alexanderrogge · 1 month
Wrongful Conviction - #444 Jason Flom with Rafael Martinez:
RafaelMartinez #WarOnDrugs #CooperatingWitness #Witness #WitnessCoercion #Coercion #PleaBargain #PleaDeal #ConfidentialInformant #Misidentification #FalseNarrative #EyewitnessTestimony #Testimony #Lies #CourtroomProcedure #KangarooCourt #ExculpatoryEvidence #EvidenceSuppression #Evidence #Undead #PrisonBreak #WrongfulConviction #CriminalJustice #Law
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webcomicsetc · 9 months
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Matt And Austin - 106 - Thought Police 4 - 09-06-2001
💥 www.mattandaustin.com👈
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joelsilberman · 1 year
Consult your lawyer to avoid an obnoxious plea bargain
A plea bargain may save you unnecessary hardships or a potential conviction. However, you must ensure that you get the best possible plea bargain. Prosecuters may sometimes, as in the abovementioned case, induce you to enter an obnoxious plea bargain. Talk to an experienced lawyer like Joel Silberman to avoid such a risk.
Read more... https://bit.ly/3pv5vMy
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insurance-lawyer · 1 year
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drganeshvisavale · 4 months
Deciphering Legal Lingo: A Guide to Clarity in Common Indian Legal Terms
A Layman’s Guide to Understanding Everyday Legal Terms So, you always wanted to make sense of all those complex legal jargons, huh? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! We’ll break down these fancy words and phrases so you can finally understand what they really mean in everyday life and also what they specifically don’t mean. Let’s dive in and unravel the mystery behind common Indian legal…
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leroylawpa · 1 year
Avoid Jail Time: The Power of a Criminal Attorney
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A West Palm Beach criminal attorney can help protect your rights and build a solid defense to increase your chances of avoiding jail time.
Criminal attorneys investigate your case, challenge evidence, and develop tailored defense strategies.
Plea bargaining is a powerful tool to reduce charges and secure more lenient sentencing.
Presenting mitigation factors during sentencing can lead to lighter penalties.
Post-conviction relief offers opportunities to reduce or avoid jail time after a conviction.
The Crucial Role of a Criminal Attorney in Navigating Legal Challenges
When facing criminal charges, it's natural to be frightened and concerned about the potential outcome. A conviction can lead to jail time, financial penalties, and a permanent mark on your record. The good news is that a West Palm Beach criminal attorney can help you navigate the legal process and increase your chances of avoiding incarceration.
Defending Your Rights and Building a Strong Case
A skilled criminal attorney does more than represent you in court. They work tirelessly to ensure your rights are protected and build a strong case on your behalf. This includes:
Investigate the circumstances surrounding your arrest to determine if any violations of your constitutional rights occurred.
Examining the evidence against you, identifying inconsistencies or weaknesses, and challenging its admissibility in court.
Develop a defense strategy tailored to your specific situation, which may include negotiating a plea deal or taking your case to trial.
The Power of Plea Bargaining to Reduce Charges and Sentencing
Often, the most effective way to avoid jail time is through a plea bargain. This process involves negotiating with the prosecution to reduce the charges against you or agree on a more lenient sentence. A seasoned criminal attorney understands the nuances of plea bargaining and can leverage their knowledge and experience to secure the best possible outcome for you.
Presenting Compelling Mitigation Factors to Influence Sentencing
Should your case proceed to the sentencing phase, your criminal attorney will present compelling mitigation factors to persuade the judge to impose a lighter sentence. These may include your background, lack of criminal history, remorse, or any other circumstances that may justify leniency.
The Importance of Post-Conviction Relief to Minimize Jail Time
In some cases, even after a conviction, a skilled criminal attorney can help you avoid or reduce jail time through post-conviction relief. This process involves appealing the conviction or sentence, seeking a modification of the sentence, or filing a motion for a new trial. Your attorney will guide you through this complex process and advocate for the most favorable outcome.
Q: What should I do if I'm facing criminal charges? A: The first step is to consult with a qualified criminal attorney who can help you understand your rights and navigate the legal process.
Q: How much does it cost to hire a criminal attorney? A: Fees vary depending on the complexity of the case and the attorney's experience. It's essential to discuss fees and payment arrangements during your initial consultation.
Q: Can a criminal attorney guarantee that I'll avoid jail time? A: While a skilled attorney can significantly increase your chances of avoiding jail time, no attorney can guarantee a specific outcome.
Q: What if I'm not happy with my current attorney? A: You have the right to change attorneys if you're not satisfied with their representation. However, it's crucial to consider the potential impact on your case and consult with a new attorney before making any decisions.
Q: How can I find the best criminal attorney for my case? A: Research local attorneys, read client reviews, and schedule consultations to find an attorney with the experience and expertise needed to handle your case effectively.
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legalupanishad · 2 years
Plea Bargaining in India: ADR in Criminal Matters
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This article on 'ADR in Criminal Matters: Plea Bargaining' was written by Nirmiti Ratnakar, an intern at Legal Upanishad.
What is ADR?
According to Black's Law Dictionary, ADR is "a strategy for settling a disagreement by measures other than litigation, such as arbitration, mediation, or mini-trial." In this context, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) refers to the process of settling problems outside of the conventional court system with the aid of mediators, arbitrators, and legal practitioners. As a consequence, the definition reflects an understanding that "ADR" is a broad term that encompasses a variety of processes that differ in form and use. This is because "ADR" stands for "alternative dispute resolution." Lastly, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) can be seen as a process that saves disputing parties time and money, takes the pressure off of traditional court systems that are already full, and focuses on talking and working together instead of fighting and finding fault.
Why ADR in Criminal Matters?
Alternative Dispute Resolution, often known as ADR, is crucial because it emphasizes the parties' capacity to settle differences in a manner acceptable to all parties. It's getting more and more popular because of how it can help fix broken relationships between victims and offenders, how important it is to keeping society together, and how it could be used as an alternative way to quickly settle legal disputes. Even though people who support ADR say it is not a solution for all disagreements, they are promoting it more and more as a way to settle disagreements about criminal cases within the criminal justice system. As a result, there has been a new emphasis on it, particularly in criminal proceedings, to support the notion of restorative justice. This idea lets crime victims, offenders, and communities all have a say in how the community responds to crime. This makes the public feel more confident in the justice system.
Plea Bargain
During the pre-trial phase of the negotiation process, the accused person and the prosecutor's lawyer can talk about a plea deal. The person who is accused tells the prosecution that they will plead guilty if the prosecution agrees to do some things. The prosecution will drop some of the more serious charges against the defendant if the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser crime. People who have done serious crimes or offenses that could lead to the death penalty or life in prison cannot negotiate a plea deal. For these sins and crimes, you could get a life sentence in prison or the death penalty. A plea bargain is an agreement between the prosecution and defense in a criminal case in which the defendant changes his plea from "not guilty" to "guilty" in exchange for an offer from the prosecution or when the judge tells the defendant informally that his sentence will be shorter if he pleads guilty. In this case, the defendant changes his plea from "not guilty" to "guilty." "Plea bargaining" is the term for this kind of agreement between the two sides. It is a part of the criminal procedure that makes it cheaper to enforce the law (for both sides) and lets the prosecution focus on bigger crimes.
Evolution of the concept of plea bargain in India
- 154th Law Commission report : The concept "of plea bargaining" was initially recommended for use in the context of the Indian Criminal Justice System in the 154th Law Commission report. Plea bargaining was brought up as an alternative way to deal with the large number of criminal cases that are still pending in Indian courts. - National Democratic Alliance (NDA) established a commission : At the time, the government of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) established a commission to deal with the problem of an increasing number of criminal cases. The panel will be led by Justice V.S. Malimath, a former chief justice of the Karnataka and Kerala High Courts. - The Malimath Committee : I advocated for the development of a system that permits criminals to bargain for reduced sentences. The committee argued that it would speed up the resolution of criminal cases while reducing the court's workload. The Malimath Committee also talked about the good things that have come out of plea bargaining in the United States to show how important it is. - The Criminal Legislation (Amendment) Bill of 2003 was tabled in parliament: The Indian Penal Code from 1860, also known as the IPC, the Code of Criminal Procedure from 1973, also known as the CrPC, and the Indian Evidence Act from 1892, were all laws that were passed to improve the existing criminal justice system in the nation. On the one hand, it is to deal with an excessive number of criminal cases and excessive delays in their resolution. On the other hand, it has to deal with a very low rate of convictions in instances involving serious crimes. Section 498A of the Indian penal code says that it is a crime for a husband or a relative of a husband to treat a woman badly. - The Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill of 2003: The following issues were addressed: - hostile witnesses; - plea bargaining; - a husband or relative of a husband cruelly treating a woman; and - scientific expert testimony in cases involving counterfeit currency notes.
Types of Plea Negotiating
The process of negotiating a plea deal may be broken down into three distinct categories: - sentence negotiation, - charge bargaining, and - fact bargaining.
Plea bargain in India
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ADR in Criminal Matters Plea Bargaining in India Plea bargain in India Sections 265A to 265L of Chapter XXIA of the Criminal Procedure Code explain the idea of a plea deal. It was added within the framework of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act of 2005. It permits plea negotiating in cases where: - The maximum punishment is seven years in prison. - The crimes do not harm the nation's socioeconomic status, and - The offenses against a woman or a child less than 14 years old are not committed.
The Role of Plea Bargaining in ADR
- Fast resolution of legal problems: Both the prosecution and the defense may benefit from the plea negotiation process since the risk of a total loss at trial is removed. Because both sides have something to negotiate with, it makes it easier for lawyers to defend their clients. Long-running disputes could be settled this way, and the court wouldn't have to carry around as many case files. Also, plea bargaining lets the courts save important resources for cases that need them. - Things on a person's record that are not as bad as others: In a country like India, you can't say enough about how important society is. If a person has been turned away by society, it is hard for them to stay in that culture. Stigmatization often leads to social exclusion, if not total exclusion from the community. In this case, a defendant can admit guilt or say "no contest" in exchange for a reduction in the number of charges or the severity of the crimes. This is called "plea bargaining." So, the official court records of a person who has been accused will show less serious crimes. If the accused is found guilty in the end, this could work in his or her favor. - A straightforward way: People know that the Indian case took a long time to settle. In some cases, legal proceedings can drag on for 10 years or more, which is bad for everyone involved. There have been times when the accused was given the longest possible prison sentence for the crime they were found guilty of. When things like this happen, it's a huge violation of their human rights. Through a process called "plea bargaining," a person can plead guilty without having to hire a lawyer. But if they wait until the trial, they will have to pay for an attorney and spend time with him or her preparing. They will also have to pay for the lawyer's services. Even though the case is still going on, the idea of a plea bargain protects everyone's interests by letting them avoid problems and making the process less expensive.
The Indian legal system is not completely new to the idea of a plea bargain. By the time the Indian constitution was written in 1950, it was already a part of Indian law. Self-incrimination is against the law in India, especially under Article 20 of the constitution (3). People say that the way plea deals are made is not moral. With the passing of time and taking into account how hard it is on the courts, the Indian court has realized that plea bargaining is an important part of the Indian legal system. People may find it hard to accept new ideas at first, but growth is important for both society and the law. Even though putting the idea of plea bargaining into practice would make the courts' jobs easier, it would still be wrong because criminals would try to negotiate to get a lighter sentence, which would lead to more corruption. In place of the idea of a plea deal, the legal system needs to have some kind of fast-tracked process. This will make sure that justice is done quickly and reduce the amount of work that needs to be done.
- Maria R. Volpe, Promises and Challenges- ADR in the Criminal Justice System, 7 Disp. Resol. MAG. 4 (2000). - Jack Hanna, Mediation in Criminal Matters, 15 Disp. Resol. MAG. 4 (2008) - Aastha Aggarwal, Should ADR Be Applicable in Criminal Cases?, 20 Supremo Amicus 17 (2020). - Jetu Edossa, Mediating Criminal Matters in Ethiopian Criminal Justice System: The Prospect of Restorative Justice System, 1 OROMIA L.J. 99 (2012). - Black's Law Dictionary, West Group, 7th ed. (1999). Read the full article
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nityarawal · 5 months
Kill VS Maim
@elonmuskfans @teslamotorsblog @teslamodel3 @elonmusk-and-camila
#Terrorism #Grimesz #Deals #Airforce #PleaBargains #CanadianJihad #RewindAI
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henryseneyee · 3 years
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PUNISHMENT WITHOUT TRIAL: Why Plea Bargaining is a Bad Deal by Carissa Byrne Hessick / ABRAMS Books @abramsbooks - Design: #HenrySeneYee; Creative Director: Deb Wood - ❌ swipe left for #outtakes #killedconcept #killedCovers - #punishmentWithoutTrial #CarissaByrneHessick #bookcover #pleabargain #criminaljustice #justicereform #bookcoverdesign https://www.instagram.com/p/CVDb4vsgCcT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gonomax · 3 years
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RENO, Nev. (AP) — A California appeals court has blocked the expansion of Lake Tahoe’s famed Squaw Valley ski resort because the
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endyedesonnews · 6 years
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Lagos State announces plan to decongest prisons through plea bargain. #edesonlagosreports #prisonreform #prisonreformnow #lagosnigeria #lagoslife #thisislagos #thisislagoscity #lagosgist #pleabargain #lawyersofinstagram #naijalawyer #criminallawyers #criminallaw #nigerianlaw #nigerianlawschool #nigerianlawyer #correctionalofficer #correctionalofficers #lifehacks #foundguilty #notguilty #edesoncrimenews https://www.instagram.com/p/BnCuaZDD3Cf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11uu4pxpawijd
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alexanderrogge · 10 months
Lava for Good Live: The War on Drugs - Did Anyone Win?
#WarOnDrugs #JusticeReform #BailReform #Injustice #Incarceration #PrisonPlanet #PleaBargaining #Criminalization #WrongfulConviction #CriminalJustice
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10000hits-blog · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pII_2VbgheI)
Flynn indicted. I told y’all. It’ll go faster and faster now. Rats being rats
They call themselves Patriots! They say, America First! Make America Great Again! 
Then they lie to the FBI and sell our government to the Russians! (Among many, many other things. Let the long, dark list be read! Let us enjoy their shame!)
And when do they ever say, lovers of the Constitution and the slave holding Founding Fathers, that one of the things that makes this country great is Freedom. Freedom of Speech. Freedom to take a knee and protest the Flag, protest whatever the hell you want to protest!
Let Freedom ring!
I wish they would go ahead and pass this Tax Bill! They think Americans are lazy and stupid and cowardly
I say, the world is changing. People aren’t gonna take this shit forever
A Tax Bill that wants to tax the grants that graduate students receive yet give a tax break for people who own private airplanes!
You shall reap what you sow!
(Have you seen this documentary about Satoyama Water Gardens? It’s so beautiful. People in Japan have been living in harmony with Nature for thousands of years. I think we have much to learn in the West from this) 
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joelsilberman · 2 years
When the charges are serious and you are likely to be convicted, you can accept a plea bargain.
When the Government has a strong case, the Government may offer the defendant a plea deal to avoid trial and perhaps reduce his exposure to a more lengthy sentence.
If you have been charged with a serious offense, the Law Offices of Joel Silberman, LLC can help you to pursue the justice you deserve, including a good plea bargain.
Read more.... https://bit.ly/3Ku0DNp
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breadlife-xyz-blog · 7 years
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‘Absolutely no collusion’ Trump says after Flynn plea-bargain Published time: 2 Dec, 2017 14:10 Edited time: 2 Dec, 2017 14:53 US President Donald Trump reiterated that his campaign was not engaged in any collusion with Russia after his disgraced former national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his phone calls to the Russian embassy during the transition of administrations.
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orbemnews · 3 years
Vigilante won’t fight murder charge for shooting sex offender 7 times James Fairbanks shot and killed Mattieo Condoluci in May 2020 at Condoluci’s home near 43rd and Pinkney Streets. CHRIS MACHIAN, THE WORLD-HERALD Raising a 9 mm semiautomatic rifle, James Fairbanks riddled Mattieo Condoluci with seven shots, bullets entering Condoluci’s back and chest. One bullet pierced Condoluci’s forehead, near his temple. All after Condoluci, a convicted sex offender, answered his door near 43rd and Pinkney Streets in May 2020. Yet Fairbanks and his attorney, Steve Lefler, contemplated a self-defense claim up until minutes before the 44-year-old Omaha man pleaded no contest Thursday to second-degree murder and a gun charge. They said Condoluci had charged the armed Fairbanks after he showed up at Condoluci’s house to warn him to stay away from kids. Fairbanks Prosecutor Brenda Beadle, the chief deputy Douglas County attorney, called the self-defense assertion “comical.” She noted that Condoluci had no idea that a gunman would come to his door the night of May 14 and had not had any prior contact nor conflict with Fairbanks. Beadle and fellow prosecutor Ryan Lindberg suggested that Fairbanks was hunting sex offenders with the rifle he had bought earlier that year. Before the killing, prosecutors say, Fairbanks: Googled whether Nebraska’s death row offers a commissary. He researched stories of other men who had killed sex offenders and what their penalties were. Sought to find out whether a gunshot alert system — Shotspotter — could detect the sounds of shots from inside a home. And he researched legal definitions of second-degree murder vs. self-defense. Source link Orbem News #Accusation #assertion #brendabeadle #Charge #childmolester #Crime #criminallaw #Fight #jamesfairbanks #joecondoluci #Killing #Law #mattieocondoluci #Murder #murdercharge #nocontest #offender #pleabargain #Police #public-safety #Seth #Sex #sexoffender #shooting #stevelefler #Times #Vigilante #Wont
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