#or elbow pads
i-walk-in-air · 2 years
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I believe I'm a little too late, but happy anniversary~
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batbabydamian · 2 months
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reverse robins of my fav trio!
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kikipancakes · 3 months
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He didn't know that the ice cream cone is notorious for melting super fast...
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faerynova · 1 year
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im a "leo loses the arm no matter what" truther
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solargeist · 6 months
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his little Hat
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Falls on my face. Explodes. Screams. Cries. I'm disabled and use a cane. I LOVE YOUR DISABLED MERC STUFF. IM ACTUALLY SOBBING AND CRYING IM JUST SO AHWHEAUUEUEEUIWIWIRTUEI HAPPY!!!!!!! i actually headcanon Spy to have EDS and fibromyalgia (I'm not projecting whaaaaat) and Sniper to have chronic back, knee, and shoulder pain. And I have other hcs but sniperspy are my blorbos
Anyway i just wanted to say that I really really like your stuff. Made my day tbh
Chronic pain and shitty joints aside, Spy would forever continue to slay and serve absolute cunt
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"You better not be slaying cunt when I come back"
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artemispt · 4 months
A whole IG post showing off Carlos’ corset:
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ghostlytableteehee · 4 months
Is that Aiden Clark 🤯
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Me when goofball
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cryptocism · 5 months
Okay I adore the entire frequency fic and I've definitely rambled in the comments, but when you talked Thad's new costume I got so excited because I thought up of one a while ago and it also had a hood and cowl!! I just think it'd be great on him.
Do you have thoughts about how they start on while he's running? For mine I went with magnets on the hood, cowl, and goggles, so they can all be up together or separately.
Anyway, I'm just really happy whenever people make new costumes for Thad, because I think there's no way he'd want to keep wearing a suit that's made to be an inversion of Bart's.
tbh i truly went: the hood just doesnt stay on while he's running. the choice is deeply impractical and entirely for fashion. when thad isn't running and just hanging out or sneaking around or whatever is when the hood comes up purely because he thinks it looks cool.
although... maybe there could be some kind of thing where it attaches to his earpieces? but then it would just kinda half slide off his head...
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idk idk. maybe the material at the back of the hood could be changed to a kind of mesh so that air passes through it and wind resistance doesn't rip it off his head.
maybe he just holds it up at all times like a loser lmao
or maybe it just stays on with the magic of the speed force :O
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saltyspittoon · 1 year
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Donatello Hamato, Local Caffeine Fiend
you cant tell me this boy doesnt have at least a bit of a coffee problem
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l8tof1 · 7 months
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skinreflectsthesun · 7 months
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This sweater has little elbow pads 🤎🥰
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imaginal-ai · 1 month
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"Unstoppable" (0002)
(More of The Unstoppable Series)
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pivsketch · 25 days
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if i dont draw my ocs at least once a week the bus will explode!!!!!!!! that last thing i posted doesnt count
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goopyguy · 3 months
just watched etho's latest hermitcraft and i can't believe i haven't seen posts about this yet we got a new etho photo.. we get to see his fucked desk set up from etho ethoslab himself..
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blue-star-doodles · 1 year
Donnie is super hard for me to draw, particularly with his accessories, so I did some more studies. This time they're centered around him. I'll try to share some of the stuff I noticed. I'm not exactly sure how much I learned, but I think I got something out of it lol.
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One of the ways I figured out to draw his head was similar to Raph's circle, where it's just an oval with extra steps. The eye line is on the center of the oval, and his snout is just a little below the eye line. The jaw connects to the bottom of the oval. The sides of his head go straight up the oval to the top, and connect. Alternatively, you can make his head a circle and extend the jaw/snout downwards, with his head and such still following a similar shape. The start of the goggles is like an ear's, with the top of the round part directly on the eye line. Goggle ears.
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Donnie's body is built using angular tube like shapes. Different to Raph's, they're far longer and slimmer. He's built tall and lanky. His palms and base of his feet are built with polygons. His knee and arm pads still perplex me, but I think they extend forward and away from the joint. They follow the shape of the lower outside limb then extend past it, connecting back to the rest. His battle shall has two main parts, being the frame and then the actual outer part. It's like the other's carapace's, but with harsher separations and boxier. The upper part of his plaston dips at the same point as his shell. His plastron also doesn't have that bump right below the upper plastoron the other turtles do. It's smooth. His plastron follows a similarly boxy shape similar to Mikey, thought with harsher edges.
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In conclusion, Donnie is tall, long, has a lot of squarer shape language, and a bunch of really confusing to draw accessories.
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