#page 5293
pesterloglog · 6 months
John Egbert, Jade Harley, Jaspersprite
Act 6, page 5283-5307
JOHN: jade...
JADE: hm?
JOHN: i think i just realized something.
JADE: what?
JADE: whaaat
JADE: but you love this movie!
JOHN: yeah, i know.
JOHN: i mean... i thought i did.
JOHN: it's been kind of a long time since i last saw it. i really remember it being a lot better than this!
JOHN: but now everything just seems so cheesy and stupid.
JADE: but you were making such a big deal about finally getting me to watch it with you on your birthday!
JADE: you were going on and on about how i wouldnt be disappointed... but now youre saying you dont like it?
JOHN: i don't know. i'm trying to like it. i WANT to like it.
JOHN: i want to feel the same magic that was there all the other times i watched it.
JOHN: but i can't, because...
JOHN: it's just...
JOHN: not...
JOHN: good. :(
JADE: really?
JADE: i was actually kind of enjoying it!
JADE: its very silly
JADE: i really dont think its the kind of movie youre supposed to take all that seriously john
JOHN: but i DID take it seriously!!!
JOHN: i guess maybe that's kind of the point.
JOHN: i always thought all this hokey bullshit was legitimately awesome and compelling.
JOHN: what was i even thinking!
JADE: i dunno....
JADE: but people can change their minds about things
JADE: i think youre allowed to change your mind about a silly movie
JADE: i used to LOVE the squiddles show when i was really young
JADE: but as i got older i started to realize it wasnt as great as i thought it was
JADE: i was just too young to see how it was actually a flagrant vehicle for selling merchandise
JADE: and if you believed the conspiracy theorists it might have even been pushing some other dark hidden agendas.....
JADE: so i stopped liking the show itself as much but that didnt change the fact that i had a lot of fond memories about it
JADE: i still loved all the cute characters and could enjoy it on a nostalgic level
JOHN: well, maybe later i'll be able to rekindle some nostalgic feelings about it.
JOHN: but right now, i just feel like a dope for talking this up so hard.
JADE: what is even the problem with it?
JADE: ive just been watching this and thinking, yup, i can see why john was so obsessed with this movie...
JADE: its funny!
JOHN: it's just non stop terrible action movie cliches!
JOHN: look.
JOHN: i love nic cage. he is basically my hero, ok?
JOHN: but i'm kind of just realizing now that he is EMBARRASSINGLY BAD in this movie!
JOHN: he is just doing this corny parody of a southern guy who is down on his luck, and acts "charming" with his goofy accent and stuff.
JOHN: some things i used to think were so badass are just coming off as ridiculous now.
JOHN: can you believe that one time we were watching this movie, when he said "put the bunny back in the box" i actually high fived my dad?
JOHN: this time that line just made me roll my eyes.
JOHN: there's so much crappy dialogue!
JOHN: "cyrus, this is your barbecue, and it tastes good..." arrgh!
JADE: but he was trying to sound like a hardened criminal to win the trust of john malkovich!
JOHN: jade, please. it was a cheesy line, don't be so naive.
JADE: what!!
JADE: you spent your whole life worshiping this dumb movie and now youre calling ME naive????
JOHN: ok, i'm sorry. i guess in fairness to you, you have only just begun to climb the steep learning curve of this vexing and hypnotic film.
JOHN: but i am no longer bound by its spell, jade.
JADE: oh god
JADE: vexing and hypnotic??
JADE: its a movie full of explosions about a guy with a mullet
JADE: what is with you lately? you seem to be in such a crappy mood these days
JOHN: i am fine. this MOVIE is what's crappy these days.
JADE: oh bluh bluh
JADE: can we just finish the rest of the movie?
JADE: look you made us miss a whole bunch of stuff!
JADE: hang on im going to rewind it...
JOHN: who even cares what we missed.
JOHN: just cameron stupid poe in his idiot wife beater babbling some more southern home spun heroic nonsense.
JOHN: heart of gold my ass!!!!!
JOHN: everything dave ever said about this movie was right! i can't believe i used to think he was just trolling me.
JOHN: the stupid junkyard scene where cyrus makes a little model out of rocks and stuff, just so he could tell the criminals to surround some army guys and shoot them... that was pointless!
JOHN: and all this heavy handed scoring. oh my god. the music makes every little thing into such a federal issue!
JOHN: there. now you officially know they are all badasses.
JOHN: also, i somehow didn't even remember dave chappelle being in this movie. he was pointless too.
JADE: whos dave chappelle?
JOHN: and you know the malloy guy, the dick head cop who we're supposed to hate, because of how he gives john cusack a hard time and makes asshole decisions with a helicopter?
JOHN: well screw that! he wasn't so bad. so what if he was a little grumpy? he was just trying to do his job. he had one of the best lines in the movie actually, which was another thing we were supposed to hate him for.
JOHN: what was it? about how cusack was probably out saving a tree and recycling his sandals or some shit? HAHAHA! now that i think about it, i fucking LOVE malloy.
JOHN: i'm going to rewind it to watch that scene again...
JADE: no!!!
JADE: dont touch the remote
JOHN: oh, and we're supposed to be like "YEAH" when cusack wrecks malloy's awesome sports car.
JOHN: but that was a nice car! john cusack shouldn't have ruined it like that for laughs.
JOHN: i know *I* wasn't laughing, were you?
JOHN: john cusack was such a terrible character in this movie now that i think about it. i don't really get what he added to it?
JOHN: he was like the second hero... but dorkier? what did he even really do? he scampered around the junkyard for a while goofing off, and then when it was his time to shine...
JOHN: HE DEMONSTRATED HIS MASTERY OVER HEAVY MACHINERY! wow, he can operate a crane! i am thrilled by the exploits of this pedantic weenie.
JOHN: i guess he's actually like cage's estranged sidekick? almost like the robin that batman never realized he had.
JOHN: now that i think about it, this movie was always an oddly poignant tale of bromance between cage and cusack. just two bros separated by destiny, waiting to be united.
JOHN: when they finally come together to kick some ass, it is arguably more moving than when he reunites with his wife and daughter!
JOHN: i wonder if i'll think that scene sucks now too? it used to move me to tears, but now i'll probably think it's so lame, i'm almost afraid to watch it. maybe i should try to leave at least SOME memories untainted.
JADE: john you are kind of sounding like a crazy person here
JOHN: yeah right! crazy like a fOWWW!
JADE: what???
JOHN: oh...
JOHN: i guess there was a stray feather clinging to my pajamas and it just poked me in the ass.
JOHN: god damn dave sprite.
JOHN: that guy molts like it's going out of style.
JADE: oh...
JADE: heh
JADE: yeah
JOHN: where is he anyway?
JOHN: i specifically told dave sprite several times when my party would start, because i knew he would do this.
JOHN: he's already missed half the movie!
JADE: why do you always call him dave sprite?
JOHN: um... because that's his name?
JOHN: dave sprite.
JADE: no, i mean why do you always say it like that? with the space between words?
JADE: its not dave sprite, its just davesprite
JOHN: what ever.
JOHN: i can't believe he's standing me up on my birthday.
JOHN: maybe he doesn't want to hang out with jaspers?
JOHN: jaspers, i hope you're not going to start chasing him around again when he gets here.
JOHN: dude, shut up.
JADE: yeah.... john
JADE: i dont think davesprite is coming tonight
JOHN: aw, man. really?
JOHN: i knew we shouldn't have invited both him and jaspers.
JOHN: that's just party planning BASICS.
JADE: no...
JADE: it has nothing to do with jaspers
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: then why?
JADE: he uh...
JADE: kind of broke up with me
JOHN: what!!!
JOHN: when did that happen?
JADE: a couple days ago
JOHN: no. no way.
JOHN: i cannot accept this!
JADE: john its ok you dont have t...
JOHN: you and dave sprite were like the glue holding everything together on this miserable road trip!
JADE: we were?
JOHN: yes, jade.
JOHN: you were our rock.
JADE: your rock??
JADE: what are you talking about?
JOHN: come on, jade.
JOHN: you and dave sprite were like... an INSTITUTION on this stupid golden battleship.
JADE: we were not an institution!
JADE: you are just saying meaningless things now
JOHN: why did he break up with you?!
JADE: um...
JADE: its complicated
JADE: basically hes just going through a lot of stuff right now
JOHN: stuff??
JOHN: what stuff.
JOHN: jade, we are all going through stuff. you don't see me flying off the handle and breaking up with MY girlfriend.
JADE: do uh...
JADE: you have a girlfriend?
JOHN: that is not the point.
JOHN: the point is that dave sprite is a douche.
JADE: i dont think hes a douche, hes just...
JOHN: no, he's an orange feathery douche.
JOHN: why is he such a basket case? he's like regular dave, but like, aloof enigma edition.
JOHN: maybe it's because he's part bird? i think becoming a bird and a sprite did something weird to him.
JADE: i dont think being a bird ever bothered him
JADE: like i said... its all more complicated than that
JOHN: normal dave was so much more level headed.
JOHN: i have to admit, i spend a lot of time wondering what he and rose are up to.
JADE: me too
JOHN: ehh...
JOHN: maybe it's for the best he broke up with you.
JADE: why?
JOHN: well, what kind of future do you think you would have with him?
JOHN: he's a sprite. like really, what even is a sprite? how long do they live? will he still be around if we win the new game we are allegedly trying to get to?
JADE: i dont know
JOHN: there are a lot of things we don't know.
JOHN: and also...
JOHN: how do things even work if you marry a sprite?
JADE: what do you mean
JOHN: i mean...
JOHN: ok, he has a ghost butt, for one thing.
JADE: uh
JADE: so
JOHN: i'm just saying...
JADE: and whatever youre trying to gesture with your hands there, stop doing that too!
JOHN: what? no, i was just...
JADE: nope!!! totally not talking about this
JOHN: but
JADE: put your hands down john
JOHN: ok, fine.
JADE: thats not down, thats up!
JADE: oh well, at least youre not making those unsettling gestures...
JADE: john...
JADE: what are you doing?
JOHN: nothing!
JADE: i hope youre not entertaining some awkward train of thought about, uh...
JOHN: no!!!
JADE: what is with you??
JADE: today is your birthday, youre supposed to be having fun!
JADE: but youve been so testy, as if youre committed to not having a good time
JOHN: well, maybe i'm just getting a little tired of being stuck on this lame boat!
JOHN: don't you think it's gotten kind of old?
JADE: yeah, i can see how you might find it a little slow here
JADE: i dunno, i havent minded much... maybe its different for me though because i used to live all alone?
JOHN: oh sure, i'm sure it's GREAT for you. you get to spend your days smooching and breaking up with dave sprite and what not, and you can shrink down to any old planet you feel like, any time. whereas i have to make this whole big deal of ASKING you to shrink or unshrink me, and...
JADE: but i dont mind doing that any time!!!
JOHN: i know, but you think i want to bug you about that at the drop of a hat? when you're busy and on dates and stuff? i just happen to have respect for something called PERSONAL BOUNDARIES, jade.
JOHN: and it's not like there's really anyone else to talk to, except the inscrutable chess people and a bunch of brainless consorts and an idiot cat princess. oh and also nanna, but i mean, she's my grandmother, and she's great, but a guy can only spend so much quality time with his grandmother before he starts to feel like kind of a loser whose friends are too busy to spend time with him!
JADE: john... if you told me this earlier i would have...
JOHN: and i still never visit any interesting dream bubbles, and we can't even finish our cool planet quests because the moment we broke through the window all our denizens decided to go back to sleep, and...
JOHN: i guess what i'm saying is, i'm MORE than ready to get to the other window and meet our friends and other new people and stuff.
JOHN: are you sure you can't make the ship go faster???
JADE: were already going as fast as i can make us go
JOHN: and how fast is that again?
JADE: about the speed of light!
JOHN: well, can't you use your space powers and bump it up a notch?
JADE: no! nothing can go faster than light john
JADE: unless you teleport of course
JOHN: and why can't you teleport us again?
JADE: i already explained this! i cant do that here, its not within the domain of the green sun which gives me those powers!
JOHN: is that why we can't go faster than light either?
JADE: no thats just a regular law of physics!!! jeez
JOHN: ok, i mean, i know that. but this isn't really a regular place, right?
JOHN: isn't the speed of light like a thousand miles a second? so what does that really mean here? are miles and seconds the same here as on earth? how does this nonsense dimension we're racing through jive with all the relativity mumbo jumbo?
JADE: ok first of all, thats not even close to the speed of light
JADE: light travels at a hundred and eighty six thousand miles per second no matter what frame of reference youre in... even this one!
JADE: second of all special relativity and comparing laws of physics between different frames of reference, those are tricky issues to talk about!
JADE: but id be more than happy to talk about them if youd like. actually i would enjoy that because i never really get to talk about science wi...
JOHN: no, i don't want to talk about physics! i don't know anything about the laws of physics, because they are hard and boring.
JOHN: i simply would like them to behave in a way that is most convenient to ME and MY LIFE! is that really asking too much?
JADE: yes as a matter of fact it is!
JADE: you take that back!!!!!
JOHN: no.
JOHN: magic is awesome.
JOHN: science blows.
JOHN: the end.
JADE: john.....
JADE: what is that?
JOHN: what?
JADE: under your hood...
JADE: looks like a piece of paper stuck to your back?
JOHN: huh?
JOHN: oh god dammit.
JADE: what?
JADE: what is it??
JADE: where are you going?
JADE: what! john, no...
JADE: ok yes, that practical joke is in poor taste, but you should try to calm down and...
JADE: um
JADE: which one?
JADE: sigh
JADE: :|
JADE: john...
JADE: theres no one there
JOHN: oh he's THERE alright.
JOHN: he's probably just using some sprite magic so only i can see him.
JOHN: don't you see, jade? he's antagonizing ME PERSONALLY, not you. he's done with you, remember?
JOHN: he already used you like a rented mule, and now he is moving on to greener pastures.
JADE: what pastures
JOHN: it's me.
JOHN: I'M the pastures.
JOHN: and now his mule is grazing all over them, while he has a good laugh.
JADE: what
JADE: wasnt i supposed to be the mule?
JADE: i dont think i understand your analogy
JOHN: no, you see, it's...
JOHN: the mule represented, like...
JOHN: i don't know, like the spirit animal of his douchey ways. or something.
JADE: ....
JOHN: who cares about mules, or pastures, or dave sprite's stupid ephemeral sky visage.
JOHN: who cares about anything!!!
JOHN: who cares about my birthday, or nic cage, or this boat full of idiots.
JADE: john i think youre officially throwing a tantrum here
JADE: ...
JADE: john?
JADE: john...
JADE: are you asleep?
JADE: please dont tell me you just fell asleep in your driveway
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fearandhatred · 2 months
actual footage of me unraveling my 5293 page analysis of good omens whenever someone casually asks me what it's about
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brightnote · 24 days
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My food truck beach build! Super proud of this cute little spot. My beaches are SO awkward.
Dream Address: DA-5293-4125-6115
I just searched the words "food truck" in the custom portal and found that cute food truck window! there are only three pages of designs for food trucks. fyi.
items for this build: truck (customized, festive stall, wheat field, wood stools (customized), metal and wood tables, metal and wood chairs, log bench, coffee plants, palm tree lamps, party light arches, vertical banner (customized), lunch tray, split sandwich meal, soft serve light, boba teas
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greenmenace · 2 years
Yikes, 5293 words and 12 pages of my Octogoblin fic and I'm not even halfway done!
This is gonna be goooood.
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kjnwoos · 2 years
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so sorry for the vanishing act, everyone! work has been keeping me more than busy. i have loved getting to know you all and plotting with everyone buuuuut i wanted to make it a little easier on myself so ta-da! wanted connection page! obviously, i am open to brainstorm if nothing seems to fit quite right and it will be ever added onto. let me know if any of them strike your fancy and we can get to plotting it out. as always, feel free to find me on d*scord @ daisydaisy#5293 💖
(link to plot page here)
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taekangs · 3 years
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hello hello hello! tis i, daisy, with kang taehyun, who if you squint, you might recognize. i wanted to post this earlier but i am a slave to capitalism and just now got to hop on to make my intro! anyway, tae’s the first born of the kang family, set to inherit the k palace empire, and also uhhhh an all around mess. i’ll put more about him under the read more but you all know what to do! give this a like if you’d like to me send a message about plotting but i much prefer discord! you can find me @ daisydaisy#5293 but if you’re more comfy, we can stick to tumblr ims. now, onto a read more with the vital information for this fuck of a boy! 
born april 17, 1993
28 years old
aries sun / scorpio moon / taurus rising
grew up as the “perfect son” because he’s the first born and is set to inherit the k palace empire once dear old dad retires
was under a LOT of pressure to be perfect so perfect was what he was
good at lit everything while also being kind and smart
flew through high school easy, class president, top of the class
went into the army right after so that he could get it done and over with to focus on how to run an entire business lol
went to hanbit university and double majored in business and literature 
got to stay in school unlike his brother lol sorry hwanhee
his parents missed his college graduation in 2017 which sent him on a war path
he became a party animal, doing as many drugs as possible, drinking as often as he could, sleeping with anyone who showed interest
it all came to a halt when he was arrested with a “friend” after burning down an abandoned building while they were partying in it
now his parents are trying to teach him a lesson by cutting him off from non-public image things (like hobby money and fun stuff) and he’s working as a housekeeper in the hotel to “learn responsibility”
he also is a motorcycle mechanic on the side to make some extra cash and keep his own bike in as good of shape as possible 
very openly bisexual (with everyone except his dad and the public eye so really how open is he) and in the worst on/off/whatever the fuck it may be relationship with @hase0k
will protect his siblings to no end so don’t hurt them and he won’t mess with you
he was a prty boy in high school but BOY he got worse after being in the army so if you have a party muse or want tae to teach your muse how to party.... he’s ur guy
now some simple plot ideas! these can be simple thread plots or long, drawn out ones so i’d love to talk about them. i much prefer brainstorming but who knows, a plot page might show in the near future
a one night stand who wants tae to be a more than one night stand but taehyun literally couldn’t care less
people who he grew up that are shocked at how much he’s changed
people who got into bar fights with that are still bitter about it lol
someone who had a crush on him in high school/college and didn’t do anything about it then but are ready to now
all of the exes! they can be on bad terms, good terms, great terms, whatever
his number 1 booty call. must be older than 24
someone who wants taehyun to teach them about bikes (pls keep in mind that i actually know nothing about motorcycles other than they are sexy so my knowledge is... limited)
army friends! he did his service from 2011-2013
the person who helped him burn down the building. did it truly happen accidentally? or was is all to frame taehyun?
a rival from high school/college that competed with tae almost all the time
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thkana · 3 years
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hi everyone pt. 2! surprise, it’s daisy again (21+, she/her) and this here is kiyoko kana, class of 2016, aka the muse i apped with right before the revamp took place. i hope you all love her as much as i already do! her skeleton is death from the four horsemen and... boy howdy she’s a mess. but like! in a good way! i hope. she came to hannam on a full ride scholarship for being a smarty pants and now doesn’t have a job because she just blackmails rich old men for their money instead. below is all of her intro info, per usual, so please like if you’d like to plot! i don’t have any pages made for her yet, but they’ll pop up in the next few days. you can always find me on discord @ daisydaisy#5293. now let me introduce you to the one and only, kana.
kiyoko kana, october 1, 1997
24 years old
class of 2016
born and raised in kyoto, japan with her mom, dad, and little sister
her parents owned a chain of smaller grocery stores so they were “middle class”
really smart, like, insanely smart
tested into hannam on a full ride scholarship without missing a single question on the test but had to redo her 2nd year because credits from her old school didn’t transfer properly
kept to herself for a good part of her time at hannam because rumors started when she first got there about her only getting in because she slept with someone on the school board (untrue)
by keeping to herself for the most part, she was observant and learned all the ins and outs of the gossip and drama at hannam and prided herself on knowing everything about everyone, causing people to assume she was lily
after graduation and during college, she became a bar back at a lesbian bar where she met Her, an older woman who she would hook up with frequently 
turns out, she’s actually the wife of a powerful politician who has been paying her off ever since to keep quiet about the affair
kana took it upon herself to learn how to trade in secrets like she did at hannam and blackmail the elite of korean society 
doesn’t have job other than that but part time promotes clubs on instagram because she’d be going to them any way and whats some free bottles of top shelf liquor and vip booths to hook up in compared to a couple instagram stories 
hot, slightly unhinged milf hunter extraordinaire
collects butterfly knives and daggers in her spare time
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goonlinepapers · 3 years
The essay HAS TO BE DUBBLE SPACED. it has to be 5 pages long. it has to be a per
The essay HAS TO BE DUBBLE SPACED. it has to be 5 pages long. it has to be a per
The essay HAS TO BE DUBBLE SPACED. it has to be 5 pages long. it has to be a personal narrative. Please do not make to essay look to smart but make it long please!! The computer will know if it was copyright. If you have any questions please contact me @ 832-670-5293
View On WordPress
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deunoposteoficial · 3 years
Deu No Poste SP 20 Horas 28/11/2020 – Resultado Jogo do Bicho Da PTN-SP
Resultado Jogo do Bicho de SP das 20 horas de hoje:
PrêmioResultadoGrupo1º026316 – LEãO2º056717 – MACACO3º809123 – URSO4º320502 – ÁGUIA5º529324 – VEADO6º741905 – CACHORRO7º14913 – GALO
Soma: 24987
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source https://resultadodojogodobicho.deunoposte.online/deu-no-poste-sp-20-horas-28-11-2020-resultado-jogo-do-bicho-da-ptn-sp/
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viditajewels · 5 years
For just $1535.00 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Product Name : Ring Metal Purity : 14k Gold Gemstone : Ruby & Diamond Diamond Weight : 1.45 Cts Ruby Weight : 4.79 Cts Gold Weight : 6.472 Gram Ring Size : 7 US Gross Weight : : 7.72 Grams Product Code : VJ-5293 SHIPPING POLICY We ship as early possible after receiving the full Payment. We Believe in Fast and Timely delivery. Delivery Time :- 14 to 17 Working Days, however in some cases it might take up to 35 - 40 days due to custom procedures or any other unforeseen circumstances.If you do not receive items in 40 days please contact us directly ,we will look into the matter and process your refund. In order to fulfill the special demands of our valuable buyers we can also make customized jewelry, plus we can also change the gemstones of our existing products as per the demands we will receive from our buyers. Terms & Conditions apply. There are no hidden charges while shipping, except any custom duties and taxes if applicable will be paid by you.The price you see on the product page is what you will pay to us. PAYMENT POLICY Paypal We accept PayPal Payments only.For payment you can use PayPal Balance or your credit card (Via PayPal). Payment should be made within 3 days of purchase . RETURN POLICY We work towards complete customer satisfaction.In case you receive damaged, Defective or faulty goods, we provide you easy replacement,exchange and refund. Product must be returned within 14 Days in the original condition for replacement(if we have the design in stock), if we don't have stock of that particular design you can exchange the item or apply for a 100% refund, based on your choice. Buyer is liable to pay the return shipping charges plus duties (if any). Items which are returned will only be accepted if they are unused and unworn otherwise not. Please note that color may not match ex...
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ericfruits · 6 years
FRB NY Coincident Index
Indexes of Coincident Economic Indicators (CEI) for the New York-New Jersey Region
1995 to present
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Our Indexes of Coincident Economic Indicators (CEI) for August show economic activity rising at a robust pace in New York State, and at a moderate pace in New York City and New Jersey. Background A coincident index is a single summary statistic that tracks the current state of the economy. The index is computed from a number of data series that move systematically with overall economic conditions. A rise in the index indicates an expansion of economic activity and a decline in the index indicates a contraction in economic activity. Each of the regional indexes is computed using data on employment, real earnings, the unemployment rate and average weekly hours worked in manufacturing. The estimated New York State, New York City, and New Jersey Coincident Indexes are then calibrated to match the mean and standard deviation of their respective real earnings series.
For more information, see: Just Released: May’s Indexes of Coincident Economic Indicators Show Economic Growth Moderating across the Region Federal Reserve Bank of New York Liberty Street Economics Blog, June 2016 Just Released: February Report Points to Moderate Regional Economic Growth Federal Reserve Bank of New York Liberty Street Economics Blog, April 2013 Just Released: August Indexes of Coincident Economic Indicators Show Uneven Growth across the Region Federal Reserve Bank of New York Liberty Street Economics Blog, September 2012 Just Released: January's Indexes of Coincident Economic Indicators Show Fairly Robust Activity across the Region Federal Reserve Bank of New York Liberty Street Economics Blog, March 2012 Just Released: July’s Indexes of Coincident Economic Indicators Show Economic Activity Picking Up across the Region Federal Reserve Bank of New York Liberty Street Economics Blog, August 2011
Two New Indexes Offer a Broad View of Economic Activity in the New York-New Jersey Region
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By Jaison Abel, Robert Rich and Jason Bram, Current Issues in Economics and Finance 5 (14), Oct 1999, 6 pages / 322 kb Is the Worst Over? Economic Indexes and the Course of the Recession in New York and New Jersey
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By Jason Bram, Jaison Abel, Robert Rich, Jason Bram, and Joseph Song, Current Issues in Economics and Finance Second District Highlights (15) 5, September 2009, 7 pages / 371 kb
For further questions, contact Jaison Abel, (212) 720-5293, or Jason Bram, (212) 720-5651.
Other Regional Economic Activity Indexes Economic Activity Indexes for PA, NJ, and DE
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Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank
Coincident and Leading Economic Indicators for Texas
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Dallas Federal Reserve Bank
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lucasyan · 3 years
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elizabethcariasa · 4 years
Tax preparers filing season prep: A written security plan
The tax world is a twitter, literally on social media and figuratively for those not addicted to the sociability component of their electronic devices, now that the Internal Revenue Service is already accepting business tax returns and will start taking 2019 tax year 1040 forms from individuals on Jan. 27.
Everyone, from taxpayers to income payers to tax professionals are already at work, with most at this point gathering data in preparation for the actual filings.
For tax professionals, that includes a written security plan to safeguard all the sensitive tax and financial information they handle for their clients.
Tax data treasure trove: Tax data contains some of the most sensitive information about the 150 million or so of us who will submit returns this year.
Official earnings statements (like W-2, 1099 and other tax-related forms) and year-end statements (from our checking, savings, retirement and investments accounts) all contain our names, addresses, account numbers and, of course, our Social Security numbers.
Much of the info on these documents will find its way onto our annual tax returns.
By now, we all are terrified by well aware of the lure this info poses to identity thieves and other criminals. So we're careful to ensure that this crucial data is protected.
Tax pro security required: Reputable tax preparers that millions of us hire to handle our taxes also are on guard against tax season identity theft.
But just to be sure, Uncle Sam demands that these tax pros have a written security plan in place to safeguard all their clients' tax data.
It's a requirement of the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 and administered by the Federal Trade Commission.
Why tax professionals are required to create a written information security plan.
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), popularly known by its Congressional authors' names but officially known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, mandates that companies defined under the law as "financial institutions" ensure the security and confidentiality of any and all consumer information they collect. Professional tax preparers are included in the law's definition of financial institutions.
As part of its implementation of the GLBA in 2003, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued the Safeguards Rule. This requires the affected financial institutions under FTC jurisdiction to have measures in place to keep customer information secure.
Specifically, the Safeguards Rule requires companies, including tax professionals and their offices, to develop a written information security plan that describes their program to protect customer information.
Security plan specific: The FTC, cognizant that not all tax preparers (like taxpayers) are not alike, offers tax pros some leeway in creating their plan.
Basically, says the FTC, a tax preparer's security plan must be appropriate to the company's size and complexity, the nature and scope of its activities and the sensitivity of the customer information it handles. 
That said, the FTC does have certain, absolute requirements.
It demands that each financial institution:
Designate one or more employees to coordinate its information security program;
Identify and assess the risks to customer information in each relevant area of the company's operation, and evaluate the effectiveness of the current safeguards for controlling these risks;
Design and implement a safeguards program, and regularly monitor and test it;
Select service providers that can maintain appropriate safeguards, making sure the contract requires them to maintain safeguards, and oversee their handling of customer information; and
Evaluate and adjust the program in light of relevant circumstances, including changes in the firm’s business or operations, or the results of security testing and monitoring.
Keep these guidelines in mind as you create or reassess and update your written information security plan.
Cybersecurity specs could be added: Also note that The FTC is doing some re-evaluating itself of its Safeguards Rule. Specifically, in this growing age of online connectivity, the FTC is proposing adding detailed cybersecurity requirements to the GLBA requirements.
"While our original groundbreaking Safeguards Rule from 2003 has served consumers well, the proposed changes are informed by the FTC’s almost 20 years of enforcement experience," said Andrew Smith, Director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection. "It also shows that, where we have rule-making authority, we will exercise it as necessary to keep up with marketplace trends and respond to technological developments."
Some of the proposed changes include requiring:
customer information to be encrypted, both in transit and at rest;
implementation of multi-factor authentication for any individual accessing customer information;
regular testing and continuous monitoring of relevant key controls, systems and procedures; and
development of procedures for the secure disposal of customer information in any format that is no longer necessary for their business operations or other legitimate business purposes.
Comments on the FTC proposals closed last August. Tax professionals should be alert for any of these potential changes in the Safeguards Rule and, where possible, get ahead of the FTC and implement them now.
IRS' tax security efforts, too: The IRS and its Security Summit partners also have been working to educate tax professionals (and their clients) about the need for adequate (or more) safeguards when it comes to identity theft precautions.
The reason is simple. Crooks know that one big haul from a tax preparation office is a much easier way to get their hands on beau coups data that gives them the ability to file hundreds or fake tax returns seeking fraudulent refunds.
That's so much easier and more efficient than stealing our identities one at a time. (If only these scammers used their skills for legal efforts, the economy would be in even better shape!)
So the IRS reiterated the FTC security plan requirements in a recent security tip for tax preparers.
Such educational efforts appear to have paid off, with the professional tax community has made notable security protection progress.
"The Security Summit partners have made great progress against tax-related identity theft," said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig.
But, noted the commish, "we need to do more, and we need the help of taxpayers and tax professionals to continue our momentum. We all have a role to play, especially tax professionals that remain among the most coveted of targets by identity thieves."
Hence, the reminder to tax pros, if they haven't already, to create that written information security plan.
IRS added ID theft prevention tips: The IRS' security plan YouTube video (that's a screen shot below) highlights the written info security plan key points.
Tax preparers also can get more details from IRS Publications 4557, Safeguarding Taxpayer Data, and 5293, Data Security Resource Guide for Tax Professionals.
And you — and by you, I mean tax pros and all us individual filers — also should check out the IRS Security Summit's "Taxes. Security. Together." online page.
It has tips and links for taxpayers, businesses and tax pros on the information security steps we all can take, during the 2020 tax filing season and beyond.
You also might find these items of interest:
Be ready for the worst: Create a tax data theft recovery plan
Taxpayers in 19 states & D.C. now can get special IRS IP PIN to fight tax identity theft
Ways to secure your mobile devices before making online holiday purchases or tax moves
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capecoddaily · 5 years
Deck: Another active week in P-Town…Towns: ProvincetownTopic: Police BlotterHub Category: Police and FireAuthor: CapeCodToday StaffTeaser: Another active week in P-Town…Main Image: Thumbnail Image: Body: Provincetown Police Department Page: 1 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 For Date: 04/08/2019 - Monday Call Number Time Call Reason Action Priority Duplicate 19-5220 0011 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5219 0012 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3004] BRADFORD ST 19-5221 0033 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST + HOWLAND ST 19-5222 0057 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2898] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5223 0105 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 19-5224 0143 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: COMMERCIAL ST + SNAIL RD 19-5225 0149 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 413] CONWELL ST 19-5226 0211 NOISE COMPLAINT SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2] ALDEN ST 19-5227 0405 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 521] ROUTE 6 19-5228 0503 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5229 0511 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + HOWLAND ST 19-5230 0545 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 19-5231 0600 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 958] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5232 0614 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2490] PROVINCELANDS RD 19-5233 0615 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 447] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5234 0720 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5235 0810 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5236 0814 PARKING COMPLAINT No Action Required 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3456] RYDER ST EXT 19-5237 0916 ALARM - GENERAL False Alarm 1 Location/Address: [PRO 1815] OAK DR 19-5238 0951 ANIMAL CALL Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5239 1005 SERVICE CALL - POLICE SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 395] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5242 1100 COMPLAINT - GENERAL SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2102] SNOW ST Provincetown Police Department Page: 2 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5243 1139 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2494] BRADFORD ST 19-5244 1146 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5245 1234 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2977] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5246 1259 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST + STANDISH ST 19-5247 1337 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5248 1350 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 2207] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5250 1455 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5251 1518 LOST PROPERTY SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 399] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5252 1525 PARKING COMPLAINT Could Not Locate 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5253 1552 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5254 1606 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5255 1617 DISORDERLY Peace Restored 1 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5256 1701 911 - GENERAL No Action Required 1 Location/Address: COMMERCIAL ST 19-5257 1835 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST 19-5258 1930 MEDICAL EMERGENCY PATIENT REFUSAL 1 Location/Address: [PRO 1892] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5259 2047 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 221] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5260 2134 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5261 2139 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2018] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5262 2143 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2483] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5263 2151 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2898] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5264 2203 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2500] COMMERCIAL ST For Date: 04/09/2019 - Tuesday 19-5265 0002 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 530] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5266 0009 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + SNAIL RD Provincetown Police Department Page: 3 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5267 0010 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 444] HIGH POLE HILL 19-5268 0018 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2489] BRADFORD ST 19-5270 0226 FOLLOW UP SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: [TRU] OLD FIREHOUSE RD 19-5271 0307 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 525] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5272 0319 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 516] RACE POINT RD 19-5273 0343 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5274 0401 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3430] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5275 0423 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 517] RACE POINT RD 19-5276 0425 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2499] RACE POINT RD 19-5277 0435 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 19-5278 0524 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 447] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5280 0614 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 99] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5281 0712 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [TRU 95] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244321 19-5282 0735 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5283 0742 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5284 0755 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [TRU 95] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244322 19-5285 0803 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5286 0818 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244323 19-5287 0838 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [TRU 95] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244324 19-5288 0855 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [TRU 241] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244325 19-5289 0900 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 1509] BRADFORD ST 19-5290 0906 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2206] PILGRIMS LANDING Provincetown Police Department Page: 4 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5291 0924 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [TRU 241] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244326 19-5292 0941 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3440] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244327 19-5293 0952 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244328 19-5295 0957 ANIMAL CALL Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5294 1000 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD Refer To Citation: T1244329 19-5296 1019 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST + ALLERTON ST 19-5297 1044 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 440] HARRY KEMP WAY 19-5298 1051 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 761] BRADFORD ST 19-5299 1053 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST Refer To Citation: 19-353-CN 19-5300 1114 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD Refer To Citation: T1244300 19-5301 1126 ASSIST DEPARTMENT / MUTUAL AID SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 625] DEWEY AVE 19-5304 1337 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2206] PILGRIMS LANDING 19-5305 1342 SERVICE CALL - POLICE BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2304] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5309 1511 ALARM - GENERAL False Alarm 1 Location/Address: [PRO 3761] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5308 1512 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3440] ROUTE 6 19-5310 1537 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: 19-354-CN 19-5312 1601 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5313 1614 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3430] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5314 1620 LARCENY / FORGERY / FRAUD Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 122] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5316 1741 COMPLAINT - GENERAL Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1895] BRADFORD ST 19-5317 1744 HARASSMENT / THREATS Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 175] COMMERCIAL ST Provincetown Police Department Page: 5 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5318 1808 LANDLORD / TENANT Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: GARFIELD ST 19-5319 1914 MV STOP Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5320 1936 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5321 2027 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: RYDER ST + COMMERCIAL ST 19-5322 2230 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 519] RACE POINT RD For Date: 04/10/2019 - Wednesday 19-5323 0028 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 545] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5324 0036 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 413] CONWELL ST 19-5325 0036 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1778] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5326 0109 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2490] PROVINCELANDS RD 19-5327 0113 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5328 0119 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 526] RYDER ST EXT 19-5329 0124 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2483] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5330 0137 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2494] BRADFORD ST 19-5331 0149 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3430] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5332 0151 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2977] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5333 0156 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 19-5334 0226 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2859] BRADFORD ST 19-5335 0310 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 512] PRINCE ST 19-5336 0344 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5337 0354 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 19-5338 0416 ALARM - GENERAL False Alarm 1 Location/Address: [PRO 346] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5339 0447 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 106] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5340 0458 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 Provincetown Police Department Page: 6 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5341 0520 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5342 0545 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2540] RACE POINT RD 19-5343 0556 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1778] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5344 0634 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2493] BRADFORD ST 19-5345 0727 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5346 0748 COMPLAINT - GENERAL SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: COMMERCIAL ST 19-5347 0811 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5348 0833 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST EXT 19-5349 0834 LARCENY / FORGERY / FRAUD SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: [PRO 1651] DAGGETT LN 19-5353 0900 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3287] ROUTE 6 19-5350 0905 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 1153] WILLOW DR 19-5351 0922 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 3222] ALDEN ST 19-5354 0951 ANIMAL CALL Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2645] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5355 1008 ANIMAL CALL SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5356 1013 ANIMAL CALL Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 1522] BRADFORD ACRES RD 19-5357 1044 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 285] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5358 1044 PARKING COMPLAINT SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: BREWSTER ST 19-5359 1054 VANDALISM Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3317] CEMETERY RD 19-5360 1105 ASSIST DEPARTMENT / MUTUAL AID Services Rendered 3 Location: [OT] EDGARTOWN 19-5361 1127 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1173] WINTHROP ST 19-5362 1146 GENERAL INFO No Action Required 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5365 1236 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 658] MOZART AVE 19-5366 1237 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 571] ALDEN ST 19-5368 1314 FOLLOW UP No Action Required 2 Provincetown Police Department Page: 7 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5369 1335 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT No Action Required 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST EXT + W VINE ST 19-5371 1346 COMPLAINT - GENERAL SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 175] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5372 1353 ANIMAL CALL Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2645] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5373 1432 FOLLOW UP Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5375 1521 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5376 1644 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5377 1653 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + MAYFLOWER AVE 19-5379 1724 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: 19-355-CN 19-5380 1725 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST 19-5381 1727 MEDICAL EMERGENCY PATIENT REFUSAL 1 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5382 1854 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: COMMERCIAL ST + SNAIL RD 19-5383 2000 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST + WASHINGTON AVE Refer To Citation: 19-356-CN 19-5385 2012 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 958] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5386 2023 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5387 2039 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: PRINCE ST Refer To Citation: 19-357-CN Refer To Citation: T1244307 19-5388 2152 ALARM - GENERAL Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 346] COMMERCIAL ST For Date: 04/11/2019 - Thursday 19-5389 0033 PARK, WALK & TALK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1778] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5390 0038 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5391 0103 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2977] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5392 0105 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 75] CAPTAIN BERTIES WAY 19-5393 0114 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 526] RYDER ST EXT Provincetown Police Department Page: 8 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5394 0138 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: [PRO 106] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5395 0221 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY VERBAL WARNING 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2490] PROVINCELANDS RD 19-5396 0231 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 530] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5397 0520 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2500] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5398 0526 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 526] RYDER ST EXT 19-5399 0527 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2489] BRADFORD ST 19-5400 0547 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + SNAIL RD 19-5401 0804 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5402 0819 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 440] HARRY KEMP WAY 19-5405 0926 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2380] CREEK HILL RD 19-5406 0944 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3287] ROUTE 6 19-5407 1004 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate 2 Location/Address: [PRO 1260] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5408 1022 ANIMAL CALL Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 1349] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5409 1044 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2898] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5410 1049 FOLLOW UP Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5411 1107 FOLLOW UP Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3908] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5413 1133 ALARM - FIRE False Alarm 1 Location/Address: [PRO 2977] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5414 1154 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5416 1321 COMPLAINT - GENERAL Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 837] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5417 1335 ANIMAL CALL SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: COMMERCIAL ST 19-5418 1348 FOLLOW UP Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3908] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5422 1524 HAZARDS Removed Hazard 2 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 19-5423 1530 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3440] ROUTE 6 19-5424 1620 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Provincetown Police Department Page: 9 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 Location/Address: [PRO 3870] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5425 1632 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4081] COURT ST 19-5426 1658 MV COLLISION Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 272] COMMERCIAL ST Refer To Accident: 19-18-AC 19-5427 1713 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5428 1757 ANIMAL CALL Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + HOWLAND ST 19-5431 1825 MEDICAL EMERGENCY PATIENT REFUSAL 1 Location/Address: [PRO 1952] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5432 1937 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1488] PEARL ST 19-5433 2002 ASSIST CITIZEN SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2169] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5434 2028 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2633] HOWLAND ST Refer To Citation: 19-358-CN 19-5435 2039 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 521] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: 19-359-CN 19-5436 2043 COMPLAINT - GENERAL Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3331] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5437 2051 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2364] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5438 2055 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 526] RYDER ST EXT 19-5440 2110 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 19-5441 2200 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD Refer To Citation: 19-360-CN 19-5442 2206 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2343] BREWSTER ST 19-5444 2224 MEDICAL EMERGENCY PATIENT REFUSAL 1 Location/Address: [PRO 507] PEARL ST 19-5445 2245 MEDICAL EMERGENCY PATIENT REFUSAL 1 Location/Address: [PRO 507] PEARL ST For Date: 04/12/2019 - Friday 19-5447 0148 MEDICAL EMERGENCY PATIENT REFUSAL 1 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5448 0257 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 530] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5449 0612 MV DISABLED Services Rendered 2 1 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + HOWLAND ST 19-5450 0802 AT SCHOOL Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST Provincetown Police Department Page: 10 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5451 0805 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5452 0818 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5453 0832 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3741] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5454 0834 LOST IPHONE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5455 0845 MV COMPLAINT Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: DYER ST + COMMERCIAL ST 19-5457 0858 HARASSMENT / THREATS Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5458 0912 MV COMPLAINT Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 175] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5459 0941 MV COMPLAINT Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 182] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5460 0950 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3287] ROUTE 6 19-5461 1007 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 571] ALDEN ST 19-5462 1014 LOST VARIOUS ITEMS Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5463 1021 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 537] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5464 1026 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 19-5466 1049 MV COMPLAINT Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 597] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5467 1133 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 440] HARRY KEMP WAY 19-5468 1136 MV COMPLAINT Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: CEMETERY RD + ALDEN ST 19-5469 1154 LOST CHECKBOOK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5470 1208 HAZARDS Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3260] BRADFORD ST EXT 19-5471 1235 MV COMPLAINT Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 19-5472 1257 MV COLLISION Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 440] HARRY KEMP WAY Refer To Accident: 19-19-AC 19-5474 1347 COMPLAINT - GENERAL Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2420] BRADFORD ST 19-5476 1500 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5475 1505 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD Provincetown Police Department Page: 11 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5477 1537 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: 19-361-CN 19-5478 1545 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: 19-363-CN Refer To Citation: 19-362-CN 19-5479 1653 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5480 1727 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 19-5482 1753 LOST PROPERTY Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5483 1809 KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: COMMERCIAL ST 19-5484 1939 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: AUNT SUKEYS WAY 19-5485 1955 ALARM - FIRE Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 3188] MEADOW RD 19-5486 2149 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2500] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5487 2150 ASSIST CITIZEN SPOKEN TO 3 Location: [PRO 3431] LOPES SQUARE 19-5488 2157 FOLLOW UP SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3188] MEADOW RD 19-5489 2221 BAR CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 399] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5490 2223 BAR CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3443] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5491 2322 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5492 2337 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5493 2355 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2500] COMMERCIAL ST For Date: 04/13/2019 - Saturday 19-5494 0006 BAR CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3443] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5495 0020 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2494] BRADFORD ST 19-5496 0025 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2500] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5497 0025 ASSIST CITIZEN Peace Restored 3 Location/Address: [PRO 399] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5498 0028 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location: [PRO 3431] LOPES SQUARE 19-5499 0129 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST Provincetown Police Department Page: 12 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5500 0149 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2483] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5502 0216 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2977] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5501 0219 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5503 0255 NOISE COMPLAINT No Action Required 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2547] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5504 0336 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 537] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5505 0521 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5506 0526 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5507 0535 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5508 0535 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + SNAIL RD 19-5509 0548 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: RYDER ST + BRADFORD ST 19-5510 0550 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: GOSNOLD ST 19-5512 0742 ANIMAL CALL VERBAL WARNING 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2518] ROUTE 6 19-5513 0838 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3440] ROUTE 6 19-5514 0918 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5515 0940 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5516 1001 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2928] BRADFORD ST Refer To Citation: 19-365-CN 19-5517 1031 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5518 1117 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5519 1155 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2512] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5520 1212 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 19-5521 1223 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3004] BRADFORD ST Refer To Citation: 19-364-CN 19-5522 1247 ALARM - GENERAL Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 704] BANGS ST 19-5523 1351 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST Provincetown Police Department Page: 13 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5524 1432 ALARM - FIRE Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 204] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5525 1504 HARASSMENT / THREATS Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5527 1549 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5528 1613 LOST CAR KEY Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5529 1618 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: SNAIL RD + COMMERCIAL ST 19-5531 1653 911 - GENERAL Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 63] BRADFORD ST EXT 19-5532 1708 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 440] HARRY KEMP WAY 19-5533 1711 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: SNAIL RD + COMMERCIAL ST Refer To Citation: 19-366-CN 19-5535 1854 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 519] RACE POINT RD 19-5536 1854 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5537 1955 DISTURBANCE - FIGHT / ARGUMENT Peace Restored 1 Location/Address: [PRO 1953] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5538 2124 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD Refer To Citation: 19-367-CN 19-5539 2131 ASSIST CITIZEN SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2251] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5540 2131 911 - GENERAL No Action Required 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3222] ALDEN ST 19-5541 2212 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5542 2254 NOISE COMPLAINT SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3443] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5543 2332 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5544 2339 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3908] COMMERCIAL ST For Date: 04/14/2019 - Sunday 19-5545 0039 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2577] BRADFORD ST 19-5546 0044 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5547 0051 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: CONWELL ST + BRADFORD ST Refer To Citation: 19-368-CN 19-5548 0138 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Provincetown Police Department Page: 14 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5549 0333 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2540] RACE POINT RD 19-5550 0519 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 521] ROUTE 6 19-5551 0602 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2500] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5552 0609 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2512] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5553 0612 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2898] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5554 0614 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST + RYDER ST 19-5556 0834 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2483] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5557 0849 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3440] ROUTE 6 19-5561 0934 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5558 0937 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5560 1125 HAZARDS Removed Hazard 2 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5562 1218 PARKING COMPLAINT SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1992] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5563 1236 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 182] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5564 1244 ALARM - GENERAL False Alarm 1 Location/Address: SEASHORE PARK DR 19-5565 1333 HARASSMENT / THREATS SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: [PRO 210] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5566 1350 911 - GENERAL Could Not Locate 1 Location/Address: [PRO 2500] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5567 1358 MV DISABLED Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2520] PRINCE ST 19-5568 1400 COMPLAINT - GENERAL Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1490] PLEASANT ST 19-5569 1512 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5570 1555 HAZARDS Could Not Locate 2 Location/Address: [PRO 58] BRADFORD ST 19-5571 1649 LOST IPHONE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5572 1710 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST Refer To Citation: 19-369-CN 19-5573 1906 ALARM - GENERAL Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: HENSCHE LN Provincetown Police Department Page: 15 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5574 1906 ANIMAL CALL Could Not Locate 2 Location/Address: [PRO 356] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5575 1953 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 440] HARRY KEMP WAY 19-5576 1958 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1930] BRADFORD ST Refer To Citation: 19-370-CN 19-5578 2041 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 182] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5579 2043 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3440] ROUTE 6 19-5580 2139 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 437] FREEMAN ST For Date: 04/15/2019 - Monday 19-5581 0041 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5582 0049 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5583 0052 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: HOWLAND ST + COMMERCIAL ST 19-5584 0107 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2540] RACE POINT RD 19-5585 0112 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2499] RACE POINT RD 19-5586 0118 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2494] BRADFORD ST 19-5587 0119 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: COMMERCIAL ST + BRADFORD ST 19-5588 0146 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5589 0158 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 526] RYDER ST EXT 19-5590 0217 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2898] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5591 0234 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2898] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5592 0302 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2490] PROVINCELANDS RD 19-5593 0343 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 19-5594 0354 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2489] BRADFORD ST 19-5597 0828 HAZARDS Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 955] HOWLAND ST 19-5599 0923 ALARM - GENERAL Referred to Other Agenc 1 Location/Address: [PRO 3007] HARRY KEMP WAY Provincetown Police Department Page: 16 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5598 0924 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2483] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5600 0927 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD Refer To Citation: 19-371-CN 19-5601 1004 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: 19-372-CN 19-5602 1005 911 - GENERAL Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 63] BRADFORD ST EXT 19-5603 1022 911 - GENERAL Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 63] BRADFORD ST EXT 19-5604 1033 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2494] BRADFORD ST 19-5606 1044 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2395] BRADFORD ST Refer To Citation: 19-373-CN 19-5607 1143 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5610 1300 MV DISABLED Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 19-5611 1303 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 19-5612 1326 SERVICE CALL - POLICE SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 540] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5613 1341 GENERAL INFO Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5614 1416 COMPLAINT - GENERAL SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3128] CONWELL ST 19-5615 1436 HAZARDS Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + SNAIL RD 19-5619 1600 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5617 1723 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3440] ROUTE 6 19-5620 1745 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5618 1747 MV COMPLAINT Could Not Locate 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2540] RACE POINT RD 19-5621 1815 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5622 1828 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2977] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5623 1853 ASSIST DEPARTMENT / MUTUAL AID Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 19-5624 2042 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5625 2148 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 530] SHANK PAINTER RD Provincetown Police Department Page: 17 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5626 2348 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5627 2351 BAR CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3443] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5628 2352 BAR CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 399] COMMERCIAL ST
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taekangs · 2 years
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hi everyone! daisy here. i finally got around to re-messaging everyone  i think (???) about plotting since my way long hiatus ended. i’m working on getting my plots pages up and running for both tae and kana (since it’s easier for me to keep track of things that way) but i’m always up for brainstorming things as well. per usual, you can find me on discord @ daisydaisy#5293 or tumblr ims as well. i hope you all had/are having the happiest of holidays! 
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