#pregame ndrv3 ask blog
So you DO have a crush!
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Noya is interested ✧___✧
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"I told you... I don't have a crush..."
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
Howdy all!! Welcome to my DR sideblog <3 I hope you enjoy your stay here!
You'll be able to find all my art under [#pluto's creations], and keep an eye on my pinned post for when I have requests open! I would love if I could draw constantly, but unfortunately I am a full time uni student in a STEM major u_u
I do take commissions! If you're interested in one, send me a DM and I can send you my price sheet.
I'm super talkative in the tags, I love gushing about the amazing ideas the fandom makes!! I also have lots of categorization tags:
Game tags:
DRTHH -> #dr1
SDR2 -> #dr2
NDRV3 -> #drv3
I also sporadically tag Ultra Despair Girls as #udg, but if its just nagito or Izuru it might only be tagged as #dr2
Character tags: Most characters are written how their names are spelt in the official english localization (EX: #kaito momota) but there are a few exceptions:
Kokichi Oma -> #kokichi ouma
Keebo -> #kiibo
Ultimate Imposter -> #byakuya twogami
Genocide Jill -> #genocider
None of the UDG-only characters are tagged except for Komaru as I don't know any of their names
Special tags: I have a few more DR specific tags for things I love!
Gonta and Gundham interacting -> #bugs & beasts
Gonta + Kaito (qpp, romantic, besties, idc) -> #bugs blast off!
Pregame V3 stuff -> #pregamev3
V3 Survivors trio -> #ourrealitytrio
Gonta serious/angsty posts -> #gontangst
In general, I don't tag any ships as it's very difficult for me to remember all the ship names. If we're mutuals, feel free to ask me to tag a ship/trope either for filtering or later searching purposes!
Other tags:
#shut up me -> Personal thoughts and ramblings by me! Usually about DR or DR related things but no promises
#pluto answers -> Asks tag
#ask games -> Responses to ask memes
#reblog games -> Any of those "reblog and say in the tags..." posts
#fav -> Posts that I love so much I want to be able to find later
#ultimate fav -> above but EVEN MORE!!
#pluto's creations -> My art tag!
#pluto's doodles -> Doodle tag to keep my art tag less cluttered
#misc -> Any non-DR posts I reblog
#txt -> Silly textposts I tag as DR characters
#bugs -> I occasionally reblog pictures of bugs on here cause they remind me of Gonta <3
Likes, replies, and follows are all from my main blog @bare1ythere! I post everything non-dr related on there (which isn't a lot, these days)
My non-DR art blog is @bare1yart, although again, these days I'm mainly only drawing DR stuff
I'm the main mod over at @drv3giftexchange! Keep an eye out there for future/current events and the amazing works of everyone who's participated!
I have a twitter, although it's only for retweeting artwork that is sent to me from there. Follow [Autistic_G0nta] if you're interested in that!
You can also find me on Instagram at [G0nta.G0kuhara] if you want to follow my art there as well
I love getting and responding to asks/messages so please send me as many as you'd like! I also love getting sent/tagged in posts, especially one's related to my favs <3 I'm sorry if you ever send me a message and I never reply. Sometimes tumblr doesn't send me notifications or I'm just overwhelmed by the amount I get. Thank you for your patience ;u;
Just a heads up! I use she/he/they pronouns for Chihiro, though with a bias towards she/they, and will occasionally reblog things using he/him for Chihiro. Most Chihiro headcanons are welcome here. Feel free to block the tag [#masc chihiro] for blacklist
Please do not tag my original works with Gonta and Kokichi interacting as ougoku! Just a personal squick of mine. Feel free to tag any of my reblogs here as that ship, as I occasionally do reblog some ougoku stuff.
•DR1 -> Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Sakura Ogami, & Chihiro Fujisaki
•DR2 -> Gundham Tanaka, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, & Nagito Komaeda
•DRV3 -> Gonta Gokuhara, Kaito Momota, & Tsumugi Shirogane
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saiainopresai-v3 · 4 months
ayo 2024 pinned post
im sai (or smth from my user) !! my pronouns are she/her n they/them
this is my 18+ NDRV3 art blog (typically for dark themes) and usually i post doodles - mainly of pregame saihara, ingame saihara, saiouma/oumasai (whichever you wanna call it ik the order matters in jp tags lol), and some AUs ive got bubbling…
please use tone tags with me! you can find lists of them online
my art - #my art my textposts - #saiai.txt
hope you enjoy my blog <3
(warning and DNI under the cut to keep things neat!)
WARNING! my art may contain mature, dark themes, as well as pg oumasai being depicted as an unhealthy relationship (i depict/headcanon them as 18). if it triggers you, it may be best to not interact for your own safety! (take care of ys <3)
please DNI if you romanticize unhealthy relationships, are a kink blog, are transphobic/homophobic/racist/MAPs, are under 18. i hold the right to choose who i interact with and may block you
(if i personally know who you are already, i’d prefer you to ask if you can follow me!)
do not repost or use my art for AI.
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askpre-v3 · 3 years
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Shuichi Saihara / Maki Harukawa - First Session 
Maki: Why did you feel the need to yell that?
Shuichi: Ah... you didn’t let me answer the first question, Harukawa-chan... so that’s why.
Maki: That’s hardly an answer!
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thataltcesar · 3 years
Pregame_Kokichi has joined the party .
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You can ask him questions too ! But unlike Kiibo and Tetsuya , I will be using sprites .
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ask-pregame-oumota · 4 years
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“Maybe make accusations like that when I’ve actually given you a proper reason to do so.”
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askluckaito-archive · 4 years
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ask / about / navigation
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xxshslnobodykichixx · 4 years
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"Hello, I'm Korekiyo Shinguji. Pleased to meet you."
pregame korekiyo ask blog! inspired by @ask-korekiyo , @angie-answers , @babyboy-kokichi , @ask-ryoma-hoshi @ask-teruteru and any others.
ask box is about to open. feel free to send an ask.
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askpregametenmiko · 5 years
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guess whos back!! sorry about the hiatus, were up and running again!
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pregame53 · 6 years
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welcome to @pregame53, a new danganronpa v3: killing hamony ask blog, for the pregame kids!
all characters currently open for ask, but i recommend looking at the information page before sending one in!
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Well I mean... ignoring the multiverse theory what other Kokichi Ouma exists? Not like there’s a million other Kokichis running around Japan or something so of course they’re for you! Just... don’t get sick chugging panta alright?
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"I'm not sure whether its the panta or the thought of more Kokichis in japan but I'm already sick"
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pregameauasks · 6 years
Shuichi Saihara is available for asks!
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A-ah... Hello, my name is Shuichi Saihara. If you’re going to be asking questions... I hope you don’t mind if I talk about Danganronpa, I tend to get really excited about it.
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ask-ki-bo · 6 years
Something that angers you - Well, robophobia. It’s the wall that keeps me from being closer with my friends, and I hate it.
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One day, I hope to be their equal.
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askpre-v3 · 3 years
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Kaede Akamatsu’s interview sessions have completed.
???: We’re on a schedule after all, we have to limit the amount of personal interviews each candidate gets, plain and simple.
???: Kaede Akamatsu... you’re a very promising one indeed! There’s no doubt people will be interested in hearing more about you.
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ask-pregame-oumota · 5 years
Is.. Is Kokichi blushing-
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