#puck answers
puckermanwmu · 2 months
FMK(iss): Stacey Evans, Quinn Fabray, Brittany Pierce?
You're grown asking a grown ass man some shit like this? Worry 'bout that. But just so it doesn't look like I'm tryna dodge the question or anything, and 'cause it's hella easy, I guess l'll bite.
Fuck: Britt. I remember her telling me that she can open a Starburst with her tongue, so I feel like there's definitely worse people that I could be forced into having hypothetical sex with.
Marry: Quinn. Hell, I'd cut out the middle man and marry her three times instead if that's how the game worked.
Kiss: Stacey. She's real sweet, but like, wayyy younger than me. I'd feel like one of those super seniors people talk about that are always tryna get at freshmen, and that ain't a good look, so kiss it is.
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@brittspierce-wmu @wmuquinnfabray @wmustaceevans
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theleakypen · 1 year
fic prompt: wen qing + being given flowers (by whoever tickles your fancy. if choosing is too much brain: pick a jiang!)
Wen Qing comes home from work to the sight of Jiang Cheng shirtless & apparently digging in her yard. It's a good look on him but she has no idea what he's doing there; he seems pretty engrossed in whatever it is.
She steps out of her car, locks it, & then clears her throat when the beep fails to get JC's attention. He looks up and, seeing her, flushes all the way down to his shoulders. WQ didn't need to know that about the way he blushes.
"What are you doing here?" WQ asks.
"I meant to finish earlier," JC says, which isn't an answer, but before WQ can start yelling he continues, "You said you didn't have time to figure out landscaping & Wen-xiong told me what kind of flowers you like." He gestures around the yard, pointing out the new flower beds & bushes. WQ decides she'll let him live after all.
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wmupuck · 3 months
11: You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it?
Does Wingstop ranch count as a liquid? 'Cause I could drink that shit everyday and die a very happy man. But if we're talkin' like, actual drinks, then probably PBR.
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beaniebaby · 8 months
5 & 29 👀
5. favorite form of potato? - mmmm i think french fry. it's just... perfect to hold or eat with a fork
29. already answered :3c
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atrueneutral · 22 days
Now I'm just imagining Raphael meeting Warlock Tav's Archfey patron and it being like a 'meeting the in-laws' sort of thing, with the Archfey wanting to know if Raphael is worthy of being the patron for 'his Tavy' and demanding that Raphael prove himself. 50/50 shot if Raphael ends up getting roped into some fey shenanigans in the process of getting what he wants or if he manages to work something out that allows him to leave with his dignity (mostly) unscathed.
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 month
what does puck even do with the people stuck in his barrow? does he actually need them to survive or is it just entertainment for him?
he also seems a lot more willfully malicious than other fae, or are his morals just so different from ours that it just appears that way?
sorry for all the questions im just fascinated by him
I cannot say
Well when taking Puck vs other fairies into account, you can't ever view them as typically unified or similar/dissimilar to one another. Every one is unique and should be taken as an individual. Puck is what Puck does. It is generally accepted, in-universe, that Puck and its servants are not actually unilaterally malicious (dangerous and untrustworthy yes, but not always wishing you harm... there are stories of a helpful Púca circulating in some regions) - a kind of 'treat with caution' character rather than a 'kill on sight' character. But that's just what the ranger handbook says.
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suburbanbonfire · 8 months
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@tausendsorgen and I did Sharkuda Rise '23-'24 at Sharks Paint The Ice!!
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My favorite part is when people look at us writing that list and they are like ....what is the theme here....
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codecicle · 4 months
i love scrolling through your blog and looking at you go insane about a single thing for 2749724927 posts it's amazing
keep going man you're doing great
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puckermanwmu · 2 months
Happy Easter, Noah! I hope you are having a fantastic Sunday.
Gonna ignore the fact that you just dropped my government name, but I hope you're having a great Easter. I know I am. I mean, I don't celebrate it, but the egg shaped Reese's and the fact that all the leftover candy's gonna be half off tomorrow? I'm sold. Doin' anything fun today, or is it mostly just church and family time? Not that that's not fun, but y'know what I mean. Did you at least have an egg hunt?
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theleakypen · 9 months
Oh! Oh! Can i see some Kevin & Jean? - @jtl-fics
heck yeah! people having drinks and processing their grief for someone who hurt them is kind of my brand. though the boys aren't quite there yet.
Jean snorts almost unwillingly and pours his shot down his throat as well. Kevin refills his glass for him.
Jean speaks while Kevin is still pouring. "Do you regret any of it?"
Kevin's hand jerks, spilling the vodka onto the table.
WIP Wednesday Game
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wmupuck · 3 months
Happy Spring Break! Give me 3 truths & 1 lie. Go!
I thought the game was 2 truths and a lie, but I guess this makes it harder for you, so 3 truths it is.
1. Two of my teeth are fake.
2. There's a lightning bolt shaved into my pubes right now.
3. I've eaten 52 chicken wings in one sitting.
4. I once won $1000 on a scratch off.
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beaniebaby · 8 months
1 13 21 :3
chipotle order? - it's so basic,,, burrito bowl with brown rice, black & pinto beans, chicken, corn salsa, cheese, and lettuce,,,,, if i'm at home, i add cholula or salsa verde 13. already answered :3c 21. a number that weirds you out? - 8... idk why. too curvy maybe
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askhunterclarington · 2 months
FMK: Puck, JBI, Sebastian
"This is such a set up, I'm not doing it." Oh wait... I'm not a bore.
F: @asknoahpuck. M: @asksmythe. K: @thejbi. Sorry man, it had to be someone.
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cornyregans · 7 months
Hi Cornyregans, I'm curious: what MBTI, enneagram wings (XwY) and temperaments (phlegmatic/choleric/melancholic/sanguine) would you assign to the Veronaville Teens based on their aspirations and personality scores and possibly also Shakesperean references?
Hi! I added a read more because my response got long.
Tbh, I don't really have a concrete answer to these questions. Mostly because I think they each take certain aspects from different things. The MBTIs, especially, are something I sort of struggle with determining, mostly because of how many possibilities there are. Like, I definitely see Tybalt, Mercutio, Romeo, Juliette, and maybe Miranda as more extroverted, whereas Puck and Hermia are more introverted. I think the F and Ts in MBTI refer to whether someone is more logical or emotional, and I feel like, as a whole, the boys gravitate more towards emotion, whereas the girls are more logical.
Of each of these concepts, the enneagram wings are the most foreign to me. I'm familiar with the most basic concepts (mostly because I've played the Zero Escape series, and the first game's main characters were all based on different enneagram types), but other than that I'm kind of at a loss. I'll probably study the concepts more and let the ideas ruminate, and maybe I'll post it as a Headcanon Humpday in the future.
Unlike the other two, I do have more definitive ideas about their temperaments. Hermia definitely strikes me as melancholic, Juliette is pretty sanguine, and Tybalt is a bit choleric. I feel like Mercutio and Romeo are pretty sanguine, but Romeo has some phlegmatic tendencies, whereas Mercutio has some choleric ones. Puck strikes me as phlegmatic, but he's prone to being a bit melancholic at times. As for Miranda, she's pretty similar to Romeo, but a tad bit more phlegmatic in comparison.
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Good evening Archangel Michael,
I heard Supreme Archangel Aziraphale is taking another holiday and apparently Uriel is his substitute? I just wanted to ask why, as angel of war, you don't have seniority? I was just wondering. This whole switching back and forth since Gabriel left is a tad bit confusing.. Thank you for taking the time to answer.
What are you talking about? Aziraphale is right here.
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