#pro jew
ultraericthered · 7 months
Hamas: Goes into Israel for a terror attack, commits worst mass slaughter of Jews since Nazi Germany's Holocaust where they rape several Israeli girls and women, abuse and/or kill elderly Israelis, take many from their homes as hostages, even gleefully butcher, burn, and behead children, infants even. They show off many of these atrocities on social media uploads and parade dead or abducted Israelis through the streets of Gaza to the cheers of their supporters.
Also Hamas: Builds their bases nearby or underneath essential work buildings used by civillians such as offices, schools, and hospitals so that their Israeli enemies would be hesitant to strike there or if they do strike, the loss of innocent life can be blamed entirely on Israel. Keep the streets of Gaza full of civillians, most of whom are literal children, and hide amongst them to use them as human shields, and when Israel threatens Gaza with air strikes and calls for mass civillian evacuations, Hamas sets up road blocks and commands the people to not evacuate from their homes. The warfare would cease if Hamas were to simply release all their hostages back to Israel, but they refuse to do so because they're intent on piling up as many dead bodies as it might take to delegitimize, destabilize, and destroy Israel.
ALSO Hamas:
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toastedbiali · 2 months
MLK was a staunch Zionist
Hitler was a staunch Antizionist.
Don't be like Hitler.
Be like MLK.
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 months
Katie, a Jewish American who grew up in a pro zionism family. And is very much anti zionism and pro Palestine talks about "birthright trips."
I've heard some crazy shit in my life but oh man I was not prepared for this.
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tomi4i · 2 months
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remindertoclick · 8 days
Reminder to Click for Palestine today!
Thank you for your aid!
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that-rad-jewish-girl · 2 months
If your activism involves defacing a Holocaust memorial, you are not, in fact, “just anti-Zionist”.
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cakemagemaeve · 8 months
Reading Tumblr today I get the feeling that a lot of these people praising Hamas' horrific attack on Israeli civilians aren't really pro-Palestine so much as they're just looking for another reason to justify their hatred of Jews. You can believe that the Israeli government has committed unforgivable atrocities against innocent Palestinians without wishing rape and murder on innocent Israeli civilians in turn.
Also, speaking as a white American? We have absolutely ZERO room to talk when it comes to corrupt governments, genocide, ethnic cleansings, land theft, war crimes and basically every other kind of human rights violation there is. If you're a white American who thinks Israeli civilians deserve to die for the actions of their government, then you should have no objection to being murdered for the sins of your own government.
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peoplevsbirds · 2 months
zionists: we want to destroy all of gaza and raze it to the ground, US government can you pwease give us more money and bombs so we can drop the equivalent of over 2 nuclear bombs worth of energy onto them :-(((( we’ve been bombing them almost nonstop since October 7
also zionists: how can we trust the KHAMAS run health ministry count of the dead, i mean it can’t be that high!!
also zionists: oopsie we didn’t mean to kill all of those aid workers in clearly marked vans who had to radio in to us to get permission from israel before driving anywhere in gaza, we had no idea that they were aid workers!! we will be conducting a thorough investigation of ourselves which will ultimately exonerate us of all fault and will be accepted by the leaders of most western countries.
also zionists: daddy US can you pretty pwease give us more bombs so we can keep destroying them and their infrastructure? 🥺🥺🥺
also zionists: but even if we did trust the KHAMAS run health ministry, according to them, only one percent of the total gazan population (33,000 people) has been killed, this isn’t a genocide!!!
also zionists: guys we promise this isn’t a genocide
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pettytiredandjewish · 4 months
So uh… to the “pro-Palestine” crowd
- harassing random jews on the streets (and online) isn’t going to help Palestinians
- swarming and blockading college campus buildings (and hospitals) and chanting genocidal slogans at jews isn’t going to help Palestinians
- defacing synagogues and jewish owned stores isn’t going to help Palestinians
- displaying antisemitic signs and waving nazi flags isn’t going to help Palestinians
- chanting for intifada isn’t going to help Palestinians (Hamas would love that though)
- spreading Hamas propaganda isn’t going to help Palestinians
This doesn’t help Palestinians- but it sure does help Hamas who’s goal is to wipe out Israel and all jews. Also Hamas could care less for Palestinians- why do you think they are being used as human shields???
Doing all of these things makes you antisemitic (some of y’all were probably already antisemitic, and is using the I/P conflict to go fully unmasked). You doing this is causing harm to so many people. And to be honest- doing this shit shows that you actually don’t care for Palestine. In fact you are using this conflict to go fully unmask and be raging antisemitic little asshats.
Instead of doing something that could help those who are affected by this war, you are harassing jews, defacing synagogues, and calling for intifadas. Why is that? (I know the answer- but humor me). Why is this acceptable? How does harassing and harming jews help Palestine? And how does supporting Hamas (a terrorist organization) help Palestine?
Also I may get hate for this but I don’t care: anti Zionism is antisemitism. The term anti Zionist was created during the soviet era by one of the soviet leaders. The Soviet Union hated jews and wanted to stamp them all out. One of the ways that they “succeeded” was “persuading” jews that their culture and religion was dirty. That they- the jews should be ashamed of their “Jewishness”. And that was how anti Zionism came to be.
I said what I said. If you don’t like it then maybe you have some thinking to do.
Also as another fucking reminder:
Stop fucking spreading vile antisemitic shit (and stop harassing Israel citizens) !!! This includes:
- blood libels
- organs harvesting
- holocaust denial
- “hitler was right”
- “gas the jews”
- lizard people
- “jews are rats”
- “jews are rich”
- “jews control the media”
- “jews are landlords”
- the majority of conspiracy theories
- Zionist occupied government
- Zionism is racism
- stop fucking reading protocols of the elders of Zion
- “from the river to the sea…” is a genocidal chant.
- stop calling Israel a “terrorist” state and stop saying that all Israelis are terrorist (people are not their fucking government)
(Just to list a few)
I said what I said and if you don’t like it- the doors over there.
Am yisrael chai! ✡️
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ultraericthered · 6 months
OK, on the "Free Palestine" crowd's favorite slogan....
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Like to charge, reblog to cast!
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agentfascinateur · 4 months
"Nothing anti-Semitic about opposing genocide"
- Lela Tolajian
To us, progressive Jews, it appears elected officials who proudly stood by Donald Trump after he refused to condemn neo-Nazis and dined with anti-Semites value our voices only when they can tokenise a select few to fulfil their political goals. Conflating anti-Semitism with criticism of a modern apartheid state is dangerous historical revisionism. 
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autistic-katara · 10 days
leftist youtubers when queer jews who aren’t burning every magen david they see exist: “p-pinkwashing?!?!”
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It’s genuinely annoying how many people want Jews to think about Palestinians during our Saders.
Well, my family, and I will not.
It’s terribly sad what’s happening in Gaza, but don’t expect Jews on a holiday where we celebrate our liberation and remember our suffering to turn it into another group’s tragedy.
No, that’s not how it works.
Sorry, not sorry.
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zionultra · 2 months
I am so fucking outraged. Look at these pro-hamas terrorist supporters at Columbia university harassing our Jewish brother. They didn’t ask his beliefs or if he was a Zionist. They simply took one look at him and assessed that he was a Jew so they surrounded and harassed him. Don’t any of you EVER tell me it’s “anti-Zionism not antisemitism”. We are now approaching 1940’s Germany level of antisemitism. I am sick to my fucking stomach. Daven for his well being and mental health.
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remindertoclick · 13 days
Remember to Click for Palestine today!
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If you’re going to recognize Palestine as its own state, does that mean they will finally be charged with crimes against humanity?
Does that mean we can stop with this bs genocide claim? It really is just a war…?
Does this mean Israel can retaliate every time they launch rockets at us? They’re launching rockets into Tel Aviv - that is a war crime.
What does that mean for their government? They have a split country - who is in charge? I suppose it should be the democratically elected Hamas. But wait, they just committed war crimes with the intent of genocide not that long ago…..
Holding and killing hostages is also a war crime…
Man there’s just so many things you guys have fucked up. Are you sure you wanna be an official state?
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