#rains of castamere
racefortheironthrone · 7 months
If instead of killing all the Reynes and Tarbecks, Tywin had just sent Lord Roger, his brother, Lord Walderan and his direct decendants to the Wall (including the baby), and sent Ellyn and her doughters to a Mother's House, would that be considered within Westerosi customs, or would it still be too extreme?
No, I think that would have been seen as a proportionate response within the norms of Westerosi society and polity: the Reynes and the Tarbecks were not just "overmighty vassals," but at this point were rebels-in-all-but-name. Eliminating them as a military and political threat while keeping the bloodshed to a minimum would have been seen as steering a middle path between pragmatic efficiency and chivalry.
The problem is that Tywin didn't want a reputation for moderation; he wanted a reputation that would evoke fear.
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Lord Reyne, The Red Lion
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"And who are you, the proud lord said,
that I must bow so low?
Only a cat of a different coat,
that's all the truth I know.
In a coat of gold or a coat of red,
a lion still has claws,
And mine are long and sharp, my lord,
as long and sharp as yours."
I've mentioned before that painting these miniatures often means spending hours thinking about a character you've never given a second thought, and I don't know if that's ever been as true as in this case. I couldn't have told you one thing about Lord Roger Reyne, beyond him being the "proud lord" from the song.
I was looking to fill out my Ninepenny Kings battle scene, and I had a lot of these lion headed guys, so I thought a young Tywin would be fun. However, I had a reread of the Ninepenny Kings section, and the ridiculous amount of writing George did for the WOIAF Westerlands section that ended up being cut, and a bit of a narrative formed. The Westerlands armies were led by Jason Lannister in place of Tywin's father, but he was killed quickly and Roger became the leader of the Westerland forces. We also know Tywin never leads from the front and avoids fighting where possible, which he certainly frames as pragmatism, but we know how Westerosi culture values a martial lead-by-example warrior, and Tywin is very tapped into Westerosi masculinity. Finally, we know that before the brutal rains of Castamere, an injured, feverish Lord Reyne challenged Tywin to single combat, which Tywin refused in favour of a massacre.
From all of this, I wonder if Tywin had his first taste of real combat on the Stepstones - and realised he wasn't cut out for it. Seeing his uncle cut down before him, he didn't take up the noble Lannister mantle and lead his fathers vassals, he stood back and let the natural warrior Lord Reyne take the... reins. (Sorry). And maybe that resentment fed into his brutality to the Reynes and Tarbecks. And when an older, possibly elderly Lord Roger challenged him to single combat - debilitated by a crossbow wound which had gone septic - Tywin still couldnt quite escape being that scared lad, seeing this powerful red lion take his rightful glory, and chose to massacre hundreds of innocents rather than face that fear.
Or maybe I'm making all of this up. He was a fun mini to paint, nice doing a Lannister style with a change of palette. I was torn finding a balance between the white and red, and I'm happy with how it turned out.
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to-the-stars8 · 10 months
That one scene in UTRH where Red Hood meets with the Gotham drug dealers, but, instead of a gun to get their attention, he pulls a dramatic Game Of Thrones move and starts playing the Rains of Castamere.
He’s the type to pull some Red Wedding shit in his early Red Hood days.
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muadweeb · 1 year
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jedimaesteryoda · 8 months
"House Westerling has its pardon, and your brother Rolph has been made Lord of Castamere. -AFFC, Jaime VII
It seems Sybell Westerling made sure to get as big a piece of the pie for her family as she could. She didn't just stop at her own children, getting marriages to heirs for her daughters and an apparent good match for her son, but she also made sure her own house, the Spicers, were taken care of by having her brother Rolph Spicer made Lord of Castamere. Castamere was a rich plum which the family that once occupied it the resources to be the second most powerful family in the Westerlands.
The just takes into account what happened to the previous Lords of Castamere.
"The Crag is not so far from Tarbeck Hall and Castamere," Tyrion pointed out. "You'd think the Westerlings might have ridden past and seen the lesson there." -ASOS, Tyrion III
The Reynes had once allied with House Tarbeck with Ellyn Tarbeck having once briefly ruled the Rock and showered the Reynes with offices, honors and lands. They rebelled against House Lannister to displace them as Lords Paramount of the Westerlands, but their ambition ultimately proved to be their undoing.
Tywin sealed the entrances to the mines that made up 90% of the castle, and then diverted a nearby stream into the mines, drowning all those below. Their name has been often punned with "rain," and so in a bit of tragic irony, the Reynes died by water.
Eventually, Tywin's son who was much his image, Tyrion, will come back to the westerlands to claim Casterly Rock from his sister Cersei who is much the hot-tempered, ambitious woman Ellyn Tarbeck was. House Spicer also owes its place to the Lannister regime in King's Landing, and that means if King's Landing falls, so do they as they were complicit in the Red Wedding.
Much of the castle including the mines that gave Castamere much of its wealth are flooded, and what remains above is in ruins. While Rolph may not have to worry about being flooded out, the keep above has its own vulnerability.
Tyrion won't be coming alone, he will be bringing a queen with three dragons. Spice often has been associated with heat, making dishes hot and many come from the east. In a fate just as ironic as the previous Lords of Castamere, House Spicer dies by fire, specifically dragonfire brought from the east.
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aroace-moron · 8 months
I can now play The Rains of Castamere on my lyre and am proud to say that I have officially understood the urge to be the silly little guy in the tavern who plays silly little songs and stays the fuck away from the idiots with the giant swords.
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dedalvs · 1 year
I was scrolling through youtube when I found a version of 'The Rains of Castamere' in High Valyrian here, by someone who is learner of HV from Duolingo and is also a singer.
I just wanted to ask, have you seen this before? I have never seen anything like this mentioned on here, and it is such an amazing piece of music! I want this to be well known by the lovely fans here, because like, I don't think anyone has attempted this. I think it deserves more love.
Wow, that's really something, and I'm happy to share it here! There have been a number of songs written in Dothraki or Valyrian or "translated" into them, but it's usually using the vocabulary as a substitution cipher, with made up words in between where they're unable to find something in an online wordlist. This one looks like a pretty good and sincere attempt at learning the grammar and trying to translate it faithfully. That's a hard thing to do with a song that rhymes and scans in English! Well done!
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hadersgf · 1 year
March 15 44BC: Julius Caesar *enters the senate*
*the rains of castamere starts to play*
Caesar: yo what the —
senators: *stabby stab stab*
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artist-ellen · 2 years
The Rains of Castamere, but the vibe is gentle.
I am the artist!!! Don’t repost without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: Instagram , Patreon
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ilikestuff69 · 2 years
Top 10 Game of Thrones Episodes
10: 3x05 Kissed by Fire
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9: 4x10 The Children
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8: 3x06 The Climb
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7: 3x09 The Rains of Castamere
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6: 2x09 Blackwater
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5: 6x09 The Battle of the Bastards
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4: 4x08 The Mountain and the Viper
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3: 6x10 The Winds of Winter
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2: 5x08 Hardhome
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1: 4x09 The Watchers on the Wall
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cornerofhell · 3 months
" "And who are you?" The proud Lord said
"That I must bow so low"
Only a cat of a different coat
That's all the truth I know
In a coat of gold or a coat of red
A lion still has claws
Mine are long and sharp, my lord
As long and sharp as yours
And so he spoke, and so he spoke
That Lord of Castamere
But now the rains weep o'er his hall
And not a soul to hear"
- Rains of Castamere (Game of Thrones)
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racefortheironthrone · 6 months
Off of the reyne tarbek stuff, they were riding high for a while and really elevated their position both through politics and being a regional bully, but bit off more they could chew and Tywin destroyed them. Was there a version where they could quit while ahead, retaining their benefits from hoth politics and rogue strong arming the westerlands, and get away with it? What would their best strategy be? What was the point of no return, or were they always doomed whenever Tywin became lord?
I think there are a number of strategies they could have pursued:
they could have pursued a strategy of trying to get the Iron Throne onside for replacing House Lannister with the Reynes by prominently supporting Aegon V's campaigns in the Westerlands, and lobbying in King's Landing to build on things like Roger Reyne's leading role in the War of Ninepenny Kings, and in general show the Reynes to be the more effective keepers of the King's Peace in the Westerlands than Tytos.
they could have tried to get the other lesser houses on board more - make dynastic alliances with other families, bribe people, and in general try to supplant House Lannister by getting in first to "suppress" the bandits and outlaws and robber knights or offering their services as mediators in interhouse disputes before the Lannisters can, thus getting other lesser houses to turn to them as the de-facto Wardens of the West.
as you said, they could have stopped while they were ahead. They had already gained an enormous amount of power and influence by the time that Tytos' Love Day truce took place, or before Walderan Tarbeck rode out on his own to intimidate Tytos and wound up thrown in a dungeon. Or rather than handing the Lannisters a casus belli by kidnapping people or openly declaring rebellion, instead make a big show of demanding their rights as noblemen to trial by combat and paint the Lannisters as extralegal tyrants.
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gialloschlock · 1 year
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"Let us drain our cups to these three strong boys"
- Aemond Targaryen
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"and now the rains weep o'er his hall, and not a soul to hear"
- Tywin Lannister
When the serious Westerosi villain starts making a pun with your name, you know shit's about to go down.
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temporaryusername2015 · 3 months
Tywin Lannister sings Rains of Castamere
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ahopefulsoul · 1 year
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Hear Me Roar! 🦁❤️
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jedimaesteryoda · 1 year
Ser Tywin was but twenty, the youngest man ever to serve as Hand, but the manner in which he had dealt with the rising of the Reynes and Tarbecks had made him well respected, even feared, throughout the Seven Kingdoms. 
-WOIAF, The Westerlands
Tywin built his reputation on the destruction of Houses Reyne and Tarbeck. The Reynes were the most powerful bannermen to the Lannisters, and by Ellyn’s times, the Reyne-Tarbeck alliance sought to supplant their overlords. Tywin crushed them on behalf of House Lannister as well as for personal reasons. Tywin would then go on to enact similar ambitions in trying to marry is daughter into his liege’s house, and then overthrow them when that fell through, making his daughter a queen, doing successfully what the Reynes tried and failed to do. 
Tywald Lannister had long been betrothed to the Red Lion's spirited young sister, Lady Ellyn. This strong-willed and hot-tempered maiden, who had for years anticipated becoming the Lady of Casterly Rock, was unwilling to forsake that dream.
. . .
Ellyn Reyne was accused of bedding Tytos Lannister, urging him to set aside his wife and marry her instead.
. . .
Old, rich, and powerful, the Reynes had prospered greatly from Lord Tytos's misrule. Roger Reyne, the Red Lion, was widely feared for his skill at arms; many considered him the deadliest sword in the westerlands. His brother, Ser Reynard, was as charming and cunning as Ser Roger was swift and strong.
-WOIAF, The Westerlands
Tywin for all his hatred of House Reyne, managed to find himself siring another generation of Reynes with his own children: the eldest son who is a prodigious warrior with a hot temper, the second son who isn’t noted for his martial prowess, but his cunning as a political operator, and the “strong-willed and hot-tempered,” ambitious daughter leading the trio who uses seduction to achieve her political ambitions and seeks to become the head of state.
Robert Baratheon, like Tytos Lannister, proved to be a poor ruler who had gone to seed, avoiding dealing with problems and affairs of state with the Lannisters taking advantage of his negligence and expanding their power and influence at court.
Ellyn of House Reyne became the Lady of Casterly Rock in all but name. As her good-father retreated to his books and his bedchamber, Lady Ellyn held a splendid court, staging a series of magnificent tourneys and balls and filling the Rock with artists, mummers, musicians...and Reynes. Her brothers Roger and Reynard were ever at her side, and offices, honors, and lands were showered upon them, and upon her uncles, cousins, and nephews and nieces as well.
-WOIAF, The Westerlands
Cersei upon becoming Queen Regent and Tywin became Hand again, proceeded to shower their family with offices, honors and lands. Cersei promoted Jaime to Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, kicking Barristan out. Tywin gave Riverrun to his good-brother Emmon Frey, Darry to his nephew Lancel and intended to give Winterfell to his son Tyrion. 
Within the fortnight, Ellyn Reyne was wed to Walderan Tarbeck, Lord of Tarbeck Hall, the florid fifty-five-year-old widowed lord of an ancient, honorable, but impoverished house.
Lord Walderan Tarbeck, Ellyn’s husband, is described as on old man with the same house colors (blue and silver) as House Frey who allies with the rebellious house with a lion sigil. The Freys are a foil to Tarbecks where in place of “ancient, honorable but impoverished” are relatively new, treacherous, and one of the richest and most powerful houses in the riverlands. Walder Frey chose to ally with the Lannisters to rebel against his overlords King Robb Stark and Lord Edmure Tully, and is now effectively the de facto Lord Paramount of the Trident and when Littlefinger dies, Cersei may make it de jure. 
However, the Reynes for all their faults were still united in their cause while Tywin’s authoritarian and abusive style of ruling over his family resulted in factionalism and ultimately, an intrahouse civil war. Cersei being abusive in her relationships, isolates both her most able brother, Tyrion, resulting him going over to their house’s former liege lords, the Targaryens, and Jaime, with him wanting to remove her. That is without saying that she is driving her house into the ground, wrecking Lannister’s support. Walder violated guest right, making his house universally hated, especially among his neighbors and in a bad spot when things inevitably go south for the Lannisters. His style not being that different from Tywin’s, combined with his numerous brood, created a situation where factionalism and an intrahouse civil war are inevitable. 
The Reyne-Tarbeck coalition was undone by the son of their overlord, Tywin, as he crushed both houses. The daughter of their late Targaryen monarch, Daenerys, comes to put an end to House Lannister’s schemes, and Lady Stoneheart, the daughter of Walder’s late overlord Hoster Tully, enacts vengeance on his house. Assisting the former is as Genna put it “Tywin’s son” in every sense, Tyrion who like his father before is itching for payback for a lifetime of slights and abuse against him. 
The ambitions of the Reynes and Tarbecks resulted in their destruction and their lines extinguished. House Lannister and Frey at first seem to have succeeded where the Reynes and Tarbecks seemed to fail, but their summer shall be short-lived as winter has come. Their sins of greed, pride and wrath shall be answered with their works going up in flames.  
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