#please send me asks i love getting them
ladymarlin · 6 months
AUGH my Tumblr's messed up.
Anyways, this is for the anon who asked about preggo Heather headcanons <3
(Small tw for body image issues)
She'd be pretty freaked out at first, but Alejandro would calm her down
She'd be pretty hesitant to keep it, but after some reassurance from Alejandro, they'd keep it
Alejandro would be pretty excited
Heather would be scared either way. Worried about being a bad mom and stuff like that. She'd need A LOT of reassurance throughout the whole thing.
She'd be very emotional. In all sorts of ways.
She'd also be very clingy
She'd get upset when she gets too big to lay on him comfortably
She'd also worry a bit about body image since she got bullied in middle school for being fat, but she'd try not to think about it too much. She is growing a life, after all.
Alejandro would tell his mom. Heather wouldn't tell any of her family. She doesn't want them involved. At all.
She'd try hiding it from the public for a while. Alejandro would remind her she can't forever. Eventually she just gives up on it.
Her family would find out from paparazzi photos.
Overall, Heather doesn't like being pregnant. But on rare occasions she has soft moments.
They'd have a girl. And she'd have a Hispanic name (I personally like Marisol)
It'd take them a bit to get into things, but they get the hang of it pretty quickly. Though Heather still worries. Just a little bit.
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More drawings just for you 😋
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locklylemybeloved · 2 years
random question but what is your favorite taylor swift album and your favorite and least favorite songs from it?
OMG OK. THIS IS A HARD ONE. ok. ummm hmmm. it rlly depends on my mood i think? but rn, currently, in this moment it is midnights but rep is obviously a close runner up. my favorite songs are Maroon, Mastermind, and Midnight Rain (in that order) and i dont rlly dislike any of the songs, but the ones that are on the bottom of the list are probably You’re on Your Own Kid, Karma, and Labyrinth
tysm for the ask ily !!!! <3333
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pitske · 26 days
queer people?
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kandismon · 3 days
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totally lore-accurate swanqueen screencap redraws 4/∞
they're on their first date :3c
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hawkeyeslaughter · 2 months
burdened with forbidden knowledge that hawk would chomp jolly ranchers . the swamp would be completely silent ( for once ) and there’d be a loud cracking sound from hawk’s bunk and gleeful giggling while charles berates him for doing it
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basketobread · 6 months
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HEY!!! just wanted to say that i am sooo sorry to the people who have been waiting on a response to their ask 😭 you guys ask way too good of questions where i have to sit down and really think before i can give a response im happy with SFDIUHSFDI
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midnight-skylie · 2 days
#8 Headcanons for Charles? ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯
Sorry for taking time to answer!
Ohhhh. Charles my love!
Well this aren't my personal headcanons but they're one that I adopted.
Well demiromantic Charles, I talked about this before and I think this posts explains it pretty well and I completely support it.
Also using suspenders as a replacement for belts because belts reminds him of his dad.
ADHD Charles! Oh I love this ADHD messy boy and I resonate with him so much.
Also dyslexic Charles!
I think those hcs makes the fact that he and Edwin has their thing where Edwin is reading him stories even cuter.
I totally see how no matter how hard he tried to overcome his disabilities he was never good enough which made his home life more difficult (projecting? Whattt).
Oblivious bisexual Charles rights. Not really a hc but yeah, that boy is dumb he's just completely oblivious in the moment he just never considered that because of the heteronormative society he was raised in, it just never crossed his mind. I'm a full believer he's just slow in understanding stuff and he wants to take things slow with Edwin.
He's screaming bisexual we all in the fandom clocked him right away it's nothing special really. We all know he's bi. That's a bisexual disaster if I have ever seen one. (Emphasis on the disaster).
Also, Charles kept the lantern from when Edwin found him! And that was the lantern he used when he went back to hell. And another detail I didn't see anyone talking about he also kept the book Edwin read to him without he knew. Actually he kept following the next books coming out in this series.
I also love any type of hc that gives him any artistic hobby- artist, dancer, or anything really, any reason that he didn't fit the stereotypical masculine gender roles, and made him even a larger disappointment in his dad's eyes. Anything that made it harder for him. I'm a slut for angst what can I say. (Like I'm a Charles Rowland kinny it's pretty much obvious).
This is pretty much it I think!
Mostly I just love the work the show did with him. I don't feel like large and elaborate headcanons are needed him- the canon is already amazing. I just love some small pieces that gives even more depth to the canon lore.
This show is so good I don't need really big headcanons. I don't think I can top the canon.
I love people sending me asks! Pease send my more if you have any🫶
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pedropascallme · 2 months
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5SD3RBr2it/?igsh=NmViYTZiaGZmaGUy in case you still haven't seen :D
Thank you!! I hadn’t seen the full thing this is wonderful <3 posting this so everybody else who might’ve missed it can see!
(Also leaving my personal opinions in the tags just to clarify where I stand because I’m so tired of everybody being weird about Damien specifically throughout this whole thing)
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chrollohearttags · 10 months
Would u ever write for Kenny Ackerman? I just know that nasty old bastard is a SLUT 🫠🫠
baybeeee, a WHORE you hear me 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 know his old, nasty ass would have you climbing the walls and screaming to Ymir. I can’t mess with him.
but imma definitely write a lil sum again. It’s been too long since my first fic 🫣🫣
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ladymarlin · 6 months
AUGH my Tumblr's messed up.
Anyways, this is for the anon who asked about preggo Heather headcanons <3
She'd be pretty freaked out at first, but Alejandro would calm her down
She'd be pretty hesitant to keep it, but after some reassurance from Alejandro, they'd keep it
Alejandro would be pretty excited
Heather would be scared either way. Worried about being a bad mom and stuff like that. She'd need A LOT of reassurance throughout the whole thing.
She'd be very emotional. In all sorts of ways.
She'd also worry a bit about body image since she got bullied in middle school for being fat, but she'd try not to think about it too much. She is growing a life, after all.
Alejandro would tell his mom. Heather wouldn't tell any of her family. She doesn't want them involved. At all.
She'd try hiding it from the public for a while. Alejandro would remind her she can't forever. Eventually she just gives up on it.
Her family would find out from paparazzi photos.
Overall, Heather doesn't like being pregnant. But on rare occasions she has soft moments.
They'd have a girl. And she'd have a Hispanic name (I personally like Marisol)
It'd take them a bit to get into things, but they get the hang of it pretty quickly. Though Heather still worries. Just a little bit.
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More drawings just for you 😋
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
I was gonna send a very long text thing about toriel and her loneliness in the ruins but i was a coward in the end. anyways do you think that sans sends toriel minion memes even though he may or may not understand them that much
he is the 1 like and single solitary "lol" under every one of her facebook minion memes
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mihrsuri · 1 month
I keep trying to write an update and then being embarrassed about it and feeling like I’m trauma dumping on people by updating and I just..I know it’s on me to manage my crap, I know. I am trying (not very well but I’m trying) and it’s just…I don’t know. I don’t even know.
#please know i have thought about hospital but hospital would#genuinely make it worse (like I cannot even tell you how much worse)#i think I’m legitimately just…having a trauma reaction on top#of a jewish trauma spike#and dentists and having to move (I may have cleaned till I shook today also my arm#does not look great#i feel like i don’t actually verbally have the words#(i have tried not engaging i have tried engaging they both feel awful)#(hashem i don’t know would you even embrace me would you…)#(it’s not a meds thing (I take meds for mdd and I know what that looks like and this isn’t it)#(it’s hard to explain the difference between CPTSD and like a panic attack or a depression)#(except that I feel like I’m so so tainted and not in my body or if I’m in my body I’m in my body somewhere else#abuse cw#i didn’t ask for this cptsd and no tshirt was offered#this will disappear probably#UGH#(i am seeing my therapist tomorrow i just..i know i need to reach out to)#(to like my current landlords and ask if I could just pay for a cleaning service to come in)#(i know i need to be like ‘unfortunately my CPTSD is Fucking Terrible Right Now and I need)#(just a bit of grace apologies)#(i do not want my parents to know i do not want that)#(aside from the fact that I am already a burden to them anyway)#a stupid flop of a person i am crying thinking about how i had plans for kids and a wife and travel and…I’m nothing#(everyone else is something I’m not I don’t deserve grace lbr)#it keeps running through my head how many people i thought loved me want me dead#and it’s like I can fake it so well#(i don’t know I may be like sending words to people)#to run through the steps of not being alone#i’m truly sorry i am always not taking accountability and playing the victim and clinging to people#to get reassurance i don’t deserve that its a good person it isn’t it isn’t a person
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bugsinshoes · 2 months
Are Laurie and Jocelyn the only gf ocs you have?
a few weeks ago i was thinking: "laurie is gonna be super lonely when she moves to idaho and theres NO WAY shes surviving high school alone" and so i thought, why dont i give her some friends?" because she deserves it and so i created THESE GOOBERS !!
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enter Sam Morris and Rudy Jameson !!! lauries loser besties !!!
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theyre so silly i cannot contain myself !!!
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bigender-everyday · 2 months
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ravensvirginity · 3 months
I'm playing devil's advocate here, but...
Trigon is a BID BAD in DC. He's raped Arella/Angela to create Raven. He's always trying to influence his daughter to embrace her true nature even when she constantly reminds him – it's not what she wants.
However. Considering Raven's perspective and childhood...
The neglect of emotions, the unwillingness to let Raven thrive...
Azarath was more abusive/neglectful than Trigon will ever be.
In a oddly fascinating, twisted way...
I very heavily disagree, unfortunately 😔 I do 100% agree that the way Azarath raised Raven was definitely bad and abusive towards her, but I think that's still better than the way Trigon treats her.
I do think Trigon loves Raven (that's like the entire thesis statement of my blog), but that doesn't translate into an even remotely healthy relationship. Some of his greatest parenting hits include:
- Torturing Raven the first time they ever met, after provoking her into attacking him by torturing Arella. Whatever he's doing with his powers is clearly causing her agony, and he doesn't stop until she admits that she's his daughter. (Tales of the NTT #2)
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- Lying to her and forcing her to come with him to his dimension, only to reveal that he's going to destroy Earth despite what he'd told her only about half an hour before. He then renders her unconscious when she tries to leave. (NTT vol 1 #6)
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- Later that same issue, he begins indiscriminately murdering innocent people to draw Raven out after she escapes the cell he put her in. After she returns to him to get him to stop slaughtering people, he attempts to attack her and is only stopped by Arella's magic.
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- His biggest thing with her is using their connection to psychologically torture her for years, and physically torture her by making her powers malfunction. He does this until she's so worn down that she feels she has to give into him to make it stop. (This happens a lot over an ongoing arc spanning years worth of comics, but here's an example from NTT vol 1 #25)
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We never really fully get a sense of what Trigon is like to demon Raven, as they're both defeated pretty quickly in the Terror of Trigon. My personal opinion is he'd probably treat her better than he normally does when he's trying to wear her down so she'll join him, but I think he'd hurt her if she ever displeased him in any way. He's a very cruel demon, it isn't really a stretch to imagine.
I am open to hearing other takes about this, though! I would love to hear what other people think. I love talking about them so much.
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poltergeist-coffee · 11 months
plz tell more about slimeriana vampire au 👀
in the au slime and mariana meet because rheyre both in a college class where students are paired up randomly and given a little ai tamogatchi egg (do you see where i’m heading with this) to take care of. slime and mariana are obviously paired up and they highkey hate each other at first!! juanaflippa also does die and it’s because mariana accidentally hit the reset button on the egg two separate times lmao <//3
they still do their unhinged flirting thing and it only gets worse after slime finds out mariana is a vampire. yes he’s terrified, yes he’s into it, those two feelings can coexist within it. neither of them are adult enough to admit they are in love with each other so the just keep flirting and everyone around them is getting sick of it /lh
i think it would be fun if in the au mariana was recently turned into a vampire!! he wasn’t born as one and he hasn’t been living for thousands of years, he’s just really committed to the bit (acting like he has been). it’s even more fun to me to imagine it was FOOLISH who turned her because…idk why not?? like they are canonically exes on the qsmp so they can also be in here as well
when slime and mariana get together they are just as awful as when they weren’t except now 50% of the time spent fighting is now spent being grossly in love and making out in alleyways i’m sorry i don’t make the rules. also i know that if slime is ever upset with mariana he would wear silver and just carry garlic around so mariana can’t touch it or be near it AKNJCHJNAKNK mariana sulks in a corner miserable until slime decided to take all the silver off lmao
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