#overdrive ask
freedomfireflies · 19 days
Hiiiiiiii Miss Firefly!!!☺️☺️
How are street racerry and clover doing??
They're good! I would say right about now...they're having some fun at a drive-in theatre hehe
Some Grace Kelly movie is on and Clover is curled up under his arm while he uses his other hand to slowly, softly, and subtly stroke over the front of her underwear...just enough to tease her but not enough to actually help hehe
And she's biting her lip, trying so hard not to make a sound as he whispers, "Good girl. Just stay nice and quiet and I won't stop. Might even let you sit on my cock if you're good."
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martyrbat · 1 year
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rev up – batman: overdrive
[ID: a monochrome panel of Bruce Wayne as a toddler. Bruce is sitting in a booster seat in the backseat of a car as Alfred Pennyworth drives him. Bruce points out the window and giggles, '‘meow!’ as Alfred fondly smiles. He gently corrects him, “The cow says mooooooo, Master Bruce!” END ID]
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copepods · 29 days
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whataatat the fuck that thing is Long
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soracities · 2 months
Hi, do you or any of your followers have any recs for audiobooks? Preferably that are free, I just would like to listen to something while knitting but not sure how to start exploring since I don't know who are good narrators or things like that. Thanks so much!!
i don't listen to audiobooks unfortunately but any audiobook devotees please please send in your recs for anon, thank you 💗
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montypng · 1 year
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they have captivated me with their ghoulish looks....
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azu1as · 5 days
You are amazing! Amazing! And I'm a greedy person, so I propose: Older! Time traveler! Baek Cheon and Tang Bo compete for Cheong Myeong's affection. CM is oblivious and CMun is in hell reserved for protective older brothers. Those perverted bastards! How dare they lust after his precious, naive and innocent sajae?! He'll break their heads!
You're so sweet to me 🥺🫶 thank you so much!!!!
also I ADORE TIME TRAVEL AUs sm you have no idea how giddy I got when I saw this ask WAHAHAHA
"Oh? He's pretty handsome..."
Tang Bo almost spills the alcohol he was pouring into his cup. His eyes immediately snap towards Chung Myung's face as he slowly lowers the bottle back on the table.
This guy slouched in front of him wasn't someone who gave compliments that easily. It took months of nudging and stubborn insistence for Chung Myung to finally admit that Tang Bo was 'passable-looking, sure, whatever'—a compliment that had to be drawn out tooth and nail but one that Tang Bo won through hard work and effort.
So, surely, he must have misheard Chung Myung's muttering.
"Did you say something, hyung-nim?" Tang Bo asks, smile twitching stiffly at the way Chung Myung's gaze remained locked on something—someone—behind Tang Bo as he took a long sip from his own cup.
"That man behind you," Chung Myung replies, pointing at the subject of their conversation with his mouth non-too-discretely. "He looks like a traveling prince or something."
Tang Bo doesn't know what minute expression passed through his face, but Chung Myung catches it well enough and raises a questioning eyebrow at him.
"I'm serious." Chung Myung insists, not realizing that Tang Bo is irritated for a completely different reason. "He really does look like some well-off to-do guy."
Tang Bo huffs and turns around without any subtlety whatsoever, determined to see what 'this prince guy' looked like to have managed to snag his hyung's attention so easily.
Tang Bo lets out an indignant noise. Okay, he'll admit it. The guy was abnormally handsome. He had well-defined androgynous facial features and an equally well-defined body, Tang Bo thinks, as his gaze locks onto the man's thick and muscled arms.
There might have been merit in Chung Myung's comment about this guy probably being a prince of sorts. If he was, Tang Bo would hedge a guess that he was a runaway one.
The man wore faded, plain white robes without any discernable insignia marking him from a sect or family. He had a similarly white headband strapped across his forehead with dark bangs framing an unblemished face.
If he was trying to disguise himself or hide his identity, he was doing a terrible job at it. Despite the simplicity of his outfit, his presence alone (and face) demanded attention.
"Told you." Chung Myung cheekily says, laughing at Tang Bo's disgruntled expression.
Even Tang Bo could admit that the man looks like he stepped out of one of the many heroic epics that common folk often passed around through books and verbal tales. How unfair.
Grumbling lightly, Tang Bo turns back to their table and throws back his cup of alcohol. "Bet he's just some rich runaway brat."
"Eh? Probably. But—ah, huh?"
A shadow falls over Tang Bo and he watches as Chung Myung's surprised face ends up trained above Tang Bo's head.
"Hello." The man greets them with his deep voice.
Ugh, Tang Bo grimaces as he pulls back his chair away from the man's shadow. Even his voice sounded handsome if that were even possible.
But Tang Bo was the gentleman between him and his hyung, so he replies, faking politeness, "Can we help you? My companion and I are in the middle of a meal together, you see."
Tang Bo tenses, immediately on guard when he sees the man's eyes sharpen as it turns towards him, clearly recognizing the dismissive tone Tang Bo used.
Other than an indecipherable flash in his eyes, the man's face (which felt more punch-able by the second, if you asked Tang Bo) remained unchanged.
The disruptor kept his gentle smile and Tang Bo was certain that he chose to stand where he did because of the way the lightbulb illuminated his face from above.
"It's alright, I can wait."
If Tang Bo had any less self-control, he would have already grabbed the man by the lapels of his faded robes and tossed him out of the establishment himself.
Who the hell was this man to have the audacity to look at his Chung Myung with such a warm gaze as he said that?
"Ha. Ha." Tang Bo grits out, a vein in his jaw ticking.
He doesn't care if this man looks like the textbook and fairytale version of a heroic warrior. His shamelessness should cancel out that stupid-looking face of his...!
Tang Bo feels a part of his soul leave at the unfairness of it all when Chung Myung shifts in his seat in involuntary self-consciousness.
Normal people wouldn't have noticed that—hell, not even Chung Myung himself probably realized!—but Tang Bo knew his hyung. They've spent too much time together to not not know each other's body language.
So why?
Why the hell did Tang Bo just spot a smirk on the man's face, huh?!?!
Chung Myung's eyes waver momentarily for reasons Tang Bo couldn't pick out, but Chung Myung hesitantly (why, hyung?!) opens his mouth and asks, "Have we...met before?"
Tang Bo's eyes nearly bulge out of his skull at the flirtatious-sounding sentence.
He knows Chung Myung doesn't realize it, but his hyung was personally handing over a signed warrant to this man, allowing him permission to take as many shameless liberties as he wanted.
In times like this, Tang Bo wishes his hyung wasn't as socially oblivious as he was.
He knows it's a futile hope to wish that the man missed the opening. But he seemed to recognize that Chung Myung was asking the question with pure face value.
Nonetheless, Tang Bo wishes he hadn't suggested this very detour for some alcohol because then they wouldn't have encountered this tall man in front of them.
The stupid, headband-wearing man hums as he fiddles lightly with the pink tassel on the hilt of his sheathed sword.
His gaze goes a bit distant as if recalling a far-off memory, and when he blinks back to reality, he lets out a deep, vibrating chuckle and locks eyes with Chung Myung.
"You were unforgettable."
Tang Bo's lips tremble. Why did it sound as if this man was insinuating something? His words felt like a romantic confession as well as a pointed barb directed at Tang Bo.
Chung Myung coughs lightly at the odd compliment thrown at him and throws back in one go the remaining alcohol in their shared bottle. He chuckles awkwardly before motioning at the man to sit down on the other side of the table.
Tang Bo doesn't think Chung Myung realizes it, but a light pink flush is spread over his cheeks.
And Tang Bo, unconsciously crushing the cup of alcohol in his hand, knew that it wasn't because of the alcohol.
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gemkun · 14 days
i just wanted to say to people that i have written with , have yet to and have still not interacted with ( i’m so sorry ) that if i am not meeting your expectations , i will take no offence if you unfollow. i have an awful tendency to not reach out because of shyness and on top of that i am . . . a terrible replier. and i am so sorry for that. since this is a critical year for me and it’s the first time i’ve faced full time employment , my speed has absolutely fallen but i have always been relatively slow. i also get so easily overwhelmed and forgetful so if i ever miss your messages or anything please don’t hesitate to prod me again i won’t find it as pestering as long as it’s a gentle reminder. thank you for understanding i love you all.
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ask--eggman · 1 month
In a previouse post you mentioned that your nose gets in the way of you doing things.
And im curiouse, what does it get in the way of?
Kissing men?
I mean come on, we know what you are. There's no shame in admiting it.
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I wasn't exactly thinking of kissing when I said that... But well, it can sort of get in the way of that too. I can't kiss head on without my nose squishing upwards to reach. It's doable but usually some tilting of the head works better. This doesn't stop anyone from wanting to try, they tend to recognize how beautiful it is as they should and tell me it's "cute..." ////
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Uhh - that doesn't mean it's men I'm kissing though! I'm talking about... The trophy I stole when Dodonpa was holding those racing tournaments a few years ago! I mean, I don't just kiss trophies. I kiss people too, I am very successful in pulling intimate partners, obviously. But the exact kind of people any of that is with is none of your business!
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avonne-writes · 3 months
ok but. since the scars on buck’s face were pointed out. i sort of think that bucky is lucky that buck is there to take care of him when he shows up, BUT buck on the other hand? he’s obviously much more closed off and doesn’t seem to love being touched/ being in close proximity to others. so imagine the other guys (whoever they are, maybe he didn’t even know them) taking care of him when he first showed up, and how badly he probably wanted bucky.
Pain lanced through Gale's cheek and dug into his body all the way to his bones. He gritted his teeth and kept still for the sutures some army surgeon he didn't know administered to him. Unshed tears stung in his eyes. He was angry that he got caught, scared and alone. He hadn't seen a single face he recognised. His body ached from his wounds and from the exhaustion, and all he wanted was Bucky. His never-fading fire, his dumb jokes.
The needle sunk into his skin again. When he grunted, the surgeon apologized. "I'm sorry, sir. Just a few more."
Gale closed his eyes and gripped the arms of the chair he was sitting in tighter. Part of him longed for his best friend in ways that he couldn't even comprehend, but another part was glad he wasn't here. As long as he had no news about him, he could imagine him at his happiest. Singing, dancing, smiling as life pumped through him. He hoped Bucky had faith in him surviving. He hoped he didn't lose it when they told him that Gale went down, although he knew it was futile. John would burn down the world for the people he loved.
Still, Buck hoped. He had no other choice.
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freedomfireflies · 3 months
Ok but imagine racer y/n doesn’t have a license due to driving anxiety and she now has a street racer boyfriend
!!! Bye why do I kind of love it?? Bc you know he was so sweet about it in the beginning and never went above 20 😭 and always held her hand or her thigh just to make sure she was all right 🥹💞
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cutiecorner · 1 year
Thinking so hard about Alfred sewing/knitting, playing old soft music, and just being very serene in Bruce's space while he's doing his own thing.
Tldr: lil baby and grandpa parallel play/lh
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dadfred & babybat parallel play!!!!!! 🐻💙
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copepods · 5 days
oh my god ive been saying "cope-pods" in my head for months now no way
lmao it happens to the best of us
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conangrayofficial · 3 months
When Is your birthday?
Conan Gray was born on December 5, 1998 in California if that's what you're asking lol
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Thoughts on TOTK Ganon's appearance?
A lot of them!! Some would say: too many!!! Too much!! So much so that I was almost starting to turn this ask into a TotK early review, so I'll simplify my answer a little.
I have not finished the game yet, but I have seen the memories and a good chunk of it, but my opinion is therefore incomplete and subject to lapses in judgement/hasty positions. Also, my opinion on this is kind of a buzzkill and I already made people depressed and bummed out by explaining it, so I'm putting it under the cut to avoid hurting the good time of people who might not want to think about this/might disagree on this description alone (and I understand, since it's an opinion that also depresses me!!! I wanted to like everything!! I wanted to be blown away!!).
I think this Ganondorf is like OoT Ganondorf redux, but with even more problems than OoT Ganondorf, somehow??? which is honestly a flex at this point.
(I love OoT Ganondorf to be clear, but the flaws are pretty undeniable and you have to navigate through a lot of bullshit to get to the good parts)
Between the green skin that lacks any proper justification in the context of the game (I say this because I always hear "oooo but it's because he's a demon/undead" and uhhhh no, it's not because of that apparently), the fact that he's half naked but we're never ever meant to conceive him as a human person in any way but merely as a constant physical threat... Like I'm certain the famous Ganondorf Designer did their utmost to give him justice and there is an obvious attention to details in his design, and I'm not blaming them or anyone in particular for the Nintendo treatment --but it does add up to something quite uncomfortable in his characterization regardless. Even the fact that his face rigging is extremely flimsy and makes his emoting feels super strange bugs me (I heavily suspect it's because it's way less soft anime and structurally very different from any other face in the game, especially around the jaw, and so they had to do a custom rig and had to work around its limitations --it's all speculation, and I am always here for Unsettling Ganondorf Faces, but it kinda felt accidental and not intentional like in WW or TP). He's at once a lot and really not much. I find his characterization beyond barebones. Even Twilight Princess Ganondorf had more to him than this (like the man was fascinating in comparaison, show me a guy claiming to be chosen by the goddesses while sitting on a throne next to the decapitated statues of said goddesses any fucking day over what we got here)
I like the mechanical aspects he introduces; the gloom is cool, the hands that grab you are amazing, the bosses are such cool callbacks --and he's just causing messes and putting parasites in things!!! You go girl. I do love that he's having his little puppet Zelda run around causing hijinxes, that's very fun of him and my favorite part of his character in this game so far, tho I don't know if that even counts as him --and I'm not 100% sure what that even says about anyone?
But here's the thing: nobody (beyond * arguably * Rauru) seems to be allowed to have a character arc in this game, so it's hard to come up with anything to say since he's the sole cause of conflict while being almost completely motivation-less. I don't think anyone is written particularly competently honestly; it just shows more with him because a Ganondorf who's not well written reverts back to Ganondorf at his most generic expression of a baddie imaginable, with a side-serving of, quite frankly, really questionable orientalist themes that I see little excuse for being handled the way they were in the year of our lord 2023. Like I'm kinda shocked not to see more people calling the racism for what it is, because it's... pretty blatant. But that goes beyond Ganondorf and that's the whole game, and I said I would try to keep my scope limited, but!!! I will screech about imperialism eventually!!!
The other aspect of that discussion, which is inevitable, is how much does TotK erase everything that came before? I'm sure there are some amazing Zelda theorists out there who will find a way to reconcile all of this, but for now, I get the sense that Nintendo wanted to get away from their messy timelines (fair) and reinvoke some of the old songs for a new audience, and in doing so scrubbing the slate clean. My problem is not so much that they wanted to do this (even if I think BotW's solution was, strangely, much cleaner and more respectful of their own history), but what they introduced instead: and, in Ganondorf's case, he's kind of reduced to a parody of himself --one that is so unbelievably unsympathetic and impossible to relate to and also responsible of his own oppression and also not oppressed since he attacked first!! and also oppressive?? (I made A Sound when I heard the line about Rauru talking about "the last free gerudo village falling" bitch!! free according to whom??????)
Removing a lot of the Goddesses/Triforce thing (so far, maybe it will come up) also does this conflict zero favors in my opinion, as it makes everything and everyone's actions much less fated and an expression of self-determination/resilience over their predestination, and much more uhh political in a bad way, while still borrowing the aesthetics of divinity to justify its own mind-numbing moral simplicity.
I don't know. Maybe the third act reveal will really surprise me and make me reconsider my position, but it would take a lot to scrub off all the dedicated efforts made to flatten Ganondorf to his lowest possible denominator (him and his people honestly my follow-up to the gerudo post will probably be Oops! All Salt) for the sake of the most brazenly imperialistic and feudalist Hyrule to date and its really weird and uncomfortable reimagined origin story.
So uhhh, Thoughts Bad! I guess thoughts bad. :(
(Matt Mercer did a great job with what little he was given tho, and so did every voice actor)
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cantheykillmacbeth · 9 months
Mac from Power Rangers Operation Overdrive could kill Macbeth! He’s a robot made by his father!
Yes, Mackenzie "Mack" Hartford AKA Red Overdrive Ranger from Power Rangers Operation Overdrive could kill Macbeth!
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As an android created by his single billionaire father, he applies for both the Unconventional Birth Clause and the Birth Parent Clause! Thank you for your submission!
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aroacedavestrider · 2 months
apparently today is international asexuality day?? idk I saw one of my friends posting about it. so happy birthday
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