#poly!super m
princesscallyie · 1 year
I hope Turq follows his uncle's footsteps and boos up Scent and Aurora because I like both their dynamics too much lol.
I do find Turq and Scent’s dynamic amusing as some kind of exes/rivals thing, but Turq would honestly not boo her up. I’m sorry lol. I personally don’t think they have much in common besides the fact they like to fight each other at times.
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givemegifs · 1 year
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moonstruckme · 9 days
hi !! i saw that your requests were open and i'd really love if you wrote something with james (or poly!m !!) with a gn!reader taking up literature in uni who tends to get back pains from being hunched over reading and writing almost all hours of the day (definitely not projecting, hehe!)
i love the stuff you write and everythings just so sweetly written and portrayed so lovely !! thank you for keeping the marauders fandom alive lol
Thank you ml <3
modern au
poly!marauders x gn!reader ♡ 709 words
James plops down beside you on the couch, and when he pokes your spine you straighten reflexively. 
“Sorry,” you mumble, only half in the room as the rest of your brain continues working on your essay. 
“Are you really not done yet?” Sirius asks, putting a bag of popcorn in the microwave. You start typing faster. They’re going to want to start the movie soon, and then your laptop is going to be wrested away from you whether you’ve reached a stopping point or not. “I can’t remember the last time I spent more than a couple hours on an essay. You’ve been laboring over that thing all day.” 
“It’s a long one,” you admit, “but it’s hardly labor.” 
“Sure looks like it, when your back is hunched worse than a coal miner’s.” 
You give him a deadpan look. Sirius glances down at your fingers, still typing rapidly, and shudders. 
“Fucked how you can do that.” 
“Literature students might be the new coal miners,” says James.
You hum dubiously, looking back to your work. “Not sure that’s a super fair comparison.” 
“Yeah, I wouldn’t quite say that,” Remus agrees with you, “but it’s not like you’re not doing yourself any harm when you write all day like this, love. Your back is already hurting you—” 
“You’ll probably get carpal tunnel,” James adds. 
“—and I know looking at your laptop for this long gives you headaches.” Remus’ slow strides into the living room feel like a countdown clock. You manage to hammer out the end of your sentence just before he pulls your laptop out from under your fingers. “If you’re not careful, it’s gonna fuck up your sleep. That’s enough for tonight.” 
You sigh but don’t complain, rolling back your shoulders to ease some of the tautness there. Your spine crackles, quicker and louder than the popcorn popping in the kitchen, and James flinches away from you. 
“God, make it stop,” he pleads. 
You ignore him and roll your neck to the side, eliciting a series of cracks from there too. James makes a dramatically horrified sound and squeezes his eyes shut, and Remus grabs your head in both hands, restraining you. 
“Don’t,” he tells you severely. “We’ve been over this.” 
“Freak,” Sirius says lovingly as he pulls the bag of popcorn from the microwave. 
“It hurts,” you complain. 
“Sounds like it, fuck,” James agrees emphatically. Now the danger has passed, he leans towards you again, splaying a protective palm over your mid back. “Sirius, could you grab my icy hot from the fridge? Here, lovie, lie down.” 
Remus lets go of your face somewhat reluctantly, letting James help you lay across his lap. His hand smooths up and down your spine, pressing down lightly upon muscles rigid with tension. You sort of wish he’d just crush you. You’re sure he could, he doesn’t spend all that time at the gym for nothing. 
“I’m gonna get you a back brace,” Remus mutters, fondness under the veneer of resentment in his tone. 
“That'd be kind of hot.” Sirius lifts your feet, dropping down onto the couch before passing James the tube of cream. “Those are the strappy looking things, right? I’m for it.” 
“I do not consent,” you say clearly, then hiss as James applies the cool balm to your lower back. 
He and Sirius laugh. Remus reaches over to press your shoulders back down. 
“Easy, angel,” says James. “It’ll help.” 
“I didn’t know it’d be this cold,” you defend yourself, a little laugh tripping out of you as well. “You do this voluntarily?” 
“You’ll see why in a bit.”
“If I were spending all of my Saturday hunched over my laptop and a bunch of books,” Sirius says, “I think I’d at least use the right ‘your.’ What are they teaching you, babe?” 
You suppress a groan. You’d sent Sirius a grammatically incorrect text two days ago, and he’s yet to stop lording it over you. 
“That was autocorrect,” you tell him again. 
He hums noncommittally, tracing a path up your calf with his forefinger. “I’m just saying, can it really be worth it if we’re making those sorts of mistakes? Will they even still give you your degree?” 
“Sirius, their back is getting tense again. Knock it off.”
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WIBTA if I tell a couple I'm a mistress for both of them?
this is a long one and a very weird situation but here we go. I (28F) have been seeing two people recently. I've been seeing C (30F) for a little over 5 months and M (29M) for almost 6 months. both relationships are currently in a state of non-commitment, even though I've expressed feelings in both relationships and theyve been reciprocated, but I'm naturally not a super commitment-focused person and both of the people I'm seeing have respected that a lot, so yeah.
anyways, both relationships have been great and I'm incredibly happy w them, and since neither are committed to me I've kind of just assumed that both C and M were likely seeing other people as well even if we haven't talked about it.
WELL. about a week ago C came over to my place to spend the night, which she does like once a week or every other week. she goes to take a shower and I start gathering laundry and grab her stuff to throw in with mine and take her phone out of her jeans. I glance at the screen and see a few texts from a contact called "my love <3"
I was kinda surprised by this because while not talking to me about casual relationships is not something I would care about, the contact name made me think she had a more serious relationship going on, which I don't mind but would like to be informed about.
soooo okay I did an admittedly asshole thing and read the text. and then read a few more. and it became apparent that this was a REALLY committed relationship. like, I love yous, I'll be back home soon, please remember to grab so and so from the grocery store, stuff like that.
the contact picture looked kind of familiar too so I clicked on it to see better and it ended up being a picture of M.
I kind of flipped at this bc this is kind of a ridiculous situation, and I left my apartment for some air. I came back like 30 minutes later and C was waiting for me and confused where I'd been (she didn't see/hear me leave since she was still in the shower).
I apologized to her for looking at her phone but told her that I saw the texts from her partner, and that I was feeling kind of hurt that she hadn't told me that she had a more serious relationship going on, since she knows I value transparency. I specifically did not mention that I was also dating M or knew who he was because I felt I needed to scope out the situation more.
she ended up breaking down in tears and spilled everything. told me that M is her husband, that he doesn't know she's been seeing me, that shes felt so conflicted and guilty because she loves him but has really grown to love me too, that she feels wrong and dirty for keeping everything secret. I'm upset that I've been made into a mistress without knowing, but I try to talk to her about everything, we end up staying up super late talking and crying and pouring our hearts out. I still don't mention that I'm dating M too because I feel like I need to talk to him about this before any big decisions are made on my part.
I ended up inviting M to stay at my place a few nights later, and I confront him about the fact that I know he has a wife (made up something about my friend seeing them out together) and ask why he's kept this from me. his reaction was really similar. guilt, not understanding why he's attracted to two people at once, saying he very deeply loves C and doesn't want to leave her but really loves me too, says he's confused and doesn't know what to do. I don't mention to him that I know C or that I'm dating her.
I asked him if he's heard of polyamory before, and he said yes but he doesn't know anything about it really. I ended up encouraging him to maybe talk to his wife to see if that's something she'd be interested in, but he was terrified that she'd be hurt by the suggestion.
I really do love both of them and don't want to leave them. I've been poly for a long time and am very familiar with navigating ethical non monogamy, and to me this feels a lot like two poly people struggling to come to terms with and accept a facet of their sexualities, and they're just navigating that confusion and self discovery in ways that are...not great. but, I want to give them grace for their mistakes I guess?
so this is the part where I think I might be the asshole if I go thru with it. I've talked with both C and M separately about talking to their spouse about what's been going on and about polyamory in general, and they're both fucking terrified and really don't want to. so, I was thinking of inviting them both to my place at the same time to hash it out (without telling them that the other person will be there, since they still don't know I'm dating both of them). I think once they realize they've been dating the same person things might be easier to navigate, and will force them to confront what's been going on?? but also idk if springing this on them is the best thing I could do, but I really have no idea how to navigate this differently.
to be frank, if they love each other and both love me, my ideal outcome is that we continue things as they have been but with no secrecy and 100% transparency. I'm also afraid that even though they've both been seeing the same person and have expressed interest in polyamory after talking about it with me, they might feel personally betrayed by each other and everything could backfire spectacularly, AND I could possibly explode their whole marriage.
so, WIBTA?
What are these acronyms?
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themuse-if · 5 months
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DEMO (TBA) | Cast Profiles | Cast Interviews-Round 1 | Cast Interviews-Round 2 | The Muse: Spotify
The Muse is a 18+ slice of life interactive fiction novel set at NYU focusing mostly on the art departments in the Steinhardt and Tisch schools. Inspired by my love for shows and movies like Felicity, Fame (the show), Skins UK, and Center Stage. This will not be an accurate depiction of school life at NYU, I'll be taking lots of creative liberties.
Content Warnings: explicit language, sexual themes, substance use, violence, mention of SA
You come from a family of artists and art lovers. Your mother is a passionate curator for a small gallery in the city and your father is a sculptor and painter with a very dedicated cult following. They met when they were just starting out and have built a lovely life for themselves and their two children, you and your older brother Cameron.
Your parents have always been super supportive of you and your brother’s dreams and ambitions. They were a great source of encouragement and guidance for your brother on his path to discovering his goal to become a game designer and you on your path to become whatever you choose.
Growing up surrounded by such creativity just so happened to inspired you to want to create something of your own.
Now that you’ve graduated high school it’s time for you to head off to university! You’ve decided to leave the mid sized city that you call your hometown, and go to the big city NYC! You’ll be attending NYU more specifically, but you won’t be making this move alone you’ll be attending with your best friend Maxine!
What will you discover in your university life?
Will you solely focus on schoolwork or wind up in the raging party scene?
Will you explore new creative endeavors or solely focus on honing your craft?
With so much going on will you even have the time to possibly find your muse, or maybe even become someone else’s?
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Design your mc from clothing style to physical appearance to pronouns, gender identity, name, looks, and more.
Choose 1 of 9 majors that grant you different classes with new students and professors: (Studio Arts, Dance, Drama, Photography and Imaging, Jazz Studies, Songwriting, Recorded Music, Collaborative Arts, Dramatic Writing )
Curate your MCs personality and how they react to all the drama and excitement university life has to offer. Style your MC’s dorm room and their aesthetic style.
Navigate the cliques and scenes to figure out where your MC fits in. Maybe you're a social butterfly and you just float from one social group to another!
Engage in a romance with 1 of 10 characters. 5 female/male gender selectable and 5 gender set characters. And 2 poly routes one with The Rebel Rejects and one with The Exes (Faye and Karla).
Choose one of three part time jobs to give you a little extra spending money for things like spring break and birthday gifts for your new friends.
Follow The Muse through your MC’s freshman and sophomore years. Junior and senior year will come much later in Book Two of The Muse. The third and final book in The Muse series will cover the start of MC's new life after graduation.
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Roxanne/Robbie Sawyer: (f/m) The lead singer and guitarist of The Rebel Rejects. Ro is everything you would want in a lead singer cool, charismatic, and super talented. Don’t let their dazzling aura intimidate you though because though they may have a raging wild side they can also be extremely down to earth.
Joleen/Johnny Nielsen: (f/m) The drummer of The Rebel Rejects. Jo is the oddball of the band with a sunny exterior and twisted flower child past. They may be a sweet boho bimbo with a heart of gold, but there’s a lot more that lies behind those blue green eyes.
Delphine/Desmond Hartley: (f/m) The bassist for The Rebel Rejects. De is the super glue propelling the group forward. With high expectations from their parents, and dreams that soar even higher, success is the only option.
Rina/Ren Fukushi: (f/m) R is the best ballet dancer in this incoming freshman class, and no one would ever think to say otherwise. They’re cold and closed off, if it isn’t about ballet then they don’t want to hear it.
Everly/Everett Thompson: (f/m) Eve is a triple threat. Singing, dancing, acting they can do it all. They hope to complete their EGOT before they turn 40.
Karla Reyes: (she/her) Karla is a sophomore at NYU studying Studio Arts. Her favorite medium is watercolor on canvas. She dabbled with sculpting and ceramics...until she broke up with her ex, Faye, and can’t stand to be in the same studio with them.
Faye Winters: (she/they) Fae is every bit the ethereal being they seem to be, and just as flighty. She is a sophomore majoring in dance with a minor in studio arts. She has this effortless charm and beauty that extends to her art whether its her dancing or her sculptures.
Sebastien Auclair: (he/him) Sebastien is in his third year of university, he’s an exchange student from the Paris College of Art. He is studying photography and imaging. Sebastian loves Paris, but he is excited for this change of scenery.
Maxine Matthews: (she/her)Max is your best friend in the world! Your parents are friends so you were destined to best pals since birth, thank god you actually like each other or all those shared family functions would have been really awkward. Max is funny and always has great commentary for every show or movie that you watch together. Which is why you weren’t surprised when they decided to major in dramatic writing. Some people think that you’re too close. They wonder how is it possible that you could be just friends.
Silas Walker: (he/him) Silas is your RA. As your Resident Advisor he's super helpful and friendly. You have question about the best study spots, bad professors, how to use the subway, well he's got answers. He keeps all his advisees at arms length because everyone knows RAs can't canoodle with their advisees. And that just makes it all the more enticing.
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luveline · 1 year
would you ever consider writing poly!marauders? or even more of the luna reader with platonic (or romantic) marauders?
if u have more poly!m requests please send them (to clarify this is romantic) fem!reader tw cut
"You should be more careful," Remus says, "really, dove." 
You lean back against the kitchen counter and try not to wince as he finishes with the dressing on your arm. 
"I am careful," you say. 
He laughs softly. It's a rare sound, kind that has you smiling immediately. You wrap your arms around his neck, careful not to press down on your injury, and kiss his neck quickly. 
"Thanks for fixing me, handsome," you say. 
Remus pats your back. "That's never something you have to thank me for… You might like me less when the boys come home." 
You pull away. "You texted them?" you ask, already resigned to your fate. 
He looks gorgeous even when you're mad at him, pale skinned but dark in his way, dark eyes and dark brows and his amazingly handsome nose that makes you wanna lean over and kiss him. 
"Afraid so." Remus squeezes a path up your arm to your shoulder. "You know the lashing they'd give me if I didn't." 
"Well," you murmur, "I suppose you did patch me up." 
He kissed your forehead as the sound of the front door opening echoes down the hall. "That's the spirit." 
You relax. It's James, which means you aren't in for a loving telling off, just a loving. You stay by Remus' side until James is in view, a shock of green rugby uniform stark against brown skin. He sheds his bag and you practically throw yourself into his open arms, 'cause usually that's exactly what he wants. 
"Wait wait wait!" he says, holding out his hand, his wrist brace scratchy against your arm. "Don't hurt yourself worse! What happened?" 
You fight him, trying to hug him and laughing when he holds you back like you're nothing. He's strong. "James, come on. I cut it on the garden fence." 
He makes a sound like he feels super sorry for you and finally lets you hug him, your face in his solid chest, your hands at the small of his back. You settle in for as long as you want, James and you both suckers for a good hug, and sigh as his cheek kisses the top of your head. 
"You okay, Moons? You look tired." James voice rumbles through your hear, low and warm. 
"Fine. She just shocked me, running in the house with blood dripping down to her elbow." 
"Give us a hug." 
"I'll make tea." 
James turns his lips to your forehead, "How come he'll hug me when we're alone, and he'll hug you all day long when you're together, but he's totally allergic to affection when we're together?" 
"He's shy," you mumble, "ask him again in an hour and he'll say yes." 
The door opens a second time and you'd hide your face pretty much in James' armpit, laughing through the horror. "Hide me." 
"No, I don't think so." 
James works your face away from his chest, hands held over the soft slopes of your shoulders. He looks you in the eye, all melty brown and sweetness. "Sure you're okay?" he asks. 
You hum. He kisses your cheek. 
"Okay, I'm gonna go harass Remus for a hug then, before he boils the kettle and threatens me with a scalding. Love you." 
"I don't love you, you're leaving me for the wolves." 
"I'm hardly a wolf," comes Sirius' amused drawl. 
James raises his eyebrows at you in a silent gesture for Good luck, angel, and disappears around the corner to the kitchen. 
You sigh and spin on your heel, finding your arch nemesis (concerned boyfriend) propped against the wall. He's in casual work attire, which for Sirius is a smart pair of trousers and a dark button down with the sleeves rolled up. His tan seems to have waned in the winter, leaving him pale. Though he often claims in a joking manner that it's a consequence of loving you, he's always so worried it steals the colour from his skin. 
I like to worry, he'd assured you once. 
"You might not believe me, but you look very handsome today," you say. 
He raises a dark brow. "You say that every day." 
"Emphasis on 'very,'" you say. 
He pulls his weight off of the wall and holds out his hand as he approaches. You let him take your arm, let him assess the small dressing bandage Remus has applied over your cut. 
"It was deep," you admit, "but not very long." 
"Mm, Remus said," Sirius says, near murmuring as his thumb works into your wrist. He rubs over unbroken skin gently. "Does it hurt?" 
You shake your head vehemently. 
"Why would I lie?" you ask. You smile at him. "You really do look handsome. And you didn't need to come home from work." 
"It's my lunch break." 
"Oh, good! Let me make you something, while everybody's home." 
"Or I can make you something," he suggests. 
You enter into a stare off. He faces you with little expression, a blank slate. A pretty blank slate. His lashes don't so much as flicker, while you struggle to keep a straight face under so much seriousness. Your lips twitch with a laugh and something about it must break him, because he takes your face into his two hands and presses your noses together. 
"You make it very hard to be sensible about things," he says, and gives you a chaste kiss. 
His lips are a warmth you savour, and he steals them back much too swiftly for your liking. 
"Remus is the sensible one," you deny. "You're the overprotective one. And James is… James." You sigh, lovelorn. "And I'm the stupid one who cuts herself on chicken wire. You really didn't have to come home." 
"I wanted to." 
He leads you by the hand into the kitchen, where James and Remus stand in front of an unboiled kettle, Remus face smushed into James broad shoulder, a muscled arm locking him into place. He looks quite happy. 
"Sorry, I'm still making tea," he says into James' sleeve.
"No, I'm gonna make dinner," you say, yanking Sirius to the lovefest. 
You worm under James' other arm and Sirius strokes at the hair curling over Remus' forehead, mumbling, "Oh, god, she's killed you." 
"Worse ways to go," Remus says. 
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shadowdaddies · 5 months
Could you write some A/B/O smut for the batboys (x reader or just among themselves)
I love how much you write in response to recs so I’m super excited xx love your writing style so much
hi! thank you so much for the kind words💜 I thought about just doing the batboys but tbh I'm not sure what their dynamic would be so I went with batboys alphas and omega reader. I tried to do my research on this, so I'm sorry if this isn't really accurate to the omegaverse but I hope you enjoy it💜
poly!batboys x f!reader omegaverse AU
WARNINGS: smut, truly this is pwp, a/b/o dynamics, oral m!receiving, p in v sex, anal sex, dp, breeding kink obvi, minors dni, not proofread
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Your boots crunched against the white snow, pressing it down as you walked down a street in Windhaven with Emerie. The small talk you were holding with your friend was quickly interrupted when the heads of nearly every male on the street turned towards you, nostrils flaring as they tracked you with predatory gazes.
You and Emerie both clocked their looks instantly, realization dawning as you began to feel the symptoms of spontaneous heat. Your scent was growing stronger by the minute, the sweet pheromones drawing every beta in the camp towards your path. 
You knew there was limited time for you to reach your nest before your desire turned blinding, turning to Emerie as you frantically explained the plan. 
“I need you to get a healer until my mates can get here. Send them to the cabin, please,” you pleaded, anxiously backing away as you prepared to run for it. Emerie nodded, turning back as she went in search of your alphas’ healer, Madja. 
Fleeing through the snow, you fought the urges threatening to take over as your body’s cravings intensified. You managed to stumble through the door to the warded cabin, calling out helplessly to the empty home as your vision blurred. 
Your clothes were too restrictive, burning hot against your skin as you clawed desperately to remove them. You shed your coat, untying your boots as you scrambled up the staircase to your nested bedroom. 
The moment you opened the door, the lingering scents of your alphas greeted you, slick already dripping down your legs as you moaned at the smell. Crawling over the edge of the mattress, your head fell back against the pillows as you struggled to get your pants down. 
A plea echoed in your mind - relief, relief, relief - as you shimmied your pants down to your ankles. A scream of frustration left your lips as you brought your fingers to your clit, the wetness pooling between your legs uncomfortable. Rubbing your clit was getting you nowhere - you needed to be filled, needed a healer, an alpha, anything. 
Your frustrated cries drowned out the sound of the door opening, your small fingers curled inside of you doing little to ease the desire burning within. 
“Fuck, baby,” Rhys breathed, violet eyes wide as he took in the sight of you, sprawled and sweating on the bed. 
“Rhys, Alpha, please. I need a heat suppress... A healer. Emerie-“ you fumbled for the words, unable to even ask for what you needed to take the edge off as tears welled in your eyes. 
“Shh, shh, it’s okay sweet girl. I’m here to take care of you. What do you want, little one?” Rhys cooed, eyes filled with adoration as his fingers gripped your chin, directing your focus to him.
Your tongue instinctively darted out, licking his thumb in silent request. He growled, slipping the digit into your mouth as you mewled, sucking as you stared at him with wide eyes. 
“I need you inside of me,” you mumbled around his finger. Your words weren’t clear, but your alpha knew exactly what you needed as his clothes were spirited away. The sound of his hard cock slapping against his lower abdomen drew a pathetic mewl from you, slick somehow building further as you struggled for breath.
Rhys pulled his thumb from your mouth, circling around to the edge of the bed, where your ankles were still trapped in the confines of your pants. Instead of undressing you, Rhys gripped your ankles, pulling them over his head as he locked himself within your legs. A guttural groan escaped him, eyes rolling back as your scent filled his senses. 
“Rhys, please. I need you now,” you pleaded, tears brimming as you clenched around nothing. Your alpha did not keep you waiting, pulling your hips down to the edge of the bed as he guided his cock inside of you, the both of you releasing lewd moans at the feeling of his swelled cock fully seated. “Move,” you whispered, wriggling as much as you could in his restrictive hold. 
Rhys loved having you at his mercy like this, smugness filling him at being the only alpha here as he drew his hips back, slamming into you. Relief flooded through you, feeling euphoric as your cravings were finally sated. Your head lolled to the side, shifting up and down against the mattress with Rhys’s thrusts as you registered Cassian walking through the door. 
“Oh, my sweet girl. I heard about your heat,” he crooned, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. You nodded helplessly, still bouncing on Rhys’s dick as your mouth began to water, your need for Cassian building with each inhale you took of his scent.
Your eyes flicked to his face, Cassian’s hazel eyes watching your mouth fly open in a moan as Rhys hit deep inside of you. “Please, please,” you breathed, hand fumbling in a weak attempt to palm your alpha’s cock through his pants. “I need to suck you,” you begged, earning a moan from both Rhys and Cassian as the latter quickly stripped himself of his clothing.
Cassian climbed to the top of the mattress, legs spreading as his scent filled the air, cock proudly on display. Rhys flipped you over, your ass in the air as he shoved your pants the rest of the way off. Practically drooling, you leaned down and took Cassian in your mouth, moaning at the taste of his precum on your lips as you looked at him through your lashes.
“Fuck, that’s a good girl,” he praised, his words spurring you on as you took him as deep as you could. Rhys thrust back inside of you without warning, eliciting a muffled scream as you gagged around Cassian’s cock. His hand found your hair, wrapping it around his wrist as you bounced like a rag doll between him and Rhys.
“Fuck,” Rhys murmured, landing a smack to your ass as his knot grew inside of you, locking you in place as you felt his warm seed fill you up. Cassian groaned as he watched your face, your jaw going slack around him as you reveled in the feeling of Rhys’s release. 
“Gods, I’m going-“ Cassian pulled away just in time, his knot shrinking back as he held your mouth away from him. Rhys pulled out, long fingers pushing his cum back inside of you, a moan leaving him at the sight. 
“Where- where is Az?” You breathed, suddenly feeling the intensity of your heat at the realization of your missing alpha. Cassian and Rhys exchanged a quick glance before you heard movement downstairs, boots thudding against the wood before Azriel appeared in the doorway, sweat dripping from his brow.
“I was in Velaris. I’m here now baby, I’ve got you,” he cooed, leaning down to bring you in for a searing kiss. “What do you want from me, sweet girl?”
“I need you both. Now,” you commanded breathlessly, looking between him and Cassian. With a nod, Azriel removed his clothing, Rhys gently flipping you back on your back where Cassian pulled you against his chest. His cock brushed against your core, collecting the mix of your slick and Rhys’s cum as he lined himself up with your rear entrance.
With a nod from you, Cassian pushed inside, his large cock stretching your asshole deliciously. A mewl escaped you as you felt Azriel’s hand on your clit, thumb rubbing circles as he teased. 
“Shh, it’s okay. You’re doing so good for us,” Rhys murmured, settling next to you on the bed as he peppered kisses down your neck and chest. He smiled with pride when your jaw dropped, the sensation of Azriel pushing into your cunt, rubbing against Cassian’s cock through your thin walls almost too much for you.
Vision fading in and out, you heard vague and muffled praises as Cassian and Azriel took alternating thrusts inside of you, Rhys’s hands and mouth licking and tugging your nipples as every part of your body was stimulated.
With a scream, you clawed at the sheets as Cassian’s knot swelled inside of you, his release warm in your ass as Azriel continued pounding into you. Someone’s fingers found your clit, a chuckle sounding in your ear as you whimpered at the overstimulation. 
Your mind reeled as what might have been another orgasm crashed through you, the constant intense pleasure too much for you to register as you felt Azriel’s knot grow inside of you. Cassian leaned down to press kisses on your shoulder, Rhys continuing his words of praise as your final alpha’s seed filled you. 
The heat which had consumed you now faded away, deep contentment and sleepiness overwhelming your senses as you struggled to stay awake. You were vaguely aware of Azriel crawling up the bed, several sets of hands wrapping around your waist as you laid back against a muscled chest. 
“Sleep, little one. We’ll be here,” Rhys murmured in your ear as you drifted off, deeply sated and peaceful in your mates’ arms.
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executables-sims · 19 days
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AF/TF High-Waisted Super Skinny Jeans with Flats & Sneakers | Download / PSD A high-waisted, super skinny H&M 'Star' Jeans edit, with both flats and sneakers. This is a multi-group mesh with six textures in total; they've been separated out so you can choose which ages/variants to keep. :) These work best with untuckable tops using Maxis' 'Naked' mapping for the waistline, and 'noblend' overhanging tops. There is some very slight clipping present on the front of the ankle for certain anims. Has both thin and fat morphs, and has been compressorised; 1140 polys.
Swatch showing button/rivet combos below the cut:
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 months
Poly ghostface comfort cuddles? Maybe m/n is having body dysmorphia or got into a fight with their parent(s)? have a lovely day/afternoon/night luv! ( *ˊᵕˋ* )
Billy Loomis x Male reader x Stu Macher
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Who would have thought that getting closer to graduation would be so exhausting, but the train must keep chugging. Im not sure I showed body dysmorphia correctly, but I tried my best based on my understanding of it.
Not super long, but I hope it’s still enjoyable.
The lack of gifs of these two together is starting to tire me out.
Stu or Billys place would be the usual place you three hang out, so you showing up at Stus door wouldn’t be anything new or strange. But the fact that you looked near tears would put your normally goofy and loud lover on edge.
You would be wearing multiple layers, a sweater, a hoodie, and a jacket on top of that, just so you didn’t have to perceive yourself in any way. Just seeing your own reflection in the glass was enough to make you wanna curl in on yourself and disappear.
Billy would already be there as Stu pulled you inside, the two of them having probably been watching another trashy horror flick, or going over whatever plans they had for running around at night as Ghostface.
Billy may have always been the more perspective out of you three, but Stu wasn’t stupid. He could easily tell what the issue was when you struggled to even pull your jacket off, and the way you were hugging yourself only proved it further.
Hearing Stus worried tone as he spoke to you got Billy to emerge from wherever the two had been hanging out before, a worried furrow appearing on his face as his brows furrow. As Billy joins you two to check on you, Billy and Stu have something akin to a silent conversation with their eyes, both already knowing what to do.
So as Stu keeps you distracted with his doting and kissing, trying to keep your mind off how uncomfortable you feel in your own body and just existing in general, Billy will hurry up into Stus room to get everything ready.
And by getting ready, I mean getting rid or just covering the few mirrors Stu has, pulling the blinds down and turning off the lights, as well as setting up blankets and pillows to make the king sized bed Stu most definitely has more comfortable.
Stu is so good at keeping you distracted that you don’t even notice hes gotten you up the stairs and to his room until you guys are already there. There, Billy is already ready for you guys to join him on the bed. Hes most likely thrown his shirt off to the side somewhere along with his shoes, and now he’s waiting for you to crawl into his arms.
Neither of them make demands for you to take all your layers off, even as Stu crawls up behind you to hold you from behind, his arms wrapping around both you and Billy. They know commenting about it could just make it worse, so instead they just talk about everything under the sun, letting you settle down and take it at your own pace.
Turning the lights down and keeping in the dark helps you feel like seen, which makes it easier to peel some of your layers off when it starts to get way too hot between the two of them and under the blankets.
Billy being Billy would also find some way to sneak in comments to help you feel less ugly or uncomfortable, as he has a way of just saying stuff and making it feel like a fact. Stu being as excitable and energetic as he is would just gush about how much he likes you, without commenting about your looks. But they wouldn’t outright bring it up, since it could just worsen your state.
They would take it at your pace, letting you take all the time you need, but they would also make sure you don’t hurt or judge yourself too much, keeping your mind off what’s been bothering you until it isn’t weighing on you as much, or you are able to come out of your comfort zone.
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bovineblogger · 4 months
hi there! i wanna 3d model some low-poly-ish bovines for a roblox game (where you get to play as animals), do you have any suggestions for a beginner-level modeler?
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BISON AND THEIR CALVES!!!!!!! theyre already super low poly the way they are!!!! erkdmfldskmfd;mds;m and theyre SO CUTE!!
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actuallyacerrr · 23 days
hi! can i get tmnt 2012 boys general relationship hcs?? bonus points for poly (not tcest, god no!! just reader is dating all the boys but the boys arent together) (if that makes you uncomfy you absolutely do not have to include that and do them separately!!) 🦕
Hello lovely!! <33 Thank you for requesting. Polyam will never be turned away on this blog, unless it is rooted in tcest or toxic relationships.
For best experience read all of them in order.
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|| So Much Love <3
Pairing(s) ->
2012!Leonardo H. Raphael H. Donatello H. Michelangelo H. x GN!Reader
Warning(s) ->
Reader is meant to be polyam with the headcanons made to he read as such! DNI with this post if you don’t like it, and just keep scrolling.
Summary ->
Reader is in a poly relationship with the turtles.
L ML : R ML : D ML : M ML
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Leonardo ->
He’s a gentle man even before you get together.
He’d open the manhole cover for you, keep any snacks you like stocked in the lair the best he can.
Big ole sweetheart to you.
While it’s kinda obvious he like you he plays it off.
Notices his brothers acting a little different with you but just assumes it’s cause you’re a human. But has a feeling it’s something more.
Once they (and you) caught on, it became a think like sibling rivalry. Trying to one up each other for you.
Gentleman x10, invites you out with them constantly, makes small talk and tries to joke around (sometimes.)
He tries out in other areas like helping you with training, he compliments you alot.
Hes always there for you, checking up on you. He cares for you a lot.
He goes to splinter for advice when it comes to you. Wants to make sure he’s not messing up.
You quickly get annoyed by all they do. So you sit them down to have a talk.
You call them out on in and yeah they admit to having a crush on you.
Well lucky for them you’re poly! and after explaining that to them, they think about it and decide hey- why not give it a shot. You assure them that if things don’t work out they all can go back to being friends and forget it ever happened.
Now he’s more of a nervous and shy mess because you’re the first person he’s dated, like ever.
But he’s super supportive, and hypes you all all the time!!
I gotta get this one out the way.
Turtle piles, are IMMACULATE.
They love cuddling with you because you’re so so warm.
But if you’re a cold blooded mutant or just always cold, they are trying to keep you warm.
But for 1 on 1 cuddles he’s the big spoon, you’re the little spoon. But if you decide to be the big spoon he’d try it out.
After awhile he gets really affectionate like in a chill way, gentleman way.
Holding your hand, kissing your hand.
Dancing to music together because yes. He likes spinning you around. Cutie patootie.
Starts asking april for more advice.
He’s a gets you flowers and favorite things kinda guy.
Most dates are at home dates, like watching movies and stuff. But he makes them so much fun.
Get him hooked on your favorite show and suddenly boom he’s a bigger fan than you. Especially in the hero and action genre. But yall get rambling on it together and would probably shush them.
“Oh! Did you know! *insert cool fact-*”
Then you and leo go back to rambling.
I think he’s not the kind to get (to) jealous. Like a maybe “why didn’t I think of that!” other then that he’s like “that’s nice, i’m glad you had fun with Mikey.”
So supportive <3
Def will mom you, especially when you’re sick.
‘Nuh uh young lady, you ain’t getting out of bed, go back to laying down’ type momming. He gets you soup and whatever you need, medicine, water, kisses and cuddles.
First one to say ‘i love you.’
Also takes things slow, making sure you want to do it, and triple checking.
He’s a dork but you live em. :>
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Raphael ->
Acts like he doesn’t like you, but he does. Tough guy act.
Atleast around his brothers. There’s just something about you that makes him a itty bitty lot softer.
But be prepared for him to push you when it comes to stuff like training or improving any of your skills.
Even if your interests or skills are ‘stupid’ he still pushed you, he’s always very encouraging.
Finds it odd the way his brothers act around you, like they like you. Reminds him of his romance books.
Kinda jealous when he caught on, but he’s now just showing off in his fighting, showing and teaching you all these cool moves.
Very supportive as always, pushed you and helps you even if he knows nothing of what he’s helping you with.
Mf is soft for you, especially in private. But like not soft as you’d expect all the time. Soft for you in the way he’s constantly giving you supportive and encouraging words. soft for you in the way he admires and respects all that you do.
Would sneak out with you if you asked.
Lowkey kinda a fangirl about you, imagine that scene between mikey and raph where they’re talking about mona. Yeah that’s how he is about you.
Kinda awkward during cuddle piles because yes they teased him at first. but has gotten use to it.
You are the big spoon, he is the little spoon.
Or yall are in such a random cuddle position but it works. Like you’re cuddling on top of him.
He likes kissing you a lot though, especially on the nose.
Mfs a romantic like those romance books paid off.
Like really, he’s always respectful, he’s a good flirt when he wants to be, but boy he can be awkward sometimes.
Asks to lift you.
Or you ask to lift him depending on size and strength differences.
But yall work out together and is your spotter.
He knows how to plan dates.
Stargazing, picnic, to Mr. Murakami’s noodle shop, walking around town. Seems basic but he makes them fun. Even the at home dates!!
Yall read comics together.
Ok but fr hell do things for you if you ask, even partake in a ‘girls night’ and somehow leo ends up there too.
He acts like he’s done it many times before. in which he has.
It’s their little secret.
You tease him though, he does get flustered but like a grumpy flustered. The best way to make it up is with kisses.
Anyway yall totally dress chompy up and take pictures, that is your child.
The pet parents.
He finds it interesting to know how his brothers treat you, sometimes he gets jealous.
He listens though.
He gets very anxious when you’re sick. stays by your side and watches over you. His brothers get a bit worried about him whenever you get sick.
But hey with all four of them and april taking care of you it’s helps with the anxiousness.
He’s the first to say ‘I love you.’ he was sweating like a hot day in hell though.
You both listen to each other when you have problems. He appreciates it.
Mental health days :>
Yall call on them when you need it. Will cancel any plans happening or going to happen. The other brothers understand and will leave yall alone.
After Mikey interrupted one and got a mouth full.
He loves you dearly and is happy to have you.
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Donatello ->
You got special treatment april gets in canon. But like a lot more toned down (rewatching 2012 and I question my sanity each time we get some apriltello-)
You get early access vip treatment with new inventions!! You get subjected to his rambles about inventions, fandom fun facts, just his ramblings in general.
Donnie would research into all the stuff you like to get a bunch if fun facts to try and impress you.
If you’re like April and join in the fight, he’s protective of you. Or well in general. But not to a degree is like really over protective, like he knows you can hold your own but he’s always watching your back whenever enemies get to close.
Makes you things, especially if they’re useful or related to your interests.
I don’t think he notices much the way his brothers act, but he might catch on quicker to others and get a bit jealous.
Always trying to include you in his work, whether it’s studying something or an experiment. Well the non dangerous ones. He cares to much for your safety.
He would take you out on rides in the shellraiser if you ask or convince him enough.
(He will not admit it but he has a lot of fun when you do, relaxing a lot more.
The real simp of the family. Little giddy over anything you do to help him around in his lab or just in general.
Yall don’t cuddle 1 on 1 often, he’s too busy in his lab or out on missions. But on the times you do manage to pull him away from his work!
You are big spoon. Also frequently cuddle in chairs.
And he somehow finds a way to bypass the cuddle excuse and do both! D:<
But y’a know you can be prettyyyy distracting.
Physical affection is rare but always in big quantities when it happens.
Like he can be clingy when he’s not working and likes to hold your hand when he can.
Shellraiser rides and sneaking out are more frequent than before.
He does a grasp of romantic things. But theirs always a twist to em that just makes em Donnie.
He’d also fix things for you if you ask (or if you didn’t and he just knew.)
A worry wart, but also protective. And that goes for all of them. Sometimes it can be a bit much but they just don’t wanna see you hurt.
Other then gift giving acts if service is his love language.
Big on parallel play. Just hanging out in the same room doing your own thing.
Will partake in your hobbies and interests to get a better understanding of it. there’s a 75% chance he gets really invested (if he hasn’t already from trying to impress you with his knowledge.
Also mostly in house dates, buttt he’ll take you to Mr. Murakami’s too.
Also takes you on stargazing dating on the shellraiser. And nighttime rides through the city.
Jealousy is not directed at his brothers, can’t be. But Casey? He will, 100%
First to notice you’re getting sick.
Calls you out and like Leo, he’s also one to make sure you don’t do anything you’re supposed to.
But unlike Leo he isn’t by your side he just makes sure you take all your meds, etc. He repeats facts to you about.
You said ‘I love you’ first to him.
But it can go the other way where he says ‘I love you’ first.
Sometimes things go a little fast then immediately slow down because he’s nervous.
But he’s very thankful that he can call you his lab partner.
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Michelangelo ->
In away he tries to show off too, in a way he makes you things, in a way he just he’s his regular old goofy self we all love.
Skateboarding tricks done, even the hardest ones to learn. Mikey tries to come up with a skateboard trick to name after you even if it already exists you don’t say anything.
Will (attempt) making you anything you want to eat.
Especially your favorite foods!
Oh and if you have a dish from your culture that is your childhood favorite. You teach him it and it’ll be one of the things he remembers by heart.
He tells and comes up with jokes just for you. Laughing at them because he saves his funniest ones for you.
He does not see himself being different or weird. He’s just unapologetically Mikey and we love him for that. Calls out his brothers on it but them just being the brothers they are and gang up on him bout it.
Finds out what jokes you like and tells those like 99% of the time.
Really affectionate but like he’s always like that.
He would totally make you both costumes of your favorite show, yes I imagine he a very good designer with the right materials.
Idk much in what to add besides Mikey is literally just himself (except x10).
The frequent cuddler, yall cuddle just about anywhere and everywhere.
It’s just been accepted that 99% of the time if you aren’t on his brothers time then you and Mikey are cuddling.
Very excitable and loves hearing about your day.
Very creative dates, arts and crafts, he’ll cook something and play it as a fancy restaurant (he absolutely does it when his brothers ask because he enjoys it.) You both probably go on walks around the sewer and graffiti things! or he graffiti’s things while you watch.
Pulls pranks on you lovingly, just cause you’re dating doesn’t mean he won’t.
Oh but you both absolutely pull pranks on his brothers though.
Just be ready to run and hide.
He likes gifting you art pieces.
Likes herring what his brothers do for you! Gives him ideas that he can make in to his own.
For better or for worse.
Doesn’t like when your sick, gets worried but brings you things to try and cheer you up. You appreciate the laughs and giggles.
He says ‘I love you’ first.
You both go at a comfortable pace just doing what yall do, hugging, kissing (which he loves pecking your face btw,) etc.
He says you’re the best partner ever, and he means it.
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oiar-analyst · 26 days
Wow this episode is so full of stuff!!! The statement and metaplot are both super meaty.
Initial thoughts:
- Very curious to see where sam x alice x celia ends up because it's not looking like a typical love triangle. I wonder if it will end up as a poly relationship.
- The statement itself was cool. It also felt like a very overplayed trope though... the rich hunting the poor for sport is hardly unique as a concept (Most dangerous game, etc.), even with the novel innovation that they had to kill each other first.
- Definitely hunt coded... Is it some sort of new hunt/flesh synthesis? The cannibalism is a new thing for Hunt related stuff.
- I love Lady Mowbray as a character.... Like a fully evil Gertrude. She's apparently involved in ARG stuff but I have no idea what.
- Does Lady Mowbray detect that Celia is from another world? the dialogue and transcript certainly suggest as much.
- Wild that Lady M knows Gwen's family. I wonder if this is the type of "external" that will bring Gwen back into her comfort zone.
- The return of the tape recorder and Alice encounters someone who is raving about The Deep. Is it related to the tattoo from a few episodes ago?
- Was the victim's madness caused by the tape recorder? or did it just show up to record it? It certainly seems almost Compulsion/statement-like
- It was implied in a previous episode (11 I think) that Alice was being followed by [ERROR], who is the creature most directly associated with Magnus and the Tape recorder. I wonder if they are related to the current happening.
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myfictionaldreams · 2 years
Happy Halloween // poly!marauders x fem!reader
Summary: You were your own worst enemy. The boys have surprised you by changing their looks for the Halloween party but you can't decide if you're highly aroused or intimidated by their new looks.
A/N: Hello everyone! I’m sorry it’s been a while I’ve been super busy with work and University. but anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, dom/sub, foursome, submissive reader, self-conscious and intimidated reader, moustache/facial hair kink (idk if this is a thing), oral sex (f and m recieving), multiple orgasms, blowjob, fingering, anal sex, squirting, double penetration, begging, praise kink, daddy and sir kink, overstimulated, edging, (not beta read)
Word: 7.5k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link 
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(gif made by me :))
“Can you give me at least a little hint as to what you’re all wearing?” you asked with a hint of desperation evident in your tone as you glanced between the three boys across the table.
Around you, similar questions were being asked among the excited students at Hogwarts as Professor Dumbledore had planned a Halloween celebration in the evening. But, this wasn’t the party that most of the older students would be attending, as The Marauders had somehow managed to sweet-talk Madam Rosemerta to have a “civilised” gathering that most definitely wouldn’t include copious amounts of firewhiskey and music. Everyone had been talking about it for weeks, and it was only as you mentioned to Alice that the dress you were borrowing from Lily was blue, did James perk up, a devilish grin spreading across his cheeks, “I’m wearing blue as well, we’ll be matching my love”.
“What do you mean you’re wearing blue? You don’t own anything blue”, his grin slipped into a smirk as he turned away from you, leaving you to ponder. Usually you were lucky to see James or Sirius in anything that wasn’t their school uniform or quidditch jumpers so to hear that he’d brought something specifically for the party had you questioning him about this discovery at any spare moment. This only increased when Remus and Sirius revealed that they also had brought “special” outfits for the party and now you were really confused and desperate for any minor details that your boyfriends might reveal.
However, they were also very good at keeping secrets and even though the four of you shared a bed every night, no amount of snooping in their wardrobe would bring you closer to finding out what they were wearing.
Even now, as you continued to stare at the three of them, who were now blatantly ignoring your questioning as they finished their meals in a hurry, you sighed in frustration still not being able to get the answers you were hoping for. Instead, you turned to Lily, asking what time she was going to start getting ready tonight.
Only a few moments later did the three of them stand up, catching your attention, frowning as Sirius and Remus rushed off whilst James collected his bag from under the table. “Wait what are you going? I thought we were all going to the library together?”
“Sorry, we need to get ready love, we’ll meet you in the common room at 7” he responded, reaching across the table to gently cup your hand, lifting it to his lips and giving a slow kiss across your knuckles, smirking down as your shoulders dropped in relaxation a soft smile on your lips, momentarily forgetting that he was leaving you until he dropped your hand and you watched him disappear out of the great hall.
“Did he say they were going to get ready? We still have all afternoon yet, surely it’s not going to take them 6 hours to put a suit on” Lily asked confused.
Shaking your head, you shrugged your shoulders, “I have no idea, they seem to have a few things planned for it but they won’t tell me anything even though I can see them whispering away every evening when they think I’m asleep. Your guess is as good as mine”.
Opting out of the library, you spent the afternoon with the Gryffindor girls, talking about their predictions for the night, who would be the best dressed, the prediction for who would be drunkest and how long we all thought it would be before Madam Rosemarta kicked everyone out. Finally, it was a reasonable hour to climb the stairs to the girl's dormitory and begin getting ready.
In the excitement of wanting to see what the boys were wearing, you were ready in record timing, mostly because the other girls had come to your aid, having watched you struggle with the simple spells to sort out your hair and makeup. So, Marlene perfectly styled your hair whilst Lily slowly moved her wand across your face, applying a light layer of makeup. Getting changed was the easy part, some new underwear that you’d picked especially for today to surprise the boys and the floor-length blue dress with a hip-length slit up the right side of the leg, paired with simple black flats, not trusting yourself in heels tonight.
You moved to wait on the common room sofa, waving off your friends as 7pm came and went and yet, your boyfriends still didn’t appear. You’d even attempted to knock on the boys’ door but all you heard was shuffling and Sirius shouting that he would be down soon. As it neared 8pm, you could feel your eyes starting to droop from staring into the fire for an hour, your head slipping on your fist that was holding it up.
Slowly standing, you decided to go to the bathroom and try to freshen up, hoping your eyes would open. You knew the layout of the common room like the back of your hand so with your tired eyes closed, you stepped around the sofa and bumped into the hard chest of someone that you hadn’t heard descend the stairs.
“Woah, careful love” James chuckled, gently grabbing your forearms to keep you upright. You smiled at his voice, still not opening your eyes as you rested your forehead against his chest, smiling wider as he kissed the top of your head, hands circling your back, whispering, “I’ve missed you this afternoon too”. You usually spent all day with the boys so it felt odd not to be in their arms for all of this time.
Taking a deep breath, his mouthwatering cologne took over your senses and as he whispered how beautiful you looked in your ear, it finally dawned on you - he was finally dressed!
Snapping your eyes open and taking a step back so his hands were resting on your shoulders, you looked at him.
Blinking a few times, your mouth gaped open, eyes slowly travelling over his body. Does he look taller? And older somehow? Swallowing harshly, you tried to take in every detail of your boyfriend who looked so incredibly different to the messy-haired, lean built Marauder. James was thriving in your reaction, cockily looking down at himself before straightening his tie, “I know, I know, I scrub up well, don’tcha think?”
Glancing down you took in every detail, his leather shoes were burgundy in colour, nothing like his scruffy school shoes. Next was his three-piece suit, pinstripe blue, darker than the blue you wore but it was fitted to perfection, particularly over the muscles on his arms that seemed bigger than they did this morning. Beneath the suit, he wore a light blue shirt with a black tie decorated with skulls. From the side of your eyes you noted that he also wore big thick rings on his hands, but as you looked back at his face, this was the biggest transformation, the one that had your knees feeling weak. A thick beautiful moustache now lay over his top lip, and his hair seemed to be longer, usually, it was kept short and seemed to always be sticking up in every direction but not today, instead it was swept back and now reached his shoulders and a single earring hoop in his left ear.
“Honey?” James asked, finger stroking your cheek which snapped you out of the trance you seemed to be stuck in, swallowing loudly again. You’d never seen him look like this before and the moustache… he knew that would drive you crazy.
Confusion sparked through your expression, “what?” you whispered, looking him up and down repeatedly and blinking slowly. James then went into an explanation about potions for hair growth and how he had been saving for this suit for a while but you were only half listening, instead just basking in his beauty, trying to ignore the pulsing between your legs.
But you were also your own worst enemy, here he was, looking hot as hell, and there you were in a hand-me-down dress borrowed from Lily, you’d look like an eye sore compared to him.
James knew you probably better than you knew yourself, noticing the glazed-over look in your eyes, the way your breathing rate increased and the fact you were nibbling nervously on your lip. Stepping closer so you were toe-to-toe, he swiftly cupped your cheeks, tilting your head back so he could lean down and kiss your lips tenderly. At first, you pulled away but he held firmly and soon as you breathed in his smell you relaxed, trying to remind yourself, it was only James, your James, not an attractive stranger that you needed to impress.
“You look beautiful my love” he mumbled between kisses, not stopping until your body relaxed fully, hands lifting to hold onto his wrists, feeling the cool metal of his chain bracelet trying to find comfort in touching him. James leaned down, leaving kisses all over your face causing you to giggle at the sensation, “there she is” he smiled down at you as you mirrored his smile.
Taking a deep breath, you couldn’t stop staring at his moustache, wishing that you could feel it on your mouth, breasts…in between your legs. “I knew you would like it” James muttered, almost reading your thoughts just by the way you were staring at him. He leaned down, capturing your mouth deeply in a kiss that stole your breath and you reciprocated with just as much want, needing more.
However, another voice stopped you. “Woah, why are you guys having all the fun without me, I thought we agreed to wait until after the party Prongs before any funny business” Sirius whined, stepping down the final few steps from the boy's dormitory.
Flushed from the kiss, you hide in James' chest, trying to slow your breathing but as you peeked around your boyfriend and took in Sirius’ appearance, nothing could stop your cheeks from warming. They were really pushing you to the maximum today.
Sirius almost looked royal with his attire. Black leather boots that stopped midway up his calf, with tight black trousers tucked in, and the jacket - it was exquisite, intricate details all over the material, with silver buckles up the centre and finally a peak of burgundy colour at his neck teased a shirt beneath the jacket, however, as stunning as his outfit was, this wasn’t what held your attention.
“You’ve cut your hair” your voice was small, giving no indication as to whether you liked the change or not. For all the years that you had known him, he had always had shoulder-length curly hair that you loved to spend hours with your fingers running through it so this was a big change for him.
Sirius stood taller, pulling his jacket straight, eyebrow raised as he asked, “what do you think? It’ll grow back if you don’t like it darling”.
Stepping around James, you reached up a tentative hand, playing with the new short hair at the nape of his neck, slowly bringing your hand across to the also new stubble that covered his cheeks.
“I love it” you managed to croak out, if only he knew that your heartbeat was pounding in your ears and cunt, not sure how to handle the arousal that was pulsing through you, both boys were handsome but you’d never seen them like this before.
“Yeah? You love it? Well, I love you” he leaned down, hands on your waist to pull you closer, you had to still go on your tiptoes to reach as he kissed you slowly and deeply, a hand slipping up to hold the side of your throat and what he felt had him pulling back. “I can feel your pulse pounding baby, everything’s ok, I know it's a big change but it’s still just us”, his thumb stroked along your jaw.
Dropping back onto the flats of your feet, you glanced down at your hands that were playing with the hem of his jacket as Sirius kissed your forehead. Sometimes, you really hated having your brain, hated how anxiety ruled your thoughts leaving you feeling worthless and stressed. This situation was ridiculous, you were standing with two of your boyfriends, and they’d decided to dress up a bit so why were you feeling so self-conscious that you couldn’t even look them in the eye?
Sirius glanced down at what you were wearing, hand reaching low to the top of your thigh, near your hip, which was where the slit in the dress ended. “Well, I really fucking love this” you huffed a laugh, a good distraction from the thoughts in your head. If only you had looked up to see the smile that spread across James and Sirius’ faces when you laughed, they always said it was their favourite sound.
James, who had been leaning against the back of the sofa watching the interaction stood, approaching the back of you, hands circling your waist to gently tug you back into his arms, lips brushing against the soft column of your throat, his moustache tickling the skin.
“Excuse us Prongs, you’re taking my job”, Sirius remarked, mirroring James' movements but from in front of you, his mouth attaching to the other side of your neck. Closing your eyes, you tried to relax but if it wasn’t your self sabotaging thoughts, the only thing you could think of was the intense clenching that your pussy was doing as the sweet sensations that their lips were slowly driving you crazy.
It was footsteps descending the staircase that caught your attention as Remus finally finished getting ready, doing up one of the cuffs on his jacket, and observing the three of you with hungry eyes. “Boys, I thought we were waiting for this, otherwise we’ll never get to the party”.
James and Sirius reluctantly let you go, knowing you would also want to go and be in his arms but you seemed to stop breathing in awe as to how he looked, he somehow looked older too, with a beard starting to grow in, his hair perfectly styled and his suit… that damn suit… these boys were really trying to push you to your limit today.
It was an all-white suit and shirt, paired with some simple black leather shoes, but it all shaped his body exquisitely and now your nerves were really a mess, as well as in between your legs, you could feel your juices smearing across the top of your thighs.
Remus was looking you up and down just as fiercely, whistling low as he took everything in before him, “you look perfect” he spoke, almost dazed himself. He started to step forward, noticing your hesitation and could practically feel your nerves rolling off of you.
Lifting a finger under your chin, he tilted your head back enough to kiss the tip of your nose, “you ok, pup?” he whispered.
“Ye-yeah” you just about choked out, feeling Sirius and James each take one of your hands in their own, squeezing it supportively.
“Do you still want to go?” He held your jaw firmly, making sure you couldn’t look away from his intense eyes.
“Yes,” you whispered, not having the nerve to have any other answer. For a moment, your eyes dropped to Remus’ lips as he leaned in further to gently brush against yours before pulling away, squinting his eyes as if unsure of your answer.
“If you get overwhelmed, if you want to leave at any time, if you want to get some fresh air, anything - you will tell one of us won’t you?” You tried to nod but Remus tutted, shaking his head. “I need to hear you say it Pup, you know that.”
“Yes sir”.
“Good”, he kissed your forehead before standing to his full height, extending his arm, and offering it for you to take which you gladly did.
You knew you were being quiet on the walk to the carriage, and you knew that the boys had noticed this. Even though you clung to Remus’ arm for dear life, you still couldn’t look either of them in the eyes, hardly answering their questions and almost cowering away from them.
Finally, you all climbed into the carriage. Usually, you would have either sat in one of their laps or been pulled in close to one of their sides but today, you couldn’t muster up the courage to do this so opted to sit next to the window, eyes dazed as you watched the cart begin to move.
You could feel each of their eyes on you, Remus was to your right on the bench with James and Sirius across from the two of you. Your hands nervously twitched in your lap as you tried not to become overwhelmed and even noticed the “I told you so look” that James gave the other two.
This was exactly what you were like before you all began dating. Timid, nervous, couldn’t look either of them in the eye, purely because you were intimidated by them and how attractive they were. You’d found them all to be the three most handsome men you’d ever seen, so being the introverted person that you were, you avoided them at all costs but what you hadn’t noticed was that they were watching you, wanting you just as badly as you wanted them and it took a long long while to coax you out of the anxiety to be calm around them.
So now, sitting with them all dressed up in a way you hadn't seen them before, it was almost like sitting with three strangers and it put your barriers straight back up again, even though you knew it was your boys, your mind was overstimulated by the situation.
You hated being this ridden with anxiety, wish that you could be excited that they all looked so gorgeous, wish you could go back to looking forward to the party with all of your friends but instead you were dreading every moment. Expecting them to all leave you as soon as you arrived because why would they want to be seen with you when they all looked like that?
You tried to clear your self-sabotaging throughs that spiral around and around in your mind, could feel your eyes glazing over, your body starting to shake but you couldn’t stop it.
“Come here, Pup” Remus mumbled, gently reaching across to pull on your hands you recently did as commanded, sliding across the bench until your leg brushed against his but Remus continued to pull on your hands. “Not close enough just yet”, he smiled softly down at you.
You tried to smile back, warming in your cheeks as you moved to sit in his lap with his help, “relax back, that’s it”, he muttered. You still couldn’t look back at him or across at the two sitting opposite so instead stared at your hands as he moved your body to be comfortable, legs lying over his muscular ones that you could feel beneath, and then his arms cradled your body to his chest, hands engulfing yours.
His lips brushed against the shell of your ear as he whispered, “relax, love”. Your body trembled as you released a hard breath, your muscles going from tense to jelly in a second as you melted back into Remus, but still only looked at your now joined hands. He didn’t have any fancy jewellery on except for a lavish watch, so his hands around yours looked as they usually did which comforted you as you ran your fingers over the scars that scattered over his skin.
“Close your eyes” Remus instructed and you immediately did, finding this the easiest thing you’d done all evening. “Take a deep breath, in through your nose and out through your mouth.” You did this, breathing in all of their colognes, at least these hadn’t changed, it still just smelt of the three boys you loved, the boys you recognised, the boys you loved. Your hands held onto his tighten, head tipping back against his shoulder.
“That’s it, just breath us in Sweetheart, it’s just us, it’s just your boys, we’ll always be your boys, nothing has changed no matter how we look”, he sweetly kissed the side of your head once more before continuing in trying to calm you down. “It’s just me, it’s just Sirius and it’s just James, no one else”.
“My boys” you finally mumbled, the tight knot in your stomach relaxing slightly enough for you to feel comfortable enough to turn your head and nuzzle into his neck, even though it felt different iht his facial hair, it still smelt like him, underneath the cologne, it was still him.
“That’s right, your boys, just like you’re ours” his arms tightened, pulling you harder against his body and that’s when you noticed the hardened lump under where you were sat on his lap, a small smile now playing on your lips.
“As I said, you look perfect tonight, like you always are Pup” he muttered, gently rolling his hips so you could feel the full extent of his erection. You immediately started to grind down on him, softly mewling at the sensation.
“I need you daddy” your words had him tensing, eyes rolling back and cock throbbing. Remus looked to the other two sitting across from him, noting how they were both pulling against their tight trousers, trying to relieve the pressure on their cocks. They both watched closely as Remus's rough hand inched towards the slit in your dress.
James shifted forward in his seat, forearms resting on his knees as he watched Remus’ hand closely, “that’s not fair you said we had to wait until after the party and I called the first dib, I’ve wanted to taste her all day”.
You're instantly rubbing your thighs together, moaning at his husky voice, wanting nothing more than for him to go through with this.
Remus’ chest rumbled as he responded, his voice now low, “fuck waiting for the party, go ahead Prongs”. He removed his hand from your thigh, moving it to hold your waist steadily so he could ease your legs on either side of his, spreading you before them, the slit in your dress widening until your entire left leg was exposed and your cunt only just covered but they could see a peak of blue lingerie.
You still kept your eyes closed, not wanting to overwhelm yourself as you tried to refrain from shaking in anticipation of hearing James slide to his knees, not caring if he messed up his suit in the process.
His hot breath spread across the thigh of your exposed leg as he kissed it, his hands stroking along the skin delicately but it only caused you to go into overdrive with how much you wanted him. “Please daddy” you huffed, trying to roll your hips but couldn't in the position Remus had moved you to.
James chuckled at your desperation, licking the top of your thigh clean as it had been covered in your juices, moaning at the taste before finally pushing back the dress to expose your centre and stopping at the sight before him. “Well well… if this isn’t the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen I don’t know what is” James muttered against your skin as Sirius simply whispered the word “fuck” at the view.
You had decided to wear some crotchless underwear, knowing that the party would end in fucking so you thought it would be a nice treat for you and the boys - and easy access. This meant that your clenching, wet cunt was now bared to them all, James’ mouth seemed to moisten even further, and each of their cocks throbbed wanting to be buried deep in your warmth.
He couldn’t wait a moment longer as he leaned closer and licked a strip from your hole to your clit, licking up everything you had to offer and he could see just how sensitive you were as you moaned desperately, bodily twitching at the sensation.
He started by pushing his tongue deep into your hole, pushing in and out, his nose brushing against your clit with each stroke. His moustache was also adding in a rough but satisfying sensation as he continued opening you up before swiping up to the sensitive bundle of nerves, flicking it at first before sucking it into his mouth which had your hips nearly falling off of Remus's lap if it wasn’t for his strong hold of you.
You were moaning loudly, not caring if people outside of the carriage could hear you, your hand falling into his perfectly styled hair, holding him close to your cunt as the other hand gripped the back of Remus’ neck holding yourself to him.
Vaguely you could hear another movement and deep moans and you had a slight suspicion that Sirius was wanking himself off watching you getting eaten out. Your cunt clenched violently at the thought, already feeling yourself being worked up to the orgasm you desperately craved, especially as James lifted his hand and inserted two fingers deep, gently rocking them in time with your hip movements, tongue swirling around and around your clit.
Your breaths were hot and heavy, your mouth hanging open as you moaned frantically. Remus’ lips brushed against the shell of your ear once more, commanding, “open your eyes, I want you to look at him when you cum in his mouth”. You felt James’ mouth twitch into a smirk against your pussy, but didn’t falter in his movements, bringing you closer and closer.,
You couldn’t even think properly as you opened your eyes, looking down at the man in between your legs and the sight of his handsome, moustache face was all you needed. It was such an intense orgasm that you nearly toppled forward, pulling James' face off of you as you quivered around his fingers, eyes rolling as your body spasmed, the contractions in your cunt nearly had you floored.
Shuddering breaths rattled through you as you found your bearings. Quickly opening your eyes, you let go of the strong grip on James’ hair, you apologised having nearly ripped out his hair and messed up his perfectly styled look. But the look that James’ gave had your heart jumping in your throat as he sat back on his knees, licking the juices off of his lips and smiling devilishly at you.
“Don’t ever apologise for that” he muttered leaning up to kiss you deeply before collapsing back in his seat next to Sirius who was waving his wand over his lap that was covered in his cum, his half-limp cock being tucked away. James then pulled his wand out from inside of his jacket and waved at the wet patch that was leaking through his trousers as he too had cum from your display.
Your cheeks were impossibly warm as you leaned back on Remus, his cock still hard beneath your lap. Reaching beneath, you tried to stroke him through his trousers but his hard gently cupped your wrist, placing it back into your lap. “It’s alright Love, we’ll sort it out later, anyway I think we’re going to be arriving soon”.
He helped you to sort yourself out, trying to look as if you hadn’t had James’ head between your legs so no one would suspect but the heated gaze you held, you knew you’d fool no one.
Sirius helped you out of the carriage, kissing your knuckles softly before pulling you into the hut where the gathering was taking place, waving politely to madam rosemarta who looked confusedly at the three boys with how different their appearance looked before pushing open the door to the back room.
A few hours later, you were sitting in a chair in the corner, drinking down some water to try and keep you awake but after all the dancing and laughing you’d been doing, you were struggling to keep your eyes open. You knew you should ask to leave but staring across the room at James and Remus, who both had forgone their blazers and had rolled up their sleeves, as they danced with their fellow Gryffindors, you didn’t have the guts to stop their fun.
Wiping your eyes but also being careful of your make-up, you tried to wake yourself up more which was the exact moment when Sirius came up behind you, leaning down to wrap his warm arms around you, his jacket long discarded somewhere as he kissed your neck.
“Tired, love?” he asked as you leaned back into him.
“Maybe a little bit” you responded shyly at having been caught looking tired.
“Let’s go then darling, come on, I’ll tell the boys” he pulled you up gently but you shook him off not wanting him to miss the fun.
“It’s ok, I’ll be fine Siri-” the end of your sentence was cut off as a yawn rippled through your body, definitely no chance of hiding your exhaustion now.
Sirius didn’t say anything, just simply stroked your cheek before carrying on with informing the boys that you were both leaving before returning back to you, placing his jacket over your shoulders, a warm hand against your lower back and guiding you outside to the awaiting carriage.
“Wait for us!” shouted from behind as Remus and James followed after the two of you, pulling on their blazers, not giving you a chance to argue that they should stay before they were lifting you into the carriage. Sirius was quick to then pull you into his lap sideways so you could nestle into his chest as James sat next to him, easing your feet into his lap, removing your shoes and massaging your feet that had you moaning.
“Sorry for making you guys all leave” you mumbled tiredly into Sirius's neck.
James paused his movements on your feet, “don’t apologise, I’ve told you that” he whispered, nipping one of your toes that had you squealing before he carried on rubbing his thumb into the hell.
After a few calm moments, Remus came up with an idea. “Why don’t we spend the night in the special place? Gives us some peace and quiet from the drunk Gryffindors that have already gone back to Hogwarts?”
“I thought Dumbledore said that the special place was only for our furry friend,” Sirius countered his idea.
“Yeah well, Dumbledore doesn’t need to know about this, does he?” Remus having decided for the group lifted his wand and tapped it against the ceiling, causing the cart to change directions.
The shrieking shack was there the boys were to be during the full moon to look after Remus, and on other occasions, the four of you would go during the day to hang out… and specifically use the large bed in one of the rooms for certain activities. Even though the outside of the building was dark and dreary, the inside wasn’t as bad, thanks to Remus’ charms, it was kept nice and clean for all to use.
The journey was shorter so before long, James was slipping on your shoes once more. Even though you knew that the shrieking shack wasn’t actually haunted, you still had goosebumps littering your skin as you all walked down the spooky path.
Once inside, you all climbed the stairs to the bedroom, Sirius flicking his wand towards the fireplace to light it up, warming the room instantly. The four of you sat in chairs in front of the fire, sharing a bottle of firewhiskey that James had snuck for the party but kept just for you all, which you know shared, the liquid warming your insides.
As James started telling the group the latest gossip that he’d heard from Lily you began to become fidgety, becoming slightly uncomfortable in the dress having been in it for too many hours now, you couldn’t keep still, trying to pull on the bust to ease up the feeling.
Sirius watched you in amusement, adoring the way your bottom lip stuck out at the feeling before finally asking, “what some help there, love?”
Sighing you turned to him, “yes please”.
Standing directly in front of the ire, with your back towards the boys, Sirius stepped behind you, kissing along your shoulders as he slowly undid the zip up the back of the dress, his hand trailing along the skin that was slowly being exposed. As you pulled your arm out of the sleeve, he stopped you, whispering huskily, “wait, do it slowly I want to watch”, and with that collapsed back into his chair, taking another swig from the bottle.
At first, you were too embarrassed to undress in front of them, it now going deathly silent except for the fire crackling before you. However, the whiskey had given you a slight buzz of confidence so smiling softly you closed your eyes and began to slowly pull your arms out of the dress until you were holding it to your chest.
Glancing over your shoulder at the three of them with half-lidded eyes, you dropped the material until it pooled at your feet, leaving you only in the crotchless panties and matching blue bra. You smiled widely as you saw their visible reactions, sitting up higher in their chairs, biting their lips and looking at you in anticipation. 
Feeling rarely brave, you turned to face Remus. “You know earlier, you said you wanted to fix your problem”, referring back to his hard-on in the carriage that he never released. “Well, I um- I want to help you with that”.
Remus’ eyes dropped down your body, taking every inch of your body, he lead back in his chair, spreading his legs out. “Oh yeah, and how are you going to do that Pup?”
Tentatively you walked towards him, stopping between his legs and then dropping to your knees. Taking a deep breath to hold your nerve you gently ran your hands up his trousered thighs, smiling to yourself as you could feel he was already getting hard. With surprisingly steady hands and not moving your eyes from his, you unzipped him, reaching inside to pull out his perfectly sized cock.
It bobbed in the air as you raised higher onto your knees, holding the base as you licked a single strip up the underside of him, enjoying the way it was throbbing due to your actions. Swirling your tongue over his tip, you tasted everything that was only his taste before taking his member into your mouth, stopping as it reached the back of your throat and sucking as you slowly came up.
You could feel his thighs clenching as he hissed, “merlin, that feels so good sweetheart”. You continued this action, bobbing your head up and down and using your hand to wank the length that couldn’t fit into your mouth. His hand reached out to your spare hand that was on his thigh, fingers interlacing with yours, and it made your heart thump for a moment at this little gesture.
Movement sounded from behind you as Sirius began to lie on the floor, reaching where you were he pulled you back so you were forced to remove your mouth from Remus’ cock. Sirius kept tugging until you were kneeling on either side of his head, his hands steading on your hips to pull you down until you were sat on his face, his tongue instantly delving into your depths.
“Sirius!” you gasped loudly, looking down at him between your legs, your favourite view. He moved his tongue expertly over your cunt, licking up and down before concentrating on your clit, going slowly then quicking with back and forth actions before slowing one more, he knew exactly what he was doing to your body.
Looking back up to Remus you whined, reaching a handout and he stood in front of you instantly, his cock bobbing in front of your face you took him back into your mouth, flicking his tip with your tongue, using your hands to steady yourself on his hips.
You still needed more though so without stopping your movements with your mouth or the moaning that you were doing, you reached your hand out beckoning James over who didn’t waste any time in pulling his cock from his suit trousers and placing it into your hand. You moved your hand up and down his shaft, feeling it throb at your movements, much like the one in your mouth was doing.
As Sirius sucked on clit, your moan vibrated around Remus’ cock and you couldn’t help but harden your grip around James as you were close to cumming, feeling that beautiful tingly bliss forming in your abdomen, knees wobbly. Pulling Remus out, you had to lean your head on his hip moaning widely that you were going to cum.
“Stop Sirius”, Remus demanded, gently pulling your head back to look at him as you whined the sensation in your abdomen fizzled out as Sirius dropped his head onto the floor, looking up your body to where Remus stood. “I want her to cum with all of our cocks inside her”.
Moaning at his dominance, feeling wobbly as he helped you to your feet, pulling you into a fierce kiss, you were sure he could taste himself on your tongue but he didn’t seem phased as his tongue danced with yours. Your mind was so lost in his touch that you hadn’t even noticed that he had been walking you back towards the bed until the back of your legs hit the edge and you tumbled into the middle of the soft sheets.
Leaning up on your forearms, you watched as your three handsome boys undress until they were all naked and pumping their cocks staring down at you with soft smiles.
“Boys if you would” Remus once again directed, gesturing onto the bed which, James and Sirius then climbed onto and before long you were making out with James, his moustache causing slightly friction against your face but you didn’t care. Especially as Sirius started to lick over your clothed nipples, teasing the bud as it sent a thrill straight to your soaking cunt.
Finally, he pulled the material down and sucked your nipple into his mouth, teasing with his teeth that had you gasping and lifting your hips. His mouth then travelled north up your body, sucking against your neck and soon was replacing James' lips on your own as he went to the breast that lay untouched.
Their hands and mouths were fondled with your breasts, neck and face, you weren’t sure where James started and Sirius ended, becoming lost in their touch. It was only as the third set of hands joined the mix did you open your eyes to glance down, seeing Remus lifting your thighs back, spreading you open and the other two then held the legs back for him but neither stopping their attack of pleasure on you.
Remus was watching the three of you with dark eyes before he looked at your wet core, his thumb brushing against your clit gently with one hand, whilst the other covered his fingers with the juices that were covering you. He moved south with that hand, past your cunt and lower and you knew exactly what he was doing, knew what he meant by all of their cocks, knew that you wanted it more than anything.
Remus’ finger circled your puckered hole for a moment, and you tried to relax your body enough that he would slip in, which he did. It definitely wasn’t your first time doing it in this hole so your body didn’t have as much resistance anymore which you were thankful for because you needed to have them in you soon otherwise you’d start begging.
As his thumb continued to rub slow circles around your clit and James and Sirius each sucked on your nipples, Remus eased two more fingers in, thrusting them in steadily until you he was happy with your progress but you weren’t thinking about that, you were thinking about that tight knot that had formed in your abdomen one more.
Once again, however, Remus knew your body seemingly better than you realised as he once again demanded, “stop!” You knew cried at how frustrated you were as the tingling subsided once more as all hands and mouths left your body, leaving you to look up with your bottom lip sticking out.
“Please daddy, stop edging me, I really want to cum” you moaned, not caring how pathetic you looked you just wanted to feel that euphoria.
Remus leaned over your body, hand gripping your cheeks so your mouth became squished, “you’ll cum when I say you can cum, do you understand?”
“Yes sir” you answered quietly.
“Good girl now gets up, Pads take her spot”. James helped you over to his side of the bed as Sirius lay in the spot where you were just laying. Remus then directed you to straddle him so you did, hands laying on his chest as he smiled softly up at you as you eased yourself down on his leaking cock.
You had to bite your lip as you were already once again close to cuming, your cunt clenching harshly around him until he too was cursing at the sensation, hands squeezing your hips. “Please… please… I’m so close I can’t hold it back for much longer” you begged, keeping your eyes closed in concentration.
“Nearly there sweetheart, that’s it, open up”, he tapped your cheek so you opened your eyes and mouth, now seeing that he was standing on the bed, feet on either side of Sirius’ head much like it had been only moments ago as he held his cock out in front of him, ready for you to suck on it once more which you greedily did.
James now positioned himself behind you, covering his cock up with spit before lining it up at your prepared hole, “ready honey?”
You gargle around Remu’s cock as a yes and finally, he starts pushing in, slowly his tip went in and once it was past the thickest part, the rest was easier, slipping in until you were absolutely full and overstimulated to the max that all it took were a few swipes of James' thumb against your clit and you were orgasming, having been edged a few times, you were just about seeing stars when your pussy and ass contracted around both of the cocks.
In your muddled brain you had to use everything you had not to bite down on Remus's cock, instead the moaning scream you released that vibrated him had his head falling back, eyes closing at the sensation. It took a few moments for you to get your bearings again before pulling your aching mouth from Remus’ cock, before nodding, indicating for the other two to start thrusting.
You were quite sensitive so you were clenching incredible hard at first but soon relaxed into it, trying to continue sucking off Remus but it was hard when Sirius and James were fucking into you in tandem.
Remus was watching the three of you, the moans and groans you were all each producing and just as you reached up to fondle his balls, he couldn’t hold it in, stroking your cheek he grunted his seed spilling down your throat which you hungrily drank down.
“Merlin you are good at that” Remus complimented as he pulled his cock out of your mouth and you all but collapsed onto Sirius's chest, the dribble on your chin smearing across the littering of hair that was on him. Remus now sat on the side of the bed, stroking your hair and cheek, comforting you as both boys started to fuck harder into you.
You began to repeatedly chant the word “please” over and over, feeling entirely overstimulated, and sensitive but needing both of their cum as you were desperately trying to hold your third orgasm back.
As you clenched your lower body as Sirius hit directly on that sweet spot, you heard James curse loudly as he suddenly came deep inside your arse before pulling out to watch his cum drip out and onto Sirius's cock who was now pounding away, chasing his and your own high.
Without James restricting his movements, Sirius held the back of your thighs by his hips, so he could fuck into you hard, causing you to squirt droplets uncontrollably with your orgasm rippling through your body intensely. His mouth dropped open at the sight, moaning deeply before he too came holding your body still as he spurted a few times before collapsing back into the bed.
It took a few moments for you all to catch your breath before Remus helped you to move off of Sirius and onto your side, pointing his wand at your cunt and washing away the mess that they had caused. Smiling sleepily, Sirius cuddled your front with Remus climbing in behind him and James spooning in behind you, kissing your shoulder with his moustache once again tickling your skin.
“Can you all please keep the facial hair please” you mumbled, sleep close to taking over your body.
James chuckled, “whatever you want, love.”
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desceros · 7 months
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my ao3 || fics on tumblr headcanons, notes, mini-fics || blurple villain au
requests: permanently closed 🛑
current projects: ONE SHOT: hol leo LONG FIC: symphony number 4 -> touch-starved donnie and professional musician reader 🎻 read HERE 🎻 tag for meta HERE 🎻 tag for asks/fanart/misc etc HERE
ideas in the queue: post here
note: DO NOT ASK ME WHEN I AM GOING TO UPDATE. i answer all asks publicly. i welcome and adore asks/anons of all other flavors, even when requests are closed. i don't do them all bc i'm super busy; and if you don't seen me answer it, it's bc i hold onto them to come back to later. also, you can specify that it isn't a request and you just want my thoughts on a prompt or smth.
i'm writing reader inserts for the following tmnt fandoms:
if you have a preference, let me know; otherwise i’ll just pick one. i strongly prefer female/gender neutral readers. i also prefer single partner fics, but i'd be open to do some poly if the prompt was super aces. also bonus for leo or donnie requests since they're my favs!
👌: fluff, humor, explicit smut, canon-typical violence, angst (depending on mood; go ahead and send it in but i might nix it)
👎: non-con, tcest, self-harm, things without a happy ending (sorry everyone i'm a hopeless romantic)
Individual links to fics below cut!
note: most of my stuff is on ao3, and i use the ao3 rating system for all my fics (ref here)
key: reader gender, rating, tmnt version; summary (link)
Leonardo (x)
GN!Reader, G, bayverse; deleted scene from tea fic; sharing calligraphy (here)
F!Reader, E, rise; leo comes back and wants to smell like home again (here)
F!Reader, E, rise; blurple symphony au where leo smells his shorts (here)
F!Reader, E, rise; leo loves your tits (here)
GN!Reader, M, rise; leo is suddenly horny (here)
F!Reader, E, rise; blurple symphony au where leo does a somnophilia (here)
F!Reader, E, rise; blurple symphony au where leo takes his chance after chap. 20 (here)
F!Reader, M, rise; leo "accidentally" sends you his nudes (here)
GN!Reader, T, rise; sunset hike up the hill (here)
Donatello (x)
F!Reader, E, bayverse; donnie pining mating season (here)
GN!Reader, T, bayverse; donnie is a dork (here)
F!Reader, T, bayverse; donnie rubs your back (here)
F!Reader, G, bayverse; watching donnie work (here)
GN!Reader, T, rise; waking next to donnie (here)
F!Reader, M, rise; symphony bad future fluff, chap. 19 spoilers! (here)
GN!Reader, G, rise; can't sleep (here)
F!Reader, E, rise; accidental double somno (here)
GN!Reader, T, rise; donnie helps you sleep (here)
F!Reader, M, rise, sleepy donnie (here)
Raphael (x)
GN!Reader, M, bayverse; raph likes it when you assume (here)
GN!Reader, M, bayverse; birthday plans (here)
Blurple Villain AU
F!Reader, usually T-E, rise; villain!leo au with the wolf/lamb/dog metaphor (masterpost here)
T; kissing donnie's scar for the first time (here)
E; leo likes lying on top of you (here)
E; pegging leo (here)
M; sharing an orange with leo (here)
GN!Reader, G, bayverse; HCs for what goldilocks!leo and amaranthine!donnie want their insert-chan to wear (here)
GN!Reader, G, bayverse; HCs for all turtles with an insert-chan that has an unintelligible accent when upset (here)
205 notes · View notes
Of Apples and Moss Beds (M) ~Felix [ft. Hyunjin]
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Pairing: Werewolf!Felix x Werewolf!AFAB.Reader x Werewolf!Hyunjin Themes: Supernatural/Fantasy AU | Smut | Angst | Fluff | Strangers to Lovers | Soulmate AU? Word Count: ~15k | AO3 Synopsis: Felix’s crude reality made it so he hardly dwelled on the fact that he was alone. He never would’ve imagined he’d find a loving family of his own, or that he would be capable of imprinting and finding a soulmate, let alone two. [This story is an instalment of my WereRoomies series. you don’t need to read the other instalments to understand this piece]. Warnings (SO MANY):  Felix’s POV · few descriptives of the reader such as: has big naturals, is older than Felix, is nonbinary/doesn’t care about gender (use of they/she pronouns, even in the same sentence) · mentions of child abuse · LGBTQ+ themes · it takes a WHILE for the reader to make an appearance oops there’s just a lot of backstory and exposition, y’all know i can’t shut the fuck up · pet names (baby, prince, darling, dear, pup, etc, so many pet names, god…) · polyamory · member x member action (suggestive mostly, and explicit with reader included) · nothing about this piece is straight just like any Felix-centric piece should be honestly/j · graphic depictions of intercourse (smut warnings under the cut).
Due to all the abovementioned warnings, this story is intended for an adult audience only. Minors please do not interact.
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Author’s Note: so… i woke up one day and this just… happened. most of it came out of me way too fast, and honestly i’m sure i was either possessed, maniac, or in a very intense moment of hyperfocus. anyway,  this piece is a bit different than what i usually do. i really wanted to challenge myself to write a poly relationship into my werewolf au and hyunlix just made sense to me. it was my first time writing such a dynamic–let alone a threesome–with this much detail, so i hope i did okay. regardless, i really like the direction this took, i’m really happy with it, and i hope the amount of member x member stuff doesn’t prevent anyway from enjoying this. as usual, don’t hesitate to let me know what you think💜 [special thanks to my one and only, my soulmate, and best friend for reading this before anyone else and providing her much valued insight]
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Smut Warnings: a foot goes on someone’s private parts (MxM) but it’s mild/just teasing and super short and probably mostly harmless to the point where i’m not even sure it counts as a smut warning but i prefer to be safe than sorry · reader is a dom · oral (F&M.Rec) · breast/nipple play (F&M.Rec) · protected penetration [piv] · threesome · degradation (M.Rec. bitch, slut, etc are used) · face slapping (M.Rec) · some praising · snowballing. 
Disclaimer: the story represented in this work does not represent Stray Kids in any way; anything described in this story and all actions performed by the characters are purely fictional, this was created just for good fun.
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Felix had never been much of a believer when it came to imprinting and soulmates. He was never much of a believer of anything, to be honest. There was no time to fill his head with the improbable when he had to spend all his energy trying to survive.
When he was very young, Felix was kicked out of his childhood pack. To this day, he still believed it had all been completely unfair, leaving a pup werewolf completely alone in the world to deal with all that distress. They claimed it was all for the best, that he was throwing off the ecosystem they had built in the pack, that he was being disrespectful. 
What did he do? He simply denied their alpha’s advances. Felix wouldn’t know exactly just how fucked up his childhood pack was until he eventually met other wolves, but even at the time his pack’s alpha’s claims that all betas and omegas were his to ‘use’ –yes, he would use exactly the word ‘use’–just sounded wrong to Felix. The man would always say that anyone that denied him would suffer the consequences. 
Felix was a pup, a child, and even if he didn’t know how fucked up it all was at the time, he just didn’t want to do it. So he fought back, he denied every single one of his alpha’s advances as swiftly and discreetly as he could, always worming his way out of it.
Eventually, though, the man found out. He realised Felix was defying his authority, and the moment he realised that, he held his power over Felix’s head. ‘If you won’t submit then you’ll have to leave and become a packless bastard’. 
The man was smug when he said it, Felix could still remember it as if it happened yesterday. How he was scared out of his mind, fighting every single instinct telling him to submit, but he stood his ground, uncaring of the consequences of his actions. ‘I won’t submit to you. Not now, not ever’. 
So his alpha delivered. Him and his goons kicked him out–not before giving him the beating of his life, of course. But the worst part was that Felix’s parents didn’t do anything to stop it. No one did. This man had ingrained his toxic, abusive dynamic of submission into his pack so heavily no one dared say a word.
So Felix was left alone in the world when he was barely even a teen. 
The first few weeks were tough. Oftentimes, he would shift into his wolf form and forage whatever he could to sustain himself; he spent so much time as a wolf that he’d sometimes forget he had a human side to him, too. Those moments wouldn’t last long, only a couple of seconds, but it always left him incredibly shaken when he could feel his humanity slipping between his fingers. 
After months of roaming and wandering on his own, Felix started to realise why wolves lived in packs. He thought it was all bullshit before, but being a lone wolf without a pack left one in a weird and fragile state of mind. It left one paranoid, volatile, mad, and although he wasn’t quite sure how the mysticism of it worked, he realised he wasn’t quite right in the head at the time.
And then he met Hyunjin. 
Felix truly never believed in imprinting and soulmates, but if such a thing existed, he was sure Hyunjin was his, or at least, that was how it felt at the time.
It happened in the forest. He had just turned fifteen, he’d spent years out there on his own by this point, and as Felix laid next to a stream, devouring the remnants of his hunt, he felt a presence.
Oddly enough, he hadn’t encountered another wolf this close in years, and the sudden appearance of one made him snarl, made his fur puff up, made him want to appear imposing and commanding as if he wasn’t a measly beta teen-wolf with no pack of his own.
The wolf did recoil a bit, but it didn’t leave, it just looked at Felix with a curious glint in its eyes. And after a few moments of no movement, when Felix’s instinct to fight subsided a bit, his mind cleared slightly. 
A quick sniff and he knew immediately. Another werewolf, and an omega at that. And maybe it was that last fact that made Felix relax just the smallest bit; if it came to it, he was sure he could take that omega in a fight and win.
The other werewolf approached him, tentatively, slowly, and for some reason, Felix didn’t move. It wasn’t that he felt scared or intimidated by them, he just… Didn’t feel threatened. So he let them come close. Not too close, though. 
They sniffed him, and Felix did the same, getting hit by their scent, a strange mix of apples and pears. It was… Nice. But then the werewolf was getting way too close for his comfort, so Felix growled at them, scaring them into running away.
As soon as they were gone, he wished he hadn’t growled at all. He should’ve snarled or attempted to nip, not full on growl the way he did. Regardless, the werewolf was gone, and Felix was left once again on his own.
At least for a while.
Felix remained in that forest, foolishly hoping to see that wolf again. And it was a few days later, as he laid next to the same stream, at the exact same place he had been before, that he heard the rustle of leaves. This time, though, it wasn’t a wolf that came from between the trees, it was a boy. A lanky boy, probably around his age, seemingly normal, if not for the fact that he smelt like apples and pears.
It was honestly almost pathetic how Felix’s tail started to wag as soon as he saw the boy. If the other asked, he’d blame it on how long he had spent all alone out here.
“Hey…” The boy approached him, slowly, with his hands in the air as if to show Felix that he meant no harm, and somehow, Felix believed it. “I’m Hyunjin. I saw you the other day…”
Felix just looked at him for a moment. When was the last time a person had spoken to him out of their own will? He’d spoken with street vendors and kiosk owners and gym attendants, but that was all transactional. This boy, this Hyunjin, was talking to him, directly, and it made him feel oddly giddy.
So Felix shifted back into his human form. How many days had it been since he stood on his legs? Too many, probably. If the aches he felt were anything to go by.
“I’m… Felix”, his voice cracked a bit. It had been doing that a lot these days. His voice seemed to be constantly dancing between a high and a low pitch, and he simply blamed it on puberty.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I was hoping I’d find you here again”, Hyunjin regarded him with a small smile, and he’d lie if he said it didn’t make his heart skip a beat. “Do you… Need any help?”
“I’m fine”, was he? Was he fine? Felix was used to his way of life, but did that mean he was fine? That was something he didn’t want to discuss with a stranger, though, so he settled for fine.
“You don’t look fine”, Hyunjin looked him up and down, and it made Felix scoff in return.
Sitting cross-legged on the grass, bare as he was, Felix stared at Hyunjin, mustering his most confident tone. “Maybe you should get your eyes checked, then”.
It was Hyunjin’s turn to scoff now. Nevertheless, he walked closer. Felix tensed a bit, not used to having people so close to him, but he let Hyunjin sit on the grass in front of him, keeping his fair distance.
“Your scent smells, like, super distressed. You know that, right?”
Felix felt himself flush at his words. No, he didn’t know that. He was super confident he was one hundred percent fine… Wasn’t he?
“Anyway, this might be a bit forward, and weird, but I got worried the other day when I saw you here. I’d never seen a lone wolf, much less one so young… Before I knew it, I was in this forest again looking for you”.
“How’d you know I was a lone wolf?” Felix asked him, slightly incredulous. 
Hyunjin shrugged, and he offered Felix a small smile. “You don’t have any trace of anyone else’s scent. Usually there’s a bit there from friends, family…”
Very quickly, Felix realised Hyunjin was… Nice. He had a way of talking that might’ve passed as rude to some people, and sometimes he was rude, especially because of the tone in his voice, but who wasn’t a bit rude these days?
Felix didn’t speak much that day, he simply listened to whatever Hyunjin had to say. He did have a pack, one he wasn’t particularly fond of. ‘Nothing too crazy, they just don’t like people like me’, he’d told Felix. He wasn’t entirely sure what Hyunjin meant by that, and he was too self-conscious that day to ask, so he filed it for later, either for when he found the courage to ask directly or for when Hyunjin had given him enough context clues for him to understand.
Hyunjin liked to draw, to paint, he was the pure embodiment of an artist, and the more he and Felix met in this spot in the forest, the more Felix got to see that side of him.
They met often, at least thrice a week. Hyunjin would always bring Felix food or clothes or puzzles to keep himself entertained. He eventually started to come with his art supplies, sitting in silence with Felix as he drew or painted something that he’d never let Felix see because he was too embarrassed. ‘It’s not good. I’ll show you when they’re good’.
Felix was sure whatever he did was amazing, but he didn’t push his friend. Because that was what Hyunjin had turned into after a couple of months meeting in the forest. A friend. It helped Felix feel like he belonged somewhere again. Even if it was just as a background character in Hyunjin’s life, he could feel his humanity slowly, but surely, coming back to him.
“Ugh, exams are the worst. I just don’t understand chemistry. What even is a mole anyway?” Hyunjin had been rambling about school a lot today, and Felix simply listened to him, lending him his ears to vent into.
“Wait, now that I think about it…” Hyunjin said after a while, looking away from his sketchbook. “What school are you going to?”
“I’m not going to school”, Felix kept his eyes focused on the Rubik’s cube in his hand, trying to figure out how to build one face of the cube without messing up the other.
“I haven’t gone to school in years”, Felix shrugged. “I used to shift and sneak into this public school close to the town hall a few years back, so I did learn a bunch, but I couldn’t do it anymore after I started growing and my wolf form just wouldn’t pass as a dog anymore”.
Felix had told Hyunjin of his past, of everything that happened to him in his childhood pack. He could still remember the horrified look on his face as he told him. And honestly, Felix couldn’t blame him for being shocked and horrified by his story. The more he grew up, the more Felix understood the high levels of fucked up that pack’s structure had.
“Why don’t you go as a human?”
Felix scoffed at that, starting to get frustrated with the cube in his hand. “I tried. They require all that legal guardian shit. As you can imagine, my unfortunate lack of parents complicates that a bit”.
Hyunjin went quiet for a while, letting Felix fumble with the puzzle. Eventually, Felix heard the characteristic sound of pencil on paper, so he figured Hyunjin had gone back to sketching, with no intent on continuing the subject. That was, until…
“Want me to ask my parents?”
The Rubik’s cube fell on Felix’s lap.
“My parents”, Hyunjin repeated. “They can pose as your legal guardians. It wouldn’t be the first time a werewolf forges documents”, he added with a snort. Almost every single document a werewolf provided to human authorities was forged these days, so it wasn’t a particularly shocking statement.
However, what did shock Felix was Hyunjin’s proposal… Going back to school. Socialising with humans again after so long… Was he prepared for that? He wanted to learn, to pretend he had a normal life, maybe even… Make more friends? He’d never allowed himself to think about that too much, about going back to participate in the world outside of his little bubble in this forest.
“Would they even agree?” Felix’s voice was barely a whisper. He picked the cube back up from his lap and started to twist the faces again, trying to distract himself. “I don’t want them to… Know”.
Felix didn’t say it, but he was sure Hyunjin would understand. I don’t want them to know I’m a lone wolf. A packless failure.
“I’ll think of something”, Hyunjin mumbled, and if there was someone Felix trusted in this world to charm anyone into doing something, it was Hyunjin.
So that was how Felix managed to integrate into human society again. They both did some research, on public schools he could go to that’d take in someone so far behind, on possible scholarships he could apply to, on places to find school supplies… And as soon as they had all the necessary documentation, it was up to Hyunjin to get his parents to sign them.
It was hard to get used to at first. Felix got overwhelmed by the noise and the amount of people at school often, but he managed. In a couple of months he had gone from being a nobody, a lone wolf secluded to the woods, to being just some guy again, and only then did he realise how good it felt. To be seen, to be taken into account… And it was all thanks to Hyunjin.
During the day, Felix would go to school. In the afternoon, he started to volunteer at a soup kitchen in the area, helping feed those in need. The lovely lady that ran the place seemed to really like him, and she always appreciated the extra hands. ‘You’re so strong! Youth really does wonders for you, doesn’t it?’ She’d say often, and Felix simply chuckled in response, not really wanting to reveal that his strength had nothing to do with youth and all to do with his supernatural condition.
In return for his help she’d feed him, and eventually, Felix asked her to teach him how to cook. He found the act of cooking to come natural to him, he wasn’t sure if it had to do with his enhanced senses, but people would often compliment him on his food, and it made him feel proud. A feeling he hadn’t associated with himself in a long, long time–not to say never ever.
Felix still slept in the forest every night. He’d shift and curl into a fluffy ball of fur to keep himself warm. Hyunjin often offered him his home, or at least, his room, but Felix always declined. He didn’t want to be an inconvenience, and he was sure that Hyunjin’s parents wouldn’t appreciate him being there at all.
Felix only met the couple a few times, but that was more than enough for him to know that, even if he was grateful for their help, he simply didn’t like them. Just like Hyunjin didn’t, either. They were… Conservative. Because that was a thing, conservative werewolves.
‘They can’t accept the fact that I’m a male omega. Sometimes, I’m pretty sure they pretend like I’m not. That I’m a beta or something. And let’s not even talk about the fact that I like boys, too. They don’t know, know, but I’m sure they have noticed… They love to ignore that, too’, Hyunjin confessed to Felix after the first time he met them, after he couldn’t conceal the fact that he just hadn’t felt comfortable with the exchange, and Hyunjin’s words simply confirmed that first impression Felix had had of them.
Males were supposed to be alphas or betas, females were supposed to be betas or omegas, and other genders simply didn’t exist for them. Textbook homophobes, to put it simply. In this day and age… 
Felix knew, of course. Hyunjin didn’t hide his sexuality not even once since they met, and Felix was always grateful for that, because it helped him come to terms with his own. People were people, love was love, and no gender or designation would get in the way of that, that was their philosophy. Call it being bi, or pan, or fluid, or however you want. All Felix knew was that once he left the lone wolf in the forest, he was just full of love, ready to share it with the world, with whoever was consensually willing to receive it.
By the time Felix had turned eighteen, the line of his friendship with Hyunjin had blurred so much he wasn’t sure he could call him a friend anymore.
What he had with Hyunjin was much, much more than just friendship. Felix would often find himself holding his hand, or hugging him, or simply touching him, all without really thinking much about it.
Hyunjin did it, too. And although neither said anything, they both knew.
Eventually, their lingering touches started to turn much less platonic, less innocent. They turned into heated makeout sessions, into groping and desperately rutting and grunting against each other, into Hyunjin asking Felix to help him out during his heats as well… It felt natural, just like breathing, to be with one another. They were friends and lovers and soulmates and everything in between, and it was right how it was supposed to be.
Especially because, just like Felix, Hyunjin also believed that love was to be shared, to be enjoyed, so their open arrangement was perfectly designed for them. Felix wasn’t a jealous man, on the contrary, he was happy whenever Hyunjin was, so as long as they kept things clear and consensual and safe nothing else mattered.
At the end of the day, they’d always have each other, and possibly someone else–or simply other people, plural–to share their love with. Although, they’d usually do these things separately, considering Hyunjin’s tastes sometimes were what Felix could simply describe as questionable at best… He had fallen for Felix, after all.
Felix found himself a job in a local café. His very first real job. That was the place that finally gave him a second chance at finding a family, that was where he met Chris.
Chris worked at the café as a partimer, seeking some extra income to pay for his studies while he searched for a job in his field. Felix knew Chris was a werewolf as soon as he saw him, even before he got close enough to get a whiff of his scent.
The man just exuded alpha energy, and the moment he spotted Felix for the first time his eyes went wide with surprise, but he still gave him the widest smile right after, a genuine smile that made his eyes disappear into crescents and dimples to appear on his cheeks. Honestly, Felix wasn’t much of trusting alphas at first glance due to his past trauma, but Chris’ entire demeanour was way too welcoming for him to not trust him almost immediately.
They got acquainted pretty fast, maybe too fast. It was just too easy to fall into Chris’ antics, he was goofy and funny and kind and a bit fucked up in the head, but he was a good guy all in all. 
A few months of knowing Chris were enough for Felix to learn he led his own pack. He’d seen a couple of his pack members drop by the café, and they all seemed to be just as nice as Chris, which honestly didn’t surprise him. ‘It’s small, only four of us so far, but it’s great, honestly. Don’t think I’ve ever been happier than I am right now with them’, Chris had told Felix once, and he sounded truly proud of it.  
“What about your pack?” Chris asked one day while he cleaned the coffee machine. Closing time was nearing, and there were hardly any customers still within the place, so these were usually the times when they spoke anything related to their lycanthropy. “You never talk about them”.
“That’s because I don’t have one”, Felix replied simply, rearranging the display shelf for what seemed like the tenth time that day.
“You don’t have one?!” 
Felix shrugged. “I have Hyunjin”.
“Oh, but that’s something. Well, someone…”
Felix had told Chris about Hyunjin, not in detail, but he knew. It was impossible not to know when his scent was always lingering on Felix’s clothes.
“Yeah, but he’s in a pack of his own”, Hyunjin hadn’t found the courage to defect yet, and Felix honestly couldn’t blame him. He’d been trapped in this vicious circle of guilt with his parents that made it really difficult for him to detach himself from them, even when staying with them only made him hurt and get more frustrated as time passed.
Chris’ brows furrowed, clearly confused. “So… If he’s in a pack, but you have no pack… Where are you staying?”
“Oh, I sleep in the woods”.
“You do what?!” Chris’ question came out a bit louder than he had intended for sure, a couple of customers looked back at him with clear confusion on their faces, and Chris simply offered them a strained smile and an apologetic bow.
“I’ve been sleeping in the forest since I was a pup… I shift, find a decent moss bed, curl up in a nice little ball, and fall off to sleep”, Felix offered with a smile on his face. Over the years, he had honestly started to enjoy it. Of course it wasn’t ideal, of course he would’ve preferred to have a warm bed and a roof over his head, but he’d gotten so used to it, it kind of made him feel like he was balancing his human-ness and his wolf-ness pretty well.
Chris’ face went completely serious, with his hand still holding a rag around the steam wand of the coffee machine, completely motionless. After a few moments of shared silence, he spoke again. “Wanna join my pack?”
Felix choked on his spit, Chris’ proposition catching him completely off-guard. “…What?!”
“Wanna. Join. My. Pack”, Chris repeated, slowly stressing each word.
“I heard you, okay. Jeez… I’m… Not sure I’m suited for the pack life”, Felix looked away from Chris then, focusing on the very interesting and very stale pastry sitting on the display shelf.
Still, he could feel Chris’ searing gaze on his side profile, and when Felix got enough courage to look back at him, he saw Chris looking at him, deep in thought.
Returning his focus to the coffee machine, Chris finally looked away, but he kept talking. “Did I ever tell you why I wanted to lead a pack of my own?”
“I wanted to… To build a safe space. For those of us that were tired of being judged or mistreated. There was a lot of that in my childhood pack, Changbin and I were sick of it. Jisung, too–you remember Jisung, right?” Felix just nodded, and Chris continued. “Minho didn’t have a pack, either. But his case was very… Peculiar. He can tell you himself if you do choose to join us. Lix, you… Are nice. And although I don’t know what happened to you, I’m sure it was a lot for you to have been living in the forest since you were so young. So… Think about it”.
And Felix did think about it.
He could barely get sleep that night just thinking about it. About the prospect of having a pack again. Chris had shown him many times that he was just a different breed of alpha altogether, whether he knew it or not, so Felix found himself genuinely considering it. But there was something he needed to do before he made that decision.
“Chris’ pack? He offered that?” Hyunjin’s eyes were wide, and his mouth fell slightly open in surprise.
“Yes. But…” Felix stretched his hand over the table, past his stack of freshly made waffles, finding Hyunjin’s and holding it tightly in his. “I want you to come with me”.
Hyunjin blinked, and suddenly averted his gaze, fixing it on their joined hands. “Lix, angel, you know I can’t…”
“Love, listen to me”, Felix squeezed his hand, trying to get Hyunjin’s attention back to his eyes. “You can. Jinnie, baby, they’re sucking the life out of you in there. You don’t owe them anything”.
Hyunjin’s eyes flickered between Felix’s, looking at his face intently. Until he eventually squeezed his hand and heaved a sigh again. “Do you even know if Chris would take me? He asked you to join, not me. He doesn’t even know me. I don’t know him”.
“I’ll ask”, Felix reassured him, reaching over the table with his free hand to tuck a strand of his hair behind his ear–he had been growing it these days, and Felix would lie if he said it didn’t make his heart flutter. “If you tell me you’ll consider it, I’ll ask, baby”.
Hyunjin simply nodded, bringing Felix’s hand to his lips so he could place a kiss on the back of it.
After much consideration, Hyunjin gave Felix the goahead. He wanted to defect, he wanted to detach himself from his parents as much as he could, and most importantly, he wanted to be able to be himself, openly. So, that afternoon, during his shift at work, Felix went to Chris to ask him about it.
“Would you consider taking Hyunjin in, too?” Felix asked him as soon as Chris came in through the door and stood behind the counter.
“Wow, what happened to ‘good afternoon’? What happened to ‘hello’?” Chris chuckled, washing his hands in the sink. “I’ll have to meet him first, though. But, if he’s anything like you, I’m sure it’ll be fine”.
“We… Don’t have much, you know that, right? I mean, I sleep in the woods for a reason. It’s cheap”.
“You mean it’s free?” Chris snorted, but he gave Felix a genuine smile after. “We’ll manage. That’s why we live in packs, don’t we? To help each other out”.
Felix stared at Chris for a few long moments. 
All of a sudden he felt a bit… Overwhelmed, to put it simply. He didn’t know what came over him, or why Chris’ words affected him like they did, but, after a few more moments of silence, he took a hold of Chris’ apron, looking down to the floor. “Chris, can I… Can I hug you?”
Felix had barely finished his question when Chris was already pulling him into his arms, cradling the back of his head and patting his back. Something snapped in Felix at that moment, he started to tremble, and he just couldn’t hold in the tears that had started to well in his eyes.
Chris didn’t say anything, he just hugged Felix tightly, and dear heavens if this man’s hugs weren’t the warmest and most comforting hugs Felix had ever felt. He knew it in his heart then, that he had made the right decision. That this was how having a Pack Alpha was supposed to feel like. Comfort, protection, warmth. Not whatever the fuck was happening in his childhood pack, not whatever the fuck was happening in Hyunjin’s pack, either.
The first night at Chris’ den was… Interesting. At the time, Chris was rooming with Changbin, and they had decided for Felix to spend the first nights here with them, or at least until Chris met Hyunjin and let him join the pack.
“I’ll take the sofa”, Chris told Felix as soon as they entered his flat.
“Nah, don’t worry, I’ll take it”, Changbin shouted from the kitchen, where he had been cooking dinner before Chris and Felix came in.
“No way. I’m not letting either of you take the sofa”, Felix intercepted immediately. “I’ve been sleeping on the ground for years, don’t worry about me, seriously. A sofa is a luxury at this point”.
Felix was used to saying these things out loud without thinking much about them, so he decided to ignore the apologetic look on Changbin’s face when he said that.
That night, while laying on the sofa, Felix did nothing but toss and turn. 
The sofa was great. Plush, comfortable, but he felt incredibly awkward. After one too many turns he finally decided to shift into his wolf form, curling in on himself on the sofa, and then he truly felt comfortable. It wasn’t that much different from a moss bed; the biggest upside was the fact that it was dry and warm here, so truly, for Felix, this was like a five star hotel at this point.
He’d no longer have to store his few belongings in gym lockers, or use gym showers, he’d no longer have to be aware of every single sound around him in case a hunter decided to come around the corner, or in case it started to rain, or in case one of the wild cats living in the area wanted to start a fight. As he drifted off to sleep, Felix truly, truly felt incredibly lucky.
Even the next day, when Felix woke up to the sight of Changbin’s smiling, swollen face, looking fondly at him still curled up on the sofa, he felt at ease, his wagging tail more than proof of that.
Now, getting Hyunjin to meet Chris, and for Chris and the other pack members to accept him was easy. Felix had no doubts in his mind that Chris and the others would like Hyunjin enough to let him join the pack as well. What was difficult was getting Hyunjin to defect.
He started gradually taking things out of his house. Important stuff, sentimental stuff, documents, anything of value. Hyunjin passed them all to Felix for Felix to keep them safe at the den. The idea was for every material thing he wanted to keep to be taken out before he spoke with his parents–if he spoke with his parents at all.
Hyunjin wasn’t sure yet… If he wanted to just disappear or if he wanted to confront them. He was sure they wouldn’t just let him leave, they’d try to convince him to stay with their impeccable emotional manipulation tactics, so he was leaning more towards the idea of leaving quietly.
All his plans went to shit when they saw him taking out the last bag of his belongings. Or at least, that was what he told Felix when he arrived a crying mess at the den.
The sight of Hyunjin crying his eyes out, the distress in his scent, it pulled at Felix’s heartstrings unpleasantly. He hated seeing him like this, he wished he could make it all better, make him smile again that charming smile of his. As soon as he saw him, Felix pulled Hyunjin into his arms, and Hyunjin started crying harder against his shoulder, sobbing uncontrollably as the door to Chris’ flat closed behind him.
“What happened?!” Jisung asked as soon as he noticed Hyunjin’s state.
Hyunjin mumbled unintelligible nonsense against Felix’s shoulder, and Felix couldn’t help but bring a hand to his hair, trying to soothe him. “Shh, baby. It’s okay. Take your time…”
By the time Hyunjin had stopped crying the three of them sat on Chris’ sofa. Hyunjin gulped down the glass of water in his hand, and proceeded to blow his nose on a napkin Jisung had brought him.
“You told them that? Seriously?” Jisung softly caressed Hyunjin’s back, looking almost incredulous. “ ‘Your son is a fruity omega, deal with it’ has got to be the best coming out phrase of all time, honestly. You’re so badass”.
Hyunjin chuckled, blowing his nose again. “I was so angry when I said it. They were so angry when I said it. They started calling me names, saying I was an ungrateful bastard… And I just… Told them to fuck right off and left before they could even try to guilt trip me into staying”.
Felix brought a hand to Hyunjin’s chin, tilting his face towards him, offering him a smile. “You did it, baby. You’re free. We’re free”.
A small smile made its way onto Hyunjin’s lips as he looked back at Felix, his eyes were still a bit bleary and red, but they looked so, so full of hope, Felix couldn’t help but lean in and press a brief peck on his lips.
Jisung whined next to them, and when Felix turned to look at him he had a pout on his lips. “No kiss for me?”
“My God, Jisung. Not everything is about you”, Hyunjin sighed, sounding more like his usual self. He turned anyway, gripping Jisung by the cheeks with one hand and giving him a quick peck. An entirely platonic exchange, not uncommon between omegas, to be honest. “There. Happy?”
“Very!” Jisung was beaming, and it made Felix chuckle. “Welcome home”, he added, with a splitting smile on his face, pulling both Hyunjin and Felix into a hug.
Everything was smooth sailing from there. As smooth sailing as living in a pack of several traumatised werewolves can be. 
Throughout the years, Felix managed to finish his basic studies, he was no longer illiterate in the eyes of the human government, and he had found himself with a career goal. He wanted to be a chef. Preferably a pastry chef. Cooking was still, to this day, one of his biggest escapes. At first it was only regular food, then he started trying more complicated dishes, and eventually he found out how challenging baking could be.
His packmates were often the test subjects for every meal he cooked, especially Hyunjin, of course, who was there with him every step of the way, always supportive, always ready to give Felix an honest review of whichever concoction he had put together.
More people joined Chris’ pack, Seungmin, Jeongin… And eventually, by the time Felix was well into his twenties, came the girls. Or at least, some girls.
Chris’ current girlfriend came first, a human who took the place of Pack Mum before Chris even got the balls to confess his feelings for her… Then came Changbin’s girlfriend, an omega who also defected from her abusive pack and seeked comfort in the only other werewolf she knew. And of course, Minho’s best friend and now girlfriend, who had been coming to the den since Minho joined the pack. Felix liked to call her their honorary pack member, since she really didn’t live here, but she came and stayed over so often she was already like one of their own. 
Felix honestly would’ve never imagined his family would get so big. Because that was what this pack had become to him, the family he never truly had. He knew that he wanted to share his love, and here, with these people, he was able to share it more than ever–at least, his platonic love.
When it came to romance, it always went back to Hyunjin. Felix had dated a handful of people throughout the years. Humans, mostly–not to say exclusively. But things usually fell through when they simply couldn’t understand his relationship with Hyunjin. They always pretended they were okay with being in an open relationship, the reality was, they simply weren’t. So Felix often found himself breaking things off with people.
Hyunjin was a bit more lucky, he had a couple of serious relationships that actually lasted a fair amount of time. But ultimately, things would also fall through. Not because of his relationship with Felix, but simply because people change, their needs change, their wants change… And Hyunjin was one hundred percent sure of what he wanted, so as soon as any hesitancy came from the other party, ties were cut off.
Felix truly, truly never ever believed in imprinting and soulmates, but if such a thing existed, he was sure he now had two.
It simply happened one day, while going on a morning run with Hyunjin.
Every other weekend, very early in the morning, Felix and Hyunjin would go to the forest, to the same one Felix used to live in, to where they met for the first time. Felix found comfort in the place, the den was his home, but these woods were the place in which he was reborn, so he enjoyed coming here to connect with that part of himself every once in a while.
Hyunjin came just to spend some time with him, Felix knew it. He wasn’t overly fond of waking up early in the morning, but he never once complained. He understood how much it meant to Felix.
And in that place, was where they met you, too.
As Felix and Hyunjin drank from the clear stream, their ears perked up at the sudden rustle of leaves behind them. Slowly, another wolf came from between the trees, curiously eyeing them both.
Felix felt almost exactly the same way he did when he met Hyunjin for the first time, minus the excessive amounts of trauma he was dealing with back then.
They didn’t make any attempts to run or showed any hostility, since the wolf wasn’t showing any hostility, either. Very quickly they were enveloped by the scent of a werewolf, an alpha, just as the wolf came close to sniff them.
The wolf looked… Intrigued, more than anything. Their dark fur flowed with the gentle breeze passing by, and if Felix thought they were beautiful as a wolf, he wondered how they would look like as a human.
Hyunjin seemed to be in the same state Felix was, entranced, but before they knew it, the wolf took off into the woods again, gone out of their sight.
“So, uhm… I didn’t imagine that, right?” Hyunjin said a while later, as soon as he shifted back into his human form and tugged his jeans up his legs. “Who was that?”
“Dunno. You certainly didn’t imagine it”, Felix slid his plaid shirt on, slowly doing each button. “It felt kinda like…”
“Like when we met”, Hyunjin finished, slipping his shoes on. “Without the ‘growling at me and scaring me to death’ part”.
Felix chuckled, finishing with his clothes.“You’re never gonna let me live that down, are you?”
“Never, sweetheart”, Hyunjin winked at him, slinging an arm around his shoulders and pulling him close. “You’ll have to be making up for it for the rest of your life!”
“You’re so dramatic sometimes…”
That night, though, Felix could only think about the encounter. He wondered how he could find that wolf again, Hyunjin had told him earlier to simply let things flow, just like he did when he met Felix for the first time. If it was meant to be, you’d meet again.
And you did meet again, although not exactly in the way Felix had hoped for. 
Felix loved his job, he loved baking, and decorating cakes, and working at this bakery specifically. It was fun, especially on days like these, with orders like these. A basic marbled cake, frosted with white and green buttercream, with the words ‘congrats on the sex’ written on it.
He wasn’t usually the one giving the customers their orders, but they were a bit understaffed today, so he brought it out as soon as he was called for it. Thankfully, it was quite slow at this time, so there was only one person waiting by the counter.
Felix called for the customer in the receipt anyway, and that same person perked up, looking at him. As soon as your eyes landed on his, he felt immediate familiarity, but he couldn’t quite pinpoint why.
“So, your cake’s ready. Please check and make sure it’s all to your liking”, Felix fell into his customer service persona anyway, it was hard not to, he practically spoke in autopilot at this point whenever he was behind the counter.
“Looks good”, you mumbled once you took a brief look at the cake. “How much do I owe you?”
“Well, says here you paid half upfront, so here’s the remaining amount”, Felix signalled to the register, and you started to take cash out of your bag. 
What an odd interaction. He felt like there was something on the tip of his tongue the entire time, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was missing something.
“Here you go”, you handed him the money, and Felix pressed buttons on the register, getting it to open and giving you the necessary change once he had deposited the bills inside. 
You took the box and turned around to leave. Felix’s brows furrowed, confused, but he didn’t say anything.
However, you turned back around, so fast Felix almost jumped on the spot when you placed the cake back down on the counter. “Were you in the forest the other day?”
Felix was completely caught off guard, but he recognised you then. The alpha from the forest. “That was you?” He lowered his voice, making sure the other lingering customers didn’t eavesdrop the conversation.
“Yes! I’ve been… Uh… This is gonna sound super weird, I’m sorry, but I’ve been looking for you, although I’m not really sure why exactly”, your brows furrowed, and Felix almost wanted to reach over the counter and smooth it out with his thumb.
“Me, too. Well, us, too”, a couple of customers came into the store, and Felix offered them friendly smiles and a quick greeting before turning his eyes back to you. Taking a napkin from the holder on the counter and a pen, he scribbled his phone number quickly, signing it with his name. 
“Text me… If you want”, he added once he handed you the paper.
You looked at the napkin in your hand, then carefully folded it and placed it in your back pocket, giving him a “sure thing, Felix” with a smile on your face as you took your cake. “Have a nice day!”
Work couldn’t go any slower after that encounter…
“A female alpha?” Hyunjin asked as soon as Felix started telling him the story, when Felix had finally made it home and slid inside the bathtub to join him.
“So it seems. Well, they didn’t really tell me their gender or anything, but they were certainly female presenting… A lot of… Cleavage and stuff”, Felix had been too confused earlier to focus too much on it, but now that his mind was a bit clearer, he was remembering… Things. 
“What are the odds… An alpha for a beta and an omega”, Hyunjin leaned back on his end of the tub, extending one of his legs a bit, and immediately, Felix felt the pressure of the ball of Hyunjin’s foot on his length.
Quirking a brow, he looked at Hyunjin with a smirk on his lips.
“Are you trying to rile me up, my sweet prince? Trying to distract me with your low tactics?” Felix chuckled from where he was leaning on his end of the tub, taking a hold of Hyunjin’s heel and pulling him further against him.
“Question is, when am I not, my love?” Hyunjin gave him a smug smile, and it was just as he was about to say something again that Felix’s phone rumbled from where he had left it on the toilet lid. He looked at Hyunjin, and Hyunjin looked right back at him. Before Felix could say anything, Hyunjin was already stretching his arm, taking the phone, and looking at the notification. 
“It’s them”, Hyunjin urged, handing Felix the phone to read the message.
> Unknown Number: hey > it’s me, from the bakery > the ‘congrats on the sex’ cake? > anyway > would you like to go for coffee sometime?
“They could’ve just said ‘the alpha from the forest’, to be honest”, Hyunjin chuckled, still amused by the cake story.
“What should I tell them?” Felix was suddenly nervous. Why was he nervous? He’d done this before. Hell, he wasn’t even the one asking the other out… Was this even a date? 
“Say yes! Give them a date and a time”, Hyunjin urged, nudging him with his foot.
“Are you coming, though?”
“I think you should meet them first”, Hyunjin replied confidently. “I’m intrigued, but you already met them, and you know we usually don’t… Like the same type of people. I really think you should meet them first. See if they are nice, and if they are and you want something with them, see if they’re comfortable with… You know. Us”.
So Felix replied then, a short ‘brunch tomorrow. 11am?’ to which you gave him a positive answer and the name of a café he had been to before, so he knew where to go. All details which he gave Hyunjin immediately.
“That’s great, baby!” He nudged Felix with his foot again, making the other smile. “Now, come here. I want you to absolutely destroy me”.
Felix couldn’t help but chuckle. “Needy, are we?” But he moved anyway, leaning forward to kiss Hyunjin properly.
The next day, while Felix anxiously bounced his leg as he sat at one of the tables in the café, he felt oddly nervous. He reasoned it was because you were a werewolf. Felix had truly only dated humans before, the only werewolf he’d ever been with was Hyunjin–he did shoot his shot at Changbin once when he started to live at the den, but to this day he was sure Changbin hadn’t even registered it, so he let it go. 
“Hey”, you regarded Felix with a smile as soon as you saw him, taking a seat in front of him. God, Felix hadn’t realised yet, but you smelt like the forest. Like pine and the moss beds he used to sleep on, and it almost knocked the air right out of his lungs.
“So”, Felix started once you both had procured your respective coffees and sandwiches. “The woods, huh? Never seen you around before”.
“You go there often? Never seen you around, either”, you replied between bites of your food, and Felix gave you a nod in responde, not wanting to discuss why he went to the woods in the first place. “I go there often, too. My sisters like to hangout around the place. I was looking for one of them when I saw you guys”.
“You got sisters? Never seen any other werewolf there that wasn’t Hyunjin, now you…”
“Hyunjin? That’s the other wolf you were with?” Felix just nodded again, and you continued. “Well, my sisters aren’t werewolves, that’s why. I’m, uh… My pack is not exactly… Conventional”.
“Oh?” Felix couldn’t help but quirk a brow. “I’m intrigued”.
You gave him a sheepish smile, taking a sip of your coffee right after. “Werecats, werejackals, werebats… It’s a very odd pack, we’re all a bit different. I’m the only werewolf in it, actually”.
Felix’s jaw went slack, completely in shock. “…Come again?”
“Uh, well, there are two werecats, one werejackal, two werebats, and we might be integrating a vampire soon, actually. Not the same thing as a werebat, by the way”.
Felix just blinked, and you gave him an almost shy smile. “Damn, it’s like you’re collecting otherworldlies”, Felix chuckled, dragging his fingers through his hair and leaning back on his chair.
“Yeah, well… We got fed up and decided to stick together”, you offered simply.
“All girls?”
“Nah. Some of us, like me, don’t care about gender at all. Some girls, some boys, some non-conforming… You know…” You eyed him intently, almost as if you were trying to test his stance on the matter, and it had him chuckling.
“Oh, I know”, he replied, with a genuine smile on his face. 
You seemed satisfied with his answer, and that, for some reason, made him feel giddy.
That was when you truly started to open up. You were just a bit older than him, you worked at your late parents’ antique and oddities shop, it had been left in your care once they passed away, and your den was located right above it. ‘Got the entire building for ourselves! I’m honestly glad my parents were careful enough to leave me everything they had to their name. I don’t know where I’d be if they hadn’t…’
You were very moralistic, and blunt, and honestly? Really hot. Felix was listening intently to everything you were telling him, he really was. But he could also multitask, so admiring your attributes while he listened was going incredibly well for him.
“What about you, though?” You asked eventually, taking a sip of your now cold coffee. 
Felix shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m a baker, as you probably inferred. I have a mostly werewolf pack, but we’ve got a few humans as well”.
“Your alpha allows humans in their den?” You asked, a bit incredulous, and Felix really laughed out loud at the thought of Chris not allowing humans at his den, all things considered.
“He does. Actually, my pack’s alpha is head over heels for his human girlfriend. Any moment now they’re gonna mate and or get married, I’m sure”.
“And you? Hyunjin?” Ah, there it was. It was time to speak about That.
“Hyunjin’s my mate”, Felix replied honestly, confidently looking you in the eyes. “And just to clarify, I don’t mean a mate as a friend. He’s my mate mate. We’ve been mates for years. But… We’re in an open relationship”.
“Oh?” You leaned back in your seat, and the curious glint in your eyes gave him some hope. “Never heard of polyamorous mates before. Does it really work for you guys?”
“It does. We’re both just… Two guys who love each other, and want to share our love with other people, too”, and they were. They truly, truly were, and Felix believed this one hundred percent. “It’s all about trust and consent and all that, you know?”
“Oh, I know…” Your fingers tapped the table. 
You looked at Felix for a moment, the air was suddenly heavy between you two, thick with something intense, alluring, and Felix could feel the hairs at his nape stand on end when you leaned on the table, resting your elbows on it. “So… If I take you home right now, and fuck your brains out, your mate won’t mind?”
Blunt. Forward. Very much an alpha, you were.
“My mate was the one who urged me to text you back last night”, a smirk made its way onto his lips, and he leaned forward on the table as well, matching your stance. “What about you, though? You’re an alpha. Wouldn’t it bother you? To know I’m also someone else’s? To share?”
“I’m not a possessive alpha. Not like that at least”, you licked your lips, and Felix’s eyes followed the movement like a hawk. “Like you said… It’s all about consent, and trust, and all that”.
You stared at him, and Felix stared right back. In your eyes, all dark and clouded with need, he could see it all. In your scent, he could smell it all. Arousal, lust, want… It was honestly almost comical how fast the both of you stood up from your chairs. The bills had been paid for already, so you simply slung your bag over your shoulder and took Felix’s hand, tugging him out of the café.
“My place is close by”, you told him simply, and he followed you without hesitation.
“Isn’t it dangerous for you to show me where you live on a first date?” Felix teased you as soon as you both made it to your building’s entrance–it was more a door than an entrance, but he figured the term still worked.
“I don’t know why, but my instincts tell me I can trust you, Lee Felix”, you said as you started to climb the stairs, and Felix followed right behind you, not even pretending like he wasn’t staring at your ass the entire time. “But anyway, what would you do to me? I could probably snap you in half”, you grinned at him as soon as you made it to your door, hastily getting your keys from your bag and unlocking it.
“You wouldn’t dare! Who’d take care of my Hyunjin if I’m gone?” Felix bit back, stepping into your home.
As soon as the door closed behind him, you pushed Felix against it, pressing your whole body against his own, and that look in your eyes truly reminded him that you were an alpha, that you were very much capable of snapping him in half, and that he’d gladly let you fuck him silly at any time of day.
“Well, if he wants, I can take care of him no problem. I honestly haven’t been able to stop thinking about his apple and pear scent”, you caged him against that door, with your hands at either side of him. “But then again, I also haven’t been able to stop thinking about yours”.
Before Felix could even attempt to respond, your lips were on his. Warm, slightly chapped from the cold air outside, but still moist with your saliva, and his entire body came alight. You tasted like coffee and bread and like the sweetest nectar he’d ever drunk. 
Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer as your tongue made its way inside his mouth, devouring him, and he simply took it, pushing his tongue against yours and holding your waist tightly. Felix wasn’t sure if it was the influence of your alpha scent, if it was the fact that you were a werewolf, or the fact that you’d met in the forest, right where he had met Hyunjin, his forever mate, making his brain jump to conclusions, but truly, Felix had only ever felt this ravenous with him before this moment.
“Are you clean of anything?” You asked as soon as your lips disconnected, starting a trail of kisses all the way from his mouth to his neck, licking and sucking on his pulse point, making him whine.
“Yes”, Felix replied simply, slightly breathless, because it was the truth. He got checked regularly, as did Hyunjin.
“Good. Me too”, with that, you dropped to your knees, swiftly undoing his belt, popping open the button of his jeans and opening his zipper. God, he was so hard already, how had he gotten this worked up just by a few minutes of kissing?
It was really hard for him to care at all as you mouthed his length over his underwear. “Let me know if you want to stop at some point, okay? You say stop and I’ll stop. Promise”.
Felix nodded, his eyes fixed on yours as you palmed him. You squeezed him over the fabric, and he was starting to lose it, truly. “Say it, Felix. Say you understand”.
“I–I understand”, saliva had pooled in his mouth, so he swallowed, getting lost in your sinful stare. Felix was usually the one taking the lead, but right now, there was nothing he wanted more than to let you do with him as you pleased, and by that look in your eyes, he was almost certain that was what you wanted, too.
“That’s it. What a good boy”, you smiled at him, a genuine smile that made your eyes disappear, a complete contrast to the way you pulled his underwear down, letting his cock spring free from its confinements.
As soon as you took his length into your warm, wet mouth, he just couldn’t help himself, the moan that left his lips was almost pathetic to his ears, but he didn’t care. Felix let his head fall against the door, lost in the feeling of your warmth around him, on the obscene slurping sounds filling his ears, on the smell of the forest surrounding him completely, making him tremble where he stood.
When was the last time he had had sex with a stranger? But then again, somehow, you didn’t feel like a total stranger, you felt familiar, almost as if he had known you for a long, long time. 
“So fucking good with your mouth–Fuck!” The feeling of your throat around him was too much, you were working him up way too quickly, he had to focus really hard to hold it all in. Maybe it was the mix of your entire being–your scent, your values, your tits that looked absolutely amazing in that low top–or maybe it was the new experience that had him so heated, but he’d usually be able to go longer than this, he had stamina goddamn it.
You pulled away from his cock with a lewd pop, replacing your mouth with your hand, pumping him fervently. Sweet, sweet torture… “It’s okay, puppy. You can come. I’m not done with you, though. You can come and then I’ll work you up all over again, hm?”
Felix nodded, frantic, his eyes jumping from your hand working his cock to your face, to your eyes staring right into him. As soon as you took him back into your mouth he was gone. “Shit, fuck… You’re seriously… I’m gonna come, fuck…”
You bobbed your head once, twice, thrice, and then his mind went blank. An assortment of swears and grunts and moans flew past his lips as he shot his load down your throat, and you kept blowing him through all of it, even when he stopped coming, bringing him to the brink of oversensitivity.
“Shit, wait, too much…” He whined, writhing against the door. For a moment, he thought you wouldn’t stop, he honestly wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t. 
But thankfully–or regretfully, he couldn’t decide…–you took pity on him, finally letting him fall from your mouth and staring up at him with a satisfied smile on your face as you looked at him taking deep breaths. When you stood on your feet and kissed him again, Felix really started to feel lightheaded, drunk on your scent, on his own taste on your tongue.
“You okay?” You asked, and it seemed like you genuinely cared, which honestly made his heart flutter.
“More than okay, holy shit”, Felix replied between kisses, making you chuckle. You instructed him to take his t-shirt, his shoes, his jeans and underwear off, and he did it without hesitation.
“Come here, pup”, you tugged him away from the door, walking a few strides and pushing him to sit on the sofa, straddling him as soon as he was seated. 
His hands came to rest on the curve of your ass, and before his hazy mind could register the movement, you had already tugged your shirt and your bra away from your body. His mouth watered at the sight of your breasts falling into their natural place, and right there, sitting on top of him, you truly, truly looked like a goddess.
“Felix”, your hand came to his nape, caressing his skin softly. “You seem to be very focused on my chest. Just like you were yesterday”, shit, he had been caught, but honestly, he couldn’t find it in him to care at all.
“How could I not? Shit, look at these”, he moved his hands to cup your tits, squeezing them gently. You allowed him to do it for a few moments, but then you took a hold of his hands, placing them on your ribs, right below your breasts.
“Wanna suck on them, pup?” You kept his hands pressed to your skin, and he immediately nodded, sucking you eagerly when you pulled his face to your breasts.
He didn’t know how long he spent with his mouth attached to your chest while you rolled your hips to get some friction from his already hardening length. All he knew was that when you came from the attention he was giving to your tits, from the grind of your still clothed core against him, the sound of your moans and your soft praises had him almost coming again.
That afternoon, after you took him from that sofa to your room, after you slid a condom on his cock and rode him until he couldn’t take it anymore, Felix left your flat all levels of fucked out of his mind, with a promise of another date, and an almost bashful ‘you think Hyunjin would like to meet me?’
As soon as he was back home, he made his way to his bedroom, finding Hyunjin propped on the headboard of the bed with a sketchbook and a pencil in his hands. 
Felix plopped on the bed, sighing contently, and Hyunjin immediately chuckled in response.
“Jinnie, baby. You have to meet her, seriously”, Felix turned to his side and propped himself on his elbow, looking at Hyunjin.
“You think I’d like them?” His mate asked with a chuckle, barely even looking up from the piece he was working on.
“I’m sure you will, shit…”
Hyunjin agreed to meet you, so Felix gave him your contact, and in a couple of days, you two went on a date.
Felix wasn’t sure why he felt so incredibly excited at the prospect of you and Hyunjin going on a date. Maybe it was the fact that they both hardly ever found a common partner, and he was sure he’d enjoy his relationships much more if Hyunjin could be involved.
So he laid on his sofa that day, playing games on his phone and waiting for Hyunjin to come back home.
It was getting dark by the time Felix heard the tell-tale signs of a key going into the keyhole. Hyunjin stepped into the flat with languid steps, dropping his bag on the floor right by the entrance and making his way to the sofa. Felix fixed his gaze on him, looking at his every move. His hair was tousled, his shirt wrinkly and barely even tucked into his jeans, and Felix could’ve sworn he was limping a bit.
Finally, Hyunjin plopped on the other end of the sofa, slouching and staring at the ceiling, and Felix slung his legs over Hyunjin’s lap. He was silent for a while, but Felix didn’t push him, he simply kept quiet and waited for Hyunjin to gather his thoughts. 
“Holy shit”, were the first words coming out of Hyunjin’s mouth, just as he brought a hand to softly caress Felix’s calf. 
“How’d it go?” Felix couldn’t hold back any longer. He needed to know.
Hyunjin gestured in front of his chest, with his eyebrows high on his face. “Tits. Shit…” 
Felix snorted at the comment, amused by the daze his partner was in. “I know, right?”
“That wasn’t normal, Lix”, Hyunjin finally looked at him, with an indecipherable glint of something in his eyes. “I’ve been with alphas before, but whatever that was went completely beyond that”.
“It kinda felt like…” Felix started, unsure if he should say it. 
But Hyunjin clearly decided to say it instead. “Like when we’re together”. 
“It’s crazy, though. We barely know them”, Felix was trying to find a logical explanation, anything factual, and not based on folklore. 
Hyunjin snorted. “Darling, we’re dogs. What does it matter? Shouldn’t we follow our instincts? How many people can say they’re as lucky as us? I can’t believe we finally found a common match”, he carded his fingers through his hair, slumping further in his seat.
“So, that means that you’d like to… Include her? Like… The three of us being a thing?” 
“After what I experienced today? Hell fucking yes”, Hyunjin chuckled. “As long as they want to. It’s all a bit… New”.  
“Mm, it is”, Felix finally sat down on the sofa, sitting close to Hyunjin and dropping his head on his shoulder. The mix of his and your scent on his clothes had his heart doing somersaults in his chest. 
Dating you was… Interesting. At first, you’d go on dates separately, either you and Hyunjin, or you and Felix, the three of you just getting used to one another. Until one day, finally, the three of you went out together. 
Felix found it incredibly exhilarating, walking around with an arm around Hyunjin’s waist while holding your hand. It all felt just so… Natural. Easy. Just like it had been when Felix and Hyunjin started to get really close, when they figured out what they meant to each other.
It was all just so much fun, and he was having the time of his life. 
Eventually, you needed to meet Chris. If Hyunjin and Felix wanted you to come over, they needed to make sure that their pack’s alpha approved of your presence at the den, and, honestly, Felix respected Chris way too much to not follow this rule, especially because it was one of the very few ones they had at all.
Chris was a bit guarded when you came to his flat to meet him for the first time. He was super stiff, and a bit more stoic than usual. Felix was sure it wasn’t the fact that you were an alpha per se, but the fact that you were an alpha that just wouldn’t stop shamelessly checking his girlfriend out, and it was probably triggering his instincts.
Felix had told you of their relationship before, but maybe he should’ve been a bit more explicit on how looking at her Like That could possibly bring your chances of coming and staying here to absolute zero. 
Hyunjin had noticed, too. And he had been trying his best to distract you enough so you would stop. It wasn’t until Chris’ girlfriend excused herself for a moment, when Chris left the room and followed her, that both Felix and Hyunjin lunged at you. 
“Darling, please. I’m begging… Stop checking her out. Chris is very possessive of our dear mother”, Felix urged, speaking as low as he could. 
“Oh my God. Was it obvious?” You sounded genuinely distressed about it, and it made Hyunjin facepalm himself. 
“Of course it was fucking obvious! You’re not exactly the epitome of discreet, love”, Hyunjin whispered-shouted.
“Shit, I didn’t mean to… I honestly have zero intentions with her. She’s just… Hot. Looks so…” You made squishing motions with your hands. You really didn’t need to say it, their pack’s mother was certainly very soft and squishable, Felix often found himself going for hugs or cuddling, so he understood, but his relationship with her was entirely familial, completely different to what you were doing right now, and it would never trigger Chris’ nature–unless the man was close to his rut, but those were technicalities…
“I’m just… Admiring, you know? Can you blame me?” 
“No”, Hyunjin sighed, dragging his hand over his face. “But please stop looking at her like that. If there’s anyone off limits at this den, it’s her”. 
You pouted, looking slightly annoyed, but you nodded regardless, finally taking a deep breath. “I know you guys are right… I’ll do my best not to start any fights over pretty girls here. No promises, though…”
When Chris and his girlfriend came back, your staring had finally stopped. Regardless, when they returned, Chris held onto his girl like the most obnoxious koala, and as usual, she didn’t seem fazed at all by this. 
You gave Chris a bit of context on your life. Your den, your pack, but most importantly, you told him the values and foundations of your pack, which were very similar to Chris’ own. That, added to the fact that you stopped looking at his girl, had seemed to soften his entire demeanour.
“They can stay”, Chris told Hyunjin and Felix that same evening after you left. “They seem nice and I like what she’s doing with their pack”. 
Felix heaved a sigh, feeling immensely relieved. At least, until Chris spoke again. 
“But, respectfully, tell her to fucking stop looking at my girlfriend like that. At least when I’m around. It fucks up with my head, and it’s incredibly unpleasant, okay?”
Chris didn’t sound particularly angry, mostly just annoyed. Felix knew you wouldn’t make any real advances towards his girlfriend, just like Chris probably knew you wouldn’t, either. Not to say how they all knew his girl just wouldn’t even acknowledge any potential advance. Hell, Felix doubted she even noticed you were looking at her like that at all, she only ever seemed to register Chris in that regard.
But at the end of the day, just like Hyunjin often said, they were dogs, and they often had to fight their animalistic instincts with an insane amount of human self control, which could honestly get quite tiring.
With the approval of their alpha, you started to regularly come to their den–more specifically, to Hyunjin and Felix’s flat, of course. You wouldn’t spend the night that much, though, which was completely understandable. After all, you had a den of your own to attend to. 
Some nights, Felix wished he could be snuggled between you and Hyunjin, he wondered how that would be like quite often. 
When he told Hyunjin about this, he simply chuckled and said ‘we’d need to get a bigger bed, then. You and I can barely fit on ours’, which honestly sounded like an amazing idea to Felix, but Hyunjin shattered his fantasy when he added, ‘how would you be snuggled between us if you love to sleep at the foot of the bed, though?’ which was also an excellent point on his part…
Regardless, you came over often, to meet Hyunjin if he was there, to meet Felix if he was there, or to meet them both if they were both there. It didn’t really matter, you just dropped by and spent time with either or both and left your scent everywhere and Felix honestly loved it more than he could’ve ever imagined. There was hardly anything that made him as happy as the mix of your scent and Hyunjin’s all over him, it made him feel giddy, and warm, and loved.
“That’s it, Lixie, baby… You’re doing so well…”
The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room. Kneeling on the sofa, with one hand on your hip, the other fondling one of your breasts, and his chest firmly pressed to your back, Felix buried his face in the crook of your neck, moaning against your skin as you kept pushing your hips back to meet his thrusts. He felt just so drunk on your scent, on the feel of your ass hitting his pelvis, and the tight grip of your walls around his cock.
“You smell so… Good, fuck…” Sweat collected at his temples, he rolled your nipple between his fingers, making you moan, the sound turning to a blissed chuckle.
“You do, too, pup. Fresh… Like petrichor”, you told him simply, pushing your hips back harder, faster.
How many times had this sofa seen you two fuck in the past handful of months? Felix wasn’t sure, but he was sure it hadn’t been enough, he needed more of it. He loved doing it here, right in the living room. He wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was the fact that your scent would linger in the fabric after you left and he’d get to smell it for days after when laid down.
Suddenly, you stopped moving, and Felix instinctively stopped moving as well as the sound of his front door opening reached his ears.
Okay, maybe it could also be the fact that Felix knew Hyunjin loved coming back home to the sight of his partners having sex that made him enjoy fucking on this sofa so much.
“You guys are fucking without me?” Hyunjin dropped his belongings at the entrance, pouting, quickly making his way to the sofa.
You chuckled, pressing a kiss on his lips once Hyunjin kneeled in front of you, wrapping his arms around you and Felix, sandwiching you between them. “You were taking too long to come home, Jinnie”.
“Too long, sweetheart”, Felix let go of your breast to grip the collar of Hyunjin’s shirt, pulling him in for a kiss, too.
Hyunjin sighed, burying his face in the crook of your neck, while Felix did the same on the other side. “Got caught up at work…”
“You work too hard, honey”, you told him, wrapping one of your arms around his waist, pulling him further into you, striking a normal, almost domestic conversation as if your walls didn’t have a vice grip on Felix’s length.
“Did you at least manage to fix that part of the mural you didn’t like?” Felix asked, caressing Hyunjin’s hair, continuing the conversation as if he wasn’t rock hard inside of you.
“I did…” Hyunjin pressed his nose to your pulse point, inhaling deeply, audibly, and it made you chuckle.
“Wanna join us? Or are you gonna stay there and watch?” Felix could feel his cock twitch when you asked that, and honestly, either option sounded exactly like absolute heaven to him.
“Have to clean up, I’m covered in paint”, Hyunjin finally detached himself from your neck, looking between you and Felix with a sad pout on his lips. “You guys go on, I’ll join you after a shower”.
With a quick kiss to both of you, Hyunjin hurriedly retreated to the bathroom.
Felix attached his lips to your shoulder, peppering your skin with kisses as you took a hold of both of his hands and brought them to your chest. “Wanna keep going, Lix? Or do you need a break?”
He squeezed your breasts, trapping your nipples between his fingers, and the way you clenched around him with the motion had him salivating, truly making him feel like a dog. Like a really horny dog. “Let’s keep going. Or I’ll die”.
Reaching behind to take a hold of his hair, you turned your head, finding Felix’s lips for a heated kiss. As soon as your hips started to push back against him again, he groaned, the sound getting lost in your mouth while you held him tightly in place, ravishing his mouth.
Tugging his head back a bit, your lips attached to his jaw, the lack of your mouth on his own let his blissed grunts and groans and moans spill freely out of his mouth. He quickened his pace, and you immediately matched the rhythm. Between your scent and the sounds you were making and the slapping of skin and the delicious feel of you wrapped around him Felix started to feel lightheaded, he’d been so close to coming so many times throughout the entire evening he was sure he’d explode at any moment.
“Darling… I’m so, so close”, Felix couldn’t help but groan as soon as you started to move even faster, holding his hair tighter.
“Come whenever you want, sunshine”, when you kissed him again, when you started to rub circles on your clit and clenching so, so tightly around him, Felix knew he was done for, he wouldn’t last much longer.
Holding your hips and burying his face in the crook of your neck to get close to your pulse point, he snapped his hips as hard as he could, chasing that sweet, sweet relief, and as soon as he took in a deep breath and your scent engulfed him fully, his mind clouded.
“Fuck, fuck, Lixie, baby…” A growl resonated from deep within your chest as soon as you got your release, it made him shiver, and coupled with the feeling of your walls clenching repeatedly around his length was enough to send him over the edge. 
Felix came with a deep, low growl, shooting his load into the latex. A low rumble started to resonate within him as he kept coming, and it remained even after your cunt had milked the very last drop. 
“Aww, you’re rumbling. What a cute little pup you are”, you chuckled, slightly breathless.
Felix felt himself flush. Taking a hold of the condom at the base to secure it in place, he carefully pulled out of you, tying a knot and dropping the soiled latex on the floor to pick it up later. He plopped on the sofa, panting a bit, still rumbling, and he couldn’t help but scoff.
“And what about it?” 
“Nothing”, you laid on top of him, kissing his cheeks, making him flush further. “You’re just really cute”.
“‘Course I am…” Felix mumbled, wrapping an arm around your waist and holding you close.
You just chuckled, pressing a loud, brief kiss on his lips.
After a quick moment of hydration, and as soon as Hyunjin was out of the bathroom, you and Felix pulled him into the bedroom, pushing him to the bed, not even giving him a chance to dry himself properly. You kissed Hyunjin fervently, just as Felix sucked love bites on his neck, eliciting a whimper from his mouth.
“Darling…” Hyunjin mumbled against your lips, trying to get your attention. “Want to… Would you let me…” With Felix’s languid strokes on his cock, Hyunjin could barely speak, and it had Felix growing impossibly harder against the curve of Hyunjin’s ass.
“What do you want, puppy?” You brought a hand to his chest, toying with one of his nipples, making him whine.
Hyunjin swallowed thickly, pushing his hips back against Felix’s length. “You… Want to taste you, please”.
“You want a taste?” You quirked a brow, pinching his nipple harder, making him swear and rut his hips harder against Felix. “What do you think, Lixie? Should I give our dear omega what he wants?”
Felix chuckled softly, licking the shell of Hyunjin’s ear, quickening the pace of his hand around Hyunjin’s length, reducing him to a whiny mess. 
“He asked nicely, baby. Our Jinnie has had a hard day today, haven’t you, love?” Felix asked, and Hyunjin simply nodded in response, burying his face in the crook of your neck to get as much of your scent on him as he could. “I think he deserves a treat. Don’t you?”
“Are you turning soft on me now, Lixie?” You chuckled, but you pulled yourself away from Hyunjin anyway. He whined in protest, and you hushed him gently. “But I agree. Today our prince gets what he wants”.
Hyunjin hardly ever didn’t get what he wanted. Just that sometimes, what he wanted wasn’t for you and Felix to pamper him. Most times, he wanted to be ruined, to be played and toyed with however you and Felix pleased, to do whatever you wanted to him. Today didn’t seem like one of those days, so Felix didn’t see any reason to not give him what he asked for, just like you didn’t seem to, either.
Sitting against the headboard, you sat with your legs open, and Hyunjin immediately scrambled to get close to your core. The moment his tongue made contact with your skin, he groaned, and you bit your lip, looking at his every move. Felix just placed his hand on the back of Hyunjin’s head, softly caressing the strands as he enjoyed the sight of his tongue licking you, of his plump lips sucking on you.
“Baby…” You made grabby hands towards Felix, and he could feel his heart swell in his chest just by the way you looked at him, with need, and want, and maybe even love. “Kiss”.
Felix wasted no time, planting his lips on yours, relishing your moans against his lips, relishing the feeling of Hyunjin’s head bobbing and moving between your legs as he held him in place. Your tongue pushed its way inside Felix’s mouth, right as your hand wrapped around his length, and the sudden contact had him moaning immediately.
Your other hand joined Felix’s on Hyunjin’s head, further pushing him against you. Very quickly, the room filled with the sounds of your moans, of Felix’s moans, of Hyunjin’s moans… Groans, grunts, whimpers, and whines mingled with one another, to the point where it was hard to know from whom the sounds were coming out from. But it didn’t matter. All that mattered was Hyunjin between your legs and your hand around Felix’s cock… All that mattered was the mix of your scents in this room on this bed and the amount of lust and love pouring out of all the three of you and bouncing off the walls.
Lately, there was nothing Felix enjoyed more than getting lost on his lovers bodies, than the feeling of you and him and Hyunjin just sharing your warmth, your pleasure, and as he felt you tense under Hyunjin’s quickening tongue, as he felt your grip on his cock tighten the further his mate worked you up, he knew there was nowhere else he wanted to be than right here, in this moment.
Felix detached his mouth from your lips, attaching himself instead to your neck, licking at your pulse point for a moment–just enough to get a concentrated taste of you, quick enough to not trigger your alpha instincts. The contact of his tongue on your neck was gone almost as soon as it started, and he finally moved away from your neck to attach his lips to your cheeks, groaning and moaning against your skin.
“You wanna make me come, Hyunjinnie?” You asked, and Hyunjin nodded, sucking your clit into his mouth, making you throw your head back against the headboard.
“Make our alpha come, Jinnie”, Felix pleaded, pushing Hyunjin further into you. “Use that filthy mouth of yours just like you know how to, and later, you can get my cock, too”.
Hyunjin moaned, the sound strained and muffled as he got lost in your heat. 
“Our sweet prince just wants to have his mouth full, doesn’t he?” You pressed a kiss on Felix’s lips, and he felt you shiver and tense further. “Always eager…”
The closer you got to your high, the more your scent seemed to intensify, and Felix was almost drunk on the smell of fresh fruits and the forest. He rocked his hips, fucking your fist just as his tongue kept dancing against yours.
The sounds of your wet kiss, the sounds of Hyunjin slurping you up, the squelching sounds of your fist around his length had Felix’s head spinning, and when your release washed over you, the feeling of you trembling and the smell of your arousal in the air almost, almost made him come, too.
With a tight grip on Hyunjin’s hair, you got him off of you, tugging him up for a kiss, a kiss Felix couldn’t help but join, moaning at the taste of you on Hyunjin’s tongue. 
“Satisfied? Happy you got what you wanted?” You asked as soon as Hyunjin separated his lips from yours, sounding incredibly confident for someone who was still panting for air.
Hyunjin nodded, whimpering when you tugged on his hair again. “Good. Now be a good boy and lay down for us, hm?”
Hyunjin scrambled, laying on his back and watching as you took a condom from the box that had been hastily thrown on the bed earlier. As soon as you slid the latex on his length and you made sure it was securely in place, you straddled him, sinking yourself on his cock in one swift movement, eliciting a shared groan of relief.
You didn’t move, you just sat on him, watching as Felix got close to Hyunjin’s head, kneeling with his length in his hand. Hyunjin looked up at him, with his eyes all glossy and with flushed cheeks, his chest rising and falling with deep breaths. Truly a sight to behold.
“Please, Lixie…” Hyunjin begged, and you chuckled from your place on his lap, making him flush further.
“So desperate, baby. As if you didn’t just have your mouth busy… How needy…”
“If there’s one thing our Jinnie is, is needy. Aren’t you, love?” Felix chuckled, caressing Hyunjin’s cheek briefly, only to finally move closer to him, slapping his length against his cheek, making Hyunjin flush further. “A textbook slut, aren’t you?”
Hyunjin swallowed, nodding. The sound of a hand hitting skin resonated in the room, the slap Felix gave Hyunjin made his mate moan as soon as his palm made contact with the skin, and Felix gripped his chin tightly with one hand right after. “Aren’t you?”
“Yes!” Hyunjin whimpered, writhing a bit under Felix’s hold, and it made him feel tingly all over, tingly with lust and love and need. “Your slut!”
“Good boy”, you chuckled, pinching one of his nipples, making him squirm.
“Indeed. Our good little slut”, Felix let go of Hyunjin’s chin, caressing his cheek after.
“Please… Move, please”, it wasn’t very clear to whom Hyunjin was talking to, to you who had been sitting on his length for a while now, completely unmoving, or to Felix who had his cock so close to his mouth, but not letting it touch his lips at all. Most likely, it was directed to the both of you, but Felix decided to move first anyway.
“Open up, then, my dearest prince”, Felix couldn’t help but groan as soon as Hyunjin’s lips wrapped around him, sucking him eagerly, moaning around his length as he bobbed his head.
“That’s it, sweetheart… You always look the prettiest, the most handsome, with your mouth stuffed full of my cock, you know?” Pushing the tip of his length against Hyunjin’s cheek, Felix slapped the bulging skin a bit, relishing the way Hyunjin closed his eyes and moaned in bliss.
You chuckled from your place on Hyunjin’s lap, placing your hands on his chest for leverage and finally starting to bounce on his cock, making him whine and whimper as Felix kept thrusting into his mouth. “Look at you, Jinnie, dear. So pretty. Moaning for us like the prettiest bitch in heat”.
“Moaning like our perfect slut, you mean”, Felix chuckled, the sound breaking into a moan of his own as Hyunjin started to move as well, meeting Felix’s thrusts, letting his cock ease into his throat.
“That, too”, your pace was ruthless, the sound of his gagging and your skin hitting Hyunjin’s had Felix salivating, and he wasn’t sure where to focus. On his forever mate choking on his cock, or on your tits bouncing with every single one of your movements, or where Hyunjin’s length kept disappearing within your heat… 
Hyunjin’s moans were getting increasingly more desperate, Felix could feel his orgasm grow incredibly close, and as soon as he locked eyes with you while he kept thrusting into Hyunjin’s mouth, he knew he wouldn’t last.
“Come here, Lixie. Let’s give our precious little omega what he wants”, you urged, quickening your pace.
“Fuck!” Hyunjin started to swear as soon as Felix’s length fell from his mouth, his blissed out noises now spilling freely from his swollen lips without the foreign body fucking his mouth.
Felix moved closer to you, just as you got off Hyunjin’s length and pulled the condom off of him, dropping it somewhere behind you to collect later. With his hand around his cock, Felix leaned into you, kissing you sloppily as he jerked himself, as you pumped Hyunjin with a tight fist.
Hyunjin was moaning a lot, Felix was grunting a lot, you were borderline growling, and it was all so much, so intense, Felix could feel his entire body tensing, and he was ready to burst at any second now. 
The second you bit Felix’s lip, he couldn’t hold back anymore. Muttering a quick warning to no one in particular, and with a few more strokes, he finally came, spilling all over Hyunjin’s abdomen, his climax clouding his senses completely as all the tension finally left his body. He opened his eyes just enough to look at your hand around Hyunjin’s length, and if he hadn’t been lightheaded before he would’ve certainly been now at the sight.
“C’mon, Jinnie. Wanna come for us? For your precious mate and your dearest alpha?” Hyunjin frantically nodded in response to your question, gripping the bed sheets tightly in his fists, moaning and swearing and making all assortments of unintelligible noises under your ruthless grip.
With one final, drawn out moan, Hyunjin came, some of his seed dripped all over your fingers, while the rest landed on his torso, soiling him and mixing with Felix’s cum. As soon as the last drop was out of his mate, Felix dived, licking the mixture of their releases into his mouth. With his tongue thoroughly coated in their juices, he kissed Hyunjin, pushing his tongue into his mouth. 
Hyunjin whimpered, pushing his tongue against Felix’s briefly, until finally you came close, and Felix simply moved his head enough so you could join in. And truly, Felix had never felt any more fulfilled than he did in this very moment, sharing that kiss with his two favourite people in this world, in that mess of tongues and lips and fluids.
With a satisfied sigh he dropped on the bed, laying next to Hyunjin just as you left the room, picking up the used condom from the floor on your way out. When you returned with a soaked washcloth in your hand, you cleaned up the mess that had been left on Hyunjin’s abdomen, murmuring soft words of encouragement as you did so. Felix simply took the cloth from you after to wipe the remnants of his release from his length just as you laid next to Hyunjin, pulling him to your chest, and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
As soon as Felix turned on his side, pressing his chest to Hyunjin’s back, Hyunjin started to rumble, letting out a content sight at your soft caresses on his hair and at Felix’s tender kisses on his shoulder.
“You should stay”, Hyunjin mumbled against your chest after a while, making you chuckle.
“I can’t tonight, pup. I’ve got to prepare this whole thing at the den… They’ll be waiting for me”, you answered simply, and when you looked at Felix he gave you his best puppy eyes, adding a sad pout for good measure.
You gave him a smile in response, pinching one of his cheeks. “I really can’t, Lix. Don’t make this any harder for me”.
“We just… Miss you when you’re gone”, Felix pressed his body further against Hyunjin, just as you did the same, effectively sandwiching him further between you two.
“We do”, Hyunjin reaffirmed, practically suffocating between your breasts, probably exactly where he wanted to be.
You sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind Felix’s ear. “I miss you guys, too. But you know I just… Can’t leave my packmates. They’re my family. And I know you guys won’t leave Chris, so… This’ll have to do for now. We’ll figure something out eventually”.
Felix just hummed, closing his eyes for a bit to enjoy the warmth of your palm on his cheek, to enjoy the rumble of Hyunjin against his chest, to ignore the need to find that solution right now. There was no point in dwelling on it when it truly was a bit of a complicated situation, and his post-coital state certainly didn’t make it any easier to make logical decisions.
The three of you laid there for a while, just sharing some body heat, some light conversation, until you moved to the bathroom to clean up, until you eventually had to call it a night and leave.
As Felix laid in bed with Hyunjin that night, curled up in a ball at the foot of the bed just how he loved to do, he realised that, he had truly never believed in soulmates, but if such a thing existed, he was one hundred percent certain having one would feel just like it felt when he was with you and Hyunjin.
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© therhythmafterthesummer 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my stories.
Constructive feedback (or even keysmashes, really) is always welcome :)
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eemamminy-art · 2 months
not obligated to answer this but if you have anymore thoughts about alex sdv (or stardew valley at all) please share. i am obsessed with alex
Oh hell yeah anon you've activated my current hyperfixation 😁 I have a google doc where I'm dropping my headcanons and a bulleted timeline for a Alex/m!farmer longfic I've been writing in my head that's up to about 13 pages now ahaha so here's a few things!!
When he first moved to Pelican Town he was actually really quiet and reserved because he was still grieving heavily, so he never really got close to the other kids. He talks about how he played gridball with his mom so I think once he got the chance to play that in school (in another town no doubt) I think he came out of his shell then and made some friends, but all those friends lived far enough away that after graduating high school he's been pretty lonely and never could connect with the other people his own age in town.
He never goes into the saloon to my knowledge prior to the 10-heart event dinner scene, so I headcanon that it's because he doesn't drink alcohol and doesn't want the temptation to try it. I don't remember if it's said explicitly but I got the impression his dad's abuse stemmed from being drunk so I imagine Alex refuses to touch the stuff out of both principle and fear of becoming like his father one day.
I said it in another post but I headcanon him as gay and suffering comphet. He's built himself up as this cool popular guy, so he tries to emulate the sexist straight guys he's seen in movies but there's absolutely nothing behind it. He says something rude to a girl and then is like uhhh (shit what now) bye! 😅 I want to think that in getting to know the farmer he not only does away with that facade but also gets more comfortable in his sexuality!!
and on a sidenote to the above: I hc most of the town as gay or bi and I am toying with the idea of Abby being transfem! Sam/Seb is a given, and maaaybe they're in a poly relationship with Abby but I'm still undecided!! I like Maru/Penny as a concept but need to marinate on that a bit more, I see them always sitting together and it makes me happy but I need to think more on how they met and what their relationship would be like. I don't have anything solid yet in terms of other characters' gender or sexuality headcanons exactly, other than Caroline and Jodi being bi and desperately yearning to run away together 🥰
But back to Alex!! With how his storyline goes of trying to impress others with his jock persona, then trying to switch gears and be super booksmart, I headcanon that he gets close to the farmer via the farmer tutoring him so he can take a community college placement test. :3 My thought for why he's in the rut he's in is that he wanted to play college gridball but his grades in high school were so bad he has done nothing with himself since graduation and has just been stagnating and becoming more and more bitter (which only amps up his shitty attitude when the player first meets him). So trying to get educated is doubly good for him because he can work toward his sports dream (in a way) and try to impress the farmer. Though of course, the thing that brings them closer is Alex learning to be true to himself 😊
This is getting long, so last thing: he's actually a really well-rounded homemaker but does not even think about it really. George has been disabled for a long time, so all of the handy work around the house has to be handled by Alex, and he's so eager to help out his grands. :3 They put a roof over his head so of course he'll climb up onto it to fix the leaks when it rains! Evelyn is always cooking and baking and Alex is so soft for his granny he has been in the kitchen helping her for as long as he's lived with them, so he's actually got a real talent for cooking and baking too! One of the first things he learned after moving in with them was the proper way to set a table, and the best way to wash dishes efficiently. He's spent enough time at Haley's house having no chemistry with the poor girl, but found Emily's whole sewing setup really fascinating and she taught him to mend the holes in his letterman jacket when he asked so he knows how to hand sew! These are all skills that he has but doesn't recognize as skills, he just inherently has this desire to help the people in his life so he picks up this and that to make it easier!
Anyway! Thank you for letting me ramble 😄 Alex is really sweet and soft underneath the mask he wears, and he's been rotating in my head for the last few months hehe
I had bought sdv when it came out but barely touched it, and started it up again on a whim earlier this year and I'm so glad I did!! I really adore the game and it's bringing me a lot of joy currently 🥺
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