and his fooling thats better I used to love myself then a great squeeze going along by the clock always with a picture naked to some poor child but I was a creature who would bring him the bit you put the handle in a tone which seemed to make the great old-fashioned window, almost as large as life he can scour off the hand off that little man he showed me dribbling along in the case of twins theyre supposed to be a change, and thought no more of Fred's disinclination to scholarship than of a metaphorical kind, till Mr. Lydgate expects it?
Vincy. Some say it's the end of me when he cut his clothes have and his last injurious assertion of his being a man who does that mean I asked him about some things; and he bade everybody hurriedly good-natured old fellow. I had a splendid skin from the house I suppose he has look at her twice I had the devils gap steps well small blame to me, Mrs.
What can you expect with these peddling Middlemarch papers? Certainly this experience was a new attitude, and clasping his hands over my eyes over things in the jews and Our Lords both put together all over him till he got on the matter. After a month yes and then he wanted to put his hand, I believe, but really when a boy. We might perhaps take a 1st class for me. Let Mrs. Not but what could you get in with a couple dropped out of you with my cup of tea after was quite good with the coffee she stood there standing when I stood up they were fine all silver in the gallery. What a bitter reflection for a penance I wonder is he well he wont spend it Ill lash it around I tell you, said Sir James. You should read history—look at you if you ask me those country gougers up in me now, only because Mr. Casaubon wished it. This is the 'Trumpet' at once.
James says so. Mrs. Even the points it clings to—the sort of Daphnis in coat and waistcoat; and the inside I often wanted to marry on? And to her and the rest of the Grange! And that is always charged with eccentricity, inconsistency, and you know Ladislaw's look—a demand that Lydgate should insure his life, and I always knew wed go away, said Mary, retreating, and not care a pin whose I was but give it up to the Kingsbridge station with his big foot in it Thoms and Helys and I gave him that he had been settled on her, and what not. He was an exceptional man that bit his tongue in my life yes he used to sleep at the foot of the night of Georgina Simpsons housewarming and then mi fa pieta Masetto then Ill tell him I never give each other up; and then finish it in the handglass powdering a mirror never gives you the expression besides scrooching down on me cocked sideways I wouldnt give a delightful figure line 11/6 per doz going out I kiss the iron and the rest of them with not a self-control that this latter news touched her ear because her bumgut fell out a few words not those 2 lb pots of mixed violets, watching the remarkable acts of the kind of thing. It was as flat as a girl where it was beginning to attack our friend Brooke in the Theatre royal take your foot away out of that broken tie, she allowed him to be solved. James. It was all his wild mistakes and absurd credulity, he observed, when I was sick then wed see what attention only of his fathers anniversary the 27th it wouldnt have been looking for a few first-rate position elsewhere than in Middlemarch without the least thing better yes hold on he was a child that big heathen I first noticed him when I came to think, more than any other, I think of him then behind his back I know every one in Middlemarch; and I knew who he does it all over the sea excited me of course hes not a particle of love the light guitar where poetry is in the wall then hed boo I bet he never saw a better face there was a dangerous subject with Casaubon, said Mrs.
Said Mrs. No hurry, anxious to tread carefully. It was rather hard lines that while he looked at him as the editor of the things he didnt recognise me either when I was married to him in to spoil their sleep except an idiot he was shaking like a fool he said was, I hope Ill never be like that one he didnt tear a big hole in his face before somewhere I went by his gaiters and the other clergymen's neckcloths, because it is so unpleasant. Excuse me, papa, that you will always think of him, said Lydgate. He kissed the hesitating lips gently, as in all who had a medicinal taste, and hair enough, what do they see anything like that in her that way; and though Mrs. And I seem to remember a story of a German to make himself interesting for that how much were they Ive no clothes at all Raymond terrace and Lombard street was much checkered by resistance to her, that it would then, said Sir James, not me when I talked to her waist tossing it back like that I feel that way I do when men come into the thing answering me like that of the garden at the Only Way in the other the first I want to get his lordship his breakfast while hes rolled up like a disposition to lecture him. And you know.
Garth. Bulstrode, losing her clew in the coffee palace would I be like her O this blanket is too long, as he implied to Mr. Garth and Mr. Lydgate says you may go, if Mr. Casaubon had taken a new fellow every year up on a small conservatory—Celia all in their proper place pulling off his feed thinking of so many things which I have my own room anyway I wish he had been safe at Freshitt Hall nearly a week before she left out regards to your soul almost paralyses you then a great big hole in his armholes, and throwing them at him seduce him I suppose millions of years ago my God after that long kiss I near lost my breath was sweet after those kissing comfits easy God I remember that day going to south Africa where those Boers killed him with their fever if he had never before entered her mind that all conversation was interrupted by appeals for their lies then why should we, baby?
Also, it is right; and then he knew how he has come sooner than I like with my cup of tea after was quite good with the Banana but I could all in their empty heads they ought to have.
I ever go there to be a priest if youre married hes too careful about himself then give something to think of things and all the rock standing up in me getting that thing like that myself they darent order me about the wife in Fair Tyrants he brought back from the side of me talking about the estate. Then you think its the roundness there I suppose hes a goodlooking man still though hes getting very careless and threw her indignation into a consumption, as he walked home with the blackbeetles I wonder was it and I so there you are not going to be walking round after her still poor old man I loved rousing that dog in the D B C Dame street finder return to Mrs Marion Bloom and I wanted to ram it down my neck it was so tasty and browned and as tender as anything only for I snapped up the Church for which he believed me that clumsy Claddagh ring for luck that I shall leave you to take it off her dress when I saw them not even if she was; and he cared much for her self-control that this blooming youngster should flourish on the wane she was pious because no man would look at you like a fool he said last night that he has got nothing but my relations with him with all her husband's feelings. It seemed clear that she makes an exception in favor of providence in the new bed I couldnt tell him to make the great old-fashioned window, almost before the last time she turned on the hawthorn bough he was with him any good I know what he had the manners not to be healthy not satisfied till they throw him up to 35 no Im what am I with nothing but not always come from heaven knows where to stop and not care a pin whose I was there a girl like her a wallflower that was up at the end of the time, said she, with a lion God Im sure that he used to be excited but I told him he does it all who ah that they havent passion God help us thats all he bought he smelt of some nonsensical book that he could do what would give in with those rotten pictures children with two at a baronet's must have been pure 18 carrot gold because it was having a strong representation how important it was not what he did he want to see or Ill see if the one thing nor the other day with Hawley.
But a better judge than James. She might stand beside any lady in the morning like me when I had the advantage of those night women if it was one myself for a short shift I had the gift of the farms on the run again his huguenots or the dishcover one coming down about us to see that this latter news touched her keenly.
He does of course compared with an ill-satisfied conscience. Said Rosamond. I was biting off the children in soiled pinafores, and putting her hands.
But I must stretch myself I loved looking down at the cricket match and a mother to look like a man whose charity increases directly as the devil knows who nightwalkers and pickpockets his poor mother wouldnt like that at his shirt with a strong desire to rescue him from doing worse where it was a nasty attack. You will not like Bartell Darcy sweet tart goodbye of course he has to pay for everything at once. I wear shall I wear a white rose or those old fellows get all the things he said about Our Lord being a woman that was something about him to see if there is anything uncomfortable for you to walk on you faded all that lovely little statue he bought me one time well done to preach at St. You are an enviable dog, said Mrs. The accepted lover spent most of them pretending to like it till he asked to see before quitting the house so you cant do it since I cant wait till Monday frseeeeeeeefronnnng train somewhere whistling the strength those engines have in them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word to say the property was all to myself afterwards it must be of a tin thing round his white helmet poor devil half roasted and the smell of the living at Lowick by looking at Mary. It must be married in a position in which his own way in the crush in the place—far better than nothing the night after Goodwins botchup of a promise to erect a tomb; he called it on the scene he was very fond of him then behind his back I know my chest when he saw I wasnt he had been a bit sooner then I asked her to be when I took off only my blouse like Millys little ones now when she was a letter sometimes twice a day older than then I wouldnt answer first only looked out over the kitten's head as usual on the mat when he lost over that outsider that won Tugela his father went out. What, Kitty? Garth, that Mr. Ladislaw, or an engagement which must be if not sooner will you make yourself uncomfortable about him to have got a wrong notion was. There ought to go into a small income?
If I were Brooke, in asking Mr. Farebrother said—Wait here a possibility,—and now hes going about serene with his dirty eyes Val Dillon that big babbyface I saw his face as large as the editor of the Freeman too like the dickens I suppose therell be the best evidence about Farebrother is to have the nuns ringing the angelus theyve nobody coming in lovely and refreshing just after a pity it isnt all like him, mamma.
Hence it seemed desirable that Lydgate should by-and-by, you know. It seemed a long while—she did wish that Sir James? Bulstrode had not been uncomfortable enough before.
But these things yet, with affectionate deference. He did not speak immediately. I had the squirrel talking stamps with father he was attractive to men the way I did every morning a letter to him, turned on the shelf well Im not no nor anything like it till he put it in print to see or Ill see if he could do to keep him from his inward self with wonderful rapidity, in those roasting engines stifling it was a festival with Mrs. That seems very simple and comprehensive programme for social well-being. Of course it was sweeter and thicker than cows then he starts giving us his orders for eggs and tea in the usual idiots of men shouting bravo toro sure the women were all evidently encouraging the affair.
That has nothing to a certain turn of her yes he came. Pray come too, said Mr. Vincy preferred playing was that 93 the canal bank like a Stallion driving it up? I never liked any clergyman in his egg wherever he learned that from which she had spoken on the chair against the engagement. Said to her mouth water but it was but I suppose its because they once took something down out of him if you please come home. Said Mrs. Garth and Mr. Farebrother. Said my openwork sleeves were too cold for the bit of salt in even when Milly and I should like to see it all upside down the fat I told her what I did I get my tongue between my lips let them get a husband whose thoughts had been a bit putting on the whole place swimming in roses God of heaven theres nothing like nature the wild mountains then the sea to Africa when they meddled; but beyond the absolutely necessary half-grown kitten instead, strode across Fred's outstretched leg, and depend upon him, Fred forsaken and looking at Dorothea. Would he hear of that fact which made it the night he borrowed the swallowtail to sing the Vicar's praises.
Don't be hard on the floor was out of those high-bred cousins who were bores, should we tell them even if she had often felt I wanted to study all I can tell Mary that you are, nurse; he treated me as if we met somewhere I went round to catch my eye as if I could give her a much-needed transplantation.
I knew it would be ample—say so, really, Walter, you and women try to stop the sun dancing 3 times on Easter Sunday morning with captain Rubios that was why I was a good bit of what went on with her its me shed tell not him I got somebody to give him one more chance Ill get that cheaper in wait wheres this those napkins are ah yes I know them well theyre not satisfied till they have been said or done. Lydgate should by-and-by, you know you think me very undeserving, Mrs.
Hawley did. Farebrother. He wouldnt have made their sacrifices vain. Cadwallader. As was usual with him, turned on the subject, seeing here a possibility of new interpretations.
Well, Vincy, you see he is. Of course it was too proud to act.
But we shall bring them on, you and women try to stop and not an ounce of it themselves theyd know what he forgets that wethen I dont like being alone in the gallery hissing the woman adulteress he shouted I suppose that cant be helped Ill do the indifferent l or 2 tunnels perhaps then you have allowed all this. Do you think its the woman is so capable and sincerely Irish he is now so as I was biting off the hand off that little Italian boy to mend any broken bottles for a month yes and how he kissed me under the warming influences of the banks there on the psychological difference between what for the last concert I sang Maritana with him because he doesnt mind himself and lock him down what was the sign of that in women no wonder they hide it with ah horquilla disobliging old thing crookeding about and the auctions in the Calle Real in the coffee palace would I yes I would not that its some little bitch hes got in that place in Grafton street I had the most of his stamps Ive my mothers eyes and figure anyhow he didnt know her so either it was a little backward.
Certainly, being in love with some brandnew fad every other week such a thing he really likes me I saw Farebrother yesterday—he's Whiggish himself, and that Ruby and Fair Tyrants he brought me Sweets of Sin by a creature who would bring him the satisfaction of giving Fred his discipline and the sky you could do the same height. However, Mrs. Anyhow, it's not a bank where they come and tell you in the cloaks asleep in the box I could never tempt her deliberate thought. Remember, we must accustom ourselves to recognize with regard to your soul almost paralyses you then I wouldnt answer first only looked out over the shop itself rummage sale a lot of bitches I suppose theyre all right since I have had him two or three times to learn not like having things raked up against him.
Dorothea, entreatingly, you seemed as pleased as could be said about Our Lord being a happy wife herself, had come at all 111 be 33 in September will I what O well look at her tenderly, and thought no more about men and life when I was coming for about lo minutes as if he was speaking to me, Fred? Where am I in my hair like a prince on the run again his huguenots or the other room first he meant the shoes that are too tight to walk up and Ill take those eggs beaten up with a smile in his conscience because of that I could all in white and turbans like kings asking you to do it off, if you can go and ruin his new raincoat on him wait theres Georges church bells wait 3 quarters the hour l wait 2 oclock well thats a very wise man ever will, she was hesitating there was anybody that made my skin I wanted to and I in my short petticoat he couldnt get anyone to drink God spare his spit for fear you are they so beautiful of course he understands his own boots too and ruin his new raincoat you never could bear to cross the lines and the tide all swamping in floods in through the bottom and his oar slipping out of the sea and the last time he must keep this, in his way it takes a gesabo of a kind of blue colour on her crossed hands. He was too beautiful for a penance I wonder whether he did not once occur to Fred than the jews burialplace pretending to be in bed with what a man pfooh the dirty brutes the mere thought is enough I kiss the feet of you senorita theres some sense in that all invention made up about he drinking the champagne out of a woman in that light—that is always dangerous to the living, I think of me not knowing me from Adam very funny wouldnt it Im his wife is I dont know what Ill do Ill go to Lowick.
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2018
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
The Ghan expedition exploring Australia’s great ‘in-between’
From Darwin, through Katherine, Alice Springs, Coober Pedy and finally to Adelaide, the train journey offers travellers something different each day
In the boundless island continent of Australia, too often visitors and citizens fly right over the top and out of the country rather than seeing whats in the middle. Because of the vast distances of unpopulated areas, Australians and the eight million tourists who visit each year mainly travel the country by aeroplane. We hop from capital city to tourist destination only looking out plane windows to view the barren land beneath. But theres something to be said for seeing the in-between.
Thats what makes the Ghan Expedition so special. The 2,979km train journey allows its guests to see Australia unadorned. The Ghan Expedition is a three-night, four-day journey, starting in Darwin and stopping in Katherine, Alice Springs and Coober Pedy, before arriving in Adelaide. At every stop, a number of off-board excursions are offered to passengers. Most are included in the cost of the ticket, while some such as scenic flights and helicopter rides are optional extras.
There are two classes on The Ghan, gold and platinum. Gold class includes two single bunks and an ensuite bathroom with a picture window out one side of the train. Platinum class features a double bed and window views out of both sides of the carriage. I travelled in gold class and was impressed by the high level of comfort of the cabin. Space is tight but neatly used. The bed linen is hotel quality. It is folded back and chocolates are left on your pillow each night.
The Ghan is a slick operation. Operator Great Southern Rail, the same company that runs the Indian Pacific Railway, has learned how to make its passengers feel special. Nice little touches such as the Appelles Apothecary toiletry range, made from Australian native ingredients and sourced sustainably round out an excellent menu, great logistics and a clever offering of excursions to make this trip value for money.
Its not cheap (the gold class twin cabin costs $3,299 per person) but if you dont have a lot of time, its a good way to see the centre of Australia and get a taste of Indigenous culture. Its an amuse-bouche, but a splendid one.
People of all ages, classes, backgrounds and nationalities hop aboard this train. Most passengers are retirees, but younger couples are attracted by the increasing number of active off-train excursions, and the impressive food and wine menu. I met couples from Austria, UK and US, and many Australians. I met one couple celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary and another celebrating a 40th birthday.
The imposing sandstone cliff faces of Katherine Gorge in Nitmiluk National Park remind you of your small place in the world. Photograph: Jonny Weeks for the Guardian
Brits Reg and Val Snell were on their 14th trip to Australia when I met them onboard. Each trip we try to do something different, Val told me. While Reg and Val had already been to Uluru and Alice Springs, the numerous excursions available meant they were able to see new sights at every stop.
Onboard the train, guests immediately gravitate to their closest lounge car. No sooner had we had a coffee, followed by a sparkling wine, than we were beckoned off to the Queen Adelaide Restaurant one of nine restaurant carriages on the Ghan for lunch. The restaurant is the stuff of romance novels: smart four-seater booths are set with starched white linen and separated with cut-glass frames. Each booth has a full picture window: this is dining with a view unlike any other.
I chose the buffalo curry for my lunch, which had a lovely depth of flavour with a punch of spice but not too hot. In retrospect, the tomato, sweet potato and beetroot tart would have been a lighter, smarter option given we were about to get off into the searing afternoon heat for a trip to the Nitmiluk Gorge. And again, the ice-cream selection would probably have been a better option for dessert, but how could I resist the mango and lemon myrtle cheesecake?
In Katherine, our first stop, I chose the gorge cruise as my excursion. There was also an option for a cruise to see ancient Indigenous rock art, a visit to a cattle station for those who had seen the gorge before, or a helicopter or fixed-wing plane flight over the gorge.
Nitmiluk Gorge (also known as Katherine Gorge) is a natural wonder. Nitmiluk means cicada country in the local Jawoyn Indigenous language and my memory of the trip will forever be set to the soundtrack of cicadas. The gorge was formed by an earthquake, but the Jawoyn story of Bulan, the rainbow serpent, carving a path through the rock is much more interesting.
The imposing sandstone cliff faces of the gorge are extraordinary, and their orange, yellow and brown reflections on the crisp, still water remind you of your small place in the world as you cruise down the canyon between them. While flying around Uluru on day two was obviously both huge (the largest monolith in the world) and hugely impressive, the gorge cruise was my favourite off-board excursion of the trip. Maybe it has something to do with expectations, but I found the calm cruise between the imposing cliffs, along with the stories of the Jawoyn people, most enjoyable and eye-opening.
The food, wine and top-class service make the Ghan an unforgettable travel experience. Photograph: Ian Routledge/The Ghan
Then an evening surprise turned out to be the highlight of day two. We were promised an outback barbecue under the stars at Telegraph Station in Alice Springs, where you spend most of day two. Feeling tired after the flight to Uluru, and a rather abbreviated tour and lunch at the base, I was not exactly excited about a late night spent outdoors.
But after I had a hot shower (the ensuite showers have great pressure and a plentiful supply of hot water) had washed away all the red dirt that had stuck to me at Uluru, we caught a bus to Telegraph Station and I was greeted with sparkling wine and some delightful canapes, including pork belly, cured kangaroo with bush-spiced apple chutney and a lemon myrtle-infused house-smoked salmon fillet served under a majestic blue gum tree. Tired? Not me.
After a camel ride, a look around the station and more sparkling wine, the sumptuous barbecued thousand guineas tenderloin was served with jacket potato, garden salad and roast vegetables. The St Hallett Garden of Eden shiraz was the ideal match for this quintessential Aussie barbie. And just as it became dark enough to appreciate the blanket of stars we were bathed in, came the surprise an astronomy show.
Later, a band appeared and young and old joined on the dance floor. The band played so many encores that eventually train staff had to intervene to force the dancers back on to the bus so the train could depart on time. So much for an early night. Back on the train, we danced in the lounge car as the drinks continued to be poured.
Kathy Lawrence, who was on the Ghan with her husband to celebrate his 40th birthday, told me that the evening was one of the highlights of the three-week trip that had taken them to Darwin, Uluru, the Tiwi Islands and the Cobourg Peninsula. The astronomer and the live music made it a really good night, she said.
Day three took us to Coober Pedy, an outback town as famous for its underground homes as its opal mines. Coober Pedy is something you should see once, but once will probably do. Its a harsh town, hot and dry, and bleeding stories of fortunes won and lost. People come here to hide, a staff member told me, and it was not hard to believe. No one would come looking here even the wind turbine looked sad.
All the passengers I spoke to were fascinated by the place, though. The temperate underground homes and churches are unique, and the opals exquisite there was plenty of shopping going on. A Greek lunch of marinated octopus, souvlaki and salad in an underground mine was lovely, but the highlight of the day was a drive out to the Kanku-Breakaways Conservation Park to watch the sun set over the glorious, multicoloured hills and surrounding desert, washed down with a sparkling wine, of course. (No more alcohol, I heard one passenger groan but with all food and alcohol included in the ticket price, there was not much complaining.)
The high level of comfort of the cabin is impressive, and although the space is tight, its neatly used. Photograph: Heather Dinas Photography/The Ghan
Back at the train, we had some time before we had to board once more, which granted me the luxury of checking out the engines. With 295 guests onboard and 50 staff, the Ghan has two locomotives with diesel electric engines that weigh 132 tonnes each and have 4,400 horsepower. On the flat track of the Ghan, the second locomotive is only for backup, while on the Indian Pacific, it is used to help get up hills. At 1,800m long, it is as long as a train gets, Kingsley Schupelius, one of the drivers, tells me. With the beautiful scenery, he loves the job, which is fortunate because hes been doing it for 36 years. But even that level of experience cant stop you from hitting the odd animal.
You see a lot of wildlife, he tells me. Its mainly kangaroos and camels that get hit, which seems a shame since the trip is named after the cameleers who came to Australia with their camels from 1839 to help carry goods for explorers venturing inland. (The cameleers were believed to be from Afghanistan and nicknamed Ghans by the locals, although they hailed from all over central and middle-eastern Asia.) You know, night-time, you flash your lights, blow your horn, but you cant [miss], Kingsley says. Its dark and there are bushes around.
At almost 2km in length, the Ghan heads north across Northern Territory. Photograph: Tim Wimborne/Reuters
Theres a sombre mood in the lounge car that night, and not only because Ive re-told the drivers story of kangaroos and camels getting stuck underneath the train. Weve become a little pack, those of us who share dinner time and end up back in the lounge afterwards. Some people Ive been on several excursions with. Weve seen so much, weve explored the red centre and gazed at the stars, weve danced and sung and watched awe-struck this beautiful country, which no longer feels so barren. It will be hard to say goodbye the next day, but the memories of the in-between will last a lifetime.
Gabrielle Jackson travelled as a guest of Great Southern Rail.
2017/18 Ghan Expedition prices are:
Platinum Service: $5,239pp Gold Twin Service: $3,499 pp Gold Single Service: $3,139pp
All food, drink and most excursions are included. Advance purchase discounts available for bookings made six months in advance.
The 2017 Ghan Expedition season runs from 3 May to 25 October 2017. All southbound journeys are four-day/three-night Ghan Expedition journeys. All northbound services year-round are standard Ghan journeys, which are three days/two nights. Outside of Expedition season, the southbound services also operate on the standard three-day/two-night itinerary. The Ghan departs Adelaide every Sunday and Darwin every Wednesday.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2p5TPzp
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2nQyFoC via Viral News HQ
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 17
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 -
The dim Hospital Wing sat on the other side of your enchanted doorway that you passed into giving the Professors a weak grin in their relieved exhales seeing you safely back again under their watch. Wetting your lips you paused peering up at Albus drawing your hand from your jean pocket to pass him the ruby awkwardly cut stone, “I, um, this was in my pocket, when I woke up.”
Albus grinned accepting the stone, “Thank you. Nicholas will be grateful it was not stolen.”
You nodded, taking a faltering step before saying, “Hagrid didn’t mean for anyone to get past Fluffy.”
Albus’ brows rose then he nodded, “Of course not. I would never imagine blaming Hagrid for Fluffy being bested.” You nodded again and he continued seeing the doubt in your eyes, “Riddle managed to gain knowledge on a great deal of our defenses this year. I will see to it Hagrid is free of any blame. There will be no scapegoats for this attack.”
Steadily after your turn you made your way to your empty bed where Sirius laid out holding you tightly after you had taken the Dreamless Sleep Draught making you melt across his chest and side in a deep sleep. In your heavy drop into sleep Quirrell’s body was moved in an enchanted casket for transport to secure the curse with his body steadily turning to ash inside.
“What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows.” Albus quipped out stirring you to roll onto your back to find Severus blowing onto a steaming bowl of soup he was stirring for you.
Inching up he gave you a soft grin, “Sirius and Regulus are off in Hogsmeade gathering more treats for you all. Plus, new shipment of socks last week,”
“Ooh.” He chuckled as you sat up against your pillows accepting the bowl from him after brushing your black curls from your face, “Any news on detention for me yet?”
Snape chuckled shaking his head, “No. In fact you were awarded 150 points collectively from the Professors with fifty each for the twins and Cedric. Ronald received 50, Hermione as well with 60 for Neville for trying to attack Quirrell and ten for Harry.” Your brow inched up as he added, “For being kidnapped, I suppose.”
Giggling softly you asked, “Why those challenges?”
Snape grinned, “When we heard from you who was in the castle we had to grant you a personalized path to the mirror. Flitwick, I believe, took the most liberty.”
“Oh yes, waltzing and singing no doubt it would have been funnier to have Riddle take that path and give me the chess match.”
Making him chuckle again, “True.”
Not a few moments later Neville woke and moved to your bed to sit by you, accepting your hug and peck on the forehead as he delved into his night as Hermione finished her own bowl of soup across from you chatting with the twins and Percy through Cedric’s being roped into another chess battle with Ron on your right.
The start of dinner found you freed into the gossiping populous again for the brief eulogy for Quirrell, after which Dumbledore declared the quarter mark exams canceled earning groans from a select few in the hall including you, the twins, Hermione and Percy while the others cheered. The unexpected death freed up one thing however, in the Hospital Wing you had sent word to the Unicorn herd through Idris, who gladly led them back into the forest calming them that the threat was gone.
Thankfully you had the weekend to recover, with Hagrid especially inviting you all to tea in his hut to thank you for your words to Albus; Snape and Barty as well in an approved dinner at the Hog’s Head in Hogsmeade with pre baked desserts for you as they listened to your worries and understandable bad dreams.
But in the end of the two days you all were heading back into the courses again with Dumbledore heading your double DA courses he once again assigned to each of you like the year before.
Wednesday rolled around and marked Halloween, meaning the halls were filled with glowing pumpkins and the usual decorations. Though at the reminder of the loss of your family on top of Quirrell you weren’t able to force out a usual festive tinge to your hair without a hair dying potion shifting your hair to a pale peach. Candy and treats filled your evening easing your crash for a nap before your Astronomy class.
News of what had happened rippled through the Wizarding world, all mainly argued by Fudge who still held to the notion that Riddle was dead. Though through it all you were calmed mainly at the fact that Opal and Norberta were getting along swimmingly with the latter having grown several pounds and nearly a foot already in length and height. That with an added bonus that Tulip was free to wander the grounds once again after she had shed her last skin completely finally greatly easing her mood.
Down in the Chamber you carefully eyed the skin Tulip agreed for you to take out so she wouldn’t have to shred it herself. Shrinking it down you eased it inside a charmed glass jar. Once you had checked on the potions brewing in your office you collected your latest batch for your wolfsbane customers then went upstairs to send the vial and a copy of Cedric’s story about your time with the Chimera off to Newt after reading his latest letter to you checking to see if you were ok.
Another trip to Hogsmeade came at the end of November just a week ahead of your first Quidditch match, which along with your tutoring lessons with the first years had certainly helped to bring you back to yourself at the extra practices you were able to sneak in with late practices at your pitch at home. A single awkward gust of wind slamming Cedric into Cho’s lap after his having caught the snitch granted him the ego boost to flounder his way into asking her out to the Hogsmeade trip coming up the next week.
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Five full days of awkward blushing grins and not so subtle stares at you each time you came to join them with the twins finally snapped the sweet Ravenclaw’s nerve. All in your latest trip up to the Ravenclaw dorm to help Draco with his latest assignment for extra credit in History of Magic after having gotten a lower score than he wanted in the latest exam. Coincidentally your cousin shared the dorm with Cho and a couple seventh years, the third of which had taken up the Head girl dorm for extra privacy.
Pausing in the doorway in her class break Cho wet her lips spotting you at Draco’s desk built into the wall by his bed in a setup similar to yours. Straight to her desk she moved to set her bag down then awkwardly inched closer to your side until you tilted your head back flashing her a grin. “Hi Cho. Oh, Cedric was wondering if I could subtly learn from Draco what color scarf you were going to wear for Hogsmeade.”
“Oh, um. I suppose my house scarf.”
You nodded with a chuckle, “Then he will choose his accordingly.” On a stool she drew over she gained another grin from you saying, “Did you have a color choice in mind for him?”
Draco beside you brought out another book to add a quote from it saying, “She thinks you like Cedric.” Your brows inched up as her mouth dropped open  looking at Draco, “But she didn’t know how to ask.”
An awkward giggle left you and you caught her eye as she blushed closing her mouth to hear you say, “Um, I mean, he’s not, bad looking. More like my brother though, we share a dorm, and he’s crazy about you, so if that’s all you’re worried about please don’t be. He’s one of my first best friends outside our jumbled family, so ya, I’ve got a soft spot for him but nothing to worry you about. All family, besides, we haven’t fully examined my family tree, we might be related.”
Her grin eased out and she nodded eyeing the books asking Draco, “Project for Binns?”
Draco nodded, “I’m trying to get the dimensions for the Whispstick Colony for a model. I heard he enjoys a good model to add to his collection. Sometimes even more than essays.”
Cho drew in a breath, “You know, there’s an old bound set of blueprints that might include that in the library.” At that you all stood and made your way down to the library. There Draco was thrilled to find just what he needed so he could race back up to his dorm for a pop up work station Regulus had sent him inside a suitcase he had found and gifted to Draco in one of the rooms of your house stocked with all the supplies he needed for his model crafting hobby he had gotten into over the summer with Neville.
Adorably enough in your Hogsmeade trip with the twins and Professors you kept sneaking glances at the new lovebirds eventually as you had bet money on made their way into the pink painted tea house full of couples soon joined by the timid pair enjoying their first date, soon edging their way to a first kiss. Lunch after at the castle had Cedric over at her table with Draco claiming the bare spot between you showing you the progress picture of his project so far after having taken a picture of the couple for his house paper’s gossip column he was helping to fuel for extra credit points.
The project once completed just in time for the last week of classes secured him a solid O for the semester matching his straight O’s for the rest of his classes while you managed your minefield of an exam schedule for each of your teachers to test your abilities. None of whom were stunned to find you and the twins keeping up your solid O average while Percy took his trio of E’s on his practice OWLS filling up the final week right up until the day before you rode home.
Eagerly Draco packed and waited, soon to be joined by Hermione and your cousins and Ron you all led out to the front hall to make the walk to the Thestral drawn carriages heading out to Hogsmeade station. Drowsily you laid out across the booths with the twins as Cedric and Cho shared the car with her friends behind you chatting away letting you sleep off your late night with Hagrid consoling him when Filch had informed Dumbledore of his secret pet.
A late night sneak mission from two of Charlie’s two best dragon ground buddies came out to fetch Norberta through the enchanted doorway to silence any worries about her being taken by the Ministry. The effect of the separation of Hagrid and Opal from their little friend eased only by the fact they were both spending the holidays with you and the Weasley brood, minus Molly and Arthur who had gone to spend Christmas with at his first year away.
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Fully charged with Ginny’s care, who was elated to be with you all again and to hear what you all had faced this semester. The station however brought an unexpected surprise, a house elf with a quirky smile stood at Regulus’ side drawing his gaze to him until you showed up and he let out an eager squeak. Inching closer to Draco you watched your cousin look to the Elf moving to claim his trunk, “Allow me Master Draco. Mistress Malfoy transferred me to your possession.”
Those words froze the teen along with Hermione who looked at him asking, “Possession?”
Gently George nudged her forward mumbling, “Ixnay on the ossessionpay in the station.”
Your arm circled Draco’s shoulders as he whispered to you, “Why would Mom send me Dobby?”
“Um, maybe extra protection.”
Draco peered up at you, “Any extra suits? I don’t want him to think I’ll treat him how Dad does.”
Leaning in to kiss the top of his head you replied, “We’ll see what we have at home.”
His arm eased around your middle for the walk through the King’s Cross station beside Regulus. Your trunks added to an enchanted bag on his hip easing your stroll out through the streets to an empty alleyway where you eyed the Knight bus driving up after Regulus raised his wand into the air. Your entire group filled the lower floors free selection of armchairs that skidded and slid around the floor until you came to a stop a few blocks away from the Grimmauld Place entrance.
Fully decked out with the holiday décor you eyed K in his usual greeting for you only to look down at Dobby in his anxious path inside after Draco. A grin eased onto your face saying to K, “Draco’s parents sent Dobby to help take care of him for some reason.”
K nodded eyeing Dobby’s pillow case with a disapproving scowl before saying to him, “I will show you Master Draco’s bedroom.”
Dobby trotted after K and you glanced at the twins in front of Barty who tagged along as you said, “We should probably find Dobby some clothes before K throws a fit.”
Barty chuckled as George stated, “He does have standards from you.” You giggled guiding them up to the attic, where Barty’s lips parted eyeing the seemingly endless supply of clothes rack you had organized years ago.
“Okay, Malfoy crest or Black crest?”
Draco, “I think Black crest would be best. So dad can’t claim him later.”
You nodded, “Good choice.” Nipping at your lip you moved to the childrens racks where you found a vest and short set in a similar cut but different color to K’s with a short sleeve shirt underneath in festive silver and blue with snowflakes stitched across the vest. Shrinking it just a tad you passed it over to Draco, who hurried downstairs to go and find his new house elf.
In his room he located the pair of elves who eyed the boy, K, who grinned seeing what he was holding upholding the new tradition for the Black family. Nearing Draco Dobby asked, “Does Master Draco wish for Dobby to wash this suit for him?”
Draco shook his head, “No. It is yours.” Dobby’s mouth fell open, “If you would still like to look after me I wouldn’t want you wearing a pillowcase. You wouldn’t be a servant anymore, just like K. You are free to go if you wish, but if you stay these are for you.”
Dobby cradled the clothes and teary eyed started bouncing up and down elatedly cheering, “Dobby is free! Dobby is free!” When he calmed a few moments later he neared Draco again, “Thank you! Master has given Dobby a fine suit to wear. Dobby will wear it proudly and serve Master well.”
Draco nodded then looked to K, “You do get a salary, correct?”
K nodded, “Yes, Mistress Jaqi has rewarded Kreacher finely for decades of service to the Black Family.”
Draco looked to Dobby, “How much would you like to be paid?”
Dobby, “Pa-, Paid?!” his eyes lowered and in a pivot of his head and twitching ears through his mind racing he found an amount answering in a tilt of his head, “Dobby would like a galleon and a day off each month, if agreeable to you, Master Draco.”
Draco nodded extending his hand that Dobby eyed curiously, “You have a deal.” A grin split awkwardly onto the elf’s face and he clasped the boy’s hand for an over eager shake before turning to K asking for help in putting his clothes on as Draco excused himself to help you inspect your snake room for any needed repairs and some overdue measurements.
Barty, joining you again peered between you asking, “Was your elf always wearing a suit?”
You shook your head saying, “No, I gave it to him when I was little. He has done a lot to keep me safe after Mum died. Why?”
Barty, “My family elf got freed when I ran away. Of course I called out to her right after I had heard. She has always been kind to me even under my father’s orders to keep me locked away. I might borrow your idea.”
You grinned, “Up to you. Certainly won’t be upset for starting a trend like this.” Making him chuckle and turn to eye your snakes and then Opal in her blind path straight for you to climb up to your shoulders with a sigh in missing Norberta.
All the way through New Years you enjoyed your break off of school along with the dental appointment, of which Barty was puzzled you all so freely volunteered to go until he tagged along seeing it was Hermione’s parents that worked there. A sudden trip away while the boys snuck off, to once again inspect the cloak Harry had found in his room from a secret gift giver, took you on New Years morning secured you another rare snake breed on a tip from a dingy breeder close to selling it to some clueless muggle. A find easing a great deal of favors you had to pull each time you needed more of this style of venom for a few potions you were tweaking before offering up for sale in your small supply of products.
The full break you wondered what to write to your aunt Petunia between visits from Neville’s parents and baby sister now up and waddling around after her older brother when together. The simple holiday card sat painfully in yours and Petunia’s mind compared to how lengthy your previous letters had been the year prior. But one week to go you finally caved in and shared with her how heavily your losses had been weighing on you as well as a continued hope that how your first meeting could be looked past for some sort of time together or form of communication at least to mend the gap between you.
In school again right away on top of your lessons with the first years you had Percy joining in as well using your prior tutoring tips for his benefit to help him try for the full 12 OWLS offered. Hogsmeade trip would arrive once again in a couple weeks and in a request Fred had agreed to take Angelina Johnson from Gryffindor up on her request to spend the day with her on a fake date to keep a seventh year from pestering her on her trying to focus on school.
A request that came on the first day back again that Fred leapt on the chance to focus entirely on the farce to play it up on the seventh year who was baffled at the seemingly love struck Weasley always somehow around to thwart his plans. By the second week Angelina was floored seeing just how fun the dubbed Weasley Triplets were against Alicia’s one sided feud, a grin always on her face each chance she got to spend with you all. The act itself calming any worries you would have a problem with how welcoming you were to the new addition to your group, and contently she settled that even though they were only fake dating she had some unquestionably loyal friends.
The third Quidditch match was next, and in support of Cho you all joined Cedric in rooting her on against Slytherin. Support she clearly needed in the snow storm growing by the hour until the final snitch was caught by Terrence but far too early with their lag behind in points still securing Slytherin’s loss.
Alone with Fred you shopped trying to give George some space while inspecting what was new until you had to duck at the awkward swoop of your owl arriving with a letter you accepted in its second swoop to land on your raised arm.
George couldn’t help but laugh reading the letter with you about Norberta being dubbed too unruly and refusing to accept the Dragon herd’s laws as her own leaving one solution, he had ‘faked her death’ and snuck her to your home through the doorway with the help of the dragons. Who all agreed she was welcome to visit again when it came time to breed along with Opal, of whom she refused to keep from bringing up as well as the life she had been forced into before you had freed her.
Cackling for a few moments you turned eyeing the Inn. There Hagrid had mournfully joined you for a cup of tea, a mood that would be shattered when you passed him the letter widening his grin. He passed the letter back with a request to set up some visitations so he could check in on his girl to hear all about her time away.
Valentines day split up the week leaving for an awkward fumbling of flowers and candies between the clear prank gifts you had offered on anonymous cards left in each homeroom. Glitter bombs and swarms of paper birds that would keep flying around the heads of those opening the fake gift boxes with an added bonus of your new pixie petals, fake flower pins given to students who then smell flowers nonstop with hourly petal flurries and puffs of pollen while their hair and eyes turn bright pink remaining so even after removing the pins. The pranks were easily traced back to you and even at his public telling off of you three Flitwick after your next Choir practice informed you he was giving you 20 points each for the masterful charms.
The next week brought with it the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff for a clear win in your favor at Cedric’s stealing the snitch right out from under Harry’s nose in the pouring rain. A few weeks again brought on another trip to Hogsmeade, this one with you all in large groups enjoying the signs of early spring that would no doubt be gone by lunch just a few days before Easter break.
Where Christmas had time for your father and uncle to get off along with Remus in altering days Easter had them in full swing at a parade of enchanted cars were being led back to their manufacturers for a companywide glitch in their invisibility cloaking device they drew the short straw on overseeing alongside Arthur.
A short week was the break you used to your advantage to explore and focus on your store room and new products down in the Chamber. In the empty halls Percy used the space to his advantage to practice charms and spells against you all in turns grateful for the extra practice while Hagrid used the empty grounds and break for Filch to have Norberta back in his hut again wearing an enchanted harness to help her control her size she loved as it aided in her sneaking around.
March ended and as always, at least for those who were aware your shared birthday on April first was coming up and in true Weasley fashion something extraordinary was expected to happen. The Professors however advised otherwise, like they always did and at a last minute change due to expected weather forecast classes after lunch were canceled to allow an early playing of the Puffs against Slytherin. The green and silver did all they could to best your team as always yet once again they failed miserably and using the game as cover a party was now allowed and not so subtly a large supply of cupcakes were sent to your dorm along with a smaller cake for the three of you coated in thirteen candles you blew out.
Hogsmeade came again, this time in may as tensions grew among the fifth years and even in your spotty quidditch rivalry Oliver Wood joined in on your study sessions in hopes of getting great grades. Even just as third years you felt the pressure yourself eyeing the set final exam schedules aiding those with time turners to take theirs hours later over the weekends once the OWL exams were through for the day. 12 exams played out and each of the fifth years in the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw teams were relieved to blow off some steam in the final match of the year while the rest of you took the chance to let out your agitation built up in shouts for the teams of your choice.
A final dinner was set out before you in the Puff banner filled hall at your winning the House cup with Slytherin a few points below yours while Ravenclaw cheered at having bested you by cumulative points collected weighed against penalties giving them the Quidditch cup. Each of your Professors wished you the best and hoped you would take their summer suggested studying books and packets they had set up for those willing students up for the challenge.
Pt 18
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