cupioriot · 11 months
Headcanons for Octavian?^^
ty for sending this!! ive been meaning to make a hc list and this gave me the excuse lol :]
Aroace!! In a queer platonic relationship with Michael kahale!!
spends a lot of his time walking around Rome; dude knows every single corner of the city. actual gps
autistic but it took him forever to get diagnosed because his parents were in denial
trans ftm. even though I talk about this 24/7 I thought I should mention it AGAIN to preface this next one
when he started transitioning he cut his own hair. not with scissors because who needs that when he has a dagger/sarc. so he cuts his hair and it ends up really choppy but because he was 13 and emo it was fine at the time
flash forward years later he keeps doing this but one day mike kahale was like "dude?? is ur hair a stylistic choice or??" and tav basically goes "no?? it's just short and out of the way it works" and then after many days of asking he finally let's mike fix up his hair
pretends to like coffee for The Aesthetic ™ but usually can't stand it. runs off of 5 hour energy and redbull
plays video games and is actually good at them. bro has an ungodly number of hours on minecraft and makes the most insane builds
also really good at first person shooter games
listens to fall out boy, blink-182, and avril lavigne constantly. reyna makes fun of him for it
actually hates bryce lawrence, only let him back in the legion to keep peace between their families. even before bryce did anything to get him exiled octavian hated his guts. had an absolutely huge 'I told you so' moment when he got booted
prefers sweet>savory snacks
ozone level rises ever so slightly when he gets mad. sometimes when people try to touch him they get shocked pretty bad (ive decided he has lightning powers and it wasn't just an illusion in that one scene. he just can't do things large scale when he's away from Jupiter's temple)
like. only wears sneakers. much to the despair of his parents. will be decked out in a suit but still wearing converse.
sometimes just can't do haruspicy because he feels bad for the stuffed animals
writes down all of the prophecies he gets. has gone through so so many notebooks and duotangs.
sorry some of these r short!!^^ I was just doing whatever random ones that came to mind lmao :)
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algumaideia · 1 year
hey it’s kashi here!If you want drop ur Octavian headcanons I’m curious :D
Hello Kashi!!!
I don't have many headcanons about Octavian, maybe because from time to time I change how I write and view him.
He loves to learn new language and see all differences and discoveres the rules and grammar and how the languages work.
He made a point to learn all Romantic languages
He loves classic books (including Brazilian classics)
He is trans, arospec and acespec
He sings when in the shower
He loves classic music
He would be into "weird and creepy" facts from the history of the world, like torture practices, weird old medical practices, antient laws systems
He loves his stuffed animals!!!! He has a huge collection and he is very proud of it.
He has a lot of "secret friends"
He is autistic (although I often don't nail it on my writing) and he has some sensibility to touch
He has difficulty making friends but he is a very loyal friend and is quite good at finding the weirdos who he will get along with
He has a bad relationship with his parents
If he has siblings they are a couple of years older than him
Maybe his parents don't compare him to his siblings and everyone else on the family explicit, but the comparison is clearly there and it hurts Octavian
He doesn't know but he is good at giving advice
He likes to try different foods from around the world
I think abstract art would make him confused (but this might be me projecting too much)
That is all I've for you, I hope you thought some of them were interisting!! Thank you for the ask <3
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aesthetic moodboard,Nico x creepy kidcore!
also Nico x backrooms/liminal spaces
I tried to incorporate both into this one :D
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Nico + Backrooms + Kidscore
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what do you think is Octavian’s favorite boba flavour?I HC him as a matcha lover
Ohhh I can see that!! ✨
I think he’d like either Taro or brown sugar.
Maybe he just mixes all three lmao
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plushieslayer · 1 year
photo dump!
+ face reveal :D
I hope y’all r ready for my EXCELLENT fashion style <3
ft pjo shit
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OK NOW LET’S START WITH THE MCDONALD (I’m a Nico kinnie ofc I love McDonald’s)
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I was at the mall w my mom and I wasn’t ready for the filter’s results 💀
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sugar-r-rush · 2 months
I asked 2 mutuals of mine for their favorite Octavian relationships(friends or not) @plushieslayer for Jastavian and Rachel friendship (who i will do when I'm not busy sorryyyy)
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i love this trope this is so them
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littlestarbeam · 3 months
What do yall think about making an Octavian discord Server?
@octaviantheloser @octagon-lover @itsjustoctavianhere @ilikepjo24 @praetorialreject @sugar-r-rush @zazzander @plushieslayer and anyone else interested
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octag0n-l0v3r · 28 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then send this to the askbox of the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers
1.My friends 2.My laptop 3.Octavian 4.Camp Jupiter 5.Drawing/Art
Too lazy to send this to 10 ppl so I'm tagging them: @f0xgl0v3 @littlestarbeam @shattered-glasswork @ebony-reine-vibes @octaviantheloser @ilikepjo24 @plushieslayer @cupioriot @pjo-hoo-toa-freakazoid @sugar-r-rush
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sorry i just want to make sure i don’t accidentally spoil you to much for other people but the nico teens dad.
he goes to tartarus and fights the evil bad guy but the evil bad guy is a underworld god like hades, hypnos, nemesis type so they create demons based of nico’s inner demons, and they refer to them as his kids so thats the whole teen dad joke
so all of nico’s inner demons are running around on earth basically and nico takes them in
i hope this makes sense sorry i just woke up let me know if you need anymore clarification
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cupioriot · 11 months
what style would Octavian wear?In my opinion he’s both into grunge and light/dark academia
ooo that's real tbh!! he would fit well into both rlly well
I tbh imagine him wearing techwear. lots of pockets, straps, usually leaning towards dark colours
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cupioriot · 8 months
hi,Cissy here.I wanted to reblog the NPD dark eyes post but my blog is strictly HOO/PJO.Just wanted to say that as a narcissist that’s fucking funny like they don’t know that their obsession with us just grows our ego more😭😭I can’t do with that shit LMAO
likee yes babe diss me it'll js give me more confidence coz ik Im living in ur brain rent free ‼️‼️
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cupioriot · 11 months
Yooo how r uuu
hi!! I'm good ty for asking :D
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heyo how are youuuuu :)
Hello my beloved 💜💜💜🌸🌸🌸 I’m good!!! I’m craving chocolate waffles rn lmao🧇
How r uuu ^^
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pjo-hoo-toa-freakazoid · 11 months
KASHII!! Plushie my beloved 💜🌸💜🌸 hello!!!
I am well! Im actually pretty happy cuz a lot of awesome stuff is happening (Ruin DLC just released *excited demon goose noises*) sksksksksk
Yeah so I’m swell 👍🏼 I got my collage stuff finally solved so I’m at peace now 💅🏼💅🏼🥹🥹🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼🪿🪿🪿
anyways how are you?💕💕💕
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Hype and r u like ok <3,ur so nice!-kashi
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Hype is literally me 😂😂
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heyo it’s kashi/plushie here!!Do you think Tavi is showing up in TSATS??
HELLO PLUSHIE!!!!!!! How r you!🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Or else I’ve been going into the woods and dancing around the bonfire singing to the ancient dark one for nothing 😞😞
I actually made a theory of what could happen if he’s in the book so take it as my prediction for now 😂
Let’s see if Apollo feels generous and let’s my grandnephew/Husband have some time in the spotlight 😭😭😭😭 LMAO-
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