#pet hcs
hozaloza · 2 months
I'm forcing everyone to look at my Cranes pet/animal hcs Jasmine has a dog, cat and snake.
Thomas has a cat
Jasmine forced Thomas to make their cats have a play date. it was a success in Jasmine's words.
Thomas's cat is an orange and white tabby named Daisy.
Jasmine's pet names are: Dog- Mushu Cat- Meowvrick (He's a black cat with long fur, she had to name him after her boss <:sobbingBoss:1183934764386898000> ) Snake- Mr. Snoodle (She let her friend Jenifer pick this name. She regrets it afterwards 💀)
Jasmine used to have a big fluffy dog when she was a little kid. She was old but still energetic. She absolutely loved her. Sadly one day while on a walk, an unleashed dog tried attacking little Jasmine. Luckily her dog was there and defended her. Unfortunately, while her dog won, she was left heavily injured. She carried her back home (with struggle) and tried to help her, but it was too late. It took a lot of years after to get a new dog since she was heart broken
Jasmine kept a lot of centipedes in a little bucket and gave them names. They would always die and she cried every time (she was like 9) ((also she held funerals for them and completely forgot about them afterwords))
In 7th grade she went over to Thomas's house and saw that he had a pet bird. She loved spending her time with Cracker (Thomas named him 💀)
Oh yeah, Thomas had a pet bird named Cracker. He named him when he was 10.
Thomas would always bring home the most scrungkliest feral cats, and his parents would force him to let them back outside (he always cried bc he loved them a lot, even if they scratched his face up)
Jasmine and Ryan would always help him capture these cats. Mainly Ryan bc he knew what he was doing.
Ryan had a pet horse who he still visits to this day (horse was a baby when he got him)
Ryan is scared of every dog except his tiny little dachshund who he named Snake (he grew out of this fear eventually)
Ryan loved turtles as a kid. He had a pet turtle named Hank (they were kids ok--)
Ryan didn't like Thomas's bird as a kid (he bit his finger) Every time Ryan went to his cousin's house, he would immediately hide from their heeler dog (they lived on a ranch) Once while on the trampoline, his cousin's dog got on and Ryan started freaking out, struggling to get away since he was laying down.
He hates the rooster on his cousin's family ranch
Ryan took horse riding lessons
Maverick has a black axolotl who he named Latte (haha reference)
When Maverick was little, he was constantly surrounded by birds and other rain forestly type animals. He took care of 2 Scarlet Macaws that frequently visited his childhood home, a pet Capybara named Stinkle, and an Iguana named Chico
Maverick loves animals, give him a cat to play with and he melts immediately "Awhhh, aren't you a stinky little thing?? Yeah you don't like me, but I don't care. No one likes me either way!!" "Boss, we have to give the cat back" "No, she's mine now." "Boss--" "Ryan, can't you see we're bonding??" He says as the furious little kitten is biting him
Maverick is scared of horses (a horse licked him when he was little)
He LOVES cranes. He absolutely loves them. It's been his dream to have one as a pet, but sadly the only cranes that lives in the states is the sandhill crane and whooping crane, and they're illegal to own as pets. (He'll get one eventually)
When he got to see a crane up close once, his fixiation started HARD. Bring up a crane in discussion and he'll list off all the facts about them from the top of his head.
The crane trio gave him the axolotl for his birthday. Maverick didn't like aquatic type animals, so he was sorta pissed at first. But when he saw the axolotl was black, he fell in love. "You got me a fish…?" "Well, not really, it's an axolotl!" "…Whatever it is, I don't want that disgusting--" Sees it's black "….You're my baby now. I'm naming you Latte. I'll build an entire ecosystem for you, and we'll talk about cranes together." "…Told you he'll love it."
Alex is scared of cats (he got chased by an orange kitten when he was little)
He really likes Cheetahs, their swiftness intrigue him
He really wants a pet dog, but never found the time to make room for one (his job 💔 )
When Ryan and Alex move in together after this hell, Ryan got him a Golden Shepard breed, and Alex loved her (he cried when he held her in his arms)
Alex and Ryan are dog parents
They got a Doberman after
Crows are fairly fond of Alex, they constantly bring him little shiny jewels since he feeds them
That's all I have for now </3
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ninyard · 2 months
fox tweets
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crafting-mojo · 1 month
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Postmaster Pearl's new line of *Official* PostOffice Merchandise! Get yours today!!
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kaiju-krew · 2 months
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cuepickle · 3 months
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I headcanon Steve as bi, for the meme I’ll allow it
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dammarchy211 · 7 months
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I wish an autistic ten year old would so many backflips in my mind it cures MY mental illness
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demonic0angel · 8 months
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Danny would fail the wall test 😔 (click for clarity)
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floweroflaurelin · 2 months
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I’m trying to get back into the swing of painting, so as a warmup I made this!! Morgan the dog belongs to my friend @theminecraftbee and is the bestest girl <3
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saturnniidae · 4 months
Lying to myself everytime Hiccup sends a terror mail in Rtte. Idc about coloration differences, it is Sharpshot. Sharpshot didn't just disappear after Dob.
Hiccup still has him, and loves him, and takes care of him. And he sits on Toothless' head and they play together sometimes but also have an incredibly one-sided rivalry centered around trying to impress Hiccup. And he bothers Hiccup while he's working because he likes laying on his desk like a cat. And for all the shit he gives them, he loves Hiccup and Toothless so much and they're like a little family. He's still there guys he's just chilling in Toothless' saddlebag most of the time.
The series may have forgotten about Sharpshot, but I have not. He is still there and so are all the other dragon riders' trained terrors.
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deathflare · 3 months
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gay little scribble
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strangersatellites · 1 year
back on my Witch!Eddie bullshit
AU where Eddie is a witch and uses his magic to minorly inconvenience Steve. problem is, Steve is so used to it that he just kind of… deals with it and carries on.
Anyway, one day Dustin comes over to ask Steve for his potato soup recipe and he walks in the kitchen to steve just levitating over the stove and starts freaking the fuck out (as one does post-vecnapocalypse).
Steve startles and rushes to placate him with a,
“Woah, woah! Hey- hey! Dustin! I’m fine!”
When Dustin finally calms down enough to question why he’s floating over a pot of spaghetti he just says,
“Oh! I wouldn’t let Eddie try the sauce before dinner and he got mad at me and put me in air jail.”
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crafting-mojo · 2 months
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they are napping on the job!!!
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dustykneed · 2 months
hey dusty I'm here to push my Spock purring agenda on you. thoughts?
of course <33 he's the og catboy. now for a transporter malfunction so they all purr:
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i like to think jim is DEEP in that cat brain (not because the transporter malfunctioned any differently for him as opposed to bones. but because he is just Like That honestly). bones is the sort of... almost humanly intelligent flavor of cat. except he retains his 24/7 anxiety and jumps three feet every time someone sneezes too suddenly. and jim knocks shit off spock's counter all the fucking time so bones just eats shit all the fucking time lmfao
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ghurab-alzilal · 1 month
Pet Training
Damian, teaching his new parrot : Ok Brown, what does the cow say?
Brown the parrot: Moo!
Damian: Great, and what does the duck say?
Brown the parrot: Quack!
Damian: Excellent, and what does the pussy say?
Brown the parrot: "Remember, Robin. Justice, not vengeance."
Damian, giving a prize to the parrot : Good bird!
Jason, mocking : It's so intelligent. Isn't it?
Bruce: *growls *
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billi-mausi · 6 months
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James and Sirius' animagus when they turned for the first time.
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plistommy · 2 months
I honestly think Steve isn’t really used to pet names, he likes to call Eddie ’Eds’. He does compliment his boyfriend for being handsome and pretty a lot, but Eddie on the other hand calls Steve all sorts of pet names, like sweetheart, darling, gorgeous, baby and Steve loves it.
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