#paranormal files
britofthebacklogs · 5 months
I am behind the times
Parts Two and Three of my friend's Paranormal Files: Fellow Traveler play-through are available, and I'd meant to make a post for each the day each one went up. Since I dropped that ball, I'll just emphatically encourage anyone reading this to check out those videos (and the PF game series). Here's Part One! Here's Part Two!! Here's Part Three!!!
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red-rd · 8 months
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suburbantimewaster · 2 years
Paranormal Files: Silent Willow Beta Test
Got to #betatest the latest #paranormalfiles game from @bigfishgames! Check out my thoughts on this little preview! #videogames #blog #update #review @WordPress
When the husband of a paranormal investigator goes missing, it’s up to her and her team to track him down. Can they save him from the forces of evil or is he the evil they’ve been fighting? (more…)
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connorsnothereeither · 2 months
This is outside the field of my usual posts but with the recent development of Watcher Entertainment rapidly digging their own grave:
If you want some content with the similar vibe to Buzzfeed Unsolved, whilst being really unique and honestly improving on the format in a lot of ways, I really recommend a podcast I’ve listened to for a while now called “This Paranormal Life”
Two Irish friends/comedians/“professional paranormal investigators” investigate the paranormal each week, alternating in bring each other new cases, and by the end of the episode, try to convince the other that the ghost/alien/cryptid story of the week is real or fake.
It’s been running since 2017, and while that means that not all the content is amazing, and I’d assume some hasn’t aged the best, there are so many absolute banger episodes, and there is a shit ton of backlogged episodes on most podcast platforms including video content on YouTube (episode 363 released less than a week ago from posting this), not even including the years worth of backlogged Patreon content.
Honestly like this is just an excuse for me to share a podcast I really enjoy lmao, but I know a big drive of people following Watcher was searching for the vibe of Buzzfeed Unsolved adjacent content, and I think that this might appeal to people searching for that kind of show!
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my favourite paranormal investigators are father and son duo, paranormal files. so wholesome.
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shaniacsboogara · 2 years
That Estes method session was insane, I can't believe I'm saying this but I fully believe Shane Madej just beat up a ghost on camera. Ghost Files is peak cinema.
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jeypawlik · 7 months
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Hey I did some @wearewatcher skeptic fanart and it appeared on the show! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNita0Thzjw
This was really fun to work on and, as a skeptic myself, I wanted to do up a piece for our side of the show with a bunch of reasons for noises, shapes and glowing eyes. The raccoon is 100% a reference to S2 ep1.
Also check out my Patreon for the sketch & thumbnail of this piece for free
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cooler-luckysandcat · 16 days
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magick-memes · 11 months
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britofthebacklogs · 5 months
!Signal Boost!
A friend of mine is rebooting her youtube channel, which will mostly consist of story-focused play-throughs of games like Paranormal Files, Mystery Case Files, Stray Souls, and Dark Tales, with the occasional departure from these mystery/horror games to include a combo-breaker she's especially fond of. The first video, the introduction to Paranormal Files: Fellow Traveler, is HERE. Please check it out? Paranormal Files (like the other titles I've listed) is a fun series, and really picks up following the first game. I hope you'll come back to see the first game through, as well as the story which develops through the sequel games!
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red-rd · 11 months
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trashworldblog · 10 months
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quasi-normalcy · 25 days
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lesbianmarrow · 20 days
there is something so lovely about "quagmire" establishing scully's childhood interest in sea monsters and moby dick and having her understand mulder's motivations and obsessions through that lens. it's like her whole life was preparing her for this role, to be one half of the x-files, to be mulder's partner. and it shows such an appreciation for scully's inner life and her past - i don't think it's a coincidence that this is in an episode written by a woman (at least in part).
it's so delightful and astonishing to me that kid scully believed in sea monsters. if she and mulder had known each other as kids, and if they'd been the same age, would they have swapped theories? the line "then i grew up and became a scientist" is great. such an excellent background detail because it further contextualizes her skepticism - she sees the paranormal as belonging to the realm of childhood. the time for believing in fantasy creatures is over. still, it must be fun for her to access that childlike way of thinking when she's working with mulder. the sort of thinking where potential is limitless and unrestrained by logic, and that allows you to see things you wouldn't otherwise be able to see.
and the detail that her father read moby dick to her as a bedtime story when she was a little girl.......first of all it shows you how highly william scully thought of his daughter, that he believed in her ability to comprehend such a dense and difficult text. and certainly she must have felt his esteem for her intelligence, and the weight of his expectations for her, even back then. but also, consider that for many many nights little dana scully listened to her father read her a story illustrating the ways that one man's all-consuming obsession and solipsistic self-destructive quest can wreak havoc on himself and everyone around him. consider that she's always known what happens to men like that, and to those who stick by them.
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