#percy jackso n
gaminedyke · 6 months
caught up on for all mankind!! can't wait for the next episode
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johannepetereric · 5 months
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DOES PERCY HAVE BROWN HAIR?!?! *eyes sideways*
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JACKSO[trident goes through the O]N
[smaller letters] AND THE OLYMPIANS"
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Wait, no, he's still blond.
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eights-world · 2 years
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felixlcsser · 4 years
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partially inspired by the Watermelon Sugar music video
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alliechick · 5 years
March Books Part 2
The Kane Chronicles #2: The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan
Liked this one a little better than the first. Still not a huge fan of the framing device. Sometimes I forget how young protagonists are in these books. Like 13 and saving the world and being in a love triangle? Wild.
The Kane Chronicles #3: The Serpant’s Shadow by Rick Riordan
Feeling pretty meh about this book. Not a fan of the love triangle (though it certainly has a creative way of dealing with it), which was present in the second book but more important in this one. I’m not necessarily against love triangles, but the relationships are shallow in this series. I’ve never been heavily invested in relationships in Riordan’s books, but this series relationships have even less ground than Percy Jackson or Magnus Chase in my opinion.
The way the plot builds and wraps up is good. Like most of Riordan’s work, it was fast paced and fun.
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beaubcxton · 6 years
Tell me what you think about Percy Jackson and its characters!! It could be HOO, Magnus Chase or Trialls of Apollo of Kane Chronicles or anything really, up to you. Hope you're having a nice day💚💚
Hi, hello! How are you? I hope you’re lovely and having an awesome day. Sending you loads of positive vibes. I love this ask a lot, first of all so thank you xx Longggggggggg answer below, sorry oops
The Percy Jackson series is my favorite series to date (tied with Inheritance Cycle. Sorry HP) I love how light it is, how funny and deep certain lines are. It’s a very cliche thing to say but these books have legit changed my life. I’ve gotten into mythology and I love studying about it. 
 Since I’m so extra, I’ll just skim over all the characters. I haven’t read PJO in ages, so keep that in mind when you read the following nonsense.
 Percy Jackson, with all honesty, is the love of my life. It’s not so much that he’s hella attractive with his sea green eyes and messy hair but so much that he’s so dorky, kind, loyal and brave. He’s so relatable with his sarcasm and saying and I adore him basically. He’s literally one of those older sweet brother kind of guy, you know?
From The Son of Neptune, “Percy glanced over. He saw the fallen giant and seemed to understand what was happening. He yelled something that was lost in the wind, probably: Go!
Then he slammed Riptide into the ice at his feet. The entire glacier shuddered. Ghosts fell to their knees. Behind Percy, a wave surged up from the bay-a wall of gray water even taller than the glacier. Water shot from the chasms and crevices in the ice. As the wave hit, the back half of the camp crumbled.
Look how powerful this angel is asudhiauds. He is the definition of cool. 
Annabeth Chase is just, ahhhhhhh. I love her too. She’s a bit like Hermione Granger, in my opinion, and there are certain qualities of hers that just piss me off, tbh but at the end, she’s loyal and brave too. So damn badass and smart. I love how she’s like. ‘PERCY SPIDER AHHHHH’ but also ‘Screw you, Hera’ like damn, this girl.
Percabeth is a really healthy ship, I think because they were there for each other and have a lot of significant moments. There’s a lot of debate on whether their relationship is toxic and mentally abusive because she disregards his intelligence but I think we can put that to rest because in Magnus Chase, it’s Annabeth that suggests Percy as a tutor soo :) It’s a very mature relationship in the end, basically. 
 This is already so long so I’m just going to break it up. 
HOO is not my favorite series. I loved certain parts of it and who doesn’t want more of this universe? But it didn’t really compare to the first series so it was slightly a disappointment? I didn’t really love the characters but they had their moments. We should have expected what happened with Calypso, honestly. It’s a common trope for you know who to fall for her and her him. I don’t mind it now, tbh but I used to read Percy x Calypso fics lol.
 I don’t know what to say about Trials of Apollo that’s well, positive and happy because I don’t like it and I’ve skipped the second book. However, I must advise all of y’all to read the burning maze.
The Kane Chronicles are exceptionally cool because I didn’t have a clue about Egyptian mythology and entering a new world felt amazing, especially since it’s Rick Riordan’s world. There were moments when it became dull and I did not like Sadie Kane. She was too whiny (in my opinions) As for Magnus Chase, it too had its dull moments as do all books but it was so great learning about Norse Mythology, meeting Loki, dreaming about the trees and giants. It’s so surreal. The book had so much diversity and the sign language addition really impressed me. 
I skipped a lot of characters. Grover, Chiron, Sally for example. Let’s just say I love all of them. 
I love all these books in my own little way and someday, when I have time, I’ll marathon and binge read all these books in a couple of hours like I did last time. Thank you so so much for the ask Van! You’re such a sweet bean. 
All my love xxx. 
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slashers-hell · 7 years
Do you read YA novels ?? If so what are some of your faves ?
I assume you’re referring to young adult novels. Well, not really because I prefer classic literature, historical books, and nonfiction. However, I’ve read some young adult novels in the past, and I enjoyed Eleanor & Park, Why We Took the Car, The Hunger Games, and Percy Jackson & the Olympians.
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ladvystark · 7 years
hello! i voted for staying as 'noorasvtre' because i just recently started the show and she is turning into one of my absolute favorite characters, plus the url is easily recognisable :)))
hope you like the show!! and thank you for voting♡
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | NOORA SÆTREicon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | LUKE SKYWALKERmobile: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | SANSA STARKtheme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | PERCY JACKSONposts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | VIOLET BAUDELAIREfollowing? not yet, sorry | f+ !!! | yessss | ofc ily!!!
no more please
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ladvystark · 7 years
Voted darthvader mostly because I didn't understand the other two ... :D
haha that’s okay, thank you so much!!
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | NOORA SÆTREicon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | LUKE SKYWALKERmobile: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | SANSA STARKtheme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | PERCY JACKSONposts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | VIOLET BAUDELAIREfollowing? not yet, sorry | f+ | yessss | ofc ily!!!
no more please
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