cuppapoo · 7 months
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Get these sillys out of here!!!!
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samosisz · 7 months
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some opq part 1 doodles :) close ups of my fave ones:
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lordevening · 7 months
something something about Carol dying thinking she was a hero for an organization that cares so little about her own life, for the supposed idea of a “greater good” BUT her heroism goes unnoticed after her death
and Lucie dying alone in the snow, her last thoughts berating herself about her uselessness; yet, she was remembered as a hero by her friends and her action immortalized through Emi’s survival.
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bibimagines · 7 months
"your average guy" says the best player of the rpg
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spreens · 7 months
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Death is not an escape— even less so for people bleeding out in the snow. With their bodies a ticking bio-technological timebomb, they reached out to the paranormal for help— and something much greater answered.
As a mockup, I made a perk for Luis, Carol, and Lucie each. The whole chapter is a mega-chapter— which means five survivors (the main cast) and two killers (The Warped and The Elden). This is the result of making them fix generators and hide in lockers, Cellbit.
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Fortitude - Very Rare Luis M. Kennedy Perk
It's your responsibility to get everyone out alive: your safety comes second to your sacrifices.
Unhook a survivor to lose a health state and become Broken for 20 seconds. The unhooked teammate instantly regains one health state and can see all auras for 2/3/5 seconds.
"...But my friends?" - Luis M. Kennedy
Last Ditch Resort - Very Rare Lucie Pochade Perk
Maybe now, you can be useful. Press the Active Ability button while running to push a survivor within 4/4/6 meters of you forward, granting them 200% Haste for 2/3/4 seconds. Become 70% Hindered, Exposed and Exhausted for 40/30/20 seconds.
Last Ditch Resort has a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.
"I-I just wanted to be free... but I've been useless. Now everybody's going to die. It's not fair." - Lucie Pochade
Loyalty Bonus - Very Rare Carol Perk
The ends justify the means: even when it means being left to bleed out below rubble. Great Skill Checks give a bonus 0.3/0.4/0.5% to progression while injured, and the success zones are 30% bigger. Teammate's generator and healing skillchecks have their Great zones 50% smaller, and Good Skill Checks will halt progression as if the skill check had failed.
Loyalty Bonus is deactivated after being hooked, and reactivated after completing an altruistic action.
"Okay. Kid– Emmy– you survived. So you're stuck with us right now." - Carol
*all perks carefully balanced by my QA team (me and another dbd tryhard)
(and of course, asks are very much welcomed)
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ultearlight · 7 months
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Man the 3D thing they have going on is so cool and the music? *chief kiss*
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boncottontail · 7 months
Okay so maybe I’m writing a post-canon thing for Ordem Paranormal: Quarentena. The characters have infested my brain.
Still working on ACAS Chapter 7 btw
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lgbtiba · 7 months
Reminder for everyone to tag the liveblogging with spoilers for ppl who can't catch the stream btw 👍
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no-wings-no-angel · 7 months
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IMMACULATE TRISTAN MONTEIRO VIBES (is it the hair? it probably is the hair)
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pplivros · 8 months
Meninas Selvagens - Rory Power
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Há dezoito meses, a Escola Raxter para Meninas entrou em quarentena. Há dezoito meses, uma misteriosa doença virou a vida de Hetty do avesso.
Começou devagar. Primeiro, as professoras foram morrendo, uma a uma. Então, começou a infectar as alunas, transformando o corpo delas em algo cada vez mais estranho. Isoladas do resto do mundo e deixadas à própria sorte, as meninas não se atrevem a ultrapassar o limite da escola. Hetty, Byatt e Reese esperam a cura prometida enquanto a doença se alastra.
Mas tudo muda quando Byatt desaparece. Hetty não medirá esforços para encontrá-la, mesmo que isso signifique quebrar a quarentena e desbravar os horrores que as esperam além da cerca que separa a escola da floresta. E quando Hetty se lança rumo ao desconhecido, descobre que há muito mais mistérios por trás dessa história que ela jamais poderia imaginar.
Meninas Selvagens
Quando baixarem algum livro deixa o like e reposta para outras pessoas conseguirem baixar também.
Boa leitura <3
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Pores do Sol da Quarentena
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lordevening · 7 months
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campbellyas · 2 years
Ser LGBTQIAP+ não é só sobre atração e relacionamentos. Também é uma questão de identidade de gênero. Sei que pra alguns o que eu tô dizendo pode ser óbvio, mas é SEMPRE BOM LEMBRAR (especialmente praquela galera que adora fazer piada com a nossa sigla), que pessoas LGBT+s também podem ser héteros. Vamos praticar menos a generalização e respeitar vivências e identidades individuais? Pode marcar os amigos e parentes que tão precisando ouvir aqui e compartilha se curtir 🌈🤍
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astrangerinmygrave · 8 months
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Inês Dias, 'Memory of a bird', 2019
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fredericolimablog · 1 year
"Às vezes a gente esquece que a vida, essa coisa, muitas vezes, tão sofrida, tão cheia de decepções, é uma escola, onde aprendemos que tudo é feito de tentativas, principalmente a felicidade."
— Frederico Lima
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eulembrodelemuria · 1 year
O fim da quarentene na Terra
Por Cobra
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Agora é seguro liberar certas informações que trarão muita clareza a toda a situação relativa ao Evento e à tensão dinâmica entre a Luz e as forças das trevas. Embora essa informação possa ser chocante para algumas pessoas, chegou o momento delas conhecerem a verdade, porque somente quando a verdade é conhecida é que as situações podem ser resolvidas.
Para entender completamente a…
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