yegou · 1 month
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how  are  you  ruined  ? 
RUINED  BY  TRAUMA.  you  cannot  get  over  the  past.  you  are  constantly  remembering,  never  forgetting.  you  can't  live  in  the  moment  because  the  moment  is  not  what  brought  you  here.  you  are  birthed,  raised,  and  killed  in  the  past.  you  will  never  get  over  what  was  done  to  you,  be  it  big  or  be  it  small.  you  cannot  escape  what  you  refuse  to  confront.
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vierandancer · 10 months
The environment in which one grows up shapes you in more ways than you realize, and sticks with you long after you've left home in ways that you cannot possibly comprehend. Meiko was happy in Wadewick enough to originally never want to leave prior to ARR and genuinely loved by her family who raised her, but below lists the circumstances in which she as a child was failed.
Content is under a read more BECAUSE IT SERIOUSLY GOT SO LONG OOPS.
Outside of anyone's control, Meiko was barely two summers when her birth mother Vesa attempted to find the Woodwarder she mated with. She left the safety of her village to do so and was stumbled upon by slavers. Although too young to really understand what was happening, the toddler witnessed Vesa's abuse and subsequent murder.
Meiko is kindly taken in by Mokoko Mochikoko, but the well-meaning buccaneer did not consult his wife Kokopi before bringing her home. She bonds with him enough to feel safe with him, only to be left behind with a woman who is a stranger after a few weeks as he returns to the sea. And Kokopi -- Kokopi has her own issues.
As explained here, Kokopi was originally an information-gatherer for Lolorito who fell in love with the sea and faked her death to get out of working for him. Kokopi isn't even her real name! Everything was fine until one day there was an accident that left her dependent on a cane and covered in burns, and to this day she rarely leaves Wadewick as she felt Lolorito was behind it all. Kokopi is very emotionally reserved and low-key paranoid as a result -- and her husband came back from a voyage to just drop a child in her lap. A child that was nearly her size at two summers!
As a result of the above, Kokopi did the best she could raising a child she wasn't prepared for primarily on her own. And since Meiko was easily twice her size in her youth, Kokopi did not risk the Viera throwing a tantrum and hurting her or herself. So right out of the gate, she was stern when it came to disciplining Meiko for even the tiniest bit of bad behavior. As a result, the child strove to be an obedient daughter and jumped at every opportunity to help her mother for any sense of validation or reward.
Mokoko returned from his voyages every couple of months and would, essentially, love bomb his child and be the 'fun' parent. He never actively underminded Kokopi, but he definitely convinced Meiko to try fun things -- like her first sip of alcohol when she was six. He also never bothered with censoring anything for her, or asking others to be mindful of her age as 'she would learn about it anyway'. She'd go with him to the pub and hear all sorts of things not meant for youthful ears, from the violent to the sexual.
Mokoko also went on and on about how good Meiko was for helping out at home, how proud he was of having such a responsible daughter! This pattern would continue especially so after A'kihiko came into the picture. Then when Mokoko and his crew finally retired from being pirates, he'd oft spend most of his day in the bar -- and Meiko, starting at eight summers, would be expected to carry her drunk father home on piggyback.
While none of the above is particularly abusive or neglectful, Meiko's parents' actions strongly reinforced the idea that her value and worth was based in how she could serve others -- not herself. Meiko barely had any acknowledgment of who she was as a person before A'kihiko was adopted, and then (out of love for him, and likely a connection to him being the other half of her shard of Azem) almost solely devoted herself to his well-being. If Meiko was not caring for her parents or looking after A'kihiko... what was left of her? No one. Nothing. Any personal desires or motivations were ignored in favor of how she could serve others. All of the above strongly contributed to her anxiety and minimal self-esteem.
Wadewick is a fishing town full of people with shady morals. Ex-pirates, criminals hiding out from the law, smugglers, drunks, and more. It's like a weenie version of Tortuga, really. No one in this town would be higher than level 15 if we had to put a 'power level' on them. They're not all evil, per se, but they're not law-abiding citizens and generally tend to be more selfish than selfless. Wadewick isn't on official maps because it's not a place merchants or common adventurers should want to visit.
So these neighbors, albeit not particularly nasty to Meiko and her family, didn't really give a shit about preserving the innocence of the handful of kids in the town. Maybe if it was their own child they'd make a better effort, but someone else's? No. Who cares?
They swore, they fought, they drank in excess and spoke of sexual endeavors without filter. Meiko's next door neighbors were a pair of prostitutes who ran their business in their homes, and only remembered to pull their shutters shut about half the time. Most people had the same mindset that Mokoko had -- kids are gonna seat it all eventually, so why not now? Except that none of them decided to talk about what the children of Wadewick may have witnessed to help them process it. It was just Exposure Therapy Unreal up in Wadewick.
There were even a few murders, and even a body or two found floating down by the docks where Meiko and other children would swim. Was it all horrifying? Yes! But if the adults around you don't model that horrified reaction, if they just brush it off, so do the impressionable minds around it, too.
Meiko knew it was something bad, so she did what she could to distract A'kihiko from such things when they were kids. Later in her early teen years, her friend Grymwaen ( @illwinded ) would assist in this sheltering as best they could. But Meiko herself was already far too desensitized to be properly affected.
And then, inevitably, there is the issue of Meiko being a Viera. An exotic young girl who already acted far too mature for her youthful age, and later began a very generous bout of puberty in her early teens. By this time, Mokoko was retired and often spent his leisure time challenging anyone who'd dare to arm wrestling in the pub. It was due to respect for (and sometimes fear of) him that men did not make a pass at his daughter. Those who were too stupid to be diverted by that were fortunately too intimidated by Grymwaen to do more than disrespectfully look at the girl.
Of course, even if nobody dared to open harass Meiko, it was still pretty obvious when people around her were thinking about stuff. Again, though, Meiko spent a lot of her time in the local pub where sailors would gab on and on about their conquests (often exaggerated). So although she didn't really ENJOY being ogled, she didn't bother telling people off about it as 'it wouldn't stop them anyway' and that this sort of stuff was 'normal' behavior. It didn't really help that Kokopi would agree with 'putting up with shite' was just part of life as a woman, too.
This also plays into her attitude towards working with Troupe Falsiam.
Unfortunately, Meiko wouldn't always be safe. When she was eleven summers, a drunk man latched onto her and wouldn't let go, possibly mistaking her for older than she was due to her height. Possibly. He dragged her into an alley. She managed to grab a broken bottle and, in a frenzy, stabbed him with it wherever she could reach until he did let go. She didn't even see who it was. She fled and never looked back to see if he had bled out or not. But she learned her lesson to be more aware from that point on. She never really talked to anyone about it, either -- although she will if asked.
Despite her height and rough-and-tumble personality, Meiko has always been conditioned to not take up too much space. To be as helpful as possible, to take care of others, and never be an inconvenience -- because she was an inconvenience. Kokopi and Mokoko love their children, but Kokopi's reluctance to be a mother and Mokoko's absence impressed something on Meiko's psyche. It's why she is so quick to show love to children and take care of them -- A'kihiko, Rielle, the twins, Ryne, Meteion -- because she knows what it feels like to be without love as a child, and is triggered by what she may perceive as a child in a similar situation. And yes, of course, she genuinely cares, too. But there is a definite trigger in identifying with those she can see herself in.
And then there is the shame. The shame that she is inconvenient, that she doesn't come from money or that she isn't as educated. Shame for being who she is, shame for who is she not (A'kihiko). Shame in knowing that her perceived purpose isn't based in her own accomplishments, but in being a stepping stone for others. In being ogled as a woman and as a dancer and as a Viera, for being the Warrior of Light's ill-mannered sister, but not being seen or heard.
And in assuming that everyone in the world looks at her this way, she bars the way for others who would see and hear her in the process. Inevitably, no one will care when she's no longer useful. Inevitably, no one will remember her lined up among others. Inevitably, she does not matter, and her entire life will be a struggle to be relevant and remembered. And when Meiko assists in dangerous missions and accomplishes great feats alongside the Scions, she cannot dare hold onto that achievement or pride because how dare she? She isn't special. She is an impostor. A liar. She is only a Scion for selfish reasons (looking after her brother, not protecting the realm). She isn't good enough for Hydaelyn's Blessing to be bestowed upon her at birth, she is merely a convenient backup. She is only ever good enough to be a supporting character in the grand scheme of things. She isn't smart enough, she isn't strong enough, she isn't special!
In following the Dark Knight storyline, Meiko is able to accept that all of the above is unfair and that it makes her angry. That she wants a fate other than this. But her love for her brother and the Scions, as well as her sense of responsibility for what is happening in Eorzea, is what holds her back from embracing what her Esteem desires. It isn't a satisfying solution, but at least she took that step in recognizing who Meiko was apart from someone who just supports others.
It is only when Meiko has no choice but to be the protagonist in Shadowbringers that she finally begins to sort herself out. It takes having everything else stripped away from her by force to get her embrace being the main character in her own story. It takes every Scion being put in what is essentially a death-like state for her to find her voice long enough to communicate how she feels about them. It takes being ready to sacrifice her life for the First for her to truly feel significant as a person, all on her own.
And fortunately, she is a better and changed person moving forward from that. All of her misgivings and doubts are not immediately solved, and there will be times when she has lapses in confidence and bad habits. But she has come a long way, and will continue to grow with whatever the world decides to throw at her.
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tierradenod · 9 months
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🗡Luces resplandecen a través de los ventanales de imponentes arquitecturas, la naturaleza oscura reclama los lugares olvidados y la metrópolis parece rugir cada noche con más fuerza. ¿Has decidido en donde esperarás el final de los tiempos? La multitud de figuras en las sombras te guían hacia el Palacio Imperial, tierra prometida en donde el Príncipe de la Camarilla se complace en recibirte. A pesar de tu extraño parecido a TOM STURRIDGE y ser parte de los TOREADOR, eres más que bienvenido a la ciudad RYAN WELSH. Si las consecuencias no quieres pagar, deberás respetar cada una de las tradiciones y cuidar siempre tu espalda...   
PSYCHE, la administración de Tierra de Nod se alegra de darte la bienvenida. A partir de este momento cuentas con 24 horas para realizar el envío de la cuenta de tu personaje. Cualquier consulta estamos a tu disposición. ¡Muchas gracias!
Nombre / Pseudónimo — Psyche Pronombres — ella/elle Edad — 32 Zona horaria / País — Chile -4 GMT Triggers — Nada que venga a la mente en este momento ¿Estás de acuerdo que tu personaje continúe siendo utilizado por la administración como PNJ en caso de unfollow? — No, pero pueden matarlo si lo desean. IC
Nombre — Ryan Welsh, conocido en el mundo artístico como Morpheus Nightingale
Faceclaim — Tom Sturridge
Pronombres — Él/Elle
Nacionalidad — Británico
Fecha de nacimiento — 7 de enero de 1950
Año en el que se convirtió en vampiro — 1981
Generación asignada — Decimotercera
Clan y secta — Cupo 4, clan toreador, parte de la Camarilla
Detallar el nivel que posee en cada disciplina — auspex +2 celeridad +2 presencia 0
sensible. pacífico. soñador.
susceptible a la crítica. pasivo. desconectado de la realidad
¿Quiénes eran antes de ser vampiros y qué mantienen de su antigua vida? — Nacido en Londres, en de una familia de aristócratas en decadencia, Ryan es menor de tres hermanos y el único que jamás estuvo interesado en mantener el prestigio de su nombre. Su padre era hombre simple, un corredor de propiedades interesado sólo en el dinero y el estatus que el nombre de su mujer podía darle, pero su madre era toda una artista, una cantante de ópera que debido a problemas de salud había visto su carrera terminada tempranamente. Por su parte, Ryan debió ser educado en casa, debido a que padecía hemofilia y cualquier corte o golpe podía terminar en una hemorragia fatal. A pesar de que la enfermedad retrasó el desarrollo de sus habilidades sociales le abrió un mundo de posibilidades que lo llevó a desarrollar gran potencial artístico, así como también un profundo interés por la mente humana y la psicología. Devoraba tanto libros sobre historia del arte como nuevos postulados sobre el inconsciente. Creía fervientemente que existía un vínculo sanador entre las emociones y el quehacer artístico y planeaba estudiar psicología para demostrarlo, pero la fragilidad de su cuerpo le provocó un intenso miedo de salir de su casa, en cual se vio incluso más acrecentado con la temprana muerte de su madre. Recluido de la sociedad e intentando superar el duelo, Ryan volcó su vida a mejorar su arte. Pintó primero a su madre, para no olvidar su rostro, luego a sus hermanos, a las esposas de los mismos, a sus sobrinos. Las pinturas comenzaron a ganar interés dentro de los círculos que su familia frecuentaba. Comenzó a tener pedidos especiales: duques, condes y celebridades se sentaron en su estudio para ser inmortalizados. Su padre lo vio como un negocio rentable y por casi diez años pintó retratos en óleo que buscaban ser copia exaltada de la realidad, la forma en la que la gente quería verse a sí misma. Ganó mucho dinero, pero a medida que pasaban los años, sus pinturas comenzaron a volverse cada vez más simbólicas, buscando capturar el alma de la persona, su esencia. Volvió al inicio, entrando en un estado de trance al pintar, dejó que su mente inconsciente guiara su mano. Pintó a su madre nuevamente, no como la mostraban las fotos sino como él la recordaba, como la había sentido en vida. El resultado fue impresionante. Su padre lloró al verla, sus hermanos y sobrinos conversaban con el cuadro como si fuese una persona real… Las habladurías sobre la pintura llegaron a otros círculos, aquellos que se movían en el Ocultismo, muchos llegaron a pensar que el joven había atrapado el alma de su difunta madre en el cuadro, pero nadie pudo probar nada. Fue allí que el primer ser de la noche tocó a su puerta. Resultó ser una recién nacida de Lasombra que, aún buscando una forma de verse a sí misma tras su conversión, pidió ser retratada como él la veía. El resultado fue nuevamente sorprendente. La joven, hermosa y adorable, no tenía nada que ver con el seductor monstruo en la pintura. La cara era la misma, sin lugar a dudas, pero la mirada fría y la sangre en su ropa la hacían ver como una asesina, sonriente ante la idea de terminar con su próxima víctima. Ryan no sabía qué hacer, había dejado que su inconsciente le mostrara la realidad y eso había hecho. Su clienta no pareció molestarse e incluso agradeció su sinceridad… Pronto, ella se convirtió sólo en la primera de muchos vástagos capturados por su método poco ortodoxo de pintar.
¿Qué sabe sobre quien los convirtió en vampiros? — Su conversión fue una cosa que se salió de control. Quién lo mató fue una de las muchas personas que quisieron ser retratadas por él pero luego que Ryan le mostrara su verdadero rostro, lleno de codicia y odio, el vástago se molestó y terminó mordiéndolo. Agonizó durante días por la herida en su cuello, la cual se cerraba y se abría nuevamente debido a su hemofilia. Tras una semana de tormento, sin embargo, una de sus primeras modelos, una vástago toreador que admiraba su talento le ofreció la oportunidad de convertirse en inmortal, la cual aceptó inmediatamente. En el abrazo, Ryan encontró la libertad que siempre había ansiado, sin miedo a la muerte se convirtió en un viajero incansable que no para en un solo lugar por mucho tiempo.
Curiosidades —
La mayor parte de su trabajo temprano ha sido confiscado por la Camarilla pues en muchos casos es notorio que sus modelos no eran humanos. Una vez que se dió cuenta que este tipo de arte jamás llegaría a las masas, dejó de pintar y esculpir rostros a menos de que se lo pidan explícitamente. Para evitar mayor escrutinio por parte de la Camarilla de Londres se mueve constantemente por el mundo, aún sigue publicando su arte en internet, bajo distintos seudónimos, pero hoy en día ha dejado mayoritariamente de lado los retratos y se dedica a retratar el cielo nocturno en todo su esplendor. Es un Sandman, sólo bebe de personas dormidas, pues una parte de él cree que la sangre de una persona conectada a su inconsciente le entrega mayor inspiración.
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succliberation · 2 years
Geh, I should go back to writing smutty fanfics. It's probably 10× more useful than arguing politics and far more entertaining
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just found out my cousin (who lives in England) is in the art department of a bunch of shows??? And she worked oN DOCTOR WHO? AND HAD LUNCH WITH DAVID TENNANT???? and she just told me so casually because she's interested in the art, not the show? I mean, excuse me? She worked on SHERLOCK???? FOR A WHOLE SEASON?? She worked on Peaky Blinders and Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones??? And probably other things because she has a shitty memory and according to her everything is a blur?? AND AT ONE POINT SHE WAS LIKE: "oh and have you ever heard of Neil Gaiman?" And I was trying not to scream, because yes, of course I've heard of Neil, he's only my favorite author, I've only read like all of his books multiple times, and if you say you worked on Good Omens or the Sandman I'm going to lose it completely. So I said "yeah I've read a couple of his books," -you know, like a liar- "what about him?" and she goes "well I worked on one of his shows and he's brilliant i just can't remember which one" and i go "w-what do you mean he's brilliant? You're.. you're talking about his writing... his writing is brilliant, right?" And she cheerfully says "oh no I don't read books, I ment he was really nice and brilliant when I talked to him" and i go "WHAT DID YOU TALK ABOUT WHAT DID YOU TALK ABOUT" and she thinks for a moment and goes "oh! BRICKS" WHAT IN THE WORLD YES NO THAT MAKES SENSE YOU GET TO WORK AND TALK WITH NEIL FUCKING GAIMAN AND YOU TALK ABOUT BRICKS? NO THAT'S TOTALLY NORMAL I'M NOT MAD ".... it was what I was designing at the time, I needed to know what vibe the bricks should have. Anyway want to see the spinning fireplace I made for doctor who" WHAT THE FUCK.
@neil-gaiman do you remember any brick conversations by any chance
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hmslusitania · 2 months
Shawn and Gus are drift compatible but under no circumstances should they ever be allowed to pilot a jaeger
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suprecorp · 7 months
*girls when it is literally eating away at their psyche* whatever
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moonshinemagpie · 1 year
There are little romance subplots all around me irl and I don't have the time to turn any of them into novels
Today I went to my favorite Italian restaurant and was seated at the table nearest the kitchen. We noticed a change to the menu. The list of pastas had been replaced by just "pasta of the day." We asked what the pasta of the day was. The waiter told us it was a mystery. So we ordered it, and when it came it was pasta with eggs and bacon, and I was so surprised and delighted by this unexpected whimsy that I started to clap. And then I noticed the chef watching me from the doorway and smiling. He had clearly come out wanting to see what people's reactions would be.
I'm not saying I love the chef or that the chef loves me. I am saying that is a seed with which to grow a romance that I don't have time to write.
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memedreamm · 2 years
i don’t care about straight actors playing queer people in media all i care about is if theyre going to put their whole pussy into it. tom hardy of course ive had gay sex im an actor. keanu reeves and river phoenix going to gay clubs in seattle and making out in public. heath ledger almost breaking jake gyllenhal’s nose because he kissed him too hard. when will actors do this again. 
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forecast0ctopus · 9 months
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detective activities
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bixels · 1 month
Wish regular folks on the internet would stop towing the line and continuing to act like furries are some weird, deviant thing nowadays. I’ll be watching Vinny Vinesauce and a hot male furry design will show up in a game and he’ll go ‘oh. Oh god. Oh god chat no. OH GODD WHY. EUGH CHAT STOP. (makes an inhuman noise) WHY ARE HIS TITS SO.’ Like, man, relax. His tits are so because it’s hot, get horny like the rest of us, next question.
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vierandancer · 10 months
Meiko has always struggled with the idea of finding a romantic partner. Not because she is opposed to finding one, but because she cannot imagine anyone wanting her beyond physical stuff.
Growing up in Wadewick, soft and feminine energy didn't really exist. It wasn't safe to be that way! Even the most made-up ladies hid knives in their boots and drank hard liquor, and quiet delicate women often ran some sort of underground business. Not to say that those femmes did not get love -- they definitely did! But as someone who aims to be more gentle in romantic relationships, Meiko struggled to comprehend how to... Be what she was not raised to be. A lot of stuff that went on in Wadewick really warped Meiko's everything, but that's a whole other post. Essentially, though, Meiko had no model for gentler behavior and therefore believed she could not achieve it. And failure to get things right the first time was often met with criticism, so she just shoved that into the same category as 'guess I am incapable' = 'guess that means I am unlovable then'.
Meiko is most comfortable when it comes to friendly banter, and is at her "softest" when taking care of children or looking after others. Being a part of the Scions only reinforces those two modes; even before she is a Warrior of Light officially, she is expected to be Strong™ and doesn't feel she has the right to discuss her insecurities. Because who would that help, eh?
BUT if/when Meiko does end up in a relationship, all Meiko IS is soft. Yes, there is banter and looking after each other, but if you strip away the need for MSQ-relates bravado all that remains is a woman who wants to love and be loved. In times of peace and rest, she will fumble through her words and grow easily flustered at affection.
She doesn't even really flirt, either! She'll tease, but she teases everyone she cares sbout. Perhaps you can call her teasing more flirtatious when the situation turns sexual, but even that is rare. Even post-Shadowbringers when Meiko is her most confident, she is still so unsure of what she can realistically provide as a partner and if it is even worth getting into something when the call to adventure is so dangerous and undeniable.
She shows her love through gift giving and acts of service, and does so proactively. Meiko will cross land and sea and even time to provide her loved ones with a gift if she thinks it suits them, or to do something that will help further their goals. Being a WOL, she can do most what others cannot unflinchingly! But this also ties back to her being very aware of her destiny: if she dies while away, then at least those provides services and material gifts can still go on in her place.
Meiko does not have much capacity to fight or argue with her partner, either. She is always fighting. Her partner needs to be, at least primarily, a haven from that part of her life. And if all her partner does is argue or be difficult, Meiko will react in one of two ways depending on where the relationship falls on the timeline: either she will have the willpower to walk away, or she will simply give in to whatever her partner demands. It is when she is less confident that Meiko is very susceptible to being dragged along in unhealthy situations, as she does not advocate for herself and minimizes her problems/feelings until she no longer has the desire to voice them.
Meiko has a lot of things to work through when it comes to any relationships, but they're not difficult so long as the other person allows her to feel safe in their company. Canonically and without RP thread influence, that doesn't really happen for Meiko until Shadowbringers. For three whole games, Meiko is stuck in her own head, getting in her own way of developing open and vulnerable connections with the others. But at least after Heavensward and the DRK questline with Fray, she is at the very least made to acknowledge how she feels. She just doesn't act on anything until much later.
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tierradenod · 9 months
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🗡Luces resplandecen a través de los ventanales de imponentes arquitecturas, la naturaleza oscura reclama los lugares olvidados y la metrópolis parece rugir cada noche con más fuerza. ¿Has decidido en donde esperarás el final de los tiempos? La multitud de figuras en las sombras te guían hacia el Palacio Imperial, tierra prometida en donde el Príncipe de la Camarilla se complace en recibirte. A pesar de tu extraño parecido a SARAH SNOOK y ser parte de los VENTRUE, eres más que bienvenido a la ciudad ALANIS 'AL' KELLMAN. Si las consecuencias no quieres pagar, deberás respetar cada una de las tradiciones y cuidar siempre tu espalda...   
PSYCHE, la administración de Tierra de Nod se alegra de darte la bienvenida. A partir de este momento cuentas con 24 horas para realizar el envío de la cuenta de tu personaje. Cualquier consulta estamos a tu disposición. ¡Muchas gracias!
Nombre / Pseudónimo — Psyche Pronombres — elle/ella Edad — 32 Zona horaria / País — Chile -3 GMT Triggers — Gráficos de heridas vertebrales, Gráficos de heridas oculares ��Estás de acuerdo que tu personaje continúe siendo utilizado por la administración como PNJ en caso de unfollow? — Sí.
Nombre — Alanis "Al" Kellman Faceclaim — Sarah Snook. Pronombres — Indefinidos. El/Ella/Elle. Nacionalidad — Estadounidense. Fecha de nacimiento — No está seguro. En 1952. Año en el que se convirtió en vampiro — 11 de Septiembre, 2001. Generación asignada — 11 Clan y secta — Clan Venture de la Camarilla. (Cupo 2a) Detallar el nivel que posee en cada disciplina — +1 Dominación. Es capaz de entregar leves sugerencias a sus víctimas, para que hagan lo que ella les pide pero muchas veces no necesita hacerlo, pues ellos mismos desean hacer todo por elle. +1 Fortaleza. Su fuerza es levemente superior a la de un ser humano, a pesar de su contextura, su capacidad de ejercer poder físico es más parecido al de un hombre fuerte que al de una mujer de mediana estatura. +2 Presencia. Cuando entre en un salón le notarás. El andar seguro, la cabeza en alto, sus brillantes ojos azules y su estilizada cabellera color cobre. Le es imposible pasar desapercibido.
Personalidad — Inteligente, paciente, leal a quienes se ganan su respeto, pero al mismo tiempo oportunista, vanidosa y calculadora. Siempre está pensando en cómo beneficiar sus intereses por sobre el de todos los demás. No llegó así de lejos dentro del círculo cercano del Príncipe de la Camarilla de Nueva York por ser solo una cara bonita, sabe jugar sus cartas extremadamente bien y fue criade para ello. Quien a buen árbol se arrima buena sombra lo cobija podría ser la máxima por la cual Al vive su vida, sabe que mientras sea joven no podrá hacer más que moverse en la periferia de los realmente poderosos.
¿Quiénes eran antes de ser vampiros y qué mantienen de su antigua vida? — Al no recuerda la vida antes de Camarilla. Todo lo que sabe de su familia mortal lo ha escuchado de terceras personas. Algunos dicen que su madre servía de rebaño para los Ventrue de Nueva York y simplemente le abandonó allí luego de darse cuenta que no recibiría el abrazo por tener descendencia; otros dicen que su padre fue quien se enamoró del Príncipe y le entregó su primer hije como ofrenda de amor para que hiciese lo que quisiera con le recién nacide. Sea como sea, Al fue crecido y criado por criaturas de la noche. Durante mucho tiempo la sociedad vampírica de Nueva York se debatió qué hacer con la niña que jugaba y corría por los pasillos del Príncipe: los Toreador la admiraban como una pequeña escultura, los Tremere la consideraban una afronta, la mitad de los Malkavian decían que era un buen augurio y la otra mitad que los eliminaría a todos. Y los Venture... Los Venture la vieron como una posibilidad de crear al siervo perfecto. Recibió educación en economía, comercio, política, leyes e historia desde que aprendió a leer, complementando sus conocimientos con lecciones de diplomacia, etiqueta y modales. Para cuando cumplió 18 se unió al Príncipe como su muñeca de sangre de forma esporádica, para no separarse más de él unos años más tarde. Recibió el abrazo el año 2001, tras la caída de las Torres Gemelas, luego de que varios emisarios de la Camarilla muriesen en el ataque terrorista mientras visitaban a unos accionistas en los pisos superiores. Al se salvó sólo por el hecho de asistir a una reunión diferente, con emisarios de Sabbat, con quienes buscaban en ese momento una tregua. Estratégicamente, su conversión al Mundo de las Tinieblas, no fue la mejor desición del mundo, considerado que era la mano derecha del Príncipe durante las horas del día, pero el vástago no le dió otra opinión. El favoritismo que el Príncipe tenía hacia elle causó muchos roces entre los otros clanes y también entre los muñecos de sangre de otros integrantes de la Camarilla, pero Al no era sólo un capricho más, sino parte integral del funcionamiento de la tribu. Con un temperamento calculador e inteligencia para los negocios, mantuvo la contabilidad y los asuntos legales de la Camarilla hasta su conversión en 2001. Pero nunca logró ganarse la confianza de todos los miembros de la secta, algunos de los cuales, liderados por aquellos Malkavian que siempre le consideraron un mal augurio, decidieron pedir su cabeza como una forma de retrasar la Gehena, tras haber escuchado rumores sobre el fin de los tiempos. La presión llegó a tanto que, para calmar los aires de la secta, el Príncipe se vio en la obligación de enviarla lejos antes de que alguien realmente intente dañarle.
¿Qué sabe sobre quien los convirtió en vampiros? — El Príncipe de Nueva York, su protector, domitor y finalmente sire. Le comenzó a dar de su sangre muy esporádicamente el año que cumplió 18, por lo que ralentizó su envejecimiento hasta los treinta y tantos, cuando elle se volvió su única fuente de alimentación. Su relación con su sire es una de co-dependencia; esta es la primera vez que se encuentra lejos de casa.
Curiosidades —
Como buena Ventrue, sólo bebe sangre de un tipo, tipo A. Japón, con su población mayoritariamente de este tipo es un destino soñado, no obstante, sus años como muñeco de sangre le hicieron extremadamente difícil aprender a controlar el beso. La mayoría de las veces termina dejando a sus víctimas al borde de la muerte, por lo que prefiere beber de un vaso.
El tema de sus pronombres es intencional. Cuando hablan de Al Kellman, nadie se espera a alguien como elle, voluptuosa y femenina. Le gusta ver las caras de la gente cuando se presenta. A pesar de la fluctuación en pronombres y su insistencia en ser tratado como otro más de los chicos, su presentación de género tiende a lo femenino: usa tacos, joyas y jamás esconde sus curvas, si puede mostrarlas.
No lo dirá a nadie, pero extraña la Camarilla de Nueva York. Sabe por qué su Sire le envió tan lejos, pero la lejanía entre ambos le pesa profundamente. Tal vez fueron los años de vivir de su sangre, pero no puede dejar de pensar en él. Siente confianza de que podrá adaptarse a Tokyo como un miembro más de los Cainitas orientales y tal vez incluso escalar en sus rangos, pero Nueva York fue su vida completa hasta este punto y adaptarse a vivir en tierra incógnita parece más difícil de lo que esperaba.
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batfamgalore · 1 month
*Batbros on a case*
Dick: Our killer is targeting a -holes. Think about it, he’s cleaning up the city one a-hole at a time.
*Dick and Jason exchange a knowing look*
Jason: By the way I gotta make a phone call. I know someone who’s in grave danger.
*calls Bruce*
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arguablysomaya · 11 months
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lafcadiosadventures · 4 months
your average 1830 classicist be like:
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