#putin to the hague
deborahdeshoftim5779 · 4 months
I have a bibliography going back three years, filled with numerous articles covering the cruelty and barbarity of the Russian terror state towards Alexei Navalny, his family, his supporters, and anyone in Russia who supports civilisation. I have articles from back when he narrowly escaped death in 2020. Now I am adding articles covering his murder two days ago. It is painful and unjust.
Here is an article from Meduza, one of the many Russian news outlets that were marginalised and persecuted by the Kremlin. The title says Yulia Navalnaya published the first post since the death of Alexei. She wrote: "I love you." Devastating and heartbreaking.
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
Mass kidnappings of kids are not unique to the Middle East. Putin's Russia has been doing it since its illegal annexation of Crimea and its de facto occupation of Donetsk and Luhansk in 2014. And it's grown greatly since Russia's invasion of Ukraine started in February of 2022.
This is a form of genocide as defined by international law. Putin and his cronies are war criminals and there is indeed a warrant for his arrest on the basis of his abduction of Ukrainian children from occupied parts of Ukraine.
This invasion has been going on for nearly two years – not just two months. There are thousands of Ukrainian child hostages held by Putin's kleptocratic mafia-terrorist state.
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silverfox66 · 1 year
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What a clown! Try it if you want NATO coming after you.
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dougielombax · 7 months
Why don’t we put Erdogan, Putin, Assad, Netanyahu, and ALL their colleagues and sycophants in The Hague.
Together (as a treat).
Just for good measure.
Keeping them all together in one room isn’t a good idea though, you’d probably risk causing some kind of overload of derangement which could in turn risk a cataclysmic reaction.
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stillunusual · 5 months
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I 🤍 Vilnius
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Let's gooooo 🎉🎉🎉
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originalleftist · 4 months
Pictured below: Wanted war criminal Vladimir Putin telling his dog that he's a good boy.
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(Photo: Putin sitting for an "interview" with Tucker Carlson)
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 4 months
"I’ve been sleeping with my phone since dreading yet another call of that sort. “I believe that my husband’s life is in danger as are lives of many other political prisoners... These people are kept behind bars, very often with serious medical conditions, with no proper medical treatment.”
Yevgeniya Kara-Murza, the wife of imprisoned Russian dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza, responding to the murder of Alexei Navalny on February 16. Her own husband's health has suffered since he was imprisoned for exposing Russian war crimes in Ukraine. He is said to suffer from polyneuropathy, which was caused after he was poisoned twice with the banned chamical nerve agent, Novichok.
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
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Iran is an ally of Russia and Iran is the main backer of Hamas. So it's certainly possible that there may have been some nudges and winks from Moscow which led to the October 7th terror attacks which set off the Gaza-Israel war.
Nobody gains more from that war than Putin whose atrocities in Ukraine get far less attention than before because of war in the Middle East.
In any case, if Putin wishes to compare himself to Napoleon, we should not stand in his way!
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autumngracy · 1 year
The International Criminal Court issues an arrest warrant for Putin : NPR
The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin for alleged war crimes involving accusations that Russia has forcibly taken Ukrainian children.
The ICC also issued a warrant for Putin's commissioner for children's rights, Maria Lvova-Belova.
The court said in a news release Friday the two are "allegedly responsible for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation."
The move by the criminal court at the Hague marked a significant step, requesting the arrest of a sitting world leader — even as analysts acknowledged the chances of arresting President Putin are slim.
Indeed, in Moscow, officials were quick to note Russia has never signed on as a party to the ICC as they dismissed the charges outright.
"The very question itself is outrageous and unacceptable," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. "Russia, like a number of other states, does not recognize the jurisdiction of this court, and therefore any of its decisions are insignificant for the Russian Federation from a legal viewpoint."
Ukrainian Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin called the court's decision "historic."
Like the United States, Ukraine is also not a party to the ICC. But Kostin noted that the Ukrainian government has cooperated with the court on criminal investigations in its territory. He said his office handed more than 1,000 pages of documents over to the ICC regarding the alleged forcible deportation of children to Russia.
A report released last month by Yale University researchers and the U.S. State Department accused the Russian government of operating a systematic network of custody centers for thousands of Ukrainian children.
Russian officials have not denied the arrival of Ukrainian children in the country, but have characterized the centers for children as part of a large humanitarian program for abandoned, war-traumatized orphans.
The court warrant is a "stunning move" ICC President Piotr Hofmanski said the judges decided to make these warrants public to try to deter further crimes.
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agentfascinateur · 1 month
The US's "à la carte" use of the ICC (and of binding/non-binding resolutions) when it serves them
Only kings allowed themselves these whims. It's not democratic.
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molfarua · 1 year
🎥 In The Hague, putin expresses his admiration for the International Criminal Court, saying that this court "helps establish justice." This was in 2005.   It seems that at that time the russian president had not yet managed to go completely crazy in order to be under arrest by the same court
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ivovynckier · 1 year
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Don't send Donald to The Hague! That cell is reserved for Vladimir...
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penguinlover27 · 1 year
Vladimir Putin is indeed a war criminal and I’d love for him to sitting in the dock at the Hague, on trial for all of the world to see.
His end cannot come soon enough, be it removal from power or simply execution or assassination. Frankly, I don’t care which. His reign has to come to an end.
In fact, any leader or any nation - including our own! - who have committed war crimes should be brought to trial, too. Perhaps this is why a certain former president doesn’t do much foreign travel these days. 
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 4 months
“There has always been a surplus of servitude and a deficit of freedom in Russia. We value those who grovel, which is why Russia remains a ‘nation of slaves and princes’ to this day. Russia has a great number of people of talent, yet they lack the possibility to apply their talents. I think that progress in Russia is inextricably linked with personal freedom, which is the key to success.”
The words of Boris Nemtsov, one of Russia's most talented, honest, and bravest politicians.
It was in this month nine years ago that Nemtsov was gunned down in front of the Kremlin. The murderers were able to escape thanks to the CCTV being deliberately turned off for the several minutes when the attackers descended from their vehicle and shot Nemtsov repeatedly.
As with the murderers of so many other Russian dissidents, the Russian state has refused to hold the murderers accountable. That is because, as usual, the murderer was Vladimir Putin.
Nemtsov worked alongside Alexei Navalny in the early 2010s. In February 2015, Alexei Navalny was in prison based on fabricated charges. When he learned that Nemtsov was murdered, he quickly identified the culprits: the Kremlin. As a testament to the cruelty and inhumanity of Russia's state authorities, Navalny was forbidden from attending Nemtsov's funeral, though he did later attend a memorial march for the fallen Russian politician.
One month after Nemtsov's murder, his friend Vladimir Kara-Murza suddenly fell ill and almost died. In 2017, the same thing. Kara-Murza is now in prison for condemning Russian war crimes in Ukraine. Russian entrepreneur Yevgeny Chichvarkin warns the world via Dmitri Gordon's YouTube channel that Kara-Murza is next on Putin's list.
Five years after Nemtsov's murder, Alexei Navalny fell ill and almost died of poisoning, which later turned out to have been with the banned chemical agent, Novichok. Further investigation showed that the same FSB agents who had masterminded the attack on Navalny had also used Novichok on Vladimir Kara-Murza, the writer Dmitri Bykov, and other Russians who suddenly died without explanation.
Now, nine years after Nemtsov's murder, Alexei Navalny has been killed by the same terrorist regime that gunned down Nemtsov that night in February.
This is intolerable. This is heartbreaking. This is devastating. This must never happen again.
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