#polygraph eyes
jinx-on-mars-19xx · 11 months
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But you hear what you want when she can’t even talk; […] Leave it alone mate; She doesn’t want to go home with ya, home with ya, no;
YUNGBLUD // Polygraph Eyes
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1941-crowley-slut · 9 months
"She slurs when she speaks
But you hear what you want
When she can't even talk"
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mx-yungblud-2018 · 7 months
Love this song, YungBlud is such an amazing singer
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polygraphtestuk · 8 months
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pandaxoparkinson · 2 years
YUNGBLUD songs that I relate to, but it gets less relatable as we go down the list (Only the songs that I've heard)
1: https://youtu.be/5jd-AhBwcCQ (Die a Little)
2: https://youtu.be/tP-zl8ruUKE (Original Me)
3: https://youtu.be/RQqqkJVnSNk ( I Don't Feel Like Feeling Sad Today sad version)
4: https://youtu.be/02T6xLNXEE0 (The Funeral)
5: https://youtu.be/OSwiHeoYL34 (God Save Me But Don't Drown Me)
6: https://youtu.be/FzKJ9-3MQBc (Love Song)
7: https://youtu.be/oOWBsmgjmPo (Parents) *This is not for a younger audience*
8: https://youtu.be/1kfALLjeND4 (Loner)
9:https://youtu.be/rM1shsSRqB8 (Medication)
10: https://youtu.be/dT5m74wbD28 (Psychotic Kids) *TW BLOOD AND BRAINS REVEALED*
11: https://youtu.be/8kzfrTIUgzU (Polygraph Eyes)
12: https://youtu.be/BMA171qWYZk (Mars)
13: https://youtu.be/LqtCRoLtyNI (California)
14: https://youtu.be/YdGad64abWM (Acting Like That)
15: https://youtu.be/2m6nGyM8kTs (11 Minutes Away)
17: https://youtu.be/QKnIKYE2yUo (Tin Pan Boy)
18: https://youtu.be/wK-8TCDrbV8 (Think I'm Okay)
19: https://youtu.be/pg4K9pfKl1U (I Love You Will You Marry Me)
20: https://youtu.be/NIWALAgvz2U (weird!) *I only relate to this less, because he says he has Jesus on his mind. I'm an atheist*
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goldshadowsarchive · 1 year
“God is real and it is a mac and cheese bite.” / maya @ daisy
@venustrape / family summer fun / accepting
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a couple of moments pass as she lets those words sink in, chewing down the bite she'd just taken. brows furrow together as she tilts her head, a confused expression on her face. " so ... we're eating god right now. " daisy clicks her tongue at her own observation but is quick to reach for another mac and cheese bite with a shrug rolling off her shoulders. " guess god is dead. "
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shotmrmiller · 4 months
Multiverse part 3
You sat in a small room on a padded chair, with equipment set up around your arm, chest, and fingertips. A polygraph test. That's what you were being forced to take. And to your chagrin, Ghost is in the room with you and Captain Price.
"Try to relax, yeah?" Price commented. He must've noticed your restless leg.
"I'll do that, shall I? I've done nothing wrong, other than exist and I'm being interrogated. Because that's what this is— an interrogation." You finally turn your attention from Ghost to look at Price, who's sitting at the desk by your side. "Tell me, Captain. Did you get this same treatment when you came back after spending all that time locked up in the gulag?"
His dark eyebrows furrow in confusion. A sigh escapes your bitten lips. That's only in your...world, for lack of a better term. Dimension? Universe?
"I haven't been to the gulag here." Yeah, obviously.
With an impatient wave of the hand that doesn't have cables strapped to it, you mutter, "Let's get on with this circus act, then. Ask your questions."
Ghost steps forward, his arms unfolding as if he's about to speak to you, but Price swiftly intervenes, halting him with a raised hand.
"Alright then. Baseline questions first. Name." Ghost gives away nothing when you say your last name is Riley.
It goes like this for a few, then he switches to the control questions, until finally moving on to the relevant ones.
"How did you get here?" I don't know.
"Do you know why you're here?" No.
He pulls up a photograph. "Recognize him?" Captain MacTavish.
Another photo. "Him?" I don't know.
"What do you mean by that?" If that's Roach, I've never seen his face unmasked.
"You're sure you don't know him?" Unless that man's name is Gary Sanderson, no. I do not know him.
Price acknowledges your response with a nod, then shifts his gaze towards Ghost, whose head slightly tilts forward. Returning his attention to you, he retrieves a final photograph. "What about him?"
As you look at the picture, your eyes begin to well with tears, lip trembling violently. A new fracture reverberated through your tender heart, intensifying the ache in your chest. Yes.
"Who is he?" Price softly asks.
"That's my Simon," your voice broke on the last syllable. It was hard to not use a possessive adjective when the face of your husband was in that picture.
Blinking the tears away, you clear your throat. "Anything else, Captain?"
Price purses his lips under his hefty facial hair and responds, "Just a few more questions."
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Once finished, you sat unabashedly staring at Ghost in the tiny room. "I wear Roach's tags alongside yours, in honor. He was with you until the very end, and for that, I couldn't be more grateful."
Ghost is completely silent, but you continue talking anyway. "I've been married to you since a bit after you came home on leave that one time. You know the one."
His eyes are emotionless, blank, as he stares at you. But you know him like the back of your hand. You've got his full attention.
"I accompanied you to your brother's wedding. He married a woman, Beth. She was good for him. They had a baby, your nephew, named Joseph. The love you had for him was one of a kind. I had told you later that evening that I dreamed of the day you'd look at our children like that."
With a shuddery breath, you tell him how none of those matters. Because your husband is dead, and you're stuck here. With his counterpart that hates you.
With a hushed click, the door closes shut behind him as he leaves, yet its resounding noise fills the compact room you're in.
You begin to fidget with the sizeable ring that hangs on a thin necklace beneath your shirt— the metal is warm under your touch as if it had never gone cold in the first place.
As if Simon had never taken it off his finger to go find Makarov.
ah theyre short but hurt. much pain.
taglist: @1mawh0re @sae1kie @darkravenqueen98 @chinuneko @thestartitaness @bowtruckleninja @hawsx3 @uyudunmuyavru @prettyoatmeal @arael-asuka @spencerreidisbae123 @beau-min @lovefks @maliakealoha @kit-williams @clear-your-mind-and-dream @theloneshadow24 @wolfieisacat @littlebunie @bloobewy @kkaaaagt @sadsackssss @hypernovaxx @halobaby @lildemon475 @animarix @just-pure-trash @catatemyslideshow @hayleybarnesx @sasagehoes @thigh-o-saur @youdontknowe @destroyer-of-za-warudo @maxisqq @k4marina @onlineoutcast
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investigaticns · 2 years
tag dump: konrad
❯ betting on snake eyes ✗ KONRAD. ❯ KONRAD ✗ polygraph. ❯ KONRAD ✗ imagery. ❯ KONRAD ✗ likeness. ❯ KONRAD ✗ subtext. ❯ KONRAD ✗ inquiry.
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joe-leviari · 3 months
Simon Ghost Riley is annoyed.
" So you ended up working together, you ended up helping one another, you ended up not liking each other. " || Ghost listens in to you having sex ||
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for adults only; NSFW; sexual themes; stalker!Ghost; smut; other COD characters briefly mentioned; backstory for main character; afab!reader x konig; no use of y/n; English is not my first language, feel free to privately message me to correct any mistakes.
Much to Ghost’s annoyance, they need you. 
You being the highly-trained-deadly-skilled-gun-for-hire of a now nearly collapsed criminal enterprise, and the only one left alive with the intel that they need. 
But that’s alright, because, as it turns out, you need them. 
Them being the task force 141, the very same that has been sistematically dismantling the above mentioned criminal empire and hunting down the above mentioned highly-trained-deadly-skilled-gun-for-hire. Little-fucking-nuisance, according to Simon. 
So you ended up working together, you ended up helping one another, you ended up not liking each other. 
Much to Ghost’s annoyance, judging by the way Gaz has been telling you stories from his childhood, the way Price has been calling you silly nicknames through the crackling comms, and the way Soap has taken the habit to fully lean into you every time you show him something stupid on your phone, the only one who doesn’t really like you is Ghost himself. 
Not liking you is fine; that’s something he can deal with for the simple fact that he does not really have to deal with it. Disliking you is a mere subjective perception that he acknowledges in passing, almost distractingly, when he lays his eyes on you. The real problem is that he does not fucking trust you. Now that’s something he has to deal with; that’s HIS duty, that’s HIS team. 
Sure, you are constantly monitored, they are not stupid: you have lived most of your life like a criminal, surrounded by criminals. You have the resources, the knowledge, and fairly good reasons to fuck them over. That’s why you are never left alone and never trusted to carry any weapons unless strictly necessary. Your location is always traced, your heartbeat is polygraph-tested every time you have to be questioned.  The thing is, you were very well made aware of all this when you signed on the dotted line the day that Laswell came to see you in the prison’s infirmary. 
A few days later, there you were, with a bruised face and an even more bruised ego, getting yourself nice and comfy in the room down the hall. 
So it was for the sake of HIS team that Simon had to break into the room down the hall to carefully bug it. With a bit of patience, he will find something compromising that will force Laswell - who seemed to take a shine on you for whatever bloody reason - to send you back to prison. Or anywhere else, really, as long as you were out of sight. And with that, out of mind. 
Much to Ghost's annoyance, you moan differently than he expected. Simon assumed, definitely assumed, and NEVER fantasized that you would moan like a fucking pornstar. 
No, this… This is something entirely different. And now that it thinks about it, it is more like you. You have a wicked sweetness about you, the kind that makes men want to either break you or protect you. 
You have the cheekiness that gets you in trouble—the same one that gets you out of it. Ghost adjusts the ear buds in his ears and draws his eyebrows together. 
The man on you (behind you? Under you? Most definitely inside you) is babbling, grunting, and moaning, visceral and guttural. And you... You sound breathy and airy and wet and light. In a delicate voice, you are giving him directions, but you have to repeat yourself a few times before he snaps out of his daze and complies. And when he finally does, oh, you are all praise. 
How the fuck did he menage to get into your pants? And why, on God’s green earth, would you let him?
Ghost has witnessed you flirt before: sometimes you were just doing your job, other times you were having fun dancing with recruits in bars, flashing them a little smile with a pretty blush on your face. You were quick to throw them a bait and even quicker to retrieve it. “Don’t push your luck, soldier” you would say with an easy grin. Cheeky little thing. 
Simon would scoff at your antics and at the men and women who would fall for your little act. That’s why he is so surprised now, because with you, everything seems to be either an act or a transaction. I’ll give you what you need if you offer me something better first.
That’s what he thought you were doing with Konig when he caught you complimenting his skills and commenting on his strength. Just being smart, just trying to have one more ally. 
But the way you were panting, mewling, and pleading told him a different story. You could not be trusted. And now HIS team is in danger because you couldn’t keep your legs shut. Are your legs actually wide open? Are they on his shoulders? No, Ghost is not thinking about your legs. Instead, he is thinking that he wouldn’t need you to give him pointers on how to adjust the rhythm or how to angle himself to hit your sweet spot. With one hand on your mouth, he’d know exactly what to do to you. You wouldn’t need to say please and thank you; you wouldn’t need to be so polite. 
Simon is startled when you let out a sudden giggle, immediately followed by a whimper. You are confusing, half crying and half elated, half begging to stop and half begging to continue. It’s intimate—you sound so defenseless, so vulnerable. You are definitely not to be trusted. 
Much to Ghost’s annoyance, a little escapade with a fellow soldier is not enough to get you to fuck off somewhere else—somewhere far, far away from him. If that were to be enough, the base would be empty by now. He just has to be a little more patient and wait until he hears you say something compromising to the mercenary (or any other bastard that you’ll let into your bed, for that matter, a slut like you). Eventually you'll let something slip that will put the safety of the team at risk and thwart your credibility in the process.
Ghost is just going to have to endure more of this bullshit, and THAT is what annoys him the most. Not the fact that while listening to you, he is reminded of that one time when you dislocated your shoulder. He lets his focus drift to your moaning, desperately trying to conjure the memory of the way you turned your big, watery eyes on him, looking like a wounded animal. He can see it now; he can hear it now—the barely audible plea that escaped your lips, “Please, please don’t hurt me,"  as he was grabbing your arm and trying to fix you. It is only a pang in the pit of his stomach that snaps him out of it; he should not find the idea of you getting hurt so damn erotic. 
You little fucking nuisance.
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deltaromeo3 · 10 months
ᴛʀᴜᴇ ᴏʀ ꜰᴀʟꜱᴇ? - Mason Mount
pairing: mason mount x footballer!reader
summary: what happens when the reader and mason are together for a youtube video- Truth Asylum?
✿ A/N: i love chunkz & i love footy asylum! pls give the series a watch if you have not😂 anyways, i hope you love this!! ps. if you don’t know what truth asylum is, it’s basically a lie detector test.
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“…I’m gonna put their friendship to the test! Today we have the lovely Y/N L/N and Mason Mount!”
The both of you waved at the camera.
★ ★ ★
Finally they strapped you up- placing sensors on your chest and fingers, the blood pressure cuff on your arm and the goddamn rubber tube over your chest.
Chunkz was to your left and Mason was seated across you. You smiled at Mason and he laughs, finding the whole situation funny.
“I’m nervous,” You said as your heart beat quickens, shaking the jitters off.
“That’s true,” Chunkz points out, looking at the polygraph in front of him.
“Oh shut up Chunkz,” You rolled your eyes, the reaction earning a laugh from both Mason and Chunkz.
“Okay so Mason, she’s all strapped up and ready! Go ahead and ask her some questions.”
Mason rubs his hands together, a mischievous grin plastered on his face.
You laughed at his antics.
“So,” He pauses, building up suspense. “Do you think you’re a better footballer than me?”
“No.” You answered confidently.
“That’s true! Wow, you didn’t even think twice,” Chunkz points out.
“Yeah yeah, cause Mason has been at this football thing for much longer than I am. I have a lot to learn from him,”
Mason was in awe. “Aww Y/N, don’t say that!”
“I mean it!”
Next question…
“Y/N,” Mason calls out. “If if wasn’t for football,”
“Oh god,” You muttered, earning a chuckle from Chunkz and Mason.
“Do you think we would still be friends?”
You gulped, batting your eyelashes. “Yea?”
“That’s a lie!” Mason gasps, covering his mouth.
“Wait wait let me explain! Let me explain!!” You quickly interject. Mason and Chunkz chuckles at your quickness to get your word out.
“Alright then, go on,” Mason says, allowing you to explain yourself.
“You see, if you all didn’t already know,” You said as you waved to the camera, indicating ‘all’ as the audience.
“We met through football. Our team had a joint training and that’s how we became friends. Of course I knew of Mason before I even joined, who doesn’t? And prior to this I was quite a lowkey footballer. I don’t think anyone would’ve known me if I didn’t join the club or whatever. It’s just.. we were in very different social circles. He was winning awards left and right at the same age I was playing for a mediocre team back home.”
“So aren’t you glad you met me then?” He adds on, cheekily smiling.
“Is that allowed Chunkz? He’s asking me another question,” You try to sway away from the question, hoping Chunkz says no.
“Answer him,” Chunkz smirks.
“Yeah yeah… I’m glad I met you.”
“And that folks, is the TRUTH!” Chunkz shouts.
You saw Mason smile grow wider.
“Okay, last question before we hand it over to Y/N. Go on Mase,”
He pauses, thinking of a question.
“Y/N Y/M/N L/N…” He leans forward.
“Yes Mason Tony Mount? Go on,” You could feel your heart racing.
“You know the recent interview you did with Wired?”
Oh god. You already know what he’s about to ask. You just nodded in response.
“Remember when they asked about your football crush?”
You nodded again.
“You said it was Hector Bellerin, yeah? Now, can I ask, is that true?”
You gulped, covering your face with your hand. You side-eyed the camera before answering “Y-yes.”
“That’s a LIE! So, who is it Y/N? Is he in the room with us?” Chunkz says, adding fuel to the fire as he smirks at you.
“Ah- Eh! That’s- Okay, so Mason next huh?” You signalled to the producer and quickly avoided the question.
★ ★ ★
Mason’s turn
“Mason!” You called out.
“Y/N!” He returns your energy.
“Oh I’m nervous. I don’t like this!” He shuffles in his seat.
You laugh. “Nerve wrecking innit?”
He nods.
“So, Mason…. have you ever lied to me?” You stare at him intently.
“What?” The question catches him off guard. “Never. On God.” He turns to Chunkz to validate his answer.
“And it’s true. We love an honest guy,” Chunkz says.
“Yes we do,” You agreed with Chunkz.
You pondered a bit for the next question.
“Ah yes,” You paused. “Would you miss me if you never saw me again?”
You saw Mason laugh, like the question would be hard to answer.
“Do you want me to be honest?”
“Well yeah? Duh. Even if you lied I could tell.” You pointed to Chunkz.
“Then..yeah of course. You know when you had international duty?”
You nodded.
“I was going on to Dec about how much I missed you. You can ask him if you don’t believe me.”
You looked over to Chunkz for the answer.
“And….It’s true.”
You tried to hide your blush by giggling. “Didn’t know you’d miss me. That’s kinda funny.”
“How’s that funny!” He laughs, “Don’t tell me you don’t miss me when I’m away? Remember when I went to NYC you’d-“
“That’s enough Mase, zip it!” You quickly ran over to him, covering his mouth before he exposes more of what he was about to say.
“Right, last question before we end it.”
“Easy,” You said. “We all know you’ve got a type. Would you date someone that isn’t though?” You smirked.
“God Y/N, cmon now.”
“Yeah…yeah I would. But just this one person though. I don’t even have to think twice. I’d make an exception for her.”
“Oh? Who’s she? A footballer?”
Mason squeezes his nose bridge, hiding his face. “Chunkz save me,” He looks over to Chunkz, hoping he would help him.
“You did the same to her, m’sorry Mase. Go on, is she?” Chunkz looks over to you, smiling. The both of you giggled.
“Err, yeah, she is.” He hesitantly answers.
“Ooh, what team does she play for?” Chunkz asks, even he is growing curious.
“Nah nah nah, that’s too much! Let’s call it a day Chunkz!”
Chunkz and you laugh.
He then proceeds to do his outro.
You knew you shouldn’t have asked that question but you were curious. And also now you were a little disappointed he already has eyes on someone.
★ ★ ★
The video publishes a week later, of course you watched it. You went to look at the comments. It was flooded with things like:
“We need Mason and Y/N to come back!!!”
“There’s obviously something going on between the two of them”
“Oh they’re each other crushes. I know it.”
“Look at how Mason looks at her! He’s smitten.”
Your phone suddenly dings.
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And so, the two of you began chatting about the video.
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However, little did you know that Mason was talking to Ben. He too, saw the video.
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catscidr · 6 months
Can you make a scenario with obedient reader who is getting experimented on by Dottore please ☺️
nonnie i started writing this at 1 in the morning yesterday because i couldn't stop thinking about it and i may or may not have gone over my self imposed word limit. however....... hot doctor. so. hope u enjoy because ik i sure as hell did ⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝ cw: dottore being just a biiit creepy, slightly suggestive (?), normal tension + sexual tension asgnfns includes: fem!reader, dottore wc: 1,9k
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“Stick your tongue out.” 
Dottore places his gloved thumb on your tongue, knocking you out of your daze.  
As per your routine, the doctor performs a quick, partial check-up to assess your physical state before diving right into his scheduled experiments. What he had planned you never knew; such was the joy of being one of the second Harbinger’s playthings. 
He gazes into your mouth with an almost bored expression as he looks for anything out of the ordinary. Being so close to his face, you could feel the warmth of his breath tickling your cheeks and the sharp point of his mask just barely grazing your jaw. When finally satisfied, Dottore mumbles something about nothing that’ll skew the test results and pulls his hand back, wiping your saliva off on his coat. You shut your jaw and look at him expectantly, waiting. 
He turns his back to you and rummages through a drawer, taking out an assortment of what appears to be wires coming out of a small rectangular box with even more wires sticking out of that. You glance at the machine and then back up at Dottore, a question burning on your tongue that he answers before you get the chance to voice it out loud. 
“This right here,” he sets the machine down on the table and plugs some cables into his laptop, “is a polygraph. Do you know what it is?” he asks with the ghost of a smile, hands buried in his pristine lab coat. You nod silently. 
“A lie detector,” the doctor says, disregarding your answer. He takes out a vial from his pockets and brings it up to the fluorescent lights on the ceiling, observing how the liquid shone at the right angle. Letting his arm fall to his side, he takes a few steps around the table and towards the chair you’re sitting in, bending down to your height. 
“Do you know what this is?” 
He brings his hand up to show you the vial in question. A purple, slightly translucent solution that came halfway up the thin glass, shut tightly with the help of a small cork seal. You already knew what you had to do with it, but not what the liquid itself did. Slowly, you shake your head and tear your gaze away from the liquid, looking back up at the man in front of you. His expression doesn’t change for a second, observing your own carefully. 
“Simply put, it’s a truth serum. Anyone that drinks this will find that they will be rendered unable to lie. Of course, the serum itself is still being tested, which is precisely why you’re here,” he says, his smile growing just slightly. You part your lips, hesitant to speak. 
“So, you... want me to drink the potion and then take a lie detector test to verify whether it worked or not?” you ask with a small glimmer of hope in your eyes. The doctor nods curtly, his expression unwavering. You internalize a sigh; looks like you lucked out today and won’t have to endure any physical torture this time around. 
“Now drink,” he says, emphasizing the order by taking out the cork top with a quiet pop, bringing the vial up to your lips. Your hand reaches up to grab the glass but right as you reach it, Dottore uses his free hand to swat your hand away. You tear your gaze away from the serum and look up at the doctor- his expression flat, lips devoid of the small smile that was previously on his face. He pushes the vial closer to you, the edge of the tube pressing against the plush of your lips, forcing you to tilt your head back ever so slightly. 
“Drink,” he repeats, his deep voice rumbling your nerves. 
You part your lips and tilt your head back even more, allowing the Harbinger the space to push the vial past your lips. Your throat bobbed as soon as the serum made its way down, Dottore’s stare unwavering from your face. The purple serum slid down smoothly; the lack of any discernable taste only being slightly unnerving, all things considered. 
Dottore stares at you long enough for you to start becoming nervous by his presence. However, as soon as your pulse quickens, he leans back and puts an acceptable distance between the two of you as he puts away the, now empty, vial back in his coat pocket. 
“How do you feel?” 
That makes you pause. How did you feel? Nervous, anxious? Awkward, even? The answer was an obvious all of the above. However, this was in response to Dottore’s unusual closeness, not in result of the serum changing your body in any way, shape or form. In fact, you didn’t really feel anything other than your heart racing in your ribcage. You felt strangely normal, which only fueled the slight agitation boiling in the pit of your stomach; feeling anything less than discomfort when subjected to Dottore’s experiments was nothing short of unusual. But, knowing he couldn’t care less for an answer that doesn't regard the effects of the serum, you keep your thoughts to yourself. 
“I feel fine,” you say as normally as you could. Dottore narrows his eyes, observing your behavior with interest, but doesn’t push further. 
He directs his attention back to the polygraph on the table, wires hanging loosely off the side of the surface. Grabbing the four cables, he peels off the protective film off from the sticky sides and sticks two cables on your temples and one on your wrist. Holding the last cable, he looks down at you with an unreadable expression. 
“Tilt your head back for me,” he says quietly, voice unassuming. 
You do as he says and, as soon as your throat is revealed, Dottore plunges his hand into your shirt. He sticks the last cable to the top of your left breast, fingers grazing the plush skin for a moment before he retracts his hand and rounds the corner of the table. Your heart pounds in your ribcage, your poor, weak mind reeling at how physical he seemed to be getting despite the psychological nature of the experiment. He makes no further comment as he opens his laptop and does whatever it is he needs to do in order to start the test. 
“Keep staring at the wall. I’m going to be asking you a series of questions. You are to answer with the first thing that comes to your mind, in the most natural way possible. Understood?” Dottore says rigidly. You nod quickly, replying with a quiet yes, sir. 
“Then let’s begin. What is your name?” he asks, leaning his chin into his palm. 
You tell him your name which, obviously, doesn’t make the lie detector go off. He nods and continues, asking questions that range from “where are you from”, “when is your birthday” and “how tall are you”. 
However, the more he speaks, the more his questions become increasingly... risky to answer. 
“What do you think of my experiments?” 
Holding your tongue, you mull it over for a moment. Even though you knew that no matter what you intended to say wouldn’t matter, that you’d just tell the truth no matter what, you wanted to think carefully either way. After a moment you part your lips, still staring at the wall like he instructed at the start, and speak. 
“Sometimes they can be painful, but I know you’re doing what’s best for me and... everyone else.” You felt the way your hands clammed up from sweat, the plastic chair becoming increasingly uncomfortable for you to sit in without shifting your weight. Dottore looks at the screen of his laptop and grins, his gaze finding your tense figure once again. 
“What do you think of me?” he asks, and even though you can’t see his expression, you could hear the smirk in his voice. 
You respond without allowing yourself to stress over what your truth is. 
“I think you have a strong work ethic, and I... admire you for it.” 
His lips stretch into a wide, uncharacteristic smile. Dottore stays quiet, stalling for the next question to let you simmer with what you just said. He shifts his position on the table, leaning forward over the computer with both hands clasped in front of him. 
“And what do you think of me, not as a Harbinger but as a simple, regular man?” he asks coyly, his mask hiding the way his crimson eyes pierced a path into your side profile. 
“That you’re attractive,” you blurt out, head tilting to the side away from him to hide the way your cheeks immediately warmed up. The doctor scoffs, amused by the sheepish display merely a few feet in front of him. 
“Hm. Good,” he hums to himself, straightening his back to lean into the chair he sat on. “Look at me,” he orders firmly. 
Not even giving yourself the time to process his words, you automatically turn your head to look at your captor. The sight of his pleased, seemingly innocent smile made your heart flutter. He grabs the side of his laptop and turns it around so you can look at the... blank screen?  
Before you can question what exactly it is you were looking at, Dottore speaks up. 
“I wasn’t tracking your answers. I lied to you. What did you say you felt after drinking the serum?” he asks with a tilt of his head, amusement clear on his face. You freeze, brows raising ever so slightly as the cogs turn in your head. 
“Nothing...?” you murmur quietly, slowly understanding what he meant. 
“Nothing, because you just drank water. With a dash of food coloring, sure, but water nonetheless.” 
Looking at his intricate mask then back down at the blank laptop screen, you felt yourself become increasingly embarrassed the longer the silence between you two stretched out. Dottore chuckles heartily, the sound revibrating in the small room as he stood up to loom over your figure. 
“Technically, you could still call this an experiment. What if you did lie? There’s a possibility you did since nothing forced you to tell the truth. However, I know you wouldn’t.” 
He leans down to your height, a gloved hand coming up to tilt your head back, holding your chin with his thumb and forefinger. 
“You’re always so good to me, you know. So obedient, compliant and malleable,” he sighs, a soft and eerie smile on his face. “My favorite test subject,” he whispers. 
Glued in place, you do nothing aside from staring up at him with wide doe eyes, your cheeks flushed as a result from the attention he gave you. 
“What a good girl you are,” he mumbles to himself, but still loud enough that you can hear. The doctor was so close that you could just barely feel the warmth of his body against you aside from his hand holding you still, his lips ghosting over your own. 
With a chuckle, Dottore straightens his back and looks down at you with a knowing smirk, acutely aware of the effect he had on you. He hums, faking being lost in his thoughts, conscious that you sat there, waiting, silently begging for more. 
“How about a reward, then?” he suggests in a low voice. “Prove yourself to me, prove that you spoke nothing but the truth, and I’ll reward you handsomely.” Dottore tilts his head in a way that can only be described as condescending, smiling at your bashfulness. Slowly, he takes off the wire stuck to your body, his hand lingering beneath your shirt, over the cable stuck to your chest. 
“I’m sure you’d enjoy that, my pretty test subject.” 
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i4bellingham · 1 year
LIES AND TRUTHS : jude bellingham x reader
in which you and your boyfriend jude goes through lie detector test.
not proofread !! 2nd part will contain jude’s questions and answers :> this is just something i quickly whipped up for you guys before opening my asks box to start writing the requests !! REQUEST box is currently temporarily closed !!
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“Hello, this is Jude Bellingham...”
“And this is Y/N L/N and today, we will be conducting a lie detector test for fun.”
Jude smiles beside you before the producer behind the camera began speaking.
“So today, one of you will be strapped in a polygraph while the other will be asking five questions in total before switching.” The producer warmly smiles, raising a thumbs up. “Is everyone ready?”
You wipe your palm over your lap, nervously shaking your knees in order to calm your nerves before Jude’s putting a hand over your thighs to stop your quivering.
“A little nervous but I’d like to think I’ll be alright...” You grin nervously at the camera, watching your manager laugh at your demise behind all the staffs that were filming the current set.
“You’re showing that you're more than just nervous.”
You playfully glare at your boyfriend, managing to flick his knuckles before you're being strapped to the polygraph, now sitting in front of Jude who had a white card in his hand.
Jude's eyes skim over the questions written on the paper, a devious smirk on his lips as he takes a glance at you to which you jokingly scorn at him in return.
Seeing the signal of the producer to start, Jude begins to ask you his first question.
“Okay... first question for the beautiful lady, before you even knew or met me, was the rumors flying around about you having a crush on Marcus Rashford true?”
A deep groan left your lips after the question that was paired with a roll of your eyes as you slump on your seat, feeling the straps of the lie detector grow taut from the motion.
You refrained yourself from shooting Jude another glare, knowing all too well that he was the source of the questions in his card as much as you were responsible for yours.
You knew he was gonna use this time to tease you about matters that were left unanswered when you began dating him, partly because he was hesitant to ask you himself. But despite that, you can't see yourself lying to his question and instead answers it with a confident, “Yes.”
Jude's brows raise in faux surprise, almost seemingly innocent even though he's really not.
“Rashy!? Of all people!?”
“I mean have you seen him?” You quip back, leaning comfortably on your seat as Jude's mouth went slack. “I did. I had on crush on him when I was like 16 or something. I can't really remember much but my younger brother is a fan so I knew of him then because of my brother.”
Jude fans the card on himself before the man conducting the polygraph test raises a green card to indicate your truth.
“She’s telling the truth.”
“Wow... and I was itchin’ to know about this for two years now.” Your boyfriend says with a pout. “Do you still have a crush on him though?”
“Jude, no.” You laugh, watching as his face contort into one of disbelief before the examiner raises the green card once again.
A heavy breath of relief leaves Jude’s lips before he's shooting you another jab.
“Well that's good to hear since he's engaged and got a daughter and all but you know... I'm kind of like free and ready to be wifed-up so just let me know if you want me to-”
Not only did you burst out in a fit of laughter but even the other staff present inside the studio did too, finding Jude's humor to be funny. However the owner of the joke seems to think otherwise as he looks at the camera with a (playful) frown.
“What? I'm bein' honest here.”
You shake your head, giggling on your seat. “Just hit me with the next question love.”
Clearing his throat, Jude proceeds, eyes skimming over the next question.
The small smirk dancing on his lips gave you an idea that whatever next question he may have for you was a controversial oneㅡor controversial to him rather.
“If you were to pick a sports game to watch in your entire life, what would you choose? Basketball or Football?”
“Football.” You answer straightaway.
Jude seems to be skeptical of your answer by the frown he had on his face. He knows you loved watching basketball, especially the NBA as it was one of the sports loved by your family. It was a sport that you grew up watching, supporting and loving probably more than you do with football, so for him to feel suspicious about your answer was definitely given.
“I know I didn't grow up watching football matches like I did with the NBA but having you share your passion for the sport with me, witness it happening firsthand and experience the beauty and energy of every football game that I've been to made me appreciate it just as much.” You slowly explain, clutching at the fabric of your dress. “It’s just entirely different when you have someone who plays in the league who shares their aspiration and love for their sport to me just like you do. You have a very big passion for football and every time I see you on the pitch, playing every game like it's your last just makes me root for you and the sport more. It has definitely grown on me because of my brothers and because of you that's why I chose it instead of basketball.”
From your peripheral, you can see some of the staff members, Jude’s and your manager alike possessing the same teasing smile on their lips before your boyfriend himself lets a teasing remark leave his lips.
“But who’s your favorite football player as of right now though?”
“Is that one of the question?”
Jude sighs and shakes his head. “No, but I'd skip a question to know this.”
You offer him an incredulous stare, watching as he waits for your answer.
“You know who...”
“No I don’t.”
“You played in Dortmund with him.” You reply.
Jude stops for a moment, pondering on who could it be before remembering the newly bought kit hidden in your wardrobe.
“Oh! Erling!”
You nod, “Yes him and Mbappè.”
“Oh, I didn't know that you liked Mbappè too...” Jude’s shoulders sag a bit before his flicking his card open. “Okay, next question... if you could spend a day with a football player, who would it be and why?”
For the nth time, Jude seems to be distrusting of your answer. It must be because he now knows your current favorite football players and yet you still picked him of all people as a response to his question. If he thinks you're only doing it to appease him and to keep him from annoying the hell out of you, he doesn't comment on it. Instead, a raise brow and the pursing of his lips became a silent equation for you to divert his disbelief.
“Really!” You shriek with a small laugh.
Jude shakes his head in tune to your attempt of making him believe you.
“Really now?”
“Why?” You sigh.
“Of course I’d spend every waking day I have with you. Told you countless of times, I’m all yours right? Why would I choose to spend a random day with someone I don’t even know personally when I have you?”
A smile threatened the frown Jude had on his face, slowly curving at the sides of his lips before he's flashing you his pearly whites with a small, shy grin.
He fans the questionnaire at you. “Alright, that's a valid answer right there.” He pounds at his chest like an idiot, making the people inside the filming venue laugh at his silly antics. “Oh I knew you loved me.”
You jokingly roll your eyes at him. “Of course I do. I’m with you aren’t I?”
“I would have chased you off anyways if you weren't with me...”
“You’re such a dork.”
Jude wraps a hand on the foot of your chair, slowly pulling you towards him as the camera cuts off temporarily and a staff from the production team comes over to untangle the wires from your body; all forgetting that the both of you were supposed to do a lie detector test that somehow ended up with just having your charming boyfriend send you questions after the other, and you answering it truthfully. Based on the goofy smile on Jude’s lips and the wriggling of his brows, he seems to think of the same thing before the polygraph wires are being adjusted around him.
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polygraphtestuk · 8 months
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voguescapes · 2 years
h. styles | vanity fair
pairings. harry styles x famous!reader
about. harry and (y/n) are guest on 'vanity fair' to do a lie detector test together, revealing multiple secrets from the pair.
warnings. not edited so disregard any errors, jealous harry cause why not, not my gif, kind of bad writing, a little cursing here and there. lmk if i missed something!
note. hiii everyone! i don’t know if i’m beck yet but i’m just going be leaving a quick fic because it’s been a little over three months which is outrageous!
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She rolled her eyes and shook her head sarcastically. "You're supposed to save the best for last, you should go first." Harry placed his hand over her and kissed the side of her head. "My girlfriend, everyone."
"Are you ready? I came up with some pretty interesting questions these past few days that I've been dying to ask you." She grinned.
“I was born ready. Plus," The singer smirked, looking at his girlfriend with sparkling eyes, "I get to ask you some questions after, so be careful with what you ask, babe, because it might come back to bite your ass." He winked and her face flushed a bright red.
Harry turned back towards the camera and clapped, "Let's get started!" A crew member laughed and instructed (Y/N) to move to sit at the other side of the table so they could attach Harry to the machine.
"Arms up." The man demanded sternly. Harry observed her blank, emotionless face and then turned to his girlfriend with furrowed eyebrows. She shrugged and wiggled her eyebrows at him causing him to break the silence and lightly chuckle. The man silently sent them glares, which they both ignored and continued making silly faces and giggled as quietly as they could.
"We're ready." A crew member called out from behind the camera breaking (Y/N) out of her daze and she looked at the man controlling the polygraph machine to ask a few questions.
"Alright, I'm going to ask you a few short, straightforward questions to calibrate the machine." Harry exhaled loudly and wiggled his fingers before nodding, gesturing for the man to proceed.
"Is your name Harry Styles?"
Harry nodded making the woman command him to answer verbally. His girlfriend snorted and stifled a laugh while he mustered out apologies.
"Are you 28 years old?"
"Finally, are you nervous?" He looked up with squinted eyes, something he did frequently whenever he was thinking about something.
"Uh, knowing (Y/N/N), kind of." He chuckled breathily. The woman nodded and laughed along while the polygraph operator gave her a thumbs up to begin.
"Okay, Hazza, first question! Have you ever fallen in love?" The man visibly laughed at how simple her first question was. "Of course. With you." She smiled at his kind words, practically feeling her heart melting. She looked at the polygraph examiner, seeing him throw up a quick thumbs up.
"You're too cheesy sometimes. You guys,"
(Y/N) spoke towards the lens, "pray for me. I have to deal with him every. single. day."
"Hey!" Harry exclaimed, lifting his hands in the air with an offended expression etched on his face. She turned to the camera and rolled her eyes in a jokingly manner before moving on to the next question.
"We watch Marvel movies quite often together. I work for Marvel, am I your favourite marvel actor?"
"Bubs, you're an actress." Harry spoke. (Y/N) shook your head and he tilted his as he awaited her response. "Haz, knowing you, I’m surprised that you of all people would say that! Anyways, women should be considered as actors too and not just actresses. After all, male and female doctors are both called doctors, not doctors and doctresses." She stated in a practical manner.
His voice changed pitch as he tried to imitate her. "Fine." He replied dramatically, pretending to flip his hair back with his hand.
"So, out of all the Marvel actors, am I your favorite?" She smirked and fixed her gaze on his middle and index finger, already tapping nervously on the metal table.
She touched her heart dramatically.
"That's a lie." The man behind the machine called out. (Y/N) dropped her hand and her smile fell. "Harold!"
"Okay, it's RDJ. I'm sorry, love." Harry cringed, shocked that the machine picked up on his lie so quickly. She narrowed her eyes and looked back down at her phone. "That's fair. He's everyone's favourite." She mumbled grumpily.
"Does Gemma actually like me?" Harry confidently nodded his head. "Absolutely. She adores you." He responded sweetly. She turned her head to the operator. He nodded towards her, "That's true."
She swiped her hand across her forehead, wiping imaginary sweat. "Good to know."
"Would you consider yourself to be an overly affectionate boyfriend?" She questioned. It was a question she thought of frequently. Harry loved to cuddle, hug, kiss, hold hands, and essentially shower her with love whenever he had the chance, but she wanted to know if he knew of his actions or if he would just do it subconsciously.
"Um, no. I think I'm just about the right amount of affectionate." And it was true, he actually thought that he wasn’t overly affectionate. She choked back a laugh and covered her face with her hand, quickly looking back down to her phone in hopes of finding a different question to quickly move on to.
"Hey, hey, wait! I saw that! You think I'm overly affectionate?" He inquired, his voice going at least 3 octaves higher. "I'm the one asking questions here, Hazza." She winked and scrolled for a question in her notes app.
"Do you think our children would be cute?" She questioned as a sweet smile prominently appeared on her face. She decided against asking if he wanted kids because he had already confessed he did a few months back. It was the purest, most heartwarming conversation she had ever had.
Harry looked at her as if it were crazy of her to ask that. To him, the answer was obvious. "Absolutely. I mean," he pointed in between the two of them, "look at us." He replied cockily. She eyed him, but eventually shrugged, realising that even though he sounded like such a dickhead in the moment, he wasn't wrong.
"Next. Does size matter?" She giggled, watching her boyfriends face contort.
"You're asking me that? What I think? Or what I think you think?" He questioned, waggling his eyebrows.
"Answer however you'd like." The corners of her lips lifted and her face contorted into a mischievous grin. Harry pondered for a while, furrowing his eyebrows as he searched his brain for a good response. "No, I don't think it does." He answered. “That’s true.”
"Okay! Next, Do you think if we met on The Ellen Show, we would have never gotten together?" She inquired. This was a question that she would often ask herself, however, she never had the courage to actually ask him in fear of some form of rejection, so she’d only ponder it while Harry was sleeping soundly beside you.
"Yeah. I think I would've seen you on instagram and slid in your DM’s or something." He admitted. The examiner nodded.
"Moving on. Have you ever lied to me?" She inquired. Harry pursed his lips and sighed. "Yes." He answered honestly.
"Elaborate, please." (Y/N) said, looking at him expectantly. "I’ve know you for over three years now, I’ve lied to you thousands of time." She nodded and moved onto the next question.
"Would you consider yourself to be a heartthrob?" She asked. She was aware of the huge fanbase he had developed since One Direction, people adored and swooned over him and his lovable characters in some of the roles he played.
"Yes." She turned to the polygraph operator and she nodded, "he's telling the truth."
"Damn right, my boyfriend's a heartthrob and he knows it." She said proudly as she looked into the camera.
Harry chuckled and rubbed his eye as he anticipated her final question.
"Last question. Frankly, the most important question. Does pineapple belong on pizza? This could determine the future of our relationship, Haz. I want you to really think about your answer." She warned dramatically. Harry pursed his lips.
"Yes. I think. I like pineapple on pizza, actually." (Y/N) clapped happily and puffed out a small breath of relief. "That's my baby!"
"Alright, my turn, loser."
Harry scoffed loudly and switched his attention to all the cords wrapped around his body parts. He frantically begged the man to remove all the 'gizmos' and 'doo-dads' as quick as possible.
Once he set the singer free, he pranced around the tiny room and threw his arms around his girlfriends body, giving her an enormous hug. "Love you." He mumbled in her hair.
The man then instructed her the same way she had done to Harry. "I can do this." She repeated for the millionth time in the last 5 minutes while a member of the crew hooked her up to the machine. They attached a series of different wires and cords around her chest, fingers and arm.
"I'm scared." She laughed, placing her hand where her heart was. She could feel it pumping quickly.
"Just to let you know, your questions were shit. Mine are actually spicy." Harry teased, excitedly scrolling through the questions on a page in his notes.
He would finally be able to ask some questions that he'd been dying to know about her that he was just too embarrassed to ask on a normal occasion. He hoped some of his questions/some of her answers would reaffirm some things for him.
"Shut up, Styles. I can see you were sweating through your shirt. You're not slick." She smirked, making him lift his arms, where there was a tiny yet noticeable wet patch on the fabric of his expensive shirt.
"Okay, Harry, you can begin asking your questions." The man called as Harry embarrassingly lowered his arm. (Y/N) facepalmed and giggled quietly at his foolishness to herself.
"Okay. Is your name (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?"
"Are you 26 years old?"
"Am I your boyfriend?"
"No." She lied.
"It jumped." The man called, "We're all good."
"Okay," Harry sighed, "I don't know what I would've said if that came out as true." He laughed. "Imagine?" She giggled.
Harry shook his head and read his first real question. "Do you think I'm overly affectionate?" Harry raised his eyebrows while he stared his beautiful girlfriend down. She chuckled and shook her head at his expression, "You're seriously still hung up on that?"
"Just answer the question!" He demanded over-dramatically. "Yes." He gasped and the crew members behind him attempted to cover up their laughs with coughs and sneezes. "But I like that about you. I enjoy your cuddles. That should be considered a compliment." The man confirmed her statement and Harry grinned like a toddler who'd just been told he was going to Disneyland.
"Do you want to get married someday?" He inquired, hope laced in his tone. Although the both of them had spoken about this before, he wanted to make sure. She hesitated for a second, but eventually nodded.
"Yes. As long as it's you." The man blushed and they could hear members of the crew letting out small 'aw's' as they watched them both intently.
"Or Tom Holland, to be honest."
"You just had to ruin the moment." He said moving on while (Y/N) giggled quietly at his disappointment. He swore he heard the serious, monotoned man laugh too.
"The internet made several memes about me after I gushed about your tattoo you got with Emma during our autocomplete interview. Would you get a matching tattoo with me?"
"Of course." Harry’s mouth dropped and turned to the operator for confirmation. He looked up at Harry’s hopeful eyes and nodded. She was telling the truth.
"It's official, everyone, we're getting matching tattoos first thing tomorrow!" Harry deadpanned into the camera, making her publicists laugh in the background.
"You write poems, a lot. I can confirm that," She let out a giggle and nodded her head. "Would you ever write and a poem about me?"
"Um, here’s the thing. I already made a poem or two about hot." She pulled her hair behind her ear nervously. Harry shook his head, his earrings bouncing side to side.
"Which one?" Harry asked childishly, causing her to nervously smile. "Dandelions.” She smiled at the excited boy.
He looked at the camera and mouthed “I knew it”.
"Next… you're known for being a very private person. You've never been public with any of your relationships before me." She nodded. "Out of all these relationships, am I the best boyfriend you've had?" (Y/N) rolled her eyes, expecting to hear the question sooner or later. "Yes, you idiot."
"She's telling the truth." Harry pumped his fist in the air and internally congratulated himself. "I'm so proud of myself, sorry." His cheeks turned red as he noticed everyone waiting for him to get over himself and get on with the next question.
"Before we met, did you listen to any of my songs other than from One Direction?" He rested his head in his palm as he watched her quizzically.
"Um, Duh! I was literally obsessed with you!" She said confidently, thinking back to her fan girl era.
"I already knew the answer to that, I just like hearing her say that she was in love with me." His response made her giggle softly.
"Do you think about the future a lot?"
"All the time."
"Am I in it?" She blushed lightly, "Always."
Harry smirked, repeating one of her previous questions. "Does size matter?"
"You really just took a turn in the opposite direction." She laughed, sending a 'Jim face' towards the camera. "Answer the question! Or else I'm gonna..."
(Y/N) leaned back in her chair as she awaited his answer along with everyone else on set, who was very entertained with the sarcastic couple.
"I'll hit your funny bone. Three times."
"You're adorable." The woman cooed at him while he grumpily pursed his lips. If she were closer, she would've already pinched his cheeks and dramatically rambled on about how cute, soft and innocent he was in front of the camera purposely.
"No, I don't think it does." She repeated his answer from earlier. It was Harry’s turn to roll his eyes. She threw her head back in laughter at his expression and shook her head.
"She's telling the truth." The operator spoke, snapping Harry out of his thoughts. He sent her a skeptical look, while she continued to laugh heavily.
He looked back down at his phone and continued on. "Do you find this man attractive?" Harry had attached a picture to his notes and set his phone flat on the table so the cameras could catch a glimpse of the photo.
It was a photo of Tom Holland at the premiere for his Spider-Man sequel, Spider-Man: Far From Home.
"Duh." She smiled cheekily, blood quickly rushing to her cheeks. Harry groaned as she grabbed his phone and zoomed in to get a better look at all his features. He could practically see her pupils dilate as she stared at the photo.
"Do you think he is more of a heartthrob than me?" She cringed, wondering how she should go about answering this question.
"That's true."
Harry’s jaw went slack. "What!" He shouted with wide eyes. She giggled and raised her hands innocently. "What? Tom Holland is one fine man. You can't get mad at me for that, I mean… look! at! him!" She handed him his phone, zoomed in on Tom's face.
Harry scoffed at her fangirl side coming out as he swallowed heavily.
"Would you leave me for Tom Holland?"
No. (Y/N) thought, holding back a laugh. She thought for a moment. "Yes. Absolutely. 100%. Definitely. No. Questions. Asked." She responded nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders and leaning back, still being mindful of all the equipment attached to her.
Harry looked down at the metal table and his jaw clenched. She could see his body physically tense as he waited for the polygraph operator to confirm or deny her answer.
"The machine jumped. She's lying."
Harry’s head shot up and he met his girlfriends gaze. She had a small smirk on her face and lifted her hands up to her face as she felt a blush creeping up to her cheeks.
Harry clenched his hands above his head and tilted his head back in his chair, letting out a small yell in triumph. He jumped our of his seat and sized up the camera, getting awfully close.
"You all heard that! I'm done! That's the last question, this couldn't have gone better." He dropped his phone and quickly made his way around the table, being careful not to trip on any wires or break the polygraph machine in any way.
He crouched down and wrapped his arms around her torso, burying his face into the crock of her neck because he couldn't stop his raging smile. "I knew it!"
She looked into the camera, still in her boyfriends embrace and gazed into the camera. She jokingly motioned a 'no' with her hands and mouthed 'Tom, call me', sending the camera a wink and bringing her right hand out with her pinky and thumb sticking out, making it look like a phone and bringing it up to her ear.
Harry felt her movement and looked up at her eyes. She quickly brought her hand to his shoulder and looked down at him as if nothing happened. He placed multiple tiny kisses all around her face, making her crinkle her nose and eyes.
He turned back to the camera for a spilt second. "You heard it here first, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) wouldn't leave me, Harry Styles for Tom Holland! Goodbye! Subscribe to Vanity Fair!" He saluted, still smiling uncontrollably as they both waved at the camera.
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A DC X DP IDEA #15 Beauty and the Beast
Imagine dis…
 By definition when you search these two terms…
 beau·ty- noun- a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially sight. 
 beast- noun- Negatively calling a person a beast likens them to a monster and implies that they behave in a crude, brutish, or animalistic way. This use of beast can be especially offensive, especially due to likening a person to an animal. The adjective beastly means monstrous, nasty, vile, or cruel.
 A young man who was discarded by his father for being born as a failure in the sacred line of the Al Ghul empire met a young man whose eyes give you the illusion of clear blue skies while it sparkles like stars above. 
 Danny is the beast while Dusan al Ghul also known as Ra al Ghul is the beauty.
 It was 1013 A.D. The young Dusan also known as Ra al Ghul in the future, was full of life and youth, and was just starting his journey to create a league of his own, when he noticed a young man on the horizon. A traveler, perhaps, but what strikes him his interest is that the man’s blue eyes shine as of all the sapphires in the world or maybe the man/ traveler is unbothered by the scorching sun of the desert sand.
 Ra didn’t know what made him dawned on him, but at a split decision, he asked the stranger what he was doing in the middle of the desert. The stunning stranger just looked at him head-on, with those lovely eyes those eyes, and told him he is just a mere traveler, wandering from one place to another. Intrigued by the stranger’s way of life he was prompted to follow as he too wanted to see the world more than these desert dunes.
 The stranger had introduced himself as Danny Nightgale, short for Daniel. He wore a cloak that has the embroidery of a combination of flowers, skulls, stars, a clock, and some Egyptian polygraph, as it covers his entire body aside from his face. He carries no weapons but a satchel full of things that surprises the young Al Ghul. The first time together they were at odds, seeing that Ra strives for perfection as well as order through meticulous planning while Danny thrives at the chaos around him.
Dusan loved nature while Danny loved the stars, it has been months since they both went on a journey. The number of things that Danny had done that almost caused a permanent heart attack in Dusan to the point he is the cause of his early gray hairs. Both began discovering hidden places as well-hidden cities from all around the world, from the ruins of Gobekli Tepe to the hidden and lost city of gold. They, Danny, befriended the locals and learned and understood with them. Took part in their rituals and cultures. Some may not be as friendly as the last one, He was sure that he and Danny would die from the endless brigade of poisoned arrows that they keep shooting at them, but they still learned from them. Their intelligence as well as languages were thought lost in time.
 Dusan learned many things in the years he had traveled with his friend. Yet his feelings for him changed like the seasons that pass by them. With each passing day, Dusan noticed himself leaning towards Danny’s direction as if he was the sun and he was nothing but a mere moon or a planet rotating around him, how he would find comfort in his warmth and presence, how he could not take his eyes off Danny’s own eyes, how he would beg the stars to listen to Danny’s laugh and how he would indulge himself to listen to his endless rants about a particular constellation. He was not favored by his father for being an albino, but when Danny looked at him, it is as if he hung the moon and arranged the stars for him. He kept sending Danny hints like holding his hand for too long or wanting to be in his presence. He saw that Danny never once looked in the direction of every exotic beauty that they saw. Which made him hopeful but he remembered that he is a prince not favored but a prince none less. But he could not see himself without his life companion.
 It was a gamble per se, confessing his love and asking Danny to officially court him. Dusan planned everything to the very last speck. A dinner using the finest ingredients whilst they were on top of the highest peak of the mountain as the stars shine brightly above them. Moreover, that love between two men is frowned upon. In his family history there have been king, prince, and men falling in love with other men but was written as friends or even blood brothers, Dusan may have believed those scholars if he hadn’t found a hidden corner in the palace, while he was exploring, that contains a journal of his predecessor’s life as well letters he had exchanged with his lover.
It was said that at his marriage the King only slept with his wife until he bore him a son after that it was noticed that the King abandoned his wife, it was speculated that he has another woman or even that the queen cannot satisfy him making her a laughing stock as a woman who never pleased her husband enough.
 Confessing was harder than he thought he would be, Danny who was on the opposite side of the table was quiet. Feeling rejected Dusan dared to look at the disgusted look at Danny but the moment he opened his eyes his eyes widened in disbelief. Danny is looking at him with awe as his cheeks are slowly turning red like the desert mariposa lily flower. Both ended the night after a kiss that the two of them shared as the stars seem to congratulate them knowing found relationship bore more brightly at the endless night.
 Now you would see the two of them walking from one place to another holding each other’s hands. You would see the two of them rest under the endless stars as they both bask in each other’s presence. You would see the sweet smile that Dusan Al Ghul that he only shows to him and only him. How Dusan became so smitten at Danny's mere presence, how he would present Danny with not only the best but the most exotic flowers to present to him. How he would indulge Danny’s wishes, if Danny does wish for the world on a silver platter he would say wait to his lover and present the world on a golden platter.
 But life isn’t a fairytale.
 A king who has a son, his only son dying and at the mercy of death asked for the traveler’s help to cure his child. Dusan saw, dug, and discovered the restorative chemical pools to heal the prince, about to present it to the king to cure the dying prince. Danny who saw the consequence as well as the true nature of the pools tried to stop his lover, but his warnings fell on deaf ears as Dusan thought that this might be the key for his father to acknowledge him.
 It may have cured the dying prince but it drove him mad to kill Danny. As Dusan felt his lover’s warmth leaving his body with each passing minute, he curses the heaven as well himself for taking away his lover his love the only person whom he ever surrenders his heart to.
 Dusan who is the cause of his lover’s death said the lover used his remaining strength to whisper his last words. 
 To me, you are everything. The last several years have been fantastic, and if reincarnation exists, I would have chosen to be yours again and again until the end of time.
 Damian Al Ghul- Wayne was only 6 years old when he stumbled upon his grandfather’s room. It is said that no monks, assassin, or even mother had stepped into grandfather’s chambers or even found the said chambers, and whoever was found it was said they met a painful death. 
 Damian told himself to forget and go back to the useless tutors that his mother had assigned to him, but a small part of him says that a quick peek wouldn’t hurt. 
 Curiosity won as Damian was still a 6-year-old, opening the double doors slowly he was greeted by the darkness of the room. Slowly he looked for any switch of light, as he flipped the switch on, he was astonished at what he saw. 
 The large fireplace above it contains a large portrait of what looks like a younger version of grandfather alongside someone whom he never recognizes. A lean frame that looks like a grandfather towers over him, a mop of midnight hair, ice-like eyes as well the having the aura of softness and warmness in his body language and smile as if the portrait is alive. 
 Looking around he was even more flabbergasted, shelves that contains countless miscellaneous things that the League considered worthless yet his grandfather seems like he has a large collection. Shells that have bits of sand in a large jar, a small floral terrarium, fabrics that contain embroidery of different constellations, a necklace made out of beads and small polished rocks, and many more. He was about to reach a wooden sculpture of what looked like a figurine between lovers when he felt a faint pain behind his neck and promptly lost consciousness.
 When he woke up he was back in the main base of the League his mother explained that he had been asleep for almost three days due to one of the tutors poisoning him slowly, and his mother exclaimed that they were upping his dosage of poison during his poison training as it was embarrassing for the heir to faint from a mere poison.
 Damian kept quiet as he was sure that the explanation of his mother didn’t happen, he may not have seen whomever attacked him from behind but he was sure that nobody had poisoned him. The moment he recovered he immediately went back to the room that he had found, but the moment he opened the door the room was completely deserted; all of the trinkets were gone including the large portrait. 
 He thought that he may have dreamed the said room and what he saw was a hallucination product of the poison in his system.
 But the moment he met Danny, a mid-20-year-old man who has black hair and blue eyes, an owner of a small book café that both Todd and Drake come frequently at the tender age of 11 he began having a strange sense of de ja vu, especially after he saw the man smile at him when he was petting the owner’s pet dog named Cujo.
 Danny decided to have a vacation, after years of becoming the Ghost king and after years developing his eldritch appearance, he had felt bored as he had already fixed the Realms due to the neglect that Pariah Dark had caused, in just a few centuries. He may have his friends, sister, and daughter with him, but even then, his boredom continues to grow every decade. Clockwork had advised him to explore the endless dimension that was connected to the realms. 
 Seeing the appeal, he immediately went straight in, but at the last moment, Clockwork grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and told him that he cannot just go to the human world looking like a cryptid. The mortal plane as well as the locals may not handle his aura and appearance. He reminded the young king, even though Danny became one of them and immortal but compare to the rest of the ancients he is nothing more than a toddler or a child in the eyes of the ancients, that due to his ever-growing powers as well as his titles his mere presence would either kill or make a mortal faint. Pouting at the reason, he asked Clockwork how he would explore the mortal realms when Clockwork handed him a digital tablet, courtesy made by Pharaoh, and told him to create his avatar that can contain some of his powers that connects him to the realms and vanished.
 Danny stared blankly at his avatar, which looked no different from his previous human and fleshy self, and asked if someone introduced SIMS to the ancient of time.
 Carrying a satchel that has an endless space, a gift from one of his subjects that was a manifestation of fans in fandom, people, or topic. 
 He started his journey.
 He never planned to meet a mortal, to sweep him off his feet to the point his nonexistent heart seems to beat for only him. Danny’s north star made him love the green-eyed beauty, the tan skin that looked like the fresh sand of the dessert while his eyes reflect the polished emeralds that they have saw deep in the ocean during their stay in the middle of the Caribbean, as when they have gone for scuba diving. 
 Nor dying while his lover begs the gods or any higher power out there to bring me back, when his Astrophel had dug out corrupted ectoplasm he immediately warned his star but his warning fell on deaf ears as he saw what in his love’s mind, he wanted HIS acknowledgment more than anything. He knew that even though his bright light had told him countless times that he didn’t need his father’s approval his eyes and actions screamed at the mere fraction of attention that he could have if he had saved a prince. 
 Danny prepared himself for any side effects that may affect the prince but he was caught off guard at the immediate reaction of the prince to his presence. He knew that sometimes ectoplasm leaked to the mortal plane what he was surprised is that ectoplasm was affected by the former king, as the prince was straggling him he came to the conclusion that the ectoplasm was affected by the previous king making it corrupted as well it explains his immediate reaction to kill him as he is the one who stood up to the tyrant king.
 As he felt his avatar’s life force slipping away his final thoughts were about returning to this reality to be with his lover. 
 As he returned to the Infinite realms he was immediately whisked away by his knight for another scheduled meeting. 
 After what had felt like centuries, he immediately created another avatar to enter the dimension and be with his lover. When he returned, he immediately noticed that time flowed too fast for his liking. Feeling devastated he originally planned to return to the Infinite Realms to mourn for his lover when he met the scrawniest 6-year-old boy stealing old books from the trash. Even the thin boy on the roof holding a camera waiting for the vigilantes to come, made up his mind and stayed. 
 The scrawny boy he dubbed before, his name is Jason and he lived in Crime Alley with awful parents. Danny would give him real food, light yet filling, to Jason while he would teach the boy to read books. He fell in love with classical books, he was happy to learn that he got adopted by a nice family who can feed him three times a day and he could go to school as well having a warm place to sleep. When he noticed that Jason stopped going to his shop for his usual visit, he was worried. 
 He knew that the boy he grew to love as a brother became a vigilante alongside that Batman fellow, so when he failed to show up, he began to panic. Carrying a handful of posters in his hand, he began spreading missing posters despite that many children are missing in Gotham every day. A rich fruit loop, to which he was sure he is Batman as every rich people who he meets has a secret lair in their basement, approached him and asked for the posters to which he replied that the young boy in the pictures came to his café before he was adopted. He couldn’t do anything to help the boy aside from the warm meals and sometimes sleeping over at his place, He could feel Clockwork’s warning and his connection that this boy has a destiny to fulfill and it mustn’t be disturbed, as he was just starting his business, and other legal and identity stuff, to keep the boy.
 Bruce, the fruit loop introduced himself and said that Jason passed away a few weeks ago. Which Danny would have believed if he noticed Lady Gotham grieving for her knight or bird? He kept quiet as Bruce asked where he got the picture, gesturing at the poster, as he didn’t recall having a picture of Jason with this kind of outfit, Danny answered by saying that sometimes after the kid got adopted, he would still come at his place and just hang out with him. Both became quaint acquaintances as both settle down and drink warm cups of coffee as two people share and tell stories of Jason.
 The thin one came into his life when he noticed a small silhouette in a roof over in front of his shop. A child too thin for his liking was carrying a camera focusing on any rooftop to catch a glimpse of the vigilante. Tim, who introduced himself, loves the vigilantes in Gotham and often would sneak out of the home to catch a photo or two and even a glimpse of the iconic duo. Danny asked himself what good parents wouldn’t notice their child missing every night surely the small eye bags below his eyes is already an indicator. Danny was sure he didn’t add a meta gene in his avatar so why is he getting too close to the family of a vigilante as well as having children who are neglected by their parents come to him? Gave Tim actual food than letting the id starve in the empty house and he didn’t get even surprised when months later he was adopted by Bruce. 
 During Bruce and Danny’s rare get-together, Danny mentioned hardly that having empty nest syndrome does not excuse him to adopt every black hair and blue-eyed child who is potentially traumatized in Gotham. This caused an immediate choke from Bruce and assured Danny and tried to refute him but Danny continued as if he had gone deaf at Bruce’s denial, that it is natural for teenagers to leave the nest and he felt pity and understanding for the butler for his efforts to stop Bruce in adopting every child in Gotham. 
 When Jason appeared and opened the doors to his café with a white streak on his hair as well as getting noticeably larger than last time, he didn’t say anything but prepared his seat in his favorite spot with Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen at one side and a Neapolitan ice cream sandwich on one side. Weakly whispering, Welcome back, to the person he had missed and loved like a brother. Danny knew that Jason didn’t like real-life sappy moments but Danny was just about to open his arms when Jason suddenly rushed to hug the man. Danny began filtering the corrupted ectoplasm in Jason’s system each time he stayed at his café to have a quick snack or lunch away from his brothers.
 It was when he took notice of the youngest Wayne that he experienced de ja vu. He looked like a mini Bruce, he inherited everything from Bruce including the scowl aside from his coloring. His color reminds him of his deceased lover in the desert, he traveled in this dimension in the past and he knew a child assassin in the making when he saw one. He tried everything to give Damian a sense of innocence as he was sure that this one would turn into a Robin at any given moment, going as far as having a menu dedicated to vegetarians.
 That should have been the first warning sign that fate is up to something.
 There has been a spike in occult activities in Gotham and the Bats decided to investigate as there has been evidence of live sacrifice. Their occult problem seemed that the followers of that particular occult are trying to revive the Pariah Dark who was known as the tyrant king as he ruled over under his rule. 
 As they were busting another botched attempt in summoning whatever was named king, they noticed Danny, a lovely café owner by the way, all tied and scratched up but no fatally noticeable injuries and seemed unconscious from the way he laid down. All birds wanted to rush in and free Danny from the tight binding that they were sure would leave a mark and a wound when the sound of shattering glass made all of them look up. A band of assassins accompanied by the one and only Ra Al Ghul the demon head. Now there is a heavy tension in the air as both sides are looking at each other with apprehensive, distrust, and blood lust. They didn’t know that Ra was following them nor his agenda for today but both sides know that no one is going to leave the dimly lit abandoned warehouse unharmed.
 But Danny chose to wake up that very moment to witness the two still not moving an inch from their spot and continuously staring down at each other. Danny would’ve slowly left the scene or even sunk into the shadows to watch both sides when he noticed the supposed leader. Danny felt his non-existent heart begin to beat again, something inside of him recognize the man. Looking closely Danny’s face slowly turns to one of awe and pure love as he stares at the Demon's head.
 In what would have been forever as the tension was broken by Danny who awoke and called out Astrophel while staring at Ra. 
 Batman and company are surprised to see Danny awake but also curse themselves for their luck for Danny to witness this. As Jason is about to pounce at any assassin that tries to harm Danny, they all have their respective jaws drop as Ra responded to Danny by having a whiplash too fast that they were sure they heard his neck crack at sheer speed.
 When they saw Ra and the League in tow, they were expecting a battle and bloodshed, not the fact that Ra looked like he is on the verge of tears nor the amount of emotions present in his eyes, aura, and body language.
 The joy, excitement, peacefulness, overwhelm, disbelief, hope, and nostalgia emitting from Ra made them double check their very eyes as well check their reality because never in their lives would they witness Ra such vulnerability and emotions to the café owner they both love and acquainted. 
 Danny is overjoyed to learn his lover is still in the mortal plane, he is ready for another adventure and journey just the two of them and maybe they would get married this time. 
 If only the Bats both in and out of their costume and civvies would stop getting in their way.
 PS: If someone out there wanted to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
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