#progressive zionism
mauricedharris · 1 year
My Israel/Palestine Learning Curve Is a Zigzag
Part 1: My Moroccan-Israeli family I am the child of a family of Moroccan Jewish refugees who found refuge in Israel. My mom was 16 on the day in 1956 when her entire life in Morocco abruptly ended — the day that her father was tipped off by an Arab friend that he was marked for death by the Moroccan liberation fighters (who were trying to oust their French colonizers) because he was discovered…
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luthienne · 7 months
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Marc Lamont Hill and Mitchell Plitnick, from Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics
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Palestinian activists in Ontario are asking you to email your reps about Bill 166. The wording of the bill is extremely vague, but it seems like the Ford government wants to open itself the possibility to meddle in mental health services provided by Universities and to change their anti-racism policies. It is very likely - with the timing - that these policy changes are going to be saught to arrest / institutionalize Palestinians for divulge during therapy, or to deny them service altogether. They want to control University campus mental healthcare, something no other province does.
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@newsfromstolenland, @vague-humanoid
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In the midst of rich kids screaming “fuck the Jews” and “burn down Tel Aviv”, proof of life was offered for Hersh Goldberg-Polin.
Not that those kids will care.
The hostages were fake, but then the hostages fell in love with their captors?
They want Israeli women to speak out about the rape to believe them, but the women were lying when they spoke out anyway?
Hamas are just innocent freedom fighters for the liberation of Palestine, but also “fuck the Jews” and “burn Tel Aviv to the ground” “by any means necessary”.
There was no real violence on Oct. 7th, but also we have a video of a man’s arm blown off before being taken into Gaza. And his proof of life was released yesterday with a mangled arm and shaved head.
Just know, in your desperate search for oppression, you have alienated every Jewish person in the world. You have shown us your true colors. We will never trust you again. You began these protests before an Israeli response was even started. You don’t protest for people in any other part of that region. You don’t even protest for Palestinians when it’s their own people killing them.
It was never about Israel. And we will never forget that.
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mithwitch · 4 months
zygodactylus/jewish-kulindadromeus/a-dinosaur-a-day DEFINITELY NOT BEING RACIST below:
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N O N Z I O N I S T !!!!!!!!!!!! Believe it :)
one more time:
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bringmemyrocks · 5 months
"What is the Balfour Declaration? Whence did it come? Where has it taken the Jew? Much of its antecedent history is contained in the account I have given of Herzl and the early years of Zionism. During those years, no one but Herzl and a few intimates perhaps dreamed of anything like a Balfour Declaration… But England, France, Germany and Russia were all anticipating the imminent collapse of Turkey and its empire and each of these powers had ideas as to what would be done with the dismembered parts. This was common knowledge, even to amateurs in secret diplomacy. It was this situation that Herzl tried desperately to exploit for a charter for Zionism. If there had not been a Zionist Organization, constituted as a political machine, claiming that Jews wanted a political stake in the political games of the world powers, there would not today be a Balfour Declaration. There was also the desire of the Western Powers to dismember the Turkish Empire and the troublesome problem of what to do with a Holy Land sacred to three religions. Here was something approaching the perfect combination for which Herzl had desperately searched. Here was a stream of colonial interest into which, by shrewd manipulation, Zionists might launch the Jewish ship of state… The goal of the Arabs was independence. The goal of Great Britain was the winning of an ally and protection of her vital communication links in that part of the world."
-Elmer Berger, The Jewish Dilemma, 1945, p 120-121, bolding mine.
Elmer Berger z’'l (1908-1996) was a Reform Rabbi and lifelong anti-zionist. His 1945 work The Jewish Dilemma confronts and dismantles the idea of Judaism as a race and explains why zionism will only hurt Judaism and the world long-term, from displacing Jews from their true homelands (Europe, the US, the Middle East and North Africa, etc) and leading to accusations of dual loyalty, thus exacerbating anti-Jewish hatred. Berger never advocated for an end to Judaism, as “anti-assimilationist” zionists claim–he simply refuses to endorse racism or ethnonationalism, maintaining that Jewish safety will be maintained through establishing civil rights everywhere.
I’m posting selections from Elmer Berger because I want to share the history of anti-zionist religious Judaism from the liberal tradition, which has been almost entirely written out of history. Fellow lefty Jews, please learn about Elmer Berger.
You can read the entire book for free on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.75472/page/n26/mode/1up
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autismserenity · 3 months
pretty please, my fellow progressives
Could we please all keep in mind that the concept of "The Jews In General, or A Specific Type Of Jew, Controls Education, Government, Media, and/or Banking", is a longstanding antisemitic trope?
And most of all, that it is false??
No, a marginalized group does not also control education, the government, the media, and/or banking?
No, Jews do not secretly control these things and just pretend to be marginalized? No, Jews have not secretly been accumulating power since the Holocaust, granted by too-generous gentiles, out of pity?
No, it isn't better if you just mean a specific subgroup or kind of Jews. It's still specifically Jews.
It's like when people who hate trans/queer people are fine with rich white cis gay men. So they think it's not bigoted to blame "people with blue hair and pronouns" for the downfall of society.
We all know this means, "I only see some of you as human like me. You have to speak and act a certain way to count. Everyone in your group has to pass a test to get into the Good group."
Doesn't work.
Sure, it gives them plausible deniability to the people who matter to them. But everyone else can see exactly how they feel.
We've all known for years that it's bad to think of a marginalized group as having some "good ones." Rein it the heck in, please.
Because YES, all of those examples are ones I've seen implied, or stated outright, over and over, within the progressive community. This month alone.
#antisemitism#anti-semitic#yes this is about how gentiles use zionism#yes this is about how fast it went from 'this isn't NECESSARILY antisemitic' to 'this ISN'T antisemitic'#yes this is about claiming that we claim antisemitism to deflect valid criticism#yes this is part of a larger pattern of violating every progressive standard but only for jews#none of us would ever say 'people are just claiming misogyny to deflect valid criticism'#we would never claim that trans people secretly control or “influence” the government#we would never treat Ukrainians like “'noble savages” who need us to speak for them#but we treat Palestinians like “noble savages” who need us to speak for them#we know to center the people affected and uplift their voices in every other situation#but in this situation we ignore the fact that we're supporting palestinians by talking ABOUT them#we swallow far-right Palestinian propaganda channeled through diaspora organizations#while Palestinians in Gaza demand completely different solutions and support#zionists echo Palestinian solutions and experiences because we know people in Israel and Palestine#and we get told we love genocide or just blocked#this is how Hamas propaganda is designed to work. Hamas has systematically silenced Palestinians for 18 years and now it's all you know#it is genuinely terrifying to see the entire progressive community sound exactly like the alt-right while it absolutely insists it's not#we also know to center marginalized people's voices about what harms them -- except the Jews?#honestly I think that progressives listened before Oct 7 and that the “no we just mean ZIONISTS are evil” has done wonders to reverse that#let's be real the zionists-not-jews trope comes from Hamas too#all it had to do was claim it definitely meant Zionists not Jews and that it was the Palestinian resistance and progressives flocked to it#its fighters were calling home from the massacre to boast about how many Jews they had killed. it has not changed.#i suppose that the zionists-not-jews thing gave freedom to unexamined antisemitism that people felt guilty about#but oh my god it caught on like absolute wildfire#wall of words
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chelledoggo · 3 months
please don't mistake American evangelical Zionism for solidarity with Jewish folks.
the majority of American conservative evangelicals are anti-Semitic to at least some degree. like... even the ones who don't outright hate Jewish folks will still tie them into conspiracy theories or believe they need to "come to Jesus."
conservative "Christians" only really care about Israel because they think that, according to the book of Revelations, if it's secured as a state it means Jesus will come back.
it's not about respecting Jewish folks. it's about fulfilling a "prophecy" which was never actually written to be a forecast of the future and was more of an epic tale to inspire oppressed Christians under Rome at the time of its writing.
(something something my ted talk)
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irishabdullah · 4 months
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Interlaced Rub El Hizb, in complementary green and red. Overlayed the green square is the Shahadah, reading "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah," and overlayed the red square is the German socialist slogan, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."
In the center is a crescent moon overlapping a hammer, representing the union of Faith and the union of Labor. It is accompanied by the numbers "49:13," representing ayah 13 of Al-Hujurat:
"O people, We created you from a male and female, and We made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Surely, the most honorable among you in the sight of God is the most righteous. God is Knowledgeable, Ever-aware."
Contained within 49:13 is the assertion that Allah created diversity so that we may learn and grow from one another. Allah makes no mistakes, for He is Truth, so it is our duty to seek righteousness by defending all of Allah's creation from the corrupting forces of inequality.
This image is free to use, edit, manipulate, redesign, etc. without permission.
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p0ison-moon · 6 months
said it before & I’ll say it again Zionists are terrified of a free Palestine because to them that has to mean violently exiling all Jews in the area, ethnic cleansing and genocide. because that is exactly what they did/are trying to do to Palestinians right now. they can’t imagine liberation that isn’t predicated on oppressing someone else.
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thefiresofpompeii · 7 months
anybody else really disappointed in ezra furman
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oppression of israelis? what on earth are you talking about? where have the radical-judaism-as-philosophy-of-revolution core tenets your lyrics have been suffused with gone?
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syn0vial · 7 months
yesterday, i learned that one of my acquaintances from church is like, gleefully and unreservedly supportive of the gazan genocide despite going to a church where every sermon for the past few weeks has been about the horrors and tragedy of said genocide. like, i could not fucking believe how hilarious he seemed to think it is that innocent palestinians are dying, just grinning and laughing and shaking his head and rolling his eyes when my pastor and i expressed horror at the innocent people being killed. just remembering it makes me choke up with anger.
anyway, i'm going to be very stupid and try to talk to him about it this coming sunday. i'll use all my teacherly tricks to try and gently lead him to feel one single scrap of empathy for the victims of israel's civilian massacre, but lbr: he'll probably respond with the same amount of glee and condescension as last night and it's going to end with me making me a scene at church.
but i know i shouldn't. so here are some things i should NOT say, no matter how angry he makes me:
i've always hated the sound of your voice, even before you said such horrible things. you say everything with such condescension. when you read the gospels in church, i have to hide my face behind my program to hide my grimacing. you make the words of christ himself sound like a grift of some oily used car dealer who thinks he's smarter than he actually is. i pity you for going through life with such a voice, and pity you even more for thinking it charming.
it baffles me that you'd allow something as basically human as compassion for the suffering of others to be so utterly sanded away by propaganda. it's pathetic that you could laugh at innocents dying. you've let yourself be lobotomized by a clumsy surgeon and style yourself wise with the icepick still sticking from your skull.
i've always thought your face looks like an easter island head sculpted from a raw chicken breast.
see? none of those would be productive, no matter how truly they express my feelings about this person.
thus: people of faith, pray that god grants me the wisdom and restraint to not light this motherfucker up in the middle of coffee hour. amen.
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workersolidarity · 9 months
Even Wikipedia admits there was only a small Jewish population in Palestine before the creation of Israel as a "national home for the Jewish People" in Palestine.
Would we want to help ISIS create a Caliphate that segregates and inflicts violence on non-Arab civilians and then provide Military and Financial assistance to enforce this Apartheid?
It's completely insane
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Hamilton MPP Sarah Jama is threatening to sue Premier Doug Ford for accusing her of antisemitism over comments she made in support of Palestinians.
Jama's office served the cease and desist letter to Ford on Thursday, said a statement from her lawyer Stephen Ellis and the Legal Centre for Palestine. The letter says if Ford does not remove his social media post, and publicly apologize, Jama will pursue legal action for defamation. 
"Ms. Jama maintains the post was reckless and malicious," the statement said. "Ms. Jama will not tolerate Premier Ford's attempts to tarnish her reputation in such a public manner."
NDP leader Marit Stiles responded to Jama providing legal notice to Ford, stating in an email "the premier made inflammatory accusations against MPP Jama." She declined to comment further as it is a legal matter. 
"Though I would call out this government for repeatedly and cynically fanning the flames of division during such a painful time," she added. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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Antisemitism, in the form of anti-Zionism on the progressive left, is not an issue exclusive to college campuses. It is a common feature of progressive spaces: Pro-Israel students, activists, and staff at progressive organizations are forced to make a false choice between their Zionism and their progressivism in order to be included in movements meant to create a better world. I’ve seen and experienced this dynamic play out firsthand in over a decade of work in various progressive organizations. In today’s American progressive movement, Zionism, a progressive victory of self-determination for the Jewish people, has come to represent the antithesis of progressive values.
Why are we so afraid to delve into the problem of antisemitism on the political left? Of the exclusion of Jewish students on campus when they identify as proud Zionists, the rejection of Jewish participation in a marches meant to celebrate diversity and acceptance, the unwillingness to address the progressive movement’s most pressing issues side by side with Jewish organizations, the complete erasure of the Jewish connection to their indigenous homeland in Israel, and the idea that denying the legitimacy of the Jewish state is anything short of clear and blatant antisemitism? Why can’t we talk about it — all of it?
Is it because antisemitism on the political right is an existential threat to the Jewish people? There’s no argument that antisemitism on the right deserves our urgent attention. Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL compared it, in a 2021 Washington Post op-ed and again in the CNN special report, to the tornado that unceremoniously torches your community. But the antisemitism on the left — the kind Greenblatt compared to the slowly emerging threat of climate change — influences how society understands and engages with our community. We need not create a hierarchy of threats — we must name each one plainly, and address each in turn.
The causes of the progressive movement — protecting and expanding reproductive rights, addressing the existential threat of climate change and so many others — are so urgent and critical. Do we feel that diverting our attention from them for even a moment to take a step back and question our approach is irresponsible? I would argue that addressing this insidious element of the progressive movement is also urgent. A progressive movement can never have its intended impact on the world while it fails to live up to its own values, values represented by celebrating Jewish liberation and self-determination in our homeland.
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bringmemyrocks · 5 months
'I will not use terms like “chosen people,” and “God-intoxicated” and “kingdom of priests.” These are fine, exhortatory words to hurl at Jews on their Days of Atonement. But as I know Jews, these terms are no more accurately descriptive of them as human beings than they are of Christians or Buddhists.
I find nothing to support the thesis that there is such an entity as a “Jewish people” except in the sense that among all Jews there are certain similarities of religion belief and practice. Perhaps, added to this religious meaning of the term there is a heightened sense of responsibility to other Jews in times of suffering. When I discuss these “common-man,” or average Jews, I think it will be obvious that there is no such thing as a “Jewish people.”
The word “people” is applied to other classifications of humans without implying any all-prevailing similarities or aspirations. We talk of the Wall Street “people,” the farming people, the radio people, business people, or the common people. When we use the term in this way, we recognize that it is nothing more than a convenient generalization to designate a group about which we wish to make some specific reference at the moment. When we have finished using this convenient generalization, the entity falls apart into the reality of its diversities. This is also true of Jews...
There are Jews who are closer to paganism and barbarism than many who are not Jews. The best that Jews have created has not remained Jewish. It has become the heritage of civilized man. And so, I think I am right in my concern first with human beings and with that part of the Jewish heritage which is universal in scope and only secondarily Jewish. Insofar as the ordinary Jew thinks about things like this at all, I believe he thinks they are good or bad, first, and not whether they are Jewish or not, first.'
-Elmer Berger, The Jewish Dilemma, 1945, p 6-8, bolding mine.
Elmer Berger z''l (1908-1996) was a Reform Rabbi and lifelong anti-zionist. His 1945 work The Jewish Dilemma confronts and dismantles the idea of Judaism as a race and explains why zionism will only hurt Judaism and the world long-term, from displacing Jews from their true homelands (Europe, the US, the Middle East and North Africa, etc) and leading to accusations of dual loyalty, thus exacerbating anti-Jewish hatred. Berger never advocated for an end to Judaism, as "anti-assimilationist" zionists claim--he simply refuses to endorse racism or ethnonationalism, maintaining that Jewish safety will be maintained through establishing civil rights everywhere.
I'm posting selections from Elmer Berger because I want to share the history of anti-zionist religious Judaism from the liberal tradition, which has been almost entirely written out of history. Fellow lefty Jews, please learn about Elmer Berger.
You can read the entire book for free on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.75472/page/n26/mode/1up
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