#pretend i post consistently
luvcryo · 4 months
Impermanence - Part 1
Hu Tao x Gn!Reader
Summary: You find Hu Tao incredibly annoying at times, and in return, she seems to make it her life's mission to annoy you. A trip to Wuwang Hill changes that.
Enemies to friends to lovers, use of y/n (once)
Also posted on Ao3
You never understood Hu Tao.
How on earth did she manage to seem so happy, so carefree, with that kind of job? Here she was now, yelling with that annoying sing-song voice about some two for the price of one offer on coffins for adventurers only, her little ghost swirling around her like some sort of mascot. It annoyed you for some reason, how she spoke so lightly about something that horrifyingly followed so many people wherever they went.
And here you were. Forced to cross the bridge near the funeral parlor- cross her path- so that you could get to the adventurers' guild and claim your rewards.
You had to hold in your groan of annoyance. You could turn around, you could walk all the way around the city just to get to the guild, but your body ached from the 3-day mission you were sent on, your mind felt cluttered, and you just wanted to go home as quickly as possible.
So you sucked in a breath and started walking again, away from the shop you stood idly by while debating how to avoid her, and out into the open.
She was talking to someone, shoving a flyer into their hands. Good. Maybe she would notice you as you tried to slip by. You took one step onto the bridge-
“Hey! Y/n!” You heard from behind you. Your hands clenched and you tried, and failed, to force a smile as you turned to face her.
“Have you heard of the new deal? If you buy it within 48 hours, you’ll get a whole 50% off!” She chirped. As she walked- practically skipped- towards you, her ghost quickly followed behind her. It left Hu Tao's side, instead swirling around you. Yet another thing you might never understand is why this ghost seemed to like you so much. Every time you ran into Hu Tao, the little ghost would circle you, wrapping around your wrist or whirring around in your hair.
It frightened you the first time you met it, but Hu Tao assured you that it wasn’t the soul of some long-dead adventurer and you gradually got used to its presence and its liking for you. And, although you’d never admit it aloud, it was rather cute.
“I’ve heard.” You replied hastily before continuing your walk.
“Hey, I did come over for a reason. There have been some issues on Wuwang Hill, and I need an adventurer to come help.” She added, stepping next to you and matching your stride.
“You go up to Wuwang Hill alone all the time, don’t you?” You try to recall the times she’s talked about her trips to Wuwang Hill, and never once did she mention requiring an adventurer to escort her.
“You can never be too careful.” She remarked.
After a bit more convincing on her part and a hefty sum of money as a reward you agreed to the commission. The subtle tug on your sleeve by the simpleminded-looking spirit may have also played its part in convincing you.
You trekked up the mountain the next day with Hu Tao. The stars and moon were bright enough to see almost everything in your path, but you still questioned if it was really necessary to accomplish this mission at night.
“If you need a nightlight, I can light my staff for you.” She quipped. “There’s nothing wrong with being scared of the dark.”
You felt your face heat slightly. “I’m perfectly fine, thank you.” You replied flatly.
Hu Tao began explaining why she was here in the first place. Some sort of quick ceremony to help release souls. As she spoke about the ceremony, her voice became softer. When you finally looked away from the path ahead of you and took a glance at Hu Tao, you felt your breath hitch. She glowed under the moon, blue light reflecting off of her dark reddish-brown hair. Her lips were pressed thin, but there were still the remnants of a soft smile.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you be serious about anything.” You commented.
“I have respect for the dead, and for the work I have to do, believe it or not.” She giggled after.
It took a moment for you to reply. How does she expect anyone to believe something like that when she speaks so carelessly about it all of the time?
“I don’t believe it.”
She only grinned.
Only a few hilichurls interrupted you and Hu Tao during the ceremony. Speaking of hilichurls, she dealt with them easily. You haven’t seen her use her vision much, but you knew that she would have dealt with them easily. The way she fought- the way she moved- it was like a dance. Captivating. And the way the fire from her vision scattered around her and burned through anything that attempted to harm her was enchanting.
“I don’t get why I had to be here…” You muttered as she packed up the few things left from the ceremony.
She laughed again. Annoyingly pitchy, yet you found yourself also thinking of it as stupidly cute. “You can’t always predict when death might come. Someone should keep an eye on me."
Casually morbid as usual. “Lucky me.” You said sarcastically as you followed her down the mountain path again.
Barely a moment of silence passed before she rushed to grab your hand, her warm palm on your wrist as she dragged you along with her. “What are you-”
She cut you off before you could even finish your question. “I figure I should pay you back for keeping me company up here.”
Despite you now willingly following her to wherever she was taking you, she didn’t let go of your hand, instead letting her fingers comfortably intertwine with yours. You felt warmth crawl up the back of your neck. You almost wanted to say something, but you were already flustered and she’d only tease you more if she noticed.
She pulled you up onto a large rock, her ghost swirling around her and resting on her lap as she sat down cross-legged. You stood beside her.
“Am I supposed to be looking at something..?”
“The moon, dummy!” She said as she pointed above you, eyes flickering between you and the sky. Her voice grew quieter. “The moon is beautiful, isn’t it? The sky is lovely at night..”
You turned your head up to the night sky. “... Yeah.” You sighed, finally sitting down next to Hu Tao. Maybe you did understand Hu Tao, to an extent. Hell, you probably wouldn’t fear death either if you took the time to admire sights like this a little more often.
All of her attention seemed to be on the moon and the stars scattered across the sky. You tried to focus on the same thing but found your gaze falling to her once more. You saw a rare hint of vulnerability behind her eyes. Her lips parted, then closed again, and you suddenly began wondering what words she was holding back, and what words she had held back before. You already saw earlier how passionate and dedicated she actually was to her work, and now you want to know what else she has beneath that facade.
No, facade wasn’t the right word for her. You had no doubt she was just as annoying as she always was. But there was something more to her that she didn’t let on, something raw and fragile. Emotions bubbled inside of her that she didn’t like showing.
And yet, right now, she’s letting you have a glimpse at it.
Perhaps if you saw this everyday, you’d learn to not fear death.
You quickly looked up at the moon again so she didn’t notice your staring. Embarrassing. “As pretty as it is-” As pretty as she is- “We should go. It’s late."
She finally turned to you and nodded.
“I like looking at the moon because it reminds me of how beautifully impermanent and insignificant life really is sometimes.”
“Poetic.” You quipped.
“Does the night not invoke a sense of creativity in you too?”
“I guess it does.” You laughed and shook your head.
You laughed.
Hu Tao made you laugh. You weren’t rolling your eyes in annoyance. You weren’t scrambling to find a way to get out of talking to her. You weren’t filtering through your mind for an excuse to leave as fast as you could.
You were just.. Talking.
You were invited to go on an adventuring trip to Fontaine. The place where all waters eventually met, where new technology was innovated, the Nation of Justice.
Granted, you hadn’t agreed to go with them yet. You were still mulling it over. You didn’t have a lot in Liyue, but it was still your home, and 3 months is a long time to be away from home.
“You’ll really be gone for three months?”
Hu Tao pulled you out of your thoughts. You have found yourself around Hu Tao a lot more ever since that trip to Wuwang Hill a few weeks ago. It wasn’t really on purpose… Not at first. She just happened to begin going to Wanmin Restaurant. Every day. At the same time, you went to Wanmin Restaurant.
And you just happened to not mind her company.
“Yeah. If I decide to go, that is.” You pick at your food, shoving it around your plate while deep in thought.
She seemed to perk up at that. “What’s stopping you?”
You glanced up at her. “Not sure.” You said, but you knew why.
You tried denying it. You weren’t exactly the best at deciphering romantic and platonic feelings but.. Something about that night in Wuwang Hill sparked something in you that you haven’t really felt before.
To be completely honest, you hated it.
Still, even though you’d rather crawl into a hole and stay there forever than admit to Hu Tao your growing feelings, you wanted to stay for her.
And apparently, that’s what she wanted too.
“You should stay then,” she said confidently. “I still need an escort to go up to Wuwang Hill. You didn’t think that ceremony was a one-time thing, did you?”
“But.. you definitely didn’t need me up there. You’ll be fine on your own.”
“I do need you.” She responded, leaning towards you with her hands on her table. There was a hint of desperation in her voice, but it was covered up by her determination and cheery demeanor. “I mean... I know I would have been fine, but it’s safer to have someone else around. I feel safer when you’re around, y’know?”
Your heart skipped in your chest and you tried not to outright gawk at her words. She didn’t really say anything that crazy but... She felt safe with you?
“Oh.” You felt that familiar heat crawl up your neck as you kept your eyes trained on the almost empty plate in front of you in a desperate attempt to seem normal. “Alright. I’ll stay.”
All it took from her was a few words and suddenly you made your decision? What was wrong with you?
“Great!” And just like that, she was grinning at you from across the table like nothing happened.
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gale-dekarios · 16 days
im not saying all of my posts are bangers, but its hard not to notice that posts i make about other companions easily break 100 notes no sweat, with the upper limit breaching 1k, to outliers of well over 4k, but whenever it's about wyll, it's crickets. i dunno, youre allowed to interact with anything you want to, and this isnt a call to reblog from me, specifically, this is the same for a lot of wyll orientated posts ive seen, but its just odd. and by odd i mean racist.
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dragons-in-spaceee · 9 months
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Calling your lab partner silly nicknames just to annoy him is all fun and games until you refer to him as “hermit crab” in front of the Big Boss…
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saturnniidae · 2 months
I will never understand how people will agknowledge just how jk rowling is as a human being, and still like Harry potter. You can't fucking "separate the art from the artist" when the 'art' is filled with antisemitism, racism transphobia and more! You can't even think about doing that when the 'artist' herself is a fucking HOLOCAUST DENIER.
(Also it's even more pathetic considering jk rowling is actually a shit writer. Like let's be honest, everything people love about Harry potter is from the movies. Every bit of personality Harry had was from his actors portrayal of him)
These people don't care that they're clinging onto the mediocre work of a holocaust denier that wishes death to trans people because they're too wrapped up in nostalgia or whatever. It's pathetic and honestly disgusting.
And it speaks volumes how pretty much all the people I see behaving this was are white
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tiredcherrie · 3 months
I needed this out my drafts just don't look at anything too hard and it looks good
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humanmorph · 1 year
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millie n leap...... im simply fond of them : ]
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oneday-yourside · 8 months
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tksubby · 1 year
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various eugenes, ugly chan, and an aggie hot tub party featuring art from @pafbar @tidalpooles and @cheesecakebg
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un-pearable · 5 months
i think me being genuinely garbage at video games only enhances fallen order’s story considering our main character stopped his training at age 12 and has major ptsd preventing him from accessing his force abilities 👍
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pochapal · 7 months
blowing a kiss to my mutuals who i have been sorely neglecting. on account of the Horrors.
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cutemeat · 9 months
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aquafinha · 2 years
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In a world of constant change, we can always count on Aquaria to bring the looks during Pride month 😌
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cosmicrot · 4 months
post about fatphobia: fat people are systematically treated like shit and this extends deep into many aspects of life including but not limited to the medical field, school, fashion, etc.
the comments: well MaYbE if You CaReD AboUt BeinG FuckAbLe AnD HaTeD YouRseLF, you'd STARVE and bOdY BUILD!! fAT pEOPlE aREN't oPPRESSED!! You'Re OppRessIng ME by Enjoying Being Fat aNd Healthy. [insert rant about obesity here that is 90% lies] [insert follow up rant about being oppressed for being skinny]
"wuh buh skinny shaming!" "skinny people are medically neglected too!" like... y'all are ignoring the fact that *a majority* of medical neglect and things of that nature towards skinny people is in majority because of fatphobia, [the rest due to other factors such as misogyny, racism, transphobia and queerphobia, etc.. making them not take things like ED and ailments causing you to lose weight/be underweight as serious] Like from first hand experience, a lot of people & doctors would literally rather folks be sick and malnourished then be fat. They'd literally rather people's bodies fall apart due to lack of nutrients or be so underweight they can't get out of bed, than have noticeable fat on their bodies.
but yeah no let's just overtake serious discussions about fatphobia and/or posts uplifting and celebrating fat people and make it about skinny people //sarcasm
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oneironautz · 2 years
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fuck it we ball. fuck it we ball
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francisbacon-3 · 1 year
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lycancoffee · 2 years
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anya :)
i think she should be a detective!!!
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