#oz drabbles
oz00ms2 · 7 months
something something something [insert one piece devil fruit user logic] shanks and buggy being swapped with their younger selves and land in a pile on the oro jackson with their dads ray and roger looking at them first as a threat "WHERE DID OUR KIDS GO WHO RU?!"
ray: wait...that nose...that hair...are you...
roger, crying because he doesn't know where his babies are: MY BUGGY BOY'S REAL PARENTS??? Q^Q
ray beating him upside the head: no idiot it's the boys grown.
and once shanks and buggy stop crying horribly they get to have a strange new adventure trying to track down the younger version of the devil fruit user who sent them there. the whole time roger is so excited and wants to know everything about his boys and what they are up to, their accomplishments.
shanks is of course impressive. the crew isn't surprised. but buggy is struck with horrible and sudden stage fright - his usual exaggerated gusto falling apart in the face of his dad. seeing his accomplishments as only flimsy pathetic tricks---
before shanks talks over him explaining how buggy is an emperor!! just like him, and in charge of a MASSIVE FLEET!! HE HAS hundreds of sailors under his command! he even recruited a master swordsman that shanks has always rivaled with! shanks is in AWE of all buggy has accomplished.
Roger is not surprised. he's grappling his blue boy into a headlock and "of course!! my most clever boy!!" a proud and practically glowing father who just holds buggy while his ever emotional kid cries again. trying not to blush himself to death after hearing the way shanks spoke of him.
and it's probably knowing rayleigh who casually asks
"you boys married yet? even now the lil'uns are inseparable. fell in love from the start didn't you?"
leaving buggy and shanks to both be struck awkward, avoiding eye contact and not really sure how to explain that they broke one another's hearts years ago and never got around to repairing the hurt...
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cod-dump · 7 months
Right of Passage
Fender: *kneeling on the kitchen floor shaking*
König: *leaning against the counter, waiting for the kettle to finish boiling*
Roze, walking in: Hey, Colonel- Fender? Are you alright?
Roze: What-
König: He walked in, I didn’t hear him and he decided it was a good idea to try to scare me. He’s lucky I didn’t actually stab him
Fender, lays on the floor: I need a minute
*a briefing had just ended and operators are coming in and out of the room*
Horangi: What’s with him?
Fender: *slumped over the meeting table*
Roze: Big guy almost stabbed him last night
Fender, quietly: With a butter knife
Horangi, laughing: That’s a KorTac right of passage! We’ve all been through it, isn’t that right?!
Conor: Good luck if he actually doesn’t get you!
Hutch: If he does then bad luck!
Horangi, pulling down his shirt collar: He’s gotten me several times! Could say I’m riddled with bad luck but I think each new stab cancels out the old one. I’m pretty even right now!
Fender: … I’ve been with you people how long and I’m just learning about this?
Hutch: Only the cool kids know about it. Guess you’re a cool kid now!
Oz, into his radio in the corner of the room: Commander, these people are into weird shit-
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ozfandom · 1 month
Oz Drabble Tree!
A new Oz drabble tree (our TWENTIETH tree!) is now up & running at the Oz Wishing Well community on Dreamwidth! Drabble trees are a fun, low-pressure Oz fandom tradition designed to encourage fans interested in writing Oz fic. Check out the rules & add more branches to the tree!
I'm Moving To Oz drabble tree on Dreamwidth
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Maroon's Maplestory Timeline drabble 1 - a new leaf
In every world there are tales, ones of myth, ones of legends, one of fantasy. Though very few stories are rooted by a person's own experience. Though there is one world where such stories are all stories starts off with a brave individual setting out to live the life of adventures.
One such stories began with a loud crash in the middle of the night at the nearest farm near a Town known as Henesys, leading to the people of the farm check where the sound came from. It turned out to be a crater, one where nothing was present at the center of it.
Rumors and speculations ran across the village of what it could have been. A strange meteor or a UFO crashing into the farm? As more and more people heard of the rumors, it has started to gain attention of brave adventurers across the village who decided to try and look for what might've been the cause of the crater. at some point there even came a note hanging on the city's nearest billboard about the rumor. Of course, the rumors either made the situation so crazy that it was either unbelievable, or it was not what it really was.
One person who's attention was caught was a blonde male, currently not known by the people of this world, a male who was took this rumor not as an opportunity to search like all others, but to look for clues about this world.
Meanwhile, at the farm where the crater originated was what seemed to be at first glance an ordinary explorer, a red headed adventuring female Wizard asking around the family who runs the farm, having even visited the crater itself.
But those who know her or knew who she works for knew she was an important figure in this world.
"So.." The father of this family of farmers spoke up after seeing the red hair coming back to them, "Oz-- that's your name, is it? Any information about this crater? That is if it's anything special as the rumours made it out to be."
The red-haired wizard named Oz had already written a few notes on her notebook before checking on the man.
"You could say that," Oz responded with a quick nod as she quickly pulled out her notebook.
"From what I can see I'm not sure if there is a UFO that crashed here or not. However, I've noticed footsteps that matches both the ones I saw from the crater and outside of it. While I doubt there's an UFO there, although I do have to ask: did anyone by chance drop into the crater before I arrived here?"
The farmer shook his head "N-no, if anything, I made sure no one came inside the crater. Why'd you ask that? You assume whatever was in the crater is..."
"The potential alien may still be alive," Oz responded with a nod. "As much as I like to say it's nothing too major, we don't know how dangerous they could be. Don't worry though, I'll inform the Cygnus Knights about what I've gathered. If needed, we'll ask everyone from the Maple Alliance to help find the potential alien. I'm sure we all want to know who and what happened to them and how we can bring them back home."
The conversation ended shortly after she decided it was a good time to head out.
Days passed as less explorers decided to continue persuing who/what came from the crater as the rumors on the billboard were replaced by an official note from the Empress Cygnus herself as well as from the Maple Alliance that they'll be looking into the issue, explaining what might've crash landed was likely an alien.
Most adventurers knew that if it's an issue that the Maple Alliance and the Cygnus Knights are involved it's likely not worth the hassle. All, but for one one white haired Pirate-- a Cannoneer by the name of Jack, who has a little monkey he called Kokonutt with a propeller hat that somehow allows the little monkey to fly.
He looked at the official note on the billboard not as a sign of danger or hastle, he saw potential for money and fame. And if nothing else? A fun time.
And thus, with a confident grin, he sets off to look throughout Victoria Island-- the same Island where Heneysis is on, starting with the outskirts of Henesys.
Jack was looking throughout the whole outskirts of henesys and ended up in the mushmom forest trail, still searching for the missing cause of the crater. He was searching over the hills all while taking on the orange mushrooms that are heading his way.
As time passes with him continuing looking for whatever left the crater, he sighed, annoyed that after such a while searching for it he didn't find a single clue.
"Argh, how far did that thing travel?" Jack spoke aloud, mostly to himself. Kokonutt was getting a it hungry from the search, albeit didn't do much searching to begin with.
"At this rate our treasure from the crater won't be worth the cost this treasure hunt is taking us!"
"Hold on-- That 'treasure from the crater' isn't just some object you can just sell to get some money!" A voice that's unfamiliar to Jack replied in the distance, which originated from Oz who overheard him while checking the same area he was in.
"Hmm?" Jack turned to look at her in confusion. To him, Oz was unknown to him, especially with the attire she was currently wearing that made her look more like an average mage. One of his eyebrows cocked up, wondering why a stranger is telling him that. "Come again? So you're on the look for whatever was there too?"
"No-- well, yes I am, but you're not going to find treasure--" Oz responded, letting out a sigh, giving herself a second to take a deep breath.
"Look, from what we've heard thus far is that what was in the crater was likely a living organism. I personally checked the crater myself and noticed those footprints. It's very likely what we're looking for is an alien. Y'know, Little Green Men from those sci-fi movies?"
Jack had a visible look of confusion on his face. Living organism? Aliens? LGMs? He took some time to process that, but even then his reaction was headscratching in confusion.
"..Are you pullin' my leg or something cause I saw that poster from the Maple Alliance about the crater and I don't think I saw anything regarding aliens or something."
Kokonutt couldn't help but chuckle at Jack's response, while Oz imagined the kind of person Jack is after hearing it.
"Well clearly you haven't read it properly, because it was stated in the official note stated clearly that it's very likely an alien."
"I--ehh--" He took a second to think, only to remember exactly reading that part, but glossing over that part in hopes for treasures still. "...Ohh, now that you've mentioned it, I guess you are right." A guy with a lot of common sense he is not, but he still couldn't believe the notice. There has to be more than just an alien, right?
"B-but is that really true? I know the Maple Alliance is big, but who's to say the information is 100% true? Do we know who exactly has given that information to the alliance?"
"Well. If you must know that, then you should know you're looking at--" Oz was about to finish her sentence, before the two could feel the ground shake, almost in a rhythm of a being moving, getting more intense with each shake. They might not agree on the alien part, but they both know all too well they're in the territory of one orange mushroom that topple over them size wise, one that was heading towards them: the Mushmom,
"...Let's run--" Jack said to Oz, not wanting to deal with Mushmom for today and while she could handle it if she wanted to, Oz nodded in agreement as she found it best to get Jack to safety. "Yes, let's make a run for it." They both decided to make a run for it, attacking any mushrooms that were in their way from the path they're running towards.
As they were both running, there was one person observing them from the distance after having seen the Mushmom walking. This person, a blonde male known to a couple of individuals across dimensions, observed the amount of mushrooms that were blocking their way.
“There seemed to be at least a hundred of these odd mushrooms heading their way-- and that giant one. Must it be the alpha of the herd?“
While Jack and Oz were able take down a good amount of mushrooms, it did give the Mushmom some time to catch up to the two.
“Crap—” Oz, with her ability to teleport could’ve gotten out of there with ease, but Jack, who isn’t a mage, wasn’t able to teleport-- not only that she’s not sure how strong Jack really is so to make sure he’s safe, she was going to have to stay and help him, even if it meant that they’re going to be in a potential life or death situation.
So there they were, trying to fend themselves off against those mushrooms while the Mushmom was heading towards them, inching closer and closer. It was at that moment where the blonde male from the distant wasn’t at the same spot a moment ago.
“Damn it, there’s just too many of these buggers out there--” Jack spoke up, having already launched a few cannon shots against the mushrooms. These shots hit a lot of them at once was slow to load, while Oz’s magic was quick and effective, but consumes a good amount of mana, as well as being as hot as actual fire, as well as consuming a bit of her stamina. “..You can say that again. Guess we have to confront her, huh? Do you think your arsenal can take her on?” Oz asked to him as he already has his cannon aimed and ready to be fired.
“...Might need a bit of help on that one, but with the right distractions I can--”
“If you guys need fire power--” A voice echoed around them as a blitz of green, yellow black and orange passed them by and hit the Mushmom square in the face, causing her to be flung back meters from the impact, leaving a trail where the Mushmom’s body got grinded by the ground, like a meteor leaving a trail on the ground.
As soon as the two were aware what has happened, there was the new face. A blonde male with a green hoodie, with him wearing two pairs of gauntlets which were now covered by his flames as his arms had a circuitry like patten glowing from each arm. His eyes were as blue like the crystal on his chest. It was clear that he had power. They were looking for power to defeat the Mushmom and if they needed power…
“—then I can fill in the void!” The Blonde stranger’s grinned at the two who seemed surprised by the stranger’s strength, but this stranger just helped them and that’s all they needed to know at the moment to trust his capabilities. The mushroom’s also took note of the strength, having backed off a few meters, but not running away yet as if they’re waiting for him to move out.
“...Okay then--” Oz replied with a nod. “But are you going to be fine?”
“Me?” The blonde asked, before letting out a chuckle. “Relax, I’ve got this one in the bag. You two go and escape while I’ll take on the alpha mushroom--”
“Mushmom—” Oz corrected the male.
“Right-- Mushmom. Wait, Mushmom? Where’s Mushdad?” the male asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Huh—” To Oz it was a weird question. Well it made sense, but the question wasn’t really suited for the situation they’re now in. “I-It’s not important right now, you need to take care of this thing.”
“Okay—” the blonde spoke up. “Where are you two heading?”
“Henesys is the best place to be in for us right now.”
“Henesys, what’s that?”
“…” Oz almost couldn’t believe what he said. How could anyone NOT know about the well known village. Unless… No, that question has to be asked for another time. “It’s the village with mushrooms for houses. You’ll know you’re there when you see the trade market.”
“Okay, got it--” the blonde male responded. He has his fist clenched and he looked at the direction he saw the Mushmom returning, more annoyed than anything. He assumed a fighting stance, ready to fight while looking at the two.
“Welp. I’ll see you guys over at Henesys then.”
And with that, with a speedy dash, the blonde male dashed towards the Mushmom once more to resume battle, but with him fighting her once more meant that the mushrooms didn’t have to worry about facing him, so as if he was never been here before, the mushrooms decided to attack, but now that Jack and Oz didn’t have to worry about Mushmom since she’s preoccupied with the stranger, they were now able to fair a better fight against these mushrooms.
Meanwhile with the fight against the Mushmom, to the blonde fighter it wasn’t a difficult match. Mostly likely because he had the upperhand when it comes to speed, agility and power. While the Mushmom can stomp hard, it’s basically ineffective if she cannot even hit the stranger.
Once Oz and Jack were out of mushmom forest trail they decided that it’s best to be in Henesys for the time being to recuperate, get some food and potions. Oz spoke up to him once more.
“So WHY did you even decide to look for that alien anyway?”
“Why, ya asked?” Jack responds, having already gotten a couple of good grubs in his belly. “Because I needed th’ money and it’s a fine bounty I’d be getting once I had it-- er them.”
“Needed the money?” Oz repeated that part, “For what? Aren’t pirates known to be rich or something.”
“Well ya see, that’s where y’er wrong.” Jack responds. “Pirates get a good income in terms of gold. No one says they were good in knowing what to spend their money on.”
“So in other words, you’re broke.” Oz side-eyes him, already imagining the kind of person he may be.
“Hey I didn’t imply that!”
“Well you did--” A soft sigh escaped Oz’s lips. So far no alien...Or was there? “But so far it seems like the alien is further than we thought. Hopefully we can find him sooner rather than later.”
“Why’d you want to find the alien? Why is an alien so special then?”
“Have you ever been into contact with one?” Oz asked.
“N-no, but aren’t aliens just long weird looking being riding in UFOs?”
“True, but who knows what aliens are capable of. It’s because of that reason why I’m looking for them right now. We don’t even know if they’re hostile or not. And if they’re not I want to help them and bring them back home.”
“Sounds like an interesting conversation you two were having-” the familiar voice was able to be heard from nearby. It was that same blonde male who helped them.
“Ohey, it’s you--” Oz spoke up, already heading towards him. “Thank you for helping us out here. We had to confront the Mushmom otherwise. Welcome to Henesys by the way, must be your first time.”
“Well…” The blonde male scratched the back of his head. “It’s actually my uhh...6th time here already? There’s no real sign that says Henesys village here. It’s my first time knowing the name of this village. You two are talking about an alien, right?”
“That’s right,” Oz replied with a nod. “Are you here to look for the alien as well?”
But before the male can speak up, Jack looked at the male’s attire. It’s different from the fashion style most have in Mapleworld that it seemed...Out of this world.
“He’s probably alien himself. Like look at what he’s wearing!!”
“…” The male chuckled. With a light shrug he responds. “Well you’re not wrong though, I did not come from this world.”
“Oh—” Jack raised an eyebrow before responding, “I uhhh-- was only joking about the alien part, no offence on the attire-- looking good but you seem like you’re--”
“Oh I take no offence to that. But I’m not lying when I say I’m not from here.”
“So you’re actually an alien?” Oz asked, a bit surprised that the potential alien seemed so...human like. “So are you like from Grandis or something?”
“Grandis?” Maroon raised an eyebrow, having one his hands on his hip. “I don’t even know what that place is. I actually come from another dimension if you two can believe it.” He has his hand reached out, ready to give the two a handshake.
“My name’s Maroon-- and I come from Lawain City, maybe a couple of dimensions away from the one we’re in now. I’m mostly here to train and such, but maybe I could also add exploring this dimension as part of my reason for being here. I kinda dig this planet’s vibe.”
the two looked at eachother before looking back at otherworlder, before deciding to shake his hand.
“Well I’m Oz-- and this man here is uhh...What’s your name again?”
“Jack the Cannoneer, aiming to be the strongest pirate in all of Mapleworld!”
“Right...Anyway, since you’re not from here, might I ask: have you heard of the news of the crater at a farm?”
“A crater--” Maroon had to think for a second, but he knew exactly what crater she meant. Everytime he enters a world for the first time he always left one by accident.
“...Oh, yeah.” He mumbled in his reply. “That wasn’t my intention when entering here. My father always helped me get to one world after another. And every first time he brings me there, he always has his portal way too high up. So fell to the ground and that’s why I left that crater.”
“...Oh—” Oz responds, but realizes what that meant. “—Wait are you okay? You’re not hurt from that, are you?”
“I mean I was--” Maroon responds back, “but my body already recovered from the injury. What about the owners of the farm? Is the cost to the damages severe?”
“Oh no they’re covered by their warranty.” Oz responds. “Besides, their son makes a lot of money for them and knowing the nice guy he is he probably helped them out as well so it’s all fine.”
“Ah, that’s a relief…” With a soft sight, Maroon looked at the environment they’re in. Seeing the interest in his eyes, Oz was considering the free time she has at the moment before thinking of an idea.
”Say, how about we go see the world together? You’ve got a reliable guide with you and there will be adventures awaiting. How’s that for an idea?”
“Adventures also means treasure, ye?” Jack spoke up, the adventure part already caught his ears.
“I...Well...Yeah I guess, but--”
“Then I’m joining!” Jack responds before Oz can continue her sentence. This cause Maroon to chuckle seeing the enthusiasm on Jack’s face.
“Well then, I guess we can say that we’ll be having a wonderful adventure.”
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bafflement · 13 days
Deaged Oz AU - Clover Gets The Braincell
"I know I messed up." Clover sighed, looking rather woebegone. "But I've been on all the worst missions for months now. The General told me to look after the kid, surely kids should be in school?"
"Tip isn't your normal child, Clover. You've known him more than long enough to have worked that out, surely?" Harriet sounded amused, eyes sparkling. But then, she'd known exactly who Tip was for awhile now. It was still rather surprising that Clover didn't, but then it WAS Clover.
"Children should be with other children. A school might keep him out of trouble." Clover wasn't whining, he really wasn't. At least that's what he told himself.
"Tip is a target, Clover, a massive one. There are people who would snatch him from a school... or destroy it... in a second. Really think about that for a second. You've told me he's familiar, just think about the why of that?"
Clover's eyes widened as he thought about Tip. About how he looked, how he acted... and the cane he used. He looked like a Schnee, yes, but he'd felt familiar for more than just that.
Harriet cackled as he started to swear. At least he got there in the end? Although he might have something of a point if she thought about it. Not that the kid should be in a primary school, but being around people more his physical age might help.
And there was always Titan Academy. The primary Hunters Academy of Atlas would certainly be far better protected that any primary school could ever hope to be.
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ozimagines · 23 days
Y’all I’ve been getting some GREAT asks. Like incredible. Things I never would have thought of. I have some in my inbox right now that I’m itching to start. I’m just trying to finish the asks in the order in which they were asked (for the most part).
But I just wanted the people who have asked me (mostly anonymous) anything since I started this page, I wanted to say thank you! I’ve had so much fun writing them that I hope it’s fun for you reading them. Also special thanks to those who have asked since my surgery. I’ve been stuck in bed (and according to my doc, will be for the foreseeable future) and writing these has given me joy and helped me escape the monotony and pain. I never knew I could care so much about people I don’t know irl.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
But yeah, main message is that I’m loving these asks, but a lot of them start with “I know it’s weird” or “you don’t have to” and you’re right I don’t but I so WANT to. Even if I was working right now I’d never be annoyed to get an ask. It means you took the time to engage with my page, and that brings me joy.🥰
(Continued thanks to @wawamouse for the discourse as well! I love getting your opinions on things in Oz and how to write, especially since I’ve been reading your page since before I had one.😁)
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miguelryan · 2 years
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tensíon (sexual)
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reallyreal-madeingold · 8 months
Faith/Oz. Because I love it a lot
As you wish.
Paring: Faith/Oz
Rating: T
Length: 100 words
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50548888
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rinnysega · 2 years
Memory - A Gus x Ozzy Drabble
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Ozzy wasn’t dreaming as far as he knew. Everything had been dark as he listened to the ocean, but the waves sounded off - strange - odd. It wasn’t the water rolling over the sand but short gasps of sobs of someone trying to hold them in and breathe.
His eyes opened at an equal darkness of their room, and he rolled over to see the outline of Gustavo in the thin sliver of moonlight coming in from the window. He was turned toward him, hand on his while he rubbed him with his thumb.
“…What’s wrong, Amor?” He asked. He reached up to comb his fingers through Gustavo’s hair. “A nightmare…?”
“….Yeah…” Gustavo whispered in the dark. “I…it felt so real-where-where I was you and I was looking at myself. I lost my memories and I didn’t know who I was - who you were.”
Ozzy shushed him gently as he put his forehead against his and kissed his hand.
“It’s okay. You’re safe,” he told him. “It was just a bad dream, and I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep again.”
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oz00ms2 · 11 months
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"Absolutely not."
Clark pauses instinctually at the specific tone of Bruce's voice. It's the one Clark has labeled Bruce's "annoyed but can't process why" tone, typically reserved for when Hal or Oliver are *existing* too close to him.
"Everything ok in there?" Clark asks, even though "in there" is the living room just ahead of the kitchenette bar in Clark's apartment. The open floor plan allows front row seats to Bruce's slow glare development.
The left brow is a little lower than the right which means they've reached category 2 in Bruce's annoyance scale.
Currently the not-masked crusader is sitting on the couch, worn but clean cushions half swallowing the spine-straight posture like a cloud. Donning his typical all-black fashion which only ever makes his skin look like bleach bone peeking out from the darkness.
"Wifi." Bruce states, watching Clark with disapproval that probably has activated Dick Grayson to shudder somewhere.
"Ah." Clark replies, knowing exactly what the issue is.
He tries to will his ears to stop burning, convinced if he acts casual enough, pouring coffee out evenly between two mugs before him, that his body will obey. "In my defense ---" He tries, but there's really no defense for his password to be "Bruce Wayne is Batman" Still, he scrambles for anything. "You're really the only person who'd guess it."
Bruce's face reads *I better be* while taking the mug offered as Clark comes around the couch. Trying to remain cool and calm and kicking himself for not thinking about this before Bruce spent time in his home.
Part of him just assumed Batman has a hotspot hidden in his shoe sole at all times or something equally convoluted - the idea that Bruce would need his wifi felt too domestic for the man. Then again that Bruce Wayne is in his apartment at all while the sun is up - and not just skulking in the shadows of his fire escape as Batman, judging him for the growing collection of houseplants - felt surreal enough.
"Where's your router?" Bruce demands when Clark comes around, handing him the mug and settling in beside him on the couch. Allowing the broken-in cushions to support his body with a soft embrace.
The sudden shift of weight causes Bruce's stiff frame to overcompensate on soft cushions to keep coffee from spilling. Leaving him no choice but to fall against Clark's side.
"You're not changing it."
Too-blue of eyes glare over at him, affronted at being told what he can and cannot do.
"Your digital security is abysmal." There's the smallest gesture of surrender in the way Bruce allows this nearness, the shock of cold ever clinging to the man's body melding with Clark's warmth. It's a victory that leaves Clark's skin humming and Bruce avoiding his gaze as he wrestles with the urge to meddle everything around him.
"If you think that's bad, don't look at my work login." Clark pushes his luck to tease and, despite being the alien in the room, when Bruce goes tense with calculation it feels out of this world.
"I swear to God if it's: I'm Superman...."
Clark drinks his coffee very quickly in an attempt to hide the guilty flinch from Bruce.
It doesn't work...
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maybelacrimosa · 2 years
I want to write scary AUs but I thought I could use the tinman as a metaphor so it just keeps turning into me infodumping about how messed up the original Oz books were. Like Nimmie Amee, the girl the tin woodsman got turned into tin for collects his old body parts and the body parts of another dude who got turned into tin and made a new guy out of them both and married her creation. Like you feel sympathy for her...Because both of them left her waiting way too long and she was trapped working for a wicked witch. But at the same time she basically stole the body parts, including his original heart, and stuck it in her build-a-boyfriend. And Chopfyt (the build-a-boyfriend) is apparently a pretty grumpy guy? I mean I probably wouldn’t be in a good mood if someone brought me to life and then married me, like he didnt get a say about his life path at all. Oh I did it again, sorry the terrifying world of Oz lives rent free in my brain.
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Maplestory - Shining Heart Angelic Buster Arc | Chapter 3 - On the hunt
It had only been a few seconds since the other Angelic Buster left Aran and Jack after having helped them out and had she left earlier she would not have been in the situation she's now dealing with as Maroon, one of the people who were looking for her is currently going after her, using his overdrive for tremendous speed.
"Heh, so you're the doppelganger I've heard so much," Maroon spoke up, now dashing next to her, already looking forward to getting this over and done with it for Tear. "So, what bring you to this neighborhood?"
"Huh!?" The pinkette was surprised to see him catch up to her so quickly. more so she felt insulted by what she believed to be the audacity of his absurdity.
"Doppelganger!?" She responded, exclaiming a bit when she shot a few magic projectiles at him. "The heck you're on about? I'm the real deal!!" She yelled at him.
She's been aware that she was no doppelganger or a clone. And even if she has doubts she knew someone who had existed for far longer than she has ever could and that person was Eskalade-- her Eskalade.
While those projectiles were shot in close range, due to his overdrive he had time to quickly react to it and thus changes direction in a split second to dodge the oncoming projectiles. With the distance he has made he was able to quickly open a dimension gate to let those other projectiles through it. Once those projectiles were through, he quickly closed the portal and changed directions once more, catching up to her once more.
"Really now? That's not what I've heard from Tear!!" With a roar, he released more energy, causing him to crash like a flaming ball into her. She had a shield magic on her that caused her to block all that damage and heat, but him ramming into her did cause her to flinch and get knocked to the side. Once she fell down, rolled from the force, she stood up quickly the moment she started to roll slower.
But she was taken aback by what she heard. Tear? She started to think, standing still, yet has her soul shooter aimed at him as she was ready to fight knowing that escaping his grasp will be hard to nigh on impossible. '...I don't know him at all, yet why did he say my real name like he knows me? Unless...'
She had to put that thought on the sideline for he was still heading towards her. This Angelic Buster is convinced that while it may be hard to lose him, that she can at least try and make it last as long as possible, so with that, they continued fighting while she attempted to use any chance she get to make some distance away from him.
Back with the team they had some time to catch their breath. Even with the situation they were still some that were on guard when Velderoth was present. Tear however was one of the few who weren't. If anything, she was walking up to the green haired nova and spoke up to him.
"Veldie--" Tear reaches out to him, waiting till she got his attention. Once she did she continued to speak.
"I've never considered this until recently, but this is like your first time teaming up with us all again, right?"
"Uhh…" Velderoth was silent for a second. That was a sudden question, but now that he thought about it he does nod at that question.
"…Yes," Velderoth responds, his tone calmer than usual. "Why'd you say that?"
"Well…" Tear was twidling her thumbs a bit wondering how she should say it. She didn't want to ask Velderoth a childhood friend of all people about his opinion on her after all this has happened, but she had to try and word it somehow. "…I'm just glad. Glad that you, me and Kyle can still work together after all that has happened. Y'know, like friends."
"…Like friends?" Velderoth asked, his tone hinting that he didn't like how she worded it, but moreso in a somewhat concerned way.
"…Like the good old days…Y'know?" Tear responds. "Where we were helping out people and stuff. Back Where we were…Well…Friends. If you still even see us as friends…"
"…" A sigh escaped Velderoth's lips. Friends…? That's what she was asking?
Back to the fight at hand, they've been heading deeper into the forest, unbeknownst to the other Angelic Buster that they were getting close and closer to the team. After a while, started to notice that fighting back anymore.
Was he not here to fight, she thought to herself. After a second of waiting, she spoke up.
"...I've never heard Tear talk anything about you, so why should I believe what you said?" She was starting to speak in an annoyed tone as she spoke it a bit louder the more annoyed she got.
"..." He pressed the button on his earpiece as he started to talk, a curious grin appeared on his lips.
"...Well maybe you should see Tear for yourself. I can bring her straight to you if you want."
And with that, he let go of the button. Unbeknownst to the pinkette in front of him, he was giving his team a message.
Meanwhile with the team, Velderoth and Tear were still having that discussion about them being friends, the thought of Tear asking if he still sees her and Kyle as friends was a surprise. And while for Kyle Velderoth wasn't so sure yet, with Tear that's a different story.
"…What about you?" Velderoth asked. "You know what I've done, yet you're asking that? Shouldn't I be the one asking that..?"
"…" Tear was silent, before slowly shaking her head. "No matter what you've done back then that was partially magnus' doing, right? To me, as long as there is still a bit of the old you in there, still want to see you as a friend." Her hands were a little bit shaky, hoping that all this time she hasn't lost a friend.
"So…What about you, Veldie?"
"…" Velderoth took some time to collect his thoughts. The fact she still sees him as a friend made him harder to deny that he was replaced. But the thought still lingers back in his head.
Even so, this was his childhood friend after all and even after all that she is still willing to give him a second chance. So with a heavy sigh, he slowly nodded as a sign that yes, he still considers her his friend.
"…I do want to ask one more question--"
But before quick, they were interrupted by a buzzing sound from the earpiece with a voice message from Maroon.
Maybe you should see Tear for yourself.
What could that mean? Yamato, who was obsering the two from a distance had checked the watch and noticed Maroon's location was close to theirs. He then quickly knew what that message meant.
"…I believe that is our que to head to him."
"Ah, so he's got her cornered?" Aran was the first person to spoke up hearing about it. Seems like everyone else was ready to move.
Kyle walked up to the two before speaking up. "So. Are you ready to face the other you, Tear?" He asked, gently placing his hand on her shoulder.
"…" Tear clenched her fist with a nod, before looking at the green haired Nova once more. "Sorry, I guess we'll have to continue this conversation later, huh?"
Velderoth nodded, his eyes focused at the direction they were going to. "Yes…" For a split second, a small smile for the first time since forever appeared on his lips when he knew he at least had one of his childhood friends again. "…Let's confront our enemy."
Back to the two, the other Angelic Buster noticed the calm confident expression on his face. He wasn't sweating, nor did it seem to indicate that he's lying.
"H-how would you know she even wants to see me-- or rather you! It's not as if she has a secret friend that I didn't know about, does she?"
"She doesn't have any secret friends," Maroon responds. "As a matter of a fact, she's been steadily getting more friends who accept her. Even got into a relationship too."
"...You're lying--" She spoke up, still having her soul shooter aimed at him. "You're lying to drop my guard down, aren't you?"
"No he's not." A familiar voice could be heard next to them from a distance. It was familiar to her, eerily familiar. Once the owner of the voice made themself known, the pinkette couldn't believe what she was seeing.
The brown hair, small nubs for horns, the wings, the green eyes and overall green and brown color for her clothing. The prism dragon couldn't help but chuckle seeing her shocked expression, but for the Pinkette she couldn't deny reality that she's currently facing.
"...T-Tear!?" She spoke up before Tear responds as she transformed into Angelic Buster, before aiming her own soul shooter at the different looking Angelic Buster.
"...Let me guess, you're Tear too?" She spoke up, her expression was serious, waiting for the other to respond as the rest of the team arrived, surrounding the one Maroon fought.
The one they had thought to be the doppleganger took some time to process what's going on. She knew she felt real enough, but looking at the other, it made her somewhat believe the blonde haired male. And if that wasn't enough, Tear's childhood friends Kyle and Velderoth stood right beside her.
The pink and blue angelic buster started to realize what's going on. She was lowering her soul shooter before using her magic to make said soul shooter disappear, leaving her without a weapon. Did she...Turn herself in?
The group lowered their own weapons, with Tear changing back, leaving the other Angelic Buster as the pink and blue form like the Tear they know as just the brunette they know. For the sake of simplicity they decided to just call the brunette Tear and the other as Angelic Buster-- or A.B as this story will refer to her as.
"...What's going on..?" A.B asked, looking at the group. "I know I'm not a doppelganger-- I am real, but...What is going on here? A-and why is Velderoth here? Have you gone back to our side??"
"That's what we'd all like to know," Velderoth spoke up, having sheathed his sword. "So, I can assume that you were the one who was performing on stage the other day?" He walked towards her, his tall figure towering over her. He wasn't angry, n'or did he sound like it. If anything he seemed calm.
"As for if I've returned to the good side, I am-- or I am trying to be redeemed as a good person once more thanks to the help of Kyle, Maroon-- the guy who you were trying to fight against and yes, even Tear helped me out. And we can all vouch that she's the real Tear too."
"He's right," Maroon spoke up with his hands resting on the back of his head. "So if you're Tear too, I can assume you've made a contract with Eskalade at one point too, am I right?"
"..." A.B couldn't help but let out a sigh. So he knew of Eskalade too?
"...Yes," A.B admitted. "Is it because that Tear also has Eskalade with her?"
"Had," Maroon corrected. "It's a long story, but that's partly true. The more easy answer is because I was able to sense both you and Eskalade's presence considering I'm able to sense souls. That includes Eskalade Lorang's soul. It's also why I was able to chase you to this point."
"I see..." A sigh escaped her lips as she raised her hands above her head. "Well, you've got me now. I don't know what I did wrong, but if what you said is true, that at least explains why this place feels different from the ones I'm used to."
That last sentence caused Maroon to grin as he walked towards her.
"Then we've got ourselves a simple dimensional or universal situation on our hands." He turned to look at Tear, who let out a small sigh of relief knowing she didn't have to take out a life.
"So," Maroon spoke up. "What shall we do, Tear? The choice you'll be making is all yours."
The group was now all looking at Tear who had been thinking about it for a good while now.
"..." A.B was silent, not sure what is even happening or why they seek her in the first place. She did nothing wrong, did she...?
"..." Tear looked at the other, before finally speaking up.
"...I've got a question first. I've never really gotten a straight answer from Eskalade. If we're willing to help you out, would you answer all the questions we have?"
"..." A.B thought about it for a second. She really didn't have a choice did she? So with that, she nodded.
"...Considering you're me? If you all can inform me what happened here, I will comply to all questions. I feel like I'm in a different Grandis than I'm used to...."
"..." The group looked at eachother, with Tear being the one to nod to her request. "...Everyone," Tear spoke up as she looked at the group.
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"So...Shall we bring her to the hideout?"
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"Wait, you guys have a hideout too?"
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bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU - Farming Daze Interlude
More cute bits because this needed writing. Dedicated to @maskyartist
When they went back a few days later to take a look at the remaining barn, the sun was shining. Everything felt warm and happy, Oz should have known it wouldn't last.
This barn, too, had a pretty solid door, though it opened with a few taps as opposed to the battering the last one had taken. Swinging the doors open wide, the sun bathed the interior and Oz groaned. It was full of rows upon rows of interesting looking boxes and tools, everything they would need to service a proper weapon when and if they found Oscar one. But whoever had installed the shelves seemed to have done so with the express intention of keeping children from prying too closely, none of them were shorter than head height to Oz at the moment.
"Oscar? I... I think we might need to avail your aunt of some help."
Oscar reached up and grabbed a box, giggling at him. He could reach the things right at the front well enough, but even he conceded defeat for anything further back. Oz looked up at the shelves, weighing up how sturdy they were. Maybe he could climb them?
"... uh, Oz? What are you thinking? Don't... no, OZ, you'll get hurt!"
The shelves held, which was more than could be said for Oscar's nerves. Perched on top of one, Oz started handing things down to the shocked looking boy, at least this way they'd be able to manage on their own?
"Oz? You're never allowed in a barn again." Oscar griped. "Is this what it would be like actually having a kid brother? Because if so, I take it back. I don't want one."
Oz looked wounded from atop his perch, big brown eyes hurt, pout on full display and Oscar sighed deeply.
"Okay... you're still my brother, but get down from there! Don't make me call Aunt Em! I know we wanted you to relax, act more like a kid, but honestly, this is not what we meant..."
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Fandom: Monster Prom (Visual Novel) Relationships: Damien LaVey/Yellow | Oz Additional Tags: Drabble, Damioz, help i dont know how to write damien, i can only write angry characters well if they're angry about the same shit i am, i also just havent played an mp game in a hot min, They/Them Oz, he/him damien, platonic or romantic, oz the typa guy to see hellspawn and be like "friend!"
Day 24
Should’ve gone with a better Oz ship but what’s done is done
DamiOz is so difficult to write
I’m also still trying to figure out how to make interesting shit in under 500 words
I’m better with oneshots
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mallowofmuses · 1 year
It's often that immortality graces him with unavoidable fear of death, but the concept itself is a waiting game for everything, and everyone to fade out of reality with age. The most frightening part of himself is the desensitize nature that seems to shape his heart into a cold-blooded shell.
An age where the Bubonic Plague seemed to drove humans over the edge, and they did everything in their power to survive, even if it means sacrificing their sense of morality to murder out of pure paranoia. He crossed many individuals who begged him for food or medicine, but their attempts were fruitless.
They tried to chase after him in their rage-induced state of mind, but he was far faster than they were. Their screams were laced with ferocity that shook him to his core, almost a feral animal with no concept of control.
He made out of there and occupied himself into isolation, waiting for the plague to finish its task to depopulate the human race.
He exposed himself to humanity's darkest nature and the thought of a peasant murdered, his organs disemboweled, the fatty contents melting into the ground with an acidic aroma boiling into the atmosphere seem prevalent through his recollection of a pandemic
Bark Bark
Oz woke up from his slumber, realizing he was sleeping on his work table.
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"Oh, there you are." He pets his German Shepard on the head gently. "I was asleep again. No, i wasn't having a nightmare buddy. It's fine. Everything's fine. I just need to take care of myself and sleep better." He sighed in fatigue.
Inspired by this OST
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clockwork---heart · 1 year
[ HAIR ] — while embracing receiver, sender begins stroking and running their fingers through receiver’s hair as a calming gesture
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Tiny hylian fingers carding through coarse fur and mane startle him. It's not exactly hard to startle the Lynel on a good day. He's always been jumpy since before they met. But Oz allows the woman to rake her fingers through his mane and what constitutes his hair as long as she pleases while his own claws slowly turn pages in his book. He'd finished the thing ages ago but had never returned to Hateno to return it or get a new book. Maybe he should. Glynda had asked of visiting the little town once or twice since they'd met.
"You should let me comb your hair, love."
Her tiny voice in his ear makes the lynel turn his head slightly, looking at her frame settled against his barrel which she has relaxed into with her blanket drawn over her legs.
Claw-tipped digits reach up to his snout, removing the glasses he's got balanced on the bridge of his nose. He regards the tiny sheets of glass and hums before looking down at his mate.
"When you can make a brush that won't get caught in my mane, we'll talk."
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