#or happy same as normal day if you dont do anything for valentines day
m00ngbin · 4 months
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runeterrankhaleesi · 2 years
Hello hello hello. Could I please get a league of legends match-up?
I'm 5'5", male, with dark brown hair and chestnut-brown eyes. I spend most of my time playing videogames, but I like writing, attempting to draw, and playing music/singing. I have issues doing it in front of people I dont know well or trust though. I had a childhood obsession with Blue Exorcist, Code Geass, and The Phantom of The Opera, and to this day those are my favourite things to watch. I also like listening to soft Lo-Fi, and drink green tea to go to sleep.
I'm a Meyers-Briggs INTP (logician), a Scorpio, and a Slytherin. I can be very analytical and get caught up in an idea, but I am also very passionate and can usually talk about a topic for some very long hours. My 'default' to fill space is normally a rant about how Musicals are different from Opera and What That Means, which I can usually fill a good 30 minutes with.
What I look for in a partner is someone who is understanding and can "bounce off of" me. Share ideas or engage in conversations and mock-arguments that can last for hours, not get upset or confused when I stop talking because my voice is tired, and most importantly someone who will understand how touch-and-affection starved I am, and wont leave me completely alone for long periods to question if they actually like me. They dont have to know the topics or engage with the same thing I do - just talk with me about how philosophically "They believe X, so how do I believe Y". Just. Being there. And wanting to be there. Thats enough for me.
K thanks bye love you-
I pair you with...
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Why? Because...
Camille is a lady with class. She's a fan of fine arts, music, and literature. She mostly spends her time reading novels or making her own art pieces inspired by the works of her favorite artists.
She always found videogames interesting but she never got around to ACTUALLY play it. She'd love it if you could teach her about it, even just a little bit. Camille wants to do, or at least, TRY to do/experience your hobbies.
She's also had an obsession with The Panthom of the Opera, she just loves everything about it. Camille would watch Blue Exorcist and Code Geass if you like it so much.
Like you, she loves tea and practically lives on it. She drinks it in the morning, afternoon, evening, and before she sleeps (you can say she's addicted). Her favorites are plain black tea and Earl Grey.
In her schedule, Camille has a time where she just sits down and have a peaceful afternoon, drinking tea. This would be the perfect time where both of you could talk about your day or just anything in general. This would also be the perfect time for you to rant, she'd listen very intently and when you're finished, she'll first ask if she can speak THEN she'll state her own opinions, etc.
And to be fair, Camille is also touch starved. Having only one relationship which ended quite badly due to her brother. There's nothing she would rather do than to smother you with affection once she comes home from work. The only thing standing in the way is her augments, she's insecure about it ever since you two had started the relationship. Especially with her legs-the blades and the grapple spindled hips, everything.
Although, you do have to understand that work is work and it's Camille's number one priority so sometimes she'll leave you for long periods of time but she'll make up for it by taking you to fancy dinner dates on the Ferros Skycruiser.
💝~Happy Valentines Day!~💝
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m4r13l3y · 3 years
Lover boy
Harry James Potter x Reader 
Y/n looks back at the times she spent at hogwarts with harry while a record plays
The dates/memories are out of order
Warnings; Fluff, Sad kinda, Cursing  
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I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things We can do the tango just for two 
While horcrux hunting, after Ron left and the night Hermione went to find him Harry and you were alone 
The two of you sitting on the small bed, your head on his shoulder, holding hands. Hoping that you wouldn’t die any time soon 
A song came up in the radio, he stood up to turn the music higher and came back with his hand held out 
You took his hand with a small smile as his arms wrapped around your waist. The two of you danced with no worries, the war was the last thing on your minds, only caring to not mess up the steps 
“I love you harry” you whispered into his chest, “I love you more, y/n” he replied 
I can serenade and gently play on your heart strings Be your Valentino just for you 
Valentines day 1997, 
Even though Harry seemed to be obsessed with that weird potions book, he was also obsessed with you, and his Valentines day gift was going to prove it
You were sitting at the black lake, reading a book with hermione while eating some valentines day chocolates 
“Did Ron get you anything?” You asked, “No” she flipped the page of her book 
“Did harry get you anything?” She asked, “Not that I can think of-” Your voice cut out with voices of the two boys running towards you 
“Hello Y/n” Harry smirked with his hands behind his back, hiding something “Hi harry” you giggle as the two sat down 
Harry pulled out a guitar as he played some notes before asking “Will you go on a valentines day date with me” 
You threw yourself into his arms “Oh harry” you giggled “Ofcourse I would” 
Ooh, love, ooh, loverboy What're you doin' tonight, hey, boy?
You walked down the common room stairs, a pretty red dress that ended mid thigh with doc martens and red lipstick 
Harry’s jaw was on the floor, looking at you in awe. He always knew you were beautiful, but tonight you looked ethereal 
“You look-” He tried to find the words “Beautiful” Hermione smiled 
You gave him a hug, as hermione took out a muggle camera “Here you two smile” 
“1..2..3..” click 
“Be good” hermione waved goodbye
When you two came back harry’s face was filled with red kiss marks all over 
Set my alarm, turn on my charm
“Fuck” you groaned trying to turn off the alarm that’d been going on for 5 minutes now 
“Harry!” You tugged his shoulder “Wh- what” he stood up shocked 
“We’re going to be late” You hurried up to get your tie and skirt on, “Shit” he stood up to find his pants that were discarded somewhere around your room 
“Accio tie-” “Accio tie-” The two of you said at the same time, with a giggle the two of you put on your ties, “I never get how to do this” You shrugged trying to un-knot the fabric
“here” He chuckled, fixing your appearance and kissing your forehead after “Now let’s go” 
The two of you ran down the hogwarts halls holding hands to find potions 
“Come on” You pulled him into the class, “Ah miss Y/L/N oh- and Harry!” slughorn smiled “Don’t be late again come on in” 
Ooh, let me feel your heartbeat (Grow faster, faster) Ooh, ooh, can you feel my love heat?
4th year, 
“willyougoonadatewithme” he muttered quickly, looking everywhere but at you
 “What” you giggled, he took a deep sigh “Will you go on a date with me Y/N” 
“Ofcourse I will harry” you stepped up and put a hand on his chest, kissing his cheek “Why is your heartbeat so fast?”
“I was nervous” He chuckled 
That week you and harry made front page;
Tri-wizard champion Harry Potter out on a date with not-so-mystery girl: Y/N Y/L/N, how do the lovers feel knowing one of them could get ultimately hurt by the end of this contest
“Shes so annoying” you groaned “howd she even see us?”
I'd like for you and I to go romancing Say the word, your wish is my command
7th year, 
“Apparate” You whispered, your body swirling around until it stopped. Opening your eyes again you saw muggle london 
It was a saturday afternoon and you decided to take harry to your favorite place since you finally passed the apparation test 
“Come on” You smiled walking with him, “Where are we going?” He asked, holding your hand tightly 
“Walking Harry, I like to walk” you stopped to look at him, he kissed your forehead “You’re weird” 
The two of you walked in and out of big buildings, ate at a muggle cafe you always loved, and now were sitting at some bench in the subway 
“Thank you for coming with me” You whispered, 
“I’d go anywhere with you” he took your hand
“I love you” he held your waist and kissed you “I love you too Harry” 
Write my letter Feel much better
Dear Y/N, 
This summer has been the worst, you’ve been the only one to write me (Which is okay ofcourse I love you haha dont get mad), but I am at the headquarters for Order of the Phoenix. I miss you dearly and I hope to see you soon, I know you’re coming tomorrow, but I am still very impatient. I love you. 
Yours always, 
Dear Harry, 
I miss you more, I know I was the only one to write. Hopefully you’ve found out why by now. I won’t write much since it’s better said in real face to face, and I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you
Y/N <3
And use my fancy patter on the telephone
Fourth year summer, 
“HELLO” You heard a voice you recognized as rons yell through the phone “Hello ron” 
“IS- IS THIS Y/N?” he yell-asked, “Yes Ron it’s y/n” you giggled “Don’t yell I hear you perfectly when you speak normal” 
“Oh Oh okay that’s much better” He sighed “Here’s harry” 
“Hello” You smiled to the phone “Hey y/n” he replied “How are you?”
“I’m well how are you?” 
“Perfect I’ve never actually used a phone before it’s pretty cool” he chuckled
The two of you talked for hours on end, until you heard Molly yell that it was time for dinner
The rest of the summer, before the quidditch world cup, the two of you talked almost every day until you finally saw him again 
When I'm not with you Think of you always (I miss those long hot summer nights) I miss you
It was the summer,
He kept rewatching a picture of the two of you in the room of requirments, before it was destroyed, on the floor. Your head on his shoulder as you two slept after a DADA class
Harry hadn’t seen you since the last day at school after the ministry attack and it was killing him. Were you safe? Did you eat today? Had you not forgotten to drink water? 
It was killing him to know neither of you could send letters to eachother, even if it was for your safety
Sitting in some cafe you had taken him too in the subway his mind running thousand miles per hour with thoughts of you, he saw dumbledore outside 
Hey, boy, where do you get it from? Hey, boy, where did you go?
“Where’s the kid” You hugged tonks 
“Here” Remus came from behind his son, Teddy Lupin, “Oh you are so cute!” You took him into your arms 
“Harry look” you walked to him and sat on the couch, the little brown haired boy giggling 
“We wanted to tell you guys something” Remus and Tonks walked up to you guys “We want you guys to be the godparents” 
You and Harry’s eyes went wide at the news “really!?”
Tonks nodded in excitement
“I would love to” You gave harry the kid and gave the two adults big hugs “Thank you”
Everything's all right
“Harry” you whispered into your hug, hugging him like you’d loose him at any second. Dumbledore had just died, you found harry limping back to the castle 
“Harry” You whispered again, he hummed in response, his grip on your waist becoming harder “i love you” harry whispered lowly “I love you more harry” 
Just hold on tight
“Harry Potter Is Dead!” you heard the man yell as all the death eaters behind him erupted in laughter 
You almost fainted, he was dead. Your soulmate, the boy you’ve loved your whole life. Harry Potter was dead 
The dark lords speech went in a blur, your mind couldn’t focus as all you thought was about Harry 
Neville took out the sword as harry woke up again and soon everyone was throwing jinx after jinx 
You needed to find harry, you left the great hall to see he and voldemort in a fight
Neville killed Nagini and Harry won 
Light won 
“Harry” You cried, He ran to you “Y/n” 
“We won” a ghostly smile crept on your face, “We won.” he replied pulling away 
“I almost lost you and I can’t bare the thought of you not knowing how much I love you” he pulled out a little box “You are my soulmate and I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you-” the box opened “I wanted to do this before the war” He chuckled, but got on one knee “Will you, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N Marry me please?”
“Harry ofcourse” You smiled, indulging him in a hug and kiss looking at the ring that looked beautiful on your finger
That's because I'm a good old-fashioned (fashioned) loverboy
The song ended and you were brough back to reality, everyone was dancing as Fred was fighting with someone for the mic
“What were you thinking about” Harry looked at you 
“Our story” you held onto his neck and kissed him, kissed him to show that it was all worth it, you two finally got your happy ending and now you’d just finished getting married
“Now” Fred took the microphone “Time for fireworks” 
Everyone looked up to see a picture of you and harry kissing, with the initals H.P+Y/I in a heart 
You took teddy into your arms and laid him on your waist as he giggled looking up
“I love you Harry” you leaned your head on his shoulder “I love you too, Y/n”
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So I'm having a rough day week month year and I'm just gonna yell into the void for a little bit ✌
So I have fucking flu like symptoms again because my bitch ass doesn't know how to not be stressed? This is the third time I've been sick in 2022 AND ITS FEBRUARY! I've been in bed all day only leaving for brief bathroom breaks and then! As I'm going to bed! My knee does a weird wobble thing AND NOW I FUCKED UP MY KNEE TOO!!!! I've been having the most intense body aches and my knee really said "hahaha you know what'd be funny!!!!" So I hobbled my stupid little ass up the stairs and now I'm lying in bed again trying to feel tired but I'm just NOT. All day I've been exhausted and barely awake and now my brain is just like "hey, hey, hey, you have all kinds of shit you need to write and edit and all you did today was cry" brains are fun. I really do miss my boys though, I've been so sick that I've had to step away for two months and it's been harder than I expected. Writing is how I make things better but I'm just so fucking exhausted. And to make all that so much more fun there's so much drama happening in my extended family (who I haven't talked to in years mind you). Okay here's the tea, some therapist decided on a hunch that my grandfather has dementia. My grandmother, being the naturally conniving person she is decides to make it everybody else's problem instead of getting a serious diagnosis. So what happens? She calls my dad and says "dads doing really bad, he's sick and he's not going to be around much longer" so of course we scramble to try to get them over here. They completely ruin our Christmas and everyone ends up fighting the entire time, they go back home, my dad talks to A REAL NEUROLOGICAL DOCTOR who ran tests on good old granddad and says "yep there's nothing wrong with him, just normal aging" I DONT HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY ABOUT THAT!!!!
You're probably like wow that's really shitty, but wait! It gets worse!! My grandmother decides to call my mom one day out of the blue freaking out about the Russia Ukraine situation and tells my mom that she heard my brother was going to be deployed. MY BROTHER DOESNT EVEN TALK TO THIS WOMAN AND WE TALK TO HIM MULTIPLE TIMES A WEEK so we knew for a fact that was NOT happening but noooo grandma knows everything and anyone who disagrees shall surely be put to death. Oh I left out the best part of their holiday trip, grandma saw my pride flag (in my room she demanded to see after I said no) and refused to talk to me the entire trip, unless it was to say something snide or critical of course. Oh and one more thing, Christmas day happens, my family spends so much time and effort and money to include them for OUR Christmas right? My grandpa gets a call, it's my cousin who sings a Christmas carol to him and hangs up. He then loudly declares to my brother's girlfriend that that was the best Christmas gift he has ever gotten from any of his grandchildren and I'm literally standing right there cleaning up the wrapping paper from all the presents he opened.
Anyway all this shit right? All of it! All of it that they've put me through for fucking DECADES my grandma texts me feb 14 "Happy Valentine's Day! Hope Your Day Is Sweet N Special As You Are! Love You So Much! ❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹"
I'm so fucking done with this shit seriously. I didn't even answer. (Same woman by the way, that when my dog passed away a few months ago texted me "well dogs die, it happens" also they spent their entire trip reminding me that she wasn't around as well.) 🙃🙃🙃🙃
Okay different tea but on my mom's side. My mom is completely estranged from her family because they refuse to accept the fact that they're terrible people. Well come to find out my moms step grandmother died a few days ago and had been in the hospital paralyzed since Christmas. Now I'm not surprised by any of this because like I said they're absolutely horrible people but the only way we found this out is because they sent my dad a link to a gofundme to pay for her funeral. (My mom hasn't talked to these people in at least ten years, and my dad maybe more) but yep. Find out through gofundme. It's not like I really knew this woman or that she was truly family to me in anyway but that's still really fucked up.
Guys I'm fucking tired. Thanks for letting me vent, I don't know if it made me feel better but at least it's out of my system I guess and hopefully it made you realize that you're probably not all that crazy ✌
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ratanslily · 3 years
pairing: bryce lahela x f!mc (Dr. Theia Valentine)
genre: angst but with happy ending.
about the fic: im just giving bryce's premium scene some closure ♡
inspo: this post by @ofpixelsandscribbles
a/n: I've never written for my mc before oof i hope i did her justice!! honestly this fic was so rushed (like all my fics lmao, i write on impulse, not meticulous planning and its a self indulgent fics so i dont rlly expect people to read because i kinds wrote it for my own sanity)
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"We should do this much, much more often"
Bryce looked around the on-call room. So much changed, the beds, the technology,  the lights... and maybe them. or maybe he was the one who changed.
Theia smiled and took his hand in his, beckoning him to accompany him back to the party. He slowly removed her hand away from his and took a step back. his face grew serious as he said,
"its.. probably not a good idea"
"its just.. I don't know.. just go ahead, without me, I dont want to draw attention to us."
Theia could tell there was much more to Bryce's strange behaviour. Ever since they started their third year, she could see something was wrong with him, something was troubling him. but when they'd get intimate, all worries would go away and he'd get back to his normal self.
so what happened?
"so it's all a game to you, isn't it?"
"you don't need me.. you just want me to satisfy your needs"
"No, Dr. Lahela.  listen to me.", Theia raised her voice as her eyes started glistening with fresh tears.
"was it all a game to you? I thought we had something special.. something unique.. something homely.. when you dropped your fries just to kiss me..when you comforted within these same 4 walls, when we longed to feel each other when I was sick, when you walked me home after the funeral.. I guess I was a fool, I was just a distraction to you, wasn't it?"
she turned on her heels and made way to the door. Before her hands could even touch the handle, she felt Bryce's shaking hand on her shoulder.
"Theia.. please. please stay."
"what for?"
as much as she wanted to resist, she turned back to find Bryce on the verge of tears, with a face full of longing for her.
Bryce never hated anything more than the sight of Theia in pain. tonight, he made her cry.
He never meant to hurt her. but he always knew this day would come, especially since they started their third ywar of residency. He knew she and him would end up on different paths.
so why try? why grow close, just to fall apart? kiss, just to say goodbye? make memories, just to move on and forget them?
but he fell,  he fell hard for her. against his best wishes. he found himself caring more for her rather than himself. he found her tears as his own. maybe more painful than his own. when he found her alone on the floor, crying all by herself, he couldnt stop himself from comforting her, feeling the same hurt as she did. they grew closer faster than he imagined, but he loved every second of their relationship.
the day he saw Theia behind the glass walls, trying to reach for him, he aligned his hand on hers, with a glass wall between them. he needed her more than ever in that moment. that night, when he sat by her side, close but not close enough, he felt it.
he felt it surging thru his veins.
he felt love.
but he didnt admit it, for the fear of rejection.
he thought of himself as someone who was easily replaceable, someone who was just a second option to others, never the priority.
little did he know, all Theia wanted is, him by her side, no one else. She never thought of him as the second option, but as the only option.
Theia softened at the sight of him holding back his tears and silently cursed herself for being the reason behind his tears.
"im sorry for being so loud, but tell me one thing, Bryce. Do you even need me anymore?"
her words struck him right in the heart.
"if you dont have any answer, I'll go. I'll never bother you again.."
He looked right into her eyes, feeling more vulnerable than ever.
As the tears gently rolled down his cheek, he said,
"I need you, Theia. I need you by my side. I need you to be by my side at every moment of my day, not just at fancy rich parties, but by my side when i wake up to find you curled up in the sheets,  when I make coffee for us and you scoff at the amount of sugar i put in our latte, when there's something on my cheek during lunch and you offer to kiss it off. when i have trouble sleeping at nights and you offer to cuddle me until i feel safe. when i hate the movie you pick, and doze off with my head of your shoulder. I would always need you. But.. what if.. one day.. we don't need each other anymore?"
"what if one day.. say when you've completed your third year here and get a job in a place far away, away from me, away from us. what if there's no "us" anymore? what if you find someone better? what if one day, i end up badly heartbroken, if you ever do so? better keep my distance to lessen the pain, isnt it? Im replaceable, after all."
She couldn't believe the words he said, the feelings he was going through. She felt more horrible than ever for lashing out at him when he felt all of this.
She held his hand, and guided him to one of the beds.  they sat down together,  with her head on his shoulders. Tonight, roles were reversed, she was the one comforting him.
"I didn't know you felt all of this, and im sorry that I misjudged your behaviour."
she rubbed his arms, soothingly and continued,
"I dont know how to tell you this, but i can never go away from you, ever. for physically we may be apart but emotionally and mentally,  i find my home and my residence in your heart. I just-"
she took a deep breath.
"I just love you so much. I dont want you to drift apart from me. and from us. I maybe  a doctor and such sentimental stuff may sound crazy, coming outta my mouth but, I just want to make one thing clear."
she carefully removed her head from his shoulders and turned to look at him.
"Dr. Bryce Lahela, your name is engraved in my every heartbeat. Other people may try to change it, but I know they're gonna fail, as I don't love anyone else apart from you. Do i make this clear?"
Bryce's lips curled into his classic beautiful smile as he started to speak, but Theia cut him off.
"and you better not call yourself replaceable next time, or im gonna punch you so hard."
she playfully punched him, earning a hearty laugh from him.
"Now, now Valentine, would you give me the mic to talk?"
She nodded and he continued.
"I don't think I expected a love confession to be in the very room we hooked up, ans honestly its kind of iconic, though i expected a few roses and all that glam..."
".. but you're enough to make my heart leap with joy. No roses needed, no chocolates required."
he took a moment to choose his words,
"I may be good at giving prep talks and all that stuff, but wow, I suck at this. Its probably cause i never did this before.. so let me get to it.. I love you too, Theia."
Theia crashed her lips into his for a fulfilling kiss as they both shared tears of joy,  finally confessing their love after 2 years of pure longing and messing around.
"Whew, who thought these simple 4-5 words would be so hard to say?"
She simply nodded as she wrapped her hands around his for those precious moments of bliss and joy.
yes, the walls, the beds, the room and the infrastructure around them changed, but they were still the same 2 people as from before,  with the same love and feelings in their heart.
and no amount of change could ever change that.
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en-worlds · 3 years
anything for my valentine!
➵ heeseung x gender neutral reader
➵ established relationship, amusement park date
➵ 1135 words, lowercase intended, i think there’s a swear word there somewhere
➵ warnings: none that i could think of!
➵ first member for my valentine’s with enhypen series
➵ a/n: this is my first attempt at getting back into writing and also my first attempt at an enhypen imagine
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something was burning. you woke up and immediately rushed to the kitchen where you see heeseung looking defeated in front of what looks like a deflated attempt for a souffle pancake. “hee, what happened?”
at the sound of your half-awake voice, heeseung looks up at you and forces a smile. “i mayhaps tried to make those fluffy pancakes you’ve been craving but completely forgot to put water to steam it,” he scratches his head and laughs at his own situation.
hugging the boy, you look at him and reassure him it’s okay, “let’s just have ramyeon. we might get caught in traffic if we don’t leave soon.”
it was valentine’s day, and heeseung has been planning to take you to this amusement park. call it cheesy, but any day spent with heeseung is worth the cheesiness.
“ramyeon usually makes me happy, but why do i feel sad that ramyeon is the first thing i’m feeding you for valentine’s?” heeseung says as he waits for you to finish your bowl. “ah whatever! we have the rest of the day to make up for it.”
excitedly, you and heeseung prepare for your date. wearing your comfortable but matching clothes, both of you head out to the amusement park. normally, you’d both be conscious of pda - but because it’s valentine’s, you give yourself an excuse to wrap your arm around heeseung’s arm and lean into him as you ride the bus.
heeseung would be flustered, but he can’t hold his smile as he draws circles on your thumb. you nearly fall asleep, but heeseung calmly wakes you up before your stop. “we’re here!”
to say that heeseung was feeling hyper was an understatement; he wanted to go on every single ride with you. probably even put a brave act as you were lining up for the rollercoaster. he would constantly shrug his shoulders and cheer himself on, with you laughing by his side and holding his hand tighter to comfort him.
to be frank, you were also afraid of the ride, but seeing your man with the same level of terror as you made you feel at ease. it was endearing really, how heeseung’s eyes would look scared as you near the queue but when he looks at you, they turn into beautiful crescents.
yelling your lungs out, heeseung grabs your hand tightly as you go through the ride. you look over to your boyfriend to see a side of him you’ve never seen before: scared shitless. you were laughing too much you forgot how scared you were too. once heeseung opens his eyes and sees you smile, he laughs at his silliness as well.
“that wasn’t scary at all,” heeseung convinces absolutely no one as you both calm down from the rollercoaster. “okay, mr. please-dont-let-go-of-my-hand. sure it wasn’t scary!”
heading towards the snack corner, heeseung offers to pay for the meal to which you counter by paying for both of your drinks. “you’ve got some whipped cream of your lips,” heeseung says as he wipes off the side of your lips. taken aback, your cheeks blushed a bright red shade in an instant. as if you couldn’t get even more flustered, he quickly pecks your lips. then you realized, “heeseung, we ordered a slushie. there’s no whipped cream on there.”
“maybe i just wanted to give you a kiss,” he laughs to himself. “dork,” you chuckle. “okay but i’m your dork,” he says and playfully blows a kiss.
after your meals, heeseung was on a sugar rush. which meant he was determined to win you a stuffed toy on the games. almost losing a lot of money trying out all the games, you tried to calm your boyfriend. “hee, come on you can buy a brand new stuffed toy somewhere else with how much money you’ve spent.”
of course, this only fueled heeseung’s competitive attitude more. “one more, y/n! one last game. we haven’t tried this one!” he points towards the shooting game. all he needs to do is knock all three pyramids down. with no time to object, he plays the game and thinks to himself that he can’t embarrass himself. he really wants to impress you, and did i already mention his competitiveness?
like a cliche, he gets his redemption arc and wins the game. he turns to you and exclaims in joy, letting you pick whatever you wanted from the booth. you pick a deer stuffed toy and tell your boyfriend, “it looks just like you!”
the sun was already setting, so you both head towards the carousel agreeing it would be the last stop before you head home. heeseung whips out his phone and takes a bunch of photos of you. he already have half of his storage filled with your photos, but it wouldn’t hurt him to take more of them. he loves looking at them for whenever you’re apart, or just when he thinks of you (which happens a lot).
“you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, honestly.” heeseung’s sudden confession makes your heart flutter. the carousel slowed down, and heeseung helps you get off of your horse.
you both head towards a bench, where a view of the beautiful firework show was right in front of you. there were many other people around looking at the same view. but for you, it was only you and heeseung under the beautifully lit skies.
it was a comfortable silence, with both of you stealing glances to each other and laughing once you catch each other’s eyes. heeseung’s eyes were so beautiful, you felt like you could get lost in them.
“I really had fun today,” you say as you were walking home. “i’m glad you did.” still holding your hand, he notices you were struggling a bit carrying the stuffed toy around, “you must be tired?”
“yeah. why did i choose to wear platforms when i knew we were going to an amusement park?” your pace was getting slower, and heeseung quickly noticed.
“i could carry you.” he stops walking and faces you, really serious on his offer.
“we’re almost there. i can handle it.”
“i will carry you. please let me carry you.” at this point, “no” wasn’t even an option. not to those bambi doe eyes of him.
“are you sure? the apartment complex is literally just a street away.”
“exactly. and besides, i’d do anything for you! anything for my valentine.” he was already kneeling in front of you, his back looking stable as ever.
you hop onto his back and could feel his heartbeat against yours.
“thank you for today. i don’t think i’ll ever forget this day,” you say as the two of you continue heading home.
“let’s celebrate more valentine’s together, alright?”
“sure! let’s have more valentine’s, birthdays and anniversaries together.”
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fnaf-sxc · 3 years
What's was your thoughts on Melted Chocolate Bonnie? Would you be adding them to your AU, as like a sibling or something else to Chocolate & Easter Bonnie?
TL;DR: Personally im not a fan of it. Not really digging the direction the latest skins are taking tbh. I doodled something for Melted but it didnt convince me, I dont think I will do anything with them anytime soon
Long rant under the cut
What peak my interest about AR lore is that the animatronics were being built from a rental company to give their services. Not the original models (since they were destroyed) but rentals MADE for this, and the idea of add “skins” to the characters for certain holidays or creating their own events seem real and I loved that!
Of course there will be easter, halloween and chrismas themed skins, of course they would make an arcade, wasteland, summer and circus event with their own skins, it seems like something a company of this kind would do. Either a “this holiday is coming, we using this holiday to try to profit” or a “lets create our OWN holiday event”-- idk how to explain myself on that but like, yes please??????
And you know, they are built for thoses events, the creepy factor didnt came because they were designed to be creepy, but because it seem pausible and real and still dark and that add up to make it creepy. You know, what the original 2 FNaFs went for (the animatronics are normal and even cute, and put under a different light you can get scared over something nice),
So when we begin to get more over the top designs like the Haunted Woods and the Winter one... it was weird but okay?? But then we got a “Dark Valentine’s day” and I didnt like that--- that was crossing the line of “something a company would do to promote their products” to “lets make them creepy and dark”
So see a MELTED choco bonnie being used for Easter (A HOLIDAY THAT ALREADY HAD 2 PERFECT SKINS) and be treated as “oohhhhh there he comes nvn!!” all happy when is visible creepy is just....... no company would allow that
There is only ONE animatronic on the AR lore who can get away with being creepy on purpose and thats Springtrap, because he wasnt MEANT to be designed and the company is on a struggle of this animatronics going around, so they had to roll with it and try to cover it with skins also.
Youre putting Melted Choco Bonnie to the same level as AR Springtrap??????????????????????????????????????
So yeah, not really a fan. I did try to draw them??? but i didnt like their design and didnt find a way to add them to the AU. And im absolutely NOT changing Choco’s desing to be like Melted-- like i’ve seen some people upgrade their Frostbear to Blackice and downgrade their Choco to Melted, but I dont wan’t to do that, not meant for me.
I wont say I wont ever add them, because I said that about Clown Springtrap...... and now im making a detailed comic arc about him klgjklajksd
But as for now, I didnt like the skin, the implications for the lore and I have no ideas or interest to add them to the AU
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ablackfangirlwrites · 4 years
I realize I'm like two days late but here's some valentine's day headcanons/scenarios for my fave my hero academia boys
Keigo | Hawks 🐣
"You forget what day it is today didn't you."
You would accuse your boyfriend who just walked in
"Your birthday?"
He'd only laugh
"I thought you said you didnt want to do anything for valentine's day."
Normally his nonchalant attitude wouldn't bother you
Most of the time you found it charming
But today was different
"Yeah, I didnt but I thought I'd at least get a text from my boyfriend today!"
"I was busy?" Hes say as an excuse
But that didnt fly
"You literally Text me everyday."
"I'm less busy other days?" Hed tried to say which made you angrier
"I have literally seen you on the news in the middle of a crisis texting me!"
Hawks would laugh
"Okay, okay you got me."
He'd walk closer to you
"But in my defense your the one who didnt text-"
You'd raised your eyebrow darling him to finish that sentence
"Er, what I'm saying is your really quick to assume I didnt do anything for you."
You squinted your eyes at him
"You did something for me at 10 at night?"
Keigo eyes would look away to where your bedroom was and look back hinting something was in there
Suddenly feeling suspicious you'd walk away from him to see what he did
Opening your door you'd find your window now opened
And rose petals scattered around everything
And a box and chocolate on you bed
You were 100% sure that wasn't there when Keigo first walked in
You went to confront him
But he was already at your bedroom door with a single rose in hand
"When did you?"
Feeling prideful he was smiling at you
"Well, while you were accusing me I was busy using my feathers to suprising you. Happy valentine's day babe."
You were smiling now
"You realize I'm going to be clean up rose petals for weeks you could have just answered back when I texted you earlier."
"Meh, I kinda like making you mad...that way I can make it up to you." He said kissing you
The relationship you had with dabi wasnt an easy one
You often wondered to your self why you stayed with him
That it would be much easier to be with someone who wasnt a villain
Someone who didnt straight up ignore you and disappear for mouths at a time
"So where have you been?"
You'd ask him one night when he popped up in your apartment after being gone for a while
"None of your business."
He always brushed you off
And would never tell you anything
You honestly wondered why he stayed with you
Was he just using you?
"You know next week is valentine's day I was thinking the two of us-"
"I'll be busy" he said cutting you off
Leaving you to think about if you should really stay with someone who showed so little interest in you
Dabi felt bad
He didnt want to treat you this way
But the less you knew about him the better in the long run of things
And he wasnt lying
The league was doing a lot of big things these days and his free time wasnt as much as it used to be
When valentines day did come up
You wanted to just stay home
But your friends insisted on you going out with them
When you hot back home you expect to find it empty dabi said he was going to be busy after all
But when you got yo your bedroom youd find a single rose on your bed with a torn piece of paper that read
Love you
You'd smile maybe this is why you stayed with him
Toshinori | All Might 💪
It was no secret to that you were in love with Toshinori aka all might
And it was definitely no secret that he felt the same way about you
At least it wasnt a secret to anyone but the two of you
But this holiday you were determined to let him know
Which was why you were in the faculty dorm kitchen making chocolate
Your plan was to make him chocolate and ask him to be your valentine
But it was easier said than done
"What are you in here burning?"
Aizawa asked walking in after the smell of burnt chocolate caught his attention
You would explain to him your master plan
And pitying you he decided to help cause at this rate you were gonna burn the house down
What you didn't plan however was Toshi to pop up at the dorm
He was there to talk to Aizawa
He knew the two of you were close so his plan was to ask him what would be a good gift for you
But when he saw the two of you in the kitchen together he'd get the wrong idea
Which neither realized until the next day
Swallowing your nerves youd approach the retired hero
"I made these for you." Youd beam
Toshi was confused at first he was sure he saw you and Aizawa having a good time and was sure the two of you were dating now
But here you were smiling giving him chocolate and asking if he wanted to eat lunch together
He was happy but he'd be confused "did you not want to eat with Aizawa?"
"No, I was hoping that you would want to eat with me..."
"But you and Aizawa were up last night?"
Youd realized what he was hinting
"Oh no! Aizawa was just helping me make chocolate for you! It's you! You're the one I like Toshinori!"
You didnt realize the word vomit you just spat at him
Until you saw how much he was blushing
All might would be speechless and a little embarrassed he assumed the worst and ended up not getting you anything
But he'd settle with
"Lunch would be great."
Chisaki Kai | Overhaul😷
You didnt know what kai was up to these days
But he kept saying he was busy
At least more than usual
And you noticed he was a lot more irritable lately
So when valentines day came up you decided you were going to surprise him
So you went to his hideout with the whole shabang chocolate, balloons, flowers a card
You knew he'd say hated it but you knew he'd love it too
You also knew he worked with the yakuza but you knew he wasnt bad
At least that was you believed
Going into the hideout wasnt a problem the other members knew you were chisaki's girl
But no one was paying attention when You ran into a little girl
You didn't know who she was but she looked scarred
Youd stop to console the girl
"Awe don't be sad." You kneel down to her level
"Its a happy day, a day about love and other junk" you'd smile at her and give her a flower
She was so cute
So you would even open the box of chocolate and give her a few
She was hesitant but she smiled none the less
You had that effect on people
"What are you doing?"
You'd heard a voice behind you
It was Kai
"Hey!" You smiled at him
And you noticed the girl held on to your leg immediately
She was scared
"I came to say happy valentine's day to the best busy boyfriend ever and I ran into this little cutie." You smiled
He was annoyed that much was obvious but you were hoping he'd look pass that and just enjoy the moment
"Eri why dont you go with Kurono he'll take care of you."
Chisaki told the girl while one of Kurnon walked up behind you
You noticed she seemed to hesitate
"You wouldn't want to start a problem now would you?"
She seemed to understand and let go of you dropping the rose you gave her
"Oh no," you went and picked it up and gave it to her "Dont forgot this you have a good day okay"
"Y/n." Kai would get your attention
You'd just smile, "who's the kid?"
"Why dont you go back home, I'll come see you later." He said avoiding the question
You'd pout but agree
You valentine's day surprise didnt go as planned
But unbeknownst to you you did make someones day a little brighter even for a moment
Shota Aizawa | Eraserhead 🐈
"Happy valentine's day."
Aizawa said to you with roses in hand while standing at your front door
You'd sigh letting him come in
A few nights before the two of you got into a argument
And you weren't sure if he'd say anything to you today but here he was
You didnt even remember what the argument was about but the two of you left both annoyed with each other
But that was days ago
And the two of you had been giving each other the silent treatment
You were ready to call it quits and had even got him some gifts for the day
But he got to you before you could come to him
"Its been a while." You'd say
"I know...and I'm sorry the argument it was silly."
"I know and I'm sorry too, I should have-"
But before you could finish a meow rang through your apartment
Aizawa eyebrow would raise
And you smile
"I got you a kitten."
"You got me a kitten?"
You went to go pick up a small grey kitten
"I know you've been wanting a cat for a while."
Aizawa would try but he couldn't hold his excitment grinning like a child
"You got me a cat."
And seeing him so happy would make you happy
He move to kiss you "Your the best."
You smile back, "I know."
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lovelyparkers · 4 years
bed peace
summary: waking up in bed with peter is heaven warnings: total fluff, SPICY
based on the song bed peace by jhene aiko
peter woke up early at 6 am on valentine's day morning. you two had off from school today and your parents, as well as may, allowed you to stay over at peter's place for the night. as long as you slept on the top bunk. though later that night you crawled down and joined him on the bottom bunk. he was just so cozy and you missed his cute little face and body so much even though you were in the same room.
anyways, peter woke up and you were still cuddled up to him in the most warming way. whenever you slept over, he always seemed to sleep shirtless, which you LOVED. like wow the things this boy does to you. your cold hands were against his warm back and he helped you fall asleep. and he loved when you touched his bare skin. it was the best thing in the whole world.
he saw your sleeping face when he first opened his and it WAS SO CUTE. this baby boy smiled so big and was so freaking happy to be waking up next to you on valentine's day. he loved this day and was so excited to spend it with you for the first time ever. you asked him out late march last year. of course he said yes, he already practically loved you. and this boy loved love.
peter pulled his arm up to play with your hair. he so badly wanted to wake you up and just kiss, kiss, kiss you so much and give you hugs and more kisses and hold you. but you looked so peaceful. he decided to just kiss your cute lil head a bunch of times. and that's when you woke up.
you made a soft hum and pulled peter's body even closer to you.
"hi love bug," you said, barely opening your eyes.
"hi. i- um i am sorry i woke you. you just looked so fucking cute i couldn't help it-"
you started stroking his back to calm him down.
"it's okay. i don't mind."
he smiled at you the cutest way oh my god.
"happy valentine's day lovey," peter finally said.
"happy v day petey," you said then kissed him on his cheek.
he blushed and it was so CUTE he still got all flustered when you kissed him.
"i love you."
"i love you too."
and finally you had your first valentine's kiss. it started off with a few soft pecks before peter reached behind your neck to kiss you more deeply. it was completely silent except for the kisses and it was everything. god kissing peter parker was the cutest and hottest thing ever. and he was such a good kisser. holy SHIT. he was so smooth and confident when he was kissing you. this mans KNEW what he was doing to you. and you loved every bit of it. you hummed again loving this before peter pulled away.
"wait i have to show you something funny," peter whispered.
you groaned, "whaaaat?"
he jumped out of bed leaving your cold body and faced you so you had a perfect view of all of him. all shirtless and grey sweatpants of him.
"i don't get it," you said.
"just wait i'm nervous."
"okay look it's funny," he said dropping his sweatpants. and underneath were the whitest pair of boxers covered in red hearts. you gasped.
"get it," he shied away, "valentine's day."
your jaw was dropped. you loved seeing him like this. he was so muscular and goddamn beautiful and you wanted him so bad.
"yeah i get it now. and it's hot."
peter blushed again. he loved your compliments even if he didn't always believe them. because baby can't believe YOU think HE is HOT?!
he shuffled over to the bed and crawled back over to kiss you so more and whew that escalated a little quickly. peter grabbed his phone to see a very recent text from aunt may: going to the grocery store, dont do anything naughty.
peter turned his head back over to you with a knowing smirk. you raised your eyebrows.
"ya know. may won't be back for a little while," he said.
"huh. wonder what we should d-"
and boom he caught you off with the most energetic kiss ever. he crawled over top of you, laying you down and kissing you like there was no tomorrow. you've never been kissed like this but you loved it and kissed him back just as passionately. then you pushed on his chest so you could sit up and straddle his lap for a more comfortable position. you kissed for literally ever, only pulling away for mere seconds to catch your breath. peter might have made you moan one or two or five times. and boy did peter love this oh my god. whew. he was in for a ride.
and yeah it was a valentine's day to remember.
hi sorry i totally forgot to post this until now but ENJOY this was a little spicier than normal but what do y'all think i enjoyed writing it. happy v day love juli!!!!
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mysticthot · 5 years
RFA With a Crush
happy late valentines day i spent my night writing this and eating chocolate
Yandere boi comin at u
He gets like lowkey obsessive, not anything creepy but like
He’ll hang out in places you hang out so hopefully you’ll talk to him or at least see him and think he’s cool
Tends to day dream in classes you have together cause he just gets so distracted by you
Has definitely been called out on it by his teacher and he almost dies of embarrassment when you and the rest of the class all turn and look at him
Talks about you all the time
To everyone
His mom gets weekly updates
The rfa all know you, they on a first man basis
He’ll see you walking across campus and he just dies and immediately messages the chatroom to tell them how cute you looked in your sweater
He would be too shy to actually talk to you tho
He’d try multiple times, walking up to you, taking a deep breath, then just dying and turning around and walking away before you saw him
Once you turned around and he was walking towards you, you smiled at him and he freaked out and just kept walking and left you there
legend says he’s still walking to this day
One day he was meeting Zen and Seven for lunch and they’re all sitting down and the waitress comes walking over and holy shit it’s you!
You walk up to their table and smile, getting ready to take their order, when you see Yoosung
He dies when you look at him
Immediately just covered in sweat
“Hey, we have class together don’t we? You’re Yoosung right?”
You said his name and his soul leaves his body
Didn’t think you knew his name
He nods and mumbles something out that not even he understands and Zen and Seven are looking at him like he’s insane until they see you’re name tag
“ShuT Up SEvEn!”
You’re laughing awkwardly now, not exactly understanding what is going on cause Yoosung is bright red, his friend called Seven is laughing loud enough to catch the attention of multiple other tables and the one with the red eyes is typing furiously on his phone into some kind of chatroom
“Ok...I’ll give you guys a couple minutes to decide.”
Yoosung has never been so embarssed in his life
He wants to leave, but Seven and Zen are refusing to go and he doesn’t want to leave them alone with you
(he’s lowkey triggered by the fact that Zen agreed that you were hella cute he doesn’t need that kind of competition)
You come by their table frequently and Seven keeps making little comments about Yoosungs crush and you’re blushing cause Zens calling you cute and Yoosungs finna be over that table fighting if he dont stop
By the end of lunch, he’s pretty sure it’s the most embarrassed he’s ever been
But also he finally got to talk to you and you didn’t get (too) weirded out by him
You smile and wave at the boys as they leave the restaurant, and Yoosung almost misses the moment when you wink and blow a kiss at him
He almost passes out
Chatroom better get ready that’s all he gonna be talking about for the rest of his life
He is such a hopeless romantic, I lowkey feel like he would be the type to make eye contact with someone on the street then spend the rest of the week wondering it that person could have been the love of his life
He just really wants to be in love
(boi same)
When he has a crush he’s not shy about it
He’s a confident boi so he’ll go right up to them and start talking and trying to get to know them
Next thing you know he has your number and you’re going out friday night
Then he meets you, and you dont fall so easily for his looks charms 
And he’s pretty sure he fell in love at first sight 
You’re his new neighbor, and he saw you out there moving boxes and immediately thought you were the cutest thing ever
He wanted to go help you, but he had to leave for a rehearsal, so instead, he waved and tried to look good while he walked out to his car
You smiled at him then just continued on your way
He was shook, people are usually more stunned by his looks
Thats ok he’ll just impress you another time
From then on he tries his hardest to meet you
But it seems like every time he’s home you’re not, and every time your home, he has to leave
He never gets the chance to talk to you, but he see’s you around all the time
You know how when you see someone and you dont know them you basically build a whole world around them and then suddenly you’re in love?
Ya he did that
Always going on in the chatrooms that you guys are star crossed lovers
“You haven’t spoken a single word to her.”
“Shut up trust fund kid you don’t understand!”
He goes out of his way to try and impress you in those small moments he does see you
He just wants so badly to know you, so of course when he finally gets the chance, he would screw it up
You were outside walking your dog around the neighborhood when he was getting ready to go for a run
This is his chance!
He’s now running towards you, trying to catch up so he can introduce himself
Its like things are moving in slow motion, picture it:
He’s jogging, hair flowing
You’re walking, back facing him, totally unaware, looking like a model
Your dog it turning towards him teeth bared and barking
“oH SHIT-”
Next thing he knows he’s running the other direction from your dog, with you chasing both of them
You finally get close enough to grab the leash that had been pulled out of your hand, stopping your dog from chewing on Zen’s leg
“I am so sorry, I dont know what got into him, he usually doesn't get aggressive like that unless he thinks I’m in danger...” You apologize, calming your dog
Zen is bent over, panting and now realizing it was a little sketchy of him to be basically chasing you down the street
“That’s ok, how about you make it up to me by telling me your name. I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced yet, I’m Zen.” Boi immediately turns up the charm of course
You’re shocked for a second, but you don’t really expect any thing else from your hot neighbor who seems to always be trying to impress you
Maybe now you’ll stop messing with him and admit he has caught your eye
Girl is so busy with work she doesn't really have time to be crushin on anyone
So of course she would meet her crush at work
You were new in the office, and Jaehee was given the task of showing you around
She starts off thinking you’re just a nice person, you would make a good office friend for her to talk with or possibly eat with (when she has time to eat rip)
Then she starts to think of you more and more
She looks forward to the moments when you would walk past her office to use the copier, and you would smile and wave at her through the window
It would make her heart jump
And she would smile back, a little bit awkwardly, and wave before ducking her head back down
It took her quite a while to realize it was a crush 
Its normal to think of your friend all the time
Its normal to want to talk to her, but also being nervous every time she looks at you
Its normal to blush just at the thought of her, right??
Just gals being pals nothing to see here
Sweet girl is probably the one that would look up those ‘do u have a crush quiz’ then she would get to embarrassed to do it and delete the website from her browser history lol
She lowkey starts coming out of her office more just so you will stop and talk to her
Definitely the highlight of her day
One day shes talking with you while you’re getting a soda from the vending machine, when you mention how you’ve started watching some musicals she recommended 
Girls just
She invites you over to watch some of Zen’s videos before she can even realize what she’s doing
You say sure and that you would see her after work before skipping off to your desk
She’s left there shook
Did she actually just invite you to hang out with her??
At her house???
God she hoped this was a date
She returns to her office to find Jumin waiting for her, he does not look amused
“Assistant Kang, I’ve been waiting.”
“Oh sorry Sir, I was just-”
“Flirting with Ms. MC?”
She shook
Boi just gonna call her out like that??
How does he even know what flirting is this boi supposed to be a robot how he know what a gay is????
(oh ya does jumin han is gay thats how)
“She’s been distracting you long enough, just ask her out and get it over with.”
The last thing she expected coming into work today was getting a date and advice on her love life from none other than Jumin Han
But, at least she has that date
Jumin Han does not get crushes.
Or, at least he hasn’t had one yet
He’s so out of touch with his emotions, he would prolly think he was dying or something if he had a crush
Lmao Jumin would take of one those do you have a crush quizzes but unlike jeahee he has no shame so he would send her the results and have her type up a report rip
He met you in the absolute last place he would have ever expected to meet someone
Knocking on Assistant Kang’s door, Elizabeth in hand, he was shocked to find not Assistant Kang at the other side 
He’s immediately sizing you up, you look like a normal girl in your pajamas, but you don’t look like you could be a relative of Jaehee, so why are you here
He doesn’t have the chance to ask before you’re gushing over his cat
He’s pleasantly surprised at how you call her beautiful and ask for her name and gently pet her head
He was hesitant to let your touch her, but you had asked first and Elizabeth was purring so he allowed it
You were talking about her breed when Jaehee came walking into the living room
Immedietly triggered by the way Jumin is not only smiling at you, but the fact that he’s letting you touch Elizabeth
“Oh, hello Mr Han, I see you’ve met my friend MC.”
Jaehee has friends?
He kinda wants to stay and talk about cats with you, but he had a plane to catch, so he leaves Elizabeth in Jaehee’s care and turns to leave
“Bye Jumin, have a good flight, nice to meet you!” You called after him, waving.
He awkwardly waved back before turning and walking away
This was a strange feeling
He spent his entire trip thinking about you
It was honestly an inconvenience for him, and he did not appreciate the fact that thoughts of you made a weird feeling happen in his stomach
Not having it
When he got back, he had the driver stop by Jaehee’s to pick up Elizabeth
He refused to admit to himself it was because he wanted to see you, but he was a bit disappointed when you weren't there
He didn’t see you for quite a while, and he had almost managed to get you out of his head, when he heard a familiar voice in the office
For a moment he thought he imagined it, until he looked up and saw you standing near his office looking lost
He was out of his chair before he really knew what he was doing, then he stopped and composed himself before walking out to you
You were asking one of his workers for directions to Jaehee’s office when you saw him
You immediately smiled and walked over, happily greeting him
He could see the surprised looks on the employees as he greeted you and offered to walk you to Jaehee’s office
You chatted with him asking about his day and his cat, and he was pleasantly surprised at how he actually enjoyed talking to you
You didn’t talk to him like he was some big CEO, or a trust fund kid, or your boss, you just talk to him and smiled
He liked your smile
The talk was cut short then Jaehee found the two of you, giving a strange look between her boss and best friend
She’d never seen him look at someone like that, other than Elizabeth
“Ok...come on MC, time to go!”
She skirting you the fuck out of there
Jumin is strugglin
If he thought his little crush was bad before, it was excruciating now
But he didn’t seem to mind it as much
He just wanted to talk to you
But he only knew you through Jaehee
So suddenly he became even more present in his assistants life
Randomly stopping by her desk
Calling her for seemingly no reason
She drew the line when he started showing up at her house for vague business related things 
“Mr Han. Why do you keep coming here.” She sighed, it was 10 at night and he had interrupted one of Zens videos
“I need you to sign this.”
“And that cant wait till tomorrow in the office?”
“I suppose it could, I figured you would just want to get some work done.”
“...Mr Han why do you keep coming here?”
He admits he wants to talk to you
Jaehee dies a little inside
Why is this happening
But she cant hide from him the fact that you have been talking about him as well
She agrees to give him your phone number if he will leave her alone
She cant believe she just set up her boss with her best friend
What has life come to?
707/ Saeyoung-
God he’s such a spaz (the ideal boi tbh)
If he had a crush the whole world and his crush would know it
He met you at a coffee shop, him and Saeran were waiting for drinks when you came walking out of the back room, in a little apron with the coffee shops logo on it
He falls out of his chair
“ohmygodsearan look at her! She’s like a star princess and I’m the star prince and were gonna fly off into the stars and-”
“Get off the ground what’s wrong with you? And lower your voice the whole god damn place can hear you!”
He can see you biting back a smile as you call out his and his brothers names
They go get their coffees and, but he’s pulled off by his brother before anything can be said to you
He’s about to complain, before he sees on his cup you had crossed out his name and written star prince in it’s place with a little heart
Literally screams
From then on he goes to your coffee shop all the time
Boi becomes a regular and he’s known for relentlessly flirting with you every time he comes in
He always has a new pick up line and you always have a new name for his cup
He tired to collect the cups but Vanderwood nearly tased him for the mess it made
Speaking of Vanderwood, that boi knows all about you
Him and Saeran never escape his ramblings about you
Unlike the rfa who can just leave the chatroom, his voice is inescapable
He cant help it tho
At first he was just thinking you were cute, but the more he actually talked to you, the more he liked you
You laugh at his jokes and make puns back at him and he just thinks you’re so sweet
You like him too, but he’s never actually asked for your number or anything, so you’re not sure if he’s ever gonna go past just playful flirting
It actually takes the help of Saeran to get you two together
It was one of the rare moments when Saeran wasn’t out with his brother, but he still ended up in your coffee shop, mostly out of habit
You smiled when you saw him, greeting him and getting started on his normal drink 
He watched you work, and you made pleasant conversation with him despite his short answers
Saeyoung had been kinda down lately, he had fallen back into one of his depressive states, so he hadn’t been in for a while, but he simply told you he was sick when you asked
He really did want his brother to be happy, and even though he acted like an idiot, he really did like you
So he decided to help his brother out
“Here,” he handed you a slip of paper, “Saeyoung has been feeling...under the weather, he would love to hear from you. I know he’s a fucking dork, but he really does like you so...be nice.”
He grabbed his drink and immediately left you with the phone number, a small smile on your lips
You would never have been able to guess the volume of the scream that came from Saeyoungs room when he got that text
Vanderwood looked at Saeran
“What have you done...”
V/ Jihyun-
He’s so soft
Thinks you’re so sweet and cute and wants to hold your hand
Blushes so hard whenever you’re around
You work at an art gallery that frequently shows his paintings and he just loves how you’re so passionate about your work
You complement him on his art, and he’s out for the rest of the day, boi cant handle it
Jumin’s the only one who knows about his crush 
He had gone with V to unveil some of his art, and immediately noticed how his friend was acting off
He was kinda spacey
Looking around, fidgeting with his hair and clothes
Then you walked in, and Jumin watched as his friend was instantly drawn to you
He was almost inching his way towards you, trying to make it look causal
But he just looked very nervous
Then you noticed him and came over to say hi and introduce yourself to Jumin
V is smiling at you looking all love sick
And Jumin just has this shit eating grin on his face cause he knows what’s goin on
He excuses himself to let you and V be alone but it doesn’t last long cause boi quickly gets shy being alone with you and goes back to join Jumin
You just make him nervous
He’s not used to feeling this way, its been a while and he just doesn’t know how to act
“That was quite a display.” Jumin smirked
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh please, everyone in that art museum can see how much you like that girl.”
That just makes him more nervous around you
Can you tell??
Do you know how much he likes you???
He starts associating you with painting, and he ends up painting you
Quite a few times actually
Then he feels like a creep
So he paints over them
Then the whole thing just starts again
It would take him so long to confess to you if you didn’t make the first move
Cause my boi is just so insecure
Some one just give him a hug pls he needs it
You know how when little boys get a crush they pick on them and tease them?
Well this boi is always pulling on your pigtails
Because of his brother, he hangs around the rfa a lot, so he sees you a lot
And he does not appreciate how you make him nervous
Or how you can talk to him so easily while he gets chocked up and can barely say hi
And he really doesn’t like how you make him blush
So he’s so grumpy around you
But you’re still nice to him and it just makes him more grumpy cause he ends up feeling bad for being so grumpy
Seven notices right away
“Awww does my little brother have a little crush on MC? That’s so cute!”
“Shut the fuck up.”
He slowly gets over the whole angry crush thing when he realizes he cant keep being mean to you
His therapist keeps telling him to let people in, and that if he likes you he should show his feelings rather than push them away
So he makes an effort to be nicer to you
He hangs around you when the rfa gets together
And he participates in the conversations that you always try to have with him
And you guys become actual friends
And you hang out with him and his brother outside of the rfa get togethers
And he’s regretting his life choices because now it’s so much harder for him to ignore his little crush on you
And Seven is always teasing him
He’s triggered
He’ll basically just go through periods of pushing you away then letting you back in then pushing you away again
But you know how hard things are for him, and you continue to be so nice
And he just wants to be with you all the time 
Life is hard
He tried to show his feelings for you, but it always come out wrong
Boi tried to make you dinner, sets a fire in the bunker
Tried to buy you a present, got angry while trying to wrap it and broke it
Tries to ask you out on a date but gets embarrassed and accidentally ends up kicking you out of his house
It be like that sometimes
And Seven is just so over watching his brother be an idiot, even if it does make for good teasin material
So he takes things into his own hands
He invited you over to watch a movie with him and his brother, picked out a film with a pretty long sex scene, then mysteriously disappears
Saeran is mortified
His face is as red as his brothers hair and your sitting next to him with the same wide eyed panicked look while some actress moans excessively on the screen
He doesn’t know what to do so he just gets up and leaves
So you there just watching porn in their living room alone
Of course thats when Vanderwood makes his appearance
Saeran didn’t see you for a while after that incident
Until Seven dragged him to an rfa lunch and you were there and you looked so cute and you still smiled and talked to him even after what had happened
So finally, he just gathers up the courage and blurts out
“Do you want to go get ice cream with me!”
It was more of a loud statement than a question and his face is so red and his hands are shaking
But you’re smiling at him and holding his hand and you’re so soft and warm
“I’d love to Saeran.”
EDIT- i did Vanderwoods too so here it is!!
God im so in love with these boi’s
thanks for reading!!
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itsthestutterforme · 4 years
Teaching (Alec Lightwood)
Since I came into town, I've been having awkward interactions with Alec. The first time we met, he basically saw me dancing around Magnus' house in my bra and underwear. Mind you, I'm Magnus' sister but I'm comfortable with my body. Alec thought something else and nearly popped a vein in his head.
A few days later, Alec slept over again without me knowing. I was baking some cupcakes with my headphones in. My favorite song came on and I started twerking, right in front of Alec. Since then, I've just been staying in my room and microwaving things fully clothed and normal.
"Hey, is Magnus here?" Alec asks as I pull my ramen out of the microwave. "Uh, no, he went out." Alex sighs and I add, "Trouble in paradise?" "When is it not? I always seem to mess things up." "A relationship with no fights and disagreements is impossible. It's how you handle them that matters."
"I'm.. I'm not good at displaying your emotions." "I would say me too, but I think that's more of a Shadowhunter thing. We all have something we need to improve on. "Oh really? Okay, what do you need to improve on?" "I.. can't trust people all that well. I can't 100% trust anyone besides Mag and because of that, I have no friends and can't keep a long term relationship."
"Wow, I thought you were going to say something along the lines of I'm not that attractive. That was a lot deeper than I anticipated." "It's the truth. Over the centuries, people in general have disappointed me more times than I can count. So I just stopped letting them in."
"But moving onto your boyfriend problems. What did you do with your other boyfriends," "I don't have other boyfriends," "You-- are you-- that makes so much more sense." "What's that suppose to mean?" "That explains why you're so tense and rigid. It's like you don't know how to relax."
"I know how to relax," "Prove it then," I watch as Alec tries to sit down and say, "That's your way of relaxing?" "You know what? I don't have time for this." "Yes, you do. If you want to know how to do better, I can teach you but you need to have a lot more patience than that."
"How am I suppose to learn from you?" "First, I never said I was a horrible girlfriend, I just said that I have trust issues. Second, I'm Magnus' sister. I know him better than anyone." "Fine, what do I have to do."
It's been a few weeks that I've been helping Alec and things have been good. He's been progressing, but so was something else. Of course, I've been supressing this but I can't control them in my dreams. "Kiss me," Alec says. "No," I stand from the couch and walk away from the living room. I feel a hand on my wrist pulling me back.
I turn around and hold my cheek as he kisses me. He walks me back to the couch and lays me on my back as he lifts my shirt. He softly kisses up my stomach and started to squirm under his touch. "Y/N?" A hear a voice call. I feel a warm hand on my shoulder and I jolt awake to see Alec standing over me.
"You okay? You made a grumbling noise and started sweating. Bad dream?" He asks. "Yeah, bad dream." "What about cuddling?" He suggests. "I'm sorry?" "I've been doing some reading and cuddling seems like a nice way to display affection." "You're right about that one." "So scoot over, I want to see what is the right way."
I reluctantly scoot over and Alec climbs into bed with me. He wraps an arm around my waist but it was tense and hard as a rock. "No, it's more like this. Turn around, I'll be big spoon." "Big what?" "I'll explain that later, just turn around."
He complied and I slide my leg in between his. I put my arm underneath his and link his hand with mine. "So you do this, wrap the arms and legs together. That's the basic way to cuddle: spooning."
"And what are the other ways?" "The other ways are more intimate. You'll learn them eventually." "Come on. Show me." "No, Alec. They're too personal." "What do you mean personal? We're close friends now, right?" "Yes, we are. But..."
Alec holds the sides of my face like he did in my dream. "Please, Y/N." I didn't realize how close our faces were until now. "I'm sorry, I cant-- I can't do this anymore." I pull away from him and rush out of the room.
I've been avoiding Alec as much as I can so I can try to suppress the feelings I have for him. "It's you isnt it?" "What do you mean?" "You're the one that has been helping Alec with us?" " You caught me," "Thank you, I really appreciate it."
Magnus hugs me and I hug him back. "No problem," "You know what, we should all have dinner together." "Hm?" "Yeah, me, you and Alec." "Uh, why?" "Well, we haven't had dinner together in a while."
"Alright, when do you want to do it? What are you in the mood for?" "Tonight, and I was thinking Chinese." "Can't go wrong with Chinese,"
Flash forward to later that day, Alec decided to sit right in front of me. I desperately tried to avoid eye contact and he desperately tried to get my attention. "Alright guys, I'll get the Chinese. I'll be back. Don't burn the house down." He leaves the loft and I say, "I need to go to the bathroom."
"Y/N, please stop this. Talk to me, tell me what I did wrong?" "That's the problem. You did nothing wrong, you're just being yourself." "Then, why do you keep avoiding me?" "I'm doing it for me, to protect and punish myself at the same time." "Y/N, you're not making any sense."
"I have feelings for you when I 100% know that I shouldn't. So I'm avoiding you until they're gone " "Damn it," "I know, I'm sorry." "No, it's not that. I.. I fell for you too but I knew you didn't have the same feelings so I.." "No, uh-huh. This can't happen, Alec. Magnus has been through way too much to have something like this happen."
"But we can't help--" "Yes, we can. We can suppress it and it'll eventually go away." "Or it will only become stronger." Alec says. "Just drop it. Magnus will be back soon." "Kiss me," "No, and don't you dare break his heart, you hear me?" "Too late," We both look over to Magnus and I immediately run over to him.
"How much of that did you hear?" "Him telling you to kiss him." Magnus looked to Alec and I could tell that he was debating on sending him through a wall. "You should go, Alec." "Alright, but we still need to talk."
"No we don't," "Please just.. help me understand this because I have no idea why or how I feel this way. I--" "I'll think about it but don't count on it." Alec reluctantly left and Magnus collapsed into my arms. "Why.. why does this keep happening to me." He croaks. "Im such a bad sister. All I wanted to do was help and I fucked things up, like always."
"Me and Alec weren't meant to be. But maybe you guys are." "What? Hell no, I am not going to do anything with him. Did you forget the sibling code? The other sibling never sleeps with or dates their siblings significant other."
"But it's clearly a two way relationship, you like him and he likes you." "No, Magnus. It's not going to happen, drop it." "Come on, let's eat this Chinese." I add.
Turns out, the Shadowhunters needed some help from warlocks in order to track and defeat Valentine. Which I find ironic, because Shadowhunters always tried so hard to put us Downworlders down. And in the end game, they need our help. Everything in me is saying to be petty, but that wouldn't have helped anybody so I kept it to myself.
Magnus and I walked into the Institute and Alec's mother was holding a meeting. Alec and I immediately lock eyes and quickly find a seat in the back. Magnus followed me and when the meeting was over, Alec went to find Y/N. "We need to talk." "If it's not about stopping Valentine, then I dont want to hear it."
"Come on, Y/N. Give him a chance." "What? Why are you supporting this?" "Because you deserve to be happy." "He does not make my happy." "Then how would explain your dreams about him?" "Wanting something that I couldn't have. The dreams stopped, by the way." "Your feelings for him didn't." "Wh--" "Go," Magnus pushes me into Alec's chest.
Alec catches me and we look into each other's eyes for a moment. "You have five minutes." He follows me into a random hallway. "You still have dreams about me?" "No, I don't." "Quit lying to yourself." "What isn't clicking, Alec? This cannot happen. You are my brother's ex-boy--" Alec slams his lips on mine and holds my arms above my head.
He continued to kiss me and I wasn't fighting it at all. He lets go of my hands and they find themselves into his hair. He holds my hips and hums against my lips. He finally pulls away from my lips and we are both breathless. "Wow,"
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So Here are the Spoilers -Volume III
AKA I have not been this mad at Cheritz for ages. Let’s deep dive.
Warning: this post contains spoilers and mentions of abuse and p*dophilia. 
Also Rika.
So much Rika...
I am mad, yo
Not even mad, I am furious.
As I usually do when I give my thoughts like this, here is what I wanted from V after end and Rika DLC
V moving on with his life and having a happy ending with MC
The RFA healing and also moving on
A focus on MC and V!! And their love???? You know?? The point of him having a route in the first place.
An exploration of Rika’s past and Mint Eye, to fill in all the blanks we have so far 
Rika facing justice and seeking redemption.
I’ll be honest.
If you want fluffy V and MC content, go ahead and play the existing ends. The after end is not really about V at all. It’s along the same lines as Secret Ends 02, where your LI isn’t really present and instead dealing with their own emotional turmoil and issues. 
And, you know. To an extent I would have been okay with this in V content. V is the leader of the RFA and it would be weird if the fall out from Rika wasn’t even addressed. My beef about this is that we don’t get a secret end 01 where MC and V are together, repairing problems together. We don’t see V at all for 98% of the story. We get more Rika content than V...which is a whole other issue I’ll get to in a bit. Hell...I’m pretty sure we get more VANDERWOOD than V. (Don’t get me wrong...I like Vanderwood, but wtf??) 
It’s honestly the same complaint I have for both Jumin’s after end and Valentine’s DLC, where he’s not even present for most of it and it feels like a waste of time and hourglasses. (And at 80 hourglasses per chapter, plus another 100 to unlock both endings, it doesn’t come cheap.)
V and MC’s ‘happy ending’ is an afterthought. V’s entire presence in the after end is an ‘oh by the way, remember V? The character whose after end you’re in I guess???’
It was good to see the RFA healing and moving on. I was so heartbroken by Jumin’s inability to cope with what was going on, even as he took extra care to make sure the rest of the RFA were fine. I loved Yoosung’s anger and conflict over this person he’d admired and respected for so long. I loved Seven’s complete breakdown over the potential loss of his brother.
I loved that they got reunited!
What I didn’t like?
The forcedness. 
The after end gives you two choices: Judge or Forgive. I hoped that they would be complimentary to one another, like in Seven’s Valentine DLC, where both were good ends, just different in tone.
Well, boy was I wrong!
From the beginning of the After End, you are pushed towards Forgiveness, with the MC being portrayed as completely unreasonable and borderline hysterical if they show even an ounce of resentment and anger towards Rika. If you go on to unlock the Judgement ending, Cheritz not only spits in your face but every single one of her victims.
There is a short VN sequence called Rika Circus, where you are mocked for essentially enjoying torture porn and wanting Rika to come to a cruel end and suffer a horrible fate. It’s the judgement ending, but you the player are judged instead. 
Just getting these screens made me feel physically sick:
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I don’t know where to begin with this bs. Maybe with the preface that I am an abuse survivor and pushing the idea that victims have to forgive their abusers in any way shape or form and aren’t allowed to hold even a small amount of anger towards them is completely shameful? This ending literally borders on the same gaslighting logic that if a victim stands up to their abuser they are the shitty one and hyper aggressive. I wish I could explain how bad this ending was for my PTSD. 
Actually no. I will explain.
The most important lesson I got from my therapist was how okay it was to be angry, because it was an acknowledgement that I was a victim and my abuser was in the wrong. That I didn’t have to forgive her if I didn’t want to. That it was important for me to feel valid in my emotions.
Maybe what bothered me was the cognitive dissonance (and gaslighting) that an MC wanting Rika to face justice must 100% want her to die or live out the rest of her days being mistreated and even sexually assaulted? Like??? How about no?? Are there no jails in Mysme’s universe? No community service? We know from the Judgement end that she got a life sentence, so it’s not like the MC sentenced her to death.
Maybe it’s because the player is given very valid choices e.g. being suspicious of the cult leader who stabbed their boyfriend and tortured numerous people, but are framed along the same lines as the MC being like KILL HER *knife emoji*. 
Maybe it’s because this ending is the first time the player gets close to knowing Rika’s past and then is made to feel guilty about not knowing it? 
I just
/deep breaths
my hands haven’t stopped shaking for hours haHA fuck my life
I can’t help but feel like this after end undid absolutely all of the highlights of V’s route. V only mentions his love being an obsession in the judgement endings.
Actually, all of the RFA’s reactions in the judgement ending are the same as their reactions to finding out the truth about Rika in V’s route. Jumin wants her to have a life sentence despite his conflict about it. Yoosung is upset and mad. Zen wants nothing to do with her.
And this is the ‘bad’ ending.
The forgiveness ending is pretty Rika centric and incorporates V’s good end. The RFA is back to normal, V comes back fine. It’s strongly implied that he and Rika both spent time in Alaska together before coming to propose to MC. Rika, as far as we know, never faced punishment for her crimes, which is framed as a good thing.
Perhaps the most abhorrent part of the forgiveness ending is that it’s the only one where Rika comes forward and confesses the truth about the twins...which...  I’m not sure why C&R’s fate, the Chois being safe etc et al comes down to MC’s feelings about Rika. It’s a disservice to Rika more than anything, because it seems like she only comes clean because MC was nice to her and not because...you know.. it was the right thing to do.
And this brings me onto the treatment of Rika in the route and DLC and holy shit, it’s a ride.
No, Rika is not redeemed. 
Yes, she is woobified to hell and back and then twice more.
We learn that Rika was adopted by Yoosung’s relatives, who were cruel and devoted to the Catholic church. Later she was verbally abused and assaulted by a priest. She later decided to take power in the fact that people would be afraid of her and thought she was Satan etc.
I’ll be blunt.
Rika’s DLC is just an expensive retcon. It’s seven chapters at 60HG each just to be told that Rika had a sad past and all of her terrible actions came from being treated badly. She does not even get to be held accountable for Mint Eye, because Cheritz gave her a sister who actually was the one to tell her not to trust V or the RFA and poisoned her mind.
Rika does not, nor ever, get a proper redemption because even in her own DLC it’s never admitted that she was in the wrong...which is some bullshit logic because...well..it’s really jarring to have it constantly reinforced that Rika did nothing wrong and should not be judged because of her sad past at the hands of her foster mother with cult-like beliefs... because if we take from it the fact that Rika became essentially the same, by extension shouldn’t we then forgive her abusers because we don’t know their story either? Should we shrug off any notion that the priest should be imprisoned because judging people is bad and we just want him to be tortured and forgiveness is the way to go?
I’m just
I don’t know what I expected but
they still managed to disappoint me
To summarise, the after end is bullshit, V isn’t even there for most of it, Rika gets no redemption arc and is treated like an uwu flower crown victim and it’s all very manipulative and rushed lmao. It’s a waste of hourglasses and time and literally undoes everything good that came before it
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quonit37 · 4 years
Back in January 2019 that thing finally posted and uhhh crap! now i dont know what to edit for every single thousand post milestone! So here is a new post. This time I’m just going to set it for January 2020 because 2020 is a damn weird year name (it’s close i hate it WHY) and also because i wanna do that monthly art thing where i post whatever art i drew that month. See i used to get 1000 more posts every... lot of months but it kinda just became monthly. WHOOP DEE DOO.
This is literally the first day of the year so i have nothing to post (oh nooo) but once I get 13,000 then I can edit with this info for January. anyways hi 2020 from the past, I’ll never know you because by the time im in 2020 I’m not me from now so hell with it.
This is the template I’ll be using for all of the posts:
[Blank] Post Update
Date: whatever date it is
Followers: how many followers i have at the moment
Profile picture: picture of the new profile picture and a description with it, unless it is the same as the last entree.
Special Interest: whatever my special interest is.
Art: picture of the art of the month. This can be edited later if needed, just remember to include the date.
~Extra Stuff~
Whatever else you wanna say. also new rule you have to tag with post with every and any fandom/thing it has to do with along with characters. just for fun.
13,000 Post Update
Date: 1/23/2019
Followers: 173
Profile picture: You know what im changing it right now
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Special Interest: Ladyverse and Underverse. Second one because im rewatching it with error.
Art: ALRIGHT SO HERE’S THE THING. Earlier this month my pen broke. Alright sure. I get a new pen AND THEN MY TABLET BROKE. While waiting to get enough money for a new one I drew a bunch traditionally but never finished anything (like for example with the copic drawings, I just didnt have the recources). I did get two drawings done recently though and I did add more to the Zombie David comic. So for now I’ll link the two drawings I did but If i do anything better later on I want to go back and edit this post.
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Rainbow Quartz
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Edit 2/3/2019: Okay so uhhh ya those two count for that month haha.
~Extra Stuff~
ahhh I’ve gotten a lot of drawings done and I’m sick and my eye i can see through is really red and I’m tired. I’m working on the brush quest and the panel I did for the David comic today deleted itself. I’m allowing my future self to edit this later.
14,000 Post Update
Date: I’m late but it’s 3/12/2019
Profile picture: same as last time.
Special Interest: Damn a lot was missed. Uhhh Sanses and Gaynote
Art: For February:
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One of these three. The first one I was just working in my normal art style to draw something Contestshippy for Valentines. I feel like that is what I would normally put here and be like “put 100% best” but I wanted in 2019 to experiment with more coloring and tools so I’m very happy with the second one too even though I didn’t spend as much time on it and it was a collab. The third one is with copics and I like how I experimented more with gel pens and with actual markers.
For March:
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I drew this for Error’s 21st birthday and I could not BELEIVE the difference between this drawing and the first Gaynote drawing. It’s uncanny.
~Extra Stuff~
I made my blog @the-kk-crow a sans blog and opened it to the public. I’m trying to get over my anxiety over showing this blog to other people. After Gaynote was deemed “the less dumb AU” I was pretty sure that that meant the sanses won’t be the dumbest either. I’m trying!
15,000 Post Update
Date: 4/10/2019
Followers: 193
Profile picture: 
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Special Interest: Sans AUs still ;-;
Art: After I made the march picture I actually made a buuuuunch more art. I’ll still consider that one the march picture. It’s still early in April but here is my picture at the moment:
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I wanted to tell unu about the ship name pastel pallet I have for them but I didn't want to just tell her by just private messaging so I drew a picture... and it looks GREAT.
I had a hard time coloring it because I was originally using five colors and purple wasn’t working as a good replacement for black but I was trying anyway. I started coloring Pale and reaaaally wanted to use different colors at that point and realized brown is a much better replacement black then purple is. I still kept some purple on Template though because it looked nicer that way. Also found out Pale’s source color scheme is... very light and all of his colors were available to be used.
I made like 100 more adjustments with the help of a bunch of random non-artists just throwing ideas of stuff to change and see how it looked. Then I put a pink filter on it and was doneeee.
But yeas very pretty.
~Extra Stuff~
Still trying other coloring stuff and trying to finish my projects. Got somebody to help on the David comic so I’m working on the Deltapocalypes one. I also put the ghost stuff on hold because I’m busy and don’t want to feel bad about it. Also, I'm gonna make a visual novel of AU bullshit lol.
(hey where the fuck did the line thing go)
6000 Post Update
Date: 5/30/2019 but I should’ve updated this sooner
Followers: 201
Profile picture: Same as last time
Special Interest: snas/ladyverse (im still on about the fucking sanses? STILL?)
Art: I draw so much now I don’t have a clue what to put here. I got a bunch of copics for my birthday, so I finished some drawings and did one (this one), and as for digital art, I’m really not sure.
Maybe this thing? Not because it’s really special or anything I just had a lot of fun talking about it to people because it’s sans, its swap sanses, but they are from different swap universes, and one of them has been swapped a second time, and it's really dumb.
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~Extra Stuff~
I updated this post late. Oh well. The birthday was good, tree gave me music and Error gave me fanfic.
7000 Post Update
Date: 6/29/2019
Followers: 203
Profile picture: 
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Special Interest: STILL AU SANSES JFC
Art: Probably both DX comics. (1) (2)
~Extra Stuff~
I finished the fic for Error, I have Unu 5$, I have Zar 1$, I’m working on a Dreamtale sans ghost, and I got bardic’s birthday gift done. Didn’t make picture of the month but still good.
18,000 Post Update
Date: 9/1/2019. I reached it long before but the edit I made deleted itself and I didn’t want to go and remake what I had written.
Followers: 204
Profile picture: I made a swap Gaynote AU and found out that black and white is a viable way to draw
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Special Interest: I finally got over the fucking sanses and instead turned to a much more socially acceptable interest The Legend of Zelda. I do not like my interests being widely known and accepted I’d rather go back and hide in my little garbage hole of obscurity. 
Art: What the hell did I even draw in August let me see- wait wait this one wins hands down
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https://quonitsartblog.tumblr.com/post/186776248094/so-she-ras-been-getting-pretty-good Season 3 was really good btw. I also started bwb but it doesn’t look as nice.
Also, I finished my commission sheet because Dad stole our house and I have no money hahahaha anyways yes commissions
~Extra Stuff~
agggg I don’t even know I bought a 30$ book for 18$ and started Twilight princess because I basically finished botw.
19,000 Post Update
Date: 10/5/2019
Followers: 203, cause I blocked porn bots
Profile picture: Same as last time
Special Interest: tloz? probably?
Art: ooo I finally finished this thing that counts
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https://quonitsartblog.tumblr.com/post/188142166079/so-this-is-what-ive-been-spending-the-last-month I spent over a month on it. It’s very good
~Extra Stuff~
I decided to start a project for the ladies’ 10th anniversary. I dunno how much I will finish of it though
20,000 Post Update
Date: 12/12/2019
Followers: 209
Profile picture: Same as last time
Special Interest: Uh
sanses. Have been for the entire last month too I just wouldn’t admit it.
Art: November:
Did I draw anything last month? Obviously, but no finished art. School + Nanowrimo got in the way. There are some doodles I really like though so I’m gonna dig a few up.
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I redid this meme after 10 months
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Yes the daycare stuff does count as doodles because I’m not putting much effort into it
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It’s not over yet so IDK but
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Maybe I was lying about not putting effort into it
~Extra Stuff~
I forgot to add this part sry
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beyainica-blog · 5 years
Guess who’s in the 230’s?
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A bit bittersweet considering I could have been this weight monday. But I will take it and stop beating myself up.
I am literally 9lbs away from the 220’s. 13 days left until valentines day.
My goal is to get to 220 on valentines. I mean I want to be lower but I will take that. I’m 18lbs away with 13 days left. I need to lose 1.4lbs a day for 13 days to get there. I think I can do it.
Lets start with the bad.
Even though I only workout 7-14 mins every day I have been STRUGGLING to get through my workouts. Like it takes me an hour at the gym to complete 14 min workouts. I have no idea what it could be. It honestly could be a whole host of things. I had pneumonia last week, even if the virus is gone. I read that you will feel fatigue for weeks after. Also, I’m on a liquid diet, I’m going to be tired anyway. And on phentermine. My heart is literally racing which it didn’t before, just after pneumonia. Like during my workout I can feel my heart beat out my chest. I guess the caffiene doesn’t have a buffer because I don’t eat
I am extremely weak. At work I try my very best to hold it together. But I feel faint. Luckily it hasn’t been so busy so I don’t have too much to do but still. I’m lucky I have my powerade, it gives me a LITTLE energy and there is enough sugar to keep me standing. I honestly think I’m burning too many calories for not eating anything. Like I don’t count the calories I burn at work standing, I only count when I work out. But yes I do burn calories standing everyone does. Idk if I should shorten my workouts on days that I work. It would be pretty dumb of me to drive to the gym for a 4-5 min workout. It’s already stupid of me to drive there for a 7 min workout. But I will do it. Maybe not workout days I’m working. Idk. I’m losing weight rapidly. I don’t want to give up working out because I want to be toned by the end of it. All of this stress I’m putting myself in is taking a toll on my heart so I need to take it easy.
Take little steps to make it better.
1. Take phentermine AFTER my workouts. See if my heart beats less
If that works thats how I’ll do it. I only took phentermine before because it helped my energy. Thats when I was restricting with food not liquid.
To help with energy. HONESTLY. I don’t drink enough. I think I’m cute and dainty when I don’t finish my powerades because I never do. Like not on purpose I just dont feel like it. Powerade is the only source for electrolytes for me. So I HAVE to drink it. Electrolyte imbalance can also affect heart rate. Honestly I don’t drink powerade or enough electrolyte water which I special order and have been since my water fast. My regime should be to drink a litre of electrolyte water and a whole powerade. Thats enough electrolytes I feel. Tommorow, I’m bringing my 50fl ounces Assentia water that I got for .79 cents which is normally $3. I am drinking that entire thing. You know what I can start doing drinking my water in the car. On my way to work start on it. Don’t start at work. Its less stress to finish. Start finishing my water before I even touch my powerade.
I have to bear with the weakness. I’m fine somewhat its not unbearable yet. I feel the most exhausted after work. I feel like because I’m in a public setting my body just knows to keep it together. I hope I don’t faint until I’m in the 180’s at least. I won’t be THAT heavy but still a complete fat ass.
I plan to keep this liquid diet going. If I become overwhelmed the first thing I will stop is exercise. Even though the workouts are short af. Thats the first thing to go. On days I don’t work. If the problem continues I may have to alternate. One day liquid. One day 500 calories + exercise. I want to be skinny but I want to be alive with minimal damage. Eating isnt binging. Binging is ordering 16 tenders and an X large pizza from Papa Johns with chocolate and a litre of coke. I didn’t plan to eat at all during feburary, but you bet your ass I will if I ABSOLUTELY have too. Honestly I feel like it would make the weight loss faster. Eating 500 is higher than what my body is accustomed to now, so my metabolism will get faster. Like I said, only when I feel like I HAVE to I will eat. The worst thing is having to exercise everything off. Thats what I hated the most about restricting. I love on this liquid diet I only have to workout 7-14 mins a day. Imagine. 14 mins of exercise to burn off a powerade. 5 chicken tenders at 108 calories each would take 32 mins. Thats insane. But at least I’ll have the energy for it.
I am addicted to this FAST weightloss though. I woke up at 240lbs honestly. After work I was 238lbs exactly. We love flunctuations.
I have always been a sweater. Like this is genetics. Even when I was younger and skinnier I sweat. But as I’ve gotten bigger I notice that I sweat ALOT more. Its so fucking emberrassing. I’m so scared at work. Literally was getting slight vagina sweat. I can’t even think about it. Everyone will think my vagina is diseased. Its just sweat. I wear a waist trainer. 1. To hide my belly. 2. So it can catch my back sweat. It only goes to my back so I have to wear a tank top under neath. I don’t have a good one because I refuse to spend money on it. Maybe I should start wearing my sports bras and tank until I lose a bit of weight. I started wearing a long sleeve to hide my bat arms but I get so over heated its not even funny. Like I start to sweat everywhere. Yeah having three articles of clothes will make anyone sweat. Of course the heater is on in the resturant I work at because its winter. Mix that with running around to tend to guests you have a sweaty bitch. Being fat doesnt help at all. Neither does being gentically proned to sweat. It makes it 10x worse. So I had to take off my longsleeve at work today because I just clocked in and vacuumed and could already feel the sweat accumulate. AND I JUST GOT THERE. I said nah.
But I guess good news my work shirt is a lot bigger on me, hides my bat arms better than before. The only thing I hate is you can still see my stretch marks on my arms. But they have cleared a bit, it use to be deep ridges in my arm but I lost almost 70lbs. When I get to 200lbs I don’t think they will be there anymore. I’m certain by 180lbs they won’t I bet my life.
My work uniform is black so that makes it worse though I’m thank ful. Today I had to shave my vagina and armpits to stop the sweat some what. Only to wear polyester under wear because again. I don’t wear underwear and I refuse to buy them unless they’re a medium or small. Right now large gives me wedgies so maybe I can fit into a M/L idk but I gotta get more under wear don’t have a choice because I can’t work without underwear. You know Idk if its because I had pneumonia, or if its the phentermine, or if its the liquid diet. But weeks before I didnt sweat this much. I went to work frequently without underwear. I wore my long sleeve shirt no problem. Now its a problem. Sweat can also be caused by fighting an infection. Maybe I’m still fighting the pneumonia. The thing about pneumonia is even after the virus is eliminated by antibiotics its still going to kick your ass for a few weeks. Fatigue and cough
Another thing is I move so fast at work by the time I get back to my post I’m sweating its good but, bad at the same time
Weight is still an issue and why I sweat so much so this is just an incentive to lose more weight.
I see my doctor on the 22nd or 23rd a week after valentines. I hope to be 209 or lower. By then and if I can keep on this diet I think I can. Last time I was there I was 254 (260 on their scale) so 209 will be a PLEASANT suprise and they will be very happy. Thats a 51lb weight loss and thats ALOT of weight. They will literally worship my feet and give me more phentermine they’ll give me anything I want. Though I gotta do blood work so thats like $168 but its okay it has to be done I understand. I made alot this pay period and the only thing I have to pay is, registration, tax, inspection, gym $10, mom and buy more water and powerade. I should have like $200 left. If not I deffo get paid again the 15th of this month. The 2nd of March. (The day after my cheat day) so my cheat day is on a thursday. Good. Maybe I’ll push it to saturday. Or the day I’m off. Definetly want to be out of the 200’s by the end of feburary thats my top goal.
Valentines day
I hope I’m not hyping it for nothing. I hope I get something from someone.
If I lose 2lbs for the next 13 days I’ll be 212lbs on valentines. (Could have been 207)
If I lose 1.5lbs for the next 13 days. I’ll be 218lbs (could have been 213)
If I lose 1lb a day for the next 13 days I’ll be 225lbs (could have been 220 exactly)
I hope I lose at least 1.5lbs a day consistently. So far I been losing 2-3lbs everyday. 3lbs mostly I would love to lose 3lbs a day for 13 days that would be EXCELLENT. That would put me at 199lbs exactly (could have been 194) imagine if that actually happened. I would DIE. I’m 39lbs away from getting out of the 200’s I’m excited. I just hope I’m losing weight for a reason. Honestly lose 1kg a day is reasonable I eat less than 300 calories a day, and I bet you my starting weight was more than this girl whoever she is. If I get to 199lb by valentines. Bitch. I will be 180lb by the end of feburary. Plateau nor metabolism will stop me.
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Lately I noticed that every time I go to work I work with my one manager that likes me. I can tell he likes me because the other manager which is his friend is always around. They giggle and stare at me. He makes the schedule so that I only work with him. Its kind of cute. I like how I make him shy. But sometimes I get flustered. He catches me off guard. He walks REALLY slow towards me its kind of nerve racking. I purposely dont look at him because its emberrassing. He keeps coming up to me but saying ABSOLUTELY nothing. Adorable.
I really wanted to wear size 9 jeans, on valentines. But it wasnt because of my binge. I dont think I was going to fit in them anyway until I get to 180’s but its okay.
My size 16 wide are so fucking loose. The day they fall off my body is the day I stop wearing them period. Until then we gon wear it sis.
Despite the weightloss I don’t think my bell has been affected at all granted. I’ve only lost like 15lbs I just dont see it in my stomach which is my first problem area. I hope by valentines day at, atleast 212lbs it will reduce. Seriously I’m tired of looking at it. When I was in college at 22, I was 213 and my stomach was FLAT. I remember because I weighed myself. So these next 26lbs better be fucking good to me or I’m FIGHTING. A pound of fat in terms of physical is huge. On the scale its nothing. I’m tired of having a pouch in my jeans. I’m tired of looking at it hang. It needs to go. Arms next. At 180lb I better not see a fucking bat wing in sight.
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dearmyblank · 5 years
dear justin,
   i have quite a lot to say honestly. im also pretty sure you will never read this, which is fine by me. i wish i could pour out all my feelings to you like i used to, but all that is gone. I threw the relationship away, and i regret it more than anything. You truly loved me and i reciprocated those feelings back. but at some point we just, stopped talking. I was busy with graduation and you were busy with school as well. part of me was afraid to text you for some reason. i guess i thought i was annoying you somehow. It started on valentine’s day. so many useless things i remember. To be honest, i was a complete wreck over thanksgiving break. last year that was the time we really got to know each other. remembering that made me go into a complete breakdown. crying and  shaking…. yknow the usual. the weird thing is that i mourned our “loss” so late. Right after we broke up, i was lying in bed crying. Not sobbing. The next day i woke up. Then the following week, i went to school. No one knew. I acted normal as i always did. Shit, my parents didnt even know i was dating in the first place. I was busy. Graduation and finals had me by the neck. I never broke down because i literally couldnt. Too many things were at stake. I had too many responsibilities that i could not just ignore. So, i got through it. Then, during the summer, i went to dc. it was fun i must admit. It was a good distraction from what was in the back of my mind. Then they passed by, June….July…August….September. September. September 30th. Our birthday. How great, my ex has the same birthday, i couldnt forget even if i wanted to. Feelings began to bubble, only a little. But i was able to hold them down, new have interests kept me occupied. October was fine. It was a fun month and honestly i feel absolutely wonderful around my friends. We’ve really connected this year. Then, the thanksgiving break comes up. I absolutely lost it for whatever reason. I remember last year’s break very clearly. That’s probably why. I’m okay now. But of course im writing this letter for a reason. I miss you immensely. I wish we could have met at least once. I was never able to hold you in my arms or kiss you or do any of the things i was dying to do because i loved with every part of my being. I’ve had a few faint dreams of you, one of them being yesterday. I dont know if they mean anything but i love you still. We confessed to each other on christmas, i will cry this christmas night to myself, where nobody will see. i wonder if you feel the same? i presume my emotional self is the only one still sad, still upset, still broken, still wet with tears down my face. im sure you’ve moved on. You had lots of friends. You even had a girl you liked im sure. while those thoughts absolutely destroy me, i am happy for you. I am happy that you were able to do something that i will probably never be able to do. you were my first love. I know i wasnt yours, so you were able to move on easily, right? if not, the  am also glad. Im glad im not the only one. i still have your number, it has collected dust over these long months. i probably never call or text you. Fear is my greatest. You understand of course, we were like twins weren’t we. We were the same age, same birthday, we had so many things in common, we were practically the same person. Maybe that’s why it didnt work out. I guess we were like magnets. 2019 is approaching. what are your plans? i dont have any yet. You know im still on twitter? i changed my @ of course. But if your memory is good you can find me easily, im not locked. emily and i are still mutuals. I wonder if she realizes im the same person? i dont know what happened to rylee, her account is silent so im not gonna bother dming her. I thought about asking emily, but that’s probably a dead end. Plus, i dont want to bother her with my old problems. Remember how you confessed to emily and got rejected? Rylee told me. Sorry, it was supposed to be a secret but not like that applies now. plus youre not even fucking reading this. Hello to the random person reading my life story. Dont feel bad, there’s millions with the same feelings as me right now. back to justin. im shaking i type this all out. Did you know my muscles tense up and shake uncontrollably when im nervous or excited? it’s quite the feeling. i often got like this when i was talking with you. Everytime my phone would buzz i would get so excited. i also apologize for all the times i fell asleep on you. Justin, you were such a bright light in my life. Please live your life. Live healthy and happy. I hope your mom is doing well. Your dad as well. and the cats. i dont really know what else to say. I dont want this letter to end either. it’s almost like a last chance. if you’ve been contemplating contacting me, do it. Even if you just came back to spit in my face and tell me how much i hurt you, i’d be happy. If you hate me, its okay, i still love you.i still love yakuza btw. also whenever i see akagi or anything related to mahjong i think of you. the thought of you is very bittersweet. Yet i still eat it over and over again. i go by jayden now. i also think im nonbinary now. i remember when i was thinking of changing my name from “ j ” to “jaden” you were so supportive. i didnt deserve you. oh well, it all in the past. if you dont want to contact me thats fine by me. but if you want to, please go ahead. Please find me. Im desperate, i know. but i miss you. “I love you,” that was the last thing we said to each other. you remember right?
                     With love, j.                        
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zeynepbal · 5 years
Rice Smell
I still am sick, in a really bad condition; not getting better but I need to until tomorrow, at least a bit. So staying at home; with a huge hope.
I wasnt able to read a single page yesterday, wondering if I can today.. Hope I can today.. Seems like I can make my mind to write today at least..
I wanted to write this yesterday but had no strength to make up my mind to make proper sentences - even in Turkish.. thus now; I ll leave something here about yesterday..
At some point, yesterday, early in the morning, I felt like I needed to eat sth to drink pills to support my body against the cold I caught and the infection. And as a turkish what I wanted to eat was rice soup with yogurt.. It s the basic stuff, at least in my small family, prepared when some one is sick.. thus I put some rice into ricecooker with huge amount of water and left home to buy yogurt. Since I was pretty sure the half oack of yogurt wouldnt be enough for me..
While going for shopping there s a cleaning center placed in a narrow street which makes the whole place smell like a cozy sunday in a very past days of my life. I tried to smell it via passing by but wasnt that successful because of my mucus fullfilled sinuses.. either I was abit or I just believed that I could, I smelt a tiny amount of an old sunday tho... That directly took me questioning why altho I didnt like that smell thru out my life, now it feels so cozy in heart to feel it... then I though where I wanna be is just next to my family. Because I missed them a lot, I just am longing for anything that reminds me the days that I were with them..
And I entered into the shopping street with these thoughts where I saw that the markets were going to open at 10 and it was 9.48 yet.. I kept on thinking the talk that we made 2 days before yesterday with Y. in the car while trying to go to the christmas party place. We were speaking about the charms and amulets and she was telling me a jinja in nanba; where people can get some protection stuff against bad luck.. And I was like “well I need sth like that..It seems so” then she told me about a belief in japan, that at 30s there s an age for women which is known as “bad luck” age..and I told her it should be 34 for me already, since the only good thing happened this year was the award we took, but nothing more... she smiled and told me she gonna check it..
Yesterday when I remembered that talk I remebered also we forgot to check it... Then I thought, I actually dont believe that a certain age can be a bad luck age for every person etc but I do am kind a superstitious person in a different way. I do believe that there are some certain stuff that can protect us from bad luck or danger since they have some connection with the people that loves us.. or if a person has some kind of special connection with an animal for example the image of that animal can protect that person... or I sometimes believe some kind of stones may have good energy effects on people etc...
So I started thinking about I wasnt wearing my owl necklace for a week which is kind an amulet for me for years... At that point I saw a clinic named as “owl plastic surgery clinic” and smiled.. I remember the reason behind why my family searched so hard to find a necklace of owl in whole ankara, Turkey, years ago. - altho turkish people think that owl is the representative of wisdom as an animal, we dont have mant stuff in shape of an owl- . When my mom and dad one day appeared with an owl necklace as a valentines day present for me, I remember their explanation. To them I till childhood was a child who had a different point of view from other people and this was also whT they always heard from my senseis as an admiration. Altho I always am so emotional as a 10 year old child, when people start talking me about some politics history etc I remember their telling me that I am more than my age but this more is 30 years more almost... So No matter how I seemed with my not growing old heart and not mature enough emotional world, I was always the person whom can find many people around that are ready to be led by. Even some of my friends were telling me that I seemed like a puppy or as a spoiled baby cat normally but when I started speaking I turned out to be an 🦉 owl... thus they told me -my pa and ma- that they put an effort to find that necklace...
After that day, (may be after a year) I found myself in Tsukuba Japan, for 2.5 months, a city which has the symbol of owls.. :) and that 2.5 months were one of the most important phase of my life which tumbled all my plans down and made me chang everything in my long term plans.. and I decided to came to japan...
Well.. yesterday while I was walking back home via thinking of these stuff I decided I need an amulet again, to protect myself from bad luck but it also needs to be something special so I cannot basicly go and buy somestuff without any meaning in it..
I came back home, I opened the door and what I smelled was a boiling rice.. that took me to my childhood.. the smell of boiling rice may be one of the things that I love in this world more than anything since my childhood. I took a deep breath that took me to a moment that I was opening the lid of the pan to steal some boiled rice while my father was questioning me via telling me he didnt understand me why I did like boiled rice without anything on it - neither yogurt nor oil or salt... Yes I did know that not only to my family but to most of the turkish people it was a really strange habit. But it was something I was feeling extremely happy while eating it: pure rice.
Those white grains and that smell...
Then I remembered that when I asked my family two days ago why they didnt send me any letters but a huge pack full of stuff... I didnt need any of them but a letter was okay.. and they asked me if I checked the okashi box... they told me no letter but a small note... so I suddenly opened the okashi(snacks) bag and searched for the note and found it and pulled it, that came with a small box... When I opened the box I found 2 earrings one of them is in the shape of an owl... started crying...
Sometimes life is so quick to answer you and sometimes what you want is just at the next door or in front of you but you just are not aware of it, altho you are living with it for days in the same room.
I felt like I need no more special amulets that I need to buy for myself and now it s time for me to wait life to bring that kind of stuff.. and that owl ear rings like the other stuff that were given me by the people love me already are amulets in my life however those owl earrings are kind of a message for me - that what I understood is that I will keep for myself -
Love you mom and dad
Love you a lot
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