#project journal 3
hkthatgffan · 2 months
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A Interview with Alex Hirsch Update!!
Editing for An Interview with Alex Hirsch is nearly done! @fordtato and I still have a bit more work to do due to various external obligations we've had to take care of first (I mean, I'm in my last semester so I think you can guess how busy right now is for me, lol). Our hope is to announce a release date very soon. We obviously don't wanna rush things and announce one just yet in case we gotta push it back. So, once we know we're ready to release this, we will make sure you all know.
And the interview is not the only thing coming! I have a behind the scenes video planned after the interview I wanna release, a special video discussing something huge I was able to accomplish with Alex Hirsch that concludes a piece of old GF fandom history and a little goofy thing he told us that fits better in a separate video, lol.
All this will be coming soon! I know the channel has been kinda dry lately but all will come in good time. The GF fandom is in for some really cool new trivia and lore to enjoy until the Book of Bill arrives. Plus, I cannot wait to show off this little thing Alex sent me. I think you all will love it. I sure did :P
So stay safe, stay weird, stay tuned and very soon, you'll all know when me and Hana Hyperfixates will announce the release, of An Interview with Alex Hirsch!!
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09lover · 5 months
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shoganai daburu nanda……….
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leixo-demo · 8 months
Some Takabikkan? being silly at an arcade or just the mall in general if you’re cool with that
I at first did a comic but completly forgot about the -kkan in it so I did another tiny drawing as "I'm sorry I misread"
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Here's them after buying something at the mall and bellow it's the mentioned comic:
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And now my ideas and thoughts about them as usual! I don't share the ship at all , I mean if you like it super fine I simply don't take it because of my headcanons. Maybe they were exes at some point and Warabi just left him behind one day without response but beyond that I don't think they be in a polycule or Warabi ever returning with Taka
BTW I got a complete oposite request about Taka and Ikkan hating eachother and it's really funny to see the Taka fans spectrum, you love him or hate him
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I have an ambitious idea for a multi-media project
Long: details under cut
Adam Savage is known for making meticulous replicas of the Grail Diary from Indiana Jones 3; they're printed on authentic onionskin paper, stitched together and bound with leather like a real old journal would be, stuffed with inserts like folded up drawings, maps, post cards, letters, wax rubbings, tickets from ships and blimps, receipts, to-do lists, photos made to look like they were taken with late 19th/early 20th century cameras, an old silver certificate dollar, Hitler's autograph, you name it. The ten dollar word of the day is "verisimilitude." These super high fidelity replicas are more than just props, they're meant to feel like a real lived-in historical document kept by a globetrotting adventurer from the 1890s to 1930s.
Gravity Falls Journal 3 wanted to be like this, but it's mass market, printed on glossy paper with fake weathering and fonts that look like handwriting. If Adam Savage made a Journal 3 replica, it would look and feel like a real field journal from the 1970s; it would have crinkly yellow pages with mold/water damage, the cover would have brass or gold foil inlays, each entry would be handwritten (and you would be able to tell it wasn't just a font because every letter would have realistic variability in shape and size, there would be a different number of lines per page, the margins would drift, it would be sloppy and illegible in parts)
JJ Abrams published a book that came close to this aesthetic, a nice midway point between the Grail Diary and Journal 3 in terms of quality. A collab with Doug Dorst, the book is sold under the title "S." but once you take it out of its slipcover it's a meta-fictional artifact made to look like an old cloth-bond library copy of a (fictional) novel from the 1940s called The Ship of Theseus by VM Straka. The text of the novel is inconsequential, a dry story about a sailor being Shanghaid onto a pirate crew (it's actually pretty authentic, evoking the feeling of being forced to read an overrated novel for high school English class), but the book is full of faux-handwritten notes in the margins with multiple characters trading it back and forth (with different colored pens used to show the passage of time), telling a whole new story about their attempts to crack the case of the author's mysterious disappearance/death and an academic conspiracy trying to stop them. It is VERY dense. VERY confusing. You have to work out the timeline yourself because each character has annotated the book from start to finish over multiple passes; you'll be flipping back and forth like a choose-your-own-adventure. And the icing on the cake is that there are dozens of inserts stuffed throughout the pages; newspaper clippings, posts cards, a napkin from a fictional university restaurant, old telegrams, folded notes written on loose leaf college-ruled paper, a cipher wheel, etc. It is mass market like Journal 3, but with a much closer attention to detail like Adam Savage's Grail Journals. The inserts are impressive as part of the meta-narrative, but they don't hold up to as much scrutiny. Owning the book is more interesting than the book itself.
My idea
I want to create a boxset for Dracula in which the story is separated out into its constituent parts; Jonathan Harker's illegible shorthand journal, piles and piles of letters between Mina and Lucy and Van Helsing and the suitors (each with their own recognizable handwriting), real playable wax cyllinders with Dr. Sewards voice recordings, the water-damaged journal from the captain of the Demeter, newspaper clippings about the horrible storm and the large dog and "bloofer lady" sightings, and then a big stack of typewriter carbon paper where Mina painstakingly collated it all into the manuscript for the novel itself. The novel claims to be stitched together from a hundred different sources, and this boxset would actually BE the original sources! There would be old 1890s kodak photography, Jonathan's train tickets from across the continent, maps showing the exact paths of the Demeter and Dracula's dirt shipments and the suitors' chase along the rivers back to Transylvania. Lucy and her mother's wills, stationary with Lord Godalming's letterhead, an old rosary, a crucifix, some garlic flowers, lots and lots of communion wafers, Dracula's book of train schedules, and MOST IMPORTANTLY OF ALL the paprika hendl recipe!
Dracula Daily allows us to experience the story chronologically, but I would like to experience it the way the characters themselves would have, piecing together all the disparate clues over the course of 6 months. It would be an enormous and unweidly boxset, like the special edition of a video game.
The framing narrative would be that the box itself used to belong to Bram Stoker. He was a close friend to the Harkers, and they gave him all their first-hand documents so he could eventually publish their story.
I don't even know where I'd start!
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direwombat · 2 months
god i can't wait for the weekend i'm so excited to test out my new (refurbished) cricut and make some fc5 themed pocket journals
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thislovintime · 10 months
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Photo 1 by Henry Diltz, photo 2 by Paul Undersinger.
On The Monkee(s) on his back...
Q: “In terms of other facts of music, are there still influences lurking from what you’ve done with The Monkees, or…?” Peter Tork: “Well, I… I can’t answer that question. Do you still have influences of your life 15 years ago in your present life? At some levels, the answer is: it’s inevitable. At other levels, the answer is: absolutely not. You know, there was a lot going on in those days that counted for stuff with me, but a lot of it, you know, has been… I mean, every day of my life is an experiment, and I use the results of these experiments to go on living the next day. Now, you know, obviously, if different experiments turn out different ways, that means different… different things for the rest of your life. But that’s not to say there’s much influence left in the sense that those particular styles, those particular — you know, any of that particular stuff, no, there’s no particular influence at all.” [...] [I]f they [the audience] don’t believe that music has changed since 1967, they’re going to be very badly disappointed, or that is, if they don’t like anything that’s happened since 1967, they’re not gonna like us.” - Peter Tork, KTRU, August 28, 1983
“I’m still a Monkee in the minds of almost everybody, and… you know, I’ll have The Monkees on my back for the rest of my life, okay. (laughs)” - Peter Tork, GOLD 104.5, 1999
“I get it. You're not going to go to a Peter Tork show and if there's no Monkees songs, you're not going to enjoy it very much. Plus, if I do a Monkees song differently from the way the record is and you can recognize the song, you get to see who I am as a musician as well. It forms sort of a bridge between popular memory and what I want to do now. I resisted for a while, very strongly, even refused at one point. But that was silly. Why am I fighting off people who want to like me?” - Peter Tork, Daytona News Journal, October 8, 2009
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getvalentined · 2 months
Thinking about finally throwing all my FF7 meta analysis and lore deep dive stuff onto a sideblog. It'd be reblogged from here, but I'd be able to organize it a little better, have a directory so people could find things more easily, and maybe it'd stop people from regurgitating things I say word-for-word for brownie points when they can just find and reblog the fucking original post(s).
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jasmine-sketchbook · 1 year
I got my friends to do a Journal 3-like project with me and I'm very happy how it's turning out !
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Everyone has their own style I love it ! We all invented ownselves a researcher persona specialized in a subject (I'm a cryptoanalyst, one's a botanist, another an epidemiologist, etc...). And then we invent creatures and phenomena accordingly ! We started this project not long ago but here are some pages we did already :
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Can't wait to see how the book will look like at the end ! (And yes, everything is in French, sorry...)
My friends don't have a clue it all started with Gravity Falls haha
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strawbz-saintz · 10 months
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Forgot to share these! These are my digital photography project photos that I did at my summer camp a couple weeks ago! Gravity Falls themed, of course.
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postsentiment · 1 year
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My day in images :•) life is so beautiful always but most of all in springtime! 🍀🐇🌷🐝🌧️☀️
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09lover · 5 months
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kind of busy with school this week, so ill only be drawing random 0909(09) chibis for content in order to not stress mysekf too much….. have eepy mido.. <3
i hope everyone’s having a great day, to my mutuals, im always here whenever you need support!! i love you all, goodnight <3
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gunthermunch · 2 years
Are you okay?
there we go no im not!
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eldragon-x · 1 year
headcanoning Mabel as aromantic but taking time to figure it out because she spends all summer crushing on one boy after another but it never works out and I'm getting strong vibes from that, and also headcanoning Bill as aromantic but taking time to figure it out because the idea that it takes him a trillion+ years and literally dying and being revived by God until he realizes it is funny to me plus my eyes have been opened to the comedic potential of bill having several exes he collected over the eternity he's been alive
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I was going to make a post about how extremely funny it is that Billy Quizboy’s mom dropped her 12-18 year old son off at the studio to film another episode of the quiz show he was doing at the time and then didn’t see him again for 20 years, under the belief that he was too embarrassed or worried about how she’d respond to him being in a gay relationship with said host of said game show 20 years ago but I JUST realized that Pete White was in disguise/alter ego his entire TV host career so it’s extremely possible that Billy’s mom and the rest of the world have no idea that the TV host who disappeared with a quizboy one night and the fruity albino Billy Quizboy now lives with 20 years later are the same person
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foxbirdy · 1 year
hey, I'm planning on ordering a pdf of the travelers warning, and I'm wondering if it would be okay with you if I included it in a bookbinding project I'm working on. I'm putting together a collection of poetry I've found in the internet. It's just for me personally, not commercial use or anything like that, but I wanted to check that that sounded alright.
Of course!!! :) That sounds like such a cool project.
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rexscanonwife · 5 months
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btw I love this thing yaaay!! ^^^ 💖🫶💖🫶💖🫶
my partner and I are working our way thru clone wars again and we got to yet another arc my best friend made me skip the first time AND MY GOD THIS GUY IS SO SILLY I WANT HIM FOR MY OWN
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