#quick fics
erisenyo · 1 year
I very much agreed with @lizardlicks that this post had Sokka vibes and then a fic somehow happened. Enjoy!
“—So when you lost consciousness and fell down like an overwhelmed Victorian woman—”
“I fell normal!” Sokka protests, trying to get off the ground and allowing the EMT to stop him. “I fainted in a normal way!”
“You put the back of your hand to your forehead and spun around,” the EMT says, dry, snapping a fresh pair of latex gloves onto his hands.
Yeah, because Katara’s cut suddenly started spurting when the other EMT pulled off the flannel she’d been using to apply pressure, like they’re in some kind of 70s samurai film and apologies if Sokka didn’t think it was cool and neat like everyone else— “That never happened,” Sokka protests, feeling his face coloring despite himself. “I fainted in a normal or maybe even masculine way.”
“A masculine faint,” the EMT repeats, raising his eyebrow—only one, with that scar, but Sokka is more trying to get another look at his eyes without being obvious about it because in the light of the streetlights above them they looked almost gold, and maybe Sokka did hit his head on the way down…
“Yes,” Sokka insists, refusing to cringe like part of him wants to because god, he can hear himself, alright? He knows. “A very masculine faint.”
“Masculine faints, Victorian woman faints, that from your fancy med school, Sozin?” the other EMT suddenly calls from where he’s finishing bandaging Katara’s arm, and Sokka feels himself flushing even darker at the words. “I must have missed that one with my plain ol’ technical year.”
“Yes, Jet, you must have, thank you for pointing that out yet again,” the EMT—Sozin?—says, giving his colleague a look just this side of a glare.
The other EMT just grins—smirks, really—the toothpick in his mouth somehow accenting the gesture.
“Sokka, just let the man look at you,” Katara huffs, rolling her eyes. Like Sokka is the one bleeding, like Sokka is the one who got bumped by a stumbling fair-goer and who even knows what she slashed her arm open on but it was probably rusty and full of tetanus and why is everyone else acting like it’s no big deal. “It’s not a big deal,” she says, giving him a knowing look. And then giving her EMT—Jet? Is that his real name?—a very different kind of look.
“Alright,” Sokka’s EMT says quickly, catching the look Sokka is giving Jet. “Let’s just focus over here for a moment, okay? Do you always faint at the sight blood?”
Sokka sighs, reluctantly setting aside Jet and his worry for Katara and the huffy feeling in his chest over Sozin’s choice of words to describe. Which regretfully only leaves the fact that his EMT is hot. High cheekbones and thick, shaggy hair and warm golden skin and a scar that only makes his face more interesting and that Sokka thinks bleeds into a tattoo around his collar and making that polyester uniform look better than it has any right to.
And he just saw Sokka fucking swoon like some Regency romance heroine.
“I didn’t faint,” Sokka insists, quickly closing his eyes so he isn’t staring at the guy from not even a foot away, which somehow makes the sensation of Sozin’s fingers testing for sore spots, gently and confidently running up the back of his neck and over the curve of his skull, that much sharper.  
“Sure,” Sozin says, the raspiness of his voice even more apparent when Sokka doesn’t have anything else to focus on. And so clearly humoring him. Sokka feels something longing twist in his chest even as he tries not to visibly shiver. “Do you always decide to take a break at the sight of blood?”
“I didn’t,” Sokka repeats, unsure why he can’t let it go. It’s no like he would think poorly of someone who did faint over blood. It’s supposed to be inside, it’s suddenly on the outside. He hunted with his dad every winter he can remember up until they moved, but he gets it. It can be unsettling.
And normally Sokka wouldn’t care what some random person thought about him, not even a cute guy. But Sozin is hot, and he and the other EMT and future-neurosurgeon-pediatric orthopedist-gynecologist-she-has-to-decide-one-day Katara didn’t even bat an eyelash when she suddenly started gushing blood. And Sokka…did.
“No pain, that’s good,” his EMT says, fingers disappearing. “Any headache?”
“No,” Sokka sighs. Though he’s sure he’ll be banging his head against his headrest once they finally get to the car enough to fix that.
“Hm. Open your eyes for me?”
Sokka does, caught somewhere between reluctance to admit this is all happening and wanting to stare as long as he’s going to get the chance to because god, those eyes are definitely gold. “Do you wear contacts?” he blurts before he can catch himself.
“No,” his EMT says after a pause, giving him an amused look. “Do you?”
“Uh, glasses, sometimes,” Sokka says. “Not all the time, but for like, reading and stuff. Not like, I don’t need them need them,” he adds quickly, thinking of Gran Gran’s reading glasses. “But like, sometimes when the print is small and the contrast isn’t great and your eyes just strain?”
“You wear glasses,” Sozin finishes for him. Definitely amused, but Sokka didn’t tell any jokes, and…shit. “So if I ask if your vision is blurry…?”
“It’s fine,” Sokka says quickly, straightening and glancing around for something to read. The side of the ambulance—no, that’s huge. The make and model off a car? But he could recognize that by sight. A license plate! He can read out a—
“Good,” Sozin says, apparently happy to take his word for it which…shouldn’t leave Sokka feeling quite so deflated. “And can you concentrate on the end of my flashlight here—” He carefully moves the little penlight left to right and up and down, Sokka diligently tracking its movements and blinking but holding still for the quick flash of the light into his eyes, trying to look into the middle distance and not just lose himself in his EMT’s impossibly gold eyes because he doesn’t need the man to think he’s any weirder than he probably already does.
“I really am fine,” Sokka says as the penlight disappears into Sozin’s pocket. “Not that I don’t appreciate the little head massage and checkup, but—"
“I’m glad to hear it,” his EMT says. Back to humoring him. “Any nausea?”
“Because vomiting on a cute guy is just how I need to cap off my night,” Sokka says before he can catch himself, freezing when he belatedly registers the words.
Sozin pauses, lips pursed, before continuing to rummage through his medical kit and Sokka just…dies a little bit inside.
“Can we just…forget I said that?” Sokka says, squeezing his eyes shut again as the hopeful flutter in chest wilts. Fuck he just…really is trying to face plant in every literal and metaphorical way he can right now, isn’t he.
“Generally I do need to keep track of signs of confusion or repetition, so sorry. Gotta remember that one.”
“Got it,” Sokka says, slumping and scrubbing his hands over his face. “Makes sense. Look, Sozin—”
“Zuko,” his EMT interrupts, Sokka dropping his hands to give him a blank, confused look. “It’s Zuko,” the man repeats, tapping the nametag on his chest that…does not say Sozin. “Sozin is my last name.”
…Right. Right. The nametag has great contrast and giant letters, too. Fuck.
“Look,” Sokka sighs, tugging on his wolf tail, “I didn’t faint, I just—Katara is my only sister and we basically raised each from when she was like, ten years old and I was twelve, okay? And she was hurt, and we handled it, and you guys got here, great, awesome, she’s in good hands. But then, you know, the whole spurting blood thing and it got worse and…”
Sokka trails off, trying to find the words, some part of him hoping his EMT—Zuko, his name is Zuko, and he isn’t Sokka’s anything—will be able to fill in the gap. But Zuko is just quiet, rummaging in his bag far more than he probably needs to considering he isn’t pulling anything out. Probably just looking for something to do with his hands so he doesn’t have to look at Sokka rambling and making an idiot of himself and humoring him, again, but fuck, Sokka is going to try to explain it anyway because he didn’t faint, okay, he didn’t.
“Look, people can take turns for the worse, okay?” Sokka says, hearing himself fast and clipped and aware that he’s being cryptic and hoping this doesn’t get him another check in the ‘confusion’ column like his fucking contacts question probably did. “It can all seem fine and like you don’t have to worry anymore, but then you do. It happens, okay? So it was just—it was a lot. Emotionally, I mean. But I didn’t faint, I’m not—I wouldn’t lie about something like that,” he says, the heart of his frustration finally spilling out of him. “It doesn’t—I wouldn’t care, I wouldn’t try to make your life harder like that, I wouldn’t—I wouldn’t lie,” he repeats, feeling himself running out of steam when his—the—EMT still doesn’t respond. “I wouldn’t,” he finishes softly, frowning down at his sneakers against the asphalt. “I’m not like that.”
A long beat of silence except for the faint murmur of Katara and the other EMT’s voices, the fair behind him, the distant sound of cars along road, until finally Zuko stirs, the rustle of his uniform overly loud between them. “What’s your name?” he asks, glancing up, and Sokka sucks in a quick breath.
“Sokka,” he says, something hopeful trying to root in his chest again. “It’s Sokka.”
“Sokka,” Zuko repeats, nodding a moment before suddenly rising smoothly to his feet. “Let’s do your balance check.”
Sokka closes his eyes a moment, letting the fluttering edges of a new crush truly wisp away before he rises to his feet, carefully following Zuko’s instructions. His eyes are more on the pavement still than anything else but he can say that’s just for balance, just for focus as he obediently stands on one foot and then the other, touches his nose, leans to the side, feeling like he could jump and spin just fine, throw in some fancy footwork no problem, but just…not wanting to.
“Everything looks good,” Zuko finally says, and Sokka lets his arms drop, nodding.
“Yeah,” he says, mustering up a smile and glancing over to see if Katara’s ready, too. “Thanks, man.”
“Hm.” A considering look as Zuko peels off his latex gloves, then, “Are you sticking around for the rest of the fair.”
“If Katara can,” Sokka shrugs. “But I know, none of the crazy rides, take it easy, don’t stare at screens, if I feel a headache coming on don’t push it. I have been concussed before, I do know what it feels like.”
Zuko purses his lips, carefully balling up his gloves. “From fainting?”
Sokka pinches the bridge of his nose. “Hockey.”
Zuko nods, carefully checking over his kit before zipping it shut, all studious, careful focus and Sokka is trying to decide if maybe he can just…melt back from the edge of the parking lot to exit this situation when Zuko suddenly says, “I was actually going to say that Jet and I are working for the fairground. Not like, as city paramedics.”
“Okay,” Sokka says after a beat. Is this—are they going to get billed, or…?
“Which means we’re on shift at this location.” Zuko’s eyes flick up, his voice almost diffident. “My shift ends in two hours. If you’ll still be around.”
“Oh, that—” Sokka blinks, making himself actually replay the words. “Oh.” Is that—is Zuko--?
“I could check on your symptoms,” Zuko adds, glancing up again and…definitely looking through his lashes. Oh. Oh. “Test your hand eye coordination, make sure it’s still good? I hear ring toss is good for that.”
“Yeah, that—yeah.” Part of Sokka is still a little bit disbelieving, but Zuko is still looking at him, holding eye contact, lips curling at the edges, small and shy and pleased and cute, cute, cute and yeah, Sokka is going to let himself belief it. “That would be nice. I’d like that.”
“Me, too,” Zuko says, hefting his bag as he stands again, all easy strength and grace and he’s a few inches taller than Sokka and Sokka has the feeling he’s going to like looking up into his eyes. “Meet by the Ferris wheel?”
“Absolutely.” Hopefully there aren’t two of them here. Sokka and Katara barely got to explore before she got hurt.
“You should practice your ring toss in the meantime,” Zuko says, serious and grave and teasing, definitely teasing, and Sokka can’t help but grin in answer.
“I don’t know, I gotta keep it a fair competition when you show up,” Sokka says, buffing his nails against his shirt and teasing back and his entire body feeling light when Zuko’s eyes crinkle in the corners in response.
“You better practice, then,” Zuko says, all confidence and challenge and Sokka thinks he if does end up feeling faint tonight, or dizzy, or weak in the knees—hopefully not nauseated—that it is very much going to be Zuko’s fault.
He can’t wait.
“…Did you just pick up your paramedic?”
Sokka gives her a sideways look. “Did you?”
“…Let’s go get funnel cakes and not talk about it.”
“Great idea,” he says quickly. He has a feeling they’ll both get their answer in one hour and fifty-eight minutes and counting, anyway.
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stray-kaz · 3 months
“Jes! Jes, did you feel it?” You excitedly asked your husband, your hand holding his larger one against your swelling belly.
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(Give me the first sentence of a fic and I have to write the next five).
“Jes! Jes, did you feel it?” you excitedly asked your husband, your hand holding his larger one against your swelling belly.
He stroked his thumb up and down, brown eyes widening in excitement.
"Yes, I felt it! She's getting big, isn't she, love?" he replied, rocking back and forth on his toes.
You nodded, grinning.
"Big and ready to meet her da, Jes."
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fraugwinska · 6 days
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ommggg stopppppp !!!! <333
you got me over here kickin and swingin my feet like a school girl !!!
hello hello ! i’m tickled pink to be moots !! <3
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How could I not follow with tags like these on your reblog? ;>
Get to writing, love, I wanna see what Hazbin spice you're cooking ♥️
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awanderingdeal · 2 years
Hey Lucy! Could you please write some goalie love? Maybe some hurt-comfort with Leo going to Kasey for advice or something like that? 💛
Edited: 20th Feb 23 - Nothing major, just rewriting some stuff with (what I hope) are much improved skills.
Hey, 💛 Here's some Kasey giving Leo advice after his first game loss.
Rating: G
CW: None that I can think of, but do drop me a message if I have missed anything.
Character credit belongs to @lumosinlove
Leo had lost games before. Of course he had. Nobody got through a high school hockey career without experiencing that low. Still, he hadn't been prepared for the guilt curling in his stomach, pulling at his insides until he felt bitter bile at his throat.
Swallowing, Leo slumped back in his stall trying to silence the jeers of their opponent's fans ringing in his ears. A few feet away, James and Thomas cooed over photos of Thomas' new nephew, whilst Nado and Timmy made similar noises over potential tattoo designs. The rest of the team seemed to have put the defeat behind them already, but even the itch of sweat drying beneath his pads wasn't enough to get Leo moving.
"Hey," Kasey said, slapping his hand against Leo's shoulder before taking a seat in the next stall. "You okay?"
Leo pressed his tounge against the back of his teeth, thinking about shrugging off the question. Kasey watched him patiently; the only sign he was waiting for an answer was in the slight tilt of his head. It reminded him of something his Mama had told him once. People think more than they talk sometimes. You've gotta be comfortable with the silences. He hadn't really understood it back then.
"How'd you do it?" Leo asked eventually
Kasey cocked his head further. "I'm going to need a bit more than that."
Sometimes you have to push just a little.
"Knowing that the loss was your fault," Leo said.
Kasey blinked and cocked his head even further. Was he a fucking cat?
But for the most part, people will talk if you let them.
"Okay," Leo sighed, tangling his fingers together. "I get we're a team, but I should've saved that second goal and if I had we'd have won."
"And if Sirius hadn't lost the puck in the first place?"
"Sirius' job is to score goals meaning there's always a risk of him losing the puck. My entire job is to save goals. It's the only reason I'm here."
Kasey laughed, smoothing his hair out of his face, "Sorry, it's just funny. Rookies, I mean. They never change." He sat more upright, smile dropping into something softer, more reassuring. "Look, Leo. Sometimes you just make a mistake. You've just got to shrug it off, do better next time. Besides, for the pick to end up in front of you, then somebody else messed up too and if you don't blame them then you don't get to blame yourself either. Win together. Lose together."
Everything Kasey was saying made sense, yet Leo found himself trying to twist the words into something that would fit his own narrative. Tugging at a lose piece of skin at the corner of his nail, Leo opened his mouth and then closed it again.
"Stop being stupid," Kasey said as he stood. "Not an insult. Like I said, rookies are all the same. It's normal. You're going to have to get over that self-depriciating shit real quick though, if you want to keep any semblance of mental health in this game."
Leo huffed a breath feeling the air flare his nostrils. He wanted to stomp his feet and tell Kasey he was wrong. Instead, he leaned forwards and began to peel off his pads.
Kasey nodded knowingly. "I can't promise the losses hurt less with time, but you will get used to them. Grab a shower. We're getting burgers. Dinner's on Cap."
Sirius jerked his head up from the tablet he was engrossed with. "Excuse me?"
"The rookie needs cheering up. You're Captain."
"Burgers! Yes!" James whooped, "Thanks Pads. Can Lily come?"
Leo glanced between Kasey and Sirius. He didn't think he'd ever be confident enough to tell Sirius what to do. Despite clear attempts to to be as welcoming as possible he was still Sirius Black, captain of the Gryffindor Lions and impressive as fuck. That was just intimidating.
"OK, D'accord," Sirius threw his hands up in surrender, laughter bubbling on his lips. He shook his head muttering something in French that Leo couldn't quite catch. "For Leo. Just this once."
"Love you, Cap!" Finn called, starting a round of declarations that only got increasingly more ridiculous.
"Words can't express my gratitude."
"What did we do to deserve such a kind and generous leader?"
"I'm blowing you a kiss. Catch it."
"Thanks, Sirius," Leo said quietly, as the team quickly moved on to helping Evgeni choose the perfect shade of blue to repaint his bedroom. "Appreciate it."
Sirius just nodded at him, returning to his tablet briefly before looking back up at Leo. "You're doing great. Keep it up." His face twisted into something conflicted then settled on a smile.
"Everybody is doing great," Kasey agreed, only the slightest hint of sarcasm dripping into the comment. "What a fantastic team we are. Now hurry up, I'm starving."
With each item of clothing Leo removed and the warmth of the water on his skin, the familiar tightness across his chest began to disapate. It was going to be okay. Better than okay, maybe. The Lions were a pretty great bunch of people.
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totallyuseless-ugh · 1 year
Quick Fics
How CJ and Darnell met
It has barely been a month since CJ had moved to Hennistal. Just recently had they graduated from college and got hired for a job in the new town as a pharmacy assistant. Together with their bandmates had CJ then traded in their previous cramped college dorms for a slightly less cramped apartment, this time with a fully functioning bathroom sink. Although this all was a new living situation for the 21-year-old was everything going surprisingly well. Their room had just enough space for them and Radoth, CJ’s much loved boa constrictor which they had gotten in their first semester from their first dormmate before he had decided to drop out.
Working at the pharmacy was also way more laid back than first expected. Manfred Zimmermann, the head pharmacist made sure to let CJ take their time with understanding the organizational system. In his eyes, it was better to have them fully understand everything after two months than to be rushed through the process in a week and forget half of it again by the end of it. The remaining staff was also very kind, or at least knew how to act like they were. That made it much easier for CJ to settle into their new life. Though, the only thing that had truly changed, was that instead of scheduled classes they’d have to attend, there would be a work schedule which assigned them to random shifts along with at least one other colleague.
Regardless, it was still fairly easy to get used to the new living situation and workplace. There weren’t many customers coming in during the early hours, which left a lot of time for CJ to get to know their coworkers, or handle the paperwork and stock logistics.
On a slow day like these, CJ was just learning from their coworker Mia about some great places in Hennistal. That was, until the phone started ringing. Reluctantly took CJ the phone and put on the best customer service voice they could at the moment, “Hennistal Pharmacy, you are speaking to CJ Ashton. How may I help you?”
From the other end of the line came an equally tired, feminine voice. “Yeah, hi.. this is Ebby from the retirement home. Uh.. so, apparently, some ‘M. Zimmermann’ didn’t like, give us the right amount of medication we need for this month, so we’re already starting to run low and need a restock ASAP."
The fact alone that their boss had messed up an important order like this made CJ crack up. But they had to keep quiet so that they could hear what exactly Ebby would need delivered. They hastily scribbled down all the dozens of pills, creams and other medications on the back of an old piece of paper before the call ended with Ebby adding, “Good, that better be here soon, ‘k? K, bye.”
Sure, CJ knew of the delivery service which the pharmacy offered, they had already tagged along on one of those drives before. But they hadn’t been to the retirement home on that particular day. CJ didn’t even know where it was supposed to be, considering that Hennistal wasn’t a small town. Of course, it was nothing compared to a proper city, but still enough to get lost in easily. And while Mia was kind enough to give CJ the directions, they were still left with just a bit of worry over possibly taking a wrong turn, ending up in a completely different part of town and being too embarrassed to ask anyone for help.
“You really can’t miss it, just head down the main street until you’re out of the housing area and just turn right twice. There’s more than enough signs telling you where to go anyway,” Mia tried to reassure CJ one final time as they both loaded the last boxes into the trunk of the car.
“Yeah, thanks. I’ll try not to become illiterate when these signs pop up.” CJ grinned at their coworker before getting into the driver seat and heading off in the direction given. Never before had CJ been this focused while driving. All they thought about were the instructions on where to go, and Mia was right. There were an awful lot of signs pointing out where the retirement home was. It briefly made CJ wonder what the reason was for these many signs. Probably just too many past visitors complaining how they couldn’t find their way, in a time before GPS on phones had become a normal thing.
And yet, after successfully parking the car was CJ left clueless as to where to go. Not that it was hard to find the entrance, it was just as prominent as the building had been signed out itself. But should they really just head in through the main entrance? There surely had to be one just for deliveries, or at least that’s what CJ thought. After wandering aimlessly around the parking lot for a few minutes, CJ gave up and resigned to taking the only entrance they could find at that moment.
The automatic sliding doors opened as CJ walked in, and they were instantly met with many eyes staring at them. They should have seen this coming actually. For one, this was a retirement home, these seniors were probably expecting (or at least hoping) for their family to come and visit them. But even then, CJ was already standing out like a rainbow sheep in a petting zoo; the bright purple hair, several face and ear piercings, and a few of their many tattoos that still partially peeked out from under the long-sleeved uniform. The combination of uncomfortably long staring and not knowing where to go made them more and more nervous. After all, they couldn’t just throw the boxes with medication into the foyer room and leave. But CJ didn’t know what to do. Luckily, before they would give up and approach one of the seniors were two sets of footsteps approaching from one of the halls along with a gentle voice talking.
The first person that CJ’s eyes fell on was a caucasian woman with bleached blonde hair, probably in her late thirties. She was in the middle of talking when she had also caught sight of the stranger. Her eyes scanned CJ top to bottom, the uniform quickly reminding her of something.
“Ah, hey. I suppose you’re here for the medication delivery?” The woman’s voice was far kinder and less bored than the one CJ had heard over the phone, which calmed their nerves a little already. They nodded in response but didn’t get to say a word as she already turned away and patted on her colleague’s shoulder before walking down a different hallway, “alright, that’s gonna be your job then.”
It took both of them a few seconds to process the idea of being left all alone now before CJ finally met eyes with the other caretaker that had come to the entrance of the building. And the first sight alone already left them feeling astonished. A handsome Afro-American man, who seemed to be just as old as CJ themself, with a gorgeously curled black afro was standing in front of them. What stood out the most to CJ though were the bright cyan eyes that the stranger was looking at them with.
The two felt incredibly awkward, being left like this to figure out what to do next. They stood at the entrance for about a minute before the young caretaker spoke up a bit hesitantly, “I.. suppose I should show you where to bring that stuff..?” He didn’t seem very sure on what to do either, but it was still better than nothing. CJ only nodded in agreement and quietly followed him around. They both didn’t talk a lot, only making brief comments about how hard work was when starting a new job.
After all the boxes had been dropped off waved CJ goodbye to the kind person and headed back to the car. But they didn’t drive back right away. Despite this brief, and very awkward interaction, CJ already felt like they were head over heels for the guy they had just met. There was just something about him that made their heart jump, be it his looks or the lovely first impression that they got of him despite the lack of conversation. Either way, from that day on had the pharmacist assistant started to always look forward to delivery drives, hoping they would get to stop by the retirement home again.
Although the two didn’t get to see each other regularly, they still started getting comfortable around each other more and more over time. The conversations became less awkward, and the two young adults got to know their ‘new colleagues’ better. What both forgot every time though was to ask for their names. Neither of them even remembered to simply look for a name plates on the uniforms. So whenever CJ would gush over the ‘cute caretaker’ to their bandmates, they would always refer to him by just that nickname.
Their names weren’t the only thing that the two didn’t know about each other though. They were also completely unaware that both were regulars at the same music club in Hennistal, “The Rockin’ Punk”. While the young caretaker was mostly just a visitor to the place came CJ often as one of the performing acts with the rest of their band “Ferocious Maniacs”. And yet, despite how much they stood out on stage as the lead singer and guitarist, they hadn’t been recognized for the whole time by the other. CJ’s appearance was simply way too different outside of work; their hair was wild, fluffed up and rarely tied back, instead of glasses were they using contact lenses, the tattoos on their arms were on full display, and generally did their personal outfits show off their actual body shape instead of hiding it under a baggy and long, layered uniform.
The singer was also unaware of the other’s presence at the club. Even though they often stood at the very front of the stage did their eyes rarely focus on the crowd, and thus never had the chance of recognizing the bright blue eyes in the crowd. The lights probably played a role in this all too, as they made everyone in the room get to literally shine in different colors every few seconds, so that cyan shining eyes were less of a feature that would stand out in a mass of people.
This blindness to each other was the main reason why CJ hadn’t already gotten to know the man properly yet. It took over half a year and a very lucky coincidence for that to finally change.
Yet another long day was nearing its end for CJ. Their band had played the last set of songs for the night and were just done clearing the stage for the next performers to take over. In the backstage lounged Sydney and Egeith, the band’s keyboardist and drummer, unwinding after packing up their equipment and instruments. As great as the atmosphere always was after a good show, this night CJ wouldn’t be able to stay for too long. The next day, they would have a morning shift with delivery drive, so they’d need to be up on time and well rested. The bassist Rika had just packed away her instrument as she turned to CJ with a sly grin already spread across her lips. “Yo Jay, you know-,” she began, but was promptly cut off by the singer, rolling their eyes. “Yeah I know, my turn to pay for the drinks. No need to remind me of the bet.” They groaned slightly after securing their guitar in its case. CJ couldn’t leave without somewhat getting back at their friend for the teasing though, flicking her forehead on their way out of the backstage area.
By the time that they had gotten to the bar was the new band on stage already done with sound checks and playing their first songs. It was a real shame for CJ that they’d be leaving again soon since they really liked the other band’s music. This wouldn’t be the group's last performance at this club though for sure, they thought and tried to quickly order the drinks for their friends.
While CJ had to wait to even get a chance at talking to the bartender, they sat down on one of the empty stools and let their eyes wander around the place. To their left sat a girl group of goths that were making one of their friends drink her first alcoholic drink in one go, and the rest of the bar was a mix of new and familiar faces alike, most dressed in some sort of scene fashion. Then, a sudden loud laughter to CJ’s right side caught their attention.
Three guys were sitting together and downing one shot after another. While two of them seemed to be tipsy at most was the guy directly next to CJ fully drunk already.
Before the singer had a chance to try and recognize the person was it already their turn to order for drinks. From there on, it didn’t take much longer until CJ was back with their friends to drink together. But despite the good mood, they couldn’t help but feel like they shouldn’t stay around here much longer and leave soon. And since they almost entirely trusted their gut feeling got CJ up again after just a few minutes. “I, uhm.. I’m gonna head home already. Y’know, wanna get enough sleep ‘n all,” they muttered as a sort of apology to the rest of their band before heading back to the bar. They didn't worry about their guitar, knowing it would be safe with their friends. CJ just wanted to return their glass and then be on their way, but they didn’t get that far this time.
Most of the people from earlier had stayed at the bar, including the goths that CJ had seen there earlier. But from the other friend group they had noticed was only one guy left, the absolutely drunk one who now laid with his upper body sprawled out across the bar. Just as the man had glanced over at CJ hit them some sort of realization. For an odd reason, this was why they wanted to leave early. There was something about the guy that made CJ want to stay near the bar just a little longer. “Hey.. you alright there?” they asked with the gentlest voice they could while loud music was playing around them.
The man lifted his head, looking back somewhat properly at CJ with barely open eyes and a drunken smile. “Yup! Havin’ a great time,” he told the other as he slurred his words. As happy as he seemed to behave, CJ didn’t like the fact he was sitting here all by himself when he was this drunk. They slung an arm around him to have a good grasp in case he would topple over when they lifted him off the barstool. “You’re going home. It’s time to sober up, man.”
The man laughed drunkenly. He tried his best to walk for himself, but the crowded place didn’t make it easy. At least CJ managed to get them both outside again quickly. “Alright, where do I have to drop you off?” They asked with a little chuckle. It was honestly a relief to be out of the noisy area, the sounds were starting to make their skin feel crawly. All CJ got in response though was more laughter as he tried to point in a direction. Well, it was better than nothing.
Together, the two walked in the direction given. The streets were lit just enough to navigate through town with the stranger. His laughter had died down over time, though he still remained far from being sober. “Heyyy.. what’cha name?..” the guy tried to ask with slurred speech. CJ shook their head with a small grin. “Doesn’t matter. I’m just bringing you home, no need to make new friends.”
“Aww c’mon! I wanna know who you are!..” he insisted in a whiny one. CJ shook their head again, tightening their grip on the shirt they held up the other man with in case he’d trip over his own feet. “Alright, I’ll go first then. ‘m Darnell! Now’s your turn.” Darnell poked at CJ repeatedly. It could’ve been annoying, but their silliness somehow got to them. “CJ.”
Darnell’s eyes grew wide. “Daaamn.. tha’ your whole name? Like that’it??”
“Yep. Not a nickname, no abbreviation or anything like that. Just CJ,” they explained to him in a soft voice. Darnell was silent for a moment, his face all scrunched up as if he were thinking about something very hard. “That must suck..” he muttered eventually. CJ gave him a curious look, upon which he elaborated, “Just bein’ called CJ? No last name or som’? That gotta be shit..” CJ had to focus very hard and bite their lip as to not burst out laughing over this hilarious statement.
The two continued their walk until they eventually stopped by an apartment complex not all too far from CJ’s own home. They stayed by the drunk man’s side until he was safely dropped off in his bed to rest. CJ had never done something like this before for a stranger, and only a handful of times for any of their friends. But the two would never see each other again, so that guy sure wouldn’t remember any of this and just be glad to have gotten home safely. That was all CJ cared about in that moment.
They made sure that Darnell had everything he’d need for a good recovery from the very likely hangover that would get to him in the morning. CJ was about to leave after bringing a bottle of water for Darnell, seeing him lay seemingly knocked on in the sheets. But before they could sneak out through the front door sounded quiet groaning form the bedroom, “Thanks CJ..” They left with a smile on their face, heading home themself to finally get their well deserved rest as well.
Manfred put a clip board on the counter just as he came out from the back and passed CJ. “The boxes are near the backdoor, you just gotta get them in the car,” he told them. They briefly glanced on the board to see how long the list for the deliveries would be this time around. Many different medications were listed in large amounts, all for the same address. Today’s drive was entirely for the retirement home. CJ excitedly waved to their boss as they jogged off to load up the car with the boxes and then made their way over to the given address.
Since this had become a regular drop off left CJ their glasses in the car and walked up to the entrance of the building. A few of the seniors had already begun to recognize them, some giving them a soft smile and greeting them happily, while others weren’t exactly a fan of CJ simply for their looks, especially the ‘weird body artwork’ that remained visible much to the senior’s annoyance.
But before CJ would be subjected to someone’s comments on their appearance came a certain caretaker into the entrance hall. Looking not really motivated, if not even tired or sick, CJ’s ‘favorite colleague’ showed up, leaning slightly against the wall. Both looked at each other, and it seemed to take a moment before they realized something.
Dark curly hair, slouched posture, barely open eyes. It reminded CJ of the guy they had walked home last night. Although they hadn’t been able to exactly notice bright blue eyes in the dark lighting back then, they could recognize the exhausted look Darnell had before they went separate ways. Darnell’s eyes shot all around CJ, matching them to the guy he had met at the bar, while CJ did the same until their eyes landed on the name plate. ‘Darnell J. Hodge’ was written on it, confirming that this really was the same person.
An awkward silence lingered between them briefly before it quickly turned into chuckles. “You’re- how couldn’t I recognize you this whole time?” Darnell shook his head, covering his face with his hand out of embarrassment. “God, I was so blind!”
“Just ask me! I feel insanely stupid that I couldn’t recognize that hair of yours,” CJ admitted, but Darnell dismissed them with a wave of his hand. “Oh shut it, afros aren’t that rare.”
The two spent the entire time transporting boxes with laughter over the embarrassing moment. But they both felt incredibly glad that they actually got to know each other after all, despite how silly it was. The car was emptied far too quick. CJ closed the trunk and leaned against it while Darnell stood close by as if he had nothing else left to do now. “I’d ask if we’ll see each other again, but I know we will eventually, so..” he chuckled, kicking the ground as he lowered his head a little. He only looked up again when CJ walked over to the driver’s side of the car without a word.
He thought at first that they would just leave. Instead, they took a scrap piece of paper from the dashboard and the pen from their shirt pocket to scribble something down, folding it up and handing it over to Darnell. “I gotta head back soon. But if you’re not too hungover, we could meet up after work and get to know each other properly this time?”
Darnell opened the paper, seeing the phone number written so messily that it was would take a bit of time for him to decipher the digits. He smiled at CJ regardless and nodded. “Sure. Let’s say my place, since you already know the directions for it.”
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sttoru · 6 months
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thinking of dating older bf!satoru. . .and i’m talking like you’re in your early 20’s and he’s in his early 30’s.
the way he texts at the start of your blooming relationship is super attractive somehow. like the most simplest of texts would get you weak in the knees. texts like ‘good morning, sweetheart.’ // ‘how’s my pretty girl doing?’ // ‘there’s my gorgeous girl.’ // ‘rise ‘n shine, sleepyhead.’ // ‘it’s okay, baby. i understand.’ // ‘you never fail to amaze me, huh.’
or when you’re being very risky via your messenger app, older bf!satoru is definitely the type to say ‘careful.’ // ‘you’re gonna get me in trouble.’ // ‘you’re being quite brave today, doll. // ‘aww, how adorable of you.’ // ‘mhm? that so?’
also . . . gives you money out of the blue. randomly. doesn’t question it at all. or sends expensive gifts your way too without you asking. older bf!satoru would text you stuff like; ‘here’s some money, gorgeous. want you to spoil yourself for me today, okay?’ // ‘just a little gift.’ // ‘you deserve a break, baby. here you go.’ // ‘got you something small.’
and then you check your bank account and it’s an easy $200 / $500 / $800 ++ added by him. or when he’s sending gifts to your apartment, it’s gonna be one of them reaaaaal expensive ones. probably ones you eyed before or had mention you liked very briefly, but didn’t get it because of the price.
definitely also the type to try and accommodate or match his texting style to yours as the months go by. kinda to match your energy. perhaps fails horribly at it, but it’s cute to see him try.
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beybuniki · 27 days
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a hug from mom
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thekaiserroll · 1 month
It's nearly impossible to have a quiet and peaceful day with the crew, like the strawhats. Nami is mostly used to the noise on Going Merry but one day she gets fed up with Zoro and Sanji arguing. Not only are they extremely loud, but they've also already broken way too many things during their fights.
She decides that If they want to act like brats, then she's going to treat them as such. So she makes them apologize and hug each other in silence for an hour. None of them are happy about this punishment, but Nami threatened to raise Zoro's debt, and Sanji couldn't say no to her. It could be worse.
It's awkward enough for them to not incite any fight for a long time and Nami is quite proud of herself. She knows it won't last forever but at least now she knows how to handle them. It inevitably happens again. And again. And again.
Much to her surprise, those fights became more and more frequent. And what's even weirder is that she could see the way both Zoro and Sanji occasionally glanced at her to make sure she was nearby. It's almost as if they wanted someone to make them hug each other. As if they needed an excuse.... these idiots.
Soon, they don't even need Nami's help. When they aren't busy training, cooking or fighting, they cuddle together. Sometimes Luffy or Chopper would join them, but most of the crew knew it was their time.
After two years spent separately, they became extremely clingy. It's no surprise when they start sleeping in the same bed. What is surprising is that despite them behaving like a lovey-dovey couple, those oblivious idiots are STILL unaware of each other's feelings.
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stoopidstapler · 10 months
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faeriekit · 1 year
"Do you like this character?🥺?" I want to see him sobbing and writhing in a ditch. Leave me alone
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simply-ewok · 4 days
simon riley loves taking pov videos of you in the dirty moments you share.
he loves holding the camera while you’re on your knees ass up in front of him so that he has the perfect view of your puffy wet pussy, his hard cock throbbing in the frame while his callused fingers grip the meat of your ass. he spanks it leaving a pretty red handprint on your skin, leaving you whimpering “please, i need it simon…”
him groaning as he pans the camera closer to your holes. you hear him let out a gruff “fuck, love…” his thick digits taking the slick from your entrance to rub against your tight little ass, sending shivers down your spine with more pleading moans escaping your lips.
he loves keeping the flashlight on while he records. letting his pink tip glisten in the light, just before he pushes it against your pussy, camera picking up how he twitches as it slides inside you. your walls grip every vein causing you to squelch around him once your ass hits the base of his dick. it’s followed quickly by his throaty groans. his fingers spread your cheeks apart for a better view for the camera. “tha’s it, take it all f’me love…”
it turns you on to perform for him. you give him more of a show as your dripping cunt slides up and down his shaft, moaning all the pretty little things he wants to hear. “jus’ like that baby… god, you’re so big…” his fingers dig into your hips, the frame of focus occasionally drifting upward to better see all of you as you bounce on him.
you spend hours in bed together just to build his personal collection, just so that when he’s gone on mission, he’ll always have every view of you he needs to tug his cock to.
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stray-kaz · 3 months
For the fic meme: “Jesper, sweetheart, are…are those new suspenders?” You asked as you and your husband were readying for bed.
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(Give me the first sentence of a fic and I have to write the next five).
“Jesper, sweetheart, are…are those new suspenders?” you asked as you and your husband were readying for bed.
He glanced across the bed at you, looking down from the deep pink suspenders and then up again to your eager eyes and flushed cheeks. Your smile was shy as he rounded the bed to reach you, lifting your hands from where they rested on your stomach and placing them instead on the articles in question, gently curling your fingers around them with a smile of his own and a kiss pressed to your forehead.
"Why, yes, they are new; something you want to do with them?" he murmured, eyebrows arching perfectly.
You nodded and stepped onto the toes of his boots to kiss him, whispering words against his lips.
"Can I take 'em off?"
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you’re borrowing your boyfriend!jason todd’s…
it’s big, it’s warm, and it smells like your big warm boyfriend. of course you stole it. luckily jason runs hot..or that’s what he tells you at least. the man gets cold too, but he’d never tell you that. not when you look so cozy in his sweatshirt.
your favorite thing of his to match with his hoodie. his sweatpants are super warm, super soft, and super baggy. meant for ultimate comfort. jason loves it when you go full out sweatsuit in his clothes. like, loves it. you’re like his own personal teddy bear to hold on to while he falls asleep. who needs sweats when he has you to keep him warm..in his.
t shirt
sometimes, when the weather’s warmer, you’ll steal one of jason’s shirts to thrown on over a pair of panties. you’re oblivious to the fact that this combination makes jason go absolutely buck wild. somehow you’ve never made the connection. but more than once he’s found you sprawled across the couch, watching tv, and ended up going down on you. his head nestled between your thighs as you grip his raven locks. his hands are fisted into the loose fabric of his shirt that you’re wearing. he’s not satisfied until your legs are shaking, your moans intermingling with the wet, borderline pornographic, sounds that he’s creating with his mouth on your clit. he never lets you get him back either, even though you know he was grinding his crotch against the couch, chasing that sweet friction and release along with you. but he always just sits you atop his lap after, kissing your cheek as he brushes your hair out of your face. grips your thigh as he makes a comment about the show playing, your panties long forgotten on the floor.
you never get very far wearing a pair of your boyfriend’s boxers. for one, they’re pretty loose on you, so you have to roll the waistband a couple times, which just gives jason a prime view of your ass. they also just make it so easy for him to get his hand down the front, his strong fingers expertly finding your clit like he’s memorized a map of your body. which, in some ways, he has. it’s not long before you’ve come, once, twice, almost a third time, and he’s pulling his own boxers off to free his stiff cock. it points out, the tip leaking, and you’re opening your legs wider without even realizing it. he grabs your waist, sliding you closer to the edge of the bed, making sure you’re ready before he slides in, burying himself in you. he bottoms out, and you’re throwing your head back, a third orgasm threatening to crest as he starts up a rhythm. the muscles of his stomach ripple as he thrusts in and out. one of his hands is on your waist, the other slowly snaking its way back down to your clit. your toes curl at the feel of his calloused thumb rubbing circles on that sensitive bundle of nerves. he’s groaning, low in his throat, at the way you look on his cock. it never gets old for him, ever. the way your cheeks flush, how adorable your blown out pupils are when you look up at him. your wet lashes, your messy hair. your entrance clenches around his cock as you come a third time, your hands gripping the bed sheets. jason comes along with you, groaning loudly as he paints your insides with white ropes of cum. he pulls out, wetting a washcloth in the bathroom. the wet, warm fabric feels like heaven against your sensitive folds, your boyfriend wiping away the mixture of fluids between your legs. you feel pleasantly boneless, sinking into the pillows at the head of the bed. your boyfriend cleans himself up after, settling into bed next to you. jason wraps his strong arms around you, and it’s better than any clothes you might steal. but what you don’t know, is that he’d let you steal his clothes anytime.
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fraugwinska · 2 months
Drunk Alastor anon here - just wanted to thank you so much for writing it! It was amazing and way better than i imagined ❤️ you're a wonderful writer with big talent 😍
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I had such a down day, but it's things like these that pull me out of my hole! ❤️ You (and all my readers) are amazing, thank you for giving me some sunshine on a rainy day 🥺
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ghostbsuter · 2 months
It's not a habit. No matter how often Dick chides him on it or Steph teases or even Duke looks at him for too long whenever caught.
It's not a habit.
Tim doesn't always search up his classmates, not if they're not at least a bit susupious and show signs that the current gotham villains have.
So yeah, it definitely isn't the first time he did this, but he clearly stopped many of them from becoming villains! Simply break into their home as Red Robin and say, "I have been watching you." it usually stops them before doing something.
He was planning on doing that to his new classmate, who just kept showing the same signs.
Danny Fenton, alias Phantom, the villain from Amity Park.
Tim knows teenage villains can redeem themselves, but from hsi research, Phantom had just disappeared!
Now he's here in gotham, in his class, studying the same thing Tim is.
How can he not break into his home to supervise??
Here comes the difficult part, Phantom doesn't seem to live in Gotham. No address, no cameras. Nothing.
A bug? Gets destroyed. Getting followed? He loses Tim every time.
Danny just keeps walking into different ares and disappears.
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feralthoughtdump · 5 months
False God
Warnings: 18+, MINORS DNI, smut, threesome, alcohol and ambiguous substance consumption, lip biting, a little bit of blood, oral (m&f receiving), facefucking, spitroast, a lot of bodily fluids, squirting, a teeny bit of bi!Felix, a little bit of butt stuff, not fully canon compliant (let’s imagine that Felix didn’t find out about Oliver lying)
Word Count: 2k
Felix wasn’t the type who liked to share his toys. Whether it be his girlfriend, or his shiny new friend who comes to visit every summer, Felix felt a certain possession over them that he didn’t like to admit. But Oliver came to Saltburn with that woeful, wide-eyed gaze that Felix couldn’t fully resist. He also couldn’t deny how he looked at his girlfriend and how she looked at him. All of the shared glances across the dinner table, how she’d swallow when he had something witty to say to her, how his gaze would linger on her just a little bit longer than hers. 
Felix trusted her, he knew that she’d never go behind his back. And it’s the trust he holds in her that fuels his desire to let this happen. He adores her. Especially now with her, as Farleigh calls it, slutty fairy costume, and he’d do anything to make her happy, even if it meant letting Oliver touch her in ways that were solely reserved for him.
So, the three of them find themselves in this predicament, with her draped against him, and Oliver leaning against the doorway.
“Baby, know Oliver, right?” She nods, pressing herself closer to his chest. Felix wraps a comforting arm around her midriff, rubbing circles into her exposed skin with his thumb. “It’s his birthday today, and I thought this would be a nice present.” 
His lips pressed against her neck, her pulse thrumming against them, while his hands wandered, pushing the little skirt that she wore past her hips, exposing the intricate set that he bought for this occasion. 
Oliver grins, stepping closer to the pair. He looks at her, the antlers on his head casting a shadow over her glittery doe eyes. 
“She’s a very nice present.” His fingers push at the strap of her fairy wings, letting them fall to the ground with a soft clatter. “How’d you know I was into her?” 
“Saw you looking.” He chuckles and expertly unclaspes the back of her lacy bra. “But I can’t blame you, she’s pretty.” 
His large hand palms at her now exposed tits, rolling a nipple between his fingers. 
She whines and lets her head fall back against his chest, still covered in the ribbed fabric of his tank top. 
“Don’t tease, Felix.” She sighs. 
Oliver approaches them, stripping himself of his embroidered suit in the process. The pair watch with bated breath as he sinks to his knees in front of her. He noses at the inside of her thigh, taking in how soft and plush she felt.
He savors her, kissing and nipping at her thighs, letting his fingers drift from her ankles up to her knees. As he pushes her legs apart, Felix thumbs at her pussy through her panties, creating a wet patch on the expensive lace.
“Can I give her a taste?” Oliver asks, lips parted and eyes gleaming, staring up at Felix. 
“Of course you can.” Felix carefully positions her on the bed, her back flat on the mattress and Oliver places himself in front of her, right in between her thighs. 
Her shaky fingers push the lace waistband past her hips, but Oliver stops her, letting his teeth catch on the fabric to do it himself. He hums at the sight of her pussy, all wet and wanting. 
Felix places himself over her, jerking at his cock as Oliver licks a strip along the length of her folds. 
She yelps, pulling back, oversensitive from Felix’s previous ministrations, but he tightens his hold on her, keeping her in place.
“C’mon, be a good girl. Let him make you feel good.” She turns her head, bashful at how his words affect her, but he takes her chin and forces her eyes to meet his. “You’ll be good for Ollie, for me. Won’t you?”
She licks her lips, shallow breaths making her chest rise and fall. 
“Yeah, I’ll be good,” she whispers. 
He smiles, and affectionately pats her cheek, and her thighs widen as she shifts against the mattress, trying to relax. 
With a nod of approval from Felix, Oliver grabs her thighs and pulls her onto his face. His tongue laps at her, circling her clit and teasing at her entrance. 
As she parts her lips, moaning at the heat that grows in the pit of her stomach, Felix places his thumb against her tongue, keeping her jaw open. He takes this as an opportunity to slip his cock into her wanting mouth. She sputters around him as the length of his shaft fills her mouth. 
“Fuck.” He groans. “Taking me so well, baby.” 
Felix fucks himself into her mouth, letting his tip hit the back of her throat. She hollows her cheeks before sucking, letting her lips wrap tight around his shaft, saliva dripping past her lips with every drag of his cock. 
Oliver wraps lips around her clit and slips two fingers into her dripping entrance. His fingers curl and she cries out. 
“Do that again,” Felix demands. “She likes it.”
He angles his fingers, letting the pads of his fingers press against her G-spot. At the sight of her legs shaking, he curls his fingers, practically forcing her hips to jerk against his face. 
She feels her body tense, falling closer and closer to the edge, as Oliver teases her, over and over again. Her arousal, in combination with his saliva, is spread across his lips. 
It’s messy, but none of them care. Both she and Felix love the sight of his flushed cheeks, eyes half-lidded in pleasure from the way her cunt tastes. 
“Don’t let her cum yet” he breathily orders “Have her suck you off first.” 
Felix manhandles her onto her knees and crawls onto the mattress, he taps his cock against cunt, dripping with a mixture of both her arousal and Oliver’s saliva. She looks up at Oliver, keeping her mouth open and drooling, and sticks out her tongue, an open invitation for him to start fucking her face. 
“So well behaved,” Oliver whispers, tapping his hard, flushed cock on her tongue, pre-cum dripping down into her throat. “You’re Felix’s good girl, aren’t you?”
Before she can respond, Oliver shoves his cock past her lips and Felix pushes himself inside her, forcing all of him into her cunt. She yelps around Oliver’s cock, the vibrations from the back of her throat making him shudder. 
The sound of skin slapping against one another fills the room as Felix fucks into her, letting his hips slam against hers. 
The reflection in the mirror across from them is obscene. Her chin is covered in her own drool, smeared across her cheeks and chin, dripping onto the expensive sheets. Felix has his head thrown back in pleasure, hands on her hips with a bruising hold, sweat gleaming on his skin, soaking through the front of his thin tank top. 
Oliver takes Felix’s face and plasters his lips against his. He’s taken by surprise, but he grabs the back of Oliver’s neck and pulls him in closer, forcing Oliver’s hips to push his cock deeper into her mouth. She grabs at the back of Oliver’s thigh, digging her nails into his skin. He hisses at the sting and bites down on Felix’s lower lip, a metallic taste blooming on his tongue. 
They pull away from each other, and blood trickles down Felix’s chin. 
Oliver stares at Felix, about to apologize, but Felix grins. “I could taste her on you, you know? Doesn’t she taste good?” 
All he can do is nod in agreement, cock twitching in her mouth. 
Oliver nods and leans forward, licking up the blood pooling on Felix’s lips. The pair lock their lips together. Wet sounds of their kisses and Felix’s cock being sucked into her pussy reverberate throughout the room, accompanied by her gagging and choking. 
She whines, drawing both of their attention back to her.
“Aww, my baby needs some attention?” At the sound of her whimpering in confirmation, Felix chuckles, shaking his head. “I’ll give you some attention then.” 
Felix reaches forward, pressing his thumb into Oliver’s open mouth, biting his lip at the sight of him swirling his tongue around the digit. With a loud pop, Felix removed his thumb from Oliver’s mouth. 
Wet with Oliver’s saliva, Felix’s thumb circles her other hole, slowly teasing it open. She whines, feeling a foreign stretch as his thumb pushes past the muscle. 
“God, you’re so fuckin’ tight.” He groans. “Don’t know why I haven’t fucked your tight little ass yet. Maybe I should tomorrow, I know your pussy’s going to be sore.” 
Her holes clench around Felix, the feeling of fullness, overtaking her body. She shudders, legs about to give out underneath her, as he forcefully drives his cock into her and teases at her hole, letting his thumb push against the rim, stretching it open. 
“Oh, she likes that, doesn’t she?” Oliver grins, messily grabbing at the length of her hair, forcing her to look at him. “You like it dirty? Like getting all of your holes filled?” 
She blinks away the dark streaks of mascara that run down her face, trying her best to nod. He lets his cock slip free of her lips and gives her cheek a pinch.
“Come on, use your words.” 
“Yes,” She gasps, back arching, pushing herself into Felix. “I like it.” 
He presses her front into the mattress, forcing her back to arch deeper into Felix. His fingers wrap around his hard, leaking cock, letting her spit lubricate his hand as he tugs, slowly bringing himself closer and closer to his own release. 
She tightens around Felix, whining as she feels an oncoming orgasm about to wash over her. 
Her glassy eyes look up at Oliver’s and he coos, thumbing at her cheek. 
“You’re gonna cum, aren’t you?” 
“Yes, Ollie, I- ah!” 
Felix lets his thumb hook inside of her clenching muscle, pulling her into him. 
His cock buries deep inside of her, forcing itself against her cervix. She screams, and Oliver is thankful for the loud music playing throughout the house. Her arousal gushes, spraying against both her, and Felix’s thighs. 
“Fuck, baby, making a mess over here.” Felix groans. His head falls back, panting, his grip on her tightening. 
His hips still, with tense thighs and stifled moans, he cums, coating her insides. Carefully, he slips himself out, using his fingers to spread her pussy open, watching with pride as his cum and her arousal drip out of her clenching, gaping cunt. 
Oliver pushes his cock back into her mouth, releasing down her throat. Her eyes tear up at the sudden intrusion. She’s overwhelmed and over-sensitive, but she swallows around him, obedient as always. 
The trio collapses on the mattress, chests rising and falling in tandem. Felix wraps a strong arm around her and pulls her in close, letting her temple rest on his chest. Oliver gently grazes her shoulders with his fingers, calming her down and letting her shaky and twitchy body slowly fall still. 
The lights of the party filter through the large windows, illuminating their sweat-slicked bodies. They shimmer, her body glitter having rubbed onto each other.
Distanced from the commotion happening outside of his room, it was just the three of them, sprawled across Felix’s bed. It was the three of them. Felix, their shining Adonis, and her and Oliver. Felix’s favorite toys.
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