fobosfear · 9 months
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He is helping Trazyn researching old human culture.
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stonefaced-skink · 8 months
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dragontober day 10: chatelaine! after spending so long looking for 100% bright dragons i was surprised by how taken i was by her, all greyscale and then a pop of color. would like to find a mate that's similarly greyscale with a bright tert (hopefully a bit farther apart on the color wheel) to make a lot of similar children
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1800duckhotline · 11 months
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i want her (both of them)
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the-witchhunter · 1 year
Jack Fenton x Killer Croc
so a bit back I was struck with madness, but a madness as the ancient Greeks saw it: Divinely inspired. Which resulted in this 
Anyway I now unironically ship Jack Fenton with Waylon Jones aka Killer Croc. Why does this somehow work?
Gay, always a bonus
Grumpy boyfriend x Golden retriever boyfriend
interesting and fresh dynamic
Waylon is the product of a skin condition, childhood abuse, and the vicious cycle of career criminals trying to go legit. This isn’t a ship where Jack “fixes” Waylon’s problems, Waylon is already trying to, Jack is just willing to give Waylon a Chance at all. Waylon has a heart of gold under there and Jack who sees the best in everyone is the perfect person to give Waylon a space and family to just be a person
Danny giving the shovel talk to a giant gator man is just really funny
Now am I just posting this to avoid actually writing a fic of these two? No... okay well partly. 
BUT also just wanted to infect DP x DC fandom with this wild ship, parlty because I thinks it’s surprisingly cute, partly because i kind of just want to see fan art of it
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faultlinescrew · 9 months
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Spitfire, Sophia getting a better story, fucking up nazis and cool gasmasks? Sign me the fuck up i am so down for this you have no idea.
The Arrows created by @nonplatonicsubtext, and i will make more art in return for more lore on these three and Charlotte Design notes and hcs under the cut
(if any of these dont fit please feel free to disregard them :] i am just 'yes and-ing' here)
Spitfire: - I have five different designs for her i rotate through depending on how im feeling, so i went for the one that would best fit for this au - In canon shes one of the younger members of palinquin (in my hcs she is the youngest) and pretty timid, so plays more of a support role, in this shes a more a frontline fighter, so natrually, more scars - ^ and i like the idea of her getting burnt by her own powers (not canonly fireproof and all) - many thoughts about her you have no idea - having more of a spine is a good thing, but it is also causing her so much stress - went for a more assymetrical design partly for the lack of resources due to her not ending up taking any teams offer, parlty bc i thought it looked fuckin sick - very curious as to why she turned down faultline - was homeless (i belive this for a number of reasons), her and Apsis are crashing in some abandoned basement somewhere Morrigan: - I dont really have much to say, i am so hyped to watch her be rescued from her original narrative and i want to make art for it - n0brainjustvibes prowler!sophia design is so good it rewrote my brain entirely, shes ourple now - your (nonplatonicsubtexts) description for her costume was so vivid i just picked it up and threw it at the drawing software
Apsis: - Shes kinda just free real estate to do whatever with so this will be mostly hc's - Also havent given her a full costume design bc i am waiting for a more solid vibe if that makes sense - Mixed south asian/white (in the above art, at least) - May i suggest the name lila/leela - Whilst Emily and Sophia are roughly 15, shes more 18/19, and that age gap might contribute more to the gap she has with the other two - Fell out with the Merchants a while back due to petty drama and managed to avoid their aquisition into the Syndicate - Has a bit of a substance problem from that, but wont really recive any support due to the whole 'tramatised homeless young adult whos primary job is kicking the shit out of white nationalists' thing, so thems the breaks i guess - Shes just chillin
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stardustpinkart · 5 months
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I have yet to see "Wish". And I'm parlty waiting to do so. Lots of people have reimaginings and au's about it and some likit, other seems to hate it. It seems an okay film at best?
Anyway, its a bit easier to make up an alternate storyline, when you dunno what the canon is. Sometimes canon prevents you from imagining what could be, it can be a mental hookup? So if I can like to draw a few pics before seeing it. I do know SOME things and some stuff that couldve been.
The main is of course little star being a boy.
My personal AU is this and its probably like others. The design of Starboy here btw belongs to another, the-gateway-to-madness
I imagine the Kingdom, it all seems so perfect and wonderful, and of course these places are anything but. They hide the cracks. And the people tend to leave everything to there monarchs becuase its easier, or they cant fight back. Seems the King controls whether or not wishes get granted in this land and no doubt an obsession for power and complete control.
Star, he simply goes by star, kinda going "Gargoyles" route here they dont typically have names, falls in love with Asha at first sight. Stars are quite innocent and on a diffrent plane form humans, they dont deal with the same issues as they do not to mention I imagine, omnipotent powers?
All he wants is to make her happy and use his magic to do so. But Asha is an ordinary girl, and its all very overwhelming? If a magic being loved you, woudlent it be a lot to take on? Larger than life? So very slow burn on her part, if at all. He's very sweet, but, its a lot to deal with.
If Magnifico knew Star had fallen to earth I have no doubts he'd want to use him. Keep him locked away and use his power for his own. A tool, an ultimate weapon.
I imagine Star turns into his lil form thinking hes being incospicous, but of course its anything but(maybe pretend to be a stuffed toy now and then), but he also might turn into it when he's exhausted, his power draining.
This is what would I'm sure happen, Star locked away in the castle dungeon to be kept like a caged bird, just for Magnifico to use his magic. He'll NEVER let him go, he'll remain there forever. It would be up to Asha and her love to save him.
She could also be a fairy godmother, thats part of the movie right, starting it off? If she and Star were a couple Im sure.
If I was a writer Id love to do a story but, I'm not really. Not alone anyway I can come up with blurbs like this, thats the most of it. I can draw though so
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dearweirdme · 3 months
It such a weird thing in sk that if there is a dating news of idols dating or actors dating or idol & actor dating , there is a "backlash" from the so called 'public'. I mean do they want them to be forever be single . And it's a parlty fault from media side also that they sell headline as a "backlash" . Can't they just simply say something good or say that many fans's are excited or their hearts are 'broken' like why it has to be a backlash always .
Hi anon!
Oh, definitely very weird! I think the companies are equally to blame. Imagine having to write an apology for dating someone. Like, that is the last type of reaction an idol should have, because it means that what fandom is doing is working. It basically says, yes you are right for saying I shouldn’t date. Media certainly has a big influence as well, since people are often prone to follow what headlines say. It’s a very weird thing, I was really surprised about finding out this side of SK society. The whole concept of ‘dating scandal’ is so odd. Dating is something most humans engage in … nothing scandalous about it generally speaking.
For things to change it means that people are going to have to take a big stand. It’s a difficult thing, because celebs like BTS are also prone to keep their relationship secret. So it’s hard to take a big stand while also keeping private stuff private.
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imunbreakabledude · 9 months
last reblog inspiring me on the thread of 'superstrong girlfriend who can't be bothered to beat people up for you'.... bc thats so maeve
in maeveannie land I think maeve actually is the girlfriend who will beat up anyone who looks at annie wrong (ironically enough since annie is also super strong which she tries to remind maeve but maeve's just like pssssh not strong enough)
in maevelena land i think it doesnt happen as much parlty bc keeping their relationship secret most of the time but also partly because i think the dynamic is reversed if anything i think elena likes when maeve acts like a stupid baby and elena gets to stand up for her...
HOWEVER even with that being their default i think in the rare moments where maeve stands up for her n threatens/politely humiliates someone who was giving her shit elena gets a little flutter like ooooh wait what was that??? haha noooo i'm too smart to be smitten by this hahah what am i thinkingggggg???
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ivakir · 2 years
so, as I said in the previous post, the vault dwarf announced “parlty” mo/biliz//at//ion. there are rumors that they may declare a state of m..arti..al la..w in a couple of days. we all don’t know what’s going to happen even in an hour. 
so if I suddenly disappear for a very long time (not 2 weeks or a month, but longer), it’s probably because of this. I will try to stay safe. 
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jiniya · 1 year
i think itd be cute once theres cloned meat at wedding ceremonies and stuffi t becomes normal to eat a bit of eachother like ur becoming one flesh but for reals also if i could id clone a lot of my flesh and his flesh and eat eachother like once in a while cus once all my cells regenerate 7years i think its like ill be parlty him and vice versa its jut a rlly cute idea and it rllywil lrevmap the turn so cute i could eat u up!! ppl wana do it for a reason and itd be cool if u cna do wit without hurting or maiming who u love however i heard it tastes weird and like pork and im not interested in the taste itself so id have mine well done i think like all steaks but i might go vegetarian or vegan one day
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goldberry-edition · 7 months
New 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' poster 🌬️
We can see Appa for the first time here (just parlty though) 😄
A trailer is also expected to be released soon.
Who else is excited for this series?
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Oh yes!! I do love your thoughts on things - you really have a knack for coming up with really interesting things! I’ve just realised I haven’t asked for your thoughts or Gil-Galad, specifically his parentage - so, if you would like to, thoughts?
- Captain Anon
Hey thanks mate!!!
For Gil-Galad, can I call him Gil? Well I'm gonna.
The run down is I have no idea what the canon story is pre-Isle of Balar is so in my imagination, Gil was adopted as Maedhros and Fingon's kid, but then as various people had their kingdoms wrecked/got killed, he got transferred from house to house until just... only his house was left.
Note: ok I'm sure you've noticed by now, I sometimes say "middle earth" and I just mean not-valinor.
If I'm correct, at some point Morgoth attacks Hithlum about 100-200 years after they arrive in Beleriand. Anyways Gil is one of the very few Young kids around (having been born after arriving in middle earth), so when his parents are (unfortunately) killed, Fingon's like "so, Neylo I hear you like kids" and Maedhros is like "haha yeah I do" so Fingon's like "great, we have one. This is Gil-Galad. Sign here."
A brief interlude from time lines to discuss Adoption: there's no "hey this guy isn't actually related!" no. no. If the person is adopted they are not only thier parent's child. They are everyone's nephew/neice/grandchild/cousin/they trace family ties a bit too far sometimes but they mean well. The point is, Gil is ABSOLUTELY part of the shiny murder family now.
Anyways, Gil has 7 uncles/aunts he regularly hangs out with plus one who he's never met, and a slew of his fathers' cousins (Arafinwe's kids) so despite the rough start, has a pretty awesome childhood hopping between Fingon's and Maedhros' houses, and going to Finrod's house once a month because Finrod is the only other responsible babysitter. At the time of the Dagor Bragollach, he's fortunate enough to be with Fingon, and it's agreed he should stay there for Awhile. In that time, he grows into a solid military commander himself, gaining a reputation across Beleriand but also trust and respect from Fingon's people.
Ergo, even if he spent time swapping between Hithlum and Himring later on, it's only natural that in the Union of Maedhros he be with Fingon's army. Unfortunately, that means Gil's group gets screwed over. He ends up in the Isle of Balar because they don't know what's going on/who'd betrayed who and I'm fairly certain Cirdan and Fingon hung out (I think there was an attack Cirdan helped repel) so he goes there bc, lets be honest, Cirdan is pretty awesome. Plus his other options were: Turgon has a hidden city someplace, the Feanorians are kinda crazy and don't really have a base anyways (plus they were inexplicably late), and hippity hoppity get off my property Doriath.
Anyways, if he claims to be literally everyone's child, it's because there isn't a Finwean who wouldn't claim him as their own. But primarily he's Fingon and Maedhros' kid, with 198475019 overly enthusiastic "uncles."
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expireddollie · 4 years
Circus Baby as Micheal is bleeding out and is literally cut open with her guts all over the ground realizing who Michael is:
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Created for: The Sims 4
Beautifully built mansion for your sims! It has 22 rooms in total, all of them are empty. But it is designed to have 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 dining rooms, 2 living rooms, one kitchen, and one big underground swimming pool. Backyard has a dining and relaxing area with a bar and a swimming pool. With the essence of modern and traditional feeling at the same time; your sims are going to love it!
Value: 148020
Furnished: Partly
Decorated: Externally
Bedrooms: 6
Bathrooms: 4
Stories: 4
Lot Size: 40x30
Custom content: No CC used
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janichroma · 5 years
Jan while playing rejuvenation intense from start to finish without many breaks I was thinking it was too easy for a good while, it was easy to understand and abuse in most parts if you prepared BUT, that all changed when i hit mount valor. I don't know if it was just my own experience but I spent the better part of 6 hours redoing the zetta/geara fight since one mistake messed the whole thing up, and it left me wondering. Does our suffering give you sustenance??????
Suffering is the only thing keeping me alive. >:]]]
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nandovarga · 2 years
Bogdanovka, 21 decembrie 1941: Începutul celui mai mare masacru al Holocaustului prin gloanțe / Mărturii ale supraviețuitorilor
Autor: Petru Clej / RFI Astăzi, 21 decembrie, se împlinesc 80 de ani de la debutul a ceea ce a constituit cel mai mare masacru al Holocaustului prin gloanțe. La Bogdanovka în Transnistria, teritoriu aflat sub administrație românească, au fost uciși cel puțin 48.000 de evrei. În acest prim episod prezentăm mărturia unora dintre puținii supraviețuitori. În lagărul de la Bogdanovka, o fostă…
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