#prepared to get blasted so hard for this but i don't even care anymore
emotionalcadaver · 3 months
You know what? I've gone out of my way to be nice. I've acknowledged that mob mentality and manipulation were at work. I've reached out to some of the people who were direct victims of Mr. McCreepy and his actions to check in on them and to extended my well wishes. I have made an effort not to victim blame or question anyone's experiences over what has happened.
But I do not appreciate my own experiences being questioned and belittled. No, he did not hurt me nearly as directly as he did many of you. But that does not change that he created an extremely hostile, unwelcoming, and anxiety inducing environment for myself, and many other people, simply because we happened to like a character that he didn't.
Many of you are missing the point. It was not simply because he disliked Grace that so many were turned off or upset by his behavior. It was because he went out of his way to comment on posts--like gifsets or textposts--spouting nasty things about her, purposefully picking fights with her fans, and openly bullying people for liking her or for trying to defend themselves when he burst onto their lovely gifs or other content they'd created spewing hated. That was the problem. And that's not even going into the issue that a lot of his posts on Grace crossed the line from simple character critique into full blown misogyny.
And so many of his fans engaged with that behavior and contributed to it. And by continuing to belittle and minimize the experiences of those who have tried to discuss this aspect of his public behavior and how it affected them and the fandom, you are proving that you never cared that he was hurting others. It was only when he hurt you personally that you started to give a damn.
I'm not even looking for an apology from anyone who engaged in the bullying. But I don't think that it's too much to ask that, after everything that has been revealed about this man, that you would stop trying to argue that his public behavior was acceptable. I am frankly flabbergasted to see so many people who are victims of him going out of their way to still defend him when it comes to this aspect of what he did.
This is a way that he has hurt and affected myself and others in the fandom, even when we chose not to directly engage with him. And it is just as valid as the other ways he hurt people on here. I am sorry if that makes you feel bad, because you happened to contribute to the bullying that created such an unwelcoming environment and quite likely drove some people out of the fandom entirely. But those of us who were impacted in this way have just as much right to express it as the rest of you.
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evieelyzabethh · 3 months
Love your work. <3 Could you write something with reader x spike where they're kinda' pining for one another, but one night he gets injured and has to stay over at her house? She patches him up and maybe offers him a bite? Doesn't have to be nsfw but +5 cool points if it is. <3
Hello, my loves, long time no see!!! I hope this is to your liking <3
Spike is so incredibly reckless. You knew this, he knew, everybody knew that Spike was a walking accident waiting to happen'. He likes to think he can handle himself. "I'm bad, baby," he'd tell you, "M' the big bad slayer killer. I can handle a few scratches." But you were never worried about what he could handle, you were worried about the fact that his blood was always staining your couch. That and the fact that his lack of self-preservation kept you up at night.
Usually, he has some decorum. He doesn't come to you with every scrape and bruise, even though you handled him with much more care than he was capable of extending to himself. It was his way of punishing himself, depriving himself of your head scratches and soft hands for bothering you too much. You scolded him for this, of course. It seems like its every other week (more like every other day) when you and he argue, most often in front of the Scoobies who waited anxiously for you take your arguments to the bedroom, about him leaving you to worry about whether or not he was ash.
"I mean, fuck Spike. Is it really that hard to just give me a call if you plan on bleeding at your place. A little 'Hi, yeah, I don't think I need my wounds treated with modern medicine, I'm gonna take my chances with old whisky and tetanus like the good ol' days'." And every time he takes his well-earned lecture with a smirk and a bowed head.
"Yes, mother, next time I'll break your door down at three in the morning for some pretty pink bandages."
"If you were so ashamed of the pretty pink bandages, maybe you should think before you run into knives!"
Spike has maybe told the truth a grand total of two times in his whole life, so his word means absolutely nothing. He continues to ignore your street like the plague unless it's an absolute emergency.
Now was an emergency.
You barely heard the faint knocks on your door from your bedroom, where you sat on your bed, music blasting from your stereo and some reality court show droning on in the background, catching your attention when someone decided to be particularly messy. You had thought it was your neighbors blind dog scratching at your door again until something large and loud hit it. Quickly arming yourself with a frying pan, you crept to your door, tearing it open for a very injured Spike to nearly fall flat on your floor before he caught himself using your doorframe.
His left hand clutched at his bleeding side and he walked with a limp over to his couch which now had a plastic cover. His dead heart was touched.
"Aw, you were waiting for me, " he croaked out. He fell on his back, one of his hands falling over the side and his eyes closing as soon as his head at the pillow. His shirt had claw marks that were lined with blood and his duster had barely escaped the carnage, a few holes separate from the preexisting moth holes sticky with some supernatural substance.
"Have to be prepared when it comes to you." You patted his cheek, thumbing over his cheekbones to try and arouse some consciousness. "Can't have you fallin' asleep on me. You might not wake up." You weren't going to leave his side until you were sure he wasn't going to die in your absence.
He babbled unintelligently, his mouth moving but having no connection to his brain to form any sort of actual thought. His eyes flit between closed and aware, his head moving to catch up with the spinning room, his mouth impossibly dry, and his head pounding. In his head, he insisted he was fine, but the words wouldn't come out right. He spat them out garbled and messy until he was too choked up to even try anymore.
He was barely conscious when he felt your wrist at his mouth. He had enough sense to shake his head and nudge away your wrist with his nose, but his lack of strength made his attempts futile. "No," he mumbled.
"You'll feel better," your voice swam around in his head until the words lost meaning and he just smiled at the sound of your voice. You swiped your thumb across one of his canines, the red contrasting with the pearly whites of his teeth swiftly wiped away by the pink of his tongue. After the taste of your blood was on his tongue, his sense was surrendered to instinct as he brought your wrist to his lips.
You didn't know what you were getting into. Vampires get their life force from blood, so it just made sense to have him feed from you to expedite the healing process. The more he drank, the louder your heartbeat grew in your ear and the closer he pulled you to him. You had only done this once before, when you were both drink and dizzy and jokes being whispered in your ear turned into tiny nips from your neck that Buffy nearly walked in on.
In complete shock of what had happened then, you never brought it up, halfway convincing yourself that it never happened in the first place. If it did happen, he had enough sense to pull away then and you hoped he had the sense the pull away now, but now was much different. Now, there was a newfound hunger. A desperation. Like he had been starving himself for years and you were the first bite of food he had eaten. Had to have been good food to, with the way he inhaled you, indulged in you like you were some ambrosia or golden mead.
"Spike," you moaned. "I'm getting a bit light-headed." Your voice was high and thin, fearful as you made attempts to pull your arm from his lips. Through his haze, his fangs contracted back, and his tongue swiped whatever lingered on your skin.
"I'm sorry." Sorry for going too far, sorry for almost turning you into an empty Capri Sun pouch, sorry for being reckless again.
" 's ok."
You wobbled a bit as you stood, fingers wrapped around your wound as you shuffled into your kitchen in pursuit of your first aid kit. "You gonna tell me what happened?" He only groaned from the couch.
"Maybe tomorrow. I'm tired." You laughed on your way over to him, wrist already covered in gauze with an all too familiar needle and thread in hand.
"You're tired?" The smell of your blood was all too pungent, still. He turned his head towards the wall, studying the numerous music posters and paintings you had hanging.
"Going out to fight evil is a very hard job." You chuckled.
"I know. That's why I stay in here to patch you up." Your fingers were like magic. They always had a way of calming him down. Especially the way you hummed to yourself while you worked. You were never content with just silence. "I expect an answer in the morning." He smiled.
"Yes, ma'am." He fell asleep before you even finished and by the time you were done, you were too tired to walk the down the hall to your bed. You laid your head down on his chest, with no heartbeat to thrum and no breath to rock you, you still fell asleep just like that. Who knew cold bodies were so comfortable.
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crimeronan · 6 months
Hunter trying to track down his family history on the down-low? Possibly to prepare himself for the most worst-case scenario his brain keeps telling him where Luz makes a life where he isn’t necessary to be in anymore?? Which is a literal mirror what Luz keeps feeling when Hunter is getting closer to new people like Willow, Amity, and Gus???
Anyways, the idea of Hunter doing all this research and finding fuck all and eventually having to make certain leaps in attempt of finding any leads and just… A return of teens asking Darius vague and leading questions about his mentor for their own research and Darius being left internally freaking the fuck out because of drawing the wrong conclusions and it being tied up with the majority of his own bullshit and hangups.
(In reference to the ask about Luz asking Darius questions about the previous gg when she was trying to find out as much as she could about the grimwalkers before Hunter but Darius freaking out because he thought she was on to him being a rebel. Don’t know what wrong conclusions he would come up with Hunter’s questioning while Hunter’s grasping at straws of where he might have come from but the idea of Darius thinking he has an idea of what these teens want from him and being extremely wrong about it is so funny to me. I also don’t know if the fact that Darius knows about how Luz killed Belos means that he knows about the grimwalker situation yet or not??)
i was THINKING that if hunter was having trouble tracing his own lineage, he'd probably go to darius first. he knows darius was mentored by the prior golden guard and hunter wants to know more about him, because the timeline doesn't match up to him being hunter's father, but apparently he was Also related to belos...? maybe also half-human, somehow, or maybe a key to figuring out what belos lied about.
as for the conclusions darius would draw, i actually think darius would know Exactly what hunter was asking, and that that would kind of be. worse. for him.
i don't know whether darius knows the word "grimwalker" but he's definitely put two-and-two together that the golden guards are something other than witches. and that belos killed all of them. and that luz knows it.
there's the inner luz having referenced the "others" in her mindscape, and darius Knowing belos must have killed his mentor, and the fact that darius has now seen what went down right before luz killed belos. which means he would have seen:
“He has always been sick!” Belos roars. The fury is a driving knife, an explosion, a shrapnel blast. Luz flinches back, hard, and slams into her chair, too startled to stand her ground. But the Emperor isn’t finished. He sweeps everything off the table with an earthshattering crash, objects scattering haphazardly across the floor, the vibration rattling through Luz’s shoes. Even that’s not as frightening as his voice, though. “Do you think that it matters whether the body falls apart?” he snarls. “Do you think that I care whether he could malinger for a witch’s normal Godforsaken lifespan? Do you think that I care whether any of them could? Never for a moment should I have let him live past infancy, and if you weren’t such a softhearted coward, you’d understand the same!”
like. darius knows.
and obviously he's in a position where he can't explain how he came by this information, but even if he COULD, he still wouldn't want to tell hunter. he and luz are both firmly in the same camp as far as "protecting hunter from information that could fuck him up forever" goes. no matter how much darius pretends that he doesn't care or he's not invested
so it would be more like. hunter can Tell that darius is hiding something. bc darius is being cagey about more stuff than usual and blatantly trying to distract hunter and getting snappier than he usually does.
and it's really weird. bc darius has never been less-than-trustworthy before.
so. what gives.
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wheelsup · 3 years
make you sweat
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summary: y/n and spencer never got along, and that doesn't have to change just because they hooked up one time. but as time goes on, they realize they can't just leave it at one night.
a/n: this will be a series! it all started from this ask. this part is meant to be read as more of a flashback sequence, so there's skips in dialogue/action on purpose.
submitting to @imagining-in-the-margins’s monthly writing challenge! enemies to lovers
category: spencer reid x fem! reader, SMUT, 18+
warnings: penetration, enemies to people who fuck, car sex, reader gets a little rough on spencer during a heated argument, no dom/sub dynamic thus far
The first time it happened was a mistake.
When Hotch asked Y/N and Spencer to pick up dinner for the team, he expected that forcing the two of them together would give them the chance to resolve the animosity between them. Not provide them with an opportunity to fuck in the backseat of a government-issued vehicle. That really wasn't the plan.
To be fair, the circumstances were out of Y/N's control. It was as if everything was set up to leave her with no choice but to screw that annoying genius's brains out.
When they got to the restaurant, the staff said they forgot to place their phone-in order with the kitchen. There was a whole charade out of getting it back in order, and after a quick call to Hotch to let him know about the delay, the two of them ended up waiting in the car for their seven dinners to be made. For well over an hour.
Spencer was driving her mad. As he always did, but this time, she had no outlet for it.
First, he blamed her for the mishap. As if she had personally slipped a note to the hostess and told her not to send the ticket through. Then, he refused to let her turn on the car so she could blast the heat. It was the dead of winter, with a chilling temperature of thirty-one degrees outside. Y/N was shivering in her seat and it didn't matter at all to him; all he cared about was conserving the car battery.
The conversation pretty much died after that. Until, for some reason, Y/N thought she'd ask him once more, as if the twelfth time would change his mind.
"Seriously, can we have the heat on for five minutes? That's all I need." Y/N barely had the energy to whine or argue, wrapping her arms even tighter around her middle. Her whole body felt stiff from the icy air.
His simple answer was a flat, unsympathetic, "No."
She couldn't take it anymore. Take him anymore. She opened the door of the driver's seat, clambering out and muttering under her breath, "Fucking asshole", as she slammed the door shut behind her as hard as she could.
She stood in that stiff air for only a few seconds before it got unbearable. There was a shock blanket stored with the first aid kit in the trunk; she quickly grabbed it the moment she remembered it. And only because it was starting to snow inside did she get back inside the car. But specifically in the back, because she couldn't be paid to sit next to Spencer Reid for a minute longer.
Ten minutes of sweet silence went by. Not a word from Spencer's always-running mouth. And she cherished it, until Spencer decided he couldn’t let her have any peace at all.
He got out and opened the car door on her side, tail between his legs to admit that he was cold after all. And he had the fucking nerve to ask if he could join her.
"Absolutely not," she scoffed loudly, winding the edges of the blanket tighter in her fists and tugging it tighter on herself. It was a necessary distraction for her body to not go ahead and push him out of the doorway.
"Please, I'm freezing!"
She couldn’t be fucked. Ten minutes ago, he was sitting pretty in the ugliest brown sweater vest and tweed jacket she’d ever seen, acting like the weather didn’t affect him just because he’d dressed more prepared for it than she did.
"Funny, I don't remember you caring when I said that."
Spencer simply rolled his eyes and shoved his way into the back seat.
In all her time on the field, she’d never once seen him look as strong as he did just then, pushing her aside like she was nothing to get what he was asking for. Out of pure shock, she held her tongue.
And then he asked to share the blanket, and everything erupted.
"You have to be out of your fucking mind if you think–"
"I'm not asking to fucking cuddle, I just want a corner of this blanket!"
Y/N nearly gagged at the thought of cuddling him. "You're absolutely fucking right, we aren't going to cuddle! Just like you're not getting this blanket!"
Spencer didn't like the sound of that.
He tried to forcibly pull it from her, not caring if she were swaddled up inside it. When he heedlessly tugged the corner, she went flying with it. Her skull rammed into his, one that she’d always found to be obnoxiously large. She was seeing stars from the impact, dumbfounded and in pain.
"What. The fuck, Reid!" Without thinking twice, she slapped the side of his ribcage with her hand, as hard as she could. Her other was busy rubbing her throbbing head.
"Did you really just hit me? What are you, five years old?"
It was impossible to recall every word that was exchanged after that.
They were yelling at each other so much, words and insults overlapping one another's, that it all blended together. She got up in his face; he got up in hers. Teeth bared, nothing was off the table to say.
Spencer refused to get physical about it. Y/N didn't have that same level of restraint. Her fist wound up in the fabric of his shirt collar, tugging him roughly as she gave him every last piece of her mind. When she screwed it even tighter, it started to cut his airways a little. He had to do something to get her to let go of him.
So he thought about pulling her hair. Throw her off your rhythm and get her to snap out of it.
It only made her angrier. And she reacted, perhaps too instinctively. Drawing her hand back, she brought it down fast on his cheek. Bringing crimson red to the place she struck him.
Y/N’s scalp still stung long after his hand left her hair, just like his face burned in her wake.
The next thing she felt was the clashing of his mouth over her. Rough, but it would be wrong to say it was wholly unwelcome. It didn't feel like love, or even lust. It felt like war. It was bruising the way his teeth, tucked behind his lips, collided against her soft skin. Pushing hard into her on impact. There wasn't even time for his kiss to settle down before she yanked him off by his unruly brown hair, ready to air a whole new world of grievances out on him.
But in the brief second Y/N pulled away, before she started yelling again, she looked at him.
His hair was sticking out in all directions. Wilder than she could've expected it to look from just touching it that one time. He must've been running his own fingers through it during the argument, frustration coming out in the form of this sexed-up looking mess.
And his lips. They were furiously swollen and cherry red, no doubt from all that angry biting he'd been doing while she was hurling insults his way. They were impossible to ignore.
But looking at his eyes was what did her in. They were so dark, almost completely black. Like what it was to look into a deep, bottomless pit right before stumbling on the edge and falling into it.
And that's what she did.
She fell in. Fell forward, into his lips again.
His hand gripped her thigh, fingertips digging bruises into the muscle as he tugged her onto his lap. Y/N’s hands slid down from his hair, running over his neck and down his chest as she let herself straddle him. Using his flat chest as leverage to situate herself perfectly against him. Without breaking that kiss, he shifted lower in his seat to give her the access, dragging her by her thighs so that her ass nestled right over his crotch.
Y/N’s hips rocked against his, delivering the sweetest friction she needed from him. Her lips broke away from his, using it as an opportunity to dive for his neck and suck angry purple marks into his skin. He made a low whining sound, pressing himself harder into her, arching his neck to give her more of himself.
She had to move quickly before she changed her mind. Taking fistfuls of his shirt, wrinkling up the expensive material in her fingers, she quickly untucked it from his trousers. His perpetually-proper, schoolboy look was already ruined long before that. Her hands went for his belt at the same time he reached for his zipper; both of them working together now to urge this along. A mutual understanding that if this didn't happen fast, both of them would back out.
Y/N wasted no time in diving her hand down the front of his half-open trousers, palming him over his cotton boxers. He ground himself into her hand, shutting his eyes and dropping his head back to the seat. Desperately chasing the friction with no reservations, not even afraid to look desperate for touch. Watching him just like that, mouth hanging open as airy, broken moans flowed out, was entirely a vision.
"You look like such a slut like that," she groaned, leaning down to his ear. He grumbled lowly, shoving his own hand into the waistband of her jeans. He slid over the fabric of her panties, and even just by pressing on the outside, he could feel how wet she was through them. The heel of his palm grazed over her clit and she moaned for him.
He chuckled darkly, repeating the motion with his fingers. "You sure I'm the slut here?" She was riding his hand without much work, using him to her own advantage. Wishing he would just move the fabric aside and place his fingers inside her.
Her teeth sunk into his soft ear lobe, tugging sharply. He yelped at the sting and she let go, lips now dotting kisses from just below his ear to down the column of his throat. While he kept working his hand, she sighed against his ear, sending warm air fanning over his neck every time. With each warm wave, his patience wore thinner.
His other hand flew to her waist and tugged hastily at the band of her jeans. If she hadn't reached down and popped open the button right then, she’s sure he would've forcibly torn them off.
Spencer pried them off the rest of the way as she gracelessly wiggled out of them in that confined space. He tossed them onto the floor, kicking them aside and spreading his legs as she climbed back onto him, opening her up. She hooked her fingers into his pants, shimmying them down his thighs until there was no more fabric between them.
Y/N gave him one final look, a chance to back out. He didn't. Taking him in one hand, she slid herself over his shaft, teasing him through her wet folds. He pulled her hips flush to his, pressing himself firmly against her outside. The tip of his dick brushed her clit twice before she couldn't take the wait anymore.
Y/N pulled back, reaching for her purse in the front seat and quickly fishing out a condom.
The look Spencer gave her when he saw that was something she’d get mad about at a later time. He couldn't very well shame her for being prepared when he was on the happily receiving end of it.
Tearing it open and rolling the latex down on him, she lined him at her entrance before sinking down on him slowly. His face twisted more and more in pleasure as she took more of him in.
The lack of space didn't stop Y/N from riding him in the back seat. Her knees paid the price, chafing against the leather seats as she rolled over him in waves. Slumping forward onto his chest, she forced him to support her body as she moved. His arms wrapped over her back, guiding her on him. He felt himself hit deep inside and dug his hands tighter into her sides. Moving her hips faster, he made sure he hit that same spot again and again, thrusting his own hips up to make sure of it.
She fit two fingers between their bodies, circling her own clit as he kept going. His moans were getting more gravely and broken, and she needed to make sure she got to finish before it was over. Screwing her eyes shut until she saw stars against the black, Y/N bit down on his neck to keep herself from getting too loud as she finished herself off. The moment he felt her fluttering around him, he knew he was done. He rode out that feeling of her clenching around him as long as he could bear before releasing with one final groan, forcing her hips down on him with both hands as he buried himself in her and came.
The very moment he loosened his grip on her, Y/N rolled off him. Recoiling away from him and shocked at what they’d just done. Before his breathing had even settled back to normal, she was already tugging her clothes back on and climbing out of the car, fixing her hair as she disappeared into the restaurant.
hello! i've made an entirely new taglist, so if you'd like to stay on my smut taglist, this series, or any other works, please join here!
new taglist (for mys series):
@meganskane @mugi-chwan95 @insomniacbeth @just_arandomwriter @pissbit @neverlandwaitingforme @idonotexiste @sewagegirl @thisisntrealipromise @ilovehotmums @outlawedmando @xoxo-jnh-xoxo @mediocre-writer @citylights31@xoxospencerreid @spencerreidat3am @bitsofthebluestsky @nomajdetective @beepbooptoop @bates-mattel @bisexual-virgin @muffin-cup @spacefrog28 @alexxavicry @jswessie187 @raybutcool
if your name is crossed out, your tag isn't working! it may be your visibility settings <3
i'll tag my old smut taglist separately!
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placebogirl7 · 3 years
Kinoshita: Ren's assistant and "voice of conscience"
I decided to make an analysis about one of the most underrated character in Nana (also because he doesn't appear that much) but who I appreciate so much. Prepare yourself for a very long post to read because my beloved Kinoshita deserves it! ;) Kinoshita has been introduced as Ren assistant: his role is to drive Ren home when he's too tired, to remind him his schedule, to help him with whatever he needs. Kinoshita is also a big fan of Ren, so he's excited to have the opportunity to work with his idol. When we first see him in the manga, he's driving Ren home after a long day work. He's fashinated about Ren's expensive car and when Ren tells him that it's just a car and he doesn't matter about apprearance unlike Takumi, Kinoshita says to him that he's very talented and rich but he's not ambitious despite this. He also says that he let Takumi have control even his music and that it's when he plays punk music that he gives is best. Kinoshita is firmly convinced that Ren soul belongs to punk and that's the kind of music he should do. Probably in the old days he would have been a huge fan of former Blast! XD He sees the potential of Ren and he's aware that Takumi is "suppressing" it asking him to write songs more suitable for Reira's voice (which is definitely not punk).
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At first Ren laughs about Kinoshita's words, because they just seems the words of an excited fan, but later he realized that maybe those words werent' that stupid. In fact, during a talk with Takumi, the latter says something that immediately make Ren remind of Kinoshita. Takumi basically confirmed what Kinoshita himself said before: Ren shows his best when he act like a rebel punk and he plays punk music. Can we just spend one minute looking at Ren's face expression in the last image of the panel below? He's smiling, but there's a sad expression on his face after he realized that Kinoshita's words were right. I think in that moment Ren realized what he had left behind and the fact that he's not free as he was in the past. He has to play the role of Trapnest's guitarist and he can't be anymore just Ren Honjo. Suddenly Takumi's kingdom was not so bright anymore compared to his own one little kingdom he abandoned.
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So we can say that Kinoshita is the first one who really realized Ren's real potential and he has no fear to tell him directly.
Another thing that I appreciate about Kinoshita is exactly that he doesn't have fear to tell what he thinks and he has the courage to do it even about Takumi. Despite his evident bad attitude, nobody in Cookie staff has the courage to rebel against Takumi: they just wait for hsi orders and obey to them even if they don't agree. But one day, while talking to Ren, Kinoshita finally expresses what in my opinion is the thought of everyone: they are just little soldiers at the service of Takumi. He respects him and he recognize that he's an excellent business man, but he's not good when it comes to treat people in a decent way. He lacks of empathy and of other things on a human level. Even if Ren doesn't seem to appreciate this, I think Kinoshita was totally right and also I love how he feels at ease to confess to Ren his thoughts and opinion: he doesn't seem to simply consider Ren as an idol or a person he has to take care of but as a sort of friend to whom he can feel free to talk.
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Later in the story, Kinoshita starts to re-evaluate Takumi after he found a solution to stop the scandal between Ren and Reira. He understands that Takumi actually cares about the band and its members and he carefully thinks about everything to avoid bad situations or loss that may bring damages to Cookie Music. Also, he doesn't see himself anymore only as Ren's assistant (like he has done until that moment) but he starts to see himself as a "vassal" of Trapnest, embracing Takumi's vision that he had criticized before. Ren is very happy to know that, look at his smile.
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And now let's talk about Ren's drug addiction and how Kinoshita reacts to that. Of course Kinoshita knows about Ren's problem but he also knows he can't do a lot to be helpful. When Ren tries to get rid of all the cocaine he has but then starts to suffer from withdrawal, while they are driving to Cookie Music, Kinoshita notices that Ren doesn't feel good at all and tries to convince him to go to the hospital instead of going to work. Ren won't listen to reasons and yell at him to bring him at Cookie Music (knowing that Narita will give him drug). In the end Kinoshita obey to his order, but since he's really worried and not satisfied he later decided to call Takumi and inform him about Ren's conditions. Despite he doesn't like Takumi, he knows that he's the only one he can ask for help because Takumi has something he lack of: the power to find a solution even to the most complicated things. The binomial hate-admiration that Kinoshita has for Takumi is evident from the beginning to the end of the serie. I won't put images of the above mentioned scenes because Tumblr allows you to put only 10 images per post and I need to reserve the space for other images of more important scenes, but I'm sure you all remeber both the scenes I mentioned.
Another thing I want to point out is Kinoshita's vision about Nana and Ren's relationship. We can say that he has always been very considerate about their relationship and he never doubted even for a second that Nana wasn't sincere about Ren. He had understood from Ren that they truly loves each other and he sincerely wanted them to stay together. The little panel below is an example of this: Nana and Ren were having hard times and they rarely met each other. They had just found a new house but they couldn't spend time together in it and Kinoshita seemed to be very sorry because he saw how much Ren needed to stay with her.
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Another scene were he demonstrates he cares for Nana and Ren's relationship is when Search publish that scandalous article and all the media start to talk about this, inventing fake things. Ren doesn't say a word and Kinoshita encourages him to do what he want, telling him that if he wants to spend good words about his girlfriend in front of the reporters, he won't prevent him from doing it. He says to Ren "follow what your heart tells you to do", which is the same thing that Yasu himself had told him in the bathroom during the Trapnest Vs. Blast show, when they spoke about Ren's drug addiction and Nana's hyperventilation attacks. Again, Kinoshita is acting like a supportive friend to Ren and not only as a mere assistant. When Ren refuses to do it and defines his old band members and friends (including his girlfriend) "old thrown away partner", Kinoshita seems shocked by that reaction. I personally was shocked too when I read it, because Ren really acted like a jerk in that moment. He put his career and Trapnest above his love and realtionship and friends, acting like Takumi would have acted, and so for Kinoshita (who in that moment still didn't appreciate Takumi for this) it must have been disappointing to see him acting in that cold way towards his lover and friends who were being accused.
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Later, while Trapnest are in London, Ren realises that he acted like he didn't care and he reminds of Kinoshita's words (exactly like it happened when he told him he gave his best when he played punk music).
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When Ren and Nana separate and Ren refuses to go fetch her because he feels ashamed to meet her and tell her about his drug addiction, Kinoshita takes the initiative and decide that if Ren needs to be encouraged to go to Nana, then he will be the person who will encourage him. He knows that Ren needs Nana and he hopes that reuniting with her could help him to feel better and convince him to stop taking drugs. While they are in Ren's car driving towards Cookie Music and Ren is talking about this with Hachi on the phone, Kinoshita asks him where Nana is in that moment and when he answers "Osaka", Kinoshita immediately change direction and starts to drive towards Osaka.
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Again Kinoshita brings out his rebel side and affirms that he can't do what the staff expect him to do or follow Takumi's orders: he's convinced that he's doing the right thing (and he was definitely doing it in my opinion). He blames again Takumi and his way of handling the situation, knowing that what Ren needs is professional help and a break to recover, but Ren suddenly brings out the reality of the fact: he's not disappointed by Takumi or the staff, he's disappointed by him, his own hero, the idol he estimates so much. Kinoshita doesn't know what to answer, he doesn't want to hurt Ren and probably he doesn't want to admit to himself that Ren is right. In the last scene of the panel below, Kinoshita's expression is very sad because he realized that there's nothing he can do anymore to help Ren. He did his best but he failed. I think it must have been hard for him to realize that.
I think we can make a comparison here: Kinoshita has always idealized Ren exactly as Nobu did. They both saw Ren has an invincible hero, a perfect creature to admire and they wish to be like him, but then they realized that not all that glitters is gold and that Ren wasn't as perfect as they saw him. He was actually more fragile then them and they feel powerless because they knew they couldn't do anything to help him. When you idealize a person so much and then you discover that person isn't as you saw him/her, then you feel disappointed and that's what happened to both Kinoshita and Nobu.
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Last but not least, after Ren's death Kinoshita tries his best to complete what Ren has left incomplete. His thoughts aren't for Trapnest's future or Cookie Music or for his work: his thoughts are for Nana, just like the last thoughts of Ren were. Kinoshita's mission is to be a sort of "emissary" who has to bring to Nana the feelings Ren was going to express her, his last words, his thoughts for her. The scene below is so sad but I love it, it's one of my favorite in the manga. Looking at Kinoshita crying while saying that "Please, accept it" breaks my heart evry time. He's literally begging Nana to take that present which Ren wanted to give her but didn't manage to, he wants Ren to be happy wherever he is in that moment, knowing that his wish has been fulfilled.
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So, after all this recap of Kinoshita's moments, I think we can say that he's not only a mere assistant for Ren, but he's also a friend. His feelings for Ren are sincere, he doesn't praise him because he wants to keep his work, he praise him because he sincerely admire him. Kinoshita knows Ren needs and try to help him as much as he can, not only with his work but even more with his personal life. And if we consider all the times he has said something and Ren hasn't taken him seriously, but later realized how much he was right, we can say that Kinoshita's role in the story is to be Ren's "voice of conscience", that voice we all have inside us that says to us what is the right thing to do (but we often ignore it like Ren did). Kinoshita is a sort of mixture between Yasu and Nobu: he gives Ren the same advices as Yasu would have given him and he admire him like Nobu did. I think this is a good thing for Ren, because now that he's not a member of Blast anymore he doesn't have much time to see his old and true friends (not that Naoki and Reira aren't his friends but...well, in my opinion they can't be compared to Yasu and Nobu), so having Kinoshita near is like having a part of his friends with him all the time.
I hope this super long post hasn't annoyed you and I hope now we can all love Kinoshita together because he deserves a lot of love for what he did ♥.
Nana Week 2021 Day 1 Prompt: side character
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mochikeiji · 4 years
Mishap Aroma
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↠ Pairing: Akaashi Keiji x Reader
↠ Warning:tw: perverted person/anxiety attacks, astraphobia slight angst, fluffy fluff with my man.
↬ Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: Even the baddest day, week, month or year can have the most sweetest taste of goodness by the end. Especially with the person you love and would scare all of these bad aura away.
⇢ Day 4: CoffeeShop AU
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Misfortune— it happens at an unexpected time, event, and place. Whether you find yourself having a good day or moment or already in a tight spot, that bastard comes right in to double the penetration to your problems.
For instance, you were just finishing up your daily chores such as going to the grocery to fill in your empty fridge back home. It was all fine, there weren't much people, the line was short, the cashier was kind and patient as you counted your coins frantically. It was all fine.
And then the weather decided to be a bitch.
It started as a hot sunny day and suddenly as afternoon light peaks in the midst of your way home it started to pour. You didn't mind at first and luckily came in prepared with an umbrella and walked while humming a tune in your head peacefully. It was all alright, enjoying the cold weather and water spraying on your face like a child, that was until clouds started clashing to one another, delivering a loud roar from above that made your feet tumble a little on the ground.
You hated it.
On the corner of a building you ran and knelt down, one hand on your dominant ear, the one that was more sensitive to sound and the other having to deal with your shoulder pathetically protecting it. You searched desperately inside your bag, looking for that clear case of your that held two earplugs your mother had given you from her father. But none, you could've sworn you had two pairs of those. One for travel and one for home.
"Ah fuck, I broke them last month."
Raining season was occuring, of course you were using those earplugs before and more often. But the more it stretched when you pulled it out from your ear, it sadly broke. And the ones that were strong and still in good piece were at home. 
The pounding from your heart didn't stop with your knees wobbling from your poor position and fear. Getting home was a bit hard with the down pour. Worse was the flashing lights above and the roars of thunder. You'd be down on your knees and you wouldn't even be close home.
You panted a bit, flinching ever so suddenly at the rain ever second, predicting the possibility of a next round of thunder. Keeping your head lowered, you saw your bag lit up brightly inside. Hope flickered inside of you a little when you fished it out quickly and saw the ID message.
Are you okay?
Where are you?
Do you have your earplugs?
3:33 PM
You teared up a bit in fear and touched by his concern. You only had a few people understand this phobia of yours. Some may say it was childish to fear a simple weather, that was messed up and still made you self conscious. But you were happy and comforted to have your lover tend to this fear of yours. He would always call you if ever and play a tune in the background loudly to distract you and spam you with messages.
I went out to pick groceries.
I don't have.
I'm far.
3:37 PM
You screamed, but was muffled by the flash of lightning and stomping thunder. You knew your messages had few contexts, but you couldn't anymore. After counting a few seconds, you thanked yourself you only had a few things from the store and picked it up and began sprinting in the rain. Not caring how soaked you were getting and how people just stared at you in worry. You ran, praying to reach home. But even so, there were small rumbles above and it still shakens you.
Eventually, you reached a near cafe that had stairs below. It was that cafe where Akaashi and you would study back in the days when you both were in your third years in high school. It looked small since it was placed below, (like the mclarens pub) but the interior was pleasing and welcoming.
You grabbed on the railings of the stairs and carefully but quickly went down, entering the door with the small bell ringing from above. The air condition blasting throughout the cafe, your dhirt beginning to stick to your skin as you hugged your chest with one arm and hunched a bit to look like you were just freezing. Atleast the counter was empty, must be behind the other door preparing. Not many people bothered to look at the door which gave you opportunity to run to your usual spot. Beaming a little at the sight if it being empty and sat down, placing the grocery bag on the table along with your bag and sighing.
The rumbles can be heard, but not as loud as it was outside. Thighs pressed together close and arms wrapping around your cold body, you decided to wait until everything was clear. Even if it meant getting sick and looking disheveled on the corner.
This was yours and Akaashi's personal spot during study sessions. Even dating, this was where you'd celebrate occasionally. It was no surprise some of the employees knew you two, but apparently it seemed majority of them were out and the newbies were on duty. They would sometimes tease you when you would wait alone in your seat, or even Akaashi. Saying how adorable the two of you were and offering discounts during events like birthdays or anniversaries. They even got both your phone numbers and became close friends.
It was no surprise to have your body shivering in seconds despite distracting yourself with warm memories. You mentally cringed when you felt the eyes of a disgusting predator just a few tables in front of you rake through your soaked chest whilst hiding his smug expression behind his steaming hot beverage. It's only a matter of time that guy will walk up to you and have his way to your body with the few people around you who had their own worlds and the counter still empty.
The skies cracking sounds can be heard, louder than the rest of the thunders you've heard a while ago and made you yelp. The lights thag hung on the ceiling of the cafe flickered and buzzed as you tried to shell yourself away from everything when the lurk of anxiety crept in your chest.
Your whimpers were silent, and only you can hear them. The tears were slowly making their way to your eyes followed by the warmth and soft, dried clothing being placed on your shoulders and your left side being occupied by a larger body.
"I figured you'd be here."
Gasping and recognizing that gentle voice, immediately snuggling your soaked form on his dried and heated body, Akaashi snakes his arms around you with his hand cradling your neck along with soft hushes to soothe you.
"T-there was a m-man staring at me.."
His hold tightens, he instantly knew which one was bothering you from being obvious and casts him a dirty glare. Disgusting, he thought inside of his head, not breaking the stare down until the guy eventually gulped from the stoic male a few feet away and left the place.
He hears you whimper on his chest and moved his hand to your back, giving it occasional pats to tell you that it was okay and rubbing to tell you he was here now. You weep on his chest from both relief and embarrassment. Today had been quite tough and now the rumbles outside can be somewhat heard now.
You feel Akaashi's arm move but you didn't bother to loom at it thinking he was just moving it around for a good position. He doesn't mind the fact that you were soaking wet on his side, at that moment he needed to tend to your needs. He didn't want to be like other people to leave you hanging like this. You hear him cooe like you were a baby in his arms and just gave you warm hugs.
"It's okay, you're okay. I promise everything will be okay."
He knows the comforting lines you needed and what you did not wish to hear. He was cautious with his words seeing from the internet reminders how people don't like simple closed minded term or words given to them. He was sincere with his, and wasn't just something to comfort you temporarily.
The table in front of you both made a small thud sound. Blinking your tears away, you hear a small whisper from someone else and Akaashi's head nodding on top of yours. Raising your head a little, Akaashi looks down and presses a kiss on your forehead and smiles at you.
"I bought your favorite."
Your nose sniffles a bit from clogging that was now heated by the steam of your hot beverage, turning away from his chest, you saw your once empty table now occupied with two hot beverages and sweet chocolate chip cookies.
"You love these right? It's been long since we've gotten down here on such occasions."
It was true with him almost being gone 24/7 due to his work and you mostly taking care of the necessities when he was away, there wasn't enough time of weeks or even months to spend the day with him. It was a blessing in disguise that a bad day can make the two of you come back to the nostalgic place once again and finally have that moment where it was just the both of you.
"Wait, didn't you have work today?"
Akaashi took a note of your dampened features and placed a hand on your cheek to wipe away the tears softly.
"I told my co workers that I needed to head home immediately when I heard a loud thunder."
Looking back down then at the table filled with untouched food, you began to feel guilty to be having to pull him down from his work. You didn't expect him to actually run out of his office just to tend to your fears and comfort you. You felt like a child next to him— a spoiled one.
"I'm sorry..I'll pay you back."
He feels you try to pull away from his embrace, but as coincidence strikes again, a loud crack was heard from above, yet you still try to pull away from his hold even though you were obviously shaking in fear. He wasn't going to have this, instead of letting you go free, he yanks you back to his chest with a small sound escaping your lips from the impact and his hand firmly placed on your back.
"No you're not, I know what you're thinking and no, none of this is on you, love."
Always been quite the observer, you thought as you fought back the tingling smile on your face. You wondered how can a guy like him exist in this world and how you even managed yo make him yours and you his. Not a single negative feeling goes unnoticed by him everyday even if he was occupied by his own work and needs, he would always be looking after whats more important.
"I love you, hm? It's only natural I tend to the person I love. I'd be an ass if I just left you after what you've gave me throughout the years. It's a give-give relationship, sweetie. I just want you happy and safe."
Eyes held the most sincere look in them. You thanked the heavens and his parents for making such a beautiful human. His hands started to move around your body a bit to make you turn back around to your now warm treats. Even though you were slightly soaking, he held you none the less on his lap and presses a kiss on your cheek as you grabbed your own beverage.
It's not everyday Akaashi has gotten an opportunity to commence PDA, but there weren't much people other than the smiling woman by the counter who had given him his order. She thought it was adorable seeing you both a minute ago during comforting you.
Munching on the cookie, Akaashi took a sip on his coffee with his free hand rubbing your belly instinctively. He's grown a habit of rubbing any part of your body he can touch, knowing how you loved the skin to skin affection. The same implies to him as he secretly smiles through his cup when he feels your stomach grumble.
The day may have been bad, unexpected. But more on unexpectedly good in the end. You always believed that after a bad day, there was always going to be good. But not a day, either a week of goodness or a month. Because after sharing this day with him, the next day he had announced he was given a week off after finishing a lot of his projects.
But for now, you snuggled deeper in his hold as you blew your drink, looking up carefully to place a kiss on his jaw that made his heart flutter and him stop chewing on his own food.
A little caffeine tastes sweeter after a mishap.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Hello El!!
I bring my exchange info for an matchup. If say creepypasta/marblehornets matchup for this.
So my name is Shay, I go by Whiskey because it's a preference in liquor on my end. I go by they/them pronouns, AFAB and I'm bi and omniromantic, I do have an mild preference for men or masc aligned people. I'm a Libra sun, Virgo moon and Aquarius rising. I'm also introvert (INFJ-A) and I'm constantly sleeply. I do have C-PSTD, Bipolar II and GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder).
I'm Caucasian/White and I stand at 5'9. I have celtic and Danish heritage, My family where vikings. I'm really tall and legs double the size of my torso, as in my thighs are as big as my torso in length, same with my calves. I call myself spider legs because of that. I have this natural like wolf cut going on that is this dark green with my roots be my natural dark chocolate brown hair. My eyes are hazel with gold flecks that shift in color which I found out is normal for people with hazel eyes. I paint my nails black a lot because I find the color pleasing. My build wise is like a rectangle like shape with broad shoulders. I'm pretty strong and I'm proud of my strength. I'm currently starting to get into shape and lose weight so I have fit shape but not like over for. Just the right amount of fat over my muscles. I have a lot of stretch marks,, mostly around my waist and my biceps. I call them my stripes or lighting marks. I have plans to get snake bite piercings and wear like the ring ones in them. I'm getting an tattoo soon that is like this and then I want a burning match tattoo on my color bone. My ears are piercing and I like wearing fake gauges, spirals and then the ratings that have the dangly stuff and cuffs with them. I also wear like those stereotypical hot topic chokers. I wear a lot of long sleeves and skinny jeans, I do like ripped skinny jeans. I also love flannels and black boots like doc martins or converse.
I think you can assume by the statement of me liking whiskey I am the rebellious sort which is true. I have drank a bit and tried weed, I don't do it anymore tho.I have been told if people don't know me and see me from afar I'm intimidating to approach. Even being spooky and intimidating, I promise I'm just a big softie. I usually assume the mom friend of the group with my friends. I always worry about them and make sure they take care of themselves. Sometimes I do it so much I forget to take care of myself. I'm really gentle and compassionate, along with being extremely empathetic. I can be stubborn and bit judgemental at times, mostly working off first impressions myself when getting to know each other. I have an hard time being insertive and putting my foot down with my boundaries, scared to lose people even if the hurt me. I'm an introvert through and through, liking to watch from the back and observe the way things go on around me. I do my best to be an optimist because I can't see the point in see everything wrong in this world, it helps me to see the good. I love going on adventures with my close friends and love being a chaotic bastard with them. My dnd alignment is chaotic neutral and I'm Hufflepuff. I do live by the saying do no harm but take no shit. But I won't hesitate to fight someone for the right causes.
I do always constantly look like I am going to funeral of some sort because I own nothing but black. The color makes me feel really comfortable but it's not my favorite color. My favorite color is green but I like sage green, forest green, mossy green, etc. The earthy greens are my favorites. I have a love for the forest and woodlands, finding a sense of home in the woods. I do love archery and something I'm definitely going to be picking up along with playing the drums. I also smoke herbal cigarettes as well as alternative to smoking.
You know that I often get called a cryptid and at this point, I am just one. Cryptidcore, Midwest Gothic, and Pacific Northwest Gothic are my favorite aesthetics. I have a huge love for cryptozoology (the study of cryptids), parapsychology (the psychic phenomena and other paranormal claims), original creepypasta stories and to be honest anything like spooky and creepy. I want to be a mortician and I'm attending school for that. I also really love the dark, especially if I have some good music blasting through my earbuds. I am a sucker for long road trips and seeing things, filling the adventure heart I have. My favorite animals are coyotes and I also like horses. I like to write a lot as well. My favorite cryptids are The Beast of Bray Road, Not Deer, Jersey Devil and Jacklopes.
Thank you so much and I'm so glad I got a chance to reach out to you. It all started with me wanting to send memes to you and being a little 🌲 anon.
Also here is what the tattoo I'm am getting done looks like ↓↓↓
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Your matchup is... Jeff!
Sorry this took me a hot minute, I've been out all day! But here's my part of the exchange :}
In general:
Alright, I read this over and just immediately thought about Jeff, mostly because of your personality!! I have so many things I want to get into and want to say though. SO, let's get right into that.
Things he likes about you:
Physically speaking, as that is how I always start, Jeff really, really loves your height and your legs make him fuzzy on the inside. He just loves it SO MUCH. Your hair is gorgeous, and he's never going to stop wanting to run his fingers through it. Whatever color it's dyed as becomes his new favorite, and he loves seeing your natural hair poke through as well. Your eyes are so gorgeous in his opinion and he finds himself getting lost in them. He thinks your nails being painted black is nice because honestly, he's prone to painting his nails black as well. He finds your body so great!! Wants to hold you and loves feeling new muscles when they get built up. Regardless, he just physically adores you. Your stretch marks are also something he adores as well, and he will fondly call them your tiger stripes and admire them in their entirety. He would love your piercings and the tattoo you want to get. Also really, really loves your choice in jewelry. Chokers are hot in his opinion lmfao. Ripped skinny jeans, flannels, black boots, converse!! just everything about your style works so well with him. And your personality!! That slight rebellious edge am slightly intimidating nature??? PLEASE
General cute stuff:
I feel like the two of you are going to spend some evenings in painting nails. Jeff is slightly touch starved and will absolutely run his hands over your body and just adore everything about you. I can also see Jeff working out with you as well!! He will be your number one supporter regardless of what you're going to be doing. He finds it so sweet that you take care of other people. Jeff also understands you being an introvert, because he's kind of the same way. He would absolutely would hang back with you and just exist. He likes observing as well. However, he also can be a bit of a chaotic guy and will go on adventures with you! Scary places, nature, wherever you want, Jeff will go with you. He'll also read up on fun little places and then go with you. He will absolutely get you green things just because he knows that you like that color. Jeff will also take you on walks in the woods, and he'll also let you wear his clothing!! Jeff actually smokes weed semi-regularly, so while you smoke herbal cigarettes, he's going to be lighting up alongside you as long as you're comfortable. He'd probably like the herbal cigarettes as well. Jeff would love to hear about your love of cryptozoology! He's met so many beings in his life that fit that that he'd just go buck wild being able to tell you about his stories and experiences as well. Parapsychology is also something he'd love to listen from you. He finds you going into the mortician business so incredible, and that you like the dark. Your music?? Please share that with him!!
You two as a couple:
Jeff knows that you are intimidating but so, so sweet. He finds you so admirable and honestly, he needs that kind of caring, loving influence in his life. He finds you being the mom friend of your group super fun and while he's not a dad friend, definitely loves saying things to remind all of your shared 'kids' to listen to you. He wants you to take care of yourself!! He wants you to be kind to yourself!! You being stubborn is something he understands because honestly he can be stubborn. Judgmental? He gets it but honestly might challenge the notion from time to time. He will remind you about boundaries and how important it is to set them. Time to time, he may step in just to help you out. He will also remind you to be assertive, mostly because he would hate to see anyone take advantage of you. Jeff will read up on C-PTSD, Bipolar II, and your anxiety simply so he can be more prepared to help you in any way he can. He deals with some things himself, but he doesn't always know how to handle others. So, he would definitely read up for you and end up becoming your rock when you need it. Honestly, just let him take care of you in his own way. Rough around the edges?? Absolutely. But he's so soft for you. He will help you in any way he can, whether it be weathering the bad days and loving the good ones. Let him adore you.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things:
Hi love bug, or as I will often fondly refer to you as, Dr. Cryptid! I was so happy to read all of this about you. Thank you so so much for sending this in and once again doing mine! I loved reading all about it, and I love talking with you. Thank you so much for that lil pine tree emoji and memes. Also, please take care of yourself!! There's only one of you in the universe and it's so important to love and cherish yourself. It's always okay to say no or know when to bail. Never take care of so many people that you leave all your energy with them and none for yourself. I look forward to our future convos and just friendship in general. As always, let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed!
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Cold Eyes (Dark Rey x Reader) [Part 17]
Summary: It's time to end this war.
Words: 5K+ (this is long)
A/N: The final chapter it's finally here! It's long so brace yourself, I'll continue this author note at the end. Hope you enjoy it!!
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Mustafar seemed more intimidating when viewed from afar, threatening. The bright lava of the always burning oceans and rivers seemed to shine even brighter compared with the dark emptiness of space and hotter than the closest sun. It was deadly place.
Outside the toxic athmopshire of Mustafar a fleet of at least five cruisers guarded the planet, forming on a line, ready to destroy anything that would try to pass through them. 
It was a tired work for some of the soldiers in the First Order ship just to wait around with nothing else to do than look at the vast space before them. Yet following Supreme Leader’s orders they waited, and waited.
And waited.
Until a mysterious ship jumped out of hyperspace. Soon the soldiers, pilots and commanders inside the cruisers recognized the legendary corellian ship that appeared in front of them, accompanied by a few rebel's ships that started blasting as soon and sudden as they appeared. 
"Blast them!" Commander Benndra yelled hearing a ‘Yes sir’ in response followed by the known sound of the big blasters of the ship. Walking fastly towards the console, Commander Benndra pushed a button activating an holo-communicator. Immediately a tiny blue figure formed and showed a woman whose face was hidden almost completely by the black robe. "Supreme Leader"
"What is it, Commander?" Rey hissed.
"You were right, they’re here." Benndra reported. "The ship known as The Millennium Falcon is leading a small fleet of Resistance ships."
The hologram of Rey seemed to smile thought it was rather a grin, a mischievously evil grin.
“They’re so predictable” Rey said. "I want every single one of those ships gone," she commanded "Except the Falcon, the controller must be there, so bring me that ship." 
"Yes, Supreme Leader" Benndra said and as soon as the blue hologram disappeared she turned to look at the captain of the ship. 
“Commander, they’re out of range for the cannons” the captain informed her. Through the big window she saw the rebel's ships retreating. “What do we do?”
"I want a full squad of TIE-fighters out there now!” she yelled with her eyes looking directly at the Falcon.”We can't let them escape."
The ships left the big cruisers at high-speed following the X-Wings that only leaded them more and more away. And while they were chasing them and blasting towards them nobody noticed the small ships that appeared away from the big ships that were already diving into the lava planet in complete silence.
The atmosphere was tensed and that tension only grew bigger as the suffocating heat of Mustafar surrounding you all inside the U-wing full of people. Everyone was nervous, this was a big deal and would meant the end of the galaxy if the plan go south. 
"Alright, here we go.” you heard Poe’s voice over the commlink once you were close to the landing place, he sounded concentrated and serious as he leaded the ships to the safe area you talked to him about. “Blue 7, prepare to land behind those burned trees. We'll cover you."
"Copy, Blue Leader." the young pilot of the ship said, for the corner of your eyes you looked at the cockpit a few feets away, you saw him pulling some levers, everything was ready to land, it was only matter of time until you would had to jump out of this ship.
As the U-wing started it's way down to land you shifted over your seat. There was a hurricane of thoughts inside your head, it was weird to be back on this planet that held so many memories. Memories as cold as the dungeons under the Fortress where you spent many rotations crying in pain. And yet, there were warm memories of a soft burning love that bloomed somehow in this dark place. But there was also the memory of an even warmer fury as dangerous as the boiling lava of Mustafar.
You were afraid this plan wouldn't work out, there were many things that could go wrong. However, your mind was more afraid to meet those yellow eyes again. Rey would be there, you knew face her was a possibility but you hoped not to see her, it would make things way harder than they already were.
And though you felt hurt by her actions you still hoped she'd find the light again, there was still good inside her but there was too much darkness as well, maybe it was too late to get her back after all.
Finn watched the way your body tensed more and more as you got closer to the place.
"Everything's gonna be fine, Y/N." he told you. "This plan will work, I'm sure" Finn assured you and you wished your friend was right.
"Okay, it's time." Poe spoke again and the pilots and the small team of soldiers listener carefully to your leader's words."This for sure it's gonna be hard, we don't even know if would work but this is our only chance," he paused for a moment "and we're definitely not gonna waste it." He chuckled and you couldn't help but smile.
Blaster in hand and the controller in the small bag, you adjusted your lightsaber secure in your hip one last time, Finn insisted you to carry it just in case. 
Sighing you got ready to get out of the ship and as soon as the ship was close to the dark surface the sliding door opened and the small team, formed of a handful rebels, jumped out of the U-wing and rushed to hide into the burned trees that were barely a cover but better than nothing. Only exchanging silently gazes and quiet gestures you moved closer to the Fortress.
Meanwhile, outside the planet the TIE-fighters kept chasing the small group of rebels. Commander Benndra smile grew bigger with every new fallen Resistance ship, there were a couple of them left and the Falcon it’d be just matter of time for her squad to blow it out, hopefully this target would win her a higher rank in the First Order. She was already savoring her victory when the rest of the Resistance fleet jumped out of hyperspace.
And so the battle of Mustafar begun.
"We're in." Finn informed Poe through the comlink once the whole team was safely inside the glossy halls of the First Order headquarters. "Moving to the main pane, now." After waiting for Poe to confirm he looked at you. "Y/N, lead the way."
Your eyes traveled from Finn to the rest of the team, even though they looked nervous they were ready to fight, ready to do whatever it'd take to bring this place to ashes. And as all the members of the Resistance, they had hope in their eyes.
"The controls are in one of the upper levels," you told them "they increased the security so it must be full of troopers. We have to be careful." The team nodded in response and after one last look at them you started your way through the labyrinth of halls you knew like the back of your hand.
The dark side was way stronger than before, you felt it and so did Finn. Something in the air around you just felt out of place, out of balance. The dark had risen consuming even the smallest sign of light in this big fortress.
Everything was going according to plan for both the fleet fighting against the First Order ships and your team getting closer to the target. Everything was going a little too good creating doubts in your mind, voices that seemed to whisper strange things to you. 
When you turned around the corner, the small team found a whole battalion of stormtroopers that started to blast as soon as they noticed the team.
"Y/N, go!" Finn commanded you between shots. "We'll cover you!"
"We'll hold them down, get to the main panel now!" A fierce woman told you.
You rushed down the hall.
"Y/N" Finn yelled making you look back "May the force be with you" and with a last smile you left them behind.
Your footsteps echoed down the dark, empty hallway as you ran, them more you got closer to the control room you felt just how much the dark side of the Force had conquered this place, it felts colder than ever, the voices you once heard sounded louder confusing your thoughts. ‘Concentrate!’ you reminded to yourself, one more hall and you’d be in the control room.
The hallway leaded to a big empty room adorned with big columns and a window that showed the dangerous lava burning outside the building. You stopped by the sound of a familiar voice, immediately searching for a place to hide.
“The rebels found a way in.” General Hux informed as he walked with his hands behind his hands as always. “A small group is fighting in level four, among them is the deserter trooper FN-2187.”
“I see we underestimated the Resistance” Rey’s voice came to your ears unexpected, forming goosebumps all over your skin. “Tell Commander Benndra to forget about the Falcon, she has permission to destroy the whole fleet. The controller is here, they’re trying to get it to the main panel.”
“What about the rebels in level four?” Hux asked.
“I’ll take care of it myself.” she said. From your hiding spot you saw Hux walking out of the big room leaving Rey alone for a quick moment concentrating on the rumour dancing in the air and the feeling of someone watching her.
"It can't be." she murmured turning to look over her shoulders making you flinch. She felt your presence in the Force, she knew you were there maybe since the moment you put a foot in the planet but couldn't believe it until now, so clear, so close.
There was no way you could hide anymore, and though facing her was the very last thing you needed right now, you didn't had much of an option. There was only one way to the control room and it was through her. Sighing you stepped outside your poor hiding spot behind one of the big columns.
Your name fell from her lips almost like gasp when she saw you, unable to believe her eyes, refusing to meet yours. 
"You’re alive.” she mumbled with confusion over her face, she was speechless, just like you standing in the other side of the room.
"Kill her now!" The voices screamed at Rey who couldn't do anything else than look at you. "She's a liar, she will only hurt you again. She's here to destroy everything you've worked for, she brought the enemy with her, she is the enemy." They whispered convincing her confused mind. "Kill her!"
Anger over took her features as her eyes seemed to become even darker, shading the yellow with red. Rey started to walk dangerously slow towards you.
“You were lucky your little friends were here to help you last time,” Rey growled as her hands reached the double sided lightsaber on her hips “but it's just us now.” she turned on her weapon that lighted her face with a bright red light.
Fear spreaded all over your body for a moment watching the saber that once hurt you and thought on escape before she could do it again. However that was a thing you couldn't do, no if you were planning on help the galaxy. This was beyond yourself, you had to do whatever it'd take to save them, even if that meant fighting the woman you loved.
"I don't want to do this, Rey." You spoke for the very first time since the incident in the bridge, searching for your own lightsaber. "But I have to, I can’t let you win and take the whole galaxy down with you.” you held the saber in your hands but didn't power it up. "Please, listen. You can stop this war now and prevent more people from dying. I know you don't want this, I know you, Rey." You told her.
She was the first to attack, forcing you to ignite your weapon to protect yourself from her own.
"You know nothing about me." She grumbled attacking again. "I'm going to finish what I started, I'm going to end with you once and for all." She said already rising her saber again.
Moving around you managed to dodge some of her mortal attacks you discovered how much she had changed from your last battle against her, Rey was stronger, faster, merciless. Guided by the darkest side of the force, too driven by her emotions. 
Panting you tried your very best to hold her accelerated rhythm, swinging your lightsaber desperately from side to side in a pitiful intend to survive while she thrusted over and over again and with a swift move she suddenly had her arms around you and her weapon holding your arms from moving and holding your back close to her chest.
"That's seriously all you got?" She whispered close to your ear, a grin over her features. "No doubt why I defeated you last time, always playing by the rules." 
She always told you to let your emotions give you, use them in your favor, so you gave in to the growing anger in you, you threw  your head back managing to hit her face and free yourself from her grip.
Rey backed off in pain for a moment, she took a hand to her face founding a small cut on her lips that left a trace of her own blood on her fingers.
“Not bad, I trained you well after all.” she said admiring the red liquid on her fingers before looking at you mischievous.  “But you’re gonna regret that.” 
Rey spinned the double sided weapon hitting against your saber aggressively. With all your strength you held her attack feeling the strong pull between the lightsabers close to each other. Rey's lips curved into a wicked smile, enjoying watching you struggling to hold the saber you meet her eyes then, painted with the colors of the wrath and yet there were not sentiments at all in her eyes, not emotions but a terrified coldness, even lifeless they were just empty shells, that was what she had become.
“I gave you too many chances to join me but you betrayed me, and betrayed me again… and again.” she hissed “It’s enough!” 
“You’re right” you growled “It’s enough, Rey” putting your whole strength in one powerful thrust you managed to make her step back, taking the chance you rushed to the other side of the room but not fast enough. The bare tip of one side of her lightsaber reached your back making you cry in pain as the burning weapon traced figures over your back, dreadfully cauterizing your skin. It was just a scratch, yet it was the most painful one you had ever got. It took you a moment to recover from it, whimpering in the cold floor of the fortress.
Her lightsaber also cut the bag that contained the reprogramated controller that fell to the dark floor with a thud.
From the corner of your eyes you caught Rey coming closer, taking her time to contemplate your agony, her features filling with anger and you could swear you heard voices telling her to end you. 
“Oh, Y/N” she started slowly circling around you“You really did hurt me, you hurt me more than anyone have had before” her face was consumed by the anger, she looked like the death herself in her black robes. “You lied to me.” she grumbled “You betrayed me!”
“I did. And I’m sorry.” you told her getting back on your feet “I did some mistakes, I know but I had to. I had to save them from you.” you said, attracting your lightsaber back to your hand with the Force, ready to fight again if it was necessary. “I have to save them.”
Rey’s features seemed to relax for an instant as her expression changed from anger to something close to sadness, hurt crossed her face when she met your eyes.
“You said you love me” she murmured barely audible. Her words took you by surprise for a moment. How could she doubt a thing like that, when you had loved her more than any other person. When you never stopping searching for her and when you stayed with her even when she had became a monster.
“I do” you told her, her eyes widen, it was not the answer she was expecting “I love you, Rey. Since the first day you came into my life, I love you” you added meaning every single word “And I’m tired of this, I’m tired of fighting and I’m sick of this war.”
Your gaze met hers for a moment wishing to see her smile at least one more time as your mind remembered the day you met her, the way she had hope in her eyes. She was still there somewhere inside this yellow eyed woman.
“I don’t want to hurt you, not  anymore.” you announced her turning your lightsaber off and throwing it aside “I’m not going to fight you, Rey. So if you’re gonna kill me do it now. I prefer dying than see the First Order ruling over the galaxy. Than seeing you like this, this is not you, Rey.”
“Stop it!” she growled pointing her weapon in your direction, but her words were meant for the voices in her head more than for you.
“She’s lying. You have to destroy her now. Kill her!”
Confusion invaded her head. The voices of the Sith kept telling her to destroy you, to end with you as they reminded her just how much you had hurt her… but the other side of her, the small beacon of light deep inside her told her not to, it told her to trust you assuring her you loved her just as much as she loved you. There was a chaos inside her that was turning her apart.
“Kill her!”
So she obeyed swinging her saber one more time and you closed your eyes already accepting this was the end.
But nothing happened.
Opening your eyes you found the blade of light inches away from your face and a conflicted Rey, with tears on her eyes, observing you. 
Rey scanned every small detail of your face, from your messy battle hair to your lips remembering the sweetness of them and back to your eyes, where she stopped hypnotized by the way they shined when you looked at her and suddenly she realized she almost extinguished the light in them, she almost killed you… again. She remembered the terrible emptiness she felt without you by her side. She didn’t want a life without you in it, she didn’t want to hurt you, she wanted to protect you, but she feared the grip of the darkness on her was too strong.
“It’s too late.” Rey mumbled with sorrow in her voice.“Soon the Resistance will be gone, your friends are in danger.”
“It’s never too late, Rey,” you said “Never.” she powered off her lightsaber letting you finally step closer to her. Doubting you placed your hand on the side of her face while she cried in silence.
“I’m sorry” Rey sobbed “I should have stop this mess before, I should have never trust in the dark side but it seemed so easy” she regretted “If I hadn’t left the Resistance none of this would have happened.”
She didn’t protest when you pulled her into a hug, she only held you tighter in her arms burying her face in the curve of your neck.
"I'm sorry, there was no other option.”
"There's always other option." You murmured. "It's up to you to have the courage to chose it."
She tilted her head up a little to gaze into your eyes.
"Then I want to end this war now." she said. "I lost you once, I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I will keep my promise this time.
A soft smile formed over your lips but immediately faded away by the sound of your comlink.
"Y/N" you heard Finn's voice coming from the small devise in the bag laying on the floor. You let go of Rey to grab it. "Are you there?"
"Finn, what's going on?" You asked taking the comlink.
"Really bad, they're sending reinforcement soon, we don't know how much longer we can hold them" he said and you heard the endless rain of blasters in the back. "The fleet needs help, you gotta hurry." You exchanged gazes with Rey before answering.
"Go. Get out of here" you told him "Get Blue squadron to pick you up, I'll take it from here."
"No, we can't leave-"
"Finn, trust me." You told him and after a quiet moment he spoke again. "Go help the fleet they need you and Poe out there."
"Fine, but we'll get back for you." He said. "Good luck." Then he hanged the call.
Carefully picking up the datapad from the floor Rey handed it to you just as the call ended.
"Let's end this stupid war" she told you and with a last smile you both rushed down the hall, unaware of the eyes of the intruder spying in a dark corner of the room, the eyes of a man that would do anything to gain power, secretly commanding a much stronger kind of soldiers to prevent the rebel and the now traitor Supreme Leader from reaching the control room.
Rey and you stopped in front of a big metal door, the last one before the control room. You were so close to the victory, so close to be finally free, so close to be with her again. It seemed unbelievable how a few minutes you were willing to kill each other but now you were standing side by side waiting for the door to open, it seemed like the old times when you both were sent to small missions, way before she went to Ahch-to to train, before losing her, before all this war. The sight of her calmed you down, and though her was were still tainted with darkness you found tenderness on them, you found love on them.
The sound of heavy footsteps made you flinch and looking over your shoulder you saw a group of unexpected masked warriors coming your way. You recognized their helmets the moment you saw them, knew the group of shadows you had have only seen a few times around the Fortress, often serving as Rey's personal guards and other times in battle ending whatever came their way they were more than trained, knew exactly who they were.
The Knights of Ren.
"Y/N, behind me!" Rey yelled immediately turning her weapon on as the Knights were already sending their first attack that Rey fastly stopped.
The lightsaber in your hand illuminated the room as you got ready to fight again, this time with Rey by your side. Both of you observed how they got dangerously closer you but the scavenger had a different plan in mind.
As soon as  the big, heavy blast door finally opened she looked at you.
"Go to the control room" she told you concentrated. "I'll handle this."
“No way. They’re too many” you said "I’m not letting you alone”
“This is my fault, all of it." Rey said meaning her words "Now it’s time I pay for my actions” 
“No, I'm not gonna- “
She looked at you in the eye, begging you to let her do it. She had hope again on the eyes and light.
“Please, you have to let me make this right” she told you and before you had time to say a thing she used the Force pushing you backwards and closing the heavy metal doors as soon as you were in the other side.
"No!" You screamed hitting the heavy door. "Rey… " you mumbled feeling the lump forming in your throat. You had just got her back, you couldn't lose her again. However there was no time left, you had to get back to the plan otherwise the galaxy would died. So you forced yourself to keep going, trusting Rey would be alright.
Eventually you made it to the control room and rushed to connect the reprogrammed controller to the main panel. After tapping some buttons the codes inside the datapad started to work, just as Admiral Statura said it would. It would be a matter of time until you could properly deactivate the bombs hopefully forever.
"Well, I have to admit you're not as foolish as I thought." you heard a familiar voice saying.
"Hux" you murmured turning to meet his gaze, founding a blaster in the way. 
"And yet, you’ve made the most unintelligent decision by coming back here” he said with a satisfied grin over his face “I certainly have to thank you, Y/N. You brought the Resistance to us, after all.”
“You already lost.” you hissed. Hux chuckled taking a step closer.
“Naive girl, if someone it’s going to lose today, it’s not gonna be us” he told you. “You’re outnumbered, your pathetic fleet it’s going to fall any time now and with that the First Order will finally rule over the galaxy. Congratulations.”
You stared at him with hate, he was a man you disliked since the very first time you met him, someone who you couldn't trust. The real mind behind this whole plan.
You were about to turn on your lightsaber when he shot his blaster aiming to your arm making you drop the weapon in the instant. He rose his voice again, confident of his words.
“I wouldn’t do such stupid thing again.” he warned while you struggled with the pain spreading through your arm. “Now, stop that device.” he ordered threatening you with the blaster in his hand.
“I can’t.” you declared still looking at him in anger.
“You don’t know how to, do you?” he concluded with a smirk. “Then I’m afraid you’re not useful to me. Guess you are indeed foolish after all.” he savored his victory for a moment. “Goodbye, scum.”
General Hux’s eyes widen in surprise as the burning blade crossed his body, a red lightsaber that pierced his body from the back to his chest right across his heart. There was fear on Hux features before the saber turned off and he fell lifeless to the floor revealing the owner of the weapon, Rey was standing there.
“You alright?” she rushed to ask, her eyes focused on the wound of your arm.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” you assured her. “The knights-”
“They’re gone.” she told you. “It’s done?” she said pointing at the datapad on the control panel. You pulled a few levers and when you pressed the last button the little screen showed a message.
Phase Two. Deactivated. System shutted down.
Rey smiled at you reading the message over the screen. You took the comlink.
“It’s done.” you said through the communicator.
“About time.” you heard Poe’s voice. 
“We’re leaving now. Poe, get us a ship and blow this thing as soon as we’re outside.” you added already walking down the dark halls with Rey by your side.
“We?” Poe asked confused. 
“Yes, we. Now get ready!” you said as you kept running towards the exit.
The battle out planet wasn’t as well as planned, the Resistance ships were old compared with the ones of the First Order, however the rebel pilots knew how to use their ships. They were running out of options, that was when Poe came with the idea to use the last bomber to destroy the enemy’s fleet. He just hoped it would work now that you had deactivated the bombs in the planets.
You were a few feets away from the exit of the Fortress when you noticed Rey was not longer running with you, she was rather just standing there in the middle of the hall looking at the floor.
“Rey, come on! This thing’s gonna exploit” you advised her.
“I can’t go back to the Resistance ” Rey spilled full of guilt .“Not after what I’ve done.”
“Nonsense! Come on!” you said taking her wrist and trying to pull her towards the exit but she released from your grip.
“I abandoned the Resistance when they most needed help. I’ve done terrible things to them, I’ve killed many of them. And worst of all, I’ve hurt you, Y/N. ” her voice cracked filled with pain and regret, pure regret. “I can't just show up and pretend nothing ever happened.” you more than anyone knew that feeling, you had been in the same situation a few days ago. Sighing you rose your voice.
“There are going to be consequences,” you murmured “That’s something you can’t avoid, and sure it’s not gonna be easy” softly you placed a hand on the curve of her face, carefully tilting her face to make her look at you “but whatever it is we’ll face it together, I promise. I love you Rey, please come with me.” you pleaded.
Rey doubted for a moment, it was too much process, she had caused  much pain to the galaxy and yet all she wanted was to go with you, whatever place it was as long as it was with you she would follow. She had to keep her promise.
She nodded softly “Okay” she murmured.
With that last word she took your hand and both of you hurried to get out of that dark place that had witnessed the rise and fall of the dark side and after a long time was going to finally fall.
The Falcon was already waiting for you, on the ramp you saw a familiar face extending a friendly hand to help you get inside. Finn was surprised when she found Rey running with you and though he was confused he was glad to know you both were fine. Finn and Rey exchanged gazes, your friend gave her a soft understanding smile while softly nodding, if someone knew how it felt to leave behind the First Order it was him. Once the ramp was closed the Falcon speeded up.
“Poe, now!” Finn yelled through his communicator. From the ship you saw the Fortress explode, sinking into the burning lava that consumed it all turning it into a strange landscape of melted rock. As it melted you felt weightless, the big weight in your shoulders was finally gone, the tensed atmosphere faded away. The voices inside Rey’s head banished too. There was peace.
Moving around the Falcon filled with people you felt their eyes staring at you, staring at Rey, they were no happy to see her here and yet nobody said anything.
Once the ship was off the toxic atmosphere of Mustafar you realized there were only remains of the defeated cruisers of the First Order. Poe's plan had worked.
“It’s over” you heard Dameron's voice sounding through the comlink in the ship. He chuckled. “My friends, we won!” he said enthusiastic “We won!” he repeated and you heard the rest of the pilots along with the people in the ship laughing, some of them crying.
It was over.
The war, the endless battles were finally over. All of them were finally safe, finally in peace. The galaxy was safe, ready to start over and so you were.
With all that had happened you couldn't contain the tears pooling in your eyes and the chills spreading over your body. You looked at Finn and wrapped your arms around him as a celebration. He was always there when you needed him most.
Then you turned to Rey all alone watching you from the distance. She gave you a shy smile that melted your heart, carefully pulling her into your embrace you held her close to your body and she held you being careful not to hurt you. The closeness of your body made her own eyes fill with tears that didn't take long to fall over her face.
You backed away just enough to look at her soft features, you found yourself thinking about your journey with Rey it was a long one. From meeting back in the Resistance, to found her in the dark side, to the memories of Mustafar.
Your heart raced when you looked into her eyes only then you noticed her eyes were hazel again, not yellow, softly shining brighter than ever finally free of the grasp of the dark, you were right all along, there was light in her. 'What now?' you asked yourself, sure there were going to be new challenges for both Rey and you but you didn’t worry about it, you had her and that was more than you could had ever ask for.
Leaning in you captured her lips into a soft kiss, you kissed her sweetly, lovingly, enjoying her every move. You were finally together again.
Just when the Falcon jumped into hyperspace you thought of the possibility of a future with Rey, it wouldn't be easy and you knew the darkness would try to come back but you would make sure to make it go away. You broke away and smiled at her, you were willing to take any future as long as you had Rey by your side and you hoped it would be the will of the Force. You hoped for a brighter life, a life full of love, full of life, full of her.
A/N: Well, it's been a wild ride. This story has become an important part of me and it feels weird to know this is the end.
How can I possibly put in words how much this means to me? How much I thank you for taking the time to read my little story? I just want to thank you for all the love and support you gave to this story, I certainly enjoyed writing it and share it with you. I really appreciate you stayed until the end. 💕
I know it's a bit sad that it's over BUT don't worry guys, you're getting an epilogue. Until next time.
The Author.
Tagging: @cpt-bolter , @elvencantation , @jay-birf03 , @x-a-gay-disaster-x , @ridleysjazz , @hstoria , @iamafangirl-fightme , @leilei-draws , @hayley-the-comet , @snoot-snoot-toot , @1-800-depressedlesbian , @empresspalpatinee , @xgaygremlinx , @the-great-imagines-of-1812 , @cyshock
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shi-daisy · 3 years
Snowed In
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Well this it folks, my last Ulquihime Week entry for this year. As always it's been a joy to participate and see everything that all of the other users have created, and that those who host the event take such care to plan our ship week. I had a blast and I'm looking forward to doing this again next year. Till then however, let's all keep on making content for our otp!
Ok so onto the story, today's theme is Winter/Warmth and I really didn't know what to do, until I remembered I have a whole AU I could use and stuck with that. For those who haven't read my entries from previous years the Reunion AU basically had Ulquiorra and Orihime meet again after a few years, Orihime ran off from her wedding with Ichigo and Ulquiorra is now human(along with the other Arrancar). At this point in the time the two have been dating for a month. Hope you like!
Ulquihime Week- Day 6: Winter/Warmth
Snowed In
"For the last time Tia, I'll ask her but that dosen't mean she'll say yes." Ulquiorra repeated over the phone for what felt like the hundredth time that day.
His friends had all told him to invite Orihime over for Christmas dinner, and while he wasn't too keen on the holiday he knew his woman was. This would be the first time he would be asking her to spend an event with him and his 'family' and while he might deny it, Ulquiorra was nervous.
"Schiffer, of course she'll say yes. That girl is quite taken with you."
"I'd like to think so, but still, don't be disappointed if she declines."
"Yes, yes, I am ready to accept a negative answer. Still, I wanted some civilized company this year."
He could tell she directed her angry tone at Nnoitra. From over the phone Ulquiorra could hear them bickering.
"If ya don't want me to eat the cookies. Don't leave em on the table!"
"Those were freshly baked! How are you not burned?!"
"Cuz I still have Arrancar-like skin."
"Fool! Your hands are red! I have to go Ulquiorra. Our gigantic toddler has injured himself again."
"No surprise there. I shall see you later."
He arrived at the cafe soon after his call ended, yet he knew things weren't right. Orihime usually waited for him outside, but despite the closed sign in the door, she was nowhere to be seen. Ulquiorra rushed into the cafe, immediately upon entering he heard a loud noise.
"I know language was never your best subject but I think the sign on the door was pretty easy to read Kurosaki!"
"Inoue, just let me explain everything."
"I told you to fuck off!" Orihime angrily took off her arpon and walked away. Ulquiorra headed towards her. The second she saw him, her anger subsided.
He dared to look at Kurosaki. The redhead was no longer the headstrong teen he had met six years ago. His hair was shorter, and while he's grown taller, Ulquiorra thought he looked less intimidating.
"How- How are you here? You died."
"I got better." Ulquiorra answered sarcastically. "Now, I believe you heard the woman. She's not interested in speaking to you."
Ichigo didn't seem keen on backing down, his surprised stare turned into a glare. "You don't get to decide for her anymore, Ulquiorra."
"Oh just shut up already, Ichigo! I don't owe you shit! Tatsuki picked up my stuff a while ago, I've kept away from you and your kin, and paid back what I owed to you father. Aside from those unresolved matters we have nothing else to talk about!"
"I think leaving one's own wedding and then vanishing for two months is something to talk about! You never gave me an explanation for that."
He'd never seen Orihime so enraged, her pale face turned red and she was clenching her fist so hard her arms shook. "You want an explanation?! Fine! I left because just as I was going to get Kenpachi-san to walk me to the altar, I found you and Kuchiki-San! Then you kissed her! When we were young I thought you were in love with her, but since you proposed to me and made me feel as if I was the one you wanted, my worries faded. Imagine how I felt at that moment! I gave up NASA for you, scholarships, internships, my own damn college ambitions all went down the drain! All because I wanted to be with you, and look where the fuck that got me!
So there's your bloody explanation! Now scram!"
There was a small moment of silence before Kurosaki left. The second he was out the door, Ulquiorra hugged Orihime close. "Let it out."
Orihime didn't want to cry over it anymore, but her body betrayed her. She shook as she cried, her sobs echoed in the small cafe and the only solace she could find was the warmth Ulquiorra's hug provided.
As he held onto her, Ulquiorra checked an alert on his phone. There was a snow storm coming to Naruki.
"Woman, it's likely we won't be able to reach your apartment in time. Would you like to accompany me home?"
Orihime stopped crying after hearing that. "Yes. I'd love to go with you."
"Good, I've sent a message to Szayel, he should be coming to pick us up before the storm gets worse."
Orihime stared at Ulquiorra's face for a moment. When she first saw him again after all these years he looked just as he did the day he turned to ash under her touch. Now, he seemed so different. His hair was longer and styled, he often wore leather and dark make up, and even facial jewelery. She also noticed he began doing those things when the two began dating. Maybe it was an effort to become more human like for her.
"Ulqui, are you sure it's okay for me to come home with you? I don't want to bother the others."
"It's no bother, they were all hoping to see you again." Ulquiorra cleared his throat, as he often did when he was nervous. "Actually they were insistent that I brought you home for Christmas celebrations next week."
She blushed. "Really? I'd love to go! Spending Christmas alone is not much fun. I would be happy to spend it with your family."
He sighed in relief. "I'm glad."
"You sound nervous, did you think I'd decline?"
"Well, yes. But that's not why I was nerveous. It's just the others can be quite a handful. I don't want them to overwhelm you."
"I'll be fine, I love hyper groups of people. Besides you and I can have some alone time later."
"That I won't mind."
Szayel arrived at the cafe slightly later than expected. The sky was already darkening, and the road was icy. He drove slowly but made sure to calculate the time properly.
"Inoue-san, I hope you don't mind, Halibel has prepared a room for you, along with clothes. It's likely the snowstorm will keep you from going home tonight, perhaps even longer."
"That's fine. Thanks for telling me Szayel. I'll be sure to not cause any trouble."
"Oh sweetie it's no trouble at all, we are all looking forward to having you around. Ulquiorra has told us so much about you!"
Ulquiorra, Who had been dozing off in the front seat, was now wide awake and glaring at Szayel.
Orihime laughed at the scene before her. "Does he? What has he told you?"
"That he enjoys speaking to you, and that you have a lovely aura, and that you look very pretty in a sundress."
By now Ulquiorra was a blushing mess, he hid his face under the hoodie of his coat, but Orihime has already seen it. She smiled and blew a kiss in his direction. "Well I think he looks good in black clothes."
Ulquiorra caught the hint. Black was what he always wore, meaning Orihime always found him to be cute. He smiled, this time without covering his blush.
Her arrival had been met with hugs, greetings, an enthusiastic snuggle from the family's pet.
"Kukkapuro's no stranger to cuddling new people. He won't leave you alone for the rest of the night." Stark drowsily told her as he tried to get Kukkapuro to move. The hollow puppy ignored him.
"That's okay, Stark-san. I don't mind."
The sleepy man nodded and went back to his favorite spot, on the lap of his boyfriend. Szayel rolled his eyes and let him sleep.
She smiled at the scene, it reminded her of the times she'd act overly affectionate and Ulquiorra would be either unimpressed or dead quiet. Strangely enough she didn't mind.
"Orihime! Can you come to the kitchen? I need your help!"
She followed Halibel's voice to the kitchen. The older women had baked a new batch of cookies and wanted her opinion.
"You're the star baker after all." She told her.
The woman's tone was so sweet Orihime couldn't bear to tell her she hadn't finished culinary school.
She took a bite, savoring the sweet yet salty ginger cookie. "These are great! You're an incredible baker, Halibel-san."
"Thank you, it means a lot coming from a professional. There is something I'd like your help with."
"Are you going to chose a movie already?!"
Ulquiorra glared at Nnoitra, who had probably been banned from the kitchen.
"I am not choosing anything until the girls come back with the food. Have some patience Jiruga!"
"I am plenty patient!"
"I agree with Ulquiorra, you have a short fuse. Now be quiet." Szayel snapped.
"Tch. If I'd know you were going to be so moody I would've spent the week with Tesla and Cyan."
"Tesla might've been your fracción but I think even he knows you shouldn't be around a newborn." Stark mumbled in his drowsy state.
Ulquiorra chuckled, as he remembered the little bundle Cyan had given birth to a week ago. He didn't consider himself the baby type but that had been disproven the moment he was allowed to carry the tiny child.
"Maybe you and Inoue will produce a cute baby one day."
Ulquiorra almost fell off the sofa. "Nnoitra if you don't shut up I will disembowel you!"
Szayel shushed them both and pointed down to a sleeping Stark, but by then it was too late. The pair began bickering and Kukkapuro howled along.
"See? It's always like this. Can't get some quiet until bedtime."
"Don't worry. This'll warm them up!"
The girls walked out of the kitchen with cookies and hot chocolate. "Settle down! We're here with the treats! Ulquiorra you can pick a movie if you'd like."
He nodded and began browsing. Orihime gave everyone a cup of chocolate and cookies. Once her boyfriend had picked a movie, she sat down with him and their treats.
It didn't take long for the others to fall asleep. According to Ulquiorra this was a common occurrence. 'They'll be asleep before the second act ends.'
The couple was snuggling together covered by a thick blanket, they had finished their sweets and once the movie ended they would be going to bed.
"Hey Ulqui."
"Yes, love?"
"Thanks for tonight. I don't know how badly things would've gotten if I hadn't come with you."
Seeing Ichigo had soured her day greatly, and walking home alone in the freezing cold to cry herself to sleep would've been twice as hellish. Thankfully her boyfriend was there to dry her tears and make her smile again.
"You're welcome woman. I shall always be here for you, so whenever you feel like the world is falling apart remember to lean on me. It is now my eternal duty to keep you smiling."
She giggled and nuzzled close to him. "Thanks Ulqui. You're really sweet." The beating of his heart was lulling her to sleep, but Orihime resisted, she wanted to see the end of the movie. "I have to repay you one day for all the kindness you've given me. Feels like I'm only taking."
"No, you're mistaken. It is I who's repaying a debt to you. Back when I was a hollow you brought joy into my life again, and since then I've thought that one lifetime won't be enough to repay you."
"Then you better be with me in every other lifetime."
He wouldn't refuse such a request. Ulquiorra looked down at Orihime, their gazes met and he knew this was the perfect moment to do as he had planned for so long. He leaned down to press his lips against hers, a soft kiss which caused them both to blush. They both tasted of chocolate and ginger cookies, still it was perfect.
"I love you." He whispered only for her.
Orihime caressed his cheek and smiled. "I love you too."
They stayed like that for the rest of the night, tangled in a warm embrace as the snow continued to fall outside.
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kamosweasley · 3 years
Won’t you pull me through ? (Fred and George Weasley)
Description : Amber meet her friend Emily to take a tea and they talk about the war and the twins. It’s inspired by the song Trouble by Cage The Elephant.
Word count : 2.2K
Warning : angst, mention of death, torture, scars, death and mental illness.
Lyrics from Trouble by Cage The Elephant are in italics.
Tag list : @memekingofwwiii​ 
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After knocking at the door, Emily entered with her brighter smile. It's been a while since she's had the opportunity to see her friend, the last few months have been a mess in the wizarding world with the death of Voldemort and the end of the war. She's doing her best but she's still overwhelmed, although the smile of Amber makes it all go away within a second. 
-Hey love. 
-Emily ! It's been a long time since the last time I saw you around ! How are you ?
-Pretty good, things are exhausting lately but we have to deal with it. We're in the middle of reconstruction, it's normal that things are moving fast. 
-This is a good thing, this terrible year is finally behind us. Do you know how well the reconstruction is progressing at Hogwarts? 
-McGonagall supervises, so it's efficient and almost done. She must be a great principal, she is what the students need after the trauma of war.
-I don't even want to imagine the condition that some people must be in, a whole year being tortured by sadistic deatheaters when they were only children …
The two friends sat down at a table to drink the tea Amber had prepared in advance. There is a silence following Amber's sentence, Emily looking at her with a hint of concern. Rare are the people who have not suffered from war and who do not continue to suffer from it today. Some have experienced more painful things than others, such as Amber who was imprisoned and tortured during the war at the Malfoy mansion. It was in the last month before the Battle of Hogwarts, she was able to escape thanks to Dobby, with Luna and Ollivander. Emily hadn't been able to see her before the Battle of Hogwarts a month later, she didn't seem to have experienced all the horrors she told her afterwards. On the battlefield she looked like a warrior determined to win, even at the risk of her life. She was unstoppable, and she survived. They both survived, not everyone was so lucky.
-Now all these assholes are either in jail or dead. My only regret is not being able to get revenge on Bellatrix before Molly killed her. That bitch left awful scars on me, and since they were made with black magic it can't be removed.
-You talk about it like it's nothing, so you feel better ?
-It was hard at first, the first few weeks after the battle I felt like I didn't recognize myself. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a stranger. But it's been getting better for a while, I feel good.
-I’m glad to hear it. You know that everyone is worried about you, you haven't had an easy time of it.
-There are some who have been through worse, I keep breathing and I have resumed a normal life. I think I’m doing well. Doesn't it look like it ? 
-You seem peaceful … After what happened 
-Can we talk about something else ? This war has already hurt us enough, don’t you think so ?
A little annoyed, Amber finished her cup of tea, her hands slightly shaking. Nothing impressive, but Emily notices it, which awakens the worry inside her. She doesn't know what to do, maybe she should apologize for bringing it up. Obviously the blonde didn't want to talk too long about it. With a fleeting look in her eyes, Amber tucks a strand of her long hair behind her ear. The room suddenly seems to her empty and hostile, she loves Emily but talking about the war remains something that makes her uncomfortable. She much prefers to talk about the future and all the joyful things that await them. This is what helps her get better, telling herself tomorrow will be better and she always has the people she loves with her. She will be able to live that future with them. A smile appears on her face, speaking of joy she immediately thinks of them. Her two rays of sunshine.
-I have received the new catalog from George and Fred's store. Have you seen it ? It's still so colorful, it's good to see all these colors in this sad world. Wait, I'll show it to you, I think I put it over there.
The blonde leaves the table to rummage through the drawers of her dresser as Emily looks at her. We had talked to her about it but she wasn't expecting it, how is it possible ? 
-Oh Amber …
-What ? You already saw it ? You can tell me, I'm just trying to talk about my best friends. Maybe you went to the store not long ago, it's still fantastic isn’t it ? This place exudes a good mood, if I could I would spend all of my days there. 
-Did you go back ?
-Of course ! George and Fred wouldn't talk to me anymore if I wasn't their best customer. I love them so much, I'm glad the war doesn't change them. They are still funny and malicious, they always have been. You know, I think people don't realize how wonderful they are.
-I have never laughed so much as with them, they have always been very funny.
-You see ? That's what I said. I grew up with them, we did so many silly things together but we had so much fun ! 
-I know, you had few problems because of them. They always took you in their pranks, you were driving the professors crazy. They found you calm and studious, they didn't understand why you were doing this. 
-Do you know this song ? It says “trouble on my left, trouble on my right, I’ve been facing trouble almost all my life.” That’s on growing with George and Fred. You learn to like problems and to be clever enough to make it good. 
-I can imagine. Which song is it ?
-Trouble by Cage The Elephant. You should listen to it one day, it’s really great. It reminds me of my friendship with George and Fred. 
-Because they always put you in trouble ?
-Not only that, and to be honest I’ve always loved it. These are the best moments of my life, the three of us always had fun as kids. It's not really the same anymore … 
The silence remains, for a moment you can see a shadow on Amber's face, revealing suffering. The mask falls, she has not moved on as she claims, she is still haunted by what happened. We can not say that she is an exceptional case, it was war, but Amber is a special case. 
-I miss them, they don’t come often but they’re busy with their shop. Business is running for them, they deserve it. They work so hard for their shop.
-Amber, you know very well that their store has not reopened.
-What the hell are you talking about ? Of course it reopened ! I went there, I helped them put everything back in place. 
-It's not possible Amber. The store is still closed, and there is no new catalog.
-But I was there! I know it better than you do, I didn't imagine it ! Were you there to help them with the store ? I don't remember seeing you there, so how can you say it's impossible ? You didn't go back to Diagon Alley ? How can you say the store is closed ? It is not closed !
-Amber …
-IT’S NOT CLOSED ! Damn it, where is this damn catalog !
Now she’s crying, all her body is shaking. Her hands are clenched to the chest of drawers, the white knuckles, she’s so tense. It seems as if the slightest word or gesture could make her explode. Unsure of what to do, Emily gets up and starts walking towards her friend. She wants to comfort her, to tell her that everything will be okay, but that would be lying. It’s been a while now and it's not going to get any better visibly. Yet seeing her like this tears her heart out, she wishes there was something she could do to make her feel better. 
-I’m sorry Amber.
-Don’t … Don’t say this, you have nothing to be sorry about.
-We both know isn’t true.
-Why did you come ? I thought you wanted to talk like in the good old days, not that you wanted to bring up all the pain. The war has taken something from all of us, it's time to stop it and take it back.
-Unfortunately it doesn't work like that, we can't take back what it took from us. The dead cannot be brought back to life.
-No one should have died.
They can only agree on this point, this war should not have taken place and it should not have taken so many lives. Emily is standing in the middle of the room, Amber still in front of the dresser but she is almost shaking. The tears are already drying on her cheeks but she doesn't seem to care, she keeps scratching the inside of her right hand with her index. Worries fill Emily's thoughts, she feels like she's screwed up all over the place. She was hoping that she could make things better, make Amber feel better, but she's not worried that she's robbed her even more.
-Please leave, I need some quiet.
The blonde takes a cassette from one of the drawers of the chest of drawers, with red eyes she inserts it into a cassette player. The music begins as she leaves the room with a heavy heart. How did her friend get there ? After closing the door, Emily lets out a sigh. Things are worse than she expected, Amber is still in denial. The real version of the story is much sadder than Amber's version. She really escaped the Malfoy mansion in April after being tortured, she wasn’t that good but it’s the Battle of Hogwarts who makes her fall. She was on a fine line, fighting for her survival and to save her loved ones. She was fighting against her own sanity during the battle, every second, every move, every thought was a step forward. She was winning, seeing a glimmer of hope when Voldemort died. Her first reaction was to laugh at having a hard time breathing, it was over, they had won, she had won. So she ran through the castle to find her two best friends, she had seen them during the battle but was unable to join them at that time. They were finally going to be reunited, to be again the trio they always have been. No matter what they had gone through, they had survived and they will be able to rebuild themself together. 
Nobody can imagine the pain that hit her when she saw the two dead bodies on the ground. It was like the blast of an explosion, in less than a second her world collapsed. They were all she had, she has been an orphan for years, an only child, Fred and George were all that mattered to her. Thus broke the spirit of the young woman
-She hasn't progressed since May …
-It can take a long time before she may feel ready to accept the truth. She knows it but she needs to do it all again. 
-But how much longer ? She's not going to stay locked up here all her life !
-When she accepts reality and gets over it, she can return to live with her family.
-She has no family left, her parents died years ago and she had no one else. And the twins died too ... I'm afraid she has no family left.
The lyrics of the song can be heard through the door, from what she hears, Emily understands how this music speaks so much to Amber. “My sweet love, won’t you pull me through ? Everywhere I look I catch a glimpse of you.” It must be horrible to lose your two best friends, even more when you think of them as your brothers, your last family. She really lost everything that day, even her sanity.
“God don’t let me lose my mind.” She sings with this whole heart, eyes closed and serenity filling the room. She knows the lyrics by heart, it became her favorite song because it reminds her of them. When she opens her eyes she faces the twins, sitting at the table. They exchange a mischievous look before looking at her, it's like when they were young. A blink of an eye and they are three children facing each other, mischievous and innocent. Then teenagers, running through Hogwarts to escape Filch, out of breath but having fun. It's only onto the common room they can relax, out of danger. Fred told Amber that it's her turn to do it, so she takes his wand and puts it on the map. Surrounded by his two best friends, Amber open her eyes and as a tear falls, she whispers :
-Mischief managed.
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80siconic · 4 years
chapter three
words: 1709
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Axel sighed. He was reading the daily news paper in his room, sipping on a hot cup of coffee. The bruises on his body and face still hurt him. Walking for him was hard too because of his limp. He didn't blame Vanessa at all for it. He blamed himself for pushing her too hard. Axel slapped the new paper onto the coffee table, as well as putting down his coffee. Both his brothers walked into the room, Otto gave his elder brother a smile. "Good morning, Axel."
      Axel tipped his head over to Otto. "Morning." He picked up his coffee cup and took a sip. Oscar and Otto looked at each other with mischievous smirks before sitting down in front of him. Axel slowly stopped sipping his coffee, giving his brothers confused looks. "What?"
      Otto shrugged at Oscar wondering if he should talk first. Oscar directed his hand over to Axel, Otto rolled his eyes and started first. "You're getting close with the girl." He smirked.
      Axel rolled his eyes. He gave his brother a harsh glare. "You could call her by her actual name, and yes. Maybe. Why not? She needs someone to talk to and she certainly won't talk to you two."
      Oscar wagged his finger in Axel's face. He slapped it away. "Hm. You like her, brother. Don't deny it." Oscar winked at Axel, the smirk never leaving his face.
      Axel huffed, he finished off his coffee and blasted out of his chair. He took the news paper off the table. Axel began to walk to the door, grabbing his jacket. "I'm going to go somewhere more silent. Away from you two." Axel opened the door, walking far away from his two brothers.
      Axel heard footsteps behind him, walking with him side by side. It was true what they say. Siblings truly never leave your side. "You went over to her room last night. To see if she was alright. What was that all about if you didn't like her?" Otto walked with his hands behind his back.
      "I decided to be a good person and check on her. It's not suspicious. She looked really upset that she hurt me. I needed to tell her it was okay. Yes, I like her. As a friend! Nothing more." Shaking his head, Axel started walking a little faster to get away from his siblings badgering.
      Axel heard Oscar's voice behind him. "She hurt you! Why would you even want to be friends with her? You can't be friends with someone who will hurt you."
      Axel stopped walking, he turned his head and sighed. Axel fully turned to walk over to Oscar and Otto. He put his hand on his brothers shoulder. "It was my fault, Oscar. I pushed her too hard. I know you are worried but you know I can take care of myself. I'm the older brother, remember? Just stick to letting me do the worrying. Please."
      Oscar slumped his shoulders, looking down and nodded. He patted his brothers hand which was still on his shoulder. "I know. Doesn't mean I can't worry about my older brother."
      Axel hummed, he took his hand off Oscar's shoulder. Axel pulled Oscar's head towards his and planted his forehead on his. "I'll be fine." Axel pulled away, he gave both of his brothers warm looks. "Don't forget. I love you both. I'll be back after my walk. Don't burn anything while I'm gone." Axel smirked and turned on his heel, walking away from his two brothers.
      The day after the whole powers incident, everything seemed to get back to normal. Although, Vanessa still couldn't stop looking at the bruise on Axel's cheek. That she created. Otto seemed to accept that she was around, well sorta. He was still cold but at least he was somewhat nice. Vanessa still had problems with Oscar. It seemed the younger sibling really hated her guts. He probably hated her more because of what she did to Axel. It wasn't really her plan to get them to hate her.
      Vanessa decided to go for a walk, get some fresh air. Bitch about life to herself. Vanessa muttered about how stupid she was for hurting Axel. Her powers really went out of control. As Vanessa walked, wanting to have a mental break down, she bumped into someone's chest. Vanessa lost her balance but whoever she bumped into caught her by putting an arm around her waist. "Oh, sorry."
      "It's okay." Vanessa looked up at the familiar voice and it was Axel. Axel gave her a smile. "Where are you going?"
      Vanessa blushed as his arm was still around her waist. "I was just getting some air. I think I'm safe now. You—you can let go of me." Vanessa let out a breathy laugh.
      Axel let out a soft "Oh." He laughed as he let go of her waist. Axel looked down at the girl in front of him. She wasn't looking at him but the bruise on his face. Vanessa put her hand on his bruised cheek. "It doesn't hurt. Not anymore."
      With a hum, Vanessa nodded but kept her hand on his cheek. "I know, I just wanted to know if you were alright." Vanessa cleared her throat and slipped her hand off his cheek. "I was wanting to make dinner. For you and your brothers. It's sort of a thank you for being so kind to me these past few days. Even though Oscar and Otto don't really....like me."
      The Swede in front of her shook his head, with a sigh he just shrugged. "No. They don't hate you. They're just....weary."
      Vanessa looked down at her feet. "Well, anyway. It was my mother's recipe before, you know. Umm...I can bring it to you or you can come to me. We'll eat together." Vanessa's heart beat in her chest.
      "Okay." Axel put his hand on her arm. "We'll come."
      Vanessa smiled widely. "Great! Well, I'm gonna go and get everything ready!" Vanessa pointed behind her. "It should be ready by 8." Letting out a chuckle, Vanessa reached up and kissed him on the cheek. Realizing what she did, Vanessa quickly pulled away. "I'll, um, see you later."
      Axel didn't say anything as she quickly turned around and walked away from him. Leaving him shocked and confused. Axel sighed, continuing his walk for air. What a very interesting day it had been.
      Vanessa breathed in the smell of the chicken that she took out of the oven. With a large smile, she seasoned it. Vanessa finished the rice quickly before the boys arrived. She set the table before she began making everything so she was prepared. Vanessa took the bowl of rice and the chicken, putting it on the table.
      A knock was heard on the door. Vanessa got herself ready, hoping the dinner didn't turn out to be one huge mess. Telling herself everything would be fine, she walked over to the door and opened it. Axel, Otto and Oscar stood in their semi-formal outfits. Vanessa had to admit that Axel looked quite handsome. "Come on. Um...everything is on the table so you can sit."
      Axel nodded his head as a thank you. Otto smiled at her, Oscar stood stiffly, giving her a tight smile. Vanessa gulped but moved over so they could walk inside. Thankfully, they all sat down without Oscar giving her dirty looks. Taking another breath, Vanessa closed the door and sat down across from Axel. Otto and Oscar on the ends of the table. "It's just a simple chicken dish with rice. Nothing too big. So, um, enjoy."
      Everyone began digging in. It seemed the brothers really enjoyed her cooking. Usually Axel made dinner for them because they couldn't do it themselves but tonight was different. Vanessa started a small conversation with Axel, she was about to say something but Oscar's voice rang in her ears. "What was your childhood like?"
      Axel shot a glare over at his brother, giving him a look as if he was testing him. Oscar gave an innocent shrug and a light smile. "It's okay, Axel." Vanessa's small voice came out, she put a hand on Axel's arm. "Um, w—well, it was different. Because of my powers they disowned me after they found out. Threw me away like I was a piece of trash. They—they thought I was a monster."
      The tension in the room was thick. Otto looked between Oscar and Vanessa awkwardly. Axel kept glaring at Oscar, his fist tightened on the table. "Your powers must have been a burden then." Oscar innocently took a bite of his food.
      "I wouldn't say they were—" Vanessa scoffed as Oscar cut her off. She told herself not to cry but it seemed that was going to change in a matter of minutes.
      "You wouldn't say they were? So, you know that your powers were a burden? Do you think maybe that's why your parents—" Oscar paused as the dishes on the table began rattling. Vanessa put her hands flat out on the table. Oscar widened his eyes.
      Breathing, trying to calm herself down everything stopped. It became so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Vanessa blasted up from the table. "If you wanted a reaction from me, you got it. Don't let the door hit you on the way out." Tears formed in Vanessa's eyes, she turned and walked into her room, slamming the door behind her.
      Axel hit his fist on the table, his face was red with anger. His Swedish came out loud. "You know she's sensitive about her family and her powers, Oscar. How dare you bring it up? I'll deal with you later." Axel got up from the table, he walked over to Vanessa's bedroom door and knocked. Axel heard a light "Come in." He entered the room and closed the door behind him.
      Oscar sighed but stayed silent. Otto gave Oscar a look, shaking his head. "You shouldn't of done that. I know you don't like her but still. It wasn't right." Otto got up from the table, clearing it for Vanessa. It was the least he could do. Oscar just sat there. Cursing himself for being so incredibly stupid.
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londonfog-chan · 4 years
The Trans!Reader x Jonathan Joestar That No One Asked For But is Getting Anyway Because Fuck Convention: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
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This one goes out to all my people who requested a Trans!Reader insert on my other blogs, I’m trying to test the waters with this one to make sure I’m doing it justice. No one should ever have to feel bad about themselves and I want this to be my love letter to all of my trans folks out there.
At first, she didn’t recognize the young man standing alone on the hill. Maybe you’d been chased off by him, and she worried when she saw your box in his hand. Heartbroken, thinking that your treasure had been commandeered by a brute. But the wind betrayed the boy, billowing locks of hair and instantly she broke out into a run, the turquoise fabric of her dress flaring out behind her as she hitched up her skirts, her blonde hair trailing behind her like a cape.
“I am here!” she called your name, and when the young man turned she saw the friend she’d known since infancy.
“Oh my!” the lightest dusting of pink tinges her cheeks as she skids to a halt directly in front of you. “You look… Dashing! Such fanciful clothes.”
“I had to make an impression darling.” You reply, smiling shyly and holding a hat box closely to your chest. “My brother won’t miss the trousers nor the blouse, but the shoes… They’re far too big for me. And… And I’m unsure how to tie the cravat...”
“Don’t fret, I can fix it for you! Look, I’ve even brought some things for you to pin up your hair. We’ll have you all primped in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.”
Like a mother, Erina Pendleton takes you between her knees on the grassy knoll. Armed with a brush and a coil of ribbon, she pulled and twisted your snarled tangles up and away from your face. You obediently pulled a man’s cap out of the hatbox and over your head as Erina finished with your hair and took your shoes off, pulling stockings from her basket and stuffing your shoes until they fit snugly when she tied the laces.
“Oh…” she smiles when she’s done, and for some reason it makes your heart tingle the slightest bit.
“What do you think?” you ask.
“I think… I think you’re positively handsome, and you seem to be less tightly wound. Especially around the eyes.”
You’re unsure of how you look, so you can’t say for certain that you feel the clothes have done anything to make you less of a wreck emotionally. Raising your arms over your head, you look at your shoes, the cravat Erina showed you how to tie around your neck, the tweed trousers. Everything is in muted colors, not a stitch of brightness to be seen save for the handkerchief peeping from your breast pocket. When you stole the clothes from the discarded trunk your brother left behind before he went to India, you felt exhilarated, frightened at the prospect of getting caught and possibly taking a switch for your boldness. Yet when your mother caught you taking them, she merely laughed and told you they wouldn't fit your brother even if you decided to fix them up, but if you wanted some play clothes they were more than adequate to serve that purpose. You decidedly felt deflated, a bit hurt she didn't really do anything and dismissed you as though you were an eccentric child playing at a game instead of a young man trying to come into his own. But you do feel something now that Erina has fixed you up… almost airy. And she is right, you don’t feel the strain around your eyes anymore. After a while however, you begin to squirm, indeed feeling something but not the freedom nor the personal acceptance you've been trying to achieve.
“My trousers chafe me so!” you complained. “Have they not managed to figure out a finer weave of fabric for the warmer months?!”
“Stop scratching! You’re being so vulgar!" Erina whines, but it does nothing to deter you from reaching into the band of your pants and scratching violently everywhere.
"Damn and blast!"
"Sophisticated gentlemen don't reach into their drawers and scratch in front of a lady!" she scolds, "You said you want to unleash the gentleman inside you, what would he say to this display?”
“Well right now the gentleman inside me wants me to tend to the war raging on my buttocks!”
Erina cries your name, begging you to stop scratching your rear end with a ferocity that nearly makes you roar in frustration. It does take quite a long time for you to relent, damning the conventions of polite society all the way and using rough language that the poor girl has unfortunately become accustomed to. For a while you complain some more about the clothes, the societal expectation to be covered at all times, the fact that neither gender is truly free of their own volition, and the revolution you wish to start for a society that is nothing short of anarchy.
"Everyone will be allowed to run stark naked if they wish to, or to be draped in silks and I'll make all these pompous aristocrats provide every necessity. I grow weary of hearing the necessities of decorum every five minutes when I simply wish to fulfill a human need!"
“Now, now…” Erina coos gently, brushing blades of grass from your trousers. “Look here, you’ve unsightly grass stains.
"If I must return to my flouncing hell I'll take care of it later." you told her. "Grass stains speak to a boy that craves adventure. An Odysseus!"
"I'm sure it does." she giggles. "But all this talk of treasure, we still haven’t taken care of the most important part.”
“… I’d nearly forgotten about that. Let me get her for you…”
You finally relinquish the tight hold you’ve been keeping on your hat box, slowly opening the lid and reaching in with both hands. Cradling your treasure as though it’s a child, you rock your precious doll back and forth, smoothing the cascading brown curls down and fixing her skirts. It takes a while for you to let go. You don’t want to let the poor thing go. She is far beyond a play thing, she was your bearer of the most heartfelt confessions and tears, the first to know of your beginning metamorphosis back when you feared Erina would call you horrific names if you told her your most guarded secret.
Now, when you look up at Erina, you know you’ve made the right decision to trust her. She scoots closer to you as you tremble, wrapping her arms around your shoulders and not once making a move to steal the doll from your grasp. In fact, she doesn’t presume to take it until you offer it to her, and then she treats it as though she is receiving a holy relic.
“Please…” you beseech your best friend, “Give her a good home, with plenty of love and affection. She likes to sleep beside your pillow in her box, and her favorite holiday is Easter, her favorite food is spice cake…”
“You can trust me, my dearest friend. I promise to take very good care of Aphrodite for you.”
Slender fingers reached forward to stroke your cheek, clearing away the tears that have fallen for the poor doll you relinquished. As she cleans your face, she tells you the doll will never leave her sight, fully prepared to cater to her every whim as though she's a princess and not made of wax. Yet Erina is right. You mustn’t cry. It’s only for a little while that Erina will have her, until you’re grown up and have a house of your own to keep your possessions. Unsure of your parent's reaction when you finally decide that they need to know they've lost a daughter and obtained a son, you told Erina it's better to keep Aphrodite away lest she is destroyed. You promised your dolly she'd be safer with Erina those nights you cuddled her, seeking reassurance from the persecution you knew you’d face from the rest of the world.
“When I’m a grown man, I’ll be a renowned physician.” You asserted aloud. “I’ll have a big house, millions of books, my piano, and I’ll play Aphrodite’s favorite songs for her every single day. If I am not accepted, then that will be fine. No family will be permitted to enter my abode except for you, my dearest Erina. We will have twenty dogs apiece, and I shall give them only the strongest names from Greco Roman literature.”
“Twenty apiece?!” Erina exclaimed. “Don’t you think that’s a mite excessive?”
“Not at all, in fact I think that’s hardly a proper minimum requirement for a house.”
All this talk of dogs and estates with room for a man and his doll makes you excited, and you cannot help but take your borrowed handkerchief from your pocket to wipe your face. The wind evidently shared your sentiments, as the minute you loosened your grip the scrap of fabric floated away on a gust that made you clutch your hat for fear of losing it.
“Oh no!” Erina whimpered. “I hand embroidered that handkerchief!”
“A thousand pardons darling! I’ll fetch it back!” you cried, and you’re up and running before she can stop you.
As you chased the scrap of fabric, you couldn’t help but feel elated. There was no tug at your waist that made your insides hurt and your breathing shallow, no skirts to trip you and confine you to a chair where you practiced the same stitch over and over until your fingers felt they would break. None of the insecurity and strangeness at inhabiting a body that did not feel like it belonged to you. You only felt the wind at your face, the hard earth below your brother’s shoes as you ran… No longer did you feel trapped, like a lion pacing a tiny cage in the circus.
You felt elated at last. As though finally, after all this time, you were living your truth.
It was Erina’s screams that finally snapped you from your euphoria. Pocketing the runaway handkerchief, you began your course back to the grassy knoll where you left her, fearing the worst when you heard her crying out “please! Please put her down!” Your heart sank. Not only was your dearest friend being assaulted, but her tormentor evidently had commandeered Aphrodite because there was only one other “her” that Erina could be referring to. She never referred to you in the old way anymore, not since your confession.
You made it just in time to see a young man being beaten to the ground, two other snot nosed brats, had commandeered Aphrodite and you heard talk of them going to lift up her skirts to see if she'd been made with all the right parts…
And the last thing you remembered was seeing red, absolutely seething with rage as you put a shoe up the ass of one of the boys and nearly launched Aphrodite into Erina’s arms. All the frustration, all the anger you felt your entire life of living a life that wasn’t yours, it came out in the form of an unchecked feral response that made the boys cry out for mercy as they left you, Erina, and the downtrodden young man alone. By the time you'd let them go, they could only hobble off pathetically. In your rage you vaguely recalled screaming to them that perhaps you'd check if they'd been given all the right parts, one of the boys had taken your brother's shoe to the groin and was being dragged along by his companion. Your face was dripping with sweat and tears, and your hands were sore and bloody. The blonde didn’t know who to comfort first, but when your eyes befell on the strapping young lad she too went to his aid.
“Don’t touch me!” he whined. “I didn’t do it for you, you know! A gentleman should always stand for a damsel in distress!”
“… then I suppose a thank you is in order for me?”
The words are out of your mouth before you can stop yourself. Even you're shocked at the personality you've assumed in your new clothes. With little effort your voice has become commanding, a general's voice that is full of conviction. Your stance is confident, centered, alone in your room you often perused illustrations in books of the matadores from Spain and admired the way they carried themselves in the charcoal drawings. Compared to the uptight men of this era, you swore to yourself you'd reject the stiffness of aristocracy and instead would carry yourself as unyielding as a man facing a bull. The young man looks up at you, crimson with rage, shaking and nose streaming carmine down his face. He and Erina have the same bewildered and intimidated expression, and he flinches but does not lash out when you heave him to his feet. He finally bolts from the clearing, insulting you as though you’re the one that beat him to a pulp, and for quite some time you and Erina stare after his retreating form.
"You brute!" he whimpers as he runs away.
“Who in the blue hell…” you begin, and you see Erina approaching with an unfamiliar handkerchief in hand to wrap your bloody knuckles.
Through the blood, the two of you manage to read the words “Jonathan Joestar”, looking back at the expanse of land where the boy had run off to even more confused and left with far more questions than answers.
But one thing is certain and you loathe it to be the first thought you have in your emergence into boyhood: this Jonathan Joestar fellow is the most handsome man you've ever seen in your life.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things 2 Fanfic
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Chapter Two- Part Two
   Phina had barely made it through the day, her mind lost in the endless thoughts. What happened that morning, what had happened with Steve, it was driving her completely mad. She hated him, god damn, she hated him. She hated his caring ways, his gentle touch, his soft voice, she hated the way her stomach flipped when she looked into his sincere eyes. She hated him because he made it hard for her to hate him. It was all so much easier when he was "king Steve" the top asshole of the school, when him and his friends made her life miserable every chance they got. It was much easier.
   Things had changed, it wasn't like that anymore. Now, now she had to hide her feelings, terrified to face them. Because the thing was, she didn't hate him, she couldn't, she hated herself for the things she felt, and it was easier to blame it on him.
   It was easier to say that she hated him, because what she truly felt for him would destroy her sister.
   By the time Phina had arrived at the party, it was in full swing. Outside and inside the house, teenagers partied, the music blasting so loud she heard it from down the street.
   As soon as she got to the thick of the clusters of people, she attracted almost every eye. Her outfit probably the most overly dramatic one there.
   She wore a black corseted dress, the top part being a literal corset that was semi-restricting, and showed of her curves, not to mention that it was strapless. The front part of the dress came to her thighs, while the back came all the way to the ground, the fabric lacy and a little sheer. Her makeup was the same as this morning, sharp and deadly. She wore the ruby red Victorian style necklace from this morning, and a matching ruby red ring, and pentagram earrings to add to the witchy factor. The best part of her out fit though, was the wand. It was strapped to her thigh by a thin lace band, ready to be grabbed at any moment.
Almost every eye was on her, even the blurry drunken ones. She made her way to the front door, smirking at ever eye she met. They parted seas for her, probably thinking she was actually a witch, ready to curse them at any moment.
Phina stepped through the front door of the house, again, attracting every eye. She searched the room, for a familiar face, unfortunately finding Steve's first. He stood next to Billy Hargrove, who's eyes roamed her body. Steve's eyes didn't roam, they met hers, and held them. She could see the memory there, the words said this morning, the things they felt.
She tore her gaze from as quickly as possible, this morning didn't happen for as far as she was concerned. Phina found Nancy walking to the kitchen, and she took off towards her. The crowd parting even in the small cramped space, Hawkins Freak, no one was willing to touch her, in fear, in wonder. The party resumed, teens awkwardly dancing to the loud music, drinking whatever could be supplied, kissing whoever the wanted too.
When she got over to the kitchen, she hears Nancy asks someone about the punch.
"Pure fuel, pure fuel!" He yelled, hitting his chest.
Phina pushes the kid away and stands next to her sister, "it's a hangover that you are not prepared for."
"How do you know," she asks, almost innocently.
"I bet you all most half the kids in her have spiked it with something strong from their parents liquor cabinet," Phina laughs, "it'll be enough to make you forget who you are."
"Good," Nancy says, going to grab a cup of it.
She quickly fills up the glass and starts to chug it, and to Phina's relief and dismay, Steve comes to stand next to her.
"Woah woah woah, hey, take it easy. Take it easy," he tries to warn her, "Nance."
She looks at him, almost annoyed, "we're just being stupid teenagers for the night, wasn't that the deal?"
She turns back to the punch bowl and scoops up another drink, again chugging it in seconds. She wipes a little off of her face and walks away, into the crowd of dancing, sweaty, teens, starting to dance.
Phina shakes her head at her little sister, "she's going to regret this."
"Yeah," Steve agrees, leaning forward on the counter to watch Nancy go.
Phina scoops up two cups of punch, handing one of them to Steve, "you look like you need this."
He looks down at it and his eyes travel up her arm and to her face, she looked beautiful, she always did. Oh he was gonna need more than just one cup.
He grabs it from her, "to being stupid teenagers."
She raises her cup, "to being stupid teenagers, cheers."
They tap their cups together, and down them. The bittersweet taste swirling on Phina's tongue, so many different alcohols mixed with the fruit punch. She breathes deeply after she's done, chuckling a little, Steve copying her. A single drop of punch slides down her chin, and he raises his hand to wipe it away. His warm fingers brush across her face, lingering for a moment.
She looks up into his eyes, stupid teenagers indeed. She took a small step away from him, dipping her cup back in the punch, if she wanted to make it through this night, she was going to need a lot of this.
"Lets go find Nancy," she said, and they fell back to reality.
They danced in the middle of the living room, having the time of their lives. Everyone was smiling, laughing, and pretending. Nancy was drunk off her ass, Phina was trying her hardest to stay away from Steve, and Steve was, breaking. Yet they put on a facade, a play, Stupid Teenagers.
Phina spun, her hands in the air, laughing as she did. When she stops, she sees Nancy making her way back to the kitchen, Steve following her. Phina groaned, following after him. Nancy was to drunk, at this rate, if she kept drinking, she'd die of alcohol poisoning.
Phina pushes her way through the crowd, well behind the two she chased after. When she gets close, she hears them arguing, and as soon as she breaks through the crowd, the cup of punch they had been fighting over, flies upwards and all the liquid falls on Nancy's front. The entire party yells, and then goes quiet, watching the couple.
Nancy looks down at the front of her white outfit, now stained red, "what the hell?"
She pushes past Steve and makes her way towards the bathroom, Steve watching her go, "Nance."
He follows her, running to catch her, leaving Phina there by herself. She sighs, the night had gone to shy really quick.
"Phina," asks a voice to her right, Jonathan.
She turns to him and smiles, "you came! What about Will?"
"He'll be ok, if Mike's anything like you, he won't let anything happen," Jonathan laughs.
"Yeah, well you're lucky that Mike is exactly like me," Phina sighs, "I'm not so sure that's a good thing."
"What just happened," Jon asks, nodding towards the puddle on the floor.
"Nancy is drunk, wasted," Phina shakes her head, looking down sadly, "Steve was trying to stop her from drowning herself in alcohol, as you can see it didn't go to well."
Jonathan places a hand on her arm, "she'll be ok Phina."
"Yeah," she lets out a pitiful laugh, "she's got Steve to take care of her."
Phina didn't say it, but Jonathan saw right through her, Steve Harrington was the problem here, and Jonathan knew that she didn't know how to handle this.
They hear a door slam upstairs and watch as Steve comes rushing down, going straight towards the door. Phina instantly sees the emotion on his face, in his eyes, despair. Something had happened up there.
"Can you make sure Nancy is ok," Phina asks Jon, looking towards were Steve went to the door.
"Go, I'll get her home," Jonathan tells her.
She thanks him with a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before she is rushing after Steve. She pushed her way out the door and almost frantically looking around for Steve. She quickly found him walking to his car, his arms resting on top of his head. Phina walked towards him, carefully.
   He kicked the back tire of his car, angrily yelling.
   "Steve," she asked him quietly.
   He spun around to face her, and she instantly saw the tears tracking down his face. And her heart broke, what had her sister done.
   "Steve," she whispers sadly, "what happened?"
   "She doesn't love me Phina," he stuttered, hardly breathing, "she called it bullshit."
   "She's drunk Steve, she doesn't know what she's saying," she tries to comfort him, stepping closer to him.
   "You're right. If she was sober she wouldn't have said that, she would have just thought it," he breathes, "drunk words are sober thoughts."
   She sighed, "I know Steve, I know, I'm sorry."
   He shakes his head, "don't be."
   "I will be if I want to Harrington," she tells him sternly, "because whether you like it or not I'm sorry."
   He smiles, "you're so passionate about everything you feel."
   "You know that better than anyone Harrington," she jokes, "remember when I hated you?"
   His heart stops, reading into the words more than he probably should have, "when? I thought you still hated me."
   Her head falls, she regretted her words, but there was no going back now.
   "No Harrington, I don't hate you," she shakes her head, looking up at him, "not anymore."
   She felt uneasy, so she reached up to her neck and grabbed her charm. His eyes fall on her hand and light up, the sadness in them lessening. His mind flashes back to what happened in the bathroom, to something that Nancy had said.
"Nance," he whispers.
"Why don't you go find Phina," she slurs, "I know Steve."
   Steve knew what she had meant, Nancy knew what he felt, more than he knew himself. Now, standing in front of Phina, under the moon, the distant sound of partying teens, he realized what he felt, and for the first time, he wasn't scared of it.
-1737 words-
Oh my god that is honestly so cute. I am actually so obsessed with Steve and Phina's relationship and I cannot wait to develop it further. Sorry this update has take so long, a lot of crap has been happening lately and I haven't had the time to write. Anyway, tell me what you guy think of it, and if you have any suggestions feel free to comment them.
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🏰⚔️ DMODT- 9 start... do I keep writing this? Is it ok? I don't know anymore
Levi was preparing for bed when he noticed something wrong. It started with a fear that filled his stomach, then progressed to pain in his hands. Dropping his blankets, he cried out in surprise as long thick wounds appeared in his palms "Erwin?" Turning from his bed, he raised his hands to show Erwin. Rushing to him, Erwin took his hands, as Levi sank down on the edge of the bed "What happened?" "I don't know... It's freezing" It felt as if his whole body had plunged into a frozen lake. Shivering, he only seemed to grow colder "We need a healer!" Opening his mouth to contradict Erwin, Levi choked. Coughing and hacking hard, something seemed to be lodged in his throat. Pulling his hand from Erwin's, he shoved his fingers down his throat, trying to catch the edge of whatever was there "We needed a healer in here!" His whole frame heaved as he finally caught the forgein object, coughing as he pulled it from his throat, lubricated as he vomited. Across from them, there was a flurry of movement. Erwin grabbing whatever was in his hand as the royal healers rushed to his side. Fussed over, the healers couldn't tell him what was wrong with him. His hands were healed by magic, but the chill wouldn't leave. Bundled up in thick furs, he was finally left to rest in peace when he started snapping over how shitty he felt. If someone had wanted to kill him, wasn't there a nicer way to do so? Like a simple sword to heart? Or a good old fashioned decapitation? Not freezing him and choking him to death, like a goddamn coward. Sitting up on his bed, he glared at Erwin. The man was supposed to be his bodyguard... and he hadn't stopped whatever attack this was from happening, instead the man had backed off and had been staring at his hand rather intently for the past hour. Coughing, his chest hurt from effort. His voice a rasp "What the hell are you looking at?" Holding up the diamond shaped object, it was about an inch long, and as thin as hair. Sparkling in the light, he could make out the colour green "What is it?" "A dragon scale" Why the fuck would he be coughing up dragon scales?! How the hell did that even happen?! Eren... They'd only encountered one dragon, and the damn thing had been dead "That little shit. I'm going to fucking kill him" "L-Erwin. What do you mean?" Dragging himself out of bed, he shuffled over to snatch the scale out of Erwin's hold. The sharp edges of the scale cut into his palm. His scent filling with anger as growled "First Eren's playing with a dead dragon, now I'm coughing up a dragon scale! I'm going to kill him" "We don't know..." "Oh come off it. There's something wrong with him! This stinks of him and his fucked up fucking magic!" Dissolving into coughs, Erwin rose from his bed, lifting him like he was a child and carrying him back over to his bed "We don't know this was Eren. Zeke has his own mages" "You think Zeke tried to kill me?" "Or a spell went wrong?" "It's a dragon scale!" "Keep your voice down. It's suspicious enough that Zeke didn't come to see what the noise was about" "This is clearly Eren getting his revenge for being sent away" His throat hurt like a bitch "Do you really think he's so vindictive?" "He's gone and I'm coughing up a fucking scale" "Stop saying "fucking". It makes it hard to have a civilised conversation" "Some body guard you are. The brat tried to kill me" "You may be a tremendous arsehole, but I doubt Eren would try to kill you. He took his vows to the kingdom, and for him to against your word is to go against the kingdom. Which would cost him his life. No. I think there's something more than that. We should cut the hunt short and head back to the castle as soon as possible" "And how do you intend to pull Prince Zeke from his hunt? No. Our healers won't mention this, and the hunt shall continue as if nothing happened. We'll watch and wait... if Eren thinks I'm dying from one shit scale, the kid has another thing coming" Erwin sighed heavily "You're not going to budge, are you?" "Would you? If this is Zeke, he may well have formed a plan to kill me. If this is Eren, I won't give him the satisfaction of me ending the hunt" "You're a thoroughly unpleasant man" "I am your prince. You will do this" "Fine. But I still don't think Eren is responsible" "For his sake, he better not be" The hunt continued another three days before Zeke declared he was bored with the lack of game. The alpha had enquired after his health the morning after his choking incident, which he had played down as his bodyguard completely over reacting after he'd accidentally caught his hand on his sword. The alpha had laughed at him, and mocked him over his "boo boo", but didn't seem to have been involved. In a lot of ways Zeke was a brilliant actor, yet his surprise seemed genuine enough, reinforcing his belief that Eren was involved. The kid was in for a major arse kicking once he got back to the castle. * The castle was still standing when they returned. Hanji and Moblit were waiting to greet them, along with one of the mages of the castle. He wasn't in the mood to deal with anything that wasn't a hot cup of tea, or a warm soapy bath, but Hanji wouldn't even allow him that. Climbing off his horse, she was lead away before he could even protest. Hanji waiting until he moved towards the castle doors, before falling into step with him "We have a situation" "I gathered by your greeting. What happened?" "Moblit and Eren were attacked" "Of course they were. No offence Moblit, but Eren is trouble" "It wasn't Eren's fault. There were bandits near Shinganshima" Levi came to a stop. Hanji may be in control when both he and Erwin were absent from the castle, and she knew she was supposed to report shit like that immediately. Beside her, Moblit looked pained. An arm wrapped around his waist as he looked to his feet "If bandits were an issue, why have I heard nothing?" "Because they were taken care of. Moblit was there" "Moblit, speak" The man cleared his throat "We were attacked in the inner walls, passing near Shinganshima on our way back to the castle. Archers felled the first soldier, the other two fighting while filled with arrows. Eren was hiding under the cart when he was pulled free..." Moblit looked to Hanji, then over to Zeke and his party "Is this something we should be discussing inside?" "Most definitely" "Talk while we walk. I need a hot shower" Hanji and Moblit kept their silence until they entered Levi's chambers. The sheets and blankets had been freshly changed, while a warm fire burned in the hearth "Now. Explain this attack. And Eren's part" "Eren killed them all" Hanji covered her mouth as if it took back her outburst. Groaning, Levi could feel an Eren induced headache forming "How? Why? What happened to the soldiers?" "All three died. One giving his life to push Eren out the way. I'd left to relieve myself, they'd attacked in my absences. Eren and the group were exchanging words... but they refused to heed his warning to leave him alone" "Moblit, you're starting to sound like Hanji. What did Eren do?" "He turned them to stone. The man who seemed to be the leader pointed his blade at him. Eren wrapped his hands around it, then the world shaked. The sky turned red as wind built around him..." "So he used his magic to turn them stone?" "He doesn't remember doing so, but there was something more to it. I'm not a magic user, but even I felt the sinister presence in his magic" "Sinister?" "His eyes glowed black. It was the dead of night, yet it was as clear as day. His eyes grew black as his body seemed to flicker for a moment. When the spell faded, the bandits were stone" Levi sighed, moving his hands to massage at his temples with his fingers "And you?" "Copped a blast of what seemed to be wind magic as I tried to move closer to Eren. It is nothing more than an uncomfortable bruise" "That's good. It was smart of you not to make yourself known" Hanji nodded, starting excitedly "We have the statues moved here, and Levi, it's the most incredible thing. Their whole bodies are stone. Their clothes. Their weapons. Their boots and belts. They all look as if they were carved from stone" "And the no longer live?" "Definitely not" "How can you be so sure?" "One lost its head during transport. That's how we know the inside is also stone" Eren certainly didn't do things in moderation "And where is Eren?" "He's locked himself in his quarters and won't come out" Levi closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Holding it, he counted to three before releasing it "Why?" "Because he's scared of his magic. He knows I'm not his actual master, and begged to be locked away where he couldn't hurt any one" "And you did?" "He was quite agitated. His magic kept flaring and he was hurting himself" "How? Was it sparks of fire again?" "It started as spinning winds slicing at his arms... but..." Hanji sucked her lips in, trying to school her features "Spit it out" Letting out a snorting laugh, Hanji was all smiles "He accidentally created a thunderstorm that hovered over his head and small bolts kept zapping him. It was hilarious" "It was only hilarious until Eren accident zapped her with it" "Well, duh. It's not like I want him to be hurt, but it was his own personal storm" Levi had a fair idea of what that was like. He'd seen it when mounting the teen, the way the storm had appeared from nothing, and the way the lightening strikes had flared out across the room "Moblit, when did this happen?" "The night we left camp. He passed out on the way back to the castle. I'll never forget how cold he was" Cursing under his breath, he straightened himself up "I'll need the report delivered to me. And not a word of this to Marley. Did you send a dragon to Draecia?" "Yes, sir. They sent a falcon thanking us, and have collected the skull and diamonds" They did? They'd been right there in the forest, yet he hadn't seen any dragons or heard anything out of the ordinary... "Did they say anything?" "No. I still can't believe there was a dragon corpse that far south" "You and me both, Moblit" Moblit was the only one he trusted to send a message through to Draecia. If they hadn't said anything, then nothing had been missing from the remains. Erwin had been right. He'd been too hard on Eren without knowing what happened "You're both dismissed. Leave Eren where he is for now. If his magic is out of control, it's better he can't unleash it on the castle, or its inhabitants" "Levi, what are you going to do? He needs a real master to draw out his powers. This isn't working" "I'll think of something... right now, I wish to bathe. Our tents might be expanded with magic, and have basic facilities, but nothing compared to clean bath and bathroom" Bathing until his skin had turned pruney, Levi loved the feeling of being clean. What he didn't love was knowing he'd have to face Eren. He didn't see why the teen would be so upset over the death of trash. Erwin wasn't waiting for him when he left his room, so Levi was left to walk through the castle alone, ignoring the maids and servants that bowed as he passed. He might have been playing the prince for over a decade, but he still didn't enjoy people bowing at him, or addressing him as "sir". It wasn't until he was on the servants side of the castle, that he realised he couldn't actually remember where Eren's room was, with one hundred percent certainty, and as the prince he wasn't about to suffer through a bout of embarrassment for choosing the wrong room. Every shitty hallway looked the same with its smooth stone walls and red carpets. If he wasn't so pissed off at the omega, he might have been able to stop and take breath, then realise he wasn't even on the same floor as the teen. Where was Shitty Sir Fluffybrows when he needed him? Closing his eyes, it slowly dawned on him, he was supposed to have a bond with Eren... which meant he should be able to find the kid... what else was this stupid bond useful for? Right. Now... Eren. It was weird and uncomfortable, Levi standing in the hallway long enough to fell well and truly stupid as he tried to concentrate on the kid. There was a slight tingling in his nape, a cold feeling in his chest and whole lot of no idea where he was going as he took his first step back down the hall. Letting the tight self control he had slip was hard, as was ignoring his instincts to follow something that seemed so stupid to him. After another dozen set of halls, and a set of stairs down, he finally found himself out the omegas door. The tingling had spread to a warmth, though his lungs still seemed as if someone had shovelled ice cubes down his throat. Knocking on Eren's door, he raised himself to stand taller, to play the role of the prince he was supposed to be. When the omega didn't answer, Levi sighed to himself as he tried the door handle, finding it locked as Hanji had said "Open up!" He could feel Eren on the other side of the door. He knew the brat could hear him "Eren, open this door at once! Or I'll kick it down" Trying the handle again, this time it gave. The shit could have at least opened it. Opening Eren's door, he let himself into the dark room, before closing the door behind him. Sitting in the frame of his window, Eren was wrapped in a thin blanket. The kid staring out across the castle grounds, as he pointedly ignored looking Levi's way. Filled with discomfort, his alpha was demanding the attention of the omega "I heard about the attack. You have my thanks for saving the life of Moblit" That sounded princely enough, didn't it? "Eren, I hear you've locked yourself away. Why?" Looking to him, Eren's eyes were blank. The kid looked deathly ill, with such a pale complexion and deep bags under his eyes "If you are ill, why..." "I don't care anymore" Sliding from the window frame, Eren sagged. Rushing to him, Eren swung out before he could him "Eren..." "No. I'm a magic user without a master. I killed those men... That wasn't what I came here to do" "So you're throwing a tantrum?" "I figured it out... it must have been fun..." Coughing, Levi could smell the blood in the air as Eren covered his mouth with a wrapped hand, the bandages a dirty creamed, striped with way too much brown-red. The omega was seriously ill... why hadn't anyone noticed? Why hadn't Eren tried to help himself? "Why! Why do you hate me?! I never hurt you... you took it all away... why couldn't you let me die?" As Eren's eyes rolled back, Levi hefted him into his hold.
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159potterhead · 3 years
(Takes the mic**🎤)
Shout out to @thatgaywerewolf and Yo-peeps in the back–it's me y'all–this one goes for the preety girl in the front cheers for my beloved💕
(okay so I've also tried a hand at rapping the rap is written without a break and for the rhyme I used this proton term coz I didn't recall any word so I hope you get it)
I see you're getting your tough on
And it's turning me on
Trust me I'm not a moron
But you're an icon
Who called me a proton
but baby how will I tell you I'm not positive if anything I'm far from it will you believe me if I said I'm a python with my guards on and I don't wanna hurt you baby coz you're my sweetcorn and If you let me I'll be your unicorn in the size of a Pokemon.
Is this a rom-com?
I'm sorry but that's how I see it
like a cheery on the tart
Just like a piece of the heart
With the dart on the spot💘
Which I won't pick apart
Nor would I discard
I'll keep it close to my heart even if I die-hard
I'll cherish it like an old teapot until I fall apart
Doesn't that sounds like a great movie plot?
I'll make you a card in the shape of a heart coz you're my jackpot,
And I'll give you my heart like the abstract piece of an art
We can paint it from the start or we could do it in the park
We don't have to be on the clock
And I'll protect you from the mob and mock them till they rot
We'll stay there till gets dark
Until the spark from the star
I'll play you the harp from the shard of the glass just like the angel in the dark
Or will it be Mr. Stark?
I don't know that's all the words that rhymes idk why i put mr.stark it was the only word rhyming and I'm laughing again why would you let me begin it happens just like a chain and I hope it rains you know Dean has a mark of cain if I keep going I'm gonna faint coz I don't have a brain
(mic drop 🎤)
Thank you people. Oh! please don't chant my name like that. I don't take any questions but since you guys wanna know Due to pandemic I won't be doing anymore tours for my new album but who knows maybe in future I'll do it. Keep screaming people 😂😂 (I'll come over the edge of the stage and I'll bend down to kiss you and then I'll tell you to meet me backstage with a wink and crowd will notice it and go crazy)
Oh! I saw that babe isn't it lovely. We're so cute that someone for like real person finds us cute😍
And idk no one has said it before irl life I just worry a lot about the bad things that may happen you know when I have faith that things will go good that time something exactly opposite happens so idk I always weight the bad side more so I'm prepared for it mentally and when it happens I can yell, "I knew it!" (I can imagine that God of eary season Sam hugging that person saying 'too precious for this world' I'm gonna cry now 😭😭)
Oh! God! You are so easy to be with. I can take care you come here I wanna wrap you up in a blanket and keep you safe in arms💕 (Does that mean you're adopting me? Will you come to all my recitals and visit me in college? Don't throw out my emo music when I'm away coz it's not a phase mom it's who I am😅😅)
I'll look forward to our movie nights and I wanna jump around the house like crazy and dance with you all night long (And I just love this song)
🎶And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed you put me on and said I was your favorite🎶
omg we’re doing this again lessgooo🎤
ayyye yaaas shoutout to our only fan ahah. oh you stahp☺️🤚🏼
you are literally unstoppable!!😆😆😂😂😂 idk about you, but with all these dope rhymes, you seem like you’ve been granted a special brain!😂
(raaaaaging applause👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼)
buuuut don’t worry people! she will be doing virtual concerts live from our mansion and it’s pay-what-you-can!! (babyyy stooop😄 not in front of all these people- *blushes insaaanely* ok go i’ll meet you in the back🙈😚)
yesssss I agree🥺🥰🥰 I mean what can I say? we are cute😏💞
oh that must suck. I don’t think it’s negative tho. you’re just being realistic, I think it’s alright. this way you don’t get your hopes way too high and get let down hard. I should learn from you ahah. but your overall vibes are so cute and wholesome and fun, yk? I enjoy hanging out with you, and by that I mean our little asks<3 (that’s what I was intending!)
aah I can say the exact same about youu! aww✨💞 *shuffles closer into your warm embrace* (if that’s what you want, i’ll be more than glad to😉 of course I won’t, i’ll be blasting them through every speaker!!! what? I’m the cool mom!😎)
saaame🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖✨✨✨ can it just come already? (hehe I knew you do;))
🎶and time can do so much, are you still mine? I need your love, I need your love. god speed your love to me🎶💕
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shi-daisy · 4 years
Black Moon Rising Pt.1
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Hello my dear shippers! For day 5 and 6 of Ulquihime Week I'll be making a two part lil' fic. I've had this idea for a while and I thought it would be fun to play with.
So most of you know I have a full length Ulquihime fic on FF.net and on Wattpad. It's basically an AU where Orihime saved Ulquiorra and he went on to live with her in Karakura. That's the shortest version of the plot anyway. So this is sorta like a 'what if' with that plot. Orihime still saved Ulquiorra, but instead of him going with her and becoming more human, she turns into an Arrancar and crosses over to his side. Hope you all like!
Ulquihime Week -Day 5- Protect/Blood
Black Moon Rising (Pt. 1)
The carnage between the two hollows had covered the silvery sand in crimson.
Orihime was desperately trying to heal Uryu, as Ichigo had tried stabbed him earlier.
"Inoue, please don't waste your time here. Just run and get to safety."
"I'm not going to leave you behind Ishida-kun! You're bleeding badly and Kurosaki is still in that awful form, so I don't care how much you tell me to leave, I'm staying here!"
He didn't argue further and let Orihime heal him. From the smoke around them, she couldn't see either Ichigo or Ulquiorra. 'What happened to them?'
That question was swiftly answered when she felt a dark pressure beside her. It was Ichigo, and his hollow mask hadn't cracked. Ulquiorra was nowhere to be found.
Orihime put herself between Ishida and Ichigo, calling up a shield just in case. “Stay back Kurosaki-kun! " Her tone was fearful. In truth, she didn't like yelling, especially not at Ichigo, but there wasn't anything else she could do. He had already proven he couldn't be reasoned with.
The hollow growled, not too keen on the suggestion of stepping aside. With one motion of his blade, Orihime's golden shield was shattered.
The hollow began charging another cero between it's horns. Orihime tried to conjure up another shield but knew it wouldn't be fully materialized in time. She closed her eyes, hoping Uryu's wounds would be fully healed before she died. 'At least one of us needs to survive.'
But death didn't come. Before Ichigo could blast then, Ulquiorra apeared behind him, breaking one of Ichigo's horns with his spear.
The cero was redirected, and once again smoke covered the area.
"I can see Kurosaki. I think he's back to normal."
Orihime nodded, checking Uryu's wounds one last time before investigating. "Your wounds are healed. If something happens to me, you must run, Ishida-kun."
With that she left. The smoke was slowly fading and she could see Ichigo finally waking up. He looked as if that hollow transformation hadn't happened, and his wounds were fully healed. 'Typical, he never needed me to heal him before, why should he start now?' Orihime then began looking for Ulquiorra, she found him in a worst state than she imagined.
The Cuarta Espada was out cold, his body burned and bloody so badly that she doubted it could be repaired.
"Ulquiorra!" Orihime kneeled down on the sand, placing his head on her lap. His eyes were slowly opening. She quickly cast Soten Kisshun, it wasn't working.
"Woman, what are you doing?" Ulquiorra spoke, his voice was as monotone as always.
"What does it look like doing?! I'm trying to save you!"
"Nonsense. I have lost the battle, I deserve to perish."
"Like hell! I'm going to heal you and that's final, so shut up!"
She didn't know where that sudden burst of anger came from until tears fell down her face. Ulquiorra's wounds were not healing, even with her power.
Desperation began to take over as the blood kept on pouring.
'No, no, no! I can't let him die!'
"I told you, it's useless. Leave me here. Your friends did as you said and came to protect you, it wouldn't be fair for their efforts to go to waste."
"What about you?! Who protects you?!"
It was getting hard to see with her watery eyes, still she caught Ulquiorra's vivid expression. His emerald eyes were widened in surprise, she'd never seen Ulquiorra show any emotion before. It suited him.
"Orihime, listen to me, and listen well. You're the only person that cares if I live or die. That's more than I ever expect to have. Just leave me be, and save yourself."
She wouldn't. She wouldn't abandon him. Not even if he begged her to.
Their earlier conversation came to mind, when he put his hand on her chest and asked her about the heart. She could sense it, the sadness and longing that he kept hidden under a layer of nihilism. From that moment onwards she promised herself, she would show Ulquiorra what it was like to have a heart, if just to see her warden smile. She didn't expect things to go so wrong. 'Why? Why do I always have to be the one 'protected'? Why does it always lead to pain?'
"Ever since I was a child, I've relied on others for protection. My brother, my friends, they've all kept me safe and sound. I'm grateful, truly I am, but whenever they do that it makes me feel like a burden. I can't fight, or train, I'm helpless!
No one ever took me seriously, until you," Orihime swallowed hard to keep from sobbing. "There were times you were cold and cruel, but you never thought less of me! You never treated me as if I was made of glass! You're the only person who's ever done that! So, please Ulquiorra, let me be the protector for once. Let me save you!"
Ulquiorra didn't say anything, he raised his hand to wipe away her tears. "Forgive me. I wish I could've spend more time with you. You're truly a unique woman, Orihime Inoue."
She put her her hand over his, it was slowly turning into ashes.
'No! I can't let him die! I'll do anything!'
Orihime felt her hairpins glow warm, they were almost burning her hair.
'Orihime! Can you hear us?'
Her Rikka spirits were communicating with her.
'Yes. I can hear you all."
'There is a way to save the Arrancar, but it comes at a very high price.'
'Whatever it is, I'll do it!'
'You must tear your heart in half, and recite an incantation. It shall restore him to full health, but it will also turn you into an Arrancar.'
She'd be a hollow, eternally trapped in Hueco Mundo, with no chance of ever seeing Tatsuki, or her brother again. To anyone else this would've been a hard choice, yet she didn't hesitate.
One look at him was all it took for her mind to be set. 'You wanted a heart, I shall give you mine.'
'I'll do it."
Her Rikka told her where to cut, so that the process wouldn't kill her. It was unsightly, to hold her own beating heart in her hands, yet here she was. As instructed, Orihime let some of the blood pour into Ulquiorra's hollow hole. Then she began chanting the incantation.
"Turn back the sands of time and heal what had been broken. Don't let him go with so many words unspoken. With this heart I seal my vow to protect. Soten Kisshun, I reject!" With all the strength she could muster Orihime gripped the organ tightly, completely crushing it.
The words came into being and a blinding yellow glow inundated the area. Orihime felt her consciousness slipping away, her head was aching, and her chest felt very heavy. Before surrendering to darkness she heard Ulquiorra calling her name.
'It is done.' she smiled and let herself slip away.
Ulquiorra still couldn't comprehend what happened. One moment he was prepared to face oblivion, the next Orihime was preforming a strange ritual on him that concluded with a blinding golden light. It made his memories all the more blurry.
He was fully healed. His limbs and organs were fully restored, even the horn Kurosaki has torn off grew back.
'What did she do?!'
He had lived for almost five centuries, yet he hadn't feel true desperation until today.
Orihime was sleeping, or at least that's what he hoped. He turned her over and gasped, her face was serene, adorned with a smile on her red lips, but also with markings. Markings that resembled his own all too well. Her hair was longer, cascading down to her waist like liquid fire. Her clothes also changed from white to black, and her head had two black horns coming from it. 'She's an Arrancar...'
"Orihime. Orihime wake up!" He tried to keep his composture, but the worry was palpable in his voice.
Orihime stirred awake. Her eyes no longer silver but rather gold. She blinked a few times before fully waking.
"Ulquiorra! You're alive!" She jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.
He could feel her trembling with every sob. Without hesitation he returned the hug. "You said you didn't want to cry anymore." He told her firmly.
Orihime giggled. "These are happy tears!"
He didn't protest any further, helping her stand up when she let go. "Thank you, Orihime."
She smiled, placing her hand on his cheek as he'd done to her before.
A nearby pressure startled the both of them. Orihime's friends had finally caught up to them. They did not look happy.
Ulquiorra considered hiding Orihime behind him, but immediately shook the thought away. The woman didn't need anyone to protect her, much less now.
Still, he held onto her hand. She didn't let go either. They both knew it was likely things would end in blood.
To be continued...
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