#or else i wouldn't have posted it on tumblr anyways lol
caede9 · 10 months
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did you guys remember that i draw animal art? yeah me neither. this took way too long to do but tbh i'm surprised it came out so well despite that. this is blackpine, who belongs to a friend's friend, @togebos
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thefrogdalorian · 2 months
Having of those moments where I wish to yeet the like button into the sun or maybe make it so there was setting you could turn on so that people can only reblog posts (even better with the minimum requirement of adding at least one tag)!!
It's kind of absurd that one of my fics is getting close to 500 notes while simultaneously being one I've had the least actual human interactions come from. Like...... come on, that's now how it should be AT ALL!
Don't get me wrong, I'm so thrilled people are clearly finding it and I guess enjoying it(??) but just having endless likes without people letting me know what they enjoyed about it or even if they liked it kind of makes me sad. That's not why I want to share my writing here!
I love having those little human connections with others. I don't ever want my writing to feel transactional. I would love to talk to more people about things I've written. It's truly one of the best feelings and I would hate to lose that, the more I write or the more notes my fics get. Please don't be shy!! I get the social anxiety, but there is no reason to be. I am truly just a Din Djarin obsessed loser.
Anyway, whine over. I don't want to focus on the negatives here and I appreciate every single person who has ever left a positive interaction with something I've written. You are truly a light!
#i don't JUST like posts too often#really the only posts i dont reblog but like are to save for later or if it's too personal/explicit#or i guess i have nothing to add and OP has said it all yknow#but if i see some writing or art i love then hell yeah i always force myself to add at least one tag i like just so the artist/author sees#otherwise it feels like a hollow transaction and i really want people to know i appreciate their art more than just pressing a button yknow#and I KNOW it's intimidating at first to interact with others!! TRUST ME i get it and i'm still awful at it#but just one little comment can make someone feel so good about their writing... why wouldn't someone want to try that at least#especially if you enjoyed it!!! even a key smash or a string of emojis!!!#and the death of the tumblr tag is SO SAD because where else am i meant to talk to you lot?#i mean these tags are longer than my actual post and that's the beauty of tumblr#you don't have to perceive me down here but you can if you wish and i love you for that!#and it's a nice way to organise your blog to make it navigable for others#ANYWAY said i was done whining and continued whining down here so there's that LOL but i always want to interact with more people#please do not be afraid of reaching out to me! scroll through my blog for 5 seconds and you'll see what a nerdy loser i am#akdjgds i mean aren't we all here#spud rants#writing#but thanks again to anyone who leaves nice comments im giving you a (consensual) forehead smooch MWAH
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sisterdivinium · 7 months
In the off chance Tumblr dies for real, what if we got ourselves a WN message board like in the olden times?
Or maybe I'd just set up a Dreamwidth account (again) and talk to myself, idk. There's still so much to analyse about WN and there's no fun in doing it without sharing it.
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genericpuff · 2 months
saw a post criticizing lore rekindled a while back, and one of the points made was "it's unfair to rachel that someone else can profit off and make money off her work"
do you profit off lore rekindled??? i don't remember if you ever said that you were monetizing lore rekindled, so i'm unsure where this piece of information came from
I literally do NOT profit off Rekindled in any way shape or form, it's a Tumblr comic that's free to read, zero subscriptions, paywalls, or ads.
I did just recently open a Patreon and apply my Twitch channel to become affiliate, but 1. my Patreon doesn't have any paid members yet , 2. my Patreon won't be offering rewards that limit the reading experience of Rekindled (it's gonna be like random doodles n junk), and 3. I haven't even streamed since I applied for Affiliate and people are watching the streams for art and lo-fi, not for any sort of exclusive reading experiences that wouldn't also be accessible on Tumblr (you just get to watch me slowly work on Rekindled while playing FF XIV LMAOO) All of these restrictions I have in place is to prevent exactly what folks assume or accuse me - profiting off Rachel's IP. At the end of the day I just wanna create an AU fanfic project, even if it's created out of disappointment for what could have been.
I *do* spend a few hundred a month though for my assistant. So I'm working on Rekindled completely at a loss, out of my own pocket. So in that regard, even if I were to monetize any part of Rekindled... it wouldn't be for my own profitable gain, I'd maybe be able to cover some of my assistant fees 🤣 (but that's just hypothetical food for thought, because as I said above, I don't want to monetize Rekindled because of the potentially legal and ethical issues in doing so. Making money is also just not why I'm making Rekindled because it's something I wanna just do for fun! Money complicates things, turns shit into a job :'0) And let's be real, in that hypothetical scenario, I don't think any money I could generate on my free to read Tumblr project would come anywhere close to threatening Rachel's bottom line 🤣
And this isn't to throw anyone under the bus but when people get suspicious of Rekindled profiting off LO, I can't help but think of the actual fans of LO selling handmade LO merch on Etsy and LO-style adoptables and other arts and crafts dedicated to their favorite comic. And I'm not gonna judge them for that, more power to 'em if people wanna buy their cool stuff (and some of it is really REALLY cool, like I wanna buy their stuff too LOL), I just think it's ironic that people separate the two because... I'm not a diehard fan? Or because Rekindled has gotten popular here. Beats me. All that "popularity" is still just a niche remake of a niche comic in a niche medium. It's not Spiderman Lotus levels of big 🤣 but I know it probably feels that big to people who are engaged with this fandom and spend a lot of time in it.
There's an opposite side of being a yes man that perpetuates similar behavior on the other side - when you come up with reasons to rag on someone just for the sake of it because you can't rationalize them NOT being the all 100% pulp of evil LMAO (and I see people do this even to Rachel and it's not fair imo, like people who use the Lolita thing as a way to accuse Rachel of being a legitimate pedophile? Like no, I don't think we should be normalizing serious accusations like that. I think she's just misinformed in a lot of ways at worst and suffering from dark romantasy porn brainrot at best LOL).
Like, as an example, I've also seen people claim stuff like I'm in the fan spaces telling people not to read LO and to read LR instead? Which like... why would I do that, LR isn't for the fans anyways and I don't gain anything by being a dick in their space 🤣 If my own readers are doing that, that's out of my hands (but respectfully don't do this please!!! there's a reason I don't use the standard LO hashtags and only stick to the anti ones!!!!) but again (and this is a big assumption so take with grains of salt) I think people just like to claim these things because they feel it's just naturally the right thing to do when someone who has opinions they don't like actually puts them into action. Because now they can't say shit like "well if you think you're so much smarter than Rachel why don't YOU write the story!" and "you don't know what it's like to manage a comic!" so they grapple onto whatever other argument they can even if it's misconstrued or entirely pulled out of thin air and not backed up with any legitimate evidence.
Their perspectives make sense to them. My perspective makes sense to me. I don't blame people for being suspicious when they see someone like me pour this much time and effort and money into a project like Rekindled, they assume it HAS to do with something they can rationalize from their own point of view, like wanting to "steal" Rachel's work or profit off it or take it for myself out of "jealousy".
Sorry to disappoint y'all with a boring answer, but I'm just someone who was once a huge fan of LO and couldn't let it go. I'm just someone who's way too hyperfixated, with a lot of passion for making comics and experience to match. I'd still be making it even if I didn't have an assistant. I'd still be making it even if I was stuck working with nothing but paper and pencil. Because I love making it and I love what it means to me, and I love that it makes other people feel the same way I do about it.
And that's really all I have to say on that.
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nahoney22 · 8 months
Congrats on the 3k! Not shocked at all, you're wonderful and deserve it! 💜 I was wondering if you'd do a smut piece with Echo and fem reader with the NSFW prompts 'can you feel what you are doing to me?' And 'you are the biggest turn on'? But would it be possible to add the 'accidental brush' prompt to it? If not, no worries! But maybe like a mutual pining/idiots being in love with each other and not realizing it until something finally caves? I'm a sucker for that stuff lol
3000 Prompt List Celebration
Echo X F!Reader
word count: 1.6k
• “Can you feel what you are doing to me?”
• “You are my biggest turn on.”
• & ‘Accidental Brush’
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warnings: NSFW, explicit sexual content, mutual pining, idiots in love, female reader, first kiss, flirting, handjob, fluff, aftercare.
authors note: oh @theroguesully I’m so sorry about the wait! This was completely lost in my drafts and it was scheduled to be posted literally months ago but Tumblr said no. Anyway, hope this is okay and thanks for the support! Love this idea.
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“Are you busy?”
You glanced up to find Echo near, his mechanical hand cradled in his grasp. "I've got time," you replied as you set your previous task to the side, observing him settle next to you as he lays his prosthetic down gently. "What seems to be the problem?"
"It's acting up. No clue what happened. I've tried everything," he explained, a hint of frustration evident in his voice. Your lips curled into a knowing smile.
"You think I might have a solution?" You took the cybernetic hand, studying the connections and circuits. "When did it start acting up?"
"Roughly an hour ago," he admitted, his gaze intently following your movements. Most people made him feel self-conscious about his enhancements, but with you, he felt different. It was your gentleness, your genuine care. And the undeniable fact that you were the most enchanting individual he'd ever encountered - a secret he guarded closely. Though he had his suspicions that maybe Hunter knew. And Wrecker… and everyone else. Just hopefully, not you.
"Hang tight, I'll sort this out," you said, pinpointing the malfunction. "I can bring it over when I'm done."
"You trying to send me away already?" He teased.
"N-No, it's just—" You stuttered, forever caught off guard by Echo's smooth presence. From the moment you'd met, you could not deny the fact he made your heart skip a beat. He was also so tentative and kind, not to mention utterly handsome too.
“Mind if I stick around?”
The intensity of his gaze caused your hands to waver just a fraction, betraying the storm of emotions raging within you.
"Of course," you managed to reply, trying to sound more composed than you felt, then refocused on the task at hand.
As you began to work away, Echo was captivated. Watching you effortlessly navigate the intricacies of mechanics always left him in awe. In his eyes, your skill rivaled that of even the most seasoned experts like Tech. Or perhaps he was simply biased.
But as time passed, his appreciation began to shift. While you remained engrossed in fixing the issue, his eyes strayed to the gentle curve of your lips, the way you absentmindedly bit down on your bottom lip as you concentrated. It wasn't meant to be enticing, yet he found himself stirred by the sight. He swallowed hard, an uneasy tension filling the air around him. Shifting uncomfortably, he hoped you wouldn't notice the effect you had on him.
Echo's sudden fluster caught your attention, making you smirk mischievously. "Everything okay?" you teased, having caught his uneasy demeanor.
"Just... feeling a bit warm," he replied, his fingers absentmindedly adjusting his collar.
"Well, don’t worry because I’m now done." You handed over his fixed prosthetic, your heart fluttering as you awaited his verdict.
The ease with which he reattached it and the grin that spread across his face told you everything. "You really are something," he whispered, though not quietly enough to escape your ears.
You leaned closer, the playful edge in your voice unmistakable. "And what’s that?"
He met your gaze, a warmth emanating from his eyes that had your heart skipping a beat. "Brilliant," he replied, his voice firm with conviction.
Taken aback, you offer a shy smile, averting your gaze. "I should get back to my work," you murmur, gesturing to your previous task. He follows your gesture and nods in understanding.
"Do you need a hand?" Echo offers, his eyes searching yours for an answer.
"No, it's just some minor tweaks left. But hey, if your arm gives you trouble again, let me know," you reply warmly, your words making him feel an unexpected surge of warmth.
He returns the smile, more genuinely this time. "I appreciate that. Is there any way I can thank you? Anything you need?"
Caught off guard, the first thing that comes to your mind spills out, "A hug?"
His eyes widen, clearly taken aback. You've shared casual touches, sure, but a hug was stepping into new territory.
Seeing your hesitation, he responds with a soft smile, "I'd like that."
You both stand and Echo's eyes search yours for a moment, and then with a gentle determination, he opens his arms to you. The galaxy seems to slow as you step into his embrace. The surprising warmth of his body against yours feels both unfamiliar and comforting, the steady beat of his heart syncing with the rapid thumping of your own.
You rest your head against his chest, discreetly inhaling the unique scent of him - a mix of metal, oil, and something distinctly Echo.
But, something feels different.
You pull back from him slowly and that’s when you see it. Your mouth subsequently waters and a sudden heat pangs at your core.
Your heart races as Echo, completely forgetting that his previous arousal hadn’t completely faded and the hug, only sprung it back as you accidentally brushed against him.
“It’s not what it looks like.” He utters quickly, eyes wide and absolutely mortified but you’re too stunned to speak.
And you’re not at all upset. In fact, you are rather in awe. “Then… what does it look like?”
Echo's face burns, the combination of his embarrassment and the close proximity making it all the more intense. He struggles to find words, his confident demeanor faltering in the face of his unexpected vulnerability.
"It's... I mean..." he starts, trying to form a coherent thought, "Being close to you, feeling your warmth, it just... affected me. And watching you work…”
Your eyes remain locked onto his, the weight of the realisation settling in. The physical evidence of his attraction had been a surprise, but in a way, it also confirmed what you had both been dancing around for so long.
Taking a deep breath, you muster the courage to admit, "I affect you, huh?"
As you didn’t back away, in fact coming closer, Echo let out his own deep breath and sincerely hoped he was reading the look in your eyes correcting. “You’re my biggest turn on.”
With your eyes dancing in delight at his confession, you couldn’t help but lick your lower lip, enticing Echo more whose eyes flicker straight to your lips that he had been thinking of kissing for so long. “I think I’ve thought of a new way you can thank me, Echo.”
“And what’s that?” He rasps.
Closing the distance once more, you gently let your hand begin to palm the aching length in his pants, having him shudder and moan in satisfaction. “I think you know.”
Without a second thought, Echo’s lips are on yours. He kissed you like a man starved, tongue diving deep into your mouth as you manage to slip your hand into his pants, taking a grasp of his warm cock that twitches beautifully under your grasp. “Fuck, Echo,” you compliment as you feel how big and perfect he was.
“Can you feel what you are doing to me?” He breathes against your lips, earning a grin of your own as your pussy throbs in response.
“I never thought you’d feel this way about me,”
“How could I not?”
Pulling his pants down to his ankles, you take a second to break the kiss and to admire his length. Both of your hands come into contact with him and he grunts at the sensation. “You look so good stroking my cock,” he whines, leaning against the control panel as he gazes down at your hands that start a perfect synchronised rhythm, pumping against his as precum lubes up your motions.
You lock eyes with him, his hooded with lust as you pleasure him with your hands, watching his chest rise and fall with heavy breaths. “Do you like this?”
“I love it, I love it so much.” He whimpers, knees shaking as you cup his balls, gently fondling them whilst your other hand maintains its rhythm. “D-do you want me to touch you?”
You smirk but gently shake your head. “I just want to focus on you today, I want to show you what I’ve always wanted to do.”
He blinks, surprised and incredibly aroused. “You have?” He says with a soft grunt, biting his own lip as he feels his climax start to build.
“Mhm, I’ve… I’ve always wanted to do this. With you.”
“Well,” he reaches his hand up and cups your cheek before sliding his lips over yours in a quick and heated embrace, “don’t let me stop you.”
Your pace begins to quicken, and his breathing becomes more stuttered as his hips involuntarily start to roll, sliding his cock in and out of your grasp. “Not - oh fuuuck - not going to last much longer sweetheart.”
“Cum for me Echo, cum.”
He’s saying your name over and over, his head tilted back as you pump frantically at his cock until you feel a beautiful warm texture paint your hands. You gasp at the feeling, his silky white cum covering your hand.
When you pull back, you quickly grab some tissue and clean yourself up, shyly handing over some for Echo who takes it, completely flustered. “Thank you.”
“So,” he says slowly once he’s tidied himself up and pulled his pants back up, “can I ask what this means?”
“I mean,” you shift in your position, sincerely hoping you’ve read the situation between you both correctly, “I think it’s obvious that I have feelings for you.”
At this, he blows out a breath of relief. “Good. Great,” he smiles warmly, “I’ve had feelings for you for a long time too. I just didn’t think you’d feel the same.”
You approach him again, this time you both instantly fall into each other's embrace. “You’re just going to have to thank me next time in a different way.”
His eyes widened slightly, a playful smirk forming on his lips. "Is that so?"
You nodded with a mischievous glint in your eye. "Definitely."
Echo chuckled softly, his hand resting gently against the nape of your neck, pulling you closer. "I look forward to it. Just know that I have plenty of ways to show my gratitude."
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☀️ Requests Open until the 15th of October. ☀️
Tags: @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova a @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @imalovernotahater @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @raevulsix @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @photogirl894
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halucynator · 10 months
The surprise
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x fem!reader
Warnings: I don't think there is any lmk if there are.
A/n: this post is for @annaisabookworm (and anyone else who's reading this lol). I hope you like ittt 💞 this text is full of Taylor Swift song like puns or jokes or wtv (idk) so I apologize in advance lmao
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In the midst of the swirling excitement that is the ERAS Tour, you found yourself standing at the entrance of the bustling concert venue, heart racing with anticipation. Beside you stood Mattheo, your boyfriend, who had guaranteed you an unforgettable night. You were dressed in the most enchanting attire—a blurple midnights body suit dress (which Mattheo had bought for you saying you would look stunning in) which was very well bejeweled - in the words of Taylor Swift and your boyfriend- capturing the essence of Taylor Swift's iconic style. And not to forget, your boyfriend sporting the chair T-shirt that only true fans would recognize.
Two weeks ago you wouldn't even have imagined coming here. Thanks to your boyfriend and now the King of your Heart, Mattheo, you could make your dreams come true. You were going on and on about how much you wanted to go and Mattheo had to give in and buy you tickets. He was going to buy you era tickets anyway, but this made him even more happy for his decision.
As the pulsating energy of the crowd enveloped you, the gates opened, revealing a world of lights, music, and magic. Your breath hitched as you walked through to the other side of the door, feeling like you were about to embark on the journey of a lifetime. Mattheo grinned at your reaction, his eyes dancing with a mix of mischief and delight. Little did you know, he'd been plotting a surprise that would take this night to a whole new level.
With a shared glance that spoke volumes, you and Mattheo made your way to your seats. As the first notes of Taylor's song filled the air, your heart swelled with emotion. But it was not just the music that left you in awe—it was Mattheo's expression. His jaw dropped as he took in the dazzling stage, the dynamic choreography, and the sheer magnitude of the production. His shock was mirrored in your own astonishment, and the two of you exchanged a wide-eyed, incredulous look.
Throughout the night, as Taylor Swift commanded the stage with her powerful presence, you and Mattheo were captivated, utterly lost in the enchantment of the moment. The delicate vocals seemed to transport you to another world. Each time you stole a glance at Mattheo, you were met with a mixture of joy, amazement, and gratitude. It was as if the two of you shared a secret language—a language of shared fandom, love, and an understanding that words could never fully capture.
As the concert reached its crescendo, Mattheo's excitement becomes palpable. He leaned closer to you, a sparkle in his eyes, and whispered, "Are you ready for one more surprise?" Your heart skipped a beat, curiosity mingling with anticipation. And then he reveals it—the pièce de résistance of the night—front-row tickets. Your eyes widen in disbelief as you take in the golden passes clutched in his hand. The surprise is so unexpected, so beyond your wildest dreams, that for a moment, time seemed to stand still and you forgot to breathe. The happiness you felt in that moment was indescribable.
"Tell me why, what I did to deserve such a perfect boyfriend." You asked, looking at him.
"Oh, it's just the way I love you."
The realization sinks in: you're not just witnessing the ERAS Tour from the front row; you're living it, breathing it, and becoming a part of it. Having front row seats hits different. As the final notes reverberated through the air, Mattheo's grin was infectious. His hand found yours, and together, you stood, cheering and applauding, celebrating not just the night but how far you'd come.
As the concert came to an end, the world seemed a little brighter, a little more alive. The memory of the evening was etched into your heart, a tale of love, surprises, and a music that binds you and Mattheo in a way that's uniquely yours.
"I can't believe it's time to go." You said sad about it ending.
"yeah. So did you like it?" Mattheo asked.
"Long story short it was the best day of my entire life." You said.
And with that you exited the venue.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙***•̩̩͙
Thanks for reading! hope you liked itttt! I love this idea sm xx have a nice dayy
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straycalamities · 2 months
how did you come up with making Entre? What inspired you?
the onceler LOL and homestuck
okay story time w chase ahem
so actually how i got into tumblr at all is very relevant to the chain of events that led to entre existing. so before here, i was mainly on a...particular art webbed site that was basically a sinking ship circa: 2010 so i forgot how i heard about tumblr? but i joined here at first just to do naruto comm rp. like my only account was a naruto rp account for the first... i dont remember how long
eventually i got curious enough to make a personal account and started being active on that. a bunch of my friendgroup from the other site moved with me and we were just hanging out being naruto nerds. at some point i got into homestuck/learned about the askblog format. i don't remember which came first, but i DID run kibanaru and flutterdash askblogs before the lorax was a blip on my radar
i remember when i was in the homestuck fandom, i was so used to the naruto fandom where like..sure it's huge but i had established myself in a corner of it and it felt very like... it was a community! and in the homestuck fandom i didn't feel like that at all. i felt swept out to sea and it was very lonely tbh aside from the friends id manage to drag with me into it, but i always felt a certain dissatisfaction from my time in it
a friend of mine was the one to show me the lorax and the once-ler. i don't...remember how THEY found him, but they were already very into him before they even came to me about him. and they basically nagged me into watching the movie LMFAO (this was when the movie was still freshly in theaters so all we had was shitty camrips and LiveStream was a thing) so i started to draw smexy onceler and oncest fanart to mess with them and...well y'know ye olde saying about doing things as a joke.
so yeah i kinda got...genuinely interested in him. especially after i watched the 72' short and reread the book and was like wait. this movie is mid as hell actually. (the siren song of mid media) and i was like "well if /i/ wrote the movie id do this n this n this n this" and then all that added up in my head and i was like wait.
what if i did a once-ler askblog where i just change certain things to what i like? it wasnt gonna be a complete revamp/remastering because i wanted to do a proper askblog so i wanted to have his character be recognizable to any fans of the onceler. and this was wayyyyy before anyone was getting the idea to do the very creative and expansive onceler takes we have these days as a norm. so it was kinda like? being shoehorned into being Canon!Once-ler because?? that's just how you did askblogs back then
BUT!! there were a few other askblogs already around back then (end of April 2012 for ref) so i didn't wanna do what everyone else was doing (very much Established Business Once-ler/Greed-ler, Vest-ler/Oncie, or Aftermath Once-ler) so i got the idea to do the onceler but! he's still very fresh and new to his business. still basically vest-ler/oncie in personality but with big things on the horizon.
i started creating his blog the weekend before may. that's why his birthday is May 1 because that's when i officially started his blog and posted his first post and all that. literally when he was born.
so yeah this was all to try and find my niche in a community again as well as do what i'd already been doing for years now: waving my headcanons in ppls faces via my art LMFAO
it was honestly pretty new for me in a bunch of ways so it was very scary. i even tried to keep it a total secret at first. i thought people wouldn't recognize me for my art style.... (yeah idk how i thought that'd work either) and i mean??? for the most part that was true because it's not like anyone in the once-ler fandom would've known me beforehand anyways
so for the first uhhh...idk it didn't last long tho..i was a secret mod, but i got too itchy about sharing art that i didn't wanna put on his blog so i broke that pretty quick. i had a lot of personal rules i put on myself on what to do/not to do on and with his blog. and i still, to this day, follow a handful of them. so when i drew other stuff that i didn't think fit on his blog, i was like well damn i wish i could show this somehow...
tho sometimes i wish i'd tried to keep up the secret mod shtick a little longer
anywho. from there it's kinda like..he really just grew on his own. new ideas, new inspiration, new experiences shaping this or that. now i can write him without touching him for years like i just picked him up yesterday. he's that wormed in my damn brain at this point. he's basically his own person sitting in my head telling me what to do with him/what he'd say
so yeah at first? it was just me trying to write a very accurate 2012 movie onceler with a few tweaks. and then he just grew organically into what he is now. that's still his root and so that's still the default direction i try to take, but he definitely has a lot of things that make him his own person at this point too. even on his main blog.
as for why he's so stupid goofy. well. that's because i like drawing dumb expressions. the end. and in the end i'm glad his main blog remained super unserious and lighthearted because it really helped me mentally a bunch (those random spikes in activity? yeah it was for my own mental health LMFAO he helps me...a lot...because of the escapism and comedy)
bonus: as for truffula flu entre. i don't remember if something in particular inspired me to make him the ender of the world. i just felt like it'd be a fitting story for the once-ler for him to be in that spot. and from there i just approached him how i thought someone like him would react were he to find himself in that position.
my goal was always to make him as human as possible. like he's technically the villain of this story, but he's also the protagonist. yaknow. so i wanted to really interweave those two ideas interestingly into his character (and now im obsessed w it)
originally i thought of truffula flu as everyone doing their own storylines. i didn't expect at all that everyone would adopt MINE as all of THEIR canons. that was LKFJSLDKF a big surprise for me i was like wait what. i guess it seems silly now in retrospect that i didn't expect that, but i was just like "well this is entre's story. ppl can do whatever else they want tho" but suddenly entre's story was everyone's story. and it's pretty cool i can't lie
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coexistentialism · 8 months
I've talked about these things a lot on this blog, so a lot of this might be repeated things I've talked about before, but I've always said that I've described my experiences as "identity hyperfixations", where I latch onto things, even just Words that I find myself really liking, and an "identity" is "created" based around that Thing.
For some examples from my personal experiences!:
A lot of the time, these "identity hyperfixations" involve me latching onto media, particularly whatever current media we may or may not be interested in in the moment.
There's a game called Stray Gods: the Roleplaying Musical (pls play it omg pls-nJFNDSK). We were very attached to that game for a while when it came out and we found out about it. We particularly grew attached to the character Calliope and for about maybe 2 weeks or so? I thought about using the name Calliope at times, and I painted my nails yellow to match the color of her nails in the game. I wanted to dress like her and overall you can see where this is all going lmfao
Or recently where we were very attached to Splatoon (it's our main special interest, but the way we feel, play, and interact with the game and fandom and such online differs per parts!!) and 'I' identified as an octoling and just thought of myself with the name Octo, mostly as a placeholder because I couldn't think of anything better, but I grew to like it lmfao. Ofc I am always interested in Splatoon, but recently I was just much more interested in it and particularly interested in specific aspects and such, even ended up creating another blog, a Splatoon-centered blog that also functions as a sort of vent/DID-related blog (it's @annaki-octo if anyone wants to check it out lol)
You can, again, see where this is going. Incoming long post. Because I can never make a short post lmfao
I should also mention that, in the past, I often wouldn't actually ever use a different name, and I still don't, but I've more recently been doing that for a bit now because we're starting to get used to it and be okay with it and honestly it's been beneficial. But yeah, most of my life, I usually didn't outright actually use any separate names outwardly with people, and didn't even really realize that I was choosing different names for myself in the first place because I thought that I was just creating characters. And if I DID end up outwardly using a different name, it was excused as me choosing a different name because I'm trans or making up a "fake online pseudonym" for "privacy" reasons. It has never been any different to me than creating a character. It's still not.
This is basically EXACTLY what my experience is like, day-to-day/week-to-week/month-to-month.
They never really last long, and a new "identity hyperfixation" quickly follows, while the other one dies out.
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And it usually goes like this, in the image above (it might be hard to read, sorry lol, but I'm describing it anyways so dw):
--- Concepts/ideas/etc. Pop Up Into My Brain:
May be thinking about the idea of using a different name
May be really invested in a new, or "re-new'd" interest (as in: something I liked in the past and I am now interested in it again after a long period of disinterest)
May prefer certain gendered terminology (or no, or different 'gendered' terminology), for example, boyfriend/girlfriend/partner (or something/anything else)
May prefer certain pronouns over others, and/or may struggle to know what kind of pronouns I like
May be thinking about changing our icon to something different than before (on Discord, Tumblr, etc.)
May be thinking about creating a new Tumblr side blog (with or without a ""fake name attached to it, definitely not an alter :)"" spoiler alert: it's usually an alter lmfao)
May or may not think about what it would be like the have a particular physical attribute(?), not sure how to word this lol, like I'll think about how I wished my hair looked a certain way, or sometimes if it's possible, I might actually do something to change my physical appearance somehow, even if it's just wearing a specific clothing piece, but sometimes it can be like with my Calliope example where I paint my nails a particular color, or I actually dye or cut my hair, etc... The possibilities can be endless and can even be much bigger changes, such as alters making the decision to go on HRT.
--- An 'Identity' Begins to 'Solidify'
May have found a name, or a 'placeholder name' to use
May like using a specific icon (on Tumblr, on Discord, etc.) or icons, or may like using icons with a common theme/visual appearance/etc. (such as using icons that feature the color blue a lot, or using icons of a specific character, etc.)
May become much more self-aware and confident in their existence
May or may not have created a new side blog, with or without a particular name attached to that blog
--- An 'Identity' Diminishes; start from the beginning
May no longer care for, or like, the previous name(s) or placeholder(s) names that we may have chosen
May no longer care for, or like, the previous icon(s) we used, the Tumblr blog(s) we may or may not have made, etc.
For as long as I can remember, this has been my experience with DID - or at least, NOW I understand that it's been DID all along.
And the cycle continues.
Nothing really ever "comes back." It's just "new" "identity" after "new" "identity" after "new" "identity" for me, day in and day out, week-to-week, month-to-month.
Not sure how to close off this post, but yeah lmfao
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lai-mar · 2 months
Can't wait till this blog is old enough so posts start showing in main tags, but for now, a salty lil rant
Shipping aside, I'm surprised by how Laios + Marcille even as friends doesn't get as much fan attention as I expected considering how heavily the series focuses on their development? I consider Laios to be the protag and Marcille to be the secondary protag but I can see the argument for the two of them being dual protags especially starting from around Thistle's house arc / Marcille becoming the dungeon lord. The protagonists are party members who bond over losing and finding a loved one. They save each other multiple times and live with each other in the end. They get copious amounts of screentime together and separate. They clearly care for each other and love each other (in whatever way). And there's no forced romance.
Before I read the manga, I saw all the yuri on my TL and was like YESSSSSS I'M READING THIS FOR THE YURI WOOOOOO and finished the Red Dragon anime episodes like "wow that was soooo good and gay. Let me go on Tumblr to see what people are talking about— people are shipping Marcille and LAIOS??? Probably annoying straight people who cannot conceptualize a friendship between a man and woman 🙄". So I started out with a squick for the ship. I think the fan perception made me believe F/M is canon and anything else would be like queer erasure? Except I later learned no ship is canon and was genuinely confused when the manga started giving us L/M crumbs (like the succubus chapter) because I thought the shippers were pulling this ship from thin air lmao.
The more I read, the more I was like.... "okay.... why are they kinda... okay I get it now... why am I.... oh shit... I'm really in it now" and I apologise because I really get it now 😭 and it baffles me to see people who have seemingly finished the manga going "Laios and Marcille have NO CHEMISTRY their only line of connection is through Falin". Like, okay, maybe that was how they were at the beginning (but I would argue they have chemistry even from the first few chapters), but that's the POINT and we get to see them evolve and get closer because they both love and miss Falin. Laios moves on from being "Falin's brother" and Marcille moves on from being "Falin's friend". L+M know about each other's deepest, subconscious desires. Marcille lives with the siblings at the end. No matter the bond, they are the two most precious people to her.
I was still squicky about romantic L/M even at the succubus chapter (which I know is probably the starting point for a lot of shippers) but THEN THE RABBIT CHAPTER. And after that when the Canaries found Marcille and she immediately jumped onto Laios I was like "Oh fuck. I'm really in this now fuck fuck FUCK". (Nothing makes me get into a dynamic more than having an initially squicky reaction because I'll need to have a strong enough conviction to overcome the squick LOL)
Anyways. Seeing people being annoying and pissy about L/M only made me like L/M more 🤡 because at least the shippers appreciate their bond. I'm a little desperate here. Even their platonic bond is kind of a rarepair in the English fandom 💀
I'm so glad the anime is going at the pace it is now because this is only the beginning of the L+M development!!!! The anime onlies will understand later!!! I made the same mistake and judged too early and I'm sorry!!!! So many anime L+M moments and panels and crumbs yet to be seen 🥺
Anyways. Laios and Marcille's bond is absolutely central to the plot and character development. But I wouldn't have guessed that if I didn't read the manga and just based it off fan attention.
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
ok ok hello hi im gonna be a nerd for a sec cause i had a thought!!
ok so there's a thing in Celtic mythology called the Celtic otherworld, which is said to be the realm of faeries and gods, now idk if this is canon to test but imagine if it was just cut off from the twisted wonderland like it is said to be irl!
SO imagine Sebek is on a walk and SOMEFUCKINHOW ends up in the otherworld and the faeries there are just FASCINATED BY HIM!! cause he's half fae and half human which wouldn't really be a thing there cause humans don't live there unless their changeling children (which is a child that was taken by Fae and raised so basically silver in a way)
BUT YEA go with this how you desire lol, I have way to much information on myths lol
I DID SOME MORE RESEARCH and found out that one can enter the otherworld if they purposefully went on some hard adventure or whatever, OR they were INVITED.
You say that Sebek is just. Walking around and is suddenly in the otherworld and I thought, IDEA: HE WAS INVITED.
To make it make...somewhat more sense, NRC used to be a hotspot for Celtic otherworld goers...which was actually just Maleficent, during her time in Night Raven College. She was usually invited mostly for political reasons. But after she left, visits were next to none.
No one has bothered trying to invite anyone else since the students of NRC are prideful pricks/lh or are just too. Bland.
Enter Sebek Zigvolt, entering his first year and trying to uphold his family's expectations of him and fulfill his duty as Malleus' retainer.
These guys are FASCINATED by him. A half-fae half-human child??? How could one possibly exist? These guys are constantly watching him, before one bold faery suggests that they extend an invitation towards him.
After a lengthy talk, they decide they need to lure Sebek to somewhere more private to extend their invitation without any prying eyes. It is surprisingly easy to do so when the faery tasked to do this "accidentally" spills water on Maleficent's grandson, and Sebek gives chase to "REDEEM WAKASAMA'S IMAGE!!!"
They lure him into the botanical garden, before one of the gods/goddesses appear all ethereal like to offer Sebek a hand as invitation.
...Sebek faints.
The faeries decide that hey, I guess that counts as him accepting it??? And drag him into the otherworld.
Not knowing that Leona, who was just trying to SLEEP for fuck's sake, saw everything happen.
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sokkastyles · 1 year
Galaxy bra1n on Tumblr What do you think about this post? I just happened upon it honestly, and it just... made me squirm tbh. I just don't like it. But I'm not sure how to put it into words, so I'd really like to know your thoughts on it if it's not too much of a bother ofc. I don't mean any offense to the OP too, it's just that this take rubs me the wrong way. Really love your blog!
Yeah lol this take is weird for a few reasons. First of all if you don't mind the ship idk why you care about what is a "good" reason to ship them. Characters can and have been shipped together because they looked at each other once and for no reason at all, and that's perfectly fine because like, who cares?
Second, I am so tired of people blaming Zuko for Azula shooting lightning at Katara. Zuko wasn't goading Azula out of stupidity or pride, he was trying to end the fight quickly without involving anyone else using a move he knew Azula had no defense against that he had used once before against his father, to quickly end a fight without violence. He did not think Azula would go for Katara because that is against the rules - that Azula set, because she challenged Zuko - of an agni kai. You could MAYBE say that Zuko should have anticipated that Azula would cheat, but that's always been their dynamic. Zuko is always too honorable and Azula is always lying and cheating. What has changed is that she's no longer able to manipulate Zuko and is revealed to be the lying cheater that she always was, but that still doesn't mean he could have anticipated her aiming at Katara, who had to be exactly in the right place at the right time.
As far as him "doing the bare minimum"...I mean, I do think he would have done it regardless of who it was who was in danger and his relationship to them, but that's not a reason to diminish what he did, either. It takes incredible fortitude to put yourself in harm's way for another person, and fast reflexes to get there in time. Katara herself is frozen to the spot, which is a natural reaction to danger, but if Zuko had done that or not reacted fast enough or even been slightly off, she or he would have died instantly. So let's not belittle what Zuko did in sacrificing his own life to save someone else in an incredible act of selflessness, compassion, and heroism just because we don't like a ship.
Third, these takes always miss WHY it's seen as a shippy moment. It's not only the culmination of a specific narrative arc between the three of them, the thematic motif of Zuko being positioned between what Azula and Katara represent to him, respectively, the choice between selfishness and selflessness, hate and love, cruelty and forgiveness - which alone are pretty damn good reasons to ship them. But not only that, it's the strong emotions that are created from that act. I don't think Zuko jumped in front of the lightning because he loved her. But you can't help but love someone after that, after giving your whole being to another person in that moment. And Katara does the same thing for Zuko. Sure, you could argue that she would have done it anyway, her morals wouldn't allow her to let him die, but the act itself still remains, with all its meaning, and the emotion behind it.
And the narrative goes out of its way to tell us that this is impossible! That a failure to redirect lightning correctly will result in perma-death. That Katara's powers of healing alone weren't enough to bring someone back from that precipice without spirit water. But they do it anyway. They save each other, through sheer force of will, and they can't not be tied to each other after that.
If that's not a good enough reason to ship, I don't know what is. Which doesn't mean you have to, of course. You are free to not vibe with a ship, regardless of the reasoning behind it. But don't tell me it's not a damned good reason.
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celestie0 · 18 days
Hello!! I wanted to ask some advice 😞 I have a fic idea but I've never posted any writing before and its like a very very specific band au and I'm scared no one will care to read it because of how much music context it requires 😭 I really admire your writing so like...what do you suggest...
(Also super excited for next kickoff ! I've never been this invested in a fic)
hii my love!! omg a band au sounds like so much funnn are you kiddinggg i would eat that UPPP. my advice would be to just go ahead n write it!!! it's super nervewracking to share work, especially if you've never shared before, so for the time being you can just write w the idea that no one else will read it except for yourself! that'll help you establish a healthy relationship w your writing & your hobby in general even before you post should you choose to post
as for the specificity n music context, i personally think thats SO FUCKIN RAD!!! i love a story where i can enjoy a romance but also have aspects outside of it that i can learn something new from or take something away from. i have read some pretty incredible fics & books, but the ones that have always had a lasting impact on me are the ones i went into knowing nothign ab a specific something, but then i leave it feeling like i've learned something i wouldn't have ever known before!!
it's a totally valid feeling though, esp in fanfiction where you might think readers want to read ab only their fave characters or specifically romance. i felt this way a lot with including the film major & photography aspect to kickoff, i feared readers would find it boring and would just want to read ab gojo x reader. i think in ch9, gojo only had like 40% of the chapter screentime and didn't even make his first appearance until like 5k words into the chapter, but i'm still really happy w the chapter and the response i got was great too. i see some of my writer mutuals break the norms n experiments w their stories all the time too, and honestly, i think that makes for some of the BEST and most MEMORABLE stories :)
as for fears that people may not see your story, i totally get that. keep in mind, i think the jjk fandom specifically doesn't really have too many long fics, at least compared to what i've seen in other fandoms, n tends to steer towards oneshot content (i could be wrong ab this but it's just what i've noticed! at least on tumblr. long fics always get lots of love on ao3 tho) so don't worry too much if you're not getting as many notes or reblogs etc as some other authors, bc if you choose to post series content, then you'll technically be in a niche category for this specific fandom. BUT i have noticed that the quality of interactions w longer stories is very amazing and totally worth being a part of this writing community for that reason!!
when i first started posting, i really didn't know what to expect since the last time i had a fanfic blog was for like two months when i was 12 on deviantart LOL. and now i'm just extremely blown away n humbled by the support. but that's the thing- you'll never ever know unless you try! again, just write and picture it that you're the only one that's going to read it, so put all that juicy music context in there n really write w that passion in mind!! (i'm assuming you're into music or bands n that's your inspiration? don't be afraid to let that interest show!!) and that's really the only thing you need to get started, after that it's just simply copy pasting n then posting :)
if you do get around to posting or sharing it then feel free to tag me bb!! i'd love to read it n support you. good luck to u n much love!! <33 i hope this helps in anyway
and thank you for looking forward to kickoff :)
ps. in case you want any specific writing advice i have some on my page here (sorry bb i just realized i wasn't sure if you were asking for actual concrete writing advice haha my bad if i misinterpreted)
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meownotgood · 2 months
OMFG NVM I READ THAT YOU ALREADY FOUND HER OTHER BLOG sorry for the case :'( so that girl stole the username from someone else here Lol
it's okay!!! it's quite confusing to follow, because this person had multiple different accounts that all stole from me 😭
on tumblr @/kennedyswhore and @/hoeromi are the accounts of the person who stole from me. their ao3 I linked in my previous post. there's no need to say anything to them, their accounts have been inactive anyway so the only thing that matters is to report them. I'll submit an official report on ao3 when I have the time to hopefully get their account taken down.
kennedyswhore stole from me twice, but they also have a few other posts that were not stolen from me. one of them seems really similar to another aki fic I read but after searching for a while I couldn't find it... if you know if it pls say something. considering the number of things they've stolen from me, I wouldn't doubt if all the things there belong to someone else
hoeromi has two fics, both stolen from me. their ao3 has four fics, once again all stolen from me...
and there is an account on tumblr with the same user as the thieves account on ao3, this person is not related!!!! so yes, the thief probably stole a username from someone too lol
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toomuchracket · 9 months
do you think d word girlie (also being a dh girlie lol) would be working her arse off these past few days w all the self titled promo and stuff omg. imagining her back stage today at reading being like ‘thank fuck it’s finally here. now I can actually chill🙄🙄’
yeah!! ever since matty announced it at trnsmt, your job has been to kinda curate the vibe for promo - literally, you were SCROLLING through sd card upon sd card looking at old pics and footage to use (and death glaring matty when he came over to annoy you like "hehehehehehe you fancied me when i looked like that"). because it's a festival, you don't necessarily have as much to worry about and coordinate as you did for fins, but given that the boys were asked to headline later than everyone else there's been a lot of paperwork and negotiation and planning to do in a little amount of time. AND you have two other artists from the label performing too. so yeah! you've been stressed, home since hawai'i to get everything sorted and avoid a last-minute panic - matty came into the office one night once he got home from america to help you with any r&l prep that he could, but you'd basically done everything already so he ended up just offering stress relief by eating you out under the desk once everyone else left and taking you home lol. and because you're so prepared, the past few days haven't been too bad, just making sure merch (which tbh was already on the cards for the actual album anniversary anyway) is good to go and the promo posts on socials are all scheduled. and since you got to reading this morning and checked everything was fine, you've actually been ok - matty had wandered round with you when you were checking, and once you were done and said "ok, it's all alright. i can breathe again", he lifted you into a big hug and said "thank you for all you've done, sweetheart. wouldn't be nearly as good without you". since then, though, it's been his turn to be stressed about the performance, so you're now just spending the afternoon cuddling him in the green room and keeping him calm; you're visibly really excited about the show, and just being around you radiating gleeful anticipation is making matty (and the rest of the boys, honestly) feel quite good about performing. thinking you also get changed into a self titled-esque/soft grunge tumblr 2k14/classic rockstar gf fit to watch the boys perform, which matty finds both adorable (that you would do that) and also "really fucking sexy, actually, sweetheart" - he forgets to be nervous because he's too busy looking at you lmao. and i fear that may well continue during the show itself too lol <3
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Well now you’ve got me started on the ikran racing au and now I’m curious so!
Nocorro fic recs for the noob please? 😂
BESTIE finally join the dark sideee.
As I said over dms; unfortunately for you, there are better locorro (and spiri, although I really only rec one hardcore) fics then there are Nocorro. Nocorro is like a desert spot, there really aren’t any aside from a few really short but cool one shots. It's a very small fandom, and it's pretty young right now so tbh most of the fics are not very good, so it'll be a short list anyway. So, as we discussed, here are the high quality, well written Spider ship fics:
For nocorro, there really isn't much. That's why I said I've come so fucking close to writing that ikran au; because I am deeply obsessed with the nocorro parts of it. I adore that au and the ghost neteyam one honestly best of all, but the ghost Neteyam one there is slightly more content for. BUT ANYWAYS;
Upon looking up my list for this I was furious to discover one of the three well written little nocorro one shots has been deleted, so beef begun with CherryApollo (jk queen I need more of them. Actually, a03 user CherryApollo; I know ur reading these posts, or else you wouldn't have tagged that fic nocorro, huh? You said "tumblr has it's claws in me so here's some nocorro" I SEE YOU, I KNOW UR HERE. THERE'S LIKE THREE OF US USING THAT TAG, AND IT'S MOSTLY JUST ME ALONE IN THE VOID. You listen to me. I liked that fucking fic, I had it bookmarked. Give it back to me. But seriously big fan of ur work).
The two remaining fruit themed CherryApollo nocorro oneshots better be your first stop just in case this sociopath decides to take more from me, Take a Bite of the Orange (p sure I was the commenter that took offense mentioned in the notes) and Follow Me Down to the Peach Tree, which did make me want to end it all. Both under 1000 words and worth a quick read.
There is also the ghost of Guilt by thatshowthemafiaworks @undercoverpan who has written us a ghost Spider au which has never failed to make me cry each chapter. The prose is not as flawless as the other recs here, but it packs some emotional weight the others don't. I also can't even fathom where it's going as it all seems entirely hopeless which is why it makes me cry.
The only other nocorro fic I even think is worth a mention is Crop Circles by our bestie @spicymiilk. It's not done and we haven't reached any nocorro yet, but know it's coming and it's good. I get my sticky little fingers in each good Avatar fic writer and I puppeteer the content I want, just look at whats happening here.
For locorro (still a small as hell ship), we can afford to be slightly more picky and I shall give you the best of the best.
Personally I would start with the locorro bible, Bitter by Icandigelvis @oppa86oppa . All of us locorro stans have said this, but this fic started our interest in the ship for most and it caused the cultural revolution of our Spider ship community. This fic still months later lives with me 24/7, and it really is one of THE fics I've ever read of all time. It went righttt into my collection of fics to show to my MFA prof who told me to stop reading fanfiction lol, like seconds after I finished it. Then I put it in the grad school jealousy collection because it's that well formatted.
The Restless Child series by @spicymiilk is a full length novel that will take you a bit lol. I am biased as I do beta it but it's real good. I keep not anticipating turns I should anticipate, but maybe we can convince Andrei to simply let us live for a sec because the fact that it's been like two weeks in universe hit me yesterday while editing and I wanted to fall off an ikran (👀).
There is also, NATURALLY, The Thunder Answered Back by @spicymiilk. This fic crawled up my butt what I can I say. You all got to read my massive post about it, hope u enjoyed that. I was walking back from work today, listening to Back to You by Louis Tomlinson ft Bebe Rexha, in 91 degree heat and it started to thunder and simply pour rain and I was like "I am lIVING The Thunder Answered Back vibes rn, holy fuck." You know it's good writing in general when it gives you a specific vibe. Tbh, that song is that fics vibes, perhaps locorro vibes in general.
I'm only gonna rec one spiri fic for a few reasons. One, because there is a criminal lack of content for them, and two, that fic is worlds above any other spiri fics. I think it's a great starter fic for getting into Spider ships and for getting into spiri in general, just because of how detailed and in depth the world is, my god. It's basically Spider and Kiri pov switches from their childhood up until wayyy past Way of Water and until the end of all conflict with humans. Like any good canon continuation, I disagree with and I agree with a ton of @milesocorro 's interpretation. I don't particularly enjoy the way the conflict concludes, but I really adore the way Quaritch is handled. I said this before to the author, but it's my favorite Quaritch confrontation I've read yet. I have a review up for it while it was still coming out, and I said there I was obsessed with Spider's tsurak and I still fucking am. That's my fav Spider iknimaya sequence too!! Anyways, that's my repeated pitch for Please be kind, please be gentle with me .
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moneymasnn · 2 years
The holiday fling| Mason Mount Part 1/2
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Notes: To start this off THERE WILL BE A PART TWO!! lol it will be posted on Saturday, so only two days! This has been sat in the drafts for so long until I though it was good enough to post lmao. I hope you all enjoy the fic, I haven't written in literal months, but I'm really happy to be back on mason Tumblr again!!! Ive missed u all, thank you for all the kind messages I love every single one of you! And also I wanna say another thank you for 1k!!! When I saw it I was so shocked I honestly cried lol... but anyways enjoy the fic my lovelies🤍 gif credits too @goalkepa
Blurb: One where y/n meets a stranger outside of a bar and they both decide to be someone else for the night, until this backfires on them.
Warnings: Just mild swearing!
The request
Fancy holidays weren't your thing. You didn't really fit in with what people call the ‘riches’. The constant cameras, lack of privacy. It was honestly the last thing you ever wanted to experience. But with your brother in constant limelight, you almost were forced into that way of life.
You had just finished your degree in journalism in London, and right now was a better time than ever to have a well deserved break. 
Your brother had willingly been on the other end of all of the phone calls you had made. Crying in your university's toilets, telling him you were homesick and couldn't deal with the stress. 
You loved your brother, and you knew he only ever wanted the best for you. But what you needed was words of encouragement, not “drop out and come say with me.”
Now, to anyone, yes I get it. That does sound like the life, am I right?
Traveling around with your brother, he's a F1 racer, so the traveling would be set to a maximum, amazing views, beautiful cities, everything paid for. Yeah it was very appealing, but you weren't going to settle for that. You wanted to do it on your own.
So let's say hypothetically you did go travel the world with your brother, you wouldn't have anything for yourself other than following his career and you don't think you could deal with another phone call from your parents asking you what you were going to do with your life.
But now that you have finished university, you have some jobs on hold. But for the time being you decided to join your brother on his lads holiday to mykonos, fun. 
That's also how you ended up in the situation you were currently enduring. You and Lando had left the villa a while ago to go have some well needed drinks, and to celebrate the fact you actually managed to graduate.
But long story short, like everyone else in your life, Lando had brought up the dreaded question, “what are you doing with your life now you have finished uni?”
A question you couldn't exactly answer...yet.
“All i'm saying is-” 
“I get what you're saying, lando, but I want to do something for myself.” You couldn't help but let out a sigh of desperation, fiddling with the black straw in your drink.
“I could get you a job with mclaren? You could be an interviewer or something, and on the plus side you'll be with me for a year, traveling the world.” He smirks at you, bumping your shoulder.
He would love that, for him to be the hero. He's had everything handed to him on a silver plate, and you hated that. For once in your life you just wanted to be your own person.
“Oh because mum and dad would love that.” You mumble rolling your eyes.
“I'm sure they would, finally being able to see their child with a stable job, and maybe a stable life.” He snaps back at you.
You let out a breathy laugh. You might not be stable, but who is after they've just finished uni?
“You're being unreasonable? I don't want to live in your shadow, lando.”
“And you're being ungrateful.”
His words hit hard. You hated passing up his incredible opportunity, but you just wished he understood why you were doing it.
“I'm not being ungrateful, but you making one or two phone calls to get me this job defeats the point of what I'm trying to tell you. I want to get a good job because I'm talented and smart, not because Lando Norris is my brother.”
You watch as Lando rolls his eyes at you before he waved over the bartender to probably order another drink in hopes it kills the tension.
A silence loomed as you sat back in your chair, playing with the rings on your fingers.
The thing is, he doesn't get it. You love that he wants to help, but he needs to let you figure things out on your own.
You watch as some of landos friends start to approach him from the entrance,all dressed in fancy over-priced shirts, crisp white shoes and embarrassingly sunglasses on in the club. 
You eye up the men that only acknowledge your brother, ignoring your presence completely, and you suddenly think that going for a walk and getting drunk by the beach sounds like a good idea.
Lando wasn't paying any attention to you as his back was now turned, greeting the young boys that had just walked over.
You grab your drink, smiling at the bartender before swiftly getting out your chair and walking out of the bar, leaving Lando with his friends. He was too distracted to notice you had gone anyway.
You really should keep your head up when you're walking, fiddling with the black straw in your drink, it becomes a slight distraction as you go to make it to the exit door. Although, for you it wasn't only the cold mykonos air that hit your body.
Your body collided with another that was also trying to make it out of the door, you smiled up at the young boy, he looked about in his twenties, gorgeous brown eyes, eyes that complemented his dark brown hair and his short, stubbley, beard.
“Sorry, you go.” he said. 
“No, it's fine you go.” You ushered him with a quick smile.
“No honestly, you can go first.”
Your eyes narrow at the man, he swiftly smirks, scratching the back of his neck as you take up his offer and walk through the door first, smiling as you soak up the warm fresh air from outside.
“Sorry, about that.” he catches up to you, deciding to stand next to you. 
It took you a moment to catch what he was on about but then you realized that your drink had split when he bumped into you, luckily missing your outfit, but your toes looked kinda sticky.
“Wait here?”
“What?” You look up at the odd stranger in disbelief, before he takes the now empty drink from your hand, pointing to the concrete slab that was made to look like a bench by the door.
“Just sit and wait, please.” Honestly, your day had been awful, and I don't think Satan could say no to his eyes.
He goes to push the door to the club before he turns around again, “Vodka lemonade?” You silently nodded before he wisped around the door.
You stood for a second before deciding to actually sit and wait.
The back of your legs hit the cold concrete slab as you sat, crossing your legs staring at the palm tree that calmly swayed above you.
You didn't have a moment to contemplate what the hell just happened with the stranger when your phone dings in your pocket.
Where did you go? Sent 22:15
Y/n???????? Sent 22:16
Did you go back to the villa? Sent 22:17
I'm sorry if i've upset you i was just trying to help Sent 22:17
I'm fine, don't worry. Gone back to the villa i wasn't feeling too good talk 2 u tomo. Sent 22:20
Get back safe x sent 22:20
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, but you knew you needed to get out of here in case Lando notices you haven't actually gone back to the villa, but your trail of thought crashed when an almost familiar body was lingering over you.
It was the guy from earlier.
But this time he was holding a black round tray with a set of drinks on it, a wide grin plastered on his face as he placed the tray down next to you with what looked like two vodka lemonades, and two shots of tequila.
“Drink?” He asks you with a smile. “The least I can do after I practically spilled yours.”
“How do I know you won't spike me?” You squint at him, he didn't seem like the type to be honest, but what do you know, he's a stranger.
He furrows his brows before placing a hand on his heart, before smirking and picking up one of the drinks, he sips from the straw, before taking a dramatic gulp. He lets out a breathy laugh before passing the glass to you.
You tried not to giggle at the stranger's antics, but the couple drinks you had with Lando earlier were already doing you dirty as you quietly slipped the drink the stranger had bought you.
“Also the ice is floating.” He added, taking a sip of his own vodka lemonade.
You turned to face him, his cheeks tint a pink shade before he pointed to your glass, “When a drinks been spiked the ice usually sinks.”
You stare at your floating ice for a moment, if he is a serial killer he's pretty damn good at luring in his victims, because it's been roughly six minutes and this boy has you captivated.
“So what's your name?” he smiles, passing you a shot.
The smell of strong tequila invades your nose as you watch him lift up his shot to cling it with yours.
He can sense your closed off demeanor as he sighs, but his smile never fades, “Fine, okay then, maya.” He winks at you with his shot in the air as you copy his actions in swallowing the tequila, the sensation burning your throat.
You winced slightly at the taste, before slamming the shot back down on the tray.
“Maya?” You question him, wiping the dribble from your bottom lip.
“Maya… Everdeen? Yep, you definitely look like Maya Everdeen.” He nodded to himself as he placed his shot glass back on the tray.
“Been watching the hunger games have you?” You smirked at him, picking your drink back up to fiddle with the straw.
He smiled before his cheeks turned pink again, he was kinda cute when he blushed.
“Hmh, if we're being serious, you definitely look like a charles.” You added, gazing over his long brown hair and his gorgeously glossy brown eyes. Your gaze linkers around his neck for a little while, noticing the small chain loosely hanging down the tip of his chest.
“I don't think I grew up posh enough for my mum to call me charles.” He smiled down at you.
“Where did you grow up?” Your eyes were watching your floating ice, as he giggled at your question.
“Trying to get to know your victims?” 
“Simply making conversation.” The corners of your mouth slightly moved upwards.
“Portsmouth.” He replied, he did have a south east england kinda accent. “You?”
“You don't have a bristolian accent though?” He questioned.
“I did a lot of traveling growing up, I live in London now so it's not like I'm around the accent a lot, it really pops out when i'm with my parents though.” You smile up at him, but when your eyes meet he was already looking at you, the silent moment of eye contact was cut off when your phone screen lit up.
Did you get back to the villa alright? Sent 22:41
“Hey Charles, fancy getting out of here?” You quickly stand up, brushing off the dirt from the back of your thighs.
“Go where? Somewhere quiet so you can murder me, i dont think so.” He smiles, you roll your eyes at his attitude before looking at the glistening reflection from the moon on the sea.
“Exactly that, the beach will do perfectly.” You smile already making way to cross the road.
This was very out of character for you. You don't do one night stands, not that this was a one night stand, or even anything close, but you knew it wasn't the safest of situations to have put yourself in. And the fact your brother would be pissed if he could see what you were doing right now. 
You pulled your heels off on the side of the road, watching ‘charles’ pull off his socks and shoes as you both took a stroll along the beach.
You spent the long walk talking about everything and nothing, it was nice, talking to a stranger. You and the boy never once spoke about your own life or its problems. You just spoke about the world and had an odd conversation about planes. He told you about his fear of heights while you compared it to your fear of spiders. You spoke about the future and how one day he hopes to have a family, you couldn't say the same, sure you would love to have a family, but you wouldn't do that with just anyone. After the conversations died down, ‘charles’ had suggested a game he liked to call ‘rapid questions’.
“Summer or winter?” he asked you.
“Autumn.” You quickly say.
“Good answer.” He smirked as he looked down at you.
“Okay I have one, are you a cat or dog person?” You asked him.
“What do you think?”
“You look like a dog person.” You bump his shoulder, smiling up at him, watching how his eyes lightley shone from the reflection of the sea..
“Correct. One place in the world you would love to visit?” He asks you.
“New york. You?”
“Vegas.” He sheepishly smiles.
“Best present you've ever received?” You asked him, he smiled as he thought about his answer.
“Hmh, my great nan she knits jumpers for all the grandkids every year at christmas.”
“That's your best gift you've ever gotten?” You question him, trying to suppress your smile from his answer.
“It's the same routine every year, but the best part is the smile on her face when she sees you wear it on christmas day.”
“That's cute.” You bump his shoulder as you continue to walk along the sandy beach.
“What about you?”
“The best gift I've ever received… probably flowers.”
“Yeah, I love getting fresh flowers.” You shrug.
There was something about you that the boy couldn't help but be captivated by, he wanted to walk along this beach all night and ask you questions.
“Something you hate?” You said, interrupting his thoughts.
“Competitive are we?” You smirked at him, your eyebrow furred as you watched him scoff slightly.
“Very.” He winked.
“Not a sore loser are you?”
He laughs, “I try not to be.”
“What about you? what's something you hate.”
“Expectations.” You shrugged, facing forward as you threw your head back slightly, feeling the sea breeze on your neck.
He looked at you confused, you took note of the expression so you decided to elaborate on your answer.
“There's nothing worse when you try your hardest and someone still expects more of you.”
“Yeah, that sucks.” he smiled down at you, but his smile widened as he thought of another question.
“Favorite swear word?”
“Bolacks.” You said with a confidant smile.
“Really?” He laughs,
“It can mean so many different things, good food, it was the bollocks, just kicked you in the nuts, sorry about your bollocks?” The stranger couldn't help but laugh at your answer.
“Mines definitely bastard.” He said.
“Bastard?” You repeated back to him.
“No, you've got to say it with sass, like bastard.” 
You both walked along the sand for a while longer, giggling as you both kept repeating the word bastard.
Your empty glass was still clutched in your hand as you both continued to slowly walk, you had no idea how far you had both walked, but judging by the complaining from Charles it was probably quite far. 
You turned around at the noise of Charles groaning, he fumbled down on one of the sunbeds laying across it as he looked up at you.
“I don't really drink a lot, so I'm basically a light weight. I just need to sit down for a moment.” 
You can't help but giggle at him as he sprawls out along the sandy sunbed.
You situate yourself at the bottom of the sun bed, your eyes focused on the view of the sea and moon rather than the clearly drunk man whose head was now placed on your leg.
“Yes charlie.”
“I thought my name was charles?” He smirked, his eyes never leaving yours.
“It is, but charlies a cute nickname.” You had to take a second to look away, even with the alcohol his stare was intense to you.
He turned his head so he could look into your eyes better. But you broke eye contact again by pulling out your phone, you checked the time and it was currently one am. You knew you should probably get back to the villa soon, really risking it with Lando going home and not finding you all tucked up in your room.
“Tell me about maya.”
You smiled down at the boy, fiddling with your fingers for a moment, as you leant forward, gently leaning on his thigh.
“Well for starters, she loves books. Oh, she's a dog person. Her favorite color changes every week.” You pause for a second to think about what else you could say, but your mystery man was just soaking it all up.
“And she can't tell you what her job is or she will get assassinated, and so will you.”
The stranger fake gasps at your words.
“Tell me more.” He sits up, cross legged as he faces you.
“Hmh, she works for the FBI.” Your heart melted at the boyish smile plastered on ‘Charles' face.
“I've already said too much.” You say dramatically, hiding your face on his leg before you look up again.
“What about you, what does Charlie do?”
“Okay, but you've got to promise not to tell.” You silently nodded before taking his pinky finger in yours, he leans forward to whisper in your ear.
“I'm spiderman.” He smirks.
You pull away and gasp slightly, trying to keep it serious before you burst out in giggles. 
“Why are you laughing?” He frowns at you, but you can see the smile behind his eyes.
“Shoot a web.” You demande though your laughs.
“I cant.”
“But your spiderman?” You whine at him.
Charles huffs as he sits up more, “It's the suit, it doesn't come out of me, duh.” 
Your initial thoughts to this man was that he looked kinda sporty, like an athlete, a little bit cocky too, but the more time you spend with him the more you realize he's a literal nerd.
Your heart swelled as you wanted to spend more time with him, but you knew you had to get back to the villa soon.
“Thank you for trusting me with your secret Charles, but duty calls, i've just been made aware of a threat against the queen, i have to leave mykonos as soon as i can.”
You sit up but the boy gently grazes your legs.
“Wait, Maya.”
You stand up in the sand, looking down at the boy, especially his hand that was clutched around your knee.
“Meet me again tomorrow, please.” You thought about it for a moment, you leave in two days, and his company had made you smile more in the last few hours than you have in months.
“I can't make any promises, the jet leaves in an hour.”
“Well, the queen can wait, she's about to kick the bucket anyway. Tomorrow, should we say six?” You can't help but laugh at his comment.
“Where?” You ask him, watching how he lets out a sigh of relief at your answer.
“The caster hotel.”
“I'll see what i can do, spiderman.”
“But you were fine this morning?” Lando questions as he follows you through the hallway.
“That's because I didn't feel sick this morning, and now I do.” You huff.
“Why don't you want to come?” He leans in the doorway to the room you were staying at, he knew you weren't ill, but he would never suspect you sneaking out to meet a man whose name you still don't know.
“I just don't.” You sat on the bed, your arms folded as your dressing gown was tightly wrapped around you, hiding the dress you had on underneath.
“Are you depressed?” He cocked his head to the side, a questionable look on his face.
“Lando, for fuck sake, i have a headach, and your making it worse!”
“You left the bar early yesterday y/n, and you don't want to come again today? After everything you've put me through, sorry that I'm worried about you.” His words hurt, but not as much as the time on your phone that read 5:46.
“You don't need to worry about me.” You mumbled.
“But I do, I'm your older brother?”
You sigh before raising your head to look at your brother. 
“I'm fine, just please let me have the night to myself.”
It was times like this where you felt like just crying, crying until the floor swallowed you up. It was currently 6:22, you were sitting in bed with lando. You were both watching old love island episodes with some snacks that were left in the fridge. Lando canceled on his mates for dinner, meaning you couldn't sneak out and see charles. You were going home tomorrow, and the chances of bumping into your mystery man were slim, but you let it go. Guess it wasn't meant to be.
Part two will be posted on 16/7/22
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