#pogtopia headcanon
Okay i NEEEED to rant about Pogtopia because I know it was a ravine and shit but I need people to consider: lava caves
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(all photos taken by me cause I explored one the other day and that’s where I got this idea)
Lava caves or lava tubes are HUGE super long caves that were carved out by literal lava flows and now just sit there and they’re cool as fuck
they’re cold as shit and the roof can vary from being dozens of feet above your head to being so low you have to crouch
there’s piles of rocks and ice formations and sand gardens and they are PITCH BLACK if you don’t have any lights and they paths can be crazy wide or super narrow and the ground is full of drop offs
ones that are made for people to explore have railings and stairs in certain places too and some even have built in lights or like the one I explored let you rent a flashlight
also a fun sidenote the ground is super hard packed sand full of holes from water dripping and it’s so hard packed that you don’t leave footprints (this would not help with Wilbur’s derealization)
anyways I think this would all work SUPER well for pogtopia cause cold/dark/shifting atmosphere/adding railings and pathways is already a thing in pogtopia
some more images that I yanked from google:
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anyways PLEASEEEE consider spreading my vision Pogtopia lava cave/tubes for the win I’ve never been more right about anything in my life
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solargeist · 6 months
Just a thought about Canon Pog
Someone would probably be on his ass about shaving all the time and he's just like ehhh . . .
i don't think anyone would bug him abt it too much, since they're all living in a cave its kinda hard to keep up appearances ! He has no soap or shaving cream .
Tubbo probably gets a bar of soap or other things through the tunnels tho ?
but I think Pog's just too paranoid to let his guard down at that point, i think his recent death still sits heavy in his mind, shot dead in a lake, he can't bear to undress and try to bathe outdoors after that. Plus its getting cold. The cave is also getting cold, he lives in that coat of his.
This, of course, just fuels his depression, he feels awful, looks awful, he doesn't like the stubble, hes just festering.
He probably cleans up once or twice in the entirety of the arc, maybe before Niki's birthday, but he just drinks the entire time and his clothes still stink, he ends up feeling worse.
I think he also cleans up the morning of November 16th, he doesn't want anyone else to do it, he feels burden enough, he didn't know his body would just be left in the cave
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dotted-ink · 1 year
Pogburs posture through exile starts and remains perfect, when he knows eyes are watching. During his presidency, he practiced keeping his back straight and arms level and shoulders at perfect ease, and the habit carries through if only due to the fact that the reason he learned to stand like that was because that's what a 'good leader' does.
So he stands perfect and tall so no one thinks hes falling, because he has to be strong for the pogtopia rebellion, and for his friends still trapped in manberg.
And when his friends look away he slumps. Hes tired. He has no space to think about presentation with no one to present to, and he'll hardly be thinking about keeping himself looking nice just for his own happiness. There's too much else to do.
Pogbur slouches a lot, actually. He slouches in the farm, in the mine, when they're out on reconnaissance and when they come back late from exploring the forest above. When he forgets about the eyes always on him, he looks so much shorter. Smaller.
And, well, he knows that.
Its why he props his skeleton just so- looking broad and tall in posture whenever he realizes the eyes on him, from friend and foe alike. He has to be perfect and powerful, anything less would be pitiful.
He has to be perfect.
Eyes are on him.
He walks back to the underground ravine at night standing tall, cloak steadily following behind him as a stark black shadow. Tommy runs forward as they near, and Tubbo and Q follow if only to ensure he doesn't make off with the items their group scavenged.
Wilbur breathes slowly as they pass out of view among the trees. Its getting darker. He closes his eyes and allows his shoulders to fall, slowing his walk to an unfaltering limp at the dirt entrance of Pogtopia. When he makes his way down the spiralling stairs, his cloak drags on the steep, poorly carved steps behind him, indistinguishable from the leeching darkness surrounding him.
He limps out of the stairwell and into the main passage, where Tommy is probably yelling and Techno is probably snarking, and Niki is probably vigorously entrenching herself in any activity that will distract her from their circumstances, and then to the tunnels- those mad, crisscrossing, never-ending tunnels winding through the earth around them.
Wilbur finds himself, hours later, still moving through the sparsely lit tunnels. He notices his shoulder had been leaned against the jagged walls as he walked, so his jacket had torn through again. He'd get someone to mend that... later. Probably. His heels hurt. His spine hurts. His vertebrae wont stop pinching at the joint between neck and back.
Wilbur, of course, slowly makes his way back to Pogtopia, hoping that someone might still be up to help him make some food as a late night to early morning snack, and half-hoping everyone had left so he can let himself fall into a relaxed puddle somewhere deep within the dirt.
When he sees the faint flickering of light at the end of the tunnel, he feels a disappointment that adds another layer of rot to his bones. Someone is awake, still. He knows he can't handle anyone seei- Ex President and Rebellion Leader Wilbur Soot can't be seen dragging himself back to main base like a person in distress, so he straightens himself up like he's done some thousands of times and walks in with a confidence he's truly felt nearly twice in his life.
When he walks into the glorified hallway that is Pogtopia, his shoulders fall even farther than before when he realizes the light was from a furnace that had probably been running since before he left, fed by a continuous series of charcoal and potatos via hopper machine. There's not a single sound in the entire cavern, aside from his breathing and the crackles of the furnace. The hopper deposits a new potato to the furnace.
He takes a baked one from the chest below and nearly brings it to his teeth (what would be his first meal in 40 hours), but falters, hand shaking and setting the thing down somewhere solid before he drops it.
There's not a single sound around him. There are no eyes.
There's no one here right now to eat and talk with him, and help him cook food. He's really alone in this darkness now, so there is no point in keeping posture. There's no point in keeping health. He's safe from expectation.
Wilbur thinks he might cry if he thinks too long on that one, so he checks the hopper to see how many raw potatoes there are and clicks his tongue when he sees its nearly run out. Wilbur supposes it would probably be nice if someone actually got to work on fixing the automatic potato farm, and goes to do that for his friends. They're all out somewhere- wouldn't it be such a nice surprise, to come back to a repaired Pogtopia? A mended place, no cracks to be seen. No spiralling tunnels and mad decay. No damp corners or rotting, desolate dishes of food stacking up outside the room Wilbur never actually sleeps in.
He knows it should be an easy fix- he knows the problem, redstone dust never does well when exposed to constant damp, unchanging air. He just has to swap in dry dust and allow the wetter redstone to evaporate what it accumulated, so power can flow in an unblocked path across the machinery. Its simple, really.
So why can't he just do it? He knows the problem, the solution, and he even has a furnace already running that will help to dry the old dust. He steps into the farm and stops with his toes just in the soft soil at the edge. Why won't his body move further?
Hes tired. It's no excuse. He needs to do this, for his friends. He can't move. It's no excuse. Wilbur hurts, and can't stand only on two legs when he knows no eyes are watching. He drifts to the ground, it's no excuse. He has to clean up the wet redstone- else everyone will be disappointed by his shoddy leadership skills and terrible work ethic. He can't, he can't, he can't.
The room is dark, the furnace fire around a corner and a dozen meters down the hall. He knows the soil is damp, because his face has found its way to meet it. Its cold, here. Not as cold as he'd expect, but cold for a cave with no vents constantly lit by fire. He feels the wet of the dirt seep to his scalp and finds it comforting. Hes tired.
Its warm.
It is dark. There aren't any eyes here, so he sleeps in the comfortable soil, curled alone at the edge of the farm, as the furnace runs out of fuel and turns dark.
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trashyclementine · 5 months
Headcanons about pogbur or niki maybe? :0
I have done headcanons about c!Niki before so it is pogbur time! Also I will organize my headcanons tag so it’s easier to scroll through!
. In pogtopia Wilbur hardly ever really ate anything, instead opting to give all of his food to Tommy or Techno. The few times he did eat it was a least then desirable dish.
. He used to hum to himself while thinking about his plans in pogtopia, you can still hear the humming if your by yourself in the pogtopia cavern
. He used his own nails to carve the writing on the signs in pogtopia
. Tommy usually patched up his cloak due to Wilbur constantly tearing it by getting it caught on pieces of stone or just being careless
. He did have a tendency to lash out at people and he did have a tendency to get physical on occasion, but he was more bark then bite
Hope you enjoyed! They’re a little short but I tried!
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cannonsinmyhead · 1 year
Can’t stop thinking about how after the Manberg Festival and before the Manberg-Pogtopia war Tommy banned fireworks. Cc!Tommy banned them as a bit because the fireworks for Guy Fawkes Night were interrupting his stream and the holiday is for a failed assassination attempted on the Queen. I headcanon that c!Tommy banned them for c!Tubbo’s sake. Tubbo had literally just been killed by Technoblade with them. You can’t tell me a firework holiday wouldn’t have been a trigger for him. I can’t get over Tommy seeing how they bother his friend and immediately deciding to ban them from the entire server. Him insisting that he’s doing it to protect the Queen to spare Tubbo from it being about him. Tubbo knowing exactly what he’s doing and letting him and going along with it and having an unspoken but understood appreciation for it. Tommy getting so riled up by anyone who sets the fireworks off under the guise of they hate women. Him making a game of it, dubbing them “Queen’s Jays”. His vod was literally titled “We banned fireworks on Dream’s server…”. The entire stream was about it. He just dragged Tubbo around banning fireworks. They are so precious to me, your honor.
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lilyminer · 2 years
No, not even mcc can distract me from writing angsty dsmp headcanons. This time it’s my thoughts on pumpkinduo as a ship.
(About dsmp character not CC’s)
I think pumpkinduo is a tragic story in that Quackity would have been exactly what Schlatt needed. Quackity is sure of himself, enthusiastic, he has a strong moral compass, and he has endless love and support to give those he cares about. But Schlatt refused to show any vulnerability and ask for help, he blocked out everything Quackity could have offered him in place of antagonizing and dismissing him. He took the option of being vulnerable as an insult, any question of his actions to be a direct attack that couldn’t have possibly come out of a place of loving concern.
And Quackity both then and as his story went on was always looking for someone he loved and loved him back. If feels like he knew what he was attempting to do was hopeless the whole time, yet still held out hope until it became glaringly obvious if he kept it up he’d continue to be on the wrong side of history. The way he spoke to Schlatt in their last confrontation always felt off to me. It feels to me like he hasn’t fully accepted they’re going to kill Schlatt yet. That he’s trying to, if not attempt to safe him one last time, just prove he did in fact care about him.
While no, I don’t think the way c!Schlatt was handled was very well thought out at all. He’s very much a stereotypical alcoholic. I do think it’s a sweet idea to perceive c!Quackity as a person trying to support his recovery. Even if he never did recover in the story.
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azurecake16 · 8 months
Do you guys think theres a path to Pogtopia carved into the forest? Did they walk there do often the grass and trees are worn down and you can see the trail they took? Is it still there? Did any of them ever try to lay down sticks in muddy patches?? Are there torches? Did Nikki ever see the path before the festival but never go see what it led to? Did Tubbo use the path to see his best friend?
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moderndaycairn · 1 year
I think that ctommy has that one haircut that looks v normal and cool when fluffy but stupid as hell when brushed. Bc he cuts his own hair and doesnt like brushing it he isnt even aware it looks bad when brushed. Then ofc at some point wilbur forces him to brush his hair bc it looks too messy and it looks so sad without the floof. Tubbo absolutely dies laughing.
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smp-live · 2 years
The whole point of c!Clingy in Pogtopia is having to grow up too soon, disillusionment with adult figures and needing to handle tough, gritty responsibilities on their own, as opposed to the fleeting, heroic moments they'd previously had with the guiding presence of a mentor whose authority they could always return to. It's them having to mature way too much, way too quickly, after finding themselves without a proper support system for the first time - whether because they're surrounded by enemies with the sole burden of gathering information or because everyone around them is dealing with their own issues that spill over into their lives. It's all the adults they could once trust, failing them, and trying to cope with that as they have to make difficult calls and be leaders in ways they never had to before. But, still, neither of them wants this, so they look to whoever offers authority and some semblance of knowing what he's doing until it goes too far. And then they're truly on their own, and they still have no clue what they're doing.
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wils-kin-nest · 1 year
hey can i get some crimeboys pogtopia headcanons for the soul. mix of cosy happy ones and also sad ones please :3
You sure can!! Here they are! (I am guessing that you're kin with Tommy based on your profile picture btw, so lemme know if that isn't the case-)
There wasn’t a lot of materials available to make blankets and such with, and it's a cave, so it's bound to be cold in there, so you and Wilbur ended up sharing blankets and cuddling fairly often
Your hair started to get pretty long in Pogtopia, so Wilbur offered to cut it once. Worst haircut you've ever had.
Sometimes, you and Wilbur would sneak into the room Techno kept his dog army in, and you'd play with them and stuff. He told you not too, but you did anyway
Near the start of it all, Wilbur would play a bunch of goofy songs with absolutely absurd lyrics to distract from the situation.
Sometimes, when Wilbur started to get bad about his mental state, you'd tickle him until he forgot about it, which would very quickly escalate into a tickle battle between the two of you
It was hard to sleep at night because Wilbur had a tendency to pace around the room, muttering to himself. It wasn’t that loud, but the cave was quiet enough that it was all you could hear and it kept you awake no matter how much you tried to ignore it
Sometimes you wouldn’t see Wilbur for days on end because he hid away somewhere in the cave system
After Wilbur decided on his plan to blow everything up, you got into fights a lot, which would lead to you not wanting to talk to each other for long periods of time
As time went on, Wilbur started to get more aggressive when he was upset. He didn’t usually attack you, but threats started to become common, as well as a lot of wall punching.
During one of the fights you had, Wilbur ended up smashing his guitar, which was one of the few things from L’Manberg you two were able to bring with you.
I hope you like them!
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you said revivebur headcanons :)
oh indigo you’re in for it now (thank you for the ask :D)
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just a quick sketch to get my ideas down but I’m actually quite happy with it
more stuff under the cut cause I’m insane about him
-he wears lots of layers cause he hates being even a little cold (Pogtopia + Limbo)
-the coat is weighted cause it’s comforting
-he wears the red tinted glasses cause even sunlight is overwhelming after so long in the dark (mostly limbo but also Pogtopia)
-he has the red stitches everywhere from his revival, and he got more injuries than just the stab wound from Phil (I can go on and on about this but that’s a post for another time)
-he has the fingerless gloves to cover bandages and scars, and they’re fingerless for convenience
-the cut on his shoulder happened during limbo, and as such won’t heal
additional stuff that’s not written in the drawing!
-he has touch related trauma, he wants physical contact but cannot stand being touched especially if it’s not on his own terms
-he mentioned feeling numb after his revival canonically, and that feeling never went away, he still has a lot of the self-destructive behaviors he had during early lmanberg cause he can’t really feel it and he’s bad at taking care of himself in general (self hate babyyyyy *sobs*)
-this is canon but he hates going underground
-he fidgets with his hands/sleeves/sometimes his little head wings when he’s nervous or overwhelmed
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boo-luvs-u · 9 months
c!Tommy agere headcanons bc I said so!!!
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cw // exile, little bit of angst
-> He started involuntary regressing during (ish) pogtopia era, though it started becoming more frequent during exile
-> During exile, he tried his best to control when he would do it, keeping it a secret from cDream as long as possible
-> When cDream eventually did a surprise visit and found out about his regression, he wasn't very pleased and ended up blowing up everything that was attached to cTommy's regression
-> He hadn't let himself regress until he was finally safe and made sure that cDream was locked up.
-> After this he started regressing on his own, never telling anyone else again out of fear
-> After he was killed and brought back, his mental health plummeted. He would have frequent panic attacks or flinch at any loud noises
-> One time when he was sleeping over with cTubbo & cRanboo, he ended up regressing and feeling very very little
-> cRanboo found him in his bed, quietly babbling to himself. They ended up connecting the dots and cRanboo ended up reading him a bedtime story so he could fall asleep
-> The next day they bring it up and cTommy gets really embarrassed until the other tells him that they want to help
-> With a bit (a lot) of encouragement, cTommy finally tells cTubbo about his regression too and both cTubbo and cRanboo quickly become his caregivers!
Now for some more random headcanons!!
-> His little age is 0-7, but he ends up usually on the smaller side
-> cTommy has chronic nightmares that often cause him to regress, so on most nights you'll find him in cBeeduo's bed
-> Michael LOVES having another kid to play with! They have a blast colouring together <3
-> He tends to go non verbal a lot when little, so cRanboo made him some communication cards!
-> He literally steals allll the sweaters, specifically cRanboo's since they're so tall and they make him feel small
-> Whenever he gets panic attacks when he's little, either of his caregivers sing him lullabies and run their hands through his hair
-> Being sick = tiny cTommy
-> cTubbo and cRanboo spoilll him sm, when they find out he has no little gear they practically get everything for him; A red pacifier, Dozens of plushies, Teethers, Stim toys, Everything!! Most of his toys are shared with Michael tho :)
-> Doesn't regress with anyone else out of fear :(
-> Whenever he's little and cBeeduo have to go out, he holds their hands and swings them
-> He gets coddled a lot when he has pain flair-ups, and even gets bubble baths ^^
-> Absolutely LOVES going flower picking with his caregivers + Michael!! cBeeduo keeps vases and hang the dried ones around their house :))
thats all! Tysm for reading :D!!
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fernlessbastard · 1 month
Quackity's a workaholic.
He would spend nights working instead of sleeping, but eventually, when Las Nevadas was developed enough to mostly run itself, that it isn't just work. He could never truly sleep, never wanted to fall asleep, scared of his own mind when not focused on something, only sometimes pushing himself to rest through alcohol or pure exhaustion.
Wilbur on the other hand never had issues falling asleep. It came to him naturally, or maybe it was the constant exhaustion (especially after revival). He could never really sleep though. He would fall asleep, but not rest, half conscious most of the time, or experiencing terrible nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night.
Inspired by your recent art, Quackity would sometimes just stare at sleeping Wilbur. But, Wilbur would often stare at sleeping Quackity in the morning, admiring his lover when he's all soft and calm, and thinking of ways to surprise him with something nice when he wakes up. Maybe he should make him breakfast.
Ok so I love this cause I absolutely adore the "opposites attract" HCs with Q but it'd always be like "well they both definitely have sleep issues" but this is a way to have both and like that's a major slay
Three little hcs regarding their sleeping habits: 1. they both have a tendency to wake up when the other does, just automatically - they're just synchronised (most of the time at least one of them falls right back asleep tho); 2. Wilbur's weak sleep is significantly worse when Quackity's still working - like, he will finally come to bed and Wil's asleep but then Q sits down on the bed (quietly as fuck) and Wilbur's like "hey"; 3. they switch around their sleeping positions, but Wilbur absolutely loves being the small spoon - partly cause he's always cold, but mainly cause he wasn't held enough as a kid/hj
Aaaand in the spirit of the ask, a little headcanon that's tied up with this (plus more at the end):
Common one, but I'll elaborate - Quackity's warm, Wilbur's cold. So, of course Wilbur's cold after revival cause his body's kinda fucked up and all that. Quackity - for a normal human (or a normal animal hybrid I guess idk works with duck too) consistently has a pretty high body temperature. He prefers sleeping mostly undressed (maybe with shorts on but that's not a guarantee/lh), he usually has to unbutton his shirt a bit lower than standard (I mean he's also a whore but it's a 2 in 1 y'know), etc etc.
Now, with Schlatt that resulted in limited cuddling even in the honeymoon phase cause the other also had a higher body temperature, and they'd just end up sweaty and uncomfortable.
With Eret the relationship started with a generic, platonic, positive message ("you matter ♡ -Eret" which they gave out to people in general just as a nice gesture, but nothing romantic) and ended with Q alone at the altar, so it's probably safe to say that didn't really come up.
With Karl and Sapnap though his body temperature was both too much, and not enough - Sapnap, as a demon hybrid, was much warmer, so with him cuddling wasn't really the most comfortable long-term, and while Karl was slightly on the colder side, Quackity wasn't as warm as Sapnap, so Karl would mostly cling to the latter. They'd try to make it all "even", but the emotional and physical distance was still noticeable.
And then there's Wilbur.
In pogtopia they didn't really cuddle much, but whenever they touched shoulders or leaned against each other Quackity noticed that Wilbur would frequently lean in for just a second longer than normal. This came back 10x stronger after revival. With a lot of Wilbur's nerves and blood vessels fucked up, he's pretty cold most of the time. The first time they cuddle he absolutely sinks into the embrace, making a comment about how nicely warm the other is. Quackity doesn't expect it to hit him as hard as it does. He giggles, slightly flustered, and dismisses it as Wilbur just being colder. From then on it repeats, and soon enough Quackity returns the favour by unintentionally hitting Wilbur with something along the lines of "you're like, the perfect temperature". See, Wilbur's always been on the colder side. He'd hear comments about how cold his hands were - not to even mention post revival - and he never really thought much of it, until Quackity's comment just hit him like a ton of bricks, and he just felt so perfectly in place in Q's arms. They just form the perfect temperature equilibrium; not too warm, not too cold - just perfect.
Little bonus: Quackity starts occasionally taking a jacket or sth with him even though he doesn't need it but he knows Wilbur will probably get cold (and need a second jacket).
Another little bonus that connects this HC to a different one about Quackity having sensory issues. VERY tldr is that sometimes he just gets this intense physical discomfort in his limbs (AuADHD moment), and only way to lessen it is intense stretching, OOOORR using Wilbur as his personal ice bag. There'll be nights where Wilbur will try to move his foot cause "it's probably too cold and bothering Q" just for Quackity to "scold" him for moving it cause it was pressing perfectly into his calf and keeping him from losing his mind cause of sensory issues.
Also they both have food sensitivities, but Q's are more broad, and sometimes they'll spend hours arguing(/lovingly) over what to get on pizza, or when they go to a new food place sometimes Wilbur will just look at Quackity who's staring at the idk olives he accidentally ordered in his food (cause he didn't know the dish contained them) and he will just silently slide over his plate so that his boyfriend can peacefully pick all of them out and give them to Wilbur. When Wilbur encounters food sensitivities - say, in a restaurant - Quackity will go full Karen mode and make sure his boyfriend gets only the food he wants.
Continuing the topic of mental health, sometimes Wilbur will struggle with hygiene during depressive episodes, to which Quackity will either motivate him with showering together(/nsx), a shared bath, if he's doing worse, or in the worst case scenario he'll help him clean himself up with a damp cloth (no judgement, no comments even, just love and support)
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 months
I think you should talk all the time about everything, I am definitely interested. Please share those many extra headcanons, pretty please witha cherry on top
so i made a post here about all my rabbit dream thoughts! because that has been on my mind so much.
but! i have other thoughts!
i've always thought that c!techno was a mercenary who was very selective about his jobs. he focused a lot on helping people with corrupt governments (hence his willingness to help pogtopia).
this is, in my mind, because of his history! there's a moment when techno says something about his parents being killed by orphans but i've always seen this as a child's way of explaining things. as in his server dealt with a lot of griefing and violence and war and his parents, when he was very young, went on an aid mission to help some of the people affected. all techno really remembers is his parents saying they were going to help orphans. he doesn't actually hate orphans, it's a bit, but there is an amount of trauma there where he knows why his parents left but also there's still that childish thought of 'they left me for other kids and now i don't have parents'.
he was very young when this happened and that's a reason he doesn't clearly remember how old he is. that wasn't completely a bit! he has a rough estimate of age and he remembers the day but he can't remember if he was four or turnin' four, you get me?
techno has a golden colored scar on his forehead and most of his scalp from the execution. when c!dream summoned dreamXD in prison, it glowed a faint green. the scar reacts to revival magic in that way.
speaking of c!dream, in all variations, i headcanon him as having a deep connection to the server that actually effects him physically. it's part of why he 'doesn't sleep' though that was more him feeling more energized than anything else. when he was in prison, he became lethargic and tired. his eyes also faded a bit, they weren't as vibrant of a green. (when he starts healing and reconnecting to the server, the color comes back unevenly.)
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a-moth-called-mof · 7 months
Me rambling about the fandom atmosphere during November 16th:
With November 16th hitting the corner, I thought now would be a good time to finally post this post that's been in my drafts forever
I genuinely am of the personal belief that November 16th is one of those things where you had to have been there to fully appreciate and experience it at least in my opinion. I feel like the tense atmosphere leading up to the actual event is something that is not widely talked about in the fandom. A brief reminder for the fans that are new here or that missed the stream where the November 16th War was announced: during stream C! Dream revealed that there was a traitor hiding amongst Pogtopia and said it was someone that you wouldn't expect. This one line lead to multiple fan theories going around the fandom ranging from plausible to very far fetched. The fandom turned into one big game of Among Us and EVERYONE was a suspect.
Here's an old post of my mine that I think does a good job showing the mentality of most fans going into November 16th:
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There were so many theories and speculations leading up to it and you genuinely had to be there to see everyone's different theories about who the traitor would be and the couple aus I saw come out of it. It made it so that when the event did happen, no one in the fandom knew who trust and NEITHER DID THE CHARACTERS. It was amazing watching characters debate whether or not to trust eachother live. It made it feel like any discoveries or possible leads that were made were realised by the character and the fandom at the same time, especially love that one scene where C! Tubbo and C! Quackity decide they sort of trust eachother and talk about who they don't trust. I distinctly remembering switching between povs and watching the dashboard lose their shit and how current character mains would be like "OH [CHARACTER] IS ACTING SO SUSPICIOUS :0" or just liveblog whatever characters were doing and it was a really fun way of keeping up with most of the characters even if I couldn't physically watch all their povs at once
This is less about the atmosphere but more something I feel like people don't talk about enough: Phil wasn't on the Dream SMP before November 16th and we had no concrete indication he would be there. There were a lot of fan theories and headcanons about him joining and I remember seeing all the art of him joining on November 16th and at the time thinking "Oh that's really cool but I doubt they'll actually do it" SO I CAN'T DESCRIBE THE SHEER EMOTIONS I FELT WHEN HE JOINED?
I honestly still don't think I'll ever forget watching C! Wilbur press the button and watching everything go to shit at once after such a tense buildup. Whenever I tell my irl friends I once stayed up till 5am on a school night to watch a live minecraft roleplay event, most of them joke or express (VERY UNDERSTANDABLE) concern but I honestly don't regret a thing. I'd do it 30 times over just to experience that again and watch my dashboard go apeshit. November 16th will always be one of my favourite events in any media ever.
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lilyminer · 2 years
Y’all remember how Ponk used to be a doctor back in the manburg era? Well since I can’t leave any server joke untouched time to make a serious headcanon about it!
What if sometime after the red festival Ponk snuck away to find Tubbo. He didn’t necessarily find pogtopia but he did end up finding Tubbo. A very scared Tubbo with very new burn scars he had no idea how to deal with. In my idea of the life system people respawn with their deadly injury healed into a scar but poorly healed, as if it had just been left as it was the whole healing process. Anyways, so Ponk brings some medicine for his pain, and helps clean up the scars in whatever ways he can.
Idk dude I’m always just trying to make it so Tubbo had more of a support system after then incident.
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