#poly bau
Bau x reader : how they first meet
Warnings: nothing really , kinda awkward (?)
Summary: you had just joined the bau , already familiar with some of the members of your new team
Note: this is meant to be written to a gn tone , but since I identify as a female and use those pronouns , I might have made some mistakes. If there is anything to this or any other of my stories please inform me
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Penelope Garcia
You had just been informed that you were accepted to became a part of one of the most elite teams in the fbi. The behavior and analysis unit.
You were told that you were to became a member in two weeks , since they needed to file some paperwork
That some night you received a message that read:
Hello, heard you gonna join the team! I'm Penelope Garcia the teams analyst
So you and Penelope had been chatting a long time before you met almost any other member of the team
Aaron Hotchner
Being in he office as long as he did , it was natural that he was familiar with most of the important agents. Same thing happened with you
He had met you maybe twice or three times already
Once when you had just joined the fbi and he was a low level agent back then that had been tasked to shaw you around and help you with any problem you may have had
He had assured you that you could call him if you needed any help ,but you never did
The next time he had met you was around two years before you were to join the team
It was in an official fbi meeting. He was one of the first agents to arrive and when you entered the room , your face shined
You went right on him , expressing your happiness to be seeing him and all the typical stuff, before lightly chit chatting
He had thought you were funny and quite amusing
Then on the meeting one of the agents spoke up saying something stupid
He turned to look at you with a ' really?' face and you almost burst out laughing
He felt comfortable around you
So when your name was on the ones on the new recruit list , he was quick to chose you
Emily Prentiss
Emily was known by a lot of names all around the world
So you an agent that had been to multiple countries , once happened to fall on her
It would have been a little awkward on your side because she was kinda your idol
She had been the agent that had hopped around in most of the federal organisations and had the best of names with the most successful cases
So meeting her was unique for you
You though that she wouldn't remember you , but boy you were wrong
She had clear memory of who you were , since you had been the first one to show such an awe at her achievements
She didn't know who you were until she heard Penelope talking to JJ about you
JJ met you the morning that you were to join the team, since she had offered to help you navigate your way throu the place and also fill you in
But this was not the first time she heard of you
Penelope had been talking about you , how funny you were and how she thought that you would be an excellent addition in the team
She showed you around , unable to not notice the way your lips curved at the place around you
A slight smile you were trying to hide behind a serious persona
She completely understood why Penelope perceived you as a good addition to their little family
You were easy going , charming and bubbly a little pep on your step
She couldn't not notice how you sent Gotcha little smile and a cute wave
In hers and your surprise , he offered you a timid smile too
Derek Morgan
The man™.
The moment you entered the room and jj told them who you were , he was on his feet , a strong hand extended as to greet you
' Derek Morgan '
He'd say in his deep voice
Everyone had at least an idea about you , through Penelope, except for him somehow
He quickly noticed your slightly fidgety hands and the way your eyes skipped in between everyone
Once he had his moment , Penelope rushed in
' I'm so sorry my sweet chocolate thunder , but you can't keep my friend away from me'
She told him and he stared in shock as Penelope hugged you and you instinctively hugged back
Spencer Reid
Spencer was the last one of the bunch to meet you
The whole time you were interacting with the team he stared at you his gaze analytical , his glasses falling downwards his nose every few minutes
Once he understood that the energetic part was over , he figured it would be a good time for him to meet you
' I'm Spencer Reid ' he'd say , extending his arm
You had looked at it started out , throwing a quick glass at an equally confused looking Penelope
' i- uhh, you don't have to shake my hand I was already told that's not your thing'
He felt seen at this comment of your shooting at his blond haired girl a grateful smile
He decided right then and there that he liked you
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cherryspence · 1 year
the whole bau was in love with spencer at one point
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jk-unless · 1 year
What’s Going On Here?
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Pairing: Poly!BAU (Season 1 Team + Emily) x Reader
Summary: You join the BAU and immediately notice something a little…strange.
A/N:Fair warning that this is an extremely self indulgent fic and the characters are a little ooc because of it.I also wrote it in a headcanon format because I didn’t know how to go about it an a regular format…I apologize for this mess in advance.
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A new face never goes unnoticed in the BAU for long,especially during a slow period where no new cases are coming in.
You just so happen to join during one of them.The team was grateful for the break,but they were all bored out of their minds and you were the most excitement that they had had all week.
You were greeted very warmly,everyone (except for Reid) offering their hand for a quick shake when Gideon and Hotch first introduced you.You had everyone’s undivided attention and,frankly,it was a little overwhelming.
Not long after you joined,cases started to pile in again.
You immediately proved yourself to be very useful during discussions and on the field,therefore quickly earning respect from your colleagues.
All in all,you were fitting into the team very well…for the most part.
It was obvious that the team had formed a very strong bond and,despite feeling a little left out at times , you understood that it’d take a minute for you to become part of that bond.
However…there was more to it than that.
It was the way they would get so emotional and their decision making would become so irrational when one of the others were compromised.
It was the way any time they would brush past each other,they’d lean into the touch just the slightest bit.
It was the mean and unwelcoming look they gave any intruder that flirted with one of them while working a case or just having a night out.
It was the way they smiled at each other.Sometimes coy sometimes suggestive,but almost always flirtatiously.
You really didn’t mean to jump to any conclusions.Maybe they were just really good friends.Maybe they all were just flirts and physically affectionate by nature.
But if being a behavioral analyst made you good at anything, it was studying people.And your studies show that there was something not entirely platonic going on between these people.
The only exception was Gideon.He didn’t look like an outsider by any means,but you were pretty sure that he wasn’t involved in whatever was going on.
As soon as you came to your conclusion,you tried to push it into the depths of your mind as to not think about it.
Because if they haven’t outright said anything to you about it after over half a year,it obviously wasn’t something they felt comfortable with sharing.
But they were making it so hard!
How were you suppose to ignore the protective,almost possessive hand that Aaron would put on the back of whoever was closest to him when the team would go out for drinks at night?
Or the way Emily would look away annoyed every time Derek would have to flirt with a potential suspect to get something out of them?(At first you thought it was because she thought it was unprofessional,but that was proven to not be the case when Derek would have to subtly comfort her afterwards.)
And were you just suppose to act like you didn’t notice Spencer’s puffy lips and flustered face when he walked out of Penelope’s office in a hurry??
Despite all of this, nothing confirmed your suspicions more than your one year anniversary celebration.
You genuinely didn’t even plan on mentioning it,was completely ready to go about the day like any other day.
Until Penelope and Elle invited you to a little sleepover.Neither of them mentioned the anniversary in the invitation,so you figured that they didn’t know about it and just wanted to hang out.
That is,until you walked into Elle’s house and was met with the entire team.
They yelled out ”Surprise!” with big,excited smiles on their faces and you couldn’t help but tear up at the sentiment.
They teased you lightheartedly,pulled you in for a group hug,and the party officially began.
You were having a great time the entire night and as the night went by…the mood began to shift.
Of course the team would be more comfortable and let loose outside of the office…but this wasn’t how you expected them to do that.
Emily and Aaron were sitting over on the couch talking in hushed voices as Emily softly played with the hair at the nape of his neck.
Derek had his arms wrapped around Penelope’s middle with his head on her shoulder as she put the finishing touches on one of the desserts.
And Elle and JJ sat on either side of Spencer,both with one leg draped over his own as they showed him Tiktoks that he didn’t understand.
You had been talking to Jason when you started to take all of this in and the older man realized you had gone quiet.He waved a hand infront of your face,the sudden movement startling you a bit.
“Y/N,sweetheart,is everything alright?”
You managed to get out an “I just need some fresh air.” before quickly making your way through the front door.
You had your suspicions from the get-go,but having it basically confirmed not verbally but physically right in front of you,it was overwhelming to say the least.
You tried your best to not look like you were freaking out.After a couple minutes outside you smoothed out your clothes,took a deep breath,and headed back inside.
The team asked if you were alright once you made it back in.You dismissed their worries,telling them you had just gotten a little hot,but it was obvious that they weren’t buying it.
The night continued on for an hour or so anyway.You,Penelope,and Elle herded the rest of the team out with goodbye hugs and kisses,throwing in a “drive safely!” for good measure.
The three of you were pooped to say the least,but you cleaned up a bit and put on a random movie anyway.
You all were asleep before the beginning credits could finish.
The next morning, you all headed back to the office.
The morning was going pretty normally,everyone catching up on paperwork in the bullpen as they waited for JJ to get ready to brief them.
JJ was eventually ready for everyone,therefore rounding everyone up into the conference room.
Once everyone was seated, JJ standing at her usual place by the Promethean board,Aaron was the last to join.As he did so,he closed the door and locked it.You found it odd,but otherwise didn’t question it.
What you did question was everyone’s nervous behavior.Spencer was fidgeting more than usual and everyone kept glancing at each other,like they were expecting the other to say something first.
The suspense was killing you.
“Alright guys,what’s going on?You’re making me nervous.” An anxious little giggle slipping out further proving your point.You also took a second to look around and realized Jason wasn’t at the table. “And where’s Jason?”
“Jason is still in his office,he’ll join us when we’re done.” Aaron,always being the man in charge,speaks up.
“With…the briefing?” You asked,genuinely confused about the entire situation.
“With talking to you.” Penelope spoke up next, nervously fidgeting with one of her silly pens.
“To me?What about?” Oh,you had a feeling what is was about.You just needed to hear them say it.
“Y/N,in the past year you have not only proven yourself to be a very valuable part of the team but has also wiggled your way into our little family.We care about you very much and we trust you…which is why we’re comfortable with sharing with you what we’re about to…” Aaron started the explanation,but looked to Derek to say the most crucial part.
“To put it plainly,everyone in this room is in a relationship with each other.Not as an everyone is paired off in couples or we’re a group of swingers-no we’re all in big relationship.”
You couldn’t even began to think of a word that would properly describe how you were feeling in that very moment.
Flabbergasted and discombobulated were both pretty close though.
“…What?!” Was your initial reaction.It must have come off worse than you meant it to because everyone retreated into themselves a bit.
“I’m sorry,I didn’t mean for it to come out that way.I’m just…shocked?Like,I had my suspicions,but being right about them?Woah.”
Your astonishment at the end of your explanation made everyone chuckle,finally relieving the tension in the room.
“Do you…have any questions for us?” Spencer asks,feeling a little more confident now that he knows your opinion on the matter.
“A few.But I think my main one is…how?”
“With lots of confusion,sexual tension,fooling around,and finally confessions.” Elle stated bluntly.
“Elle!” Emily scolded her significant other lightly.
“Well am I wrong?!” This got another laugh from everyone,you included.
“As fun as all of this has been,I do have a case to brief.I’m gonna go ahead and call in Gideon.”
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grayson22 · 10 months
Rossi being confused when the rest of the team starts cuddling during a family dinner. When he asks Penelope gets super excited to talk about her partners and how they have been together as a polycule for a little while and she loves their dynamic. Everybody smiles as she babbles even Hotch. Rossi just shakes his head confused and Spencer starts to share statics and facts about polyamorous relationships and how they are just as healthy as monogamy.
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jokingmisfit · 1 year
So I've been receiving comments on Tumblr and Ao3 as well as messages asking to make a part 2 of Not a Child And Not my Job but I've been thinking of making it a series, so...
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Ok im trying to find a fanfic! It's a criminal minds fanfic. In it the reader and Hotch are dating and the reader(fem) is a submissive and hes the dom. He invites the rest of the team to have a play session with them. I remember it being a multi parter. Everyone in it had different labels. Like Morgan was daddy, reid was either master or doctor, Emily was mistress, JJ was mommy. I can't find it for the life of me please help!!!!
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sundrop-writes · 3 months
She Keeps Me Up
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Dom!Jennifer Jareau x Sub!Fem!Reader
I'd fall to pieces if I went anywhere without her
JJ is protective of you. When you offer yourself up as 'bait' to lure in an UnSub who is killing women of your type, she protests endlessly about it - but ultimately she can't stop you.
She can, however, possessively lay her claim on you when you get back from the ordeal with nothing more than a tiny scratch.
Dom!Jennifer Jareau x Sub!Fem!Reader. Established Dom/Sub Relationship. Smut/PWP.
Word Count: 3,100
Criminal Minds Masterlist | AO3 Link
Detailed warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: This is pretty much pure smut (with very little plot); this is older/milf JJ and younger reader - the specific age difference is not stated, but the reader is mentioned to be the youngest person on the team; JJ is dominant and the reader is submissive; the reader uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina; in the very minimal plot, the reader volunteers herself as 'bait' to lure an UnSub (that UnSub is hunting women with similar looks to the reader, but the reader's looks are not described in any way); (passing mention of rape - the UnSub rapes his victims); the reader ends up with a very small cut on her neck from the UnSub but doesn't get any other injuries from the incident; JJ is very protective of the reader; JJ is very possessive of the reader; lots of praise kink - JJ calls the reader 'good girl'; JJ calls the reader 'baby', and 'babygirl'; thigh riding (the reader rides JJ's thigh); JJ is fully clothed and the reader is naked; Mommy kink - the reader refers to JJ as Mommy; very slight manhandling (nothing beyond JJ's realistic strength/nothing to suggest the reader can't be plus sized); oral sex - reader receiving; edging (once - because JJ likes to play with her food); slight spit kink; undertones of humiliation kink; fingering - reader receiving; a lot of begging; implications toward overstimulation; and I think that's it?
A/N: I feel like I have to give credit to this amazing edit - this inspired the general vibe of this fic and inspired the song choice for the title. Dom Milf JJ got stuck in my head and I needed to write about her, and when someone requested thigh riding with Dom JJ, it all came together perfectly in my brain. This could be viewed as a version of JJ who never married Will, or this could be viewed as a situation where Will and JJ are poly and Will is totally okay with JJ and the reader's relationship (which is what's happening in my head, even though I didn't mention Will in the fic). Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!!
“You did so good. Hey, shh. It’s okay. You did so good. You’re okay.” 
It was still echoing in your mind - JJ’s firm, soothing voice speaking the words, along with the way she held you tight as you collapsed into her arms after the long, hectic night. 
You had been the perfect bait to a killer that the BAU had been struggling to catch - a young, pretty face, exactly like all the other girls he had killed thus far. You were the youngest member of the team, a fresh face that perfectly matched the man’s type in a string of young girls that he had murdered and dismembered after brutally raping them. 
Even though you had volunteered to help lure the killer out, JJ had been stiff-jawed and glaring at the mere suggestion of you in the presence of such a sick man. You saw it as a way to help, but all she saw was horrible flashes in her mind, images of you merging with the crime scene photos on the board, turning into one of the dead girls who had been killed so brutally. It kept flashing through her mind on a loop, taunting her. She was deeply against it, and spent the better part of the day trying to talk Emily out of it, trying to convince the team that there was some other way. 
But you wouldn’t risk the lives of any more women. You trusted the team to have your back. 
And even when the horrible man had held the knife to your throat, just barely cutting into your skin with it while the team rushed to capture him, you still didn’t regret it. So many more people would be safe because of what you had done. JJ had been there for you - holding onto you tight, and assuring you that you had done well while your chest racked with sobs and you struggled for breath. 
There was a lot of paperwork to be done and technically they wanted you to visit the hospital to be fully medically cleared, but all you wanted was JJ. You needed some time alone in a quiet room instead of all the flashing lights, people bustling around, asking you questions, crowding into your personal space. She stayed tight by your side, her hand never leaving yours. 
She barked at them in her authoritative voice when you gave her a sad-eyed look that told her you didn’t want to go to the hospital. The small cut on the side of your neck that had been inflicted by the man’s large knife was bandaged up with you sitting on the back of the ambulance and then JJ whisked you away from it all. 
With you still shaking lightly, your muscles quivering with anxiety and your chest threatening more sobs - she knew that you wouldn’t be able to sleep. Not with your mind replaying it all, over and over again. 
She knew exactly what you needed. (She always did.) 
It wasn’t long before she had you alone in her hotel room, stripped completely naked while she was still fully clothed. She guided you to sit on her lap as she sat on the edge of the bed, the roughness of her clothes so perfect against your sensitive skin. 
The lights were dim - only the lamp of the side table turned on, creating the perfect quiet atmosphere, making it feel like the two of you were the only people in the world. She had a firm, commanding grip on your hips with both hands, guiding you to sit with your thighs bracketed around her leg. You were soon sitting with the firmness of her athletic, muscled thigh stiff between your legs; nestled up against your hot, needy pussy as she firmly pulled you to sit on the fabric of her gray slacks. 
You let out a loud whimper as she pulled you to fully sit and forced her thigh fully between your legs. She forced the muscled firmness right up against the naked, swollen lips of your cunt. You weren’t completely wet (yet), but you found yourself clenching down hard at the pure rawness of the fabric rubbing against you, the feeling of her nails digging into the flesh of your hips. 
Upon instinct, your hands moved to sit on her shoulders, tangling into the mess of blonde curls there. You whimpered even harder at the feeling of her lips skimming along your cheek as she gently hushed you. 
“Shh, shh.” She said, entirely confident and firm. “Good girl. You’re so good for me.” 
Her nose brushed down toward your neck and her thigh flexed - you unconsciously bucked forward, scraping your pussy against her leg, creating a raw, perfect burning friction. A needy heat easily grew within you at a very fast rate, easily pushing out any fear or anxiety that you had about being attacked by that man, about coming so close to having your jugular sliced. All of it melted away from you with her grounding touch on you, with her breath fanning across your skin, with her familiar scent in your lungs. 
“We’re gonna take it slow, okay baby?” JJ said, her soothing voice petting across you - like being wrapped in velvet. 
That word was usually your enemy. 
But you knew that JJ set the pace, no matter what. She was the one in charge. If she ripped your pants down and demanded that you cum within a minute - then you were just a puppet for her pleasure. If she laid you out on the bed naked and played with you, teased you for hours and only let you cum for the first time when the sun was starting to rise - then all you could do was lay there, a sweaty mess, and let her have her way with you. 
She was the commander, and you were nothing but her humble follower. 
You felt hollow without her - always waiting for her command, waiting for her touch. And you could do nothing but accept what she had to give you. 
“Yes, Mommy.” You squeaked out, sliding your palms from her shoulders, deeper into the softness of her hair, seeking more of that touch - more comfort. 
“Good girl.” 
It was that firm praise coming from the velvet of her voice that had wetness truly leaking from you now. You didn’t think that she could feel it through the fabric of her pants, not yet. But she knew you well enough, and she could see the tense of your thighs, the way your stomach quivered. She knew how to play you like a fiddle. And she was good. 
So it was then that JJ dug her fingers into your hips once again, and began rocking you across her thigh - forcing you to move. She wanted you to begin riding her thigh in order to get off. 
“Come on, baby.” She encouraged you, lifting her face from your neck to look you in the eyes - sharp, icy blue piercing through the dim lighting of the room at you, instantly making your gut twist. “Move your hips. Be a good girl for me. Come on.” 
You couldn’t help but to follow the instructions, encouraged by her words. You moved your hips along as she guided you - already feeling pleasant warmth and tingling creeping up your spine, pooling in your stomach and between your thighs. With your swollen pussy rubbing against the fabric of her pants, it was creating a hot friction that was already driving you crazy. Your legs unconsciously widened, your body grinding downward, trying to get more attention on your throbbing clit. 
“Patience, needy girl.” JJ growled, digging her thumbs firmly into your hips, making you moan out in pain at the sharp touch. 
She guided you along in wide, languid strokes. She was forcing your hips to stroke back toward her knee, forcing your back to arch harshly before she brought you back to sit more upright, bringing your body closer to hers once again. It was a motion that put tingling heat through you - but it was a slow burn, rather than the fast, mindless pounding that your body was begging for. She was keeping you on a low simmer, forcing your body to warm up so slowly. 
It was just like she wanted - slow. 
You whined out with impatience, your hand grasping at her shirt while you bit your lip harshly. You were deeply resisting the urge to fight against her grasp in order to fuck yourself against her. 
“Please.” You begged quietly. “Please, Mommy. I need it.” 
“I know what you need, babygirl.” JJ told you, leaning in to kiss your forehead. 
You let out another pathetic whine, but conceded to her whims. 
You closed your eyes to simply feel it, wondering how you would be able to cum like this. (Thinking that you wouldn’t.) 
JJ continued to guide you across her thigh with determination and force. 
You were getting wetter with each stroke, your body boiling in that slow burn, your thighs shaking every single time you were guided back enough for the stiffness of her muscles to graze your swollen clit. You continued on, your hips pushing deeper - knowing she wouldn’t let you break pace, pushing yourself down harder. You were simply enjoying the presence of her hands on you and the pure burn of her thigh between your legs as you bucked across her in those long, deep strokes. 
“Please.” You started begging again. “Please, Mommy, please-” 
“Such a needy girl.” JJ sighed - the tone of her voice almost bored - so light and airy, with none of her own lust showing through at all. 
Though if you could have pried your eyes open for a second, you would have seen her icy irises almost completely chased out by her lust-blown pupils. You would have seen her looking at you with nothing but pure hunger - absolutely loving the show you were putting on for her as you became more desperate, as you stained her pants wetter and wetter as you went on.
“Mommy’s precious girl.” She hummed to herself.  
You would have instantly seen through her calm facade. But you were far too distracted for that. 
You were too caught up in your own head, too busy keeping up the long strokes of your hips for some friction on your cunt. You didn’t catch the wistful tone of her voice; you were too distracted to truly feel the way her thumb just barely brushed against the bandage sitting on your neck. You missed the way her eyes lingered on it - half glaring at the bandage, half glossy with unshed tears. 
She was still burning with deep anger at the thought that anyone would be allowed to bring even the smallest amount of harm to something that belonged to her and still live. But she was also thankful to the high heavens that you had come out of the incident safe. So thankful that you were back in her arms. 
“Mommy-” You croaked out again, your voice cracking with pure need, pulling JJ from her thoughts. 
She shouldn’t be thinking of the filthy man who had almost hurt you. She should be thinking of ways she could bring you pleasure now - ways she could be thankful that you were still here, unharmed. 
“Where do you need it, huh? Right here?” JJ replied, moving one of her hands to slot between your legs, just barely brushing her fingers against your clit. 
This made your hips stutter, pushing toward her touch even more. 
“Yes!” You breathed out desperately. “Yes, there! Please!” 
JJ let out a gentle laugh, and this made you downright dizzy. 
Before you could even comprehend it, you had been flipped onto your back - JJ taking advantage of the fact that your body was limp, lust-weakened and distracted. You were breathless as you looked up at her, now towering over you, so damn powerful with her hair billowing around her in a beautiful golden curtain. Her hands slid up your sides firmly while she leaned into you, pressing her knee into the naked rawness of your cunt - something that made you moan and clench your thighs tighter around her leg. 
“Gonna give you just what you need, pretty girl.” 
JJ rocked her knee against you a few times, enough to make you moan out brokenly. Before you could get any real friction from it, she moved away completely, leaving you breathless and even more needy. 
And then, leaving your stomach flipping with anticipation - she descended downward, using a hair tie that she had around her wrist to put her hair into a messy bun before she positioned herself between your thighs. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what she had in mind. 
She took a hold of you by the backs of your knees and shoved your legs up toward your chest, bending you to her will. This made you vulnerable and open to anything she wanted from you as she dove in eagerly. The moment that her tongue made contact with your clit, you knew that you were done for. 
(Like you always were exactly when she wanted you to be.) 
“Mommy!” You cried out desperately. 
Your back arched hard as you fisted the comforter of the still-made bed underneath you, quivering under her touch but unable to move as she kept you concretely in place. Her lips suctioning tightly around your clit and sucking for dear life, determined to make you cum as hard as possible now that she had teased you to this point. 
“Fuck, Mommy! Oh, oh god!” 
Your hip muscles quivered and you gasped hard, struggling to get air into your lungs as she furiously worked her tongue over you. The movements of her talented tongue causing sharp, hard shocks of pleasure to emanate out from that precious little point. It was all so perfect - the filthy slide of her spit mixing with your wetness, dripping down between your pussy lips, even gathering and dripping down along your asshole and lingering in a small puddle on the bed. 
You were a mess - just as JJ wanted. 
She dug her nails into the flesh on the backs of your thighs, making the muscles in your legs burn from holding the position. But you had nowhere to go, you could do nothing but sit there and take it as she sucked on your clit and tongued against you with vigor - giving you exactly what you had been begging for, making you mindless and dizzy as the pleasure became near painful in the most beautiful way. 
“Mommy!” You gasped. “Mommy, fuck! Gonna-” 
She cut off your words just as you were on the edge, pulling back with a wicked grin and just barely cutting off your orgasm. It made your whole body tense up in shock and caused your lungs to let out a shocked, disappointed whine. You bit your lip to keep from swearing or letting out any complaints - which you knew would only lead to a prolonged time before cumming with JJ in charge. 
Instead, you stared at her with your best sad eyes, hoping she would take pity on you. She gathered a large glob of spit on her tongue and heaved it onto your clit, and the touch of this alone had your legs quivering harshly and caused you to let out another sharp moan. 
“Please!” You began begging again, knowing that your voice was completely choked by desperation. “Please, please, please, please-” You didn’t breathe between the words, chanting with pure need until JJ shut you up. 
“Shh, shh.” She hushed you, running her cheek along your inner thigh. “You need it that bad, huh?” She mocked you gently, and you echoed back a moan. 
“Yes.” You confirmed, your voice warbling. 
“Hey, look at me.” She hummed quietly. 
Your head snapped toward her automatically, and then you were staring down those powerful eyes once again - greeted by her chin glistening with your juices, her messy hair half fallen out of the haste bun. Of course, she looked more gorgeous than ever. 
JJ crept back up your body, letting go of one of your thighs and letting it relax, but keeping the other leg pinned up. She put her body weight against it now, putting your knee over her shoulder while she snuck her hand between your thighs as she leaned in to kiss you firmly. The taste of yourself on her lips was beautifully tangy, and you couldn’t help but to suck that taste off her tongue as she forced it between your lips. 
She pulled away after a moment, pulling a moan from between your lips. 
“Tell me that you’re never gonna do that again.” JJ whispered against your lips. 
In your lust-wrecked state, you were confused. 
“Huh?” You mumbled back. 
“Tell me that you’re never going to volunteer as bait ever again.” JJ said, grinding out the word harshly. “You belong to me. And you need to be safe. So what I say - goes.” 
Your pussy clenched at her words. You hadn’t realized how much you had truly worried her - how much you had upset her. 
“I won’t do it again.” You murmured back, your voice partially lost in your throat. “I promise, Mommy. I won’t. I’m yours.” 
JJ showed her satisfaction with your declaration by shoving two fingers into your well-slicked, wanting pussy. With no warning, she began pounding the digits in and out at a furious pace, sending your body into overdrive. 
Still pinning your leg into place with her body, she moved her other hand down so that she could rub your clit in fast, hard strokes to make it all more intense. 
In seconds, your pussy was once again throbbing, lit up and burning from the sensations while she fucked you hard and quick - driving you towards an orgasm at an intense, rapid pace. 
You let out harsh pants against her mouth and her lips formed into a sharp smile, clearly pleased with herself for turning you into such a mess so quickly. She crooked her elbow so that she could fuck her fingers into you at a sharper angle - and it was only moments before you felt your stomach clenching up again, that telltale heat drawing across your thighs as your clit downright burned underneath her fingers. 
“Please. Please, Mommy!” You begged, your throat scraping against the word now. “I need, I need - oh!” 
She was actually feeling merciful this time, and continued to fuck you through it, finally bringing you to the orgasm that your body had been begging for all night. 
But of course, she didn’t let up. She wasn’t going to stop there. 
She leaned in and kissed you on the forehead, and you knew that you had a very long night ahead of you.
A/N: Please keep in mind, this is a standalone oneshot, and I will not be writing a follow up or a 'part 2'. If you are going to comment, please comment about the body of work that has been written. Also, please consider reblogging, because supporting fanfiction writers is important to keep fandoms going! If you liked this and you want to see more, definitely check out my Criminal Minds Masterlist for more of my work.
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jiarkives · 1 month
julia’s favorites ! (iv)
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♡ - fluff ; ♤ - angst ; ♕ - nsfw ; ☆ - series
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jujutsu kaisen
☆ snapshot - gojo satoru
↳ @stsgluver-archive
♡♤ sincerity - geto suguru, gojo satoru (poly!)
↳ @justauthoring
♕ the best teacher - nanami kento
↳ @nanaslutt
♤♡ heaven’s fury - gojo satoru
↳ @chuluoyi
♕ drabble - gojo satoru
↳ @makismei
criminal minds
♕ spencer’s favourite meal - spencer reid
↳ @slightlypossessed
♡ aaron finds you putting jack to bed - aaron hotchner
♡ the bau team meets spencer’s secret girlfriend - spencer reid
↳ @claypgeons
♡ drabble - spencer reid
↳ @inkdrinkerworld
♡ mrs doctor reid - spencer reid
♡♤ “i don���t know anything about dinosaurs” - spencer reid
↳ @vivwritesfics
♡♤ safe - spencer reid
↳ @rynbutt
♡♤ cross my heart - spencer reid
↳ @januaryembrs
♡♤ bulletproof bonds - aaron hotchner
♤♡ through the years - aaron hotchner
♤♡ calming storms - aaron hotchner
↳ @thewulf
♡ the parentals - aaron hotchner ft. bau team
↳ @ssahotchnerr
♡ drabble - spencer reid
♡ drabble - aaron hotchner
↳ @luveline
♤ i need to be excused - aaron hotchner
↳ @ynscrazylife
♡ your relationship with hotch and the influence on his son, jack - aaron hotchner
↳ @ginkgo-phyta
♤ alive and breathing - spencer reid
↳ @zvdvdlvr
♤♡ the script - peter parker
↳ @waitimcomingtoo
♡♤ medusa - avengers
↳ @arlana-likes-to-write
♡♤ our baby has four feet? - regulus black, remus lupin (poly!)
♡ animagus!reader - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♡ introducing their first child to the marauders - sirius black
♡ sirius’ arch nemesis - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♡ what’s one more? - sirius black ft. marauders
♡♤ the winner takes it all (i) - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♡♤ the loser has to fall (ii) - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
↳ @ellecdc
♡ uncle padfoot’s motorcycle - remus lupin ft. sirius black
↳ @empress-simps
♡ begin again - james potter
↳ @pretty-little-mind33
♤ the one with the blouse (i) - remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♤♡ the one with the blouse (ii) - remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
↳ @super-clearlysaltybouquet
genshin impact
♤♡ scenarios - neuvillette, wriothesley, zhongli ft. pregnant!reader
♤♡ when you sleep on the couch after an argument - alhaitham
♡ lady ragnvindr and klee’s day out - diluc ragnvindr
↳ @lunargrapejuice
♡ mischievous streak - neuvillette ft. wriothesley
↳ @chastiefoul
call of duty
♤ the price of protection - john price
♤♡ lassie - john ‘soap’ mactavish
↳ @thewulf
top gun: maverick
♡♤ lost and found - jake ‘hangman’ seresin
♡ bumblebee - bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw
↳ @thewulf
♤ black and blue - lip gallagher
↳ @jesswriteswrongs
♡ forever yours - paul lahote
↳ @thewulf
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♕ divider — @bunnysrph
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kiankiwi · 6 months
So its a random start but I love taking naps so i was thinkin that it would be cute if u could do poly cg Bau Team x little reader where she is young like 2 in her headspace and always sleepy and she is like "nwap?" and they are like "sweetie you slept 1 hour ago" 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Spencer carried you, a very sleepy little one on his hip to the kitchen where your other daddies Hotch, Morgan and the rest of your BAU (your aunts and uncles) were preparing lunch and hanging out. "Hey, guys, look who it is!" Morgan said as he bumped a drawer closed in the fridge.
"What's going on sleepyhead!" Rossi said, coming over with his hands extended, silently asking to hold you. You stayed silent as Spencer passed you over. "She might be pretty quiet, little one is still pretty sleepy. But if I didn't wake you up now, you probably wouldn't sleep through the night." Spencer said, running his fingertip over your soft cheek that was still quite red from your sleepiness. You were the opposite of a regular toddlersace little.
A regular little in toddlerspace was usually full of energy and HATED sleep and would fight it. But you LOVED sleep. Every day during naptime, you slept so long that Spencer had to come get you. And you usually tried to sneak a second nap in if your daddies didn't bring you out to some activity. You just whined and hid your face in Rossi's shoulder. "It's okay mi carino, shall we go find a nice record to put on?" Rossi asked, bringing you into the living room.
"That poor thing is always so sleepy." Derek commented as he grabbed more lunch ingredients from the fridge. "Do you think she's sick?" He asked, grabbing drinks as well.
"Honestly? No, I just think she loves to nap. She didn't feel warm to me when I brought her down." Spencer said, handing out drinks.
An hour later, as the team were finishing up lunch and starting to bring dishes to the kitchen, you got down from your seat and waddled up to Derek as he was putting dishes away in the dishwasher. You pulled at the him of Derek's shirt, trying to get his attention. "What's up baby girl?" Penelope looked in the direction of you two, thinking the nickname was only referring to her.
You reached up to Morgan, requesting silently to be picked up. "Nap, peas?"
Derek picked you up swiftly and popped you onto his hip. "You wanna go to sleep baby? Again?" Adorably you nodded while rubbing a tiny fist into your eye. "How could I say no to that precious face. How about this, you wanna stay down here and cuddle with one of us?" You nodded and pointed to daddy Hotch as he spoke to Rossi about your last aquarium trip and how much you loved it.
Hotch was confused for a second as Derek grabbed your blankie and placed it on his shoulder but then the dots connected, "Oh, am I being napped on?"
"She specifically asked for your snuggles, Aar." Derek nodded as he passed you over from hip to hip. Hotch cooed and swayed you a ilttle bit, rubbing your back as you snuggled into his now cozy shoulder. Within minutes you were asleep again surrounded by everyone you loved.
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albinowolf16504 · 2 months
Our Boy ~ Reid, Morgan, Aaron, X trans!male!Reader
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Summery: you got top surgery done while your lover boys were on a mission. when they return to find you at home recovering. they end up pampering you for a bit before falling asleep together.
Warning: poly relations, top surgery recovery, homosexuality.
you're in your bathroom at 3am crying the thoughts you tried so hard to get rid of returning with force. your found yourself on the bathroom floor in only your sweatpants, your torso bare your old and new scars on your arms on display, only adding fuel to your worsening thoughts.
you should have killed yourself when you had the chance
your only a burden to everyone
you boyfriends don't love you they pity you
the thought becomes louder and more frequent you try to drown it out with loud music, but no luck. you try to think of a way to help but only come to one conclusion. cutting. crawling toward your sink, you open a drawer and pull out an old small 'necklace' case. opening it you see the multitude of blades. grabbing one you take your place back against the wall next to the speaker.
'your a pussy you wouldn't cut'
'your too weak to cut'
'your a pathetic excuse for a man'
slowly you drag the blade across your forearm drawing a line of red with your silver blade over the old white lines and the other scabbed red lines. you get 6 cuts in blood running down your arm to your fingers then dripping down onto the floor. leaning your head against the wall behind you, you let out a sigh of your thought seeping away with the blood. After sitting for ten minutes in the silence on your head you stand putting the blade back into the case then back into the drawer. pulling out some gauze and bandage wrap you wash your forearm wincing slightly as the sting of the water hits the fresh wounds. Once the bloods gone you place the gauze and wrap your arms. Sleepiness quickly seeps its way into your body and you turn off your music, clean up the blood on the floor then lay in your bed covering yourself in the blankets trying to get some sleep before work tomorrow.
— – – – – – – – – – – – – – 
As you wake up you can feel the throbs starting to come from your angry forearms. You sit up, turn off your alarm cursing as the movement cracks open some of the new scabs. You swing your feet over the edge of the huge bed so they can rest on the cold floor. After rubbing your eyes and stretching you grab clothes and head to the bathroom. Your thoughts were still silent from your breakdown a couple hours earlier so you were fine in the shower only winching as you washed over your new cuts. After you shower you wrap your arms in new clean gauze and bandages then throw on your black hoodie and cargo jeans. You made sure to grab one of Aaron's hoodies as it was 2 sizes too big so you knew it would hide the bandages well. Leaving the bead room you walked to your door and put on your military boots, grabbed your keys, and helmet then left the gloomy apartment. 
– – – — – – – – – – –
You pulled up to the BAU office turning off you loud bike and getting off. You quickly made your way into the office and took the elevator up. Once the ding for your floor was sounded you stepped out into the floor automatically being spotted by your other boyfriend Reid who was waiting for you with a cup of coffee.
“You make him wait for you! Your so lazy”
You shoved the thought to the back of your mind accepting the cup from your boyfriend's hand. You started walking toward your desk Reid going on about some random subject. You didn't hear much of it, making a b-line to your desk only to stop and give Derek a quick kiss on the head as you pass by. As you sat at your desk Reid made a spot for him on the counter behind you. 
“y/n.” Reid said from behind you, breaking the sleepy fog that was surrounding you head.
“Yeah . sorry still a little tired” you replied with a fake smile plastered on your face. Reid didn't look convinced.
“I asked if you're ok.” Reid repeated. You just nodded and replied with the ‘im fine’. You didn't hear a reply from Reid but you guessed that he may have just nodded his head, but you couldn't tell you were already starting on the pile of paperwork on your desk.
‘Look at you making them worry. You're such a burden.’ 
Reid left you to your work and you continued to keep your thoughts at bay. Aaron had come out of his office after about an hour of you arriving. Walking up to you he kissed you on the head and then walked over to Reid and morgan. After about 10 minutes Aaron clapped his hands together getting the team's attention.
“Let's take the rest of the day off guys.” There were happy cheers from everyone on the team. You close the report you were currently working on and grab your helmet from under your desk. Everyone was huddled together talking about a night out. You started to walk past them when Morgan caught your arm in his hand gently. You winced slightly but quickly covered it up hoping he didn't tell. 
“We’re all going to the bar you should join.” he said, letting go of my arm.
“No i'm alright ill just spoil the fun. You guys have fun though.” you smiled and headed to the elevator. Once the door closed your thoughts flooded in.
‘So pathetic they had to invite you because they feel bad’
‘You couldn't even finish your work.’
‘Lazy bitch’
You reach the parking lot, put your helmet on and get on your bike and speed home.
Once your home and your thoughts start up again and you again turn on music trying to drown out the thoughts but again fails and ends up sitting on your bathroom floor shirt off cutting again. After a bunch of new cuts you look down and you know you went too far because you slowly start to drift into blackness. The last thing you hear before you blackout is his boyfriend's Reid, Morgen, and Aaron barge into the bathroom. 
After a while you wake up on your couch, your arms wrapped tightly in bandages and sleeping on Morgan's body. Morgan's arm wrapped around you protectively. Aaron and Reid are on the floor next to each other talking about you, saddened by the fact they couldn't tell you  are  in pain and that you felt you couldn't talk to them. They couldn't tell you were awake yet so you just tried to cuddle closer to morgen.
“Afternoon Moonlight.” Morgan said, rubbing a hand up and down my back. You let out a groan, getting a half hearted chuckle from the men in the room. A Crushing feeling of shame and guilt hits you and you start to cry slightly, your face hidden in Morgan's chest. 
‘YOU BURDEN!’ your thoughts yell out. You cry slightly harder than Morgan hugging you closer sitting up with you on his lap. Aaron and Reid come in to hug you as well. Whispering sweet things in your ear. Somehow their sweet whispers slice up the thoughts and get rid of them.your crying stops but they don't move for a while. Then Morgan hands you to Aaron as if you weighed nothithing. Morgan got up and left somewhere but Aaron and Reid stayed next to you. Once your tears stopped you sat up. You couldn't make eye contact with any of them so  you just started to play with Aarons tie. Morgan returned with 4 mugs of hot chocolate, placing them on the coffee table in front. Morgan sat down and opened his arm beckoning you to him. You got up from Aarons lap and walked over sitting in Morgan's lap. Talking one of the mugs you took a sip, Aaron and Reid took places by the table and after some silence Reid was the first to speak.
“Baby why didn't you say something?” he looked down at his hands Aaron quickly grabbing one and holding on to it. You continued to look down.
“I don't want to be more of a burden you you guys.” you mumbled.
“You are not a burden to moonlight.” Morgan said, planting a kiss on the top of your head then wrapped his arms around your stomach hugging you close to him.
“He's the right little wolf. You're not a burden. You're a strong man who can take a lot but asking for help or even just having someone to listen to doesn't make you a burden.” Aaron said Morgan's fingers found their way under your chin and he gently lifted your head to face him directly.
“Moonlight. What's going on?” Morgan asked. After some more silence you spoke.
“Sometimes…... .sometimes it just get loud. My thoughts get loud. I used to be able to drown them out with music but they've become louder. I couldn't find a way to stop them until….until i used my cutting. Again.” They were all silent.
“There is a 34% higher rating in autistic males self harming compared to non autistic males.” Reid said.
“Well how about we try to help you.” Aaron said “what if we make a list of things you can do instead of harming yourself? How does that sound, little wolf?” Aaron reached out, taking your hand. You nodded and for the next 20 minutes you and your boyfriends made a list of things to do for when you feel the need to harm yourself. The first one was calling them then there was stuff like, rolling up in a blanket,reading, sleeping, rubber band, writing the thought etc. after that was done you were passed over to Reid so that Aaron and morgan can make dinner for the 4 of you. The rest of the night was filled with cuddles, games, kisses, and more fun.
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People I will write about
(don't be afraid to request whoever thou , since I will most likely forget most of the people I simp for)
I can write platonic , x child/sister/brother reader, gender neutral, romantic , with more than one person(poly) , yandere, smut , and most things.
I will not write incest pedophilia and rape
The turning
Miles Fairchild
The hp/ marrauders
James potter(young)
Remus lupin(young)
Sirius Black(young)
Lily (young)
Tom riddle
Mattheo riddle
Blaze zabini
The avengers
Literally all of them , I adore them
Criminal minds
Again I could do all of them
Stranger things
All of them , I will only write Robin with a female or gn reader though
Also if you want smut you the young ones it needs to be aged up
All of them , but to request smut it HAS to be aged up
Billy Loomis
Stu Mancher
Others too
The rookie
Heirs of the night
More can be added and again , don't hesitate to request for people that aren't on the list
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mx-loar-tev · 12 days
The biggest missed opportunity in the criminal minds fandom is "everyone is poly".
There's a ao3 tag "everyone is poly because avengers" in the mcu fandom, why isn't there a tag like that, "everyone is poly because bau" in the cm fandom ?
My main ship in cm is jemily, but honestly I think so many other pairings have so much potential and why choose?
I've been wanting to do a rewrite of the show where Will realise early on that JJ is in love with Emily and Spencer and decide to make an arrangement between them so that his wife wouldn't have to chose and could be happy with her three loves.
What about Hotch feeling down after Hailey and finding love with most of his team members? (Not Emily. I like their chemistry but she's clearly a lesbian, sorry. That means no romantic hotchniss for me)
Let men be bi. Will and JJ are not a straight couple, they're both bi. Will, JJ and Hotch would make a cute triad. Let Jack, Henry and Michael be brothers and have two dads and a mom.
Spencer needs all the love he could get. Let the team love him as more than a friend.
Normalise the team be poly.
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jk-unless · 1 year
Imagine the team telling each other “I love you” any time they have to split up while working a case or even just leaving the office to go home at night.It starts happening shortly after Hayley dies.They come to the realization that life is too short and they care about each other too much for them to not express it more often.
Penelope starts it off,no surprise there.She says it to Emily before hanging up and does it so casually that Emily says it back without even thinking about it.No one found it odd either.They just continue with their discussion about the unsub.
They all started to do it after a while,even Hotch and Rossi.Well,it was almost always just a “you too” from Rossi,but you can tell he meant it and it was still something.
It usually catches the detectives that they’re working with completely off guard,especially when Hotch says because of his otherwise very rugged demeanor.
Idk where I’m going with this,I just felt like sharing :)
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soleilnewspaper · 9 days
Who will I write for?
A list of what fandoms/characters I will write for
Divider creators: @saradika-graphics, @strangergraphics, @bwbatta, @firefly-graphics
Request: OPEN!!
Request rules here
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King George Duke Simon Basset Anthony Bridgerton Benedict Bridgerton Francesca Bridgerton Eloise Bridgerton
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Any characters from the Netflix series
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Dr. Spencer Reid Special Agent Emily Prentiss Special Agent Aaron Hotchner
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All BAU members
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Nightwing - Richard “Dick” Grayson
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Finnick Odair Peeta Mallark Johanna Mason Katniss Evergreen Young Coryo Lucy Grey Baird
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Any characters mentioned in the series
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Remus Lupin Sirius Black James Potter Lily Evans
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Poly wolfstar Poly moonwater Poly jilly Poly marauders
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Pandora Evan Rosier Barty Crouch Jr Marlene McKinnon Mary McDonald Dorcas Meadows
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Spiderman - Peter Parker The winter soldier - James “Bucky” Barnes Scarlet Witch – Wanda Maximoff Quicksliver – Pietro Maximoff Hawkeye – Katherine “Kate” Bishop
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Black Widow – Natasha Romanoff Iron Man – Anthony “Tony” Stark Hawkeye – Clint Barton Thor Odionson Doctor Strange – Dr Stephan Strange
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Lt Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw Lt Jake “Hangman” Seresin Lt Robert “Bob” Floyd Lt Natasha “Phoenix” Trace Lt Javy “Coyote” Machado Lt/Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchell Admiral/Lt Tom “Iceman” Kazansky Lt Nick “Goose” Bradshaw
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Lt Reuben “Payback” Fitch Lt Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia Carole Bradshaw
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jokingmisfit · 1 year
Tv Shows
Platonic-🩵  Yandere-🧡 Smut-❤   Fluff-🩷  Angst-🖤
Reiji Sakamaki
Nightmare Not Reality 🩷
Rick Sanchez
Yandere ABC's 🧡
What Is Wrong With You 🧡
Platonic Sherlock HC's 🩵🩷
Coming Soon~ Damon Salvatore, Elijah Mikaelson, Poly Mikaelsons, Jim Moriarty, Aziraphale, Crowley, Poly Ineffable Husbands, Spencer Reid, Jason Gideon, Poly Bau, Poly Sakamakis
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reveseke · 1 year
Why is there no Morgan x Hotch x Reader poly ships at all in general ??? This shit has consumed my mind for the past few months as an after thought and now I'm going to do it myself :( .
Soooo rogue and spontaneous headcanons time !! bc i can't keep track of new things and work on old things.
Feature ... Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner | Derek Morgan | nonbinary reader ( they them )
CW nothing much actually – absolutely nothing, I'm swearing here and there but nothing extreme. Bolded words highlight the headcanon's main topic and will continue to be of same topic untill it meets the new bolded words headcanon lol.
Disc ... Reader is nonbinary coded even if it's not outrightly said and all of my stories are towards masc intended readers.
DNI - Fudanashis/fujodashis, women & fem-aligned, profic/proship, anti - LGBTQ+ folk & exclusionists, anti-antis, Necro- Zoo- Pedophiles + (NO)Maps(and other terms), basic DNI criteria, kink/nude/nsfw/sh/vent/pro-ana/ed/18+ blogs
General headcanons – Grumpy meets the guard dog and sunshine.
Interpret it as you want, but we all know reader's the sunshine here when it comes to that sentence.
But i kinda see something akin to that that the grumpy is just Aaron and Derek is the guard dog who is as much talk as he can be bite.
Also imo Morgan and Hotch can mask and generally hide their relationship in BAU so fucking well behind general banter and professionalism nobody would suggest their together. It's surprisingly easy looking back at how the whole team in their hands is full of profilers and still they manage to share some touches and glances here and there away from the unsuspecting team. (Bc if I've understood correctly you can't date someone in your team and cannot be family to them bc emotional ties and rash/impulsive thinking when one is in trouble.)
Which leads to kind of fun situations with Hotch being asked if he found someone to be in his life after Hayley and he answers yes but never actually slips names out so everyone else but Morgan is kinda on the edge with the fact that they know he's dating, but don't know who. Bc i really think he would other wise be encouraged to meet more people if he didn't tell he was already in a relationship and it could became a nag.
But when it comes to off-duty work their guards just drop around each other knowing they don't have to hide it anymore. They'll just kinda be in comfort silence both knowing their safe and don't need much more on the topic. Bc i don't see either of them being really uh lovey-dovey if they are not in the mood and home.
Wkvdvdj thinking thinking ... if R was not part of the BAU but instead worked somewhere else and just spontaneously met the two or was part of a case by accident like as someone who may have seen something, as a suspect etc etc or just plainly seeing him work when they were on a date and both regonice the interest they share for the Reader.
Cuddle piles. Really it's going to be Morgan, then R and then Hotch depending on if your actually smaller than them. If your bigger then by all means it's going to be R, Morgan & Hotch. ( I'm thinking this perspective from laying in a literal pile on the sofa and trying their hardest to have the heaviest/biggest on bottom and lightest/smallest on top so nobody feels like they're going to die lmao) but otherwise it's alternating on who feels like being a side piece and who an in-between piece of the cuddle sandwich in bed.
Ooh also thinking of Jack, just when R comes and if he isn't part of the BAU he's got time to spent helping Hotch's SIL and lending a hand on taking care of Jack. Making sure he knows he's cared for and can trust them even if building that trust may take awhile.
Silently making fast friends with Aaron's SIL and Derek's family.
Also the reader in this is normal, there's no aus on it yet . But mark my fucking words I'm going to make a hybrid, spider maybe even BAU team aus off of this fucking ship at some point in time lmao.
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