#lava caves
Okay i NEEEED to rant about Pogtopia because I know it was a ravine and shit but I need people to consider: lava caves
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(all photos taken by me cause I explored one the other day and that’s where I got this idea)
Lava caves or lava tubes are HUGE super long caves that were carved out by literal lava flows and now just sit there and they’re cool as fuck
they’re cold as shit and the roof can vary from being dozens of feet above your head to being so low you have to crouch
there’s piles of rocks and ice formations and sand gardens and they are PITCH BLACK if you don’t have any lights and they paths can be crazy wide or super narrow and the ground is full of drop offs
ones that are made for people to explore have railings and stairs in certain places too and some even have built in lights or like the one I explored let you rent a flashlight
also a fun sidenote the ground is super hard packed sand full of holes from water dripping and it’s so hard packed that you don’t leave footprints (this would not help with Wilbur’s derealization)
anyways I think this would all work SUPER well for pogtopia cause cold/dark/shifting atmosphere/adding railings and pathways is already a thing in pogtopia
some more images that I yanked from google:
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anyways PLEASEEEE consider spreading my vision Pogtopia lava cave/tubes for the win I’ve never been more right about anything in my life
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froginninjago · 5 months
So I was watching ninjago (surprising, I know) and call me an idiot but i just noticed this.
As a kid, I always wondered why the ninja were so colorful. Like, how is this guy dressed in pure white supposed to hide in the middle of the night? And don't get me started on red, which blends in just about nowhere.
It just hit me: What if they weren't MEANT to hide everywhere?
They're meant to blend in with their elements.
Kai, Jay, and Cole don't blend in with the snow. But they aren't meant to.
Zane, Kai, and Jay don't blend in with caves. But they aren't meant to
Cole, Zane, and Kai don't blend in with the sky. But they aren't meant to.
Jay, Cole, and Zane don't blend in with lava or fire. But they aren't meant to.
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lionfloss · 2 years
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by Denis Budkov
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starcrossedandstupid · 5 months
A Gem/Pearl/Cleo team up would be so awesome next season, and I know this is a big fandom opinion
HOWEVER I would like to rouse Gem/Pearl/Cleo/Lizzie
We have GeminiSlay, in the top three of her first game and was crushing it every episode, Pearl who is a former winner and is very skilled in PvP, Cleo who has made so many allies and is overall very good at the game. And then Lizzie, a loser girl(pos). Her teammates would be crushing anyone attacking them and Lizzie trips on a rock while farming. The dynamic of them being them and her being her would be so good. Lizzie IS chaotic, and would get along so well with that group. Scary dog privilege. The threats she could make that people wouldn’t take seriously, but are then followed through. It would be iconic, it both the silly moments and the serious ones.
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chopshajen · 8 months
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21. Nere
Ah, True Soul Nere. I’m glad to hear that many people have killed him, and in many different ways LOL During my battle with him he cast Shield of Screams, a spell unique to him that inflicts psychic damage when you hit him with melee, so I just stood like 10 feet away and shot him from there
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bettergeology · 6 months
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A Southern Washington Lava Tube, July 2023.
This cave is possibly the second-longest lava tube in North America. It's somewhat known by locals, so unfortunately bears the scars of visitation by an unknowing, uncaring public. Lava caves cannot clean themselves out, nor can they regenerate.
It's a more complex lava tube than most - it has at least three branching passages above the main channel. Two are meanders from when the flowing lava river was at a higher level, and another is a channel that branches off downstream. I cannot find a modern survey of it, so the true length of these branches and the cave itself is unknown to me. The entrance of the cave is steep, and the opening is small. The setting allows a moss and fern garden to grow green in the misty daylight until it is choked out by the dark.
This cave surprised me with how tall and narrow it is - ceilings are often in excess of 40 feet (~11 m), carving a winding void into the earth. The floor is very rugged, and made of breakdown (collapse debris) for most of its length. We never reached the end, unprepared for how long it would take to finish the remaining third of the cave. A return is in order after the thaw.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 13 days
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Lisa Nguyen’s photograph of the Milky Way over a lava cave in the craters of the Moon National Park, Idaho.
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pnwfae · 10 months
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Ape Cave Gifford Pinchot National Forest. The third largest LAVA TUBE in North America created from a basaltic eruption over 2.000 years ago!
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it's dark down there. Phone case happened to glow-in-the-dark!
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the forest grows right on TOP!
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No sign that the Lava Tubes run underneath.
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fhtagn-and-tentacles · 9 months
by Erskine Designs
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c-duceusclay · 8 months
Ludinus gets a fucking hobby challenge
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freshfreshsalad · 4 months
I decided to give the Bone Fist a try this run and I'm amazed by how cool it is! I knew about the hadouken and dropkick, but what really excites me is that most of the moveset still works with just one hand, so you can mix in combos with your left hand weapon as well!
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drmapzo · 1 year
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Hello, everyone!
The final chamber lays before the party of adventurers. The fire elementals are ready to attack and your group will have to act quickly or risk being turned into ash.
The ruined passages too pose a threat to the party who will have to watch their step if they wish to survive this fiery battle!
The creature tokens for this map are a Demonic Death Whisperer, a Flame Viper and a Horrific Marauder. Emerald tier gets the Flame Viper while Diamond tier gets all three. In addition, Sapphire tier gets extra creature token variants.
You can see a preview of all of this week’s Patreon content here.
Thank you very much for taking a look and be sure to check out my Patreon where you can pledge for gridless version, alternate map versions as well as the tokens pertaining to this map.
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kurogalaxy14 · 2 months
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Aaaand.. done! Lair of the ancient evil dragon, and I'm quite happy with how it turned out! Our two shadowy friends are investigating it- red shadow dragon and sorcerous rider.
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crimsonaireal · 4 months
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Lava Gemstones Cave
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jaminthoseanimals · 4 months
-taps mic-
Cave den.
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youareunbearable · 2 years
I might not do anything with this BUT I've been thinking about the Shadow of Mordor games again and how FUN would it be if Sauron did that but instead of bringing back Celebrimbor he uses his necromancy magic to bring back Maedhros
An imposingly tall figure, all done up in Sauron's spikey black armor, instead of his mace there is a wicked black blade where a right hand should be. He roams at the front of the Nazgul, blade at the ready as the other holds the reigns to a monstrous horse
People are terrified, thinking that Sauron himself is roaming the wilds, he stalks the Fellowship, nothing seems to stop him only delay him. Gandalf isn't sure its Sauron himself, but something about him under all that twisted and dark and evil song sings pure, like a dull flicker of white flame, like a weak candle.
When Boromir dies, that figure is with the orcs, it isnt the one to slay Boromir, but turns away and it seems to know where the ring is. The orcs are too focused on Merry and Pipin to follow the Figure, but he walks off. He stands on the shores as Frodo and Sam shiver in the Swan boat, but it does nothing but watch them as they sail off. It makes no motion to follow them or attack their small boat, just watch transfixed. Sam makes a comment that it looks like the Figure's armor makes it almost like it has a metal collar around its neck and cuffs on its wrists
During the battle of Helm's Deep, that Figure is back again, silently leading the siege. At one point, an Elven arrow hits the Figure's helm, knocking it a little loose and from under the helm tumbles a single red lock of hair. Its so red that almost looks like a smoldering flame. Haldir, who lives with the survivors of Doriath, sees that red hair, that tall stature, the handless right wrist and pales. While he wasn't there to witness the destruction of Doriath, he has heard the tales, he knows about the red haired monster that haunts the memories of the Sindar, and he knows what that Figure is capable of. Luckily, that Figure manages to catch a glimpse of Aragorn, and Freezes once again, a single stone that cuts through the rushing current of orcs all around him. Haldir doesn't see it again, but then again, Haldir doesn't see much of anything again.
(The Figure sees Gandalf on the hill, arriving with the dawn and reinforcments and it grieves, something in it breaks all over again but the magic puppeting its moves doesn't allow it to dwell. The helm is readjusted and the hair is tucked away and the Figure turns and leaves the battlefield. Its being summonded somewhere else.)
The war rages on, the Witch King is dead, but so is King Theoden. The Figure is trapped, the right wrist is pinned under the corpse of an oliphant and Elrond's sons watch as the Figure struggles before lying still. It's clearly not dead, but realizing it's trapped.
Aragorn and Legolas and Gimli join the twins. Gimli offers to thrust his axe in its chest, Legolas insists that he can shoot through its eye from a safer distance. Aragorn, who heard Haldir's frantic pleas during his final moments, just observes the Figure.
He notices the strange collar, how it clearly has cuffs on its wrist and feet, like it used to be shackled and chained.
"Can you speak?" He asks it.
The Figure does nothing but turn its helm towards Aragorn. They stare at each other for a few tense moments.
One of the twins, Aragorn still isn't fully sure which one, approches the Figure slowly. The Figure's helm is still directed at Aragorn.
"It feels familiar." The one twin whispers, voice raw from exertion. "It has a fea, it feels warm."
"Like uncle Erestor. Or Lindir." The other twin agrees.
The Figure turns its helm towards the twins at the mention of Erestor. The twin closest to the Figure, quick as an adder, jabs a polearm at the Figure's helm.
It snaps back, the helm tumbling off the Figure's head and those smoldering red locks fan out around the head, obscuring the face from view.
Even without seeing the face it's clearly an Elf. An abused one at that if one just looks at the notches missing from it's pointed ears. The polearm is back, nudging under where a chin should be to lift the face.
First, all that is seen is scars. So many that pull the once handsome face, for even under all its marring one can tell from the bone structure that this was a face that could launch a thousand ships, into a grotesque manner. But it is the eyes, the eyes that makes everyone suck in a breath.
These eyes glow, they glow with power, with light never been seen before, or well, haven't been seen in Ages. These grey eyes glow with the reflected light of the Two Trees, long since felled.
"Oh, Maitimo," Gandalf, who had wandered up the the group, sighed with tremendous sorrow. "What has become of you?"
Maitimo, or Maedhros as those in the Third Age know him as, tries to speak. His lips move, which brings attention to the fact that they are loosely sewn together with a black cord that seems to pull and ooze blood, never letting the wounds heal. His voice croaks, dry with misuse, but he manages a sound, a breath, perphaps even a word. Each syllable like a dying wheeze. He repeats the sound, again and again, almost becoming frantic with his wheezing chants, blood spilling down his chin from the threads, until it's understandable.
#amber rambles#silmarillion#maedhros#maitimo#silm fic#Iotr#I personally think it would be Fun and Seasonal if Mae becomes a zombie puppet for Sauron#like I already think that because of the Oath and because of his time with Morgoth and Sauron he wouldnt be able to die or hear Mandos Call#And I think Sauron would be a petty bitch enough to bring back Mae as a fun little HaHa Deal With THIS Emotional Trauma Elrond U Ass#I couldnt decide if I wanted Mae to deal with Aragorn and the fellowship or with frodo and sam but I figured if hes being puppeted#he would go after aragorn HOWEVER a fun little alternative i have#is that he goes after frodo and sam and they end up in Shelobs cave and Mae is gonna kill the hobbits but the Liquid Starlight#snaps some of his Sauron Mind Control off and activates his Omg Oath!! brain and he fights Shelob off the hobbits to grab it#and he knows he cant grab the vial cause hes Literally a figure of evil now but he just sits there and stares at it#and Little Sam goes up to him slowly and asks#If you want that vial i can help you but you must not hurt Mr Frodo anymore do you promise?#And Mae nods his head. promising.#so Sam cuts off a corner of his cloak and wraps the vial in it and hands it over to Mae who just hold the cloth bundle and begins to shake#he sobs. big wheezes and moans that cant make it past his sewn lips but he tries and Sam runs off to save Frodo while he does that#Then once gollum tosses himself and the ring into the lava and the world is crumbling around them Mae appears in the cave opening#to scoop up the tired hobbits and carry them to safety not caring about lava chasing after them. He collapses once the eagels come#Sam tries to get them to take Mae as well. But they dont and he screams and Mae just takes off his helm and smiles#He holds up the wrapped vial in his hand and with his bladed hand he cuts through the threads on his lips and shouts up to the sky#Thank You! A New Dawn Shall Rise!! and the eagles fly higher and farther and sam cant see it but he knows the lava swallowed him up#and a new dawn does rise. It rises on a new Age with a new king and a wedding and painful goodbyes and a new beginning
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